I Survived 100 Days in STEAMPUNK Minecraft Hardcore!

Video Information

I survived 100 days in steampunk Minecraft hardcore steampunk Minecraft brings Minecraft into a whole new era adding Machinery powerful bosses new structures and Dungeons and so much more over the next 100 days it’s my goal to craft myself a gun and other engineering gadgets build a secure base to protect

Myself against all of the creatures invading this world and try to take out the new Final Boss the Leviathan this is completely different from any other mod pack I’ve played so I want to give a huge thank you to Sharkey for making it you can find the link to it in the

Description also this video is massive so if you enjoy consider subscribing and leaving a like it really helps out anyways without further Ado everybody relax grab your favorite snacks and enjoy as I try to survive 100 days in steampunk Minecraft hardcore Foreign okay steampunk Minecraft there we go we already got some steampunkury going on now just starting off right away you’ll notice that we got a bunch of stuff on our HUD we got a mini map in the top right we have a random counter in the

Center of our screen which I’m not sure what it’s for but uh maybe we’ll find out later and we also have some items that we spawned in with uh now we have started with this irons guide book which I believe is some sort of a magic mod

That we can look into if we want so that’s pretty cool we also got a quest book and this is gonna be important and then we got this enigmatic amulet which I think has some type of a effect when you die but we’re hopefully not gonna

Need that so the only thing that it’s really going to be giving us is the 1.5 attack damage bonus which is uh still pretty good the sheeps are looking different in this pack now if we take a look at our Quest book we have a bunch

Of things to look through okay so this talks about the Thin Air Mod which makes it so that it’s harder to breathe when you go up high or really down low on the Y level so we’re are going to need to look out for that when caving I think

We’re going to need to make a certain item that lets us breathe in those areas but hopefully it won’t become a problem for a little bit and then we have the cold sweat mod which adds temperature to the game which we don’t we don’t necessarily love but it is what it is

And then finally villager Comfort which makes the villagers price their trades based on how comfy they are so that’s something to consider there’s also a temp pad which is like a teleportation device skills that we can learn and guns which I cannot wait to use we have a

Joys between a hardcore and normal now I’m already playing on Hardcore Mode okay this is an additional layer to that and you can either choose normal or ring of the seven curses this thing makes you take double damage from any Source neutral creatures are aggressive towards you armor is 30 less effective monsters

Receive 50 less damage from you when on fire you burn forever yeah so these are pretty crazy things you also suffer from incurable insomnia so uh yeah look guys I’m all for playing hardcore but I’m already on Hardcore Mode I’m not going double hardcore okay I don’t want to

Hear it let us get started and this Village is cool it’s got some windmill things which is nice I’ve not never seen that before I’m gonna do my favorite thing which is uh borrowing from Villages we’ve got a cartwheel in here cool okay and I’m going to take all of

This yeah and by the way we can open up our large map which is really useful because this can show us where we want to Adventure to like for example I see a couple things there and there maybe we can check out in a moment but it’s a bee

Bed that’s amazing and let’s head down to these other things that we’re finding on the map here we go this is an interesting looking structure it might be a bit dangerous so we should be careful it’s under here Spencer splash water bottles huh well I activated it oh

Oh I got a bucket thank you I actually I mean I like that that’s good what is up here oh we got some armor oh thank you very much that is very nice what a nice way to start my my Adventures got glass bottles and a bunch of bookshelves which

I am going to grab happily I’m kind of liking this as a place to potentially set up in the beginning this is really nice in that case for now let us drop off this abundance amount of elite that we have got a lighthouse that looks really cool whoa I’d like to see that

And nighttime is here I’m definitely gonna sleep off the night and before we journey on to the lighthouse I want to thank the sponsor of today’s video War Thunder War Thunder is an action-packed military combat Style game that has a large collection of land sea and air vehicles it’s multiplayer and is

Available on PC Xbox PlayStation and Mac just recently a major update was released called Lao Royale it adds a whole new French Fleet including the battleship Paris the BTR 80 su-39 and much more visual effects also got a huge upgrade with this update making fights even more realistic and enjoyable War

Thunder has vehicles from the beginning of the 20th century all the way up to now and it has a total of 10 Nations including Italy France USA and much more what’s really cool is that each vehicle can be improved and customized with different armor equipment and unique skins War Thunder also sticks to

Realistic physics and has Maps spanning the world from Alaska all the way to Africa download War Thunder for free using my link in the description all new players and those who haven’t played in six or more months will receive 100 000 silver Lions a week of renting legendary German ground Vehicles three premium

Vehicles XP boosters a week of having a premium account and more the season of German gifts will soon come to an end so make sure to get the rewards as soon as possible thank you again to War Thunder for sponsoring this video now let’s get back into it okay let’s see what’s in

This Lighthouse oh it’s a safe place huh there’s just villagers chilling got a bunch of fish don’t mind if I do a lot of buckets I’m finding to do borrowing loot from villagers what do we got going on inside here whoa hold on very treasure map wisp scroll okay

We have explored the lighthouse building well there’s also a little house here which I didn’t look at I believe whoa wait hold on we’ve just got a bunch of like good items here like we got iron we got emeralds we got a bottle of soulfire will of the ocean starts wait active

Ability starts a thunderstorm at the cost of experience damage resistance against underwater creatures you no longer need air to breathe underwater wow night vision affecting water provides aqua affinity negates gravity greatly increased swimming speed but you are vulnerable to fire damage ooh I see I’m Aquaman let’s quickly head back to

Our house that we found oh my God yeah it was not lying about all the perks that you have in the water look at this okay you know what this is worth it that’s so overpowered we got some Quest rewards page with ability interesting disability page allows you to use the

Book of skills as a crafting table oh okay so if we just use that bam but we do need to actually make the book of skills which requires a golden ingot that I don’t think we have yeah so we’ll do that once we have some gold I mean

With all that I think we’re kind of ready to head down and mine for a bit just to get our gear in a better position um Pig I’m not gonna kill anybody because I have a bunch of food oh look at it just like down oh my goodness it’s

So cute that was amazing hi buddy wait okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this Pig’s coming with us hold on where are my carrots at we’re gonna call her Stacy Stacy the pig Stacy the pig come here up the stairs we

Go up the stairs oh can we fit you through the no no no Stacy don’t sit down right now it’s not a good time oh my God that’s hilarious okay hold on we can break these and that’ll let her through hopefully Stacy come in yeah good job Stacy I’m glad alrighty we’ll

Just leave her there and we will continue Along on her way let us quickly make our stone tools foreign let us sleep that off alrighty well on that note let us head on down there we go that’s a cave all right we got a bunch of mobs oh oh I don’t like the

Look of this dude what is that adjudicator is it coming towards me right now okay hold on this is not that I cannot approach that I’m gonna die it seems to be a bit too dangerous I mean we do have armor but I don’t have any

Shield which by the way I think I got iron ingots right I should make a shield and then we can head down here a bit more safely let’s see if Stacy’s still there please yes she’s lounging you know what here’s a treat Stacy here you go and the recipe

For Shield’s a bit more advanced in this pack but that’s okay boom and just because I have a shield does not mean this is going to be any easier but it is at least more doable like what is that dude what is that okay let’s try to kill

It from here oh broken mining unit Reaper not now pal oh I’m scared that this is gonna one shot me we got it though wow and let’s make a furnace so that I can smell things up while we’re mining got lapis I definitely like to get a

Level 30 enchanting table I can slowly start to make iron gear though which is good maybe I can take this fella on just gotta be very careful oh my goodness lost soul oh and it’s gone oh and it’s back up oh man it’s gone again okay what do I

Hear oh my goodness what is that dude Goblin errant okay man oh my god dude dude slowly gonna back away getting as far as possible from that thing whatever that is wow mining is no joke oh what is that training dummy okay you can get away from me no thank you oh my

Goodness a major go away oh the mobs in this pack are just cursed oh gold nice this will let us craft that book that we wanted oh and it looks like we might have found a mine shaft or something uh-huh oh emeralds okay that’s a lot of

Emeralds in one spot this is not a normal thing never ever seen this many if I had a fortune right now I would be swimming in loot nice oh and that is a TNT Minecart we don’t like those do we oh thank goodness okay we got a chest here

That’s what I like to see nothing crazy here it’s had our Tome I believe these might just give you experience yeah and we got another chest we also got a goblin Trader here hey Morelli oh he trades raw ores or smeltic ones this is that that works for me my

Friend thank you very much it just doubled my iron oh and we got one of the eyes so we need to collect 12 of these oh I hear something 12 of these to get into the end and they’re all different so that gets us started on that Journey

We also got an obsidian Ingot oh and there’s a little room here let us try to be a little bit careful yeah there’s spider spawners here break that oh my God that noise scared me whoa the case better is green ow oh that actually is doing a lot of damage to me

And maybe we can fight it from here okay we got one is there another one oh my goodness there is oh look at it reaping in the corner Idol would love a bucket interesting it’s Enchanted I don’t know if that’ll come in handy obsidian with iron part of

The Golem you were vulnerable to Magic damage but you gain like a bunch of stuff let’s see if we can put that on as well because I know we already have our other oh okay well I can’t so maybe I’m kind of a p now page with skill mixers

Arms oh hold on propeller oh my God get away get away oh these steampunk mobs are scary man oh name tag we can name Stacy oh my goodness oh there’s a spawner here of them I think that’s what it is let’s just light this up then got

Another Golden Apple let us use that dexterous arms I’m guessing that gives us additional attack speed and we will be able to make the book soon enough oh we got something going on in here okay whoa Enchanted Notch Apple that’s good I will take that there we are back up to

The surface and our place is right here and let us give Stacy her name just want to make sure that she doesn’t despawn or anything so stay see or stays I don’t know Stacy like that bam perfect they see the pig so first of all let us

Make our gear there we go we have full iron and now I want to try to figure out how we can mine below why level zero without having issues we also have some quests to pick up here so we can take all of those vending machine vending

Machine hold on Boom okay I have no idea how to use this that’s uh that’s interesting what else did we get got a respirator we got a choice reward of what ingots we want and I think this is uh I think this is supposed to be a random selection it’s not supposed to

Let us choose to be honest to be fair I’ll just take the ironing kids because I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be random and here we go so breathe easier we’ll need these items to do so and we’re essentially going to want to use a

Copper back tank and charge it up so we need to make all these items for which we need andesite alloys let’s go out and get some and a site I have a little bit but we’re gonna need more we can just head back to the same cave here we are

And do we have anesite here yes we do I’ll just mine a bit of this up foreign there we go I got a stack and I think that’ll be enough and if it’s not I can always return back here now we just need to make some iron nuggets and

We should just be able to do that boom in a set hour so we had to make a few things hogwheel which is simple enough to make there we go then we needed a large Cog wheel boom see what else we need a copper diving helmet which we

Need glass for so let’s quickly grab some sand and I would definitely like to open up this forest in the future so that we can build out here and have an ocean view because I really like having an ocean view I can make our copper diving helmet

Perfect now we just need to make the copper back tank which is simple enough damn okay water bucket and experience so I’m gonna need to set up the energy and then we’re basically gonna need to charge up the tank to where it can only last us for 15 minutes so that’s not

That long I think it might actually be a good idea to make another one just so that we have 30 minutes instead of 15 underground and now we need to set up the actual energy Contraption for this which I think we can do right below our

Base right here I can clear all this stuff out and I will even take out our beloved campfire here and so if we want to set this up we should just have to mine down we place water and we can then place the water wheel what we’re also

Going to want to do is place shafts like so a large Cog reel and then a small Cog wheel and that’ll make it go a little bit faster and that should let us charge another one of these back tanks so if I place that there yes it is

Getting filled up with air perfect now that is a very slow process which is uh not uh not optimal but that’s okay and like I said before we want to have the kind of Ocean View as well so I’ll start clearing out some of these trees while

We wait on those back tanks to charge up and I’m definitely sleeping off the night what is that dude wood man oh my God this pack has no shortage of cursed things does it okay there we go so it’s kind of opened up now which is nice and

We’ll work more on this uh later for now though let us pick up these tanks if we can yes there we go it’s been filled up a bit I am ready to do this so we should just have to equip a back tank like so in the helmet

Although actually I don’t know if we need the diving helmet unless we’re underwater so let’s just try to use our regular helmet although that makes no difference and let us head on down to a cave I see gold down there which is nice and some Redstone and then that’s like a

Weird War I don’t know what that is I’m already at 44 Levels by the way I guess from the quest rewards which is pretty overpowered okay now we have to be really really careful here yeah like we got this Woodman like I don’t know what that is you know

Let’s see gold that’s good deep slate Arcane Crystal ore oh oh boy oh my goodness oh my goodness oh man it suffocated itself oh and we got the zabuglin I don’t know man oh man there’s a weird creeper intruder oh my God run oh oh run I’m eating a golden apple like

Like what is that how do I how do I not die to this thing oh my god oh and it respawns no no spider egg oh I shouldn’t have done that should have I oh we have this weird door of this quartz white quartz shards you can make some

Weird stuff with this whoa what is going on over there finding more gold oh my temperature is really high oh I see because there’s lava okay I hope that helps it there we go okay this guy doesn’t look too scary is another one of these Goblin guys he gave

Me slime blocks but we do have to be careful as we go further oh the jar gave me a diamond some zombies it’s nice to see you guys I’ve honestly missed regular zombies like please I want to see more of you guys spider egg yeah I’m not messing with that again

Um vase look at the stringy cobweb oh Diamond nice okay that means we can wait what is that that’s a mob that’s a mob can I not kill it oh I can oh I got it I knew I saw something let’s get this diamond there we go okay it’s only one but at

Least it is something oh there’s these things I don’t really want to mess with that okay you know what I’m gonna take oh my God I’m gonna take my two diamonds and leave hold on wait I’m being tempted did I did I look in this direction I

Don’t think I did okay maybe we’ll just find something that looks insanely scary about that let’s just run all right we’re getting out of here okay up to the surface what we can do and what might be a good idea is go out and adventure for

A little bit because there are a lot of different things you can find cool looking Village over there and a ruined portal let’s see if we can find something here magma blocks oop I almost fell in lava fire charge and nothing that crazy I have a skeleton chasing me

Down it is so fast but it probably can’t beat me in the water I’ll tell you that much oh my goodness the amount of crazy mobs that are lurking around like look at that are you guys seeing what I’m seeing bound one got some kind of a building here

And a very sketchy mob there what is going on here uh orange present boy cuckoo clock interesting blood that’s sketchy this is a very sketchy place I don’t know what’s going on here uh um there’s chess crossbow with arrows mechanical Harvester look at that oh another wart which I’ll actually take oh

What do we got here oh boy of course see I knew there was going to be something sketchy I knew it oh not the cave spiders man oh okay it’s fine they’re poisoned me but that’s fine where’s the spawner at where’s the spawner here we

Go break that oh I got a music disc that’s a cursed music disc I’m not touching it saddle that’s good looting two that’s good and it looks like we’ve got another spawner here whoa whoa dude dude dude stop I’m blocking that off oh holy moly dude this is turning into a horror game

What’s the loot looking like in here Golden Apple doesn’t seem like there’s any crazy gear or anything which I kind of wish there was oh it’s a book hold on Lonely by crazen Lord can’t move breathe speaker here and it’s so dark all the time if I knew it would have been this

Lonely I would have been cremated instead oh boy okay that’s just disturbing so we’re gonna put that away dude this is the creepiest thing I’ve ever seen oh it’s stuck in a cobweb wait that’s how we beat it that’s how we can beat it and try to crossbow it a bit Oh my goodness this is so scary dude there we go there we go that’s what we wanted but it’s it’s hard to kill it it heals very fast it seems it doesn’t seem like there’s much down there okay yeah I’m not going down there we’re forgetting that ever happened there’s

Another book here though wake up oh my goodness it’s another cursed book I never go to sleep but I keep waking up oh boy that was not a fun and coming experience I’ll tell you that much that’s some kind of a statue here or statue is there any loot I’m in horse

Armor you know what that’s not bad in fact I can tame one of these fellas this guy has good speed so let’s try to tame this guy there we go best friends forever so now we should be able to equip it with the horse saddle and armor

And it’s going pretty fast oh Carson hello pal this is just a random dude oh wait I accidentally fit them bread there you go here’s an apple Alice he has a kid um well that’s interesting Allison Carson well hello there I can’t really speak to him or anything but that’s cool

Here we have another building now I can check the top of this just not go under underground which I believe yeah there’s another no I don’t want to go to the underground section there’s a iron pickaxe which I actually needed so thank you anyways let’s start heading back

Because we have quite a long journey now I need some type of a pen for our horse you can do it right out here why not boom in we go perfect oh and I can’t get up but that’s okay there we go let’s see our Quest rewards random reward whoa we

Got another right Ingot wow that’s actually that’s a really good random reward I mean I figure we should just go mining again because I would really like to have everything we need to start building and clearing the area out let’s just head down right here actually here

We got something and yep okay all righty folks oh Diamond yes and there’s a lot of mobs guarding this oh including that thing I don’t know how powerful that is it doesn’t let me shoot it which is not good oh my goodness okay hold on here’s the

Plan we water and we’re gonna use the water to fight it off I don’t know what’s going on here what is this is this in like an ancient city what’s going on okay we Corner them okay come here okay we’re good oh wow he still hit me

Got him no there’s just this fella got him there we go oh man a goblin traitor and a bunch of fishing rod stuff here but most importantly we’ve got diamonds what’s going on here there’s a zombie and this looks like some type of dungeon is this a mine shaft it looks like a

Very dangerous mindset look at that why is that cobweb so weird looking whoa whoa what is going on here so I guess there’s nothing really here let’s go into this mine shaft it’s vampires I don’t even see any loot for us to get here for that to be worth

Fighting off oh my goodness oh my goodness I don’t know what it’s doing man I have no more arrows is that what’s going on I thought I did oh my goodness okay well I got it actually oh two more diamonds wow that was actually a really lucky find

Thank you very much and let’s make a diamond pickaxe got a chest over this way and um music disc name tag nothing oh whoa wait hold on efficiency four Fortune two iron pickaxe that is pretty good I’d like to get out of this mine shaft oh and I just stripped mine into Diamonds

Oh yes okay I mean it honestly looks like I x-rayed like look at this now I just need to find a lava to turn into obsidian and get some of that I see a lush cave here there we go finally that felt like forever okie dokie and now let’s get some of this

Oh I’m getting too hot apparently hold on what’s going on okay wait I need to remove all the lava um I’m having like overheating effects why am I still so hot so you can’t really stand there for too long and there we go that should be enough

Obsidian for a portal and our enchanting table more thing to note is that uh it appears like there’s something over this way on the mini map oh here it is what do we have here ancient civilization find the ancient Factory whoa I’m pretty sure that right there is

A boss I’m quite certain and I know for a fact that we are not ready to fight anything that is amazing but also terrifying yeah look at that is there anything I can loot from you know the outskirts of this place I don’t know oh

I did not even mean to fall in here hello what is this wither skeletons skull whoa block of raw iron I mean I guess I’ll take this that’s not bad at all yeah no that’s definitely a boss here we should probably get out of here for our own

Good okay things are getting dangerous we got what we needed I think we should head back up and then later on we can’t come back here so a level 30 enchanting table okay well I guess that means we need to go out and get some books also

Before we leave let me see if I can make a backpack yes boom and then backpack you can make an iron backpack as well which will give us more storage bam and a gold one which will give us even more can’t make a diamond one quite yet but

That’s fine and I should just be able to equip it in my back slot there we go and boom if I press B I have a whole additional inventory space you know what there is a village right here or two or even three so probably try to just get

Something from one of those actually got a chef over here look at this Chef’s Delight hello Melva telling mixed salad I see very nice nice restaurant you got here oh honey glazed ham rice roll medley we’ll take these this Tower might have some bookshelves enchanting Tower yes it does well thank

You very much oh and all these have charcoal in them which is nice whoa hello bud whoa that’s cool you got a fella named Bud living up here and that’s a pretty good enchantment all of these are wow looks like we got everything we needed hello I’m not robbing your house at all

Well I’ll be leaving now and we just need one more book so we can finish off the enchanting table but we can probably make that so let us head back home make one more book and with that we can make our bookshelves make our enchanting

Table boom and let us set this up you actually probably want to build out this middle floor area and we can just use Oak slabs I think also you know what’ll make doing things easier is if we make the book of skills so bam book of skills

And now we can use certain things let’s see here we have a few different options already it looks like and we can even store XP here which is interesting so let’s say I want the crafter skill boom okay so I have to maneuver through the

Book to get to it but that’s fine and that way we can easily make slabs right here here and I’ll just fill in this floor with these also mess up the floor there we go and we can use this as a space for our enchanting table lace these around like so

And hopefully that’s enough yes level 30 perfect okay so now we can start getting a lot more powerful and there’s my lapis I have some additional diamonds with which I can make a diamond sword and making a diamond shovel isn’t a bad idea either just because we can enchant it

With efficiency 4 and that’ll let us dig up dirt and sand really quickly so let us see yes efficiency four boom perfect enchantment efficiency four I’m breaking three good so far so good I’m breaking three that’s not that good but that’s okay let’s see what we can get on our

Gear here respiration protection three a breaking protection four we’re getting really good enchantments protection four wow fire protection isn’t necessarily the best but for the sake of keeping things moving I will take that and that is a pretty solid set of starting gear other than this sword I would like to

Fix that but I only have 27 levels so we’re just gonna have to deal with that for now with that I think we can work on the base a little bit and maybe get started on getting some cool cool things got some XP rewards oh wait I’m at level

32 now and we’ll place this right on the level 13 chanting table take that I’m breaking three off Slayer 4 increased damage against Monsters okay well you know what that’s better than nothing so we will make use of it now I want to get this place a bit

Uh better looking because right now it’s not not good looking at all so we need glass first and foremost and I’m thinking we might actually want to use green stained glass or even lime stained glass but anyways first of all we gotta get the sand um hello Cowfish all right and using our

Shovel this is gonna be absolutely no problem okay that should be enough sand and now we just need to smelt it instead of using a furnace though I’m thinking we can use an encased fan which I have used quite a lot recently before anything though I’d like to sleep the night off I

Forgot my bed though uh yeah okay let’s let’s Rush on home because I do not want to die to Crazy mobs home sweet home okay so encased fan everything’s mostly simple other than these iron sheets oh actually no that’s that’s very simple we just need an engineer’s Hammer which we

Can make bam and then we can do this bam bam bam there we go oh we need anesite alloy we can make our propeller we should just have to go like that that and like that oh maybe not does it it doesn’t work on this wood and Bam there

We go with that we can make shafts and in case fan bam perfect so we also need a hand crank there we go and with these two things we should easily be able to smelt everything up oh my god dude dude it has sharpness oh it has slowness

For I thought I had sharpness four or something okay oh my god dude come on man this game’s freaking me out right now I don’t need to be seeing Oh my God this is okay I need to light this area up oh okay now since this is kind of

Already our engineering area we can place this here as well we place this we encase it in some Cobblestone bam and boom hand crank on the back we dump all of our sand right in front of this thing and if we just spin this like so and

Should smelt it all up and some of it’s already getting smelted up oh there we go yeah so that’s all the glass we need folks boom done just like that I’ll make this look better soon don’t worry I swear okay so now we just need the die

And if we look at lime dye see pickles can give us lime die and you know what that’s actually not a bad option just because of how fast we can swim and not drown so let’s try to take advantage of that the ocean is over this way we need

A very specific type of ocean don’t we oh yeah okay here’s like a shipwreck which you know what come at me I got protection and enchanted sword oh boy they do damage though when we got in here chest ooh tatter Tome that gives us a speed another one

That also gives a 6B and another one thank you very much and here’s an ocean monument that we are going to stay away from for now oh and we got another ship look at this thing wow iron boots it is oddly quiet in the ocean by the way oh

I’m getting attacked oh hello drowned there’s bombs here which I guess we’ll take what else ooh ocean waves Ambience disc it’s nice being able to lose without drowning I really like the Relic we got actually hello golden apple crate regular Apple crates that’s really good stuff and we will break that spawner oh

A bunch of oars okay I think I’ve looted most of the ship here and it gave us a lot of good loot so I’m happy with that however we are getting sidetracked from our mission which is to find Sea pickles so if we could find some of those that’d

Be great oh Cactus batch wait that’s actually really good yeah that just gives us Cactus and that gives us green dye which we can turn into line die and we also have sea pickles here wow well I gotta say that’s a very good find I did

Not expect that at all it’s useless can shoot basic arrows without consuming ammunition wow we got an overpowered crossbow too thank you and let’s see if we can find any more batches of cactus like we just did whoa it is strangely quiet down here by the way oh my God

What is going on right now it’s this thing come here oh my God it’s such a that’s a strange creature if I’ve ever seen one oh my goodness this guy’s weird too deepling oh my goodness it’s another one of these horse things oh man the monsters are crazy underwater that’s

Insane I got a jar of dirt okay what what is this art of the sea whoa it dropped a heart of the sea I mean that works for me on that note I will head back home what are you dude no no no no no no thank you

So let us just smelt up our Cactus right here boom that was fast and we can mix the white with the green dye boom we have a bunch of lime now I wish we could just use regular glass blocks but I feel like it’ll be such a hassle to have enough

For the build yeah we have to cover a lot of area so we can break all of these iron bars around the build that is the first layer cleared out and we’ll do the same thing with this middle floor and there we go that is the middle layer

Cleared out that took a while actually but anyways now we can start filling everything in with lime stained glass we will make an entrance right here yeah we definitely want to get this out of the way but how is this looking let’s see here not bad you know what a lot less uh

Jaily and more homey we are gonna need to remove those as well but we’ll get to that in a moment uh now I just gotta work on this layer now the one issue with these uh panes is that they can attach to blocks but as long as it

Doesn’t look bad from the outside that would be no problem now how do we want to make it so that we can get onto this layer because right now it’s a bit weird I think we’re going to want to extend this out so it’s a two wide staircase

And then what we’ll also do is just have two layers here where it’s just slabs our green stained glass is filled in and I’m kind of liking the look of this now we gotta fix this border situation so I’m gonna work on that first we’re gonna remove all of these bars

Boom and with all the railings taken out we can extend this stairway we gotta rip out this whole staircase and reinvent it and there we go so that’s a new staircase we’re just gonna need to create the border around it there we go so now this is all wrapped around and

We’re also going to add torches all around to make sure that no mobs are spawning and I almost had the perfect amount of fences oh wait no I had the perfect amount of fences and there we go we have glamified our house so it looks

A lot better I think now one thing that I’ve really been wanting to make is this gyro dine this thing lets you fly around and you don’t even need anything to power it you just need to be able to make it we need to set up this line of

Deployers to do so before we do any of this deploying stuff we also need to get golden sheets and to get these we need to use a mechanical press so we can craft up one of these boom mechanical press and it would be nice to automate it so we’ll make a cogwheel large

Cogwheel and a water wheel here we go you also need a Depot we’ll put that under and we need to power this which we need a gearbox gear box so we just make that by surrounding innocent casing with cogwheels boom make two of those and

We now go like this and Bam and now we just need a wrench to move them in the right position if we just go like this this boom and then bam wrench now let’s see here shift these around a bit and there we go that is powered so if we

Place gold ingots under there it should press them just like so boom so we need to make three deployers oh boy that requires us to use rose quartz and we need nether quartz for that so that means we will need to go into The Nether

If we want to progress which is a little bit scary right off the bat vulnerability to fire damage is not gonna work if we go into The Nether so I’m going to take my water Relic off for now but uh let’s see here I know we have

Enough obsidian for the portal we can build this out here boom we have litten up the nether portal now going in there is gonna be scary so we should make sure to prepare in any way we can which I don’t think there are a lot of ways that we can prepare oh

What I can do though is grab an arrow because this will let me use this crossbow indefinitely and on that note it would be good to make another one and try to get power 4 on it or something chancing table I’m liking how we’re getting this set up here piercing and

Breaking okay and we can combine that with that there we go oh wait you know what look at our temperature though are we gonna burn to death in the nether oh no use to mitigate the heat in the nether we need a soul spring lamp it

Lasts for 20 minutes let’s see how do we make this oh we need a heart of the seat which we actually have in a chain we so we can make this already I believe boom Soul spring lamp so I believe it’s already full on energy and we’re gonna

Need to wear it in our offhand I’m guessing so let us go ahead and do that wow that looks interesting let’s see what we can do here oh here we go nether whoa did we just spawn within oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no

No no no no that’s not that’s not a good way to spawn are you kidding me oh my goodness there’s blazes already okay this is a really unoptimal way to spawn ow trying to block off all of this lava around the portal so that it clears up a

Bit and now let’s kind of explore where we are explosive Barrel how does that work let me break these oh my goodness okay good thing I took off my water Relic thing oh boy I don’t know I might need to break the spawner because it’s gonna make getting

Out of my spawn a terror oh Fortress Beacon what is that I don’t know but I’m Gonna Take It oh protected by Magic okay oh my goodness this is an intense way to maybe welcomed into The Nether isn’t it break that spawner I’m sure there’s more open and apparently lava is Flowing oh

There’s diamonds okay and gold and get pile look at that gold block oh is that that’s ancient debris thank you I don’t mind if I do we came here for quartz we don’t even need blaze rods right now what am I doing okay here we go let me just grab this nether quartz

Oh my God here we go another quartz or I mean I got three pieces in other chords that might be enough actually oh I’m gonna head back home and then if we need to come back here we will get me out of here we made it also you know what let

Me take a moment to look at all the quests that we’ve been accomplishing oh and we got another Soul spring lamp which is actually nice Blaze trophy with their skeleton Trophy and look at how many different bosses there are creeper Lord carcass okay now let’s get to doing

What we wanted to which is making deployers so electron tubes we can make the rose quartz for it now maybe I didn’t even mine up Redstone but it appears I have none so we’re gonna need to go mining really quickly we will repair our gear here really quickly hold

On do we have a saddle yeah can we put this on Stacy yes we can look at Stacy she has decked out that’s what I’m talking about off we go on a little mining trip also if we look at the book of skills I do have a bunch of skills oh

Wait I can upgrade the money speed of my pickaxe for example look at that so if I click upgrade oh it uses some experience and lets me upgrade it mining would be pretty good to upgrade right now oh my goodness I love my investment that I have made

That is so overpowered wait this is amazing I had no idea I would be able to get this op oh there’s wait are those diamonds nope it’s skull unbreakable what is this you know what there’s diamonds here so whatever’s going on I’m a fan how do we get in though is there

Like a door yeah I’m not finding an entrance and I have a dug all around on this layer so I figure we will leave this place alone for now I don’t know if you if any of you guys know how to get into this let me know let’s get the Redstone

Let’s see if me continuing to upgrade our mining ability will make it even easier to mine deep slate I’d be curious if I can instant mine it at some point and the question he says negative 59 y level is the best for finding diamonds so let’s test that theory out oh and

It’s actually working yeah um that’s great if we can get a full set of diamond that would be amazing aha here we go some more diamonds and it’s more than one which is I’m happy with that you know and there we go more diamonds

Oh and it is a vein of what six or seven that was 38 diamonds I think that is definitely good enough both of my pickaxes are on the very edge of breaking right now finally we are up at the surface open and you love to see it you’ll love to

See the random mobs that spawn all over the place okay we’re back with a loaded inventory might I add we definitely got all the Redstone that we initially went mining for and we got enough diamonds to make a full set of armor with it which is awesome now the only thing with

Making a set of diamond armor is we can’t enchant it right now so we are going to leave our diamonds with us and make the gear later the only thing is I would like to repair our pickaxe we can make the rose quartz and we need sandpaper which is just paper with sand

And by putting that in our offhand and right clicking it with the rose quartz we’re going to get polished rose quartz and all we need is a iron plate which we can make by creating a hammer and then hammering away so with that we can make three electron tubes and we’re done that

Part in a side casing ZZ and now we just need to handle the brass hand brass sheets how are these made exactly it looks like we mixed copper and zinc we have a few ways of mixing them the easiest being probably just the mixer so we’ll have to make that first though we

Need to get zinc itself so let us quickly head down to the mines again there’s zinc right here and I can use our Fortune I got three zinc from that let’s just stick with the three and I’m also out of andicide alloy now so um that means I need Miranda sites yeah

That’s great now let’s set up the encased fan and I’m thinking kind of building it into the ground might be a good idea actually I’m using dark stone which is uh I don’t know if that’s gonna work but I feel like it might encased fan ah well if we

Want lava we can go into The Nether there we go oh that’s also going to make that flow that might have been a mistake I hope we’re okay we’re just gonna leave here we go lava bucket okay so that’s set up again which is nice again smelt

Up our zinc here we go and async and gets just like that and mechanical mixer I’d like to see if we can get away with powering this without making another water reel not rotating with enough speed okay okay so we’re gonna have to make a blaze burner craft up an empty

Blaze burner and I believe now we need to right click a blaze with it right okay right click it I think right oh no that’s not working why is that not working why why mirror oh it worked okay well I don’t know why why it wasn’t

Working last time but it worked okay now I believe we are gonna need to play this below a basin place it there burner under it I’m still trying to figure this out here and what will help us is making these Engineers goggles because they’ll help us see the speed at which the

Mechanism is moving there we go Engineers goggles right there first of all we get a cool look because now we got goggles on that looks awesome so right now this is at 64 Su we need it to be oops wow I break things so fast and

It’s at 64. so that’s the problem we need this to be at 128. this this large Cog wheel bear no it’s going fast though oh okay well we gotta work in it’s not an ideal setup oh and I broke it well the good news is we know how to actually

Get it working now now if we want to make it look neater we can use and I said casings and that’s not going to do a great job of making it look neater is it oh that’s rough you know what that’s fine we’ll stick with that for now you

Should just be able to throw in our copper with zinc theoretically that should start mixing saying oh we need to feed the blaze burner heat and let’s see how much of this we can feed into the burner boom and it’s working which is good and with that collected to get

Brass sheets we just have to use the machine press so bam and that means we can start making brass hands which is a pretty simple recipe there we go and there’s the third brush hand and with that we can make three deployers boom we’ve done that now the question is how

Do we want to proceed here because our space is not exactly unlimited I’d also like to change up the floor here dark Zone might be a good fit there are brick slabs which is nice so let’s make a stone cutter we’ll clear out the floor here Let’s test out with the brick variant

Looks like I’m thinking we should mainly stick with the regular version and then maybe we can add some of the brick version around the edges there we go I had just enough to fill in the inside I just need a little bit more for the edges hello Stacy are you enjoying your

Time on the chest yes okay oh hello here you go Stacy here’s a tree for you so I have no more dark stone which means that it will need to go mining for it really quickly and while we’re doing that we need dried kelp so we should try to find

Some of that here we go kelp and we are going to need these to automate the deployers okay we just need the dark stone now oh here we go dark stone there it is there we go that’s good for now we might end up needing more soon but I will

Stick with that all done we might be able to place the deployers hmm actually it might be difficult to place them here yeah I think it’s time to start building underground so how do we want to start off our underground base is a good good question I think making the entrance

Here would be pretty good and we could even create a secret trap door if we want later on for now we will simply start digging out a pathway and again with the haste on our pickaxe it is really easy to clear a space out I

Figure we want the ceiling to be as tall as it can be like so okay I’m actually gonna make this a perfect circle using a website the pattern is seven two one one one and then seven two one one one and so on so we’ll just do that all around Foreign Okay there we go that is about half done and we’ll just continue this along foreign and we’ve actually done it we have made the full circle shape now we’re going to need to design this room which is uh oh that’s a whole different task oh and

Hold on what do I see here oh there’s a group of Bandits that are trying to kill me okay folks you know we could have been friends what if I give them bread no they don’t like bread do they okay well you guys can just you know you guys

Can die because you did it to yourselves let us quickly go out and have a look at the different types of wood we’ll be able to use for our build I know we’ve seen some really cool trees on our adventures so I just like to kind of

Revisit them oh and there’s a propeller thing so let’s see we’ve got magic logs And what do the planks of these look like you know what pretty nice pretty nice then here we have jacquel Ron now you guys know I love purple so what do these planks turn into interesting it’s like a kind of light pink almost I’m not sure if that’ll fit our Vibe as well

Dark oak could be fitting oh and I forgot we have silk touch on those hacks leaves might be a cool addition to our base actually so on that note I will also make sure to Shear Some Leaves we have this kind of like cherry blossom type tree it’s just called the cherry

Tree that has some interesting elements to it but I think it’s a bit too strong of a look yeah I mean if we look at this here I think it’s going to be hard to make that work I’m thinking we’re just gonna use those magic logs and maybe

Dark oak logs I think andesite could potentially be a good fit with this other palette of blocks that we have see I think all those kind of go together quite well and then the logs out of Darkness okay the only bad news is that we’re gonna need to break all of this

One layer out so that we can start building and I mean as long as I keep track of what I’m doing it won’t be too difficult we’re gonna try outlining the place with magic planks then we’re gonna try switching it to dark oak planks really quickly that’s not gonna work

Okay we’ll try switching to the and a site here and I think that the mix of using the polished cut and regular polished standing site gives us a steampunkish field and then we’ll have dark oak leaves going around like so oh and we got a necromancer here ow

Oh my goodness what’s going on summoned dead okay so it’s summoned everything here whoa go away underminer where’d he go can I kill him with a pickaxe what is this I can literally pick him up okay so apparently this thing has some really cool things about it it can essentially search for

Any ore that is dropped to it and it can also be renamed to Herobrine to make it look creepier now let’s see if both of these theories or things are true oh I see it and down into the mine shaft we go as well do that I’m gonna drop a

Diamond and I’m also gonna rename it to Herobrine seems like it’s not picking up the diamond can I right click it to give it a diamond now so it doesn’t seem to be working exactly I think it actually does look like Herobrine now though can’t

Wait can I kill it oh no now I have a curse thing named Herobrine walking around my world that’s not good while I did this to myself okay I’m gonna redo a design and whatever I end up doing we’re just gonna stick with it let’s do it

We’re doing something we’re on the Move folks it might not end up being amazing but at least we’re doing something okay and I need more oak wood oh and there’s Herobrine no hold on I have a solution for you man can we put them in lava oh he doesn’t die in lava though

Okay I’m sorry man that wasn’t me okay I didn’t put you in lava that wasn’t me we are just a little bit away from level 30 which would be nice to get to and then we can make a diamond ax to enchant there we go level 30. let’s enchant our

Ax efficiency Forum breaking three perfect I could not have asked for anything better yeah I’m just gonna chop trees and meditate away the the cursedness of my world I also got basic bullet pouch from one of the mobs oh whoa you can get 64 basic bullets from

It wow we need to get into gun making okay okay after we designed this room and maybe do like a couple of smaller things we should get into guns and then we can Adventure because uh I mean look we’re just about close to having a full set of diamond Enchanted armor we just

Need the levels for it yeah there we go about three stacks of oak logs okay back to filling this in okay bam all the oak planks are filled in now we’re gonna do the dark oak leaves border around and this is really easy to put glowstone

Under for example which would be a good way of lighting up the room okay there we go then we’ll fill this in with our andesite variants Floors filled in I think it’s looking nice now we gotta figure out the ceiling yeah and I’m leaving some overhanging blocks so it adds to our cave-like effect there we go and to fill that in I’m thinking we might be able to get away with using magic planks even though

It’s a very strong color and actually I have an idea we can use more of this dark stone here we go we’re already getting dark stone again perfect that’s a pretty good amount of dark stone oh my God I did not light this area up okay oh that scared me a bit

That’s my friends is why you light your area up let us fill all this in bam oh yeah I like it I like it a lot we need to design this kind of Bunker staircase here as well I’m thinking we can make the ceiling out of dark stone because

This continues on the theme from the base the sides can be the leaves there we go we can use cut and decide brick stairs like so and then on the inside layer we will use the magic stairs look at that you know what not too shabby not too shabby at all I’m

Quite happy with this and then for the entrance we’re gonna need to make it a cool hidden one there we go oh the ceiling could use some work let’s raise it up one okay there we go we have the space now we need to make use of it oh

My God something happened with the lava here I don’t know what happened whoa oh what happened oh my goodness I don’t know what happened uh maybe I messed something up oh my God it Stacy okay yes she is oh no oh okay this is another reason why we

Need to have the encased fan very isolated from everything oh man I will make sure that’s the case well that sucks so we need to clean this mess out and it seems like our machines are still running so all of all of these things

You you can come with me oh wait no no I forgot I have to repair my base what am I doing prepare this a lot to repair here that more so looks like it’s been fixed now so we’ve gotta remake everything that we had made before we’ll see how

This is gonna go put this over here and then maybe we can put the mixer over here so Basin and there now we need to power this and to do that we’ll set up a water wheel there we go bring that up place the gearbox here

Oh it’s working awesome so both of these are working that looks good I like it now we want to set up the deployers this is going to be a bit of a process hopefully not an overly long one though I smelted up that kelp so with that you

Should be able to make these belts and these are going to help us automate everything shaft then connect these like so then we can place three deployers boom boom boom and actually we could even shorten this okay there we go I don’t know this should work theoretically it should be able to just

Cycle items through we need to power all of these let’s make a water wheel here so we go bam and we wrench it so that will power two unfortunately I don’t think it can power any more than two you can connect this out this way shaft and

Then gearbox and then we just Place Another gearbox boom that’s powered and now we just need to power this side as well place a gearbox we will wrench it oh there we go but it’s not moving in the right direction let’s see if I place

This here oh it’s moving and then if I place that there oh okay it’s doing a complete circle so that should be exactly what we need yes and then gearbox this one is charged this one is charged and this one is charged I think they’re all charged theoretically we

Should be able to place the gold plate boom it gets deployed once then it gets deployed again and then a third time and then that will repeat five times total and we can do that with all three of our gold plates and let that run for a

Little bit of time perfect okay we got it working now I need to set up the encased fan for smelting again I’m thinking we could just have a little individual segment for it are these done Precision mechanism okay we got two so that’s not bad two out of three not the

Best luck not the worst and with that we’ll be able to craft this thing in no time because all the other materials are really easy to get now before we worry about that let’s set up this smelter so I’m thinking we could just have a little

Kind of hallway we can just carve out a narrow little area here and we’re just gonna fill this hallway in with the dark stone there we go a hallway of absolute Doom we place this bad boy and then we can place a brick out here in front of

It also I’m curious if we can add like a door here but I want one that looks scary I mean another right would be quite fitting there’s the lead door which I think is the most similar to this so oh yep deep slate letter there we go that’s what we needed oh

Oh my goodness it’s a witch but I want to fight it okay I’m gonna go in the Apple because I don’t have actual food anymore I mean like if it can drop me it’s broom or something that’d be great oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness

Get away I got it wow just dropped spider eyes and what else gunpowder nothing nothing special wow good thing I have a water bucket oh man mobs are just crowding around oh my detective trauma unit yeah okay all righty that’s great to see nothing better on a good old day

35 morning is seeing a bunch of monsters outside of your house you know when you have absolutely no food left or anything oh my goodness wait what I thought it was a skeleton oh my God guys I swear I’m just I can’t I need food okay we’re gonna fix this up it’s

Fine everything’s totally fine okay let us fix this up lava and I’m gonna extend this back further we’ll Design This in a moment right now I just I really need food okay please cook me up some food oh and it burned my food so apparently you

Can’t cook fish with uh with any case fan that’s good to know I’m gonna cook up food and just sit here for for a moment oh the furnace makes you hot look at that my temperature’s going up okay let’s quickly fix this fill the fences in there we go and there we go

There we go finally we are done and this gives us a way to smell things up while not burning our house down which is nice now there’s two big things that I want to do one is getting guns because that would be I mean amazing for obvious

Reasons so there’s a lot of guns okay and I don’t know exactly oh it looks like you can kind of custom make guns or something yeah I don’t know uh this is exciting to me I’ve never messed around with this at all the second thing is I

Need to make a storage room because guys like this is is awful right now now if I’m being honest I really would prefer to make the storage first the good news is I think we already have a good place to put it being the first layer of our

Base if we just put chests all around here with the main inventory component here should be easy to access everything now what I’m thinking is we’re going to use Tom’s simple storage which will let us very easily handle our item items so I think we need to make an inventory

Connector and storage terminal for which we need this Precision mechanism which we have made fortunately and everything else seems fairly easy in comparison we want a crafting terminal oh my God no this is so hard to make okay hold on okay we’ll get to that first we just

Need a storage terminal oh man display link let’s make that and we should just have to do this boom and that’ll give us copper plates and we can make a display link and we just need a display board oh we need more rose quartz for this so we

Need to head into the nether once more ow falling into lava is not a good idea and it looks like we’re making progress this is what I like to see oh that’s not what I like to see what did I just hear what was that sound

Dude do I see like a demon oh my god of course oh he’s not taking much damage I’m eating a golden apple oh he’s she’s shooting lava fire breather okay okay pal I see what was making the noise now yeah he got ghost peppers okay the demon horn make

Tridents with this oh here we go quartz this is what I came for finally it only took me killing a demon hearing a bunch of strange noises and almost falling into lava like nine times but we did it here we go give me that ow okay two stacks of another chords should

Be enough for now what is that fire Elemental no thank you nope I’ll skip I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll pass okay get me out of here and there we go electron tubes smart Observer and I should be able to make the storage terminal and boom inventory connector so

With that we just need these inventory cables I believe we’ll just need to get more brass so we need zinc there’s some zinc and here’s some more um you know I’m not even gonna ask what’s going on and we should now be able to

Mix it if we throw that in and then add coal to the blaze burner there we go all right now using this brass we should just be able to put it right there and with that I have all the materials I need to make the cables now we place the

Storage terminal like so so now it shows us the interface but we can’t put anything in yet because there is no storage connected The Connect storage if we wanted to I believe we could just place a chest right next to it and that would allow us to start putting things

In yes it does okay but we want it to be a little more aesthetic than just having chests all around it and instead have them kind of organized around the edges let’s say if I place four double chests here like so and then I go under and

Wire it let’s see if it can connect correctly and then can I place a wire connecting to it like so yes I can yes it has Slots free it says 54 slots that might mean oh yeah it’s not reaching all of the double chests in fact it might only be using up

One of them now what we might need to do is make another inventory connector and connect that here place it there and 108 slots there we go so it is counting both of these so now that we have figured this out let us set up the chests how we

Want them and if we go all around like so boom there we go so I’d say that’s a pretty good job of filling up the room that way we’re ensuring we have as much space as possible connect perfect and then we’ll just do this and cover that

Up too that makes it so everything is pretty invisible 864 free slots and we can just add on to that by filling in this room and I mean already what we can do is simply store our items like so which is just wonderful now we got to

Collect up a bunch of Oak there we go and I still have creepy noises playing okay you know what we’re gonna fix this once and for all yeah we’re gonna we’re gonna take you somewhere my friend okay you have a wonderful life yeah it’s a win-win you know he can make his noises

And be alone on a random Island where nobody sees them and I don’t have to deal with them so that’s great back to chopping trees Okay I’ve cleared out a pretty good amount of trees all around the base which is really clear the area up and is giving us more space to build with in the future so that’s nice you should also place a crafting table here and boom 64 chests another 64 and 48 maybe

That’s enough to fill this whole area and maybe it’s more than enough let’s see and there we go we have four chests left over but we filled the whole place in and now there are 10 962 sloths available and this chest has started to fill up as you can see it’s

Just going to fill all of them up through this one block I think it might be a smart idea to take out all of this wood that’s covering this first floor and change it with dark stone maybe because I mean honestly better safe than sorry thinking we’ll just use the bricks

Again because they look very very nice and we are are going to have to replace all this wood and now we will start filling all this in with the bricks oh that also means we need to take this floor out there we go bam transformation complete and it’s not

Looking that bad I thought it would uh possibly mess with the build a lot but the build still looks more than fine and now we have protection all around this Vault of ours now let’s move in the rest of our items oh I hear oh my goodness

It’s illagers I’m not ready I’ll take them out these guys just love me goodbye you guys aren’t getting my loot sorry about that Stacy these people just don’t know what they’re getting themselves into and I think I’ve moved just about everything okay all done and

We can easily search up any item that we want in specific which is also very nice so if I want Iron boom I would like to make guns no there are a lot of different guns you can make and to make them you have to use this workbench I

Believe so we can make it pretty simply we need concrete it seems sand okay so concrete powder let us smelt that up I do need a better smelter system oh oh I’m so okay you know what I don’t want to talk about it okay I I just I don’t I

Forgot okay I’m a vanilla Minecraft Noob uh you guys can’t get mad at me oh my goodness okay it’s fine oh and you know what I just realized something else that’s probably going to be an issue yep you need specifically light gray concrete wow I’m so smart everybody okay

So I need white and gray how do I get gray dye white and black I need to defeat some squiddies okay oh it sprayed me these guys spray you with uh ink oh and I just started to raid I don’t even think I’ll be able to

To protect the village against a raid to be honest I don’t have full enchanted diamond even let alone netherite right now oh no I might just have to ditch this Village oh okay fine I can’t I can’t I feel too bad if I just let them

All die okay let me try to defend it but I’m guessing the raids in this pack are gonna be crazy where is everything I mean the radar is going down meaning that the villagers are fighting against it which is good but that’s only the first round take you out and you

You know what though I can use the water to my advantage Necromancer okay they’re all kind of being slow today which works in our favor don’t worry Chef I’m gonna protect ya oh my God maybe not me at least get golden apples on my bar they’re actually

Not fighting me I think they don’t start fighting until oh yeah okay now they’re fighting there’s wolves of some oh my goodness those wolves are pretty dangerous as long as we fight these mobs in the water oh my goodness I won’t let my Village down my Village People come into the water my

Friend come into the water yeah in the water I can take the I can take these vindicators out no problem take them out is that it okay now the next wave is coming oh and they spawned in the actual Village this time that’s not good okay I

Don’t know what this guy is the incinerator but we got him in the water which is good good job guards I’m afraid of hitting the guards to be honest if I hit one guard they’re all gonna turn against me okay that guy looks dangerous hold on into the water

Oh that that guard might die we’ll protect you good job Vicky take these fellas out I got you guys oh okay you see they kind of they hit for a good amount but if we can be smart with our movement I’m hoping that we’re approaching the

Final wave here we go they spawn over here okay the ravager is in the water that’s really good for us oh and there’s an evoker now let’s take the evoker out that’s a totem of undying we should be able to equip it yes we can because there’s additional Charm slots

Ravager dead Pillager dead this is good we have a totem of undying now my gear is almost broken though oh no skirmisher okay oh okay that’s a Vindicator oh my God oh my God they probably killed a villager in there wow a bunch of them just came

Out of there holy moly okay this water is perfect here we go that’s it okay oh my God there’s another wave it’s night time too wait let me try to sleep the night off really quickly I cannot deal with additional like wolves spawning and stuff like werewolves okay that’s

Another evoker take that guy out right away take these fellas out and take all these guys out there all in the water here which is very good okay if my iron armor breaks it’s fine I know it’s Enchanted but it does not matter that much Gunner oh is that another wave

Another wave’s coming how many waves are there my helmet’s about to break I don’t know if I can take much more of this oh my God they all spawn in the water that’s actually really good for us let me just take out the evokers the evokers are the only real danger they’re all

Stuck here I’m not even mad okay just a little band of them here they’re not doing anything though because they’re all like frozen how is there another wave they spawn here again that’s good good okay got him oh I did it oh my God I definitely got lucky because they kept

Getting stuck but you know what I’m taking full credit I did it and I got a bunch of totems of a nine because of that which is gonna help us with the bosses we’re gonna have to fight we did it hey Lou we did it okay now let’s get

Back to what we were doing these squids don’t really seem to be dropping any ink sacks and you know what the reason why they’re not dropping any Intex is because the only way you can get them in this pack is by using a cutting board that makes sense so I

Guess let’s make one of those and to make a cutting board we just do it like so and I don’t know if we can just place it down I think we might be able to and then just place a squid there and then we need a knife to can make like so boom

There we go it gave us an ink sack we need another one actually so let us do the same with our other squids here boom boom and there we go five ink sacks now we mix this with white dye to make gray and then we mix gray with white to make

The light gray make our concrete spam with that we should be able to make the workbench boom I think we can place this on our middle layer here right here even is fine and let’s see here oh boy yeah you can make a lot of different guns in

This pack I don’t know how I’m gonna shoes so there’s like different levels to the gun types I think like this ethereal type of gun is one of the best ones you can make possibly it also requires a special type of bullet called ethereal the Jackhammer LM spear troll

Who watch Odo now there’s this SMG for example okay it’s really simple so we can make this and test it out just to start off so we have planks we need a rivet how do we get that rivets iron nuggets okay oh I made way too many but

That’s okay and then andesite alloy and boom Miranda said alloy and we should be able to make this gun now although it says that we don’t have a rivet even though we do oh it looks like there’s two types of rivets oh I need to make

This one I guess okay I need a rivet cast everything’s fine everything’s fine we just need a mechanical press oh but we need it with a basin we’ll have to temporarily change this setup I hate to just mess all my stuff up but I’m gonna do it right now because I’m lazy I’ll

Fix it later so I should just have to place an iron plate and one two three four rivets why is it not working though so it’s because we don’t have the correct version of rivet in there we specifically need this one but to make it you already need to have it so we

Need to hunt some mobs down but before doing that I’m gonna put a fresh set of diamond gear on and enchant it otherwise I’m going to die so Boom full diamond set and I’m hoping that our enchantments can be good here on breaking projectile protection not amazing not amazing oh

These are not looking good oh and it’s not even level 30. that makes sense because all of our stuff got broken you know I’m having a lovely day what about you whatever Betty because I really am just having the time of my life you know

Okay well you know at least let’s try to hunt mobs down like this now is your time folks now’s your time now is when we actually want to see you okay so this guy oh thank you oh my god dude this guy’s on some type

Of steroids he has a shield oh so when he has I don’t know okay we have to attack him when he doesn’t have a shield on his back or something like that I guess oh now we can’t attack him you see now we can boom dead and he did not drop

What we needed but that’s fine like I literally just have a carrot and two golden apples that’s it apples okay I have a lot of apples you know what that works and I’m also heading into the cave where we were finding a bunch of the curse mobs and hopefully we can get what

We need oh is this the one that explodes oh no it’s something else cognite oh my goodness got him oh he just dropped a bunch of stuff and he did drop two rivets we need four total I believe so we just need two more of those hello cursed mobs I accept

You for who you are we got a bunch of curse mobs near us right now I don’t know what’s going on there oh my goodness I’ve never ran into one of these things they definitely don’t look nice okay dude oh my God dude stop oh my God there’s another one I’m

Not dealing with this oh yes oh I missed you so much oh you dropped nothing yeah come on give me some luck so yeah I guess we’re gonna wait until night time and just fight the mobs above the surface because this is not working okay while we’re waiting on the night

Time let’s see how is ammo made so we’re just gonna want basic bullets for example here we go copper gunpowder that’s easy enough oh boy oh here we got one of the dummy things these guys might be able to drop what we need got it oh and it dropped one rivet so I

Need one more here we go training dummy there we go okay we got another rivet and then we’re gonna throw in four rivets iron plate and then Light Up The Blaze burner yes oh my goodness it worked perfect okay so now with that I can easily make

The rivets okay so we made what we need there it is assemble boom it made it perfect oh it has 14 ammo and 8 damage okay so it kind of changed but let’s see what we can do so we can make the bullets we need gunpowder we’re gonna recreate our level

30 enchanting table here’s what I figure I figure that it’s time to go adventuring for a little bit the goal is to get books and to get food as well all while adventuring and hopefully discovering some new stuff I just fed all of my apples to my horse by accident

Oh I forgot we never ended up making that uh flying thing the gyro down or whatever yeah that’s my bad that’s my that’s my bad we’ll do it though we’ll do it oh no way these houses are made out of wheat It’s a Jungle Village I asked for food

And I have received okay wait now I have a moral dilemma oh no do I steal all of the wheat off these houses or do I let them oh and I started to raid um I didn’t think that went through okay here’s the plan we’re sleeping off the night

We’re making a hoe a diamond hoe and we’re stealing all the way and leaving okay look I’m not a bad person I swear okay the the villagers don’t even exist uh it’s all it’s a simulation okay look it’s it’s just um it’s not real okay do they have anything jungle sapling okay um

Um um please uh if somebody has a way of you know correctly stating what I’m doing here in a positive way uh please uh you know leave it down in the comments I would appreciate it okay let me kill this thing hey guard see I’m helping you guys out holy Hallelujah

I’ve never seen this much food in one place in my life it’s like a whole wheat farm on steroids ow okay that’s a bit of karma I’m not gonna lie to you oh it’s burning because it can’t stand the heat I guess oh the wood can’t stay in the

Heat I see oh that’s a shame that’s that’s terrible how did that happen how did that happen um that’s crazy oh oh that’s a baby villager oh I can’t oh I’m so sorry Ruth oh oh oh no Um let’s just take a look at what I’ve done to this Village um I mean might as well finish what I’ve started am I right um you know I left them a couple houses I’m just gonna leave you know what let’s just pretend that was an enemy villager

Faction you know that was like attacking hours how about that can we say that that’s the that’s a thing that that’s what happened oh yes it’s another one of these enchanting Towers I can’t believe I lost all my achievements just keeps refreshing all them okay anyways this is

Really good this is exactly what I needed hey Catelyn hey cool place all right well that was a success what is this this looks like an abandoned house here this could be trapped by the looks of it what’s going on here is this a trap chest okay it’s not trap

There’s cake there is there like an underground I don’t know is there is there a second floor possibly it’s even a third floor oh attic here carrot suspicious stew I think it is a good time to head back over home if a bunch of dark oak logs which will let us

Make our bookshelves easily bam boom boom cool that should now be a level 30. changing table sharpness Soul Reaper knockback this is a bit weird to be honest can you enchant guns oh you can oh hold on over capacity three quick hands two puncturing four whoa that’s cool now it has 35 ammo

Capacity instead of what it was before ah okay so we want looting on our sword I forgot because we need gunpowder well at least we can hunt down some creepers right now get gunpowder and make the bullets that we want these guys I believe can drop some Gunpowder

There we go oh this gun’s gonna be so cool to use oh look at that that’s awesome over here and we go ammo here we go basic bullet so assemble assemble assemble Assemble and yeah that made a lot how do I um reload oh boy okay here we go so

Reload e so e is reload boom Oh I reloaded okay wait now also I can make attachments which is pretty cool tactical stock rustic scope oh my God hold on oh okay I need that so that does a lot of damage first of all so we confirmed that but uh

We definitely need less recoil on it because right now it’s just going all over the place so let’s see here I think maybe we can make a sturdy grip for example we just need a shaft and a plank which is really easy to get sturdy grip

Assemble okay how do we put this on our weapon do I have to put that there no muzzle break I can make this too assemble okay now how do I put this on do I combine them here for example no modify attachments oh okay let’s say

Like why for example oh there we go perfect so then we should be able to put that on oh and we can’t put this one on okay well let’s see if that’s any better oh it is better oh that’s a lot better cool okay oh and the bullets stay on

There that’s fun what other attachments we can have a scope a stock okay well let’s add those then basic site for example we can do oh and I need to fix this up okay let’s make make another Blaze burner real quick oh oh I’m taking a lot of damage

Okay there’s a blaze right there it’s kind of hard to get to it okay we’re gonna run oh okay I got it I got it got the Blaze and we’re leaving wow wow all right so Blaze burner put that down there Basin cool uh so that’s set up as it

Should be now I believe and that should be enough iron sheets for everything wire stock we can probably make one of those and we want basic site make one of those perfect take our weapon put those both on let’s go there we go so that’s better vision and then when we fire oh

That’s so much better perfect let’s make some more bullets before we head out and I’m hopefully gonna be able to get a bunch of experience because I’d like to enchant more of my gear and get better enchantments than that on it perfect I made a bunch of basic bullets I’m Ready

For War now we did see that boss structure way earlier maybe we can try to fight it now we can also upgrade our Shield I believe which we should do let’s see Heavy plated Shield steel plates Diamond shield for example we can make this that might help protect us a

Little bit more boom Diamond Shield the one thing we could do is get some more apples and we can make some golden apples but that’s about it hold on let’s test our gun out now dead dead or we’re very overpowered this is crazy oh and I

Have two apple crates too which I forgot about so I can actually make more golden apples than I thought bam with that I think we are ready as we are ever gonna be for this boss let us head over there here we go we are above where it should

Be my mining is faster than ever okay and here we are I’m getting all the achievements again for some reason but there it is here is the boss I don’t know what’s gonna happen when I walk near it hello The Harbinger or the harbinger I don’t know I’m guessing the

Harbinger should be good to go okay so this cannot start the fight uh I see there’s levers around oh my God no it’s still not working so it turns out that you need a Nether Star to actually start this fight I see it’s Boss Bar but we can’t activate it

Yet so that might actually be a good thing you know testing and wither fight before testing this crazy looking boss might be the better thing to do anyways so I guess we have to head into the nether before we can invite that boss while I remember before we head into the

Nether let me finally make this thing that lets you fly called the gyro Dome because I’ve been wanting to make it for a while now okay hopefully let’s do it quickly and holes need two of those perfect um I can only make four so I need more

Wool here we go oh my goodness okay I guess I’ll just have to come to terms with the fact that the gun is overpowered oh whoa whoa the way it’s moving what’s going on oh The Necromancer spawning stuff oh okay when there’s multiple enemies it gets a little bit scarier boom and

Boom and boom gyrodone or gyrodyne we made it there we go I really want to test this thing out so let’s see I placed this here for example oh and I start moving I should Power It Up and look at this I can fly oh this is

Amazing this is so overpowered and then if I Wanna Stop flying I should just be able to kind of go down here boom get out and collect it boom just like a boat wow that’s awesome we are ready to head into the nether then we’re gonna

Need to take this will of the ocean off for sure now oh oh goodbye guest oh my goodness okay I really need another Hub but I’m kind of lazy right now so okay here’s gonna be our Runway oh boy I see with their skeletons there so we’re just gonna go

Go go and we’re off look at that wait whoa whoa whoa look at that how did I not see this the whole time that we were here whoa can I shoot oh my God I can shoot while I’m on this thing I don’t know if it’s actually hitting anything oh oh oh

My goodness okay that we’re taking a lot of damage I picked my thing back up that’s good okay wait maybe the gun’s not as overpowered as I thought whoa where are we netherwort gold ow how did it get withered oh wither leaves I see gotta be careful of those okay we

Got a bunch of mobs below us problem is out out we’re gonna run out of bullets pretty soon at this rate so we kind of have to be sparing of them oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness ow wow oh my goodness oh my goodness this I don’t know what

Was just damaging me is it when you try to break these is that what happened oh it’s when you try to break the ow okay do not try to break the leaves that’s noted wow this is insanely dangerous hold on you know what let’s break here break through

And I believe we can actually go up which works just fine for me we’re doing all right there we go there’s a blaziki that’s what we needed like a Stairway oh boy take you out oh no oh no I’m gonna double layer this there’s no way oh my goodness

Okay Place key boom unlocked oh yes yes yes thank you yes yes yes yes yes yes that’s very good those golden apples are very very helpful let’s bridge over this hopefully yes good and book pile Oh it’s enchanted books oh blast protection four okay it’s kind of useless fighting these guys off

Unless unless we somehow break their spawner wow it gets intense up here oh no okay ow um how do we do this how do we do this that’s not gonna be working for us oh I’m in a bad position here I’m in a bad position

Okay I need to build cover I know that’s gonna go away soon that at least gives me some type of cover though temporarily I’m gonna Golden Apple that makes me feel a little bit more confident in our survival recharge okay break okay break got you got you break oh boy oh

Okay got him got it I should pick this up because it’s actually valuable for us okay I don’t know what’s going on here Fortress Beacon I can’t mine it there’s nothing here it seems is there nothing in the in the center here I figured there would have been some

Loot or something well there’s obsidian over there there might be a chest inside I figure that would make sense oh there’s ancient debris which is pretty good uh another tiles okay so we got that I break obsidian really fast for the record well then gets I really barely

Have bullets left I need to be very sparing with them like I’m not even gonna shoot at these ones so if I block right when they’re about to hit me I actually reflect their shots I think okay maybe I should shoot these ones down oh no get away from me

Oh my goodness okay I’m using all my ammo here this is too dangerous oh my goodness there’s a wither skeleton skull in the middle there that would be really good for us oh there’s ancient debris okay here’s the bottom oh okay yep that’s that’s not happening

Right now we have to head back I think I think we head back and get more bullets and then we can finish this off here we go here we are oh my goodness oh wait oh oh boy okay come on I’m so close I’m so close run run run run

Oh my goodness I’m okay I’m okay can make more bullets here we go assemble a bunch of them that’s not like a crazy amount but that could last us for the rest of that dungeon we have 31 levels so we can enchant again and enchanting our gear a bit further would be very

Beneficial oh that is a perfect helmet now one more issue is I don’t have any more gold than Apples now I would have liked to create some fire resistance potions and in fact maybe I should eight minutes fire resistance potions that’s gonna be very helpful let us head on in

Oh Goblin Trader sat with me oh it’s amazing hey fella you coming with me all right well you know being my guest and we’re just gonna have to approach this without fear and let’s do it Golden Apple take you out okay we’re doing good oh those are the Wither bushes oh there’s a

Lot of them here I did not think about that at all okay we’re doing good with the spawns so leaving actually really helped us out oh I lost my fire resistance somehow I guess they take it off of you oh it just doesn’t work here no way they

Did that are you kidding me that’s unbelievable okay well we can take this wither skeleton skull bam got it take you out take you out break and we got ancient debris here oops it might be in every corner boom Another one this one is covered

In the weather stuff oh boy okay I think that’s it for the bottom layer actually oh okay okay okay oh I just hit a pigment oh that was a mistake oh that’s a bad mistake oh no oh no oh no oh no okay all righty we gotta be careful because

It turns out if you get hit while you’re on this you fall oh I hear Blaze is shooting that’s really freaking me out you know what we’re good and here’s another crazy Tower so there’s two towers here I believe we might already have one with a skeleton and skull at

Home so we’re up to two supposedly and piglet hello oh hi hi okay gold block gold block okay doing all right okay and there’s a little spot down here oh it’s protected by lava which maybe we can contain like so let’s head down here where there’s ancient debris I do

Believe there might be mobs down here I’m not seeing any though withered Tome ooh this will give us experience which we need that gives us four levels oh and there is another piece of an ancient debris ow ow scorpion whoa oh oh it’s invisible How how nothing is friendly here no there is stuff down here as well let’s do the same thing that we just did it’s a blaze spawner break that okay we’re doing good a bunch of golden blocks there that was nice okay I’m done with this dungeon okay oh my goodness

Oh okay okay okay okay I need to put that on okay I had to waste the Notch Apple dude these scorpion things are crazy oh okay what have we found ancient Battlegrounds sounds very safe am I right everybody okay this looks very dangerous once more oh boy skeletons go

Another reactor core what is that okay weeper well I’m getting resistance and stuff but are these guys helping me I don’t oh no no no they’re not that’s from the Apple okay they’re definitely not helping me oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness okay pause pause hold on

Okay the helper Health orbs that they’re dropping are helping oh this is too much action okay hold on we’re using our gun there’s so many of them I need to defeat the the spawner that’s here oh that’s that’s what’s happening it’s two spawners third spawner is there another spawner

It would be helpful if I could see you know that usually lets you know where spawners are okay we got it wow uh there’s no traps right okay we should be good to loot these nothing good in that one oh another Enchanted Notch Apple that’s very good

Oh my goodness oh my goodness there’s no way I could do this without this gun where are these spawners at broke broke broke I’m just breaking everything another reactor course Broken Oh another Enchanted Notch Apple wow oh diamonds okay I got a speed thing oh okay piglens

We don’t want near us oh my goodness okay go away oh boy oh boy oh boy drop bear what was that my helmet’s about to break oh my goodness there’s another floor okay it seems like we’re safe up here there’s a chest here proper whoa Crystal tear

Opens hidden doors in the sorrow Spire I think I’m done with Adventure for now like I know we were planning on fighting the boss but I’m completely just adventured out I need to just sit at home and build stuff and relax because my goodness that was stressful and up we

Go we can re-enchant our gear which would be nice Unbreaking depth Shredder three that’s not great sorry for three that’s bad protection three that’s better actually we can enchant a pickaxe that would be nice I’d like to get a fortune Three diamond pickaxe origin two better than nothing better than nothing

Okay let’s combine a bunch of our stuff here then maybe I’ll just go mining for a bit to get some more diamonds and relax because oh my goodness that was just intense that puts Fortune two on there yeah with that I’m happy to go mining

Okie dokie here we go oh okay we need to put uh A Relic back on because this is what actually has been letting us breathe underground usually you can’t dude like should I even ask what that is like I don’t even pocket Trace I don’t even want to know man there’s

Another patch and it’s a vein of eight okay 20 diamonds that is good enough for me let’s head back up oh and more diamonds baby caving isn’t so bad after all okay so there are a few things we need to do we need to build another Hub

As well as uh just an entrance here we need to get turrets if we can set those up and then we also need to set up a nice door for our underground section so to start off I’d like to create our nether Hub I almost feel like a typical

Stone brick design could be fine and then to add to it we could use blue stained glass which I think would be a cool look as well I like the light blue so that’s what we’re gonna go with we can use Stone tiles for example we’re going to use Stone tiles for the

Flooring I’m also already having issues with heat which is not good because my lamp is just about out filled with warp slash Crimson stems okay well there’s none of those around us unfortunately and I’m going to cover up all of these as well and it would be nice to make a

Pathway going out so that we don’t have to deal with this nether fortress at all oh yep there we go we can place glass here and I’m okay with kind of melding it into the Fortress actually oop I’m starting to get overheated you know what

We can do is head back into the ocean and find the mob that dropped the heart of the sea before well hello here we have a another sunken ship oh very treasure map okay give me that buried treasure hello aha here we go heart of the sea bam

Let’s head back okay let’s see if we can find what we need so I think even Crimson stems work too actually we should just be able to get these yeah these are Crimson stems and how does it work let’s see can I combine them with the lamp for example I don’t know whoops

Well we’ll figure it out these are the correct thing I’ve gotten about three sacks of crimson stems I’m hoping that’ll be enough for now we’ll see how they’re actually used and how many get consumed but uh we’ll figure that out as we go with that we can fill this in and

We just need to finish the frame this way as well so it’s probably worth it to smelt up some Netherrack there we are we combine these into the block and then we select which ones we want heavy bricks and then we put it back in we can get

Polished We Go From Here connect it and and now we just fill it in with glass oh boy this looks more glassy than I thought it would actually let’s see is that looking better I kind of that looks better at least yeah so do I even want

To bother at this point yeah I mean I guess I will okay there we go that’s looking a lot better I also need to move our portal because it’s not exactly centered oh that was a bad move I don’t have a foot and steel on me oh boy but

It’s okay I can get fluent and I have iron already we should be okay there we go another portal is centered and we cannot activate it so we can make a tunnel going this way and there’s not really any reason for it to be wider than one block figure we will try to

Keep it as simple as possible we can use glass to make it a bit cooler ow oh my lamp is out I’m not sure how we get it recharged ow do I do do I right click this I don’t know what to do um I’m pretty confused right now okay

Wait I’m actually in a bad situation right now okay I have no idea maybe I just need to be near these does this help okay uh I mean I can make a hearth hold on maybe I can make a hearth I think this thing also can help

You uh Cobblestone okay do I have cobblestone on me I might have just enough hold on so uh I need a furnace boom and then oh my goodness okay hearth uh fuel can I put Crimson stems in it how do I feel this wood okay wait it

Needs water or coal so boom water does it also need coal I don’t have coal as well please tell me that works oh my God I don’t know if it’s activated or not please please please I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea here we go

Furnace okay and then smelt that make charcoal and then if I can put charcoal in there maybe it’ll it’ll work come on I think it is working hold on so it’s active it’s just not enough to fully stop the heat I’m insulated level 10. I

Don’t have lint do I no I don’t can I get Flynn somewhere can I get Flint Flint Flint Flint I need gravel oh boy oh boy okay wait I can make another one but I don’t have any water oh I just got a water bucket though hold on I can make

Another one oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness boom Another one put water in there put charcoal in there and then two are working now it’s working it’s working it’s working it’s working I’m so confused as to how I can how I can charge this back up wait I

Just learned about something apparently fire resistance potions might fully protect you from heat no way you need flint and you know what we’re gonna find flint salt oh gravel oh my God I found gravel oh my God go away oh no okay oh my goodness oh my goodness The

Fortress takes off your fire resistance okay wait it’s back on nope and it’s instantly oh okay grab grab okay let’s eat the Notch Apple I don’t know where I’m going I can’t see where I’m going I I I I I literally don’t know where I am okay

Notch Apple oh my goodness okay oh my goodness Flint did I get the Flint I think it dropped Flint ah yes there’s Flint we made it we made it oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh I don’t know how we survived I’m not

Gonna lie to you okay well I’m not really sure what we can do with the soul spring lamp let’s grab a couple water buckets to put them in the hearths that we have and now that we have the portal actually liten up we shouldn’t have any

Issues of uh you know almost dying of heat in the nether so yeah that’s a good thing now as of where we want to put them that’s a good question it might be nice to put it in the two corners fill it up with coal with water but that

Should be doing its thing now I believe and we can continue working there is a lot of Fortress to get through it’s kind of crazy actually it seems like it continues all the way in this dress sections so maybe we should just go out this way the only problem there’s a

Bunch of lava there but maybe we can try to figure it out let’s see so if we go out this way let’s see what we end up running into okay well good thing I have fire resistance there’s gonna be a lot of lava here to be fair maybe if we

Staircase up we create a kind of takeoff pad this could be good enough for our exit so I’m kind of creating a Runway almost and that should do the trick if anything we can go on our gyro Dome or gyrodyne go forward and go up oh the lava or the lava okay

We’re gonna we should remove that lava that’s the only problem if that’s not there then this is pretty good actually there we go I blocked off the lava so we’ve kind of set it up it’s not ideal or anything but better than nothing I figure the best move is to just head

Into The Nether and try to progress forward we only need one more wither skeleton skull and then we can probably defeat the Wither without much difficulty so that should be no problem the only issue here really is the Heat and the fact that we don’t have that

Many bullets but uh let’s see what we can do fire resistance potion okay and off we go oh yeah so the world is our oyster they see some structure down here already and we have not been in one of these yet ow oh pick this back up let’s see what’s in here

Oh there’s some loot what do we got here nothing much oh we got one of these blazes we got it though oh got that one too they dropped some enchanted books those aren’t even bad I’m gonna need a golden apple here just in case because I don’t know the exact

Power of these things yet they are all dropping enchanted books and I’m gonna try to use my sword if I can just so that we’re not running out of bullets yeah all these books are actually pretty good protection three here’s another crate gunpowder gunpowder is good there’s

Actually a lot of loot that we need in here Brimstone fumarole so this is kind of like a mine shaft in a way it’s just a very dangerous one oh what do we got here whoa okay this is like a main section look at that any crazy loot here it

Doesn’t look like there’s anything amazing but it does look like we’re gonna need to be careful there’s a block of iron which I’ll take and let’s carefully Adventure through here they have like totems of undying which makes it a bit hard to fight them but we’re doing okay and that’s another

Section oh boy and this diamond Shield is actually way better than the regular shield I’m glad we made it oh my goodness okay we got it oh this Fella’s shooting us with like icicles got um sharpness four power four book piercing forward yeah I mean these are really good enchanted books I’m glad

That we’re getting them and the fire resistance seems to be keeping us safe from any heat damage so we just need to keep using the fire resistance potions let’s see what we got over this way a bunch of spawners and some crates break that oh boy

We got a lot of them over here efficiency 4 and braking more gunpowder that’s great there’s also these hallways with additional loot that we should always make sure to check that we should try to head out now here we are oh there’s a block of gold here

Gravitizer I’m just gonna shoot you okay now let’s get back to Flying oh what do we got here this is an interesting little biome oh no not another another Fortress please what I can do is Mark it as another Fortress and if I want to return I can’t but I would prefer to

Find some more of the new structures and here we got another one of these towers that we’ve been to oh and there’s a pigland village I believe this structure did give me some nice loot before I believe so we can make a quick stop let

Me just build up to the top of the structure actually and there we go an enchanted Notch Apple this just gave me an idea because I’ve realized the nether fortress does have the wither skeleton skull at the bottom I don’t know how I forgot that so you can head back there

In a moment a lot of mobs down there and loop from here oh okay another right scrap well we got two chests in here and the red scrap and let’s go to that Fortress only thing is we are going to lose fire resistance I think inside of

There so in that case I guess our best method is to get a heart of the sea again make the lamp and then head to the Fortress and retrieve that final wither skeleton skull that we need pigland civilian hey man are you friendly okay they seem to still not be

Attacking me which is a nice change actually I’m just gonna steal all their stuff okay I figure we should get back on track let’s head over to our portal oh there’s a cool house that looks so cool how can I not stop that I’m cursed apparently

Love to see it oh we got wither skeletons okay now I don’t really have oh boy I don’t have bullets so I’m gonna have to take them on with my sword okay take that spawner out what do we got inside got more spawners a lot of husks book shows okay we’ll

Loot later first we’ll defeat all these fellas there we go let’s see what the loot like oh Diamond enchanted books oh gunpowder oh yeah a lot of gunpowder oh this one is fighting me okay stop it here’s our little Landing space okay and back we go we got a bunch of

Gunpowder so we can make all of the ammo that we need and assemble so I have almost a full inventory of bullets so let’s see if I’ve kept any buried treasure maps oh yes I have I have two well oh and okay so I lost both of the

Maps maybe it’s because I wasn’t near enough to anything oh man well we’re gonna have to just uh search for some stuff I guess we got a ruin portal nothing special and we got another little Cactus batch area which you know what I will gladly make use of you got a

Little ship here and there’s some villagers on it it sounds like Hello everybody I got some good loot got a few of them down here they’re all chilling can they actually get out of here because it I don’t see any space to get out yeah I don’t think there is

Actually okay move everybody I’m trying to free us all right back in the water we go another ocean Monument I mean is it worth checking out let’s see oh my goodness okay the gun makes it way easier to do this gold is in here okay may or may not be lost now

Um ah here we go okay I totally did not get stuck there for a solid like three minutes but that’s fine now it’s night time meaning that the crazy mobs yes should start spawning what we want is that weird kind of seahorse creature because that is what dropped us the

Heart of the sea last time here we go bird treasure map oh here we go that’s what we need but it didn’t drop anything this time here we go give me that heart of the sea come on maps are so difficult here we are we found it

Part of the sea perfect whoa what did I just find whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I was looking for a heart of the scene I found something a lot better find the sunken city wow where’s the entrance to this place oh my goodness this place is insane oh I just got

Dolphins Grays holy moly man this place is crazy and I don’t know I guess let’s try to break in here hold on go up okay here we go we’re going okay there’s these things here deeplings oh deepling brute oh my goodness Um okay what is in here what is that hello coralsis are you aggressive yeah you are okay we might have some good loot look I wasn’t gonna attack you it’s your fault let’s see if we can Parry a hit I’m blocking oh I think I did pair yeah there we go

And it’s dead did it drop anything cool crystallized Coral fragments crystallized Coral whoa epistle sacrifice oh you need that to summon the Leviathan boss I I think that might be the case I don’t know what else you would use that for so hold on let’s see

Nautilus shell I feel like we might have or it’s easy to find at least we have that we have all of these things no problem how do we get a theme though it drops from one of these deepling priests okay we need to try to get that boom

That’s another one got it got it so we got all four fragments crystallized Coral perfect got some more of these deeplings oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness holy moly they dropped their their weapon that’s cool coral spear hold on deepling brute let’s take this fella out

I mean is this weapon any good you can throw it okay did nothing oh and I got a nautilus shell which is awesome oh they dropped the sword nice a theme okay so now all we really need is the blocks of ore in amethyst and then we

Should be able to do something to summon the Leviathan I think ah here we go look yeah I’m pretty sure that’s where you’re gonna have to place the item okay well with the fact that we have reached the boss altar I think there’s not much else

To do here because there doesn’t seem to be any chests and yeah we already got all the items that we need from here so we can head out for now and prepare to fight some pretty crazy bosses this might be one of the final ones that we

Should try to fight because I don’t I don’t know how powerful it is oh you can’t even break out oh whoa whoa oh amethyst okay that’s great there’s a bunch of amethyst here so we’re gonna pick it up well it might have dropped the heart of

The sea oh yes it did yes so having two makes it a lot easier to go into The Nether and do what we want to do oh boy things are getting intense over there now we’re getting really close to being able to fight the bosses but I should

Say that I’m not gonna be able to use my gun for the boss fights okay I don’t think it’s fair to use this on a boss and I think it makes sense that the bosses can repel bullets so it’s going to come down to our either sword skills

Or if we want so we can use some other type of ranged weapon maybe these mobs though yeah we can we can melt them down no problem okay here we go we have all the materials needed to create the Abyssal sacrifice there we go we can finally make a soul spring lamp again

Let’s see if we can get some better enchantments on our gear leggings production four that’s good and Unbreaking protection that’s good I would have liked to make a ranged weapon like a trident or something in preparation for some of these bosses that we’re going to be fighting I guess

A bow isn’t a bad option it’s just that against the Leviathan it won’t work very well unfortunate unfortunately we already have this one we just need Infinity for it let’s just see if we can get an Infinity enchantment with luck nope okay let’s just get on breaking on

Our leggings we can repair our gear and how much netherrite do we have or scraps and how much ancient debris so we can also make a full set of netherrade armor if we want here we go three more ingots and a four another way ingots boom smithing table and we can easily

Upgrade all of our gear pull another right armor and also combine these two bows to get a our four flame Unbreaking bow which is nice I think I am ready to head into The Nether and now we just fly to that Fortress definitely have not missed this you can kind of ignore

Mostly everything other than the weather skeleton skull also I can now explode these barrels if I want I think right yeah there we go here is what we came for this is what we came for okay here we go we got it we got it making some damage that’s not fun at all

I’d like to leave now and out we go okay so that’s our third wither skeleton skull we already have the Soul Sand and everything that means we can summon the wither I think we’re as prepared as we’re gonna get I mean we could make a bunch of potions but that’s a whole

Process and I mean golden apples are going to be just about the best potions we can have Also let’s see if we have any rewards whoa lava Stave create lava burn on mop head interesting oh wait hold on we need to use Soul Stone to

Summon it not so sand well in that case we have to go to the Nether Again really quickly and hopefully find the Soul Stone stuff full stone maybe it’s down there I see some stuff that could be so awesome maybe scoria Soul Stone oh yeah we found it I was very fast fortunately

And here we are and so hold on I can create lava with this Stave apparently let me see how it works oh and I lost The Stave I guess you can just use it once yep that’s that’s gone anyways let’s go try to fight the Wither I mean we’re pretty

Geared I think we should be okay we should probably head kind of far away from our base maybe here in the open field there we go the Wither boom boom and boom okay let’s eat a golden apple in preparation and it’s go time oh yeah this thing is a beast

I’m doing all right we’re just gonna kite it away like so okay time for another Golden Apple it’s melee time come on come here buddy come here I should use my shield more come on so close we got it we got it whoa what is that voice message ow

Hold on I’m withering a lot I’ve withered two for 15 seconds oh my goodness okay I got another star and a Wither eye that gets us one step closer to getting to the end we did it oh man okay so before we summon any more bosses

We need to stock up on golden apples I’m not gonna fight that Harbinger boss without without a bunch of golden apples so I can just mine some trees down here chop them down rather foreign got 29 apples I think that should be enough and Bam 30 golden apples total

The only other thing we could definitely use is more arrows the hardest thing to get is feathers either fella I’m sorry I’m sorry okay now this is cruel but I wonder if these guys give feathers too they do oh I’m sorry fellas here we go

So we have 60 arrows for one boss fight that is an okay amount also I do have a reward for defeating the Wither a random Ingot and a weathered orb one hurt inflict wither oh okay cool I mean let’s equip that it goes in our charm slot oh

But we would have to put that on instead of a total of undying and I’d rather have a totem of undying on I think we have everything we need to start the boss fight the golden apples are gonna come very handy the enchanted Notch Apple is two we’re good to go so let’s

Approach The Harbinger Harbinger I don’t know I’m so sorry if I’m butchering the name but the point is that we’re gonna defeat whatever this thing is let us make our way in like so we have a boss to fight oh I’m scared okay do I just right click oh my god it

Worked okay okay let’s go buddy oh my goodness I needed my water bucket oh my goodness he’s firing missiles oh he’s breaking stuff okay Golden Apple Oh my goodness what is he doing oh my goodness I’m gonna say it’s a good thing that we have netherite armor that’s all oh oh he’s healing up a bit but we’re doing okay okay Golden Apple oh I don’t know what he’s doing oh my God we’re gonna hide behind this while he

Does that beam thing okay we’re good oh boy oh boy what is he oh I can’t shoot at him when he’s doing that oh boy okay we gotta make sure there’s a something we can hide behind at all times because when he does that beam thing I do not want to be

Standing in it oh yeah I think he’s doing the beam yep oh my God oh my God oh my arrows are not working I guess when he gets past the half point he can’t shoot him like the weather or something okay all right okay all right buddy oh my goodness I’m stuck I’m

Actually stuck oh okay we’re good come here buddy he looks sketch yeah that that’s sketchy okay come on come on come on oh he looks like he’s about to explode or something I think I’m good though oh he did explode nice we got him and we got his

Items whatever these are that was a fun fight he exploded a lot of stuff wow weather assault shoulder weapon right click to shoot wither missiles and with the right block what is that witherite what do you use witherite for mechanical Fusion Anvil um okay so you can mix some of the items

In this mod now let’s test this out oh it doesn’t explode anything which is too bad well with that let us head back wait there’s a mob here take that that’s not that much damage and another one boom dead and I kind of miss using my gun

Oh yeah that felt good okay now I want to make turrets for our base I don’t care if they end up being inefficient or if we can’t fully utilize them I want to make them we want a gun turret and we want to make four of these so first of

All Precision scope this looks easy oh we need steel rods okay we can just blast iron there we go blast it up make some steel rods and precision scope there we go we got four of them next we need revolvers oh boy and we need treated sticks in specific so to get

Treated wood looks like we need a bucket of creosote oil with any type of wood planks and to get creosote maybe we’ll be able to find it out in the ocean I know I’ve seen a few things that looked like they were oil or reservoirs you could call them there for example

Oil bucket oh that’s not creosote oil though oh my goodness okay we need a Coke oven oh this is more complex than I thought it was going to be okay Coke bricks these are what we need if we want to make a specific type of oven so we

Gotta collect up a bunch of clay here we go play will smelt a stack into bricks let’s see Coke brick yes there we go we also need the engineer’s Hammer which is going to help us finish this off three one two three one two three and then we’ll just

Fill that up three blocks tall boom and then bam Coke oven perfect now to get the creosote oil we need to start smelting something I believe let’s see I don’t know maybe we can put wood and let’s see what that gives us this is slow okay bam it gave us charcoal and it

Gave us 250 creosote oil which is not a lot because we need 1 000 for one bucket I believe okay actually you know what’s gonna be better is using coal instead of wood because that might give us double the amount spam and there it goes while

That’s doing its thing we can also work on other parts check on this we’re at 1 000 creosote oil that means we can already take one bucket maybe I put the bucket in there boom bucket of creosote oil this boom treated wood plain perfect four of these and none of these items

Stack which is a bit frustrating but it’s okay and I need the revolver Barrel I need four of these four boom and I believe we have everything needed to make four of these so one and four boom four revolvers Engineers workbench okay so we need to do some weird stuff here

It looks like and we need to make this engineer’s blueprint first of all okay boom Engineers blueprint bam Engineers workbench the top floor would probably be a better fit for that and it’s not very well organized right now but we’ll just put it right there so we can put

The engineer’s blueprint in there and then we need to make a few things we need turoplast sheet aluminum wire and vacuum tubes let’s see if we have nickel plates yeah I have no nickels so that means that we need to quickly go and mine sum up which we can do here we go

Here’s a big cave oh immersive engineering so we might need silver as well because this is from the same mod so it seems that it’s actually really rare because it says 0.66 percent chance and it’s most likely found at really low y levels actually in that case I should probably just start

Strip mining all right here we go give me some luck please oh nickel there we go I found it whoa I’m cheating look at this holy moly I don’t know what’s I I fell into Ash and I can see through walls any diamonds any diamonds what’s over there we should check it out

There’s a chest there oh there’s a chest there wait this is actually overpowered oh I got the Lost eye so that works yeah here it is this is what we saw okay so oh oh my goodness wait this is the actual entrance mechanical yaw okay I’ve never gotten in here before

What is this oh my goodness enchanted book I can’t believe we actually got into one of these it’s just like a loot room that’s incredible unbreakable door keyframe give me all that there’s a vault chest and then just shoot it down oh oh yeah thank you very much plasma I don’t know

What plasma is for okay let’s get out of here and now using this nickel we just get two of the plates boom now we also need wire which fortunately doesn’t look like it’s too hard to make boom Engineers wire cutters now we put two copper plates with these Cutters boom so

Let’s see two two two and two there we go vacuum tubes and we can make sex perfect then duroplast sheet oh boy okay so that’s not easy to make bottling machine yay we need you know like resin it requires creosote oil and I could

Tell the hide and how do we get this oh my God there’s no way it’s this hard you need ethanol and a silver plate okay and then how do you get that oh no okay wait this is crazy oh my goodness let’s start simple let’s just make a bottling

Machine I guess okay the multi-block thing boom boom fluid pump boom conveyor belts Okay so we’ve made all of the materials required wait what is going on over there what are you guys doing with my horse excuse me get out of there Autumn what they’re doing my horse like

That so I’m just gonna keep it simple for now and follow what it looks like here exactly boom fluid pump and the light engineering block and that should be it that now should work boom modeling machine we need to get this phenolic resin in there I’m not necessarily

Looking forward to it but we gotta figure it out so we need a Refinery but we’ve also need an industrial fermenter so oh boy or cauldrons there we go steel scaffolding if we probably want to build it here one two one two then boom Oh we

Did it nice you know what it might be good if we quickly rebuild this and move it right next to the coke oven because we don’t have enough space to be spreading our builds out too much there we go okay and now we have the industrial fermenter now how does this

Work again let’s see potatoes is that gonna do any thing it is not doing anything that’s because it needs this if okay so we’re gonna have to set up an energy source what we’re gonna do is set up a water wheel trust me I have no idea

How we’re gonna do it but we’re gonna get it done okay let’s see here we did sticks we need a good amount of those actually so we’ll make all the ones we can we will make some more treated wood using the creosote oil that has gathered in the coke oven

Boom and then we can just do this and this and there we go we can make four water wheel segments which is good we just need to surround a steel ingot with that bam we also need a kinetic Dynamo let’s see here simple enough copper coil block and kinetic Dynamo make a bucket

Of redstone acid which is interesting bam okay now let’s grab some glass water and let us build this thing I’m gonna try to see if we can build it back here and I’ve run into some weird thing here place the water wheel oh and it’s not

Showing okay I don’t know let’s try to pretend that it is showing up how about that let’s just continue along with this design okay I’m connecting power here foreign there we go I got water flowing through an invisible water wheel okay so now we should be actually producing energy yes

We are look at that the accumulator is filling up now I need to somehow connect the energy from here to here okay let’s see I might be able to actually connect it over here it’s almost working okay wait let’s see I have an idea what if I

Have a connector here and then the connector here I go like this to this and then oh this to this no that doesn’t work okay we need a relay LV wire relay we need to make one of these okay boom connector there to there and then there

To there oh boom okay wait theoretically this should be what we need we put this here boom connector connect this ow okay wait you don’t want to stand in the electricity that makes sense is this it’s getting charged and it’s making ethanol I can’t believe it okay so I

Probably would have skipped through a lot of what we did because it was just annoying work but I have set up the invisible water wheel as I’m getting electrocuted to death now we should cover this up and make it look a little bit nicer and I just realized we

Actually have to make sure it still has a way to go through what we can do is kind of create a backdrop that might let us get away with this looking the way it does there we go I mean that doesn’t look nearly as bad as it would have and

Just a couple more blocks here to cover up perfect now we need to make a Refinery oh boy okay same types of blocks we need heavy engineering blocks which we need electrum for which we need to mix gold and silver grit boom bad news I’m out of iron let’s quickly try

To mine some up and I enjoy using our gun a lot and there’s a spawner here it might be some kind of a dungeon actually all right I’m going in Kamikaze style and oh I mean there is some iron here so it’s not necessarily a waste of time and

I found a mine shaft in which we got golden apples and these water caves are actually perfect for us because it’s so easy to travel around and there are a lot of oars okay I think I’m good with mining for now so I’m gonna head back up to the surface I mean

We got four stacks of iron at home we go or we could just get attacked but it’s fine there we go we’re good oh and I’m slowly starting to freeze on the way back home here which is an interesting experience laying on top of our roof and

Hopefully being inside can heat us up oh we’re not getting heated up here we go that should heat us up oh yeah you know what if that doesn’t heat us up this lava definitely will so we’re all good I should have everything for this machine

Now now we just need to set it up and we’ll use our guidebook which is very handy so we start off with one two of those then this then one two of those this lighter one and one two and then we have fluid pipes going through the

Middle here one two three four with that we should be done this machine boom bam we have the refinery cool and let’s see how this has been doing yeah we got 3 000 creosote oil and a good amount of ethanol so now we need to get buckets of

Those into here so we’re gonna need to put in silver plates and and we need a bucket boom yeah bucket of ethanol perfect I put it in there but that doesn’t seem to be the right thing oh it needs power oh you need a relay so maybe

We put the relay up here for example say boom and then boom okay good you can try to power it from this block here so let’s see if we do this take it from here and go here well that actually power it oh it is powering it wow okay

And then if we Buck it in ethanol oh wait I might have figured it out actually yeah you’re supposed to put it in that tank there we go so let’s just put all of those buckets in there and it’s going to work and boom it’s making the stuff that we

Need nice perfect perfect okay so then now that we have that we just need to use it with creosote oil and we do that by maybe we can take out yes we take out the bucket and I mean I wish we could take the rest of that out we might have

To break it and then place it again and hopefully that can take out the liquid there we go and now all we should have to do is grab a bucket of creosote oil bam bam boom it’s making it nice okay so 2 000 phenolic resin if I now take it

Out with a bucket there we go if we put this inside let’s see maybe inside here oops no oh yes so there is an input here okay put in the resin oh no nope it’s not letting me do it I honestly have no clue how I’m supposed to get this done

But we’re just gonna try so if I put the resin in there I got pumped out oh and it got pumped in oh okay well in that case then if I do this oh oh my goodness oh my goodness we did it we made it I cannot believe it we made it everybody

We did it we made the duraplace sheet after all this I honestly did not think it would be possible that was the most grueling experience ever we can repeat this a couple of times and get a couple of these I believe now I could make this

Look a lot better probably run the cable underground there we go perfect and boom four and boom four of those we’re done we have made all of the items required for four turrets and that’s one that’s two that’s three and that is four boom

We have done it so let’s say I want to put it there okay so it faces whichever way you’re facing I think yeah there we go we need ammo for it oh and we also need energy for it oh boy okay so if we want to make these Castle cartridges

It’s not too complex but before we do that I think we need to figure out two things one is where we want to place each turret which is pretty easy but then secondly how we want to power them and turret turret we got our turrets I

Don’t care how imperfect they are we got our turrets now we gotta power them which I am actually confused as to how we’re gonna power them okay we’re gonna build another water wheel over here okay I’m just setting this up in the exact same way as I did before the water reel

Is still invisible unfortunately but that’s just something that we are gonna deal with there we go so that’s another water wheel set up an invisa wheel as we can call it because you cannot see this thing at all here to Here There we go and is that getting energy now it is it

Is so it’s working in a sense now I need to get myself heated up otherwise I’m gonna freeze to death I never thought that was gonna end up being a problem but now it is can I go from here to here I can so now this is getting charged as

Well see it’s Intruders like these guys that we’ve got to keep away especially when I’m not home I cannot have this happening I dropped a diamond I can have that happening and I then go boom whoops okay I go boom and then I carry that all the way over

To this and that is starting to charge awesome with that in mind I can do the exact same with the other side no my goodness we have so many connections here but put the relay here connected to boom and connect boom okay so with that all of

Our turrets are charged no we need bullets that’s it and we can get that done okay so I can make the blueprint for bullets and now I just need the actual materials for bullets I have gunpowder lead nuggets and empty casings I need boom a bunch of those hello Stacy

I’m glad you’ve been safe here while we’ve been uh planning on how to amicably remove a lot of mobs from around her base you know very very nicely I mean we only got 36 of these which is nothing but the good news is that as we move forward and progress and

You know build farms and such it’ll be no problem getting such resources so let’s see where there’s some mobs approaching and we’ll fill up the turret in that direction here we go we’re gonna fill this front one up this is probably the most important turret so we can put

The bullets in there and then I’m hoping this is gonna work as it should so let’s say the skeleton decides hey I wanna I wanna Rob your Vault I want to explode your Vault and you know just be fool um okay in that case it would succeed because

It’s not even shooting I don’t know if I need it to be lower or something oh my goodness so I think we needed to be on the ground maybe put it right there so if the zombie comes in front of it it’s not working okay wait there’s hope apparently there might be Redstone

Controlled so I have to power them let’s say we put it on there oh it’s using energy oh wow come on oh it’s it’s tracing it down it’s just not shooting shoot it oh my goodness do I need more energy shoot please why aren’t you shooting what are you doing

Oh my God I’m done I’m done come here turn you on okay it’s working okay it works well when it works but it we gotta fix the the energy situation and the bullet situation and that’s gonna take a while so you know what I’m

Done for now look at the end of the day we’ve set up turrets and we’ve made them and once we get the power situation figuring out they will work very efficiently as we saw right now though disappointment complete disappointment but besides that things are not so bad

Okay now I want to get back to adventuring because I feel like we’ve been locked in our base for so long we have a lot of structures that we have not found there’s the Mountain Tower there’s the evoker fort Mangrove Hut in catacombs so I reckon we should get onto

Our gyrodyne and adventure around for a little bit it was a little building I see over this way what do we got here a little Goblin residence I feel kind of bad but hey I wouldn’t attack them if they wouldn’t attack me let’s see if there’s anything worth taking some gold

Leather I’m also interested in relics and more rare items but these ores and stuff are good as well there’s something down here let’s see what we can find Goblin spawner ow get away yeah I’m sorry little fella okay nothing else here it seems let’s head out what is this over here is this

Any dungeon of some sort Oh no just a random thing I thought it might be like a kind of signpost type of thing but no oh what is this what happens if I press the lever nothing oh we got something over here and one of the things that I’m

Looking for is called The Mangrove Hut which is found in swamps so this could be it oh yes we discovered the mangrove Hut okay that means we might need to be careful because there might be a boss in here and if it’s a boss I should have my arrows ready

The carved pumpkin oh here we go pyromancer oh boy oh my goodness I don’t have my shield oh my God oh my God I don’t I don’t have a water bucket or anything I got him though he was much lower Health than I thought he was okay oh man

Fire Rune uh Blaze storm scroll rare ink and crafter rare Scrolls cool okay I mean I got some pretty cool items pyromance are hot look at that you can make some pyromancer gear is there anything else in here just potion what is up here I do hear witches I feel

Like well inscription table whoa anyways let’s continue along the Pillager Outpost you know what let’s just take this out because I’ve seen these guys a few times and we’ve never really approached them also there’s some mountains here I don’t know if this counts as a mountainous biome but maybe

Oh wait it actually might have exactly what we were looking for what do we got here interesting I haven’t gotten any achievement for being here yet so maybe it’s not one of the boss ones yeah this doesn’t have anything this isn’t uh the mountainous one at all okay there’s just

Animals here that attract llamas and let’s fly back to that Pillager Outpost that we saw let’s take these guys out and maybe we can save some villagers or something because usually they’re trapping someone so yeah how does that feel I know you guys got your crossbows

And stuff but I got my overpowered gun so how does that feel because I feel pretty overpowered I’ll tell you that much is there anybody to free no seems like there’s like nobody around here there’s an iron golem so we’ll let you out my friend oh wait did I just hit him

Oh my goodness I didn’t mean to hit you okay well I’m sorry Iron Golem here you go I’m trying to free you guys I wasn’t trying to hit you there we go that one’s not mad at me or anything cool and I’ll let this one go as well and got you you’re overtaking

This Pillager cam nothing it’s had our tone this gives us experience nothing else there okay cool cool whoa we got a castle of some sorts here oh it’s a village I thought it was going to be some enemy type place but it’s not I just let a

Guard go inside wait guard you want to go for a ride buddy let’s go man me and you me and you we’re best friends Okay I wanna I wanna come in well I probably shouldn’t do that though guys you should not leave you should not leave no no okay can you move Lane unemployed like I can tell that you’re unemployed Lane because your actions right now are not not cool hey can you guys stop

Making me mad there we go blocked off goodness gracious they’re so ready to get out mules whoa wait I can already ride it automatically oh my goodness we already have our horse so that’s fine we don’t need one but that’s cool look at this place it’s a nice little village a

Gunpowder I actually need that a little bread shop it seems yeah I’m not even gonna steal anything from it mostly because I don’t need anything if I’m honest very nicely organized little Library place here look at that that’s so nice what a nice bedroom what is this a little like

Church section or something all right casimira you’re coming with me we’re best Pals the Gateway I kind of feel bad I don’t want to take Casimir away from like literally everyone they know so here we go we’ll give you a safe transport right back in there and

Hopefully not hit you while I try to break this there we go okay no way but you know what um yeah whenever you get in there yep all right Amanda I changed my mind I wanted someone the guard can stay but not the the farmer okay nobody’s even gonna know the farmer’s gone

It’s not kidnapping look we’re best friends right yeah we are best friends it is just a village it’s very cool looking though look at this they’re not doing too bad for themselves okay let’s deliver this villager to this Village because it’s gonna annoy me out all right Amanda you

Have a new new village now I transported you oh I’m so nice I’m very nice here we got a dungeon let’s explore this mm-hmm the chest here you know what projectile protection three legging is not bad oh Paige with skill oh densekin found in underground spawners with 25 chance oh hold on

Yeah well first of all you back off but what is this gonna give me makes your skin tougher against enemies try to become a dragon interesting so that that’s that’s fun okay whoever’s shooting me you’re about to get smoked all right and you’re done and you’re done

And you’re done and you’re done oh my goodness oh God okay really y’all should have learned your lesson by now honestly you guys got any problems Okay so this is like a little parkour room which I’m just gonna cheat it oh boy Rick part of the earth what is that for oh whoa look at that I can make a lot of these if I wanted to uh reach distance bonus mining speed and Fortune

Level and I do have one idea before we actually head over to fight the Leviathan which is to make a temp pad which should theoretically let us teleport back to a spot that we pick pretty simple to make and we might even already have everything needed so let’s

See here another chords okay Global ocean we only have three so I’m just gonna need a few more pieces or actually just one more piece of Glowstone also I’ve figured out that to recharge the soul spring lamp you need something called a soul Sprout anyways let us

Quickly head on to the Nether and grab glowstone there we go all right we can head back with that okay whoa this had a mini panic attack alrighty back we go so how will we use this okay oh boy uh options select a color we’ll stick with

The purple run program Ram new location this is home add location okay so I’ve added location now I believe the way it would work is if I’m anywhere out in the world and I right click it I click run program and select location home teleport oh my goodness look at that boom

Awesome now we finally just have a instant teleport home and anywhere else if we want to set that up okay we’ll have our bow ready and if there’s any mobs we still have our gun as well and I mean we have a lot of power in the water

So I’m curious if this applies the 40 damage resistance against underwater creatures to the Leviathan because that would be amazing anyways I think we are good to go to go and try to fight the Leviathan and here we are the sunken city maybe I can enter through here

Yes okay we got in let’s try to get to the main area here we are okay I mean I’m as ready as we’re really gonna get so let’s go for it oh boy oh boy put it in oh boy there it is let’s go oh my God this thing is monstrous holy moly

Holy moly dude oh my God oh my God okay we gotta keep moving oh my God or else we’re definitely gonna die move it oh my goodness oh my goodness I don’t care that’s like something that’s like pulling things in but my Relic is really helping us

And it is breaking a lot of blocks oh my goodness oh my God what is it doing okay we don’t want to be sucked into that ow oh boy wait what’s going on wait how do I get out of this oh how do I get out of that I don’t even

Understand okay let’s go here come on come on oh my God it still has 200 health I thought it was done oh okay it’s shooting balls at me oh my goodness don’t let them catch you oh ow dude I was trying oh okay I think we

Need to try to hide under or behind structures oh my goodness holy smokes man this is an insane boss Chase it down yeah how do you like that buddy oh see this is why I’m trying to Arrow it oh my God oh my God oh my God what is

It doing dude it’s trying to eat me okay okay okay it’s it’s doing something I’m out of arrows okay that’s fine though the arrows aren’t even that helpful come on come on a multi-dimensional predator and we got it let’s take away from it in case it explodes like the other boss I don’t

Know what it’s doing okay it’s dead oh and its items are floating but we got them okay wow Abyssal egg and title claws right click can be used as a grappling hook left click shoot title tentacle at to enemy which can attack multiple entities whoa It’s a grappling hook

Oh my goodness that’s actually really useful we have defeated the Leviathan which is uh that’s a really fun boss fight and also pretty scary now let’s get on out of here now I think we can head into The Nether and there are a lot of other bosses there also why am I

Trying to fly back home when I can just use our new tempat boom teleport and we’re out like a bunch more basic bullets now in the nether there are a few different bosses there’s the creeper Lord found in Bastion so we’ll have to head into one of those a carcass in the

Nether waists Soul blacksmith that’s interesting another great monstrosity ancient Knight found in the ancient Battlegrounds let’s get to work got another one of these but we’ve already looked through them so we can skip over this one oh and by the way this is a great structure because it

Gives us a bunch of gunpowder so let’s loot another one of these really quickly and now I don’t have to be so sparing with my gun so it’s going to be a lot easier gunpowder there we go that’s what I came here for oh whoa this place has lava oh whoa hold on

That makes it a lot more challenging got a bunch of loot here including a bunch of gunpowder my life is great kick you out there we go some diamond leggings and ancient debris well that seems like a pretty good enchantment receive a pipeline’s hidden treasure oh cool this torch looks really cool

Whatever it is whoa torch of lunacy emits a strange light which blinds nearby desert blazes if kept in your inventory are the things that we’ve been fighting desert blazes because that’s really overpowered okay and we can get out of here what do we got here is this the ancient Battlegrounds I see demons

Which isn’t oh boy oh boy yeah oh here we go armor pile how do we resurrect this we break it oh yeah there we go ancient night I don’t even have to use my gun on them you got destroyed can I say how flame breather oh my goodness oh my goodness

Holy moly okay these guys are kind of dangerous actually you know take that my friends yep that’s right get out of here so that’s the ancient night I mean which technically is a boss so we can’t shoot it but we can destroy it with our sword Cinder Essence empty upgrade or poison

Upgrade or blow interesting so this is stuff for our magic which I definitely like to get into oh boy these guys lunge at you okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay all right can you guys do some damage I see oh it’s aghast you know what my favorite

Thing about the gun is gas are easy to defeat oh what’s over there interesting oh boy piglens go away you folk don’t know what you’re setting up for oh whoa they were protecting a lot of gold here turns out oh yeah oh and a chest spectral Arrow Bloodstone interesting

Very cool here we have a Bastion Remnant I believe yeah we’re gonna take all you out and I’m using my gun I do not care Oh blazing core immunity to fire any status effects apply to you take down twice as fast which is a bit worrying but that’s

Okay temporary immunity to Lava but immunity to fire if I take this off and this off and then put on this and this we’re good to go now heart of the Golem unfortunately I’m gonna lose out on four armor points basically but I do like our

Fire and water effects the most here we have more of the Bastion and it’s fun taking them out from far away oh goodbye friend oh wither tone Oh go away a lot of good loot from here I think we can Venture on I’m not seeing the creeper Lord anywhere

Interesting Tower over here there’s a chest um but there are no stairs up are there so maybe I should go from the top down in that case and it’s see if this is a better strategy for us it seems to be yeah there’s not even anything here

To attack us it seems which is rather interesting page with skell whoa hold on Obsidian Shield let’s see decreases the fire slash lava damage of the player okay oh yep okay I heard blazes and here they are oh my goodness gotcha and honestly we can just go for

It I’m not really scared at all with our gun oh another eye I don’t think I’ve gotten that before nice that means we have four out of the 12 Eyes of Ender still not even near enough but at least it’s some type of progress okay and that’s it oh

The forbidden fruit after consuming the fruit you shall never experience hunger again but any form of regeneration will have an 80 weaker effect wow that’s a very interesting item I’m not sure if I should use it or not would you guys use this because I’m not sure if I would

Maybe I’ll think on it for a little bit because I don’t think that’s a decision I want to make right away oh I gotta get out of here hold on okay time to get out and pad run program home teleport oh nice nice nice we gotta be able to cool me down somehow

I’m in the chili winter here oh there we go wow while we’re back home I’d like to use this chance to quickly finish up working on the entrance to our basement because we never really finished it now I’m no Redstone genius or anything but I figured that we could

Make a simple piston door the fact that this is three wide kind of complicates things for us I’m thinking maybe we can just shrink part of it down like here we can kind of remove this and we’ll make it too wide until around here piston piston and then we’ll do the same from

This side if I put that there yeah so we can switch it on and off just like that there we go that works like we wanted to and now it’s just a matter of hiding it do the same thing like we did on the other side and add it to the hill

Okay there we go this keeps the mobs out and gives us some sense of privacy from people like this wandering Trader who is an intruder and deserves to be eliminated now my gear is close to braking we do have some netherrite that we’ve collected which is good because we

Need to repair our gear and how expensive is it going to be oh it’s gonna be expensive oh wait this items repair material has been changed to Diamond I mean I would be very happy Hold On Let’s test this can I repair my another idea with Diamonds oh no way

That’s amazing oh my goodness what a good day bam now we’re fully repaired let’s try to enchant the sword one last time here fire respect okay it’s just disappointing every time in that case you know what we can do is use the book of skills let’s see what do we want to

Upgrade so this can basically give us Max fall height protection to where we will survive even if we fall for Max height which is perfect so that’s a 10 out of 10. it’s getting tougher against enemies that’s good that’ll just protect us so we can upgrade that now I would

Like to head back into the nether for a bit I would have liked to go to the end even but unfortunately there’s just no way we’re gonna get there in time and there we go six more fire resistance potions whoa look at this we got a few things going

On here we have the typical kind of like Bastion Remnant building but then we have this which I think is made out of Bedrock actually I mean I hope it’s some other block I don’t know oops oops oops oops oops oops oops cracked wither Black Stone it’s unbreakable oh you need

Netherright to break it out dude come on man how can I get in then so do I need another right pickaxe is that what it is oh there is an opening though hold on seems like there’s an opening is what it seems like okay oh my goodness okay

All righty good thing I came prepared with the bullets that’s all I’m gonna say I feel like I have run into a tower like this before it’s gonna pass Adventure but I was never sure what went on here other than the fact that I’m getting absolutely barraged by these wither skeletons I

Don’t know if I should be going down or up you know okay I have fire resistance which is good rather oh there’s a bunch of different types of where there’s skeleton types but I’m not really finding anything I mean this is a rather strange area oh there’s golden

Blocks here maybe that’s what the prize is all about it is very satisfying using my gun at this point just because it melts down enemies especially after fighting bosses with only my sword and bow oh it feels good I mean this is a lot of gold but

Yeah I mean I think this is all all that there is here okay here is a new structure there are a bunch of ghosts it’s also pretty sketchy look at this it’s kind of hard to get through oh I can shoot through the glass I forgot that’s overpowered

Oh you guys got destroyed fire charge okay yeah nothing crazy here just some basic loot but this is cool breaking glass so I’ll give you that much oh that might be the point we need right there the soul beads I believe they’re called right now this

Is a Soul Sand Valley biome so that’s good to remember Soul sprouts oh and my inventory was full but we got it luckily okay how much energy does five of these replenish oh actually a pretty good amount thank you very much all right well we got the soul Sprouts so that’s a great

Find and I think uh we can head home to end it off I like to do just a couple of small tasks and I think that’ll be a nice way to end the hundred days off so I’d say by now we are fairly accomplished Travelers we’ve defeated a

Lot of bosses we’ve explored a lot of structures and I’m pretty happy with what we’ve done so I think we can finish off with some simple activities one of them being a little runway for our gyro Dyne I never ended up making that just something that can help us take off when

We want to leave home and I figure we can keep it fairly simple and we can use wool as well as just oak wood and we can place this maybe right here like right in front of our base just because that’s where we would be most likely to use it

From so we’ll just clear out a four wide path oh I have a less well than I thought I did but that’s fine what we’ll do is add those on the sides and then a wool in the middle and let’s see how far we can actually go with it

Pretty far we will extend it like so and I’ll get some more well just so that we can kind of finish it off hello sheep where are you here they are thank you thank you 20 more wool I think that is enough so let’s finish building

This out and I’ll give it space to go down here just for design purposes and not exactly for functionality as you may imagine and we can even have a little bit over here this can kind of serve as a entrance to our base as well it

Doesn’t only have to be a Runway type of thing so I think that works very cool now whenever we need to use our gyrodyne we just press this and we go forward until it makes us go up so that’s nice to have I like that addition next I’d

Like to make our nether portal look a bit better could just be a matter of building a little bit around it which I think would be more than okay you don’t need to set up a whole building or anything like that I’ve gotten a lot of

This Cobble slate you can also just turn it straight into deep slate tiles I kind of like that so let’s go with using that and we’ll also add leaves leaves always make structures look better keep slate brick stairs that’s kind of cool slabs that’s kind of cool that should be

Good enough for what we need okay let’s see what we can do here probably want to have a little bit of a buffer around the portal itself just because I want to be able to keep any mobs out I have a little section like this maybe a little

Step up to it and then is there like uh any other types of gates we could use like warped or Crimson wood for example which wouldn’t even be bad in fact we have a lot of crimson wood and we can make a fence gate with that which can’t

Burn I believe boom make four fence gates we’ll have it blocked off like so maybe oh nice you can double open it you can add two more just like that you can add vertical slabs which is a pretty cool feature actually vertical slab oh wow it works exactly like we wanted to

As long as we can place it like we want to place it seems to place pretty weirdly there we go you know what I’ve always wanted vertical slabs like this they’re so useful to have gonna have stairs like that there we go cover this I don’t know I’m just freestyling it

Kind of like the idea of adding these to the entrance as well there we go that’s what we’re going with that’s my new nether portal hey it looks better than when it was just what it was okay now I want to make a little type of house or

Like a little pen for Stacy okay she’s been with us since the very beginning and I feel like we need to honor that by giving her a place to stay and maybe we can put it right there so we’ll keep it simple we’re gonna get a bunch of planks

And make a bunch of fences and then clear out a little bit of area and we’ll get to work make a little border perfect fit and I do wonder if there’s mud in this pack is there I mean there’s like this type of mud which it kind of works

You can make it or get it from the mangrove small buy which actually I think we should do we can make a box of carrots I believe is something we can do and I think that would be a fun addition just to have yeah here we go I don’t

Think we should place it down just yet so let us try to find a mangrove swamp I mean I know that we’ve run into one let us use our little Runway and uh get on get on with finding mud for our Pig Stacy we gotta do it we gotta do it oh

Hold on and that direction we got swamp and I think that’s mud so let’s just head on up and here we go here is mud I believe got out of here yes we found mud we did it okay perfect let us pick this up really quickly they should have

Grabbed a good amount of this just in case okay and instead of flying back let’s use our temp pad this time I’ve been forgetting to use it but boom there we are and let’s get this place filled up with some mud I figure we still want

To keep a little bit of grass and we’ll just fill it in like so oh boy it is now day 100 and I’m not sure if there’s much more we could have done in these hundred days you can have the water on this side actually I’ll make a little Pond here

Why not and that’s looking pretty good other than that let’s just go on a nice ride on our gyrodyne I got something over here which is a new structure that we might as well enter bear claw in got a bunch of villagers and I’m pretty sure Oh I thought that there were wandering

Traders you’re doing no no no this one’s just Village okay we got soap I don’t know what I’m gonna use soap for to be honest how do I make a bubble blower oh it’s so easy hold on a little bubble blower oh my goodness oh my goodness hey guys do you like bubbles

Hey Walter do you like bubbles man you like bubbles Walter I love Bubbles

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in STEAMPUNK Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by Suev on 2023-08-17 19:24:31. It has garnered 485325 views and 11382 likes. The duration of the video is 02:50:00 or 10200 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days in STEAMPUNK Minecraft Hardcore! 💥Download War Thunder for FREE and get your bonus! ► Use my link — https://wtplay.link/suev

Steampunk Minecraft brings Minecraft into an entirely new era! Adding guns, machinery, new bosses and a lot more. This modpack is a lot different than any other modpack I’ve played before, as it does a great job of combining creation with survival!

Modpack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/steam-punk

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    Unlocking Herobrine's Secret Powers! 😈 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine |’, was uploaded by Oprajgaming on 2024-04-24 16:56:01. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ○Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine | Tags #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #edit #minecraftshort #youtubeshort #editing #shortsvideo #minecraftshortvideo #minecraftshortsvideo #herobrine #herobrinesmp #attitudestatus #attitude #acharulipopuri #mcpe #mcpeshorts #minecraftshort #minecraftedit #minecraftedits minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ62eviBm92rz20hE1IIIXQ/join My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vinceyreads/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/vinceyreads TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vinceyreads 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – https://memealerts.com/HaYaRy&ProSha ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – https://www.donationalerts.com/r/hayary_and_prosha 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – https://goo.su/i7ss 💵TRADE HaYaRy – https://goo.su/XEuTm6Q ✅VK GROUP – https://vk.com/club_hayary_and_prosha ✅TWITCH – https://www.twitch.tv/hayary_and_prosha… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More

I Survived 100 Days in STEAMPUNK Minecraft Hardcore!