I Survived 100 Days on a RAFT in Minecraft Hardcore!!

Video Information

I survived 100 days in the middle of an infinite ocean stranded on a tiny little raft and this time around resources and food are pretty sparse and hard to come by and not even to mention the countless amount of sea-dwelling creatures that would want nothing more than to gobble

Me up for a light snack so join me on this journey as we attempt to survive 100 days stranded out at Sea whilst Transforming Our Little raft into one of the single best builds I think I’ve ever made complete with multiple farms and even its own private island now if you

Do go on to enjoy this video at any point then please consider dropping a like and subscribing but now without any further Ado let’s get straight into the video alright and here we are in the middle of absolutely nowhere on a little tiny bit of wood that’s gonna act as our

Raft now I’m not a huge fan of the ocean myself and this is uh not doing that phobia any favors but hey at least I’ve got a fishing rod and at least there’s some supplies although to be fair there was the one Supply and then there’s no

More okay how am I supposed to build anything without them coming in where’s my hello is there anything out there hello I’ve got a leaf and one block of cobblestone to my name like what what is this I guess I’ll read my animal dictionary whilst waiting you know I’ll

Look at some some animals that I’m never gonna see ah yes the days of being able to see road runners yeah I do miss the bone serpents you know oh wait is that some string yeah come here there we go all right got some string we’re going up

In the world I do really hope that these supplies oh start spawning in Faster literally what I was about to say but then I got a whole bunch of them okay great yeah I don’t really see me using the fishing rod all too much we’ll say

Is that a barrel come here yes have I got you no come here I don’t want to go swim for you I’m determined to get you buddy come here come here all right what sweet sweet goodies have you got a new my good fellow oh no the sapling you

Give me an acacia sapling some puffer fish too do they poison you if you eat them I think they do why would I want to eat those oh another Barrel what have you got good sir another Acacia sapling bird Savage playing what I really want is a jungle sapling I feel like that’s

Gonna be the the go-to wood this time let’s get a little tree farm going then I guess we can just place down some dirt like right here and just throw the Birch sapling on it there we go there we go all right two saplings down hopefully we get something

Growing pretty soon because well I I kind of need to expand this out this is this is not big enough for one person oh another Barrel damn dude these things are common these are a lot more common than I was expecting holy alright what

Is this a barrel got for me a bunch more dirt which is always good uh some more cool obsidian what are we gonna use that for right now okay you know what I’ll take it all right so we have six wood uh one jungle wood a piece of iron that’s

Really not gonna get used for a while and some coal I may as well make some torches with this um and that’s about it we really don’t have much else for string though which means we got one wool let’s go um and that’s about it I guess we’ve

Just got a fish for things I don’t know fish for fish at this point like there’s no supplies like three barrels but now there’s there’s absolutely nothing out here so I spent the rest of day one just fishing away due to the other to lack of blocks coming my way however when they

Eventually did I spent some time working on my aim as well as finding a couple more barrels throughout the evening and having our very first tree grow as well as using some Salvage jungle wood to expand out the raft a little before then continuing to fish throughout the night

Finding even more barrels alright thank God the sun’s finally back up now I want to introduce you to my wall of barrels okay last night we got a whole bunch more of them they gave us quite a lot of things and these things are really common so if they keep being this common

I think I’ll have to go and turn them down but hey you know what so far I’m not complaining I think what we’re gonna want to tackle right now is a little dainty Tree Farm because well these two just aren’t carrying it right now so I

Want to bring this out a few blocks just back here and boom there we go now I’m not really too fussed on how it looks right now I just want them to grow okay I just need wood I’m thinking we should probably start like a food farm as well at some

Point soon because I’m not fishing these things all the time I mean they’re just it’s annoying to hit them maybe I’m just a terrible shop damn probably just a terrible shop okay another barrel with a whole bunch of coal man we’ve got so much coal I think I’ll just make a

Little little farm along the side of this you know there we go all right look at this we’re becoming self-sufficient over here day two is looking so much better all right we’ve got a couple I think we’ve got eight string in there that’s enough for the bed I’m pretty

Sure yep there we go all right let me throw you down throw that’s not a bed okay okay well now I don’t have to spend any more time up at night just fishing off into the ocean in hopes of catching well pretty much anything all right so

What I’m gonna do is I’m gonna remove these guys because they’re kind of in the way and I guess I’ll just throw them down here what is that hello um ew what is that thing ew oh it’s an octopus okay that’s much cooler I’m much less disgusted by it now

Oh look at that guy he’s so cool oh I want to say hello to him but I don’t know if he’s friendly yeah I’m not gonna risk that I’m just gonna stay on my raft okay I’m a land mammal for a reason oh he is cool though oh that’s not cool

Though okay uh stay away from that okay looking at what we have there’s not really too much I can do at the second except maybe make a furnace and well I can’t even make a smoker because I don’t have the wood because I’ll just throw that down there maybe cook up some of

This raw Cod I’ve got I don’t think you can cook tropical fish so I’ll eat that first oh another Barrel give me give me jungle sapling please no not Acacia okay I feel like cold is really not gonna be a problem here because we’ve just got so

Much of it we’ve got 42 in like a normal hardcore playthrough I don’t have this much by this point I also got a jellyfish last night whilst fishing I have no clue what I can do with it but there I have it all right well we’re not

Doing too bad you know humble beginnings humble beginnings with uh we’ve got a little area going we’ve got a little farm going we’ve got the tree farm up and running severely lacking on the wood that I want to build with or in fact any would it for that matter at all but we

Are further along than we were yesterday I guess I’ll just make like an identical Farm on the other side like I guess that looks cool this isn’t staying as the base this is just like a I don’t even know what this is I don’t know why I’ve

Put leaves next to it but you know what it is what it is do a little bit more aim training today you know there we go give me that hit this one first try okay a little bit overshot it’s okay this way nope a little bit over shot

Okay again there we go okay third try eh come here come on man Jesus hello okay give me that no give me that oh it’s underwater I don’t fish in this game all right leave me alone once again I spent the evening fishing as well as waiting for

Some trees to grow and crafting up some stone tools before then finally catching some z’s I tell you it’s a really lonely life out here in the middle of the murky depths you know there’s not really much around not even the fish want to come

Talk to me oh but at least we have a tree even though it’s a birch tree there’s any more barrels out there hello what is that what is that what was that where’d it go what did I oh my what is that oh my God I love the fact that my first

Instinct when I see something that looks potentially dangerous is to just jump in the water and go over to it like this is why I’d never survived this IRL oh look another Barrel what have you got for me this time good sir where’s the oh there

Is a jungle sapling yes okay great uh I guess go away Birch and hello jungle now do I have a way to make a composter just yet yep there we go all right I guess throw some of these in here oh not the spruce saplings Jesus no too valuable

Okay two bow meal is that gonna give me a oh hello Bird Street is this gonna give me a jungle tree come on no add you to the wall there we go oh I’m gonna be careful going in the uh water now because I don’t want the weird deformed

Lobster thing coming for me I don’t even know where he is I lost eye contact with him okay so there’s a shark over there there’s two sharks over there oh there he is he’s still around man what is I don’t know what it is but it killed

Something I know it killed something I saw the particles oh he’s coming over it’s coming over hello hello buddy don’t tell me you can come and land oh okay you don’t see him he seems chill he seems chill he’s he looks terrifying but he seems chill

Oh there’s a barrel right there oh the sharks are coming over no um can I just go and grab this oh my God it’s like a sea caterpillar you know oh he’s going for something he’s going for something I think yellow oh oh it’s a I think it’s a mantis shrimp I

Think you just punched them out of the water oh my God this guy yeah watch him watch him he’s gonna go punch him oh he’s just punching up fish okay all right you have fun buddy you are fun he’s just enjoying life you know oh I

Kind of want to keep the uh the mantis shrimp around if I can get like a lead or something I’ll put him on it and kind of attach him to a fence he could be my personal protector guy should probably go and punch a shark you know I want to

Go see what happens if these sharks come over I honestly go punch those that Mike Tyson down there in the ocean below me holy there appears to be a lot more sea life gathering around me at the minute I’m liking it it’s it’s feeling a lot

Less I don’t know Lonely with my friend Mike where’s Mike gone no don’t tell me Mike despawned I shouldn’t really go in the water with the jellyfish around but Mike oh okay out of the water out the water go go go go not dealing with those

Guys oh we have 18 iron uh as well as oh with some ore as well I’ll just smell that down real quick um and then we’ll craft these into some ingots as well as have another birch tree grow beautiful I see now why it’s a good idea to utilize the fishing rod

Instead of going in the water there is a lot of stuff spawning around here now okay do leaves really do much in the composter oh they they kind of do I guess can I put like can I put these fish in there oh I can oh oh oh my hello

Um you’re a big tree let me just get rid of you real quick oh oh the beautiful Oakwood oh it’s oh okay we can get rid of you now I don’t want Birchwood for a while I really just want the jungle I really don’t care about any other wood

All right let’s just expand out the tree farm a little bit so we’ve got a little bit more room for the trees to grow who knows maybe one of these days we can grow a big jungle tree does Mike come back yet hello buddy you still around

You’ve gone away completely well I had a friend for a day now it’s just back to just sadness ah now I’ve run into a problem I have the expanded Tree Farm but I have no saplings because I turn them all into full meal okay I’m gonna

Have this stuff cook up and then by the time it’s probably done the sun will be down and I’ll head to bed okay so I want that jungle tree to grow this is literally my main thing I don’t care about anything else other than that

I don’t care about you and you know what I’m that desperate to get it to grow I’m gonna make some shears and Shear off all of these leaves so I can turn them into compost all I want is a bunch of jungle saplings that’s literally my entire life

Goal right here I don’t usually build with jungle wood anymore but hey this is a one-off occasion it looks good for a raft casually wasting the precious iron just to get some leaves you know truly truly a big brain move right here okay five bone meal one two three yes oh oh

My God that’s a tall one too give me like three saplings I’ll be so happy how many give me one two three yes oh my days and that means oh yes we can grow a big one and it would be amazing if you fall immediately grew with this two bone

Meal okay so what can we do with this 12 turns it to 54 and then slab wise turns into a St almost two stacks okay so I guess let’s start out right here then so we’ll do one two three four now I don’t exactly know what I’m going for down to

The tea but I have a rough idea of what kind of build I want out here so we’re just gonna try it out and if things go the way I’m hoping they do then it’s gonna look pretty good so I want it slightly elevated okay I want it to go

Boom bing boom like that I think is correct I hope I think that’s all right and then we’ll do the same for this side oh come on the second I put some land down a squid obviously beaches itself and dies all right you know what it’s

Survival of the fittest out here but I didn’t even get to finish my sentence okay you saw what your friend did don’t go and do it okay pretty productive day I still want that tree to grow over there but we can wait a little while because we’ve made a little start on our

Actual base um I do want this floor here to be glass but well I’m gonna say I can’t really get the stuff for it right now but I can I’ll go and get it in the morning oh another Barrel okay so let me just make a couple of you probably don’t need six

But that’ll do and then we’re gonna head down after grabbing this barrel of course uh and hope that no shark spawn in whilst we’re down here trying to grab up some sand nothing to worry about you know just chilling in the door under the ocean no sharks around no weird punching

Fish around just take this over and get it smeltered down and then we can put down our first glass floor oh my God hello oh things are going just so well just so well plus we have an extra Barrel too let’s see what it has in it

Uh some pretty mid stuff but I’ll take the iron you can join my Army of barrels there we go how many have we got now oh my God uh does this ax have enough durability to take down that tree in one hit I highly doubt that so let me just I

Guess I could craft up an iron one yeah let me craft up an iron one there you go oh my God it’s beautiful oh it’s raining jungle wood oh it truly is it truly is a miracle having this much wood that should keep us going for a little while

You know that’s uh more than enough jungle wood to suffice my urges for now uh let’s take some of this glass and just have it placed down here I think I think this is big enough I’m not too sure I’ve got a design idea in my head

But I don’t know if the circle is large enough I guess I can just make it bigger if not what is that hello that’s the most pathetic spruce tree I think I’ve ever seen in my life oh my days oh god I’ve never seen one so

It’s stubby it was such a small tree oh already um okay okay give me give me a second let me just chop you down again okay what’s that like almost four Stacks now that should be or maybe just over I don’t know it is two three yeah just under four Stacks wow okay

I can eat this let’s go um I don’t know where that came from but I’ll take it thinking about it now hindsight is 20 20. um we didn’t need this farm at all this Farm is it doesn’t really serve much purpose let’s be real I’m just living

Off of the copious amounts of fish I get from the barrels the end of the barrel it is it is come here my friend join my family all right we’re gonna have to start organizing some of these things up as well also I don’t really think I’m a great fan of everything spawning

Underneath my beautiful glass floor that might look a little bit ugly now I spent the rest of day five cooking up all the remaining glass and finishing off the floor then decided to take some time and sort out the storage problem that had very quickly been getting worse I’m a

Firm believer in the fact that storage needs to stay organized and if it isn’t it just bothers me all right the floor’s nice and finished off now it looks really nice I really like the way glass looks with complementary shaders it looks uh it looks super cool I don’t

Know really if I’m a big fan of the half slabs for the you know this visible sides of the circle they kind of I don’t know they kind of bugged me to some degree I don’t even think I can water log them no we’re in 1.16 so I can’t

Wall like them oh and also we have another giant jungle tree that I think I’m gonna leave there for the time being because we’ve got more than enough wood okay so I think I may continue on with the actual expanding of this area today

I’m not too sure I want to go and get a couple things and check first and then we’ll see where we go from there yes so all of that I just said to you was a complete lie and instead I spent the entire day fishing immediately finding a

Saddle which some use that’s gonna be out here you know just oh give me a sec guys let me just go ride my fish punching mantis shrimp like what am I actually gonna use this on after spending the majority of the day fishing and not really finding much other than

Some fish but I know right what a surprise I decided to actually chop down the big jungle tree because it was only halting progress whilst it was there because if I chop it down and get the wood then I can immediately start growing another one I’ll just make more

Progress then after taking down that Behemoth of a tree I headed to bed alright so needless to say yesterday didn’t go as I planned it I was gonna say that we got uh some good stuff but we really didn’t we got a bunch of these red groupers that I can’t even cook up

Um we got like one salmon and like five cards so we didn’t get too much at all and I have no clue what I can use this saddle on so yeah pretty strange day however I did realize that this needs to be 11 blocks wide total so hopefully

I’ve got it correct I pray I do one two three four five okay yeah right so it is 11 blocks so this is perfect so what I’m gonna do now is I’m gonna go around and just add a little bit of a layout of how I’m gonna have things set up right here

Now I’m also thinking that for these sides here I don’t want to just put like logs or planks I kind of want to have like a little design going like however that looks that looks okay um but then what we want to do over the

Top of that design if I can find the oak planks is I want to make a bunch of trap doors which is going to be extremely expensive and then I want to go across here like that and go boom boom boom and then it’ll just add a little bit of

Detail I guess not too much but it adds kind of like a I don’t know raft feel if you can describe it as that I don’t know ah okay I was literally just about to say that I like the way this is coming out and you know it looks really good

But um I don’t because I built it one too big so these aren’t going to connect the way I want them to and I need to just move everything in back by one because this is four blocks until the middle and it needs to be three blocks

To the middle for these to be connected by two leaves together but I’m not fixing that right now okay that’s it I’ve taken it as a sign all right it’s enough it’s enough house building for today let’s head down and see if we can find anything underground do I have

Enough iron to make an iron pickaxe I do not okay I guess let’s just head down here we’ll make a very simple mine all right nothing too fancy schmancy I just want something that goes down um and doesn’t have water in it oh coal immediately one thing that we really

Don’t need beautiful look at that lovely little entrance down here I’m not gonna mine up that call because I don’t need it and instead we’re just going to go and check out if any caves look below oh hello even more okay I’ll take you I’ll

Take you okay I guess I’ll go until my pick breaks if I don’t find a cave I’m just gonna head up to the surface with my 31 iron smelt it down and then I don’t know fix the house tomorrow all right let me get you in there boom boom

Lovely all right uh I guess head to bed and then in the morning fix the Abomination I caused here okay so where do I even begin with this uh let me first off make a new ax because this one’s gonna go bye-bye within seconds and then I guess we’ll move these in by

One then bring that forward uh bring these forwards then get rid of all these all right there we go problem is now solved and it looks so much cleaner now the design I’m going for is we’re gonna have kind of like a central area here and then there’s gonna be a bridge over

To another like copy of this with the little ones in the middle and then we’ll probably build our house further down there probably over the coral reef would look really nice it might sound a little strange it might be a little bit confusing and that’s because it is but

Um it’ll look good all right I have faith in my building skills this time just get rid of this tree stop casting a shadow over my lovely build thank you very much you very rude jungle tree hello are you gonna what I’ve been scammed oh I just thought as well we can

Get the vines from the trees too that’s probably pretty good so now I think we don’t really have too much Oakwood do we know we’ve got four trap doors and then a 14 logs that’ll go to 56 and then into 22 trapdoors all right that’ll finish

Off what we have here but then I also need Oak for fences and fence gates as well I think maybe so what I’m going to focus on now is just expanding it out this way a little bit and then out this way a little bit so that we can build

Another Circle here to work as kind of like a path down the middle because it’s gonna go back there a little bit too yeah it’s it’s a weird looking base I’ll tell you this okay so the main focus of today will be to just add a couple more

Of these right here just bring it out a little bit okay so now that we’ve got our initial logs placed down let me bring them up by a couple of blocks that’s not what I wanted to do I’m going for like kind of like a beach Cabana is

It Cabana like kind of like a beach house style to things where we’re gonna have it very open you know very Breezy if the that’s the way to describe it you know a lot of gaps in the in the framework you know to let the air just

Flow through you know get that lovely sea air as if I can’t get enough of it right now you know just in the middle of it you know what the best way to describe it right the best thing that I’m imagining in my head right now for

This is like the Dead Island beach houses I don’t know if you’ve ever played Dead Island but the beach houses in that game is kind of how I’m basing this to some degree not completely but to some degree alright so here we want to add uh some stairs down okay there we

Go that looks well just like a wooden bridge right now but it will look really good so what I’m going to do is I’m going to bring this down one and then we’re going to bring it over and then we’re going to have that side connect to

It also and then that should connect perfectly over there we go all right and now we’ve got another little Perfect Circle right here and then we just add the stairs here look at that all right uh it doesn’t look great right now but it will do it’ll look so much better

Once we get some glass in there and I think this is where I’m gonna do the jungle trap doors let me just show you my idea real quick okay because it can look different to the other ones I think they’ll look nice here all right hear me

Out hear me out and then we put some logs here I don’t know whether I want them too high or one high right here but we’ll figure it out real quick maybe one high is the The Sweet Spot for that uh but I want then some fences in between

All of these to make it look really good now I wish we had some like bamboo fences I wish they were a thing I don’t think that we have bamboo fences in this uh let me check oh we have bamboo the bamboo spikes we don’t want them no um

Yeah okay we don’t have them fences but we can make it look good nonetheless all right and I don’t think that I haven’t enough glass to finish off the floor I don’t think I have anywhere near enough glass uh let me that’s iron where’s my glass it’s in here yeah F7 that’s that’s

Not gonna cut it nowhere near enough but you can see the idea now all right it’s actually connecting things like this it’s gonna look really good we’re gonna add a little roof over the top of this it’s going to look nice all right it’s gonna look real good I think what we

Should do is I don’t think there’s really any way we can set up like an auto fishing thing is that raw salmon we’ll cook that bad boy up oh we can make actually we can make a smoker now oh it’s all coming together yes okay I

Want to go and upgrade all my tools to iron combine these two for whatever it’s worth and there we go all right uh the stone ones can just yeah there we go all right oh no what was that let’s drop there oh it’s a beep root oh I don’t

Care about that I thought the other one there we go go away better off in the ocean so I spent some of the night harvesting some crops from the farm and cooking up some food as well as fishing in another couple of barrels containing the standard barely themed loot that

I’ve come to love at this point alright so one of the goals I actually want to do is build a mob farm but I don’t want to do it where I can actually see it if that makes any sense I don’t want it to be visible from my actual house because

They just look awful but what I think I might do is I might take all these and I might just head out that way like 50 blocks and just do it just outside the render distance for this area so I throw you down grab this Cobblestone make sure

To miss the beetroot that I threw down yesterday and I guess let’s just take a little look see over here and where’s my okay I’m missing half my body but it’s it’s fine we’re gonna have to be kind of smart while building this as well because I kind of forgot about the

Sharks there’s a what was that it was a shark tooth oh my yeah we want to be smart with building this thing then oh wait this is part of a shipwreck right possibly it looks like yeah okay it is okay well we’re built from this then

That works fine we don’t need to be careful we’re completely fine okay you got a little platform going lovely lovely lovely and I guess before we go and actually build the farm let’s go check out down here see what uh see what loot’s down here for us a couple pieces

Of iron I’ll take it okay not bad not bad at all I’m stuck in here though let me out please don’t move around let me out oh an empty map okay nothing really of use in there maybe the Bucks to be fair the Bucks would be pretty big

Purple pickle what I don’t know what that was I don’t want it so I guess let’s just get to work on expanding out this platform a little bit and then actually building up the farm I’ve never really made one of these out of wood four or at least I don’t remember doing

I don’t usually make them out of wood I usually do with the stone it might look really funky with wood I don’t think I’ve ever made one out of jungle wood to be precise all right that’ll do uh we want the little platform in the middle

So just one two three four I understand it’s off center but I don’t care so I’m pretty sure it’s 21 blocks high we make it or 22. I’m just gonna double check to be sure but I think it’s 22. okay so apparently it’s 21 so we’ll do one two three four

Okay so now we just need to go and rinse and repeat the process for all four of these sides or build a two block high wall all the way around all four of them now a load of you got really like annoyed the last time I built one of these Farms with

Slabs here but mops can spawn on the top part of like these slabs so it shouldn’t affect the spawning of them I think what I did wrong last time is maybe I did the roof too low or maybe they just don’t spawn in one lucky block but I don’t

Know but the bottom part shouldn’t make a difference that’s still just like full blocks essentially they’re just half underneath so mobs can still spawn on them but I guess I’ll just do the roof as two full blocks instead of one and a half now I actually want to go and light

This up because I do not want any googly spawning in while I’m trying to build this because the sun’s going down and I’m not planning on going to bed until this is finished now I spent the entire rest of the night building up the mob farm and things went pretty smoothly for

The most part other than me having to head back home and grab some more wood to make some trap doors but other than that it was a really nice chill night you appear just looking down at the coral reefs below now there was also supposed to be a really nice cinematic

Shot to accompany this audio but sadly replay mod said no and I lost the footage so uh yeah now it’s just me placing blocks but finally after crafting and placing behind the trap doors and adding some of the final details the farm was finished by the

Morning of day 11. there we go the farm is now done um and hopefully it works fine it should do okay I see absolutely no reason for this Farm not to work so hopefully it starts working soon hello is there anything gonna spawn in here now I ended

Up spending the rest of day 11 bomb proofing the top of the mob farm that I forgot to do the night prior then heading back down and farming it out all day to see how well it worked if at all and oh boy let me tell you I was so

Surprised when night fell and this thing just went into overdrive spawning in things every couple of seconds it was wacky and it worked so so well so of course I had to spend the night here playing Wacker mob were we okay what an eventful night what an extremely

Eventful night oh hello goodbye look at this all right we’ve got 61 bones 60 4 and 4 gum powder we just got a whole bunch of stuff including a bow and some Gucci leggings it’s pretty good pretty nice night so we’re gonna head back home now uh we’re gonna grab a bunch more

Wood because well I am bankrupt on the stuff what a lovely sight to come back to I’m gonna chop you down okay so I’m just gonna make do I have a chest for Mob stuff no okay so I’m just gonna throw all of this in here for now okay

And down you come there we go lovely lovely lovely give me all the wood I really need to start checking the water before jumping in because of the shark right there okay hello buddy stay away I don’t know if they’re instantly aggressive but you would assume so right you would assume

So all right so this is nowhere near enough wood but we’re at least stacking back up on it now and also I can just break some of these down into bone meal and have a real good time with these trees so let’s see how much we can get

From just this second half of bone meal okay so about being broke on wood um we have quite a lot now I didn’t even use that much formula so 48 left but I ran out of axes so I’m just gonna throw it in this uh farming chest right here

And now we’ve got like oh my God it’s like half a chest full of jungle logs Oh my days okay jungle trees are definitely the way to go mainly for this the utter speed of which you can just mine them down and stuff in the amount of what

They give you is just wacky oh I’ve just noticed as well we got a whole bunch of bananas too that’s always nice okay well I guess I’ll spend this evening I’ll take this time to uh go and dig up a bunch more uh sand because we’re gonna

Need an absolute ton of glass and I know mining it is going to be slightly annoying so I may as well just get it out of the way uh big shark okay bye-bye okay I’ve been down here risking it with a shark long enough for now I think I’m

Just gonna grab all the sand that I can get right here and then we’re going home so now considering that we have a little bulk of sand and we have like a whole bunch of actual logs that we’re gonna need to build with although we still

Don’t have Oak I’ve not been focusing on that is fine we’ll do the details later but I think with what we have now I can number one finish off this floor there we go beautiful beautiful and we can also go and expand things out a little bit more because this little area

Over here is just it’s just not big enough anymore that said it was even big enough to begin with which it really wasn’t now I still don’t know how like big I want this to be I would assume not too massive because just down to the sheer amount of time I’ll spend building

It but I’m thinking maybe two or three of these more would be okay it’s gonna be longer than it is wide it’s gonna be like I said it’s gonna be a strange bass but I like where it’s going I mean at this point it is pretty much just

Copying the patent and the framework that we already have because it doesn’t really get much more complex or anything it’s just the same shapes repeating there we go you see it’s already getting a little bit of size to it now it’s already looking good I think what I’m

Gonna do when I’m done with this little segment over here and connected this up is I’m gonna go and expand out the tree farm as well just because I don’t think this base really has an area for a tree farm so maybe what I’ll do is I’ll have

This side connect out to like a giant tree farm over this way yeah actually I think that’s a really good idea let me just um take you down maybe use stairs here so we can pull it down to a nice water level block you know and then it can

Just lead out to a lovely Tree Farm spanning the expanses of the ocean does kind of make that step right there useless but it is what it is there we go all right uh the floor’s looking a little bit janky right now let me just tidy that up real quick

All right and there we go that’ll do for now at least we’re making some pretty nice progress it’s coming along it’s coming along the remainder of day 13 was spent with me building out a new very basic looking Tree Farm well though I don’t really know how you can make these

Things not look basic it’s literally just a group of trees but either way this floating slab should hopefully make getting wood so much faster now also during the night I was pleasantly surprised to find that my new friend had come and visited me again or at least I

Think he’s my friend I kind of just call him it and hope that he is but I really don’t know if he’s friendly towards me or if he even likes me kinda like the way I go about my actual life that was a joke because my life is literally this

Game and I speak to No One hey yes oh I love him I love him I’m too scared to go near him though because he will punch me to death probably oh I missed you buddy I want to make like a little tank for you you know where’d you go

Oh he’s gone so elusive after Mike practices Wizardry once again and vanished Back Into Thin Air I got back to work on the farm and had it finished off by Sunrise what a miserable morning it’s raining but there’s no rain I think that might be my shaders I’m not too

Sure what’s happening so good sir we no longer need you to grow over here let me politely just move you over to the other side thank you very much for your word I will put it to good use throw you fellas down at the back here and then I’m

Hoping to fill the rest up with Oak I don’t know how many saplings I’m gonna get from this tree I’m not expecting to get enough to cover the whole the whole Farm but at least you know three three is fine three’s fine why do they keep Auto planting hello and I think what

I’ll do is I’ll put the bone meal to use on them so that we can actually start filling this place up pretty soon there we go oh lovely lovely lovely big tree too big tree I’m saying we get 10 saplings from all that oh 11 I was close

Oh 13 no I was Less close literally one shot are you kidding me are you gonna give me give me one sapling Give Me One Singular sapling and I’ll be happy oh there’s a bunch of the water let’s go all right we’ve got our Oak Tree Farm

Now situated I would say we just need to wait for them to grow but we really don’t I’ve got a whole bunch of bone meal but I don’t want to really spend the day mining trees I’m not gonna lie to you and what I want to do instead is

Craft myself some iron armor real quick you know just a couple pieces sorry Gucci leggings I really don’t need you anymore and what I want to do is I want to set sail out maybe this direction I don’t know because I want to go out and

Explore to see if I can find a ship not a shipwreck like an actual ship because there’s a mod in here that has them in it and they can have decent loot I hope I don’t know I just I know that they have chests on them although before I

Set out let me just real quick grab some string and then we’ll go boom boom boom wait wait I’ve just made it inverted that’s not wait no this the string goes there the bow goes there what an absolute idiot okay all right ax is ready the shovels seem better days oh I

Guess I could just combine the two alright and I guess maybe a shield as well just to be safe just to be safe you can never be too safe out here in the uh the ocean and off we go all right let’s see if we can find ourselves some

Scallywags out here now hopefully we don’t come across like a kraken or something out here I don’t actually remember what mods I have in this so there may just be like a kraken up here out of nowhere and one shot us but I highly doubt it oh what’s that oh that’s

A ship all right hello uh you friendly ship or are you foe are you friendly or Foe am I gonna get shot by you or are we okay to enter you don’t look very friendly oh what’s that that’s it oh yeah no that’s not friendly at all okay what

Happened if I shoot one of those targets okay did nothing oh it did oh it blew it up hello buddy don’t shoot me don’t shoot me don’t shoot look they’re all Gathering down there what’s the matter buddies your ship get a hole in it hey it sucks to be you pillagers yeah it’s

Gonna be my ship soon enough oh my God there’s so many oh my God there’s so many look at them why is there so many that keep going in I don’t think I have enough arrows to deal with them all how am I supposed to do this maybe not

Attack a ship this size with no armor pretty much I have 36 arrows left I’m going to run out hopefully there’s not a spawner on there if I see more jumping down from nowhere then I’ll assume that there is but I don’t think there is I

Don’t see more spawning in so I’ll go over and take a look okay oh oh oh God okay maybe there’s a few more waiting for me in there just a few uh can I go over in like the whack them can I just wait if I put like a a piece of wood

Here right are these arrows in them no nothing okay oh okay stop stop stop I’m gonna hit you cheaply I’m gonna hit you cheaply all right I don’t care come on fight me no don’t actually fight me that’ll be no don’t I’m scared oh my God

My sword is like Gonzo I think that’s because of the mob farm um okay how many of you are still in there uh okay there’s a good bunch of you there’s not too many though oh you just you’re dealing with yourself this is beautiful all right yeah you keep

Doing that keep doing that there we go I’m just gonna block you in there all right I’m gonna oops I don’t want to put that there right now I guess we’ll take a little look inside see if there’s okay this is some some normal mobs in there

They’re not really too scary oh I may have spoke too soon the skeleton’s absolutely destroying me that doesn’t appear to be spawners but oh wait no that’s a spawner back there I’m pretty sure yeah there’s a spawner back there okay okay okay maybe not the smartest decision maybe not the smartest

Decision to board that ship we’ll check up top if the spawners and stuff up top then we’re leaving hello any anything up here that shouldn’t be hello oh there’s a couple creepers oh a couple of chests I know I did not do all this for some maps what about in here oh

Nope okay we don’t want to go in there okay yeah no home time for now I think home time for now we’ll check out the front of the ship there’s nothing over here then it’s home time for now oh okay yep no we’re going that was too

Close that was too close Okay back home maybe not the big chips maybe leave the big ships alone you know not a good chip okay after coming to the conclusion that I was not gonna be able to take on that whole ship right now and it was not the

Way that I wanted to go out trying I sailed my way back home and over to the mob farm to hopefully try and replenish on some arrows that are just completely wasted on that ship okay so after yesterday’s escapades and losing horrendously on that ship I feel like we

Really need to gear ourselves up now I have restocked on arrows um got the leather cap I’m sure that’s gonna help a load um and also a potion of healing I think that came from a witch that’s nice to have but the arrows and the leather

Cap are not really gonna do much against those uh very unfriendly fellows over by the ship so what I think we’re gonna do today is head down into the mine that I made and go a little bit deeper in hopes of finding some caves or at least a cave

I don’t really care if it’s multiple that way we can gear up a little bit and not so squishy to everything okay so we’ll just keep heading down in hopes of finding a cave but if not we’ll go down to y12 and then just check what we can

Find down there I guess oh okay we’re already like bang on Bedrock okay well here’s y11 oh I hear lava to the right of me it’s over here hello I hear you bubbling away over here it’s like to the oh it’s right here okay uh is this a cave or is this

Just like a little area it looks like a little area but could potentially be a cave maybe up here hello you’re not gonna be okay if it’s gonna make me sad yeah just gonna make me sad alright well I mean at least we have lava for whatever reason we’d need lava for I

Don’t even want diamonds at this point I literally just want more iron that way I can finish off my drip I don’t feel like we’re gonna be getting too much luck with caves down here oh I don’t have enough iron to make a pickaxe I need to

Smell some down but as I was saying I I really don’t think we’ll have too much luck with the caves not being waterlogged I hear one with the batons and water there but it doesn’t mean that it’s going to be a big cave at all it

Could just be like a tiny little chunk and then the rest could be underwater or just no cave at all cave are you up are you down are you straight across like what what’s happening sounds like it’s on my level oh it’s right there oh hello oh my days okay this is a

Potentially very dangerous place but there is a lot of iron in here all right um okay be cautious be careful probably pull out the shield for this part let’s be real uh creepers can drop down from anywhere and just blow up immediately something we really don’t want happening

Oh she got jumped by a bat maybe we’ll find some diamonds in here I mean it’d be nice if we could but I’m not holding out hope on it zombie with a shovel oh crispy zombie with a shovel oh I want that big chunk up there yeah so far I’m

Not really seeing much down here other than iron and coal and the odd piece of lap is all right I’ll grab this last vein right here and then that should be it hello and then that should be enough to go back to the surface and deck ourselves out with having a little bit

Left over as well pick up the eight in there grab the furnace and then back to the top we go and Knight I think is just starting to fall yeah yeah okay right it’s just turning night we’ve got 41 iron all right that’s that’s not bad and

Then this should be enough to finish off all our armor boom boom there we go all right full iron isn’t the best but it’s better than what we had wow man this place is really starting to come together I’ve just noticed we’ve got a little area set up right here we’ve got

The trees over there it’s coming along good there’s still a load more work to be done but it’s it’s looking good so far how’s it going buddy you just punching some fish up down there oh wait a lovely way to start the day look at

Him oh my God he just deletes them all on my days anyways what I was thinking of right now is this is all gonna have a roof on it from here all the way down to the end and even further he’s gonna have a roof on it then these middle bits are

Going to be kind of open and outside giving kind of like a like I say a beach house Vibe like an outside area uh and then we’re gonna do the same on this side with the roof going all the way down what I’m thinking is we can have

Subsections of it that come off to the side and lead to areas such as like a tree farm the a normal actual Farm maybe some animals if we can find any I I don’t really know if we’re going to be able to do that now I basically spent

The entirety of day 16 working on the raft and adding a little bit more structure to it now there were a few setbacks due to me not being able to count for some reason and making some really stupid mistakes when it comes to the size of circles but other than that

Things went really well and we ended up making some really good progress now I realized that things look kind of basic and blocky right now but trust me okay once I’ve got all the wooden supplies that I need I’ll go around and add all the details with trapdos fences leaves

You name it it’ll be on there and it’ll look really really good so just trust the process alright that’s what I’m doing so let’s hope it works out the only other thing to happen on day 16 that wasn’t me placing wood glass or stone was the fact that I didn’t light

Up some areas of the raft with it being bigger now and we did have some guests coming throughout the night however they were dealt with easy enough and by Sunrise of day 17 our raft was now considerably bigger sheesh look at this this is this is looking great now we

Made some real nice progress I’m really liking how it’s performing I guess it’s coming together really well what I think I want to go and do today is that Ravine down there still intrigues me so I kind of want to go pay another visit I’m feeling much stronger with the iron

Armor um just grab my bow grab this there we go all right let’s head back down I want to check out the Ravine and hopefully I’d like to find a diamond I’m not too sure if we actually will but it’s worth the look because I do want to

Go to the nether at some point and well I don’t really fancy bringing up this lava down here all the way up top to oh well no I could I could technically do it right now I want to go to the nether without doing it in a speed Runway okay

Leave me alone okay great immediately getting attacked soon I get down here um I want to see what’s up there ow stop it wasn’t so many of you why is this stop it oh God there’s like three of you okay grow an entire forest with the amount of

Bones I just got all right so what Secrets do you hold for me my friend oh you’re an underwater cave I should have guessed that oh okay maybe maybe the underwater cave isn’t a good point oh my God why is there so many things down here hey yo I

Don’t want to stay over here I do not want to stay over here maybe maybe this side’s much more chill you know let’s see if I can actually go down here without getting jumped by an army of mobs is it because we’re like in Ocean so like they don’t really have much more

Place to spawn so they’re just kind of all cramped down into like the smallest place they can I feel like that’s the reason okay this side literally just leads to a dead end I’m pretty sure um does this go anywhere hello I guess I’ll head back over the other side

Um and try and sneak past them I guess because that looks like the only way to get to a cave system from here oh he got one tapped by the lava okay so we just want to be cautious okay what’s with everything over here man why have I

Already come over here there’s like 10 things okay I’m just gonna run for it I’m just gonna run for it we’re gonna go okay well I guess I’ll just take everything that this place has to offer me and then I don’t know maybe strip mine a little bit I really wanted to

Mine or go cave exploring today but there really doesn’t seem to be too much down here let’s check out this water cave doesn’t seem to really lead anywhere I don’t have any doors so if I get trapped down here I’m pretty screwed okay yeah I need to make a door before

Coming in here this is way too uh too far so I spent the rest of the night down here in the cave searching for diamonds but only ended up finding myself getting lost in the endless jankily rendered water Caverns until I ended up just getting too turned around

And Confused down here and decided to just make my way back up top surfacing just next to the raft I ended up spending the entirety of day 18 chopping away at trees that ended up mainly being Oak wands because I need an absolute ton of their wood so that can actually start

Going around and adding details to their raft now for some reason I only ended up using the bone meal that I had in my farming chest and not like the copious amount of Bones I have in the mob drops chest I I think I just forgot about them

But yeah I would have got a load more trees if it wasn’t for me just being an idiot however I did also put the iron that I got from the mind yesterday to use and crafted up some Hoppers to use on the mob grinder as well as having to

Go and harvest some potatoes from the farm because well I was running pretty low on food and whilst they were cooking I headed back down to the ocean floor and grabbed a whole bunch more sand to start smelting down into glass alright so now we have a little bit more Awkward

We still don’t have like anywhere near enough to do all the things that I’m wanting to but we’ll focus on getting a whole bunch of it later on now one of the things I want to do today is I want to take these Hoppers and these chests

Over to the mob farm over here then I want to throw these down probably here can I still use a crafting table I can still use the crafting table okay great I’m gonna throw them right here and then just link them up to the chest there we

Go lovely and now because their slabs things should go through them beautiful all right oh God hello now I do kind of want to go out in the opposite direction of where I went last time so I went over that way last time so I kind of want to

Go over to the right here just to really see what we can find out there if there is anything of use to us because I know in this mod pack that there’s like ocean Dungeons and I really want to find one because even if I can’t take it on right

Now it’s something to look forward to later and from what I’ve seen of them they look kind of cool we also want to keep an eye out for any smaller ships than the one that we saw the other day because them ones are just a little bit

Too big right now oh actually in fact no let’s head over to the one we saw the other day because it’s daytime now so there should hopefully be no mobs over there is that coming for me I think that’s coming for me you know is that

Shark coming for me oh he is no stay away he’s oh he’s trying he’s trying to gain on me no go away go away why is it here I’m getting off I’m gonna do my boat with my raft hey come here come on let’s go buddy go on you want to chase

After me yeah that’s what I thought overgrown fish oh I did not like that I didn’t know that the Sharks could do that I don’t know why it did maybe because I’m in a boat I know that they attack things IRL because they think they’re seals but

I ain’t really seen many seals look like this okay buddies uh you are most definitely a different ship I don’t understand how I found a different one another one I was at but hey ho yeah I hit the shock with it too oh God okay filter down filter down come

On okay these guys are jumping off the boat I don’t want this one I want the one that I found the other day I don’t remember where it is let me blast a hole here too oh I completely missed that one second slightly embarrassing on my part

Oh sorry about that you know just misfiring there we go they are I’ll stinky ship oh they’re they’re coming out why were you stood there you idiot okay can I just lure them all out to the shark will it eat them shark have them oh my God there’s so many why are there

So many all right what’s happening oh oh hi these guys will deal with themselves for the most part like big groups of them will just end up hitting them with each other but I’m scared that there’s more of them down here such as that creeper okay come on deal with everything

There we go lovely you blow up the spawner no you didn’t that kind of sucks though okay just get rid of it just get rid of it there we go lovely making our way through here is slightly dangerous hello why is there water in here this

Place is in disarray man Barrel oh some Gunpowder and an emerald lovely definitely worth all the trouble I’ve been through to get here wow this place is 100 worth it oh my one Golden Apple oh I’ll take the melon and pumpkin seeds we’re gonna make iron golems and stuff

I’ll take them uh I guess I’ll take the emerald I don’t really know when I’m ever gonna use it but I’ll take it things are happening things are happening on the ship oh god oh oh oh we need out we need out we need out everything’s coming down here now

Everything’s coming down here now okay leave leave oh got it load up let me out let me out I’ll take the shock over this yeah look at this guy he’s just out here how do you get out here weird man okay them ships are not worth it we’re not

Coming back to another one of those I was in the belly of the Beast and it had like one gapple like that’s no that’s not worth the trade-off man okay we’ll take a scenic route home tonight see if we can find anything and hopefully not get chased by a shark okay we’re back

Home I successfully didn’t get chased by a shark I don’t think and we also didn’t find anything out there so you can store all the loot we got away all the two things I think we got and then head to bed on day 20 I actually did decide to

Go out sailing in the opposite direction of last time to see what I could find out there oh what’s that hello is that an ocean Monument I don’t want to go too close to it for social monument that is indeed an ocean what even I’m pretty sure hello buddy I

Almost jumped out the boat then that would have been that would have gone bad uh are you an ocean Monument you seem to be but I don’t know you don’t really look like one it kind of looks like a run down ocean Monument you see what I

Mean like it doesn’t look like a full one yeah no that does not look like a normal one that looks like it’s been oh well this isn’t an ocean Monument but it has got drowns in it okay I guess we can go and check this place out I don’t

Know what’s gonna wait for me down there but real quick make a couple dolls for my own safety okay Hello friends okay is there a way I can just hop in there and oh there’s a load of mantis shrimp around here too okay I’m just gonna real

Quick take a look and see if there’s anything worth my time in here if not I’m gone okay barrel with gunpowder okay great a cookie oh my god oh the spawners of them that’s okay yeah no this thing is I need like some water breathing stuff for this no my boat

No where’s gun where’s my phone no no they stole my boat they broke it oh no I really know don’t like this oh my God they’re still trying to shoot me I need to I need to real quick crafting table make a boat go go go go go go go

Go go okay they’re not even the big problem I just didn’t want a shark to start coming out of nowhere okay yeah so that is definitely one of the big ships that I tried to take on and failed miserably at I don’t want one of those

Is that another one of the big ships it is I don’t want you guys I want like something smaller I know they exist damn it yeah look this one’s so much smaller yeah this is it this is perfect a tiny little ship oh this is much more my size

Oh it’s a it’s an evoker up there oh okay yeah I’m not going close to him then uh let me just kind of snipe in from here yes I can he used to die is he gone I think he’s gone okay much better I am more than happy to go and try and

Take on this ship now okay there we go that should be all of them it seems safe to me uh did you drop me a totem my good friend you didn’t drop me anything all right okay I’m gonna cautiously go and loot your ship now oh two diamonds let’s go and some

Bookshelves as well they’re gonna be amazing for an enchantment table I’ll take all this I’ll take all of this any of you in here know you’re all you’re all gone oh and another Diamond let’s go curse of Vanishing can go away I really don’t want that damn man these things

Have got bigger loot than the actual giant ships what is this okay all right well this is a cool place if we see any more of these I’ll be sure to take them on probably wanna head back home though for now just solely down to the fact

That I want to go and get more arrows so I might spend tomorrow at the mob farm just to try and grind them out as much as possible because we keep running out of them pretty quickly and well batch kind of want to eliminate that problem oh what’s that over there

Smoke oh it’s under the raft hello I’ve got a shark chase him as well at the minute um what’s going on hello buddies how’s it going um you guys you guys are sat over here look at this bucket of some gold oh my days you guys are doing

Good okay no no I don’t know if they can turn them I don’t know if drowns can turn villagers you’ll be turning my villagers damn it go away okay no they’re gonna get hit by the tridents and stuff I’m just gonna leave I’m just gonna leave I’m just gonna leave leave

Leave we’ll come back here later oh my God yes and we’ve got two villagers over there as well now getting them back is gonna be like a little bit annoying just because they are quite far away but I mean you know two boat trips and it’s

All over however we’ve got to make sure we do it in the day though because there’s a lot of things over there right then oh that’s another small ship too am I even going back the right way like what is this okay all right I’ll mark the coordinates down for this as well

And we’ll come and loot it uh when we’ve got the arrows okay we should be coming up on home soon enough up yep there it is okay beautiful all right absolutely massive day right there now on day 21 I actually ended up spending the entire day over at the mob grinder just farming

It out to replenish on arrows because I’m sick to death of running out of them after every single fight and well I’m also pretty sure that this is the only way I can get them never mind the fastest list now it did feel like the farm was working a little bit slower

This time around however once night fell things did speed up a little bit and by the morning of day 22 we were ending the farming session with just under two stacks of arrows so definitely not too shabby they’re not gonna last us forever but it’s more than I was carrying before

So what I want to do today is probably I don’t know maybe start work on a little area to contain the villagers when we do bring them over just because I don’t want to bring them over and then have them I don’t know get eaten by a shark

Or turned into a zombie or something okay I don’t really know how I want this place to look so I guess I’ll throw them in a circle why not you know circles solve all problems all right and there we go nice little circle going on here it’s not too big I

Don’t really want them to take up too much land mass but I can build them a nice little beach hut in here similar to the one that I’m probably going to be living in okay there we go now I’m thinking the actual way I want to block

Them in is probably to add some fences and mix it in with some leaves around the side I don’t know I’ll figure something out I’ll figure something out on the topic of leaves though I do need to go and get some jungle leaves however that does mean that the tree won’t cut

Down but hey I actually do need the leaves so I guess I’m gonna have to just go through the tedious process of manually chopping a tree down okay so three and a half stacks should be more than enough than what I need to do with

It so let me test out if this will actually look any good or whether it’ll look just poo poo Okay so something like that now I might oh maybe when we go to the nether I might even add glowstone underneath them they’ll look really nice oh

Um okay oh yeah that does not look uh too good right there yeah I don’t really like that that does not look that great maybe if instead we use these at the bottom maybe would that look better but then they can just jump on them right no

No apparently not let’s try this out hopefully this works out better I mean it does look better overall but like I don’t know I don’t think I like the fact that there’s leaves on top of them like that okay looking at this in my hand I

Don’t think this is gonna look too great oh no what happened here oh and you have to hit them on the what is that hello okay you know what I think we’re not gonna use those fence gates to get get rid of those they uh don’t really work too well

What if I just you oh they they don’t connect no all right beautiful there’s the Villager area not my proudest build but it’ll work I guess let’s have the have another building day today I’m in a very uh building mood right now so let’s get a whole bunch of sticks we’ll break

Down a whole bunch of these logs into actual planks and make a whole bunch of but we want some Fanta Gates and then make a whole bunch of fences uh what else do we need what else we need we need uh oh trap doors trap doors that’s

It okay and then here’s the plan for these these go boom boom boom like that all the way around here and then this goes boom boom boom boom and then you replace the wait why have I why is the two separate fence gates hello okay and there we go there’s a good

Day’s work right there that’s looking really nice now with the little details added on now there’s still a whole bunch more stuff that I want to add on to this just little bits and pieces that I want to you know add details wise but this is coming along really nice it’s starting

To feel pretty cozy up in here you know it definitely feels feels like a raft I’m not gonna lie so I want to real quick go and grab these jungle leaves and then just finish off the day by replacing these leaves on every single one of the platforms with jungle ones

Okay back off out we go yeah I do think that that looks better from the outside than it does the end that definitely looks it looks okay it looks okay so we’re gonna move over this way about 450 blocks because we did go quite far last

Time we went exploring over here so we got a little sailing ahead of us alright and there it is along with a brewing thing underneath it let me go check that out real quick what is down here my Good Fellows okay really not worth it looks cool though right I’m assuming that

There’s gonna be another yeah see him up top right there let me just try and snipe in from a distance I do not want to deal with the vex see no problem hello drop a totem for me this time no something makes me feel like they don’t drop them I feel like

Because they’re like I guess custom mobs they don’t drop them I don’t know the guy down here had a sword so that’s why I’m assuming oh three more diamonds and Bane of arthropos and protection two I’ll take it over nothing more emeralds a little fishing rod make sure not to

Forget the bookcases right is that all of your hidden loot my good friends I think it is let’s go and I guess kidnap a villager are they even still there hello okay you are oh my God I thought I lost you guys you gotta be careful man

You’re the most valuable thing out here no stay away stay away get in the boat get in the boat now get in the boat yes um I would bring both of you but then I can’t get in the boat so that kind of sucks okay buddy

Um I will return for you okay I promise I’ll I’ll come back for you right my friend it’s back home with you then all righty and back in time for sunset now I want to throw away this paper and I want to throw away these shears real quick

Just so that then I can get oh how am I gonna get him on land oh wait no I have an idea so if I break this and have him come in I can trap him in here and then he’ll run out of the boat right did I

Throw those down there and now you shouldn’t hopefully go under the water I don’t even know if you can go under the water okay now you exit the water yes oh yes you smart boy smart smart boy so can you actually change your job oh wait no I

Don’t even need these guys to change that job I just need to breed them if I lose just one of these guys I am going to sink into the deepest depression you have ever seen a man think on day 25 I focused all my effort on building up a

Little villager trading her that way I can go and grab the other guy you can bring him over and then start breeding them to farm out their trades and also to just have a nice cool looking trading Hub now the actual build itself didn’t take me too long and ended up coming out

Looking really really nice huge shout out to Pinterest though I’m telling you that site is a Minecraft YouTuber’s best friend hey you know what I’m really liking this thing it looks really uh strange may I say but uh quite nice it’s very quaint now this guy’s still a

Fisherman however I’m gonna go grab his friend and bring him over here so that we can have a little baby that is not a fisherman one of my big problems at the minute is the fact that I don’t have enough wool to make multiple beds for

Them so I don’t really know how I’m gonna get it maybe kill spiders my mob farm doesn’t do spiders so that might be a problem I don’t know I’m sure I’ll figure it out hello my friend I’ve come to rescue you I told you I’d come back

Uh right just go in there there we go look at that you all right back there buddy you just chilling looking off into the ocean oh there it is my friend your new home right here now I don’t actually know how I’m gonna get him in there I

Think I might try and do some kind of janky move right here and can I will the boat go oh no no get out the boat run oh my god get get on land get on land to the shark quickly come back here no don’t go all the way

I can’t get you over here if you do that no he’s gone ah of course you want the bloody barrels all right I’m just gonna make him a pathway so that we can I can go all the way over in the boat and not have to deal with getting him out of it

All right there we go look see it’s your friend you remember him from earlier look at him he’s just chilling in here he’s loving his life right okay uh I have some food for you uh oh wait no you don’t like cooked ones dude what the hell are you doing there we go

All right okay here you go friend look there’s some potatoes right there you want to eat them yummy yummy yummy no all right the next time I come over here I want a third villager although I don’t know if they can even breed with only the two beds because they need a third

One for the kid right I’m not too sure I don’t really know how that works but just for the purpose of me thinking that they can’t I’ll just donate my bed and I’ll sleep over there all right look at this you two have got a lovely little

Bed right here look an extra bed an extra bed all for the child that you better Goddamn make yes yes yes let’s go yeah yeah oh oh oh yes oh sorry I uh look away sorry sorry oh look at his nose oh my day look at that nose moving

I never knew they did that Holy is there a baby now there is yes oh the Miracle of Life So Beautiful okay great we are massively stepping things up in this world now so what I want to do is I need to finish off placing the glass on this

Platform and then I want to expand it out maybe I don’t know do we do one more should we do one more and just okay so we’ll expand out one more this way uh just so then when I actually build my house it will be above a coral reef so

I’ll do another one of these circular areas right here and then expand out the sides one more and then we’ll build that house right at the end all right so I guess while we’re with that little fella over there to grow up I mean I may as

Well just expand out things over this way then a little bit just so then we have the base layer of the actual raft itself done and then we can start on the actual build coming off the sides of it pretty soon so the rest of day 27 was

Spent expanding out the raft some more following the exact same pattern as before because I wanted it to look symmetrical and to also be longer rather than wider but yeah the expansion took me all the way through the day and deep into the night until the following

Morning when I decided to call it quits for now alright there we go the new areas are built up now it’s looking really good I just want to go check up on the villager real quick first off today to see if he’s grown up I doubt he

Will have because it’s like oh no I’m wrong he’s right there okay group in a day all right well I’m I’ll take that uh my good friend I don’t really want you to be a librarian I want you to be a Fletcher but I don’t think that I have

Any uh Flint do I have any gravel at all in here I have one gravel and there’s only Flint in there there is not okay you are not gravel my good sir please step back please step back okay you have been warned now you are getting beaten I

Don’t think I have actually come across any gravel down here I clearly have come across gravel somewhere oh I don’t really fancy fighting all those uh run just run just run oh gravel’s right here gravel’s right here okay you oh God fight each other down there man oh God

It’s going off down there just block it off just block it all off all I want is the gravel leave me alone okay there we go three Flint beautiful that means that we’re going to Flint for a flinted steel as well as the table alrighty my fine

Sir Let’s uh throw this down right here that’s not what I wanted to throw down let’s throw this down right here and then let’s get rid of both of these tables so then you become a Fletcher and I can just go boom there you go now you

Are my literal bank so this is gonna go great I’m just gonna break down like a few stacks of the Jungle logs because we just we have so many and we get them so quickly and I’m just gonna see how many emeralds and stuff we can stack up on

And then hopefully breed them again soon so that we can start stacking up on enchanted books and really just other things like I’m sure there’s certain blocks and stuff that we can’t get other than getting from Villages I guess or at least I think is there anything that

These guys really trade what is that 20 emeralds I don’t even know what that is okay 14 you want 14 and 13 fish respectively are you insane for one Emerald he’s out of his mind absolutely whack job over there holy 13 fish for One Emerald does he think I am is that

One that can trade wool or at least string or something I can get string from the mob farm but it’s like insanely rare because the spiders aren’t supposed to actually go there okay so let me feed you greedy goobers right now uh there’s 20 potatoes and 37 carrots you know go

Go ham with them and then I’ll head over to the mob farm and actually check if there is any string in the chest over there there is one singular string over here but I think with this one string what we can do if I can find the right

Chest how low is it this one yeah there we go we should wait what how have we got huh where did the other stuff come from oh I opened up a bunch of barrels oh well I don’t even need to go over there then but now with this we can make

One more bed so that could at least to equal one more villager I’m really not too sure whether or not they need it but I’m making it anyway just to be safe they seem to be gathered uh here’s another bad fellas there you go enjoy so

Today is finally gonna be the day that I put these diamonds in here that I completely forgot about to use and make ourselves a diamond pickaxe there it is beautiful look at that thing now what I want to go and do with the rest of them is I want to make an

Enchantment table and get enough obsidian to go to the nether but I don’t really want to go to the nether just yet so let’s just head back down to the obsidian pool which I think was down the mine I don’t think I’ve really been underground anywhere else pick up some

Coal too while we’re down here you know we’re running a little bit low on it oh what the hell oh where’s the good thing we mind the coal oh my all right we’ve got eight vein right here delicious it was good just throw this down so I

Don’t get deep fried ah okay see you in about five years okay the year is now 30 60 and I’m finally done mining the obsidian I only got 13 because there was actually one upstairs that we got from a barrel okay so now with our lovely obsidian and our

Extra diamonds I think we should have the book somewhere here there we go and boom there we go all right enchanting table I think I might make the enchantment area I would say one of these but then it kind of blocks one of the things off so I’ll probably throw it

Over here however for right now I don’t really think that I have enough books to fill up like a full level 30 enchant table let me see nine yeah no close but not not enough okay I’ll just throw that in there for now then and then we also

Have 10 diamonds left over which could work for ah should I make a diamond chest plate like I could make a diamond chess play and a sword I’m gonna do that I’m gonna do that right now I’m gonna make a diamond chest plate and I’m gonna

Make a diamond sword too throw that bad boy on look at that get rid of the stinky iron stuff there we go okay feeling better got my lovely shiny diamond sword do I have a lovely shiny new villager as well perhaps no are you stuck up there buddy you don’t seem to

Have moved or were they with oh they were gazing in each other’s eyes I’m sorry I ruined a moment I’m sorry I guess I’ll give them more food then I don’t know the greedy or something like damn it man I gave you like an entire Farm Harvest hello Good Fellows uh

Here’s three potatoes and 12 beets do you want the Beats yes oh thank God they take them for vile things I think now the time has finally come to get rid of this god-awful looking platform right here because it’s serving no purpose it’s literally just clutter at this

Point there we go much better now I’m Gonna Keep The Farms here for now just solely because of the fact of I don’t have any other place to grow the crops at the minute so I will eventually build out another Farm probably next to the tree farm and have them connect in some

Way I don’t know I really do want to redo the tree farm but I guess for now it’s fine but I think right here is where we’ll throw down like a uh potato and carrot Farm I would say wheat but we don’t have any of the seeds so all right

Today I am in an exploring mood again I kind of want to go and check out there’s anything around the mob farm because it’s literally the only way I don’t think I’ve explored yet oh what’s that oh it’s a shipwreck I think is that shipwreck always worth checking these

Bad boys out some more paper and some feathers I can actually craft some arrows you know just get some extra arrows up in here with them okay and what do you have for me in here final chest oh a diamond oh my and a globe huh

What what’s that I I know what a globe is but I don’t know what it does in this game although wait this is Hennessy the globe in this game is circular maybe start to hold the bait down to the comic session with that but uh I’m not sorry

Yeah it’s a square just deal with it now this is a nice area man I wish I lived over here look at all this although it does fade out into the dark abyss really quickly but still the nice little coral reef right there I’m still yet to oh

Hello is this uh this is an enemy ship I’m Not Gonna Take It on but I am just gonna shoot out the sides because doesn’t mean that I can’t grief them real quick there we go I’ve seen a bit boys hey is there anything I haven’t even

Really found one of the ocean dungeons yet other than the one that looks like an ocean monument and I’m not really too interested in going down there because I’m just like my least favorite structure in the game is this land hey this is technically land two little

Blocks of sand out here all right oh another ship hello is that gonna iron golem on it oh there’s a battle what is going off here oh my God wait no there’s villages on this ship hello um okay oh what was that what just happened to the ship what is happening up there

Hello there’s a whole iron golem on there nice gun okay you know what not dealing with that I thought it was a lovely nice villager ship it was not yeah I’m just gonna take that as a sign to uh return home because there is absolutely nothing out this way what is

That is that land is that land there’s sugar cane too oh okay um I don’t think that I’m going the right way home though uh I feel like I’ve gone a little bit off the beaten path however I’m not gonna complain at sugarcane I don’t think I’ve got any at

Home yeah I really have no clue where I am right now but I’m gonna take advantage of the situation and just keep sailing around you know there’s no harm in this definitely not gonna go thousands of blocks away from my home oh another villager ship is it actually a

Village ship this time you gonna juke me out hmm oh no however there is some drowns down here shooting tridents at me let me on let me on the ship let me on the ship oh thank God you guys are friendly how’d it been uh how would have

Been pretty screwed then how’s it going on here guys how you doing we all good uh What loot you got in here some emeralds lovely why is there a beehive why do you have a beehive I’ll take that actually I kind of want some bees although I don’t know how I’m gonna get

Bees when I can’t even get flowers oh the beds the beds I can get the beds from here oh my God that’s all my problem like massively I guess just give me all your beds you know oh wait oh these guys have insane trades

Uh let’s have a look so we can get some Coral I don’t really need that uh we can get an ocean protector is that a banner oh wait hang on a minute so wait a flower power chicken okay I’ll get this what what there’s a firework Rockets too I

Don’t really know what I can use them Fox and I don’t have an elytra but illeges Mansion Librarians favorite and get that as well um I guess I’ll buy the Mushroom Island too all right I guess I’ll head to bed and then we’ll check out flower power

Chicken in the morning alrighty it’s an early morning this time because I have no clue where we’re going or what we’re even looking for so we’re just gonna head out and hopefully be able to find this I don’t know is it is this way seems like it might be this way yeah oh

Another small ship although this one looks abandoned could this is this the thing you want me to find like I I’m starting to think that the map might be bugged out yeah this is like a Zombie Ship this is no uh certainly no chicken so what’s on there it’s the husk a

Normal zombie these guys are going to be completely pointless when they like try and attack me okay we got for me gunpowder okay not really great instant damage I don’t really need one of those okay so let me just check if this map is the exact same as this map yeah okay I

Think uh I really think that bugged out I don’t think that they work properly due to I don’t know mods or the map itself uh let’s just throw them away we’ll take the extra beds and then we’ll try heading home again because yeah there’s nothing out here for us right

Now oh there it is it feels like I’ve been away for so long it’s literally just been like a whole day oh but it is so good to be back uh I’m never gonna chase down one of those random Maps ever again it was very very useless and led

Me on a wild well chicken Chase all right so uh we don’t really have a place to farm out the sugarcane just yet I could place it down on dirt it bothers me down to my car placing on dirt but I guess I will uh throw the Villager beds

In here for now because we do have quite a few of them I guess I’ll place down one of these Globes I don’t really know what they do I’ll just throw it down here because I can spin it well this is what I can do with it I can spin the

Globe all right let’s go check up on the villages then to end things off today and I kind of want to chill out for the rest of the day you still haven’t given me another villager here’s some more food I’d after checking up on the villagers I’ve spent the rest of the

Night chopping down trees and stacking up on wood as well as adding some more details to the rafts such as the trap doors and fences and then I went around making all the outside pillars one block taller so that that way they’re actually high enough to add a roof onto okay so I

Think today’s goal is gonna be to try and get some more dirt to actually expand out our farm right here and maybe even give it its own little like segment over here just solely down to the fact of I may need a lot of sugarcane for like paper trades or whatever and also

The crops I wanted a load of villagers so we’re gonna need a load of like other crops as well so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna take a quick look down the mine don’t come after me Sharky thank you very much and see if there’s any

Dirt down here at all I think that might literally be dirt right there yeah it is oh wow I never really paid attention to this before alright so we’ll grab all of this up hopefully there’s a nice amount here I’m hoping for a few Stacks probably not going to be that much in

This little chunk of it but hoping for at least a stack from this and oh okay just under two stacks that’s really not bad from here that’s really good actually and I guess we’ll just go search for some more because I do want to make a slightly bigger Farm than

That’s gonna give me also I’m just thinking about it now I really would like to get a friend in this 100 days you know like a pet dog or something it’s probably not gonna happen ow why I’m speaking why yeah it’s probably not gonna happen but I would like it too

Okay all right let’s check over okay there’s some dirt right there but it’s underwater I don’t really fancy you know grabbing that oh there’s some dirt up there ah oh dude why do I not have my bow on me man can I can I fish this guy

Hello come here oh oh he fished himself it’s fine okay so build a little platform right here so that we don’t get bonked off and grab the rest of this dirt okay okay not bad at all that was uh that was pretty good around about the

Same amount we got from the other place oh wow I actually I was expecting it to be night time but it’s uh it’s becoming night oh my days hello oh my days look at him so I’m thinking we’ll go for a circular Farm and we can separate it into four

Sections so we can have like well we don’t really have any of these seeds except maybe melon but we could have it as in like carrots potatoes sugar cane on one part and then like wheat seeds we eventually get some on the other so I’ll just Stack Up on the materials that

We’re gonna need now and then in the morning we shall get to work on the farm oh wow would you look at this we’ve got like a little family of villagers coming along now we’ve got a librarian who I do need to actually Farm out to get I don’t

Know whether I want to go for mending first so it probably would make sense right I don’t know we’ll figure it out but um yeah I do kind of want to get an armorer as well because I think it’s going to be just easier for me to deck

Myself out with pre-made armor from one of those guys than it would be to go and mine up the diamonds myself anyways enough about those they’ve got enough beds to uh breed some more let’s actually get to work on building out this Farm now I don’t know if I’m gonna

Have enough space with the tree farm right next to it so we may need to change what is going off over there hello yeah so we might need to change where the tree farm is located or slim it down a little bit but I’m not going

To change it until I 100 know that I’m gonna have to I guess what I can do is I could make oh this is actually a pretty good idea I could make two tree farms slightly smaller than this right and I can have it symmetrical on both sides

And that’d look really good right I think that’d look good it’d be less I guess overall efficient and that’s to be fair that’s really all I care about is it looking good it can be super inefficient as long as it looks good I like it all right there we go that’s

That should be big enough for the farm surely yeah that’s more than big enough that’s that’s fine that’s fine all right so I don’t think I have enough dirt to accommodate this amount of land but we’re gonna really quickly find out okay all right I like this to some degree

It’s a little bit weird don’t get me wrong it’s a little bit weird but then I’m going to oh I want to get some Oak slabs probably okay they do look pretty good but did do they look better I’m gonna go with the jungle once yeah

The jungle ones look a little bit better than the old ones okay that’s looking pretty decent now although I may need to change the dirt to sand instead and just put like some stone bricks underneath just so that number one we save on dirt and number two I always think that

Sugarcane looks better on Sand okay so after spending like almost the entire night deliberating on how I want this to look and how I want it to be laid out I think I finally found a pattern that works for the Farms itself so we’ve got the little layers coming at the back

Here and then the layers at the front here I think it looks good it works and then it’s gonna all look symmetrical when it comes down to this stuff right here anyway yeah that looks significant frequently worse than I was expecting that looks really bad

Um we’ll leave it like that for now and change a little bit later okay that’s future Papa’s problem right there that is uh not a problem current poppers wants to deal with it looks so bad oh my God okay so I’ll copy this pattern around all the other sides making it

Look nice and neat and then I’ll go around and add all the seeds as well so I spent the rest of the night improving and trying to finish off as much as the farm as possible also I know the sugarcane area looks uh well really bad

Right now but don’t worry I I do fix it it just it saves bad for a little while okay so starting the day off bright and early the actual Farm itself is done for the most part I do need to move the sugar cane but other than that it’s uh

Pretty much done I do need to plan some more things but yeah it’s good for now so now it comes down to the tree farms which hopefully shouldn’t take as long I don’t really know how I want them to look I don’t really know what design I’m

Going for it is probably just going to be a rectangular slab but hopefully it’s a slightly better looking one I really don’t know how I’m gonna do this okay and there goes all the trees I you know what I do love that this mod replies the

Saplings as well but right now I don’t really want the replanting glue or not this little bit here is taking its time but for now what we want to do is I kind of want to bring it out two three four maybe maybe five five’s okay leaves a

Little bit of a gap between yeah I guess I guess we can work with five now I’m thinking I might put some like little fancy walls up around the tree farm itself um kind of like how we have going on the bridges there not exactly the same as

The ones on the bridges but but close enough so we want to put one of those here um probably like here as well I guess and then we’ll leave two between each would that work fine no okay maybe three okay four between each works brilliantly

And then we’ll do three there so that we can leave a little path all right and there we go that looks a little bit better now I don’t exactly know how I’m gonna grow the trees on here still don’t know where I’m wanting to put the

Sugarcane just yet I think I might do a little barrier around the whole thing and then start filling it all up with sugarcane I think that’d look pretty good actually it’d be really good if there was like above water sand like just like a tiny little island would be

So useful because I’m sick of going underwater and having to mine it up it’s it’s so annoying okay all right now they’re all looking pretty good and then we’ll just throw one down in the middle of every one of these lovely lovely lovely there we go that’s looking pretty

Good that’s looking really nice throw these down and then I want to go around with the oak fences um but the upgraded ones so I don’t know all they need um stripped oak logs don’t they so let me just go and get a bunch of those real quick

Then want to place these down here I don’t know whether or not I want to double them up that does look pretty good but I don’t know whether or not I want to do that around the whole thing because it will make it feel a little

Bit more enclosed there we go all right yeah okay this is this is nice this is nice I need to do the exact same over that side of it but I think this will look good especially from like an aerial point of view this is gonna look pretty

Nice all right for tonight I’ll go and I’ll place the last bit of glass in the center of the farm because I didn’t manage to get that finished off and then I guess tomorrow we’ll focus on getting some sugarcane around the sides of it just to see how that comes out hey look

At this we’ve got an iron golem just chilling over here look at him hello buddy son I am Farm okay so let’s get to placing an entire layer of these around here hopefully not getting attacked by a shark while I do so okay so I don’t know

Whether or not I want to bring it all the way around to like around the little circle Farm we have here but I’ll bring it to at least the beginning of the farm just so that way it covers the whole area and well then if I want to expand

It around the farm I can okay so I’m thinking right now okay we have four books in there we have some paper in here um I think we have some more books somewhere yeah 59 in there did I not make the bookshelves am I completely imagining this okay so what I’ll do now

Is I’ll make a whole bunch of bookshelves however many we can actually make just 21 okay no we don’t okay yeah we really don’t need to worry about it then we’ve got enough here okay and with those out of the way let me just throw down the enchantment table temporarily

Because I want to throw like an efficiency enchant on my shovel before I go and get some sand uh I’ll just throw it down just right here for now is fine okay level 30 beautiful right let’s make a diamond shovel and then we shall go and absolutely decimate some of this

Ocean floor okay boom boom please give me oh efficiency for Unbreaking three beautiful what a beautiful enchant right there okay I clear up my inventory and then it’s time for ocean decimation oh that’s so much better oh my days yes oh my God there’s a lot of iron under here too oh

This just makes life so so much easier finally gone are the days spending like three minutes under the water mining up like 20 sand okay that should be enough sand for now it’s not like coming back and getting more is really going to be a problem ever again but that should be

You know at least enough to fill out this little area here hey who knows maybe I’ll even have a little bit left over to make some more glass okay now just throw you down oh wow I don’t even think I needed a stack to do this all

Right now I want to go and harvest all the sugar cane and now I just want to go over and throw it all down there we go looking good now it’s not really gonna look like too much until it all grows fully but that’s that’s not bad that’s

Not bad I didn’t have enough to finish it all off on like seven or eight blocks off okay so with the sugarcane out of the way now I can go and replant all these Oak saplings as well as go and place down like a load of lanterns

Around the sides but I don’t actually have any lanterns on me oh I didn’t even know these can hang I didn’t know about this wow okay that looks good because I thought awesome hanging lanterns right there then look at that oh okay that looks pretty good I’m probably gonna

Keep all the lanterns like that they do look alright but I do want to use some fairy lights I just don’t have the materials for them yet oh wow look at that little Rainbow oh that’s nice it was apparently raining it just looks wet there’s still no rain in this world

It’s kind of weird I also didn’t know that rainbows were a thing with the Shader pack so yeah that’s nice nice little surprise so because we spent a few days now doing some building I think I want to go out and Conquer some more

Stuff now what I mean by this is I want to enchant a bow and then I want to go and absolutely decimate everything in my path for now what I want to do is I want to take uh should I just make a no I’ll take this set of iron armor because I’m

Not really too fussed about it breaking we’re gonna throw some enchants on our armor currently okay just to get a little bit more protected and feel a little bit more safe oh that is beautiful look at that Unbreaking flame and power four oh and then once we’ve

Got some things protecting us then we’ll head out and start decimating some creatures Smite four that’s oh that’s a pretty yucky enchantment right there that’s oh that’s not great okay there we go I’m feeling much better now I don’t care about this armor because we’re gonna be buying some stuff from the

Villagers anyway so instead this way I’m gonna go diagonally kind of this way and see see what we can find I know that there’s some big ships over there oh I didn’t make a new Shield uh I’ll go back and do that real quick lovely okay there

We go okay so apparently coming over this way was a terrible idea because there is absolutely nothing around here like at all anywhere so I’m gonna go off to the left a little bit more and hopefully stumble across one of the previously found ships oh there’s

Something there wait is that where I got the villagers from oh okay well then I know that there’s a ship near here then oh I see something back there watch it be like a friendly villager ship probably something I’ve already oh no there we go we’ve got some boils on

There all right let’s go oh and there’s a big one back there too okay I’m taking them all on this time they’re all going down I’m telling you that big one does is not worth what you get for it I’m telling you okay let’s go take on

Whatever’s on here get away get away why is there always spiders in here man I’ll take my arrow back thank you very much any more Critters on this boat protection three I’ll take it hello how much damage do you do okay you really do not do much some more emeralds and some

Gold wow okay pretty lackluster Loot on this all right let’s go take on the bigger bigger ship okay I’m just worried about how many pillagers are actually going to be on here because there’s like a lot that go in here oh yeah because there’s literal spawners yeah I forget there’s actual spawners

For them in there any blow your piece on this side yeah there’s one right there boom and one right there boom okay am I gonna regret this decision I could quite quickly regret this decision oh there’s a lot of them coming show my sword though so so long as I oh

Oh God there’s so many there oh there were so many okay all right uh let’s I guess just carefully work our way into the ship get rid of that spawner there we go there we go just all of you come to the back of the ship all

Right I’ll deal with you well oh they’re coming around the side oh I’m getting attacked by sea things as well what is this go away all right let me teach you a lot not to mess with me you know there we go oh my God the things in the ocean

Are being things in the ocean and being creepy man leave me alone okay bunch of stuff in here was that is that a spot that’s a spawn egg a wolf oh yes oh my God we can get a friend oh hi the main problem I have with this

Place isn’t necessarily just the the pillages in here it’s all the mobs that spawn too there’s a load of look I’m getting bombarded by arrows I forget that I’ve got Smite on this so all these guys are just gonna get deleted pretty easily but that why are you strafing like that

Buddy you learn those moves okay progress is being made is just slowly oh God it’s an all-out brawl away oh there’s so much stuff over there oh my God it’s all going off over there what oh they’re coming up they’re coming up oh God oh here they come

It’s just an endless cycle of running and hiding man okay I’m securing myself an entrance and exit right here okay only I can use fence gates I’m pretty sure so none of these guys should be able to get through oh it’s all going oh my days

It’s all going off over there you know what I think maybe blowing areas of it up was a bad idea I have no clue how I’m supposed to deal with things coming from like literally everywhere at this point how is there still so much stuff been killing it for five minutes yeah they’re

Spawning at the top deck so it’s it’s kind of hard to deal with the things down here when they just keep dropping down what if I just mind my way down to the lower level and deal with them from there okay I think the sun’s Rising I

Think we’ve been here like a whole day almost there’s so much stuff down here man you can make a quick run just quick run quick run quick run all the way down here light it all up light it all up right okay they’re fighting they’re fighting there we go whoa okay spawner

And stuff is dealt with on this floor huh oh a diamond wow oh my what am I gonna do without that diamond ah okay I think I think we’re finally finally gotten through this ship it because like an entire day I think the only thing I

Got from it that I really care about is up hello buddy sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt was the uh wolf egg like nothing else on here was that good at all I guess I’ll grab some of this wheat because I mean use for the villagers to

Breed them why not it doesn’t seem like there’s any hidden Loot on this floor at least but we’ll check top deck and if there’s nothing up there then I guess we’ll head out okay what we got up here a compass lovely some bread I don’t care

Uh okay I don’t care is this just leading downstairs oh wait I didn’t see this some barrels some more wheat seeds and a bunch of buckets okay okay I’ll grab the remaining stuff on here then mainly the TNT I can make a bomb I can make a bomb

Oh I can make a bomb and just some other mediocre stuff okay nothing too insane from this but definitely got some nice stuff I’ll say okay so my boat is not this side I think it’s over here yeah it’s right do you mind good sire get out of my vessel thank

You thanks left the uh the other guys out here to drown how did he get all the way out there what hello why are you going away from the ship go back to the ship I’m done now there’s still a couple of your friends over there I’m pretty sure now was that

Entire ship worth me going and decking myself out with Enchanted armor no no did we have fun yes was the loot that great no however I did get a dog so that does mean that I did complete the goal of wanting on getting a friend in this

As well as some wheat seeds now that we can use to get some wheat on the farm yeah put these down here they work for grass they work for grass Oh my days I’m gonna grow so many of you we can have grass oh I love that mud so what I’m

Gonna do for tonight is I’m gonna make a whole bunch of bread um also have some food I’m gonna separate it into 16s and then you can get one uh you can get oh my God they did the laying down movement thing that terrifies me every time okay so coming

Off the back of yesterday I think that I’m gonna take a chill little day right here I want to get some grass growing now that I know that the wheat seeds can do it so I’m gonna make a whole bunch of this I’m gonna grow a whole bunch of

Wheat and join the seeds real quick just because I want to get some dyes and then I want to make some lights because I’m really curious how the fairy lights are gonna look I installed the mod specifically because I had the idea of wanting a longer base

Um and I want to run them down the like inner walls in there I think they’ll look really good you’ll see what I mean once I actually get around to doing it but I think it’ll look really nice and make give it a real nice cozy feel in

The evenings you know so I’m gonna make a whole bunch of grass on here I don’t want the actual grass go away uh and then I guess we’ll try and get some flowers I don’t want red I want yellow um it would be nice okay so we’ll break

A yellow one down break a red one down get us some orange dye there we go glass pane three iron ingots and some orange oh it was it like that yeah there we go okay so how how do these work then wait oh wait do I need them on the Rope do

They have to make the wrong ones oh okay they just work like that can I put these on there oh that’s how it works oh my days okay that that looks pretty good actually now I’m Gonna Save Us both some time here I actually ended up spending the rest of

The day just messing around with the fairy lights and not really saying much because I got really confused by them so uh yeah great content right here poppers let’s move on oh my God there’s three all right stuff going off over here I’ll tell you okay all right uh we do want to

Focus on the village of trading at some point soon but we still are early days I’m surprised we’ve made this much progress so far it’s not even day 40. it’s going good okay I think I might spend some of the night then throwing down some roof

Um I don’t really have too much jungle wood left over than the whole bunch I just took over to the Villages and I think I’ll spend the night working on the roof a little bit just adding a little bit to it just so that I could

Test out the lights on it as well and also you know we get a little bit more progress of the build and it’s night so I don’t really do much else anyway ooh they do oak blinds uh oh okay I’ll try that I’ll try that uh give me give me

We’ll make oh I made 20 of them damn they’re expensive oh God they’re expensive right what if I did them okay there looks yeah like that’s good like that’s pretty good actually and then we’ll have the stairs come in like that that’s nice that’s nice let’s have a

Look at it from the outside oh that is beautiful yeah that’s that’s pretty good that’s pretty good I don’t know whether or not I’m gonna keep these fairy lights though uh looking at them now I’m not a big fan uh that’s like really better I really don’t know I really don’t know I

Think I might get rid of the fairy lights all together and just go with lanterns all right enough rambling about the house for tonight I’ll just I’ll deal with some stuff and then I’ll see you in the morning okay so I built up the roof a little bit more during the

Night and I really like how it’s coming out it looks really good it’s very uh Beach House themed I feel anyways today I wanted to go and maybe do some stuff with the villages because I mean there’s getting a lot of them now and yeah there’s not really too much space for

Them so what I want to do is I want to go and grab some more Flint to get maybe one or two more fletches and then make the Librarians actually trade me like bucks I want or just say screw it and change them into armors instead which I

Think I need a blast furnace for yeah actually the armorers are probably a better shout so let me just throw some Stone in a furnace right now um I think it’s is it I’m pretty sure it’s blast furnaces that you need for armors or is it smithing tables it might

Be smithing tables hello my good friends uh I have this it’s his gift take it tool Smith okay no the toolsmiths the okay fine so I’ll trade what stuff I have right here get some sticks we also have a emerald for arrows trade which is amazing damn we’re stacking up on

Emeralds today oh my okay so now I think I might take whatever remaining jungle wood and stuff we have and build out the jungle tree platform just because then we can actually Farm out them trade so much quicker okay we’re gonna use the slabs for stairs just at this second

Because I’m too lazy to go and get more stairs um and then we’ll just build it out like that one I guess okay so here’s how things are looking on the jungle tree farming front um I messed up the platform a couple of times but overall we’re gonna end up with

Eight trees on here which is more than we had over there now I don’t have enough dirt to finish things off right now but this will do this they’re gonna grow it’s gonna be more trees than we had before so we’re just gonna let them

Do their thing I want to go around and fill in as much of this glass as I can right here oh actually do I have I don’t have any diamonds do I I only have iron um all right so I’ll make a new Iron ax

And then what I’ll do is I’ll throw a couple enchants on it real quick if I can just get some lapis there we go uh I’m not really hoping for it to last forever I just ah why would I do that it does nothing Fortune 2 does nothing that

Was a bad one that was a bad one uh I don’t really want to waste any more stuff on it okay well as I was saying I’m gonna use this stack of bone meal and I’m gonna grow a whole bunch of jungle trees real quick oh I just said

That in one group all right let’s go and make some more Bank hello fellows how’s it going this area is getting really cramped for you guys I’m I’m sorry oh I need to go and get the uh Stone from the furnace as well to make the armor is

Going to be the best work ethic villagers I think I’ve ever seen come here buddy I guess there’s not really much else to do when you’re out in the middle of the ocean Okay so we’ve got 63 Oh my days okay so two and a half stacks

On you did restock okay lovely boom okay now we’re probably gonna need a couple of these but for now I just want to get one of the villagers all the way leveled up to give me some Diamond gear yucky yucky yucky paying these prizes for iron

I can’t smelt the armor down into like uh nuggets I think you get from them I don’t know really know if it’s worth it you know this many emeralds 35 emeralds from the mouth man is insane this man is actually insane he’s lost it okay okay

Nice to give me a bunch of shields I’ll take them all right there we go protection two I’ll take you um should we get prop 4 on them maybe we’d have to buy a couple we’ll we’ll come back and and do it how dare you charge 43 are you insane okay

Um I guess I’ll spend the night down in the mines let me just throw some in Chats on this pick real quick so you can get uh like efficiency or something and then I guess we’ll go and head down the mines and I don’t know see what we can

Get literally just got efficiency for okay that’s kind of silky so I made my way back down the mines and spent the night mining up as much iron as possible in hopes of getting enough to make an anvil now whilst I was down here I did almost suffer an early demise due to

Creepers dropping down and just detonating on me but uh we made it through okay and just back up by morning oh God there’s something coming for me okay okay not a not a good morning not a good morning at all okay get me up here please what is that thing hello uh

Anyway we have like almost two stacks of iron so that should keep us going for a little while I’m gonna go and throw them in this furnace over here because well it’s just faster to cook it this way um I also picked up some gold as well

Whilst down there because I did remember that I do want to go to the Nether and there’s Piggies to trade with in there if we want to so let me just clear out some stuff real quick and then we will check up on these fine fellows trades

Are they all refreshed oh my God the villages are literally doubling by the day there’s so many we shouldn’t need to trade for too much longer I know think at least on the armor front tools I’m not really too fussed about I mean my sword is is doing good enough anyway

Because it’s Smite half the things I’ve run into are like Undead anyway so it is working quite well okay I guess I’ll chop down a couple more jungle trees and then we’ll see where we stand with the Villagers afterwards Oh my days why is it it’s always a double what though I’ve

Never seen that before all right that should be enough again for now we can easily I think max out all their trades for the day um speaking of the day I don’t know where it’s gone I think I came up a little bit late from the mines okay my

Good fellow give me give me give me I need to buy one more pair of diamond pantaloons there he is okay there we go 64 scamming me he’s scamming me something chronic right now that is bad that is bad 64 for one Emerald Oh my days you

Are not gonna be in business soon my good fella I’m gonna run you out of town and by that I mean you’ll be in the water with that weird eel thing that tried attacking me this morning okay so if I grab the iron from in there and

Then get out my way please thank you and then the iron from there now that should give us enough to make an anvil and then with said Anvil we shall craft up some protection four diamond leggings there you go and then boom boom protection four there we go bankrupt me slightly

But it’s it’s all good there we go now I spent the night chopping down more trees and stacking up on a whole bunch more wood as well as witnessing a shark fight and you know what I kind of felt bad for the guy okay he was down there just one

Minute minding his own business and then the next minute he’s getting chomped it kind of sucks alright so last night I focused my efforts on the tree farm and well we got a little bit of jungle wood in here and a little bit of jungle wood

In here we have uh like I think it was like 12 inax’s worth of big jungle trees so yeah I don’t think we’re gonna run out too soon although I do tear through it pretty quickly so I guess what I want to do today then is take this I do want

To go and finish off doing some trades but I’ll probably do that passively throughout the day why are you still sleeping it’s the Sun is up wake up also how are you guys still breathe eating I’ve not fed you in like a week oh they’re becoming self-sufficient uh

Anyways what I want to do is I want to go and finish off the roof I want to go the roof that side and the roof this side as well as trade with the villages passively throughout the day because I want to get the emerald and I want to

Finish off the roof because it looks kind of weird just having one side partly finished so yeah that’s exactly what I did I spent the main part of the day working on building up and finishing off the first part of the roof however I did take a couple minutes to stop off

And do some trading with the Villagers to make even more bank but then it was straight back to building all the way into the night until I finally finished off placing all the stairs and oh boy was this a absolutely tedious job I absolutely despise building with stairs

It is so annoying but they were finally done and with that awful tedious bit done and out of the way I focus my efforts for the rest of the night on working on the interior and making things a little bit better in there such as the roof transition being a bit

Smoother and finally going around and adding a whole bunch of blinds along the sides of them just as the sun was coming up alright and it’s Daybreak again the roofs are semi done not completely but they’re looking well more like an actual roof I kind of want to go into The

Nether I don’t really know why but it’s kind of like an option we’ve had for a little while now and I’ve not used it so I don’t really know where I want to make the portal I don’t even know if I’m going to make a little portal area

Because I don’t really know what there is for me in the nether maybe like like I say pigland trades but that’s probably about it okay I think for now I guess I’ll just throw it over here at the back I mean this area is not staying anyway

So it can act as a temporary spot if I really don’t want to keep it there we go and boom here we go oh actually wait oh no I’ve got my gold on okay right we’re good oh I guess there is quads in here but there’s nothing I

Really want to build out of it is there any way out of this place okay there it is lovely lovely oh oh there’s a flying thing and it’s coming for me and I don’t want that to happen oh no this area is completely Barren okay there’s like no one around

Here oh actually I do want glowstone to use on the roof of my house so that is a block That I Want from here wow there is really like no guys anywhere there’s there’s nothing in here I guess if I wanted to get Glowstone is it it’s more

Efficient to get it with silk touch right so if I just if I head back home and try and get some silk touch and then come back here because it doesn’t look like there’s any oh God I hate those things look at this so creepy yeah okay

I’ll do that then I’ll head home I’ll get silk touch on a pick and then we’ll come back and I guess grab some glowstone that’s literally the only thing I can think of wanting other than maybe blaze powder for potions but like I’m not really too fussed about getting

Potions okay right so I don’t have enough diamonds to make another diamond pickaxe so uh I probably have to make a tool Smith then I guess I’ll do that then I guess I’ll trade for a diamond pickaxe hopefully it already has silk touch on it but if not that’s fine and

Then we’ll see where we go from there yay even more trade in let’s go we love trade in he’d oh he’s offered him a rose that’s nice that’s nice of you can I take that I don’t want no don’t give him that I want that I doesn’t even have a pickaxe

Doesn’t even have one are you kidding me I’ll take the diamond ax though actually yeah the diamond ax is like really good like I could go and just get the glowstone dust but I feel like that’s super just inefficient okay well I guess I’ll make an iron pickaxe and then try

And enchant that then with um silk touch oh Fortune three I’ll keep that for getting diamonds Fortune three again and you get this little the exact same engine just in a different order okay I guess with all this turn of events then we’ll just grab what materials we can and head in to

Hopefully get as much as we can from dust okay back in we go so I spent the entirety of day 46 just here in the nether hunting down and digging up as much glowstone as I could get my hands on however due to the Flying face

Hugging Buzzy boys I refuse to go in or anywhere near a crimton biome so getting the glowstone was made slightly slower especially because my nether just seems to have a whole bunch of the Crimson biomes for some reason this was also one of my worst nether experiences because

There was just like a whole bunch more mobs that I didn’t know were in this that just kept attacking me but nothing was too terrible they were just more so annoying but it wasn’t fun but anyways due to all those reasons I ended up spending the entirety of day 46 in here

Too until I finally managed to gather enough glowstone and return back home okay the nether not a fun place at all not doing that again I do not want to step one more foot into that absolutely atrocious place right there it was not fun it was not fun we do have an

Absolute ton of Glowstone and a little bit of dust left over but I’ll keep that for now so what we’re gonna do with this is I’m thinking about lining the roof with it hence why I need it so much because I wanted to go all the way

Across the roof um not not completely in like a little pattern kind of design thing I think I also want some leaves up here as well to add a little bit of greenery up there that’d be quite nice so as for now we’ve got the villagers trading stuff over there I still don’t

Actually have a house I literally just have the floating slab okay I think what I want to do is I want to go grab some sand from the ocean floor again because we uh are pretty much out of that and then we can smelt it down into glass

Finally finish off the glass floor walls and then do pretty much anything else I’ve just thought we haven’t been over to the mob farm in a good while I I won’t have got any mobs in it but we just haven’t been there for a while I

Don’t really think I have too much of the use for it now get out of the way why are you all gathered here oh there we go all right lovely Lantern trade exactly what I wanted also I’m pretty sure that the lantern trades deck you

Out with like uh XP as well let me grab some of this glass and then we’ll go and finish off these now I don’t really think that there’s too much left I think all that glass in the the furnaces will do it and then we can finally stop

Worrying about just falling through the floor and down to our shark chomped demise wait hang on a minute I’m smelting down all this glass and stuff right where there’s some Emerald over here right so I’m smelting down all of this glass when I could literally just

Go over here to this guy right here this librarian and I guarantee he’ll trade me glass wait a second where are you buddy where are you my good friend oh my date it’s right there it’s right there I’m sorry oh we’ve got a good mending trade

Too holy I did not even see that okay well just give me your glass then there we go I have no use to smelt down all that sand oh no go rescue it I can use it for the sugarcane floor go oh it looks so good being over this coral reef

Right here that looks really nice I like that I really like that however for tonight I am gonna go and make some more shears and chop down a whole bunch of leaves from those jungle trees over there because I want to test out a pattern for the roof damn okay look at

This this is looking this is looking real nice right here so I’m not too sure what I want to do around these sides I think I may just bring it around like this now I’m really not sure what I want to do with these parts because this is

Kind of strange I think I may just call it a day and just cover it in glass like that might be okay for the underneath at least yeah that works fine for the underneath that’s that’s completely fine now one of the other problems that I have a struggle I’m struggling with at

The minute is oh well no I’ve just fixed it okay I just want to run this all the way down so that it nullifies the light a little bit but doesn’t completely take it out of the equation I don’t know know I’m liking how it’s coming out I’m going

To trust the process hopefully it looks really good it doesn’t look bad so far it’s just there’s just a couple of things with these rooms that I’m not too sure of how I’m gonna do like I do really like how this bit looks this bit flows really well I like it

Um but it’s just here that’s kind of janky I’m thinking maybe we do just go and be like what’s up let me just put an entire trim around the side yeah that looks good that’s good enough for me honestly that is good enough for me now lighting wise I don’t really think that

There needs to be much more Lighting in here I think I can get rid of the torches on the floor and things shouldn’t spawn in correct now there’s just something so therapeutic about building this time I don’t know what it is but it’s super just chill out here

You know middle of the ocean nothing to worry about not a cat in the world well except the Sharks but you know I don’t really see them frequently so I’m gonna go around and place the rest of these stairs I’ll not bore you with any more

Stair placing today so um if I do anything else interesting I’ll let you know but otherwise I’m just placing stairs okay so last night I actually ended up doing the full roof instead of just the stairs but I didn’t think it was interesting enough to fully document

So yeah I just went around adding the leaves and the glowstone as well as moving these out just one block so it looks a lot better than just having a square in the middle I think this looks so so so much better now we are still severely lacking in the wooden trap

Doors if you can’t tell the oak trap doors are just non-existent right now so I’m just gonna chop down a whole bunch of these trees see how many we can get from them and then hopefully finish all those off yeah that should hopefully be enough I think to finish it all off

Remember I’m gonna do the inside and outside as well yeah okay we’re really not gonna get all these placed down with this batch of them because I have to put like nine around each one of these and uh well there’s only this one that’s done prior so yeah not getting them all

Done however we are making some pretty good progress whoa look at this this is feeling real cozy now look at that I guess for the rest of the day I’ll go around and build up as much of the other tree farm as I can I really don’t have

Enough fences and I’m sure as hell don’t have the wood but hey you know what I’ll do what I can yeah okay that’s about all I can do today for this tree farm uh there’s another giant octopod right over oh well nope there he goes okay no it

Disappears um I think then what I’ll do is I’ll just finish of the farm I’ll you know replant the crops make sure everything’s covered and I might do something with that area as well because it looks absolutely abysmal I am so sorry I am so sorry for having you look

So bad for so long I do deeply apologize okay I’ll add the lanterns at a later date but for now uh you’re just gonna be uh potatoes okay so I’ll just plant all this with potatoes and then we’ll call it a day okay so last night I was

Thinking and hear me out okay hear me out the farm is currently a bigger Circle than what the villagers have to live and well there’s a lot more villages in there than there is probably Farm things in there okay so what I’m thinking is we copy paste the villagers

Over here into the middle okay build the exact same structure but make it 25 blocks wide I think it is over there and then we build the strip like rectangular structures next to it I can use one for storage one for whatever the hell I want to and then it looks symmetrical it’s

Visually pleasing and the villagers get like a like 10 blocks more space so what I’m going to do today is I’m gonna start work on the outline of the circle itself all right let’s get to building this bad boy up you stay away better you stay away

Okay and there we go the outline’s looking pretty good now I uh notice that it connects directly to the villagers so that works kind of in our favor um because we can just kind of open it up and have them you know run out to

Their beds or whatever at night now I do need to go around and add the design exactly as it is over there oh no I think I slightly messed it up I think I built it one block too close in and that’s gonna be noticeable oh dear I did

Oh no oh no okay no it’s fine I’ll just go and just expand it in one block it it’s fine okay and there we go all right that’s much better it actually works now and it actually looks good so we have the oh it’s gonna be kind of weird

Because I had this all lined up perfectly I think it was two gaps between each one was it uh somewhat okay we’ll try and do a similar pattern around here I don’t know exactly how well it’s gonna go but we’ll try and we’ll try and make it work let me just

Go around and add a couple torches so nothing spawns on here during the night but this is I feel like they’ll be much happier on here I’ll rebuild that and I’ll make it slightly bigger but I think they’ll have a much better time over on this little island I wasn’t expecting to

Spend the entire day building this out but I did mess it up but either way I’m Gonna Fill This in and then I guess I’ll see you guys in the morning and we’ll do something with the Villagers or something completely different I don’t know day 51 was spent finishing off the

New villager Island and basically copy pasting the trade Hub I built for them on the smaller one over onto the new one as well as planning on making it bigger however I didn’t actually end up having enough Spruce Wood so I had to spend a little bit of time farming that out that

Ended up taking this build over to day 52 when I finally finished off the new and improved trading Hub but I guess it’s not really improved it’s just slightly bigger but anyways it was finally done so I got to work on moving all the villages over there but oh my

God these guys just for some reason decided to fall into a vegetative state and were just not moving or complying with anything I tried to do with them so I ended up doing things the hard way and spent the entire night ferrying them all ground on boats to get them over to the

New area oh my God last night was not fun in any regards to the word these guys uh well they’re still broken they’re not moving but there’s something wrong with them I don’t know what happened since moving them to this island but they just seem to not want to

Move anymore oh I say that and now they’re all moving okay you know what prove me wrong now I’m still not too sure what I want to do with the side ones um I know that I can’t keep them circular because it’ll not look as good

As that side up maybe you will I don’t know I’ll have a look but I think one of the main objectives I want to focus on soon is building up a house because I have all of this but still don’t have a house I literally live on this crappy

Little platform all the way over at the back it looks awful and it’s just not good enough so there’s quite a few things that we still need to do however before we start progressing some more I just want to take a minute to say I really appreciate you guys and thank you

So much for watching I really hope you enjoyed this new style of video and it really does mean the world to me that you guys have stuck around and make what I do possible anyways with that out of the way I think maybe the first thing I

I want to focus on is the sugarcane today just because we can get a whole bunch of it and I think we have some sand somewhere but this should hopefully be enough sugarcane to maybe go around like all of it including the farm let’s

Have a look so yeah like two and a half stacks almost plus some in a chest yeah that should be more than enough to go around but we need the glass now nope not glass sorry sand do I have any sand around here I think the answer to this

Question is oh yes I do have a little bit not too much but that’ll do I guess and then I guess I’ll take some jungle slabs and just go to town with filling up as much as I possibly can then oh I also need to get a full set of oh well I

Say a full set of armor I’m literally just missing the helmet that’s uh yeah okay that’s not gonna take too long to do oh I also never finished off the jungle tree farm I just kind of left it like this I have all the fences to put

Down I’ve just not done it alright well we might as well knock out two tasks today then and I’ll go around and finish off placing the rest of the fences around the jungle tree farm if I can find them 64.39 that should be more than enough all right there we are looking good

Um I’m glad that that’s all finished off now but the only problem I still have with the tree farms is the lanterns I don’t know how I want them because if I place them on the side there do you see how they look but if I place them on the

Floor they’re so much brighter so I don’t really know what way I want to do that but I guess if that’s my biggest concern right now is how bright a lantern is then we’re doing pretty well uh just get rid of these spruce trees because they’re taking up my jungle tree

Farm don’t need you anymore buddies and the wood you give me is probably gonna be enough to last me a lifetime anyway no don’t replant go away batteries okay and then I guess what I’ll do to finish off the day is go around and place the

Rest of the sand or as much as I can I’ve only got 49 around the jungle tree farm also I forgot to say if I sound slightly different it’s because I took like a week off in between recording up to day 50 and past this point and I

Ended up like getting like a slight cold so yeah if I sound a little bit weird that’s that’s why okay last night was a pretty good success but I think today before we do anything I want to go and trade for a new app because this one has

Definitely seen better days so we’ll buy the ax and then I think I want to go over to the mob farm because I don’t think I have any bones and then we can eventually finally tame that dog that I got from the pirate ship ages ago thinking about it now it probably wasn’t

Actually that long ago but either way it is in these taming all right I’m lonely out here I mean I have these guys but well they anger me more than they help me to be there okay 21 bones and then I’ll throw you down here my good fellow

And now be my friend oh wow I literally needed one bone that never happens all right uh I don’t think I have a name tag I can get one pretty easily okay so now that we have our little friend who appears to not be following me okay fair

Enough I don’t know what I want to do about storage because it’s becoming a problem now all right it’s all cluttered up and I don’t really think that I want to build it on a circular Island just solely down to the fact of it’s a little bit annoying to organize storage in a

Circular form you know what I mean we know what we’ll do it we can we’ll see how it comes out we’ll see how it comes out okay one thing I am sure on though is the fact that I want to build it out of Oakwood probably because we don’t

Really have many things built out of Oak and I want it to have one pillar specifically in the middle um and oh right okay design has come to me okay genius there you go he’s easy when you start doing it that’s it we want this pillar to support like a dome

Um we can have like a little Dome here in a circular formation leaving a little Gap just so you can walk around it um and then this will work as our storage area we’ll put a little glass roof on here we’ll have like this wooden building with like support beams and stuff

Um hopefully we can make that happen ah I actually don’t know looking at that now um yeah my idea kind of just fiddled away but uh we’ll we’ll figure something out we’ll figure something out surely it won’t be too tedious yeah I’m just gonna do some trial and error right now and uh

See if we can come up with anything that works in circular formation I didn’t actually realize how small the circle was alright well today was supposed to be a good day all right a happy day because you know look at this I’ve got a structure for the build okay it took me

Half the night to do it and I also chopped down some awkward as well so we can actually start building it so yeah it was supposed to be a good day but uh dog died last night and now you may be wondering how did it fall in the water

And get eaten by a shark did you accidentally hit it whilst chopping down the trees I don’t know did Poseidon himself Smite down my wolf and well the answer to all those three is no he got stuck in this stair right here I don’t understand how and died he

Suffocated in this step I have no clue how it happened I don’t know why it happened but it did and he’s dead now so uh yeah uh we no longer have a companion I don’t think I’m gonna find another one of those eggs but I will go hunting vol

1 at some point but anyways he wasn’t around long enough okay he wasn’t around long enough to become like a a cared about guy you know all right he was he was only around he was a little rookie all right he’s a rookie on this raft so

We’re just gonna let him be uh it sucks but I’m sure I can find another wolf for now it’s time to get to work on building up this structure okay I am liking this it does look a little bit like strange right now it doesn’t look as good as it

Did when I did it on my one block house but I’m kind of liking it I’m not too sure what I want to do is I want to add like a little entrance right here um because I do want the roof to be domed but I’m not not too sure how I’m

Gonna do that because um okay maybe I want the roof to be that high okay we’ll we’ll start with the oh wait no because that’ll have to be the peak won’t it so that’s not high enough okay uh the roof I think is going to be the hardest part not gonna

Lie to you and then maybe what if we run like a layer of stripped Oak around would that look good maybe okay so now that we’ve got that outlined um I don’t know really how to do the roof I’m really not sure I probably need to look at some kind of wooden glass

Dome designs because this is gonna be kinda strange I think I may need to like oh I don’t know um I don’t know about that man that looks kind of bad not gonna lie uh okay I guess it’s another night of trying to figure out what I want to do with this

Then okay I think I’ve come up with a solution for all this and it’s to tear it all down now you may be wondering why why you wanted the storage Island why are you tearing it down well I’m gonna build my house over there and I thought

To myself wouldn’t it be cool if I could also have my storage area be out of sight out of mind uh so I may build it under my house over the coral reefs there so I don’t know I’ll figure something out but it’s not going there

It’s not going there like that I’ll tell you that that there’s nothing I can do to make that look good the roof’s weird it looks all bulky I don’t don’t even know how it looks from high up let me go check yeah like that’s not that good

That’s really not oh wait hang on a minute I say this and then I just come up with a rough idea I think I don’t know how well this will look but let me let me try it out anyway um instead of putting a roof and doming

It why don’t I just do support beams at the top and do trap doors to make it look like a jungly place uh not jungly Place beachy kind of place you know what I mean like the rest of the build I’m telling you the amount of crafting tables I’ve unnecessarily crafted in

This video is actually insane okay so this is my plan right you ready so we go all the way across with these and then the areas that get left between uh we fill them with trap doors I don’t know how this is gonna look this could just

Be another wasted day but you know what it’s worth the waste if it looks good if it doesn’t look good then well I’ll cry but you know you should be fine okay and another night later and here we are now it’s not the best build I think I’ve

Ever done but I think I managed to salvage it just enough for it to work nicely now there’s still a couple things I’m not too sure of such as the leaves in the roof and what I want to do with the leaves here because I do want them

Kind of like standing on some oak logs or something just so it looks I don’t know a little bit more green in here because there’s a lot of a lot of brown all right we want a little bit more color in here there’s gonna be a lot of

Brown so I’m gonna go chop down some more leaves off of a jungle tree and then we’ll see what I can do with them and then we can actually start moving the storage over okay so what I’m thinking of is them coming down here like this and then we put some Oak there

I really don’t know how that looks to be fair that doesn’t look too great um maybe we just do something in the middle instead I really don’t know to be fair that doesn’t look too bad actually let me just grab these two here get rid of these throw them down there boom boom

Boom boom and then they match up on the roof as well that looks if that looks okay that can stay I’m fine with that uh just make a couple buttons see if they look good just thrown on there like that yeah that looks okay that looks alright

There’s not a problem with that okay so now I guess it’s time for everyone’s favorite day okay and if you’re new around here and you don’t know what everyone’s favorite day is it’s storage day all right it’s storage day it’s the day that’s completely dedicated to moving all my crap to somewhere else

It’s such an exciting day everyone loves it anyways enough blabbering on let me make up a bunch of chests and then it’s time for the Beloved day to commence no actually no it’s not beloved it’s a sacred day all right storage day is one of the best I should I could have really

Used barrels with this that had looked cool as well but I like just the absolute Overkill of amount of storage there we go look at that that’s yes look at that uh maybe we can throw oh we can incorporate the barrels into it and we can throw them in the middle

There on each side yeah oh that’s gonna look awesome okay yeah great and now it’s officially time for storage day to commence so I will see you all if anything interesting happens other than me storing things away or I’m finished moving everything over alrighty and here

We are now it did take me literally all night to store this stuff away but we’ve got all the things organized neatly into chests of well I mean it doesn’t look really neat but they’re organized into like their own things okay and now we can finally finally after all this time

Get rid of this awful awful area at the back of the base no actually no we can’t get rid of it yet because I need to build a home to put the rest of my stuff in because I don’t want it laying around okay but either way today I think that I

Want to try and focus on getting another armorer to level up and give me my helmet because it’s the only piece of armor that missing and I only have one Diamond to my name so I’m not gonna craft it now I am kind of low on emeralds again like I’m pretty bankrupt

So we’ll also get some of those today as well if they’re not all spent on trading with this guy okay Good Fellows good friends hello hello hello hello hello um anybody without a job come get a job yeah okay oh my God what a scam okay and

Now my Goodfellow level up ooh amazing deal there we go lovely lovely I really hope that this guy does actually give me a helmet and doesn’t like screw me and give me like leggings and boots again okay what are you gonna give me buddy come on come on go bubbly there we go

Okay buy some of them up and what you’re gonna give me next come on oh oh wait it’s on the expert okay that’s fine better be a helmet buddy better be a helmet yes oh it’s only Protection One but you know what that’s fine uh right where’s the other Fletcher if you

Restocked you’ll do 12 emeralds perfect perfect perfect and I’m now just realizing that the other guy wasn’t fully leveled up so he didn’t need this Trader because he would have probably done the other trades for me he would have probably sold me a helmet what about this guy yeah he wasn’t even

Fully leveled up either and I already had another armor okay that was a waste of a a guy right there because these guys would have given me I don’t know I thought they were maxed out for some reason all this time oh my God I’m such

An idiot I am such an idiot how do I even play this game so I think what I might want to do is maybe build out a circle for the house um and then definitely get rid of this portal um but I made oh God that scared me um I

May build out a circle for the house I don’t actually know how big I need the circle to be though so I don’t know but I’m definitely gonna go and get rid of this island right now um because it’s an eyesore and I I want

It gone all right there we go it’s gone it’s gone look at that beautiful all right um I do still need to fix up this log I accidentally stripped it so I got rid of it but I’ve still not replaced it okay so I feel like next what we’ll do

Is we’ll start work on a bee farm because I could do the house but I’m thinking because the dog died and everything I’m kind of lonely still and we have access to grass and flowers now so we may as well plus I still have if I

Can find it it should be in here I still have the Beehive so that’s another reason why I want it as well now real quick before we get on to day 59 um during the night I witnessed Mike absolutely go to town on this poor octopod right here and just start

Chasing him down slapping him over and over and over again this guy really didn’t stand a chance and I kind of feel bad for him so uh yeah kind of eventful night now as for the bee farm I need to start things off by going out and

Building a 19 block Wide Circle so let me just get that up and running real quick okay there we go um but now I have actually just noticed the fact that these aren’t lined up with the villager farm I think at all because they what

They come out too far like what I think it’s just the fact that it’s a bigger Circle to be fair but uh either way I don’t think it looks bad from the roof so we’re gonna keep it um now I do need to go and fill all of this in with dirt

And uh I don’t think that we have anywhere near enough dirt to uh actually do that let’s have a look shall we 39 wow uh do we have any gravel we have 10 gravel okay well that can get us like a little bit more dirt so yeah we may have

To run into The Nether briefly um if we can’t find enough stuff underground but hope we should be good we should be good there is a lot of like stuff that needs covering but we should be okay for the most part I feel alright

So let’s just head down to the mine if I remember where it is right over here hello flying fish thing you look flying fish I’m really hoping that we ran past like a massive just chunk of dirt down here and I don’t to be looking for ages

Or have to mine it underwater because I really suck but I’ve got a funny feeling that it’s probably going to take around like maybe I don’t know five or six Stacks to fill it in no actually no it’s only 19 wide so I’d say like three stacks I feel like it’ll take three

Stacks even that it’s three stacks more than what we actually have so uh yeah let’s hope we can find some oh Phantom okay guys really oh hello buddy I don’t have my shield sorry one sec there we go oh thank you bat your sacrifice is uh remembered that bat literally threw

Himself in front of me holy oh hello stop please stop please I don’t have a bat to protect me this time or at least I do but you’re not doing your job properly okay how much dirt we looking at here not that much at all okay the

Dirt is a bit slow today I’m not gonna lie it’s uh not going too great there we go that’s more like it I don’t care if water comes in so long as I can get my dirt I am completely fine with it okay is that all the dirt uh just under three

Stacks I feel like this might be enough so I’ll take it upstairs we’ve got some up there as well actually wait you’re right before I go I’ll grab the rest of that gravel that’s over here so then we can make some coaster and just you know

Double some of our dirt okay and now with that out of the way let’s head back to the surface and see how much dirt we can end up with so after picking up all of my newly acquired dirt I spent the night placing it down and managed to

Finish off the floor with just under a stack and a half left okay so now with the floor out of the way I think I need to go and grab as many wheat cheese as I can get so probably just harvest the entire farm and then we’ll go around and

Fill in as much grass as possible that way we just don’t have to wait for it to tick and spread all the way around okay so a stack and a half of seeds should I think should probably cover the majority of it okay there we go I think that’s

That’ll spread pretty quickly right okay and now we need to mirror the first island so I think it was like oh how was it how was the first one over here oh no no oh I messed up I messed up again oh no I did oh no I built the

Circle one two forward again look the stairs are here and they’re not in here oh God okay no you know what it’s actually an easy fix it’s fine um I’ll go and fix that real quick and then I’ll do the outside it really shouldn’t take long okay there we go now

It’s fixed and now we can actually get on with building up the sides I don’t know why I keep building things wrong in this it’s really bothering me all right didn’t have enough leaves but that’s fine I can go and grab some more now what I’m thinking is each one of these

Sides so that side and this side both have an adjoining kind of little area like this so I think I might go throw down like one of the fancy Gates on it and I’m going into the villager trading Hub by like either side I understand that this doesn’t have a door over that

Side but I can I can make that happen I can make the a door appear there okay so yeah get rid of these two here and then just go boom boom Oh no let me do that wait boom boom what hello can you connect properly please hello why won’t

They connect properly why is it busted like that what’s he doing oh there we go there we go all right look at that wow okay that looks kind of weird very weird actually but it is what it is it’s fine it’s fine so I think it has to be within

Like I think it’s like five blocks of a flower or something strange like that but uh yeah we’ll plant it down here and just keep going back and forth until we get one oh this entire process is so much quicker due to this tree chopping mod I was about to say there’s our

Beehive lovely lovely lovely okay so I want one tree in the middle that’s gonna act as kind of like one of the main things oh beautiful I want it tall as well um so now we get to throw down I don’t know if this is gonna really work too

Well but I can throw this down here oh yeah it’s on top of the water it’s fine and boom there we go they got a little beehive now I’ll go and add a couple more flowers around this area if I can We’ll add some more trees and stuff but

But this is gonna look really nice okay I’ll try and get another beehive then up in here so let’s just throw one down let’s say here we are not having a look with the second beehive oh my days I would very much love to have a second

Beehive but it doesn’t look like it’s gonna happen tonight I have one more bow meal and I did nothing okay good morning my good servants how is it going so what I want to purchase from you my Goodfellows is a new ax all right I need

To repair my equipment and look I even brought you gifts look I brought you chests wow look at those Oh my days look at those okay so I’m just gonna pre-make all the sticks out of all this jungle wood right here and then we’ll get to

Trade in with them oh also I see a load of people comment on like every single video I do where I trade with villagers how do I trade so fast um if you hold shift and then spam spacebar when you’re on the trade um it just like automatically puts it in

For you and then you just have to click on the emeralds to get them so yeah that’s how you do it you’re welcome if you’re asking that question all right it’s literally the best thing it’s so fast Oh my days look at that you’re gonna eat all my sticks look at that wow

I’m like out of trade sticks now and we’ve got a stack of emeralds how amazing is that um I’m gonna buy two of them because oh that’s actually stupid that was so stupid of me I was gonna say because I want to combine them but they’re still gonna break the same

Amount like the upgrade from efficiency 3 to efficiency 4 I don’t really think is worth it when we’re chopping down trees at the rate we do either way I have it I’ve done it I don’t care so what I also want to get today is I’m gonna let the bees kind of

Oh they’re out they’re out okay um is there two out or is there only one they’re only one of you hello other B I hear you in there come out if there’s only one out I’m not gonna do anything but um if I get another tree over there

And we oh there’s two hello boom boom baby b let’s go there it is how’s it going buddy yeah all right put some bees up in here they’re probably gonna yep there they go off they go probably gonna get eaten by a shark or something or punched by the Manta shrimp oh yeah

Watch out for Mike guys watch out for Mike he’s not really friendly to pretty much anyone I don’t even know if it’s friendly towards me still anyways what I was saying is I want to get a bunch more glass because oh you don’t trade glass dude you’re a stinky man yeah I wanted

To get glasses because I feel like the floor in the storage room could look a lot better so I just want to go around and take out like all of this okay and boom boom boom boom all right look at that it’s a little bit bright

Just just a little tiny smidge a little bit bright this might be a little bit Overkill I’m not gonna lie this might be just a little bit overboard right here but it looks really cool you know we’ve got the ocean down there that looks nice I was debating doing that for these but

Now that I see how bright it is with just that one uh yeah I’m not doing that oh what I needed to do was going straight to lanterns as well luckily I have enough emeralds left over because I need to go and Light Up The Bee Farm not

You you’re the stinky librarian where’s the non-stinky librarian you my good fellow how’s it going uh give me lanterns oh oh my God the fairy lights would look so good in here the fairy lights would look so good in the in the bee farm oh I’m gonna go grab them okay

So let’s just I don’t know let’s say we get rid of these all right these stinky smelly lanterns we don’t want them around there thank you very much and then we just run this from up there to up there right and then we throw boom I mean they’re kinda nice maybe the orange

Ones perhaps yeah I think I like those better and then we can run these down here like that maybe oh you see I like the lanterns can I make the orange lanterns okay he is praying it looks good boom ah you know what I can’t make

Up my mind I really can’t I think oh maybe the flowers yeah yeah the flowers how do I make the oh my days okay I can’t make those I cannot make those at all I don’t think I can get the uh blue orchids because of maybe biome specific

Or I don’t know if you can grow them okay we’re probably just gonna stick with what we have here then this looks this looks nice this looks nice I like it hang it down from like around here like this yeah yeah there we go and then throw some orange lanterns on that bad

Boy there we go oh this is coming together we need another tree over here and we can line them up like that and then over here oh yeah this is gonna look so good well it’s that time again to go and grab a whole bunch of sand and

Try and expand out as much sugar cane as as we can really move around because it’s all grown now and we literally just need a tiny bit to finish off the other side over there and then I think I might throw it down around these ones too just

So the fact that then the greenery goes all the way around also I’ve not looked at this from the top level yet this one looks kind of goofy but the rest looks kind of nice I kind of like it it’s it’s all over the place it looks good B what

Are you doing out here man I told you they’d fly away why are you out here idiot idiot idiot see I knew the bees would fly away they always do oh uh that’s an eel thing I don’t want that to come and attack me it probably will

Damn we’ll see all the eels out here in the ocean now so many of them surely I can tank a few hits from an eel like how how bad can it be you know I’m full diamond I’m decked out but I’m not gonna test it out though bye-bye okay I didn’t

Get that much sand right there uh I kind of want to wait for the eels to go away I don’t want to deal with that but what I will do is I will go and harvest Up the sugar cane and finish off planting it around these islands and then I guess

We can start on the other ones probably not even gonna Harvest up all the sugar cane because there is way too much okay you know as I said I wouldn’t Harvest all the sugar cane well I did excluding that little tiny bit over there but I

Did um some bits fell in the water but that is so much sugar cane oh my God okay so let me just line the sides of this with slabs okay and there we are I didn’t really make it look much better but you know what it’s fine it works in

The storage area I’m gonna stop complaining about it so we really didn’t need that much sugar cane um I would go around and do more but I really don’t want to because instead what I want to do is get that other birch tree over in the tree farm and then we can actually

Start where’s the Birch saplings there we go and then we can actually go and finish off the fairy lights over there as well and just have everything tied together oh I do like the white icicle ones though okay you know what that’ll do that’ll do there and then we’ll throw

One over here right here where this flower was uh maybe boop boop like that make them orange there we go and then the orange icicles oh they’re kind of nice actually can I harvest this yet I can yeah again making a new pair of shears to do something that I can go and

Grab the other shears for okay now where is my crafting table over here right here oh he’s giving them rows again that’s cute the B area does look very nice though I’ll give it this it does look very nice anyways that is the bee farm finished off so I can now rest easy

Knowing that I have a couple bees that I’ll probably have to keep breeding because I’ll just keep flying out to sea and getting lost now over the following few days I finally decided to get to work on building up a house and I’m also gonna combine all these three days

Together because my OBS audio decided to just stop working so I’ll just talk you through what I did so starting things off on day 63 I began building out the platform where I was gonna build my house now I did think that whilst building this that it was going to come

Out bigger than it actually did but it’s fine I can make it work and if it ends up being too small I can just expand it later but but either way once the platform was done it came time to start work on the house now if you like this

House and you want to build it yourself then check the link in the top right of the screen or down in the description below to watch the tutorial it’s a really cool beach house and it really fits the theme we’re going for here anyways the only thing that was really

Holding me back for the first day of this build was quite a severe lack of wood so I spent the night of day 63 farming out a bunch of oak trees so that that way I could hopefully get all of the oak parts of the build finished off

In the morning then after grabbing a bunch of wood on day 64 and day 65 I did a bunch more work on the house but slightly slower this time considering I needed a whole bunch of campfires and was really unprepared to make them so that took a little while and then I

Needed to go and get a bunch of spruce logs because well now I need a whole bunch of trap doors as well man I’m telling you I have like a lot of wood but it’s just the wrong types for what this build wants but either way after

Finishing off the trap doors I got to work on the top floor on the roof that was a little bit finicky at first but after getting one of the sides done all I had to do was copy paste it onto the other one and finally after finishing

Off the roof it was time to start adding some color and decoration so I just went around making things look good by adding leaves walls and lanterns and finally day 66 was just spent adding some smaller little details and tidying up some things around the house and boom

There we go now I specifically picked this house because I really felt like it fits the raft theme and well I’m really happy with the way it came out it looks really cozy up in here now now after all the Hard Day’s Work of building up the

House I spent day 67 over at the mob farm because I completely ran out of bone meal whilst building the house and I just know that I’m gonna need a whole bunch of it for trees soon enough so I may as well get it now so yeah I took it

Easy on day 67 and just spent the entire day whacking mobs hey would you look at that that looks uh that’s pretty good now there is still quite a few things that I want to get done in this video one of which now I’m thinking is to go

And dig up a complete coral reef and bring it over here so that that way we can expand this one all the way I don’t know necessary leave I want to go all the way up here but at least cover this platform as well because it looks weird

At just ending there you know we could bring it down here and build our own little coral reef down there I think that’d look really nice I also want to upgrade my tools a little bit as well as trying to get another wolf spawn egg and then maybe actually make an actual

Enchantment area not just have it you know laying here like this is this the fastest way to grab you it is most definitely not okay what about an ax pickaxe oh pickaxe oh no oh I need silk touch oh I’m an idiot yeah I’m an absolute idiot of course I need silk

Touch okay all right well then that’s the I guess that’s the objective now is we need to go and get silk touch to actually dig up the coral reef with a pickaxe so what I’ll do is I don’t know if that guy sells Diamond picks I think

He does maybe perhaps over here hello friend you you uh you do not sell a diamond pickaxe hmm okay all right uh another toolsmith there and maybe I mean I could just go and try and find some diamonds but and oh well I don’t even have iron oh well this is a slight

Problem um should we try our luck trying to get some diamonds I feel like if we’ve got the fortune 3 pick we may as well we may as well I’m uh I’m geared enough to take on the mine now so oh do we want to try and go somewhere else because I feel

Like I’ve cleared those caves out down there pretty well um we can just go out a little bit into the ocean maybe over by the mob farm and dig up some land over there to see if we can find a Cave System all right so I think I’m gonna use this ship underneath

Here as a staging ground for our new mine I feel like this door right here will come in perfect wow okay the ship really didn’t do much I’m not gonna lie all right well let’s hope that we can find some caves or diamonds down here if

There’s no caves I’ll strip mine but I’d much prefer to get caves over strip mining just because I don’t fancy going in a straight line for like an hour oh I think I may have just heard a skeleton in a cave next to me yep I did

Hello good fellow there we go all right uh this cave is uh hello buddy you almost got me there you almost got me there now this cave as I was saying is um a round diamond level so we should be able to hopefully get our hands on some

It would be very much so appreciated ah okay that’s the entirety of the cave then I guess oh what is that oh what is this hello wow okay this is kind of a cool area okay there is a slight problem I don’t remember which way I came in

Here so this is gonna suck to get out I don’t know let me know down in the comments do you actually like mine in the water caves or do you like avoid them like the plague like I do because honest to God I couldn’t imagine really many things worse than having to mine

Underwater here it’s oh it’s just awful oh my God there is a single Diamond down here this is y11 all right and then the base floor here is y11 that’s nuts oh there is there we go whoa all right that didn’t take too long you know what

I take everything back I said about water caves I love them I actually I was just I was just joking I actually really like him you know oh it’s not a mind shaft it is oh my God anything of use to me in here perhaps any cool loot

Okay there we go this place looks really nice during Sunrise I really like the uh the sun rays blasting through it it looks good but now that we have the stuff that we need I need to now go and get a librarian villager to trade me silk touch and then we’ll throw the

Pickaxe in the enchantment table try and get efficiency on it get silk touch on it and then go and dig up like a whole coral reef okay all right well we’ll see what we can do over here it shouldn’t really take me too long I don’t think

Silk touch is what we’re looking for my good fellow silk touch last time I try again still touch it took me like an hour so there we go 11. oh that’s a cheap trade I tell you that’s a very cheap trade okay you just wait there my

Good fellow do not change that trade while I’m gone I was gonna say I don’t even know if I’ve got enough XP to enchant it and um add the book on top but I realized that I have more than enough XP to pretty much do anything go and make the

Pickaxe and hopefully we can get some pretty nice enchants on it the first roll if it’s a silk touch I will cry if I literally get soaked first [Laughter] no there’s no shot that that just happened okay well look it didn’t take me that long to get the villagers to trade it so

It’s fine but ah if I’d have known if I’d have known I don’t know why I didn’t test out just doing it at first but it is what it is we’ve got silk touch and we also have a book oh God I knew that was gonna happen I knew that was gonna

Happen alright so with our newly acquired silk touch pickaxe actually I want to get um I guess we can just do this then anyway I want to get respiration on my helmet respiration three oh my God these enchants are popping off okay so now that we’ve got all that out of the way

Hopefully there’s no sharks down there ready to uh nibble on me and we’ll just head over to this coral reef and dig up as much of it as we possibly can and so I spent the rest of day 69 and the entirety of Day 70 just grabbing as much

Coral as I could get my hands on making sure to try and get a good variety of colors as well as a whole bunch of sea pickles and obviously you know being sure to keep an eye out for sharks so that I don’t end up a little midnight

Snack but luckily for me that we’re really none around and these days ended up going by pretty smoothly without any trouble okay so now that we’ve amassed quite a nice amount of coral there’s some more over in the chest over there I think it’s time to start work on this

Reef now I don’t really know how I want it to look I build these semi-frequently I’d like to say but they always come out looking goofy because I don’t really know how to build Coral I know it’s kind of random in a sense like will do

Um like a I don’t even know like look see these are so weird we’ll do like a purple one like that there does that look good that looks well it brightens the area up I can definitely say that okay I want to do something with is

There a red one near here yeah okay the blue is the one that’s lacklust around here now I’m gonna go and add these things I think last because they need to be on there but they’re kind of finicky oh up there we go okay that’s looking pretty good it’s a little bit bright

Though it’s the Shader that kind of bugs out a little bit with these okay I’ll go and throw a few down hopefully I’ll get chomped by a shark once again and then I guess we’ll see how it comes out alright so we’re nearing the end of the day now

But I think that that was uh that’s pretty good okay I didn’t bring it down too far because I didn’t really want it going all the way to the end plus I didn’t have the right amount of coral to do so nor the mental capacity to place this atrocious block underwater but

Overall I think that went pretty well we probably do want to go down there with a little bit of bone meal just to bring out some Greenery but other than that it’s looking really nice I’m happy with this so let’s just stall all this Coral

Away we had way too many sea pickles but we may need more later on and then I think over the next couple of days we’re gonna do a little bit more trading and hopefully try and get I guess better armor I don’t really know I’ve got protection four so I don’t really need

To worry about it too much I guess I could get a couple more helmets and try and get protection floor on them the boots are fine I could maybe try and get depth Strider and then I want to head out and see if I can find another dog

Because I’m kind of sad I lost my dog to a bug and it upsets me daily I also don’t think I’ve shown you but the inside of my house is currently a little bit empty because I didn’t actually put anything in here so that’s also something that we’re gonna have to do I

Mean the upstairs is slightly more decorated but it’s literally just the lone bed just sat there I also think at some point as well we still got quite a lot of things to do now thinking about it but at some point as well I think we

Need to go around and finally finish off adding the details because there’s places like this where there’s no trap doors on the sides and there’s no fences so I could literally just fall into the ocean where there’s a giant eel waiting for me what is that what is that meat

Can I can I grab that with my fishing rod can I grab that is that grabbable it is oh okay it’s Neil’s food now okay my Good Fellows I don’t know if I have any emeralds in my chest I should have probably checked that before coming over

Here but I need to make more bank because I need better helmet I’m really only doing this because I can there’s no real reason for me to get protection for on the helmet I’m already like decked out as is um but I’m only doing it because I have

The villagers I have the resources so well you know why would I not now hopefully as well the pirate ships aren’t as bad as they used to be I mean the last one I took on really wasn’t too bad although saying that I might want to

Upgrade my bow because I don’t know I actually don’t remember the enchants it has on it let me have a look um where is uh powerful I’m breaking through another but they’re both fine they’re both fine we can probably get power five but other than that it’s fine

Okay so I have 60 emeralds I have 63 emeralds good sir are you the boyo with Protection One okay and what is your helmet uh you don’t have one just yet so let me just uh real quick change that projectile protection ew that’s stinky I don’t want that protection two and then

Boom boom Oh that’s expensive what about the other way eight oh what a bargain there we go okay you know what I’ll stay with projection three that’s good enough for me um I do want to try and get depth Strider on my diamond boots though because you know I literally live in the

Ocean was there anything on here oh wow oh no this was literally a protection three book oh wait but that means if I put this on a helmet it goes to prop 4 right I know I don’t have the XP but that should go to prop 4. no what why not

Huh protection three oh protect wait did I mess up protection 2 plus protection two is supposed to be protection three oh wait you only have Protection One oh I’m an idiot oh my God I am such an idiot how how do I play this game for a

Living how do I do that I have no clue oh I’m such an idiot why damn it man okay all right well I guess I’m harvesting the sugarcane we’re gonna do some paper trades because I’m out of wood hello good fellow are you my paper

Man you are not you are my silk touch man are you my favorite you are not my paper man what about you yes you are yeah oh wow they really do scam me for that okay and now that should be enough emeralds to purchase the last one from

You okay lovely lovely but then if I then go boom boom and then this is where it’s gonna get a little bit expensive oh 11 okay 11. then what What’s it gonna be it’s gonna be like 26. 19. uh that’s actually not too bad that’s pretty reasonable I can try and

Get that tonight don’t know if I’ll be able to though considering that these guys just really do not want to trade at the minute 11. eleven’s what we got well you know what at least we have access to do it now for now I guess we’ll just

Head to bed and then in the morning finish off the sugar cane finally okay so how much sand do I actually have ah okay uh well I guess first things first we need to go and get a bunch more sand now I don’t think that we’re gonna need

More than two stacks so I’ll just do one more dig and then we will head back up and get it placed down Okay so we’ve got a little over two stacks that should be enough let me just grab the jungle slabs okay and once again let me go around and

Place all of the wood you know what though I really think that we got like pretty much precisely the amount of sand that we needed up excluding the one because this was just under like two stacks of planks so yeah we were pretty close we actually had like almost a

Stack more than we actually needed wow ooh that looks very green over there now um I really don’t like the way that the other circles join onto the the main one but it’s okay I’ll take this small small sacrifice but how good it actually does look to some degree now I still don’t

Know whether or not I want to put sugarcane in these areas oh I may even throw it in the middle bits here actually how would that look let me just let me do a little little Quick Test right here I like that I actually do like that I’m gonna do that

Um you just need to kind of Overlook the fact that there’s you know slabs there but other than that yeah I like that okay so I’ll go around and get as many of those done then as I can you know what I’m actually kind of liking the sugarcane placement right here it’s kind

Of growing on me it’s gonna make the rooms feel a little bit more enclosed so it’s quite nice now last night I also discovered that I can place these lights that I made ages ago just down on the floor and blocks like this so we may use

These to light up the actual little mini circles in the middle but for now we’re not doing absolutely anything with light because I’m gonna go and head back out to see we’re gonna go over this way this time and we’re gonna hopefully hopefully try and recover another dog because I

Don’t feel right leaving it at that okay the man died trapped in a step it it shouldn’t have happened so I was really very much so I like to go and recover another one is this only half a ship where’s the oh there’s the front Okay I

Don’t know how big it was so it’s my render distance bugging out ah well now he’s stuck in the boat so that’s really not a problem listen to me Good Fellows I need a dog spawn egg okay ow Jesus calm down it’s all going off up there right calm yourselves this time

We’re doing it without blowing up the ship so hopefully we can go through here relatively hassle-free and just go and get what we wanted now I think the dog spawn egg was in one of these chests last time I think it was might have been in this one because it was quite early

On but we’ll check the rest of the ship okay we’ll go through cautiously with a bunch of torches and we’ll see what we can get done hello bios where are you at oh there you are hello oh there’s a lot of you down there too yeah clearing this

One out has gone substantially faster than the last time it doesn’t look like we’re gonna get a dog from this one oh oh my God there is so many up there wolf spawn egg nope wolf spawn egg nope and wolf spawn egg no okay oh wait there’s another ship back there hey

We’re saved okay you Salty Sea boys you better have some dogs on this ship for me I want a dog hello can I get rid of the supporter please thank you okay should be in this one no oh I feel like we got it really rare I feel like it was

Like a rare thing one at a time remember your friends on the ship over the road already tried this all right one at a time just chill out just chill out man just just calm down you’ll end up killing each other before you kill me okay just calm down what is happening ew

I don’t want the fish I want a dog no nothing zelch nothing on these ships man well there goes is that the enchanted gapple oh oh she shall take that damn okay um well I don’t really need the rest of stuff because it’s just farming stuff so

I guess back out we go my hopes of finding a dogger diminishing by the second right now it’s it’s truly sad right you already know what I’m gonna ask you know the routine right now does this chest does this chest does the ship have a chest containing a dog probable

Answer no hopeful answer yes right if we wanted to throw if we wanted to throw some some shots up in here then come on let’s go let’s go YouTube come on right I’m only checking the youthful chests the ones up top never have anything good in them at all I’ve got a couple

Diamonds that’s okay I’ll take those okay in final attempt to get a dog what does this chest down here have any oh my God forget about you guys I’m sorry and absolutely zero dog wow wow wow wow okay great well I’m just gonna take it as a

Sign we’re not getting a dog it is what it is it sucks but there’s nothing I can really do about it I don’t want to spend the remainder of my time here just going through constant amounts of ships in hopes of finding one lone dog alright

For the dog’s sake okay for the dog’s sake we’ll check out this Last Ship and if there’s nothing there then I’ll just head back home yep okay no uh did not have a wolf spawn egg I did have another Enchanted gapple though so that was good

But yeah no dog so we remain Lonely with just bees and a couple of cats I’ll tell you this it’s good to be back home now one of the things I was thinking of is maybe if I can’t have a dog okay maybe I could build like a mural for it and I

Understand that like I had it for like a day and it didn’t last long at all but I really wanted that dog damn it all right I wanted that dog anyways um what I’m thinking is we might for Mutual benefit okay I might not even build the the wolf

Thing from this but I kind of just want to have it I want to build like a giant Island out here I don’t know whether or not I want it in a circle uh it’ll be substantially bigger than the one that my house is in but we’ll have it down

There at the bottom we’ll make it really big and we’ll fill it with dirt and grass and then that should okay should spawn in some Wildlife like cows sheep and pigs I don’t know whether or not it actually will but we can try it however what we’re actually going to need for

This is an absolute ton of dirt and this 63 is just not gonna cut it actually come to think of it now I don’t actually want to do the circle thing instead I want to build up just a really big island and by really big I mean as big

As I can within my limits right now okay so this is roughly I think how big I want it I want it to loop around there we can make a big like weird shaped island I don’t know what shape I’m going for I just tried to do it kind kind of

Random but kind of within reason but now we need to go and get oh just so much dirt this is gonna take so much I need to go all the way around here and loop it in I don’t know exactly how big I want it but it is going to be pretty big

So I guess one of the things we could do is we could just go into The Nether grab some gravel and then just dupe some dirt I know that means I have to go to the Nether and absolutely hate that place but it does save me a ton of time having

To go around and mine up dirt what is that what is that an octopus in the nether there’s no shot this guy’s in here there’s absolutely no shot this guy’s in here buddy no did he die is he changing colors oh my God he’s so cool oh God he’s coming for me

Sorry man I just I was curious oh you were an octopus okay sorry I thought you were like another mob for a second I couldn’t tell I kind of feel bad now he was just in here vibing just switched his RGB on him was just going mad see her safe

He has seems safe ah no it’s there God damn it man I hate these things Am I Wrong where to find gravel like I thought it was really common in these biomes maybe I’ve just not found a chunk of it yet you know okay there’s a Bastion over there there’s this claw

Thing I think I got from one of the Bears on the roof I’m glad to know that they’re around here oh my God where’s the gravel hello what I ask is not hard I think I might just end up getting it from the underground in the Overworld to

Be fair I think I might be faster I can’t find a single bit down here so for the following couple of days I headed back down to the Ravine in the mine and dug up any and all gravel and dirt that I could find they ended approving significantly faster than the nether I

Mean I’m convinced that the nether has absolutely nothing for me at this point okay it can’t even Supply me with gravel after being down here a little while and Gathering quite a hefty amount of both gravel and dirt I headed back to the surface and began filtering through the

Course dirt to finish things off now over the next two days I got to work on building out the island with all the dirt that I gathered over the past couple of days now I think I may have gone just a little bit too big with the

Sizing of this thing because the first batch of dirt got just over the outline done so I grabbed some more and just continued on now I’m also kind of thinking that I might want to maybe build like some ruined structures or some like ruined Temple kind of things

On this island but I’m not really too sure now I actually didn’t end up making as much progress as I thought I would over the past couple of days but I’m gonna put that down to the island being quite a bit bigger than I was actually anticipating it coming out yeah so I

Really think that I may have gone a little bit overboard with the sizing of the island now it’s gonna look good it’s gonna look really nice but um yeah we’re gonna need just a little bit more dirt although look at it now we do have some

Pretty good progress on it but yeah it wasn’t meant to be this big now I do intend on doing some little beaches around the sides of it but other than that it’s mainly going to be dirt that we need I’ve also just realized that I didn’t place the trapdos on top of these

Bits which is now really annoying me now I’m thinking we can use the island for a kind of I don’t know if I want to use it for the nether portal or for the German area or for what but I do want hopefully some animals to spawn on it I don’t

Really think they will but it’d be nice if they did um but I think I might build up some like ruins over there and have the portal in Ruins and then have like an enchantment area as well and kind of like a ruined little mini Temple area I

Don’t know but to do that I’m gonna need a bunch of stone but luckily for me I have silk touch on my pickaxe so we want to go and grab a bunch of normal Stone we will also want to get a bunch of cobblestone as well

All right and that should do for the stone front for now I don’t think we’re gonna need much more than this if anywhere near this Mount I don’t know I don’t know we’re gonna build a decent amount of stuff over there now I did also discover this little vein of dirt

On here which I wouldn’t really usually pay attention to but my eyes and sensors have been heightened to the actual existence of this block right now so we’ll see how much we get from this little chunk right here okay oh over a stack and a half that’s not bad at all

Okay so we’ll start this stuff away I’ll go and smell down this iron and then I kind of need to uh start up a little vine farm I don’t ever think I’ve made one of them before I don’t even know how to make one of those now thinking about

It I know I can just Farm them out through jungle trees I don’t know whichever way seems easier and at this point actually realizing how vastly densely populated that the oak tree farm is I’m thinking I’m just gonna get them from jungle trees okay so I’m gonna go

Grab some more bone meal I’ll put them bones that I got earlier to use I told you I need them and then I guess I’ll spend my night just mindlessly chopping away at Vines hoping to get enough to cover up all the blocks that we’re going

To need into Mossy versions okay so this should be enough finds now I’m going to start another chest right here this is going to be like Island material oh no didn’t mean to shave that wood off I feel bad now but as I was saying before I accidentally scalped the wood I’m

Gonna make this chest over here for Island materials okay ruin material stuff that I want to build with over on the island so today what I want to do is I want to head back down here and we need to get a little bit more dirt and

By a little bit I mean like a bunch of gravel and a bunch of more dirt so hopefully get like I’m gonna say six Stacks is what I’ll do the rest of the island maybe more I’m feeling more like 10 but I’m gonna take the guess and say

Six oh yeah I forgot how infested it was down here as soon as I get down here there’s just zombies everywhere now I’m hoping they didn’t clear this place completely out of dirt mainly I know that there’s a whole bunch of gravel left in here made evident by that just

Falling on me I’m just really hoping that it’s not all underwater like I won’t be against going and getting it if it is but I just I don’t want to deal with that oh God yep well it looks like we’re going underwater for dirt I’ve looked around the caves and I can’t find

A single piece so I guess it’s just underwater for us from now on it really isn’t the end of the world but I just I hate mining in the water okay I think this much combined with the amount of gravel we have combined with the stuff upstairs should hopefully I believe be

Enough to finish off at the very least the base layer of the island without adding like any extra details lumps or bumps on there I think it should be fine so I’ll head back down this Ravine I’ll head back up home and then I’ll spend the night making more dirt and then in

The morning hopefully having enough dirt to finish off the floor of the island okay so after uh digging up dirt all night we have a fair few Stacks which I’m hoping will actually finish off the build over here now if I sound a little bit different I don’t know what’s

Happened apparently overnight I lost part of my voice or something I don’t even know um but yeah I sound kind of funky now so that’s fun but anyways let’s go around and try and get this thing finished off okay so there we go that’s all the dirt

That we have currently placed down and now we only have this little Center bit to finish off so I’m thinking maybe like two or three stacks probably not even that and we should be good to go now I do need to go and Light Up This Island a

Little bit more because more Ghoulies are gonna be able to spawn on here now and then once we’ve done that I guess we can go and try and grab a little bit more dirt to finish this off and then hopefully either finish it off tonight or in the morning okay so now hopefully

This is enough dirt it’s just under four Stacks so I think it will be or at least I hope it will be but now I’m gonna go back up I’m gonna see how many mobs if any have spawned on the island if there’s none I’ll go and place it all

Tonight if there’s a few then I’ll just I’ll not deal with that and we’ll go and do it in the morning okay yeah there’s absolutely zero on there so we’ll just head over we’ll place the rest of this dirt and then we will head to bed hopefully finishing off the island all

Right and it was enough okay there’s literally one last block to place and boom there it is island is well at least for the base layer complete and it’s looking pretty nice I kind of struggle building things that oh I was literally okay no it’s not done I take it back I

Lied I lied I’m sorry I Bamboozled you I apologize so as I was saying I’m pretty impressed with it because I kind of struggled to build natural looking things it I don’t know why it’s kind of like a pain for me I can’t do like natural inclines and stuff it’s kind of

Annoying but that came out looking pretty good I’m really happy with it so I am gonna go and grab some more wheat seeds and then I’ll just throw down some more grass for tonight head to bed and then in the morning well I don’t even know what we’re gonna do in the morning

So now while we’re waiting for the island to kind of do its thing and the grass to spread all over it I think today we’ll have a pretty chill day we’ll go and breed up the bees a little bit more and we’ll also go around the

Entire base are as much as possible and go and finish off just all the little details that were yet to add to just like the little trap doors there and the Fenton stuff here just because I’ve been meaning to do it for like I don’t know

Like 20 days now and still haven’t done it so it’s never gonna get done unless I force myself to do it so you want to start out by getting just a whole bunch of please tell me we have some Oakwood we have some logs uh we don’t really

Have much but that’s fine I think I’ve got like a full Farm’s worth so it’s it’s okay I don’t think we have any trap doors either because I think I gobbled them oh no I do I do have some trapdos that’s fine I’m still not sure how I

Want to do these end bits here I think I might just like throw down some fences like floor this off and then throw down some fences I don’t really know okay and how’s this side looking that side’s done here needs doing okay so we need six

There the whole nine there do these need it no that’s fine so okay we need quite a bit of trapdoor so I’ll go trap down the farm real quick now that should be all the trap doors down with five to spare so we didn’t do too bad and now

We’re gonna go finish off the fences and then I think we might have time to do the lights okay wow so the fences did not take me that long to place at all there was like 12 to place so that wasn’t bad and then we want to go in

Here and search incandescent there we go and one torch three iron and a glass paint for four they are a little bit pricey but at least we get four from them so I don’t have any glass panes left I’m pretty sure so we’ll just grab

Some of that and break it down okay how many of these bad boys can we make we can make 16 bang on actually precisely which is pretty good oh you can only hold stacks of 16. okay well we’ll get two stacks of 16. we’ll leave it there

And then we’ll go around and see how much they do I just think that they look better than the Torches like I can get rid of the Torches and it’ll still be bright here at night I don’t necessarily know what to do with the rest of them

Now I might use them as decorations over on the island or like I don’t know where to put them okay well we literally just needed less than 16 of them then but that’s that’s okay now that I can get rid of the Torches I’ll feel much better

About how that area looks okay today is the day it starts finally after I don’t even know how long I’ve been working on this island it hasn’t been too long right so let’s grab some of these Vines I’ll grab only two stacks for now because I don’t think we’ll need that

Many oh I should have made some stone bricks and cracked to them in the time that we’ve been like messing about here okay so I’m thinking that we do the main build I don’t know whether I’m not I want it to be either a place to enchant which would probably be more beneficial

To me than a nether portal that I’ll probably never use so I think if we want to do that we want to build kind of like a somewhat circular Temple not even Temple but just like a little little kind of shrine looking thing now I don’t

Have an exact idea in mind but we’ll try out some stuff and see how it goes so let’s just dive straight in and see what we can come up with now I actually found like a really nice looking build from another YouTuber named it’s Marlo so I

Decided to go with that because it just fits here so perfectly and of course if this build interests you or you’re looking for inspiration for an enchantment area then definitely go check out the video in the top right there’s a bunch of really cool ones in

There so yeah I spent the rest of day 86 just working on building up a tiny dilapidated Shrine and once the main area of the build was done on day 87 I added the enchanting table to it and voila it’s done and it just looks so perfect on this little island okay there

We go that’s looking pretty nice now I’m probably gonna go and add some Vines and stuff to it and maybe even right I’m ready for this maybe even some string lights that would be that’d be quite nice but now what I need to do is I need

To go around the whole island add some trees add some more details and whatnot and just really make this place come together I think over there if I want to I’ll build like a little Arch a little mini like ruined arch for the nether portal not really too fast I’m not going

Back in there so it’ll probably just be for aesthetic purposes but yeah let me head over here grab a bunch of bone meal and some saplings and then we’ll get to work on making that place look even more dilapidated there we go and then we’ll start working on some grass I’ll also

Have this path come off over this way as well just over to the portal if I want to build it over here I don’t know how I’m feeling about flowers uh probably will have them they do just add a little bit of Vibrance to the island itself but

We want like a load of this long grass as well that we need this place to be Overkill covered in stuff and there we go look at that man it looks so nice over here I kind of wish I built my house here I’m not gonna lie now there

Are still a few details I want to go and add such as like the lights around air and a few more lanterns around the place because I didn’t really want to waste all my iron on them right now so for the minute what I’m going to do is I’m going

To head back home we’ll probably craft up some string lights tonight and then in the morning I’ll go and try and finish off everything I can and maybe even build another portal but I’m not too sure about that however what I am sure about is that that looks awesome

From a distance that looks so cool so I’m gonna craft some string lights and then I will see you guys in the morning when we go and try and add just a little bit of the final touches over there all right this should be enough string

Lights I think I don’t want to overdo it I I really don’t want to make too many and then have it look kind of ruin the aesthetic of it so this should be enough I think this even might be Overkill to some extent but if I just run these from

Like you to you right oh that is oh it’s so beautiful oh and then from oh oh God it’s too beautiful it’s two nights it’s actually not like that amazing but it is quite good I’m actually so excited for night to fall now this is gonna be oh

It’s gonna be super cozy over here now so let me go go around and add just a couple more lanterns so we can get rid of some of these torches that are just laying around this is really really coming together now I like this so I

Think I will throw down a portal as well um it’ll only have to be a small one I mean I don’t really have much more obsidian and I don’t fancy going and spending nine more years mining it up I don’t know exactly what pattern I’m gonna go for either but I’m sure I’ll

Figure that out as well I’m sure I’ll find something that I like Pinterest strikes once again so let’s just get to work on trying to build this up I don’t know how well it’s gonna go in the space we have now looking at it but we should

Be we should be okay thinking about it now it might even look better if I do it at the back here instead I think it probably will look better if I do it at the back here instead so let’s just get rid of this real quick and then yeah I

Think back here is going to work so much better so if we just start from then probably here then would be a better call yeah that’ll work fine okay there we go so that’s pretty much how it’s gonna be there’s like the front and the side finished so I just need to

Copy and paste that on the back and then the other side and then we should be good to go so I guess I’ll spend the rest of the night working on this and then I guess I’ll see you all when I finished it off it really shouldn’t take

Too long but don’t want to waste your time with any more tedious stone brick placing all right and now with that finished off I need to number one probably get rid of this tree it’s kind of blocking it a little bit there we go that’s better but now with that finished

Off I’m gonna grab some of this musty cracked and chiseled Stone and then we’re just gonna go at this thing adding a load of details okay and that should be enough that looks really good actually I’m surprised how well it fits now I do need to go down the mine and

Grab myself seven more pieces of obsidian so let me just go and run and do that real quick all right there we go let me just add these I ended up getting a little bit more for in case I underestimated but no I did indeed just

Need exactly seven but there we go let me just light this bad boy up boom oh sheesh that does look pretty nice all right you know what it is missing though it’s missing some Lantern or it’s missing some fairy lights I’m not too sure which one I want to put on there

You know maybe oh ew ew no get off I didn’t want to put you there like they look kind of good but it doesn’t fit the theme I’m thinking all right let me check let me check how expensive they are I’m thinking something like these googly lights these like skull lights

Right here um or maybe even the pumpkin ones oh I know I can’t do the pumpkin ones okay that sucks what about the skull ones I can do those oh what about the oh there’s so many options okay I think what go with is some kind of black

Skulls maybe or gray skulls can I even make gray dye I can make black dye I need ink sex Sony try and find some squid oh wait actually I think I have some ink sacks from all the barrels and stuff I think I may have some in here

Let’s please just pray I do please pray I do ink sack yes I have two and then we’ll make ourselves some gray skull lights oh I’m missing oh it’s light gray oh wait no that was light gray one I clicked on there we go great

Oh oh my God I almost set my entire house on fire okay how will you look my good fellow it hello yeah what why aren’t they facing the way I need them to no I can’t see those maybe do them at the back then I still

Can’t see them what what oh that kind of sucks yeah this is not really working out the way I thought it would it kind of sucks can I just place the skulls down on their own oh I like that I kind of regret putting them on the strings

Now can I take them back off I cannot so let me throw the gray one there boom Oh and then maybe some oh yeah yeah yeah hey that looks pretty good that looks pretty good whoa okay okay I like that damn man this island has really come

Along I kind of prefer it to the actual base I’ve not seen this thing from like an aerial point of view yet so when I’m going back and do these replay shots I’m really looking forward to seeing this thing okay so the list of things that we

Still need to do over this part is we need to grow a couple more trees add a path to the nether portal and then just overall do some like maybe add some leaves in places and some vines on the builds just so they look a little bit

More old but the problem I have with doing the trees and stuff is I’m running out of Bones so I think I might spend tomorrow with the mob grinder get the bones up finish off this island the day after and then do whatever for the last few days okay apparently there’s a

Zombie on my Island somewhere is he on top of my house hello I think he’s up there where is he buddy is he on my roof my roof isn’t lit up like at all so that’s not surprising I was gonna start today off by saying I don’t really know

What to do but I guess with that whole incident with a zombie uh we could decorate the inside I am still technically living down here with the smokers and the furnaces and stuff so we should really move all this stuff over into the house yeah okay that’s that’s

Today’s task then we’re actually gonna start living in our house but to do that I do need to actually build the floor in the bottom part because it’s still grass and for that I’m going to need a little bit of wood okay and I’ll break some of

This down into probably slabs because I need to place a layer of things under this because yep it just goes straight down to Ocean ah I don’t want to be in here there’ll probably be a shot get me out I think I’m gonna do the same pattern from the outside inside although

I’m pretty sure the video that I saw did that anyway so it’s just being built the way it was intended alright there we go that’s much better it’s looking so much nicer I think maybe we could even add some string lights in here you know maybe just outside these windows going

Well it’d be across here and then across there and then we can get rid of that Lantern I think that would look quite nice so I think we’ll have this downstairs area right here be where I put the furnaces and the Anvil and stuff and then maybe a little chest down there

Just to put things like um I don’t know what do I need for the Anvil I don’t know maybe we’ll just throw a barrel down there instead I would really like some flower pots and stuff but I don’t think that I have the clay to make them uh and I don’t think

That there’s any clay that I’ve seen on the ocean floor so okay so let’s grab these two and then we’ll grab the where the incandescent lights there we go we’ll bring these over here so you go bye bye and then you go boom boom and

Then you go boom boom and then you throw them on instead and boom would you look at that that’s actually quite nice to be fair how’s that look from the inside that looks pretty nice I guess we’ll throw oh my God that’s so expensive why

Is that so expensive I mean I have the wood for it but I’m still not happy about that okay so I make one of these tables then these ones look cool but I think they’re a little bit too wide like they’re yeah they’re coffee table so

They’re a little bit smaller well we can build we can build one of each and see how they turn out oh you see now I think that one’s gonna be perfect already oh that one is perfect look at that look at that boy I can sit here and spin my

Globe all day if I wish what about the coffee tables yeah they’re a little bit too small oh you know what though that looks kind of good looks a little bench watch benches already be a thing yeah oh you know that’d look really good though

Let me let me try some of this I’m I’m now just discovering the furniture mod within my last 10 days how have I missed this this entire time this cool at all can I place this like outside my house um well I guess we’ll have a little

Bench around the side of the house here as well right there lovely look at that that’s oh all right I’m gonna have a look through this and see if there’s anything that I want to build tomorrow alright so I’m gonna strip down a bunch of Vlogs and then we’re gonna test out

Some of this furniture because I didn’t know that this even existed well I mean I did I just completely forgot that I added it okay so I want to make um like one more of these or at least four more let’s say um and I want to try and see if these

Cabinets not them ones were like the drawers these things I want to see if oh bedside oh okay well I want to see if I can actually use them for storage because that’d be pretty cool I also think that they look really nice just at the sides there it looks it looks good

So if I let’s say I got these bedside drawers okay these bedside cabinets and I put one there one there don’t really know oh my God I I think Arthur they were individually addressable oh my God that is so cool I don’t know how I feel about that particularly but

Um it looks okay I don’t know I’m just amazed that I can access them as storage that’s insane to me um in this case then can we throw some downstairs maybe to to match the area oh my God look at that that looks beautiful we need a whole row

Of these we want a whole kitchen down here boom boom Oh My look at that that’s beautiful and you know what the best thing is I can put things on top of them oh look at that I’m liking this uh this is kind of becoming annoying slightly

Now so let me just kind of I’ll throw you over here and hopefully you still look good yeah it looks alright it also gives me a little step outside as well you know I don’t have to oh wait it actually works really well these kind of

Get in the way but other than that and then we can grab the globe and we can throw you over here boom oh look at this is amazing I kind of have a desk chair or are they just normal normal chairs I don’t think I have the

Wall for these yeah they were they’re pretty expensive I don’t think you can have a desk chair which kind of sucks but that’s that’s fine no way I can make a doormat I’m gonna go make this yes yes although it should probably be on the outside yeah just throw it on the

There we go right here there we go look at that oh my God everything’s coming together this is this is beautiful we can have a little path going around here look at that okay that’s pretty cool I’m impressed with that one that one’s that one’s nice a trampoline oh I can’t build

That either I don’t have a slime ball okay let’s try something right here then what if I just completely oh you know what I like that and then does it work that I can’t jump over them I do like that but it means that I have to get rid

Of the little like lanterns that I’ve got going on here but either way that was a pretty good uh that was a pretty good day with the furniture mod right there I love this thing it’s so good okay make oh why am I in a chest no make

Some of these see how they look we’ll make we’ll make two okay do they look Christmassy oh that’s very Christmassy that is yeah no that is yeah that is way too Christmassy I don’t think that I can get away with doing such things at this

Time of the year all right well I’m glad I didn’t waste more than two iron on those um yeah they’re going in the chest we’re never touching them again they’re never seeing the light of day okay well I don’t really know what we can do then

With the whole flower thing we can make oh we can make a flower box oh oh wait we’ve got supplementaries up in here as well so oh supplementaries doesn’t do too much actually by the look of it no it adds Spruce hanging signs a deep slate lamp Okay maybe they do add some

Things that’s kind of cool but no I think we want to make some flower boxes and then I kind of want to have some flowers maybe outside my house in this little area here maybe right between here would be would be quite nice if they can join together oh we can also

Make item shelves as well which I think would look pretty nice okay all right how do they look oh okay they’re very like yeah they’re very thin okay well they might make nice little oops they might make nice little details I don’t know uh we’ll make a couple of them

Though oh they’re a lot smaller than I thought they were okay well we can can we put them on things oh oh you can oh this is gonna be amazing all right so let me actually grab a couple of flowers then we’ll see what we can put in them

Oh you can put three in oh two apparently oh there we go yeah three all right so is it possible then for me to get more flowers I know that I’ve like grown some stuff before and managed to get like the blue ones I’ll go over here

I’ll go over to the back right segment of this island and I’ll just Farm out because I’m pretty sure that I can get like multiple different ones okay I did not get any different ones but I do have a bunch of poppies now oh no there’s a

Shark right there please stay away don’t come over here he’s coming over here he’s coming over here he’s coming over here go away okay well I guess I’ll use what I have and just kind of place down these Planters then there’s not really too much else I can do put a red one

There Urban there that looks nice and then maybe a couple here as well so we’ll do yellow yellow yellow and then red red there we go that looks nice so let’s have a little quick look to see if there’s anything a crimson Lantern hello um I’m not going in another so that’s

Not happening okay well I think that was a good couple of days messing around with decorations and stuff that was uh pretty good but I think now we have gone through and cleared up like everything I wanted to use I’ll have a little quick look through but I don’t think there’s

Too much else that a I can make or B that I want to make you see there’s all the neptunium stuff and I kind of want to get like a you get the loot boxes right yeah look neptunian’s Bounty you get them from oh the ingots how do I get

The ingots I know that how do I get the Nuggets then from the ingots where do they come from though let me enchant a fishing rod I think we already have one uh yeah it has lure two so we’ll make another fishing rod actually I’ll make

Two and then we’ll enchant these and see how they go and I think we’ll spend probably like a day fishing because we’ve not really fished too much for anything really other than materials oh I’m not even level 30. oh uh in that case then let me go get some trading

Done let me just grab all this up and then I guess I’ll make some Bank okay so I traded pretty much all night didn’t get as much xp as I was expecting though um apparently they’re all like broke right now and their trades are all buggy because they won’t refresh because

They’re not sleeping and stuff but they’re not even moving half of them I really don’t know what moving them Islands did to them but it really messed them up now we’re hoping to try and get I think it’s look of the C3 that’s not what I wanted okay well we’ll try again

We’ll try again here and nope and I can’t enchant this one or maybe I can’t why haven’t you ever enchant that oh well that’s gone until my levels okay you know what we’ll do with what we have I’ll combine these three together and then we’ll just spend the day fishing

Now shortly after starting to fish I ended up finding a fishing rod that ended up putting mine to shame and was just so much better however it did eventually break but that’s fine because I immediately found another one ended up having mending on it so that’s even

Better okay come here and then I think we’re gonna leave it there for today that is also a really nice Sunset look at that all right so we didn’t really get much of anything during the day I got multiple fishing rods uh and free name

Tag which is nice and a message in a bottle what do you have for me good sir okay great you know lovely message thank you very much that was so useful to me I also got a goldfish which said that I can turn it into a cold and nugget uh

Which is amazing can I eat this I honestly I don’t want to eat it can I put it back in the water like I don’t want this I don’t want this poor thing I don’t want to turn him into gold man but yeah so that was the uh the day pretty

Uneventful not gonna lie did not get much of anything although we didn’t get some tuna that was that’s pretty good now the next couple of days was spent finishing off some little details and tidying up some areas just to add the finishing touches to the build and I

Also did find a way to end off the like exit areas of the raft that I’m not using at the very far end um I’ve just put a hedge there and it ended up looking pretty good so now after doing a little bit of tidying I

Think I want to oh I was gonna say focus on you guys but I think I fixed the problem I organized all the beds to that side and I also blocked off the ways they can get in here so that they hopefully don’t bug out as much when

They’re trying to get in because I think that they think that they’re fences and I think that they know that they can’t get past them I don’t know but either way it seems like everybody’s in here now oh well he’s okay you know yeah I didn’t fix anything okay what is that

Noise what’s that hello oh God hello buddy uh that’s not what I wanted to find over there oh it’s because there’s an octopus in my boat that’s what the noise is look at him he’s just chilling in there how’s it going buddy hey you know what I’m gonna

Give you a name tag you’re gonna you’re gonna stay You’re Gonna Be My Pet now I want an aquarium for the villagers they put a little aquarium under here for the villagers yeah I think that’s a good idea actually um do you guys still sell me that ax

Have you refreshed your trade yet you have but it’s not okay I don’t have the emeralds for it I guess I’m just gonna have to go and try and repair it with diamonds again then won’t have enough XP to repair it very much but it should

Hopefully be able to cover the cost of part of the floor that I’m gonna wrap up okay so boom boom that’s gonna be way too expensive oh no it’s not actually it’s only seven damn there we go all right fully Decked Out Diamond ax is

That good oh wait no that’s a little bit too that’s too far right it’s not on the stair is it no it’s in okay and then we’ll go around the size with glass yeah that’ll be pretty good all right let’s just hope that there’s no like I don’t

Know sharks and stuff down here and also let’s hope that we have enough glass last because I feel like this is going to be okay we have enough for now but I guarantee that that won’t remain enough oh yeah we do not have anywhere near

Enough glass to do this yeah no that is uh yeah we’re severely lacking on that front Okay okay so I think I’m gonna go and do some trades real quick to try and Stack Up on as much as I can from them and then if that is just not going to be

That efficient I will go and grab just a bunch from the ocean floor all right not bad at all actually we only need just a little bit more and then we should be good so I’m gonna hope that he restocks his trade if not what I’ll do is I’ll

Immediately go tonight and grab the sand and then just smelt it down overnight so that it’s not just a boring task tomorrow okay so I’ve still got about a Stacks melting down between two furnaces but this I think should at the very least finish off the sides and most of

The floor okay there we go that did uh that did pretty well actually we’ve only got like maybe I’d say like 20 more for the bottom and then like maybe half a stack for the top so that’s not too bad now how does this thing actually look from a pier now

Ah you don’t look bad to be fair it looks it looks quite nice now if I place water down there will that like then sort it out it will okay yeah overall that’s pretty good actually um hopefully they can’t escape through this I don’t want to leave it open just

For if so what I’m going to do now is I’m going to wait for the rest of the glass to smell down and then we’ll go we’ll finish that off and then try the tedious task of trying to get that octopus in there how am I gonna get oh

God how am I gonna get him in there yeah I don’t know how I’m gonna do this then wait he’s green why is he changing color what what’s happening to him is he an RGB octopus oh wait no octopus can change color right they go between like brownie

Orange then to like white I think I I don’t know I know that some of them can I don’t know if all of them can but I know that there’s at least one that I have seen that has changed color didn’t know they were RGB though I’m curious if

I make a piston can I then just like push him on to land oh oh my god it worked oh my god it worked okay yes oh we’re gonna do this we’re gonna do this right gonna line you up properly there we go and boom up we go hey there we go it

Wasn’t even that hard I thought this was going to be a real pain but no Hello friends I have brought you well essentially I would say entertainment but he’s a pet not entertainment although he can work as both okay there we go go in there go in there go in the

Water damn it no water in the water don’t make me attack you get in the water it’s there man get in the water I am gonna lose it with you my good friend get in the boat get in the boat if that didn’t work this will there we go he’s

In the water now and he’s straight back out oh you absolute fiend where’s he going hi don’t go over there get in the boat get I’ve had it with you get in Jesus you don’t make any more noise he’s getting trapped in there he’s gonna have to go in like at the last

Second I’m gonna have to block him in real quick I’m stuck I’m literally stuck let me out okay right will you fall in the water here in in no son of a okay you know what he’s a land octopus he’s a land octopus I’m sure he’s definitely gonna go

Actually wait can I just wait wait wait wait go in there no no go in in no oh I hate this guy so much fine fine have it your way stay out see if I care I don’t care anymore I’m done with him I’m done

With him he’s dead to me you know what I’m actually gonna do first today you know what I’m gonna do first just straight away straight off the bat where’s that name tag well I had a name tag where is it there it is right I’m gonna name this octopus something

Absolutely atrocious all right I’m gonna name him a name that nobody wants to be named I’m gonna name him a name so foul that he’ll wish that he went in the water his name is Slug that’s his name his name is Slug where you at buddy there you are hello

Here there you go slug there you go yeah you slimy little guy no one loves you slug no one loves you you know what actually the name’s kind of cute I still like him again now it’s your own fault though you have access to the water you

Just won’t go in it you can go in whenever you want I’ll leave it open maybe he’ll go in at some point but I highly doubt that okay so let me go and replace these couple bits of leaf here there we go and then we’ll head over to

The island and I kind of want to put a little Shrine down for my doggy don’t know how I’m gonna build this thing don’t know how it’s gonna look um but it’ll be something okay there we go there’s a shrine to my dog it doesn’t look like anything but it’s I know what

It means okay I know what it means I I understand the the deeper meaning the connection behind it all right I’m not even gonna put a sign down for him I didn’t even have a name I don’t even have a name he literally just suffocated

In a step over here man like you clearly wasn’t destined to be with us okay well reflecting back on things all right Buzz being on day 100 right now I feel like we made some pretty wacky progress this video a lot of would used if you couldn’t tell an absolute ton of wood

Used we have a couple bees I didn’t expect to get these fellas there is still the odd one or two that flew off over into the ocean just into the great unknown Abyss we have a octopus named slug wherever he’s gone hello buddy there he is look at him that’s a slug

For you but yeah to end things off this time I guess I’ll open this last Barrel that I found on the way over to the island oh actually that was a pretty decent Barrel got some obsidian and some iron not bad at all but yeah if you guys

Enjoyed this new style of video and you want to see more then please be sure to let me know by dropping a like and a comment down below if things seemed a little weird pacing wise or if the commentary was a little bit janky this time around

Um there was like a weak break in between day 50 and like the rest of it and it is my first attempt at this new style so please let me know if you want to see more of it and hopefully all the videos won’t be as long as this one but

They should be pretty long but yeah there we have it there’s a hundred days on a raft I think this was a pretty good one all right we built some pretty good stuff it looks really nice very symmetrical very pleasing to the eye but as always thank you all so very much for

Watching I do greatly greatly appreciate it and if you did enjoy the video then please consider dropping a like and subscribing that’s it for me today and I’ll see you in the next video adios hey also go follow my Twitter okay I post my cats on there sometimes they’re

Pretty cute so just just go follow it all right get some free cat pictures and I’ll see you in the next video bye love you all bye

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days on a RAFT in Minecraft Hardcore!!’, was uploaded by IT’S POPPERS on 2023-06-13 14:30:08. It has garnered 3821283 views and 20742 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:58 or 11698 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days on a Raft in Hardcore Minecraft!!

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I Built a GIANT AQUARIUM in ONE BLOCK SKYBLOCK in Hardcore Minecraft!! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPPTNdUl9KA&t=25s&ab_channel=IT%27SPOPPERS

I Survived 100 Days in OneBlock Lucky Block – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3z2LGbiQr7I&t=392s&ab_channel=IT%27SPOPPERS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Raft Map – https://www.9minecraft.net/raftblock-map/

Original video concept by https://youtube.com/@SkyesYT

This series is influenced by other Minecraft creators such as Luke TheNoteable, Sandiction, Skyes and Wadzee.

In this series I try my best to challenge myself to survive 100 days in different situations not I Survived 50 Hours in BETTER Minecraft Hardcore! orMinecraft Players Simulate Being Ship Wrecked on a Deserted Island… or any other I survived 100 days in minecraft video but me surviving 100 days on a Raft in Minecraft #minecraft #mc #100days :)) Secret Link – https://youtu.be/qt2HFq7w1K4

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    EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s fix the house on Minecraft. 🌫️😻🐨🐰🦁 #minecraft #songs #babyzoo #animation’, was uploaded by Zoo Zoo on 2024-01-11 19:18:06. It has garnered 1063 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. 🌟😻SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME🌟😻 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC73OSCbHaqKlhHLBpQqHPrQ?sub_confirmation=1 #babyzoo #kidssongs #babysongs Hi kids! 😻 Our little animals have moved to the world of Minecraft! 😺 Merry adventures await them! They will have to collect resources, jump over the lava in the mine, fight the skeleton and build a house! 🪵🪨🌋🏡 Will they be able to cope with everything… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP – Whitelisted – JAVA – 1.20.1 – 18+ – Economy – Create Focus

    Join SteamCraft Community Click here to join Welcome to SteamCraft We welcome all 18+ players to our community. At SteamCraft, we believe in the magic of Minecraft and the creativity it sparks. Our mods enhance the experience, offering new challenges and opportunities for innovation without overshadowing the core of what makes Minecraft great. Whether you’re an architect of grand designs, an adventurer in endless landscapes, or a master of Redstone, there’s a place for you here. Join Us Today Join us and be part of a community where every block placed, every adventure embarked upon, and every interaction matters. Here,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

    Minecraft Memes - Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft playersUpdating mods is like trying to assemble IKEA furniture – it’s always a pain, but you’ll feel accomplished once it’s done! Read More

  • Temple Discovery: Minecraft’s Newbie Adventure

    Temple Discovery: Minecraft's Newbie Adventure In Minecraft’s world, I take my first step, Exploring the temple, where secrets are kept. Crafting tools and battling foes, Unraveling puzzles, as my journey grows. Join me on this adventure, full of delight, As I navigate through day and night. Will I conquer the temple’s test, Or will I face a challenging quest? Follow me on Instagram, for more fun, Watch my video, see what I’ve done. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. Read More

  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥

    Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥 Looks like the cat has a purr-fect plan to take down those creepers! Watch out, Minecraft world, this feline means business! 🐱💣 Read More

  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

    Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share Minecraft Texture Pack Share: Cute Fox Villagers, Polar Bears, and More! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spice up your gameplay with some adorable additions? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore a fun and exciting texture pack shared by a talented Minecraft player. We Don’t Bite Texture Pack One of the highlights of this share is the “We Don’t Bite” texture pack. This pack brings a whole new level of cuteness to your Minecraft world with features like cute fox villagers and lovable polar bears. The attention to detail in this pack is truly impressive, making… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

    Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024 Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft. Today, we stumbled upon a breathtaking video titled “The best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so special – creativity, community, and endless possibilities. As you watch the stunning visuals and immersive gameplay showcased in this cinematic masterpiece, you can’t help but feel inspired to join a Minecraft server where you can unleash your own creativity and connect with like-minded players. That’s where Minewind comes… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

    Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion The Adventure of Clearing the Woodland Mansion in Duo SMP Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey as our fearless Minecraft player, Kroberto, takes on the challenge of raiding the Woodland Mansion in the Duo SMP world. Join in as we explore the vast overworld and encounter thrilling adventures along the way! Exploring the Woodland Mansion As Kroberto delves into the depths of the Woodland Mansion, be prepared to witness epic battles with hostile mobs, intricate puzzles to solve, and hidden treasures to uncover. The mansion is filled with secret rooms, traps, and surprises at every turn, making it a… Read More

  • “OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!” – Maizen

    "OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!" - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-06-21 23:00:20. It has garnered 868 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:26 or 746 seconds. She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody! Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #minecraft #maizen #jj #police #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #tvwoman Read More

  • CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVE

    CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 LIVE | Better Minecraft Episode 2! #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer’, was uploaded by CoinDetectorKid on 2024-03-13 02:28:53. It has garnered 74 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:12 or 12492 seconds. Thank you for checking out the broadcast! Check out my other links below ↓ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⦿ 💰 Donate: https://streamelements.com/coindetectorkid/tip ⦿ 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coindetectorkid #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer #youtubeshorts #youtube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Read More

  • “Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server – JOIN NOW!” #shorts

    "Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server - JOIN NOW!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Join a 3+ year old semi-vanilla survival server today! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftserver #roleplay’, was uploaded by OVClub on 2024-06-09 14:01:30. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Come join OVClub! A Semi-Vanilla, Semi-Anarchy minecraft server that hosts a 3 year old world that has NEVER reset! Discord: https://discord.com/invite/9fvKZmRgq3 Join today! IP: play.ovclub.gg Bedrock port: 25700 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth – Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9

    UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth - Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9’, was uploaded by TheKarmaMyth on 2024-06-23 17:00:00. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds. Streamed August 1, 2023 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More

  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

    Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enjoy Minecraft funny Short #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FunkeyBlast on 2024-05-15 09:46:09. It has garnered 1279 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, game Minecraft, Minecraft video, Games, funny, funny games, music, gaming, gaming short, gaming video, minecraft short, minecraft shorts, short, shorts, short video, trending, trending videos, viral videos, minecraft viral, minecraft game, #funkeyblast #game #minecraft #noob #steve Minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft trend, trending, new, memes, shorts, minecraft new content,… Read More

  • Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | June 17th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-06-22 16:00:28. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:47:42 or 20862 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitch.tv/couriway twitter: twitter.com/realcouri main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • 🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯

    🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts’, was uploaded by SpicySugar on 2024-05-10 15:15:52. It has garnered 10879 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts Watch this insane Bedwars gameplay in just 60 seconds! It’s a crazy bedfight match that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss out on this epic #shorts video. #bedwars #gaming Subscribe the channel to see more videos like this. #shorts #bedwars #bedfight #minecraft Tags(ignore) minecraft,minecraft asmr,asmr minecraft,minecraft longplay,minecraft sleep,minecraft funny,minecraft relaxing gameplay,minecraft relaxing,minecraft survival,minecraft chill,minecraft house,minecraft sounds,phoodu… Read More

  • FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥

    FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Making Scotty #shorts #minecraft #trending #viral #scotty’, was uploaded by Floyd Gaming on 2024-06-21 08:30:27. It has garnered 10172 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Server Info: Version – 1.8 to 1.20 Discord:https://discord.gg/5YbRVzNxEa ⛏️ Shader: Complementary v4 ⛏️ Texture Pack: Stay True, Vanilla Tweaks 🟢 Don’t forget to follow me for more minecraft ideas World Download: https://discord.gg/moonnodes #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Enfocrafters Rebirth

    Enfocrafters RebirthEnfocrafters Rebirth trae de vuelta las características de Enfocrafters original, Vuelve al 2013 Un survival lo más vanilla posible Pets, Trabajos, Residencias y Tiendas. Eventos y Cambio de moneda Rangos Servidor Crossplay Java y Bedrock enfocrafters.com:25630 Read More

  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

    🎉 Exciting News! 🎉 I am thrilled to announce the grand opening of The Land of Ooo SMP, a brand new server launching on JUNE 13TH alongside the highly anticipated 1.21 update! 🚀✨ Mark Your Calendar: If you’re in search of an exceptional 1.21 server, look no further. The Land of Ooo SMP offers a laid-back, community-focused experience that emphasizes collaboration and fun! 🙌 What’s Special About The Land of Ooo SMP? Simplicity & Community: We focus on the community with engaging updates and events for all players! 🎮 Customize Your Play: Claim land, play with friends, go on solo… Read More

  • Blockworkz Network (Multi-Version)

    Welcome to Blockworkz Network!Step into our vibrant lobby and choose from four exciting gamemodes:🎮 Factions:Join or create a faction, strategize, and dominate the competition in intense PvP battles.🏝️ SkyBlock:Start with a small island and expand it into a massive kingdom in the sky. Complete challenges and thrive in the floating world.🌍 Survival:Explore vast landscapes, gather resources, complete quests, and build to your heart’s content in this awesome Minecraft experience. Themed with a Medieval survival touch, formed towards letting the player really experiencing Medieval Survival.🎨 Creative:Unleash your imagination with unlimited resources. Show off your architectural skills in our expansive Creative world.Daily… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “🎨 Hot Minecraft Artwork! 🖼️”

    “I can’t wait to hang up all the new paintings in my virtual mansion, because clearly that’s where my priorities lie.” Read More

  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

    Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a dark side lurking, a player’s worst dream. Horror mods and maps, they’ll give you a fright, But don’t download them, not even at night. Daosao Gamers, they bring the scare, With gameplay videos, they’ll make you aware. From jump scares to monsters, they’ll keep you on edge, But remember, it’s all just for fun, no need to pledge. So like, share, comment, and subscribe, For more Minecraft horror, they’ll surely provide. But be warned, the fear is real, so hold on tight, As Daosao Gamers take you on… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme #shorts 😂 Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry!

    Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry! Minecraft Encrypted_ | Modded Questing Survival Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of Minecraft Encrypted_. In this modded questing survival series, players are challenged to create a boiler and a Nether quarry to progress through the game. Creating a Boiler One of the key tasks in Minecraft Encrypted_ is to create a boiler. This essential device allows players to generate power and fuel their machinery. By carefully gathering resources and following the crafting recipes, Nik and Isaac work together to build a functional boiler that will aid them in… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Chilled Hive – Minecraft (LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-04-03 05:21:12. It has garnered 168 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:24 or 6564 seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: https://discord.gg/czvhNfVtU2 Texture Pack: Seanst3r 3k Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkwQ-zPr_UvwyxCLYCoSw_A/join Read More

  • The Mystery of Steave’s Death

    The Mystery of Steave's DeathVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave )’, was uploaded by Arlone9 on 2024-05-01 00:30:20. It has garnered 395 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:38 or 98 seconds. Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave ) Tags – minecraft steave death’ steave jomby death’ techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz 95 minecraft horror story minecraft techno gamerz minecraft video minecraft scary myths techno gamerz minecraft horror game techno gamerz new video… Read More

  • 😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadness

    😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 4k gif #minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #4k #short #viral #trending’, was uploaded by BSO Gaming on 2024-05-26 05:38:02. It has garnered 11536 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Minecraft But you have op ELEMENTAL Power !! ‎@AnshuBisht  #minecraft #viral #shortsfeed #games #trending #all #ytshorts #freefire #minecraftmemes #gaming How I try to kill big youtuber in Minecraft 👹☠️☠️ minecraft #minecraftredstone #viral #cricket #funny #gaming #minecraftanimals #minecraftserver #modpack #adventure today I give an reaction on famous Minecraft youtuber MLG || ‎@GamerFleet  ‎@YesSmartyPie #minecraft Raazit, Beastboyshub, Minecraft, Techno Gamerz, Minecraft Tips… Read More

  • Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshorts

    Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build a Iron Farm in Minecraft 1.20 #minecraftshorts #minecraftironfarm #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Dilraz Gamer on 2024-01-04 07:21:31. It has garnered 294 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm 1.20 Pocket edition Bedrock | Simple Iron Farm in Minecraft #minecraftironfarm #MinecraftBuild #GamingLife #RedstoneEngineering #SurvivalMode #MinecraftCommunity #GamerCreations #PixelPerfection #Minecrafters #GamingInnovation Tags: Minecraft Iron Farm Redstone Gaming Survival Minecraft Community Building Innovation Gamer Life Pixel Art Description: “🌐 Unleash the power of automation with this advanced Minecraft Iron Farm! 💎🔧 Master the art of Redstone engineering… Read More

  • Ds Gamer’s EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shorts

    Ds Gamer's EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts’, was uploaded by Your Ds Gamer on 2024-05-12 19:14:50. It has garnered 197 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts 📍Ignore Tags- #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft… Read More

I Survived 100 Days on a RAFT in Minecraft Hardcore!!