I Survived 100 Days on a RAFT in Minecraft Hardcore!

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I survived 100 days on a raft in Minecraft hardcore I guess falling asleep on a piece of wood while in a hurricane isn’t the smartest idea now I’m trapped in the middle of the ocean or a very large pond and I need to finish these goals I set for myself I

Want to transform this tiny disgusting raft into a massive beautiful raft base seeing how I’m alone out here I also need to create my own villagers yes create them from nothing and lastly I need to explore the Nether and Conquer it if you want to see bloopers for funny

Moments from this movie you should go subscribe to my second Channel also 30 000 likes and I’ll upload 200 days on here or the actual rap game if you enjoyed this movie it’d mean a lot to me if you’d subscribe and lastly if you’d like to see sneak peeks at future movies

Or to talk to me go follow my Twitter now here’s me surviving 100 days on a raft in Minecraft hardcore enjoy is this ever gonna grow It’s getting closer what are you go away no and then let’s just go around and start collecting up all of these before they despawn oh hi no oh my gosh I will never stop saying this it’s just so beautiful trust me like you’re not even sitting that’s weird uh you’re friendly right

Okay at the end of it Huh man I sure love being out in the ocean but I don’t like being stranded out here on a raft oh no well um at the very least at least I don’t really have to go do anything you know I just have all these supplies right here

For me wow this is so nice this is so easy so the nice thing about this is how um my fishing rod doesn’t have any durability whatsoever I know I could just keep on collecting everything and my we’re actually getting really lucky with all this wood I promise you I’ll

Get better at sniping these things I’m only bad for right now I’m curious what happens if I were to go into the water okay so far nothing so I’m not seeing any downsides to actually going swimming okay and very luckily there’s no like sharks or anything dangerous okay so nice the only issue

Um I don’t oh my God wait is that a shark over there oh cool cool yeah no that that’s a shark um okay so I I do have to be careful the other part is that um I kind of just have to wait for all of these supplies

To you know keep appearing around my raft so um yeah uh this is gonna be really slow and painful um yeah trying to think of what’s going to be the best thing to build first okay so luckily I keep on getting oak leaves as they keep spawning in in here and of

Course you know we can use this for decoration expanding the raft all of that super super good stuff or I can break them and then just keep on praying that I get a uh oak sapling and then the real game actually starts and I even reach

You see I kind of don’t want to go into the water and experience a shark attack but hey you know I’m down to Trout everything once why not also we should probably stay on top of food so I think it’s going to be a good thing to actually fish

Plus it’ll give me something to do so I spent the remaining time of today just fishing ending up with string a barrel and a lot of fish really nothing else also looking at the surroundings this Shader pack is really really beautiful so in case you’re wondering what I’m

Using it’s Kappa hey what’s up so uh yeah we got a lot of stuff the one thing I’m curious about is a barrel so if you’ve played the original game like actual raft when you get barrels usually they come with stuff in them oh and so

Does this okay and here’s the fast way to actually uh mine it or actually quite collect everything inside of it boom so we do that and now I’m just gonna leave the barrel right there so now whenever I get stuff I could just put it into here

And I don’t actually have to hold on to any of it also we should really probably make a crafting table and we need one more dang it oh man oh wait can I get more no I can’t okay thank you give me give me I need you so badly no

No no no no no no no no no no don’t go away don’t go away please nothing get me nothing coming for me just give me thank you okay beautiful so now with all of that we now have one wall blocks that’s amazing and we now have a furnace which

This is incredible oh wow okay these items are coming a lot faster on day two than day one next step though obviously I can extend my raft to make it a whole lot bigger but I don’t know if I want to do that around here because I don’t know

If all of these dropped items like only spawn around my raft or if they just spawn around me regardless of where I am in the ocean because if they spawn around the Wrath I kind of don’t want to extend this out or else all of the items

Might end up under water and that might cause a huge issue given uh this is how I’m getting all of my supplies so yeah I don’t know if I want to do that however it really wouldn’t hurt to actually start a tree farm uh directly right here what

Whoa okay uh welcome back to existence I hope you had fun in the quantum realm and now basically I I think I just continue what I’ve been doing and once again I just spent the entire day fishing luckily the tree did grow which kind of surprised me and one thing

That I noticed while collecting some of the blocks that would spawn in the ocean is that I saw a tropical fish kind of really far from my rafts so maybe items spawn everywhere and we’re kind of safe to actually build out the raft and right

As the sun came up I immediately got to uh destroying my raft something that you probably shouldn’t do if you’re stuck out in the ocean however I swapped it all out for slabs so now I have more wood then after that I just got back to collecting like every single

Block that would pop up in the ocean and a fishing as you see um I’m kind of after enchanted books but instead of that I actually ended up with a name tag and then at the end of the day I got something really interesting called a diamond crate and I got an achievement

For it something about the ultimate fishing rewards so yeah okay so before I check out the cube is that a tiny Inn city is that a baby jellyfish oh my God hi okay yep no never mind never mind yep don’t touch the wildlife uh I got it okay okay I’m sorry

Um jellyfish still suck he’s yeah oh it’s one of you wait uh not a cuttlefish I forgot the name of them but oh okay I think it’s friendly not too bad you know I’m getting to know the neighbors now the most important thing is um what is this uh okay

Um I kind of regret putting it down um I can’t open it and I can’t break it so so far it’s really not that good of a prize okay so maybe I just need oh nice okay we now have two so maybe I just hopefully need to only make a

Cobblestone pickaxe hopefully right okay it’s actually breaking what oh shift click to open wow I should probably read more okay well that didn’t work oh you mean shift click when it’s oh okay wow um uh cut that from the video the no no one needs to see that

That’s okay I’m shifting and I am clicking I’m shifting and I’m breaking uh-huh am I missing something here uh well I’m sure whatever it is it’s totally uh valuable and important um I’ll leave it for future me because I cannot figure it out and I I’m kind of

Losing interest in it I’m not gonna lie oh at least I get a refund on my Cobblestone pickaxe that’s nice now can I get some more barrels uh no I’m feeling like PewDiePie right now I wouldn’t mind some dude is this tree ever gonna grow like at all oh

Wow and then the rest of the day was just more fishing finally the tree actually grew I made a stone ax and wow would you look at that it breaks instantly now and yet still I I can’t figure out how to open up that diamond crate I I really don’t understand it

Yeah you stay over there bud I really hate you now you hurt okay so as much as I’m enjoying this really tiny raft and like not really having any space to like live I think what we do is uh we use up a lot of the Jungle planks make them all

Into slabs wow that was actually like weirdly perfect so now starting from the center honestly I just want to get away from this little raft just to be safe you know in case the items only spawn around the raft and not me so this way

When I’m all the way over here I can actually build a nice platform have it nice and big and I don’t have to worry about any of the items or we get super duper lucky and the items also spawn around here okay so this should be far enough and then uh

Ah perfect so I think this should be a very good size for like a starter platform and then I know I’m never going to be getting a jungle Vlogs or jungle wood ever again so if we’re lucky okay so we’ll have three that just doesn’t look right but um yeah we’ll just have

The jungle logs be for like the bridge and everything you know and uh now okay please give me the string you’re embarrassing me thank you oh my god he has more string oh please give me four total okay I give up don’t touch me don’t touch me I just want the string

Please leave me alone Until I can get some gravel which I’m honestly curious if I can get gravel from fishing but I I want to say no however now we can move the tree farm over which wow I only have three I’m kind of tempted to just stay over here instead of going back to the platform

And then just soon if any items do spawn huh survivors survived five days thank you that is not an item that is not an item okay oh oh Barrel yes oh my gosh yes Barrel thank you please be good please be good oh okay oh my God wait that’s the exact

Amount of string that I need to make a bed okay thank you love you uh we’ll just start leaving everything over here okay honestly let’s just move everything over this and then we make you oh my god finally I can fall asleep let’s break all of this stuff oh beautiful the raft

Is open up again so I do believe that every single item only spawns around the raft however building out here I can at least get like kind of closer to all of the items so that I can keep on missing them with my broad am I really not

Getting close to it please come on what is oh God no no no no no no no no you never need to come over here it’s okay okay so all fish stuff we’re just gonna go into here because that’s so much of it am I going crazy or is it raining I

Swear I’m hearing rain sounds wait yeah cause that’s what uh okay so they take a while to form okay cool oh you’re cool it’s like a flying fish all things awesome so now I can oh where’d you go okay there you are so now I can actually

Put the jungle tree here that can grow on one block right like I don’t think I need multiple honestly I have no idea because I’ve never grown uh jungle trees before however uh need to collect all of you don’t touch me don’t come near me okay so if we can continue getting lucky

And getting more barrels that would actually be incredible uh but very very much so love to continue uh getting those okay and then in the meantime so when I was fishing I actually got lucky and I got some bones so we do have six

Bone meal do I dare I don’t know oh we can actually just grow with one yes yes give me give me you know we’ll come back here okay beautiful okay and then can I get lucky and get another of course not oh barrel barrel barrel oh Barrel we

Might want to extend that raft like we really might want to so now oops how lucky I am I uh we’ll put it over here please be good nice okay I actually don’t mind that at all I believe we have every single tree now and I do okay so I

Have five iron nuggets not the best not the worst um okay so given we do have a lot of tree choices oh I also need you I do want to start a tree farm soon we need to find gravel I could have sworn you can get gravel from fishing I

Think I’ve been disappointed by it before um thank you thank you okay so I think once every five minutes I just need to go over there and start collecting everything because yeah you need to be busy we need we need to do we need to do some stuff okay first stop very quickly

Boom boom boom make these yes okay so now I can just get lucky go around and extend this platform which I honestly I don’t know how big I want to make this thing but I do believe that I just want this to be the Hub because at least

We’re making trees and having like a mob farm villager area I think I’m gonna make everyone like their own spots which now that I’m building this I’m kind of regretting making it a square I kind of really wish that I made it a circle but

Eh I think for now we’ll just leave it as a square and then all the future builds we’ll just have those as circles plus then this way we could tell that like oh yeah this is the main Hub okay then honestly uh man I feel bad for

Doing that because I feel like it’s really boring but honestly I think I just spend the rest of today just fishing and then maybe getting lucky enough to get uh more bones doesn’t mean yeah I could go and make a mob arm right now like a mob spawner but I’m kind of like

Against doing that because I don’t really have that many blocks so that might not be the best oh however one thing we can do right now is make a composter so now every time that I get like leaves or something instead of saving them or uh you know breaking them

For saplings especially since I’m good on saplings now we can just come over here put all of these into there and wow that was like nothing um okay wait can I wait wait is there any help can you use kelp in a composter I honestly don’t know can you leave that

In the comments I actually don’t know okay well just looking around the immediate area I don’t think we’re gonna get lucky and get any kelp so yeah I think it’s just one big waiting game now I really hate to do this but I spent today fishing as well as it’s still just

A waiting game to start off the day I was welcoming with a barrel and also a barracuda poof would not leave me alone especially when I hit him uh apparently it really didn’t like that it didn’t like it so much that it actually started to attack me through the slabs so yeah

That was really fun I think I now realized why the map Creator made the raft out of blocks instead of slabs but um other than that we did get some trees so I did get some wood so we can make some kind of progress maybe kind of

Probably not and then just to be safe just so I can get some more building materials so I can build for more than just two minutes so one thing that I want to ask while I’m doing all of this fishing and pretty time lapses would any

Of you be interested in 100 days in the actual game raft because I do want to do other games than Minecraft but I’m kind of curious how many of you would actually like to see that game so if you want to leave a comment something like I

Would love to see the rap video game or no something like that oh and also when I was fishing almost right off the bat I got a wooden crate so I have this wooden crate and I kind of have a very worried feeling that this is the exact same

Thing as the diamond crate because when I shift click it it also means control click no uh nope still not that okay so it’s not placing it down uh-huh um I I just I know that there’s good loot inside of these things like it has to be worth it however yeah I’ll just

Leave it right there with the diamond one and I also got a barrel one of the days so whoa okay yeah you’re definitely very nice thank you and hopefully with this I can get one bone meal thank you now please grow okay yep I hate you as

Well oh my God please go away oh no no no no no why why are you angry at me or something another reason why I was fishing all of those days like kind of in a row it’s just so I can get food because I’m kind of really low oh yeah

Another huge thing that I got while fishing this enchanted bow which is punch one and power three which has 42 durability so I can’t really use it but it’s the thought that counts I’m coming my precious ah this is so much easier when everything is just within spitting distance and I spoke too

Soon okay okay come on please okay don’t don’t embarrass me I can’t lie I actually really really love this mechanic the having blocks just spawn there for me okay beautiful we actually have food and we do actually have a lot of wood so we can at least go around and

Actually start filling in this entire area which I can now actually start placing down like some dirt on it so we can actually make a tree farm and actually start getting wood a whole lot faster because I do need to make at least part of the tree farm strictly for

Fuel because of course I can always just go straight to the ocean floor and then just start uh like making a mine shaft and you know getting cold that way but I feel like this is more fun plus I feel like this way I can actually restrict myself from like using certain game

Mechanics or like playing a certain way just to make it a little bit more difficult and have more fun at least for now oh nice you actually grew right when I hit record look at beautiful so we got a lot of these and we have a lot of those so I

Think if we just kind of continue this grid pattern then we just keep on planting more trees in the beginning it’s gonna be unbearably slow but I think within like a day maybe two we’ll finally be zooming on wood and then we can actually start playing the game

Then hopefully I have enough wood right here finish up this beautiful okay then hopefully you’re enough slabs yes okay perfect so now our platform is finally completed most definitely it is not going to look like this forever whoa what are you wait please don’t tell me that’s a guardian Temple right okay well

I can’t say anything uh do we dare oh wow there’s a lot of items for me hello don’t worry I’m here hello I can’t move it hello so for me to move around the fishing rod I just have to use like the number Keys okay got it also God I love

Having a tree cutting mod I honestly don’t think I can play Minecraft anymore without it it’s just so convenient it honestly just feels so much better than having to cut it down like one block at a time now since we have so many saplings here and I don’t think we’re

Ever you know gonna run out of them wow you grow really fast what we can do is just start using this for bone meal as well that’s a barrel oh that’s a barrel oh you have good stuff in you mine mine oh there’s two oh man you spoil me so much okay pretty

Please have good stuff in you wow and not too bad especially more jungle saplings because that is my last one oh we can actually make one iron ingot yes and then I think we’ll have fun and actually make a boat and then you know I

Kind of want to see what that is at least uh probably in the morning it’s probably a lot safer to wait okay and then before setting out wow look how much he’s Jesus is like I don’t have to swim okay wait wait hold up okay

Never mind maybe it’s not as good as I was thinking okay so first up just because it’s an eyesore and you know it’s very clear that there’s something there let’s go check out this one wow this place is so beautiful hello buddy uh well at the very least I can make

Glass out of this oh okay so you got a trust huh only enough that’s actually really useful for me not bad okay I believe this is all vanilla I don’t think this is a mod whoa wait there’s actual Land wait there’s actual land why does it not look friendly over there at

All wait that’s sand interesting okay so I found dark sand okay nice we have another one and oh I have another Stone ax wow that’s really funny okay I’m definitely gonna be needing all those oh and I’m stupid I’m I’m very stupid I thought I don’t know why I thought it said

Buried treasure map not regular map um my fault uh anyway oh my god oh no way oh my gosh it’s sugar cane oh God do I use this like oh man is that too cheap I feel like I’m cheating right now being on here I’m not gonna lie is it just

Sand here though oh a shipwreck I don’t feel like going into a shipwreck is cheating okay so we have another shipwreck out there to our right uh let’s check out this one first oh God this place has a lot of eels okay we’re gonna have to be kind of safe and

Hopefully nothing comes for it oh my God okay hello yep I’m in love hello oh don’t touch me don’t touch me don’t touch me don’t touch me wait that did say buried treasure wait they both do but they don’t have anything okay okay and then we’ll do one last stop right

Over here hello you have good stuff hello you can’t hide the loot from me I smell you okay maybe I don’t but I do yeah you liar oh that is my cue to go and get out of here okay and you know what uh it might

Not be a bad idea to just Camp it out on top of the mountain probably collect some sand oh god um yeah maybe it’s not a bad idea to just hide in a hole yeah okay so it’s been like 10 minutes out there I I think

It should be daytime by now okay please be good oh my God it’s the second coming of Christ oh Jesus why was that so bright oh God that is so green oh no uh no no no it’s this way it’s this way I remember because I had to go right to

Get to there right or is it this direction no no yeah it had to have been because I had to take the boat over here so yeah no no I think it’s this direction okay then from here I think it’s this direction the biggest thing is going to be if I see another

Shipwreck like right over here should have been one like right over here right oh God uh okay let’s just continue going this way I mean I’m kind of confident saying it’s this oh god I think I’m lost well you’re new and that’s not a good sign

Oh god well if I’m stranded and lost from home I might as well be decked out and looking pretty oh hello diamond and I am totally fine because I know you’re lying I don’t even think I saw that one before Oh no and the fact that there’s

Sugar Cane’s still here oh wait but we’re at the ocean maybe wait wait wait wasn’t that to my right when I came onto the land so wait wait maybe oh yes yes because I remember that oh my gosh yes we’re saved oh we’re saved yes also it’s

Really pretty how I can make like a Halo appear by doing that my land yeah land my raft my rap holy we actually made it back to base oh my God wait are those all items uh I don’t have the inventory for you wait wait wait please don’t go I love you oh

Now we can actually craft seven more iron ingots everything in here we’ll get organized later I’m too lazy right now ah beautiful beautiful okay so now we get to a little bit more wood which you’re gonna be needing like probably right about now and now that I’m

Actually lucky and I have a lot of iron we can actually make a bucket now we actually have some water and I don’t really know what else to do with that information but at least we now have it but the amount of barrels that we’re getting pretty soon I’m just gonna start

Building a floor out of these nice okay sweet so we have 46 logs a guy in a one slab right there actually wait no no sorry I lied actually I’m gonna use jungle wood for this for like all the bridges and stuff and I think for a mob

Spawner I want it to go off to the right how big is this okay beautiful so this is centered and then we just want to bring this a little bit away oh we don’t have to go too crazy with the a distance what is that is that an alien okay now

It’s been like a little bit since I’ve built a circle but I think I still got it you know like uh how hard can it be you know uh what what can go wrong I mean really I’m just playing it up I just pull up a website and I just put in

How to make a circle on here and I think this should be a good size you know we don’t need it to be that massive you know we’re not compensating for anything oh imagine if I built this with glass wait oh I mean okay well I these slabs

Are good they’re not a waste because I can actually use them can someone shut that bird up I’m trying to speak I’m the main character here not you but the slabs aren’t a waste because I could just use it on the mob spawner Farm thing so at least I have that going

For me oh God that means we’re gonna have to go back to that Island if we want to get more sand again again I know I can just go down here I’m gonna just collect the sand right here and stuff but um I don’t wanna oh my God it’s

Getting closer what are you go away no trust me I’m not saying that because you’re ugly okay please don’t come over here see weiner oh my god oh Jesus go away you know what you can have that leaf block I don’t care for it

Oh we got two barrels solo Oh I think I actually didn’t have you before very lovely God I love barrels okay oh there goes my ax okay well while this all smelts we might as well okay we might as well just go fishing how did I miss that

Aha aha you can’t attack me haha I’m fishing for all the items now I’m smarter than you oh no why that’s my second one oh my no they’re multiplying there’s three of them now okay beautiful now if we go right over here once it’s daytime and I can actually see stuff and

It’ll look beautiful shut up bird oh that is so cool whoa that is so trippy because you can see like the water on the left and like the right side of the glass yeah sadly to say uh I do like this look and I don’t think 21 is gonna

Be enough to fill that up so 21 can you do something for me you go and collect all the sand for me okay so let’s go and get the boats would probably also be smart to make a shovel and we need our bed all righty

If I just go in a straight line like straight there and back then I won’t have to worry about losing my spot again okay beautiful so yeah arrived to a weird Mountain place but now we can actually very easily collect sand and then this will surprise you I actually

Spent the rest of the day collecting sand I know it’s so shocking okay so really nice work um I got six stacks and honestly I have a strong feeling that like that’s all I’m probably gonna need now before return home this is the first time I’ve

Ever seen Stone so um don’t mind me I kind of do want to collect some just in case if there’s ever something that I need to build that you know isn’t out of wood you know in case it catches fire or something I don’t know but uh okay so I

Think I’m good with a stack and a half next up so I saw this while I was mining out all the sand there’s coal here I’m just really hoping there’s some like over here that’s like really easy to touch yes yes okay good good I’m seeing some cold that’s in like actual easy

Spots to get yeah it’s beautiful okay so this is huge and honestly I might just be using this coal for the logs just to make charcoal please don’t break until I collect all of it pretty please wait wait yes awesome okay now let’s just go back to

The boat I love this Shader pack so much for the ocean this doesn’t even look like Minecraft to me okay now we just returned home which should be directly this way oh God that’s so sick I’m so cool and now it’s just gonna be another waiting

Game my God that’s gonna take forever we might want to make more than just one so after getting back from our lovely Expedition I had to go and get organized and also chop down the trees because I kind of remembered that um yeah I need wood for the mob farm so it’d probably

Be a good idea to actually focus on chopping down the trees when they grow once all the organizing was finally done I got back to fishing yeah no no so it all went pretty smoothly I just kept on collecting all the blocks in the ocean whenever they’d pop up I chopped down

The trees as they would grow basically I’m just waiting for the sand to smelt and you know cook just so I can have a lot of glass also because I don’t know why I just like relaxing and staring at the ocean so I’m actually kind of enjoying myself with fishing on here

Weirdly enough and and then today was basically a carbon copy of yesterday another thing that I’m noticing about the jungle tree I think I’m not growing it correctly because it only ever grows if I use bone meal on it and lighter news I think I’ve collected enough wood

To actually make the mob spawner and the glass is almost done cooking for the next stacks and then after that I just did more fishing and I got a barrel which it was just like this I’ve noticed that they don’t ever really change and then I opted to go for this

Shot just because look at that ocean water I absolutely love these shaders this place is my favorite I’m heavily in love with this map okay so the next Stacks are almost completely done but I’ve already prepared all these so I think we’re good next up I just need to

Go and get organized then let me just get these again man these things grow really fast now there’s one issue that I’ve uh kind of realized I didn’t make this platform Centered for a chest so no matter what it’s going to be off centered and I can’t lie that is truly

Going to bug me immensely oh that’s right you’re waterlogged oh that’s so cool oh I like that I like that a lot now it comes the part where I cross my fingers and I really hope that I’ve collected enough iron oh hello okay so now with six more there and then I have

22 there I have a strong feeling this is not enough oh no way there’s enough wow I feel so spoiled well you actually grew without me having to give you a bone meal huh let’s actually surprising okay with this much wood we should be good I honestly don’t know because I’m really

Just guessing okay and then before we go and build it let me just go over here and actually uh is there anything actually worth collecting imagine if like another right block which is pop up here you know I wouldn’t be against that I think that’d be kind of fair I think that’s

Everything that we need for the mob farm I’m just way too lazy to double check the tutorial oh wait wait wait that’s heavily important I remember I I always make it uh like this now eight stairs okay now we’re good sorry I I swear I’m a professional okay next up we just have

To make this 22 block stall yeah and uh not too shabby now hopefully I don’t miss oh okay good few and then don’t mind me just time to raise up the poop shoot and then for anyone ever wondering why I never put any of the corner blocks on whenever I make this uh

Farm it’s just because you saved so many blocks same reason why I make a majority out of the actual mob farm part out of slabs ah beautiful I now just need to go around to all the other sides and make them also eight blocks wide okay and

Then now we go back into here take up all of these and then we’d be very careful and we placed down the stairs God I always have a nightmare of like falling down stairs a little bit I mean with really good reasons for falling down stairs but I’ve also died a couple

Times from falling off stairs on the past yeah 2014 was very dark days oh God okay well the sun is starting to go down but if I can be fast enough I can actually put the walls on to this place and then once again cutting the corners

As I almost fall and there we go as the Sun is setting completed all of that beautiful and then wow that looks really cool and then just so I can get up and down really easy I think I’m just gonna permanently leave that there until we start building the

Floor this time I might actually just put all the water in next I might be smart oh I’m dumb that was supposed to be made out of slabs I’m not gonna take it down there I have a tree farm which Speaking of my word almost every single one of them has

Grown what that was actually like incredibly nice so uh we got a ton more wood I think we’re actually good to you know completely build this entire thing first up let’s actually just go through and put in all the water now now in hindsight I should probably just build a

Infinite water pole up here but then I can’t do this and who wouldn’t love doing this stop this actually starting to make me sick with how much the image is being like reflected around I guess refracted around so now I just need to go through so luckily with all the slabs at least

This way I actually know how to uh save them and not waste them so now once you get around to the edges you actually don’t need to put in anything on that last block row if that makes any sense whatsoever but basically what I’m doing

Right now come on you just have to go around and fill in the entire floor my God I do this so often ah beautiful and now hopefully before it becomes too dark I can at least finish some of this and there we go I’m faster than time itself haha oh God now it’s

Time for the most painful part is uh God going around with all of these oh I am really low on wood oh that sucks so I spent the beginning of this morning chopping down the trees and collecting some of the items in the ocean once I

Made some more slabs I then noticed that it didn’t leave any water at the top of the mob farm to get back up there so yeah I just had a water bucket my way up there then I also remembered oh yeah I didn’t place down the trap doors and that’s kind of an

Important thing to have in here and then finally once that was all done I got to work on the roof which I very luckily finished with barely any time remaining today and I had like two stacks left over but I don’t know if this thing works so uh fingers crossed uh I really

Hope it does I’m kind of tired of these things not working okay so surely this is going to work very perfectly fine now that works let’s go around you know uh clean up shop collect all of this and then let’s just go around start collecting up all of

These before they despawn oh hi is it okay because every time I see a shark it never moves uh I liked you know try and be optimistic but I’m pretty positive that this is not working but it should actually be an easy fix I I believe I

Know it’s wrong so usually you know I put on like one block or areas where uh there’s no land oh my God wait it’s working really after I gave the entire Spiel okay this is dark I think it’s time to make some torches okay let’s also go around and light up

Our platform okay well I mean um I tried um still really dark in here buddy but anyways okay it’s actually working that’s a tremendous good sign but what I was gonna say is that um normally you know like there’s uh I’m used to playing on uh maps and like mod packs without

Any land so now I think I just need to Tower up about a hundred blocks and then if I just AFK up there jump down boom I just kill everything in here we should actually have like an actual working mob farm ideally I would like to get some

Soul Sand and then I just make a water elevator going up because that would be the fastest but I don’t have obsidian and I can’t go to the nether but I can’t beat you up so I could just make two buckets and we need to go find lava and

Then I can actually make a portal to the nether without a diamond pit it’s just it’s gonna take a long time I think I’m down for the adventure why not well I’m not seeing any barrels so yep I’m good okay so now if we go back to the eye

Anyone kind of when I’m hoping for like predicting is um hopefully some lava that would be very ideal why why is that really bright I’m starting to believe that I’m only going to find sand and water I mean like oh God okay I was trying to do a cinematic shot never mind

Okay I was trying to be fancy my my apologies and now since I am on land it might actually be a lot easier to reach a Cave System like out here instead of you know in the ocean oh my gosh there’s Stone it does exist oh more dirty yes

Yes please oh yes I’m collecting all of you this right here is more valuable than diamonds to me please I need a cave that is not underwater Oh hey gorgeous oh hello gorgeous again okay so I’m on y level 26. my assumption is I should be

Able to find some lava if I just keep on digging in this direction or I at least find some coal like hello yes yes give me a lot please oh my God there’s so much oh um yeah probably should have brought another uh pickaxe okay and well at the

Very least you know I got two stacks of dirt got some copper more iron which I actually really needed you know I say it wasn’t a bad trip okay and then Justin like not waste a whole lot of time doing this I think I’m down to spend like two

More days it’s trying to find lava because yeah I don’t know I just don’t want to waste too much time there might be another way that we could get lucky uh maybe you know some kind of a trade or I’ll hopefully get diamonds from a barrel at some point and then you know

At the very worst we might also not need to go to the nether anymore because I mean I’ve just got two more stacks of dirt from the land okay fingers crossed I got two picks we got a dream and I probably get myself like two or three more days here

Ender of Day 26 my in a straight line which I then immediately found gravel and then took that so that now I can actually make more dirt so the nether is kind of looking more pointless however I keep finding underwater caves which has iron in it so it’s not entirely bad

Being down here and then there I was just mining in a line even more and then I realized oh yeah I’m playing on 1.19.2 um I need to go down like 60 more blocks and then maybe I’ll find some lava which that’s what I started to do and then

Immediately broke my pick after a little bit I got into the deep slate and then more deep slate and more and then at the end of the day I reached Bedrock so I’m kind of shocked that I haven’t found any sort of cave or lava water like anything

So this might be a lot more difficult than I thought okay so we don’t have much room to work with on here but I believe why level negative 53 we should be able to find something you know hopefully some lava I’ll even take some diamonds you know I won’t say no to any

Of that no uh oh still haven’t found anything yet surely we will soon huh as you see I never once thought that I would actively be trying to find lava usually I hate it and I try to stay away from it like every other player I have a feeling this is probably

Going to be the last day that I spend trying to find any of this stuff so yeah fingers crossed but at the very least we’re getting a lot of building materials so this trip isn’t you know a waste okay and then we might as well head over you know I haven’t really

Looked at the night sky before Oh my gosh I will never stop saying this it’s just so beautiful like I feel like I’m in the new Avatar movie okay fingers crossed that we find some lava and very soon I need to go back to fishing because I’m getting very low on food

Wait wait wait wait wait I just heard something wait oh hello I hear the blood blobs oh yes oh my gosh yes okay yes yes yes yes oh dude it’s a big one oh thank God okay I don’t need to spend any more days searching for this finally but now I

Just get to have the super duper fun job of running back and forth okay now oh wow police have diamonds please okay I mean it’s probably fine just to put the portal like right here so if I do this nice okay good nothing’s on fire don’t have to freak out perfect however

Instead of just two buckets this is kind of a waste it’s just so I don’t have to spend three days doing this I think having at least six buckets will be fine yeah I don’t want to waste too much iron and now to just go and uh you’re more

Lava hey I’ll be back mobs wow there’s a lot actually going into the mob spawner now I had to work very rapidly just to try to get this all done today because I really don’t want to spend any more time on this so I went down got some lava I

Then went back home and then I started doing the speedrunner tactic where uh yeah you’re just placing down the lava you place it on the water bada boom bada bing there you go except I need two more so I went right back to the cave took

You know a couple of minutes to run back to the lava pool got more lava went back home I finally finished the entire portal I made the flint and steel and look how cool this is like look at that I love how the purple is just Illuminating off of everything this

Thing actually looks so like mysterious and magical it’s so awesome ah it’s starting to get like really comfy and kind of cute in here I love this you know like I just I don’t want to chop down the trees and it’s totally not because I’m lazy so anyways so now that

We have this beautiful thing I can’t get over that and just how pretty it is oh my God I love it and uh please be a good spawn please please hello no gaster here right whoa oh my God it’s so red everything is just red oh God oh God no

No it’s a baby oh I like if you were safe whoa pretty wow okay well um anyways other than just seeing red like Kratos um this isn’t looking like a good spawn I won’t lie but I don’t really care to explore too much my only goal in here at

Least for right now is just get Soul Sand like well I’m not really finding any kind of open space so I mean we might as well just start digging down I guess oh hi no no no no don’t don’t shoot me oh my God no no no don’t touch

Me don’t touch me I completely forgot I have no armor you guys are definitely going to hurt no no oh no are you guys good are you friendly now okay also I want to be incredibly fast in here because my God is this place hurting my eyes oh my God so much

Better I love the Shader pack trust me really do I can’t do it it is way too drastically red for me ideally it’d be really nice to kill these guys but I’m pretty positive they can kill me in about two hits just don’t touch me first

Yep oh thank God hi yeah you’ve noticed me now huh you don’t want to touch me right oh now do I be smart and go back home and get some iron armor or at least gold armor you know what I think we do smart you know I kind of don’t care to

Die oh my god dude I could have sworn I had more oh God okay um well thank you for uh the iron chest plate yeah that’ll be good wow that’s that’s worth it okay now that we’re safer I’d still kind of want to go and fight hoglands because I really

Really want to get food be friendly be friendly oh my God I two shot him let me see if you just keep playing like a chicken they don’t really hit you oh my god chill chill walk away yes yes nice yes no no no no no no no wait don’t run away

Though and like I I do need the meat dude how much health do you have I thought you only had like 40 hit points there we go is he fortnite dancing so not bad we got 15 so far that’s actually huge especially since we’ve only had

Issues with one of them come here my precious you have something in your body that I need don’t touch me I’m a friendly person I swear thank you just because no one can stop me uh yes I would love some incredibly easy to get rather glowstone oh not bad we got 13.

Really wish that I had some silk touch but oh well another thing I wouldn’t mind having is a hundred bajillion hoglands that just want to sit there and look pretty and not do anything to me oh no no no no no I’m sorry wrong area don’t touch me don’t touch me don’t

Touch me no oh Piggies ah Miss Piggy haha you can’t touch me oh that was a nice fall wait so there’s gravel there usually that means that there’s Soul Sand near it okay now why are YouTube teaming up that’s just not fair at the very least I’m starting to

You know get enough leather to where I can just make some leather armor an iron farm would do phenomenal right now hello okay I mean gravel would be good but I mean we haven’t even started any kind of farm so we’re not hurting for dirt so

I’m good now where is some soul saying hi hello gorgeous oh my gosh holy this thing’s bigger than your forehead okay and very lovely after breaking all of those we ended up with a beautiful stack in almost a half okay I think we’re good on Redstone for the remainder of the

Movie unless I were to do 200 days if you guys want that and I don’t think I’ve ever had this much trouble finding Soul Sand before no no no no no no no it’s okay you four-legged freak you don’t need to come up here whoa hi oh oh stop

Yes right there perfect don’t move at all nice God I love these hoglands they’re just so kind to me nice okay well at least we made a profit on food so that’s really good because ideally oh my sword’s almost broken air I got an ax

We’ll be fine oh I’ll go and hacks them a question oh God okay that was risky you know what at some point it’s gonna be really wise to just go back home and make food nice uh I got one arrow and let’s use it okay I missed yes oh give me the arrow

We’re going home I don’t remember where my portal is but I think it’s somewhere over here this one just run just run just run just run oh oh my God I’m back home I love this place oh my God I’m never leaving you again one thing that we can

Start though is the water elevator for that thing which we will be needing more sand are you done yet oh my God yes please Heal Me Oh I should also probably make a sword that would be uh actually useful and then right here this should

Be a good enough spot for the Soul Sand I’ll barely miss that I believe then we can start from there so now I could very easily just walk into this thing and for the door now I actually want to build it out of one of the mods that I installed

Look how pretty that looks wow that totally doesn’t look weird whatsoever what oh my actually here to make it nicer maybe we do it there ah much nicer don’t worry I most definitely want to get into building because I selected a lot of really fun building mods so yeah

I think that’ll be good to get into but anyways while my food Cooks right now I’m on y level 66 and I think if I get to like 150 we should be good so I managed to use up all my glass surprisingly and I ended up on y level 117 so now it’s

Another waiting game while I wait for more of my Santa smelt and then once I jump down to the bottom I went to the mob farm and I got one zombie ah probably just didn’t spend long enough up there and luckily it’s not that ugly

At least like once I finish it so that’s nice plus I don’t think this will hold any kind of Shadow over the place so it’s not gonna be an eyesore like that thing but anyways it has been quite some time since I have come out here and uh

Done some fishing so let me go around and just swim and collect everything wow that was good and you know what I I love the sound of all the birds but I really should collect more of the wood okay now since we’re still on a waiting game I have no

Iron and of course you know I can go mining for it but where’s the fun in that as you see instead what I can do is start running around and looking for more sunken ships and then you know I I can get iron and some other stuff from

Their chest I also really want some bamboo what what is that oh my God don’t ever come near me now of course I don’t have a boat and I’ve already explored so many of these sunken ships so it’s not a bad idea for me to actually make you

Know a boat just so I can actually go out and explore and then hopefully I can actually get lucky and find a whole lot of sunken ships this way oh alrighty buddy you’re the first one uh please is there even a ship okay please have a oh

My God you were huge yes you surely have iron in here right okay or not I’ll take your feathers why not oh wait that’s actually not too bad I can start a carrot Farm which I don’t know what I would use the carrots for but you know

Like I can make a farm for him not the worst but you know yeah I can still turn it into iron so not not bad not bad oh man I will never get tired of looking at the coral reefs during the night it’s just so beautiful alrighty

King I’m hoping that you have a whole lot of iron just give me like 40 ingots you know something tiny or quite literally nothing at all okay that works too oh I’ll take the cold oh wait how did I I didn’t even realize there was bamboo in here hello so that’s not too

Shabby and of course like you know if I don’t find anything in the next like two days then we’ll just go back and then I’ll just oh go get iron the boring way hello any free loot for me to steal there we go and there we don’t go okay

Oh come on don’t be another one chest starting to lose hope oh it’s a destroyed out their portal okay now you’re just I don’t know please okay you know what I I don’t care for your treasure you know I I bet it was gonna be doggy poo poo or something and then

I’m yes oh yes yes you well yeah not the worst not bad there’s some cute little Loot and off we go where is a boat well there might be something up there I don’t know we’re starting to hit a dry spell is that a boat oh that is a boat

Oh okay oh my God hi oh oh my God what are you oh wait are those beluga whales okay nevermind you’re cute nevermind I’m pretty sure belugas are friendly another thing that I’m kind of shocked that we’ve never found yet is a a pyramid you couldn’t have been literally anything

Else I would have taken pants or a helmet but yeah okay so uh nothing there and nothing here oh okay wait what are you actually going to be buried treasure nope nope you’re not okay you’re another map I don’t know why all of the berry treasure maps are glitched hmm Okay I mean not bad oh we finally got some more iron uh nuggets but you know oh you know anyway minus all you know keep it because that might actually be worth it what is wow okay interesting oh wow okay yep well we found the mainland

Oh finally another boat oh my God that took forever to find and we still really haven’t found anything good okay oh wait oh I finally have some pants beautiful now I have respiration one Protection One or the big bucks oh finally oh finally we got some iron okay beautiful

And now this is like one of the largest bodies of land we’ve seen so far so maybe okay you know we might be a little lucky wow this voice is huge not the worst the interesting thing is um wow that’s definitely a find uh definitely the weirdest thing I’ve ever

Seen dropped on the floor before it’s interesting I would love to build those sea lanterns is there any point to an area like this like at all because it’s been a few days I miss my type rap sweet okay I’ll take it but I think this might

Be my last day exploring and then I think I’ll be good to go back deep fry uh sure I don’t know what that does this is only encouraging me to make an iron farm sooner oh not too shabby at the very least we’re getting a lot of coal

So I’m very happy about that and beautiful and there’s a destroyed nether portal right there beautiful ER oh that was a nice one that was pretty nice oh whoa oh yeah oh this is a perfect area to go in mine oh oh yeah yeah I’m Duff I have to

Go down there okay sweet so first we loot you wow uh oh oh hello beautiful okay and then let’s go check out that boat and then I think we’ll be good to go mining which I honestly can’t really do that much because I don’t have any space kind of beautiful not really definitely

An interesting boat it won’t lie uh and I don’t see anything else so I think it’s time to go mining so at the very least you know I do want the cold do I want the copper though because I’m not gonna lie I still really don’t know the

Point of copper other than building lists and and even though we already have an Ingot I’ll just throw you away and just collect you so I first started out with just getting as much coal and copper that I could still no idea why I want to collect copper then uh the lower

That I made it the creepier it became so you know I found a zombie skeleton and then I found deep slate which I didn’t think I was low enough for that the entire time I was heavily on edge with just how Eerie the entire Cave System sounded but I was finally starting to

Get a lot of iron and then I finally after killing the second skeleton I got my second arrow and this place is looking very uh lavish for us you know but the issue is that I’m really running out of space and that became very apparent to me once I found diamonds so

Uh yeah I went and I collected iron instead uh so my issue is you know I really want to collect the diamonds I just don’t know what to drop um because I mean being realistic I’m probably not gonna do anything with potatoes or carrots I never do and

There’s not really a point to them I mean I could use the carrots for farming and then I could trade that to villagers potatoes do the same thing ah I think I’d rather drop the potatoes and get the diamond oh surely there’s more than just

Two right and the answer would be no wow that is so beautiful love that look oh and I love you more oh you’re scary oh my god oh you please don’t come here no stop shooting for one second thank you oh yes more arrows and just one okay

Okay just very quickly I just need to get this diamond I almost just fell into lava is there any more yes finally yes even more okay and now uh let’s go left okay you know what uh let’s go right you know it doesn’t seem like there’s anything left oh my God there’s so

There’s some caves in here this is gonna take me forever now I’m loving this creepy cave system as much as the next person well oh my God it just doesn’t end but I think pretty soon we should actually head back I guess we can collect some gold why not alrighty I’m

Pretty uh happy with everything that we’ve explored in here now the tricky part I mean this is kind of looking familiar Okay I lied um oh my God no no no no no I have not explored you at all I don’t care to explore you anymore goodbye oh there’s

So much iron nice yes give me Yum Yum Yum no I have 64. uh what can I give up uh I have a feeling that just Cooks the fish that like I know because that might actually be really worth it and really nice um I mean I guess we don’t need the

Nautilus shell I’m sure it’s really good but I don’t think I’ve ever crafted anything with the Nautilus show in my life before so oh this is a completely different wait a second holy dude my heart just dropped I thought that was the uh the deep dark city no okay oh

Yes no why oh my God no no no way yeah no no goodbye nope what do you guys have in here uh basically nothing not gonna lie I loud really don’t care for any of that oh dude do I get out of here yes and

Then I think I had to take this water elevator up some more okay that’s a skeleton shooting at me please swim swim wait no this is the wrong one I need that one over there oh God that’s such a far full oh don’t kill me okay good oh

Just don’t mind me enemies well I see sunlight up there and that’s making me very happy yep oh God we’re back to the surface oh man I completely forgot how much I hate going into caves especially with no armor okay I know this is gonna be really weird but I know exactly which

Way I need to go to get back home and it’s this way good good here’s the ocean and I think I just need to go forward like two or three thousand blocks okay good I remember that portal I believe yeah yeah cause I already took the gold block off of it

So we’re still going the right direction that’s good yep yep there’s the village and then I believe we checked out that boat oh okay I don’t remember this boat hello that’s also a really bad sign why was there loot in there I’m still going the right way right now like surely uh

Surely I didn’t get lost already and now the most important thing did I loot this boat at least or uh am I gonna be in trouble okay I think the good part is that I very much so remember this boat it’s looking very familiar and it’s

Looking very looted so yes yes I did see this okay so that’s actually really good I don’t know how I missed the other boat then okay this is looking very familiar I’m starting to get very confident you know another very weird thing is how I never found any seaweed or kelp uh

Slight issue uh oh wait wait isn’t that it wait wait I think that’s the hill that I always uh went to to mine all that sand wait is this not huh oh no uh wait my boot I see it I see it right there yes oh my gosh yes we made it home

Basically and now we just go off into the beautiful sunset oh my beautiful home that doesn’t look really bizarre and kind of ugly oh nice now we have like a nice little boat yard I kind of want to make an like an actual place for my boats I’ve never done that before I

Think that’d be fun so as soon as I woke up I immediately got to organizing also smelting some more Cobblestone because uh I need a blast furnace because I have a lot of ore to get through once I got that all started I also finally made myself full iron armor I’m finally not

Weak anymore and then since I did get bamboo I made a little dirt strip on the side of my raft and then I planted the bamboo once I got all the chores done I wanted to try out that new fishing rod now since it has deep fry on it my

Assumption is that it automatically Cooks the fish and once I caught my first fish yes yes it actually just Cooks them so it’s actually not too bad of an enchantment but I can only use this fishing rod 64 times on unless I want to make an anvil and then repair it

But honestly I don’t really care and then this round of this day as well I just did some more chores got rid of all of the boring stuff out of the way kept getting organized got some barrels blah blah blah nothing really that exciting happened there then once all

The chores were done I finally went back to that glass tube I brought it all the way up to Y level like 147 and then I thought well hey let’s try AFK up here so I thought I would just do some fishing but then I was too high up

Because my fishing rod would uh kind of just like reel itself back in it just it wouldn’t let me fish but however the 30 seconds that I spent up there when I jumped down there’s actually some mobs in the mob spawner trap part so at least

It works then after that I just went back to fishing picking up all the blocks that were floating around the platform just to end off the night and also to get more food okay perfect completely organized but now there’s I I kind of want to test so Sal you know uh

Luckily we are getting some mobs that do come down here and now that it’s completely cleared out uh hopefully this works and I’m really hoping that I can actually swim to the top but I still need to go to the Nether and get that Soul Sand oh good okay

Whoa I think I can see SpongeBob’s house from here I like how I can make all the chunks on the background like move just from this one block uh but now we just wait okay so I’ve been up here for a couple of minutes but

Now I come down here oh um I’ve somehow have managed to get more jellyfish to spawn in here than I did with Mobs spawning here um I’m gonna take a wild guess here I think I built it too high up me being down here is actually

Getting to spawn them in a lot more than me being up there okay so maybe the tube is actually really useless I honestly don’t know however since I do have all iron armor finally and you know I I won’t die we might as well go to another

And farm up some food and let’s just keep on hunting around for some more Soul Sand wait lava down here oh oh my God it exists it actually exists in this world they’re so sand so first off lava needs to go no no please take your time

Oh oh okay well I was gonna go with you know the difficult route but hey if you are if you got some easy the ones right over here don’t mind if I do and even nicer there’s gravel here which I mean again I don’t think I’m ever gonna have

Any issues with dirt but hey you know might as well since this is so difficult to actually get let’s collect up a little bit of these okay 64 should be enough I don’t think it’s even possible for me to make that many water elevators like I don’t know what I would use them

All for oh okay that was dumb yeah who would have guessed that hell is so dangerous like I think it was that way but what what if we go over okay but what if we go over here oh I turned on 64 chunks and uh I’m just gonna assume

That there’s nothing in your home it’s kind of lame I’m so sorry that you’re stuck here so man I don’t think I need that much food but it would be nice to kill a little bit like I really don’t want to spend that much more time in

Than other because I would like to actually get to work on some stuff back at my base oh cool there’s three of you here I’m sure this will go well uh so dangerous I’m coming thank you go away I’ll get that could have gone smoother

I’m lost nowhere to go wait no wait wait wait I know where I am okay well that’s mine wait oh there’s my staircase okay so we’re good uh let’s get a little bit more food why are you all teaming oh my God why are you won’t see me

That’s so annoying I eat each other oh my God no they’re everywhere they are everywhere and if I didn’t know any better I would assume that they all hate me God I hate bread it really does not heal you know what I can’t chase it nice

Nice no thank you this is day 48 and I’m still hunting not you I need the hog Lane don’t shoot me don’t shoot me don’t shoot me don’t show me don’t shoot me oh don’t run oh God there’s so many okay one at a time one at a time oh my God

The Stupid Vine don’t touch don’t touch no no no no no no no no no no okay I think oh okay well hello I think after this one I’m good in another and then we can actually get the building stuff also I really need to get two of those

Zombified villagers on a witch because then I can actually do so much on my raft and you know what we might this will just get you know cuckoo crazy and actually make a smoker I would most definitely not be a waste now if I do that now

The annoying part is that um I don’t have any kelp and I don’t really have any bone meal but I do have a bucket oh boy okay first off I need to actually go and find the water sources that I made okay there’s one nice oh not nice not

Nice not nice no no no no no no no no not nice no no no no no come back here Mac here you’re teasing me what’s up bud okay so we got six of these so I got seven total this should make it go a lot faster so now I just

Have to do while it shakes my screen and oh okay that one was wasted okay I really hate this and then once I get down to the last water bucket my God that is so loud now I just have to water bucket my way all the way to the top

Yeah just give me like 20 minutes okay I’ll I’ll get out of here no time at all oh this is so much faster oh man why did none of you leave a comment telling me to do it like this ah come on guys when you do better

No it was so close so right in the morning I went and I looked at the mob farm and wow just me doing that water elevator just for a little bit this thing was actually packed so I don’t exactly plan to go to the very top of this anymore I’m probably gonna shave

Off a little bit of the glass and then once saying hi to all of them I was going to get started on the water elevator of which once I finished putting down all the buckets if you just swim down you can actually get extra oxygen so you don’t drown and then the

Fun happened once I jumped back down to my base you see I went and I looked at the mob spawner again and there’s a witch there this time and from all of my past experiences I do not want to lose her so since I have a lot of iron I went

Back to all my barrels and I made an anvil I then got a name tag and I named it Starbucks Barista because I think it’s just really fitting for the witch Once I got that done I went back to the mob spawner I put down some dirt just to

Block it off so nothing else can you know fall down and get out I then broke her out and um yeah that was a lot of fun trying to get her into the boat I don’t know why it was so difficult I then moved her into the back corner

Because I’ll just deal with her later I just don’t want potions thrown at me I open up the mob spawner again so everything actually works then once that was all done and handled I got back to making the water elevator surprisingly not taking too long on doing this but I

Don’t really want to spend any more time on making the water elevator so I’ll probably go up a few more water blocks but I don’t think I need to go to the very top most likely going to stop around why level 110. now instead of jumping back into the water elevator and

Finishing that off I kind of want to get rid of that witch to surprise you all it’s actually really annoying having her there so I got some wooden slabs and now I’m making a giant Circle a 35 by 35 Circle this area will be for the future

Villagers and the witch who I will soon just put her off into the ocean or something I don’t know but I quickly made the circle and uh I hate to say it I still want to use gloss because I feel like that’s such an amazing ground item

To make in this world because why would I want to hide the ocean for the villagers you know I care about them I want them to have a nice home the only issue um yeah I have like a stack and a half of glass so yeah I got like two or three

Lines done of the circle and uh yep we’re gonna be needing some glass now and then just to finish off the night I just did a little bit of fishing because I was waiting for the remaining like 20 pieces of glass that I had to smell and

Then as soon as I woke up I immediately just that off into my boats you see I have a special tactic for this it’s called a torch so this way you know I only have iron tools but this is a lot faster to actually get sand like this

It’s a lot cheaper blah blah blah I’m just trying to sound smart and overall I think if I get around 18 stacks of gloss I should be good at least for a little bit I’m completely guessing on how much I need for the circle but I would assume

That this is a good start so I gathered a lot of sand yesterday but I just stayed just together nine more so now I have 18 stacks of sand the sun was setting but I quickly rushed over to my boat got ready and then hauled it right

Back home upon arriving home I made three more furnaces so now I can hopefully go through all these Stacks really fast okay so now while all of these cook which oh God that okay this is gonna take several days to go through all of it and then we might as well go

Place all of this down I think it’s safe to say that I’ve definitely collected enough sand for all of that but seeing how I have so much sand to go through and actually uh cook um I also don’t really have that much coal anymore so it might be really smart

To start working on this and then to make it super fancy I think this would look really cool for a border around the entire circle huh Place 100 that’s an achievement point and then once that’s entirely done go around with all of our bamboo which this totally will not be

Annoying to collect as a mass majority of it will fall into the water please grow I need more need so much I think this will look cool I think this will be kind of cute especially the sense where you can finally add in Green Oh wait yo

I can collect some of the leaves and then I put it around here so I can at least capture some of the bamboo that might look really nice I love the speed of this so nice Okay and then you know what I really would like to have

Some room again yeah goodbye to all of you yeah doing this I I should really make a farm area next and then next up just for a nice little area to actually collect all the bamboo uh maybe like here would be a good spot and then boom that’ll probably fill up

In two days as this has been growing for like 10 minutes so that’s nice how oh God wait oh phew whoa okay so we’re in luck those are all done uh Cole’s getting a little worrisome ooh might not be a bad idea to start making some

Charcoal okay before I go through and I put down more of the glass now we’re going to go around with our beautiful oak leaves put them here instead of in the water and just like that okay so that’s done oh I love that we can actually probably go through get rid of

The Torches and put down glowstone even but I I kind of like the look with torches because I don’t know about you but now I’m starting to feel Hawaiian yeah yeah I think I like that look a lot so I went through all the furnaces and I

Gathered all the glass and I immediately got to making the floor which I also immediately got jump scared because apparently there was a jellyfish waiting for me right there in case you’re wondering yes I still hate them and they’re very painful after that it was

Kind of a slow day because I had to keep on waiting for the sand to actually smelt which we’re almost done with all of them and very luckily I think I barely gathered enough for this entire area I might have four or five Stacks left over so hey I’m happy that I was

Able to guess it correctly no no no I haven’t forgot about you oh wait dude imagine if this was like a villager zombie are you oh it doesn’t matter anymore I guess I’m not gonna be able to ever tell so uh anyways okay so with the remaining glass from all of this this

Should actually be enough to very hopefully finish this ground Okay I lied that finished about two rows okay so anyways I’m kind of loving the idea of having like these giant kind of like a pod area in a sense even though that makes no sense whatsoever but I need to

Make a different place for the tree farm I really don’t like having it over here anymore and I’m also going to be needing to like make charcoal now because I’m uh kind of out of coal oh unless there’s some in this Barrel maybe okay cool yeah

Nope that was useless now as I was saying for a tree farm I kind of want to continue it this direction now and then I think I also want to build a dock over there for my boats because you know I think it’d be kind of fun okay so we go

To the center we break all of this bamboo we then sadly clear out the leaves that we just placed okay and this might be stupid to do this now because I still need to finish that floor but now we go three right there I need slabs and

Then we go out five blocks and nice we had enough glass for that now do I want to build a circle or do I want to build it a square ah I think we have to continue the circle and honestly this is gonna suck but I think

I want to make it this size as well I’m online I actually don’t hate buildings circles for whatever reason they’re not that difficult in this game halfway done can I finish it tonight and done wow okay we’ll barely finish that into the night what in lighter news there is quite

Literally no way I don’t have enough glass to complete this okay perfect so this one is completely done you know what here let’s let’s go have fun because especially that if that’s a villager zombie I kind of don’t want the zombies near this wonderful thing love

You how did you already gave me weakness wow okay I mean you have the right idea trust me like you’re not even sitting that’s weird you have the right idea but um we need to wait until the zombie villagers okay so now just to be safe I’m Gonna Leave You Like right over

There yeah goodbye don’t hit me stop it okay with Butthead McGee over there so now I really really want to make a tour I don’t have anything drop into the water anymore so I think if we just go in by three blocks on every single side

We should be good which don’t get me wrong this is still going to take a lot of glass but doing it like this it’s actually Gonna Save Us probably several hundred maybe like 800 pieces of glass I’m totally just guessing here and throwing out random numbers and we still

Get the a gorgeous Ocean View you are really cool no we were so close we’re like 75 done yeah okay oh nice nice okay yeah so I have a 17 glass so let me show you a very fun thing that we can do until we make that tree farm first off

We just go right into here suck up all of this lava like I’m a vacuum oh God I oh yeah baby yeah come here yeah there you go yeah yeah you like that I like that anyways oh my god oh no I have a friend on the

Other side ow ow ah you little son of a wait what oh hi okay uh I still don’t like you okay anyways now we just load up the lava buckets boom now we’re good for a hundred blocks which I really should have done that instead of all the coal

Um oh no it’s one of them people oh yeah hey buddy don’t blow up do not do not do not okay now what’s weird is how it’ll spawn on my platform over here but not my mob spawner alrighty there we go should be all protected and then what

I’m thinking so okay this can look really ugly okay first up we finished the floor that’s the most important part and then we’ll go for Cosmetics so now uh huh okay so here’s the center and then what we can now do is go around and with Glowstone we will map out where the

Trees will go so that this way this platform is going to be incredibly bright and we’ll uh very easily be able to tell where the trees go and then we do like glass glass and then you know go like boom boom and then we just continue

This pattern all the way around and then by making it four blocks wide that should give enough room for like all the trees to grow up and not be too compact uh and then maybe we just cut it close over here my God I stopped that at the

Perfect time okay as long as we don’t look too hard you won’t notice this it’s just I kind of want to have a tree here instead of wasting the space and then over here is going to be another spot just don’t look closely at it and uh you

Won’t see any mess-ups uh from the pattern oh nice and the biggest part about using all this glowstone as well is just because uh I know mobs will really like to spawn on these because everything else I’m using except for the slabs is spawn proof yeah I learned that

The hard way from a one block Sky Block which if you haven’t seen the 50 hours of that you should definitely go check out that movie I think you’ll enjoy it a ton so I started off today with going over to the unfinished tree platform and

I was going to finish putting down every single tree spot but luckily enough for me I ran out of Glowstone so then once that was all done I went around with the remaining amount of glass that I had and I also ran out of that so lucky enough

For me I’m gonna have to go and collect some more after that though I went and I chopped down all of the trees from my spawn platform so it’s finally opened up I then went back to the tree platform placed down to all of the trees I also

Made a composter and a chest for the area because why not and then just to end off today I went and I got rid of that jungle tree so now my entire platform has opened up I then place it at the center of the platform that the

Witch is at just to mess with her man I just really want to make her think that she can hurt me I don’t need that much glowstone so I think it’s actually better just to go and handle that first and go into The Nether which I’m hoping

That I left some near my portal yes oh cool and of course you have to be in lava okay we need to fix that first oh okay and then block you off yes good good okay and then at the end of collecting all of that okay not bad I

Got 17. so that should be good oh my God ah beautiful okay so we still have some daylight let’s go over here and finish up this is that a [ __ ] quill am I going crazy no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh nope that is

Definitely not a book and quill okay not touching the water ever again okay perfect so we’re completely done with all the glowstone and of course I can chop down those trees but uh I kind of don’t want anything to fall into the water for you know no particular reason

Okay now let’s go take our boats and hopefully we can go and get a lot of sand within like one day get out of my wait no move okay now the only thing is that I kind of really don’t want to use this spot anymore because it’s not

Really easy to get any of Brewery before it gets too late so I mean I most definitely was not wrong I kind of should have made more torches before coming here because I think it slowed me down just a little bit however by the end of today I ended up with 10 stacks

Of sand so it wasn’t the worst probably could have done more but oh well it’s a beautiful barely did any damage and this should be good enough for a while I need to just stop saying that every time I do I always end up needing to go and get

More what oh there you are I was like where’d my boat go okay so we can at least just load up all the furnaces and you know get them prepared but let’s go take all the lava buckets or I guess in this case the buckets and we just need

To go get lava and then we just load up all of you I got beautiful and now we have two extra for the future honestly don’t know if I care to swim around and pick up all of the items okay so now the one thing that I really want to uh build

As well just because I think it would be fun is a dock first oh God we need a lot more slabs and firstly I now need to figure out how wide is this okay so we’re gonna make it go forward by five so then if I come over here I hate

Counting okay so that one ends at 54. this one is at five so we do 49. no no we need it to be 44. no 45 okay so doing some calculations I know that also scared me uh in uh planning this out so I believe if I make the rectangle 18 by

45. the dock should then match up to the end of that and everything should actually be okay because I mean I’m just trying to fix me uh making this a square instead of a circle yeah that kind of created uh like a little bit of an issue

Ah the center of this platform is these two so maybe glass okay I think I think I perfected it so just for like an easier viewing time on here I decided to do a time lapse of this because for whatever reason making an oval is very difficult for me however I finally

Finished it and I was one block off but I’ll take it you know I kind of guessed on everything but I feel like this was way more accurate than if I were to guesstimate like I always do after that I got some of the glass that was all

Done and I finished up the little Bridges leading to the new dock area however I’m not going to touch this area just yet because I still need to plan out how I want to put all the boats in there however since I do have glass and I really don’t want to continue making

New projects in here without finishing the previous one I try to finish up as much of the tree farming glass area that I could however might came really fast but I finished placing down all of the glass today finally this platform is done once I was all finished I went

Around and finally chopped down all the trees which my god do I gain a lot of wood out of this which I think is going to be very useful for the dock because as much as I love making glass I’m kind of sick and tired of this so over at the

Dock since I only have two boats and I really don’t think I’m ever gonna need any more than those or really just one I went to the very tip of the dock and I cut out a two block wide Canal for both boats bringing it back enough just to

Match up with the bridge that leads over to the tree farm place I I really hope that makes sense and now I think I have a very fun idea for the dock to make it look really nice now for the design that I have in mind I build in the three

Prong areas if that makes any sense with glass just so I can still see the beautiful ocean when I hop out of my boat after that I have a lot of logs so might as well use them I kind of filled in the border of the uh a walking area

At the dock with logs I made sure it was all pretty super nice and then I caved in I got weak I’m gonna use glass and of course this is going to take a lot which I also noticed that my furnaces ran out of lava so I didn’t finish cooking all

Of the sand I used up all the gloss that I had and then after that it was just a waiting game again so I went over to my tree farm shopped on the trees got a a little bit more glass out of the furnace and I’m getting really scared because I

Think I have to go back to the island and collect even more sand oh hey it’s been a while okay first off let’s go through get organized my God I had so much wood on me oh and finally now go over here to our beautiful duck

Okay good I was like I can’t put down the boat and now we can actually put down our boats wow beautiful I’m really curious how all of you are uh feeling about this dog I kind of like it it’s like kind of futuristic not really to me

I don’t really know but it looks cool I think next up luckily I have some sand uh smelting right now however we honestly might as well just go get lava because we’re gonna need it you should really build a staircase down here it’s too bad I’m lazy okay and then we’ll

Just leave them all inside of the furnaces until they turn on cool now that that’s all good I should really make another shovel nah nah I’ll be fine we’ll just use the Torches okay that’s definitely like a cool view it’s like I’m like shooting out of the uh the

Spork back there we’re off to see the wizard the wonderful Wizard of give me more sand I’m hoping to God this is my last time I’m sick of coming here so I immediately got to work and wow would you look at that having more than two

Torches actually makes us go by a lot faster only being here for roughly three or four minutes and I ended up with five and a half stacks now do I wanna go home now or do I want to keep on collecting some more sand because let’s be honest

I’m gonna use it ah much better so now we have ten oh the nice clean turn backing into the spot ah beautiful I’m loving the dock already now perfect so we have some glass waiting for us now we just go through please let me finish like a good majority of this I’m so

Tired of working with glass okay nice I think like 32 more and we should finally be done with all of that I still need to finish you which I’m just curious if I camp at the top of this water elevator like whichever point I made it to you

Know if I just Camp up here for like a little bit I’m kind of curious how many of the mobs will actually be in there because I’m hoping that this is the correct height for okay and then very quickly before it turns night time yeah and cool there’s nothing there awesome I

Wonder if it’s because I always swim to the very top of that just despawns the things in here or are there too many of them oh yes okay sweet Doc is completely done I won’t lie I’m not a fan of how um Barren everything looks oh don’t worry

I’m not gonna forget that we’re definitely going to finish it because I need my villagers is that a villager I mean it probably was one in the past so I still have some leaves left over I could have sworn I had more somewhere else again this is going to make getting

Back onto my platform very annoying if I ever jump off of it but it’s just it makes it look so pretty let me do this because I really don’t want to waste any of my leaves oh I really miss having silk touch so much and perfect so now

The tree area is completely done and it’s it’s always just such like it’s such a little detail but it just adds so much much so how I think I know how I want to do the dog and I think leaving it like this isn’t the worst idea I mean

I can’t put any other blocks around here or else and you know I can’t get the boats on but now I uh I need more leaves if I leave a leaf block on top can I still oh I can nice okay perfect the only issue I don’t get any uh saplings

But that’s also not gonna be an issue whatsoever it’s naked I was actually really fast okay I was expecting to do that for a little bit longer okay but anyways now we have enough leave leave leaves leaves oh God blocks not grass okay there we go yeah looking beautiful

Please let me finish this before it turns into night time and there we go now if we come over here it just looks so much more complete it’s just so nice I love leaves they just complete everything also I feel like we should go around and trim all all of our bamboo

Which this is going to destroy my sword don’t hurt me don’t hurt me don’t hurt me no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay beautiful that’s really laggy we can be friends I

Literally saved you huh oh my god dude I totally forgot that I had this mod wait you look cool I mean I don’t I don’t hate it I actually kind of like that more what hold up there’s an oak hedge oh my god dude I need to actually look

Through the mods that I installed uh sure let’s go around and uh swap out all this why not oh but you can’t walk through them okay oh okay I hate you yeah I’m not gonna lie I actually like this a lot more than regular torches because I also feel like it just works

Better with the land why am I missing a torch you’re friendly right okay I think I dropped a torch down here please just just let me be please you know what I don’t I don’t care I don’t care no don’t care now at least now I’m

Starting up a good uh stick trade but I need to get the rest of the bamboo no is it all despawning no I was too slow is there any love no dang it okay my fault but that’s really cool to now learn uh that I did add in mods where I can

Actually use bamboo for building okay I know this isn’t important like whatsoever and I should really just get to building my mob spawner but trust me this is very important okay this will make the place look even more beautiful wait you give off light right but am I

Making a mistake oh no okay now our Cosmetics are completely done I still have no idea if these actually light up anything can I put you on a wall wow that is beautiful so gorgeous okay well definitely not swapping out those anyways uh now thinking about it I don’t

Know if I should have the floor be like this or if I should actually like waterlog the area up here because uh oh my God it’s another glitch oh no no no stop peeling please please stop no but anyways if I get a zombified villager

And they come down here I kind of don’t want them to be at half a heart you know like it’s just a thought but it’s probably not good speaking of not good I need to make some signs okay so now if we go up here so now this is going to be

Annoying I really hope this doesn’t ruin anything down there okay why does it take so long to break glass oh my God am I breaking obsidian whoa I’m able to swim down oh that’s weird I was able to do that now do I just need to break this

One maybe okay we’re just gonna build this out just a little bit this is still very weird to me okay I guess I didn’t need the signs interesting okay so now if I just wait up here just for a little bit about to do even though the Sun is

Going down I mean I guess just for looks here we’ll just Place those there I really don’t need signs wow okay I got one skeleton oh two skeletons yay wow oh man that’s so good okay so am I just better off waiting down here for them to spawn in

Oh wait what if I wait on top no no no because if I went on top of the ceiling or the roof and I don’t think they’ll spawn in because I’ll be too close um I mean another thing that we can try out because this is the only area that’s not

Covered in glass so things can actually spawn is that I just remove all the Torches and bamboo torches and then we wait until night time and then maybe zombified villagers will spawn in I’m starting to grasp at straws here because I just I don’t want to wait okay let’s

Try this one more time up here at the platform because I mean this should make them spawn in I wonder if I can fish from up here nope look at how pretty our raft area is becoming like oh that’s so nice please please let there be a lot of

Mobs at the mob spawner please and wait that kind of looked like there’s some okay okay well it didn’t have anything that I needed but it actually had mobs here so uh I guess it’s just time to wait here for a little bit okay so with

The sun setting please I am so nervous please work okay okay uh sadly still nothing that I need well I mean another thing that I could do is maybe build a platform up there and make it really big and then that way they’ll spawn up there

And then maybe a lot of fish won’t spawn in because I think the the fish are also a huge problem so they definitely take up a lot of the mob count I’m happy it’s working but uh can I get something else so I mean one thing that we can do

Because no matter what we have to wait until the zombified villagers spawn in we can actually just go and start making at least like a hut for them because I do need something with a roof on it so then okay is it only Creepers on there

Because as I was saying I do need to make a roof for them I just uh I don’t want that witch to hit me while I’m building you’re just waiting for me oh my what did I do to this world why do they look

At that why do they hate me I I might be stuck up here for a little bit I kind of don’t want to go down there and meet him oh wait wait wait actually and we can be smart we’ll take the water elevator down it’s either all creepers all skeletons

Can it just be all zombified villagers now okay anyways so we can actually have fun because I have installed a lot of mods so let’s try this out so first off very luckily for me I have a lot of sticks okay so that should be enough

Windows I’m oh I kind of don’t want to chance it and see if I can break these and actually get it back I’m going to assume no and here’s one of like the coolest parts that I found from one of the mods from like a macaw like roofs

And like everything else so I can make a very fancy roof and I don’t know how I want to build this building okay so if I go like boom and then I go bop boom Oh okay let’s play with that first and then the next one that I want to try out is

This okay throw a potion okay let me go in okay don’t okay good good good Goods okay so sadly our jungle tree has to go which oh cool it didn’t even drop a sapling so that’s awesome okay just so I can actually build the house in an equal

Manner so here’s the center and um I don’t think we need to build it that massive for them I want to build it big enough to where I can actually have like fun with the design and make it like very detailed okay so maybe somewhere around this side should be good I just

Don’t know how I want to build this like at all over here is for something that I have no idea uh we can have the front door here it’s heavily confusing and it probably doesn’t make any sense to any of you watching but oh well so I would

Actually like to use any of these modded doors because then it would look really pretty but villagers suck and they know how to open doors but then we could just have fun and make some oku glass trap doors oh man okay think I need to have

About or okay wait wait we need two more villager oh okay I hate you two okay beautiful call me crazy I might actually be able to implement this into the uh the build as well instead of just the ceiling or the roof oh no I totally forgot no I totally forgot I have

Bridges in here like I have a bridge mod oh man or I I have a playpen okay interesting like what if I want the bridge to be two blocks wide man I actually kind of want to go and redo my bridges oh no there’s so many options

And things to do now there’s so much building uh it’s gonna pain me ah all of that glass okay so okay and then now we just cry a little bit oh man all of that work for nothing uh-huh I miss silk touch now we want a big bridge so

I think we go four and then how do I do that okay not like that no no no I need you why does that not look right okay so far I have a staircase that leads to nothing and a playpen up here so that’s not correct oh wait wait wait so maybe

These stairs have to go into slabs aha listen if I break that I mean that’s not bad like do I have to have it like this I feel like I’m doing something wrong or maybe bridges are only supposed to be one block wide for whatever very bizarre

Reason so maybe we just have them go like this and I mean we could have glass in the center but then there’s no point of having the bridges on the side know maybe we build another Bridge because before I go crazy and I make a

Lot more how do you work okay they don’t grab on to each other so I mean I could just oh god oh this is so ugly and bad Oh I thought this was gonna go so differently so the next thing that I can try out because you know I got that

Bamboo Bridge looks really beautiful we could try out bamboo trap door oh my God wait that that might actually work and then you can add torches like in there so God it’s not bad and I don’t hate it per se uh okay wait wait but I do hate

This okay much nicer it’s not too ugly now leave a comment Down Below on what do you feel about the first bridge I just wasn’t you know expecting to have to build it like this because I was expecting something completely different I I think we changed all the bridges

Because I I think this will make it look a little bit cooler it’ll add some height to some areas so why not Scott to break everything and try not to cry scissor would be proud this is definitely a big boy you really don’t have to be here like I I really don’t

Need to see uh that is totally okay homie uh no that that is all good nope nope nope nope new I still don’t know why I have to build it like that oh this is gonna look so stupid oh God it’s so bad oh please don’t judge me too much dang

It oh no I have to go the long way don’t touch me please nothing try and kill me please okay so now it’s at least lit up and pretty ah that is the most pointless Bridge I’ve ever built in my life okay cool let’s not look at it too long okay

I don’t need that much judgment okay I think this is the last bridge that we built okay but I don’t want to spend that much more time on this so we’re just gonna very quickly build this wow just so gorgeous oh my God okay now with

Uh not wasting any more time so I don’t know if I like or hate building with the bamboo trap doors with using it against uh the support beams but I think I like it more than leaves just because it doesn’t take up as much space and these

Are a little bit more vibrant I don’t know why but I just remembered I never stripped this and I feel like it would actually look better if I strip the logs definitely like that more because then this doesn’t stand out since it was so dark so now that it’s a lot brighter it

Kind of Blends in with everything else so now you mainly just notice all the leaves around it and the gloss in the center which is kind of what I wanted or we’ll just build up all the pillars like normal okay so now that these are all done because originally I kind of wanted

To build this like a regular Tiki Hut looking thing but I I don’t know I want to I want to try something different oh I think we can build something pretty with that so oh I kind of like that wait that’s actually really fun and then I guess we just make it boring

We could just put an oak log right there we can strip it uh wait wait wait wait wait wait for it wait for it let me cook let me cook maybe kind of I honestly don’t know oh God who let me cook I have no idea what

I’m doing at this point I’m just randomly placing down stuff hoping that it works and I honestly can’t tell if it’s working or not oh wait there’s barrels like I kind of like the look of this it’s just my only issue is that um villagers are gonna want to become

Fishermen okay wait that actually looks a little bit better like I don’t hate this I just I don’t like how plain the bottom parts are but I can’t put barrels down there I mean we do have Cobblestone okay first I think we need to make a stone cutter and then I think the

Chiseled stone bricks are gonna be our play so now if I bring you over here do you look better okay I’m kind of liking it I’m kind of wanting to leave it as a one story I’m not gonna lie I really don’t feel like building a two-story

Alrighty I’m hoping I don’t hate this I really don’t want to break it okay I’m not hating it so let’s bring the glass all the way around okay beautiful ah finally we’re starting to actually make some progress on this now the next issue is that I

Don’t want to copy this front design for every single wall I really don’t think that would look good in the long run so maybe in every single Corner we just have this oh yeah do you guys like it if I tell you like how I’m building everything in my thought process behind

All of it or do you guys just want me to like build everything and then just show you at the end and kind of skip everything and I do want to use more of the barrels it is ah God I know I’m gonna regret that and I’m going to hate

That immensely but I do think that is the right play okay so luckily now though we can actually start using the oak window so if we just continue it all the way around like this maybe I definitely want to have a lot of uh opening so you can actually see the sky

You can see the sun the bamboo just feel like this oh God please please tell me I get it back I’ll get a few okay really nice okay I really like these windows yes but this way I feel like it’s just very tropical and very I just really want to try out something

New I’m kind of like really bored of building like the traditional way in Minecraft so maybe I continue using some of the barrels so it does make a really nice uh real like beam looking thing and then I think I do like this the most so

Now we just go around with our oak logs can I strip the window no okay I don’t know I was just really curious okay let me break this section where everything meets up and then boom tell me do I like that or do I hate that uh I don’t I

Don’t know uh just leave a comment and then you know I’ll be able to know if I should uh never do that again or if I should always do this okay well every part of these pillars are done and next up we need to change

This I am not happy with how it looks down there so maybe for that section we might be able to use dead coral now this part’s gonna be important because I don’t know which one would look best almost thinking this yeah after looking around for like a couple of seconds I

Think pink is the mood like I actually don’t mind this look okay oopsies I only need a ton sorry Coral didn’t mean to kill uh too many of you sorry Mr Beast uh anything here you go I’ll go replant it so it’s basically like I didn’t do

Anything bad there you go you can come back to life now okay but however I think I placed these in the wrong order does that look better I don’t know I think it’s better I’m not gonna lie I think I like this more now since we did

Make a lot of stone another thing that we can do we could put a sign I don’t know if a sign would look good here oh we could put a sign across here I’m gonna put buttons there that might look good oh let’s try that let’s try that

Okay so we go button and then we’ll just do a button there for now then we get the signs I think I like that I mean we can also or I think we could do some other stuff down here I need to get a different color other than gray at the

Bottom yeah I definitely need a different color I need to start working with green I just don’t know how I feel about this because I’m liking this but I think I need darker signs so I do have Spruce saplings and I do have bone meal I kind of like that because then it

Matches them with the barrel like I don’t think it’s that specially right here I like this and I made too many oh dang it okay unless wait wait okay I’ll take that I made one too many it wasn’t me now just have to do it on all of the inside now there’s

One thing I want to try out because I also saw this there’s Leaf Hedges even though it says Oak but you know there’s Leaf ones now can I break you oh I can oh I like you okay and then what if I put you see oh God I like it and I hate

It because I like this color down here so much I like this shade of green a lot more than the shade of green even though you probably can barely tell the difference but this is more vibrant I just don’t like it how it covers up this

Okay then now that we have extras as well actually okay maybe we also put it in the corners what if I also put you up here is it just more green like I need to break up the colors a little bit and let’s go around here and now since we’re

Completely done on the outside we have some extra left over and I don’t want to waste it then we can come into here as well since this isn’t on the ground and it won’t like come in the way of beds or any of their blocks that I use for them

We then put it on the ceiling oh no way I had the absolute perfect amount yes I love it when that happens I I don’t think I hate that the tie this all together the block that needs to go here has to be green because I think I need

Something to match with uh these and I feel like that would be the best choice I’m kind of tempted for this even though you’ll still be able to see inside but it does add depth which you know I never shut up about and it covers the uh the

Center right here where the uh the window is so there’s gonna be no air pockets going inside so it doesn’t look bad I don’t hate this but I think I want to use a different Leaf block one that doesn’t have as many uh holes in it did I just accidentally figure out something

And then maybe it’s kind of cool or Okay so this will be an expensive test we take a leaf block and you know boom I don’t hate this I really don’t think I hate this uh let’s double check a moss block I almost feel like it’s identical

To the leaf block but it is pretty don’t get me wrong but I think the oak leaf is actually Superior to it in this case oh wait and then what if I go like super Bonker crazy you know and I put I water log it you can almost not even see that

Whatsoever but I kind of like that you know it’s going to be something that only we know about but anyone else who were to like ever say this would probably never be able to guess it would probably look better if I didn’t have shaders on because then you can really

See it but I’m never gonna play this map without my shaders on it it’s just it’s too beautiful hey plus and at the very least if I don’t get any villagers at all hey I have a really nice house I can live in now okay now oh dear God I just

Have to go back and forth a tremendous amount of time and fill up all of these with water and now I just have to go around with bamboo I’m also curious if I just didn’t use any leaves and I only used water I wonder how that would have

Looked because I don’t think I’ve ever seen a wall for a house made out of water okay now all of the bamboo trap doors are down so in that case I feel like we can add something to this I think that that needs to kind of blend

In the depth between this and this also we really need to light this thing up which of course we’re gonna use the bamboo tiki torch because like oh it just it looks so good it kind of looks good I actually don’t hate it but I

Don’t love it but I like it I feel like it fits the trend or not the trend but the theme okay so there’s actually one thing that I want to try out you can make rain gutters I don’t know why but that’s so fascinating to me so then you

Have to take these and then you put three in a line and then boom you get one actual rain gutter so if it rains can I actually make like the rain go into the this and then like funnel it into like a cauldron because I don’t

Know how this is supposed to work but it looks so cool oh using my entire iron collection and I love this little like wooden holder thingy I don’t know oh okay so it does SNAP in oh okay I see you I see you Queen um problem I only have 20 left uh but

Let’s use it all let’s just be stupid one on them down God I love it how I just keep on adding more stuff to the build and then just you know kind of works out and I kind of love it there’s two routes that I can go okay first off

One thing I want to ask uh how are you guys feeling about the house so far like day 83 I love the house or day 83 I don’t like the house it needs more or it needs less I don’t know but I’m kind of loving everything that I’m adding to

This house I feel like the more like the longer I’m doing this the better it’s getting now there’s two routes that we can go I can try my luck and try to get at least two zombified villagers over here and then I make an iron farm which

Would then give me a lot of iron so I can actually complete this or I take my chances with Mining and I try to see how much iron I can get in the mines over here which honestly might be faster than making an iron farm at this point the

Children Yen for the mines oh hi oh whoa hello oh my god oh no where’s my hole where’s my hole where’s my hole no no no no no no no no no yeah let’s put a torch right there okay dude I don’t even know if I can actually mine this before I run

Out of oxygen so then we just come around here block myself and and then I take away this water boom now I have my own little air pocket and I just opened it right back up to water okay okay I’m glad that I’m seeing a lot of coal but

If I’m being honest at this point it’s really not useful for me so yeah if we could just keep finding this lovely iron that would be perfect because my God is cold common oh there’s a cave nearby oh God hey wow you found the cave yep just getting straight into it okay

Oh my precious yes and there’s a lot yes nice okay well we now have four more diamonds and I’ve also now just realized that I have never used any of my diamonds before but that’s besides the point okay How brave am I feeling because there’s a lot the biggest thing

That I’m scared about is skeletons I don’t really care about any of the other things because they’re pretty easy to avoid or kill but this is a really nice looking cave I just really don’t know how I want to go about this but there’s so much iron I think we can actually

Find iron up here it’s probably a lot safer if I just stick up here instead of going down there what’s up sexy alrighty anyways let’s go find our way out of here where are you okay we made it uh wait I’m back at the beginning okay I like how that worked

Out so I kind of like that Strat of finding uh like a deep part in the water and then just swimming into like a cave system so oh maybe we could test our luck out in here okay so far really not looking good okay wow that was actually

A fail of a Cave System okay hello is there any iron in here or something other than oh no no no no no no not touch me okay I think we just need to get R away from here I think we just need to go and uh find

An actual deep pocket because this is not working I would like to at least get a stack of iron please okay this might have some kind of a good promise if I was looking for copper this can be good this can be promising especially since I keep hearing bats yes

Ah beautiful I really wish I had a fortune pick you know it makes you really appreciate your hardcore world oh and we got more well I think we can be kind of smart and just bring a magma block with us at all times and then boom I just have Forever Air very beautiful

We now have 67 iron ore maybe now we’re probably good to return back home hello I see you now I do hear another cave system like right here however I don’t know if I want to try and find it hello I recognize that noise you oh I’m

Oh my God I want to bring it back home so badly but at the same time that would actually just be the worst experience of my my life trying to bring that thing back like 500 to a thousand blocks I I guess we can go down and have fun holy

So I think just in case if I need to make a very quick exit oh yeah definitely going to need a very quick exit so now once I get down here put torches around there okay and we are off oh we gotta be very quick in here yes

Yes I know what you mean [Applause] I just realized since our pick is almost destroyed this is actually incredibly lucky that we found this and now we have a diamond pick now oh I can stay looting except I’m almost out of food so that’s

Really not good oh God no no no no no no no no no no no they are here and they are angry no no no okay not seeing any chass yes no uh I need to get back oh Diamond spray hurry hurry before something comes along

Really fast really fast I’m not going to check around the surrounding area to see if I can find more diamonds just go go go I don’t know how but I lost the mine shaft whoa oh no way whoa they’re so bright and pretty oh I kind of I want

Those whoa oh this is so beautiful in here um wow there was only one that was actually fully grown okay well oh no okay we have four not the worst not saying anything important down there okay perfect okay Amber off we have nearly two stacks of iron all right

We’ll just collect a few more rails and then honestly I think we just go back up however now we have over two stacks of iron so I’m happy I think it’s time to go home and then hopefully we can get some zombified villagers and complete

The house how do I get out of here but I can’t stop myself from looting okay I think at this point we just dig up goodbye everybody not coming back was fun oh why uh oh that’s hilarious I know exactly where I am but now we return home and I have almost

Two and a half stacks of iron that was an incredibly uh profitable yeah look at this beautiful dock I love it what no it’s this direction stop wait what no face this direction I didn’t know I had a sentient boat okay so first off uh I need to go and get

Some more lava because I am not going to use any of my coal on this stuff um it also probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to also get some more pork chops because I’m kind of getting low oh hoglins who wants to donate some meat to me hi you yes yes

Oh my God there’s so many holy is there like a Convention of just bad guys here right now what is going on there you go yes burn yes no one can touch me when I use the power of lava oh my God don’t catch me on fire dude this is working out phenomenally

Okay oh my God wait there’s babies right here okay here uh three children there you go yep you guys are welcome don’t touch me oh my God where did you come from okay please okay good okay oh my God there’s so many children oh yeah yeah no yeah just just keep running over

Here yep that worked out very well for you okay so I’m only gonna spend a little bit more time here because I really don’t need that much food left since you know we almost have only 10 days remaining it doesn’t really matter too much but I won’t lie it would be

Very fun to you know just keep lighting all of them on fire I am getting oh my God please stop walking into lava yes at the very least for future movies I have a new Strat on you know to get food however I think we’re good to go home now

Um almost 30 pork chops even if I were to eat like three a day I would still probably be fine because I have fish so good to buy nether was fine thank you for food stand by let’s go and play around with the roof how do I get up here

So now I think I actually want the roof to come up to like this part again if it ever does ring you won’t see what actually happens with this but oh well you know so oh my God that’s actually really beautiful I really like that so if I combine that with this

Okay that’s a very big no um there’s a transition that needs to happen here I I just know it okay uh I I’m coming to a very good conclusion uh this is gonna be a lot harder than what I was expecting oh oh okay I see you why are you like that huh

No go no what oh okay I don’t know what was happening there okay so I like that and then so then if I the slot oh God okay wait wait put a slab there ah it kind of works oh God I actually have to plan out this entire thing uh I

Think we should just actually go one layer at a time can I put this upside down oh I can okay oh we are going to have way too much fun with the roof this is this is gonna be a lot this is wow you can actually make that look so

Beautiful this looks so nice oh my God I’m loving this okay so first let’s go around and finish up all of this interesting I don’t think I hate that but definitely an interesting look it ain’t much but it’s honest work being an American roofer okay so first layer is

Down this one please no mess ups okay beautiful and we just had to have a mess up okay so why do you do this is because of this okay so this has to be placed a very specific way I don’t know why Mojang hasn’t added any kind of uh like

Roofing thing you should not be like that there we go beautiful next row done this this might be up there with one of the best houses I’ve built I might still do some work with the walls down here but I think I’m loving this so now we go around

So weird I haven’t had like any mess lips yet okay yep everything’s still looking beautiful and nice now the only section that I’m now worried about would be this one I mean I guess we could just use oak logs and then it should be good right here maybe that’s definitely an

Issue okay now here’s the interesting one so if I just go through and I leave this little tiny oh okay yes yes okay good this works can I fall down this can this fit over there I’m going to assume no okay okay good so this works upside

Down fill in all of the holes so you can barely even see this whatsoever it’s really no point to it however I also want to go through this part I’m gonna putting the Steep roof down here as well just so I just it makes everything look

A lot pointier like this like this looks a lot more comfortable for me to look at than compared to like this even though again you could barely see it watch so ever so now there’s either two ways that we can go with all of this one I can

Just use you know Oak slabs up here and then this will block off the roof which it’s not bad you know at least this doesn’t blend in with the roof too much and you can actually see something you know different right there or what I can

Do for both of them for even more light in here I could just put glass up here oh I just realized I never used this probably doesn’t matter yeah you know it all it was probably gonna be ugly you know let’s be honest oh wait what would

Bamboo trap doors up here look like I kind of don’t hate that I kind of do at the same time because that really doesn’t match with anything other than these I kind of want to leave this just to see what all of you say about having

Like the bamboo trap doors on the roof but I think that’s good uh next up though as I was saying I think having glass right here will look the best or we can make some Oak glass trap doors ooh it’s either the which this actually kind of flows in

With the roof a lot better than these given they are a lot more expensive but I kind of like this I like this a little bit more than these now the only thing uh I need to get more wood that roof took up like five or six Stacks okay

Much better now we should actually be able to finish everything one thing I’m kind of curious about just to see if I can’t even use this can I actually fit this up here I mean we can do that boom boom now can oh okay what whoa what’s no way it’s like I have

An airplane time to take off I could swap these which might make it look even better oh after saying that oh God wait I think that might actually improve it a lot the biggest thing can you rot no you can’t okay okay so to make this work we have these on the

Straight lines and then we have the trap doors on all of the corners okay so now with those placed we can then please work oh yes this actually looks so nice oh I’m actually I’m actually kind of proud of this this actually looks so nice and then if you go inside

Like this is so cool like those just look like they belong like they can go up but I have it down for like ventilation just so we can have some air coming into here and then I think this has grown on me what if I okay if

There’s a torch on that what happens if I do this okay yep that was a stupid question and I just got a stupid answer for that now the one thing that I don’t like in here is just how dark it is wait I’m dumb oh my I’ve been looking around

For some kind of a light source and I can just make lanterns um this will work amazing on here one can I oh dude I can even hang it right there oh yeah dude oh this place is going to be lit up more than Fourth of July oh this is gonna be incredible

Um I don’t know if I can put any on these no I can’t let’s see can I put you anywhere up here without you looking talking ugly okay so if I want to have lanterns maybe I just removed the corners go boom boom it’s not the worst let’s see it

Might look the least ugly if we just get rid of the center one and then boom yeah yeah I like that one a lot so the ultimate test is once it becomes nighttime which it almost is so we don’t have to wait too long but I did not

Forget I know uh probably a lot of you thought that I did so we need to make some more rain gutters please uh hopefully I don’t need that’s much more oh okay I made way too much okay wow just so it doesn’t go to waste maybe I can find another location maybe

Somewhere in here to put everything why do I like really weirdly like I’m okay with that up there um oh God do I want oh no why do I always have to accidentally make really good looking builds that are super expensive oh fancy section oh okay I have three left over

And I won’t lie I am too scared to actually put this anywhere else like I slap it there yeah of course I like that of course like it just oh my God I love the rain gutters it’s such a good building item however I think now like

If I keep adding more in here especially up here it’s now really looking at this I’m almost tempted to take it down because it’s almost looking like way too much in here but I’m kind of enjoying how the longer I spend in here the more stuff I add and then she becomes even

More busy but we’re just gonna make this amount and no more so hopefully I only need eight and then we finish it off like that okay no more no more not touching not doing anything else how are we all feeling about this build are we

All a fan of it when did I ever do that wait because I did that there but I didn’t do it here wait what how did I miss that because that was fixed don’t know how I missed that I’m glad I caught it here we go okay I think I think I’m

Happy with this because I don’t see anything else that I want to add that wouldn’t take me like an extra 50 days to finish it oh this voice is so beautiful I’m gonna miss this house is that a witch hi beautiful all right skeleton get away from him hello okay

Okay okay uh dirt need dirt it only took like 50 days to actually get one oh my God I see I can’t celebrate too much because even though we have one I have like five days for us to hopefully get another but um how you doing you know okay we should be safe

Bye buddy okay I know it’s cool I didn’t need that or anything no you you can have that dirt block I’m gonna dirt block that one in plank no no take your time it’s okay okay so I need you to Camp like right here okay and then don’t worry I’m gonna go get

You a roof you know I’m not going to let you catch on fire whatsoever might as well make this big enough for the other one if I get them this movie love you thank you so much for coming and joining us there we go don’t want anything else

To spawn up here okay sick now I can go to sleep and then I hey hopefully we get you to get you a partner now for once I can actually go and get organized and now honestly God I think the only thing oh wait first I need to go and open that

Come down to my oh God not you jeez I just heard that creeper oh no don’t blow up no no oh my God have I ever mentioned how much I hate creepers I hate those annoying dirt eggs oh my God there’s like three right there it’s a good thing

That I have so much glass so honestly I guess for today I guess we just Camp up here and then we just wait and see uh how many of them spawn in and after standing up there on the glass and waiting for Sunset and I went down and

Finally oh cool just Mercury oh yeah thank you oh man I was really sad about there only being three creepers I really wanted there to be four and two skeletons okay now to start off today as well because I still really need to get that zombified villager

Um I I kind of started to snipe all of the fish that I could see in the ocean mainly just to see if I could hit them which I kept Landing my shots pretty accurately it kind of felt like I had an Aimbot it was really fun once I got done

Tormenting the ocean I just waited and then finally once Sunset was starting to happen I jumped down and the first thing that I see is a whole lot of nothing okay cool that’s totally what I wanted awesome wow hopefully I can get another zombified villager pretty soon or else that was

Kind of a waste now he needs a brother or sister so now for the third and hopefully final day I went up to the platform and one thing that I’ve realized is that I kind of showed off the house but I never really did any cinematic shots of it you know and let

You guys see like the pretty shots you know like the pretty views of it so for anybody who cares here’s what the Hut looks like and the longer that I talk for the more of it that you get to see so again I don’t know if this Hut

Actually looks beautiful or if it’s really ugly ah I I think it looks nice I’m kind of happy with what I did with it plus it was a lot of fun to actually try out a lot of different blocks and you know kind of a different building

Style than what I normally go for however at the end of all of that the sun was setting and it was time oh please work and on the third day I said let there be oh it’s a creeper that’s what I’ve always wanted oh my God we

Actually have one oh my god oh I don’t have the AFK anymore oh you are so beautiful okay please don’t despawn if you do I am never going to play this again I swore my life oh my gosh you’re beautiful I can’t believe we finally got one

Um even though it’s day 97 and really it’s not useful but at this point I’m just trying to fill up my lovely hut you know I’m it’s really all I’m going for oh my God I can’t believe that worked okay we just need to wait until night

Time all righty hi buddy hi yeah would you like to come out and see the world please don’t take that for me thank you look at this I know right look at that beautiful Bridge right over there that wasn’t me who built that that was someone else but wow look at this

Beautiful place right here huh yeah you like this don’t you huh yeah I built it specifically for you I don’t get into his boat please and then two yes perfect okay oh my God you know what uh let’s do this in the morning I need to make two

Golden apples yeah oh boy okay and now we just have our fingers crossed okay oh I am I’m very nervous for this I’m really hoping let’s do it right away okay so first off I need to damage you come on don’t hurt me too much okay good good just need to

Get you all close together let’s go back in I think I think I need to hit you a few times I’m really scared again no not that one the other one I need weakness yes oh thank God okay both of them good good good might be an issue

Okay I need to stop taking damage um okay Chuck it Chuck it Chuck it I didn’t mean to hit me though wait wait okay wait wait wait wait that might be good enough that might be good enough oh I think we’re safe oh my God I think

We’re good though I don’t think there’s any way for them to get hurt all that we need to do now is just wait for them to actually turn into villagers Yoo-hoo I saw you guys changed ah why hello there that was weird how did you just rotate

Your head like that why hello there beautiful why are you staring at me like this why are you good ah but finally on the last day I got one of the most important things in here so that’s cool oh man finally though I have villagers

In the hut that I built for them so one thing I want to test out before letting you both go free Can You Escape good good I like that huge Chrome Dome you got there okay so they are stuck in there that’s perfect for me bad for you

Yes yes I know you you guys need a bed uh I kind of forgot to make those okay so another gorgeous thing about owning a dog boom I I said boom look at that I can actually put the boats in here I need a big docks more often I don’t know

Why but it’s just so pleasing to me to have this however oh Skies you don’t have any sheep but I do have string nope still don’t like you you really don’t need to be here yeah yeah yeah leave [ __ ] thank you and then I think right

Oh God okay uh right here for two beds will be okay and then oh we have the deluxe Suite over here with one bed and then the final bed can go right here because why not next up I don’t have a farm but it doesn’t entirely matter to

Me so if I give you guys 24 potatoes are you gonna be able to pop out a baby with that in due time we will be able to tell unless you want to do it right now okay while they’re doing some very intimate stuff of staring at each other or

They’re probably squaring up I honestly don’t know I want to clear off this and then I think it would actually be funny just to leave the witch right there so I’m going to like put you at the absolute farthest point away from them you little but I don’t believe the witch

Will Target any of the uh villagers in here let’s see do you want to uh keep throwing them at me well I mean even if the witch can’t reach over here I don’t think she’s ever going to throw any potions over here just because she can’t

Really Target us like I don’t think I can but I’m I’m kind of curious if you guys can make more babies with that ah okay wow I guess you don’t want to keep the doctor away that’s fine whatever I’m keeping one carrot there you go Bud you want those are you gonna

Do are you good oh okay yeah as soon as I come in here then you just want to take some okay I got you okay so I guess we’ll be able to find out in the morning if that actually works unless you want to go and give it to your buddy right

Now okay never mind okay now are you guys good enough like I I at least want you guys to make one baby milk and and then I’ll I’ll feel like I’ve you know accomplished making a good villager place or are you guys just having a fight right now am I too close or

Something like what what’s going on guys oh nope nope I most definitely am not okay oh there we go okay oh we actually did it okay sweet it’s safe to say I definitely enjoy surviving on one block a lot more than you know like the actual

Minecraft world because wow is it a lot easier to make these on there I also probably could have fixed this up and made this a lot better because while I was up there I was you know I kind of noticed that there was a lot of dish

Still spawning around so I don’t even think that did anything however it’s day 100 and I survived 100 days on a raft again though I’m very curious if you guys would like to see me actually survive 100 days on the actual raft game instead of just on Minecraft so if you

Guys are leave a comment about that down below I hope you guys enjoyed who knows maybe I’ll do 200 days on this because you know I actually really love how this world looks it’s actually really beautiful but thanks for watching the movie I hope you all enjoyed it and I’ll

See you guys next time see you

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days on a RAFT in Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by Skyes on 2023-04-07 16:15:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

I Survived 100 Days on a RAFT in Minecraft Hardcore! 30000 Likes and I’ll release another 100 Days Movie! (or the actual Raft …

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    Nether Quest - Minecraft Survival Ep. 4 The Quest for the Tower in the Nether – Minecraft Survival Episode 4 | The Challenging Adventure Begins Welcome to the thrilling world of Minecraft, where Catrophy embarks on a daring quest in the Nether. Join us as we delve into the heart of this fiery dimension, facing dangers at every turn. Get ready for an action-packed episode filled with excitement and suspense! Exploring the Nether In this episode, Catrophy finds himself trapped in the treacherous Nether, a realm filled with lava lakes, dangerous mobs, and mysterious structures. As he navigates through this hostile environment, he must use all… Read More

  • Raindrops and Pixels: Minecraft’s Melodic Mix

    Raindrops and Pixels: Minecraft's Melodic Mix In Minecraft’s world, the rain softly falls, A peaceful melody, as the night calls. The air is crisp, with a hint of chill, But in this moment, time stands still. The music box plays, a nostalgic tune, Bringing back memories, like a balloon. The crackling fire, the gentle wind, In this moment, peace we find. So close your eyes, let the stress unwind, In Minecraft’s world, tranquility you’ll find. Listen to the rain, feel the air so sweet, In this peaceful moment, let your worries retreat. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: 🔥🔥🔥 Oh no, it’s LIT!

    Minecraft Meme: 🔥🔥🔥 Oh no, it's LIT! When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but at least you can say you went out in style with this meme. #minecraftfail #hotstuff Read More

  • Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 6

    Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 6 Welcome to Spanish Boost Gaming! 🎮 Welcome to Episode 6 of the Minecraft series on Spanish Boost Gaming! In this episode, viewers will continue to explore, gather resources, and build new structures while practicing Spanish through comprehensible input. The host speaks slowly and clearly, making it easier for Spanish learners to follow along and pick up new vocabulary while immersing themselves in the Minecraft world. Whether you’re a beginner or intermediate learner, this episode is perfect for improving your Spanish listening skills while having fun with this beloved game. Watch as exciting adventures unfold and new creations are crafted,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft 1.20.1 Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft 1.20.1 Guide Exploring the Snifferent Mod in Minecraft 1.20.1 Embark on a new adventure in Minecraft with the Snifferent mod, which introduces exciting new items that can be unearthed by the mysterious Sniffers. Let’s delve into the world of Snifferent and discover the wonders it has to offer! Club Moss One of the intriguing additions brought by the Snifferent mod is the Club Moss. This unique plant adds a touch of greenery to your Minecraft world, offering a refreshing change of scenery. Globar Tree Step into the enchanting realm of the Globar Tree, a majestic addition that brings a sense of… Read More

  • Mall wizard’s hilarious antics in Minecraft!

    Mall wizard's hilarious antics in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘little green mall wizard #minecraft #memes #xd #funnymeme #humor’, was uploaded by Juano Games on 2024-07-11 14:38:46. It has garnered 569 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Anniversary Stream!

    Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Anniversary Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HARDCORE 1.21 – FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY STREAM!! – DAY 3’, was uploaded by Robotic Crafter on 2024-06-22 20:56:41. It has garnered 33 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:30 or 10050 seconds. Join my Discord server: https://discord.gg/Q6x79ZBaY8 Sub to my friend from real life! TheGrayEmerald: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUD4DHrZx8LnL88SE5O8t4Q My sister’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_0BNR29GPjHQsUxKzqfzog Tweet me! https://twitter.com/Robotic_Crafter Follow me! https://www.instagram.com/robotic_crafter/ Read with me: https://www.wattpad.com/user/Robotic_Crafter Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Amarkiastory Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/Robotic_Crafter/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/dallastwister?si=ed388774326143ec Outro made with Panzoid (Outro came with music) NOTE: This video and its content is intended/directed towards a “general audience” or “family-friendly”, which is… Read More

  • Unraveling the Mystery of DeadPixel – The Minecraft Prodigy

    Unraveling the Mystery of DeadPixel - The Minecraft ProdigyVideo Information This video, titled ‘How He Became a Minecraft Legend’, was uploaded by DeadPixel on 2024-09-27 18:42:36. It has garnered 260 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:24 or 1464 seconds. We talk about FitMC and how he became a Minecraft Legend. From 2b2t to QSMP FitMC has seen and done a ton in the Minecraft world! twitch.tv/deadpixel685 If you enjoyed this video make sure to subscribe for more! – – – – – – – – #fitmc #minecraft #2b2t fitmc, minecraft, minecraft youtuber, 2b2t, qsmp, 2b2t historian, anarchy server, fitmc 2b2t, fit 2b2t, fit… Read More

  • Insane new gaming trend: baby villager vs killer pillager! 🎮 #minecraftshorts

    Insane new gaming trend: baby villager vs killer pillager! 🎮 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘sigma baby villager | pillager is good | they kill villager to survive# minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by New Generation of gaming on 2024-05-10 17:37:18. It has garnered 4251 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Survival House Build!!

    EPIC Minecraft Survival House Build!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Build a Survival Forest House || Freezn Gamer || #minecraft #survival #ep59’, was uploaded by Freezn Gamer on 2024-04-17 04:53:26. It has garnered 312 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:52 or 652 seconds. Minecraft: How To Build a Survival Forest House || Freezn Gamer || #minecraft #survival #ep59 Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC65rezUIhHUhdzGxCQyHGLQ/join Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/freezn.gamer_96?utm_medium=copy_link Discord- discord.gg/6DugZAcfYH Facebook- facebook.com/profile.php?id=100078205758862 Twitter – twitter.com/GamerFreezn Pc Specification processor- Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-8145U CPU @ 2.10GHz 2.11 GHz ram-4.00 GB Graphics-Intel Hd 620 product-laptop ——————– ——————— 😅Please Ignore… Read More

  • Max Fox: EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure!

    Max Fox: EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Age of Engineering: Old but Gold Modded Minecraft’, was uploaded by Max Fox on 2024-07-29 02:26:54. It has garnered 167 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 07:20:23 or 26423 seconds. Well, what do we have here? A pixellated Fox on an adventure in the world of Minecraft, but this time not in just any old world. We’ll be diving into Age of Engineering, an expert mode tech-focused modpack with a couple extras! Modpack: Age of Engineering (davqvist) Additional mods: Realistic Terrain Generation FastLeafDecay Diet Hoppers MoseTweaks Texture pack: Sphax 64k Follow… Read More

  • 🌴 PinkpalmPuff’s Preppy Beach Love💖

    🌴 PinkpalmPuff's Preppy Beach Love💖Video Information This video, titled ‘#preppy #viral #aesthetic #happy #love #beach #subscribe #blowup #like #onthisday #viral #shots’, was uploaded by I♥️PinkpalmPuff on 2024-07-09 22:10:24. It has garnered 10 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. #aphmau #minecraft #minecraftfunny #minecraftmods #minecraftaphmau #aphmaupranks #aphmauminecraftpranks #aphmaugaming #aphmaugames #aphmauplayingas #normaniwildside #normaicardi #cardiwildside #wildsidemusicvideo #normaninewmusic #normanimotivation #cardiup #normanicardileak #normanilive #music #webdev #appdevelopment #lesson #tutorial #bertrandchameroy #fabienroussel #jeans #lfi #lorrainsénéchal #mohamedbouhafsi #nfp #alliances #dbillions #kidssongs #songsforkids #kidsvideos #sing-alongsongs #dance #daysoftheweek #gracescorner #letterd #letterrecognition #dsound #learning #6×1 #seisaum #cruzeiro #notíciascruzeiro #seisaum #notíciasdocruzeiro #gremio #cruzeirogremio #gremiocruzeiro #cruzeiroxgremio #cruzeirogremiogols #crazyfrogaxelf #crazyfrogdance #crazyfrogcover… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds you MUST SEE! #shorts

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds you MUST SEE! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Best Survival Builds so far! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by ChillCraftSounds on 2024-02-16 22:00:00. It has garnered 196 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. A snapshot in to our little survival world. My 4 best builds so far! Enjoy 🙂 Song: Today Is The Day – Mark July Read More

  • Insane Bollywood Dance Duel ft. Minecraft Madness!

    Insane Bollywood Dance Duel ft. Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘#hindisong #bollywood #song #dance #funny #duet #music #bhojpurimusic #sasbahunokjhok #minecraft’, was uploaded by TJ Viral Shorts on 2024-10-02 01:27:57. It has garnered 507 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Stack of Grass Modded Australia Survival Whitelist Towny City Rewards

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2 In 1.20.1, Stack of Grass Season 2 is a small server hosted in Australia focusing on socializing and world building. What Makes Us Different? Player Base: Whitelisted and preferably 18+, creating a chill ambiance. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” experience with mods like “Ars Nouveau” and “Mystical Agriculture” for enhanced building and adventuring. The Commands: Players have access to useful commands like /home and Waystones. The In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community building through town creation. The Server Life: Admins add scripted Dungeons with rewards, regular events,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Falling in Minecraft? More like plummeting!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Falling in Minecraft? More like plummeting!"Falling in Minecraft be like “Oops, I guess I’ll just respawn and try not to embarrass myself again!” Read More

  • “Herobrine’s Hot Date Night” 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Herobrine's Hot Date Night" 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you spend so much time playing Minecraft that even Herobrine is like, “Dude, take a break.” #minecraftaddict #herobrineconcerned Read More

  • Sonic’s Yellow Portal in Minecraft

    Sonic's Yellow Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and discover the secrets of the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal? Join the adventure as we explore this exciting feature in the game! What is the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal? The Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal is a unique portal in Minecraft that allows players to travel to a special dimension filled with new challenges and rewards. By following specific steps and crafting the portal correctly, players can unlock this hidden gem in the game. How to Create the Super… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience, Minewind offers players the opportunity to explore, build, and survive in a vast virtual world. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join a community of like-minded gamers and embark on epic adventures together. With unique features and regular updates, you’ll never run out of things to do on Minewind. So why wait? Join the fun today by entering the Minewind server… Read More

  • Scheming Cobble Generator: NO LAG!

    Scheming Cobble Generator: NO LAG! Minecraft Create: NO LAG Cobble Generator Minecraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for innovative ways to enhance their gameplay experience. One such exciting addition to the Minecraft world is the NO LAG Cobble Generator created using Minecraft Create. This new schematic promises to revolutionize the way players generate cobblestone in the game. What is Minecraft Create? Minecraft Create is a mod that introduces a variety of mechanical elements to the game, allowing players to automate tasks and create complex contraptions. With the NO LAG Cobble Generator, players can now efficiently produce cobblestone without experiencing any lag, ensuring a… Read More

  • Join RogueX – Altairon Academy Now!

    Join RogueX - Altairon Academy Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Altairon Arcane Academy | เปิดรับสมัครนักเรียนและศาสตราจารณ์📢’, was uploaded by RogueX on 2024-10-01 17:30:49. It has garnered 58 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:16 or 76 seconds. #minecraftpe #minecraftstory #minecraftbuilding #minecraft #hogwarts #wizard #harrypotter Read More

  • EPIC 200 Pump Shotgun Minecraft House Build!

    EPIC 200 Pump Shotgun Minecraft House Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘*LIVE* MAKING MY HOUSE IN MINECRAFT WITH MY LITTLE BROTHER(HOUSE BUILD BY MarchiWORX)’, was uploaded by 200PumpShotgun on 2024-06-13 12:33:23. It has garnered 20 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:31 or 12331 seconds. Hey guys, in this live me and my brother world in MINECRAFT SURVIVAL! Dont forget to like and subscribe :D! IGNORE TAGS fortnite item shop, fortnite event, fortnite live, fortnite season 3 chapter 2, fortnite season 4, fortnite cars, fortnite montage, fortnite song, fortnite aquaman, fortnite apple, fortnite animation, fortnite aimbot, fortnite aquaman challenges, fortnite asmr, fortnite… Read More


    DUPE on DONUTSMP 2024 - LINK in COMMENTS!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to dupe on DONUTSMP Working 2024 DONUTSMP DUPE LINK IN COMMENTS 1’, was uploaded by gmas1 on 2024-08-11 14:53:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Mod links : Download in coments TAGS IGNORE ) In this video I Showcase a Minecraft PaperMC Dupe Glitch that might work on … Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide – EP. 3 – Making EPIC Progress!!

    The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide - EP. 3 - Making EPIC Progress!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Lets Play – DRP’s Flat World Survival Guide Episode 3 – Making Progress!!’, was uploaded by Gobspitt on 2024-01-08 17:00:03. It has garnered 86 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:33 or 1533 seconds. Welcome to the Flat World Survival Guide! A MineCraft series using a modpack created by DanRobzProbz. This is a Java Modpack. Visit DanRobzProbz’s showcase at: https://youtu.be/3pHNQJJ04DE?feature=shared Download DRP’s modpack here; https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/flat-world-survival-guide Find me at: Facebook – Gobspitt Games Twitter – @gobspitt Instagram – @gobspitt Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/gobspitt Discord – https://discord.gg/k8pyQqsw3w Support me by becoming a Patreon… Read More

  • QUEEN ELSA Faces Shizo Nightmare in Sand City Hideout SMP

    QUEEN ELSA Faces Shizo Nightmare in Sand City Hideout SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Little Nightmare 2 Now- Working In Sand City in Hideout SMP with Queen Elsa’, was uploaded by QUEEEN ELSA on 2024-04-18 18:06:07. It has garnered 5099 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:18 or 13998 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to QUEEEN ELSA channel ! 🌟 #minecraft #minecraftpublicserver Hey there, gamers! I’m Srishti Mishra. Join me as we dive into epic adventures, tackle challenging quests, and share some laughs along the way! 🎮✨ What to Expect: 🔥 Live gameplay of the latest releases and classic favorites 💬 Interactive chats and community fun 🎉… Read More

  • Insane Tiny Hide and Seek Challenge in Minecraft!

    Insane Tiny Hide and Seek Challenge in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Challenged my Friends to TINY Hide and Seek in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by MrToggle on 2024-04-28 04:45:27. It has garnered 1811 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:21 or 1101 seconds. I Challenged my Friends to TINY Hide and Seek Minecraft… In this video, I challenged my friends to Minecraft hide and seek, but with a TWIST!!! We are tiny… We created a custom modpack and maps that made this video possible. Make sure to check out our other Minecraft challenge/manhunt videos. Also, possible a hardcore Mincraft manhunt or something… Read More

  • Insane Cirno Gaming Monday with Sky Papus Block

    Insane Cirno Gaming Monday with Sky Papus BlockVideo Information This video, titled ‘CIRNO GAMING LUNES ! SKY PAPUS BLOCK’, was uploaded by Dizzy Tohou VT on 2024-10-01 02:48:36. It has garnered 231 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:53 or 8393 seconds. #vtuber #indonesia #japan #jap #japanese #vtube #hololive #holo #genshin #touhouproject #minecraft #mine #craft #minecraftevent #gmod #cirno #touhou #touhouindonesia #tohotuber #virtualtuber #chile #memes #gaming #streaming #streamer #gaming #shaders #vt #vrchat #asmr Read More


    🔥I AM GODLY OP IN THIS LIFESTEAL SMP!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘I Became OVERPOWERED In This LifeSteal Minecraft SMP🔥’, was uploaded by Blazeonix on 2024-07-04 10:30:00. It has garnered 161 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:00 or 420 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #viral #trending I Became OVERPOWERED In This LifeSteal Minecraft SMP🔥 FireMC Server IP – play.firemc.fun Port – 19132 (Java/Bedrock/Pocket) Game – Minecraft IGN – Blazeonix Music – Crock Pot Indian Fusion Make Sure to Like the video and subscribe to the channel💖 Tags Ignore: Tags Ignore: minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,minecraft facts,minecraft memes,minecraft challenge,minecraft funny,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft but challenge,shorts minecraft,types… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC MINECRAFT MONDAYS: Yumiko Neko Takes on the Mines!🔥 #NekoVLive

    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT MONDAYS: Yumiko Neko Takes on the Mines!🔥 #NekoVLiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT MONDAYS】 – EP 9: THE CHILDREN YEARN FOR THE MINES【YUMIKO NEKO|GACHAVSTARS】 #NekoVLive’, was uploaded by Neko Yumiko ch on 2024-06-10 13:21:37. It has garnered 92 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:53 or 7853 seconds. “H-hey! its not as though i LIKE you!.. but come hangout anyway?” buy me a ko-fi! https://ko-fi.com/nekoyumiko (i wont eat ur toes if u do :3) ❀⊱┄┄┄┄⊰❀ °• ♡ •° ❀⊱┄┄┄┄⊰❀ The Cutest kitty in GEN 1 of GachaVstars …YES I SAID THE CUTEST! join the discord!! https://discord.gg/hVHvHrSqUt °• ♡ •° Vtuber mama! @lilkisses Tags:… Read More

  • RLFactions Season 1 PVP MODDED FACTIONS

    RLFactions Season 1 Beginning Soon! Experience a blend of RLCraft survival challenges with faction-based gameplay on RLFactions! Immerse yourself in a world where you can fight through dungeons one minute and defend your base from dragon-riding players the next. Join us for a competitive and challenging survival experience. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/z3ZEaCcFFG Enhance your survival skills and engage in faction warfare to ensure your survival in this vibrant and competitive environment. Building and strategizing are key to success on RLFactions. Are you ready for the ultimate challenge? Join now and test your survival skills! Read More

I Survived 100 Days on a RAFT in Minecraft Hardcore!