I Survived 100 Days on a SURVIVAL ISLAND in The SKY! Hardcore Minecraft

Video Information

Survival Island Skyblock I fuse them together to make a Sky Survival islands the gold still have 100 days in Hardcore Minecraft sounds simple enough just as simple as liking the video If you enjoyed or subscribing to the channel if you enjoy content like this but enough

Dilly dally and let’s begin on day one let’s cut some trees mine some stone make up home gather some seeds gather even more seeds plant some seeds make some stone tools oh my God this little fox over there isn’t that cute put away my precious little flowers and of course

Go back to chopping down more trees as I do these among other little things let me tell you if a selfie polls rule that I made for this video there are many islands around me as you can see but it would be really easy for me to just go

And explore all the islands within the first 10 days so a simple rule I’m only allowed to search a new island every five days which means I’m stuck on this island for the time being I’m sure it’ll be fine after planting the last of the saplings I decided to dig down in the

Island I just set up this little fence thing with a fence gay system just so we can let some light in without any coal it’s very old-fashioned but still worked and got myself some iron and then after fighting a.m cave it really had nothing important except cold and then I Stood

Still why simple my wife said cookies what are you gonna tell me that Minecraft is more important than cookies are you stupid are you a fool I’m sorry that was rude after mining some more coal and getting a couple of Juicy veins of iron I headed up turns out it was day

Dos that’s two in Spanish you’re welcome I made myself some iron tools I’m yet to see him up so making armor is kind of pointless I have nothing to protect myself from and then start Gathering myself some more wood I decided that I need a base of operations now if you

Ever want to know why whenever I do a group video my friends never let me build my own build this is why I try to put ladders on fences I don’t know I thought it could have worked it also hears me failing a water bucket by Paving grass that’s what sentence I

Never thought I’d say but with no wood no food I was kind of limited on what I could do here so let’s mine all the cold that I can so much so that I literally found the limit of the island it ain’t much what they’ll do on day three and

Not since Katniss Everdeen and someone been so excited to see Brad also there’s apples well like it’s not as easy to make a joke about that let’s make make this space I wanted to make it unlike any house that I’ve ever had before so it’s not going to be a traditional house

I was able to move all my stuff over which included my of course precious flowers and with no Ward we are playing a little bit of a waiting game so whilst we wait why do I have a word from our sponsor what do you mean we don’t have anybody

What do you mean the block does I cut down trees for the rest of the day on day four and let me give you a tour you just have to climb these ladders there’s some nice fences over there there’s some appliances of course to the left over

Here and that’s it selling for four million now so with day five looming I knew that it was time for me to go and search new island so I started having a look around at which island I should go to I like the color your gym well I will

Need some building materials and so I started mining some gobbles among other things of course I’m gonna get that bread on day five the grand day is here let’s bridge over I forgot that slabs were a thing it would have made so much easier to get across here getting over

Here and it really was a good choice found myself a pink sheep there’s a cow some chickens and another sheep as the Germans would say Das has said it good at least I think that’s what the Germans say now where is that white sheep it’s gonna be around here somewhere but where

Did the pinky go all right I got the book cool now once Gathering the chickens I somehow missed this giant red cross on the ground I have no idea how that happened but I guess we’ll come back to it later I was able to lead them

Back I made a penny my base and one quick cheer later would you look at that I bet honestly for only five days that’s not that bad on day six and I hit her back over to the birch tree island I found myself some bees and some pumpkins

I did also have a quick scan of the other Islands nearby but there was nothing we’re partying so for now let’s head back after Gathering a little bit of Ward and waiting for the crops to grow as much as I love my diet of apples

And bread I think it’s time for me to go and get some Schmidt and after a little bit of breeding on day seven I headed back to the other Island again and oh wow what’s this a Red Cross I can’t believe this is the first time that I’ve

Seen this and so I went in 100 honesty right now I have no idea what this is no what was meant to be here I looked around I dug around I was here for like five minutes I have no idea what this is well since up here might as well leave

This lonely cow back over to the main island and also keep on breeding the animals I also decided to dig up the little sand area over here and place it with dirt just so I could expand the farm also you never know what you could

Use sand for I mean glass was a rarity in the 100 days that I did recently on day eight and it’s really not important to the video but I did note is that the Apple texture it has a little bit of see-through right right in here and now

I can’t see that and so I now hate apples so admittedly I probably should have done this a bit sooner but I decided that I wanted myself a mob grinder so I was going to make a platform for all right we’ll need a lot of Cobble though so um oh yeah look at

Me go mine in that Cobble isn’t this isn’t this neat and so on day nine it’s time for me to build the grinder now if you’ve never watched my Skyblock videos especially if you should secondly I’ve done this plenty of times I know exactly

How to do this did I need to risk this water bucket though no I did not did it look cool ah yeah and here we are on day 10 finishing it off I’m using trap doors people I know that’ll probably come and shock to you after the survival island

Series did forget the shoot down but luckily that was quite any effects and now we can begin the mob murder barely took me two seconds to get myself half gold armor and enchanted bow and I was also able to add some walls to make sure

I can’t fall off now it does look like I could easily fall off of that but I just can’t I can’t go over that which I think is really cool and then I got some girl panties which is fantastic best thing about the day though I’m myself some

Bone meal very good day look at all those chickens yeah somebody will get that I was breeding away on day 11. I went back to the Mob murder now some of you might be thinking hey van why aren’t you going to explore the new island now that you’ve reached a 10-day Mark that

Is a good question well who needs a goo Island where you got yourself a potato again somebody will get that and now thanks to the lot of bone meal food is really not going to be a problem and now back to the Mob grinding at least that

Was the plan until well explosions and after faffing around a little bit I was able to deal with it also worth mentioning in that mess I got myself a gold helmet got myself some falama isn’t that nice good news on day 12 I remember that I could actually go and explore a

New island and that desert one looks really fun so after getting there and finding a lot of bunnies I dropped into what appeared to be a spawner and look at that it is one it was a spider spawner which it mainly not that useful now that I got the mob grinder but maybe

I could do something with it later I also got myself some enchanted books which admittedly they weren’t fantastic but I heard they always do it also led to a cave with a lot of good these so after mining them and grabbing some sugarcane I was able to set myself up a

Sugarcane bomb the last task of the day was to set up a kind of storage area try and actually keep things organized for once I decided that the cave area underneath me I wasn’t using it for anything else so I decided to just put stuff there for the time being I started

Day 13 with some mob Slaughter very therapeutic and after that I thought my cow friend looked a little bit lonely so I started checking out the islands again to see if I could find him a friend my best bet would either be the ovaries but

As I was looking at it I couldn’t see a cow or I could potentially go to the Savannah Village but I’m fairly confident if there was a cow there I would be able to see it for now let’s go ahead and kill some mobs and oh hey a

Carrot oh God it’s fine everything is fine I had to fix it the next day I also kept getting ironing against some more Paris which I guess that just means I was having a lucky day I suppose anyway let’s set up the carrot Farm really need to actually make the farm for something

Profitable for the time being it works it’s a new island day on day 15 and I decided to check out the forest since it was honestly gonna be my best chance to find a new cow it was a flower forest and as we all know cows hate flowers so

Oh God there’s not going to be any cows here I have made a terrible mistake all right at least we can grab all the flowers that add them to our collection a cow oh let’s go let’s quickly run back put my precious little flowers away of course grab myself some weeds and then

There was a skeleton keyword being was and now I have two cows which is very nice of course I start a day 16 with some mob murder got to fix up my Buddhist 360 water bucket same with the face boys and it’s time for me to dig

Down now for the most part I didn’t actually find anything when I did this but I did start hearing some Enderman and some skeletons and was able to find myself a skeleton spawner again kind of useless because of the mob grinder but you know what was in the chest some

Melon seeds also pumpkin too but I mean I already had one because I did dig around a bit here to see if I can find anything but I only found a little bit of coal so I’m kind of a waste of time I decided on stage 17 that it is time for

Me to upgrade the farm so I picked up the farmlands and got to work each design I’ve done a few times but in case you haven’t seen it basically water will fall down here on the dirt and push all of the props to the bottom I’ll be able

To collect it and replant anyway after adding some trap doors in I got the waters down I got the taters down the carrots would go down if I didn’t break my hole we’ve got a 360 water but oh right no water and then I put the rest

Of the crops in to finish this off on day 18 I just need to put down some Redstone ah I only have two that is uh definitely not gonna be enough but if I do remember correctly there is some on this island which I was right about it

Was just really a question of whether it was going to be enough to actually fill it in and uh well I will not be able to find out just yet because I accidentally set off the contraption once I did have you fixed uh well that wasn’t even

Enough Redstone anyway so that’s kind of the yikes well for now at least let’s get rid of the farmlands that were here they’re all water and fertilized so I have to kind of get rid of them it took way longer than expected to jump up and

Down on all of them after I was able to get the pond in and then I planted myself some Malone seeds I was back on the Redstone hunt on day 19. let’s quickly go ahead and check the other Islands after totally not failing this water bucket and Redstone let’s get back

Now I do need a redstone repeater so of course I need to cook some Stone and this should work I really don’t want to test it though I’ll let the crops grow and then just try it afterwards and then here’s help and it’ll work and whilst I

Am waiting I may as well murder myself some more mobs also controversial Choice all this iron I’m going to turn into an anvil just so I can combine all the armor together actually make a viable set of armor really I’m gonna need some iron in the future hopefully I don’t

Regret that choice we’ll manage for the time at the end I know the new island can be searched on day 20. so I decided to go and find the Sleepy line and check out the jungle I wonder what the first thing I searched oh the temple oh who

Would’ve seen that one coming that was mobs and my soul broke and so bad things were happening but I was able to deal with it the loot was um you know whatever but the thing that caught my attention was that I could hear lots and

I mean lots of mobs and so I have to do with a quick dig down I found every mob under the temple I guess and I really tried to get down there like really try but I just couldn’t get past the mobs there was way too many of them and so

For now let’s search the rest of the island and go on myself power I found myself spotting the boys and got myself some men love and stuff that was really about it for the Jungle Island Day 21 and after trying to get this farting parrot up here like come on you nerd I

Remembered something the sun island has a lava pool so it was two than ever now there is a lot to take in once I got in here between the new islands the weird looking structures this was honestly one of the coolest looking Nevers I’ve seen

In a while though I decided that I was nowhere near ready to deal with it so for the time being up with the head back see everyone gets a better gear before heading back into the nether it was night by the time I got back and so on

Day 22 I decided it was time for me to gear up let’s go and look awesome iron I did see a couple poking out the side of my Island so I quickly went to grab that and then I remember that there was that deadly jungle cave so I decided to head

There so after a full 360 never mind didn’t happen I headed back into the cave that was a lot less mobs this time like an insane little amount it was also this uh glow squid um I don’t know why but he definitely deserved what happened

To her there was actually quite a lot of walls in here as well got myself some iron got a couple of diamonds there was a a bit of redstone had some lapis and more importantly Iron by the end of it I had 29i into my name and two diamonds

Which was honestly a pretty good return I was cooking away on day 23 gonna have myself plenty of Iron by the end of it I could have made myself full iron but honestly I don’t think I need to thanks to the helmet having some pretty good

Entrance and so for the time being I was pretty geared up I’ll save the diamonds for now and see if I can get some more makes of it better than potentially just a sword and then I made myself a little bit of a tweak to the farm I needed to

Wet up the crops by adding some water streams down the side now it should grow a lot quicker I’m gonna be honest you’re on day 24 and not really much happened I was just planning out my next move I wanted to go to the village and I want

To see about getting an iron for himself as quickly as possible so uh there’s really not much that happened it literally just wear it around all right let’s head out on day 25. don’t you just love it when the blocks turn invisible as you’re bridging over and endless void

It’s not a good time and we are in looks like there’s only two Villages and there’s nothing crazy here until I looked at the crafting table and noticed that there was something underneath it I quickly head down here and uh we are doomed I don’t know what that means nor

Do I really care but I am going to trap these villagers the plan is now to make a villager platform on my original Island and set up a villager breeder and so on Day 26 I set up a basic platform keyword being basic and then I slowly

And I mean slowly made my way back with the villages this definitely took a while but they are now in their new home I also finally got to use my auto Cropper for the first time and look at all these crops this is fantastic I’m sure the villagers will love them but

You know what they’d love more on day 27 more than food beds honestly it’s quite relatable I got myself all the string that I collected she had all the sheeps that I had at that point and made a decent amount of beds all been considered and now I just gotta wait for

Them to make babies so for the time being I’m gonna go ahead and kill some mobs chop down some trees yeah there’s usual stuff really I’m gonna be 100 honest about day 28 I needed a lot of couple for this iron farm and so I just mind coupled all day and there’s not

Really much else to say and on day 29 with all of that Cobble collected I had everything I needed for the actual iron farm you know bubbled a couple walls beds the only thing I’m short of or the iron farm is ironically I need iron yeah

I know kind of stupid maybe I can get some more iron on the new island on day 30. let’s go ahead and check out the dark oak forest so I instantly pretty much heard a bunch of mumps as soon as I got into the island and dug in and boy

Did I find them I’m gonna be 100 so yeah I pretty much let them all kill each other and yeah long story short I only got seven iron from it at grand total I know it’s not a major progress but it is progress for those who do want to know

On day 31 I need 45 I am because you need nine Hoppers to make this and I am halfway there after I get this sign cooked and oh hey and I ain’t got them foreign Mining idea let’s mine all the visible iron from the side of the islands and see even get myself a little bit of iron it did actually work quite well going to two different islands I was able to get myself 13 more iron and then I got desperate by randomly digging in the Oak

Forest Island to helping to find just another eye in vain or so it didn’t work unfortunately there was no progress here the good news is on day 32 is that Iron Golem started spawning and I was so so close I literally need five iron more which way did worse when the Iron Golem

Dropped for Mariah which means I have now one shot luckily they just started spawning like crazy so I got one more and would you look at that I now have enough iron to make nine Hoppers it was done now he’s gonna find that tutorial and actually build the bloody thing so

Uh I’m not gonna lie guys I uh I may have gaffed up the funk on day 32 I got everything I needed I paused my video and then I was like all right let me start uh let me load up the tutorial and uh you know build the iron farm and I

Did that but I um I never pressed the record button again so uh I kind of had an oopsie Daisy so I’ve just finished it I’m a little concerned because iron farm was spawning here but uh this thing is is now fully built um really annoyed that I didn’t you know

Actually properly record it but what can you do day 38 by the way um it is working it’s working a bit I may need to send the villagers a bit further away to get it fully working but we now have a fully functioning iron file which is fantastic yeah not the

First time I’ve done this by the way it’s not the first time I’ve gone to film a big thing like this pause my recording and restart it I really need to like learn not to do that but yeah we have a working iron farm so we’ve

Actually done the tasks we wanted to do uh I guess the next couple of jobs is we still need to explore the never and we can explore an island nearly two islands actually so I guess the next thing for me to do is we’ll explore some islands

But the first thing to sort out is my food situation which was easy enough I was even able to feed the villagers too before a little bit of mob murder of course but it did give me an idea I wanted to get myself a diamond pickaxe but without enough Diamonds the only way

I could really do that is to trade with a toolsmith if I’m able to get a diamond pickaxe with the two spare diamonds I have I would be able to make myself an enchanting table so let’s start trading it did only take me until the next day

For me to be able to get the pickaxe no it costs every villager trying to make the Great Escape and then I returned to the desert island firstly I’m hunting wabbits again somebody will get that reference and then it was onto the obsidian mining I was able to make some

Leather bangs the Robbie hide and perfect and enchanting table able to get the extra level of protection make sure I’m not gonna die out here update on the iron farmer day 40 by the way about 38 in about three a day so it is working fine it’s now time for me to explore

Some islands Islands being plural of course because not only did I not search an island on day 35 I haven’t surgeon Island today which is day four day which means I can now search two new islands firstly I want to go check out the swamp Island there was nobody home in the

Woodchuck I did find this random campfire underground but other than that there was really nothing here and then I did move towards the Mesa biome or by the time I got there it was night I came back to the Mesa in day 41 Thursday spot in a mushroom island in the distance

Didn’t notice that first time and then a mountain which looks to have some sort of stronghold structure so lost more Islands to explore for the time being this Mesa has a mine shaft and oh boy was it a battle to get through here you guys ever played a ctm map it was kind

Of like that there was mobs everywhere like seriously these are all the different clips of me fighting mobs they were literally everywhere in the end though I did find something sauce I didn’t dig underneath it I don’t know it’s something map related I’ve not really been paying attention to the lore

On the map to be honest with you we’ll take the free books though I also did find a side cave down here that had a couple more diamonds so I now have 11 diamonds total the next goal of day four I choose to upgrade my enchanter to the

Max level enchanter but that is gonna require some emeralds so I began chopping down the forest you know chop down the forest get some sticks turn the sticks into Emerald turn the emeralds into bookshelves it was pretty much that process and many trades later on day 44

I got my 15th bookshelf which is great news for all unfortunately my building itch is taken over so I can’t just enchant straight away so I took the time to make it look a little bit fancy capital F for anybody who’s interested ship is turning night though the next

Day and I um I did it like I guess maybe look um fancy I’m sure and now it’s time for some enchants the sword was pretty good the helmets and boots were but yeah not so great now I would like to do a bow but unfortunately I don’t have

Enough levels at this point it’s what I stupidly for because I remember that I have a Free level getter right here 30 levels later and oh only flame that’s not really good all right take two I’ll take power four powerful is pretty good and with all this good gear on day 46 I

Decided it was time for me to go back to the nether there was a lot that happened in here so here’s a very quick highlight reel I started bridging over to the Bastion looking thing it surprisingly had Bastion loot I know shocker it did also have some picture I did have to

Fight through every skeleton and every pigment that I could possibly find nearly did die hitting an Enderman over here that was fun I really did also struggle to kill this ghast like my God I really stuck with my aim I searched the basalt biome there was nothing here

I searched the wall Forest there was nothing here either I got enticed by these floating brown mushrooms over here there’s even a solo red one over there and I don’t know why I checked out this whatever this is it had many rooms and even some bedrooms that had some books

Talking about something or someone hey there’s a playhead and a book yeah I don’t know what this means as I found this thing a small editor nobody the way so I managed to get my old editor back gray to take part of this and I know for

A fact they’re gonna absolutely hate the notes of and then I found this thing and then I found that thing so it apologies in advance gray if there was meant to be something in there it ain’t in there anymore as I found another room full of

Stuff I got the free Wither Skull though so that was pretty good I found myself a conference room that had a death trap which I thought was kind of funny and as I was leaving this structure I noticed that there was both Blaze and with a skeleton spawners out here which is

Definitely good to know for the future I also found myself a broken never portal there really wasn’t that much here the last thing I went to do was to go check out the Crimson biome and as I was there I got myself hot tourist destination

Which I thought was pretty good it was a very fun seven how was that seven days that did not feel like seven days I was thinking about weather schools on day 53 So the plan is really simple let’s see if I can get myself looting on a sword a

Tip one did not work out well attempt two nope oh wait yes Ashley I can now get skulls we’ll need some better armor though and without the diamonds having the best way to go about it is to go back to trading so that’s what I did

About five days later so day 58 and we are done let’s enchant a little bit the chest plate was pretty good the leggings were less at least I’ll never explode with this armor let’s be honest also the iron farm still working away I had nearly two stacks of iron at this point

I started day 59 by actually upgrading my food situation so I had to go ahead and cook some potatoes I also redid my pants to actually get a decent enchant shocker I know and then I remember that I haven’t searched a new island since

Day 40 which means 45 50 55 and 60 I’ll be able to search new islands which means I have four Islands I’m able to search there’s four islands and a collective over here so I think they’re the ones that I’m gonna search Once tomorrow hits wow oh I guess it’s day

Six there anyway I’m going island hopping Island one was the dead Village the gear in the chest would have been really good for day one the same thing that applies to this Ravine I really should have come to this island much much sooner on Island 2 it was a tiger

And I’m gonna be honest with you there really wasn’t much here unless you’re like I don’t know like sweet berries anybody has Sweet Berry finding the chat I don’t know that is until I found this giant cave full of mobs after finding my way through I found a new mine shaft

That was shockingly also full of mobs but I battled on I ventured forth I got through the mine shaft and I saw it a minecart chest surely all of this battle would have been one Golden Apple are you kidding me I got to Island free on day

61 there was snow yeah also I don’t know how I missed the zombie twice but yeah there I go I did do a little bit of a dig down on this island but I didn’t hear anything so I’m fairly confident there isn’t a cave or a spawner on here

I did think that this island was kind of useless until I found a wolf it took all nine Bones still didn’t tame what a jerk and finally the eye spikes biome there was ice I mean what would you want me to say there was also a mobbed filled cave

With a spoiler it did have a sharpness free book which is actually useful because my sword didn’t have sharpness on it so I’ll definitely take that there’s also a silk touchwall construction to do with that one combine later on day 62 and the sword is looking good you know what isn’t looking good

Though my boots so let’s go ahead and kill some mobs get to level 30 and enchant my boots and perfect this armor set is really coming together now it’s time to return to the nether because I want all the never related things let’s start with some ender pearls which I’m

Gonna be honest with your easiest thing in the world to do once you have loony free this is like a cakewalk especially if you roughly know what the stronghold is the Wither Skeleton situation was a little bit different oh God I hit a pigment oh my God there’s so many

Pigment now the good news is it’s really easy for me to find wither skeletons but the bad news is it’s gonna take a minute for me to do it so even though I got the first school quite quickly the second School definitely took a minute I did

Get them both though and got back home by day 69 and I stored my stuff and I was basically ready to go on Day 70 I had two more Islands to search let’s start with this giant warpool over here there was a shipwreck but the loot was

Again kind of useless there was also a lava pool at the bottom of the ocean but again that didn’t appear to have anything other than Redstone and finally I did have to find myself a guardian spawner which was kind of cool did have some sponges in which I’m sure why not

And then finally I headed over to the mushroom Island that was literally nothing here but I’m really grateful I searched it though I decided to redo my helmet on day 71 fire protection ew okay that’s better and then I redid my pickaxe still touch ew okay that’s

Better why did I want a better pickaxe simple I think it would be a really cool goal if I’m able to get a full beacon in this world unfortune just seems like the best way to go about it so I run over to the Mesa because I remember that this

Mine shaft is chocker full of gold and I started mining away I really do feel like on Day 72 I should make a gold mine joke but that just seems to be neat man but like seriously look at look at all this gold and there’s still so much more

In here by the end of the day I’m fairly confident I got it all and just look at how much gold I’ve got that being said on day 73 I’m not about to wait for this all to cook so I set up an automatic cooker for the record I don’t think this

Will be enough gold even with the iron that I’ve got so I’m definitely gonna have to work on that in the future at least the star I finished it by quickly popping back in Forever need some soul silence for the eventual with a fight so I was waiting for the gold to cook

Around a little bit but it did hit day 75 which means I can now search for a new island it is time for me to go ahead and check out that mountain but boy was this far away it took me so long to get there that it was actually night and so

I decided to come back the next day day 76 and look at this staircase down I’ll just be able to water it never mind and interestingly enough this stronghold-like structure turned out to be a stronghold who would uh who’da guessed that one there’s some pretty

Good books in here as well the one that interested me was the flame and sharpness for a walk I’ll have decided if I want sharpness Vibe or flame on a bow I guess we can start that one later but the highlight of the day was definitely finding this creeper trap

Behind the iron door I did kind of have one torturing him a little bit but if that makes me statistic and even enjoyed some potatoes and snacks as I watched him die I decided to head back on day 77 though before I do go and kill the

Dragon I want a gear of my gear just a little bit I applied the powerful book to my bow so I now have power five and I made the ultimate decision that I think a sharp this fight would be better in the long run than flame on my bow but I

Will need to use some more levels to upgrade my sword so it was back to the grinder alright then listen Chop My Sword okay never mind all right take two here we go Never mind take free oh come on take fourth sharpness again really it

Was a new down day 79 but the same old story that this is my life endlessly killing mobs trying to get sharpness for on my sword I started doing low level enchants when I realized I wasn’t gonna get it to save myself a little bit of time but this just wasn’t happening

Until it did sharpness 4 with a sharpness for a book I now have sharp is five well it is time on day 80. let me just quickly fail the water bucket again and in we go it’s a mostly normal end you’ll see what I mean in the future I

Didn’t have too much issues taking out the crystals other than this one in a cage but for the most part it was your pretty standard ender dragon fight I was easily able to take him out and I grabbed the egg and we can go home nice

Little spot out for the egg in my balcony house on day 81 let’s check the cookie situation it was basically done at this point unfortunately I did do the maths and the sad maps of the situation is I need at least 64 more blocks to actually come complete the beacon that I

Wanted to complete and the only real all that I can get with enough time to spare is emeralds which means I need to trade the equivalent of 576 emeralds so um yeah I’m just gonna go ahead and skip that little bit here we are on day 88 where after every trade

Under the sun we had done it and just like that the beacon has been made I feel like this Beacon is definitely missing something oh yeah I need a beacon on day 89 I completely forgot that there was another Island over here so at some point soon I quickly go over

There and do that but on the ice spikes Island I began to fight the river it was pretty simple thanks to the decently good gear that I’ve had honestly the only scare that I had was after I killed it I actually dropped quite low on health well thank you this bread I was

Able to hold out let’s get home and start cooking and here we go boys God damn it all right there you go now to the final Island look at her she will be mine soon as I did get on the island I noticed that there was a center tree

With a slightly weird floor pattern underneath it and so I dug down where I found this huh a book you say negative 700 110 155 oh okay that’s only 700 blocks away yeah no problem I think I’m gonna go and get myself in a live track

And so on day 91 I returned to the end and not just the end but the outer end there are no structures in this world well I mean this is NCD right above you dummy so I made this one oh now I just feel like a jerk anyway there was some

Decent stuff in the chest until I obtained the elytra let’s head home on day night two I quickly made some fireworks thanks to all the gunpowder and stuff I’ve been keeping over the days and I began flying away and hopefully the Elijah can hold out and hope they have enough oh it’s right

There okay that wasn’t as far as I thought it was gonna be since I have found the secret Island and there was a reward it was in a light trip why why would you give me an online try I needed on a lighter to get here oh well let’s

Move it on and there was also a final reward with this command blocks I’ll be 100 honest with you I just linked to a YouTube video that was a cancel project for a future map so nothing really important here and so I finished this off by collecting all the diamonds on

The island before heading out after having one quick fly around my Island just to make sure that every even was okay I can confidently say that I was done and so I waited until 99 and I slept to make it to day 100

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days on a SURVIVAL ISLAND in The SKY! Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by Havenhand on 2023-06-07 19:00:16. It has garnered 109434 views and 3435 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:33 or 1713 seconds.

I combined 2 of Minecraft oldest/most popular Survival Maps. Skyblock and Survival island to create the Sky Survival Islands. And Survive 100 days up there. Sure it’ll be great!

My links – ‣ Discord: https://discord.gg/6As3nvE ‣ Twitter – https://twitter.com/Havenhand_ ‣ Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/havenhand

Credit to Luke TheNotable for creating the concept of 100 days in Minecraft, you can find his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/Creolesb…

I Survived 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft and here is what happened. Not Modded Minecraft. No Mods. Not Speedrunner Vs Hunter, More like Survivalist Vs Hunter but to the extreme. Skyblock, One Block, UHC/Ultrahardcore none of these. Just Hardcore Minecraft. #100Days​​ #hardcore #minecraft

  • Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Rizky Aulia Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. Players are constantly pushing the limits of what can be achieved within the game. One such example is the creation of the Rizky Aulia Portal, a unique and personalized portal crafted by the talented Minecraft player, UzeMing. The Rizky Aulia Character Rizky Aulia is a content creator known for their humorous videos and interactions with their audience. Often seen wearing traditional Muslim attire and a turban, Rizky Aulia has gained a massive following on platforms like YouTube and TikTok. Their distinct style and… Read More

  • The Most Terrifying Minecraft Mod, What Really Scares You!

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  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 8

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  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience!

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  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

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  • Testing My Gaming Skills! GTA, Hogwarts, Minecraft

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  • Minecraft Command Build Hacks

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  • Hardcore Minecraft Fails: The Epic Saga Begins

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  • Surviving Minecraft Skyblock Horror Mods

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  • NOTCH’s New Game: Minecraft 2.0?

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

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  • Nitroksin Mod V2: Lazer Çıkarma!

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  • EPIC Comeback: Silverscribe Returns to Minecraft

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  • Real Scary Minecraft Horror Seed

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  • Katsura Dominates Valorant & Minecraft SMP on Day 9!

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  • EPIC SMP ADVENTURE! Playing with fans & friends | MINECRAFT

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  • Vivilly – Minecraft’s HORROR CREATURE Revealed!

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  • Insane Cross Kingdom Raid Farm Build!

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  • Minecraft Marvel Motion Background – MUST WATCH!

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  • COTO-server

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  • The Pertarian – Vanilla 1.20.4 Whitelist Hermit-Like 17+ SMP

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting Diamonds: Level Expert”

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  • Crafty Amethyst Copper Drop: Minecraft’s Reverse Calcite #shorts

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  • POV: Rescued Doggo in Minecraft! (EPIC)

    POV: Rescued Doggo in Minecraft! (EPIC) When your dog friend falls into a pit of lava in Minecraft and you swoop in like a hero to save the day, but then they just bark at you like “Thanks, but I could have totally handled that myself, bro.” #dogdrama Read More

  • The Start of a Mighty Adventure! – Command Craft #01

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  • LAVA TSUNAMI CHALLENGE: Can NOOB build like PRO in Minecraft?

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  • Turning Minecraft Ultra Realistic

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  • VipMC: The Ultimate Public SMP of 2024?

    VipMC: The Ultimate Public SMP of 2024?Video Information [موسيقى] ا ا This video, titled ‘Is VipMC The New Best Public SMP? (2024)’, was uploaded by qlxc on 2024-02-29 03:17:55. It has garnered 104 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Public Minecraft SMP (free to join). #vipmc #vipmclifesteal Join this new public Minecraft SMP for completely free! Come join this active server anytime with your friends or by yourself! Its fun to grind with multiple game modes and a active welcoming community! SMP Discord ➤ https://discord.gg/vipmc IP ➤ play.vipmc.fun Port ➤ 19132 Kindly, if you have any questions simply… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft 1.20 Build Hack! 😱 #shorts

    Unbelievable Minecraft 1.20 Build Hack! 😱 #shortsVideo Information smoke with you cuz you turn me to to pass in your living room now This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.20 Build Hack #shorts #viral #trending #youtubeshorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by AakashYT on 2024-02-04 12:59:38. It has garnered 5627 views and 152 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Clutch! #Shortsfeed #FYP

    Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Clutch! #Shortsfeed #FYPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Clutch #minecraft#pvp#cubecraft#gamplay#clutch#shortsfeed#shorts#fyp’, was uploaded by Gtech on 2024-01-25 21:27:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Uncover the Mystery at Holiday House 370! 💀🔪🐻| Pandy351’s Minecraft Fnaf Rp

    Uncover the Mystery at Holiday House 370!  💀🔪🐻| Pandy351's Minecraft Fnaf RpVideo Information oh hey y there make sure to subscribe and hit the Bell icon so you don’t miss any videos anyways I hope you enjoy the [Music] video oh boy oh uh David wake up David H hello how are your eyes is done well let’s see a lot better A lot better that’s good that’s good Autumn was a bit puffy that we should stop causing physical damages to each other I I think out of everybody here I you were the only person who has gone to maintenance more than me I know you sent Sonia there… Read More

  • Giza in 1 Block! Mysterious Minecraft Adventure

    Giza in 1 Block! Mysterious Minecraft AdventureVideo Information みなちゃん こんばんは よおやっほー ども ヤッホー こんばんは ヤッホーていうことで今日はえ天気ら ちゃんと一緒にワンブロックマイクラで 遊んでいきたいと思いますあのね実はこ 配信の前に集合してずっとここに今立っ てるんだけどこっからねワンブロックの 世界に行くんだけどなんかこのラコが入れ たこのMODMODっていうかこのやつさ ワンブロックのやつさなんか何分かに1回 レイドっていうのがあって さなんか多分ワンブロックのワールドの方 に飛んだらさ敵がめちゃくちゃ湧いてると 思うんだけどそれちゃん知らないんだ 大丈夫かなまあいい か超絶悲鳴が聞けるかもしれない回しから こんばんはていうことでねえっと皆さん 今日は来てくれてありがとうござい ますセンキューライちゃんとラコで2人 ギバコラボやっていきたいと思いますの前 にお名前呼んじゃおうかな えっとねえやさん待機ありがとうサムネ良 すぎるこのサムネなんか人気だな ありがとうございますえいらっしゃい ありがとうえたく待機ありがとう いらっしゃい切り落とし待機人気だな待機 かか待機ありがとう来てくれてありがとう バトさんいらっしゃい来てくれて ありがとう大ありがとうほげほげ待 ありがとうありがとうえあさんカチカチ いらっしゃいあさん来てくれてありがとう ありがとうちゃんちゃんこんな子こんな子 来てくれてありがとう大型ありがとう えっとガサガサまちさん大型ありがとう 抱っこ来てくれてありがとういらっしゃい ビビオびびこんまか大丈夫じゃなさそう ワン ブロックどうなんだろうわかんないえワン ブロックかもわから んちゃんとワンブロックになってんのかも わからんえ先の準備しといてください ドッキリ待機ちょ言わないでおこうかな 2人のサムネの温度さでができそう言わ ないでいいかまあいいかていうことで早速 まいちゃんと合流し ます永遠の謎のままやね やま聞いたらすぐ答えてくれそうな気する けどお来たあこんばんはチ こんよいしょ何をおいしょ何がなんかや 467ってんだろうかんいたうえええ え [音楽] えでもこっちもサムネで突き落とされてる から なバレ た46じゃけこんねなんでなんだろうね なくもわかんないあなるほどね適当につて あなんかえまたえちまったレイド敵来る 分かんないここにはいないねここおらん ない泣いちゃっ た泣いちゃったくよし行くかじゃあ移動し ましょうワンブロックマイクラワン ブロックなのか果たして果たして行けせー の え うわええ えちょちょちょちょちょ ちょっと待ってやばいレイドがレイドが ちょっとちょっと待っ てレドがレド が何これ レイドが始まってうわ 鼓膜鼓膜あ鼓膜ごめんなさいごめんなさい ごめんなさいあちょっと待ってちょっと 待って下げといた 危ねえワブロどれこれこれだあこれやああ びした焦ったそうなんかちょっと開始直前 にさうんあのラコのリスナーさんたちにも 言ったんだけどうんななんかこう何分に1 回かレイドみたいのがあって敵が襲撃して くるんだよねなるほど勝ちあったんやね えっと勝ち合ったって多分ね集合して ずっと 浮島あそこにいたからああ溜まってたんだ と思うずっとずっとずっと溜まってたんだ と思う嬉しくないなくグっトってなんか ちょっといい意味な感じあるけど ああちょっとそわそわするからさ うんこいのやっぱりちょっとずつ広げて おいてえいっていうのがもう使い切った ちょっと土出しな出しな石を出しなあああ はい トントントントンえンンン落とすなよ落月 出しなさい出しなさいお友達量がち出し… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Wool Hack Exposed

    Insane Minecraft Wool Hack ExposedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wool being op frr #minecraft #trainerdario #technobladeneverdies #viral #ytshorts #shorts #lol’, was uploaded by RelevantLamb on 2024-01-12 15:33:08. It has garnered 448 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. glad u enjoyed 😀 Read More

  • Hindi Gamer Destroys World in EPIC Survival Adventure!

    Hindi Gamer Destroys World in EPIC Survival Adventure!Video Information हे गेमर्स इट्स मी मिस्टर नाचोज एंड गाइस आज से मैं शुरू कर रहा हूं माफ्ट की सर्वाइवल सीरीज एंड भाई आज इस सीरीज की पहली वीडियो है सो वीडियो को एंड तक जरूर देखना एंड इस वीडियो का लाइक एम है एक लाइक का मुझे सिर्फ तुम्हारा लाइक चाहिए सो जल्दी से जाके वीडियो को लाइक कर दो एंड अभी चलते हैं अपना सर्वाइवल वर्ल्ड क्रिएट करले तो अभी अपने वर्ल्ड का नाम रखते हैं लाइक नाचू एंपायर यह नाम मैंने बहुत टाइम पहले से सोचा हुआ था एंड अभी देख लेते हैं सब सही है ना… Read More

  • SimulationOP

    SimulationOPSimulationOP is a Semi-OP Server, You Get Most Permissions That An OP Gets, And You Can Have Fun With It, With The Very Active And Helpful Staff, Your Experience On This Server Is Unlike Any Other! (In Developement) simulationop.xyz Read More

  • Rigtopia Semi-Anarchy Bedrock 1.20.73

    Welcome to Rigtopia! Hello, I am the owner of Rigtopia, a semi-anarchy Minecraft Bedrock server for fans of twitch.tv/rigbydawg. Rules: Griefing and duping allowed. No hacking or lag machines. Current Status: 5-7 consistent players with more inconsistent players. Ender dragon undefeated. No cool base yet. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/Wjuf7cYs Read More

I Survived 100 Days on a SURVIVAL ISLAND in The SKY! Hardcore Minecraft