I Survived 100 Days on One Block in Minecraft Hardcore! (Full Movie A)

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Wait a minute where am I where is the skull what is this oh we’re back on one block Sky Block okay okay I used to have a world here I used to have World here until I was cleaning up some files and I accidentally deleted it

So we’re calling this season 1.5 of one Block Skyblock welcome back everybody now for those of you that don’t know in this world all we do is start on this one block right here and it does this and it’s terrifying all of it is terrifying look at there’s like

Sometimes they disappear it’s an infinite block it spawns a little bit of everything and over time we should go through or phase through some phases oh and get chess with a little bit of something in it we didn’t get any eggs yet though and even some mobs and friends and stuff like that

Get away I hate that no oh we got what hey so we’re just gonna have to break through this block and see what we get because I have a couple of plans for this episode I remember last time I tried to build this giant giant base and never having enough materials for it

Because this there’s nothing out here look it so for this season we have a plan and in this episode we need one thing we need crops we need a base and we need a place to store all of our little animal friends that come along because they

Come along fast and we’re also gonna have to try and get our hands on some lava but I don’t think oh Foreign because I don’t think we get lava until the nether stage which is I have no idea what stage that is and we’re just going to ignore that okay if that didn’t no it didn’t that didn’t we didn’t lose a friend already okay okay another chest when are we gonna get

Like water and stuff like that though I have I can’t remember I don’t know but I’m gonna break through a bunch of these blocks here and see if we can get through this tutorial stage and what just happened there why did I I glitched what I need to get through this tutorial

Stage and get started and what just happened there place a block under the infinite block well how the heck am I gonna do that I mean we just lost a pig Probably with the water that they just gave us Down I go safely back up by goal safely make sure I get my water back because I don’t know how many of these we get boom but there we are catching gravel now so nothing can fall under there is it nighttime already or is what is that it’s rain please don’t strike me

Lightning why do I keep glitching like that that is terrifying okay and I think this is the end of the stage right here so we got a torch that’s just awesome and now let’s break this lovely chest here and see what comes after this because yes it is the next stage I

Wonder what we’re gonna get I think it’s planes I don’t know when we get stoned well the last thing I want to have to do is make wooden tools a plain stage enough flowers and trees to grow you okay I don’t want to do it but I might be

Forced to make some wooden tools this is this is painful ooh clay oh Let me make you a little safe place here to roam around because we definitely have not lost anybody yet no we don’t want to lose anybody so good enough okay and the weather just cleared and we already have our extra grass but let’s get breaking because now that we’ve got

Ourselves a little friend here we need to get enough materials in order to make him a little bit of a stable and expand this thing But this is getting ridiculous we’re gonna have to make some tools I’m gonna need some sticks then I’ll take an ax a shovel and I don’t think we need to pick because I don’t think we’re gonna get any stone this stage oh a carrot yeah well we’re getting

Pumpkins and melons but it’s not looking like we are getting any stone so we don’t need a pick but we are getting a few more animals and I think maybe it’s time we started to possibly expand this because these guys are oh my God I didn’t mean to do that I’m

Sorry don’t run off the edge okay we’re gonna have to Okay and there’s our stable so far now I just need to set myself up a garden somewhere because I have enough saplings but there’s no reason why I shouldn’t be growing any trees right now so let’s just go through a few more and see what we can collect hopefully no mobs come

Okay let’s go and now we got three animal pens going this is actually kind of I think this is a better start than I had the last one nice nice apples oh there goes my first shovel that’s kind of lame okay but with that going and another cow

In our face time for us to set ourselves up a little Grove here because I need to get some crops going and some trees because we need a lot more wood All right well that’ll have to do because already I’m out of wood again and I don’t know what’s going on with our sheep but the whole plan of that thing was to try and keep him safe and but whatever I’m still breaking some blocks here I need more wood I’m already

On my second set of tools this is oh but we got chicken eggs we finally got some chicken eggs the question is are we gonna get any chickens right on my face No chickens from Iowa oh another sheep though oh another sheep we could definitely make a sacrificial lamb now because the night time around here with Shader packs on is a little creepy so everybody cross your fingers I know I should make a weed farm and probably just breed them only one

And he only gave me one I probably shouldn’t have done that oh no chickens but we have chickens come come come come come come come come come I kind of wish that that chicken was actually another sheep because now I might never be able to make a bed in Skywalk so hopefully some

More sheep spawn okay nothing yet and I’m almost through a second set of tools oh but there is another sheep okay now that we have this sheep I think it’s time I am going to expand this out and I am going to start to make some crop

Farms okay and there’s where our crop farms are gonna go for now obviously we don’t have enough crops in order to yeah but this should do so we’ve got our wheat laid out and we’ve got our carrots right there none of these trees seem to want to grow though is it because I

Maybe put them too close together what is going on here and already I’m on my third set of tools this is annoying where’s all the stone oh I don’t know but there’s another cow oh and we got one of those beautiful chests what’s inside oh golden bamboo

Golden bamboo nice give me a chicken give me a chicken give me a chicken oh that sucks the underground what is the underground I actually I don’t even care because look at what’s right there I just wish we’d get a bucket of lava so that way we can get this stuff more

Readily I mean whatever I don’t even care because there’s a birch tree and there’s our stone pickaxe there’s our Stone ax Stone shovel and should we make it yeah we’ll make it there’s our sword okay so already we are good and we have trees growing I am definitely gonna have

To expand all of this just to be able to catch some of the stuff that falls because we’ve already because we already lost some saplings but there that should do but I have a feeling I put my trees a little too close but honestly that doesn’t bother

Me because we’ve got now coal more Cobble oh iron why did I even make these tools if we’re getting iron what else what else I feel like we’re gonna get a creeper or something oh a Mooshroom we get free food I just need to make a bowl

Okay we’re gonna have to turn this guy here into a vending machine I think because yeah free food is free food right I definitely made this all a little too claustrophobic that is for sure so I think what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna spread the trees out a little bit

Because that was definitely way too claustrophobic and we definitely need to turn this guy here into a vending machine somewhere but now that we’re on to this stage and we’re getting probably into where the mobs are gonna start to come I think it’s time for us to start

Thinking about where we’re gonna put our base but for that we are going to need so much more room so I’m gonna have to expand this and then thinking about where I want to put my little starter bait but I need it to be a way because I

Don’t want to get blown up by anything that comes out of here so for that I need wood it’s expansion and tree Grove time foreign Expansion complete I have trees growing everywhere all around me right as I’m about to start this clip I’m just trying to keep up on getting some burst now so that way I can start to build like a little bit of a starter base around here but so far the expansion is complete we

Did have a little we had a little visit from some mobs everything was fine though whoa whoa whoa we got that dirty chest and then that everything was perfectly fine and what else happened but I grew an azalea tree with some bone meal that

Was fun oh and I set up Mr mushroom here he’s my little vending machine now everything is perfect other than the fact that I have thrown now 19 19 chickens eggs and we’ve had no we still have the one but okay it is time because see all these guys here roaming around I

Need to set these guys up a little bit of a stable or something so I think what I’m gonna do is I’m going to expand this out this little path right here and I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to build a little stable right around

Here and then I’m going to start to build my starter base but right now I need to give me that I’m still on the second stage right now though so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna I’m gonna break through some some blocks here because what I

I’ve made some shears in order to get leaves and I really I don’t have much iron left so while I’m gonna break this in hopes that I get some villagers because all I need is two villagers and it’s game over we almost lost everything we almost lost

All those blocks that are on there that was kind of terrifying hello creeper I hate that I hate that it takes I hate that that’s okay I’ll fix that oh a chest nice Brown mushroom Spruce which I don’t even need anymore because I’ve already what did you do spruce tree we’re down

To one sheep again because of a spruce tree oh what did it do to my dirt this is supposed to be oh no we might be down to one sheet because of that what did I have to kill them all I’m building them all stable right now so that way we can

Keep our losses to a minimum here this is this is getting ridiculous no another one why another one okay well that was exciting Okay stable is done as ugly as it is now it’s just time to get everybody in place so let’s just go and try and get everybody in I seem to be missing my sheep though where did the Sheep go are we down to no sheep we might be down to

No sheep I’m so glad I made that one bed because we might be down to no sheep everybody I know you’re a little too chunky to fit through the door so we’ll just deal with the cows first because apparently they fit through the door just fine

One at a time one at a time nice one at a time through the door okay And we’re already one up on the cows everybody but in all seriousness we’ve lost a sheep it’s just gone we’ve lost it this is so sad oh well at least my weed fields are growing 22 and not a single chicken I’m going back to Breaking blocks what’s the next

Stage oh more bunny rabbits yeah just go oh amethyst and some red mushrooms what is that it’s more bunnies whoa get away oh a chest with leather and more mushrooms more creepers oh this time we got some zombies hello when are you guys gonna drop a carrot for me please oh come on

Oh and we’ve got ourselves a musical chest what is this about rails which is good because we’re gonna need that a book and quill okay I’ll take it no spiders another creeper and I hear a Wandering traitor which is just fantastic what what do you have Acacia saplings podzel

I don’t even have emeralds though how are we supposed to purchase any of this from you oh Mr mushroom I wish so bad that that was a sheep though because I have two of you what is even happening right now a third one this is just not even fair you guys

Oh and there we go another golden bamboo and an empty map that I am actually extremely excited about because there is our Island so far it almost looks like I’m slowly raising the middle finger how did I end up like that I don’t know but I like it and that

Right there at the very top that’s where I’m building we’re building the starter base up here but okay we’re on to the next stage what stage oh hang on hang on that’s like 24. 23 I’ve thrown 23 eggs I’ve thrown 23 eggs and we still have one chicken I don’t even know my

Confusion is my confusion is mounting okay but I think I need a starter base because my storage system is a little it’s getting a little chaotic but I don’t care because we have two pieces of golden bamboo look at this we’re already on our way we’re on our way to being

Invincible well my only question is is what comes after this 30 seconds 30 30 . 30 seconds one oh it’s the snowy biome why I just want some lava foreign you guys didn’t see that nobody saw that we definitely did collect all of that gold that just came okay we did collect it

Oh we got what hey how dare you how dare you how dare you buddy spitting on the local Wildlife what are you teaching your animals okay we’re gonna have to get our hands on some skellies because we need bones in order to tame that guy what the this guy’s nice right

Is this guy nice yeah he looks nice you know what I need I need some boats can this guy go into a boat I think he’s a little too big oh Mr Wolf Mr Wolf you just jumped okay we can’t let something like that happen to Mr Polar Bear we gotta do something

So that’s what we’re doing oh bone meal oh why couldn’t you come just a little bit sooner we already lost them oh now here’s a question does regular ice spawn and can it melt down into water I don’t know but I’ve been breaking for a few

Blocks here and oh see there was some ice and now how does one get out of powdered snow when he’s stuck inside of it this is kind of annoying and I’m scared I’m gonna glitch down and through I don’t know but just because of that I’m Gonna Change Up This little area right here that we have going and I’m actually gonna make a bucket and I’m stealing that okay I’m feeling something dangerous is gonna spawn it’s been a while what is that it is a white

Oh how do I capture them how do I capture no no no are you kidding me are you kidding me are you kidding me are you kidding me are you kidding me we have one egg left this thing better spawn a chicken otherwise I don’t know what we’re gonna do everybody cross your

Fingers where’d it go where’d it go there’s no way to hit that right I was standing like where was I oh no so now we have no chickens are you kidding me I don’t even know what to do I’m literally just wandering around in shock hopefully we

Get some more I’m I gotta do that see if maybe that’ll I don’t even know what to do now how come I keep getting white concrete though and not actual snow why is that and who are these guys I should probably run because it sounded like they have

Crossbows and I have no Shield what it’s looking like it’s just one guy so maybe we could probably take him oh he’s in the boat we could take him but I wasn’t expecting that I think I should prepare myself a little bit better just in case more mobs

Like that come because we don’t want to die so we’re gonna make the shield of invincibility but that was exciting let’s see who else we’re gonna get spawned out of here in the next little bit and then I think it looks like with the birch trees and everything all grown

Actually I’m gonna do a round and I’m gonna get another set of birch trees going and I think that should be enough wood hopefully to get started on us a little base and there we go another oh buddy I am so happy to see you hopefully six bones

Will do one two three four five please don’t go oh no a goat with no horns why is that even I don’t even understand that we’re doggle get in the boat thank you okay and I can already tell you that with our current situation and the amount of mobs that are coming

Through our stable is nowhere near big enough I mean we got goats we got wolves we got so many extra polar bears over there about to wander off where all the rest of them keep going and dying yeah okay another goat and I got an achievement whatever floats your goat that’s just awkward

Yes get em Avenge the chicken avenge him thank you I don’t ever want to see one of those again oh no way there it is everybody there it is the second water source we could do absolutely everything okay and I’m not gonna lie this is where they’re going move

It’s going right there for now and we’re gonna keep it right there and I already have two extra buckets of water which is amazing something tells me I need to make that a little bit bigger though in order for it to be more effective but we

Will find out yes I have already begun creating a lake here I didn’t make it big enough well okay that’s a little better that’s a little better at least everything now is gonna stay in the center And we have another goat this is like number four sure we may have lost one but it is my little setup here gonna protect me I mean if it’ll hold this guy here in the center I’m sure it will okay but it is round two for birch tree time because

These have all grown up finally and now with all this I should definitely have enough in order to get started on a starter base so Thank you Foreign do you see what I just got a zombie we got a baby zombie on a chicken okay we gotta do this we gotta get this chicken get off get off of it that is now our chicken oh my goodness we got a chicken everybody gonna need some seeds come here chicken

Don’t stop here we must keep you safe we were out of chickens and eggs until you came around okay and oh my goodness we got a chicken back I have literally gone through like six maybe seven possibly 13 stone axes to get this far but look at everybody look

You can almost see it we are so close no save them save the polar bear oh we almost lost them geez you should probably stay away from the trees you’re a little thick Thank you okay idiot me idiot me decided to go on Pinterest and try to get some inspiration I was inspired I just need to grab my bed so I can put my bed in there okay and the inside isn’t decorated all that well but we do have a staircase storage a smelting station oh I need more and an entire upstairs area that we

Can turn into whatever we want in this thing I am actually kind of excited I don’t think I’ll ever use Pinterest for inspiration again though because oh my God that was so many trees so many trees so many trees okay but as you can see everybody around here is still just kind

Of hanging out so we’re gonna have to upgrade the stable because that and then there’s that down there move saw yeah we’re gonna have to upgrade the stable how’s my chicken doing where’s my chicken no please don’t tell me the chicken went in the powdered snow and died oh no this is

Tragic we’re back down to we’re back down to no chickens no chickens no sheep one dog deadly powdered snow deadly setup but it looks like so far we have pretty much gotten everything from this stage so we’ve got the fox polar bear stray wolf and goat we don’t want any of

The foxes though so I am gonna make one more iron pick I have already burned through two of these let’s just not talk about that though and I’m gonna run through a few of these blocks that I am gonna go all the way until we get the

Next stage hopefully we don’t run into anybody crazy oh hello there goat another book and quill what do we need that for what is this oh wait I remember this why did I just jump into the middle there I remember this a monster party what do

We do with these guys look at what they’re wearing they look so stupid it’s crazy okay I need to get out of here though and I have no idea how those guys got out but my setup didn’t work what do I do try to lure one in or do I unleash

The dog on them oh you’re right there Hi um arrows that’s it wish I could ride the goat let’s go hell okay did they drop me anything they literally didn’t drop me anything that’s right take the shovel oh he dropped me some boots did you see that look at that boots

Dude draw me your helmet I got boots and pants look at look at how silly and look at how goofy I look it’s not bright enough around here there that’s a little better but look at how ridiculous my knee pads look and these boots kind of like what whatever back to

Breaking that was the first Monster party we’ve had and I think that’s the first no we’ve had some oh we got another wolf stay there dog oh I need a boat okay this is perfect we got two doggos I think we get one phone first bone Luck first bone luck that’s not

Even the dog where did the dog go oh there he is oh my goodness we did oh I am such a jerk I’m so sorry doggo but please come over here come come come come come come come come come come come and sit good boy make sure you kill any skeletons that

Come out for me okay please thank you what is with all of the goats and no you guys can just get out of here that’s right good boy good boy you didn’t get it on the first one are you gonna go on the second one oh we got two doggos everybody two doggos

Oh boy that’s right get cha okay doggos you didn’t really help but that was because you’re in a seated position which is okay still good dogs okay where are the villagers because I’m about to lose another pick what do I need all this snow for oh to make snow blocks

I like this setup they start getting into a battle with each other under the chest nothing really in it though more of these two but honestly they’re really not that scary and these guys yes gotta go get them polar bears thank you I don’t need any more polar bears Oh but I will take oh do more ice okay doggo you got five bones and you only needed one but okay I don’t know what we need these other two ice for but here’s what we’re gonna do I’m running these ones back to the house and

I’m putting these two up here just in case anything ever happens I’ll do that with two water buckets too but one is the next stage coming ah oh and there it is the final chest look at we got powdered snow more water three golden bamboo this

Time is that dark oak they gave us dark oak I can’t believe I’m still wearing these what happened to my shoes I don’t know they must have taken too much damage but I don’t care because look at what is this a budding hang on we just got a

Budding amethyst okay we gotta be real careful where we put this down because we will not be able to pick this back up so I’m gonna keep this budding amethyst right there beside the water dark oak I’m super excited for oh yeah my golden bamboo I gotta go put that away we got

Five golden bamboo it’s kind of nice because I’m getting a little sick of this Mooshroom stew okay but is everybody ready let’s see what’s next I honestly I have no clue I can’t remember any of this 40 second system 40 what the heck I can’t believe we got some budding amethyst one

Deep slate caves a dark underground world where darkness and monsters spawn everywhere level 2 skeletons level 2 zombies and creepers new items are candles swords tube coral and spy glass that means we can make an aquarium oh I am excited I’ve been reading all of your

Guys comments and I am officially a one block Pro what is going on over there what are you guys doing I don’t know but big day for today first we gotta get these guys all into yeah a nice little safe place and then it’s farm and time

We need to get ourselves a mob grinder going we need to get our croppers going and some sort of food source because this the saturation on this is just terrible so I need to build a chicken Crusher but first I gotta do one thing I

Need a bucket and I have bone meal okay mama llama you guys don’t even ask just be quiet and pay attention Okay I currently have one water source quiet it’s ugly I know I know now water goes in the top bone meal goes on the bottom

And now we have two water my brain is three water sources from one my brain is broken it’s broken how did I not how okay but it is time we gotta make some animals a little bit safer because we have no chickens we have no sheep I’m

Pretty sure we had a few more goats than this and I think maybe even one more polar bear because these guys are crazy and I also need my crop farms because look at this this is just sad whatever I have done here I probably should have addressed this in the first episode but Free food is free food okay but I have one thing that I need to do because nobody called me out for this I laid all of this grass right here I laid all this grass right here and forgot about the first principle I forgot about the first

Principle of Skyblock mix your dirt and gravel and that’ll give you coarse dirt and then we need to stack these okay and I want to be really careful from way up here because I didn’t bring a water bucket with me this is an actual hardcore World we’re not I can’t we

Don’t want to die my hands are literally sweating is that a cloud that’s a cloud okay and now I think we just need to path block this and then do that yes and we get all of this dirt instead of course dirt now which is absolutely fantastic and now what I can

Do is I can take more gravel apply it to this dirt and we get Triple the amount of dirt that we got from before oh no and I didn’t bring a bucket or any extra shovels okay we’re gonna have to do this the tricky way what is below me

I don’t know but I didn’t bring enough shovel stuff with me but wish me luck oh right in the water okay but now what do I do my whole plan backfired because I didn’t bring a good enough shovel with me but what now how do I get back up there this is annoying

Looks like I’m doing this a long way foreign Took two shovels but now look at the amount of dirt that we have so I just need to get more gravel and then we can repeat that but I don’t think I’m pretty sure that was all of it okay but now that we got my dirt situation figured

Out and I know I remember how to get friggin more I need to do two things I need to reinforce this area around here because remember we got level two zombies and level two skeletons coming out from here this is gonna be terrifying but I mainly need to get all

Of these guys here their own little pens and set them up so we uh again we gotta try and keep our casualties to a minimum here and then we’ll focus on croppers and some food because I am desperate first up is gonna be the animals though

This little pen area over here that I made it’s ugly and it’s definitely not big enough so we’re gonna have to expand this or do we do it this way actually you know what we’re gonna do it out this way okay and I stopped recording and I don’t even know why and

I didn’t hit start on the replay but that’s the area right there that we are going to start with I have created a mob farm this guy is literally fully decked out oh I didn’t even think of that skeletons are dangerous foreign I’m leaving what did I do what did I create what have I done what a disaster but that is the area right there so I’m thinking we put like a little pen right here and then a couple of little houses up here in order to store some animals but honestly

Creepers are so laggy that it’s just it’s terrifying look at that and they’re slick too you think he could trick them but no don’t blow ah Okay and there it is there’s our little area for our little mooshrooms we’ve got Bears we’ve got pigs we’ve even got a lonely dog hi there and even some room for expansion but I don’t know I might just leave this the way that I kind of is

Because I think what I want to do next is I’m still torn I can’t decide if I want to do like single individual Islands or do I just keep expanding off of this I’m not really sure but we are burning through so many picks that it’s kind of

This is getting expensive but now what we need to do is we need to upgrade this little section right here because pretty soon we’re gonna have gas coming from here at some point in time and other flying things and they’re gonna fly up and we don’t want them to fly up and I’m

Kind of worried about these level two zombies and skeletons that are gonna come so so let’s bind up some deep sleep and then let’s reinforce this area and make it a little bit more safer and we’re already getting bricks from this wait wait no it didn’t say anything

About I got scared there for a second I thought we were going to get wardens but we do have lapis though are we gonna get any redstone well I see nothing yet but look at that already we’ve got 33 deep sleep bricks nice now let’s upgrade this and now for

This section I want to do one thing I want to be able to make sure that we capture any of like the floating and since I don’t have an aquarium or anything right now what I think I’m gonna do is for right here is I’m gonna

Build down okay I’m gonna make a small little base platform right here and then let’s enclose this with whatever we have here and let’s make this like a little aquarium okay so that is the area right there we’re just gonna swap out this dirt block for a leaf I don’t even know why

And then we’re gonna bone meal all of this just to kind of give it some acidic and how do I make a lantern there we go okay so right now currently there’s like a whole down current to that so pretty much everything that gets thrown in there or anything gets caught

In there is pretty much just going to get pushed down to the bottom which is kind of good I don’t know if it’s good we’re gonna have to find out if it’s good and if I just do this my plane is working out everybody and put another one on this side

And oh maybe it’s not gonna work out we’re gonna find out It sorted itself out but we’re gonna do that and hopefully that is going to be enough to capture any mobs that try to come around and then what else do we need okay we have a lead so this right here is good the only thing we need to

Worry about is still flying things but we’re not going to need much in order to contain them and look at that I wonder if I should make some armor I don’t know but you see that is exactly what I had planned and exactly and it worked perfectly so now I can just and if they drop anything it should all get collected by the center look at my mess of an inventory but it doesn’t look

Like they drop me anything good but I like it now if that was the level 2 zombies that were coming around I mean we’re gonna have no problem especially with this setup but look at all of this wonderful wonderful loot that I’m getting hello yeah bring it watch what’s

Gonna happen there you go now you’re gonna get slapped in the face with a shovel look at these so disgusted with himself he wouldn’t even look at me I mean what are you wearing what is that and can I have it apparently he didn’t want to give it to

Me well okay but my deep sleep is slowly my deep sleep aisle is slowly growing okay and I understand this is the underground are we gonna get any Moss or anything oh watch it double zombie let’s get one to kill the other one and that’s not working and my shield is broken

That was a little concerning look at these two they’re like a perfectly well-timed turret I think I might actually need some armor these guys are actually pretty good I mean I wasn’t expecting them to literally be that good but I can’t even get close oh now what ow

That’s the best thing that could have happened right now cave so close okay I’m gonna have to make some armor any kind of armor or even if it’s gold armor and we’ll see how well this will keep me protected from those level two skeletons because that was annoying once I get into the

Boat they turn into a military-grade turret Oh no and that one sank now what What was that diamond foreign we have a diamond everybody that’s the first diamond we’re putting that with the golden bamboo you crazy we got a diamond I wasn’t expecting that at all oh listen what the heck am I gonna do about this I’m speechless right now I’m just gonna make a crossbow

We’ve got an achievement I didn’t think about that I didn’t think about Creepers that’s a little intimidating okay and so far I am getting pretty rich from this underground stage and I like it but since we have a budding amethyst sitting right there now what I’m going to do why

Is that glimmering like that that is so nice why is that doing that I don’t know but it’s time to build the mob grinder I need to get my hands on both a chicken if possible and some Redstone I wonder if we can get redstone I only need four

Pieces of redstone that’s it four pieces now the only problem is is that these little mob Grinders these are ugly I don’t know where I want to stick this thing but I obviously don’t want it to be too far and honestly I think a little island is gonna do just fine right there

So to start I’m just gonna build myself a little bit of a rock thing okay and I think I don’t know we’re gonna have to see that might be too high actually you know what that is good I just need more blocks now I’m so glad that there’s not a creeper right here because I would have been a dead man okay and there’s the island so far now I just need to build like a little Bridge up to it and the fact that I managed to line those stairs up nicely with this

Platform on the first go is an utter miracle that is a miracle I just need to decorate that now and make it look kind of nice because that’s a little sketchy but that’s the island we just need our little tree to grow right there and I

Should probably use some grass I have a few of them I think oh maybe not maybe I only have one nope I was gonna use grass but not right now I’ll wait till I get some villagers and some silk touch maybe but now I need to start building this

Mob grinder and these things are big bulky and ugly and take so much materials and I’m not gonna lie I don’t even quite I I I I I I don’t even know if I remember how to build one of these things off the top of my head it’s been a while Thank you as if I wasn’t recording dad okay I turned off the recording but that thing literally just knocked me I don’t even know what I was thinking building that high and I did that thing literally just knocked me off and I have a goat

With a horns look at this leave me alone Thank you okay I was supposed to ask is I wonder if it’s even working up there and then I’m just gonna Walk This Way okay and we don’t want to put water at the base of that ever again because there goes my Island whoa I wasn’t honestly expecting it to

Work this fast and it is already working crazy the real question is though is how well is it working I mean that’s bones there’s some rot and flesh but the real question is are we gonna get any witches from this I need Redstone but there it

Is right there I made it out of a spruce tree to make it look like there was a spruce tree there and then somebody made a tree fort out of it so we’re just we’re gonna call that the tree fort so now I just need a

Little bit more I need a little bit more iron in order to make some Hoppers so that way I don’t have to come up here and check this every five minutes but I’m not gonna lie I actually gonna like it oh I’ve been breaking blocks for a while

And look at what I just got I haven’t even panned over that yet I don’t even know what that is what do you think that is everybody everybody take a guess it’s an alley what what this is very interesting now let’s try to get enough iron in order to make some Hoppers for

The next farm and I’m actually kind of really surprised that we got that now if I release this guy here what’s gonna happen to him I literally know nothing about allies I haven’t used them yet at all I’ve searched literally 19 Pillager outposts in the hardcore world and

Haven’t found a single one so Mr alley is also going in the important chess for now with the skull Catalyst because this stuff is crazy okay but that is exciting a super chest interesting you can’t even read it okay it’s been a few days and I’ve broken a few blocks

That we really haven’t heard much but we also haven’t had any Redstone so no Redstone yet but I have seen a witch up there on one of the replays and I’ve even seen zombie villagers too so but no Redstone yet but one thing that we do

Have from this because it is so amazing and I’ve already started to build is look at all the bone meal from the bones so I need to set myself up a couple of croppers here I’m thinking about doing one right here and actually I think something like that will do just fine

And now for these next ones I’m not quite sure where I want to put them actually I have an idea but I think this is going to require absolutely every stone block that I have in existence right now so you know what I’m gonna go farming and I’m gonna finish this

Underground section here that we have because this one’s actually kind of boring we’re just getting a lot of deep sleep from it but I’m just gonna rip through this and I’m gonna stack up some materials Oh two oh monster party oh look at these guys they look ridiculous oh oh an iron pick I’ll take that thank you another variety chest with not much in it oh and there’s a bottle but that means we had a witch draw why couldn’t you drop Redstone I only need

One maybe two more pieces ah oh all right I’m gonna take all of that that is a great chest thank you diamonds Golden Apple I mean iron sword what a nice chest that was oh and it’s the end of the round I had my particles turned

Off but I wonder what comes next let’s see Lush drip caves hmm oh Moss I didn’t even think of that but now my only question is is do we get redstone from the stage I’m so desperate to get redstone everybody and what just spawned what is that it’s a fish

A fish everybody we have a fish oh my goodness and there is our chicken on a zombie okay I remember what you guys said I had to do about this I have to keep that chicken inside of a boat come here chicken okay now I just need you to drop some

Eggs if you can let’s go check for Redstone nothing okay and I’m not gonna lie before we build the island I’m just gonna keep on breaking this block and see if we get another one of these chicken guys to come because I got enough seeds and I need these eggs I am

So desperate for these chickens no no chickens but I do not need that right there that is garbage this isn’t fair he just killed one of my cows oh my God I didn’t shoot Bears now why is this man so evil why did that guy have to spawn into my

Life he just ruined oh our poor cow oh blueberries and those are axolotls oh that’s just terrible the axle model just murdered our only fish what do we do about this I guess we throw them in some buckets oh and there is our second chicken jockey okay two chicken jockeys and yes we finally have a chicken you just stay there don’t move because if I could just get one more piece of redstone I’m gonna Farm you

Oh Oh I thought I was gonna get lucky no but we did get lucky with another chicken jockey I don’t even know what we’re gonna whatever I can just stay right there oh red mushroom some leather I don’t even know like okay okay and I don’t know what came

Over me I don’t know what came over me but I just kept I just I just kept breaking I was like I got it I just couldn’t stop I’ve gone through three iron pickaxes just to get here oh there’s just something about seeing what comes next like there’s a fish

I just want some more Redstone and every chest could potentially have some soul I just keep on breaking and we have another chicken jockey we don’t need any more and we got another one I told you we don’t need you we have chickens everywhere and look it I’ve even already

Started to breed all we need now is a sheep and we are literally back to normal all right but it’s time because look at the amount of materials that we have and look at all of our valuables this is kind of crazy too it’s now time

For me to build myself another Island oh never mind I decided to break a couple more blocks and we’re here at the end of the round and I’ve got small drip leaves another Diamond another budding amethyst but I want to see what comes next we got

A whole minute before we can get there though so I’m gonna go um do I have my seeds no seeds do we have chicken eggs we do one okay can we redeem ourselves for that egg that we lost before right on my face no chicken I’m so mad 26 eggs

26 eggs and no chicken this is ridiculous oh the ocean floor uh oh we’re gonna have to build ourselves an aquarium and prepare ourselves for some Guardians um going to build an island Thank you Island is done I have also decorated a little bit of a path I honestly I cannot wait until we get stoned so that I can fill all of the bottoms of all of this stuff in and I have also gone ahead and set myself up a cow Crusher over here

But we don’t have quite enough cows yeah and I was gonna build the automatic or the semi-auto croppers here but honestly this here is easy enough anyways just to keep up with so we’re just gonna do that because that’s easy and yeah baby cows but we’re not quite there yet

I have a little bit I have a little bit of raw beef so we can start to move away from the Mooshroom stew and what I have also done is I decided to break through a whole bunch of blocks here I am seriously desperate for some Redstone I

Just want to build a couple I just want to build one Farm one but we haven’t gotten any but look at all of the blocks that we have ready for next episode so we can build a giant aquarium I’ve had a visit from a guardian a monster squad and you’re

Never gonna believe it you’re never gonna believe it you see it Zombie villager number one waiting and ready for us and I even have another one over here trapped in this boat but it’s looking like he might be a nitwit I’m just realizing that now I am so upset he might be a nitwit but we are all set up

I am just extremely weirded out you can see them all right I don’t want this place to burn down but we’re almost 100 days into this thing and I know I’m just we’re taking it we’re taking it slow we’re being chill it hasn’t rained since

The first episode I have no idea what is going on here but I don’t really care because look at how much materials we have oh there they are right there run for your life run oh hello there but these guys right here these guys are they’re not even I mean honestly they’re

Not even terrifying ready fall off fall off and he fell oh look at the mobs that we have we’ve got Turtles where did the second guy go did he fall down already he is going already and somewhere over here oh I was gonna say we have fish

Like there’s one right there oh no mine there’s two and we had salmon but apparently apparently the salmon is going so we’re gonna need a little bit of a better aquarium setup for this but now what I need to do since we’ve got the cow Crusher going I need to set up a

Different form we need a different one because that is going to be too slow and since I have two pieces of redstone this is actually going to be kind of nice I just need a single dispenser and we’ll make a redstone torch now while we can

And now I just need one more of those and two pieces where am I two pieces of redstone dust that’s it I just need three more pieces of redstone dust okay and chickens are you ready because you’re about to be formed actually hold up I forgot I need two hoppers

And do I have sand do I have sand from this water stage I’m sure oh I do okay come on chickens come here chickens let’s go check hands thank you all right and is that all of them I think that’s all of them okay and there

It is right there like I said I just need three more pieces of redstone now to make one more torch and two Redstone because that’s what I’m going for right there one of the earliest game Chicken Crushers and chicken farms that you can absolutely build you just need to

Replace this with lava when you’re ready to have a chicken cooker but that’s what I’m going for that’s why I need I just need three more but until I get my Redstone I’m just gonna make a lever I’m gonna put it right there and I’m just gonna do that every time or

Every couple of minutes until we have a bunch of chickens in here and then I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure it’s next stage that we get our Redstone so I’m excited look at I even tried to build a thing to capture witches and there’s been no witch spawns so I’m just gonna

Have to get through this stage okay but as for all these passive chickens you guys can just all get out of my life and we’ve got two eggs in there already let’s see if we can get some baby chickens nothing my egg hatching look with a

Dispenser is just as bad okay now what do I need I would build myself a a sheep farm if um but we have no sheep so what I’m going to do I’m going block breaking sponge oh oh I never got to mention we had an Enderman egg and a Magma Cube egg come

What the heck do we need those for oh axolotls I already have one of these guys though do I need more we’ll just let him do his thing oh I think he’s trying to kill he is he’s trying to kill the Axolotl stop it only I will be the Punisher around here

Oh he did it he killed him no he didn’t what did we just get there the healing power of friendship what the heck was that oh we technically teamed up with that Axolotl and just beat okay I didn’t even know that was a thing we’re about to go through another iron pickaxe everybody

Oh hi if you would please leave my Axolotl alone that would be very nice of you thank you well there’s another chest um I gotta stop here and let’s go check on our eggs Oh and we got a baby we got a baby we got a baby we are on our way to having chicken unlimited chicken oh oh we got ourselves a stinky chest with not much in it hello turtle okay now’s our chance now’s our chance salmon in a bucket this might be one of

The only salmon that ever spawns again so we really need to capture this guy okay salmon in a bucket and we’ve got to keep him and not should I do that with the other guys just in case I’m gonna go do that with the other guys just in case Got him okay I don’t want to lose these guys because once this stage is over I don’t know if we’re gonna get them again and and look at this everybody 37 diamonds we have enough diamonds not yet oh glow squid these guys are really hard to keep though because I’ve had a couple

Of them and like you can barely even push them off the thing but that worked but watch he’s not gonna last What is going on what is going on right now quit doing that weirdo I don’t even know this guy’s got me weirded out just stay in the Dayton oh and there we go okay we got a bunch of look at my inventory but there it is

The end of the round okay but seriously look at all the loot that I have look at these three chests I have so much stuff that I could do stuff with look at that one and then look at that one I literally have so much stuff so that I could do so

Much stuff but let’s see what comes after this 70 whole seconds do I have enough inventory to capture all of this I do okay nice buckets golden apples I didn’t even realize there was a trident in there and I can’t even remember what else we got but oh my God

We gotta tried it okay well I’m really happy then that will they give us a bucket because we actually have two salmon buckets now which is nice but seriously what am I supposed to do with this Magma Cube spawn what am I is it just to have them but let’s see

What comes next what comes next red desert redstone redstone saying I don’t care about sand red sand I don’t care about red sand and where is it that’s coal we don’t need coal we don’t get get the occasion out of here What the I’m not gonna lie I didn’t I didn’t read the mob section at all I wasn’t I wasn’t expecting that come here boys what are we gonna do with these two I’m gonna have to start setting up some biomes around here maybe make a whole zoo

Because I mean even my goats are starting to escape what is okay I should probably prepare myself for some ugly moms to come through here but come on redstone what the donkeys oh my goodness we do need a zoo okay come on redstone why is this there’s emeralds oh when chickens my chickens

Um hold on I don’t know if I want to keep these guys or not I really don’t I don’t know if I want to keep this guy at all get in the boat will you thank you okay but come on come on redstone slime ball don’t care for that I have

Three leads from the wandering Traders copper we couldn’t have any more copper if we wanted to and oh no what I wasn’t I don’t even what what do we do here I need one of these guys that’s for sure but where are we gonna put them so that it’s safe let’s put

Them way over here I need a boat okay I just need this guy to um how can I get him out let’s do this go like that okay he’s out follow me ow my butt come on follow me I need you in that boat okay and then

I’m going to drive you over here and not bad I wasn’t expecting that I probably should have read the mob list on this thing but we have pillagers but where’s this so-called Redstone emeralds I’m definitely taking those hay bales I don’t know what we could possibly need those for oh

And there is gallon why is your name like that gallon like a gallon of milk okay I was not expecting that it was at this moment that he knew oh I literally just ruined everything I just ruined everything I just punched them I’m so sorry gallon if you could forgive

Me and maybe just get up on top of one of those trap doors that would be just great thank you all right well we got gallon the only problem is is I punched them so now gallon’s not doing so well and we’ve got lots of eggs

And he is protected we just need to give him a little bit of light and let’s go see are we gonna get another villager from all of this because if we are oh I don’t know but there’s our Redstone I don’t even care everything else can just get out of here for now

Exit by inventory and we’ve got nine nine whole pieces of redstone and all I need was three okay and there it is I’m gonna do it off to the side for now just so that way I can see if it’s constantly running but oh my God we might need to put this

Somewhere else because that is loud but that is it right there now I never have to come back and check on this only to see if there are some crushed chickens here and do I have everything filled in no I need to put a piece of glass right there

But that’s it chicken cooker is done did you just hear those eggs coming through Oh and we’ve already got raw chicken okay I’m gonna have to put this thing somewhere else entirely on its own little island I’m thinking and then full system with cooker and everything involved into it because that is way too easy I mean I know Mr Mooshroom here is

Easy but you can’t stack them so you always gotta find your Mooshroom okay but we’ve got food we’ve got mobs we’ve got villagers starting to spawn and I don’t know we’re looking pretty good so far we’re looking pretty good but I can’t leave this like this I’ve got to breed up some chickens

And what I’m also going to do is I’m going to put this in a little bit of a different location just to clean it up a little bit [Laughter] because that is loud but I don’t think there’s gonna be any way for me to make

It any quieter but we got chickens now I just need to decorate this and make it look like it’s meant to be here and there it is there’s our main source of food we’ve already got three four chickens in there five chickens in there this thing is

Actually starting to be pretty quick and it’s right at the perfect time because I am I am done with these bowls just need a small furnace there Whiz and yes this thing is already producing enough chicken to keep up and we are good okay we just need one more villager

But I gotta keep gallon or a gallon or I don’t even know I’ve gotta try and keep him safe and not kill him myself even but with that we now have food we have our mobs so pretty much unlimited arrows bone meal and whatever else we need we have our little

Crop island with our cows which they are so much slower they are so much slower than this right here and we have a little bit of extra Redstone but this episode this episode I am already 50 days plus into this episode alone I’m just chilling so I’m calling this one

Here today you know what today is everybody you know what today is today is cross your fingers that we get another villager day and I only say that because we need blaze rods in order to cure these guys I mean I have zombie villagers you can see them but the

Problem is is that you need blaze rods in order to create potions and um so far that’s I don’t even yeah we don’t even have lava so before we really get into this episode everybody cross your fingers cross your fingers that we get ourselves another villager and cross

Your fingers he doesn’t have an awkward name what the three of them three of them do these guys turn into drone oh they’re turning what the heck I am so confused now what’s gonna happen to those guys though okay that is just the weirdest why did I

Jump in here that is just the weirdest process right there but I don’t know whatever my voice just cracked I should have used the Trident to kill them what okay let’s go a Wandering Trader pumpkin seeds I’m buying some thank you okay you know what just secured to me you know what

Just occurred to me everybody why is this like this these bolts are set up and they’re supposed to be protecting me and I have no protection okay come here you two crazy llamas can you come please come crazy llamas okay foxies eat turtles Turtles and there we go back to normal okay we

Need villagers that is not a villager we already have one but what does he trade oh no please run same thing ice very strange why would I want these guys instead of regular villagers I’m not quite sure about that but we’ll take the Redstone donkey we don’t need a donkey

A third wandering where is he oh but he’s got melon seeds poppies what is going on right now why are we getting these guys instead of regular villagers I am upset yeah but I am excited that we just got some Cactus look at that that’s kind of nice you know what else

Is kind of nice look at our diamonds please just give us a villager come on give us a villager what is that oh those are the those are the quick ax guys we don’t like these guys at all we want these guys just straight up out of here and

You know what because they spawned I’m gonna take a minute here and I’m actually gonna reinforce this area right here a little bit because if those are some of the guys I mean pillagers are no problems but those guys they oh I’m so sorry donkey but those guys they they

Hit hard they slap hard so foreign Okay and we are protected I think that might be one block too low I think gas might still be able to escape from that so we might have to change it when we get closer to that level but I need a villager what is all this Coral who needs Coral

Seriously give me a villager please and not another wandering Trader because these guys are annoying uh-huh and there he is everybody what do you think his name’s gonna be probably gonna be something ridiculous like ferocia oh it’s Johnny I’m actually even more upset that his

Name is Joni than it is whatever I just said come on Johnny okay he is in the boat but now where do I build this because we’ve got two villagers two villagers means that we can build a villager breeder and we now officially have unlimited villagers and being that we

Got a Pillager over there that means that we can also build ourselves a crazy iron farm right away literally right away and get a whole bunch of unburnable blocks where where oh where do I put these guys I don’t want to put it right here actually you know what

Whoa I didn’t mean to do that please come back here oh I didn’t mean to do that but I’m gonna clear this and I’m gonna build a little farming area over here but we need to make this in a way that these guys are safe because if we do have any

Wandering mobs that come from out of here so the first thing that we are going to need for all this is a location but I have no idea where I’m gonna put any of this stuff oh no we just about lost I wasn’t thinking and I I just literally

Sliced Johnny but there wasn’t enough light in here and he literally just had a zombie inside the boat with him how crazy could I be to do this but this is the area right here that I have decided that I am going to build a little

Building for these guys I was just gonna put them right out in the open but then I thought you know what I don’t want these guys turning into witches so these guys are getting a full-fledged building to protect them Thank you okay villagers are in and they’re breeding so I need to break the beds because they only have two beds this is gonna get tricky you guys and did we get a villager oh my goodness we got a third villager already okay um that actually wasn’t that difficult

Now I just need to see if my little water trap is going to work come on go for it buddy okay and now does he come up I mean villagers like to swim well here he comes nice okay my plan has worked we just gotta not let this guy Escape but other

Than that there it is the Villager breeder is ready and we’ve already got villagers but with that said I’m gonna need some crops in order to keep up with those guys and try to get some trades because right now I’ve got not enough foreign crop Fields all done and already and

This one here is already producing crops which is insane these aren’t even full crop Fields yet though because I am literally uh I have two pieces of dirt left so what do you want but now I’m just waiting on two things one more villagers and two so much more crops because in

Order for me to make iron form I need bids and I have no wool but there is a way for me to get wool the only problem is it’s from this guy and I gotta trade up until I can get there so I need crops

So I’m going to spam the crop field over here well look at that we’re we’re on our way we have enough villagers for one iron farm already but I remember what I was doing I need to take all of my carrots and I need to trade them with this farmer right here

Okay yep give me all of your emeralds and then I need to level Galion up here that’s it that’s all we got whatever at least we’re gonna have an unlimited supply of shears but now it’s time for us to think about where I wanna put the iron farm and I’m

Not really sure maybe somewhere up here I have no clue but after putting together all the Hoppers and the Minecarts that I need for this you guys aren’t gonna believe it you’re not gonna believe it actually you will because I am Reckless and inefficient I have two

Iron left I have no idea what I hope we need the iron farm let’s see your upgrade be some wool oh actually I don’t even care because it’s beds we can make dudes just beds because I actually don’t even know what else I would need wolf over so um we’ll just take beds

Because there we finally have a fully working villager breeder we don’t have to do any trickery or anything where did he come from actually that’s a dumb question I know exactly where he came from my actual iron form I just gotta make the killing Chambers

Okay in the first quad iron farm is all set up and ready to go we just need our beds from the whatever his name is over there and to move our Pillager in place but there it is obviously we don’t have lava to make him a lava killer one but

We can just crush him and oh I forgot I gotta make my little platforms actually to catch all the iron that falls but there it is but now I am gonna go and I am going to spam crops okay one bed two bed and three bed okay that is one pod ready

Now we just need to grind and do that what three more times oh gosh okay gallon had to go get in there get just get in there why wouldn’t you just get in there why won’t you just get in whoa all right but it’s it’s for the better because we

Have a guy that given us wool all right and there is two pods done okay and there it is iron farm is all set up and ready to go there is no way that that should have taken that many days in order to complete but I completely forgot that you can trade

Sticks to Fletcher’s for emeralds that this should have been this should have been so simple I should not have had to have sacrificed Golian and Johnny for this okay but let’s set these first three villagers away and hopefully they all link up to the same beds or the same pod I should say

One no all three of the idiots went to a different station oh my goodness that’s all right I just won’t let anybody else free until we have enough but now I need two things before I can finish this I need a name tag for the Pillager so that

Way we can actually put them in the farm but I only had enough to make two books and it’s not looking like I’m actually really surprised that we don’t have any sugar cane so I can’t make a lectern yet but everybody say hello to Bob Bob literally just spawned before I turned

It to daytime and I wasn’t recording hello Bob Bob please don’t run that way Bob please don’t run that way Bob Bob why are these villagers such idiots he literally is just doing a circle in front of pillagers and what is happening right now why is that llama trying to kill my wolf dog oh my goodness I do not appreciate what just happened at all oh and what is this beetroot Cod

Sweeping Vines up are you done what’s gonna happen here Absolutely nothing As if you didn’t get in that boat fall in that boat oh no listen idiot why wouldn’t you go in the boat I don’t know but as for the rest of you hi welcome to my trap okay and already we have enough for almost two more pods nice ow

Or oh what the what why that why not sugarcane and why do we keep getting these guys and we’ve got another Johnny we’ve had a Johnny already hopefully this Johnny’s just a little bit more cooperative and look at all the dead Bush why I don’t know but there is a music chest

The only problem is I can’t get to it because everybody’s in and paper my wish came true everybody we got ourselves paper Okay so let’s take this and now that we have all of this we are just gonna save the paper that we do have because we have enough books and I

Am going to make I need some wood one bookshelf and that is going to allow me to make there it is a lectern nice okay and this should give us now please please please we just need emeralds um somebody anybody okay fine I’ll go turn it today okay and

There he is there he is okay I just need to make some emeralds in order to rank him up and we are good so I need all the sticks I need all of the sticks piercing oh come on buddy you can do better than that oh and look at this

Everybody we can get our hands on glass I wasn’t even thinking about that and oh and we’re so close we just need a couple more emeralds and are you leveling up let’s see it Yes we finally have a name tag okay I just need 19 emeralds and our iron farm

Is ready because look at at the same time we have that guy we also have enough villagers to finish one two three four five six seven oh not quite my math is horrible and and a name tag okay what are we gonna name this Pillager I don’t know but the

Morning is coming so I am gonna have to start shuffling these villagers in place so let’s start shuffling villager one nobody wants to go go for it go for it okay that’s one three five six we just need three more villagers okay now I only need two more

Villagers so let’s set these guys all free and let’s see they should all link up everybody should link up please don’t push each other off Okay and now right there is one complete iron pod now let’s just see where this guy goes and that is two done now instead of waiting for these villagers to grow up you know what actually I’m gonna do I’m just gonna I’m gonna set these guys free

Right here go for it buddy take a bed let’s go let’s go and bingo four iron pods complete now I’ve just gotta remove all of this right here and now it’s time for the Pillager I need to just make this guy a little bit of a Runway but on a top half slab

And then I just need to completely Shield this guy so that way no villagers see him and then I’m just gonna set up a trap door trap right here and hopefully this will work and is hopefully this is enough okay and let’s go get ourselves a Pillager let’s go Bud

Please don’t spawn an iron golem please don’t spawn an iron golem Oh no he’s done four yes Target me Target me please target me oh no this is not good at least the one Iron Golem is no no you so no see this is why I captured two pillagers so this is why I captured two of them because I knew something like this was

Gonna happen I am an idiot okay we got a top half slab this everything around here okay let’s try this again round two let’s go get our second and I don’t know we might get another Pillager from this realm but I have no clue come on Mister

We’ll do this the running way this time let’s go what are you slowing down for you’re at risk of dying come on come on and there he is okay villager is in I can already hear Iron Golems spawning this is great there it is the iron form is ready I

Just need to catch all of the iron we’ll just do something like that but I can’t go too far right now I need a little bit more iron and there it is okay Anvil he’s still there name tag I don’t even know we’re naming this guy iron guy okay and now I

Gotta do this I gotta do this without dying okay he’s been name tagged shoot me yes please yes keep shooting me okay and we are set we have a quad iron farm set up and ready to go I just need to get my crawl forms here back in working order because I stole

Villagers from here okay that is one back to working and we’ll use Johnny number two here for the second Farm but we only need and now I just need one more adult villager but already we are sitting pretty good so we’ve got automatic crop forms a stack

And a half of iron already which means that not only now do I have unlimited tools I’ve got full iron armor and look at that we haven’t had enough iron in order to make ourselves an iron hoe but this is great because we also have no Hoppers and through villagers like Masons

What are you linking to we have now access to bricks and an entire assortment of non-burnable Builder blocks because let me tell you we had a thunderstorm when it was a time lapse and it was terrifying so this is great I just need to set this up a little bit

Better because this we know this is atrocious and because I can that is going to be the collection systems for both of these sides of these iron Farms I love it well decorate does all a little bit better once we get some basins going because

That is what I’m going to do right now we’re getting tools Miss we’re getting Masons we’re getting a full trading Hall setup and I’m talking like 30 villagers actually probably not that much but I’m going from a golden bamboo I definitely want my golden bamboo so we have a

Little bit of a problem ah yes my world is one lightning track away from complete complete catastrophe it sucks and every time it rains again I get so scared I get so scared oh my God what am I gonna do about that please stop burning because absolutely everything everything is burnable

Everything is burnable but this is one block and the only way for me to get my hands on some extra materials as well I have to break this block right here and let me be honest that stuff sort of happens hey how did you escape he escaped my llama who dies here

He does but in order to get my hands on some non-portable blocks I am stuck breaking that block right there and stuff like that happens and I am limited to whatever you get from that and I have pretty much used all of it so you know what everybody we are gonna upgrade this

Place first thing I need to do though is I need more villagers um this I don’t even know what I’m doing because right now we are only getting maybe one maybe two villagers a day and I need to compound this if I can but the only way

To do that is I need more beds so please give me the iron because I need to make tools miss out of all of these guys oh there we go emeralds thank you oh more Emerald sales and right there we have a diamond pull I don’t know what

We’re gonna need a diamond tow for but I’m grabbing it this guy is also selling a diamond hole which is extremely weird but you know what I’m gonna take it while they’re cheap because there is a diamond ax with efficiency of two on it and this is okay and oh my goodness look

At that shovel Unbreaking too and silk touch on it already that is just amazing would you please grow up I need here take some crops make more villagers okay so we have some tools missed and so far their trades are not that bad actually where’s my face

Hello this guy has Unbreaking two and silk touch with efficiency this guy right here he’s invisible he’s invisible but this guy’s over here has some nice diamond tools and so far everything is working out but it is getting a little crowded around here I

Mean as you can see so I need to build these guys a little bit of a base or somewhere to place them but um yeah the only problem is where the heck am I gonna put it so I need to expand somewhere I need to build these guys a

Base platform unfortunately though it’s gonna be out of wood just for now though I’m gonna burn this entire place down into a re-haul on it once we actually get some proper building blocks and I took a break from this world for so long that I forgot that I don’t have any lava

This is so lame I need another wandering Trader okay I need to expand this though okay this is getting painful because one of these guys is one of these guys selling inefficiency ax he is efficiency three do I do this or do I do that I don’t even have enough emeralds for

Either of them where’s my iron 25 already I love this thing 31 in that side I love this thing efficiency three and there we go my first Diamond Tool I didn’t even have to make it and it’s already Enchanted I’m in love with that foreign okay and that right there is gonna do

For now for a start the whole plan here is to have a whole bunch of buildings that are going around here and then have like a little bit of a city center with like buildings on the outcrop and everything this is obviously gonna have to get some more decor and also get like

Some fake doors put in it so that way it actually looks like a house but now it’s time for me to start building the trading hall because as you can see we have a whole bunch of villagers over here already I don’t even know how many days that

Took but we’re on day 96 and look at my villagers already this is getting a little extreme I’m actually terrified to start throwing these guys crops because if I just start dumping crops in here and laying beds down I am literally gonna end up with 40 50. possibly 100

Villagers in no time however many beds they put down that’s however many villagers I am gonna get in literally no time so before I start doing any more of this I need to start building the trading Hall and for that I am going to need a whole bunch of spruce

Oh no it has begun raining it has begun raining I need to go around to all of my lightning things while this is doing this right now and I have to put solid blocks around all of these because when these silly things to get struck by lightning they still set everything on

Fire which is crazy oh look around there was just a lightning strike everybody look around so far I see nothing oh God these lightning strikes where are they Landing I could see them cool I just seen a lightning strike did that hit that thing no I See Fire everybody we have a fire

Oh no where did it go I just realized too that the Shader was off I needed shaders on when I’m playing this okay well so far no fire I swore I thought I seen some here but maybe it just burnt itself out ah so that’s what it’s doing it is hitting

These things and then spreading to everything else we need to put all of these up on like giant pillars like that above everything my only issue with all of this is why can I not hear the thunder or the Thunder strikes this is kind of weird surge protector what was that protect a

Villager from an undesired shock without starting a fire oh that’s interesting is this ever going to end we had one of these before and it lasted this long and it was a nightmare Oh my God what am I gonna do about that please stop burning and it did stop burning anything else started catching on fire though this is a nightmare I’ve got to put all of my lightning rods up like that is that one next why is it twinkling like

That I don’t know but this is terrifying okay do we see any more so far we’ve been getting pretty lucky with the fire around here oh like they seem to be putting themselves out once I have them on a solid block which is kind of nice but holy this is a long rainstorm Oh and look at who we just had to show up a Wandering oh why couldn’t you bring along something like some love why couldn’t you bring lava around I’ll take the sand though because I do need some glass okay lightning storm has ended it is a beautiful night that was a

Little chaotic I know I could have just slept but I kind of want to try and get all this done before day 100 which is probably not gonna happen that’s okay but now it’s time for me to build these guys a trading Hall hopefully all this

Bruce right here is gonna be enough I’m gonna need a little bit of glass for this so that’s why I bought all that sand from that thing so I’m gonna get smelting that right there and then while we wait for all of this I’m gonna murder

This guy and his llamas for their leads where are you mister where are you oh I see you can’t run he ran again oh what a wizard but I’m gonna start building this trading hole Okay and there it is right there my first one block trading haul I need to put like a stone barrier or a water moat around all of it so that way when I burn all this down it stays safe but now what I need to do is I need to get all the

Villagers that are where’d they go oh but I need to get all of these villagers right here inside there so there is enough slots I think for 20. I don’t know I’m gonna have to see 18. so I can fit 18 villagers in here and it’s

Actually kind of cozy and bright what I want to do though is I want to see if these villagers can actually work at these workstations that are below them while they’re in Minecarts because if they can do that then that is amazing so I need some iron

Okay I definitely just made too many rails by accident but that is quite all right but now the plan is simple in nature we need to get villagers from there to right there and everybody knows how villagers are now villagers go I mean look at we just have to go from there to

There let’s find out how difficult this is gonna be okay iron from Minecarts look at all the iron I have in this chest just from building that thing but now I need to create a contraption right like that that is going to allow villagers to come through and let’s see

If we can get one of these guys sir can you wake up okay that didn’t okay he is awake he’s back asleep he is awake llama move okay in villager number one is on his way that actually so far so good okay and let’s go get number two I just need

About that many more Minecarts okay and villager number two is he gonna link I honestly I have no idea but hopefully okay here comes villager number three and we did a little bit of a change on the setup here because I didn’t like how I had the workstations below them

Because if they ever d-linked from the workstations things could just get a little messy and we’re not gonna have that so this is the new setup that we’re going with and I actually kind of like it a little bit better there goes villager four okay and there’s the first half done I’m

Wondering if I should put any more in because really all these guys are going to be used for it’s just a trade iron for emeralds so I think that is gonna be enough so now what I need to do is what is going on here all of these guys keep

Spawning iron golems and it’s messing with my iron farm oh I just walked off the edge there and a thunderstorm is upon us this is another reason why I’ve got to get these guys into a little trading hall because these random roaming Iron Golems are just way too much okay but

Now it is time to get the Mason look at that what is this what is this Wizardry that you guys are doing that you just produced these many iron golems and there’s nothing there is no threat I don’t know but it is now time for the

Masons we need all of these guys that are have no trades we need them in the mine carts and immediately okay here goes our first Mason the only problem is is that I need some more Stone Cutters and I am completely out of cobblestone thank you Which was gonna require some Cobblestone but now all of these guys are spawning and I think I might be into a little bit of an issue here I don’t know but I seem to have got him give me some cobblestone none of this is Cobblestone none of it

None of that is Cobblestone either grass oh oh sir are you selling lava no ice cacti black dye hey do I need any of this I don’t know we will see if this guy survives though for now I just need a little bit more Cobble and this is all sandstone

Hello sir your name is honey that is should we try to get you out of there I don’t know we could try to keep you safe I mean that is an option run oh little foxies the chicken killers oh golden apples does this mean we are on

To the next stage I think it does what comes next because if it is the nether I am going to be so excited I’m not gonna lie it’s been a while I don’t really remember what stage we’re even on but we got a whole 68 seconds to wait and find out so Thank you four three two jungle dungeon hidden by ancient trees well it’s not the nether but at least it looks like we’re going to be getting some Cobblestone from this oh some bamboo paper and sugarcane okay all of this is great but whatever is down here that is terrible but this is perfect

Because I need this Cobblestone because I am pretty much almost out and I need all of this for my Masons oh I just realized we got some more Redstone this is amazing okay smelt all of that up right there okay and so far not bad we’ve got six Stone

Cutters that’s gonna be enough to make six Stone missions so let’s send our second guy off foreign Masons five one two three four five yep five Masons are set and look at the amount I probably should not have bought that much I just wasted all my emeralds

Instead of leveling these guys up that’s okay because look at we can get bricks we can get chiseled Stone we can use these bricks to make actual look at that we can make clay pots but I don’t care because we have Bricks now we have Builder blocks which is great and now

Let’s just see let’s give this little place here an outline and already it looks a hundred times better than it did before okay I’m gonna go grab some iron oh my God look at how much is in this chest I’m gonna sell all of this iron to these guys right here

And now finally I have a source of emeralds and XP in order to get me going and with these emeralds I can now use these to level all of my Masons up which is gonna give me an assortment let’s just see here see should give me an assortment of blocks

Okay I got chiseled more chiseled even more chiseled even more chiseled is that all they give you is chiseled oh that is but what comes after chisel let’s just see drip Stone I’m not gonna lie I thought we were gonna get something else better than drip Stone let’s see what

This guy gives us drip Stone a and Polished Granite oh my God I am excited I’m almost out of emeralds what’s this guy gonna give us drip Stone and and sight oh this is a terrible one we might have to get rid of some of these guys oh I’m out of

Emeralds hang on okay what’s this guy gonna give us nice polished a into sight what’d this guy give us polished anesite okay what is number five gonna give us better be something good diorite okay we have a source of diorite and a site Granite I mean driftstone blocks these

Guys are dying to sell me some drip Stone but my only question is is what comes after what comes after this I don’t know I need to go get more iron oh look at this look at this what do you do in your little creep 23 already 14 in that one

Okay what do we get after this let’s go Emerald man oh terracotta I’m not even upset about that that is actually pretty sweet okay let’s get some of this glazed terracotta this is exciting I don’t normally do masons but because this is one block you

Know you kind of have to but look at that and I am already at level 60 which is kind of crazy I just need a couple more of these Masons and then I am gonna be good okay now with that in place and that little guy waiting to grow up now

What I think we do is we switch over because there’s another very important block that we need to get our hands on which is some glass so I think it’s time that we switch over to some lecterns and maybe give ourselves at least three of these guys and then from here once we

Get the glass going and everything oh we can make this all fit to the theme so again while we wait for some more villagers to come we already got one baby villager here it’s time to do some decorating we’ve got to make that house right there match with that theme and

Then we’ve got to give this a little bit more color thank you Foreign With that done not only do we have a little bit of a start of a pass going for everything that we are going to be building in this place I mean this is going to be the little city center here I need to leave myself a small area like

Right here in order to put a fountain but this is it so far with the sunset going down on day 108 I’ve got myself a nice little retaining wall so this area here has been cleaned up it comes down into a nice little pathway you can see

All of our villagers are still breeding and then we go down the path here you guys can already see we have a little bit of a spoiler and then once we hang out right this is it trading hole hey this is what’s going to get us started

We already have all of our villagers in place we have three of these guys going one of them have silk touch the other guy has Unbreaking three and that is going to be for the armor and then the third guy I haven’t put anything on the third guy yet I can literally remove

This and then we replace it and it gives us luck of the sea who is this guy oh protection four I think what I might do is lock that in for the arbor because weapons and tools you can get easy cheap weapons and tools from these

Guys I mean look at I mean like look at that pickaxe right there I’m breaking efficiency this one here look at efficiency three Unbreaking three and Fortune one so we can get pretty good weapons and everything else from these guys but the reason why I’ve left this

Guy here and haven’t done anything with them is because I’m actually thinking about building another set of these and then just completely filling this up with Masons because let me tell you even with that because they’re not dying from lava they’re taking so long to die from the actual blocks themselves I think

What I’m gonna do is I might actually build another one of those things just to increase the emerald intake because even with just this right here I had to do so much trading this is all the emeralds I have I was literally expecting to have an emerald Beacon by

Now but I don’t which is okay because look at what we do have I have my very own villager trading hole and it is protected kinda I’m not sure but on morning of day 109 everything is starting to look nice we’ve got all of our essential Farms we’ve got our

Villager breeder dead center and all of it and now we’ve got the start of our very first villager trading Halls the only thing left to do now is just expand it this way a little bit and like I said I’m going to be doubling up on the iron

Farm I don’t know if that’s going to be in the time lapse at the end of this video or the next one but I’m gonna repeat that same iron farm right there either above it or behind it but this time we’re just gonna do it out of

Zombies I mean doing with a Pillager is pretty efficient and pretty sweet I mean all he does is bounce up and down but we can actually get away with doing this with just two zombies anyways so I think I’m gonna double up increase the iron intake and hopefully by next episode I’m

Gonna have something that’s gonna help me get around this place a little bit faster because this this right here food and then going back to over here that’s like 10 whole seconds so I need something to help me get around this place a little bit faster and I think

You guys know what I’m getting at but that’s it thanks for watching I love you guys and I’ll see you on the next one peace

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days on One Block in Minecraft Hardcore! (Full Movie A)’, was uploaded by Chapman on 2023-05-15 16:13:05. It has garnered 198216 views and 3200 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:07 or 6307 seconds.

I survived 100 Days on One Block in Minecraft Hardcore. RECAP Movie! Got a lot done so far 🙂

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⚡ Watch My Previous Video Here: https://youtu.be/OYJVX84hz0E

🔥 Watch the Full Hardcore Series! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6hFnKc-ynk&list=PLftMmnRyuaDBH_dONY8isMFa1hNtTcbkW

🔥 Watch the Full One Block Series! – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLftMmnRyuaDBU0ByEqrrKDpPbKevqmmrX

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In this video on the CHAPMAN MINECRAFT HARDCORE SERIES, I try to survive another 100 DAYS MINECRAFT CHALLENGE, Building some of the BEST FARMS and MINECRAFT BUILDS in my Minecraft Hardcore World!! Can I do it or will the but Minecraft hardcore Challenge be to much! I dont know but in this video I Survived 100 Days on One Block in Minecraft Hardcore!

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FOR THE ALGORYTHM💪 ➥ Chapman Farms: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChapmanFarmsMC ➥ Chapman Less: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Ty46Ekunf-dOwEWWZxGeA

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  • StreetBallNinja Destroys Ender Dragon with Friends!

    StreetBallNinja Destroys Ender Dragon with Friends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Insane Minecraft Ender Dragon Fight With Group Of Friends “Destroyed The Ender Dragon”‘, was uploaded by StreetBallNinja on 2024-04-20 15:37:00. It has garnered 61 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:10 or 970 seconds. Hello everyone I know it’s been a while since I’ve uploaded a full YouTube video but I’m back and am going to show you guys this crazy ender dragon fight in my Minecraft world with my closest friends and show what I’ve been up to lately. Discord server: https://discord.gg/ZThV6UBC Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/streetballninja_23/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/streetballninja_23/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/StreetBallNinja StreetballninjaMusic⬇️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0F3C462bjJmkIIkqpPyeGw/channels… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Challenge: Finding Legendary Resources! 😱⛏️💎

    EPIC Minecraft Challenge: Finding Legendary Resources! 😱⛏️💎Video Information This video, titled ‘ماينكرافت : ولكن تحدي العثور على الموارد الأسطورية تتوقعون إيش صار😱 ⛏️💎 ✨| Minecraft’, was uploaded by Brothers A&F on 2024-01-12 13:06:51. It has garnered 53 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:05 or 1445 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft_mobile #minecraft_survival #minecraft_mobile #minecraft_mobile #minecraft #minecraft_diamond #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecraftdiamonds #gaming #game #trending #like #alhilal #subscribe Minecraft, Minecraft, minecraft, Rich and Poor movie, movie InCraft, the film of the rich and the poor , Minecraft movie, Minecraft games, Minecraft game, modern Minecraft, Minecraft link, Minecraft game, Craft games, Minecraft for free, games, game, Saudi Minecraft,… Read More

  • HypnosMC

    HypnosMCWelcome to HypnosMC (Minecraft 1.21), where your adventure is only limited by your imagination! Our server is designed for players who enjoy a rich and immersive PvE experience, with a host of unique features to enhance your gameplay. Key Features: SpawnerMeta & Mineable Spawners: Customize your mob farms like never before! With SpawnerMeta, you can modify and upgrade your spawners. Plus, all spawners are mineable, allowing you to relocate them as needed. Custom Datapacks: Collect mob heads and trade for mini blocks with wandering traders, adding a new level of depth to your building and decorating options. GriefPrevention: Your creations… Read More

  • Melio SMP Whitelisted Trust-based Java 1.21

    Welcome to Melios SMP! We are a whitelisted survival Minecraft server on JAVA 1.21. Our focus is on providing a vanilla Minecraft experience with a strong community emphasis. Here are some key features: No teleportation or warps No land claiming system – trust-based Custom world generator: TerraformGenerator Diamond-based economy and shopping district Long-term world without resets Regular events Our philosophy is to keep the core experience vanilla and prioritize community interaction. If you’re interested in joining our active community, whether you’re a builder, technical player, explorer, or a mix of playstyles, you are welcome to apply through our Discord: Join… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Where’s that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?

    Minecraft Memes - Where's that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?It looks like Bryan is really slacking on his supervillain game if he can’t even keep track of his creations past number 303! Read More

  • Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise!

    Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise! In the world of Minecraft, a giant mushroom grew, Secretly raised by a player, a sight so new. With zombies and plants, a battle ensued, In the realm of gaming, where fun is pursued. Subscribe to Z_Phragmites for more gaming delight, Updates on Plants vs Zombies, a thrilling sight. With each video, a new adventure takes flight, In the world of gaming, where dreams ignite. Read More

  • Villager’s Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme

    Villager's Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme Surprising Villager Logic: "I’ll trade you 20 emeralds for a piece of rotten flesh!" Oi Oi Oi Sleep Reaction: villager falls asleep standing up Minecraft logic at its finest! #shorts #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round

    Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round Minecraft Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters BONUS REMATCH Join Dream in his latest Minecraft adventure, the BONUS REMATCH of Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters! This thrilling and unscripted video brings together Dream and three hunters in an intense chase through the Minecraft world. The Minecraft Manhunt Series Dream has dubbed this series “Minecraft Manhunt,” where he faces off against multiple hunters instead of the usual one or two. In this video, the hunters include Daybroken, Harvey, and Galaxy, each bringing their unique strategies to stop Dream from completing the game. A New Challenge This time, the challenge involves Minecraft version 1.20,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations

    Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations Minecraft Mob Transformations: Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft Creatures 🌟 Welcome to Villager’s Craft! In this video, we delve into the captivating realm of Minecraft mob transformations. Have you ever pondered under what circumstances a Zombie Villager can revert to a regular Villager or how other mobs evolve in the game? 🤔 From morph mods to in-game transformations, we’re exploring all the ways Minecraft creatures can undergo changes. Exploring Minecraft 1.21 and Beyond 🚀 In this video, we’re immersing ourselves in the world of Minecraft 1.21! We’re delving into everything from constructing the ultimate Iron Golem Farm 🛠️ to… Read More

  • Maizen’s 3D House INSIDE Mikey’s HAND?! (Minecraft)

    Maizen's 3D House INSIDE Mikey's HAND?! (Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Maizen 3D on 2024-06-13 18:10:50. It has garnered 2698 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:25 or 2305 seconds. How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!

    EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ TV on 2024-02-15 12:01:44. It has garnered 4691 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:26 or 926 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of… Read More

  • EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!

    EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arceus FF gaming is live!minecraft survival island’, was uploaded by Arceus FF gaming on 2024-06-23 18:38:42. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:37 or 2557 seconds. Iam not a youtuber but we will try #videos #games @arceus ff gaming Read More

  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

    Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ketakutan Yang Ada – Bakwan: Fight Back Episode 25 [ Minecraft Roleplay ]’, was uploaded by Rolfeey on 2024-08-28 02:25:38. It has garnered 12145 views and 815 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:49 or 4009 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/rolfeey ➽ Description !! Command Night bot !spec !donate !discord ➽Read Sekuyyy ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ And Dont Forget To Like, Comment, And Subscribe For More Video !! See Ya ➽Help Me Reach 100,000 subs!! : / rolfeey​ ➽Discord : / discord ➽Contact Me : Instagram: / rolfeey2 Twitter : / yourstar_2 Discord : Rolfeey 📧Business Email… Read More

  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

    Unlocking Herobrine's Secret Powers! 😈 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine |’, was uploaded by Oprajgaming on 2024-04-24 16:56:01. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ○Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine | Tags #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #edit #minecraftshort #youtubeshort #editing #shortsvideo #minecraftshortvideo #minecraftshortsvideo #herobrine #herobrinesmp #attitudestatus #attitude #acharulipopuri #mcpe #mcpeshorts #minecraftshort #minecraftedit #minecraftedits minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ62eviBm92rz20hE1IIIXQ/join My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vinceyreads/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/vinceyreads TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vinceyreads 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – https://memealerts.com/HaYaRy&ProSha ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – https://www.donationalerts.com/r/hayary_and_prosha 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – https://goo.su/i7ss 💵TRADE HaYaRy – https://goo.su/XEuTm6Q ✅VK GROUP – https://vk.com/club_hayary_and_prosha ✅TWITCH – https://www.twitch.tv/hayary_and_prosha… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

I Survived 100 Days on One Block in Minecraft Hardcore! (Full Movie A)