I Survived 1000 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft…

Video Information

In this video i am going to attempt to survive 1000 days in minecraft hardcore It’s the most dangerous task hardcore mode the mode where just one mistake can lead to a loss of an entire world filled with memories and hard work now i want to share my story it all began when i loaded into a vast and empty world and my only quest was to survive knowing

I was hopeless i made basic shelter and got some diamond gear and on day 52 it was time to take on a foe i hadn’t faced the ender dragon a beast strong enough to end my entire world but i was confident and didn’t back down

In fact i defeated it with ease i then traveled to the depths of the nether where boiling hot lava flows like water i had traveled there for ancient debris so that i could craft full nether the right tools in armor i would then go on to use this gear to defend my island

From a raid of hostile foes you see eventually i was able to construct some new creations on my island things like castles storage rooms and never bases now having all of these builds were great it gave me places to store and showcase my hard work but you see something i achieved on day

541 isn’t something i can simply show off in fact it’s not something i can even display because well on day 541 i would overcome my biggest task yet the most difficult advancement in all of the game now everything i have spoke about are things in which i have completed in 600 days of

Hardcore minecraft but now it’s time to survive 1000 days in this video you will see me go on my most epic adventure yet from transforming ocean monuments and constructing another right beacon to even creating some incredible builds and battling dangerous enemies will i survive 1000 days in minecraft hardcore

Well it’s time to find out let the 1000 days begin Our tale picks up on day 601 and well the first thing i decided to do was go ahead and check on my cows i just wanted to make sure they were doing okay as i started to get closer i couldn’t help but notice all of the massive smiles on my cows faces

They were so pleased to see me back after spending some time with my cows and glancing around my island i realized that i had to get to work although it was only day 601 and i had plenty of days ahead of me i realized that if i wanted to get a bunch

Of stuff done in 1 000 days i would have to start now the first thing i had in mind was a build but after realizing all of my tools were quite low i began day 601 by heading over to my enderman farm and getting some xp for my tools seeing

As all of my gear has mending i was able to get everything to maximum durability by the time i arrived back to my base it was time to start planning out this build that i had in mind the build would be a small but effective extension onto my base

You see for quite a few hundred days i’ve had this dog inside of my base and well i wanted to give it a home i began by heading into the new secret area of my base to see if i could find any resources to begin this build this build would mostly be constructed

Out of things like stone and cobblestone so only some simple resources would be needed here once i had organized all of the building goodies into some shulker boxes and gathered some final stone it was time to build my dog a brand new home By day 611 the build was fully constructed and not only did my dog now have a place to rest but also a place to run around and explore so after giving my dog a brand new collar it was time to go and show him the surprise as my dog approached me with excitement

We both looked around his brand new home he couldn’t quite believe it i mean just look at the smile of excitement on his face and well after seeing just how excited my dog was with this surprise i decided to call him spike i then went on to spend some time with

Spike and also show him around his brand new home but once this was done i had to leave spike because it was time for me to go on a brand new adventure now this adventure is something that i’ve wanted to do for a while now but seeing as it

Takes a sheer amount of preparation and incredible hard work i had been putting it off you see something that i’ve wanted to do for a while now was drain a full ocean monument this is not only a time-consuming task but also a very dangerous one it’s no secret that the

Ocean monument is filled with dangerous creatures and well to even drain one out i would need to face another one once again this would mean i needed to prepare some water breathing potions and also some night vision potions as well it was time to defeat an ocean monument

Once i had finished brewing up some potions it was time to drink them and head into the ocean monument i had to face danger once again seeing as i’ve defeated an ocean monument in the past i knew exactly what needed to be done i needed to head in and take on the

Three outer guardians as fast as possible i made my way into the entrance passing all of the hostile guardians it was time for battle i made my way through the ocean monument as fast as i could swinging my swords all of the guardians that tried to get close i also had to

Keep my eyes on my potion effect so i couldn’t afford to run out of water breathing seeing as i only had limited potions i had to make this quick i was struck with the curse of mining fatigue i knew the outer guardians couldn’t be far

As i made my way around the corner i was face to face with the scariest enemy i had seen in a long time this thing could deal some serious damage so i had to keep my distance at all times after hitting multiple accurate bow shots i equipped my chest plate so i

Could absorb some extra damage and i swam him with my sword hitting some amazing melee shots with one final swing of my sword it was time to track down the final two outer guardians and well quickly after taking out the first one i was able to find the second

Elder guardian this one was surprisingly easy to take out which means i only had one more left i glanced up and it was here the final outer guardian i drank two more potions and it was time to fight it seems i was too quick for the final outer guardian

And there it was i was successful yet again with another battle now all i needed to do was collect the sponge from this ocean monument and begin the process of draining this ocean monument the first thing i had to do was go ahead and visit my armory i needed to get a

Spare shovel in there so i would be able to get a bunch of sand after spending a few days collecting a bunch of sand and putting it into shulker boxes it was time to drain the ocean monument Um about halfway through the draining process all my tools were getting quite low and even my bow as well so i spent a little bit of time bringing all my tools back up to full durability and not only that i set up a conduit just outside of where i was draining the

Social monument having conduit power while draining an ocean monument is going to be very very useful because it grants me with permanent water breathing with all of my tools good to go it was time to continue draining the ocean monument the most efficient way for me to drain

This ocean monument was to split it up into different sections then all i would simply have to do is go through all of these different sections with some sponge and soak up all of the water it was a pretty time consuming task but once it was done i had to go

Through and destroy all of the sand i found this pretty easy because it only required me to go through with some torches and break the sand piece by piece And by day 656 the entire ocean monument was drained and it looks pretty good if i do say so myself but it definitely had a lot of work to go and i couldn’t wait to turn this into something amazing by the end of 1000 days i knew exactly what i wanted to

Transform this ocean monument into but seeing as i have spent so much time draining it i wanted to take a short break from this project and do something else for a little bit the next thing i want to do is take another goal off the list and

That goal is to complete a full netherright beacon i have already built a castle to store this netherright beacon and even made some progress on it but i knew with enough tnt i would be able to get a bunch more ancient debris leading to a bunch more

Netherite blocks the only problem i had though is i simply didn’t have enough shulker boxes to carry all of the tnt i wanted to bring with me so this required me to go into the end and get a bunch more shulker shells so i can get some more shulker boxes by day 658

I dived straight into the end portal it was time to get some shulker boxes i flew into the end city portal and instantly began looking for some end cities and well pretty quickly into my adventure i had found a fresh end city with an end ship

I got into the ship and began taking out the shulker to see if it would drop a shulker shell and well unfortunately it didn’t drop a shulker shell but this was okay because i was able to get a spare elytra and not only that there was chests

Filled with loot i then found another shulker and luckily for me this one actually dropped a shulker show which was exactly what i was looking for i then continued to get as many shulker showers as i can and of course i had to open up the chest

Inside of the end cities to see what loot was awaiting me By day 660 i had found yet another end city and couldn’t believe my luck i was getting shulker shells left right and center by the time i had finished exploring end cities for shulker shells i had collected 12 in total i carried these safely back into the

Portal and got home by the time i got back to my base i had crafted six shulker boxes which now meant that i had 11 shulker boxes to fill with tnt to use and then ever now for the next few days all i really needed to do was start gathering

This tnt and the first step to do this was to use my creeper farm to get as much gunpowder as i possibly could By day 667 i had gathered stacks and stacks of gunpowder and on the beginning of day 668 i began gathering the second most important gradient of tnt this was sand before i knew it it was day 670 and i couldn’t quite believe my eyes i had gathered so much sand

But as a result of me gathering all of this sand my shovel began getting pretty low on durability so i had to travel over to the end to fix it up but as i got to where my stronghold and my end portal is something caught my eye i realized that

Every time i came over to my end portal not only did i have to take a staircase all the way down there the only build that i had here was this small cobblestone structure i realized that from now on i wanted to be able to

Get into my end portal as fast as i possibly could so that’s when i had a genius idea i wanted to build something that allowed me to get into the end portal as fast as possible so that’s when i went resource gathering for some purple concrete and getting a

Bunch of quartz as well by day 674 i had finished gathering all of the quartz necessary for this build and on the beginning of day 675 construction began this build was quite small but it did the job perfect because i was able to head up this staircase and jump straight

Down into the end portal this method of getting into the end portal was not only incredibly genius but also incredibly fast once i was in the end i brought my shovel up to maximum durability and on day 679 it was time to make all of this sand and gunpowder into tnt

This process took some time but by the end of it i had thousands and thousands of blocks of tnt i couldn’t quite wait to see just how much ancient debris i would be able to gather with all of this i also made a purple shulker box and

This would be where i would store all of the ancient debris on this ancient debris mining trip i spent some time looking around for the perfect spot to mine ancient debris and before i knew it i had found the best spot and by the middle of day 681 ancient

Debris mining was well underway not only mining out tunnels for all of this tnt but also placing it once i was done with that it was time for the fun parts exploding every piece of tnt i watched as i saw all of the tnt reveal the ancient debris from behind i

Also didn’t want to miss mining any ancient debris so i kept my eyes peeled at all times between day 683 and day 774 i exploded all of the tnt from the shulker boxes I couldn’t quite believe my eyes the amount of ancient debris i was getting was just absolutely amazing i mined loads and loads and loads of ancient debris i then got down to my final seven stacks of tnt it was time to use all of this

And then i could take a look in my purple shulker box and see just how much ancient debris i had gathered from this mining trip once i exploded the final stacks that i had and mined up all of the ancient debris it was then time to open up the purple shulker box

And reveal just how much i collected and when i saw it i was shocked i couldn’t quite believe what i was seeing i had mined a total of just under 16 stacks of ancient debris with all of this i was excited to see just how much netherrite beacon

Progress i could make i safely picked up the purple shulker box and kept it in my inventory i couldn’t get too excited because i had to take this shulker box safely back to my base without anything happening to it day 776 was here and i’d made it back to my nether base

I felt victorious i’d used thousands of stacks of tnt and obtained myself so much netherite it was time to turn this all into netherright ingots and then into blocks when i got back to my base the first thing i did was look around for some gold because all i would simply need to

Do now is smell all of this ancient debris into netherrite scraps combine it with gold and ultimately make the netherite ingots that i was looking for but while i was looking for gold i ran into just a small problem i simply didn’t have enough so i knew

The fastest way to get gold was a gold farm that i could build on the roof of the nether the contraption itself is pretty simple to build so on day 778 i went out to collect some magma blocks this would be a key material in building the gold farm once

I had obtained a bunch of magma blocks i made some components for the farm things such as hoppers and also carpets another thing i would need for this farm is turtle eggs and well i found some turtles nearby and was able to pick some of those up

And well on day 782 i prepared everything i would need in these shulker boxes now all i would need to do is get onto the roof of the nether as i made my way through the portal i got to the top of the nether and was able to end a pearl through the

Bedrock with ease Now all i would need to do is set up a simple contraption that would allow me to break a piece of bedrock this tactic is extremely risky because it contains tnt but it also takes an immense amount of timing and also perfect block placement and well i was easily able to get it

Done i now had a way that i could get straight from the nether and using some ladders i could get straight to the nether roof now that was done it was time to build the farm It was now day 810 and after using the gold farm i was able to see just how effective it was but more importantly i now had enough gold to make the nether right ingots i made my way into the auto smelter mansion and loaded up my auto smelter

Machine with all of the ancient debris i then flick the switch and watch the machine go to work smelting the ancient debris did take some time but in the end it was completely worth it because as i turned the machine off and looked in the chest all of the ancient debris had been

Turned into netherrite scraps i then took all of the scraps into my base and combined them with some gold and before i knew it i had the most amount of netherite i have ever seen nearly four complete stacks of netherite i couldn’t believe my eyes after having

Some fun i put it all in my crafting table and constructed the maximum amount of blocks i could make i then took this over to the netherright castle and decided to display my progress so far Just take a look at this from the front angle it almost looks as if it’s complete even though i had made some great progress this is definitely something that will be fully complete before 2000 days i also realized that i didn’t have a beacon to put on top of this so

It was time to head into the nether and go to the fortress i needed to collect some wither skulls but i wouldn’t just be fighting one with her i wanted to fight three at the same time so ultimately i could make three beacons one for the netherright beacon

And then i would have two spare for some other building projects i was also feeling very brave and definitely thought i was worthy of taking on three withers at once so after getting the first few wither heads i had to repair my sword and i got right back into action

I needed nine in total my luck was amazing it was almost as if the wither skeletons didn’t want to stop giving me the wither skeleton skulls Taking out wither after wither i was able to get the amount of skeleton skulls that i was looking for i had nine in total now all i needed to do was take on the withers themselves so i made my way back home and said goodbye to my dog spike because it

May be the last time i get to see him again i also did the same thing with all of my villagers and iron golems also my pet cows as well battling three withers at once is going to be extremely risky so i had to make sure that nothing

Is to go wrong in this battle as i flew out and dug underground into a spot where i was going to fight these withers i got myself prepared it was time for battle okay here we go i have a totem in my hand if anything goes wrong

And let’s also go ahead and grab my strength potions okay three of these should be good and it’s also getting instant health as well well i guess this is it let’s drink the strength potion and let’s hope this goes okay okay let’s put the wither skulls all in the place like this

Here we go okay let’s run let’s run let’s run all right so we have some strength potions we also have the instant house let’s hope this goes okay there’s literally three withers right here i’m extremely scared and this oh whoa okay our heart’s already okay we need to okay hold up

Hold up uh i didn’t bring any golden apples and our hearts already at four hearts okay let’s just try and take them out one by one we’re nearly there with the first one let’s go oh okay there we go we’ve took the first one out we got the star from that one

Where are the other two our hearts are going down but we should be good this is extremely scary okay i was able to get the withers attention with a bow shot and do some serious damage the second one’s nearly down let’s just go for it all right there we go perfect

We have two nether stars right now let’s regenerate before we go for the third one is our totem going to have to be used right now oh okay that was close one and a half hearts we were literally so close to using our totem the third

And final wither got stuck in a cave i had to lure it out things were about to get dangerous uh wait a second it has somehow escaped into this cave this is gonna be risky but we have to do it i don’t know how it escaped this cave i really have no idea

All right come here with her we need to take you out oh no we can’t use our sword just yet i do not want to take any more damage i have no more strength potions we have to take this out oh no oh no

Oh no oh no i have nowhere to go i have nowhere to go go go go go oh no no no no we need to run we need to run we need to run oh no no we’re really low we are really low our total may get used

We may have to use our totem right now okay we are at three hearts we can just pretty much just go for some sword attacks my hearts were rapidly decreasing i needed to grab out a spare tote of undying if anything was to go wrong we are in some serious danger right now

We have 12 seconds of the wither effect we need to pop these totems okay luckily we have some more okay i did not expect to use a totem but that was close come on let’s just take this out without getting hit oh there we go finally if the wither

Didn’t get stuck in the cave we would have been absolutely fine but you know what we have successfully just taken out three withers which means we now have three netherstars so let’s get back to base and build some beacons by day 848 i was back at my base and the

First thing that i did was craft all three beacons having three beacons was awesome and i couldn’t wait to use the first one i used this beacon in the netherrite castle to power the netherite beacon i then used a netherright ingot to power the beacon itself

And well there it was a beacon that was being powered by netherrite blocks once this was done i wanted to build an extension onto my island and while seeing as i love building castles i wanted to build another one but this one would be a little bit different i wanted

To build a castle that would showcase all of the things that i had achieved in this hardcore world so far things like my enderdragon egg valuables such as totems of undying and full netherright gear but also a dragon head so after collecting all of the resources i needed and organizing them into

Shulker boxes it was time to build the ultimate castle By day 888 the ultimate castle was complete and well it looked amazing the only things i had to do now was put things inside of the castle itself such as my dragon egg my dragon head and also a spare lighter i had now i wanted to fill this area up

With netherride armor and also netherrite tools and on this side over here i wanted to display 10 totems of undying and while seeing as i didn’t have all of this laying around i would have to go out and get it myself so i came up with a pretty genius idea

To get the totems of undying and this would be a raid farm once i found the perfect location to build this raid farm i put everything into place and for this farm to work efficiently i would also need some villagers so after spending some time getting the villagers over to the raid farm

I was able to test this thing out i had to start by getting the bad omen effect and then heading back over to the farm to activate a raid i quickly got back to the farm and it was time to see if this thing worked to my surprise the farm was working

Perfectly i couldn’t wait to see just how many totems i was going to get from this and well when i opened the chest i couldn’t quite believe it there was so many totems so i grabbed all of these and took them back to the castle

I then put them one by one into their item frames i now had a wall of totems of undying these totems were a great addition to the castle now all i needed to do was get some netherright tools and armor but after looking in my shulker box i

Realized the lack of diamonds i have i would need to go on a quick mining trip to get some diamonds so then i can ultimately make netherrite armor so for the next few days i was down in the depths of the caves i was using my silk touch pickaxe to not only mine

Diamonds but also coal as well because i didn’t want to run out of coal any time soon so this mining trip was a perfect way i could get some i was then able to touch a bunch of diamonds with my pickaxe and before i knew it it was day 919 and

I placed all of my alls ready to mine starting with coal and then all of my Diamonds in total i was able to get 46 diamonds from this mining trip but combined with the diamonds i already had that would be a total of a stack and 20 diamonds this was more than enough to craft two sets of diamond armor and a full set of

Tools and seeing as i wanted to turn all of this into netherite i had to borrow some blocks from my netherright beacon but before i turned anything into netherite i wanted to enchant it first so for that reason i dived into the end portal and it was time to get a bunch of

Xp in total i now had 70 xp levels which was the perfect amount so when i got back to my base i turned all of the gear into netherrite and i enchanted everything to the maximum level although while i was enchanting i wasn’t really too happy with my sword enchantment

So after a few tries i was able to get an enchantment that i was happy with i then put everything on display in my castle and it was looking great the castle was looking pretty good if i do say so myself and also did a great job in showcasing all of my achievements

It was now day 925 and i was running out of time to decorate my ocean monument which is something that i really wanted to get done before the end of 1000 days so after smelting a bunch of glass and getting some extra resources it was time to decorate the ocean monument

Midway through decorating the ocean monument i found a beacon and also another star that i had spare this must have been something that i collected a while ago and completely forgot about but this was perfect because i now had four beacons to decorate the ocean monument with There it was the ocean monument was fully decorated and it looked pretty good if i do say so myself after spending some time looking around my ocean monument i realized that it was day 985 and day 1000 was getting closer and closer so because of this i wanted to

Start on making a firework display which i would use on day 1000 so i made as many fireworks as i can And set up a contraption on my island which would send all of the fireworks into the sky and display all of them i prepared all of the fireworks but there was one more thing i had to do before i use all of them and it was to prove myself once again

And i would do this by slaying the ender dragon once again to respawn the enderdragon i need end crystals which requires me to get some gas tears i was getting quite lucky i was flying around and picking up gas tiers left right and center and while with the assistance of

My looting three sword i was able to get all of the gas tears i was looking for it was now time to get back to my base and craft the end crystals i individually placed all four in my inventory it was time to go to the end I was here it was time to place the end crystals down one by one the end crystals were placed now all i needed to do was await the dragon’s arrival the obsidian poles summoned himself once again it was time to battle the dragon was here i instantly used my

Elites to get into the air with some accurate bow shots i was able to take out the end crystals this would stop the ender dragon from being able to regenerate itself and with one final bow shot the only end crystal i had to take out were the ones in the cages

I was able to get on top of this end crystal and destroy it i then located the second end crystal and took it out all of the end crystals are gone all i needed to do now was take out the dragon itself but as i went into swing my sword

The ender dragon hit me back things got dangerous but i was okay seeing as i had my totem of undying on me i would be fine the ender dragon was flying around the air and it wasn’t coming down to the center so i had to use my bow to deal serious amounts of

Damage the ender dragon was down to half health it was time to get more accurate with the bow shots and more faster on my feet the ender dragon came down once again but the center was covered in dragon’s breath there was no way i could deal sword strikes

That was until the dragon’s breath cleared up i was able to go in and deal some more sword attacks as the fight was just about to be over the dragon hit me back i knew exactly what needed to be done There it was i had taken out the ender dragon once again i felt victorious and not only that an end city portal was opened in return for me defeating the ender dragon I was home but more importantly safe from the enderdragon it was now time to use the firework display by the time i had prepared everything it was the night of day 999. and it was time to take a look at this firework display after the firework display i got some

Rest and it was now day 1000 i had done it i had successfully survived 1 000 days in minecraft hardcore but there’s a lot of stuff i want to get done in 2000 days so let me know down below in the comments if you want to see that

But apart from that thank you guys so much for watching this video i really enjoyed making it and as i said let me know if you want to see 2 000 days apart from that thank you guys so much for watching and have a great rest of your day peace

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Fru on 2021-06-25 23:53:03. It has garnered 5213297 views and 140989 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:16 or 1696 seconds.

Surviving Hardcore Minecraft is the hardest thing to do in the game and I want to try and survive 1000 days in the hardest difficulty! I survived 1000 days in Minecraft Hardcore and this is what happened.

My Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7JPnWgMIpp2YGu4kMu0qpA

Credit to Luke TheNotable for this idea: https://www.youtube.com/user/Creolesbackfire Discord: https://discord.gg/MTtsM5aABN Twitter: @FruTweets Merch: https://fru-clothing.creator-spring.com/?

Music used in this video:

Track: Chime – Lifelong [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch: https://youtu.be/UDVzaNB0Hso Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/Lifelong

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    Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft's Worst Seed! Minecraft’s Most Challenging Seed: Surviving 100 Days! Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft’s toughest seed yet! Join the journey as our intrepid player faces the ultimate test of survival in a harsh and unforgiving world. Day 1: The Beginning of a Harrowing Journey As the sun rises on the first day, our player finds themselves in a desolate landscape, surrounded by towering mountains and treacherous ravines. With limited resources and no shelter in sight, the race for survival begins. Day 50: Overcoming Adversity After surviving countless challenges, our player has managed to build a modest base, mine valuable… Read More

  • Unexpected twist in Rizzatomic’s texting story

    Unexpected twist in Rizzatomic's texting story The Exciting World of Minecraft Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers a unique blend of creativity, exploration, and adventure. Let’s delve into some of the fascinating aspects of this virtual universe. Endless Possibilities with Blocks In Minecraft, players can unleash their creativity by building structures using various types of blocks. From simple houses to intricate castles, the possibilities are endless. The game’s blocky graphics add a charming retro feel to the experience. Exploration and Survival Exploring the vast landscapes of Minecraft is a thrilling adventure. Players can mine resources, craft tools, and battle hostile creatures to survive…. Read More

  • Brosheep Minecraft Prank – Insane Ending! 😱🤣

    Brosheep Minecraft Prank - Insane Ending! 😱🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘What happened at the end is just awesome!!!!!!!! #brothers #brosheep #funny #Minecraft #baby #prank’, was uploaded by Brosheep on 2024-04-21 18:08:43. It has garnered 712 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. today this video turned out to be wonderful #show #game #Mine #craft #fun #pranks #prankvideo #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuilding #minecraftvideos #minecraftanimation #mine #tnt #trending #skibiditoilet #skibidibopyesyesyes #skibidibop #meme #laugh #blocks #xd #shortsclip #youtube #youtuber #subscribe #shortsadoptme #shortsroblox #shortsanity #shortsbeta #shortsfunny #shortsasmr #shortsart #shortscooking #shortscrochet #shortschallenge #shortscomplitition #shortsblackpink #instagramyoutube #youtuberlikes #youtubevide #shortscomedy #shortstiktok #shortsfortnite #shortsbts #shortsbhaiveersinghji #shortsbgmi #shortsassam #shortsads… Read More

  • Silent Eclipse – Vanilla SMP

    Welcome to Silent Eclipse! Ever wondered what the hit show Breaking Bad looks like in Minecraft? Or how a random teenager sings about Minecraft using ChatGPT as his conductor? Come join our community-driven server where we host building competitions, chess tournaments, and plenty of opportunities to play and build together. We are always working on new ways to enhance the player experience, so join the chaos and have fun at Silent Eclipse! DM us for Discord information or join us at Read More

  • ( ᴍɪsᴀʟɪ ᴏᴘsᴋʏʙʟᴏᴄᴋ | ᴇᴍᴇᴋsᴋʏʙʟᴏᴄᴋ ᴄʀᴀғᴛ ) ᴍᴏʙɪʟ ɢɪʀɪsʟᴇʀ ᴀᴋᴛɪг!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.misalicraft.xyz (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – swordsmachine legit?

    Minecraft Memes - swordsmachine legit?I guess you could say the swordsmachine is real… but only in the world of Minecraft! Where else would you find a machine dedicated solely to swords? Read More

  • Desert Biome Revamp: Time for a Change!

    Desert Biome Revamp: Time for a Change! In the Minecraft desert, a new update is here, With structures and biomes that bring us cheer. A pyramid, a temple, and a husk spawner too, Custom items added, just for you. The sky is hotter, the water warm, Exploring these new features will be the norm. Download the Data Pack, on Planet Minecraft’s site, And dive into the desert, under the hot sunlight. A dagger in hand, a new food to eat, The changes are plenty, the update is sweet. So grab your gear, and jump right in, To the Minecraft desert, where the adventure begins. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “When you accidentally hit a villager in Minecraft and suddenly the whole village wants to cancel you. #VillagerLivesMatter” Read More

  • Building a Village from Scratch in Minecraft!

    Building a Village from Scratch in Minecraft! Building a Village from Scratch in Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you witness the creation of a village from the ground up. Join the journey as players dive into the world of Minecraft to construct a bustling community for the villagers. Starting from Zero Beginning with an empty canvas, players are tasked with laying the foundation for a thriving village. From designing houses to setting up farms and crafting essential tools, every step is crucial in establishing a sustainable community. Key Elements Minecraft 100 Days Challenge: Experience the passage of time as players navigate through… Read More

  • Glowstone Madness: Collect 8,000 in VSMP Minecraft!

    Glowstone Madness: Collect 8,000 in VSMP Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【VSMP MINECRAFT】 i need to collect 8,000 glowstone…’, was uploaded by kirispica 【V-Dere】 on 2024-07-09 15:21:23. It has garnered 1680 views and 255 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:07 or 11167 seconds. ⊱ ────── {.⋅💭 It’s a CLOUD! 💭 ⋅.} ───── ⊰ 【DONATIONS】 💗 https://streamelements.com/kirispica/tip Stream Elements is my preferred donation method! donations are non-refundable, so please keep that in mind while donating. there is no need to donate if you don’t have the means to, what i want most is for you to be able to enjoy my streams! 【GIFTS】 💭 https://throne.com/kirispica/wishlist… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft Spider Attacks!

    Mastering Minecraft Spider Attacks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving a Minecraft Spider Attack! 😰😰’, was uploaded by I AM DK GAMER on 2024-06-14 12:21:03. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:57 or 1137 seconds. Surviving a Minecraft Spider Attack! 😰😰 Join us in this intense Minecraft gameplay video where our character must survive a sudden spider attack! Watch as we strategize and fight off these creepy crawlers to stay alive in the game. Will our skills be enough to overcome this unexpected challenge? Tune in to find out! #minecraftspiderattect #minecraftspiderattack #minecraftcavespiderattack #spiderattack(minecraftanimation) #minecraftspiderattectand #minecraftspiderattackandy’sapplefarm Read More

  • Gmas1 reveals secret Donutsmp dupe hack!

    Gmas1 reveals secret Donutsmp dupe hack!Video Information This video, titled ‘Donutsmp dupe (working 2024)’, was uploaded by gmas1 on 2024-08-12 14:06:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Download in comments ‘ TAGS IGNORE ) In this video I Showcase a Minecraft PaperMC Dupe Glitch that might work on SMP … Read More

  • 🔥 Akash Gamer: Secret to Tiny Minecraft Home!

    🔥 Akash Gamer: Secret to Tiny Minecraft Home!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Build Smallest House in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Akash Gamer on 2024-05-24 02:39:39. It has garnered 2061 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. How to Build Smallest House in Minecraft #shorts #minecraft #smallest #tutorial #smallesthouse #today tegs 👇 best viral youtube shorts funny best viral shorts shorts viral Shorts piano tutorial easy tutorial meme geometry dash Tutorial minecraft facts 5 minecraft interior designs the one block series returns in hardcore minecraft Minecraft mcpc memes minecraft tutorials Minecraft shorts house md house md funny moments dank… Read More

  • Experience TERRIFYING Minecraft 1.21.2 Update NOW! Exciting Additions & Chilling Twists!

    Experience TERRIFYING Minecraft 1.21.2 Update NOW! Exciting Additions & Chilling Twists!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.21.2 Pre-Release 1! Bundles of Bravery! Creaking Changes! New Bubbles and MORE!’, was uploaded by AlexMix on 2024-10-08 15:13:37. It has garnered 218 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:43 or 283 seconds. 👋Hey Im Alexmix and i hope you enjoyed my video!👋 🎮I recommended joining my discord server to discuss with my community and join our special minecraft server🎮 ✉️ https://discord.gg/AZ43eXK4aX ✉️ 🎵Heres the song / songs i used for this video🎵: Read More

  • Master Cameraman – 100 days in Minecraft as a warden

    Master Cameraman - 100 days in Minecraft as a wardenVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 hari di minecraft tapi jadi warden’, was uploaded by Elite Cameraman on 2024-05-24 11:08:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • SHOCKING NEWS: Mojang CANCELS Major Updates?!

    SHOCKING NEWS: Mojang CANCELS Major Updates?!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MOJANG CANCELS BIG UPDATES? Lets Talk! | Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.21’, was uploaded by Prowl8413 on 2024-09-10 18:21:24. It has garnered 2682 views and 265 likes. The duration of the video is 04:07:12 or 14832 seconds. Become a YouTube Member and join my community server! Our servers are sponsored by Sparked Host and are always very active, with events every month. Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.21 is a Guide based Lets Play series. In this world I progress through the game, and will guide you on everything from the basics of gameplay, up through more difficult… Read More

  • Unreal Dice-Watermelon PVP Madness! #Insane Clickbait!

    Unreal Dice-Watermelon PVP Madness! #Insane Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘ZAR-KARPUZ-PVP #sonoyuncutitanyum’, was uploaded by Sosmurf on 2024-04-01 22:55:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. discord.gg/https://discord.gg/j3VpMDKB3r minecraft sonoyuncu pvp minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, … Read More

  • “Nexxt’s EPIC Minecraft Survival Live Stream” #minecraftlive

    "Nexxt's EPIC Minecraft Survival Live Stream" #minecraftliveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival || Live Stream With Nexxt #minecraft #minecraftlive’, was uploaded by MrNexxt on 2024-05-21 06:03:00. It has garnered 71 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:35 or 8375 seconds. Minecraft Survival || Live Stream With Nexxt #minecraft #minecraftlive#minecraft #gaminglive #chillstream #relaxinggaming #adventure #livestream #gamerlife #virtualescape #communitygaming #onlinegaming Description: 🎮 Welcome to our gaming universe, where the action never stops and the excitement is contagious! 🚀 Join us for an unforgettable gaming experience as we dive into the virtual realm and conquer epic quests LIVE on YouTube! 🔥 Live Stream Highlights:… Read More

  • Nightshade SMP Whitelist 1.21 18+ Dynmap Survival Vanilla PVE Cross-Play Event

    Halloween Pumpkin Carving Event on Nightshade SMP! Join our Discord server for announcements and events: Discord Invite Whitelist Request Steps: Submit application on Discord Wait for acceptance notification Check out our server showcase video: Server Showcase Video About Nightshade SMP: Nightshade SMP is a private, 18+ whitelist Minecraft server focused on community and vanilla gameplay. LGBTQ+ friendly! Server Features: No land claim plugins No pay-to-win system Graves on death for item retrieval Community builds on Spawn Island Bedrock crossplay available Plugins: Purpur 1.21 CoreProtect for anti-griefing FarmControl for lag reduction and more… Game Rules: mobGriefing: true difficulty: Hard Server Info:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Fire Clip from Live Event, Still Can’t Write.

    Well, at least the writing in Minecraft is still better than my handwriting in real life! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes: Hotter than a lava bath! #memes #shorts #minecraft

    Minecraft Memes: Hotter than a lava bath! #memes #shorts #minecraft “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Summon Super Iron Golem in Minecraft

    Summon Super Iron Golem in Minecraft The Mighty Super Iron Golem in Minecraft When it comes to powerful allies in the world of Minecraft, the Iron Golem stands tall as a formidable protector. But what if we told you there was a way to summon an even mightier version of this guardian? Enter the Super Iron Golem, a force to be reckoned with in the blocky realm. Summoning the Super Iron Golem Summoning the Super Iron Golem requires the use of a command block in Minecraft. By utilizing the command block, players can bring forth this enhanced version of the Iron Golem to aid them… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where You Can Create, Not Destroy

    Join Minewind: Where You Can Create, Not Destroy Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “I Destroyed Earth in Minecraft!” by the talented content creator KarlJacobs. While watching this video, we couldn’t help but be amazed by the creativity and ingenuity that goes into building and destroying in the Minecraft universe. But what if we told you that you could take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Imagine a server where you can unleash your wildest imaginations, engage in epic battles, and forge unforgettable alliances. That’s where Minewind… Read More

  • Simplify, Dummy!

    Simplify, Dummy! Vaud’s Minecraft Journey: Simplifying the Experience Reflecting on the Past Vaud, in his latest Minecraft episode, delves into his journey within the game. He acknowledges the tendency to overdo, over edit, over complicate, and overthink gameplay. However, he now aims to refocus on the core essence of Minecraft: having fun. Embracing Simplicity Through introspection, Vaud realizes the importance of simplifying his approach to Minecraft. By shedding unnecessary complexities, he rediscovers the joy of simply playing the game. This shift in mindset allows him to fully immerse himself in the Minecraft world and appreciate its beauty. Upcoming Minecraft Live Event… Read More

  • I FOUND A HAUNTED SWORD in Modded Minecraft!

    I FOUND A HAUNTED SWORD in Modded Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Modded Minecraft With Shattering Blade!’, was uploaded by Welp I’m Spooky on 2024-10-05 11:15:02. It has garnered 52 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:34 or 8494 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Grave Jump Scare

    Insane Minecraft Grave Jump ScareVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Jump Scare Grave🤡 (はいよろこんで) #minecraft #shorts #sblock’, was uploaded by SBlockGamer on 2024-07-27 00:30:00. It has garnered 563 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 💡 Join this channel to get access to exclusive perks: ➺ / @sblockgamer 💲Show Some Love: ➺ UPI – sblockgamer1@ybl ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌ 💡 Follow my Socials : 🥵 Discord: / discord 📷 Instagram: / _ig_sblockgamer__ ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌ 💡 Check out my setup : 💖 My Cutie Laptop : Asus Rog G15 (RTX 3050) 🍀New Setup : • CPU : https://amzn.in/d/3k3yXvC • GPU :… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Illusions Exposed! #ayushplayz

    Insane Minecraft Illusions Exposed! #ayushplayzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft illusion are op #ayushplayz #minecraft #broproayush’, was uploaded by Zest SCOPE on 2024-09-28 02:12:23. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft illusion are op #ayushplayz #minecraft #broproayush Minecraft Gold Illusion 😂 #minecraft #ayushplayz #funny #broproayush #technogamerz #ayushverse Here are **100 top-searched Minecraft keywords** to help with your video or content strategy: 1. Minecraft Mods 2. Minecraft Skins 3. Minecraft Texture Packs 4. Minecraft Servers 5. Minecraft Seeds 6. Minecraft Survival 7. Minecraft Redstone 8. Minecraft Updates 9. Minecraft Realms 10. Minecraft Builds… Read More

  • “Crazy Minecraft LOLs with Krimsy” #shizo #zeroCursive

    "Crazy Minecraft LOLs with Krimsy" #shizo #zeroCursiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cursive ZERO #minecraft #minecraftlaughs #minecrafthumor’, was uploaded by Krimsy on 2024-09-21 00:02:24. It has garnered 2248 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Hello Everyone! I am Krimsy and I am a Minecraft youtuber. I Upload multiple things such as stream highlights (I stream on Youtube now, either this channel for Minecraft or my 2nd channel for other content) and even other things such as Lucky Block Battles, Letsplays, 100 days, and even My favorite, Minecraft videos with a twist! Maybe more things in the future. if you… Read More

  • ULTIMATE SHOCKS: Recoil Mojo – Minecraft Mods

    ULTIMATE SHOCKS: Recoil Mojo - Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Horror Mods 199’, was uploaded by Recoil Mojo on 2024-04-02 21:27:38. It has garnered 3092 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Dive into the ultimate Minecraft mod pack adventure with our comprehensive Cursed Walking series, now available in action-packed YouTube Shorts and detailed survival guides. From harrowing encounters in the Nether to epic battles in the End, each piece of content is crafted to capture the essence of survival, strategy, and the sheer will to conquer in this hardcore mod pack. 🔥 Epic Journeys & Fierce… Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE!!! Nezuko from Demon Slayer in Minecraft! #viral” #clickbait

    "UNBELIEVABLE!!! Nezuko from Demon Slayer in Minecraft! #viral" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Nezuko (Demon slayer) #minecraft #trending #shorts #viral @doomsdayrepublic’, was uploaded by DOOMSDAY REPUBLIC on 2024-07-13 04:26:00. It has garnered 479 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • JayDeeMC’s Ultimate Guide to Armadillo Scutes in Minecraft!

    JayDeeMC's Ultimate Guide to Armadillo Scutes in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Get and Use Armadillo Scutes (1.20.5+) | Easy Minecraft Tutorial’, was uploaded by JayDeeMC on 2024-03-15 12:00:35. It has garnered 9148 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:16 or 76 seconds. In this video, I show you how to get an armadillo scute, and how to use armadillo scutes! This works in both Minecraft Java and Bedrock Editions. The armadillo scute is introduced to Minecraft in 1.20.5 (Java) and 1.20.80 (Bedrock). I hope you enjoyed this Minecraft armadillo scute tutorial. Use code JAYDEEMC to get 10% off when you… Read More

I Survived 1000 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft…