I Survived 1000 Days In Hardcore Minecraft (FULL MOVIE)

Video Information

Six months ago i set out to survive 100 days in hardcore minecraft but my journey was nearly cut short on its second day and i’ve always wondered what would have happened if it was i guess we’ll never know [Applause] It’s taken a half a year for me to get to this point from day one to day one thousand i hope you’re ready [Applause] I started off my first date as most people do punching a tree getting some wood making a pickaxe and getting some stone my next priority was going to be food so i set about murdering the local wildlife i got lucky and stumbled upon some iron within the first couple

Minutes it looked like everything was going great after grabbing the eye and i started to find a verge because they would have everything i would need to set me up in the early game and after a few minutes of searching i finally found one as i looted it though my happiness

Turned to dismay pretty quickly because i realized this was probably the worst version minecraft history i don’t think this place even deserves to be called a village is literally one house i then set about gathering some fish in the local lake but they weren’t for me to

Eat they were actually gonna be for me to tame this cat firstly because cats are cute but second because creepers are actually scared of cats and will run away from them my biggest fear in early game hardcore was creepers without enchanted diamond armor you won’t survive a point blanket after a second

Helping a fish i finally tamed the cat and decided to name my moon as it was quickly turning nighttime i tunnelled into this hill to make a shelter i didn’t have a bed so my best bet was just to go mining for the night while i

Was mining i ended up stumbling into a cave where i found the skeleton the skeleton said the cave was his which i disagreed with and it didn’t end well while exploring i nearly ended up falling down this ravine but luckily i realized before it was too late before i

Could explode this ravine i needed to head back up to the surface and smelt my iron full line arm was basically required in order to survive now we’re in day two and while i wait for my iron to smell i decided to check out the local villages one was trapped inside a

Tree and the other was on the edge of a cliff after freeing the first virgin from his leafy prison he thanked me by immediately going into my house and deciding he was gonna live with me bro you literally have your own house get out of mind but now i was ready to head

Into ravine i crafted myself a full set of iron armor there were a ton of orbs in this ravine but i was really scared that a monster was gonna spawn on the darker upper levels and then drop down on me and that was exactly what happened when this creeper dropped down behind me

My mind went completely blank i was just panicking because i heard the hissing noise i thought i was dead i got launched into the air and by some miracle i accidentally placed my water which stopped me from falling right into the lava below i then boxed myself in

And ate some bread very calmly not scared at all not in fear nothing like that because that would never happen why would i be scared shut up i continued exploring the cave because i really wanted to find diamonds and i finally did or should i say i found a

Diamond because it was literally one why that’s fine though i’ll just find some more which i did i then made myself a diamond sword and a diamond pickaxe but i wasn’t ready to stop mining just yet i needed one more diamond to make an enchanting table day three i was still

Looking for those diamonds after a bit more caving i finally found that last diamond vein that i needed before heading back to the surface i also mined some obsidian so i could have enough to make another portal and an enchantment table when i returned from the mines it

Was actually night time so i had to wait out the night in my shelter we’re starting off day four by trading with this armorer if i leveled him up enough he’s going to sell me enchanted diamond gear while i was chopping down trees a creeper ended up sneaking off me luckily

I was able to get away he then got really mad and blew up after trading basically my entire net worth of iron i was able to finally get this armor to master and then i could buy all the diamond and shiny gear i then used all my emeralds to buy this diamond chest

Plate for four days this is some pretty good progress i then set out to find a new village because let’s be honest this one was pretty terrible after a little while i ended up finding this village and immediately got to stealing all their stuff um did you say this was your

Gold i think that’s mine it was beginning to get nice so i crafted myself a bed and had my first night’s sleep we’re up bright and early on day five i’ve got way more stuff i need to steal among the stuff i stole i took this purple bed because it was way

Cooler than my brown one i found this wolf and ended up taming him with just one bone because i’m really uncreative and i had a cat named moon i decided why not name him son i finished off day five by heading back to my shelter with sun

And moon in day six i headed back down into the caves i was gonna need a ton of iron to trade with the armors that was gonna be the easiest way i’d earn enough emeralds to get a bunch of good diamond gear ends up getting a ton of valuable

Resources including a couple stacks of iron and a bit of gold however when i went to leave it was still night time and i forgot to bring my bed so instead i went looking for sugarcane to pass the time with the current girl i had trying

To make my way through the forest to find my shelter would be a terrible idea to just be a ton of monsters and it’d be really hard to get away as the sun rose on day seven i realized something i was completely lost don’t worry though because within the first two minutes i

Nearly walked up this cliff and died after a ton of searching and running around the forest i managed to find the terrible village that i called home on day eight i left the tiny village it was time to build my new house i found this area when i was looking for that village

Earlier and i thought it’d be the perfect place i spent the rest of the day gathering wood and sorting out my stuff ready to build the house the whole of day nine i just built the house i wanted to make sure it would stand the

Test of a hundred days i was able to get the first floor done and slept in my new house day 10 came around and i’m still working on the house there was a lot that needed to be done i also found a horse which i tamed because i’d stolen a

Saddle from the village earlier so i’d be able to ride it it was unfortunately a pretty slow horse but at least now i had some method of transport that was faster than walking unfortunately i don’t have a lead yet so sorry man you’re gonna have to go in the hole by

The end of the day i’d manage to finish off the second floor and start the roof day 11 started me working on the roof luckily i had just enough cobblestone to finish it off these stairs were honestly really annoying to snap into place i finished the roof and that was the outer

Part of my house done now i had to sort out the interior day 12 i started out by putting down some important stuff in my house like some blast furnaces and some barrels i also started work on a stable on the side of my house because i felt

Bad for my horse having to live in a hole day 13 i was building my stable i went through quite a few different designs before i finally found one that i liked i then built this little cobblestone roof for my front porch day 14 i was shoveling dirt i had to sort

Out this floor you know pets are great in minecraft but sometimes you really just want to move like come on son i’m trying to place a wood plank there and you’re kind of right in the way i made this spruce plank pattern on the floor

Over in this corner because i had on my first is i thought it could be a kind of like a kitchen area i’ll place some pumpkins outside my house for a bit of decoration and to add a bit more color i also added this nice path and a gate for

My stable my horse is about to get a major upgrade in where he lives i organized all my possessions into some chests and instead of sleeping i went out a night to try and kill some monsters i wanted skeletons because i wanted to make bone meal because then i

Could both meal the grass outside my house and just grow a bunch of flowers it would just look really nice i found these guys and they just started doing the work for me they just shot each other after i got the bones that i needed i went off to bed i didn’t want

To push my luck with all the monsters that were outside on day 15 my glass was done smelting i turned it into white stained glass and started finally putting in the windows after finishing off my windows i started setting up a farm i needed to get a stable source of

Food finished off day 15 and let’s just get a little bit of appreciation for moon here day 16 i added in some potatoes to my farm and finished off the enclosure were these fences unnecessary yeah did it look nice i mean sort of i was recording this at 3am and

It was starting to have an effect on my gameplay for some reason i built this pumpkin farm with the middle strip running straight to the center with water and farmland on the other side it was not going to grow either way instead of patching up the water trench digging

A new one i instead dug up an entire row of pumpkins that i had just planted and replanted them day 17 i started by planting my sugar cane around this pond i didn’t make a proper sugarcane farm so i was planning to make an automated one

Later when i had more resources and i then head off to nearby village to trade some of my iron for emeralds and also to steal more stuff because i hadn’t taken it all last time i ended up finding a vision with this sheep and this wooden

Flower bed thing and all i could say is i definitely need to call the police i was able to rescue the poor sheep i think he’s going to be traumatized for the rest of his life day 18 i began the really fun and not time-consuming task of transporting a villager all the way

Over to my base by the end of the day though i was able to get the vision back to my base thankfully my house and this village are really close day 19 i was digging out a hole for the virgin breeder i could have built something above ground but i just finished my

House so i didn’t really want to spend lots of time gathering resources i mean yeah it looks terrible but it’ll get the job done after a few more rails i was able to get the virgo down the hole i used some ladders with the trapdoor as a

Way of getting out and then i went off to find some sheep so i could make more bets when i came back from sharing the sheep i rosa made a pretty big mistake with the entrance and exit thing i’ve forgotten verges could actually climb ladders so as soon as i opened the

Trapdoor this guy ran for it obviously after all the effort i’ve gone through to getting him here i wasn’t gonna let him get away i put him back in the minecart and back inside he went you will enjoy your new life here day 20 i created a more secure iron door now i

Can enter and leave but the verges are stuck i traded almost all my audiences guys to try and get into master level it was worth it though because he started selling me sharpness to diamond swords this was amazing not only because sharpness is an awesome enchantment but

Also because i could keep buying swords off him and then combine them on an anvil to make a greater sharpness level day 21 i’m back to farming my small wheat patch was fine but i was going to need way more if i was going to make some good emeralds and also craft bread

To make the virgins breed instead of sleeping i went mining i really wanted to get some more resources because i traded basically all my iron away and i also didn’t have many diamonds i got really lucky and found some diamonds after only a couple minutes but i was

Going to need a lot more i found a pretty decent cave system i had to be really careful here because i’ve forgotten a water bucket and there were all these lakes of lava it’s day 22 and i’m still down here mining i found some more diamonds after grabbing a couple

Buckets of lava i started heading out there was no need for me to stay down here much longer i had a ton of iron i had the diamonds that i needed i didn’t have a water bucket so i fell in this lava it was basically game over day 23

Was pretty uneventful i just did a bit more farming and made an animal pen day 24 i started working on a new farm and also managed to get the sheep in my animal then day 25 i was able to find a cow and three sheep and take them back

To my pen after a bit more farming i headed off back to the village i wanted to get another villager i was going to be trying a new method to get him home where i place down a drop station block like a grindstone and then they walk

Towards it you then break the grindstone and then replace it and they’ll keep running towards it i didn’t have too much luck throughout day 25 but day 26 things went much more smoothly and i was able to get him back to my base day 27 was a simple day farming sharing the

Sheep doing a bit of trading with the verges and chopping some wood day 28 i went mining i actually found a decent amount of diamonds seven in total and i also found a ton of useful resources like golden eye day 29 i started work on the virgin training call day 30 and

We’re still working on the virgin training hall but it’s starting to take shape by the end of the day i finished the main structure and now i started work on the roof i didn’t want to get annoyed by monsters the whole night though i was trying to build my roof so

I headed to bed day 31 i started building the granite roof on top of the virgin training hall i didn’t have enough ground to finish the roof but before i got that i needed to go off and get more sand because i didn’t have any

Glass for windows day 32 i went out to gather more granite for the roof i thought i gathered enough but unfortunately not day 33 what could possibly happen today as it turned out something did happen i did some more farming because my crops had grown and then the wandering traitor showed up

Even though his trades were complete trash as always i didn’t want to kill him because that would just be kind of unnecessary or so i thought because he and his llamas committed a crime which i would never be able to forgive that’s right they trampled all over my freshly

Planted potatoes filled with blind rage at losing my beloved potatoes i decimated the wondering trader and i did a bunch more farming and by now i had so many wheat seeds i’ve read my sheep and then traded all the wheat that i just harvested to my verges i then finished

Off the windows in the virgin trading hall instead of going to bed though i went on a mining trip firstly because i need more granite to finish off that roof and also because i wanted some more resources when i saw a skeleton kill that innocent bat i knew that he had to

Die and when i killed him he actually ended up dropping his enchanted bow i decided that instead of putting on an anvil with a regular bow to fix it up i would wait and see how the proper enchanting area set up enchant a regular bow and then combine the two together to

Make a super powerful bow i immersed in the mines on day 34 organized my stuff and then chucked some bread at the verges it was a good day day 35 i used the granite that i got from all that mining to finish off the roof of the

Virgin hall i also added a bit of depth to the exterior day 36 i was gathering up both oak and birchwood i wanted to make a cool pattern for the floor of my training hall while i was clearing out space behind the hall my iron shovel

Broke i didn’t have any iron on me so i had to make a stone want like a peasant i then shoveled away the floor of the virgin training hall with my very slow stone shovel i then added the oak and birch planks to the floor before using

These spruce stairs to make it seem like a really long corridor wasn’t sure about the whole corridor thing with the spruce stairs but i decided to leave it be day 37 i started getting verges out with the burrito and into the hall for some reason i decided to use the rail and the

Minecart system even though i could have just done the whole workstation thing that have worked so well only a couple weeks ago of course the whole minecart thing was really annoying and i have no idea why i did it after a lot of pain i finally managed to get this farmer into

Position in the training hall but then i got extremely scared because as i was trying to sort him out and get him in his little compartment i actually ended up punching him now it doesn’t sound too bad but because of the amount of verges in the breeder and iron golem had

Spawned on the land i really didn’t want that thing coming over to kill me because they do so much damage luckily the golem didn’t seem mad and i was finally able to get the virgin into his training station on days third year i grabbed a bunch of screw sleeves using

Shears to try and decorate my verger hall i ended up not liking it though so it’s kind of a waste of time i also killed off this iron golem not because it was mad at me because in case of future accents i didn’t want this massive iron monster coming after me i’d

Learned my lesson with the verges and it was so much easier getting this one in what i say easy there was a little bit of shelving involved day 39 i realized another iron golem had already spawned in so killing that one earlier basically been a waste of time i then had to spend

The morning resetting the second virgin’s trades because all he wanted to do was buy carrots either you’re gonna buy some wheat from me or you’re going to be useless which one is it going to be i then spent the rest of day 39 harvesting wheat and selling it to my

Verges day 40 i started work on a cow pen i really love it because i didn’t even have a single bookshelf for enchanting table the leaves at the wandering trailer happily given to me made getting these cows back way easier than it was getting the sheep back i

Didn’t have to wait for them to slowly walk towards the wheat i can now take them with me with the leads there’s only two in here right now but trust me give me a week and this pen is going to be absolutely overcrowded i had also accumulated an absolute ton of wheat

Seeds and i decided well why not put them to good use i started holding out a massive field where i was just going to plant a ton of wheat day 41 i’m still working on the wheat farm i wanted this thing to be big enough to plant at least

Four stacks of seeds i also farmed up more of my pumpkins expanding my pumpkin farm eventually i want this whole valley to be full of pumpkins day 42 are headed straight into the mines can you guess why yeah i needed more resources i kept training weight on my iron to my version

On top of that my diamond pickaxe was nearly broken and i had barely any diamonds to replace it i wasn’t even full diamond armor day 43 i was still binding i was trying to gather as many resources as i could after emerging from the mines on day 44 and smelting a bunch

Of iron i headed out to the verge of breeders to talk to this toolsmith ah they grow up so fast when you were kid like 20 minutes ago after selling a ton of golden iron to him he was getting close to master rank by the time i maxed

Out his iron trade though it was already night time so i decided to just grab a bed in the virgin breeder it’s the morning of day 45 and while i wait for the tool smith’s trades to refresh i went out to expand my pumpkin farm after stacks of iron he finally reached master

Rank which meant he would finally sell me an enchanted diamond pickaxe this was the reason why i got mining for so much iron in the first place because mining for diamonds can take a while so why not just have it so i can have a bunch of

Diamond tools on demand whenever i need them i spent the rest of the day harvesting my week which is going to take a while because it’s had so much of it now it became nighttime and i was still trying to plant these wheat seeds i wanted to get it all done before the

Morning bro i’m just trying to farm some weed can you go away day 46 i checked upon my cows i’ve been breeding them for a couple days and the numbers were already increasing by a lot i then heads into the virgin breeder to trade with

His armor i wanted to max him out like the virgin in that old village because then i would have diamond armor on demand it was very painful buying a bunch of useless chain boots from him just to level him up but you gotta do what you gotta do i then went down into

The mine and threw all his hard work into a pulled of lava i then went back and bought a bunch of shields off him wow really useful to own 20 shields he reached expert level and started selling the enchanted diamond boots and diamond leggings the boots especially were

Really useful because they had feather falling too again like the plans i have for my sword i could buy a bunch of these boots and then combine them all to give them a really high level on the feather falling i then created a disposal system with a bucket of lava

Because i really didn’t need all these shields i then harvested all my pumpkins ready to sell to the verges tomorrow because my wallet was sort of crying after buying about 20 pairs of boots a bunch of shields and diamond boots day 47 i sold off all my pumpkins and now i

Had a decent amount of emeralds again today’s useless item that i’ll be buying to level up the armor was chained chest plates he finally hit master and i was able to buy the final piece of enchanted diamond armor that i needed a helmet i broke my cows a bit more i knew that

Soon i’d be able to make books and then max out my enchanting table i went mining with my new diamond pickaxe and life was so much easier without efficiency too i also ended up finding some diamonds which is kind of cool i stumbled upon this cave and found two

More veins of diamonds but i decided not to mine these because i didn’t have fortune on my pickaxe it would pretty much be a waste it turned to day 48 while i was in the mines and as i was leaving i built this cobblestone staircase leading up because it was

Really annoying having to jump off every single block as you can see the cow pen has grown by a lot i’m getting quite a few of these now but i can get way more another wandering trader showed up while i was bringing my cows i had a look to

His trades obviously they were terrible and then i don’t know how it happened guys but suddenly he died um not sure how that happened oh and his llamas as well i farmed up some more pumpkins traded those to my verges and now that i’ve read my cows it was time to start

Gathering some leather with the leather i got i was able to set up an enchantment table with just three bookshelves but that’s fine because we’ll get way more very soon day 49 started out with some pumpkin farming and i gathered a bunch of wood i was

Running pretty low and it’d be nice to just have some on hand whenever i needed it for the rest of day 49 i found my pumpkins day 50 i’m trying to make an auto composter i have so many seeds so i was hoping i could turn them all into

Boatmeal at the time i had no idea how to build one of these so i didn’t get it to work i harvested all my wheat and sold off to the verges day 51 i made some improvements to my path it needed some more detail i then began gathering

Leather because my cowl pen was pretty much full with my newfound leather i was able to make six more bookshelves i then went searching for a new horse because mine was insanely slow it didn’t work though all the horses i found were just as slow just gotta let you guys know

That the game audio from days 52 to 55 is bugged for some reason so you actually can’t hear anything it is back on day 56 though day 52 i used all that wood i’ve been gathering to start building a bridge across my pumpkin farm day 53 i gathered enough wood to keep

Building my bridge i think these strip spruce logs look really nice i started day 54 by using some of my gold to make more golden apples there are amazing healing and i wanted to minimize my chances of dying as much as possible for pretty obvious reasons i gathered some

More leather and added these stairs to my bridge to give it some more depth as night felt i was finally able to craft enough bookshelves to max out my charting table i had 46 levels so i use the grindstone to remove my charmanders and then start going for new ones i

Ended up getting protection for my chest plate as well as some other good enchantments on my other gear i combined these two pickaxes together to make an even stronger one day 55 i bought more sharpness 2 swords for my weaponsmith and combined them all in anvil unfortunately i didn’t have enough

Levels to make a sharpness five sword i spent the rest of the day finishing my bridge day 56 i gathered a bunch of obsidian i was gonna be building another portal because i now have fortune on my pickaxe i went back to mine this diamonds had found fortune is just such

An amazing enchantment i got 14 diamonds from that day 57 i built my nether portal on the side this hill well i messed up the first time had to mine a whole row obsidian but i did get sword i spent the rest of day filming pumpkins

And making profits day 58 was time for me to head to another i was extremely scared because i’ve always had bad experiences there and i’ve also lost a previous hardcore water yeah this wasn’t the first time i tried to record this video i actually had a previous hardcore

World which i ended up losing because of a terrible another swan this time though i survived i spawned a crimson forest and found piglet so i started trading with him didn’t get any pearls but he gave me a fire resistance potion which is amazing because if i accidentally

Fell in lava i now had a way to survive grab some of these streamlights and found some more piglets i traded almost all my gold to them and didn’t get a single pearl trade but i did get two more fire rest potions it’s day 59 i’m

Using my new fire rest to explore the nether in hopes of finding a fortress i didn’t find one but i did find this random piece of ancient debris while tunneling through some netherrack my inventory was pretty full so i headed home day60 i returned to another it’s

Time to find a fortress fell in lava and very calmly drank my fire rest it was a very calm situation where i remained calm i crafted a warped fungus on a stick so that i could ride a strider it’d be so much easier than trying to bridge across these massive lava lakes

Like an idiot i then fell off the strider unfortunately that would be another fire rest potion i had to use i’ve only got one left now i found out the only way to get a saddle for strider is to kill it sorry bro i don’t know why

I always have such terrible luck with nether fortresses i got the achievement of finding all the nether bibles i stunned and found a fortress i had a pretty close encounter with some ghasts because for some reason i decided to be a good idea to play tennis with fireballs traded with some more piglets

And got another fires potion but still no pearl i was pretty sick of another so i bridged over this room port and headed back to the overworld i ended up spawning in a cave so now i’m gonna have to dig my way out day 61 i’m over 5000

Blocks away from my base i have no idea what i was doing here and why didn’t just go back to the nether but for some reason i started heading back and forth i know it says d60 in my coordinates but that’s because when you start a minecraft ford the game starts counting

From day zero rather than day one just in case you’re confused on why i’m so far out one block travelled in nether equals eight blocks traveled in the overall so even though i hadn’t gone that far in another i’ve gone a huge distance in the overworld i just kept

Traveling and quickly it turned tonight tons of monsters were starting to spawn in and because i hadn’t slept in a couple days because of being in another phantom started swooping in trying to bite me all in all was not a fun experience and i wouldn’t recommend

After a lot of running a farm i was searching for a village finally i could get a bed and sleep day 62 i found an igloo and got lucky because it spawned a hidden room underneath where you’re supposed to cure the zombie virgil nope thanks to the golden apple and weakness

Potion though after a youtube tutorial i learned how to make one of these be running nether portals it was time for me to begin the fortress surge once again the spawn didn’t look very promising and terrorized i was right next to a fortress finally some good

Luck it looked like my luck was really starting to pick up when i killed this with a skirt and he dropped the skull while i was trying to kill this blaze my sweeping edge and charming when i hit this pigment as well and now every pigment in a 100 mile radius now wants

Me dead i had to quickly pillar up in order to escape all the while this place was trying to knock me off with fireballs after a ton of searching i finally found a blade spawn and gathered all the blaze rods i would need day 63 i was heading back to another to my

Original portal using the help of this friendly strider oh man i need that saddle back i’m so sorry i got the saddle with zero harm done i knew my original portal was around this crimson for a summer but i just couldn’t find it still searching day 64. wait i built

That cobblestone i can’t describe the feeling of relief and i finally found my portal i then spent the rest of days sorting out my stuff i used all the xp i gained to combine these two swords together and finally get sharpness five days 65 and back some good old farming i

Missed you guys day 66 i’m adding some more detail to my path with this coaster added these strip spruce logs to my virtual hall because those gaps between the walls were annoying me day 67 i did some more farming and add some details to my house i’d overlooked when i first

Built it i also terraformed the hill because it didn’t look right day 68 i rose i hadn’t seen sun or moon around but i had a pretty strong idea of where they’d ended up i checked another and sure enough they were there as well as a couple of iron golems after rescuing sun

And moon from another i built the staircase from a house down to one of the wheat fields which i would then use a total of about two times now it’s day 69 a normal day after some verge of trading i headed into the mines to gather more gravel to craft corster i

Also wanted gold and i’ll explain why in a minute i found quite a few diamonds and got way more than just the oars i found because my fortune pickaxe day 70 i finished up mining and then headed home they 71 here’s the reason why i was

Mining all that gold i turned one of my versions into a cleric and an expert ranked cleric cell enderpearls this would save me from having to farm endermen in the warped forest where i’m in the nether because i could instead just buy all the pearls i needed the

Cleric reach expert and i bought all the enterprise i could eat i then started work on a sugarcane farm which as you’ll quickly see was the worst sugarcane farm that’s ever been built in the history of minecraft day 72 and can you see what’s wrong yeah i put the water in the wrong

Place the pistons aren’t gonna harvest the sugarcane they harvest air instead while i was building my sugarcane farm my wandering trader showed up and for once he actually had something i wanted a jungle sapling kind of a scam of five emeralds but whatever i’ll take it day

73 i’m still working on the sugarcane farm how i didn’t roast my mistake yet i will never know as an improvement doesn’t it all look nice nice and useless day 74 i realized what i’d done wrong and then you know what i did still built it wrong now the water’s in front

Of the sugarcane so when the pistons harvest it’s all just gonna fall in the water and not the hoppers i found my crops the rest today unaware of the mistake i’ve made day 75 i heads into the virgin breeder it was time to get a librarian so i could get mending books

That was the plan anyway but then he offered feather falling three and it was just way too good to pass up with some moderate pain i got him into the virgin hall and applied the new book to my boots day 76 and checking my broken sugarcane farm at the time i was so

Confused as to why i wasn’t getting any gain i did a ton of farming to earn emeralds and started trading with this fletcher you need a couple stacks of arrows for the ends dragon fight and i could buy 16 for just one emerald day 77 i went mining again i needed more gold

To craft golden apples and i traded all my gold to the cleric unfortunately day 78 through 81 had the same bug again where you can’t have any gameplay audio i’m really sorry day 78 still money day 79 finally done with the mining and at long last i finally finally realized why

The sugarcane farm wasn’t working now it’s day 80 we’re four fifths of the way through a hundred days found a zombie horde in the virgin hall how did you guys even get in here it was gonna be a long day i wanted to get a mendy librarian and get him in the training

Call all the way at the end of day 80 and he finally started selling mending books day 81 i bought three many books but before i use them it was time to fix up an old enchanted bow dropped by skelton i enchanted a normal bow and ends up getting infinity which is nice

But now i had three stacks of arrows that i just bought that will never need oh well i put mending on my pickaxe and chess plate but didn’t have enough levels to put it on the sword i carved this pumpkin because then i could wear

It on my head and look at the enemy without them trying to kill me the last thing i wanted while fighting the dragon was a horde of enemies rushing towards me at 100 miles an hour i also did some potion brewing i wanted to make potions

Of slow falling so i wouldn’t die to fall damage against the dragon google said you could make a potion of leaping and then turn it into slow falling with a fermented spider google lied this sucked because the ingredient needed to produce slow falling is phantom membrane

And i didn’t have any i was going to need to go three minecraft nights without sleeping for the phantoms to spawn for once in minecraft i was happy to not have max and china’s sword while trying to kill the zombie the sweeping edge in china meant i accidentally hit

Moon as well if i had fire aspect on my sword she would have died because this one hit took her down to one heart the 82 expanded the pumpkin farm as far as it would go it’s my main source of income so i might as well make it bigger

I then gathered some spruce wood because i was going to be building another bridge by the end of the day i finished the bridge and i think it looks pretty nice day 83 it rained a lot it was a pretty slow day i needed some farming

And trading day 84 making a ton of beds because i’m going near the right money when i entered the nether i was greeted with this site the amount of verges in my base kept spawning iron golems and they must have kept walking into the nether portal which would then cause a

New angle to spawn but forget my new army of iron golems it was time to go near the right mine i had decent luck with ancient everybody not amazing i found five pieces it was day 85 and i was preparing to head back when i tried

To leave i rose i’ve forgotten to bring gold armor and now the entire piglet army wanted me dead with the amount of gold in the nether it was pretty easy to make a pair of gold boots and i just walked out unscathed apparently shiny shoes makes pig monsters not want to

Kill you that’s a great tip for life i spent some time making a custom banner for my shield i went with this design now you settled and finally i could go and hunt phantoms after a few minutes i was able to get the precious phantom membrane and soon i’d have everything i

Needed to fight the ender dragon day 86 i was able to use the debris i found in the nether to make one nether right ingot i brewed the potions of slow falling and some healing potions on top just in case i applied the nether ingot to my chest plate and then slept

Tomorrow i would start my journey day 87 i started searching for the stronghold it seemed like it was a fair distance away from my base because i searched all day and didn’t find it day 88 there i found the stronghold i was extremely nervous because pretty unlucky and three

Of my 15 eyes vendor had broken instead of dropping again when i threw them so if another broke i wouldn’t have been able to activate the end portal i then spent the whole day searching for the portal room the stronghold of generate with a ravine running through it and i

Even found some diamonds i searched the entire stronghold and couldn’t find a library nor could i find the portal day 89 i watched a couple of tutorials on youtube to try and find out where the portal room was a few recommended that you dig through the walls at the end of

Each corridor so i tried it and after a few times it actually worked i’ll never understand why strongholds can generate like this it’s really annoying having to fumble around for hours because the important rooms are completely disconnected from the main body of the stronghold the library has some decent

Enchanted books but of course the portal room was my goal i activated the portal organized my inventory and then stared at the portal for a few seconds i knew there was going to be no second chance if i messed up this fight after getting the worst end spawn of my life i started

Getting to work on the healing crystals landed some nice bow shots and thanks to my slow falling potions the fight was much smoother than i expected the only time i was ever really in danger was when i got caught in a dragon’s breath but even now i just healed off with the

Gap even though the fight wasn’t super difficult it was so satisfying to have beaten the dragon in hardcore while i was in the end it turned to day 90. i grabbed the dragon egg and then headed to the end gateway it was time to get an electro i spent the whole day looking

For an end city and somehow i didn’t find one day 91 i found an end city but unfortunately it didn’t spawn a ship there was still some decent loot though and i killed a bunch of shulkers on the shelves day 92 i found another entity

And this one did have a ship i also made sure to grab the dragon head i wasn’t done looting yet though i wanted to back up a lighter just in case something happened it didn’t take me too long before i found another entity and this one also had a ship after looting the

City grabbing the election dragon head it was time to go home before i did that though i had to use a ton of xp to fix my boots they were nearly broken so i combined them with another player i found day 93 i made my way through the

Portal and returned to the overwatch unfortunately because i’d had to sleep once while i was searching for the stronghold my spawn was no longer set at my house once i found my house and sorted out my stuff i started working a treasury my storage was super

Unorganized and i also wanted to lay out some of the cool items i’d obtained throughout this 100 day playthrough i had a lot of obsidian from mining enter chess while i was reading the end cities and had a bunch of crying obsidian just lying around which i thought would look

Really nice on the wall day 94 i finished the storage room i was originally gonna have the stone bricks as quartz but i didn’t have enough day 95 i started organizing all my items into the chest it was gonna take a while because i was gonna have to sort through

A lot of stuff d96 i’m still organizing this took forever but it’s gonna be so much used in the future to find the items that i need finally finished and i built the shrine to the dragon egg i decorated it with the two dragon heads i

Got and also my wither skull this thing was expensive but it looks cool day 97 i got to work using all the levels obtained from killing the dragon to enchant my gear as you can see after all of that i didn’t have enough to combine these two dinosaurs together to create

Basically the best soil in the game oh well that’ll be for 200 days it seems like i’m getting deja vu because yes i’m back to farming i was in an awkward spot because there’s only three days left at the 100 so i couldn’t start working on a

New project because i’d never be able to finish it in only three days oh hey do you remember when i actually wanted you guys day 98 this creeper tried to stop me from getting to 100 days as usual i panicked when i heard it ticked down

Behind me but my armor at this point was so strong i easily survived still not an experience i want to repeat i then killed a bunch of cows because my leather supply have been drained due to all the item frames i’ve been crafting i found my pumpkins and started working on

Leveling up this librarian a master right now said name tags i really wanted one day in 99 i gave my virgin some bread and continued trading with them but no one cares about day 99 because now it’s day 100 100 days survived in hardcore minecraft my house is pretty

Bad with all my chests downstairs in my storage room so i spent the rest of the day making this blue creeper rug not sure why i’m going with a creeper themed rug when they’ve tried to kill me so many times but you can’t deny that one of minecraft’s defining features i

Purchased the name tag and what else would i use it for apart from properly naming the best cat here we are in day 101 i had a lot of plans to use 100 days and they started with getting a creeper farm built for that i would need cats so i headed off

To a nearby verge hoping that they had some i searched for one had almost given up hope and i finally found one in case you’re wondering what other versions are they’re all dead good job guys i headed all the way home and realized that my new cat wasn’t with me i’m pretty sure

It’s because i swam across this lake meaning they couldn’t teleport to me after going back and retrieving it i brought it with moon in order to get the second cap of the creepy farm day 102 i began clearing out this area and also make space for my creeper farm i heard

The groans of zombies and quickly rise that this place had tons of caves underneath it which would stop the creek farm from working i chose this spot and started construction day 103 i continue building the farm the whole ceiling has to be covered in trap doors in order for

It to work which is going to cost me a ton of wood day 104 the kitten had grown up so i transported him and his father into the creeper farm they’re going to be in there for a long time i ran out of trapdoors and didn’t have any more wood

So i had to go out and chop trees by the end of the day the farm was complete day 105 eyebrows that built one section of the farm too short on how to extend it once that was done i built up and also afk the farm for a while after afk for

The entire day i dug down checked the chest and what for gunpowder i realized the cave system i found earlier most likely extended onto my base and all the monsters spawning there were most likely stopping the creeper farm from work i took my frustration out on some nearby

Zombies day 106 i did some pumpkin farming to take my mind off the failed creeper farm upon entering the virgil hall i saw he had an unwanted guest not only had he bashed the door down he picked it up and was now using it as a weapon after doing some trading i knew

What i wanted to do and that was crash the economy but first i would need slime and for that i would need to find a swamp biome i used all the gunpowder i had to cross rockets and from their south or my electra to find a swamp

After a few minutes searching i found one out of room portal you’re probably wondering why i need slime and it’s because i’m going to use sticky pistons for my new virgin trading hall after a whole night of searching for slimes i only managed to get eight slime balls

And i did 20. so day 107 i went mine in a ravine that i found in this one my electro was pretty damaged because i didn’t have unbreaking all men on it meaning i couldn’t leave here and return at night i would have to wait it out

Until night fell so i could try again with the slimes i found an abandoned mineshaft and decided to explore and i got the jump scare of my life and i turned around from money iron and found a creeper staring me in the face after my heart recovered from that experience

I explored more and ended up finding a name tag i decided to return to the surface to see if knight fell on it had so i spent the whole night searching for slimes i only ended up finding one and it gave me one slime ball there 108 i

Had had enough of the swamp and decided to just build a smaller version of the virgin hall with the limited slime i had after arriving home i instantly added mending to my lightroom because it was nearly broken i was able to fix it by buying some bottles of enchanting in

Front of my verges which provides enough xp to nearly fully repair it i then spent the rest of the night farming day 109 i started work on the new training call it looks terrible right now but trust me it gets better the design is from logical geekboy i’ll link the video

In the description if you want to try it out for yourself i stayed up instead of sleeping because i need to get a zombie in the back of the hall i had to give him a name tag so he wouldn’t do spawn and i ended up naming gideon i have no

Idea why i just chose it at random day 110 still working on the whole the way it works is that a virgin will come along this walkway and head into one of the gaps once they fall down the piston closes above their head i can also flick

A lever and drop them down into gideon but he’ll turn them into a zombie villager the reason for this and why i can crash the economy is because curing a zombie version will result in them giving you insanely good trades day 111 i finished the minecart system for the

Training hall and said that the first version i would try out was my mending librarian after a bit of encouragement he heads into his slot in the hall i quickly set about getting both my farmers in there as well and then headed back to the swamp to gather the

Remaining slime unfortunately i got lost trying to find it this was actually a blessing in disguise i found a dark oak forest and not only is dark coat one of my favorite wood types the forest had tons of these brown mushrooms which are required to make fermented spider eyes

Fermented spider eyes are required in order to brew weakness potions to kill zombie verges after getting all the mushrooms of meat i spent the rest of life fighting monsters in order to gain experience day 112 i gathered a ton of dark coat before heading back home i brewed some weakness potions because i

Was going to be zombifying my verges after dropping my librarian down he’s turned into a zombie by gideon but then he caught fire which is not part of the plan it’s because neither stares above nor defenses or solid blocks meaning there was nothing protecting the zombie version from the sunlight you’re far too

Useful to be burned into a crisp so please wear sun creep next time after starting his cure i began work on a new walkway for the verges which would hopefully protect the zombie once this time i also zombified and started to kill my father the librarian finally

Cured and now i can buy mending for just one emerald with the second farmer zombified and cured i found my pumpkins then heads off to bed happy with the progress i’ve made as i headed back to the trading hall on day 113 i roast several things had gone wrong the stair

Hadn’t been taken by the piston for some reason exposing his farm into the sunlight and causing him to die more importantly though the librarian that i just cured now some are being infected again after curing this librarian for the second time i bought all the many

Books i would ever need day 114 i’m expanding the virgin breeder this base needs more workers and we need them now i started moving this small hill back because it was in the way of where i wanted to expand the treatment i spent the rest of the day building the hall

And adding a second side to 115 i continued building the trading hall check the virgil breeder and they made tons of children i’m proud of you guys grab some sand to turn to glass because i was going to be changing the walkway i changed the walkway to dark oak planks

With some blue stained glass paints and i think it turned out quite well day 116 i’m building the second half of the hall even though i don’t have the resources for it to be functional it’d be ready for when i do finish off some trading

Overall was a good day day 117 i was mirroring the rail system on the other side of the hall i’m not fully sure how it works but the minecart gets broken by the cactus and deposits into the chest by the hopper which saves me having to

Do it all manually for the rest of the day i chop one in the nearby village i didn’t want to make a huge dent in the trees in my house so i decided to do it here instead seeing as the majority of the population died to zombies i’m sure

They weren’t mined on day 118 after gathering some more wood i had it back oh god oh no no no no no no no i ended up finding a vision with the sheep in this wooden flowerbed thing and all i could say is i definitely need to call the police you

Poor creature anyway after being reminded something i really wanted to forget i started building the exterior of the virtual hall day 119 i spent the whole day working on the hall it’s a lot of work i have to do but i think it’s going to turn out well deal 120 added

The stripped oak and spruce floor and build a decent looking entrance progress of slope we’re getting that deal 121 was me mirroring the design on one side onto the other i decided to take a break from all the building by going mining for ancient debris after over 100 days i

Definitely should be another armor throughout days 121 to 122 i exploded tons of beds in the search for debris my luck was pretty good and i was able to find 16 pieces enough for four nether right angers as i was on my way back this hogan knocked me into lava after i

Killed him his friend showed up and history did not repeat itself as he fell into the lava instead it was exactly what he deserved day 123 i started like many other days farming pumpkins after selling them off i had enough xp to combine my sword with one that i found

In end city for some reason though i forgot to add mending to either sword before i combine them meaning it’s going to cost a ton of levels to add mending now as i dived into the late to get more santa turned to glass i found this iron

Guard i’m just chilling here no idea why he’s choosing to live in a river but whatever have fun i guess don’t blame me if you go rusty i headed off to the nearby village to ruin another part of the wildlife this time there’s the lake

I traveled most of sand out of my own so i borrowed theirs i had so much sand that crafted more furnaces to keep up with production deal 124 i started building the back of the trading hall i also moved the small hill back some more but my shovels durability was getting

Dangerously low my ancient debris had smelted so i crafted it onto ingots and wow look how much gold i have i only changed my swords into the right because i plan to upgrade the rest of my gears and charmanders by combining it with other diamond guide found in the end

Cities i spent the rest of the day finishing off the design for the back of the hall and crossed a ton of light blue stained glass for the roof deal 125 i started building the frame for the roof i was only able to get two of the three

Rings done because they were pretty time consuming to build i was in a bunch of the glass and finally the hallway starts to take shape day 126 i returned to ruining the wildlife i needed both more glass and wood i worked here at night to

Get the final ring done did 127 i added some extra detail because i felt it was something missing i added the rest of the glass and now the hole is nearly complete i was really happy that was turning out day 128 i used up all my glass filling in the room don’t worry

This is the final environmental disaster caused by me at least for a while while my glass was smelting i dug a tunnel from the hall to my verge of breeders so i can start transporting virgins when i merged in the breeder i rose a huge issue an iron golem had spawned inside

Meaning if i accidentally hit a virgin while trying to do anything in here then i’m basically dead to this thing i’ll deal with it later i have bad things to do day 129 i finished the outside the hall which was insanely satisfying i then started laying down the track for

The minecart i spent the night repeatedly waking this guy up to ask if he’s interested in the job he said no one went back to his bed multiple times but like an annoying scam caller i was persistent he didn’t run eagerly to his job station like the other virgins had

So had to do some convincing he also wanted straight potatoes and carrots which is unacceptable unfortunately after breaking replacing the composter he didn’t become a farmer again i’ll figure out in the morning dear 130 i realized the issue was that he was picking up the nearby composter and said

The one in front of him after fixing that issue he gave me the trade that i wanted which is weak i told gideon to say hi and then the new farmer caught fire i realized the glass room for the hormone i was going to need to make some

Changes to the walkway in order to stop the zombie virgins from burning i’m gonna have to add that to the sort that out later list i still work on a part of the virtual at the end of the day i check back on my farm and he finished

Curing to my dismay after leveling up he offered pumpkin pie and apples instead of wanting to buy pumpkins for some reason i then leveled him up to master to see if he’d buy pumpkins this was pointless farmers can only offer to buy pumpkins at the journeyman level in

Order to get rid of the virgin i first had gideon infect him again this meant i could kill the virgin without the other two getting mad should have known something was up when you wanted to buy carrots they were 131 i went to bring more wheat as potions and razor had no

Blaze powder left to fuel the broom stand that was a big problem but it’s also going on that i’ll fix that later list but now i set my mind to replacing the farmer got one in and found wheat to sell to him and of course he also wanted

To sell pumpkin pie and apples nothing personal bro at first i spent the night hunting creepers in order to get gunpowder for fireworks and then decided i wanted to try and get a music disc just in case you don’t know how to get one it’s when a skeleton kills a creeper

After getting shot the entire quiver’s worth of arrows i was able to get the disc i stayed up all night fighting monsters because i wanted more xp deal 132 i set out to find a new swap because that old one was trash i got some dark

Oak wood along the way and found a couple versions i needed xp to fix my elytra so i stole all their food and sold it back to xp i spent the night hunting for slimes and having lutein on my sword made my life so much easier i

Was able to gather all the slime i needed as i was heading back to my base on day 133 i spotted these hills covered in flowers and decided to grab some to use as decoration once i got home i used one as die for a shulker which i would

Use as my emerald chocolate as you can see it’s already looking pretty good i poured that new dark coat i go to good use building the roof for the walkway i rest have forgotten to add trapdoors to the section of the zombie tunnel when to fix it gideon please move now you’re on

Fire now i’m on fire it didn’t have to end this way gideon i added in the remaining sticky pistons and now one side the hall is nearly complete minus a zombie i’m pretty sure i was playing at 3am or something because i was trying to put my elytra on and someone ended up

Trying to place wood planks on my head i need to find a replacement for gideon i didn’t take too long to find one listen it’s a simple job all you need to do is not burst into flames as the sun rose on day 134 i continued to build the roof of

The walkways i added the final touch to the other side the visual hall and then tried for the third time to get a farmer who would buy pumpkins i had to farm weeds i didn’t have enough to sell to him and also level him up but it was

Well worth it because he actually did want to buy pumpkins i then headed home to prove weakness potions in order to convince him one pumpkin perm which is a great deal before remembering i had no blaze powder left i guess it’s time to return to another returning to the

Nether fortress was so much easier with the elytra and once i was there i killed blazers for a good 10 minutes thanks to my looting three i was able to get over 50 blaze rods deal 135 was returning from the nether when i found this room portal submersion lava for some reason i

Tried to land on it before verizon that was a terrible idea and instead bridged over these two gold blocks are going to come in useful after getting lost a few times i was able to make it back to my portal and i spent the night trying to

Find a second zombie for the virgin trading hall deal 136 i was looking at my options for enchanting i wanted to add this fortune book to my pickaxe to get fortune 3 but i was also tempted by the power 4 bone chapman in the end i just put many on my leggings because

They were getting low on durability now that i had more weakness motions i got straight to infecting the second farmer two is good but how about a third i once again had to farm weed because i didn’t have enough to level them up while farming i heard the sound of creepers

Dying and went to check on my creeper farm yeah it actually produced nearly a stack of gunpowder because i just left it running since i built on day 105. a surprise to be sure but a welcome one even with just a few verges you can see how effective this hall was becoming as

Night fell i dug a new minecart song to connect the other side of the hall because of the training i’ve done my leggings were now fully repaired and i started to convert them to netherright i went back to work building the tunnel and was able to complete it it’s day 137

If you think i’m stopping at three farmers you’re mistaken already i was starting to get tons of emeralds and xp from the villagers oh we definitely need more farmers just look at these profits trading with the virgins have taken me to over level 30 so i started trying to

Enchant a second helmet to combine with my current one i wanted respiration but even after resetting the enchantment table a couple of times i wasn’t having any luck i ended up going for aqua 30 and decided to try again for respiration later we’re starting off 138 with profit

I added some extra details to the roof of the hall and then went off to farm pumpkins i mean i might as well be looking at a valley of money i headed down into the mines in such a gold because i’d used up every piece of howland golden apples to kill the

Villagers i didn’t find tons but on day 139 i found diamonds and gold right next to each other my fortune chart was pretty good and i was able to get nine diamonds from six holes i returned to the surface and visited my xp file sorry i mean verges i was once again over

Level 30 so i tried to get depth started on a pair of boots but unfortunately my luck wasn’t there i ended up not getting it down 140 i was going to be clearing out these two shulkers full of random junk that slowly built up as i built the

Vehicle once that was done i mean tons of emeralds the animal chalk is looking good i once again tried for depth strider but the enchantment table was incorporating i found pumpkins because i wanted to get enough xp to retry for depth straightener after some trading with the virgins it was time to visit

The entrance tip again after resetting the enchants several times i finally didn’t get that straighter yeah i was pretty bad the 141 i started vlogging you sugar came from my old one was too small and i was going to need way more sugarcane for both rockets and trading

Let’s hope i built this one correctly good news i think i built this one correctly however after doing some testing i realized the collection system wasn’t working even though i built it exactly the same as the one the tutorial i spent the whole night trying to make

It work and couldn’t and to stop it all off a creeper arrived and tried to blow it all up down 142 i was determined to make the sugarcane farm work after watching some tutorials i tried with this collection system and it worked it actually works i finished off the day by

Watching the creepers in the farm after the amount of times they tried to kill me this was very satisfying of course i also traded with white villagers doing 143 my luck had definitely taken a turn for the better because i was able to get depth straighter however combining these

Boots to my current ones was going to cost me an entire 36 levels i built the other side the new sugarcane farm side decorating the wandering traders showed up and of course was able to annoy me with just its mere existence gate alarm was at my sugarcane farm i warned you

After that minor headache i finished the main body of the farm did 144 i worked on the roof of the farm it took all day because i went through several designs i also had to defend my property from someone wanted gas when i arrived in the virgin hall of my inventory stuff for

The pumpkins i rise as far as somehow become a zombie again you’re valuable so you’ll be cured deal 145 i decided to see what in charge i could get on this book i was often breaking which i immediately took because i need it for my elijah now it’s perfect i returned to

The minds this time in such a granite did you hear that the sound of prophets i continued tonight building this roof as i checked it from a distance i was reminded that my creepy father was still just a huge cobblestone box it’s still 146 and where else would i be in the

Morning except making money i was decent level again i’m searching for more enchantments for my boots got a pair of depth started ones that were slightly better than the ones i’ve previously got and combine them with mendy it’s going to be expensive to put these two together but i’ll pretty much have the

Best moves in the game i made myself nearly four stacks of torches because i decided it was time to get my creeper farm up and running and to do that i was going to need to light up all the caves under my base i made some decent

Progress but there’s still much more to be done after training with the virgins i spent day 147 searching for as many caves as possible i found an abandoned myself which was definitely causing problems with the creeper file i mined tons of iron even got a power three bow

From skeleton when i merged in the caves was day 148 i mean are you really surprised about what i did next i finally had enough levels to combine my boots together and now they were almost perfect i converted them to another right at this point i had so many

Emeralds that i started converting them into emerald blocks i was able to craft two stacks of emerald blocks this training hall was insane i added mending to my axe and renamed it to the pumpkin destroyer because i used this thing for pumpkin social and actually chopping wood i also repaired my shovel with

Three diamonds for some reason not sure why i didn’t just put mending on it i put the pumpkin destroyed to good use by destroying some pumpkins and then made profits down 149 i wanted to test the effect as the creeper found another i’d let her pull this case i air caved for

Almost the whole day and i was pretty nervous as to whether the farm would actually work or not i’m pleased to say that it definitely did work for the rest of the day i didn’t always do turning pumpkins into emeralds i finally had enough xp to confine my efficiency for

Dome pickaxe with one that i’d obtained for an entity i also started a new shulker for my key resources like iron and coal dealing 150 i started work on a staircase down to my pumpkin farm it’s kind of crazy that i haven’t built this earlier i also created a path to the old

Verger hall i definitely needed to repurpose it in something useful but for now it’s just going to stay there i finished off some farming and training day 151 i’m using all those flowers i got earlier to decorate the landscape after farming my crops i was like i

Definitely need to build a new disposal system chucking stuff into this lava pit is time consuming of course on trading with diversions it’s basically a life requirement for me i’d also made my mind off about the fortune and power book i decided to use the fortune in charmander

Now that my pickaxe was perfect i converted another right day 152 i headed to the nether this time in search of a bastion they have tons of gold which i desperately needed because i’ve run out having used all my golden apples my electro allowed me to search insanely

Quickly through another and i found one in no time i had to be extremely careful because bastions are inhabited by the insanely strong piglet brutes all the way at the bottom of here lay tons of gold blocks and loot i’d forgotten to bring a bow which would allow me to

Safely kill the bricks from distance so i decided in the end it was too dangerous and backed off however i decided to steal this gold block mining gold near piglets makes them angry but i thought they couldn’t see me do it i’d be safe i was wrong i realized my life

Spam was about to become considerably shorter if i didn’t get out the bastard in time as i left i found this room porter when i had a gold block and even some golden carrots upon returning to the bastion to record its coordinates i rosie’s stupid piglets kept half their

Gold on the outside the bastion completely unprotected wouldn’t it be a shame if someone stole it as i headed back to another i single-handedly did the dumbest thing i’ve ever done in this hardcore world i decided to fly through this tiny gap over a lake of lava if i

Had made one mistake here i would have crashed into the side of the roof fallen in the lava and burnt to death after that i decided to make the rest of the journey on foot it was down 153 by the time i returned home and got straight to

Making gold i mined a ton of oil in another and also had the gold blocks in the bastion and was able to make over two stacks of ingots of course i then went to farm pumpkins deal 154 i used some of my newly acquired wealth to craft more golden apples now they have

Been resupplied i can continue infecting and curing zombie virgos i spent the night adding in sticky pistons to the other side of the hall because i found some spare slime though 155 i was going to be getting a new librarian because i realized i was missing the thorns and

Chatman from my armor by some miracle we started selling thorns after only a couple of resets bought one book of him to lock in the trade and then you know what comes next the salted profits i think someone said profit now that i was high enough level i tried to get

Respiration on a helmet and got it first try now my arm is starting to look good i wanted to add thorns to my boots but it’s gonna cost me an absolutely insane 39 levels day 156 the virgo cured and was basically now giving me thorns for free i harvested my crops and also

Infected the final farmer had enough emeralds to make yet another stack of emerald blocks i’d also run out of virgins on the breeder so i had to fix that the rest of the day i started building a path around my wheat field 157 i continually work on the path i run

Out of word not to go shot more deal 158 but once again starting off with pumpkin farming i then set about getting my cleric in the virgin hall because he sells bottles of enchanting which are literally pure xp unfortunately i forgot to place down a brewing stand for him to

Go to which meant he instead ran away scream because of the zombies you’ll be fine just ask the others right guys guys anyway day 159 i bought a couple of thorns works for my librarian and the cleric finished curing now i can basically buy xp for one emerald

Although to be honest i get way more just sending pumpkins i added thorns to both my legs and helmet unfortunately forgot that the max level of thorns is three not two which means if i want to upgrade to armor to thorns three it’s gonna cost me so many levels i crossed a

Ton of beds because i didn’t have any nether right for my helmet which meant i was gonna have to go mining my luck wasn’t great and after using all my beds i had eight debris i had two spare pieces at home so if i could find two

More i’d have enough for three ingots for most of day 160 i carved out massive chunks in netherrack in the search for ancient debris after probably thousands of netherrack i found what i was looking for the 161 i did a ton of trading altogether xp and then converted my

Helmet to netherride completing my set another armor i should have gone for full netherright a lot sooner but i’m glad it’s finally done they’ll 162 i began the search for a piercer outpost i wanted a totem of undying which you can get from killing the evokers the

Spawning raids on my travels i find that there’s a temple and decided to explore now what do i see in the very first chest a god apple they’re literally one of the rarest items in the game and i couldn’t believe my luck my luck continued as i found a room portal and a

Version nearby the village had melons which i wanted for a while so i stole them i wanted to restore the very portal and also have easy access to this version in the future but i didn’t have any iron for flintsteal hey look iron on legs i was barely 300 blocks away from

My home portal and another which would make getting back to this verge insanely easy day 163 i continue to search for an outpost i found another temple and this one had two regular golden apples i found so many structures during my search including rome portals and igloo

Tons of verges a shipwreck and even an ocean ruins on day 164 after a ton of searching i found an out person got straight to killing all the inhabitants i killed not one but two pillager captains in order to get the bad omen 2 effect day 165 i made a quick another

Portal so i could have easy access to the purge outpost whenever i wanted now that i had the bad open effect all i need to do is find a random vision to start the raid sorry guys but you’re probably all gonna die the raid began i

Just want to say that slightly raid on hardcore with an almost broken bow was a terrible idea a bow is your best friend for dealing with the powerful rape mobs especially the ravages the raid went on through the night because there were a ton of waves i had to swim pretty much

All of day 166 searching for the final radio this wave i searched everywhere and somehow couldn’t find him as night fell i finally discovered where he was somehow he had sworn in this one block gap between the tree and the hill and was of course completely stuck the raid

Continued on through the night and i’m just saying now that i hate the decks i mean this one even spawned with a fire aspect sword unfortunately after defeating tons of waves i was once again stuck with one reader left 167 i searched everywhere for the final raider

Every single block of this village was checked but i couldn’t find him the raid literally disappeared because i didn’t clear the wave within the time limit after this i just stood out with the river for a while contemplating how i stayed up till 2am fighting the raid and

Wasn’t able to complete it it was a very depressing flight home luckily i had enough levels to add many to my helmet because they had taken out beating from the raid i may not have completed the raid but at least i had these totems now the 168 i found pumpkins and felt better

You can see just how powerful this haul is now because i was able to go from level 3 to level 22 from just trading a few stacks of pumpkins i was able to combine a bunch of bows together to get powerful i did some more farming and

Resin water to make an auto composter unlike the last time i tried to make one of these i actually built it correctly now i can start getting rid of the stacks upon stacks of seeds that are clogging my storage they’re 169 i headed down to mines to get some lava because

I’m going to be building a proper garbage disposal system it’s really simple to build and now i can put items at the chest and once the chest closes they get chucked into lava i finished the day by farming pumpkins to be honest i should probably rename this video to

200 days in minecraft pumpkin mode they’re 170 i gathered a bunch of wood because i’ll be adding another layer to the creeper farmer for that many tons of trapdoors it’s still 171 and what’s that the four stack of emerald blocks am i turning into mr krabs i returned to the

Verse to see if there were any cats left but unfortunately they won i’m pretty sure this guy is the only surviving version i had to check my footage of the first couple of days because i couldn’t remember which cat was in the farm and i obviously didn’t want to breed moon with

The wrong one i’m sorry little one you’re going to be here for a while then 172 i continue to increase the cat population i kept building the farm i finished off all the trapdoors now this giant carlson box is an even worse looking giant cobblestone box as einstein once said pumpkin equals

Emerald equals rich 173 i uncharted new diamond actually combined with the pumpkin destroyer and also started trying to get smite 4 on the sword i wanted to fight the wither by the end of the 200 days and to do that i was going to need a strong smite weapon of course

I have my usual enchanting luck with the sword i can find the pumpkin destroyer with the new axe to create the pumpkin warlord i also converted this thing into another right and it’s a beast after all that enchanting i built ethanol to afk the new creeper farm i afk for most of

The day and got a decent amount of gunpowder yeah 174 i decided to test out my new bow it works i started this small cactus farm because i wanted some green dye i then went searching for darko because i was finally going to change how the creeper farm looked i didn’t realize the

First while flying over but that’s a pink sheep after gathering all the dark hook i would need i headed back and this time spot the sheep i’ve definitely got to take it back to my base but that’s a 300 days project as the sun set i use a

New pumpkin warlord to find my pumpkins quicker than ever before and of course i made profits then 175 it’s finally time to fix this ugly cobblestone behemoth i honestly just peeled up and stayed here for a few minutes because i had no idea how to make it look good i finally had

An idea inside building the frame i went for this strip dark oak design it already looks ten times better than before doing 176 i built this wooden walkway out to the roof of the creeper farm i think i’ll build something up here but that’s also gonna have to be

For 300 days i added this spruce trim and while it’s not perfect it definitely looks so much better than just a blob of cobblestone 177 i had an idea for the creeper farm decoration and it involves blinds i must have sold off a mountain of pumpkins by now the reason for the

Vines was that i wanted to craft mossy cobblestone i thought adding a more ancient look to the farm would give it some depth i also used some andesite and leaves for extra detail overall it was a nice little project that i’m happy with i know i haven’t done one of these in a

While but it’s moon appreciation time down 178 i grab some more leaves to finish off the creeper farm after some verge of trading i tried again to get a smite full sword of course i was once again unsuccessful but now i’m returning to the nether again it was time to

Gather with the skulls i already have one from the first 100 days so i only need to get two more unfortunately the nether fortress i always go to is the worst possible place to wither skill farming because it’s right on a wall forest by him which means most of the

Monster spawns get taken up by enderman as it entered the fortress i found some chests that i somehow hadn’t found yet and ended up getting a diamond while i was fine with the skeletons this one jump scared me so bad that i lost my grip with my mouse bashed my hand on my

Keyboard and half the keys fell off it was not a fun experience for my hand or my keyboard under 179 the first goal dropped i guess minecraft was feeling sorry for me because i got the second one only five minutes later after returning home i placed the two skulls

With the one of my dragon aid monument i’m not gonna lie this thing was pretty weird i was over level 30 from all the monsters i killed so tried again for smite force still nothing and if i hadn’t been paying attention i would have accidentally disenchanted my bow

Day 108 i started brewing a bunch of potions in preparation for the wither fight i’m gonna be fighting it on day 200 because that seems like a pretty good finale after a visit to the money machine i was back to high level and tried again for smite for guess what

Didn’t get it as you can see my potion supply is pretty stacked i wasn’t planning on taking any chances against the weather after a lot of second guessing myself i decided to build one of the most dangerous farms in minecraft an enderman xp farm it’s incredibly risky to build especially in hardcore

But i needed that smite enchantment and this would be the fastest way to get it the farm requires over 20 stacks of solid blocks to build so i started on another environmental disaster i carved through the trees of the pumpkin warlord and this is why i returned with 181 i

Spent the whole day gathering everything i need to build the farm including carpets hoppers lava and a nametag minecraft really did not want me getting smite for because i tried probably the fourth time and still didn’t get it as i flew towards the stronghold on day 182 i

Felt uneasy i could very easily lose my entire world but in this farm after heading to the end i had to create this cobblestone pillar all the way to y level zero and then swim down the waters to place leaves on the final block below this is the deepest darkest void which

Will kill you in just two and a half seconds i’ve done a lot of stuff on minecraft but this was easily the scariest thing i’ve ever had to do once i created a ladder up the cobblestone pillar i then had to bridge out at least 120 blocks from the end island using

Leaves the reason for the leaves instead of any other block is the end of an actually can’t spawn on them i can’t tell you guys how hard my finger was glued to the shift key if i stopped crouching it would all be over once i had bridged out far enough i started

Work on the farm after the first two rings were complete i had to build up in this way until i hit y level 44. then 183 i reached y 44 and started building the platform where all the animals won because i was so far off from the end

This platform was the only place anime could spawn and they immediately started appearing it doesn’t look too bad right now but trust me it gets terrifying with three quarters of the platform done you can tell just how many endermen there are now that the platform was built i

Had to get an endermite and here as well you can just see the insane numbers of enemies the reason for an endermite is because anyone goes psycho when they see one and try to kill it so you can use the endermites to trick the enderman into running straight down a huge hole

Like the one i’ve just built and then i have a one in 20 chance of swarming using an ender pearl so i brought nearly 40 pearls with me just to be sure it was a good job that i brought all this pearls because it ended my spawn after

My final pearl after giving it a name tags that wouldn’t be spoiling the farm is pretty much complete as i break the temporary dirt i placed i actually fell down the entire shop but only lost half my health because of the feather bullet and now the xp came rolling in i’m not

Kidding when i say i literally sat here for the next hour and just killed enderman by the 187 i was level 91 had enough ender poles to fill an ocean i returned home and unfortunately couldn’t perfect my helmet with thorns three because the game literally wouldn’t let

Me add the book to my helmet after adding thorns three to my chest plate i returned to enchantment to get that smite four sword i went through tons of enchantments but there it was and it was even better on hope because it was smite 5. i headed to the virgin hall and

Bought a bunch of thorns books as well as two knockback books unfortunately i was also prevented from adding thorns three to my boots i could just about scrape thorns tube it was gonna cost a lot however i was able to add thorn three to my leggings i combined the two

Knockback books together and set my size to creating the best smite sword in the game day 188 after the stressful experience of building the end of a farm some peaceful pumpkin farming was exactly what i needed the fifth stack of emerald blocks is coming along nicely i

Needed the fire aspen in charmander not only for my sword but also for my main sword so i got to work getting a new librarian it took a few tries but he started selling fire aspect a wider discount though so i turned him into a zombie like an idiot i’d forgotten to

Trade with him first which meant that his trades weren’t locked and he wouldn’t sell fire aspect when he was cured while this is awkward deal 189 i tried again with fire aspect this time i actually remember to trade with the verger before infecting him i combined the forest picked but with mending and

Tried to add it to my sword but of course it was extremely expensive the 190 i bought another fire space book for my librarian for the smite sword and then crafted more and more blocks in 300 days i want to have a whole shulker filled with nothing but stacks of

Emerald blocks wow i’m really starting to sound like mr krabs i crafted another diamond sword to see if i could pick up some enchantments that i needed i got sweeping edge which was perfect i added a bunch of charms to the smite sword in this new imperfection do 191 i only

Needed one more enchantment with my new sword and that was looting three i set out on a mission to get it from a librarian and it sucked like it seriously sucks i spent the entire day just breaking and replacing electron and this guy still wouldn’t sell me the book

All the while i was doing this i had to listen to the virgins and zombies and it’s safe to say my eardrums will never be the same late in the night he offered efficiency 5 and i was so close to taking it after all i could just get a

New librarian tomorrow for looting three i even dropped him down for the zombie and got the weakness potion ready but then i changed my mind out of sheer stubbornness i decided no this guy was going to sell me looting three whatever it took after countless tries he finally

Finally sold looting three of course if he thought i was going to buy a 44 emeralds he was mistaken i bought a bookshelf to lock his trades and then began the force discount now i still 192 and cheers i’ll be taking that looting three for 19 emeralds after combining

The sweeping edge sword with losing all this stood in the way of me getting the best my sword was 32 levels i returned to the end of my finals to get them unfortunately as i was throwing countless in the person to void i ended up throwing in a tome of undying i

Returned from the farm and there it is this thing is an absolute monster i did forget to name it though so that’s going to be another 16 levels now 194 i wanted to get enough xp to name my swords and trading with diverges sorted me out pretty quick after nami i converted it

To another right this thing will absolutely destroy the weather why wait for day 200 where i would battle the weather i started creation of a melon farm for days 195 to 199 that was all i did wait for men’s to grow turn them into seeds and expand the farm the

Reason i did this was because my virgos don’t only buy one pumpkin for one emerald they also buy one melon for one emerald this one i could double my emerald output with the melon farm but now it’s time for what you’ve all been waiting for the wither fight this was my

Inventory before the fight i was literally going in with every potion imaginable and an insane amount of healing i even had two extra totes with me so if my first one broke i had backups i headed down into my mind swan the boss and we’re actually gonna cut some live commentary okay okay Strength okay why are you going up there All right come here come here come on die please die let’s go oh my god oh my god give me that another star after emerging victorious over the weather i headed home to decide where i want to place my beacon i eventually chose to

Put it next to vergil as i headed up to place the beacon atop its emerald pedestal i couldn’t help but think how far i’d come in this world all the way from day 100 struggling for food to date 200 with the wither defeated even after so many close calls with death i still

Stood firm in hardcore minecraft Here we are in day 201 there are a ton of things that was doing these 100 days and i wasted no time my first goal i wanted to find a jungle in order to get bamboo to craft scaffolding scaffolding would make my life so much easier for

Building big projects and be much better than pillaring up using dirt while i was searching i found this witch hunt you should keep your house clean because it’s full of grass i found a couple of room portals but unfortunately no jungle i slept in a virgo house and got back to

Search on day 202 after a ton of searching i stumbled upon a jungle and immediately sat up another portal to have easy access to this place in the future i then started searching for bamboo i found a jungle temple and of course the loot was absolutely terrible

The sticky pistons are honestly the most valuable thing here it’s pretty embarrassing but i didn’t actually know you could instantly harvest bamboo with a sword so i was using my axe instead once i got enough bamboo i headed back to another portal to return him day 23 i

Arrived back home found my melons and pumpkins for heading into my training hall to make a ton of them i was able to reach for 36 and decide to start working a perfect sealed touch pickaxe i got on breaking 3 and efficiency 4 straight away which is a great start i then

Started working getting this virgin to sell me a good efficiency book after breaking replacing the electron for the entire night he finally offered efficiency for of course i’m not buying it 13 emeralds day 204 i found my sugarcane also sell paper to the verger which would lock in his trades listen

Man stop screaming i’m a trained professional i’ve found my props all day and then returned to the hall to check on the verger we finished curing so i bought two efficiency four books from him one for the pickaxe and one for my axe it was expensive but now my axe is

Definitely deserving of the name pumpkin warlord i began dating five by throwing bread at the verges don’t worry guys i’m doing this fully out of the goodness of my own heart and knox i need you to make me more workers so i can make more money

When have i ever treated any of you badly actually i think it’s better if you don’t answer that forget about my crimes against verges because now i’m fine pumpkins i did the same with the mounds and then sold them all off which may be a ton of errors day 206 i decided

To build a tree outside my old trading hall because the area is feeling kind of empty i’ve got a decent amount done but like usual ends up running out materials i had to get them more once i finished the tree trunk i started adding leaves

And of course i’ve run out of those as well day 207 i finished off the leaves and i think it looks pretty good i’m not the best at building custom trees but i’m really happy with how this one turned out i also killed the sign goal i

Had literally no reason for this but it was annoying me he must have cursed me from the afterlife because the gameplay audio for the next couple days didn’t record i decorated the area around the tree with some flowers and then headed to my verge of breeding so i was after a

Silk touch book unfortunately it turned tonight while i was trying to get this virgin in which meant he no longer wanted a job and instead wanted to sleep it was painful to get him into his spot by going there in the end he must be

Pretty mad at me because i had to spend the whole night breaking replacing the elector and he still wouldn’t tell me some touch as the sun rose into 208 he finally started selling salt touch but i wasn’t paying 14 emeralds one zombification later and he had a much more affordable price added still

Touched my new pickaxe as well as adding a this shovel and combining with another i know i’m destroying this speech but hey the audio is back i apologize to all the wildlife but i need to stand in order to craft tnt i then headed off to another and you can probably guess where

This is going we’re going to be mining for ancient debris with the tnt it should be much faster so i spent all of day 280 searching for age debris from nearly a stack of tnt i got 11 ancient debris which is pretty good i also used

My new silk touch pickaxe to grab some leather gold oil which i could smell into ingots it was dark by the time i returned so i just found melons on pumpkins day 210 became my profits my usual degree had smelted so i crossed into another right and then converted my

Pickaxe in trouble i then started work taking down my beacon because i was going to go mining with it i wanted to gather up a bunch of stone doors to craft stone bricks and getting some awesome on the way wouldn’t hurt i’m mine for the entire night in all of day

211 with haze 2 and got more than enough stone as well as a decent amount of water on day 212 i pillowed up with the awesome mine to use my fortune pickaxe from 24 diamond oil i got 54 diamonds which is insane it was a pretty chill

Day i did some farming and set the beacon back up the 2013 i started work tearing down the old virtual hall it could literally only fit six virgins and it honestly looks pretty bad i mean the whole granite roof with a cobblestone trim just doesn’t look that good i also

Freed this librarian after everything i put the verges through i think it’s the least i can do it took me all day to demolish the build but having haste definitely made my life easier i began construction on what was going to be the new virgo breeder i felt bad for all the

Virgins living in that hole at the time i didn’t think about it but this is a really dumb place for a virgo burrito because it’s way too close to the training hall which means all the virgins there will claim the bed stopping the other virgins from breeding

After a whole night of building i’ve made decent progress i continued throughout d214 and this weird iron golem just stabbed me in the face by the time knight fell i started work on the roof day 215 started off with farming and then money i think i might have a

Little obsession i needed more dark coat logs for a new breeder so i set out to get some while on my journey i visited the pink sheep i found in 200 days looks like he’s doing well after committing some pretty severe deforestation i ran away before i got arrested and got back

To work building the burrito i wanted to make a cool looking tower jutting out of the roof i was still building on day 216 working on the roof of the tower this is how it looks so far as i returned home to grab some stuff from my chest i found

This version of barge into my house and made himself comfortable my initial thought was to chuck this guy in a hole with a bucket of lava but then i decided he could stay i named him captain crunch because he’s a fisherman and then heads off to the forest to get more wood

Fertile i finished the roof and started building the exterior also that librarian i’m freed he’s a zombie now not exactly enough to agree starting his new life for freedom but i’ll kill him i thought he could give him an early retirement the tower will be safe and

Sound have a great view as the sun rose and day 2017 i wrote something terrible what happened that’s on bill o’brien have been holding scaffolding and what lay on the ground before me next the iron golem rotten flash and scaffolding the verger who had faithfully served me

And gained freedom was no more i immediately disposed of the iron golem but it wouldn’t bring back the lost version i made him a grave and paid my respects but i kind of want to build a path here and this grave is in the way so anyway after paying my respects to

Virgil i continue building the exterior of the tower daytona 18 out of the finishing details the tower including some blue stained glass and some flowers i really like how this place turned out of course i started to do the floor but not before getting rid of this iron

Golem i didn’t like how the floor was looking but eventually decided to go with some polished black stone anderson this cat got in of course entertainment i bought a name tag and named illuma after that i finally built the floor of the virgil breeder day 219 i got some

Beds with the virgin breeder and then started trying to get the verges in there it was a slow process but by the end of the day i managed to get five of them in there i realized i hadn’t made any money today and that’s unacceptable i found pumpkin balance and then read

The profits day 220 i decided to use all the spare bets for the old virgin breeder as explosives it’s not going to be as fast as tnt mining but hopefully i can get a decent amount of ancient debris i was able to get 11 pieces which

I was happy with day 221 i rather knew residents that somehow be turned into zombies and tell them when nowhere to be found i was super confused because i was sure that i fully lit this place up i rushed off to get weakness potions and whereas captain crunch had become cleric

Crunch maybe fishing wasn’t his thing after brewing weakness potions are finally yet another of the virgins disappeared having most likely been killed by the eye golem after curing the survivors i did exactly what the situation called for and of course in his dying moments this game decided to

Make my life even more difficult as long as two virgins were in the breeding i could always get more but no this stupid stupid golem killed another of them i was so mad that i found their nearest golem and killed that one as well you know what they say money sues the soul

Or something like that i wrote some of my versions would buy carrots and so i don’t want to start a carrot farm this patch is just temporary and to have enough carrots to plant a proper field i also swapped the cobblestone slabs on my bridge with stone brick ones and removed

The remnants of my old bin as the night king to her clothes i crafted a bunch of stone brick and disables day 222 i was replacing all the spruce fences around my farm with the new walls that’s literally all i did all day just placing walls and killing an iron golem of

Course i realized the roof of the virgin breeder was really dark and spent the night lying out day 23 i crafted a bunch of quartz i wanted to make a pedestal for my beacon because the pyramid of emerald blocks just looked out of place after getting a shade that i liked i

Wasn’t a fan of how much the white quartz stood out and decided to try blackstone instead this looked ten times better and i immediately changed the design to a blackstone trim with the quartz backing as well as some inlaid emerald blocks when i returned home captain crunch had a new friend and he

Was sleeping in my bed instead of kicking him out of my house i just let him sleep on the ground floor day 224 i’ll continue putting the beacon pedestal by the end of the day i finished it and rebuilt the beacon i also added these soul campfires on for

Extra effect day 225 began with none other than melon farming i felt the course on the pedestals and kind of playing so i added some more blocks of course i thought i did some more virgin trading i wanted to go mining again for ages to brew with tnt so i headed out to

A desert together sound i noticed this lava pool inside the nether portal unfortunately still to light it so i quickly went money i ended up having to fight my way out the cave because a bunch of monsters spawned after the battle i headed back to another and

Arrived by com1 day 226 i use these water trap doors to create small brackets for the campfires because i needed more detail i need to do librarians i want to get an unbreaking book it doesn’t like i’ll be running out of versions anytime soon my plan immediately failed because i never

Actually finished this section of the training hall so we just walked out i didn’t have any strength for the observer which meant i was going to need to trap a virgin there and then manually place the cells above his head this also failed i killed a spider and also get

The string i needed and then went to sleep day 227 hopefully this will be the third and final try yeah might just run away exactly what i wanted he then got himself stuck in this hole and i just stared at his stupid face time for the fourth try oh my god

I was not about to fail at fourth time so i just trapped him in there the good old-fashioned way after a long time of resetting his trades he finally offered him breaking i grabbed the weakness potion flicked the lever and oh i forgot to add a sticky piston to section

Remember guys if your verge is broken smash a glass bottom on his head that will help the 28 i was expanding the carrot patch as well as removing my old shooting file i have a couple of automatic once there’s really no need for it i started planting a new wheat

Field as a replacement rather than farmer rubbing my crops this is going to be a problem because farmer verges harvest crops i didn’t want this guy free loading off mine he knew it was coming he gave me a little nod before his demise after covering up the evidence i continued to promptly i

Checked in the librarian and he finished curing so i bought a bunch of breaking books after combining it together to get on breaking three i added it to my shovel as well as in spare elytra for the rest of the night added a stonewall to the new wheat patch the 29 and

Continued to work on the wheat patch adding more wall applying more seeds i spent the night adding more details to the front of my sugarcane farm i went through several designs but about the morning of daytime to 30 i found one that i liked i built some more of the

Path and headed to another to finally use that tnt i’ve been holding on to since day 25 and how much another route did they get with 37 tnt four four pieces to be honest after wiping with the farmer i probably deserved that it was day 231 by the time i returned from

Another i started with the classic pumpkin and melon farming i checked my stats at this point i’ve found nearly 8 000 pumpkins of course i then went to the trading hall and made tons of animals you might be wondering why i fire rest potions into my hotbar now

Explain i wanted to get another beacon which meant i would need weather skills but my usual nether fortune is terrible for monster sports i was going to search another for a better fortress so i had the virus just in case i crashed and fell to lava whilst using my electrode i

Found a bastion and while i completely avoided them in 200 days i had my bow and felt strong enough to take them on my strategy was pretty simple just pick off all the pigments with my bow and then get to the loot i found the sasha gold and everything was going great

Until this happened i took heavy damage but i was able to fend off my attackers i wasn’t super close to dying but i’d be lying if i said i wasn’t slightly scared when this all happened my search for fortress was still unsuccessful as you can see by my coordinates i was almost 4

000 blocks out another and still hadn’t found one you know what i did find another bastion do you want to guess what i did next killed all the inhabitants and stole their possessions absolutely i really wanted to find pig’s step but unfortunately sebastian didn’t have it after searching for a while

Longer i found the tortoise but was pretty bad for spawns then this happened i had to frantically heal her up as all the zombie pigmen rushed over to attack me i ended up flying away with my lighter and nausea d algorithm i stayed in the fortress for a few minutes but

Found belly ending with a skeleton so i moved on i ended up finding this fortune up assault delta and can we just take a step back to appreciate how cool this fortress looks with all the grape assault around it the first girl took a while but the second drop down here a

Couple minutes later in order to get more monster spawns i extended this platform it took a while but the third skull finally dropped daytona 34 is heading back to another when i found another bastion these pigeons clearly totaled about 10 brain cells because they built their bastion right into this

Lava ball i used my usual strategy with the bow and then looted the bastion safely the 235 returned home my bow is extremely long durability i had a good plan to repair it and make it even stronger first i bought two and breaking two books combine them and then added

Them to this book i then got yet another bow and chart until i got a decent power enchantment which i could combine with another to get powerful the 236 are still working my master plan for a perfect bow i needed more xp so i found

My crops then did a ton of verge of training i then returned to the enchantment was able to get power four which is perfect after that i combined these supers together and then all the preparations were complete for the ultimate bow all i needed was up 37

Levels i didn’t rise at the time but i also needed the flame enchantment for this boat to be perfect i was gonna visit my enderman xp farm before i went i grabbed some extra blocks because there were a few things i wanted to add to it as nightfall i gathered everything

I need so i headed out to the stronghold the first thing i’ll be adding to my farms is guardrail having a one block wide bridge over the void felt pretty unsafe i’m using leaves because endermen can’t spawn on them i then added an enchanting area because having to return

Home to enchant stuff as a paint after that i began grinding a speed date 2037 has enough xp to combine the two bows as i edit this video it’s painful to see that i actually forgot to add the flaming charm i killed element for a bit

And then returned her i’d start to see what in charmasaki on this book and ended up getting loyalty through which would be pretty useful if i had to try them i then worked through a night’s harvest and pumpkins and mountains and then made money i decided to fill in the

Gaps in these two hills because this small bridge looked out of place by the morning of day 238 i joined the two hills together and i think it looks a lot better than before i was going to be fighting the wither so i brought some swiftness potions i was going to fight

On the surface using the potions to avoid his attacks the fight with weldon even though i got stuck in this hole at one point it was a pretty easy battle when i returned home i crossed a new beacon but it’s going to need a pedestal

Like the one i made for the first for that i would need blackstone so heads into my ancient debris mine together so for all of day 239 i just mind called some blackstone really interesting they told your voice use some of the guilded blacks and i obtained through bastion

Reading to add extra decoration to the pedestal i wanted to build a stand for the new beacon but first had to fill this area in which took longer than i was expecting i then began building the pedestal i continued working throughout the night although i had a bunch of

Zombie guests who were asking me for the wi-fi password i had to make a quick trip to another on day 241 because i managed to run out of quartz when i returned the visit to my training hall i found two of the villages being infected if there was an annoying mosey award

These two would definitely win it of course the best part of the day was putting the actual beacon i went with haste 2 on this one so that pretty much anywhere i go on my base i’ll have hastu i flew under my elijah to see how my

Base was looking from above i checked back in on the version they cured and i started to level them up see if they had any other useful trades which unfortunately they didn’t i spent the rest of night farming mountains and pumpkins day 242 i sold off all those

Bands and pumpkins to make some of those delicious green gems i roast my shulker box supplies rapidly dwindling and heads off to the end to get more i found that ncaa prick quickly sinks ahead in the lightroom and ransacked all of its valuables what’s more interesting is

That the ship spawned with the front missing for some reason so there’s no dragon head after decimating the shulker population i went out and searched for a new entity and found this tiny one it was fairly small it didn’t take me too long to lose but this third city topped

The first end city by a mile it’s by far one of the weirdest entities i’ve ever found to start off with the shipbuilders clearly got bored halfway through because they only built half the ship on top of that if you look closely at the city none of these buildings are chest

Rooms so not only is there no electric but also absolutely zero loot it was day 243 by the time i returned to home and i immediately crafted a bunch of shulker boxes i then started organizing my stuff into them for convenience although not entirely sure why i would want a strong

Couple of random diamond gear i then slept as a summer’s coming up but it’s a pretty accurate reflection of my sleeping schedule in real life the torture 44 headed over to vergara and again seriously why do i get the feeling this won’t be the last time this happens

I crafted some more golden apples and then air keep my creeper farm while waiting for the virgin to cure after air came the whole day i went down to check on the verges and yeah these guys were zombies again i quickly browsed the only

Way for me to take my mind off it was to make money lots of money no i’m not going to go see a therapist i had a bunch of level switches to try books in case i got something good day 245 start gathering a ton of dark oak and spruce

Wood i’m going to be working on a big project but i won’t tell you what it is yet day 246 and i’ll tell you i’m finally going to be building a new house i’d lived in the spruce plant cottage all the way since day 12 and i think

It’s about time that i upgraded i will say though destroying my original house did make me feel kind of sad after all it’s been here for hundreds of days by day 247 i’d always fully removed all the traces of my old house the only thing left was a floor and storage room i

Won’t be changing the storage room to when your house is built and the floor could be sorted later so i started working the house well it’s gonna be a tower the pallet i would be using was a combination of blackstone bricks dark coat logs spruce planks and emerald

Blocks by day 248 i had the foundation of the tower done and started work on the main body here’s a quick look at my progress by the end of the day i built until i’ve run out of dark oak and blackstone bricks which honestly didn’t take very long i’m just warning you

Right now this was not going to be the first time i ran out of resources but in the tower on day 249 i got over five stacks of dark logs and headed to the netherlands mined over seven stacks of blackstone the 250 i was able to

Complete the main body of the tower but now my worst nightmare began i was going to add some spruce plank and emerald rings wrapping around the tower for extra detail but they were so annoying to build day 251 it took me the whole day just to build half of the first ring

This was suffering on another level after several ankle and leg operations i was able to complete the ring late into the night of day 252. you wanted the worst part that was the easier one to build the second is going to be twice as high up day 253 is another look at the

Progress on the tower it’s getting there the only other thing that was getting there was my brain getting closer and closer to insanity 254 i finished the second ring and started working on the top floor of the tower and here was where i used my first term of undying’s

Hardcore one let’s just watch that again in slow motion you might not have noticed because it was so fast but this creep actually blew me up the creepy explaining actually knocked it for my iron frame so i had to fix those before returning to work on the top floor did

255 it’s time for another look at the tower’s progress i worked on the top floor all day and took a break by making profits as dawn broke onto 256 i completed the walls of the top floor and it was time for me to get started on the

Roof i built the first frame and rather i built it a block short on the side which meant i had to rebuild the entire thing i was going to need a ton of spruce wood for one to get us on unfortunately focus on the roof was

Halted by the fact i had almost no black zone left so i returned to the nether for more day 257 i was able to finish the blackstone brick trim of the roof and started filling in with spruce wood the tower was really starting to take

Shape but the rest of the day at night i built more of the roof before getting attacked by a baby zombie clad in full gold armor i sent him flying across the room with a single here i wonder how i’m going to explain this one to his parents

On day 258 the results i’ve run out of this time is spruce wood you ever feel bad about all the deforestation causing minecraft yeah me neither i was able to get three quarters of the roof down and started lighting up day 259 i was lighting up with the interior annexed

Through the tower i did some quick trading because it’s a personal addiction of mine and then set to work finishing that last quarter of the roof late into the night i finally finished the 2016 i was building these huge windows of green stained glass by the

End of the day i was done and here’s your usual update on the builds progression throughout the night i filled in the windows with stained glass which marks the completion of the build exterior here’s me standing in front of the tower on d261 after over six hours

Of work i still need to build an entirely new storage room but i didn’t have enough blackstone and also wanted to take a break from building i shoveled a bunch of tanks i was going to try getting a tnt mining for agent debris with 33 tnt i was able to get nine inch

Debris which is pretty good i also mined any blackstone that i found the 2262 i used a new black zone supplies to build the floor and then got to work clearing out space for a new storage area i just left the old one floating for now and i’m really questioning my past sales

Choice of blocks i mean obsidian crimson wood crying obsidian and stone bricks really did 263 i finished the walls the storage room and started working the floor i was afk for a little while on the roof of my training hall but i think the moon rising next to my tower looks

Insanely cool i began placing all the chats i need for my storage for all of day 264 i was placing chests and adding iron frames this storage requires a lot of iron frames so it’s time to pay a visit to the cow pen unlike with the verges i actually feel bad for these

Guys oh come on my profit machines you know i didn’t mean that i mean faithful citizens did 2065 i ran out words so i had to go and shop more i’d also run off item frames but thought of a good solution if i had a master cartographer

I’d be able to buy them which would save a lot of time i visited the virgin burrito and yeah i’m done please please please let this be the last time i have to kill you bird i was completely lost as to how these guys kept getting

Infected but i can’t the idea to change the entrance to be more secure i didn’t rise at the time but there were actually dark spots inside the verge of really which my monsters could spawn throughout days 266 to 268 all i did was organize my stuff into the new storage system it

Was extremely satisfying to finally remove the old storage room as i built a staircase into the storage room disaster struck my cat loomer got hit by a bottle of lightning and burned to death i was going to put a monument’s herb it would have to wait for later because first had

To finish this decade i couldn’t get it to look right i abandoned the idea and set someone building a magma and bubble column to enter an exit which would look really cool day 269 became my profits but i didn’t get the usual satisfaction from it because of what happened to luma

In order to get my water elevators to work i needed kelp because it turns flowing water into water source blocks one trip to the ocean later i had more than enough kelp after setting up the elevators i cleared out these shulkers and also added some stream lights

Because the room was pretty dim on day 270 i set my enchanting table back up and continued to organize myself this was by far the most tedious thing i had to do in these 100 days i then found men’s and pumpkins like usual i don’t have words for what happened in day 271

Let’s just give it a watch have you ever seen someone solely of their body because you’re seeing it right now somehow a creeper find its way into the training call blown up freeing half the virgins and destroying the floor i can’t even begin to tell you how badly i wanted to scream unfortunately

For me i couldn’t scream because i was playing at 4am so my whole family was peacefully sleeping in just a few seconds this creeper created hours of annoying work for me luckily most of the virgins went to the breeders i was able to trap them in there i spent the night

Repairing the damage from the creeper i need to restore the horse its formal glory as quickly as possible because having less than half the usual farmers meant i was losing over two stacks of emeralds per day day 272 i started connecting the current virgin breeders to the hall’s minecart track i really

Wish i’d linked them up when i first built the burrito because now it’s coming back to bite me the 273 i was so insanely frustrated about what happened so i afk my creeper farm i wasn’t worried about the gunpowder i just wanted the creepers to suffer the 274 i

Started repopulating the hall it was all going fine up until the third version because the slot was still open above one of the occupied areas after separating them these two casually started doing anything on the job in broad daylight attention making babies while in the training hall is prohibited

After one last verge of the road was once again complete but the curse of the pumpkin pie trade struck when i started these 300 days i’d actually plan to build a monument to the verges as an apology for everything i’ve done but this little saga changed my mind they

Deserve nothing they told you 75 i found a replacement farmer i can’t tell you how happy i was it was willing to buy pumpkins of course he underwent a slight transformation that may or may not be my fault when i returned to the hall only a

Few minutes later he had fully cured and now my profits were back to normal i noticed myself touched librarian and returned to the hall which was a mistake on his part because i wasn’t letting him get away i got in a minecart easily enough but then this happened and this

And this also this but finally after a long struggle i got him into position day 276 with the training hall back to normal i began working getting a librarian who would sell me sharpness i already had a sharp five sword but my axe the pumpkin warlord still didn’t

Have it maybe the game felt sorry for me because this guy offered shot this fire after only a minute and a half i logged his trades and bro what do you mean this is my fault i did not turn you into a zombie back in my storage room i

Realized the floor was really plain so i added some chisel stone bricks as well as a central pattern with some different all blocks i wandered my base at night checking for any small jobs that need to be fixed while waiting for the version to kill i just ended up harvesting my

Crops the virgin finished curing and i bought a sharpness book the pumpkin water was also missing on breaking three so i combined that with the sharpest broken went to create the perfect axe except i couldn’t while it’s entirely possible to have all these charms on axe at the same time animals are pretty

Worried about adding high level and challenges to already powerful items this one i would have to set down the pumpkin warlord and forge a new axe of even greater power so day 277 i got to work perfecting this diamond axe after getting efficiency for the enchantment

Table i bought a book of it for my librarian and combined all these books together to obtain every accent channel possible all it would take was 26 levels which my trading hall easily provided after adding new charts i converted to netherright giving me the strongest acts

Possible i crafted a bunch of tnt and headed to my training hall to buy name tags had an iron golem that lived in the lake he is pretty useless to be fair i headed into another to go mining and got seven pieces of debris from the 44 tnt

As i was leaving on day 278 these piglets tried to mug me unfortunately for them i had a brand new shot on sweatbacks ever wondered what happiness feels like here it is headed back into another because i was gonna be traveling to a purge outpost a couple of thousand

Blocks out in order to start a raid after killing two captains to get batman 2 i flew out to find a nearby village i came across these ocean ruins and a lot of drowning them and decided to spend the night trying to get a trolling unfortunately only drowned that i’m

Holding trying to actually drop one so even though i found a tunnel around i only found two weird tridents and neither of them dropped it they 279 i found a peaceful verge and immediately brought in death and destruction i barricaded them all in their homes so

That if i wanted i could start a future raid the first few waves were really easy since the iron gun just demolished the raiders me and the silent golem were going to be best mates oh oops nothing personal i went through wave after wave just sat on top of this virgin house in

My boat however things started going south once the evokers showed up the vex is so annoying to hit because of how small and fast they are and they do a ton of damage then rotten q and zombie siege showed up at the verge you won’t know what the worst part is they picked

Up some of the totems which i hadn’t collected yet and totals don’t just work for the player yeah all those times i’ve worked so hard to get were now in the slimy green hands of the zombies after clearing the final wave to get here at the village i returned home on day 280.

The verges trades were even better than usual i did a bunch of trading to level up the librarians and turn off something that had extra enchanted books that i wanted as i returned to my tower i wrote something i’ve been gathering ancient debris throughout the past 80 days yet i

Still had an unenchanted diamond hoe it was time to change that i gave it the appropriate name of the wheat eater and converted into another i then went into the nether and used the wheat eaters to gather up a bunch of streamlights of my tower i was about to leave but notice

This iron golem perch on the edge of this netherrack outcrop my first stop was to push him off i thought of a better idea basically better right now who’s going to win the goal of all the pigment the golem put up a solid fight but the pikmin had the advantage of

Numbers it was day 281 when i returned out of the new stream livestream storage room i then flew out to get on more dark oak logs i checked in on pink sheep and he’s doing great i chopped wood all day and then headed back home did a bunch of

Farming before making a ton of profit day 282 i started building a new bridge i wanted to build something to fit more with the design of my tower i made decent progress and by the end of the day here’s how it was looking i continued building all through the night

Daytona 83 irons had a slight monster spawning problem when they’re scared to jump down to attack me i fixed the issue with some streamlights and then went into the nether to my more blackstone because i’ve run out midway through the night i finished the bridge and added

Some lanterns for extra detail i think they’re a nice touch the 284 i spent the morning repairing my pumpkin and melon farms because over time i slowly reduced the amount of stalks by accidentally stepping on them i then went into the training hall but i was more interested

In the xp than the emeralds i was going to be enchanting a fishing rod you might be asking if i would ever need a fishing rod at this stage in the game and it’s because i need a puff fish for day 300 i was going to read the ocean monument and

For that we need water breeding potions which are brewed from puff fish i got a decent chart on this rod and then combine it with another hopefully i’ll make catchy puff fish a lot easier i also need my silk touch pickaxe because somehow i’ve forgotten to do that

Earlier i spent the night removing this whole wheat patch and terraforming the landscape daytona 85 i was preparing to head to the ocean when i noticed the skirts and horse trapped just wandering around unfortunately only one horse survived the battle but that’s better than that i don’t really have a use for

A horse because the lighter is way faster and more convenient but it was still really cool to have i rather needed to build something that i should have done much sooner a memorial to luna i dedicated this bench to her and added some flowers on a campfire i think she

Would have liked this place i then flew out to the ocean to begin my search for a puff fish i found the chime book but it was pretty average day 286 so i decided to change my fishing spot i built myself a little shack afterward i

Finally found a puff fish and went out to take a look at the monument i’ll be raiding i’d never raided one before so i fought some guardians to learn their attacks and behavior when i returned home i started farming the farming continued today 287 and then the profits

Began i wanted another beacon so i returned to another that old fortune in the basalt delta was decent but i knew i could find a better one i found this watch was pretty quickly inside the ground for the skulls there what you’re about to see is some of the worst luck

I’ve ever experienced in minecraft i turn my render distance down doors to get more spawns but even after killing tons of skeletons i didn’t have a single skull that’s fine i just find a new fortress here’s the new fortress it’s terrible finally this one looked promising let’s take a quick look at my

Inventory here nearly two stacks of bones showing i’ve been killing a ton of other skeletons i killed so many witnesses but didn’t get a single skull it was day 289 when the first skull dropped the second skull dropped not long after but the third took quite a

While the journey back took me to d290 where i took a few minutes to make a second other of her this was because my original mother hoe had the fortune charm which i didn’t eat after some virgin trading i started putting the pyramid for my third beacon of course to

Actually get the third beacon i need to fight the wither which is what i set out to do on day 291 i was feeling confident about this fight and it went insanely well i used my swiftness potion to evade all its attacks and the only time i even

Got hit was right at the end as i dealt the finishing blow for the beacon’s effect such as strength and regen my next goal was to make the perfect nether a helmet and boots because mine weren’t quite perfect my helmet was missing thorns three and my boots were missing

Thorns three as well as soul speed three but i couldn’t actually add the enchantments onto them because the anvil would claim it was too expensive this meant i would have to recharge a helmet of boots from scratch in order to get a perfect set i crafted another ingredients before heading to my

Training hall and purchasing a ton of insurance books i also bought a name tag because i wanted to name my skeletal horse this is a pretty cool look at my base i had to return to another because the only way to get soul speed is from china books from pigdens or in china

Books in bastian chess i already had a soul speed 2 book so i only need to get one more from a piglet i got these through half the training in a whole and it was only a matter of time and gold they told you 92 and a stack and a half

Ago later i finally got what i was looking for i freed the piglets from the hole but my newfound friends turned into my newfound enemies this is what you deserve when you think giving me gravel in return for gold bars is an acceptable thing to do i headed home and added the

Soul speed book to the shulker i’m keeping all the enchanted books that i need with three stacks of lapis in my inventory for enchanting i headed to the stronghold and then to my end of the file i hadn’t been able to remove these dirt blocks and i built this farm in 200

Days because i fell down the central shafts i was doing it but it was now time to get rid of them it wasn’t an easy task because the end of it turned on me as soon as i got near but i was able to sort everything out and now the

Grind from daytona 92 to 293 began i needed to get feather falling forth in the enchantment table because i didn’t have it on a book after getting two feather falling three in charge i added protection to the boots and combine them together now all i was missing was a

Depth strider book and i’ll be able to create the strongest boots in the game unfortunately i made my life way more difficult by actually throwing away a stack of lapis i went through all the left side left but a depth writing book was nowhere to be found i returned home

And searched my chest i need to discover i had a measly 27 lapis left so day 284 i rushed into my mind also to search for lapis i was going to be reading the ocean monument on day 300 and i really wanted to perfect my armor in time for

The final day i found quite a few diamond orders in my search but all i wanted was lapis they talked to 95 is the results of my money trip i was able to turn 20 lapis all into five stacks of lapis for my fortune pickaxe i returned

To my enemy farm with my newfound supplies and once again searched for deathstrider i finally got it and combined all my books together all it would take for these books was 32 levels after wiping out another generation of enderman i created the strongest boots possible i wasn’t done there though i

Started to make the perfect helmet the anvil at the end of my farm broke so i just grinded into her head level 40 and then returned to him one day 296. turns out half that granny was unnecessary so it was only going to cost me 21 levels

To add this book to the helmet and name it the only thing left to do is convert my new armor pieces another right i decided to use my spare levels to name my leggings and chest plate it must be the 100th time that i’ve said this but i

Found my pumpkins and melons daytime to 97 i start by brewing some of the potions i would need to raid the monuments such as swiftness and night vision after that i hung up my old armor along with some random diamond pieces on this armour stand and made a second

Standard match i had a few days before i would be raiding the monument so i sat on the most important quest i would ever undertake in my hardcore world that’s right i’ll be taking the pinks to your home with me however walking with this lead was really slow so i decided to fly

Back on my electron it’ll be so much faster and i get hosed so quickly and uh do you have health insurance okay i did bring him home but maybe not quite in the way i first imagined i went to another because i wanted to create a cool looking stable for my skeleton

Horse and involve bone blocks while i was searching for a soul sand valley i ended up coming across sebastian and of course got completely distracted i was getting some pretty cool loot but it was nothing compared to what i found next none other than the best music disc

Pixel i found another right in getting the central chest and made sure to grab all the gold blocks i found the soul sound value i was looking for and let me just say soul speed 3 makes you pretty fast i mind a bunch of bone blocks and

Return until one day 298 day 299 i started budding my skirts and horses stable but my mind was completely blank on how i wanted it to look i decided instead i would build a tree i worked in it the entire day and night and these phantoms just would not leave me alone i

Had to abandon building the trees it was day 300 it was time to raid the ocean monument when i say i was going in stacked i fully mean it i dropped my water breathing and night vision heads into the temple ocean monuments are essentially a giant maze with three

Elder guardians spread throughout they inflict you on mining fatigue 3 when you get within their 50 block range which means that you need to kill all of them in order to break blocks in the monument for a couple of minutes i couldn’t find any of the elder guardians but i

Stumbled upon the right path these things are really annoying to deal with because when they have their spikes up they have the thorns effect meaning if you’re not careful you’re gonna take a ton of damage i also took a lot of damage in the second one but the third

One a lot more smoothly with all the guardians dealt with i was free to my block so i returned to the core of the monument to loot the eight gold blocks inside some ocean monuments one with sponge rooms but i couldn’t find any in this one after getting the gold there

Was one last thing to do and that was returned to my base i flew home having triumphed over the watery depths of the monument i had survived to 300 days in hardcore minecraft we begin with the pouring rain at day 301 my first ghostbuild new creep farm

Because my album was pretty slow and i was always running out of rockets my electro green farms are growing absolutely ton of trapdoors so i spent the entire day chopping wood i returned home and paid a visit to the prisoners i’m inverters because i need some more

Golden carrots i also needed string and also craft dispensers so i spent the night killing spiders day 302 i started looking for a place to build a creepy farm i wanted to be near my base but crew farms also ugly so not too near

Once i decided i went to farm to go i started working this wrestling clock and then moved on to building the first platform guess which genius put a one block too high and had to take it all down the 303 is fairly predictable building the spawning platforms and

Placing the trapdoors here’s a quick update on the progress and yes it looks terrible all through the night and day 304 i continue building the creeper farm it’s getting there by only has enough trapdoors for the first two layers you know what that means deforestation i flew home while watching the sunset

Already stopped would have done if hammers was going completely the wrong way i wanted a break from building so i found my mounds of pumpkins so i send them off at very reasonable prices day 205 of those trapdoors all day before clearing an area toward the bottom of

The creek farm with that done i dug out a room underneath in order to make a collection system the 336 was adding water to the farmers to push the creeps into the center magma blocks it’s like a sauna but the sauna is way too hot and

You die i need more trap doors so it’s back to chopping wood the farm started to come together late into the night i finished placing the trap doors and began this huge roof of slabs the massive roof will block out all the sunlight making it dark enough for the

Creepers to spawn day 37 i finished the roof and while i thought it was done this farm was actually a shambles the roof was too small meaning barely anyone was dark enough for creeper swans unfortunately took me several days to realize that in the meantime i went

Around lighting up any nearby caves i could find also increased spawns at the farm deteriorate i need to add some more water to the bottom of the farm and somewhat even that wasn’t good to plan i spent the night farming and making money the 39ers thought the farmers don’t want

To pull it up and also afk i had it down this night fell and went to collect the gunpowder right so we got six pieces for some reason i thought the redstone clock the powers the water system to push creepers off was too fast so i extended

It watching this is painful it’s the roof please just fix the roof no guess where afk and all of these 310 well that was definitely worth it i’ve never why didn’t just watch tutorial again or see seals wrong i decided to take a break from building the farm and headed to

Another to get with the skills along the way i found this bastion i killed the inhabitants stole their mixtapes and grabbed all their money on day 311 i found another bastion in history repeat itself my luck continues to find yet another bastion it didn’t take too long

To clear out and i was back on my way through 312 hours i might use another fortress for those of you that have watched 300 days you know that my luck and skills isn’t exactly amazing however for once it actually was amazing i got the first goal insanely quickly and

Second only a couple of skeletons later about 10 minutes later i got the third and then a fourth i mean i’m not complaining i hardly take taken i have one problem i had a 3 000 block journey home and 25 rockets to get me there i was able to travel about 2.3k blocks

Before i run out it’s been a long time since i’ve traveled another one foot after some minor disagreements i was able to make it home on day 2013 after bringing some potions in preparation for the weather i returned to the creeper farm that’s right i’ve watched the

Tutorial again and now the answer to my problems is clear i returned the wrestling clock to normal on day 214 before building the roof i started work improving the ward system from day 214 through to 15 i was improving the water system and completing the route day 316

It was time to earn money i found the members of pumpkins while sending them off to the prisons though i said prisoners i meant verges i was going to pull their opponents to afk the new and improved creepy farm but night was falling so they’ll be less spawned

Instead headed to my tower and started working on your project i’ll keep it a secret for now though the 2017 was the moment of truth after all the time i spent on the creepy farm would it finally work and man it definitely worked throughout the night i kept

Working on the new project it’s going to take ages to build but i want to put a massive throne with it i stole my dragon age just living in my own chest and i thought it’d be insanely cool to have it rest on one of the arms of the throne

When i said what this story meant to be massive i really did mean massive i’ve been watching hermitcraft and was really inspired by the huge builds the 318 are holding my progress on the throne room because i was going to fight them with them this plateau that i spawned on was

Way too small and led to a super skull fight where i got stuck in this hall multiple times eventually i was able to overcome the widow and was rewarded with another star and what do you do when you just stay in a three-headed skeleton monster make money of course you can

Never have enough emerald blocks i started selling my new beacon underground because it made building the throne room so much easier i’d hastened on both the beacons outside the tower but because i was further away i was only getting regular haste the 219 was carving out an average determined by day

20 i was done well done with the first section my pickaxe lost legs but a quick trip to the hall had it fixed up in no time i was going to need a lot of black slim for the throwing room and i decided i would look for it whilst all season

Tnt to find asian debris i’ve blown up thousands of blocks already in my agent debris mine so i started a new one it’s day 321 how much debris 250 at tnt three clearly the weather skill locked from earlier run dry not just dry like instant noodles without water my luck

Was drier than a desert i gathered a ton of blackstone before heading home this tunnel is how deep want the throne room to be so i had a lot of money ahead of me for the rest of day 221 all the day 322 all i did was mine out hundreds of

Blocks even with h2 it was gonna take a while but the night of day through to 22 i made a lot of progress i had to stop for the virgin haul to repair my pickaxe for the second time they turned to 23 i was playing some new carrot patches i

Really want to fill some of the empty areas around my base and add some more color to mix in with my wheat fields and i have fallen as someone who never sleeps in minecraft phantom soon appeared trying to fight someone out with another right sword when you have

Less physical strength on a pizza box probably isn’t the best at it i go back to work clearing out the throne room and was able to finish it by the end of the night day 234 now that the space was clear i could actually start building

The throne room i wanted to have four huge blackstone obsidian pillars to support the roof from day through to 224 to 225 was building the pillars and made decent progress late into the night of day 2025 went out to do some trading and found someone i thought had been lost a

Long time ago i found captain crunch if you’ve watched 200 days you might remember this guy he randomly started living in my house but disappeared one day he was a lot greener than i remember his friends mysteriously disappeared not sure how that happened and then i killed

Him after a few minutes captain crunch was back my friend was back to normal well he’s a decent friend but he’s still going to live in the sheep and the thrillers 26 are extending out the past the new carrot farm and rise at some point needs to move the cow somewhere

Else they’re all just piled into a small pan that’s been there since the original 100 days forget the cows for now though because i need more obsidian for the pillars once i return they finish the second and third pillars but decides to wait till later to build the fourth

Because my beacon’s in the way and i couldn’t be bothered to move it i instead began changing the floor to stone bricks the 327 signs on him wants the noises so i went to the caves below the throne in order to light them up i finished the stone brick floor but i

Wasn’t done with it by any means i wanted to add an ornate pattern for extra detail so i’m marked up where i want the design to go with some sad i went out to follow my character and caused the fans to showed up which is really really fun i think the best part

Is i would prefer to listen to a piano getting run over by a truck and listening to a phantom screech the money might not fix every problem but it sure is nice to have outside i want to use obsidian as part of the pattern for the

Floor and spend the rest of my money the 38 i built the pattern of obsidian as in some emerald blocks this pattern went through a lot of trial and error before i was happy with it but i promise it will look good i wanted to use sealants

Instead of torches like this aroma and to get them i need to return to the ocean monument i cleared in 300 days i spent the whole night looking for it but can’t remember where it was as the sunrise and day 229 i found what i thought was a clear monument however i

Know it’s too late that this wasn’t the monument and that the elder guardians were most definitely alive i found the monument that i actually wanted but with money fatigue 3 and no buckets of milk to get rid of it i had no choice but to wait once it finally wore off i head

Into the movement i have water breathing night vision potions which made life much easier and bigger to break blocks when i could easily move from room to room after grabbing a ton of sealants i headed back home and added some to the floor i still wasn’t happy with the

Design though it looked way too messy the holiday through to 30 was just me changing the pattern on the floor it seemed no matter what i tried i couldn’t get a good result it was like writer’s block but in minecraft form they threw today one i made the first step in the

Right direction for the floor i swapped out the sealants to the shooting lights and they fit the sound much better after building some of the wall i returned to changing out the floor it said all the day 32 but i stumbled onto an idea that finally clicked it looked like an eye

Vendor and it had the right amount of detail without being overcrowded i’ve been underground rebuilding a floor for the past hour wanted to change these up so i began removing my old creep farm as usual the phantom showed up and i had to deal with them if you wonder why i don’t

Just sleep to get rid of him i almost never sleep in this world because i’ve only got 100 days time is precious 33 removed all traces of the group font leaving nothing but a pile of blocks i also now had three extra casts because i’d use these guys in the farm i

Gathered up some materials from my chest so i was going to be burning a new area to my base a market i thought it’d be a good fit alongside on my crops and a marketplace can really help my base feel more medieval the 34 i built the canopy

The first market saw i added some decoration using stairs to make shelves along with some barrels lining the wall using item frames to display food as an extra layer of detail and really helped to bring the stool to life i gave the second store a pretty interesting canopy

Instead of being made out of wall blocks i used beds dayton 35 was starting the morning off with the phantoms dying which already makes it a good day the sheep gotta makeover because i’ve run out of blue wall and needed more to finish the canopy i finished it by the

End of the day inside this store will be selling tools and armor of course no market would be complete without a stool serving meals sounds you can give a block a completely new purpose such as using scaffolding for seats digital36 i did some interior work on the food store

Trying my best to make it feel as if people could actually cook in it i was really happy with how the market was turning out there’s nothing i have one goal on my mind usually emeralds but this time it’s carrots i made sure to use my fortune pickaxe and this small

Field give me an absolute ton i then started working on a new carrot field they told you to take sometimes i went over to get some water for the new field i rise was a piglet jockey wandering amongst my pumpkins they pretty rare and i didn’t want to despawning so i rushed

Off to grab a namesake i picked the name kfc crusader and sprinted back to name my new plat except only the kfc part remained the jockey of wanting this one blocked gap which of course suffocate the pigment rest in peace kfc crusader with the carrot film finished i headed

Out to get a dark cooked works and wanted to build a window where the old creek farm used to be i chopped mud for the rest of the day and as i returned the roses had a bunch of hay now now verges don’t panic i’m just stealing

All the food after i arrived back home with all the hay those were just happily giving me i started building the window all of day 338 i was building the basic structure of the windmill in the future i’m definitely going to get the replay mod so i can make timelapses or builds

Rather than only being able to show you the first person view the morning of day 39 started planting a little temporary bamboo patch because i needed more to cross scaffolding for the decoration the windmill used slabs to create small archways and stairs trapdoors and fences to frame the windows by another time i

Finished the main body the windmill is looking decent although of course it’s missing the blade i started building defense skirt and i hope you’re not afraid of heights i wish the phantoms were the thriller for you i finished the fan skeleton and started adding wool to

Complete the blades by the end of the day with the rain pouring down i have finished i harvested all the bamboo that i’ve been growing but the rest of night i tied up the interior of the windmill and as in some white stained glass the 3241 rockets were headed over to my crew

Farm to afk and built small platforms that i wouldn’t need to waste time peddling up after half a day of afk i got more than enough grandfather aside i wanted more and autocraft tnt’s good nether mining afk the rest of night which takes us up to day 242 i crossed

The town of tnt and also used my swell ball to make beds and want to get as much age debris as possible unlike the last time i was searching for asian debris this time went amazingly well i was able to find 30 pieces to bring all

The tnt in beds it definitely makes up for early when i got three pieces the 343 has money blacks in all day because i was determined to get back to work on the throne room taking a break from building it by farming and building other stuff really helped get my

Motivation back it was night by the time i returned i started on my first idea i followed the pairs like a lot of dabs and adding another bump to them would help them feel less blocky the 334 is still working on the pillars and it’s crazy of just a few blocks can make

Something like so much better once i’ve finished with the pairs i moved onto the walls all the way from day 24 through 45 all i was doing was mining away stone and building the walls of the throne room i won’t take you through every detail of this because well i’m building

The walls it’s pretty boring unless you like walls or something i don’t know now here’s where things get more interesting i was thinking about the eye design on the floor decided to be cool to add more of them around the room i used a black slim button for the people and i think

The design of the eyes came out really well this place is definitely starting to look like a throwback the attrition point six minutes are a bit more normal than building a bunch of eyes on the ground farming men’s and pumpkins i have to be honest as much as i complain about

Them the virgins are the heart of my hardcore world being able to get xp on ice is ideal and maybe i don’t appreciate that now i should really stop being nice to the prisoners i mean what verges verges anyway all the cats in your creek farm just left around my base

So i brought them all into the tower i’d really lost a cat to a lightning strike in 300 days i didn’t want history to repeat yourself i added the eye zone to top walls to the throne room and this place has made a ton of progress day 347

Had a pretty big task ahead of me this roof was not going to be easy to build at least i knew what i was going to build on it after building a sword section of the roof for us to have one other thing to do which is pretty

Important i started built the fourth pillar but also do that i need to take down the beacon that was in the way after getting about half it done i ran out of black zone remember it’s not a music video if i don’t run out of materials at least three times when

Trial builds on the 348 i mind a ton of blackstone for deleting these guys from existence it was late tonight by the time i returned i saw a skeleton in the throne room then i didn’t see a sketch in the throat room i swapped out the blackstone buttons from sitting because

The button seemed too small was all that blacks in my mind i was easy able to finish the fourth pillar the 349 i was working on the roof it was obviously a lot easier than i thought probably telling you exactly how i wanted to look the attitude fatty i can close using my

Second turn of on darling’s hardcore world i felt this tiny gap and of course the creep was there to greet me if i hadn’t switched my lights to my chest plate a few minutes before this happened i would 100 need the totem to survive i needed more streamlines for heading to

The nether there are a few modifiers that involve death but at the end of the day i’m best friends with the piglets it was day 351 but tomorrow returned i immediately added the streamlights to the roof and tidied up the throwback and what throw me was complete without a

Throne i just want to let you know that i was not holding back on this thing after the amount of time it took me to build this place i wanted to make sure my throne was as lavish as possible i used diamond blocks the arms and ancient

Debris from the back as well as placing the dragon egg and with a skull on the arms and here i am standing on the throne it’s taking a lot of time to get this point but i’m really proud of how this place turned out the attribute 52

Is trying to fix something that i should have done hundreds of days ago this weird piece of terrain has been bugging me for lc ages but i kept forgetting to remove whenever i tools the job was done in just a few minutes i decided to go

Make some money you know what i take back everything nice i’ve ever said about villagers one or two effects is annoying but i can deal with it but seven verges usually have seven golden apples and one girl with painful i was relaxing with some more farming at night

Because i just finished the throne room didn’t want to start another project immediately after things didn’t go to that i wasn’t a full hunger so i wasn’t getting any natural healing and of course fans have been attacking me all night some zombies approached me and tried to switch up my lights from my

Chest played by a fumble and instead took off my helmet when i was taking even more damage i actually tried my chest plate on the floor as even more zombies started attacking me from behind i dropped a shovel on the ground all to retrieve my chest plate and sprint away

To armor i could hear a golden carrot running to grab my shovel back fighting the monster’s offered surprisingly a lot easier when i had my weapon out and all my arm on the 253 was what last night was supposed to be some peaceful farm at

Night i flew out to look at my basement far and i love how it’s starting to feel like a small town the next thing i need to do is fix the entrance to the throne room because dirt and stone is exactly what i had in mind i went for stone

Bricks with these blackstone enclaves where i was going for armour stands 62 gold armor wasn’t cheap but i think it was worth it the 354 i messed around moving somewhere stuff into the throne room such as my charting table and a few other workspaces i wanted to make more

Space in my storage area because there were a lot of times i didn’t have chance for i took it with downloads it just looked out of place did 1355 visited my trading hall to make some money while i thought about all that stuff could go i realized my second version really would

Be the perfect place i built it too close to the training halls it didn’t actually work properly and now i can finally turn it into sliding useful after finishing up the new enchanting area i added some crafting tables and furnaces to the floor of my storage room

The 256 and started building a path to the market i paid a quick visit to my creep finals to get more gunfire for rockets and added more chests to my storage the 357 are headed out to a darker forest because i knew i need dark

Sooner or later i also had a bunch of these mushrooms with my silk touch act once i got home i started preparing a bunch of different items i was going to be building a drowned farm trident’s on java and certainly red to come across so building a drowned farm was my best bet

Of anyone i had all these cashes chilling in my tower and i suddenly had an idea the market needs some shopkeepers who want to have a market cat although i don’t think they understand how money works so good like buying anything the attention 58 heads

Out to the ocean to get some sea grass and neither turtles in order for the drowned farm to work you need to see girls to bring turtles i spent the rest of you trying to find some turtles but i only found one i did find a ship with

Those that was kind of cool the night furnace still finding more turtles so i thought i’d just spend the time killing some drowning in case i got lucky and well this happened as someone got a trident from a random drum did 1359 i still wanted to hurt legs and i found

The perfect spot after giving them the seagrass i explored the shipwreck and found some musty old shoe it smelled weird so i threw it in the sea i probably just killed several species of marine life by doing that but i’m sure everything’s fine i collected the turtle

Ladies and headed back home as soon as i got back i started working chat in this trading i had a bunch of insight books like around with good trying enchantment so it didn’t take me too long to get a perfect riptide trying it was raining which gave me the perfect opportunity to

Try out i’m definitely breaking several fly safety laws here but i’m way too fast to get arrested i then started my throne with to try and in my hands considering what i want to do next i made a call a couple weeks ago asking what people weren’t seeing building 400

Days and the clear winner was the withers girlfriend the only thing i forgot about that was that in order to build a good with the skill farm you need to place slabs and thousands of blocks in another which would take me out the ages i’d definitely belong at

Some point but the more practical option was the golf ball so day 360 are heading to nether together magma boxes i’m not exaggerating when i say you need nearly two shulkers full of magma blocks to build it the entire day just minded absolutely turning them which is pretty

Easy considering how easy they are to break they 361 is doing some farm repairs gravity monsters have been trapped in the pumpkin and man’s talks i need to sort all out i visit the train hill to make money in order to buy a bunch of glasses of farm i didn’t

Actually have enough glasses to farm and had to go out and shovel sound i also gathered a bunch of leaves because i wanted to fix something they’ve been bugging me for a long time this tree honestly looks like a deformed mushroom and it was time to fix that but all of a

Sudden 62 i was trying to sort out the tree in my opinion they’re one of the hardest things supported minecraft and i wasn’t entirely satisfied by the end of the day the more important matters in the tree though i wanted to put the gold one as i was preparing to go to another

I found this guy wandering around my pumpkins and you know what happens next i helped him go home of course what kind of person do you got and also build the gold farm i need to get up onto another roof it was also key that i built the

Gold farm above another waistband as that’s where zombie pickling spawn get off the roof is pretty easy to do but it only works in java you want to find a piece of bedrock that has a height of 127 get up to it using ladders and throw

An ender pole between the ladder on the bottom of course make sure to bring obsidian to begin your nether portal or you’re going to be stuck with it day 363 i began building the gold bar i thought this tutorial by shulkercraft it’s a great farm if you want to build a gold

Farm for yourself i’d definitely recommend this one i need to build a column with those territories from earlier hidden behind trap doors the only problem is i run out of truckloads i quickly headed back to the overworld and grabbed more than enough wood with the trapdoors done i now used to build

Four massive platforms and mag blocks the zombie pigmen spawn the next few days are just me placing hundreds of magma blocks there’s honestly not much to talk about i had a few encounters with ghosts had to take them down as fast as they could before they blew up

Parts of the farm my day 365 i finished the main part of the farm is working really well the final thing i had to do was build glass top of the file in a very specific way to frank austin spawning with that done it was time to

Avk at afk for a little over five minutes take your substitution 666 and return to find a ton of gold i definitely would have a kid longer when you only have a hundred days time is precious when i returned to the award it was knight so i sent some time hunting

Drowning kids i got a second trident the 367 that was still hunting drowned and spotted in a mushroom bike i made another portal so that i could reverse it easy in the future and then headed home it was nice to be back in from india territory after crafting more

Golden apples i spent some of the night lighting up the roof of my training hall and of course got attacked by the phantoms i also converted my old 2k phone into a bamboo farm because my bamboo supplies was running though i’ve gone dead 368 by making money off the

Verges did you think i was going to say prisoners i mean i was but let’s ignore that afk my crew farm for bricks i was running along rockets and chops and spruce wood i’d never actually done decoration around the back of my towel when i finished building it so i need

Some improvement but passing a bit of terraforming held this area look much better 69 continued improving this part of the base extending the past and adding balls do you want to see someone build a path in minecraft for 10 minutes yeah i didn’t think so let’s move on to

State 370. my next goal was to finally start out the overcrowded car and cheat pens i was going to build a bomb but first had to deal with the terrain even when the festivity 5 shoveled the marching as hell was going to take a while it took me all night in the

Morning of day 371 i could start laying the foundations of the bomb i used darkhook logs for the frame and stone bricks blended with regular stone for the walls by the time knight fellow made decent progress some carol singers showed up but i told him they’re about

Seven months too early they were so mad they tried to smash the door down while yelling merry christmas hey you leave that door alone the 372 hours finished with the main structure the barnes style block on the roof i was using quite an unusual material pumpkins i had my dial

System but that would actually turn out good but i decided to trust the process actually run out of pumpkins have to go gather more when i returned the carousing is friendly shut up to avenge them he did a terrible job once i finished the roof added a little bit of

Extra detail on the inside making some wooden beams to represent rafters they threw something through special of the interiors hanging lanterns as hey with that it was time to get the animals into the barn starting with the cows i didn’t need to get all of them by any means

Only a handful as for the rest well let’s just say we got a lot more steak without the way i was finally able to take down the spruce fence pen that i’ve been around since the original 100 days here’s a look at the barn from a

Distance you know what time it is wall building time the 274 paid a visit to the market to grab some carrots because i wanted to plant a new field i just realized i never actually needed any of the cats in the markets if you have any

Names in mind let me know in the comments after finishing the field i see to expand my farming empire honestly i think the farming session is kind of concerning but who doesn’t love some minecraft characters i had to deal with the whole gang of zombies in the training hall from my nether accent

Quick work the 375 want to increase the efficiency of my creeper bomb so i went down to the case to light more of them up i didn’t find diamonds but i did find a zombie spawn with the golden apple and a music disc when i finally ride back at

The service it was knights i just filled in the creeper holders on my bomb the 376 was timeless if my efforts are paid off i afk the creepy fun for the entire day and was rewarded with an absolute tunnel gunpowder i want to crawl up on

Tnt first i need to get sand because i run out one room beach later and i had all the sand i required i cropped as much tnt as possible and headed to another the 327 was full of explosions i used up every piece of tnt i had my luck

Was solid and i was able to find 15 pieces of ancient debris i mean compared to earlier when i found three i’m just happy with double digits i returned to hermitcraft and ambrose and wanted to organize my shulkers with names i also realized my iron supply is getting

Dangerously low so i’ll definitely need to build an iron farm in the future the 378 i changed the edges on the library to a pair of fence gates which looks a million times better than a pair of fridge doors the summer’s shining so far my pumpkins are man and then made a ton

Of money from the verges happy imprisoned verges you know what else is imprisoned all these cows in the barn they need a proper field to live in but first have to shovel out more this hill honestly fantastic is such a fun one to deal with they annoyed me all night but

My day 379 are cleared enough of the hill after converting the remaining stone to grass i started adding the wall i spent all day building the wall and ends up finishing airline it still needs some more detail though so i added these leaves to make the wall seem overgrown

The attention 80 was the final day of working on the field i sketched around some hay blocks added some flowers and used some coarse stuff to make the fields seem more natural hey guys who wants to buy some right i’ve got a lot of doctors appointments to book i had no

Idea what these guys were doing i don’t think they’d either i mean i did kind of kill them before they could actually say anything but that’s beside the point after curing the massive disease outbreak i went around lining up as much air as possible i didn’t want zombies

Spawning anyone in the virgin hall the three-state one began with me moving the sheep in with the cows a wandering trailer shut up and one animal for a pumpkin mate i’m not a virger he was suddenly die though so i bought his entire stock in honor of the pink sheet

I accidentally killed in 300 days i spared the sheep’s life i’m so glad you’re cured i love scamming you i mean trading with you during the night i moved this week feel back a few blocks so i can make the path bigger the attention 82 outside the replacement for

The old sheep and would be a small patch of lavender which i would create using these lighted flowers it was raining so getting home wasn’t exactly difficult i placed some of the flowers that i gathered and i think it looks really nice the rain cleared and i took a look

At my land although the creepy farm really sticks out i thought about how badly my last fight with the wither had gone and wanted to redeem myself so i headed to another the 3183 arrived at the usual another fortress and started grinding for with the skulls it only

Took me about 15 minutes to get all the skulls which is something solid but unfortunately my food supplies running out i had a bunch of golden apples but in terms of regular food i only have one golden carrot left in my inventory i stopped off with one of the bastions i

Looted daddy’s grab some pork chops as i was returning i spot this now the 40s which should be a good candidate for a wither score farm i also got a fourth with a score and these guys attack me another thing i spotted on the way back

Was a bastion i found all the way back in 200 days but never looted and it was where this hardcore world very nearly ended for some reason i started to made my way to the bastion i got jumped by piglet brutes my health got dangerously low but luckily they’re not back on my

Sword and i could send them flying into the lava below after that i learned my lesson and started using my bow the chest suit was decent and of course i made sure to grab all the gold blocks the a384 was still flying back home to another when i found the old portal i

Made i was getting sick of another so i went through and found myself in the desert i grabbed a bunch of sand before heading home to the overwatch luckily for me it was raining so i could put my riptide chart into good use i also placed some more stream lights in the

Throat room because there are a few areas that were dark enough for monsters to spawn i prepared some swift inspirations for the with the fight before rosing i had no soul sound so i returned to another to get some with one mouse click i could have sent this golem

To his fiery demise but there was a child watching so i’ll end it the 385 found a good spot to fight the wither began the battle it was a pretty standard fight used to swiftly start speeding then check the strength potion destroy him with the spice hole i did

Some trading with the virgins and crafted a new beacon but i wasn’t sure where i wanted it to go i told you to store it in my instructor now i wanted spruce wood for a new project so i made one of these big trees and chopped it

All down the 386 are suddenly in the foundations my horses have been tied to a fence post for a long long time and i thought it’d be nice to get them at proper stables for day 386 to 287 i went through a lot of trial and error while

Building but finally i’m saying that i liked the 388 i was adding some more details to stables the final thing i wanted to add to stables was hey blocks scattered around the floor so if once i actually found something i’ll be deteriorating on the finish of the floor

Of the stables and began moving the whole server once you have the lights you’re probably never going to need a horse ever again but it’s nice to have them in a proper building instead of just tires for post i found the motor pumpkins as per usual and then traded

With the bridges next time i list things to sort out was this side of my tower it definitely isn’t terrifying they turned on not even the new path was complete my plan for day 400 was to respawn the enemy dragon so i had nine days to achieve my remaining plans the first

Thing i wanted to do was get a perfect bow my chrome one was pretty good but it was missing the flame enchantment i visited the library and got to working all the enchantments i needed in case you’re wondering why i didn’t just add flame to my current boat the amber would

Say it was too expensive so i need some chart and uber from the ground up i headed out to my end of nxp foam because i was burning through my levels insanely fast it didn’t take me too long to hide everything i needed the angle at the

Farmer broken a while ago so i need to head home in order to combine the books and bows together the when i ride back home began adding everything together before long i obtained a perfect bow without the way i moved on to my next name fixing this tree i know i fixed it

Before but honestly it still looks like some kind of weird fungus i gathered plenty of wooden leaves and got to work they threw shiny to our story making the tree i really struggle with making custom trees getting them to look natural is one of the most difficult

Things by the end of the day i was pretty happy with what i’ve been able to make and then i had to pass down by the stables i’ve forgotten to make one earlier the 393 do you know what else i’ve forgotten to make a wall around my metal bar monsters were constantly

Trampling the seas it was getting on my nose a good chunk of the day was spent lying up this cave i found under the melon bar this area looks like a perfect spot for diamonds i mean surely it has diamonds in it this is mostly bringing you your weekly diamond report there

Were absolutely zero diamonds in this massive cave by the time i returned to the surface it was late tonight and i got to work planting balance seeds daytona falls from the farm i followed the entire field with seeds and by night was finished honestly there’s not much

To say about day 394 which is fine because now stay tuned to note 5. and also bring the melon field to life i use the same technique with the leaves and even throw in some flowers and a campfire of course to respond to the engine on d400 i would actually need the

Crystals to respond i crafted all four and chuck them into mine’s chest as the sun was setting yourself one final quest before the battle i wanted a second try and golden apple i found this room portal opened the chest and nearly got blown about but more importantly there

Was a second god apple i couldn’t believe my luck i wasn’t even 1 000 blocks out from my base despite already finding what i’ve been searching for i continued exploring i never flown out in this direction before and wonder what i could find i found a jungle which is

Awesome a road portal and even a coral reef hey wouldn’t it be funny if that drown dropped has tried it up wait wait what you can see the disbeliefs are just sink to the ocean floor i found a desert version like any piece where travellers stole all their food the 396 are

Continued on my journey i found a purge outpost and then this desert temple lucky minecraft is a weird thing since it’s on your side science is not and during this journey it was absolutely on my side just in case anyone thinks of cheating or anything like that the seat

Of this world is in the descriptions if you doubt me you’re more than welcome to check out the gold apples for yourself hey look more free food i was more than satisfied with my journey and started making another portal to return home i found another room important with this

One i pretty sound to do let’s have a moment of silence for this skirt and i got some absolutely flying then another man that was able to make the journey home in just a few minutes i want to get a second perfect trident with channeling this time so i spent day 397 trading

With divergence in order to get more speed i got great in charge of the battle for that only cost me 20 levels to complete his trident with a little more training i reached a high enough level i didn’t know what to name the trend though so i paused the game to

Message one of my friends about it he gave me an absolutely in the same name and with that the trident was finished at night i got some target practice with my new birthday 3298 i was extending the party and marking up to the bond i don’t

Know how many times i’ve said the word past in these 100 days but i guarantee it’s way too many day 399 i wanted to revisit my first bases hardcore world which i made all the way back on day one hold on 58 spruce socks i’ll take him

I’m pretty sure that he’s been armor in this village but i have absolutely no clue what happened to him the only other virgin here has been stuck in this hill since the beginning once i was married home i chopped a bunch of oat wood and checked on the bamboo farm i’d actually

Never checked that one it had more than enough bamboo i crafted a ton of scaffolding but now i stay 400. i said goodbye to my favorite pairs moon and sun just in case he didn’t return but i wasn’t worried about the dragonfly once i reached the end of place down the four

Crystals and began the fight within the lightroom taking out the crystals on top of the towers was a breeze although i did shoot this one from point blank range not my proudest moment with the crystals gone it was only a matter of time as i will down the dragon’s health

I thought about this one scene in indiana jones where this guy smashes the bottle over someone else’s head and soda wanted to recreate the moment with the ball in hand i dealt the finishing blow of course once i got home i had to bring in this bottle because it’s now sacred i

Brought sun and moon out to go watch the sun sound day 400 of hardcore minecraft so here we are day 401 i wanted to build a new verger training hall but i didn’t like the shape of the terrain i also had no grass to fix it so beginning this

Video by gathering grass i also needed science across sticky pistons so i paid a visit to the swamp where i found a witch hut she managed to poison her own cat so of course she had to die i wasn’t just gonna abandon her cat though i

Wanted to tame it and bring it home night fell and that meant it was time to get unsigned day 402 i was determined to tame this cat it took a while but the moment arrived would it accept my offering of fish yes yes it would in

Order to take my new friend home i need to make the journey on foot because pets have a very limited range that they can teleport if i flew straight home with my elytra it wouldn’t teleport to me once i landed after a few minutes i could see

My base through the trees i dyed the cat’s collar blue to match his eyes and made him happy i loaded up all of the grass i gathered earlier into ashoka because it’s time to start terraforming well this doesn’t look like terraforming i had to spend some time lighting this

Area up because trying to build here with a bunch of mobs spawning definitely wouldn’t be fun this big area needs to be completely flat before i can start building the train hey man can i have that dirt block cheers i’ve run out of garage so the morning of day 403 was spent gathering

More i’m just warning you now that this won’t be the first time that’s happened for the rest of day i continued smoothing out the terrain and by sunset i was done i found my meds and pumpkins and they made a ton of money for my verges day 404 i started laying the

Foundations for the haul it’s going to have a stone brick base with the hall itself made out of dark coat logs and spruce wood i needed a lot of dark coat for this build so i had to head out to my usual forest to gather some now when

I say gather some i mean i chopped wood for the entire night day 405 i may have an arrow sticking out of my chest but trust me i’m fine as i was returning to my base i spotted this virgo house made of white terracotta so what did i do

Steal the walls of his house my rocket supply was running out so i afk my creeper farm for the rest of the day i guess i got karma for literally stealing someone’s walls because this happened i patched it up and moved on to building the hall i continued building throughout

The night using a mix of strip spruce logs and spruce planks day 46 i used the materials i’d stolen from the virgin house as a base four o’clock i built a small stairway up to the hall and it’s looking alright it’s going to be a big

Project to get this thing fully built up and functional i finished off the outline of filled in the floor can you just leave me alone do a 407 i tried to 360 and kill the zombie but i just ended up getting set on fire not my proudest

Moment anyway do you want to see something satisfying i built all day and of course i ran out of materials day 408 some tourists showed up in my base they didn’t pay for parking though so the punishment is death i wanted to fight a raid but i didn’t want any of my virgos

Dying so i returned to the version nearby honestly this building still offers perfect protection the battle went on all day but at night things started going south i still hate phantoms the most but the vex are a close second there was an evoker nearby and he kept spamming them it’s pretty

Hard to fend off the other raid mobs when you’ve got angry demon babies flying around your head i knew there was only one way to take control back i dove into the crowd to take out the evoker i took a fair bit of damage but once he

Was down the raid was so much easier certainly that vex flying was unbelievably satisfying now that i’d hear the village i could scan my verges for an unbelievable amount of emeralds so let’s say scam i meant trade day 409 the profits began i showed the paper melons wheat anything the virgins would

Buy i supplied it kind of speaks for itself that i went from level 36 to 51 in the span of a single day and now the best part crafting emerald blocks i’ve got a lot but who doesn’t love getting more but the profit is done i returned

To work on the new training day 410 of work that needs to be done the whole day was spent building and at night i did the first bit of detailing a one during trader showed up with his usual list of absolutely incredible treasures and wouldn’t stop doing that annoying

Noise as i worked on the hall mate just shut up also the usual pack of phantoms had to be dealt with i almost never sleep in this hardcore world because of my limited time 100 days is a lot but i still don’t want to waste any of it

Sleeping day 411 i like the way the hall is looking it’s missing a lot of things including a roof and window panes but it’s getting there i found pumpkins and mounds like usual and then headed out the ocean monument i’ve been in 300 days i wanted to build the roof of the

Training hall out prismarine so i got to work taking apart this monument this monument doesn’t have any sponge rooms which gave me an idea there was a monument super close by that i hadn’t cleared so why not investigate it by investigate i mean killing all three other guardians the 412 my surface from

The monument i had seen several sponge rooms while exploring but i still had mining fatigue i flew home grabbed a bucket of milk and then returned this monument definitely didn’t disappoint when it came to sponge it had an absolute one of them with the sponge and prisma gathered up i headed home and

Began building the roof of the hall day 413 i wasn’t sure if i really liked the blue roof i decided to continue with it for a little longer in case that made a difference but by the end of the day i knew it wasn’t right i swapped out the

Prismarine for dark oak and it just looks so much better the 414 i needed more spruce wood so you know what that means deforestation actually it’s not i was environmentally friendly and grew my own trees with all the extra wood i was able to resume work on the roof which i

Worked on all day and night day 415 is the same story building the roof during the day and building the roof during the night by day 416 i made significant progress and to add some extra flare to the roof i decided to add i actually don’t know what these are called but

These viking curved things added detail to the clock and changed it up a bit day 417 i started work on the redstone side of things it’s about time i explained my master plan for this new haul stonemason verges have two trades which are insanely useful they’ll exchange 20

Stone for an emerald and 16 of either andesite diorite or granite for an emerald if i turn them into zombie verges and kill them enough times they’ll happily exchange as a single block for an emerald that’s right some of the most common blocks in the game

For an emerald apiece by day 418 i was done but i had a problem i need to place redstone behind the pistons in order to do that i need to place another block the only issue was that there was no space because the windows were going to

Go here it was going to be a massive pain because i just built it but i need to move the entire system forward by one block it took me all day and the night as well but by the morning of day 419 everything was fixed i made some money

By sending pumpkins and managed to the prisoners and then continue building this trading hall design is by logical geekboy i’ll leave a link to it in the description the hall was almost complete but it was missing as chief employee i needed a zombie in order to infect the

Verges i say employee but he doesn’t get paid so i’ll call him a volunteer i want to get a name tag for my willing volunteer and also stop him from d spawning but he had already despawned when i returned luckily i found a replacement got him in and named him day

420 it was time to visit someone i hadn’t been a long time my old virgin breeder i built a new one but it’s a long story and i ended up taking it down you two are going to be the ones to repopulate this land do you understand your task

Good we’ll leave that for a while and hope everything goes to plan with that done it was time to add detail to the hall day 421 i visited the breeder and what they hadn’t even had a single child i decided i’d put my verge of problems

To the side for the time being because i wanted to add some windows poking out of the roof of the training hall i went through a few designs but eventually had something i liked i checked back at the virgin breeder and was pleased to see

They made a child they told me their son is going to grow up and become a leather worker that’s great but i don’t care he’s going to be a stonemason paying one enroll per block of stone and he’s going to love it over at the barn things

Weren’t going to plan i killed a cow by accident and then this creeper blasted a hole in the field i used the will i gathered to add another row of beds to the breeder this place looks empty now but trust me i’m gonna have it overcrowded in no time the 422 i

Mirrored the roof window design onto the other side of the hall after listing the prisons and selling a bunch of pumpkins and mans to them i afk my creeper farm for the rest of the day i need a lot of rockers because i was going end raiding

I didn’t have that many shulker boxes and the extra end city loot would be a bonus i visited my enderman xp farm to get ender pearl and also go to the end gateway and then somehow managed to do this i also accidentally looked at a couple of enderman and they did some

Serious damage after cranking my render distance all the way up i set out in search of entities for all of day 423 i not only looted every entity i found but also annihilated all the inhabitants wait that was kind of dark anyway when i went back to the gateway i added this

Barrier around my end spawn because it just felt unsafe once i was back home i sorted out all the loot from the cities the 424 i think it’s funny how you can go from flying through an alternate dimension one minute and then be farming pumpkins the next of course i sold off

All the produce to the local prisoners i mean farmers and look at how happy they are i returned to the dark forest because i wanted to gather enough wood to finish the detail on the training pool i hate these guys so much like i genuinely hate them i needed spruce wood

So it was big tree time i then began the final part of the training call the 425 was almost completely spent on decorating it usually doesn’t take me this long but i had to go around the entire hall with scaffolding it also took the whole night to finish day 426

The whole still missing some window panes but apart from that it’s finally complete i checked up on the virgin breeder and the kids were all grown up but stuck in the minecart tunnel i gave these guys some more bread and they immediately got straight to doing their

Thing i obviously wasn’t going to stick around for that so i left as quickly as possible i grabbed some glass panes and changed the white stained glass of my windmills just regular glass i then finished off the windows at the training hall and it’s complete i love how this

Build turned out even though it took an absolute ton of wood to make i headed out to get some flowers and on the waste of this enderman just churned in a tree so i joined him we had a great time but then he said he left the oven on and

Teleported away i picked a bunch of flowers blew up some flowers and then returned home i applied the flowers in the window box in the training hall and also added some lanterns to light it up the fortress 227 the training hall was missing a door so i added one i also

Added these little gardens to other side the breeder was finally seeing results these kids are going to be great stone masons don’t tell them i said that though they probably want to be astronauts or something it was business as usual farming the pumpkins and mers and then selling them with that done i

Started digging a tunnel to connect the new hall with the virgil breeder day 428 i completed the tunnel and started laying rails i wanted to start moving verges over but it was turning tonight so none of them would take up a job i could have slept but i didn’t want to

Waste any time i decided to build a fountain but first it’s time for everyone’s favorite placing grass i got a small part of the fountain done and then saw that it was almost dawn so i jumped in bed that way i could get rid of the phantoms for a couple of nights

And not use up any more time than necessary sleeping day 429 i was still working on the fountain but i didn’t like how it turned out and ended up taking it all down now there was daytime i could begin my army of stonemasons i love how this hall works the virgin

Walks over to their job falls in the hole and it closes after them the entire day i rode the minecart track back and forth shuttling verges over it was pretty time consuming so i wasn’t able to get that many i brewed some weakness potions because there was about to be a

Few infections in the training not sure how i knew i just had a feeling day 430 look at that the verges got infected i have no idea how that happened but don’t worry guys i’ll help you out when i said i was gonna get this place overcrowded

This is what i meant it was another day of moving verges over to the hall and infections that had absolutely nothing to do with me at night i decided to give the fountain another go this baby zombie virgo attacked me and there was something about the way he died that

Made me feel bad i don’t even know why day 431 the phantom is finished and it looks so much better than my first attempt i wanted to start trading with the new stonemasons and one of their first trades is clay my netherright shovel has silk touch so i needed to use

A different shovel in order to get the clay after leveling up the stone masons it was clear they needed some more persuasion 14 stone for one end wood is all right but we can get much better guys calm down nothing’s gonna happen you’re all zombies now that’s a shame i

Finished off the day with some trading day 432 it was time to build a path up to the trading course it wasn’t the usual path that i’ve been building around my base i’m going for something grander a nice paved road would really bring this area together i was using a

Building tip i picked up recently instead of spamming the different blocks randomly making small clusters of the different types makes a path blend together so much better the stonemasons finished curing there was only eight stone pet emeralds so it’s time for another round of voluntary discounts i

Then peacefully built the path and also got set on fire but we don’t talk about that i was getting attacked by phantoms again it was nearly daytime so i quickly rushed to bed day i started adding these street lights along the road i could have just placed

Torches but this way it looks a lot better a thunderstorm kicked up and it was the perfect opportunity to gather some mob heads then a skirt and horse trap spot so i had to fight them off i could have taken the skeleton horses home but i already have one so i didn’t

See the point they can live out their happy skirts and lives doing whatever skirts and horses do anyway once i arrived at a good flat area i could begin getting the head just in case you don’t know how it works a creeper struck by lightning will turn into a charge

Creeper and mobs blown up by a charged crew to drop their heads i was able to get a second zombie head but then the thunderstorm ended and it just became regular old range day 434 i was flying over my basement i noticed these two trade alarms fighting each other this

Llama not only killed his brethren he literally tried to kill the wandering trader i told him hey you stopped that that’s not right i have a better way this llama clearly knew how to deal with wandering traders and i wanted to keep him i’ll think of a name for him later i

Dug down because i was going to set up a mining beacon firstly because training with the stonemasons regularly would burn through a lot of stone and second because my resources were just non-existent at this point i think i had about 20 iron ingots left and literally

No redstone days 435 to 436 was spent carving out a massive amount of stone i was pretty happy with all the oils that i got although 12 diamond oil felt a little bit low for the amount of money that i did i must have sold thousands of

Pumpkins and mans at this point and now for the best part of any mining trip stacking up all the ores and mining them with the fortune pickaxe i’ve got a ton of wrestling on lapis but only 23 diamonds from twelve walls of fortune through day 437 heads into the nether

Together quartz and i’ll explain why in a minute this bow shot was pretty good i’m not gonna lie i also got that black stone and you might be wondering why is he doing this you’ll find out soon i also afk my gold farm for a bit which is

Completely unrelated i just wanted more gold because of all the golden apples i’d use curing the verges day 438 i headed home and resupplied my golden apples now this is why i got all that quartz and blackstone i had two of these big pedestal things around my base and

Wanted to build two more and ones to form a square first things first though this beacon is actually misaligned the distance from my first beacon to the tower entrance is 52 blocks but this one signed like 44 yay phantoms by day 439 i cleared enough space and done a bit of

Terraforming so i could start rebuilding the pedestal by the end of the day it was complete and i moved the beacon over the 440 i was marking out where the other two beacons would go both of them are going to take some time to add in because the terrain’s really uneven i

Made stupid amounts of money trading with the stonemasons turns out if you get turned into a zombie enough times you think worthless rocks are very very valuable the money-making didn’t stop at the stonemasons either i just went straight up to the farmers and made even more money i found this baby zombie

Trying to get into the hall and oh whoops in order to make space for a beacon and also because it looks ugly i need to completely clean this hill one demolition project later and on day 441 there was no trace to the hill left want

To know the best part i then went and basically sold the hill to the stonemasons of course i did the usual trading with the farmers and crafted some more emerald blocks i did some more terraforming and throughout the night built out the next beacon pedestal i had

A beacon just sat in my enter chest so finally being able to put one to good use was a good feeling day 442 i headed into another together some walked wood because i needed some for the trapdoors and the beacon when i returned the front of wandering trader and i was genuinely

Going to let him live but then i saw him in his llamas half of my melon seeds and it was game over for this guy listen i’m not having him crush a bunch of melon seeds i added the trapdoors into the beacon pedestal and then bought a bunch

Of name tags in 400 days i asked people to comment what they wanted me to name the cats in the market and here’s a few other names we got sebastian we got charlie and we got a hisoka i experimented with some podzol for the past instead of spruce planks and i

Think i prefer it however i don’t have that much puzzle and this whole path needs to be remade to be honest i came up with the design in the original 100 days and it definitely could be blended together a lot better i started gathering a bunch of materials because

It was time to take on one of the most tedious farms in minecraft it was time to build a wither skull farm day 443 i swear this happened to every video i make but the audio’s bugged and didn’t record for a couple days not much happened anyway i first went around

Sharing every sheep i could find because the wither skull farm i was going to build required a ton of carpet i visited the turtles to gather up some turtle eggs i had stolen the walls of a house now i stole the roofs of the market stores because they were made of wool

One day i’ll probably just steal the entire village day 444 was also another fairly uneventful day i spent the whole day afk and the creepy farm for gunpowder night fell and thankfully the audio’s back i had all the materials i needed to head through the nether to

Find a suitable fortress i found a good one back in 400 days but i didn’t screenshot the coordinates and i also doubt the footage on my pc anymore so now i’m back to square one blindly searching i found a room portal with the worst you had ever seen in my life and

Then i found a treasure bastion the method of just sitting on a roof with a bow worked perfectly i found this guy taking a lava bath for some reason and then accidentally took one myself the loot was decent and i made sure to grab the gold blocks on the back the fortune

45 i use one of the best features that optifine has which is being able to turn off the netherfog i don’t know about you but i think that nether looks so much cooler without the fog i found yet another bastion and the loot was really average yeah it was just average my

Search for a fortress was finally rewarded with this one it’s definitely not perfect but it’s usable for sure the ideal fortress is one that’s in a lava lake as much as possible with any nearby biomes being soul sand valleys i need to swarm proof the entire fortress for the

Farm to work and looking at the amount of slabs i brought is honestly hilarious this wasn’t even a quarter of the amount of slabs i would need days 445 to 446 are exactly what you’d expect placing slabs with the sinking realization that i was running out very quickly day 447

I’d already run out of slabs and returned the overworld together more i wasn’t too worried because i kept the shulker box in my enter chest with the supplies to build a max beacon or at least i usually did but i must have used some of the emerald blocks back at the

Base or something so that means no haze 2 which means no instant mining which means i’m gonna have to spend a lot of time slowly collecting thousands of stone blocks the whole day and night all i saw and heard was stone breaking i went back to nether on day 1448 to start

Placing slabs again the winter school farm itself takes around half an hour to build maybe even less of your experience with it sport improving an entire nether fortress though it takes hours day 4.9 was the exact same thing slab after slap the 450 what’s in the menu slabs yeah

This restaurant sucks i ran out again and as i was heading back to my portal i found these pigs on holiday i’m not going to be surprised if they get turned into bacon by the time the farm’s finished my pickaxe and electro needed repairing and i spoiled the version of

Buys and stole their food and sold it back to them it’s a simple spell but quite unbreakable day 451 can be summed up in one word pain if i just left the emerald blocks in my ender chest as they were i’d have gathered up all the stone

I needed in 10 minutes flat but you’re watching mosey not mumbo jumbo i have a total of about five brain cells day 452 it was back to slap that i pushed this zombie piglet off the edge at the time thought it was really funny i think i was going slightly insane after placing

So many slaps but finally on day 453 it was done every single block of the nether fortress was spawn proof i could finally start building the fire it’s another design from logical geekboy i’ll leave a link in the description these turtle eggs behind trap doors alert any blazers and zombie piglets spawn into

The cactus trap because otherwise they would just sit around the farm and take out the mob cap day 454 i was building the shoot for the wither skeletons to fall down where i can safely fish them off with my sword i needed to pick them

For the farm to work but i didn’t have a name tag to stop him from despawning so i heads on to another roof to go home i had enough obsidian to make another portal so all i had to do was fly to zero zero and i’d pretty much be back at

My base it took way less time than i expected and in no time there i was back at home as i edit this video i really want to know why i didn’t just do this when i didn’t have enough emerald blocks for a full beacon i could have fixed the

Problem in less than 10 minutes and saved myself all that time money’s done did 455 i did some trading as usual got myself a name tag and also some more carpet without the way i returned to the fortress and the pigs were still alive how there’s literally fire everywhere i

Got this piglet to chase me all the way to the farm and then trapped him have fun standing still forever i placed down the carpet in a specific way in order to stop magma keeps from spawning although i still didn’t have enough day 456 i was testing the completed with a skull farm

And wasn’t getting any weather curtains i went to check on it and then this happened which wasn’t really what i had in mind i was starting to lose hope to be honest after hours of work was it all for nothing then i saw a comment on this tutorial saying to try turning the

Render distance as low as it would go and then the skeleton started pouring it it slowed down after a while and i checked up top i probably should have replaced those carpets so that was exactly what i did i ran around sharing every sheep i could find your walls mine

Your walls mine and yours and yours and yours day 457 after sharing every sheep in a 20 mile radius i repaired the farm and spent a while grinding i stayed there until i got nine skulls which didn’t even take that long after that it was time to head home day 458 i arrived

Home and immediately went to bed irl because it was four in the morning i have a terrible sleeping schedule now that i’m awake again let’s continue the whole day was spent just sorting out all the leftover stuff from the mother’s skeleton farm and random bits and pieces

Are you really surprised what i did after at night i added these paving stone things to the road using some polish undersight and some stairs but i wasn’t sure if i liked them day 459 it was time to finally get the answer to a question i’d had for a long time could i

Take on two with us at once mate listen if you don’t leave you’re gonna die i did warn him not the worst with the fights in the world but i did forget swiffer’s potions which was a massive pain i decided to keep the polish and sight in the road but remove the stairs

Now that i have more beacons i could add a fourth pedestal to my base in order to do that though i had to terraform this area and on day 460 i did the classic thing where i placed grass for about five minutes and run out honestly how do

I even say anything entertaining about this is literally just a day of placing grass day 461 i’m doing something more interesting i lied i’m placing more grass but i finally got it done i could start building the 462 the beacon square is finally complete and it’s so

Satisfying to finally have it done also i actually made sure my beaker choker had enough for a max beacon i never want to have to mine stone with haste one for a solid hour ever again talking of stone these stone masons had increased the price to three stone for an emerald i’m

The one that’s supposed to be doing the scamming i need to brew my weakness potions which gave me an idea why not have an automatic potion bruh i used these sumo boys design from seven years ago but it still holds up today i built three of them one’s gonna be for

Weakness one for strength and one for swiftness i began day 463 by setting up a temporary patch another one of course i wasn’t just gonna leave the auto potion bro as it was and needed to be decorated i decided to make a small store made with some dark oak stone and

Stone brick day 464 i was adding the roof and building a little extra part on top of the store where the owner would live day 465 is definitely making progress i also did some really interesting stuff like having the game paused because i was making instant

Noodles day 466 i was adding the seating area to the store when a thunderstorm began it was time to collect more heads ah there’s children everywhere i do kind of look like a porcupine but i’m fine by the end of the day i had two zombie heads two skeleton heads and a creeper

Hat i had no idea what to do with them so i just put them in the corridor leading to the throne room i decided to check on the verge of breeder what have i done that wasn’t me i had nothing to do with this and now i’m gonna leave the

467 i built some more of the road and added some more street lights i also sold the stone masons a bunch of worthless rocks and they gave me a bunch of valuable rocks i started gathering materials for an auto pumpkin farm day 468 i had to gather more grass because

The place where i wanted to build the pumpkin farm looked like a bomb site a gang of pair just showed up because they wanted some grass and i said no get your own grass now that i have bad omen it was time to start a raid but while

Searching for a verge i found this witch hut it had a black cat in it which is my favorite type so of course i had to tame it what you’re about to see is the most annoying night of minecraft i’ve ever had i needed fish in order to detain the

Cat so i killed some and then returned imagine trying to chase a black cat through a dark forest while mobs are constantly trying to kill you for some reason the cat wouldn’t approach me even though i had fish it was an extremely long and frustrating night then i

Realized i’m a massive idiot and those fish i gathered were cooked fish so of course the cat didn’t want them i had no clue why fire aspect works underwater because that literally makes zero sense but regardless i just need to get some raw fish day 469 i got the fish with the

Trident instead of my sword and i can finally tame the cat as you can see i was pretty happy i had a raid to do this so i sat down and promised to come back for it i found a room portal during my search for a verge and got some free

Gold blocks hey guys you’re all gonna die and i nearly died as well we’ll get on to that in a minute the first few waves this raid were hilariously easy the purges kept spawning on the other side of this river and they just stand there as i killed them all with my bow

Then night fell and things got bad really really bad i was on top of this house surrounded by every single raider there are several evokers that kept spawning the vex and i started taking a ton of damage and also escape i put on my elijah and got absolutely demolished

By the vex if i had taken even one more second here i would have died of course after being a literal second away from death my heart rate was through the roof i know it’s a pretty cliche thing to say but it was genuinely pounding after

Clearing the raid i found myself a new friend and we spent the night fighting monsters together the 470 i headed back home with my new wolf it was the same story with the cat from earlier i couldn’t go out too far or i wouldn’t teleport so i had to keep stopping to

Let him catch up i know i said i’d go and get the cat as well and i will but i couldn’t quite remember where it was so i decided to do it a little later once i was back home i cashed in on my hero diverge status and made a mountain of

Emeralds day 471 was the same story many many emeralds were scammed traded i went and retrieved my cat and rode us home why are you in there he stopped teleporting for some reason so day 472 i had to use a lead i had to do some more

Terraforming but finally got it done i could start building the pumpkin farm it’s only going to be a pumpkin farm not a pumpkin and melon farm because my main field is way bigger than my pumpkin one day 473 i was building the farm when a wondering trader started wandering

Around i was gonna let him live but then he made that stupid noise one too many times i did what needed to be done with the collection system done i could move on to the actual pumpkin bar i don’t know how to pronounce the name of the

Guy that made this farm but his tutorials linked down below in the description by day 474 i was done but of course like the potion brewer needed decorating i honestly had no clue how to make this thing look good so i just started building around it to see if i

Get any ideas then i got one i was going to turn this place into a mini castle but what would be really cool is if i could add an auto sugarcane farm in the center all of day 475 was adding the first layer of the sugarcane farm day

476 i was still going and then this happened i think i died inside at this point i just washed away every single pumpkin stalk in the farm i retired them all and it was really annoying we’re gonna skip ahead to day 478 because all i did was

Add more layers to the sugar now that the farm itself was done i could add the small castle on top i’ve been watching gemini taste hardcore let’s play and really like the design of fire castle so i decided to build something similar day 479 i built the roof of the first tower

And i think it looks pretty good i added a roof to the second tower and also detailed the underneath just leave me alone for two minutes day 480 i got all four reasons the tower’s done and started making the central building i chopped down a big spruce tree to get

More wood and chop down a lot of dark oak trees go away day 481 i’m still building and someone in the comments suggested last video that i tell a funny story so here you go do you know anyone that sleeps at school because i used to be a godly school

Sleeper me and my friends used to hang out in a small corridor that led to a fire exit and the teacher would of course never come down it this meant i could sleep in literally all my study periods without getting found out i come to school and whenever i had a study

Period i just take a nap in the corridor i even started bringing a spare hoodie which i would use as a pillow enough about all the extra sleep i got at school though because i pretty much finished the main area day 482 i’m really proud of how this castle turned

Out being able to mix in farms with decoration i made some money because i hadn’t done that in a few days and went on a little naming spring we have attached to the wolf gengar the cat and i was gonna name the lava that tried to

Kill the wandering trader but i think he despawned i needed someone to take his place so i dyed this sheep’s cyan and gave him the name instead there wasn’t a shred of intelligence behind his eyes but he’ll figure things out i put some windows in the castle and then put some

Arrows in these phantoms i also added some details to the side with this stonewall design and finish the detail on the rest of the towers day 483 the castle was almost complete the final thing to do was some interior design but i decided that could wait till later i

Wonder cartographer because for day 500 i wanted to take on a woodland matcher and cartographer sell woodland explorer maps i reconnected the minecart system to my first training call and sent this verge over he immediately ran away and i don’t blame him i got my next willing

Volunteer but it was nice so he didn’t want a job he’s getting one anyway after giving him the usual treatment i had some time to kill so while i waited for him to cure i started work on the interior of the castle it’s pretty nice in here there’s a four poster bed some

Bookshelves a carpet and a nice zombie head which i named fred the slabs on most of the towers were out of place so i spent the whole night fixing them day 485 the cartographer cured and i bought the map that i needed i also bought a bunch of regular maps because i wanted

To make a huge map of my base at the end of the day i pieced all the maps together in the trading pool these stone races were getting way ahead of themselves four stone for emerald unacceptable the 486 has set up a beacon and started mining i wasn’t interested

In diamonds or anything like that i wanted stone if everything had gone to plan the stonemasons would now buy one stone for one emerald so i wanted a huge supply that i could sell off every day i mined until my pickaxe was almost done for and then checked the stone masons

And these fools had exactly what i wanted you get some stone and you get some stone everybody gets a worthless stone at night i found myself a new cat and i actually used raw fish this time day 487 and had about four hours of

Sleep and as a result i tried to go down my bubble elevator every single one of my pets just stared at me judging after that i started building a wall around this area and i think it looks decent dude 488 i’m selling the prisoners more rocks did i say prisoners i don’t think

I did the moral of the story is well there’s no moral but there’s a lot of emerald blocks i swear i’ve said the words madison pumpkins way too many times in this video at night i was adding the stone path to this area because in the future i want this place

To be like some kind of courtyard day 488 i was doing the same thing i also added some barrels to the castle for a bit of extra detail then i realized how could i let the emperor of the underworld live with the other sheep he

Needs someone to go so now he has his own area where he can do what empress of the underworld do i guess i started work building a new house it’s purely for decoration because at some point i want to build an entire medieval village the next three days are just me building the

House and then dimashing the entire thing because i didn’t like how it looked for someone who goes on about not wasting time i definitely wasted a lot here day 493 i’m not wasting time because i finally got a decent house design i was going to go with the tudor

Style using this diorite for the top half day 494 i was making good progress and gave this place a nice chimney i made good progress on the interior but i’m going to start the hub for the woodland mansion on day 495 so i’d have to leave this place unfinished day 495

It was time to begin i fixed up my bow jumped in the nether and started flying i was about 13k blocks out when i rose i’ve been going in the wrong direction thanks to another it only took me a few minutes to get back to where i started

Now it’s time to start searching for the mansion day 496 i found this bastion i couldn’t resist the temptation to raid it it had a pixel disc but apart from that nothing of any interest after going 30 000 blocks out i had finally closed

In on the mansion now all i had to do was fly in the right direction and my five brain cells actually all work together now what else would a friendly business do except break a window and kill three of the inhabitants the mansion was crawling with enemies and i

Took a fair bit of damage fighting them the last time i’ve been in one of these was probably around five years ago when i used to find the xbox 360 version and there only ever used to be one of voga this mansion had way more than one for

The amount of effort you have to go to finding the mansion and considering how strong the enemies are the loot is just really really bad i found myself a golden apple and a couple of anvils but apart from that there was nothing i did also check behind the vindicator face

Made of wool because science has a secret room but in this mansion there wasn’t day 497 i left the mansion i thought it would take me a lot longer to find but actually you took around half an hour this also happened while i was in the nether and i didn’t bother eating

Any golden apples because i had spare tomatoes from the mansion i just let my term activate and equip the new one i had something even better planned for day 500 but i’ll keep that a secret for now i was just decorating the interior of the new building which i decided was

Going to be a guild day 498 i named my new cat sienna and she’s going to be the leader of the guild she even has her own throne i made a little sign with some iron swords and also added some sweet berry bushes for decoration the 499

Already still had three with the skulls left and decided to fight with her i had to spend a fair bit of time looking for a good place to spawn it because i’d wrecked most of the nearby land already when you remember to bring a swiftness potion the fight’s pretty easy when i

Got home i did the final bit of trading for day 500 day 500 notice anything different for the last day i’m going to be giving a tour on my base i did one last video but it lasts about 30 seconds so hopefully this one’s more interesting So As i’ve wandered along the winding roads of my base my mind flashed back to all the times i nearly died in this world but here i was on day 500 of hardcore minecraft back on the hardcore world for day 501 it was time for me to fix a problem

That’d been going on for hundreds of days i had an enderman xp farm a gold farm even a wither skull farm but still no iron farm my plans immediately went out the window when i found this stray cat after taming it i started heading up to build the farm i spotted this

Skeleton horse and then got jumped by skeletons for the rest of the night i built the farm day 502 i made a temporary staircase up to the farm because i needed to get three prisoners and a zombie into the cells the tutorial called them virgos but come on now

They’re prisoners i headed over to the breeder and said i was giving out freedom for free now begins what i like to call a solid half an hour of trauma i built a minecart track up but these guys clearly weren’t going to make this easy

One ran off into my melon field and the others headed for the pumpkins after some struggle i got the first one into the farm day 503 i had to build this dirt bridge over to the farm because you can’t place rails on grass path before long the other two verges have been

Successfully imprisoned now for the final part a zombie i found this one in leather armor who we’re gonna call idiot idiot unfortunately had a very short life i found his replacement who i’ll call i i don’t know tyrone or something anyway tyrone tripped over and he fell

In the hole which means i now have a nearly complete iron farm day 504 i started building the spawning platform for the iron golems this iron farm is by wattles i’ll leave a link to his tutorial in the description below with the platform done i then worked on the

Killing chamber the iron golems are going to fall in here get killed by the lava and then the ironing gets gets sent to adjust i know it looks really ugly right now but i’ll saw it out later day 505 i did some farming and then made a

Ton of money for my verges i also grew one of these huge spruce trees because i had a new project in mind i wanted to decorate the iron farm by hiding it with a hot air balloon and for that i would need wool do you see where this is going

I needed a wool farm in return for their life savings i gave the stone misses a bunch of rocks i’m sure that’s a fair deal day 506 began with me gathering cobblestone 500 days into this hardcore world and here i am gathering cobble i also hung out with this enderman that

Was pretty cool and then this wandering trader showed up i took a long look into those eyes of his and killed him my pets were super happy about it because i never sleep and i had to take them out day 507 the farm was done it

Was time to get the sheep the entire day was spent finding sheep and getting them into position i wouldn’t get too attached to these guys because spoiler alert someone will die later but we’ll get to that day 508 i needed dark wood to decorate the wall farm so i went out

And committed mass deforestation you know like normal people i was almost out of rockets so i spent a while afk in my creepy farm i’m pretty sure i also wanted an excuse to go make instant noodles day 509 i needed more wood so it was back to chopping without the way i

Could start decorating the wool farm i swear rusev wanted the most difficult things to get right the 510 i was happy with how the war farmers coming along but then i discovered something that really wasn’t good this section of the wolf farm was off center meaning i need

To move the whole thing forward by one block now i don’t know if you’ve ever tried to move sheep exactly one block forward in this game and here’s some advice you can’t despite my efforts they were all escaping yeah i was kind of mad but after a long night of pain i was

Able to get the sheep that was still alive back in their places however i nearly went from just pain to straight up death after this creeper popped my first totem i was another one lurking nearby with no totem and a creeper nearby i rushed into my trading hall

Slammed the door and grabbed my replacement totem after that absolutely terrible morning a wandering trader showed up and he hadn’t altered the shells i had the axe in my hand ready to kill him but i felt some kind of weird compassion for this guy maybe it was

Because i’d come so close to death myself but i just couldn’t bring myself to strike him down yeah those feelings lasted probably about two minutes i worked on the wall farm for the rest of the night and had to deal with more phantoms day 512 the wolf i was making

Good progress i built all through the day at night and was able to finish by day 513. i also added this little side area with some hay to make the build seem more natural i also did some more trading like usual and started work on

The interior of the farm i then got the random urge to fight the wither and headed to my witherskill farm day 514 i stayed in my wooder school farm until i got six heads when i got back it was already night and i wasted no time gathering wood i wanted to complete the

Floor of the wool farm day 515 i finished the floor and i love how the wall farm turned out i’m glad the virgos don’t have freedom or brain cells because then they stopped giving me one emerald per pumpkin with the scamming done i flew out to fight the weather but

Actually i was gonna fight two at the same time i tried to do this in 500 days and one of them flew away so i had to fight each of them separately this time though i’m making sure i fight them both at once the fight began and i realized

Something fighting two of the strongest mob in the game at the same time it’s actually really done who would have guessed my surface potion ran out but i was able to take out one of the withers the final battle with the second was pretty rough but eventually victory was

Mine day 516 i was extending the stone road that runs through my little town area not a whole lot to say so let’s move on to day 517 where i was trying out one of the most busted discoveries ever made in minecraft by enabling trunk borders finding a clay patch and going

Out seven blocks in the positive z direction digging straight down will almost always result in diamonds it definitely works in java 1.16 but i don’t think it does in the 1.17 update i just got to specify that at the time of recording this part of the video 1.17

Wasn’t out yet so i’m still on 1.16 but don’t worry we will get to 1.17 later day 518 i was still at it and you know when you get a feeling something’s about to happen i had that feeling as i was digging down and swapped to my

Chestplate it was a good job i did because i almost immediately dropped into a cave full of creepers i continued to my diamond after diamond day 519 of course it’s not a mosey video if the audio isn’t broken or at least one day i decided it would be my last day of

Diamond mining before i started work on decorating the ironfarm day 520 i returned home with more diamond all than i’d ever held in my life i stacked it all up in a massive pillar to mine it down the audio is still broken though and it’s genuinely the most unsatisfying

Thing to not hear the xp noise as i mind the diamonds i ended up with nearly four stacks which is insane i headed up to my iron farm because it was time to start decorating the first thing i did was turn it off because i didn’t want gollum

Spawning before i finished building and spawn proofing as i said earlier this is going to be a hot air balloon that will completely encase the farm which is good because leaving the iron farm as a floating blob in the sky would hurt myself day 521 was just me building i

Think it’s starting to look balloon balloony is it is that even a word probably not the 528 as i look at the verges and wonder what’s going on behind their absolutely massive foreheads i went about the day building the balloon little did i know this was going to be

The worst minecraft day i would ever experience although i can’t show you the actual event happening because i tabbed out to open discord when i went back to minecraft the footage didn’t record but can you guess what’s wrong from this image i’d be surprised if you did but

You might notice i only have two god apples despite always carrying three on me notice how i’m standing next to a lava pit i accidentally threw a god apple one of the rarest items in the game into a pit of lava it’s probably better than the whole thing wasn’t

Recorded because i don’t think any of us needs to witness that kind of pain in case you’re wondering how i even managed to throw it in in fact probably all of you want to know i have r as my drop item key which is right next to e for my

Inventory so one step of my finger led to the worst mistake in my minecraft career day 523 i knew i needed to finish the hot air balloon but all i could think about was losing that apple i knew there was only one way to fix it and

That was to find a new one i began scouring the desert in search of temples ruined portals were also on the list although they only have a 1 in 100 chance for a god apple day 524 i found this golem stuck in a cactus and watched

As his held slowly depleted but then he looked me right in the eyes and i couldn’t let him die i also got massively conned by this temple because it had a regular golden apple just not an enchanted one day 525 was just me trying to find a new desert i found this

Shipwreck fully above land which looked awesome i found this temple with a golden apple and chest one chest two is the same chest three did not disappoint and chest four well let’s just say the tnt in the temples is there for a reason day 526 is another day of searching

Temples and another day without a third god apple at this point i’ve gone through at least 20 temples the 527 i wasn’t giving up i found this temple and finally i found nothing i take back what i just said because i gave up i almost immediately found a bastion though and

Bastian chess also have a chance to spawn a god apple unfortunately it didn’t have what i wanted i found another soon after and killed every pig that i could find i guess they hate fruit or something because this bastion didn’t have a god apple either day 528 i

Found a third bastion and i’m sure we’ve all heard the saying the third time’s the charm yeah whoever came up with that was a pathological lie i had to return to the overworld because things weren’t looking good for me 13 000 blocks out and i’ve run out of rockets i still had

To spare gunpowder from all the temples i’ve raided so all i needed was to find sugarcane luckily i managed to find some and was back on my way i found another bastion it would be a shame to waste the opportunity surprise surprise no god apple bastion number five do i even need

To say anything at this point nothing of value day 529 i finally arrived home i organized all the loot for my journey into a shulker and honestly i’m happy with it even though i lost to god apple all this stuff does kind of make up for

It i then made sure my rocket shock was fully stacked with spare paper because i never want to repeat the whole sugarcane incident now that my adventure was over it was back to work on the hot air balloon the 530 is a whole day of placing wool would it have been smarter

To just build the balloon from the bottom up instead of building the top first yeah but i don’t think of good ideas immediately i do a bunch of dumb stuff and then realize what i should have done day 531 finally the balloon is starting to take shape by the time i

Fell i was done and i felt like making money i didn’t scan my verges because i would never do that i then chopped down a big spruce tree because i needed wood to build the basket the hot air balloon the 532 i built the basket the balloon

Using a mix of strip spruce logs and spruce planks the 533 i used a campfire to create the effect of the fire inflating the balloon i think it really brings the build together with that done i had to spawn proof the inside of the balloon because otherwise the iron

Golems wouldn’t spawn in the right place and the farm would break i also needed to spawn proof the outside of the balloon but i used carpet instead because using buttons would look awful i had to move the lava pool forward a block because the basket was blocking

The golems from falling to their fiery demise day 534 there is a fully working and decorated iron farm i had several stacks of tnt after raiding literally every desert temple the egyptians had ever built and decided to go mining for ancient debris day 535 usually my local

Asian debris is terrible but after the explosions were done i had 18 pieces as i was heading back i found sebastian but there was a suspicious lack of piglets then i found the quickest way to instantly die no god apple but an efficiency 5 pickaxe is always nice i

Also made sure to grab the hidden gold stash as i headed home i spotted the iron golem i nearly pushed into lava in 500 days i decided he might as well stick around the 536 i went around harvesting my mouth and fixing the field

I had to do this every 50 days or so because over time mobs trampled the stalks i then flew out in search of a desert i found my end of my mate again and hung out with him for a bit after ages of flying around i finally found

The desert and began tearing it apart the 537 had a full shulker box of sand and was ready to return home i found a temple but of course it didn’t have a god apple a great trip to another brought me back to the base i bought some glass from my librarians and then

Flew out to the ocean the reason i gathered all that sand earlier was because i’m going to be draining an ocean monument it may or may not have taken me the entire night to actually find the monument i wanted but let’s not talk about that day 538 i started

Marking out a circle around the monument the guardians were already starting to annoy me but they didn’t drive me insane at least not yet i worked on the circle throughout the night and was able to get half fit done by day 539 i kept building and ended up having to carve through

This iceberg to make space for the circle also phantoms god i love phantoms with the circle complete i now had to drop sand around the entire thing day 540 i’m holding right click and watching sanford it’s literally even less fun than it sounds does it count as a legal

Fishing if i killed all the fish with the trident do 541 sand i ran out of sand and then various was a desert literally right next to the monument so i began destroying the entire ecosystem i tricked the skeleton into shooting a creeper and got myself a

Music disc after finding an entire crips worth of skeletons i rise it was the perfect chance to get more discs sure enough these guys killed creeper after creeper and by day 542 i had an extra three discs in my collection these purgers showed up and demanded that i

Give them the discs no these are limited edition because of all the time i spent last night not gathering sand i had to spend the day actually doing that i returned to the monument and now the fun’s over it’s back to sand placing simulator day 543 i’m playing sam

Placing simulator the sequel day 544 it was a pretty long battle but i beat sam placing simulator and took a pretty cool screenshot i flew home to get something and then realized i never actually got rid of bad omen i changed my beacon to resistance too and then experienced the

Biggest power trip of my life with resistance strength and regen i was basically unkillable and absolutely tore through the raiders day 545 my killing spree came to an end because i couldn’t find the last raider in this wave i tried grabbing a bell and bringing it because that reveals the location of

Raiders if they’re close enough but this guy must have played way too much hide and seek as a kid i accused this once in trader of treason but unfortunately he wasn’t the final raider i decided to give up for the time being because the 1.17 update finally dropped bringing a

Ton of new features and blocks i immediately went out in search of an axolotl i ended up finding two of them and took them back home i have great plans for these guys day 546 i set the axolotls free by the ocean monument area this one’s called ten tails destroyer of

Worlds and this one’s called morris if there was a fight i reckon morris would win anyway my plan for these guys was that hopefully they would keep the guardians under control because axolotls actively hunt guardians also i needed sand so i was back to destroying the desert with the circle of the monument

Outlined i now had to create trenches using walls of sand and then drain the trenches with sponge the 547 i went through my nether portal and almost ended up in the other instead after reloading the world to fix the bug i began placing all my sponge most people

Already know this but if you place a wet sponge in the nether it instantly dries out with my freshly dried sponge i drained the first part of the ocean monument with that done i now had to extend the trench forward and take down the old wall the 548 sam placing

Simulator returns with an insane new game there’s even more sand placing than the last one five out of five would definitely recommend at night i played the spin-off game sand shoveling simulator day 549 i started draining the trench i have no idea why my game’s so broken but it’s really annoying i got

Another nether bug and then when i returned to the overall the game refused to load more than two chunks i can’t decide which part of during the monument is the worst placing the sand is boring placing the sponges boring and trying to jump around gathering up wet sponges

Makes me want to bang my head on the wall anyway by the end of the day i was able to take down the first sandball expanding the dry area of the ocean monument day 550 more placing sound i might as well explain what my plans are

For the monument i want to turn this place into some kind of fantasy forest with some custom trees and mushrooms along with tons of flowers and wildlife in terms of the monument itself it is going to have a functional purpose i’m going to turn it into a guardian farm by

Day 551 i’ve drained another section of the monument i’ve made progress but it’s painfully slow we’re going to skip ahead today 552 i headed back to my base for something and realized the rape from early was still active i decided i’d try again to find the final raider and i

Actually managed to discover the guy i don’t know why he’s in a mineshaft but he died in the mine shaft so no one cares the raid continued as normal although things nearly went wrong when i fought this ravager head-on i ended up getting down to three hearts but

Completed the rate the 553 i did do some trading with the verges but just the usual trades i wasn’t too bothered about my hero of the verge status i headed into another because i wanted to find the new deep slate that generates underground the reason i’m in the nether

Is because i needed to go far out to load new chunks that i hadn’t been to 1.16 because of course 1.16 chunks don’t have any deep slate i arrived in a cave which was perfect and immediately mined as much deep slate as i could carry i

Also saw that this cave had tons of emerald all which is awesome when i headed into another the game broke again which is great the 554 i found this bastion and also found out that the piglets were also broken usually when you attack a piglet in a bastion every

Single one in their turn’s hostile but for this bastion barely any of them got mad as i executed them one by one no god apple but a silk touchdown pickaxe is cool the 555 i arrived back home and filled up with all the ores i’ve mined i

Love that you can use fortune on iron and gold now and then made a very unfortunate discovery pure deep slate can’t be used to make these they bricks you need cobble deepsea in my opinion that makes zero sense seeing as cobblestone can’t be used to make stone bricks but whatever we’re talking about

A game with pig monsters and golden apples i place down all the deep slate in my throne room and then mined it all again this time without soul touch day 556 you might be wondering why i’ve been gathering up all this deep slate i wanted to make four newbie pedestals

I’ve seen comments asking for me to make full beacons of iron gold and diamond and for the sake of symmetry i’ll add another emerald one i spent the whole day marking out where each of them would go day 557 i bought some glazed terracotta for my stow masons to

Represent each type of beacon i then discovered that the most annoying thing in minecraft isn’t creepers or losing a gold apple to lava it’s trying to line up this stupid terracotta and the right pattern anyway day 558 i finished the first pedestal i love the new deep slate

Bricks and tiles they’re not as light as regular stone bricks but not as dark as blackstone either i have plenty of gold from robbing every single bastion i ever come across and was able to build a max gold beacon i also added the yellow stained glass pane to make the beacon

Beam match with the gold day 559 i had to smelt some light blue terracotta because my stonemasons didn’t sell it this one’s of course going to be the diamond beacon although i unfortunately don’t have enough diamonds to make a max one i’ve run out of deep state and

Needed to get more the nether broke again surprise surprise and then i found a bastion nothing good moving on i found another bastion and it’s honestly so weird just being able to casually kill off the brutes and watch the other piglets go about their day as normal the

One thing i had found from raiding the bastions was a bunch of diamond shovels when i arrived back in the overlord i found a ship break that had moss blocks so i was super happy day 560 i mined a bunch of d slate with the right pickaxe

This time as i was heading back to another i smacked this guy’s fireball straight back when i arrived back home on day 561 i organized my music disc collection i then finished off the pedestal for the diamond beacon unfortunately i don’t have anywhere near the amount of diamond blocks needed to

Make a max vegan i afk my creep farm for the rest of the night bringing us up to day 562. with a fresh supply of rockets i returned to the ocean monument well actually i had to go gather more sand but i’m back to working on the monument

Day 563 i’m cooking fried sponge for the main course anyone interested i gotta be honest draining an ocean monument is one of the most tedious things i’ve ever done if you’re thinking about doing it just watch youtube or listen to music while you do because you’re going to get

Bored very quickly day 564 is same old same old i’m going to take a moment to shamelessly promote my discord server which you should come join you might even get see some sneak peeks of videos so if you’re interested the link is in the description and pinned in the

Comments day 565 i made up my mind that gathering up the wet sponges is the worst part of training a monument they’re scattered everywhere and you have to pillar up so many times to get them all on the bright side progress is definitely being made and i’ve drained

Enough water that the monument itself is starting to appear i also demolished an arctic habitat but everything’s fine day 566 to 567 i’m me draining the monument so we’ll skip ahead today 568 where i headed back to my base i brewed some potions of water breathing and night

Vision because i had an idea if there was any way to speed up draining the ocean monument it would be by having more sponge i set out in search of a new monument to raid i found this amethyst jio and all i ever think about when mining amethyst is that it sounds like

The song waterfall from undertale the 569 i found a desert and you can probably tell where this is going despite it being a special day the loot was anything but special day 570 i finally found what i was looking for although i was actually able to get

Inside and steal the gold before mining fatigue so technion already cleared the monument but i wasn’t here for gold i was here for sponge so i changed the elder guardians from an endangered species to extinct i still have mining fatigue so i flew out to find a cow but

Ended up not finding one i flew back to the monument and got the biggest jump scare of my life when the elder guardians i just killed were back from the dead also i was playing the game at 4 am so my mind was kind of already

Fried it didn’t take me long to put two and two together and rather i was at the wrong monument after finding the original monument i cleared out its single sponge room yeah i flew out 15 000 blocks for sponge this was worth it day 571 i of course went and annihilated

The ld guardians in the second ocean monument unfortunately it was a waste of time these guys never clean anything so they had no sponge i made another portal to go home and i actually didn’t raid any bastions did you really believe what i just said this bastion was fairly average but i

Found a treasure bastion honestly this chest was pretty good it had almost full diamond armor but still no god apple why mojang why the 572 oh oh hey man you having a good day yeah same i think i might have too many peg set discs but

I’m not too sure i did a bunch of trading and also fixed both of my lighters and then headed back to the ocean monument the 573 i was able to finish draining the next trench and push the sample back even further the phantoms were annoying me even more the

Usual night so i smoked them with the power of zeus day 574 i’m placing sand wow interesting day 575 i was draining water for those of you interested in draining ocean monument have some advice don’t we’re going to skip ahead to day 580 because i can sum up what i did in

Those five days with a few words play sand play sponge kill the stupid annoying guardians that i hate and drive the sponge i headed back to my base because i really wanted a break from draining the monument i did some verges scamming trading forget that and decided

It was time to decorate the lava pit that the iron golems fall into also did you know you can put stone bricks in a furnace to make crack stone bricks like i genuinely never knew that my idea was to build a small ruin around the lava to

Hide it from view day 581 i used some of the new moss blocks to give the ruin a more overgrown vibe i also used some leaves and vines to bring it to life and i think it came out well i decided that my next project would be to get a beacon

Pedestal built here i had to take down my old bamboo farm and with that gone there’s no trace of any of the original builds i made in the first 100 days video day 582 the terrain hill is less than ideal so i had to do some for me by

The end of the day i was done and i could begin work on the pedestal this one’s gonna be for the emerald beacon i don’t know what i did to deserve this but i had an entire family of phantoms spawn on me extended cousins and all day

583 i realized this zombie had taken it upon himself to infect every verger in this hall i appreciate the effort but i’ve done that three times already i was able to finish the pedestal by the end of the day i’ve done this a lot but it

Never gets old building a max beacon i also turned off the one in my tower for now because it ruins the symmetry of the other beacons i also nearly ruined the symmetry of my legs by crashing into the floor but we’ll forget that happened i spent day 584 terraforming this side of

The hill the new beacon was right in the way of the path so i had to extend this area out to compensate i think i did a pretty decent job i tore up the old path and decided to try a different style in this case it was just a simple grass

Path with some coaster thrown in to add some texture if i’m honest i like it a lot more than the mess i have currently i also wanted to try building a new custom tree so i went out to gather some oak wood this skeleton jumped into the

Nether to escape this wolf but the wolf didn’t care he just went straight through after his brain i quickly followed through and tried my best to block the skeleton off so the wall could take him down i had to tame this guy i mean he jumped into hell to kill a

Skeleton he’s already my favorite wall day 585 i already knew what i was going to name my new friend i also realized i needed a name for the cat attained at the start of the video so i named him banks as for the wolf the perfect name

Was natsu i spent most today committing my usual acts of deforestation i know i’ve complained every time i built one of these but i hate building custom trees i just can’t get the shape to look natural all of day 586 i worked on the tree and by night i was finished i don’t

Really like it that much it looks more like a green mushroom than a tree but i’ll leave it i had to address a problem i’ve been putting on for a while which was building a max iron beacon the place where the beacon needed to go was in a

Really awkward spot because it was wedged up against this hill i had two options either extend the hill to fit the beacon or just demolish the hill day 587 i picked a much better option after using all my tnt up the hill still wasn’t flat enough so i had to resort to

Using my pickaxe i can’t wait to sell all this worthless stone to the stone masons no i’m not running a pyramid scheme day 588 what was once a hill was now more of a bump with enough space to work on the beacon i started building

Day 589 thanks to my iron farm i had almost enough iron to max out this beacon i might swap the places of the iron and diamond beacons because this hill would be the perfect place to display the much cooler diamond beacon talking of a diamond beacon i decided it

Was time to get more diamonds i could get them honorably but you know i’m doing the clay patch method the reason i could still do this despite being on 1.7 team was because these chunks were generated in 1.16 so all the old diamonds are still there i also picked

Up any iron i found because my iron beak wasn’t fully complete day 590 is still mining diamonds and falling in lava girl love that day 591 still mining those delicious slushy colored oars day 592 i returned to home and made the usual pillars from 110 diamond all i got 234

Diamonds which i was super happy with after adding the blocks onto my beacon i’m about a third of the way towards a max diamond beacon i found my mans and took the pumpkins out of my auto pumpkin farm before making a ton of money off my

Verges as i headed over to finish my iron beacon i spotted this zombie villager i could have killed him on the spot but i’ve done a lot of bad things maybe it’s time to do something good anyway after my mini redemption arc i completed the iron beacon day 593 i came

Up with an idea that would hopefully make draining the ocean monument so much easier instead of having to go around collecting all the sponge after removing all the water why not get a pair of frost walker boots and just walk on the water as i went before everyone in the

Comments gets mad i’ve never used frost walker before and thought it was a lot better than it actually was but we’ll get on to that in a minute after dumping 85 levels into these boots i had a maxed out pair i then did some trading because

I immediately wanted to be back at level 100 and then head out to the ocean monument before i use my new water walking powers i set up a max beacon with jump boost too which would hopefully make my life a lot easier get ready everyone because i did something

So insane so unique yeah i just shoveled sand all night the 594 i used all that sand to split this trench in half i made it way too big and as a result it was really annoying to drain then i ran out of sand already back here this is fun

Day 595 the trench was finished i had the sinking realization that the boots i just spent 85 levels on were a complete waste frost walker only freezes the level of water that you’re standing on and because the water height is all over the place when i drain the trenches the

Enchantment is basically useless i always go for depth strider anyway but rest assured i will never be using frost walker again the only good thing that happened that day was that i moved the sample back a bit more day 596 i’m sure you can tell but i’m not going to have

The ocean monument fully drained by day 600. however i was sure that i could at least get to halfway in time for the final day the 597 i’m placing sand they’re 598 i’m placing sponge the 599 wow this is really boring if you’re still watching thanks because there’s

Probably only about two of you still here anyway day 600 i started off by nearly having my lifespan considerably shortened by these guardians i can’t wait until i finish draining the monument and build a farm where they all endlessly die oh me no i’m not insane i

Drained the monument as fast as i could the night had fallen and i still hadn’t taken down the sample so yeah we’re on day 601 which feels illegal to be honest but i just couldn’t let the video end without finishing this final segment so here i am on day 601 with the monument

Over half complete i promise i’ll get this place finished in 700 days but to end this video i can safely say that i survived 600 days in hardcore minecraft we pick up where we left off on day 601 i’ve been training my ocean monument for

A while and decided it was time to take a break with a small side project i was nearly out of rockets though so this video starts off with me afk and my creeper after that oscar-worthy performance i demolished the skeleton and started flying through another i

Wanted to gather some of the new calcite block but because my world was generated before 1.17 i needed to find some new chunks day 602 i found a bastion and then i found some bacon i stole the gold pile and then found a chest that was absolutely worthless once i was out far

Enough to definitely be in new territory i headed to the overworld and my game broke after reloading my world i began searching for geodes they’re really easy to find if you search in the ocean because they usually generate partly outside the sea floor i was going to

Need a lot of calcite for the project i had in mind what am i going to build that’s a secret day 603 i made another portal to head back and my game really hates me or something i was pretty sure it was my optifine causing the issue and

After switching to the default minecraft version my game worked fine not having optifine is pretty painful for several reasons the first being that you can’t turn off the netherfog hey a bastion let’s hope it has something good in it why am i not surprised the next bastion

I found wasn’t much better i had a disagreement with some piglet brutes in the third bastion but they’re dead so i win the argument things didn’t go to plan in the fourth one when i gate crashed the party also you didn’t invite me that’s fine because i’m inviting

Myself day 604 i finally arrived back home i filed my mans and then began the usual verge of scamming is it illegal to make them pay one emerald per melon probably i went over to my stonemasons to scan them too but the workers had formed the union for some reason their

Trades were completely reset so instead of one stone pet emerald it was 15. then they all mysteriously came down with a case of the flu i needed to craft concrete so i gathered up a bunch of sand day 605 i stacked up the concrete powder and then forgot that i wasn’t

Wearing an elytra i visited the stone masons and they were beginning to revert to their old ways the eight stone from emerald is still way too fair i’m trying to scam not trade also i’d like to point out that my zombie is literally useless half the time he just forgets to infect

The verges i mined all the concrete and began working on the build some of you might be familiar with the cat i tamed on day one of this hardcore world her name’s moon and i think she deserves her own special building specifically a church day 606 the verges were so close

To the right price 2 stone for an emerald is good but we can do better i found this random verger outside and he said he’d heard screaming from the training hall for the rest of the day i worked on the church i’m going to be using a mix of calcite and diorite for

The walls some phantoms tried to steal my wallet which was a mistake day 607 i found a skeleton horse trap and all four survived the battle my stable’s full though so uh welcome to your new hole also my game was running like a wet potato without optiflying so i decided

To reinstall it and see if it would fix the nether bug and it actually did yeah i was pretty happy about it for the rest of the day i worked on the church i checked the stone masons and they’d increased their prices again day 608 these guys think their trade union is

Gonna win they’re wrong i crafted up a ton of golden apples because curing the stonemasons was burning through my supply alarmingly fast i did some deforestation stuff but i grew the trees myself so it doesn’t count for the rest of the night i worked on the church day

609 literally nothing had changed with the stonemasons they were definitely in this for the long haul i’ve survived 600 days in hardcore you’ll never break my spirit this wandering trader showed up and unfortunately looked through the window of the training hall oi no witnesses i started work on the roof of

The church using amethyst blocks day 610 i killed the stone masons for the 10 billionth time and then went to trade with my farmers thankfully they’re as dumb as ever i headed into the nether because i’d already run out of amethyst so once again i needed to find new

Chunks in order to find geos with a night vision potion finding them was insanely easy day 611 i returned home and checked the stone masons their prices were getting lower but i was honestly kind of sick of them at this point for the entire day and night i’ve

Worked on the church and i’m loving the look of the amethyst root the 612 was more building and curing and getting attacked by phantoms because they’re the worst mob in the game to make matters worse on day 613 the stonemasons were back to their old trades i decided i

Keep three in case i ever needed to buy bricks or terracotta but the rest well you’ll see in a second i spent the day putting the final touches on the exterior of the church fun isn’t something one considers when balancing the universe but this

Does put a smile on my face i crafted a bunch of different colors of glass panes because i wanted to add a stained glass window to the church day 614 that was exactly what i did of course i couldn’t just leave the church barren i had to

Decorate it i wanted to build the floor out of quartz so i was starting to regret killing all the stone masons who would have happily sold me quartz day 650 bro only i’m allowed to visit the prisons go away for the interior of the church i decided to add some archways to

Make it seem like they were supporting the roof day 616 i finished off the interior of the church and then afk my creeped farm for a bit was i also looking for an excuse to make instant noodles yes yes i was i wanted to craft

A book and quill but i needed a feather so i was on the hunt for a chicken cheers i then wrote a really inspiring book there were a few dark spots in the church so i added some sea lanterns and then covered them with carpet day 617

The final thing the church of moon needed was moon herself i also came up with a banner for the church and placed a few at the entrance with the church project finished i began doing something i should have done ages ago i needed to reorganize my storage system i had the

Most random stuff like why would i ever need individual chests for each type of workstation by the night of day 618 my storage was much better organized and i went out to farm melons guess who’s stuck in a hole i did some training with my farmers and after the whole

Stonemason thing i’m very grateful they haven’t betrayed me day 619 i wanted to make some progress on my diamond beacon so i headed out to the nearby swamp in order to do the clay patch method you have your trunk borders on by pressing f3 and g you count out seven blocks from

A clay patch in the positive z direction and then you dig straight down it’s not guaranteed but you will find diamonds almost all the time for all of day 619 and 620 i was finding diamonds left and right i found a mineshaft on day 621 and decided to explore i found some glow

Berries which i was really happy with but unfortunately no god apple day 622 i’m on fire i was also on fire in real life because the uk weather decided to try and copy the sahara desert i returned home on the night of day 623 and towered up with almost three stacks

Of diagonal after mining it all down with my fortune pickaxe i had i can’t be bothered to do the math a lot of diamonds day 624 i added all my new diamond blocks to my beacon and it’s about 70 complete i grabbed all my spare

Sand because it was time to play a game that some of you might be familiar with it’s known by the name of sand placing simulator and it’s by far the worst game ever created day 625 the sand wall was finished and i could start getting rid of the water several comments on 600

Days suggested that i pick up the sponge as i drain the water instead of picking it all up at the end i just want to say that you guys deserve some kind of international award because it worked so much better than my way i needed torches

And didn’t want to head back home so i had to go mining for coal day 626 i took down the sand pool and now it’s back to sand placing simulator at night i got attacked by phantoms and absolutely finessed this poor guy we’re getting a replay on that it’s literally my

Proudest achievement day 627 the guardians were being annoying as per usual when this axolotl showed up to help me then the unthinkable happened as i rushed in to avenge him i spotted what was probably his child i couldn’t let another innocent axolotl die to the merciless guardians and tried to save it

With a bucket but the unthinkable unthinkable happened i stood atop my beacon and swore that i would never forgive the guardians for what they’d done right here a speech over back to sand now day 628 i drain the next trench we’ll skip ahead today 630 because for

The next two days i just drained the monument i had to demolish an arctic habitat in order to continue draining and hearing ice break is so satisfying for some reason day 631 and clearly making progress on the monument is just extremely tedious day 632 we got some

More sand day 633 it was an emotional goodbye to this next sample day 634 i had to kick this iceberg off the property i’m not damaging the environment i’m just repurposing it oh that is definitely not going to hold up in court the 635 i checked my stats and

I placed over 35 000 sand sand placing simulator is a brutal game day 636 i drained yet another trench and before i knew it i had almost fully drained the monument after three more days of constant work here we are on day 639 for the fully drained ocean monument a

Project i started almost 100 minecraft days ago is finally not complete i still have to drain the monument itself plus actually decorate it draining the monument itself is going to be a massive pain but if it makes the guardian suffer then i’ll happily do it day 640 i was

Still draining the monument the central room was going to be hard to drink because it was absolutely rammed with guardians i swam in and ended up taking heavy damage day 641 i finished training the monument and just listened to the guardians dying it’s beautiful as i said

I’m never forgiving what they did to that baby axolotl after drying out my sponge we’re up to day 642 and the ocean draining nightmare still isn’t over i still had the entire underneath of the monumental drain my advice for draining an ocean monument is that if you hate yourself i guarantee you’ll hate

Yourself more if you drain one i headed back to my base because my tools are running low on durability but instead of flying back i started digging a tunnel through the nether i’ve missed you my favorite prisoners the 643 i went around checking up on my farms and one problem

With decorating your iron farm is that it breaks all the time i’m not gonna lie though it’s really fun pushing the golems off into the lava i did some more highly profitable trading and then headed back into the nether i got into a really bad situation with this lava but

Managed to dry it all up i returned to draining the monument and heard monster noises this cave was literally crawling with enemies i tricked the skeleton into shooting a creeper and got myself another music disc as well as that i was working hard on getting rid of every

Single drop of water in this monument day 644 water wow day 645 i was removing the final section of water when i noticed his axolotl he didn’t think i was just gonna leave him did you with all the water gone i can finally say that i drained an

Ocean monument it’s been a long journey to get to this point but i’m so glad i’ve reached this milestone and with that said i’m going home to do something more interesting i needed a lot of glass in order to build a ring around the monument so i decided to build a super

Smelter i spent all of day 646 digging out a space for the super smelter and struggling because i somehow can’t make a circle lineup day 647 i had all the issues sorted and was ready to start building i had to go up and assassinate this iron golem and decide i would

Retire as a hitman i added some extra blocks at the farm which should hopefully stop the golems from escaping with that out of the way i started work on my super smelter and these things use so many hoppers my plan was to build one on each side of the room and then

Connect them together the 648 i had the smelters complete and now needed to decorate everything i tried some dark prismarine and blackstone which looked terrible and then tried dark oak and blackstone which looked alright but not what i had in mind i then tried polish basalt and blackstone and it was perfect

The 649 i was still building using a mix of blackstone bricks and regular black stone for texture the 650 i also built these gold chandeliers and i love how they turned out i used some gilded black stone for the floor along with some more gold patterns and a few shroom lights i

Grabbed my leftover sand from the ocean monument and put my new smelter to the test day 651 i was going to need as much fuel as i could get my hands on so i pillared up with all the spare coal or i had and then mined it all down even with

The smelter it was still going to take a while to get all the glass so in the meantime i decided to get myself some new workers all right so who wants a job hi why are you sleeping for some reason the prisoners weren’t interested in the

New careers i had to offer so i chopped down a tree instead i built this little crate using signs and campfires and on day 652 started expanding the stone road all the way up to the training hall i added some barrels and started working a nice market store had i completely

Forgotten about the verges yeah but you know what this view on day 653 is pretty cool i was going to get an entire new set of farmers because the pumpkin and melon trades are basically the best in the game i complained to moon about my struggles and she told me

Death for the verges was always an option seems like we both have a similar way of thinking i’d run out of fermented spider eyes to brew miracle juice for the verges so i needed to go and gather brown mushrooms so here i am picking mushrooms on the bedrock room for the

Nether minecraft makes zero sense my gold farm was nearby and i decided to afk for a bit while i’m afk i might as well mention my discord server if you want to see some sneak peeks and behind the scenes of my videos as well as hanging out with the community the links

In the description i return until monday 654 and make my usual profits it doesn’t matter how many times you’ve done it crafting emerald blocks is always satisfying i then did some more really interesting afk this time with my creeper farm now that i have my weakness

Potion supply back up it was business as usual don’t worry i’m not trained i’m definitely not a professional but you’ll be fine the 655 i was getting some more willing volunteers it was all going well until this guy decided he wanted freedom instead after an intense wrestling match

I told him there were three emeralds in the hole and he jumped right in now that i had all these new farmers i need to level them up which meant i need to farm wheat for once these crops haven’t been harvested for a solid 300 days so they

Probably smell like really bad i’ve sold the farmers a bunch of stinky wheat and most of them had the pumpkin tray i said most not all day 656 wait guess who’s still stuck in the hole i spent the day getting some more volunteers i mean they didn’t do a lot

Of volunteering but i’m sure they want to buy men’s and pumpkins for an eternity a wandering trader showed up and he actually had a good selection of dice i still want my money back though i finally had enough glass so i headed over to the ocean monument you’ve heard

Of sand placing simulator but let me introduce you to a glass blazing simulator day 657 i’m playing the new game and the team have done a great job here placing glass instead of sand just an outstanding improvement the 658 this creeper tried to join in playing glass

Placing simulator but i don’t have a spare controller i found another cave that was also ramped to the brim with angry people which basically sums up the uk day 659 i started taking down the sand wall and the glass holding back of the ocean genuinely looks sick it was

Time to head back home though because i was already out of glass day 660 i returned to my life as a hitman because i was an iron golem on the loose i did some scamming and then mined my ender chest with the wrong pickaxe which made

Me feel pretty dumb i then remembered i had a whole extra haul of farmers to scam unfortunately the coal supply was an all-time low of absolutely zero so i went into my mind to get some i followed my melons and then went for even more scamming seriously this is just villager

Cruelty at this point day 661 i was determined to fill every slot in the trading pool this is what happens when you don’t buy pumpkins does everyone understand and you as i waited for my super smelter to finish up with the glass i made a river of emeralds the 662

Forget a river i made an entire sea of emeralds i was so close to fulfilling a goal i set myself all the way back in 200 days a shulker full of nothing except emerald blocks i finally had enough glass to go back to playing glass placing simulator day 663 i’m still

Placing i’d rate glass placing simulator a solid 7.8 out of 10. it’s too much water day 664 the iron golems hired a creeper to take me out but he did a terrible job i also pushed this zombie piglet off for literally no reason i completed glass placing simulator and

Got to work taking down the sandball there’s a lot of work to do but the monument looks really cool the 665 i started gathering up some blocks i could use to decorate the monument i harvested my mouse like usual scanned the verges like usual and completed a full shulker

Of emerald blocks day 666 it dawned on me that this monument project was far from finished a lot of people leave it buried in the ocean floor but i wanted to completely free my monument from the gravel and stone that surrounded it that meant i had thousands upon thousands of

Blocks to remove day 667 i found a cave and tanked a creeper blast right to the face and what did i get for all my efforts fighting the mobs a single diamond at night i tried to continue the excavation process but there were just so many enemies why didn’t i light the

Whole thing up you might ask because i’m done at least i managed to get a music disc day 668 i’m mining stone and regretting my life choices you know most people my age are going out with their mates maybe getting a relationship all that kind of stuff and then there’s me

Mining stone until 3 am i headed back to my base and afk at my creeper farm because my rocket supply was in the bin on the sacred day of 669 i had to do a ton of scouting to repair my tools i headed back to the ocean monument and

This is what happens when you don’t place any torches anyway after the morning murder i went back to holding left click look guys i’ve discovered torches incredible day 670 how do i commentate this with anything remotely entertaining in terms of how enjoyable this is i’d rank it only slightly higher

Than staring at a brick wall this 671 i got to make this interesting somehow so i’m going to do a little thing called mosey story time which literally none of you care about so this is how i skipped class regularly and never got in trouble i was about 15

And one of the subjects my school forced you to take was a language i was doing spanish and because of the teacher it quickly became my most hated subject she was strict got mad at everyone constantly and made us do textbook work every single lesson i also used to take

Drum lessons at school which happened on tuesdays where you’d leave whatever class you’re in do the 30 minute drum lesson and then go back to class so you might be wondering how do drum lessons fit into skipping class the thing was my spanish teacher didn’t know that drum

Lessons were only on tuesdays so if i didn’t feel like spending time in friday’s spanish class i’d say i had a drum lesson she’d let me leave no questions asked and i’d go down the corridor to the toilet and spend the next half an hour playing angry birds

What’s ironic is that i actually somehow failed music but not spanish day 672 i had to return home because both my pickaxes were almost broken after selling bitcoin i mean pumpkins and melons i was able to get them sorted hey bro you’re right i went to the ocean monument realized i’ve forgotten sponge

Went all the way back home got the sponge and then went all the way back to the ocean monument again and now we’re back to holding left foot day 673 it’s been a long process but you can see the monument gradually starting to appear in its full glory i also suffered a

Critical head injury but i’m sure i can walk it off we’re gonna jump to day 675 because that’s a fully freed ocean monument all it took to get to this point was 25 hours of my life and several operations to heal my pickaxes talking of healing my pickaxes i headed

Over to my enderman xp farm to do exactly that i gathered up a bunch of soul stand because i wanted to build a super powerful guardian farm but first i have to get rid of all the blocks inside the monument every time you think you’ve nearly finished the nightmare known as

Draining a monument a new time consuming activity shows up day 676 i was still tearing down the monument it’s not arson because i owned the property the great thing about monuments is that only guardians are allowed to spawn in them so i didn’t really have to worry about

Lighting it up day 677 i was finally done i didn’t bother tidying up the final few blocks seeing as the only thing in here is going to be a farm for this farm i used wadsy’s design and there isn’t a block for block tutorial so i was following his video as best i

Could i’ll leave a link in the description on today’s episode of mosey can’t do mass he miscounted the size of the square day 678 i ran out of glass because i always managed to run out materials and had to head home after repairing my pickaxe for the millionth

Time i grabbed more glass from my auto smelter and got back to work day 679 i was adding the water system to the farm which is going to push the guardians into their demise also there’s a slime chunk in this monument and it makes trying to build anything on the floor

Really really annoying the way this farm works is that the entire spawning area for the guardians is made up of bubble columns which push them up into the water system then they get flushed down the central tube and die to campfires it might sound cruel but it’s absolutely

What they deserve the 680 are returned to the base to grab some hoppers and chests unfortunately i had the redstone skills of a three-year-old and built the collection system wrong i then removed the temporary layer of blocks on the farm and filled in the final pockets of

Water day 681 i bought a nice afk spot up in the sky before i even afk’d i went down to check on the farm and this thing is insanely powerful after what they did to the axolotls it brings me great joy to see the guardian suffer i afk until

Day 682 and then realized my collection system was completely broken phantoms are definitely the most annoying mob but the slimes were really starting to get on my nose i afk through the night until day 683 and was pleased to see that the farm was fully functional yeah burn after that amazing psychopathic morning

I headed back to base to start gathering building materials i got a bunch of soul sand to make soul torches some black stone and some warped wood i was near a fortress and decided to take the opportunity to gather up some blades by the time i returned home it was day 684

And i crafted a bunch of soul lanterns with all the preparations complete i can finally start work transforming the monument i wasn’t going to change the monument in terms of blocks or overall shape but instead just made the whole thing a lot more detailed the 685 i was

Working on the pillars in terms of size they’re fine but adding some depth to them makes them look so much better the amount of work i had to do to even get to a point where i could build around the monument makes placing each block feeling that much more special i added

Some normal prismarine to the base of the pillars in order to add some variety to the prismarine bricks day 686 i was loving the look of the monument already the best part is that i never have to worry about running out of materials because my guardian farm produces more

Prismarine than i could ever need day 687 this polar bear has been at the base of this ocean monument since the 600 days video but i’ve never actually introduced him i lied about the whole can’t run out of materials thing because i ran out of dark prismarine i have

Plenty of prismarine shards but in terms of black dye i had nothing now i can add professional squid hunter to my list of jobs as well as hitman and virgil scammer i visited the nearby monument in case it had some spare dark prismarine but i’d already stolen most of it this

688 i immensely regret saying i’d never run out of materials because i also run out of warped trapdoors don’t you just love spending your day chopping down weird blue trees and hell there’s 689 i built more of the pillars and watched the guardians suffer the 690 can you

Just leave me alone i built until day 691 where i ran out of dark prismarine again it was kind of hard to find squid probably because i turned them into an endangered species with the dark prismarine supply restored i finished the pillars meaning i could now move on

To the next level of the monument i used some dark prismarine stairs along with prismarine walls and some soul lanterns day 692 i think the design looks really cool and stands out a lot my biggest issue with the regular ocean monument is that the layers of the temple are super

Basic by adding some depth and a secondary block the build comes to life so much more i went on another squid killing spree that lasted well into day 693 i just could not stop running out of dark prisoners i’m honestly starting to hate the slimes almost as much as

Phantoms and pests seriously pears taste so bad i tried one when i was like six and it emotionally scarred me for life day 694 i worked on the arches at the front of the ocean monument i wanted to preserve the original spirit of the monument whilst also adding a lot more

Detail and i came up with these hanging sea lanterns day 695 i was making good progress on the monument transformation it’s definitely my favorite build in this hardcore world for the whole day and night i was continuing the dark prismarine design around the left side day 696 some dark prismarines showed up

That was great i then hit a wall both mentally and physically because i had no idea how to transform this back section of the monument the good news i got an idea the bad news it needs a lot of dark prismarine some guardian rights campaigners showed up so like any

Reasonable listener i just immediately killed them day 697 the back walls definitely starting to take shape i rose i hadn’t actually fought a wither yet in this episode and it always looks cool in the intro so i headed off to my with a skerton farm i stayed at the farm until

I had nine skulls taking us up to day 698 unfortunately i didn’t have an enderpearl to get onto the nether roof and for some reason didn’t think about the fact that warped forests exist so i started flying home like a normal person i found several bastions although there

Was nothing that interesting in terms of loot day 699 i brewed up a ton of potions seeing as i was gonna fight three withers in a day i needed plenty of supplies i found a lovely meadow to ruin and spawn the first wither it was a pretty solid fight although i took a

Fair bit of damage now i could fight the remaining two separately but i’m the king of terrible ideas why not just fight them both at the same time i regret everything this was a mistake i got down to four hearts but managed to kill the first wither the other one was

Pretty annoying but with a smite 5 sword the second half of the fight is pretty much over as soon as it begins i also checked up on the iron golem that somehow hasn’t fallen into lava yet i’m impressed this guy has somehow survived hundreds of days perched on this single

Piece of netherrack i harvested my mans and made the final profits before day 700 i decided to see how many squid i could kill in a single day So And here we are looking at the result of hours upon hours of work i’ll get this finished in 800 days but for now the only thing to say is that i survived 700 days in a hardcore minecraft the hardcore journey resumes on day 701 my supply of dark prismarine was an

All-time high of absolutely zero so i set out to build a squid farm after searching all day i picked the worst possible place to build the farm i forgot to bring enough blocks and had to return home am i stupid that’s a bit rude day 702 i got back to

Work building the farm there’s farms that are way faster than this one but i’d heard some stuff about 1.16 squid farms not working on 1.17 at the end of the day it doesn’t matter because i built this thing in the wrong place anyway as night fell i continued working

Blissfully unaware that i was building a giant useless bathtub day 703 the water decided it would no longer obey the laws of physics the farm uses axe for lottos to kill the squids so i flew over to my ocean monument there used to be lows in this underwater ravine but i think they

Mastered the art of teleportation the whole day was basically a low budget finding nemo movie i headed back to base to name my new killing machines i mean pets first up we got pengu then we have pingu’s dad who shattered the anvil with his pure strength we’ve also got pengu’s

Mom pingas grandad pinku’s grandma and pengu’s long lost cousin day 704 i set the family free in their new home all that was left to build was an afk platform and i actually didn’t have any glass on me 700 days in hardcore and my afk platform is made of dirt i removed

The scaffolding and the water in this game just does not make any sense like what is that oh yeah that makes perfect sense by the time knight felt i hadn’t even fixed the problem i just made it worse eventually i got it sorted and headed up the dirt platform when i

Headed down on day 705 i realized pengu’s grandparents have done a runner i finally realized oh i built this farm in the middle of a massive lake no wonder it runs about as well as a pc that got thrown off a 10-story building i just love draining water it’s not like

I haven’t been doing it for 200 days draining my ocean monument i also punched this grid not sure why that day 706 i had to play a game what game sand placing simulator which spoiler alert absolutely sucks i spotted a skeleton in full iron armor and rushed home to grab

A nametag i managed to trap him in a boat and fully protect him so that he wouldn’t die to sunlight day 707 was just more draining i was only gonna do the nearby area because if i tried to drain the entire lake this video would be called i survived 100 days of placing

Sponge by the end of the day i was done and returned to the terrible dirt platform known as the afk spot i checked the farm on day 708 and it was finally showing some results so i just afk the entire day and i even built myself a

Little shack day 709 i gathered up all the ink from the farm and the results were alright i guess two stacks of ink for 30 minutes of afk isn’t ideal though i then left off the edge of my monument without an elytra and spraying my ankle

I needed warped wood so i made a short visit to health that’s what normal people do right i found this strider with a saddle and just sat there i mean it was 3 am so i had no idea what i was doing either with a full inventory of

Supplies i started work on the monument day 710 can i interest you in watching a british guy plays prismarine you think that’s boring you got a point to be honest sometimes when i’m editing the footage i just wonder what goes through my head like why did i just start punching the skeleton

Day 711 are wandering traders showed up stop struggling i need to redesign the back of the monument because what it looks like right now is a bunch of suitcase handles i smoothed out with some stairs and also added some sea lanterns day 712 i decided the perfect

Thing for this section was a statue now a lot of people know that i hate building trees but did you know i also hate building statues making something look natural and fluid is one of the things i really struggle with by day 713 i finished my first attempt and it

Turned out alright i headed home because i realized some end rods would be a great addition to the statue but first i gotta spend the night in a shed because i run out of rockets day 714 i use those end rods i was talking about to add some

Spikes onto the statue’s trident with the statue finished i could get back to work on the rest of the monument if i could i’d time-lapse all of this but i had the technical skills of a slab of concrete day 715 i needed to transform the front of the monument but i had no

Clue how it’s literally a huge slab of prismarine that i needed to add depth to using some dark prismarine i made these curved tentacle decorations by the end of day 716 the front transformation was finished and i think it’s a huge improvement over the base ocean monument

Day 717 i was repeating the same design all the way around the monument which is really boring to watch so let’s just skip ahead to day 718 where i went on the hunt for more of pingu’s family yeah that came out really wrong my idea was

That if i had some more accent lottos my squib file might work better we have pingu’s uncle pingus on and let’s not talk about it anyway i expanded the ever-growing pingu empire and then heads up to my afk platform i afk for the whole day but unfortunately the results

Were way below what i was hoping for in an act of stubbornness i refuse to accept the farm didn’t work and instead afk the whole night i’d just like to point out that it’s not the farm itself that’s bad it’s just me building it in the worst place humanly possible if you

Want to build this file for yourself the link is in the description day 718 begins with extinction with the dark press marine supply back up i could transform the final section of the monument like any responsible construction crew i just tore the entire thing down where was i going with this

Honestly not a clue i was just making it up as i went along i was flying through the desert when i spotted another full iron skeleton i headed back to another portal and had an absolute disaster in which several flight safety laws were broken i grabbed a name tag headed back

Over and went through the wrong nether portal so of course when i flew over to the desert the scarce and despawned day 720 i kept working on the top of the monument i know it looks kind of stupid right now but i promise it will look

Cool eventually day 721 a lot of squids died as a peace loving squid protecting guy i had nothing to do with it i then used the insides of the squid to make a lovely roof day 722 i continued building and run out of dark prismarine i was

Somehow still in denial about my script farm being way less effective than just killing them myself now that i think about it i’m pretty sure i use the afk as an excuse to go eat oh yeah i definitely went to eat i completely forgot about the game and ended up afk

All of day 723 day 724 i managed to break every bone in my body i was extremely scared because there were still creepers lurking about in the desert and i didn’t have my enter chest with me my mind couldn’t stop thinking about how any dumb mistake right then

Could cost me everything i made it back grabbed a new totem and peace was restored sadly it’s going to take my heart rate several years to recover i finally accepted that it would be way faster to just kill the squids myself and that was exactly what i did i

Crafted up a bunch of dark prismarine and could start work on the roof again welcome back to another episode of mozy can’t do math in today’s episode he miss coward the entire top section by one block he’s now rebuilding it all on day 725 and regretting his life choices day

726 guess who’s run out of dark prismarine me i crafted a bunch of black dye and also threw away several metric tons of fish from my guardian farm i nearly finished off the roof and then headed back home to repair my electra and what better way to repair an elytra

Than forcing a bunch of verges to go further and further into debt as they buy an endless supply of pumpkins events day 727 i kept working on the final part of the monument and by the end of the day i was done it’s fully detailed and

Transformed which is what i would say if not for a crippling lack of soul lanterns which i then had to spend the entire night placing but here we are on day 728 with a fully transformed monument i did also try it with shaders but you’re not allowed to see that until

The project is complete the first thing on the list was to get rid of the ugly stone ring where the glass meets the ocean floor i headed home purchased some glass in the black market and then afk at my cream farm all night day 729 i started placing glass and rise just how

Time-consuming this was going to be by the end of the day i barely made a dent not only did i need to place the glass i also need to carve out all the nearby stone mate you can’t get up there oi you can’t why piglet is so stupid you

Know who else is stupid this virgo seriously you’ve been in there for like 100 days at this point i really didn’t want to work on a huge job back at the ocean monument so instead i went end raiding for the next three days to be fair i did need more shulker boxes i

Found these four cities super close to each other and all of them had a ship i was heading back to my base when i got this random urge to push this zombie piglet off and this took me several minutes but i finally managed it i loaded up all the loot into a double

Chest to show just how much raiding i did day 734 i really did not want to work on the monument so i kept coming up with more stuff to do i wanted to improve the efficiency of my withers golf farm because it had a few drawbacks

I stole some turtle eggs and gave them some grass as an apology i arrived at the farm and rose that somehow managed to lose my boat dealing with gas was going to be a massive pain and sure enough i had to fly them like an absolute madman by replacing these

Carpets with the roses i could stop magnet queues from spawning whilst also adding more area for wither skeletons to spawn there was also the minor issue of everywhere around me needing to be spawn proof but i don’t have the mental strength to do that i just did the best

I could at fixing any nearby areas day 735 the improvements were definitely a success i spent the whole day chopping down skeletons day 736 i flew home with 10 with the skulls and decided it was time to take some responsibility not for my crimes but for the ocean monument

What are you doing in there just leave day 737 i added some more armor stands to the entrance of my tower it looks so much nicer now that it’s all symmetrical my super smelter fish produced in glass so i headed over to the monument this little slime was annoying me so i bashed

Him over the head with my shovel killing that slime was the only interesting thing i did that day because the rest of it was spent placing glass day 738 was completely spent placing glass there’s some angry guy threw a fork at me for the entire night i was chipping away at

The massive amount of stone surrounding the monument day 739 i did the same thing the only thing of any note was that i had to relocate my beacon oh and i found this day 740 my tools were on the ropes so i headed back home to get

Them fixed i harvested my melons and made an absolute ton of money taxes what are those i found another zombie piglet and i don’t know why i keep doing this but it’s really fun you know what’s not fun nearly getting blown up day 741 i had to relocate the beacon again and

Then go back to placing glass with that done all i had to do was remove all the stone with the power of editing you’re only going to have to see about 10 seconds of it i wish i could say the same for myself day 742 i was done and

Not having all that stone makes this place look 10 times better of course the nightmare is still far from over i had to clear the entire layer of stone i managed to get a music disc but sadly it was one i already had day 742 i needed

Dark prismarine so you know what that means time for a squid killing montage why are you running why are you running i thought a nice extra detail would be adding dark prismarine under the glass you know that game i hate sound placing simulator let me introduce you to

Another terrible game in the franchise grass placing simulator sun placing simulator glass blazing simulator they all suck enough by themselves why do we need a third installment grass placing simulator stop no i don’t want it sorry about that got a little bit emotional but for the next two days i mined rocks

Place grass and question my existence day 745 i ran out of that sacred resource known as grass and had to go gather more oh a wondering trader do you have any drip leaf no then die once i had enough grass i went back to placing it and there’s honestly no words to sum

Up how much i hate doing this this 746 i don’t want to talk about grass i’m going to talk about my disco server if you wanna come hang out with the community and even get some sneak peeks and updates about my hardcore world the links in the description also we’re

Trying to hit 300 members so please join okay bye day 747 are headed home and visited moon her request for a lifetime supply of fish is going to have to take a back seat for now i fixed up my tools by trading with the prisoners and then

Went out to gather more grass we’re gonna jump to day 750 because i finally beat grass placing simulator my idea for decorating the monument was to create a dense jungle floor and surround the temple with bamboo by hiding prismarine lanterns on the moss carpet i could stop monsters from spawning whilst also

Keeping the natural feel of the jungle day 751 a one gen trader arrived and he had drip leaf on top of that he had black dye so he’s the best wandering trader i’ve ever met i returned home to grab some melons because they would be a great decoration for my new jungle

Speaking of jungles i knew there was one somewhere in this direction so i set out to get some jungle leaves i couldn’t find it and by the end of the night i had given up and started raiding desert temples day 752 the temple raiding was

In full swing i lost one of my god apples to lava over 200 days ago and i’ve never been able to find a replacement by the end of the day i’ve run out of rockets my elytra and had to gather gunpowder like a peasant fine go

Put go in boat day 753 i got baited by this room portal the chest had two golden apples but no god apple then the exact same thing happened in the nearby temple i don’t know why i have the worst god apple luck in the world but i just

Cannot find one day 754 i got ambushed by creepers and this could have gone horribly wrong found another temple nothing about another rome portal bait it it’s really easy to keep track of how many temples are looted because i always take the blue piece of terracotta from

The floor 10 temples means 40 chests without finding a god apple then i remembered why i even started this journey after gathering the resources it was time to head home okay one more temple won’t hurt it hurt i jumped these piglets and had to make a tactical retreat otherwise known as running away

The loot is alright i guess hold on free money thanks guys i arrived home on day 755 and went to fix my tools with some scamming the only problem was that i had almost no pumpkins and there’s left to scam i guess that’s what happens when you sell an entire country’s worth of

Produce in a week for the next six days i built the jungle i added rocks ponds melons just really trying to bring the place to life this was my progress by day 761 and i love how this place looks i had to head home because i’ve run out

Of puzzle i decided this time i’d find that nearby jungle along the way i spotted a ruined portal and somehow nearly died if i end up on watchmojo’s list of top 10 stupidest people i don’t blame them this time i actually found the nearby jungle instead of completely

Missing it i then stole a bunch of natural resources and ran away before the cops showed up i kept building until day 763 where i finished the jungle and i’ve still got more work to do i wanted to create a custom nether portal that would fit in with the monument

Unfortunately my dark prismarine supply was like my girlfriend non-existent i worked on the portal for the rest of the night and i think it looks pretty cool day 764 i continued building the portal and finished it off with some hanging salt lanterns now for the actual final

Last part of this project apart but mostly it’s just a path how hard can it be no this path has got to be perfect day 765 the past building was in full swing and then this happened i swear this game hates me day 766 i was almost

Done i hid sea lanterns on the grey carpet added some buttons to look like little stones but there was still one problem you can’t exactly get into the monument i made a pretty simple but effective staircase using some dark prismarine along the sides day 767

The last thing to do was add in four beacons i used some cyan glass to make the color of the beak and match the monument then i ran out of warp trapdoors if i died at this point with the monument 99 complete i think i’d probably just explode on the spot day

768 i was doing some cleanup around the monument getting rid of the leftover sponge and taking down my beacon i didn’t want to leave a bunch of torches on the monument so i used sea lanterns to light it all up the timing could not have been more perfect because day 769

The monument was finished and as promised here’s how it looks for shaders it’s honestly crazy that a project i started over 200 days ago is finally complete and now it’s time to clean up 10 shulkers full of leftover material it took me till day 770 to get everything

Sorted and it was time to sit in a box for 20 minutes because i ran out of rockets day 771 i started gathering cobblestone it was time to fix the pumpkin and melon supply and for that i needed observers i also needed a lot of

Redstone so for the first time in ages i went caving i found an abandoned mine shaft and even a few diamonds day 772 i’m still in here this place sucks there’s no wi-fi day 773 i stacked up all the ores and mined them down with fortune i’ve been building up a small

Supply of diamonds and added them onto my diamond beacon my plan was to build a massive underground pumpkin and melo farm the reason it’s going underground is because farms in minecraft is so hard to decorate so hiding it away was the best option it’s a standard design for a

Pumpkin and mount farm except this one’s four times bigger than usual a bright and sunny day 774 and i just mind my ender chest with the wrong pickaxe like okay it was funny for a while but you really need to leave your family misses you now that i think about it i’m pretty

Sure i’ve been scamming his family so let’s hope he doesn’t find out now that i had enough space i could start working on the collection system day 775 the system was finished and i could start building the farm itself d776 is standard stuff pistons observers and redstone day 777 suddenly crossed my

Mind i hadn’t fed my pets for at least the entire minecraft year it was a great moment finally taking responsibility as a pet owner man i’ve got an empire to run how can i support a family i somehow managed to run out of cobblestone and had to gather more also mine might end

The chest with the wrong pickaxe again day 778 i did an absolute ridiculous amount of scanning i’ve run out of redstone yet again and had to go search for more i found the skeleton spawner and had a few music discs i searched the whole night but couldn’t find any good

Caves day 779 i nearly pulled up in this ravine then bailed immediately after rising i was about to become a nice pile of ashes i took my revenge of course i found this really cool cave that was absolutely rammed with enemies the 780 i found this page outpost and set up

Another portal in 900 days i want to make a rave farm so this is going to be really useful i mined down all the ores and added more diamond blocks to the beacon with my redstone supply sword i was able to finish the farm and it’s

Going to make me a lot of money day 781 i did some deforestation i wanted to cover up the entrance to the farm with a nice cottage unfortunately i had to spend the whole night terraforming i really wish i could have raised a 782 from my brain because it’s a complete

Waste i didn’t have any plans for this build and it ended up looking terrible i set the whole thing down and started fresh at day 783 i took some inspiration from black prince house tutorial and there’s a link in the description if you want to check it out for yourself day

784 a thunderstorm kicked up all i can say is turning creepers into walking nukes isn’t the safest thing in the world but don’t worry all you need is a single dirt block to walk away unscathed this child also got blown up if my video gets demonetized because i said that i’m

Gonna be so mad day 785 i added all the heads to my collection and went to check on my phone the minecarts had gotten stuck and i realized they were all full of items even though the collection chest had barely anything my redstone skills are caveman-like at best but by

D786 i was able to set up a much better system with some more hoppers i worked on the cottage all of day 787 and then went to the nether to get some warped wood day 788 the results from the pumpkin and melon farm were looking good

I added a nice blue roof to the cottage and it’s nearly complete apart from the fact i still need to detail the entire thing oh i’m calling the police why are you still here day 789 i detailed the cottage adding some hanging flower boxes with sweet berry bushes there’s also a

Huge chimney on the back which i’m really happy with these 790 it was time to work on the interior of the cottage or at least it was until i run out of dark oak three minutes later well they do say deforestation builds character the final addition was a nice flower

Patch just outside also the pumpkin emerald farm is an absolute beast i love scamming that and i said trading day 791 i felt like fighting the wither Thanks to my newfound supplier fruit i did enough scamming to reach level 100 there was a job i’d been meaning to do for ages and that was gather up obsidian my supplier been rock bottom for ages so i spent the whole of day 792 mania day

793 i went out in search of a swamp i’d found back in 200 days i wanted to do the diamond clay method but it only works and swamps generated back in 1.16 along the way i found the shipwreck that are generated underground i searched for the entire day at night and couldn’t

Find this one however day 794 i found a swamp i’ve been to in 1.16 i dug down and almost immediately found a mineshaft while i explore i just want to explain something about my day counter because i see a lot of comments pointing out there’s a day behind when you start a

Minecraft world it begins on day zero however i counted that day zero as day one because that just makes more sense hopefully that close things up day 795 i was back to doing the diamond clay method but it was just not working it’s supposed to be an 87.5 chance to find

Diamonds but almost every time i found nothing i was still trying on day 796 with limited success eventually i gave up and decided it was time to try strip mining 197 without finding a single diamond as soon as i gave up and tried caving boom diamonds and more diamonds i returned

Home on day 798 and mine down all the blue rocks from 61 diamond ore i got two stacks of diamonds which i’m super happy with i did some more scamming because let’s face it who wouldn’t i realized son and nazi’s kid had grown up so i

Came up with the genius idea of naming him zap zoomer i set out on one final quest for day 800 it was time to find a third god apple i traveled pretty far through the nether so that i could immediately begin searching unexplored territory day 799 i found a witch just

Minding our business and set her on fire and now began the search for one of minecraft’s rarest items my main target was desert temples but rome portals were also on the list now it’s day 800 my last day for finding a god apple and i’m searching for buried treasure my

Favorite part is carving out an entirely new cave system only to find the chest three blocks away as i flew towards this temple i was completely unaware that i was nearly about to lose everything as i mined in i placed sand above my head pushing me off and just barely missing

The pressure plate and no there was no god apple i kept searching throughout the day feeling more and more hopeless it felt like i would never find a god apple but as i dug down into this temple everything changed it’s a good job my mic was muted because i probably

Shattered the eardrums of everyone on my street now i know technically it’s day 801 but in order to stop any more comments saying i’m on the wrong day we’ll call this day 800. before i headed home i decided i might as well check if there were any more temples in this

Desert and it’s a good job i did i’ve got up onto another roof and started flying home perfectly balanced as all things should be i was able to get back home just in time and i can safely say that i survived 800 days in a hardcore minecraft

The hardcore series returns on day 801 i needed orange dye so i spent the first part of the day gathering flowers i also wanted some honey so i grabbed some bee nests imagine just chilling when all of a sudden some guy literally steals your entire house hey guys thanks for the

Food i really appreciate that i spent the night doing some local deforestation i began day 802 with some terraforming it’s not related to all those beehives i gathered this hill just looks insanely ugly i got bored and decided i might as well start on my newest project i wanted

To build a greenhouse the 803 i was still building adding a nice dark oak frame i used the dye from a few days ago to make this orange glass roof i wonder how long you’re gonna be in there for i’ve scanned the verges because that’s what they’re there for and cooked up

Some glass with my auto smelter the 804 i continued working on the outside of the greenhouse i made this trellis using some spruce fences and i think it turned out well at night a wondering trader showed up selling none other than complete garbage just just close your eyes alright

I began work on the interior of the greenhouse using some coaster day 805 i made some tables and placed down the bean nests for the finishing touches i added some leaves and glow berries to the ceiling and i love the atmosphere in here the 806 had added these log fences

To the outside of the greenhouse and chucked in a few flowers most of the day was spent organizing a bunch of junk that i’d slowly been building out for the last 100 days or so i completely run out of dark oak logs and flew out to get

More i spotted this full iron zombie and luckily i had a name tag on me also while i box him in i just want to point something out so it’s well known that a monster wearing a helmet will be protected from sunlight however what some people don’t know is that the

Helmet will take damage from the sun until it eventually breaks and then the monster will burn up that’s why i always fully boxing rare monsters otherwise they will eventually die to sunlight with the dark coat gathered i could start extending this wall on day 807

Then i had an idea which does involve me destroying the floor there’s a town in skyrim i think it’s called rifton it’s the one where you join the thieves guild anyway there’s a marketplace there and i wanted to build something similar the 808 i was adding a few little market

Stores as well as scouring around some hay and barrels in order to make the area feel more alive instead of using torches i hid some sea lanterns under grey carpet in order to stop phantoms from bothering me i actually slept for once day 809 we’ve got some really entertaining path building i decided

Another nice detail for the market would be a few horses so i headed out to tame one i rode this one back home and we made a sick jump over this chasm which i definitely got on my first try i was drinking pepsi at the time and ended up

Naming him after it sorry about kind of ruining your life for that name uh here’s some diamond armor i guess day 810 i was in the mood for some scamming so i visited my pumpkin and metaphor bro i know you’re like 2 000 emeralds in debt i’m sorry i then went out searching

For another horse but not just any old horse i was looking for a black one which are my favorite kind after some searching i found one and decided to name her wraith we rode back home or at least i thought we did until i realized we’ve been going in the opposite

Direction i really could not be bothered to travel over 2 000 blocks back so i decided to take a shortcut through the nether i had to build a few bridges to make sure wraith could get back safely the 811 it was time to begin i was pretty worried about a guard showing up

And ruining everything but it all went perfectly at least it did until the final part wraith got stuck in the wall when she went to another portal and unfortunately i couldn’t save her this actually made me sad like i know it’s a minecraft horse at the end of the day

But i really wanted her to make it back so what do you do when you’re sad build a path absolutely terrible advice but it worked for me day 812 i headed over to the nearest mushroom vine because i also wanted to take home a mushroom yeah sorry i actually never got my boat

License the mushroom’s name was decided by my discord and we agreed on mushi also if you want to join my discord the links in the description i post a lot of updates and behind the scenes stuff about my hardcore ward i’d sworn to protect mushu in my life and it was my

Duty to get her home safe hey guys i’m back again what happened to the other mushroom i’m not taking any questions on this boat trip day 813 i was transporting mushi 2.0 across land instead of in a boat she ended up taking some damage and i really didn’t want a

Repeat of last time i returned home and grabbed some healing potions in order to make sure she was back at full health tonight fellas we headed back oh man if a creeper blew her up while we were barely 100 blocks from my base i probably would have uninstalled this

Game luckily nothing happened and it all ended happily ever after what i wasn’t happy about was that a virgin despawned from my iron farm no clue how he managed that one but it’s a pain in the neck so day 814 i was experiencing pure agony as

I tried to move a new virgo over to the farm by some absolute miracle i managed to get him in another farm should be fixed i say should because it just didn’t work for a solid 10 days but it does eventually get going again i had to spend the night sorting out the

Minecarts for my pumpkin and melathon this place is my prime source of scamming so it’s got to be in perfect shape day 815 i grabbed a bunch of pumpkins and meds from the farm and made a bunch of profits i should probably get you out of there one day i headed into

The nether because there were a few things i wanted to get i was going to build a custom mushroom forest for mushi 2.0 so i grabbed some blocks as well as some twisting vines i couldn’t decide where i wanted to build the forest and ended up running around all night like

An absolute idiot day 816 arose my iron farm wasn’t working and decided to afk for a few minutes and see if anything happened no golem spawned and i ended up going out to gather dark oak wood unfortunately i had a lot of terraforming ahead of me as this whole

Area needed sorting out day 817 i was still going didn’t really have a clue what i was doing but that’s me 90 of the time anyway day 818 i wanted to build the mushroom forest on this plateau which meant it was time for some terraforming this wandering trader must

Have mistaken me for a virtual i mean come on mate one emerald for a pumpkin are you joking obviously i just did what anyone would a terraform for the whole day and decided to build some custom clips i’ve never really built anything like this before but by day 819 i’ve

Made good progress i started work making a cliff on the opposite side with the cliffs kind of done i could start work on the mushrooms or at least i could until the anti-fun brigade showed up i couldn’t be bothered to deal with them and instead went to bed day 820 i began

Building the first mushroom i also added this path running through as well as some plant pots on top of end rods to look like mini mushrooms the 821 i tried rebuilding this mushroom but it just looks stupid no matter what i tried eventually i got it sorted and made

Something a lot better i also made this green mushroom using melon blocks day 822 i was going for as many colors as possible i added this small purple mushroom a brown one and even an orange one day 823 it still needs a lot of work but it’s starting to look good my

Crippling scamming addiction reached new heights which is probably not something i should be proud of we’ve also got a new yellow mushroom to add to the collection day 824 i was doing some path building do you want to watch me build a path for 10 minutes yeah i didn’t i

Didn’t think so i visited my ocean monument because i needed to craft some more sea lanterns day 825 i was gathering up a ton of materials it was time to build one of the most dangerous farms in minecraft raid farms can go horribly wrong and i had seen dantdm

Lose this hardcore award because of one oh no oh no i got too close i got too close i got too close oh no also i’d like to add that this farm uses a cake as one of its materials a cake is going to help me farm some of the

Strongest monsters in the game unfortunately before i could harness the god-like powers of the cake i had to afk my creeper farm all night day 826 i began searching for an ocean near this perger outpost to build the farm for the first part of the farm you need to get a

Verger up onto this platform now there’s a slight problem there’s no verges anywhere near this place and trying to move verges long distances makes me want to bang my head on the wall but then the world seed was like nami you know what here’s an outpost verge and the ocean

Right next to each other enjoy yourself the 827 i was trying to set up a nether portal when i accidentally set myself on fire but we’re not going to talk about that i didn’t have a flint and steel to light it so i headed back home to grab a few more

Supplies and then got to work building the farm again the verge was overrun with monsters probably because i killed the iron golem and me and this verger escaped in a boat i mean it was really slow and it was more like a kidnapping than the skate but whatever that’s not

Important the 828 i got the virgin onto his tiny platform where he’s to stay for the rest of his life i then started work on the farm but most of the night i was building up this huge glass tube which is going to be a bubble elevator day 829

I realized i forgot to bring repeaters with me as i headed over to get some stone i spotted this desert temple and i was definitely surprised with the loot i found i did a bit of caving in order to get some more redstone and then went

Back to the farm i’ll leave a link to the tutorial in the description below it’s an insanely strong farm day 830 i was still building and place down the almighty cake what does it do no idea this farm is one of the most complex things i’ve ever built and i

Also have no clue how any of it works we’re going to skip ahead to day 832 where i finished the farm just to be extra safe i set up a max speaking of resistance 2 in case anything went wrong i took a nap in a virgin’s bed and then

Went to the outpost on day 833 usually whenever i build a farm in minecraft i managed to mess something up but the raid farm worked perfectly some vacs did end up escaping at one point but thanks to my beacon and filament they barely did anything i stayed at the farm for

The whole day and the loot was insane in just 10 minutes i had more tones than i could ever need emeralds crossbows and saddles i realized i had bad omen 5 i didn’t want world war 3 starting at my base where i needed to get rid of it i

Found what i thought was a cow but it was just a really well disguised horse i then found a proper cow and cleared myself a bad omen day 834 i arrived home and organized all the leftover stuff from the farm also it’s been over a week in minecraft days since i did any

Scamming and that’s unacceptable i spent the night clearing trees and working on the cliff day 835 i was still working on the cliff trying to blend it into the natural hills then i decided to fight the wither cue the music let’s go Going dark hey I went home and celebrated my victory with some scamming it was great day 836 i enjoyed a new electronics i was going on a quest a quest to find a mesa then i got distracted and looted this bastard but anyway quest to find the mesa i’ve

Already found a few in this world but i never made a note of the coordinates so we’re back to square one for the next two days i just flew thousands of blocks out the mesa decided to no longer exist but finally it did exist nearly 80 000

Blocks out it had taken so long to get here there was no way i was leaving without decimating the natural resources i shoveled red sand all night and on day 839 i set up a max beacon so i could insta mine terracotta once i had enough

I set up a portal got onto the roof and flew home now i don’t know if you’ve ever experienced flying in a straight line over a bedrock wasteland at 3am but it kind of messes with your head the 840 i did some trading to fix my lightroos

And made an insane amount of money i’d actually run out of andesite and had to go mine more but let’s get on to why i’m even doing all this some of you who’ve watched the original 100 days might remember i have a wolf called sun unlike my cat moon which i’ve admittedly

Showered with love i’ve kind of neglected some so to make up for everything i’m going to build him his own special tower by day 843 i have finished the main structure and started on the main focus of the build an orange roof i used polish red sandstone for the

Frame and some orange terracotta mixed with acacia for the roof itself day 844 the build was done and i think the mushroom forest adds a really cool atmosphere i spent the night adding lanterns to the tower but they didn’t look right and i ended up taking them

Down day 845 there’s still a lot of work that needs to be done in this build starting with adding a stone wall the 846 i was extending the cliff because i wanted some more space to build that does also mean i gotta terraform the

Entire thing as the day came to an end i took a look at the cliff and thought to myself i could put a portal in there but first i had to spend all of day 847 sitting in a shed i don’t mind afk in farms but i just want to play the game

You know day 848 my anderson cobblestone supplies are once again running low so i dug down to set up a max beacon i almost immediately found diamonds which i was super happy about i don’t know what it was about this particular spot but i found loads of diamonds i returned home

Late into the night of day 849 and repaired my pickaxes by trading with the prisoners day 850 it was time for the best part of any mining trip using fortune on all the ores i mined down some coal and other stuff but what we’re interested in is the diamonds from the

37 diamond ore i got 103 diamonds which is absolutely insane i added them all to my beacon and we’ve only got the final layer left right back to clear fielding i also spotted the world’s stupidest squid for the rest of the night i continued to work on the cliff day 851 i

Finished the portal which meant it was finally time for me to take down the original one i’ve been using since i began this world day 852 i was gathering some dark oak wood when i spotted this which gave me an idea if i bred some of the verges from here in the

Nearby swamp i could get some swamp verges of course transporting this virgin was a complete headache but i got him into his new prison i’m not even gonna act like i meant something else it is a prison day 853 i didn’t do any kidnapping or anything like that and

Then i definitely didn’t steal a bunch of food from the village i’m going to call him swampert there was no way i was going to travel 2 000 blocks back home with him so instead i started building a shortcut through another day 854 it was

Time for me and swamp burt to make the journey things nearly went wrong when a guard showed up but i took care of it the incident with wraith was still fresh in my mind so i cleared out a space behind the portal just in case something went wrong i got swamped through safe

And sound but i didn’t really know what to do with them well you can have fun in this glass box i guess day 855 well i’ll just let this play out sike yeah you didn’t think i’ve really just let him die did you after that terrible morning i spent the day adding this

Stone staircase into the cliff i also decided to transform this area into a nice little beach day 856 i’m finishing off the beach and i think it’s a great addition i then got back to work on the stone ball day 857 i was like nah this

Cliff ain’t big enough why don’t i just build some more i thought this place could be like some kind of outpost so i added this archery practice area at night i got to work adding this path leading up to the tower i felt like if there really were soldiers here this

Place would be pretty well used so the path is a lot more worn down than the stone roads in the city day 858 i was working on this fire pit adding some nether wart blocks to represent raw meat i also did the usual thing with the sea

Lanterns but this time i hid them under brown carpet day 859 i had to do a bit of scamming the government can’t tax me because i’m the government i decided what would really bring this area to life would be some tense i made this red

One and on day 860 i built this white one day 861 i wanted to make a yellow tent but i didn’t have any dye so it was time for some flower picking with all the tents done it was time to texture the ground this took me the next three

Days to do because i had to make sure i added all those little details that really bring a build together i’m super happy with how this area turned out and i think it’s definitely got the vibe of an outpost with that project finished i decided it was time to complete my

Diamond beacon i’m not going mining because i just can’t be bothered instead i’m going to be stealing my plan was to just get the remaining diamonds from n cities but i must have robbed the wrong people i only found six diamonds and ended up giving up on day 865. i thought

With the diamond clay thing in 1.16 where you go out seven blocks was patched however you guys let me know in the comments of 800 days that actually does still work on 1.17 you just have to go out two blocks instead of seven i spent the day mining and got myself 22

Diamond all my fortune pickaxe turned that into 58 diamonds which meant i had enough to finish the beacon i was terraforming the cliff when a zombie verger showed up i’ve done so much scamming and bad stuff it’s time i did something nice for the verges let’s kill

This guy actually i’m bored now never mind they 867 i was terrifying it’s not fun to do and it’s definitely not fun to watch so let’s skip to day 868 where i was building a house there’s a few stone masons in my training hall that i want

To replace with farmers i still want to be able to buy bricks though so i’m just going to have them live in this house day 869 i was working on the second floor of the house i have a mate who asked me to build something tudor style

So shout out to you if you’re watching this the 870 i was adding the details to the house i needed crimson wood so i headed into the nether this piglet wanted to fight and it didn’t end well i also had to defend mushi 2.0 from this creeper day 871 the house was almost

Finished apart from the missing half of the roof anyway also i don’t really show it but i get attacked by phantoms basically every night on this world and it genuinely drives me insane then this happened oh yeah just just make it worse i’d like to add i was playing the game around

Five in the morning so i really was not feeling like dealing with that gaping hole i instead spent the night working on the interior at the house with the first floor being a shot for the stone masons day 873 nah i’m done i i’m done nothing like a bit of deforestation at

5am day 874 i was working on the second floor trying to make it look like a workshop where the stonemasons produce all the different blocks they sell finally for the top floor added some bookshelves barrels and plants this is genuinely the nicest thing i’ve ever done for the virgos so they better

Appreciate it i spent the night working on the road because i didn’t want to deal with the verges when i was almost falling asleep at my desk seven hours of sleep later were at day 875 with some insane boat gameplay everything went well and i got all the verges in what

Are you doing on there now that i had extra slots in my training hall i could get some more farmers the only problem was that all my verges had either despawned or chosen to live in this tunnel i spent the night getting two of them into the trading hall but i had no

Idea where i was going to get more then i realized there was one man one savior who could fix everything and that man was the one and only swamper i spent day 876 getting him into the breeder and then realized the other verger had disappeared i’m gonna need to borrow you

For a long time i wanted to make extra profits with my vergers so i spent the night farming week the 877 i fed swampert and edna that’s what i’m gonna call the librarian and soon i had a new worker sorry i meant child i did some

Farming and also leveled the new guys up luckily they both wanted to buy pumpkins what would have happened if they didn’t well murder obviously the 878 i needed to wait for the kids to grow up so i could start scamming them i decided to kill some time by adding another hot air

Balloon to my town i mean the first try did end up looking more like a blob than a balloon day 880 i finally finished a balloon let’s go check on the verges wait what you know what this means right the scamming empire just got even bigger oh

This is a great day all the new versions made this grey cat spawn and i spent the night chasing after it i realized there was a thunderstorm which was great news when a mushroom gets struck by lightning it turns into a brown mushroom unfortunately mushi 2.0 turned into dust

Day 881 i set up a max beacon at this verge with resistance 2. i wanted to do a raid and get hero the verge but whenever i do a raid i get demolished by the backs hopefully the beacon helps i headed over to the outpost near my raid

Farm and killed the inhabitants i couldn’t rate this raid but nah time for some music What Mission foul we’ll get them next time i really i did it i i really did it i say the two verges that are left you’re welcome guys at night i visited my ocean monument to get some more sea lanterns day 883 oh no tourists as i was saying

Day 883 the scamming really was out of control my new hero status meant some of these guys were paying one emerald per two pieces a week there was a project that i really wanted to work on and that was a gold xp farm i do already have a

Gold farm but it’s not super powerful and it doesn’t give me any xp unfortunately to build the farm i need 4 000 magma blocks i doubt anyone wants to watch me my magma blocks for two days straight so instead let’s just skip ahead my pickaxes were nearly gone from

Mining all that magma so i had to get them fixed unfortunately this farm requires over a stack of chests it was nice knowing you tree i needed some more turtle eggs so i headed to the usual place i actually did feel bad for taking

The eggs but at the end of the day this farm is going to make me gold and that’s a lot more important i also needed cobwebs for the farm and grab some from a nearby mine shaft day 887 there’s a bit of a problem this farm needs 11

Honey blocks my current amount of bees barely produces enough honey to craft one block per day i spent the night trying to find as many nests as possible the 888 i set up my new honey operation using the nests from the greenhouse as well as the stolen ones and some newly

Crafted hives i was fully ready to become a professional beekeeper except it’s raining so the bees aren’t going to come out i pass the time with a bit of scamming and a bit of path building it’s the simplest things in life day 889 it was a bright and sunny day now make

Children i spend the day gathering up dandelions for yellow dye because yeah it’s time for another hot air balloon day 890 i was still building the balloon i tried to make it be themed but it looked absolutely terrible when i ended up starting over in red the 891 i

Finished my red balloon and also finally had enough honey blocks i headed into the nether and began building the farm from now until day 900 i built the farm so let’s go over the highlights as always if you want to build the farm for yourself the link will be in the

Description trying to push these minecarts into place made me question every choice i’ve ever taken in life these droppers were so loud i had to mute the game and also to top it all off i built half the farm in the wrong place and had to reposition it oh and uh it’s

Day 900 and the farm farm’s not finished genuinely the worst ending to a video ever but i survived 900 days in hardcore minecraft we pick up where we left off on day 901 it was time to finally finish this gold farm i did a lot of really interesting

Things like placing chests and uh placing chests day 902 i had to put 41 gold nuggets into these hoppers to make the sorting system work i have no clue why specifically 41 but i ain’t exactly a redstone expert so if there was 42 in there maybe it just blows up now that

Everything was done i could start making gold oh look children i checked the results on day 903 and they were decent i haven’t spawn proved any of the nether under the farm so it’s not the most efficient there was a hole in my heart and no it’s not love it’s

The fact that i haven’t scanned these virgins in ages i think you’ve been stuck in there for like 300 days at this point i had a lot of plans for this area which meant it was time to take down all these bee nests would this really be a minecraft video without immense

Deforestation now that i had enough materials it was time to build the road yeah this part is always painful it’s also the first time in the video we meet the phantoms and trust me you’re gonna see a lot of them day 905 i was done with the road and could start building

For some reason i tried to make this an area to grow and cut down trees and it was a complete waste of time my two brain cells finally kicked in and i remembered i’m supposed to build you know buildings these 906 and 907 i continued working my plan was to have

This place be a tavern day 908 i watched all the phantoms burn so i had a great morning pretty normal day went to hell chopped down some trees built a nice roof day 909 was just more building that’s literally it day 910 it was time for everyone’s worst nightmare the

Interior they’re not as painful as dealing with phantoms but they’re close day 911 i was really proud of this display cabinet i made if you want to make one of these for yourself you just need to use a piston day 912 i finished off the tavern with some shutters flower

Pots and berry bushes actually i forgot the stable so i finished the tavern on day 913 i needed more light grey dye and went on a slight squid killing rampage if these guys go extinct i had nothing to do with it i also visited my ocean monument to craft more sea lanterns

Unlike the squid i feel absolutely zero sympathy for the guardians you should too day 914 you know that tavern that i could finish twice uh yeah i might still be working on it a thunderstorm began and i headed out to gather some mob heads then i stood in front of a charge

Creeper it was basically like trying to intercept a nuke with my face i can’t tell you how happy this makes me not only did a phantom die it literally got blown up i really did finish the tavern this time i didn’t just build it for no

Reason well i kind of did but i built it for someone in particular that’s right he’s finally free day 916 this guy wanted to try out every single workstation in the tavern imagine if verges could go on strike my entire economy would definitely die i asked my

Discord what we should name the verger and we came up with hermit if you want to join the discord the link’s in the description we’ve got bots food i mean what more could you want i spent the rest of the day clearing out a bunch of

Shulkers i then afk at my creeper farm for the rest of the night i headed into the nether because i wanted to go out far enough to find some 1.17 chunks unfortunately for obsidian isn’t quite enough for another portal can we can we all make a little agreement that this is

Entertaining right like this is really entertaining isn’t it anyway now that i could actually build a portal i was able to gather up some deep slate and tough day 918 i needed to clear some terrain to make space for more buildings i could make the same mr b stroke that literally

Everyone makes but this channel well you know it’s all about the original content so i won’t wait hold on you guys are in crippling debt well that was a nice talk see you all tomorrow now that all the terrain was gone i was left with a floating gold beacon which i of course

Took down day 920 i began working on a new build this is going to be a massive pedestal where my diamond beacon beacon’s gonna live right now it’s kind of sad and lonely on a hill next to a farm and it’s time to change that wow i love phantoms there’s definitely nothing

Wrong with them it’s definitely not like that the most annoying mob in the game or anything this thing took me all the way up until day 924 to complete unfortunately i still don’t have time lapses in my videos yet but i’m hoping to have them set up fairly soon day 925

I need to swap out my diamond beacon for the gold one all my days can you not leave me alone for two seconds i think the pedestal is a worthy place for the diamond beacon and definitely shows it off a lot more the 926 i had to set up a

Beacon because i had no stone or anderson left so i have a diamond beacon but i don’t have stone brilliant yo what’s up guys hey chill chill chill d 927 hey no stealing the flowers Rude me honestly after killing some guy over one tulip i spent the morning with the prisoners virgos happy virgos who really like their jobs and aren’t thousands of emeralds in depth i was getting really close to a second shulker full of emerald blocks i started gathering out the materials to build up

With a rose farm i needed eggs though so day 928 i built what i like to call the chicken children confiscator i then found a couple chickens and took them to their happy new home for the rest of the day i worked on the road then this kid

Escaped and he started going wild laugh while you still can mate laugh while you still can yeah who’s laughing now that’s what i thought while i waited for the inmates to lay eggs i’m never saying that again i decided to work on a new project as always it begins with

Deforestation i wasn’t just doing deforestation in the overboard though i went the extra mile and did some in hell aren’t you proud of me day 930 i started laying the foundations for the new build the chicken children confiscator was right in the way so i ended up having to

Rebuild it welcome to your new home it’s literally a carbon copy of the old one day 931 i was building the new shop no idea what it’s going to sell but the way things are going it’ll probably end up selling cooked chicken day 932 building the 933 building decoration edition now

That i’m all done with the main build it’s time to do the interior right yeah no i will literally build a fully functional with a rose farm before i have to build another interior on the way i found an end city which i obviously robbed these 934-930

I was building the farm i’ll leave a link to it in the description if you want to build it for yourself also if you want to download my world and play on it yourself the link’s in the description i’m sorry to all you on bedrock but this download only works for

Java unfortunately one of the key components of this farm the endermite died and i didn’t have any spare name tags i had to fly all the way home to get spares and then fly all the way back i also ran out of ender pearls and had to murder several of the local

Population to get more day 936 the farm was complete except for a single missing block all i needed was one wall this actually wasn’t included in the material list for the farm so i hadn’t brought one with me i also had no crafting table

To make one so i had to fly all the way back to my enderman farm just to craft one stupid wall day 937 i need to spawn proof the area around the farm by flooding it i’m the best thing that’s ever happened to this microphone i cause mass deforestation flooding imprisoned

The population i mean i really can’t go wrong for the final part of the farm i made a wither and then headed up to the afk spot i checked on the farm on day 939 and it produced enough with the roses to last me a lifetime i then shot

Some iron golems scanned the verges and afk my creeper farm all night day 940 i took the with the roses to my wither skirt and farm with the skirts are the only mob that can spawn on with the roses so this would hopefully make the farm a lot more efficient i stayed at

The farm until i had 9 skulls which only took around 15 minutes day 942 i did some work on the town and swapped the dark oak fence for trapdoors the phantoms drove me insane and i ended up sleeping day 943 i changed a few small details about my wolfram if i’m honest i

Might rebuild this place in the future because i still don’t like it that much the new design of trapdoors instead of fence is burning through a lot of wood so we can pretty much say goodbye to this entire forest i love nature which is why i’m blowing this hill to pieces

And burning down all these trees my flint and steel broke and i ended up making an enchanted one now i can love nature even more day 945 i built some more road the 946 all right let’s see did i do anything interesting oh wait no

I just built more road i did end up taking down the chicken child confiscator though day 947 starts with some solid scamming i then began work on my next project this thing was absolutely massive and it took me until day 952 just to get the basic structure

Done it’s kind of a cathedral thing kind of not i just made it up in a creative world and thought it looked cool day 953 i found this zombie in chainmail armor and managed to trap him in a box a glass box so the sunlight is going to damage

His helmet until it eventually breaks and he burns up and dies ignoring that massive oversight i built a nice flag for the cathedral i decided to go for some blackstone bricks for the roof which gave a really nice contrast to the stone blocks that i used the 950 do you

Want to hear the most satisfying sound ever that never gets old guys listen it’s not scamming it’s just a really good deal for me and a not very good deal for you and it’s borderline illegal i went on yet another beacon mining trip because i once again had no stone or andersite i

Returned on day 956 with my pickaxe almost fully broken a few melons and pumpkins later is back in mint condition how much would this sell for on ebay d957 it was time i needed to build the interior with a build of this size it

Was not going to be easy or quick by the way in case you’re wondering why i even built this place to begin with it’s for the librarians in my training hall once they’re in here i’ll have more space for farmers which means i can make even more

Emeralds than before day 958 i started building a spiral staircase i’m really happy with how it turned out the next few days all i did was build the interior so there’s not much to say to be honest do you guys need the bookshelves in here i really hope you

Said no i used all the bookshelves i borrowed to create a new enchanting setup day 962 i used a bunch of glass panes to make it look like there was magic flying around the room i also used some candles to add to the atmosphere the vanilla room looks cool but with

Shaders it genuinely comes to life although my pc was the opposite it was gonna die my pc actually did die about halfway through this video and i had to get it fixed which is one of the many reasons why this video took so long to come out i visited my ocean monument to

Craft some more sea lanterns and annihilated this pigment day 963 i dyed all the sheep in my wool farm and replaced the shears this place ran out of sheers about 200 days ago so the repair was slightly late i made money and then made some bookshelves day 964

I’m still working on the interior i made this area into a little museum and it has a bunch of my old gear and other items day 965 i wrote out descriptions for every item if you download my world please come to the museum like come on i

Spent five minutes on those signs you gotta read them now that the cathedral was done i had to do something worse than the interior move the verges you know with cows and sheep where you hold wheat and they follow you we should have something like that for verges because

It would make my life 10 times easier unfortunately after years of being in the training hall this virgin had gone insane day 966 i’m doing the thing you will love remember i then moved another librarian out of the training hall this time by using a lectern unlike the other

One he still knows how doors work at night i moved a third and for some reason i decided it would be a great plan to go for one of the most annoying advancements in the game if you can get a ghast through another portal and then kill it in the overworld you

Get the uneasy alliance advancement i really want to know how this went down at mojang alright guys we need a new advancement how about trying to bring a gas through a nether portal even though gas fly away from you yeah even though you can’t use leads on them yeah perfect

Idea dave i’m giving you a pay rise day 967 i move the nether portal to a soul sand valley where ghasts are more likely to spawn i almost got this gas through and then the rod broke the entire day was spent trying to fish one of these stupid white balloons through the portal

Day 968 i needed to afk my creeper farm day 969 i knew something was different this time i would get that advancement [Applause] Day 970 i was trying to get a hogland through another portal a zoglin was the only mob i hadn’t killed and once i did kill one i get the monsters hunted advancement hogland’s run away from nether portals but that’s fine i’m not giving them a choice sorry man had to be

Done day 971 i was searching for copper i needed some in order to craft a spyglass i did try to make one with an amethyst cluster instead of a shard but let’s not talk about that i also got the wax on and the wax off advancements the

Next advancement on my list was sniper duel which i got on my first try on my first try finally wait i meant first try oh look a ghast oh look it’s dead i spent day 972 trying to make the best crossbow possible i had to visit the pit of

Virgins to get a new librarian and the conditions down here get worse every day 40 emeralds are you mad i had to do a little bit of convincing but eventually he lowered his price it did take an insane amount of levels to make this thing but i finally had a perfect

Crossbow i then used this brutal weapon of war to hit a nice bullseye i respawned the ender dragon and also looked at her through the spyglass then cancelled her life subscription i also killed a purge over the crossbow in order to get another advancement day 974

I headed out to the jungle to get the final spyglass advancement then got completely distracted i tried to breathe these pandas but it didn’t work i wanted to try at least once for the ultra rare brown panda so i trapped them with some leaves and waited until they can breed

Again day 975 a baby was born he’s just a regular panda but he’s still adorable i was about to leave the jungle when i remembered the reason i even came here in the first place you’re probably wondering what my plan is for d1000 well it’s a secret so can i interest you in

Watching me destroy this manfield i built it all the way back at the end of 200 days and it’s finally time to get rid of it day 976 i decided it was finally time to sort out this ugly area leading up to my tower the terrains will

Wonky there’s that random ruin i built not to mention a stable that looks really outdated there’s an advancement that involves killing phantoms yep this one’s my favorite i also moved all the horses over to the city center day 977 i took down the old stable i think the

Idea was decent but the execution wasn’t great the overall shape and block palette didn’t feel right and the hay on the floor looks pretty bad i’ve improved a lot of building in the last couple of months and would definitely like to build a new stables at some point a

Thunderstorm began and i was able to get the surge protector advancement there’s also an advancement for striking a verge with lightning but as i’m editing this video i’ve realized it didn’t actually give me the advancement i think it’s because the verge is not supposed to die

When you do it i started gathering up mob heads and then got blown up for the second time in this video i didn’t have my ender chest with me which meant i needed to fly home without a totem luckily i survived the experience but when you’re playing hardcore minecraft

Your heart never does day 978 it was time to fix something that had been an issue for months my tower lives on this little hill while it’s more like a mound of dirt and it’s lame and a dirt path leading up to it unacceptable it’s pretty embarrassing but all of d 979 was

Just spent trying to make this circle line up i don’t know why but the ability to count just disappeared from my brain we’ll skip ahead to day 981 where things are looking pretty good i added the usual truck doors and put slabs on top of the logs for that extra detail day

982 i tried some different decorations but didn’t really like any of them day 983 i took down this tree or as i like to call it the mushroom pretending to be a tree i really need to get better at building trees with that monstrosity

Gone i built more of the road i know you want to see that insane day 1000 and trust me we’re getting there day 984 i used some blue wool to mark out where the new buildings would go i’ve never done this before but it honestly really

Helps for the next six days i built two new structures a flower shop and a house i was saved from having to do the interiors because it was time for the final event for day 1000 i was going to try and get minecraft’s hardest advancement how did we get here just in

Case you don’t know what that is it’s a secret advancement you get from having every status effect applied at once i first brewed every potion i would need as well as crafting some suspicious stew which gives blindness i also had to enchant some new armor and i’ll explain

Why in a minute of course the hardest part of this advancement is moving a shulker all the way from an end city into the overworld the area around the end gateway has to be spawned through so that the only place the shulker can teleport is into the gateway there was a

City about 800 blocks away from a gateway which would be my best bet at getting this advancement done in time for day 1000. the reason for the new armor is that my current set has thorns 3 which would of course kill the shocker i don’t know how this works but by

Pushing a minecart into a boat they both move along the tracks without ever needing any powered rails unfortunately the first attempt didn’t quite go to plan oh how’s he done that then also trying to build anything around shulkers is like trying to mow the lawn with a

Pair of scissors the second shulker went through and nearly died from suffocation i went home and brewed some splash potions of healing because time was not on my side if i took too long to get the shocker in place i’d fail to get the advancement by d1000 unfortunately the

Shulker didn’t go in place anyway it teleported into this tiny hole i made while getting the dragon egg the shulker hit itself and actually ended up duplicating so that’s pretty cool the next problem i ran into was that this shulker went into the gateway while in a

Boat and a minecart which meant they couldn’t go through i couldn’t break the boat with my axe because it was under the gateway blocks the two brain cells of mosey woke up for once and by shooting the boat with a bow i was able to get the shulker through however i

Immediately ran into a new issue as the shulker was still stuck in the minecart it’s really annoying to get the shulker out without killing it because his hitbox overlaps the minecart it was a massive relief to eventually get it out and put it back in a boat day 995 i had

To carve out a huge tunnel through this mountain i should have started working on this advancement much earlier because my time was running out fast i was able to move the shulker to the ocean on day 996 but it hit itself way too many times

As much as i hate you you cannot die with the shulker safely imprisoned i completed the hardest part of the advancement i borrowed some beacons from the base and on day 997 set up a tier 3 beacon with almost every effect i set up a conduit in order to get the conduit

Power effect and also grab some dolphins with all the preparations complete there was one final thing i had to do i needed to clear a raid time for everyone’s favorite music Oh hi thanks for checking in i’m still a piece of garbage heroes never die bye So yeah i somehow failed the raid day 998 it was my last chance if i failed this raid it would all be over i was already mad that i lost the first raid i was definitely not about to lose a second i revisited the purge outpost to

Get bad omen and then the nearby ocean monument to get mining fatigue but then it all went wrong the dolphins had despawned which wasn’t much of an issue i could just go home and get some name tags and leads except for one problem it was insanely frustrating but i had no

Other option day 999 i got two more dolphins used my last name tag and flew off to once again get bad omen and miney petite and now it’s time for some live commentary i hope you enjoy i have the studio okay so we need to throw every single one

Every single one puff fish suspicious stew got an apple need to eat this get in here come on here hit me here shocker do you think no no way i failed that yo can you hit me up with a bit of mining fatigue please thank you thank

You thank you thank you thank you thank you bang bang bang bang bang bang bang in my levitation levitation give me levitation yes okay dolphins grace and this please i just choked again are you kidding me after failing for the second time i now had a massive problem eating a puff of

Fish is the only way to get the nausea effect and i just eaten my last one my only chance was to pray that the minecraft gods would give me another puffer fish yes yes oh my god okay give me that give me that mind fatigue do you mind stick your mind

Staring you in the face i’m knocking on the front door can i have my fatigue please okay yes thank you there we go finally potion potion potion potion motion pressure keep go down into here eat the puff fish eat the suspicious stew yes yes yes oh my god

Oh my god it was done 1 000 days ago i began this world and now i had conquered its hardest achievement see that would be the end of the video but we’ve got some visitors to take care of d1001 it was all over i restored the beacons and visited my two

Special pets who’ve been with me since the very beginning i survived 1 000 days in hardcore minecraft that is gonna be it for the movie i really hope you enjoyed it if you made it this far well congratulations you just watched like four hours of minecraft that is insane as always thank

You so much to everyone boosting my discord server you guys are legends i’m trying to hit 50 000 subscribers this year so if you could help me out it really would mean a ton with all that being said i’ll see you guys in the next video peace

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days In Hardcore Minecraft (FULL MOVIE)’, was uploaded by Mozi on 2021-10-25 11:30:12. It has garnered 3385508 views and 66547 likes. The duration of the video is 04:23:38 or 15818 seconds.

I Survived 1000 Days In Hardcore Minecraft (FULL MOVIE)

My entire journey from Day 1 to Day 1000 in hardcore minecraft. Over 6 months of progress, all in one movie. I hope you enjoy this hardcore series!


Discord server: https://discord.gg/TmRWcaTMCy -Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mozi_exe

#Minecraft1000Days #100DaysMovie I survived 100 days on hardcore minecraft, 1000 days hardcore, 1000 days hardcore minecraft, minecraft hardcore, sb737 1000 days hardcore minecraft, minecraft 1000 days, 1000 days in minecraft, i survived hardcore minecraft for 1000 days and this is what happened, how to survive in hardcore minecraft, minecraft i survived 1000 days, i survived 1000 days in minecraft hardcore, minecraft i survived 1000 days, surviving 1000 days in minecraft, surviving 1000 days in minecraft hardcore, minecraft 1000 days hardcore, 1000 days, minecraft 1000 days, minecraft 100 days full movie, minecraft 1000 days full movie, minecraft binge video, perfect video to binge and fall asleep to

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    Dino Invasion at Bear Hill - Minecraft Mobile Game Exploring the Mysteries of Minecraft: Bear Ridge Tales and the Legion of Tyrannosaurus Rex Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where adventure and creativity collide in a pixelated wonderland. In this virtual realm, players can build, explore, and survive in a vast, procedurally generated world filled with endless possibilities. The Enigmatic Bear Ridge One of the latest updates in Minecraft introduces players to Bear Ridge, a mysterious location shrouded in legends and myths. As players venture into this treacherous terrain, they will encounter new challenges, creatures, and secrets waiting to be uncovered. Key Features of Bear Ridge: Unique biomes… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gaming Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gaming Fun! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining Minewind. While watching a hilarious YouTube video like “Jackbhaiya roast jack 🤣#gamerfleet #shorts #youtubeshorts,” you might be looking for a new and thrilling Minecraft experience. That’s where Minewind comes in! Minewind offers a unique and immersive gameplay experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. With a vibrant community of players and exciting features to explore, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash… Read More

  • Cottage Witch Chronicles: Episode 5

    Cottage Witch Chronicles: Episode 5 Exploring the Enchanting World of Cottage Witch in Minecraft Embark on a magical journey through the enchanting world of Cottage Witch in Minecraft. Join the adventure as players delve into the mystical realm of witchcraft, magic, and fantasy in this captivating modded Minecraft LP. Discovering Automated Source Gems Experience the wonder of Automated Source Gems, a fascinating feature that adds a new layer of complexity to the gameplay. Watch as players navigate through the intricacies of this mod, uncovering its secrets and unlocking its full potential. Check out FyerPower’s video for a closer look at this innovative addition to… Read More

  • Ultimate Free Minecraft Server Hosting 24/7

    Ultimate Free Minecraft Server Hosting 24/7 The World of Free Minecraft Server Hosting with Aternos Exploring the realm of cracked Minecraft server hosting has never been easier with Aternos! Hi Gamer takes us on a journey through the features, benefits, and setup process of Aternos, ensuring that your Minecraft adventures can continue without interruption. Setting Up Your Server Starting with the basics, Hi Gamer walks us through the process of creating a server on Aternos. With simple steps and clear instructions, you’ll have your own Minecraft server up and running in no time. Exploring Plug-ins One of the exciting features of Aternos is the ability… Read More

  • Free Hack Client for Minecraft Bedrock

    Free Hack Client for Minecraft Bedrock The Exciting World of Minecraft Bedrock Hack Clients For avid Minecraft players looking to enhance their gaming experience, the 1.21.30 Hack Client for Minecraft Bedrock is a game-changer. This versatile mod works seamlessly with Windows Mobile, MCPE, and iOS devices, offering a wide range of features and functionalities. Unleash Your Creativity with Nitro Lite The Nitro Lite version of this hack client provides players with a plethora of tools to explore and create within the Minecraft universe. From cheat codes to texture packs and shader mods, Nitro Lite opens up a world of possibilities for gamers looking to push… Read More

  • Blockbuster Bliss: Steve & Alex’s Big Screen Adventure

    Blockbuster Bliss: Steve & Alex's Big Screen Adventure In the world of Minecraft, Steve and Alex stand tall, Awaiting the release of the movie, ready to enthral. Curious and excited, they wonder what it’ll be, A cinematic adventure for all to see. With music that sets the mood just right, And animations that shine so bright, The movie promises to be a delight, A journey through pixels, a thrilling sight. So let’s wait and see, with bated breath, For the Minecraft movie, a new kind of quest. Steve and Alex, ready to embark, On an epic adventure, in the world of blocky art. Read More

  • 100 Spieler in Minecraft Fallout Apokalypse!

    100 Spieler in Minecraft Fallout Apokalypse! Surviving the Minecraft Fallout Apocalypse with 100 Players In a thrilling event organized by @Protagnst, 100 players entered a Minecraft Fallout Apocalypse to test their survival skills over 7 intense real-life days. The aftermath of nuclear devastation brought scarce resources, dangerous mutants, and desolate landscapes, challenging the players to build bases, scavenge for food, and avoid becoming victims of the ruthless apocalypse. Exploring the Post-Apocalyptic World As the players awakened in the wasteland, they encountered various locations such as Huston, Junction, The Vault, and Tricolor. Each area presented unique challenges and opportunities for the players to navigate through the… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Life Hack

    Ultimate Minecraft Life Hack Minecraft Life Hacks that Everyone Believes In Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for some fun and useful life hacks to enhance your gameplay? Look no further! In this article, we will explore various popular Minecraft TikTok videos showcasing tips, tricks, and life hacks that claim to improve your Minecraft experience. Let’s dive in and see if these hacks are truly game-changers or just myths! Jump Boost with Crossbow One of the intriguing life hacks showcased in Minecraft TikTok videos is the ability to get a jump boost when holding a crossbow. The command to execute this hack is:… Read More


    ANOMALY FOUND IN FANTASY MINECRAFT WORLDVideo Information This video, titled ‘[DUNGEONS HEROES] ANOMALY TERJEBAK DI DUNIA FANTASY DI MINECRAFT #1’, was uploaded by Bangdaap on 2024-08-26 15:50:14. It has garnered 67 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:49 or 9769 seconds. JOIN MEMBERSHIP GET MANY FEATURES Don’t Forget to Support Me at Saweria https://saweria.co/Bangdaap Join the Fourmalin Team Discord for various information https://discord.gg/GazVMt9Dpk Join Saluran WA https://chat.whatsapp.com/DgNFfM4Fm8nLsv256NYe6H Don’t forget to subscribe, guys. Don’t forget to follow my Instagram social media ►https://instagram.com/bangdaap12 TikTok ► https://www.tiktok.com/@bangdaap For Business Emails, You Can Enter Email ► daftra12@ gmail.com Thanks For Watching And Subscribe Guys….. Command… Read More

  • Revolutionizing Minecraft Horror Gameplay

    Revolutionizing Minecraft Horror GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Do We Make ‘Horror’ Minecraft ACTUALLY Scary?’, was uploaded by kihec on 2024-02-13 22:03:32. It has garnered 99634 views and 4739 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:44 or 404 seconds. #cavedweller #fromthefog #creepy #minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft100days #kihec #minecrafthorror #minecraft100days #scary Last time I made a video talking about the current state of horror Minecraft, and people asked me, how do we fix it. So today, I’m here to present some ideas. JOIN OUR DISCORD: https://discord.gg/Jx94XeSNMv #minecraft #modded #moddedminecraft #rlcraft #horrorgaming #minecrafthorror #cavedweller #herobrine #cavedweller #caves #minecraftcaves #scary Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build: SHULKER Farm in UFO!

    Insane Minecraft Build: SHULKER Farm in UFO!Video Information This video, titled ‘I built a SHULKER farm inside a UFO in Minecraft hardcore’, was uploaded by aGolemBoy on 2024-08-16 05:57:08. It has garnered 81 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:36 or 516 seconds. I built a SHULKER farm inside a UFO in Minecraft hardcore. Check out: Episode1: • The Perfect Start in Minecraft Hardco… Season1: • Minecraft Hardcore S1 I choose MUSHROOM ISLAND for my BASE, because HOSTILE MOBS can’t spawn in MUSHROOM BIOME and I don’t have to light-up every single corner, some builds look’s AWESOME IN DARKNESS. World name: Golem… Read More

  • Etho’s Minecraft Chaos Transformation!

    Etho's Minecraft Chaos Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Etho Plays Minecraft – Episode 586: Chaos To Order’, was uploaded by EthosLab on 2024-05-22 19:08:06. It has garnered 543907 views and 34355 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:04 or 2464 seconds. We return from a 3 month break to take on the colossal task of finishing up the Endless Storage Room. Today we work out the shulker loaders, storage minecart controls, water streams, item locations, and then do a massive clean up around the world to fill the system up with items. Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/EthoLP TwitchTV: http://www.twitch.tv/ethotv/ World Download (550): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aJ6we_pq1pqU_4ofgXD3ACfEGasBNBQn/view?usp=sharing Read More


    🔥ULTIMATE $$$ OP PICKAXE! GET RICH FAST! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘THIS *ULTIMATE* MONEY MAKING PICKAXE IS *OP* ($$$) | Minecraft OP Prison | OpLegends’, was uploaded by R0yal MC on 2024-08-04 22:59:23. It has garnered 3844 views and 142 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:35 or 1235 seconds. THIS *ULTIMATE* MONEY MAKING IS PICKAXE IS OP! ———————————————————————————– Server | Royal.Oplegends.com (Prison Neptune) ———————————————————————————– Texture Pack: Stimpy Eum3 Remake ———————————————————————————– Hit “LIKE” for more MINECRAFT Prison! ———————————————————————————- Community Discord : https://discord.gg/kWZCNx5 ———————————————————————————- FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA! Livestream – http://www.twitch.tv/royal_k91 Twitter – https://twitter.com/R0yalMC Read More

  • Epic Minecraft madness with friends live now!

    Epic Minecraft madness with friends live now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with friends_A nice long stream’, was uploaded by SmokeyGames on 2024-04-09 15:16:37. It has garnered 43 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:00:26 or 18026 seconds. IF it doesntt crash Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Trial Chamber with Hololive!

    Insane Minecraft Trial Chamber with Hololive!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】フレポルでトライアルチャンバー行ってみる!【不知火フレア/尾丸ポルカ/ホロライブ】’, was uploaded by Flare Ch. 不知火フレア on 2024-08-27 18:37:38. It has garnered 142377 views and 8208 likes. The duration of the video is 05:18:04 or 19084 seconds. This is Flare Shiranui, a 3rd generation member of Hololive ~ @OmaruPolka It seems like the collaboration between the two has been 10 months ■Hololive official LINE stamp “Shiranui Flare Vol. 2” is now on sale! ✨ https://line.me/S/sticker/27443237 ■Shiranui Flare 5th Anniversary Goods Until September 9, 2024 18:00! https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/shiranuiflare_an5th ■New single “Marble Saeru” MV now available✨ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGG3S3iqjlg Also available on iTunes, Spotify, etc.✨ https://cover.lnk.to/YnNxAz ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ■Shiranui Flare… Read More

  • INSANE ASMR: Building Mini-Wonders in Minecraft | Whispered

    INSANE ASMR: Building Mini-Wonders in Minecraft | WhisperedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Designing Micro-Builds to Add Life | Better Minecraft ASMR #40 | Soft Spoken’, was uploaded by Void ASMR on 2024-07-23 21:00:05. It has garnered 248 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:02 or 3602 seconds. The design process exposed Modpack: Better Minecraft [Fabric] v20 #minecraft #asmr #softspoken Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft FAIL: Warrior Disaster💀” #shorts

    "EPIC Minecraft FAIL: Warrior Disaster💀" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Moment Before Disaster 💀 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Warcraft Warrior on 2024-09-16 15:22:55. It has garnered 11186 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft Moment Before Disaster 💀 #minecraft #shorts minecraft minecraft public smp live minecraft gfx pack minecraft mod menu minecraft 100 days minecraft video minecraft house minecraft minecraft minecraft game minecraft techno gamerz minecraft shorts minecraft animation minecraft apk minecraft anshu bisht minecraft animation movie minecraft apk download minecraft aphmau minecraft april fools 2024 minecraft ayush b minecraft banner bionic minecraft bbs minecraft best… Read More


    Welcome to A New World Explore a challenging version of Minecraft where survival is a triumph. Start from the Stone Age and progress through different eras, tackling new challenges and discovering new mechanics along the way. Join our Discord server here to start your journey in A New World. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “That which takes the image of an angel becomes an angel” in Minecraft

    Looks like we need to start a Creaking image purge before they take over the world as angels! Read More

  • Raindrops and Pixels: Minecraft’s Melodic Mix

    Raindrops and Pixels: Minecraft's Melodic Mix In Minecraft’s world, the rain softly falls, A peaceful melody, as the night calls. The air is crisp, with a hint of chill, But in this moment, time stands still. The music box plays, a nostalgic tune, Bringing back memories, like a balloon. The crackling fire, the gentle wind, In this moment, peace we find. So close your eyes, let the stress unwind, In Minecraft’s world, tranquility you’ll find. Listen to the rain, feel the air so sweet, In this peaceful moment, let your worries retreat. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: 🔥🔥🔥 Oh no, it’s LIT!

    Minecraft Meme: 🔥🔥🔥 Oh no, it's LIT! When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but at least you can say you went out in style with this meme. #minecraftfail #hotstuff Read More

  • Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 6

    Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 6 Welcome to Spanish Boost Gaming! 🎮 Welcome to Episode 6 of the Minecraft series on Spanish Boost Gaming! In this episode, viewers will continue to explore, gather resources, and build new structures while practicing Spanish through comprehensible input. The host speaks slowly and clearly, making it easier for Spanish learners to follow along and pick up new vocabulary while immersing themselves in the Minecraft world. Whether you’re a beginner or intermediate learner, this episode is perfect for improving your Spanish listening skills while having fun with this beloved game. Watch as exciting adventures unfold and new creations are crafted,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft 1.20.1 Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft 1.20.1 Guide Exploring the Snifferent Mod in Minecraft 1.20.1 Embark on a new adventure in Minecraft with the Snifferent mod, which introduces exciting new items that can be unearthed by the mysterious Sniffers. Let’s delve into the world of Snifferent and discover the wonders it has to offer! Club Moss One of the intriguing additions brought by the Snifferent mod is the Club Moss. This unique plant adds a touch of greenery to your Minecraft world, offering a refreshing change of scenery. Globar Tree Step into the enchanting realm of the Globar Tree, a majestic addition that brings a sense of… Read More

  • Mall wizard’s hilarious antics in Minecraft!

    Mall wizard's hilarious antics in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘little green mall wizard #minecraft #memes #xd #funnymeme #humor’, was uploaded by Juano Games on 2024-07-11 14:38:46. It has garnered 569 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Anniversary Stream!

    Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Anniversary Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HARDCORE 1.21 – FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY STREAM!! – DAY 3’, was uploaded by Robotic Crafter on 2024-06-22 20:56:41. It has garnered 33 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:30 or 10050 seconds. Join my Discord server: https://discord.gg/Q6x79ZBaY8 Sub to my friend from real life! TheGrayEmerald: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUD4DHrZx8LnL88SE5O8t4Q My sister’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_0BNR29GPjHQsUxKzqfzog Tweet me! https://twitter.com/Robotic_Crafter Follow me! https://www.instagram.com/robotic_crafter/ Read with me: https://www.wattpad.com/user/Robotic_Crafter Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Amarkiastory Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/Robotic_Crafter/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/dallastwister?si=ed388774326143ec Outro made with Panzoid (Outro came with music) NOTE: This video and its content is intended/directed towards a “general audience” or “family-friendly”, which is… Read More

  • Unraveling the Mystery of DeadPixel – The Minecraft Prodigy

    Unraveling the Mystery of DeadPixel - The Minecraft ProdigyVideo Information This video, titled ‘How He Became a Minecraft Legend’, was uploaded by DeadPixel on 2024-09-27 18:42:36. It has garnered 260 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:24 or 1464 seconds. We talk about FitMC and how he became a Minecraft Legend. From 2b2t to QSMP FitMC has seen and done a ton in the Minecraft world! twitch.tv/deadpixel685 If you enjoyed this video make sure to subscribe for more! – – – – – – – – #fitmc #minecraft #2b2t fitmc, minecraft, minecraft youtuber, 2b2t, qsmp, 2b2t historian, anarchy server, fitmc 2b2t, fit 2b2t, fit… Read More

  • Insane new gaming trend: baby villager vs killer pillager! 🎮 #minecraftshorts

    Insane new gaming trend: baby villager vs killer pillager! 🎮 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘sigma baby villager | pillager is good | they kill villager to survive# minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by New Generation of gaming on 2024-05-10 17:37:18. It has garnered 4251 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Survival House Build!!

    EPIC Minecraft Survival House Build!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Build a Survival Forest House || Freezn Gamer || #minecraft #survival #ep59’, was uploaded by Freezn Gamer on 2024-04-17 04:53:26. It has garnered 312 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:52 or 652 seconds. Minecraft: How To Build a Survival Forest House || Freezn Gamer || #minecraft #survival #ep59 Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC65rezUIhHUhdzGxCQyHGLQ/join Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/freezn.gamer_96?utm_medium=copy_link Discord- discord.gg/6DugZAcfYH Facebook- facebook.com/profile.php?id=100078205758862 Twitter – twitter.com/GamerFreezn Pc Specification processor- Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-8145U CPU @ 2.10GHz 2.11 GHz ram-4.00 GB Graphics-Intel Hd 620 product-laptop ——————– ——————— 😅Please Ignore… Read More

  • Max Fox: EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure!

    Max Fox: EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Age of Engineering: Old but Gold Modded Minecraft’, was uploaded by Max Fox on 2024-07-29 02:26:54. It has garnered 167 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 07:20:23 or 26423 seconds. Well, what do we have here? A pixellated Fox on an adventure in the world of Minecraft, but this time not in just any old world. We’ll be diving into Age of Engineering, an expert mode tech-focused modpack with a couple extras! Modpack: Age of Engineering (davqvist) Additional mods: Realistic Terrain Generation FastLeafDecay Diet Hoppers MoseTweaks Texture pack: Sphax 64k Follow… Read More

  • 🌴 PinkpalmPuff’s Preppy Beach Love💖

    🌴 PinkpalmPuff's Preppy Beach Love💖Video Information This video, titled ‘#preppy #viral #aesthetic #happy #love #beach #subscribe #blowup #like #onthisday #viral #shots’, was uploaded by I♥️PinkpalmPuff on 2024-07-09 22:10:24. It has garnered 10 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. #aphmau #minecraft #minecraftfunny #minecraftmods #minecraftaphmau #aphmaupranks #aphmauminecraftpranks #aphmaugaming #aphmaugames #aphmauplayingas #normaniwildside #normaicardi #cardiwildside #wildsidemusicvideo #normaninewmusic #normanimotivation #cardiup #normanicardileak #normanilive #music #webdev #appdevelopment #lesson #tutorial #bertrandchameroy #fabienroussel #jeans #lfi #lorrainsénéchal #mohamedbouhafsi #nfp #alliances #dbillions #kidssongs #songsforkids #kidsvideos #sing-alongsongs #dance #daysoftheweek #gracescorner #letterd #letterrecognition #dsound #learning #6×1 #seisaum #cruzeiro #notíciascruzeiro #seisaum #notíciasdocruzeiro #gremio #cruzeirogremio #gremiocruzeiro #cruzeiroxgremio #cruzeirogremiogols #crazyfrogaxelf #crazyfrogdance #crazyfrogcover… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds you MUST SEE! #shorts

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds you MUST SEE! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Best Survival Builds so far! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by ChillCraftSounds on 2024-02-16 22:00:00. It has garnered 196 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. A snapshot in to our little survival world. My 4 best builds so far! Enjoy 🙂 Song: Today Is The Day – Mark July Read More

  • Insane Bollywood Dance Duel ft. Minecraft Madness!

    Insane Bollywood Dance Duel ft. Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘#hindisong #bollywood #song #dance #funny #duet #music #bhojpurimusic #sasbahunokjhok #minecraft’, was uploaded by TJ Viral Shorts on 2024-10-02 01:27:57. It has garnered 507 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Stack of Grass Modded Australia Survival Whitelist Towny City Rewards

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2 In 1.20.1, Stack of Grass Season 2 is a small server hosted in Australia focusing on socializing and world building. What Makes Us Different? Player Base: Whitelisted and preferably 18+, creating a chill ambiance. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” experience with mods like “Ars Nouveau” and “Mystical Agriculture” for enhanced building and adventuring. The Commands: Players have access to useful commands like /home and Waystones. The In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community building through town creation. The Server Life: Admins add scripted Dungeons with rewards, regular events,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Falling in Minecraft? More like plummeting!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Falling in Minecraft? More like plummeting!"Falling in Minecraft be like “Oops, I guess I’ll just respawn and try not to embarrass myself again!” Read More

  • Crafting Love: From Blocks to Rings in Minecraft Life

    Crafting Love: From Blocks to Rings in Minecraft Life In Minecraft, a life from child to adult, Growing up, getting married, it’s a result. The journey is long, with adventures to find, In the pixelated world, let your imagination unwind. Join Team Smoothie, for more fun and delight, With Oops Hiha and Yummie, the future is bright. Explore new realms, with Super Ngao in tow, Minecraft stories to share, let the creativity flow. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe, To Super Ngao’s channel, where Minecraft vibes thrive. For updates and news, stay tuned in, To the world of Minecraft, where the fun begins. Read More

  • “Herobrine’s Hot Date Night” 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Herobrine's Hot Date Night" 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you spend so much time playing Minecraft that even Herobrine is like, “Dude, take a break.” #minecraftaddict #herobrineconcerned Read More

I Survived 1000 Days In Hardcore Minecraft (FULL MOVIE)