I Survived 1,000 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft… [MOVIE]

Video Information

I spent another thousand days in Hardcore Minecraft and during this time I managed to get unlimited Hearts built a massive multiple mine shaft a giant building for brewing and a massive map of my entire world with a cool pixel art on it I know this video is pretty long

So if you don’t want to watch it all just just leave it in the background as that helps me and my channel out so so much and also get my new summer merge on sb737.star I’m gonna become a mortal in hardcore by getting infinite Hearts step one I need emeralds these can be

Obtained at the raid Farm that’s enough of that and that’s enough of those now for step two get some apples the best place for them the void Trader this guy sells them and I buy them step three this terrain has got to go starting with the trees these two runtimers

And now the rest of it now I need yellow terracotta I could make a massive clay Farm or I could just murder villagers until one sells me it I think you know what I’m gonna do perfect you may live and now I’m gonna get thousands from him I can’t believe

Infinite Hearts has never been done before and it’s something you can do in your world step four I need frog lights and this is the perfect fun for that unless of course you’re a Magma Cube Three Stacks will do and whilst I’m in the nether I need to grab a load of

Quartz a stuck is a good start but I need plenty more fired and all this will make 400 blocks which can go into here and into the Super smelter I’ll also make a new pickaxe for silk touch and make everything netherrite next it’s timer time one hour

On the clock and if I get 300 gold ore you have to subscribe and this just might be the perfect game here’s the first ones and some more everything really is coming together although 300 is still quite far away so thank goodness it’s a very big cave That’s the first 100 but I’m way behind schedule and I need to find a new area maybe 300 in an hour was a little bit too ambitious hang on a minute this is exactly exactly what I need half the time has already gone I need an insane

10 minutes to get me back on track that’s 150 meaning I’m past halfway and if I can get to 200 Before 40 minutes then I’ll be back on track but that’s easier said than done I’ve made it to 200 we’re finding another 100 in just 15

Minutes it’s gonna be so so tight I’ve made it to 250 we’re just 10 minutes left and this cave might be the Savior that I need it’s gonna be so so close that’s 260. 270 280. I’m getting so so close 290 I just need 10 more and I have

Seven minutes left and now I I can’t seem to find gold anywhere just these stupid diamonds hang on a minute it was five away now hold on a second I’ve done it 300 gold in less than an hour a little bit more around here to be found

To now for True immortality the method needs a lot of Notch apples so I’m gonna count them up 96 is how many I didn’t know that but I I need more and I’ve got a new strategy to get them it involves mob switches for four different mobs I’ll start with the

Bat switch but the most important thing is the location because if I fly past and load the chunks then it will break I’ll start by removing this portal and building a much bigger one right here perfect and it also needs a bit of Glass on top with the edge of the portal being

Here I need to go five chunks in this direction which is where I will build a butt Farm it’s basically going to be a load of portals but in order for bats to spawn it’ll have to be completely pitch black but Nether Portals give off light

So how would you make them pitch black you use a light suppression but a while since I’ve needed to use this machine and it won’t turn on just yet until everything else is sorted one thing I’m grabbing is amethyst shards because I will need tinted glass next I box it in

But I’d leave a little Gap here since I need a way in and out to light the bottles now for the next bit sponge this is basically going to work by sending bats through a portal they’ll be in the nether for a little bit then they send

Back through this portal but I will be here so this over here will be a lazy chunk where they come through and mobs in lazy chunks don’t despawn and they count the mob cap so that’s why no more bats in the world would spawn and I’d

Just be chunk loving over here but it basically means I can’t come within 500 blocks of that very junk because then the bats would load and the despawn everything would just go wrong so a warning Square to stay away needs to be built it’s supposed to be way way easier

If I use lily pads so that scaffolding isn’t necessary I’ve seen straight lines but I guess it’ll do Place him on land that is much much easier the end is now starting to come into sight and the massive safety border is complete next I add scaffolding to make an AFK platform

Right at the top here the butts are already spawning which is good so I think it’s now light suppression time I’m not a fan of this machine since it it does make everything laggy but it’s a small price to pay to make what I need I’m from flicking that lever I have one

Minute to get to where I need to be otherwise chunk won’t load since that hover clock runs out after 100 seconds all these scaffolding are very very useful to find my way I have arrived next I wait for the lights impression to kick in chunks are now not loading which

Tells me one thing it tells me two things actually my game is broken apparently I have an infinite firework rocket well the light suppression is also happening I’ll just have to reload the game time to light all of these reload the world again next up I go

Through a portal all the bats are here I don’t actually know if the fan worked but the first priority is get the light suppressor turned back off I hate this machine it honestly takes so much to re-logging to get back to where you need to be well that’s why I’ve got these

Ladders so that I can climb up even when it’s lagging finally machine is off now for the Moment of Truth did it work nope it did not which means doing everything all over again Moment of Truth for take two yes this time it has worked perfectly thank goodness for that and it

Means I can now go through here break this portal and build the bat return system above the nether this is where things get a bit more complicated but I’ll just start by building two Nether Portals got a piston and a bunch of glass here followed by comparators

Redstone and more Pistons it is all nicely starting to come together as you can see and I can’t believe it of all things I forgot the glaze terracotta and now worker can resume it’s almost done it’s time to get a bit complicated isn’t

It I need to grab a bunch of items or go in dispensers and Hoppers and unless I’ve made any grave mistakes it should all be done well almost this needs to be filled with mine carts and a chunk loader needs to be built on this side jumped on quick and easy which means

It’s now time to test it out I simply AFK up here for a minute or two as bats gets sent to the nether then I swoop on down take one good look at this place because I can never come here again and all the bats are inside the portal then

I press this button and it should set everything off a bunch of bats get pushed into that hole while their portal cooldown runs out once it does the ball gets lit they get sent through it’s like this lever to turn on the chunk loader there we go man card through and the bat

Switch is activated I don’t know how I can really show you but no bats will now spawn anywhere in my world it’s only phase one in my new Notch Apple strategy but it’s also the most important one also a quick side note I’m gonna make this chest tinted glass it was the only

Empty storage slot in the entire system and uh now it’s spilled from there I’m gonna take out one of the is to use this XP farm and get loads and loads of levels beautiful I have just made it in any moment to level 700 and that is

Enough of using the pump for now choose these extra bits of XP to make sure every single thing is fully repaired and then I’ll fly on home to sort the next project which will be to build a giant mega polish right here where I will get the infinite hearts since doing this

Will require a little bit of a fancy machine and that Phantom just totally ruined my shot although the difficult thing is that this Palace will be made out of a few thousand Gold Blocks a few thousand Gold Blocks today unfortunately don’t have so that could mean only one

Thing first I collect all the gold that has been gathered over time at this gold Farm which is apparently not very much well it is a a slight spanner in the works so instead I’ll head to this gold bar disable the Fortress Farm by flicking nuts which turns on every

Single Redstone lump and instead I start crafting all of these nuggets which have been gathering over time into ingots and blocks and then I can just AFK here as the pigment get me more from being here for quite some time I’ve got a decent amount of gold here and even more in

This chest I don’t know if it’ll be enough for the entire build I also seem to remember that I put some Quartz in here a little while ago a few well however many days ago I will be in here perfect the police is going to be built

Right here and as you can see already it’s going through my gold blocks fast maybe I would have been better just using yellow concrete although if I did that then it wouldn’t look anywhere near as impressive that’s the foundation of the whole thing done next I’m digging out the floor which also conveniently

Gets rid of all of the snow and also frog lights next I’m gonna dig out all of this as well as the layer underneath and then this is where all of the gold door is going to come in handy I wasn’t just minding it for the good of my Hills

And needed it to fill in this entire pathway and conveniently got over a stuck to spare as well actually looks very very cool but on top of it it will have stained glass but I’ll worry about that later instead I’ll focus on building up this second layer It’s definitely starting to come together but it’s uh it’s gonna be a lot bigger than that maybe not the best idea to use gold blocks I should have used yellow concrete not to worry though because I actually want to decorate this middle bit a bit more and that will

Require red sand something of which I I don’t think I have a dedicated chest fall okay yeah it’s definitely not one of these is there any lurking in the chest down here looks like the answer is no no there isn’t which means I must begin Plan B and track down a Mesa just

Have to remember I can’t go in a certain place over that direction because that’s where there’s loads and loads of bats in a lazy chunk anywhere else though is completely safe to search not being much more than ocean at the moment I only have come across one of my guardian

Farms still no Mesa but I have got a ruined portal the worst Marine portal chest I’ve ever seen so instead I’ll I’ll just keep flying hang on a minute this looks to me like just what I’m looking for okay well it is what I’m looking for Let’s Get Busy collecting

Red Sun I don’t need that much just enough to make red Sunstone then I’m quickly Gonna Fly all the way back home and I just realized that I spent all that time getting a villager that would sell me yellow terracotta there’s an entire biome full of it yeah next time I

Need clay I know where to come even if it is about 10 000 blocks away I’ve got so far I need you know what I’ve realized something why don’t I stop wasting time and instead build a portal and do some nether travel and wow it

Took me up there but I did not know that that was gonna happen and it’s lined me up nicely to this area is that it’s time for me to get a little bit more gold to be rude not to whilst I’m here well then I’ll get a few more blocks this never

Seem to be able to get away from this place and after a couple more days I’ve got nearly four more Stacks now to get back to what I was actually working on so I mean this red Sunstone into the smooth variant then turning them into slabs and adding them around here with

That it’s starting to look pretty good and I might as well add a few extra layers up here the good thing is that as I get higher and higher it is requiring less and less gold for each layer even though it’s not a huge amount I made a

Little bit more progress looking bigger and bigger all the time next I think I should go and get stained glass of course needed a yellow light blue lime magenta and orange then they’ll be Place diagonally along here just repeating the colors over and over again so it gives

This cool rainbow effect and the gold underneath kind of makes it look like stars oh it’s just amazing it absolutely does not get any better than this and if you couldn’t tell already this Golden Palace is kind of based off a palace from Asgard it just still needs to be

Made a lot bigger and whilst I haven’t got the gold that I need I could do a little bit more to the interior down here by grabbing a bunch of cauldrons leaves and buckets didn’t expect to say this but out of all of the things Leeds

Is gonna be the one that I don’t have enough of since all the water can be added in no problem and I can place some of these down but I’m unfortunately missing seven of them which logically could mean but only one thing I must head to an oak forest get out some

Shears and get busy mining I won’t be having another Leaf problem after this kind of makes it look like Herobrine’s been in the area doesn’t it all these leadless trees but anyway I’ve got a lot of stacks I don’t know if I can count

Them all 12 and a half to be exact and I also didn’t want to continue anymore oh don’t crash into my house but yeah I didn’t want to continue anymore in case I was to break my shares like stock this up and keep seven for myself then add

These to the build that’s all I think I’m gonna do with the interior the only thing I might change is extend this Rainbow Road up to this but if I’m gonna do that I’ll do it right at the end when I’ve finished all the rest of that and

Speaking of finishing all the rest of that I first like to pop up on here to use the b-tech gold Farm which is I missed it but it’s a it’s a lot slower oh don’t go in there you would die yeah entity commenting would have killed but

You know I was very close to death to say oh come on anyway I’m gonna get these shears repaired and I don’t know why but this Farm is no longer giving me gold like the pigment are dying but nothing’s coming through anyhow but do

It do I no you know if it’s not mining and stuff it’s gonna break I just use it for XP but yeah no gold ever comes through now that’s weird I’m not risk breaking it though because of course I have a way better gold Farm which I

Might as well use and this time my aim is to definitely have enough Gold Blocks so I don’t have to come here again and I can finish the Golden Palace let’s just get busy getting as much gold as I can and that’s long enough spent here been

Collecting quite a bit of gold I really hope this time it’s gonna be enough for now I’m just gonna place these shulker boxes down and put the gold there because at this moment in time I’m not quite ready to finish it there’s another project a bit more pressing than I want

To get done and that means once again getting the red wall as well as some obsidian and then going to the place that I did say was kind of forbidden yes that’s right the land of the bats which has the red markers that must not be

Crossed and right about here is going to be I reckon the perfect spot in fact on second thoughts I can actually build it way closer to those red markers like right about here look forward to when I build a machine to disable you guys as well oh yeah more elevated for this one

Is the right place for it next I need to fly back over here grab the red wool and make yet another border so that I don’t go into the danger area the only annoying thing is I haven’t got any lily pads and they’ll probably become quite important eventually when I have to

Start placing them back in the ocean thankfully at the moment it’s all on land although that’s that’s still kind of annoying because you’ve got to go across trees yeah I’ve um I’ve not got much better at making straight lines ever after even water that’s not deep like this it’s still very annoying

Wouldn’t it be nice if I could spot a swamp nearby well the very least it’s worth giving it a try and I’d say be flying all the way home you know it’s it’s not going to be a good job when you’ve got more success fighting jungles than you have finding swamps well

There’s there’s no swamps as far as the eye can see but instead I’m just gonna give up make a portal and get them from my house all this way for a couple of lolliputs although it’s actually not going to be just for a couple of pads

Because I’m gonna grab a load of other resources as well that I’ll need to make the glow squid switch that’s almost all of it but I also need to go to my newest chest and get tinted glass realistically not sure that’ll be enough of the glass so I’m grabbing the materials to make

More just in case don’t think there’s enough in the sugar box but I’ve got an amethyst farm right here which could get me loads more new this Farm will come in handy one of these days and now to go back to the Mob switch site it has a

Room portal and a gold block normally I’m not interested in cold blocks but since I started that new gold polish project I’ll take what I can get it’s also super difficult to get to the portal that auto generated because it’s spawned in one of these massive caves

And I’m gonna like dig to it to get to it not to worry though it’s been found more gold there’s two blocks at this one and I tell you what glittery melons are going to be very useful very shortly you’ll soon see why I’ve reached this border again and it needs to be

Continued in this direction almost into the jungle but not quite it’s just mainly over water which is exactly why I got these lily buds perfect the entire board is done which means the next bit can be started step one remove this portal and build a new one above the

Nether I’ve made a good start on the Redstone completed the portals and I’m ready to do the rest of the building definitely a lot faster to build the second time around now that I know exactly what I’m doing it’s almost there just need a shovel in this dropper so

That uh you know they can detect the compared it’s got some there also needs to be Iron nuggets or just 24 items for the hopper clock finally I’ll spawn proof all this there is one thing that I did forget to bring that is the two buckets of lava and also the millions of

Flint and steel so there’s lava in here Flint in this one followed by even more flint and finally more lava that’s yet another of these completed and I want to make a quick Journey Back Home sadly on foot because I’ve run out of firework rockets and unfortunately sugarcane and

Vapor supplies are very low but I do have plenty of gunpowder if I just jump on down here swim super super fast and arrive at spawn and realize like I need pirate Rockies to get up there so I’ll swing all the way back use the tunnel and get to spawn

That Minecraft will be just so much slower without Elijah of the firework Rockets anyway there’s some sugarcane here and even more on this side compared to the bamboo I’m not really happy with the reserves I’ve got but anyway that’s something to worry about some other time

And I actually have loads of paper there anyway so I don’t know I don’t know what my problem is I just sometimes completely forget what I’m doing in Minecraft that’s a job well done next I need sponge and also snowballs which I apparently don’t have a chest for they

Also don’t have an easy way to get them because this shovel they still touched so I’m hoping there’s none other is perfect a non-sealed touch shovel combined with this snow golem then I can fill up this shulker box you’ll soon see why snowballs are incredibly incredibly

Useful so firstly the farm needs to be five chunks in this direction same position relative to it as the bat farm was the difference is that glow squids only spawn at level 30 or below I’m gonna dig out the entire chunk at this level next I’ll make a portal in the

Middle but when this portal is lit glow squids won’t spawn because it’ll create too much light unless I place tinted glass this is black stained glass got the wrong thing I would not be very useful at all instead yes the tinted glass and before I actually place it all

Down I’ve had a bit of an idea for a redstone system to make this even better while doing that will require some sticky pistons apparently sticky piston reserves are a little bit low so it’s it’s onto the Slime balls to convert the ones that I’ve already got then all the

Way along here they can be placed down on both sides and then of course I can realize that I put them at the wrong height and they actually need to be down here also do the same with these tinted glass on top followed by repeaters and

Redstone once again on both sides with a lever right here okay you know I think that’s working well we put some malt into gloss here now the ground needs to go back and the size of the rooms need extending a bit more tinted glass is needed just to finish off these edges

And then comes the ice because without water you wouldn’t get many golf squid spawning that’s the man might as well get torches as well just to light this up because of the the tinted glass it’s not going to affect anything and whilst I do have a bat switch the yeah it’s not

Currently in use as you can see so stopping them from spawning would also be a nice bonus I should be everything complete the glow squid Farm don’t know at least for the glow squid switch right here I must begin building up very very high for the AFK spots and the real

Question is now did he actually get me some glow squid since I’ve so far managed to spawn a Wandering Trader and a Pillager Patrol but can glow squids be added to that list sadly they can’t but that is probably because there’s caves around me I need to make sure that

There’s no water in them it’s exactly the reason why I brought the sponge I’m also making the spawning platform slightly higher so that less caves are included and this time it’s working perfectly we’ve got glow squid I can open that up some I’ve gone through themselves and some need a little extra

Encouragement which could happen if you just hit him with a snowball look at look at the way they just fly they go so far from the uh they’re not back so we’ll just uh coach you in any moment now you’re gonna go that way oh you’re a

Little bit high up okay oh that’s an interesting problem I have to let you fly underneath again right I may need to modify that so that Pistons move those up as well and you’d think that that would completely complete everything well unfortunately it’s not quite that simplified you can see the little

Remnants over here look at that glowing sucks yes because the glow squid you can’t really see because I’m stuck in the bottle but the glow squid die because there’s no oxygen and well there’s no water and they need water however there’s no need to worry I have

A way to solve that problem too redstone ongoing lilac and compared to lever subtraction mode you go like that as you can see it’s constantly using that dispenser and we’ve got Hoppers with chests on top and I’m going to fill quite a few of these full of healing

Pots that’s what it’s going to take to keep these squid alive also before I forget I should probably build the chunk loader on this side too as well as finely spawn proof the top of this portal that’s job done nicely also once the glow squid are in lazy chunks they

Will no longer need water they won’t drown or anything though but will you guys just leave me alone for once seriously I cannot wait to make a machine that disables you guys oh my gosh look at the lightning look at this went through a portal and he’s absolutely on a mission now

I’ve never seen them do this look how fast he’s glad oh he’s finally discovered me now Phantom’s in the nether also flying a completely the wrong direction I don’t think you’ll be able to keep up with me apparently the story just kind of broken that one’s all

Right but why have we got all these random items going but I get more blockers and fix the problem just knowing because now I’ve got to manually take everything out and send it back through the system now before I go ahead and get myself the millions and millions

Of Health pots that I need I think I’d just first like to see if I can possibly finish this build and if it’s possible so we’ll uh we’ll soon see I’ll tell you what I might just do it I’ve still got a good amount of gold left in the shulker

Box and the build is starting to get pretty high it’s not a million miles away from where it needs to be so I’ll keep going and hope for the best I’m starting to get to the final few bits up here I’m getting so so close to the top

And would you believe it I’ve run out of gold blocks I’m I’m literally nearly there don’t get much more annoying than that does it right we’re going to the gold farm and finishing this once and for all this is quickly becoming Minecraft but AFK for gold all the time

Stole that joke from uh from editor by the way that’s should be enough time especially since I’ve got the other blocks of gold that I’ve been uh crafting up in there it may have been a few thousand blocks in the making but it is finally done I also want to kind of

Clear out the snow on this pathway and get rid of this Beacon finish the bath and replace the snow there I want to fly back to the top jump down this hole and have there be a beacon right here I think I’ve just about got enough space

For it to be a full Beacon too by the looks of things which will be absolutely perfect I’ll get hastes from it I think that’s going to be the most helpful and just to change the way the top is like a bit of yellow stained glass a paint will

Just have to do and also five carpets conveniently two wall makes three and then that’s with the two that makes five quick match with SB make that beam yellow cover it all up and there it is the Golden Palace is complete and I have to say I am very very impressed with it

A place fit to become immortal but we’re not ready for that just yet no I still need to make the squid switch get a little more Notch apples and then I’ll be ready to do it get infinite hearts in hardcore never been done before I could also do it quickly repair meal actually

They’re looking worse for wear and it’s called van should easily do the trick so now is to sort out my problem with the health Bots I’m going to keep the contraption relatively simple one day I should make an amazing Brew but we haven’t got that much time left so I’ve

You know I’ve got to get on with things that’s all the building materials don’t actually need all that Redstone by the way and I also do need quite a few nuggets just to go inside the Hoppers and stuff now eventually maybe an offshoot of this room needs to be a mass

Brewer but right now I’m giving it short simple sweet so I’ll make the contraption right here this is what I’ve got so far these droppers will contain the ingredients that will go into The Hoppers and into the brewing stand this is where the timer items are going to go

And these are more for a sorting kind of thing so that you know only one item can go in at a time and there we go it’s done the redstone’s here it’s just you know I ain’t gonna explain it all it just is the way it detects stuff and

Then if it detects its own and this is now the machine can be on that’s off yeah it it all works though at least we’re gonna find out if it works anyway as you know blaze powder is going to be very very important and of course bottles they’re going to be very very

Necessary you can use this Farm to get more another walk just a planting there’s unfortunately a lot of effort also need the glistering melon slices gunpowder and glowstone dust just going to expand this a little bit because it’s going to be filled with water bottles and you know you need plenty of space

For that also can put a little bit of Glowstone down here with ice on top to make water to fill the bottles now let’s add these to here once I add a million water bottles the machine should be ready to go uh now it’s it I think it I

Don’t know if it’s I’ve done something wrong I’ve just gotta wait for these these nuggets to come across all right I was a little bit worried for a second there we go now okay this is not working properly okay well now it is working properly but that’s not meant to do that

Let’s just get those out of there obviously just one or two teething problems as it gets going but everything’s flowing through nicely and this chest is filling up okay not with you it isn’t I was having issues but I realized that this is going to be two

Ticks delay I had it on one before so now I’ve fixed it and now it works beautifully I’ve turned it off now but I had to make a few modifications to this to make it work properly I did a nice little T flip-flop thing here because it

Was sending two pulses so I kind of factored that into the design what’s an extra repeat here because this was going up and then letting extra bottles and stuff so yeah we’ve got loads of laws in fact I don’t even think I have the space

To take all of them I’d better pop to my house and grab an extra shulker box or two and apparently somewhere along the line I did run out of Glowstone so these ones are just healing one I said there’s a lot that I just healing one and I

Don’t think that’ll be good enough for the squid so we need just only the healing two ones but all of that should be more than enough now let’s fly all the way back up here and all of them to the machine it’s three double chest words it should be enough I really hope

All this works because this is something I haven’t tested too extensively I have tested it once but there’s no 100 guarantee so I’ll begin by turn this off well on should I say and it’s it’s a dispatch them all as you can see I’ve got to get out of here ASAP before it

Runs out of them it’s not even squid in there then we fly up to the top here and I would say wait for squid to spawn but have a sneaky suspicion that I forgot to flick the lever that will turn off the light of the portal yeah I did so whilst

We have got a squid all the way in the corner there more will be able to spawn now that it’s much darker according to a three seven have spawned at least three of those seven are down here which isn’t too bad of a rate don’t you do that get back in

There come on that’s it go through come on let’s keep you where we want you to be I’ll try and sell them through at like the same kind of time so through and through because there’s going to be a bit of a portal cool down you see I

And I’m trying to say basically every time something goes through the portal it loads those chunks meaning that for 15 seconds the squid are taking damage that the potions are being dispensed so if I send one after another for 15 and then 15 I’m gonna use more potions and I

I don’t know if I quite have enough for that so sending as many through as I can at the same time is the goal pretty sure there’s now enough glow squid in there but I’m going to send through one more batch just to be sure there we go

Hopefully they don’t die hopefully yeah hopefully this just works I suppose now it’s time for the real mama troop I’m actually really worried that I didn’t get enough Health pots there is already some that have sadly died but the question is will there be enough alive

Left I’ve gotta I’ve got to work fast when I get through um I I think we run out of things we run out to sbu absolute idiots I’ve done the calculations and I now know what I must do first grab more glowstone dust trade with this guy to grab loads

Of glass craft more glistering melons then use this machine to brew loads and also manually Brew them I’ve sat here brewing for quite some time and I’ve got like pretty much four shulker boxes worth which in my opinion is a pretty solid amount of work and the Auto Brewer

Has also been working away but nowhere near as fast as manual doing five at once because obviously this is just doing one brewing stand speed at once other ones are doing five yeah way way quicker I I think guys I’ve got no choice but to suspend the glow squid

Switch I really try not to go over time and I’ve still got to get infinite hard now I can do with the north chapels I’ve got I maybe worried more I know I’d have some not doubles left over but that doesn’t matter we’re just we’re just gonna have to power through you’ve

Watched the entire video to see how this is going to be done so you know I I can’t disappoint you let’s do it let’s become immortal in Hardcore Minecraft I’ve got the notchables like 96 it’s probably enough there’s this is ironically the first episode which I

Didn’t get any new Notch apples as well the one where I wanted them let’s not worry about that let’s craft loads of golden apples I think that many should be enough as long as I have the same amount of Notch apples and golden apples I’m fine so yeah I’ve got loads of them

That’s good I was also gonna make a machine that automates this but it can be done manually as well so you know I I I’m just not going to waste time with with creating dispensers but I’m still gonna stand right here in my spot so all

You have to do and I better get this right is if you eat a Notch Apple okay and then straight away eat a golden apple nothing happens it didn’t work just kidding just kidding it gives you absorption 4 as you can see on the right and watch what happens when that

Absorption runs out it’s got just two seconds left but now watch my heart to the bottom it runs out and do I I don’t lose all my absorption I still have six hearts now what happens if I eat another Notch Apple by a golden apple oh my goodness look

How many I’ve got now and just wait another two minutes for that to run out I now have 12 Hearts it’s it’s it’s okay as you can see um and then I just go like this and do that and yeah you could you can guess what’s

Gonna happen next and look at this it runs out and then it does another two seconds of it and then that stops and because it’s like you get double absorption because you have two golden apples I’ve now got 28 hours until these don’t run out by the way these just act

As normal Hearts I don’t really want to take damage because I don’t want to use them up but I gotta prove it to you if I go like this okay well I didn’t damage my arm is too good oh wow the snow’s coming as well but if I go like this

Look at that I lost half up but it’s it’s still there I mean they don’t they don’t regen but they just did it it’s gonna really annoy me that I’m just gonna have half a heart now isn’t it I’m gonna lose the other half please thank

You there we go and I could just keep going I’ll just do it again now I’ve got over 30 Hearts it just basically takes me two minutes to get an extra six hearts every time but it’s an insane trick I mean I’m I’m going to be

Undefeatable by the time if I have every single one of these not chapels I’ll have 600 Hearts yeah try dying with 600. that’s a ridiculous amount for now I’ll just focus on getting to 100 and once I eat this followed by another one I have over 100 hearts in total just difficult

To see because the more you have they like stack together they don’t spread out as much I have got a little bit over time but I don’t know I I want way more Hearts I’m just gonna keep waiting every two minutes so I can’t really speed this

Up so I’m just gonna continue to get a load more and once I’ve used up all my nut shovels yeah I think I’ve got more than enough Hearts I’m not gonna going because you know it’s time the videos yeah it’s gone long enough basically but

I think it’s safe to say with this many hearts I’m pretty much Immortal in hardcore this ocean has a mine shaft below it and I’m gonna completely transform it step one I need snow lots and lots of snow plus some spruce And also ice that should all be enough now I’m gonna put back all my Notch apples fly over here and this is the place where I’m gonna build everything I’ll Tower up in the middle bridge out and build a massive Circle all around now that that’s done I’ll make it more

Circular later I need more resources like mycelium mushroom and mushrooms oops that that wasn’t supposed to happen anyway to drain all of this water I’ll need sponge I’ve got three stacks here but to remove all of this I’m gonna need much much more from monuments that’s Elder Guardian one down and the second

And finally the third from there I can grab the sponge and do it all over again Thank you that’s four and a half stacks ready to be dried which is definitely enough next is to the nether where I need a Crimson Forest which is full of nyliam and that is to a wall forest for wolves and alien to be added to my collection and whilst them in a biome

Full of fossils I’ll grab bone blocks fungi and lava now to head home fly far far away and arrive at a Mesa to collect more items such as clay red sand more clay more sand and even more clay I’ve also found a massive Lush cave which will be great for getting moss

As well as drip leaves and Spore blossoms I’m happy with all of that and I’ll tell you what I’m not happy with the durability needs a light track so I’ll fly up and out of here drop off the stuff head over this way get rid of a

Captain and I can repair everything at the ravager XP farm and that is 737 levels and not to mention that every single one of my tools are repaired now I’m taking all of this dirt so that I can significantly improve this so-called Circle first by removing all of the dirt

Around the Edge from there I can make a brand new Circle that I hope is going to look a little bit better there we go that definitely looks much much better all this water is gonna have to go but for the majority of it I’ve realized

Sponge is not the best idea since it took me absolutely ages to drain this place that way instead I’m gonna grab some iron build a beacon that gives me haste too and flatten off all of this terrain a big enough area for the next phase has been mined so I can remove

This Beacon and unfortunately during all that mining my silk touch pickaxe did break and to make a new one I have to buy more books and use precious levels to put them all together well level 737 was nice whilst it lasted now back to business in order to create this massive

Build I need to drain all of this faster than anyone else can the plot is to use a water removing machine that requires all of these items put some water breathing because I’m getting sick of drowning how to remove extra kelp next I need obsidian pillars

I must fly over here to add some leaves and all of the Redstone now for a matching system on this side which is a bit more complicated we’re gonna look something like this now to repeat the same thing on this side now the machines can be started and the trenches will be made Both have reached the bottom and they quickly destroyed then I must build sweepers to remove all the rest of the water it involves a lot of leaves return pads and the actual sweepers now that they’re done I can place ladders and drain the entire thing All right they’ve successfully made it to the bottom where they can be removed and I could remove the rest using sponge but instead I’m going to begin work making the border of the build which will require a lot of concrete powder that can be converted to concrete that’s

A job well done these can be filled up and operation build a massive Circle can begin which has to be built all the way up to the top and I also can’t forget to fill in underneath it as well perfect this bottom bit is ready to be drained

When I want to but before that I want to keep adding more layers I’m now on the final two layers I need to place to get to the top the whole thing’s taking like over 80 stacks of concrete it’s crazy tell you what it’s it’s done to look

Pretty impressive and once all the water is actually fixed I’m sure it’ll look great and speaking of water I think it might be time for you to get rid of all of this that’s gonna mean grabbing all my sponge plus a load of temporary blocks then I can build some walls and

Place down lots of sponge one section down plenty more to go it takes a while but it has to be said that using sponge is very very satisfying now on to the last section I maybe made it a little bit too wide but the strategy is kind of

Working let the doctor make another trip to another to dry my sponge and I don’t mind if it takes a few more than it theoretically should that’s job done I’ll get rid of these a lot quicker to create this than it took to create that

One let me say and I think it’s wisely to go ahead and repair all my equipment because 15 layers of those now need to be dug out to have space for everything and so the gold Farm is gonna be the best place now that’s all sorted I’m

Gonna grab TNT and get to work blowing all of this up and yes that especially includes you wondering Trader’s just doing my head it’s probably gonna break that wall but I don’t care I want to see the ball blob and it didn’t oh that’s brilliant good stuff the TNT Let’s uh

Give it a light and just watch the destruction yeah nothing too crazy but if I do this get busy placing then I can light it all up and watch the massive Xbox oh my goodness my walls even an idiot could have seen that coming but not the stupid sp737 so I think it’s

Wise that I do some repairs then I can build a beacon and mine all of this out the old-fashioned way that won’t destroy all my there’s no other way but slow and steady [Applause] and that is Operation excavation complete the plan is going to be to have this entire thing split into seven

Different biomes with really cool mine shaft connecting it all up it does mean that this entire top platform is going to be a bit thicker than just a circle around the outside and it’s also going to have pillars coming out like this that split up each of the biomes it’ll

Look really cool when it’s finished but for now I just wanted to get a bit of an outline in place that can be completely filled in with concrete so you can probably start to see just how it’s going to take shape I’ll probably build these pillows up at the end because

There’s going to be quite a bit of them covered up so I want to save as much clay as I can although I do have these stacks of place there that won’t go into a shocker box so I might as well at least build up a little bit of a pillow

There we go not quite enough to finish it although these blocks down here are spare so I can finish it and I’m not going to use this opportunity to sort something that’s been annoying me for some time no not you guys as annoying as you all are instead it’s the fact that

The water doesn’t flow all the way up to these edges so the first border goal is to remove these obsidian pillars this is definitely not the most fun or the most fast job that’s the first pillar down onto the next and the second one down oh hang on a minute

Well wait wait wait the water’s fixing itself it’s a miracle I don’t have to there’s me think I’m going to spend like an hour fixing all the water just look at it go I’ll tell you what guys I am too genius for my own good I can even

Control the Lord you’ve heard part another Red Sea this is uh oh well that’s not work I’m about to say this is putting the Red Sea back together I suppose removing the obsidian fixes everything look at that I break that and I I can’t really show you because I’m

Minding the obsidian but again it’s oh look at it I look so cool isn’t it it really does it’s like a a Water Pyramid away it goes I’ll get rid of another Tower there we go it looks like remove that obsidian has set this I think it’s

Done oh and it looks way better isn’t it way way better now the water is connected to it I do still want to terraform everything up to it at some point but right now the priority is to remove the rest of the obsidian and that’s perfect I think I’m ready to

Start building the inside started to terraform up the terrain my first priority is just to terraform a bit of a flaw I think the biggest thing with terraforming is just to keep it nice and random so as you can you know it’s starting to come together

I’m happy with what I’ve done for now I mean there is there is gaps everywhere and stuff it still needs filling in but I’ll drop off all of this and first begin work on the nether section I wanted to be a mix of warps and crimson

And this is the gonna be the Crimson section and for this first bit I’m just gonna build a bit of a staircase upwards so it goes up to the top of it and I kind of wait to wrap back around something like this at this point I’m

Going to kind of make it go into two paths like this I’m also going to decorate the walls of this bridge with various things such as copper Blackstone gray concrete I’m gonna have a bit of a warp section here as well just in a round so that it kind of goes this way

It doesn’t look like too much but but it is kind of get in there I think I can just do some tough since I completely forgot to bring it and with that I can start filling in the gaps and just kind of mixing in stone as well it’s actually

Really starting to take shape it needs some warped parts to it because it’s very red at the moment which is maybe a problem I also want to add more decorational lamps around the area just to keep it all nicely decorated little mean I would have went to be too plain

At all do we if I grab Crimson trap doors along with the fences I can kind of make a bit of a look at this brilliant we can make a nice nice little border all the way around the outside that is this built all the way up to the

Top I can have a bit of warp nalium all the way up here so that adds a little bit of blue contrast now to add concrete here this is where kind of the pillars are going to come in I’ll also place down lava and have it pouring from the

Sky and a little bit more into here and these pools will all kind of flow into each other with even more lava coming from the sky that’s all of the lover done and I’ve just finally add a bit of fire around the area I’ve got an extra

Bit of decoration and another section is officially complete now that it’s kind of pillowed in everything I think it looks great I cannot wait to build the rest of them but I can’t make them that complicated otherwise I will not Finish the build that it is just way yeah I

Mean it looks great but I don’t have time for that so I want this section here to be a bit of a desert one trying to use as little Resource as possible but that does mean I’ve kind of got to place blocks every time I want to blaze

A bit of sun I’ve terraformed up this edge here and I’m steadily adding some to the top but I’d also like to build a bit of a fossil up here to really give it that desert-like feel I’m also kind of making each one the same just so I

Can otherwise I’ll just make it too complicated this is the final Edge I’m gonna do I want to place down all of a sand it’s mission accomplished or at least it will be once I’ve finished filling this Gap in the wall let’s see how it looks from a distance I tell you

What it is starting to come together and because it wasn’t quite as complicated that one I did build it way way faster I’ll keep everything simple again I’m gonna do a one that’s just like a grassy one with water flowing like waterfalls I think it looked really good and I

Thought my days would sound more over but I would like a little water ball with a stream and it will just look a lot better if the bottom of it is sand rather than dirt since it’ll just make a nicer contrast and water’s not an issue

We’ve got loads Island a little bit of extra sand in there too so I’ll completely fill all of this up yes it’s looking pretty good I will decorate it with grass and flowers and stuff later but from a top viewer yeah it is look at it it’s really just coming to life the

Entire thing this is yet another area that is going to be a pool of water so of course it needs sun I’m also going to have even more sand in a ball all the way up here and the water can drop down like this to make yet another waterfall

And then this bit needs to be completely filled in with water with that I haven’t slept in so long that just Phantoms are non-stop spawning if I go like above why level 60. I’m not gonna finish decorating this one because time is of the essence and I want to get as much of

This build done as possible I don’t know if I’ll quite get everything done but I’m gonna go for it as usual I’m gonna focus on all the terrain first and all the decorations can be done at the end I know it looked good at the end of it but

Placing all of these snow layers is just so much effort all the snow that I want down is pretty close to being done and in here I’m gonna build a bit of a secret cave we won’t know who lives in this cave but it’s gonna be a little

Little bed down here I want a campfire as well that can go there with moss carpet around it and finally a chest and a furnace and then this will be the little cave I just need to terraform the top of it and it’ll look good I hope I

Suppose we’ll find out shortly just a few more stairs around I’ll put a few maybe one upside down and I think it’s it’s come together nicely is this uh this cave cool little secret for the build I do also want like a cabin here made of spruce and stuff I’ve kind of

Started to mark it out but I’ve got a crack on all right I’ve got to just get as many of these done as I can so I’ll add me coming later but from the top this is really starting to look like a proper build just look at it it’ll be

Amazing when it’s finished hopefully that’s today but I wouldn’t hold your breath it’s just about everything that I’m gonna need and this time I’m gonna be doing a Mesa bio as far as all these biomes go this is definitely gonna be one of the simpler ones that’s another

Tower completed there we go the terrain pie is done but but this is a mine shaft you don’t believe it because you can’t see it but I think it’s time we added some of that part at least it will be once I’ve added a few fences to this bit

Down here just so it feels a bit more like a boardwalk from there I’ve got to track down my spruce chest there’s at least some in here can’t remember where I put the rest of it I give up I’ve completely lost it so I’ll just strip

And mine all of these so as much as I can of some pillars fly back home grow more and mine it all up that should be plenty exactly 10 Stacks yes it’s a very good amount and now the building can resume it’s a bit of a painful blend but

I’m gonna have campfires that go all the way along to the other side and then there’ll be more here as well although you’re facing the wrong way all I know is I’m probably gonna end up taking a lot of damage operation get to the other side is complete and every three blocks

There’s gonna be mud brick slabs in between from there I’m gonna add a few more pillars and I want them to be stairs supporting underneath as well and what do you think these are going to be added all over it to really give it that

Mind shaft feel and I think I’ll add a few like broken tracks this way since it’s kind of meant to be an abundant major looking good and then I could have it move into a second proper track that’s gonna go all the way over here I think I’ll have this one stop here

Whether I extend it more I don’t know but it could just be cool that it just kind of stops but I can have another one I’m thinking underneath it so I’ve I’ve built these two pillars next to each other and it can be coming out of the

Mushroom I don’t know how far across but you just I don’t know I think I need to build this next one though so I can know for sure I also know I have more mushroom and another shocker box I just can’t remember which one that’s looks

For me in the store in my like today searching through shulker boxes now I can get busy placing everything down and now that I’m not placing sand it’s just so so much easier because I have to worry about gravity the terrains are evolving slowly getting there but for

The mushrooms as well I kind of want to use this white terracotta as the stem and put red mushroom on top I think it looks pretty good which means I’m gonna try and build another one over here and yeah that sounds fairly happy with that one as well now I could continue with

The terraforming I’ve almost terraformed it all the way up to the top there we go I’ll fly away because some stupid Phantoms of spawns basically the moment I go above sea level they’re after me but hey if you want a quick preview of how he’s looking it is actually starting

To look insane there’s just one biome left to go but before I move on I wouldn’t mind adding a few more mushrooms around it has to be said it’s looking brilliant look at that all it’s missing is that I swoop down here and grab water once I’ve plucked up these

Gaps here I can start filling it in fantastic plus I can have a nice little water feature up here just don’t really bring it to life so that is mushroom biome done but I would of course like to add a little Minecart Track coming out of here with slabs in between and stairs

Underneath all right final biome What’s it gonna be I decided to mix it up a little bit and not go for an outside biome but instead an underground one yes this is where all the musty items are going to come in handy because it’s going to be themed around a lush cave as

You would expect down here it’s going to be primarily Moss blocks but right around here I also want to make a massive Mangrove tree that’s that’s kind of you know a mix of planks and a mix of the lugs just to give the section A little bit of character definitely kind

Of starting to take shape I’m just gonna put some grass blocks here because this is part of another section I’m going to fill it in with coal oil and these are like three big Roots they’re all going to connect to one tree and I think the

Tree can be made more of Spruce than just Mangrove since I’ve still got plenty of spruce available and If I build a bit of a pillar next to this tree I can have a track going out of it and along there I’ve got my plan I’ve

Just got to get this tree finished and and all around it basically so this is where it’s kind of got to I don’t know if it fully works really well now we’ll get it’s kind of just the way that these roots I’ve got them going into the

Terrain is the thing I settled on in the end and prepare I can just keep terraforming up with things like moss and dirt you know just kind of keep it I I think just random is the secret with terrain and that’s the top pretty much done just need to fill in this add

Decorations and finally grab some water to fill up these pools sorted for this layer now to do the same in this one and finally this one down here and I think that that pretty much leaves it done it’s got most of the decorations I want gotta hurry up and wrap things up you

Know I’ve gone over quite a bit but I wouldn’t mind if I could just have a few glow berries like hanging around all up there just as a bit of extra decoration you know just to bring it to life a little bit make it feel like it’s it’s

The top of a blush cave it’ll take a while to grow but once they do I’m sure it’ll be great and the absolute final thing I want to do before me editor kills me for going so far over time is just make one last track going across

This way track’s done now I’m just doing the slabs which I apparently didn’t bring enough of come on SB Basics and then there also needs to be pillars to support it and stairs underneath and I’m also doing one more track along here because I feel like the desert needs to

Be connected all right and you know what I I think I think we leave it there look at it it’s crazy I do still want to build a bit of a cabin there finish decorating that bit but as a general top down view oh my goodness it’s beautiful

Look at it and the mine shaft just coming right through the middle this is absolutely insane I don’t think you can really tell what the news decorate anyway I mean I guess the top of that needs more on the top of that one but

Yeah it’s it looks good I I if I do say so myself and no do you know what it’s time for it’s time that I did something about this megabase I get the impression that you’re not happy that I I noted the inside of it so I’m gonna sort it out

This will be a lot faster if I had ice too and there is gonna need to be a beacon beam in the middle so I’ll get one made right here that is now much much better that should be enough now to nip back home grub like blue concrete as

Well as stained glass and then I can complete the walls mission accomplished another layer of glass that is gonna go at this level because it’s gonna be faster if I just do it from up here isn’t it and in theory it should really help with that cloudy effect that I’m

Going for I also want to dig this entire floor out to make it dark low concrete although I’m not sure I fully like this so I’m gonna dig a little bit of it out and instead the blue will be a border of sorts that does mean that I have to head

Home again to grab some concrete that will go in the floor as expected this is unfortunately nowhere in here as much as I need and would you believe it nearly out of gravel just one attack left I think it’s time I went out and collected

Some more what’s the best way to do that well if I dig down right about here I’ll go straight to Lava maybe not my best idea once we’ve locked that up and realized that there was absolutely nothing to worry about and I do a little bit of mining along I’ll come to the

Ancient debris Canyons these are full of gravel making it a great way to collect it off I don’t know why but for some reason it’s it’s literally the world’s shortest tunnel so I’m hoping it connects to another one down here yep indeed it does with gravels scattered everywhere that’s over one sugar box

Worth the master is still quite a bit of gravel down here I’ve got more important things to be getting on with such as making sand concrete placing it down and then changing all of this Stone under here to instead be light blue concrete yes it’s gonna take quite a while but

It’ll be worth it so when it’s done that is that’s all done just discovered there’s a missing sea London right here I’m sure no one will notice if I’d just borrow it from here as good as new and next I’m gonna fix up all the terrain that means grabbing a load of grass

Blocks and placing them down it’s actually gonna require a lot more glass to Big places I first thought but it’ll be worth it in the end and whilst doing this I’ve just discovered a sugar box full of iron blocks and I apparently completely forgot about plus this is the

Place where the wireless Redstone machine used to be well that is a very nice find indeed and I don’t think this Beacon is really needed anymore especially considering with this build above it that it doesn’t even work and it’s all terrain completely fixed and even though it is snowing there’s still

Parts like this that are in the rain so I’ll fly home grab snow and then grab even more so that it can be placed all around the base that should be enough snow placed I’ve even got the world’s rarest block right here and it is definitely looking much much better next

I’m going to Mark out the area for a build that will be a massive Brewing Station definitely way bigger and way better than this simple one I built over here it’s also going to include pearlescent frog lights so I’ll get those placed down and the staircase down

Here is where the Brew is going to be because the Brew is going to be underground because it’s a massive Redstone build that’s gonna look a little bit messy and this building’s just gonna be the building you come in to use it and that’s going to look

Really really nice and fancy so that’s why I’ve got to put the actual Brewing underground so that everything looks as nice as it possibly can due to the sheer size of this contraption it’s gonna be a very very deep staircase this right here is definitely low enough now to fly back

To my house grab purple blocks to turn them into stairs and layer them all the way down didn’t expect that I’ve actually got enough from here a massive room is gonna have to be dug out and if you think I’m going to try that without HD you’ve got another thing coming so

I’ll grab the iron build the Pyramid and activate haste too and now I can dig at a much better rate first things first I’m gonna mine out this entire first layer then plug up this lava remove the dirt drop off all the junk grab shulker boxes repair my pickaxe swap my pickaxe

So that I can grab lots of cobblestone to fill up these shulker boxes and now with this plan I’ll mine out a massive room Foreign accomplished or at least it would be but didn’t forget that I need to mine up a bunch of players underneath these stairs for the underground Redstone I’m trying to be very very careful that I don’t break another pickaxe my fortune one has sadly already been lost but the pigment

Will prepare this and my pickaxe is just broken again so close to being done too I’m just being an idiot with that I don’t know this time I’ll craft two of them and use two of these precious netherride ingots then buy the books combine them and add them to the

Pickaxes I’ll never get to level a thousand if I keep using the bomb exp anyway I’ll just keep Mining and that’s it job done finally I don’t have to find another single piece of stone all the Cobble can go into storage I’d better collect up these extra bits and that’ll

All be very very useful as I’m still gonna need loads of pistons and also observers now I have three main projects ahead of me and the first one will be the massive building for Brewing it’s gonna require quite a few purple items but I pretty much used them all up for

The stairs I have a few chorus fruits but it’s just not enough I also have a farm all the way down here which when harvested looks pretty cool as they all disappear and gives me almost two stacks plus some glowing I guess it’s kind of useful but even if I replenish it and

Wait for a bit that’s definitely not going to be enough for the amount that I’m going to need so instead I’ve got Plan B go to the end say hello to the millions of dragons all over the place fly through a Gateway and then just go absolutely crazy mine in the chorus

Fruit it’s so easy to break because the bottom one just removes everything else and when you go around Gathering them all off the ground you end up with a decent amount but I want more lots and lots more so basically not gonna stop until every plant on this island has

Completely gone actually that was a lie I’m gonna leave one lone Sprout just to save Minecraft’s ozone layer apparently sentiment is not happy with my deforestation plan so I’ll uh I’ll make a swift Escape it also looks so bare behind me I feel very kind of bad I

Better get out of here and whilst I’m in the end I’m gonna try a challenge that could lose my hardcore World it requires tripwires string and a whole load of boats all the items are going in this shulker box and I mean everything then I take the boats and have to get across

There I shouldn’t really be risking 5 000 days in hardcore like this but here goes nothing you can place the boat on the string you just need to make sure there’s a new boat every time now to do it again hopefully I make it to the other side

Here goes nothing you just gotta make sure you place them early enough and don’t scroll wrong yes but um how am I gonna get back oh don’t worry whilst I was over there from the sugar box I I did get some Spruce logs because I I knew that there was no for escaping

I’m not that stupid okay guys starting with a giant dome in the middle it will be made out of purple glass I also got a lot of inspiration for this build from 80 craft he has a futuristic series which is very very cool and helps me with this structure that’s the Dome

Complete and it’s gonna have a massive tube at the top but going up really high from here I’m gonna start work on another Dome like this this is gonna be more of a big circular severe and now you’re probably starting to see why I needed so much gloss this next layer is

Going to be a ring of iron and frog lights and it’s back to placing glass the full sphere is complete and now another tube of it is gonna be built which will then have another massive glass sphere in it this is the last one I promise you and trust me when it’s

Done it will look very very cool it’s exactly the same as the previous one in that it is iron and frog lights around for one layer followed by more glass and there we go the top is complete although right now it’s um yeah it doesn’t look

Very good does it but don’t you worry about that it will be vastly improved however the first things first I’m gonna add respawn anchors for the interior it’s not gonna be for the entire floor as in areas like this I want to add purple concrete with glass on top the

Inside is almost complete just going to add a bit more to these walls and now for the risky bit I’m gonna charge up every single one of these it’s now looking pretty cool but if I accidentally right click a single one it’ll blow up so I’ve got to be very

Very careful this next job is kind of tedious but I want to get all of these walls completely done it basically just involves a load of precise Mining and then filling in the gaps all of it is now down I think it looks kind of cool

Now to offload all this rubbish and I’m definitely going to now need more purple concrete thankfully it’s super easy to craft and also convert and with all of this I can start building some spiraling Towers which will make it look much much better oh no there’s no stop too and

It’s basically going to be one on this side and another one on this side they’re both coming along nicely but still need to go away way higher so I’d better get busy building foreign But I bet that one looked pretty epic and my oh my how good does this look at least we were just one thing left to do to finish the building and that is to grab string and cover the top with it these iron things will also need

Covering but I’m just gonna wait for it to snow until I bother with that because then it just makes it easier to see where you need to play stuff I’m also going to grab a few extra items just to add a bit of a decorational thing here

And also the same on the other side nice one it just it just gives it some decoration I don’t know if I’ll actually keep it or not but I think it’s something extra and I also want n Rod pillars connecting the circles like this looking good I also want more along here

And here as well now to do the same connecting these two that is the build completely finished and I’m very pleased with how the final product looks now making that building was actually the easy part the huge Brewing System down here is where it’ll get complicated but

Trust me it will be amazing and it will be worth it but before I do that I’d like to do something slightly less complicated but but still not that easy and that is to make a pedal whilst I do have all of these cool custom portals down here a feather noddle is something

That I never ended up doing first things first black concrete around the outside and then in here I want to add all the black glazed terracotta easiest way to make the pattern work is to place them all like that and then you go ahead and do all the gaps followed by turning a

Third time fill in these gaps and then complete the blanks next it’ll have red stained glass on top and operation of the floor is done in these Corners we’re gonna have some glowstone and a black concrete border a red leather Rick slab roof is also going to be part of it to

Make a pedernal I have my update suppressor ready and it’s switched off next I need to build a normal nether portal that’s the easy part turn on the suppressor and break these obsidian next I have to destroy everything and build it one block higher that lets me break

More obsidian and using water I can remove Portal blocks and replace them with obsidian it’s looking good I think now to move everything up a layer again and repeat the process with these three obsidian the middle is complete and I just need to remove the remaining obsidian mission accomplished as you can

See in the gaps of these black pillars we’re going with Glowstone and that’s because on top of those there’s going to be glass I’m actually going to make it so there is black concrete behind the portal blocks because it’ll just make them stand out quite a bit more on the

Roof it slabs everywhere and then the final thing will be to box in the areas behind the glass since a planter fill it up with lava I’ll grab a couple of sugar boxes worth plus extra sea lanterns and light blue glass with those I can fill

In these so that with the glass in front it makes a nice Corridor on this section I’m going to risk my life and place down the lava I suppose it can barely because there’s risk of a life but hey you just never know the biggest mistake I could

Make is if I accidentally let some lava flow onto the portal and it broke that would that would be the worst ending ever but it didn’t happen instead the room of the better not all is complete and I really really like it and the next job which is quite an important

One is to repair up the mega base that’s mission accomplished so I’ll mine up the entire update suppressor and offload all these items now it’s time for the monster project of the video if I just fly over to this fancy new building and head down the stairs in here is gonna be

The mother of all Brewing machines okay it’s gonna be massive filled to the brim with redstone it’s it’s gonna be a big project I also don’t really want to be working around where there’s bats everywhere so I’ll quickly activate the bat switch which will let me work happily away without any butt

Interruptions I was also going to build a massive Auto stories that was going to be connected to the massive Brewer which is why this room was just so absolutely massive but I’ve decided there’s just no point me doing that for what I need so this massive room is way bigger than it

Needs to be and I have way more items that I actually need as well for all the building but they’ll just be handy they’ll be spare items for future so it’s definitely not the end of the world and just because it’s going to be slightly smaller than I originally

Planned don’t think that that doesn’t mean that it’s going to be an absolutely crazy build and the speed of the bruised potions at is just going to be so so fast the Redstone is coming along nicely but like a shulker box here full of glass bottles it will have a way to

Restock the shulker boxes later but it’s something I definitely don’t want to be in danger of running out of didn’t quite fill the sugar box but that’s not too important I think I’ve got enough and the view of this machine is it’ll also autofill all your glass bottles to have

Water in them so the storage is way more compact I’ve also maybe put this in a little bit earlier because now it’s emptying it out and doing all of that as you can see it’s not a particularly complicated build just a lot of Hoppers droppers and and everything else Under

The Sun anyway I’m gonna get the Brewing stands down and they’re just gonna staircase upwards like this the next set of brain stands will be somewhere up here but before I can add those there’s loads more Redstone to be added I can also begin work on the platform that I’m

Actually going to be standing on which is is probably the Least Complicated part out of everything it’s always nice to do a bit of building that isn’t complicated and it’s nice and easy to understand needless to say I have not designed this entire Redstone Contraption it’s it’s a little bit too

Complicated for me it’s by Andrew’s Tech MC and I will link it in the description because it is definitely definitely worth building once again you think of all these bats flying around because they open and close my world the trunk loader turned off so the bat switch is

No longer loaded but if I fly on over there I can activate the trunk loader and work in a bat-free environment at least until I reload my world anyway that’s this platform complete so now I can get back to doing a redstone even more Brewing stands can go along here I

Know you probably get what I mean by the whole staircase thing there’s gonna be more up here at some point an interesting mechanic that this uses is that the composters kind of have to have a little bit of stuff in them and that gives out a different signal just a cool

Extra thing that I thought I’d tell you about it’s also time that I added a few Minecart chests around so there’s going to be one in there plus loads of them at this end here so the fully brewed potions will be shot at those dispensers into this water tube and then they’ll be

Said all the way across here and into these Hoppers where they were quickly very very quickly fill a shulker box here I also need even more Minecart chests I thought I’d only need about six or seven but it’s working out that I need a lot more than that because they

Have to keep being stacked up along here and the easiest way to place them down is just to have blocks like that these on top then Place those break it all and mission accomplished now to continue building up even more Redstone the contraption is absolutely massive and

It’s still quite a bit to go just a little progress update as you can see it is all coming together the Redstone is coming along nicely because there’s so many different ingredients and items and combinations for Brewing that’s why it’s uh it’s had to have so many different

Like roads for stuff and yeah pretty complex and make sure that as many Bros stands can be filled as quick as possible because we don’t want a slow one we want a super super fast Brewing System finally the bulk of the Redstone is done and I can start adding the

Chests which will hold shulker boxes full of the ingredients I can also make a platform to stand on out of slabs right here and I can lay develop every single one of these chests and that ladies and gentlemen is the entire thing completed got quite a bit of messing

About but I think I have got it working now basically did have to manually put full of sugar boxes into the slots and add like blaze powder to certain evidence and all sorts and certain water bottles and stuff but yeah it’s now complete this is the fastest function Brewer in Minecraft

A lot of the combination I’m gonna flick this lever press this button and start a timer to see how long it takes this Barrel to fill with shulker boxes the way the items get distributed is pretty cool and the speed it makes these healing pods is insane and in 11 minutes

And 15 seconds we have got an entire Barrel’s worth I may never need to use a bring Stander ever again now I’m going to say something that sounds completely ridiculous considering I’m in a world that I’ve been in for over 5 000 days but I’m always running out of weight I

Feel like I need to build a massive wheat farm so I don’t have that problem again I did have my tower of slavery but something happened to all these villagers and that they’re no longer with us working away and they would only get me bread anyway not really wheat I

Mean I know there is some weight in here but that’s because I modified the bottom until that guy got stuck in the gut it’s just a mess so I’m gonna stop using villagers as slaves and instead just do the work myself I reckon the place to build it should be right around here

It’s already a fairly flat area which is very handy the storage is going to be there and Hoppers are going to run into it plus Hoppers will run along this way too from here I need my trusty dirt I’m also going to remove The Hoppers add

Glass and I end up with something that looks like this the next planet is to have Pistons actually I’ve changed my mind about how they are instead I’ll put glass here and pistons pointing downwards the reasoning behind that is just so that it’s easier to activate

Them because now all they have to do is have concrete next to them and Redstone Dust along here and they should all extend and now my plan is to place loads of these in a row keep adding Redstone till it runs out of power which is right

About there so give it another repeater more Redstone and pistons can be added all the way along from there I shall extend out the dirt so these platforms are now much wider next I’ll run this glass all the way along and place it as a border so the water doesn’t drip out

And then quite an important bit is needed along here in fact so important that I forgot to make a space for it and that is the water without it tilling the ground would not be very successful as you can tell I completely forgot about it because this entire build is now a

Little bit skew If instead of the repeater being here it should be here where there’s no piston and this glass should also be removed to make this whole platform a couple of blocks wider you know I’m starting to think that just using the villagers as slaves is much

Much easier than what I’m doing right now but I suppose I can’t keep doing that forever so there’s no time like the president to do my own manual wheat farming now before I actually do any more of this build I just want to double check it actually works and the water

Flows so I’ve tilled the ground set it all up if I break this torch it should all open up come on be satisfying go all the way stop just before the Hoppers it’s beautiful it’s beautiful and it’s working perfectly then to shut it off the Pistons go in oh it’s fantastic so

That means I can safely till this ground I’ve never got so much use out of a hole before and also adding the water behind here so there will need to be more Hoppers along here and I’m basically going to take these two modules that I’ve got right there and remake them

Along here so that there’s four of them although I’m starting to think that you didn’t need me to tell you that two plus two is small I’m sure you could work that one out on your own but yeah the problem with this is to make it so big

And have so much wheat grow that once I’ve planted and harvested once I’ll never I need to replant it again because I just feel like the replanting thing is going to be what takes the longest I always break ice to turn it into water because it’s a bit more compact than

Carrying loads of water buckets but would you believe it her ran out of ice or did I well you see that’s the beauty of building this farm right next to the ice Farm because I can get lots more ice very very fast in fact I got a lot more

Than I’m ever gonna need or could ever carry and with that the water adding can resume and so can the whole using as well and once I’ve added all the water in behind the Pistons and tested everything to make sure it properly Works you’d think that the farm would be

Completely finished but oh no last episode I built this massive over the top system for Brewing so when it comes to building a wheat farm I’m also going to build a massive over-the-top system for that that’s one Farm one section done one long line of concrete will go

All the way across and then the Pistons plus the Redstone can be added in I have also created one fairly major problem with the farm in adding an extra layer and that is that under here it’s gonna start to get dark the only question is

Will it be too dark to be able to plant down seeds in every position it doesn’t look like it you know it looks like it might just be light enough and so now with all of the technicalities out of the way I’m gonna build this Farm up a few more layers I made a pretty good amount of progress so now that I can finish adding the water in here without having to worry about it freezing over I can then take out my hole until all the ground although I’ll probably do that bit less because I want to get all the water and

Pistons and Redstone in first otherwise something like that would happen and I’d end up jumping down trampling it just for safety purposes I’ll do it at the end you know the good thing I always think about building a machine like this is at the moment I’ll be planting wheat

In it and that’ll be great but eventually I can do other crops like potatoes carrots beetroot like it’s not a one type Farm is it so if I ever need seven million carrots I know where to come the final bit for this top layer is

Just to get the final bits of icing test it to make sure that it works and then till every single bit of the ground fantastic there will need to be a bit of redstone along here as well so that I’ll have some way to control the farm

Although to do that I’m gonna need a lever otherwise it’ll be very very hard to control a farm perfect everything’s successfully rigged up I don’t want to use it though because you know this wheat is still growing at the moment instead I’ll fly up to the top up and

Begin the giant weak to planting process already run out I’ll say he’s not even done the first layer but thankfully I do have an older Wheat Farm it’s not it’s not like that one and it’s not one of those ones it’s a wheat farm that is not there that’s that’s where the turtles

Live and so as I was saying it’s a wheat farm that would ordinarily use bone meal so there is some seeds in that but not very many All Things Considered that’s my bones chest as you can see plenty of that maybe down here there’s some sort

Of say yeah there’s a quite a bit of seedlings there so once I run out of all of these that’ll be it not a massive worry though because the farm does produce seeds when you use it so eventually I’ll be able to fill it all

Up how much of this one I’ll be able to do I’m not entirely sure now seating up layer number two can begin ah now apparently these can’t be planted because it’s too dark thankfully it’s nothing that a few torches won’t fix layer number two is complete and also

The third and I can’t do these final few minutes because I I have run out of C but if you ask me that’s a job well done now for the next thing that I want to get done as I said earlier the downgrade in last episode removed some of my

Advancements why a complete catalog was one of those I have no idea that makes no much sense they didn’t add an account to 1.19 that’s actually really annoying now this could be the first candidate I also hope they don’t mind I’m uh I’m gonna find it yep Utah I’m gonna sleep

In your bed I I know you don’t mind also for those of you looking at the bottom left-hand corner I know it’s really really small it says you have no home bed or charge rageball anchor a lot of people always say oh he died no I just I

Went to the end and didn’t have a spawn point when I came back okay just just thought I wanted to squash that that possible comment you can tell I’ve been doing I’ve got a long time because I I always get comments like that anyway I’m

Not here for that I’m here for you I also absolutely hate taming cats because they’re just annoying all the time like these this one’s been good you know it’s come up to me and and you could you’ve done it well done but some of them just won’t stand still and just constantly

Running away from you so you get close to the subtle turn and then yeah just just come on I’ve got fish that’s it what you can’t even turn your head all different way finally have the fish there we go job done two down nine to go and it looks like Spruce Villages are

Gonna be the main thing on the main you although Brewing portal down there if I’ve said it once I’ve said it a thousand times I always like to check them you just never know but usually you just end up with rubbish which is why I

Break the chest so I I don’t make that mistake again and now I’ll see if I can find a cat on this floating island what the heck imagine if you lived in this Village essentially impossible to visit your neighbors that live over there I thought maybe that’s a good thing if you

Fall off then uh you’re never getting back up and for some reason all the pathways are in the water yeah but you know what in pushing that guy off at the very least he can go now and explore the rest of the world so that’s that’s good

News for you mate and I need to focus back on what I’m meant to be doing hello cats oh come on at the very least there’s two new ones that I contain which means I’m up to four out of 11 and the search continues for a village

That’s crazier than that one what the heck I I think something is I I think downgrade in my world maybe did have some bad effects I think the seed has changed and now I’m coming to New chunks or maybe these are ones I’ve already been to yeah my world is more broken

Than you think that would also explain why there was a hole in the bedrock in the nether everything else consequences if I want to downgrade that’s that’s what could happen but hey it was still worth it I got to make a call better not also that was good enough for me and

We’ve got a desert village perfect hey I could sleep in another Village as bad I don’t know why I’m making a habit of this or boasting about it although you don’t look to be using it so I I guess I will instead now the real question is

Have you guys got any cats you have I’m sure I’ve tamed both of those but I’m and then again I’m not sure this one I don’t quite remember it was a new one and I think this might be a new one as well six out of 11. perfect or an

Unhealthy habit I’ll let you guys decide nice it’s a brand new cat in fact make that two new cats so it’s three to go make that two to go and now only one remains which I think is the one that you only find at swamperts I could be

Wrong if that’s still the case or whether you can now find them in villages just looked into it by checking my advancements file and the one I’m missing is the red car I can’t believe I forgot about it it’s like the one of the ones that’s been in Minecraft for the

Longest so both the cats that I’ve got here are not the run the ones I want but hey it’s going dark you know what that means just scoot thank you I’m gonna get some sleep I get back to the troubling aha Red Cat Spotted now to tame him no

Come on I accept the fish we’re gonna have this away where you just run really really far away and I chase you and there we have it ladies and gentlemen a complete catalog and I would like to take this moment to ask a question that I think we’ve all been wondering why are

There 11 different types of cats and yet there’s only one type of wolf what kind of discrimination obviously Mo young are cat people they don’t like dogs I think it’s unacceptable there should be 11 different types of dogs as well it’d be amazing oh well hopefully they’d change

It one day and now the real question is can I get home before my lights are broke I really really hope so I’ve just about made it back just in time to drop everything off get some sleep although hang on a minute and this is tradition

Here now how many nights in a row can I do it where I sleep in a Village’s bed I guess today we’re gonna find out so with the complete catalog advancement I now have every single one and my next project is to complete the squid switch

This is a project that got stalled due to my inability to brew another healing odds to keep the squids alive but last episode I built a ridiculously fast Brewer so now I’m gonna first get my electric oh my goodness they are very nearly broken so yeah I’m gonna get them

Repaired managed to get a few extra levels out of that as well now to head to the Brewing place as you can see over here I have a barrel so I built all this last episode brewed all these look at them absolutely fall to the brim so

Everything we need will take right there also somebody commented saying how am I walking on air or flying or something it’s it’s gray stained glass guys so this is the dark room that the squid will spawn and then I’ll throw snowballs them to send him through the portal I do

Want to make a little modification though so that it works even better it’s going to be pretty simple involving Redstone and pistons it’s basically just gonna involve me mining out the roof adding a row of sticky pistons that has redstone on top I’ll connect the wiring

Like this it doesn’t really need to look nice it just it just needs to work and the exact same thing should be along here the same Redstone because it’s above the obsidian it’s powering both sides then just some extra tinted glass there and the gaps filled in means that

This will now be completely pitch black but I can control it I was Finding because I only had the bottom one that was moving up and down that the glow scooter getting stuck on the top glass now that will no longer be an issue and

I think I’m ready to set the glue squid switch up once I click this healing pots are going to be constantly dispensed from all of those and that’s when I’ve got to get through the portal as quick as I can as soon as any Squid gets sent

Through and and the chunks are loaded then the squids will be kept alive so I’ll head on up to this AFK platform which will allow glow squids to spawn below then I swoop on down flick this lever and throw snowballs at them which will get them to all go through the

Portal if I can get them to go at a similar time that’s good because once they go through the chunks will be loaded for 15 seconds and that’s when they can be taking damage since there’s only one on that side I’m gonna leave him until there’s more because it’s best

To send as many of you in one go to avoid using too many healing pods I mean I’ve got loads so I’m hoping I should be fine but in my books you can never be too careful is there any more here well this is a bit of a letdown this is

Absolutely not on this attempt there is a few more so through you go and I only need eight in total for the squid switch to work perfectly so a couple more times for this and it’ll be ready this time I’ve got loads through you go come on

I’ve ironed out of snowballs no I’ve got more forgot to flick the lever though didn’t I get the window they can’t go through come on guys although the rolling position which is a good thing one more match and I’ll be done I should do it just sent through another four and

Now it has to be noted that I can never come back here again if I do unload these chunks all the slow squids will die so I’ll say goodbye to this area head through this portal this is where I’ve got to work fast okay I can hear

The healing pots going off which means there’s still some left those squids are still alive which is good news and as they’re taking damage they’re getting healed quickly they’re going to get pushed through don’t escape squids what’s going on guys just a glitch it’s all right and I’m gonna wait for the

Portal cool down which is gonna be 30 seconds but they’re still staying alive from the healing pods it’s unbelievable and the timing’s up they get pushed through the squid switch is done I can turn that off and would you believe it I’ve still got absolutely loads of them

Left yeah the Brewing machine was Overkill and and that was all Overkill as well but I’ve done it took me a few hundred days to probably sort it but I have completed the squid switch definitely can’t go home through that portal I believe I also need to turn on

The chunk loader and that’ll send a minecart through all the time so now my bat switch is loaded and my glow squid switch is loaded or you may be wondering why why did I want to disable the spawning of bats and of glow squid well it’s pretty simple it was actually all

Part of my plan to make finding Notch Apple’s easier and by that I mean it’s going to help me find more ancient cities without actually having to dig down I’ll know if there’s one underneath me you see if I find a biome that’s fairly mountainous now this this one’s

Not that great but it’s a good example and I then look downwards you can see there’s not many entities maybe there’s a few in this direction but basically I’ve got a look with the lowest fov and if I see a load of entities underground then I’ll know it’s an ancient city

Because ancient cities have loads and loads of chests in them now this is more of the kind of area where you’re likely to find a nation City but this method will allow me to say for sure whether there is one doesn’t look like there is because there’s basically no entities

Below me I’ve tried this mountain as well although the results could be messed up because there’s a lush K below me and I haven’t built an axolotl or a tropical fish uh switch so it might it might mess up my results still nothing again let’s see if this one’s going to

Be any better and it does seem to be quite a bit in like that direction let me head across with this uh this terrible leftover yeah it’s all kind of below me right now so by my calculations if I dig down right around here it worked I fell into one it’s fantastic

Now I probably won’t hang around and loot it just from the fact that I haven’t got the warden disabler on oh my God are you kidding me first I just thought I’ll just check this chest just to say oh well quick while your head do we just go for it all right

Wardens can’t spawn but you know what I’ll I’ll search for as much as I can although trying to loot these with the darkness effect is in absolute pain so I don’t know if I can be bothered it’s just proof of concept guys that it helps me to know where to dig down because

This wasn’t nicely underneath the mountain it was next to the mountain so you know it’s just it’s just my new Notch Apple helpful method because now there are no bats there are no glow squids there are no mobs or anything to take up the entity counter so if there’s

The entities on the ground I know it’s either chess or mob spawners from mine shaft or Axolotl was awesome so it’s probably chests and the only place with loads of chests underground are either an ancient city or a stronghold hey we’re at the operator since we’re in the

Area I might as well chill here and collect a load more gold I’m sure I’ll always come in handy for me that’s a very healthy boost nearly four stacks of blocks it’s also always a happy moment when I can add another notch Apple to the collection it seems seems that the

Wheat at the bottom is pretty much all grown so in order to have enough seeds for everything else I think I’m gonna give it a little Harvest and it seems that these ones here are failing to grow because there just wasn’t enough light for them I guess because it was when I

Planted it but then as I built the farm the light got less and less so that that made them just stuntler growth got me a lot of seeds hopefully enough to replant everything just realized as well I should be using Fortune to harvest it when I’m doing this because that gets me

More seeds I’m just forgetting the whole of Minecraft basic mechanics every single one is placed it had a well 30 seats to spare I thought it might be slightly more than that but but never mind now there’s a few in here as well now to leave it to continue to grow and

Get some sleep now since I’m gonna be allowing myself to use TNT duping for farms and since I have completely run out of dirt a massive dirt farm is next on the agenda but I do also have the issue and I don’t know why but all my bees have despawned died whatever’s

Happened they’re no longer with me so this bomb is is not really working it’s got 200 bottles in it at the moment that’s my last my last hoodie after everything I can hear the bees so I don’t know where they are it’s just really weird and absolutely loads of

Honey blocks are going to be needed to build the dirt farm at the moment I’ve got three stacks I need about ten so honey farm is what I’m gonna do well such a farm will require loads more bees so I’m going out in search of some nests

I always feel like spotting a big what the heck why have pandas spawned in a forest this is bizarre I think downgrading my world has had more seed problems than I realized as I was saying before I saw that very strange thing a finding beehives is uh is pretty

Difficult in forests like this because they’re very obscure to see and each tree has a much lower chance of finding one whereas if I go over into a plane’s biome it’s a much higher chance I see I found them straight away here I’m gonna breed you guys although partly there’s

Beads everywhere wait is there more than one beehive is the one over there okay we’ll have a choice to make I can either leave the baby be on its own out here because I’ve got too many for this Hive or I don’t know it’s too late can you

Get in no what have I done oh well I’m sure you can find a new home you uh you’ve got to live without any oh what a bad dog I would like to know where on Earth am I why is there a massive scaffolding Tower here did I did I build

This why would I make this scaffolding tortoise I don’t know what is happening in my world I’m more bees and I’ve got an idea on how I can save the baby be as the hive is everybody in that case I’ll pick it up and if I fly back to where I

Found that first Hive the baby bee is still here come on get into this this is your new home now there we go alrighty he’s no longer going to be left behind but to have that crisis averted I’m kind of scared to fly around my world anymore

In case I find weird things like I I look is this a is this a bit of a seat but no I think it’s just normal and we’ve got Hive number three And Hive number four really cool indeed I wonder if the much more common are you guys

Great but I think there must be much more common in flower Forest because I am finding them everywhere I’ve also enabled a mini Hood tweak that just lets me see how many bees are inside each Nest which is is so much better so you can see he had two bees one baby two

Bees one B Three B’s Three B’s just makes life way better for example now that I know I’ve got a Wandering bee that needs a home I can place this one that only has one in and now we can live there and now that I’m back at Beef on building come back

In out of curiosity I can actually see if there’s any bees in any of these so that’s the zero bees what about all the rest I can because I can hear them so you never know also apparently things are getting stuck in these oh we’ve got loads more honeycomb now that’s handy

And every single one is empty except that one and that one it actually turned out to be four that hadn’t had them in which is good and to make this I’m gonna need Hoppers droppers and dispensers now to build such a farm I’m not gonna build

It in this little honey place I think it makes much more sense to instead build it at spawn so the farm is always working no matter what I feel like having it in the mega base could be a cool idea like down this Corridor it’ll actually just be the storage system

Which you see at the end of this Corridor which actually would make sense if I just build it a little bit further forward and then it is part of the next chunk next I’m taking my pickaxe I’m gonna mine out this entire chunk nice and light down here thanks to all these

Sea lanterns as well I also think I’ll keep all this Stone and drop it off of my storage too since it gives me a good excuse to use the feather nozzle I’m starting with the storage system so that I know where that is and then I could

Have all of the farm above it in the right place the grass blocks are in so now it’s time to place all the flowers just such a satisfying Farm to build because it just keeps repeating the next thing I’m missing is the bees that’s kind of an important part of the farm

Isn’t it and until all these babies have grown up and I have 192 bees at my disposal no more progress on the honey farmer can be made and for all those bees 64 beehives are needed which would be the home for all of these guys babies

But I can’t start doing that until the baby’s in here I’ve grown up in the meantime I can make this passageway look a lot better I would make it wider and taller like that one but then it would start to mess with the Redstone and the

Space and stuff so I’ll keep it narrow I have yellow concrete as the floor and then from this shocker box I can make honeycomb as part of the wall right here I want a redstone lamp because this is going to be the very block that turns

The farm on and off put yellow concrete behind here and eventually there’ll be honey blocks in front but I need to get the honey to actually be able to do that but now the question is will I be able to craft enough honeycomb blocks to

Build this I kind of used them all up on making the beehives didn’t I play honey blocks themselves are not that hard for me and a redstone lamp is pretty easy to craft a lamp there with honey like so because there has to be a grass block

There for the flower I’m gonna just cover it up with Glowstone I think that’s a good idea then use more honeycomb for the roof the final bit of Glowstone to hide the dispenser and that ladies and gentlemen is it done although I’m just gonna tweak something yeah I

Think glowstone all the way along makes makes this bit make a bit more sense so it’s time to do the Redstone well some of it anyway all of the rest turning that is gonna need beehive before I can get on with that it’s a very simple one it’s just basically a comparative fatal

Clock that goes lives up as you can see every three seconds or so it sends a pulse a pulse that must connect to this dispenser finally there’s needs to be a torch when the lamp is off the dispensers are off now how am I but he’s

Getting on it looks to me like they’ve all grown up these ones are not flapping their wings very much are you so in that case we can begin okay I’m gonna stop with the beep ones but we can we can start phase two and that is to remove

This glass give them some flowers to get excited about and add walls apparently I’ve run out of stone bricks or on Blackstone now I don’t need slabs along here so that nothing will escape I’ll breed a bunch of these and because only the babies can escape they will go out

There and they can place a beehive for them to all go into so far I’ve filled two I can see this taking a little bit of time but as they fill up I can add them to the farm and I don’t have to worry about them escaping because the

Bees can’t come out until I remove the temporary blocks so it’s two down a 62 to go I’m gonna be busy as a bit okay no I said I wouldn’t do any more B jokes all right never mind let’s just let’s just give them the flowers that they

Want I’ve nearly filled up every single one that needs to be just a few straggler hives that need filling up so I just keep breeding away in the meantime I can take all these and continue placing them in the farm I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to

Build something as useful as a honey farm and I do also want to say that this body Farm is by one of the best farm Builders out there Ian x04 I just love some of the Creations that he makes and now every single one has finally been

Filled I play some spares along so I can get spare bees because these are all my old beehives and bees nests and once they’re all placed in I Can Begin operation at the Redstone every single beehive is going to have a repeater on top which is why I had to wait until I

Got all the bees before I could do this bit of redstone now it’s time for the fun bits where I get to break these and loads of these I think six into each area will appear maybe best doing this at an angle so I don’t I certainly break

The block underneath just listen to this noise guys just the way they all pop out I love it it’s so good the bees will now be working away getting me honey now I need to sort out this item filter which requires honey bottles I have a very

Small amount which is all I’m gonna need and I think in this chest yep I keep blockers so they’ll be perfect for the item filters also the last bee farm I made wasn’t very efficient so it just required thousands of glass bottles to make it work so that then means they

Have thousands of glass bottles in these chests which is more than enough for what I’m gonna need for this new Farm because technically it barely needs any bottles at all that’s the item filter done a system that adds new glass bottles is also pretty straightforward

It can only see add a new glass bottle when one gets used up otherwise the system would just get overfilled so to do that we’ll have a dropper which is every time an item leaves this chest will power and then it will power this drop up and then we’re just gonna go and

Have that into there with a couple of chests on top filled with loads of glass bottles six Stacks in here we’ll just get the farm going and would you believe it the farm is now done and can be switched on it’s working look at that the Honey’s starting to flow in so I

Bowed out that four is in enough for it to work which is it’s perfect so it’s it’s job done ladies and gentlemen that far I’m just going to keep working the honey is now going to come in very fast like 800 per hour 825 to be precise and

As I said because I built it in spawn chunks it will always be working in the background all of that just so that I can easily build a dirt farm can you believe it so it’s time to get to oh there’s a flipping Ravine under I forgot about that doesn’t really matter because

I can I can just put Stone underneath and this is the shape that needs to be dug out now to add a few slabs and water log them this will just cause all the items to flow to the correct place now I’ve got to dig out the hole it’s a bit

Annoying the hole should be 3D but due to me choosing to build this in the one place where there’s a ravine I mean they’ve got to manually add all of the floor in but hey storing all this Cobblestone is going to require the space so I can’t complain you’re

Probably starting to see how it’s going to work so any items will flow you know what I’ll show you how it works they go in there they flow and then if this output was full for example it would then flow to the next one it just means

It’s a bigger storage than normal now I can start adding the leaf blocks now for the very long task of waterlogging everything single leaf now for cool part adding the lava you go like that and just watch it makes Cobblestone you can break that underneath and as that drops it’ll make

Even more comfortable I won’t make yeah it will make cobblestone I know it would now to add even more lava and then I’ll repeat it all the way around that’s now job done I can finally sleep to get rid of this awful snow that’s getting in the

Way next we need a bit of obsidian right there leaves around it and you guessed it they need water like another protect them it just gotta go all the way back down here well at least I don’t have to go all the way technical I can just do it from standing up there

I’m pretty sure they won’t actually burn away like that yes fire can be set next to them I don’t think they’ll disappear I I think the water should technically save them but who knows right now I’m just doing all the Redstone components with all the Redstone done I am ready to

Finally place the TNT this is gonna be the on off switch so flicking that will turn it off we can also hear some TNT I don’t think it’ll mess anything up but just in case I am going to remove a bit of snow on there because it shouldn’t be there any

Ice that was once here is now gone so I’m gonna switch it on press the button once which will just set off the repeaters as you can see and set off the TNT and the TNT will blow up all of the Cobblestone and the Cobblestone it’ll basically blow up the Cobblestone just

As it Regens and the Cobblestone will be coming down here filling The Hoppers okay we’ll have those grass blocks back thank you and it’ll be getting me 75 000 Cobblestone per hour and I’ll be working all the time because it’s a spawns so I’ll never have to go mining ever again

I think I’m just gonna go all out with this Bruce and get more than I need even though the dirt farm is going to get me some maybe yeah maybe it’s a waste of time but this could be the final time that I ever use this farm so it deserves

A proper send off all that wood is gonna be getting mine finally it’s all gone we’ve got a massive shulker box full and I can get back to collecting all the needed resources all items I’ve successfully been collected so it’s time to get it built although before I do

That I might want to repair my tools and me elytra just so they don’t break during the project there we go the plan is going to be to build it up in the sky but then I’ll have space to build a blast chamber underneath but we’ll

Harvest all the blocks for me I’m going to start right here with a machine that is going to generate Stone which will then be turned into Moss from there spruce trees can be grown on the Moss turn it to podzol which can become dirt I’ll first fill every single one of

These with water and then Place waterlogged campfires inside I bet you didn’t even know that was a thing did you okay don’t turn twice please that’s gonna stop it turn twice when they’re in there from there I can start filling the trenches with lava which makes the stone

Generator complete and I’m also gonna need a little bit of redstone over here this is going to be the output for the podzol and it’s going to make these Pistons move and as you can see it’s all going to converge I’m going to one line like this the machine is starting to

Take shape but as could be a war here I need over 100 of them actually so I’m uh I’m going home to get them all gonna make them out of Blackstone and then they’re gonna be stacked up right here there’s gonna be a bunch of packed ice all the way along

Here for transporting items because anything that this Farm produces that can’t be used is going to be turned back into bone meal to make it super efficient so things like saplings from leaves at a spare and stuff from the Moss conversion will get reused to make

It as efficient as possible now to start adding the water so things can get flowing and it goes all the way around to these bubble columns that will also need to be filled with water which might take some time considering there’s four of them this is why I needed so many

Observers that they’re all going to detect updates from the rails and then power the Pistons above guys I made a slight mistake whilst building and now I I can’t get out of here no matter what I do okay well I made it oh no I’m backing this water must be removed and hopefully

Doing this yeah okay it should come some of it down but it’s still going a bit crazy nice to stop everything going crazy Ben’s good endless loot was great between these observes and the thing so I just removed those blocks in it it’s solve the problem now to actually place

The glass down this time just curious how is me honey but oh oh okay whoa whoa whoa this is a cold red the system has backed up I knew I should have made a shocker loader for it I’ve got too much on a repeat I’ve got too much on it the

Machine is so well made that nothing broke it’s it’s just all absolutely fine so I guess any extra honey would just keep on going round because it couldn’t fit in the system which is pretty impressive whilst I’m doing the farm run might as well go and see how the old

Cobblestone Farms doing pretty solid quite a few okay well yeah wow wow that’s way too much gobble time to switch this thing off anyway now I’m gonna get back to building I’m back to placing water without destroying the entire machine I also forgot to bring another very important item the glazed

Terracotta I’ve left in the furnaces so I’m gonna offload everything into this chest and I can use the opportunity to nip home and get loads of bone meal as well because the machine was very efficient does use a lot of it the good thing about that however is that I have

A massive AOL farm that has got me a ridiculous amount of Bones so fill the machine with all of that should not be a problem might as well also convert the extra honey and take him back to my house also here’s the much needed glazed terracotta which will allow me to

Continue the build it is almost almost complete just need some lava in there no not there inside the cauldron and I also need to set up item filters and these are going to be the bits that make the bone meal so any item that the farm can produce as

You’ll see all the things like saplings and stuff like that will be made and then they go into here and some of them are becoming compost under there the sticks however we’ll just go through into the lava in that cauldron so it’s very very renewable indeed I also need

To add the final borders for the final water stream now to also get the water itself in and both of these need to be filled all the way to the top with water but unfortunately I don’t quite have enough ice for that so I’ll have to pop

Home to top up now let’s get this filled up and I want to grab a fortune pickaxe because otherwise it would just take me six million years to mine them all these are the two water columns also need filling and now the final thing to be

Built is a massive slab roof there we go also begin the mass crafting spree of bone meal and these will all be put into this chest right here where they’ll end up in this dispenser so I want enough to fill up this dispenser this Hopper and

Some of this chest but to do that I’m probably gonna have to craft a hello more shulker boxes I’ve decided that all of these are going to be enough buying them all is pretty unnecessary but I don’t know I’ve just been like for OCD

Purposes I have to do it all of them can go there and the final one can actually go into the machine where this Hopper will be taking the bone Mill out and starting to put it into the droppers now they won’t move until the Redstone starts though and the farm is pretty

Much complete the very final thing the farm needs is not for me to fall down there but that’s to be a boat place right there that’s aligned with the blocks behind me and has blocks pushed into it the only record thing to do is use an observers but basically the only

Bit of redstone items I had left I’m I’m pretty on the ground for things like redstone blocks but then to use the farm I would just take the supplies out of there and then place them I’ve looked down I keep getting moved around and placing however there is there is one

Small Exploration with the farm also if you’re wondering why this day was so quick I just spent quite a bit of time just making sure everything was correct and and there wasn’t one or two fixes where water had turned to ice so I had to fix that but yeah what why isn’t it

Running why can’t I just go straight out and use it now well blocks are gonna get pushed out of here extremely extremely fast and then from here they’re gonna get pushed downwards and once that piston reaches the push limit then the whole machine will jam and the whole

Machine will break so whilst this Farm will produce loads and loads of dirt in order to get the dirt I need to create a blast chamber which is a whole nother big project to make a really efficient one that will not break and can keep up

With this farm and guys as you can see the sun has said so that was 5400 days in Hardcore Minecraft next I’m turning off the mob switch which yep that is now switched off and I’m gonna get more Pillager captains into this machine I’m down to the last three and you know I

Want more than that pretty straightforward to do I just simply chill at the top of here and down below build your captains will spawn and then they will get pushed down by the water into this little cage although you are a captain so um sorry mate yeah but you’re

Off the menu so I’ll wait a little bit longer and hopefully get what I’m looking for all right let’s see what’s the law it’s okay I have also realized I mean there’s no captains down here but I’m meant to have the minecart moving when they come down just in case some of

Them want to despawn let’s go see how things are looking yeah this time oh much better look at that we have got captains everywhere so I’ll get rid of you you’re an imposter in fact I think I just have to do that and then I need I

Need some of these as well from rails and then I just put a rail like this and then you you just kind of need to move along somehow but you guys are messing up for everybody and then my captain sorter can be put to good use because

The captains just go in that direction all of these are useless so I’m going to get rid of them and then I will use the bomb for another cycle and that is one more that I’ve managed to obtain because it’s better than none and now I fancy

Getting myself back up to level 737 it’s been a while since I’ve been there so I may have came there to hopefully get another Captain to spawn very good one did if I can just get rid of him there we go and it means I can now head to my

Ravager XP farm turn the farm on shoot an arrow right here and begin placing down TNT and with that I’ll be able to gather uploads and loads of XP and whilst the machine was working well and I was on good track I’ve I’ve now run out of TNT completely so I’m going to

Collect up the remaining XP which might get at me to level 700 actually just stopped lens up no no it won’t get me that far then I’m gonna grab the empty shulker boxes and put them into storage then I can put the EOL Farm to good use

It just looks so cool watch them all spawn in and disappear straight away and once enough time has passed I can see that there’s another end of it for some reason now teleport out of the machine they used to not they used to just die but it doesn’t work like that anymore

Thankfully I can fly 128 blocks away also this is the bottom of my guardian Farm well that’s just over there but yeah for 528 blocks away and then try and fly back as long as I don’t get lost they’ve pretty much all despawned apart from a few stragglers there’s also some

Very op mobs that have picked up items and so they are they’ve survived the ball damage and they’re still going so I’m just gonna get rid of all of them there we go that keeps everything nice and clean I’ll put that back and somewhere down here if I can just

Remember I should have it labeled better really I think maybe this is gunpowder rally is this right yeah there we go well I’m just trying to have a look at my stocks mate get away sorry I’m sorry you have to witness that hey I’ve um have a protect no you don’t

Want it I think I might have just murdered his father in front of me but I’m sure it was somebody else more importantly I have so much gunpowder and now I just need a desert so I can get lots and lots of TNT I don’t really know

Where to find a brand new one so I’m just gonna fly until I think it’s a good spot and just take a guess which all this place is as good as any I’ll seduce the space constraints I’m not I’m not working with much infantry room at all

That is uh that is that I’ve managed to make the bottle nonetheless and now I’m in the middle of a massive ocean well not maybe not in the middle there’s a middle Land This Way very stupidly if I’ve got to turn the mob switch back on

Didn’t I so we’re gonna have to be dealing with that all night I suppose I don’t have to I could you know just go to sleep and now the hunt for a desert can begin not gonna say no to the odd ruin portal on the way it’d have to be

Something very good though for me to you know give up some of these for the inventory space and this looks to be a bit of an acacia biome sometimes you get deserts next to them but will this be one of those times apparently the answer is no no it won’t although there’s

Golden carrots in I always like to take that you know what I’m making I would take something special to make an exception and this for me is good enough and I’ve done it I’ve successfully found one complete with a room portal with nothing much in it I got I don’t have

Space for it I’ll just have to leave it oh this does look like a bit of a good spot to set up camp so I think that’s all I’ll do I’m gonna have to just start trying to get a little bit more space so I’m going to organize everything so it’s

Much better I’m gonna make a double chest out of some wood I think I’m gonna need a crafting table as well so I’ll make that plug it down there then all these sugar boxes are going oh we have so so much space now and then I shall manually gather some sand which will

Allow me to get the TNT reserves started from there I can begin placing and lighting and then continue crafting even more you also have to make sure I get to sleep quickly because yeah because the mob switch isn’t on I don’t want all sorts of things spawning when I’m trying

To do this that is an entire shulker box is worth but I’ve still got so so much compound remaining so I’m gonna use all of it up no matter how long the process takes me Foreign ly it is done I’ve got four shulker boxes worth there a fifth one here a little bit in there and a bunch of sand somewhere around it yeah loads of sand as well let’s spare just just in case so I’ll gather every single one of these up

And I can make a portal to get home a lot faster and you might be able to tell it took me so long getting all that TNT that uh yeah my hair’s a lot even had a haircut in between oh that’s not too important the important thing is how on

Earth do I get out of here I’m just in a massive cave wait there’s a gap here okay it’s just Market no way it’s not more cave it opens up thank goodness for that it definitely makes things much much easier all the TNT ones can be

Added to this machine and I can take all the rest of this back home because getting to level 737 we’ll just have to wait instead I have another project that I want to get on with which is a fast crafting system basically it means I put all the materials I want for something

Into chests and then they’ll get dispensed to me in the right quantities and I can craft whatever I need to don’t really know where I should build it I’m thinking we’ve removed that and we go through here we we add a new area to adjust them because it’s got to be next

To chest room hasn’t it I still want to keep the hopper stock and put sugar boxes but if everyone items they only really use that side anyway I’ll need some Stone if I why why do that when I can just craft more and we can put them

Like that in the floor and I also need to make sure I find a spot where there’s definitely going to be enough space in fact I’ve decided Going Underground is going to be the answer there’s not really much space at this level but if I go lower there’s loads and loads of

Space in my storage room won’t be in the way or anything like that this is the spot that it’s gonna go Hotel there’s enough space for it here and everything I’ve just got to mine out a big enough room to build it this is the size the

Side of the room that I need mined out but it does need to be a little bit deeper so I’m gonna keep digging the entire room is dug out one bat lives in there apparently now and I’ve gathered up all the materials I’m gonna need but but except for one there’s shroom light

Apparently I didn’t have a single shroom light thankfully it won’t be very difficult because I only need seven of them which I have now got and if you notice that the day count is five four three two I I think it’s pretty cool I wonder if I’ll ever get to five four

Three two one is a day but that’s a long long way in the future also just realize I do have stream lights they’re just in this junk overflow section so yeah I’ll remember that for next time and before I actually build it I wouldn’t mind just repairing my pickaxe it’s it’s you know

A little bit worse for wear don’t worry to break because then I have to use XP making a new one and I’m trying to get level 737 not go downwards so spending a little bit of time here repairing it and getting to level 700 sounds like a good

Idea nicely got to the amount of levels in fact I’m close to 701 but I can’t stay there all day I have got work to do and I’m also gonna just Chuck a few things in here because I could do with a little bit extra space due to the fact

That this build requires Hopper Minecarts nine of them all together to be precise and I only have three Hobbs in there so it looks like I should just make a load more of them which is easy enough I can do it with five stacks of iron get Crafting perfect I’m also in

The iron chest I might as well make those six minecartes as well seven seven Mica apparently I didn’t make it up all right there’s one more than what I thought I needed now I’ve definitely got everything that I need and building can comments you won’t be able to see this

Section down here but it’s gonna have glass along there a little bit more here and then a bit of sauce on which is just gonna make a water tunnel upwards and then I will box all of that in and place ice so that the water can become water

Perfect I’m then gonna need my signs which are right here there’s gonna be one there then I could do the exact same thing like this all the way along and because this ice weather signs are any items will just get pushed and watch they’ll just float stroll up straight

Along no problem then this is going to be like a yeah a tower upwards and it’s gonna basically collect all the items that are going to be evenly distributed and send them up to me where I’m the crafting but before I can jump the higher these platforms need to be made a

Bit bigger now I’ve made this platform which will make all the items converge into this middle bit but it needs some gates down the middle just so that I can but I’ll show you why because once I open all these Gates things will still be able to pass through but it will stop

The water which is going to be along here from flowing too far it’ll it’ll stop the flow which is all part of the plan same thing on this side and I can layer this up even more and now is the point where I can start adding all of the different Redstone components and

Here are the Hoppers that are going to empty the chests and then it can go into the droppers which will go into the water and now this is where the hopper mine carts are going to come in so they’re going to be on each one and I’ve got fences here for alignment purposes

So I’m going to break the rail and then I’m just going to push these in so that in theory there we go that’s that’s pretty much it but in theory if I just put like 64 here you’ll see that each Hopper will start collecting them which

Is perfect so then it will if I can just grab them well the volume it’s that fast but then each one will be evenly distributed so it will basically empty the chest as fast as possible really the only way it could be faster is if I used

A a chest in a boat that’s the only way it could be any quicker really so my next job is to do this on every single one there we go that’s every single one done it’s it’s definitely oh don’t you go of course now but yeah it’s definitely coming together so now I’ll

Start adding all the Redstone which allow me to lock the Hoppers whenever I need to plus I need to repeat it there to extend it and then along here we can add even more I’ve now pretty much done all the Redstone down there and covering

It all up I also need to put some water here I’m going to waterlog that as well using that and you probably can hear it’s it’s all going off at the moment that’s because I I had this Observer go down and it’s kind of updating it but if

I go ahead and do that it should yeah it should affect everything and stop it yeah perfectly and now I can place down these just in peace this is more or less done now I’m just going to add a bit of a roof over this and then

I’m going to add carpet to spawn proof things I know I have a mob switch but just in case you know I have the mob switch off because every now they’re gonna do I’m I’m gonna go ahead and yeah add carpets everywhere make sure it’s fully spawn proof then nothing could go

Wrong famous last words I’m sure something will go wrong but um at least things are less likely to go wrong anyway and it is now done I guess if I’m gonna spawn brick down here I should also spawn proof up there I I don’t think sand carpet will make sense

Instead I’ll grab this gray carpet which can be placed down all over that’s job done now I’ve just got to test it how well does it work does it work as intended so many questions I’m also just gonna get eight carpets of these to go on all of these blocks and I’m gonna

Craft an entire shulker box worth of Pistons such a feature will require four shulker boxes worth of cobblestone three sugar boxes worth of planks I hope I’m gonna have enough one for this also an entire shulker box of redstone dust and finally one of iron I do wonder if it

Makes sense for there to only be one chest on top of each and then I’d have space just to place a shulker box might be quicker I also I’m just going to turn the machine on and I guess I can make sure it’s working because I want to make

Sure all the chests see how has that just got stuck it’s it’s clearly on the hopper oh where is that I suppose I can pretty easily grab it oh we need that one over there as well now it doesn’t matter which order I go ahead and place

These but I can just add one in every slot and hmm that’s not working is it I guess it’s not technically over the hopper Minecart so it’s not okay well that’s good to know good to know that I basically shouldn’t mess with the design instead I should stop being lazy and

Just go ahead and move them in like this it also think it’s insane look at the speed that it empties the chest is well fast all right that’s job done and now we can we can do the official test run at least I will do once I’ve got rid of

All the shulker boxes don’t have the space in that chest instead we’re filling up this one so basically I will stand here and items are going to keep getting dispensed and very soon they’re going to start coming into my inventory as you can see they’re all coming really

Fast from there I can keep crafting Pistons like this and and I can just keep going over and over and as long as I’m going faster than it supplies me that’s fine so it shouldn’t take me that long at all to craft an entire shulker box worth I could make this Faster by

Adding and more chests and more droppers so it supplies us like items like twice as fast that is an idea I’m thinking of exploring but right now it’s it’s still a lot faster than how it used to be in the past and as I’m going I can Chuck

The Pistons out and they will go into these chests here eventually you’ll see there we go starting to fill it up nicely mainly just going into that one so I’ll never have to worry okay I don’t want to get my imagery too for it but I never have to worry about you know

Running out of space or anything I could just keep on top of it manually empty them out and continue crafting like as long as these bits are supplying with items I could just keep going on forever you can see they go up there so they’re not going to fall down and that’s why

The Pistons can go into a separate area because they they don’t Clash to uh the where the items go and it sounds like it looks like I’ve used up every single item look at that absolutely fantastic that has to be the fastest time I’ve ever craft anything it’s fantastic I

Could just turn off the Machine by doing that the light goes off there you’d go and look at it all filling up I love it I absolutely love it the only thing I think may be worth adding is on this side and maybe on that side add nine

More chests to each bit and then and add this module again so that it’ll double the speed and I can craft even faster I reckon I can triple the speed of the item dispensers and still keep up with it but even at his current speed that

Was just so much better and faster than any crafting experience I’ve ever had look at that beautiful I’ll be using that for things like crafting TNT anything really that I craft loads of concrete powder all that it’s it’s brilliant because now for the first time

In my life I’ve I’ve got a full shulker box of this of pistons and definitely once I get the dirt farm finished which also give me wood I can make way more of those as well Cobblestone I do have a cobblestone speaking of a cobblestone

Farm I should go and check on it and bring a bunch of shulker boxes to fill up with Cobblestone too I did actually have to turn this machine off because it was getting me so much cobbled let’s have a little look is it just oh it’s

Full to the brim let’s let’s just yeah get the sugar boxes out start filling them and I think before I use this machine again I should probably make it I have a shulker box loader like I did for the bee farm otherwise the machine just gets overruns so so fast and it’s

Also filled up so so many shulker boxes 19 and a half to be exact and I might as well leave the rest here and I’m gonna just set the farm off okay so I think if I go like that and then press it once then the farm will just be going and it

Should yeah look at that fantastic Cobblestone being created going into the chests I could put these into storage or I could place them around here grab another shulker box worth of redstone in fact make that two and then put the quartz I have right here into there plus mine up

A few extra ones and basically if I can fill this up I can craft an entire shulker box worth of observers which will just be useful forever the only issue is that uh yeah I need quite a bit more quartz yeah 18 Stacks to be precise

And do I have any at my bartering farm that is the question I’m leaning towards the answer no I feel like I probably will have looted them already knowing me because I you know I could never say no to uh to taking them when they’re there

But there is only one way to find out so I’m gonna go ahead and see and the answer is is no isn’t it I knew it nothing there but not to worry because I can take this pickaxe and spend a bit of time in the nether harvesting quartz I’m

Sure getting 18 Stacks isn’t going to take me too long at this point I have filled the shulker Box up and I’ve got quite a lot in my inventory so I’m gonna slowly make my way back home but continue picking up more if I see it

Home sweet home and I think I’m just gonna put all the courts in a chest for now and rather than use the crafter that I’ve made at the moment it may be wise to save all the resources and instead do the expansion on this and then I can use

The Observers to test it so that’s going to involve doing quite a lot of digging that is mission accomplished on both this side and also the side all the way around here and to do these first bits I’m gonna need glass I’m gonna need ice I’m gonna need packed ice and also some

Signs now which one has the most okay we’ll just use open signs this time and I’ll leave quite a few Gates I’ve got quite a lot of dark oak ones maybe they’ll do I guess and I’ll craft a few more of them just so I definitely have

Enough this is where the middle stream is going to be and I’m actually going to have it go through this wall as well this is exactly where they will all converge so I just need to okay well I didn’t mean to do that making a mess of

Everything the sign’s gonna be left on that one because we’re going to have this on both sides and now that I think about it that’s a stupid idea because the items won’t go into the water stream it actually needs to converge right here which means ice there and another sign I

Get the water added as well and then the bigger collection areas can be built now rails can be added and there’s going to be observers just basically mirroring this so I need one on top of the glass like that another one well yeah we’ll be right there so that will trigger All The

Observers which will trigger all the droppers just like they are over there that’s everything sorted down here I’ve just got to cover up this platform and have the chest on top and I’ve also got to somehow come up with a way to get that alternating line thing to uh to

Extend all the way over here I think maybe I’ll just over complicating things I’m pretty sure if I just replace this rail to instead be an observer that that should probably do it so I’ll give the test run see if it works it almost does it just doesn’t quite reach all the

Way to the end but I’m pretty sure if I just add another Observer here okay well not there if I said add it here there we go it goes all the way to the end meaning all of the droppers are getting triggered and I’m gonna place down every

Single chest and Surround it on all sides with the same concrete because I’ve realized like you’ll be able to see these bits but with the carpet you won’t be able to see what’s underneath so there’s no point me going completely crazy I might as well just fill in these

Gaps with stone just to save myself some time concrete it looks a little strange but the floor is now complete but it won’t look strange once I start adding all the carpet on top and that is it section number two is done and now to build an entire third one on this side

And it is done the uh the machine is now three times its original size which means I can offload all of this spare stuff grab the shulker box of nether quartz and see is it gonna work I’m gonna evenly distribute it like this so I’m going to take one layer for each

Chest so that will go into there these ones will go into here and the final ones into that chest in an Ideal World I’d have one sugar boxes worth of material wheels for every single one and then I would you know be able to get three times as much to crafting but I

Don’t really have enough Redstone for that at the moment so I’m just dabbing to split it up into three there we go now for the Moment of Truth is it going to be too fast enough is it going to be a good enough speed is it gonna work

Here we go I’m just gonna go for this it’s going to start dispensing lots of stuff theoretically I mean I can hear stuff is it working oh it’s all coming in so it must be oh wow okay I need to just um and it’s just step away hold on

Yeah I didn’t think about uh sign up with fireworks now I’m just gonna start making observers oh dear this is uh this is bad ladies and gentlemen it’s two no no no we’re gonna mix them hold on and he’s been running much faster in future

For the crafting I just have to be like you know taking these ones out going like this because it’s going to be coming through fast and then as soon as I can see this is the speed I can keep up with no problem although it’s it’s

Pretty quick isn’t it look at the speed of this okay is it too fast I don’t know but I’ll tell you what I’m going through observers you know what this is this is perfectly fine I can keep up with this absolutely no problem when I have to

Empty it that maybe it’s a little bit no you know what it’s still fine it’s still absolutely fine and they’re all going into just that was incredibly quick way to craft them all I’m very pleased with this crafter I think I’ve just went once I do this I’ve got to get ready straight

Away to be crafting if I let it build up too fast then and you start getting into a few problems and I definitely will be making this room look so so much better so it kind of fits in more with the Aesthetics of this room and you know

What I’ve decided I’ve got to modify this design I’ve got to come up with some way to unload these shulker boxes really fast and I’ve come to realize that removing the chests and instead just going ahead and placing a shulker box in like this I can open it I can oh

I can’t open it oh the fence does the fence stop it from opening really that’s strange but it is emptying the items very very fast at the very least and I think that is going to be the best way to do this just have nothing there and

Then add shocker boxes in and to make it work even better I’m going to grab a bunch of fences and then I can use pistons to push them in in fact I’ve changed my mind to that as well what if instead I just had a block here and then

Yep this is it’s all coming together ladies and gentlemen then I can push this down it should still mean that everything functions correctly so if I was to go ahead I can’t really use this shulker box because I’ve got it for over here but if I’m just gonna this is the

Test run ladies and gentlemen basically I put this here I put the shulker Box in and it starts emptying and it works fine this is a brilliant little little thing so yeah I’m going to use pistons and get them all pushed down and it’s sorted I

Just now have to put the sugar boxes into each Gap and it’ll make it a vastly superior machine I am starting to think that maybe I should have kept it as fences because no it’s what happens when you break the shulker box it gets picked up by the hopper underneath that’s not a

Massive problem it’ll just mean like right now I can grab them from here but it will generally speaking mean that I’ll just have to activate the machine and they’ll come through here while the shulker boxes which I think is not a not a big problem there we go they’re all in

And the only tiny little thing I’d like carpet on these gaps just make it look a little bit better and a little bit more professional there’s also no sugar boxes at the end here because I’m making droppers droppers don’t have nine crafting squares but you know one of them is

Empty so that’s why and so I think I’m ready to go it’s gonna be pretty quick so I’ve got to be as braced as I can there we go once the Redstone starts coming we can start crafting the droppers and I have just gotta keep on

Top of it now that is Cobblestone coming faster than Redstone it shouldn’t be I think I think the speed is is fairly similar and so far everything is working fantastically I’m managing to craft them I’m managing to empty the inventory and there we have it they’ve all been

Corrupted I did at one point I could still make a stack of furnaces which is why that’s not quite Works intended and it’s the reason why I still have more Redstone left than Cobblestone because yeah just unbalance things ever so slightly but that’s not a big issue

Because I can just go something like that craft the remaining droppers this machine has been a job very well done I guess I can just mine all these up now and they will be sent through the system yes perfectly through as expected what on Earth are these blocks here are they

Just all show about yeah okay there’s loads of gray shulker boxes great shulker boxes that are going to be filled up with droppers realistically I think would have taken me hours to craft all those normally it was taking forever and to do it that fast it’s pretty insane I actually really love this

Machine don’t know how I live without it for so long put all of these into here and that’s another job well done you’re probably thinking why have I got so many pistons observers and and droppers and stuff like that I have got to build a massive TNT blast chamber for

My dirt farm so things like that are going to come in handy still but I think the project that I should work on next is a shulker box loader for the Cobblestone farm and I need to get it working again I’m sure something like that isn’t going to be too tricky to do

That’s all the items that I need I’m not going to build the exact same shulker box loader that I did for the bee farm because I want to build this one so that it is tileable why do I want one that’s tileable well the simple fact of the

Matter is that one hopper is not enough to collect all of the Cobblestone that these Cobblestone Farm produces so in order to allow the shulker Box loader to keep up with the speed it’s it’s got to have like loads of in a row for each of these options how many hobbles have we

Got here one two three four five six seven eight nine okay so that means we do need nine of the shulker Box loaders and we do need to get this Cobblestone out of the way and into these shulker boxes now is every single one of them successfully emptied sad that there’s

I’m missing 60. part of me just wants to manually mine up some this will it work does it does it just just go all yeah and it regenerates yeah of course it works SP this is this is a great Cobblestone valve I’m gonna mine enough until then I’ve just got enough to

Perfectly fill the shortcut box up this is actually a great cobblestone generator I’m impressed that’s mission accomplished everything perfectly filled to the exact amount you know what it’s going to be like and now I think I think I can remember no I can I’m just trying

To think how this is gonna work all those offers can stay but it’s these chests that need to be going and in fact now that I think about it it’s probably in my best interest to grab an empty bucket pick up this water and I’m Gonna Change how these Hoppers work instead of

Them facing a cross like that I’m instead gonna have them facing downwards and they’ll basically be facing down into where the shulker boxes will be that definitely makes more sense I’ve still got this water bucket as well so that could go along you know I’ll do the

Water at the end I feel like I’ll end up flooding everything but a lot of digging doesn’t it oh no I forgot about the Ravine under there yep a lot of digging though needs to happen although realistically it might be helpful that there’s a raveena because I actually

Only need to worry about building the floor below here unfortunately I don’t really have the blocks for it however I have lots and lots of cobblestone so although I tried to make an exact amount doesn’t matter all right because I need it all if I’m gonna grab two stacks

Because we need these building blocks we’re going to build ourselves a nice floor below just these people below here this also needs to be removed and now observers could be added going into every single Hopper then barrels along here although I’m I’m one barrel shot that’s annoying so the idea is that the

Barrels are what you put the shulker boxes into the empty ones and then four ones will come out in the chest but yeah I want one extra Barrel there must be you know I’ll just get the wood from here no but he’s gonna notice if I just

Happen to remove one tree and I’m pretty sure in this direction I have a crafting table well let’s this way in this direction I should have a crafting demo if I don’t have a crafting table I will be adding a crafting table but I do have

A crafting table so it’s no need to worry there we go Barrel crafted I also said crafting table way too many times there didn’t I but anyway that’s the last well I was gonna say it’s the last one successfully so no don’t do don’t what are you doing okay now it is the

Last one sorted I made that way out of it needs to be gonna get my pistons and line them up like this now I’m gonna start adding all the chests in there needs to be blocks along here and I’m I’m missing someone I need slabs as well

Not a big problem because as we already now know there’s a crafting table over here where I can make whatever I need and place them above then The Hoppers are going in more blocks in here next with dispensers on top these are what are gonna dispense the shulker boxes oh

My goodness it’s going dark already I’ve been building this for way too long and I’m still not done because I need to add a comparator line all the way along here and a load of redstone at the end of it next I better remove all these because

They’re completely in the way and get some sleep I made a comment about how dark it is and then I just I just plan to stay awake apparently well not tonight oh no no no are getting some sleep and I am going to be adding Hoppers so yeah that’s how whatever’s in

These barrels which will be shocker boxes end up in the droppers and then the droppers will send it into the dispenser the final couple of bits are pretty easy we’re just gonna have observers facing down and observers facing to that although I’m starting to run out of space think I can just about

Do this I want to put Redstone torches on every single one I hear things happening but yeah it should be done I think I finished it the water can go back there’s only one thing that I’m missing and that is shulker boxes yep I I haven’t actually brought any of the

Sugar boxes but realistically I didn’t have space for them all right so let’s let’s just accept that that’s my explanation didn’t have enough room although that is all about to change because not only am I gonna grab loads of the do I just do that well yeah I’m

Not only gonna do that I’ve decided because also in here I have some sugar shells but it’s it’s not enough all right we’re okay apparently I don’t have loads of sugar shelter I do have loads of sugar shells somewhere so if we do need to get all of them we can do that

But I might as well put every single one in here and do I have any more strip Vlogs just a curious question because wood supplies yeah do seem to be getting a little bit low that’s not very good I I would like loads more chess like I say

I don’t have that much wood at the moment as soon as I finish the dirt farm I will have loads more I don’t want to use the dark you know what we’ll just we’ll just have to deal with the wood we’ve got which is actually a pretty

Good amount when you look at it yeah we actually floats I don’t know why I’m there being so picky so I’ll put that back in there I’ll grab a couple more empty shulker boxes that looks good and they can all be put into these barrels and to actually get the machine going I

Need buttons and I I did have buttons but I left them in the chest room I dropped them off so I have to go and get those again also those of you that have been watching for a while may also recognize those shulker box loaders because they are the exact same ones

That I use for my EOL Farm storage you know nice the tileable they’ve been very reliable I’ve not had any problems with them that I can remember so they’re very very good in my opinion and that is why they have been reused for the Cobblestone Farm anyway my stupidity

Yeah there’s the buttons my stupidity and dropping off the buttons is a positive actually because it means I can grab even more talker boxes from here because I I’m over on with shulk of boxes realistically we might as well start grabbing dark gray and purple yeah whatever whatever we can fit you know

What let’s optimize my storage I will need those Rockets to get across so I’m gonna we’re just gonna grab all of that there we go one space for this which I’m gonna have to use my fist very very slow I know but I don’t have much use for all

Of those shulker boxes so getting them in the Cobblestone Farm will really help put loads of sugar boxes in the question is where are my items okay they’re in that one all right I’ve worked it out I think I might actually just craft enough shulker boxes so that it fills the Dr I

Don’t know you know what we’ve probably got enough for now but even if we have got enough remember that’s not how sp737 works let me just put these buttons down I’m gonna put the buttons down and press it on every single one that is basically

I hope I’m not pressing too fast I don’t think that’s a thing but Um well it it it didn’t work guys Why didn’t it work because SB is an idiot and forgot to add nine of The Observers but remember it’s always a positive why is it a positive because I had to come all this way back and what can I now

Take with me yes I can take even more shulker boxes in fact I’m basically not gonna have enough shocker boxes left at home I’ve started to wonder if this is a good idea maybe maybe I’m being too hasty but probably not always oh okay we’ll leave those back

Um they go down there make sure we’re only bringing empty ones that’s that’s the other rule I think look at that brilliant just about took everything and I also only have one firework rocket to get me all the way back to that Cobblestone farm so I shall use it

Sparingly meaning I think I could actually get all the way to spawn without using a rocket I always do use a rocket to speed things up but with a bit of smart flying and avoiding the lava look at that straight in straight down straight around the oh okay sorry guys I

Didn’t mean to bump into you but very very nice indeed and I can fly over with that final rocket straight into bed there we go all observers in now when I press the button it they extend okay that’s more like it I can just go ahead and get all of these

Out and the shulker system is ready for business I’m going to add in even more of these I think I’ve just realized I want to try and fill up every single barrel that is a lot of shulker boxes but if anybody can pull it off it’s sp737 on a realistically it’s probably

Not going to be sp77 because I don’t have enough wood for it I think I think I’m just overdoing it with wood so I think I prioritize these ones that they send because they’re gonna be the ones that get filled the most job well done

If I do say so myself now I’ve just got to make sure I can somehow where’s me out get this Farm going but some oh I do have a lot more stuff in that no don’t be tempted despite you’ve done enough instead the focus has to be on why it

Stopped working there’s obviously something not right with this TNT duper and I’ve got to try and get to the bottom of it seems that there’s an issue where this Observer is in the wrong place this TNT is in the wrong place and there should be a no Vlog there

And I I don’t know why there isn’t maybe it burnt and it cannot I don’t think nobody’s going there so I do need to go get an extra Note Block I do also need to grab myself some extra firework okay some uh yeah we do we use them all up I

Just forgot to get uh get more so anyway let’s go back and get one notebook because that is my first priority there we go conveniently I have quite a lot to adjust that I don’t know so that goes there didn’t seem to break anything that’s good and it’s Observer here

TNT here and I think that should fix it only one way to find out please work okay it seems that TNT is dropping and he’s blowing things up and it’s blowing Cobblestone up and the farm is still absolutely fine still don’t know what happened to that note block why it was

Disappeared but it’s there now when it’s safe Cobblestone is successfully coming through that is perfect now it does seem to come as you can see faster than the Hoppers can take it and once that Hopper gets overloaded then it moves on to the next ones and it just kind of works its

Way down like that and so the next question is will the shulker Box loader work I’m fairly confident it will I’m not going to sit here and just sit and wait and see what happens because that’s just a waste of time instead I’ll gather up these full Cobblestone boxes and I’m

Also going to go to the Honey Farm make sure this is all working completely fine look at that it’s still working fantastically I’m gonna take all these with me although I’m not going to take them with me I am going to turn them into honey blocks and replenish the

Bottles I’ve still got a lot of bottles left but I do like to keep on top of it job done and I’ve ended up with loads of Honey blocks in the process which is nice I will use these shulker boxes to replace list although it’s kind of full

Isn’t it so maybe I guess they’ll have to go in the Cobblestone Farm I’m trying to yeah that’s gonna go there yeah I think it makes sense to take these other purple stroker boxes load up the Cobblestone farm and maybe a shulker box is filled by now I don’t know maybe it’s

Been a little bit too soon there’s only one way to find out though and the answer is no not yet I’m sure it is working I will just double check the things that exiting the shulker boxes um oven oh let me just let me just find this out yeah they have to make

Otherwise the number won’t be going down would it okay it’s working I’m just being paranoid for no reason either guys beautiful feels great to put all those honey blocks in there I might as well at least make a bit of a start on this room because it it looks okay but everything

Else looks like the walls look terrible it needs to look like this area so that is at the very least gonna be Blackstone walls and yeah Blackstone walls Blackstone roof and that might just be it it might be the most uncreative build ever but you never know I might try

Something a little different just to try and spice it up a bit walls unroof nicely done it’s already looking better I’m kind of thinking should I remove these Hoppers because they look a little strange but they’re useful for putting sugar boxes on unless I had another area

You could put the sugar but we’ll leave them there for now and I think I think I’m gonna go for the classic border of Blackstone although I’ve run out mid thing hold on a second like I was saying border of Blackstone and apparently there’s some water up there I

I want to somehow get oh no now he’s gonna go into the system isn’t it anyway I I I’ll I’ll cross that bridge and worry about it in a bit I just need to get rid of what on Earth is this is this oh this must be from me from the Water

Source above in that case I do want to keep it here because it’s handy to have I will dig my way out that is all going to get dug away anyway at some point turn on the machine and then my black stone will come through oh man it’s so

Noisy though been stood above a load of droppers going off non-stop thankfully I don’t have to be like that for long because there we go it’s come through and this middle bit is going to be completely mined out and once you see what I’m doing you’ll realize it is

Definitely an sp737 classic it’s basically the only way I know how to make a wall because we’re going lava along here with glass panes in front of it this could all get a little bit messy if I’m not careful come on SB get it down all right paid to the carpets they

Send them as what what did I think this is gonna be a good idea right we’ve kind of messed up a little bit here but I can fix it just gonna break those like I said though it’s an SP 737 classic I’m just usually better at doing them than

This well that’s probably something to do with the fact that I usually add the glass panes in first and then the lava in second yeah that definitely works way better okay well why did they play over this way you know what I think it’s looking pretty good so I’m definitely

Gonna do this the same thing on this side and also this wall this wall and all the rest of them it’s done all the walls are done and you know what I think it looks good say well you will there’s a repetitive thing that I do all the

Time I think it normally looks good it also fits the theme of this room up here with the lava and everything so I I think I’m glad however the way I’ve done it the only thing missing now is to get the roof sorted it shouldn’t take too

Long although it is quite a precise job and there we have it the roof is now complete the room is complete why it’s not quite complete actually I need to just replace this carpet there we go because yeah the lava completely destroyed it good stuff I’m gonna grab

My sugar boxes that have left glittering the area but what do you think it’s nothing crazy it’s just it’s a fairly basic looks very very plain to be honest not very decorate I should maybe add slabs of corners but I don’t care enough it looks better than what it did before

I am also just in case any of what we got there we’ve got a glow squid exactly apparently sometimes uh yeah glove squids spawn into it but just in case it picked up any stone did these hoppers this will send it around look at that it

Did I know what my things will do so I think that’s enough although I’ll turn it off grab them and get him into storage and the next thing to be sorted is this dirt farm it needs completing now and I am I’m gonna do it okay it

Needs a few tweaks just to make sure it properly works for example these dispensers which you can’t quite get to but yeah they need a water bucket in each I also I think it’s going to be beneficial for me it will it stock itself with bone meal but I think it’s

Gonna be beneficial if I actually do that myself as well also why do I feel like I’ve done these colors the wrong way around surely the purple stuff uh yeah the sugar should be in the purple shulker box and the the wood should be in the brown chocolate box that makes

Way more sense just a little quality of life change nothing major so I’m gonna take these two water buckets and then I’m gonna try and find the doorway which is right here to get both of them added then I’ll also grab two empty buckets that’s probably and I’m Gonna Fill them

What’s the best way to film I could you know what we’re gonna we’re gonna risk it okay we’ve got a bit quick thinking here so we’ve got a mine and pickle oh look at that no don’t like that ice cream oh you did it great and then you

Messed up please don’t flow over to the ground it’s too late take two there we go no mistakes this time yeah it’s just gonna make a big mess enough I guess the snow will fix it eventually anyway I’ve got to go now and try and get through to

The other side which I suppose it’s easier said than done I’ll just have to mind my way through that’s probably the easiest way and these two can be filled that will basically make it so that water dispenses and it’ll collect up anything that the Moss produces for example say the Moss

Produces some grass or some Azalea it’ll pick those up and then it’ll send them down either through there or through the other side and then once they’re through they get reused for bone meal which is perfect it means you know that the farm is way more efficient because it

Replenishes its resources and as I was saying speaking of bone meal it would make sense for me to just fill up my inventory completely and then begin filling these droppers with it like I said it will do that itself anyway over time but it just gets the farm going

Faster if it’s already got bone meal in perfect they’re all done I think maybe I could do that one above as well and then I’ll just let the other ones replace themselves naturally because I can’t really get to them although is this no that’s a water that’s water book isn’t

It yeah I can’t really get into those can I get into this one here oh I can’t you know what we’ll add to this one as well and also this one as well and then a few of them along here are also going to be done I’ve added Bull Mill as far

Along there as I can it’ll definitely help getting things going but in order to make it so that these droppers actually transmit things all the way I need to change a block I’ll do some fancy building here yeah I’m gonna have to break a I think the breaking glass

Should be fine right yeah I don’t think I’ve I don’t think I’m gonna destroy it and basically I want to change this block here that’s a waterlog thing to be a to be a a natural block and then when an observer Powers it it will then power

That dropper that’s that’s the way it’s going to work so I’m gonna go like that and that and I don’t think we’ve broken anything that’s good okay that makes a change doesn’t it can also reach a few more drops from down here every single

One helps I’m gonna do as many as I can and with that I think I can start running the farm I can’t plant any saplings because if they grow then it’ll start obviously making dirt and then if it starts making dirt it’ll all get jammed up down there because I haven’t

Yet built the blush chamber but at the very least I can set it off so that bone meal starts getting transmitted everywhere and that’s that you know that’s a good one and as you can see already because I filled up all those other ones we’ve got the Bull Mill

Coming here and then once this one’s full and all the droppers behind it then this one would fill but that’s that’s kind of a bit down the line yeah although I am for now just going to pause the farm because I want to leave the area and I don’t want it to break

Whilst I’m gone why will I believe in the area because I will need to get the resources to make the TNT blast chamber I am also going to remove this little bit of contraption here because basically when the blocks come they get pushed by this and then this machine

Will push them downwards but I don’t actually need them to be pushed downwards I’m just gonna have the bus chamber like this will just fade directly into it so that’ll be absolutely fine fairly simple bit of stuff to get rid of I’m just yeah gonna

Get rid of all that so I have the space and then finally there’s a bit of obsidian let’s do a wondering Trader down there have you been here the whole time are you a new one another or no one again useless imagine if they actually gave you good stuff and you’re like whoa

It’s a Wandering Trader but no the difference the only thing wandering Traders are good for is on things like super flat or in a world where you can’t get certain items then they give you something good but other than that they’re pretty pointless they also might

As well do my best to take away okay that they’re awful keep all them then but I’m gonna try and take away any empty shulker boxes and all the stuff in here I think can be taken as well so I’m gonna give that a go and we’ve got the

Inventory space we have but we haven’t got the inventory Space Center to take all of that stuff I’ll come back pretty some other time because I do also want to Chuck the Scaffolding in here do I have a scaffold thing maybe this is my scaffolding one I thought I had another

One but I guess not we’ll pick up the under chest and thanks for using me in the chest and a bit of organization I’ve got everything this really is the beauty of the auto sorter I don’t have to sort everything out let that do the work I

Just get to Chuck everything in the chest when you see a big mess like that it’s uh it’s very very well I’m very very glad to say put it that way and now I can begin Gathering up all the materials for the TNT blush chamber it’s going to require quite a

Long list of items but thankfully not quite as many as I had to do for the actual Tree Farm I’m gonna say tree farm I of course mean dirt farm that uses trees to make the dirt and what’s that I need pistons and I need observers oh

Wait I have loads of them available crafted oh this is fantastic I’m making good progress but there’s still plenty more items to go that’s all the items I need actually I don’t need those sticks I don’t know why I’ve got them so now I can begin building it I’m going to use

Crafting tables to scaffolding because I have no other blocks of inventory available so this is the very bottom platform and it’s part of the water collection system this little bit here is definitely too small to collect everything but over here I’m making it bigger don’t you worry about that these

Trap doors will also all be water looked so I’m going to grab some water out of here and I’ll just build myself a little water sauce because it’s it’s definitely could have been needed so that I can water log every drop door individually there we go mission complete stop get

Rid of this bit of water and everything should yeah perfectly flow down and we’ll also need more water to go in this chamber here but I I reckon I’m going to use ice that might be and hey there’s ice everywhere don’t even have to go back home for a second to literally just

Mine it like this and of course I want to be renewable so I’m going to mine away ice like this so that it can all replenish I’ll if I mine that one perfect and these can be added here where they will be broken I’m also going

To spawn proof and snow proof of the uh the edge of this it’s mainly the snow proof needs nothing because those Shockers over there you’ll never get mob spawning over here but yeah I definitely want to make it so that there’s no snow to get in the way I mean it shouldn’t be

A problem but better safe than sorry isn’t it and that’s just a case of building up this glass tube and filling it with water as I go at this level I’m able to add all of the Redstone components so this is the Pistons it’s going to push the blocks around so they

Get TNT efficiently and the good thing is it’s basically the same thing on every side so it’s it’s it’s barely you know once you’ve done one you can do them all progress is being made nicely on the machine this is is where the TNT Jupiter is going to be I’m not gonna

Actually put the tint in just yet until the end and there’s a safety switch here so if I flick that the TNT duper you know the 20 watt blow everything up but it’s definitely definitely like getting there all the Pistons are in that’s where the uh the TNT will go and this

Lamp if it lights up will tell me that everything is out of sync hopefully never lights up but that means turn the machine off basically I think the machine turns itself off even when that happens all that Redstone down there is now done so I can start adding a

Platform up here which I will stand on and the blocks as you can see were in line the blocks are going to be pushed along here and they’re going to actually be pushed in a gap down the middle and then you can see the Pistons will all push it in four different directions

Split it up and it’ll split it up to where the red stained glass is in every corner and then it will all converge at the bottom and right here is where I would like to put together a bit of a storage there will be a shulker box

Loader I I don’t know why I don’t build them normally when I first build the farm this one is gonna have one straight away not building it you know 20 years later like I did with the Cobblestone Farm the shrunker Box loader bit is done

I miss the Piston that needs to go there but you can see the shulker box is there and when it empties the Piston will push and it will then so it doesn’t actually sort the item so this Farm will mainly produce dirt it’ll also produce some logs and some Cobblestone and maybe some

Boss I don’t think maybe not and then the sugar boxes will just come into here I yeah I should I think maybe at an auto sorter as well it could be an idea I don’t know I’ll worry about that some other time one thing I do know though is

That I’m one piston short apparently I’m an idiot and didn’t bring enough there we go grab you can’t believe I forgot one whilst I’m here I should get some ice because there’s a few more to place and I apparently ran out of it it’s gonna go right there and this water tube

Is almost as dull as it needs to be just one more okay I’ve got two of those to place but yeah just one more layer up and it will be done I do need to have a water log slab at the top as well just for safety purposes and all that and

It’ll keep the items from bouncing up you know they’ll just go to the slab float through and then into that Hopper which will take them into a shulker box now to finally add a roof and it’s done the TNT blast chamber is complete okay wait it’s not complete when I said the

Word TNT I realized I forgot the most important part of the whole thing yes I forgot to actually add the TNT so the safety switch is on and then the TNT if I can grab it just goes in there there we go then I can turn the switch back

Off and I don’t want to forget to One log it as well that’s uh that’s important don’t want to forget it would be disaster if I forgot that no it is it is fully done everything is as far as I know ready for testing so hopefully nothing goes wrong I’m gonna drop off

All this stuff because I don’t need it anymore there we go this part is nice these although I don’t have a way to sort carpets I need to expand this storage system down so I can sort more stuff because there’s so many things that I just can’t and it’s it’s it’s

It’s not that bad but it can at times be a little bit annoying but anyway I am now ready I’m gonna bring a few spare saplings just in case and I’m also going to build a regeneration Beacon which will require iron box I’m sure I have

Iron Bots I knew I’d add some somewhere and the reason for this Beacon is because sometimes you take damage using this farm so it’s more just a precautionary measure it’s the damage is minimal but if you were there for an hour then maybe it could kill you

Eventually if you ran out of hunger and stuff so just to make sure that it’s impossible to die a regeneration Beacon will solve that problem all built up not too hard at all let me now why have I got some grass block where have they

Come from well I mind them I know where they came from I don’t know why I asked stupid questions sometimes anyway I am going to I’m trying to think what I want to use for this Beacon because I want to use an iron ingot ideally but apparently

There isn’t any just hanging about well there is now because I am going to turn that into ironing gods and then I’m going to put one there put the rest in there put that shulker box back there and mine up the under chest then that

Can be plonked on top that can go there and I think okay there we go it’s all working I’m trying to think what I want do I want I I get resistance and regeneration because you can only get regeneration one and that’s that’s gonna do it that’s gonna get the

Phone completely finished safe and ready to use so once I take the saplings out of the barrel the farm begins I’m then going to get in here and hold right click at this very angle and the trees will grow and you can see stuff is going on all around me now there’s water

Flowing out Moss has been created it’s been turned into Spruce dirt and all that as you can well into puzzle which will turn into dirt and in theory all of that which is being created if my machine works as you can see I can see what’s going on the water comes out

Because it it breaks everything there you go and then it kind of will push it also it can be compostable I shouldn’t be picking this up why have I got it but if I go ahead and just stop the machine temporarily you’ll see not every single

Stone gets turned to Moss which is why this Farm does produce Stone and sometimes you end up with it producing wood as well but yeah it should be pushed through here and then this every time one comes a block comes to here I could um I could simulate this for you

One comes to air pushed it down instantly it’s it’s just automatically detects it pushes it down straight away it’s awesome and then down there when they get detected they split into four different ways days I can then come all the way down here and you can see that

It is starting to put it all together it’s got the red stainless in there as well but it’s putting it all together and once it gets to the perfect amount or the perfect point a TNT will be released and blow it all up and it’ll be the most efficient it can possibly be

When item does get blown up it’ll be pushed into there where it will go all the way up and then into the topper into the shulker box loader and then the shulker boxes will come into this giant chest so it all seems to work well but I

Haven’t tested it for an extended period of time so well I shouldn’t be uh in there let’s just go back a little bit there we okay we’re kind of in the block still not taking damage there we go perfect so yeah I’m gonna run it a bit

Longer and see how it goes it really is satisfying to see the machine at work and the TNT very efficiently blows everything up one issue I do feel like I’m having is I’m not getting enough saplings back really it should destroy the leaves and you should get back as

Many saplings as as you used but it seems like I’m not quite managing that it’s not a major problem because the saplings aren’t that hard to get but it may be wise to instead have these saplings get composted i instead just Swap this round a little bit instead

Craft a load of chests which is going to require crafting table which I’m 44 there ready and waiting so we’ll craft I’ll craft them all into crafting tables but then I’ll need more Hoppers because I’ve not really got any idea how many saplings this actually does produce that

Normally will get turned to bone meal so um I think two Hoppers will do it and then we’ve got three double chests yep that’s perfect and they can just be okay well not there that’s too high it needs to be one lower doesn’t it and I’ve got

An angle we can put that there fantastic so yeah now I’m just going to do this now that I’ve got to be careful that I don’t lock any Hoppers so hmm I’ve got it yeah I I’m gonna end up messing some up here so what I’m gonna do I’m gonna

Rotate this so it’s instead like that I’m gonna have the chest on the end and then I can do it one more time I could do it one more time if I can just just sneak me away on it there we go not quite uh you know it’s all gone wrong

I’m building the platform it’ll just make life easier that is like that that today so yeah this will be filled with saplings for me just double check it’s working they should be coming down oh no it’s not working of course it didn’t work why is it not working where did they go

Oh they must have got wait did they did they also get pulled Below on this uh right hold on we’re getting rid of this Opera as well the question is where did that upper go I bet that Hopper has gone all the way down here has it gone into

This has it gone into let’s go into that shocker box oh this is crazy keep trying to keep hold of it is the hopper in there no it’s not where did it go then okay I’m gonna do it I didn’t realize this Hopper was pointing that direction

Oh my goodness is it burning the extra supplies as well well we can’t be doing that you know how much we need those well that’s just as well I’ve done that I mean yeah you do get over on my supplies but we don’t want to burn too many but so that Hopper

Suppose I could have it I’ll just do something like that for now because I want to I want to be able to change it back to bowmill and then once to turn into Bombay once I’m overrun by them but at the moment I’ve got a perfect amount so I’m gonna leave it as

It is um this is still loads of bombs are we still good in the bone Mill Department yeah we’ve got loads that’s fantastic so I use this Farm a little bit more and see how it goes that should be enough usage of the farm I’m going to

Put those saplings back in there you see we’re already down to 13 so I’m hoping that the whole sampling pump up there is definitely worked how many did we get tell you what that’s not bad because I yeah see things that maybe if you’ve had these dispensing back to me in there

I could build a system for that I could also not be bothered to build a system for that yeah it’s like it’s not it’s not like I’m getting oh crazy ridiculous amount of saplings but it I’ve gotten enough it’s the main thing time to do a little bit more testing I’ve actually

Tried to realign the boat as well to see if that stops me from taking damage we will uh we’ll find out in a moment as I get pushed I didn’t get take damage yeah maybe it’s the boat alignment and maybe it’s the the poor bolt alignment was

Mean I wasn’t getting as many saplings as I should have done no the sapling return rate just doesn’t seem to quite be good enough still yeah that’s it I’m gonna have to make it completely self-sufficient I need to make some improvements and it’s snowing well don’t really mean anything because now it’s

It’s not snowing anymore I’ve worked out the issue I think I’ve worked out the issue the farm should use this dropper timer to replace or replenisher say the saplings by them going they should prioritize going into this dropper I think and then they go into The Cauldron that doesn’t have

Anything and then they go into that water stream and that water stream takes them all the way around and basically drops them through there and down so it should be replacing me but I think something’s going wrong I’m gonna just run some more tests I’m sure I can get

To the bottom of this so I’ve let it run for a while let’s just see what’s happened so this is where the saplings are going and look at that it’s just filling up they should be emptying and coming round why are they not coming round to me that’s the question and

Looks like the answer could be yep it’s it’s because this is frozen I think now that should send some round let’s have a look do um I don’t know whether we’re coming they’ll be coming out somewhere down there maybe to make sure that that doesn’t ever freeze again I’m just gonna

Put a chest on top I think it’ll do didn’t really have any other items undo that I don’t know what to use and now to test it again and see if anything changes I think I’ve cracked the code items I believe are going into this

Cauldron see if I can prove this by yeah I picked them up you see so items going into the cauldron and this system has been activated all the time which is why items are going into The Cauldron but it’s here that’s the problem there needs

To be 16 items in this dropper and then that will activate this system which will move those two Pistons basically I’ll move The Cauldron down and then that piston will extend pushing the saplings into there so that is why I’m not getting the saplings I need

Fantastic I might as well just fill that up with all of them then and get the extra bone meal from these and get the extra bone meal from these and that does it the testing process is over I I’ve got as you can see a lot of dirt and

Wood and stuff I need to make it so it’s automatic probably not in this video but at some point I will add an old a better Auto sorting system to that because it’s gonna get messy eventually but my main priority right now is it didn’t work did

My plan work okay we’re gonna take a stack we’re going to use the farm and do I replenish all the saplings Yes the answer yes I just went from Aloma saplings and picked up loads of them oh even overflowing a momentary that’s fantastic okay the Farm’s now self-sufficient oh man no wonder it wasn’t regenerated I I just realized I didn’t put any sugar boxes in this chest

So that we’d have more so the chocolate box loader automatically turned itself off very good but I should probably try to avoid making that mistake in the future and I’m going to attempt to make a bit of a modification to this I can tell I’m just gonna get annoyed if I do

Have the Cobble and the stone well the Cobble and the wood going to the dirt chest like they should all go into their own chests and if I do it correctly now I’ll probably thank myself in the future it’s going to require quite a few more materials though quite a few materials

That won’t be difficult for me to get I’ve ended up with plenty of items more than I initially intended So the plan is to instead have the water flow out and this way and then run the ice with scaffolding is just going to be there to

Make it so it flows further now here is where there’s gonna be a hopper and there’s going to be another one here both of these Hoppers will have item filters in so that they only accept item I’ll hang on a minute I might I’ve changed my mind whilst yes I do want

That I think I’m instead I’m gonna use ender chest why not in the chest always look good now the two Hoppers can be here one for stone one for wood it’ll be a pretty standard item filter then the item filter Hoppers will go downwards and they need to go far down enough so

They’re out of the way of this and this is where the shortcut loaders can be built what’s going to use with the Roses as the blockers so that’s there and that is there we’ll have cobblestone in this one I need some oak logs Vlogs going around I know

They’ll be just find the right spot spruce I mean by the way in this shulker box right here where we’ve got all sorts of extra stuff I’ll just grab I don’t want to grab more than a stack just yet until the shulker Box load a bit is done

But those are are ready now I’m going to come down here and finish building these Mr accomplish those two torches make it yeah all done I can add the water up here of course put that slab back and then I’m gonna have this to top it all

And it should only be dirt that flows all the way to the end this is all in theory however I can test it out just a little bit bye as maybe you know what let’s let’s put it in action properly I’ll send it down through the bottom so

Spruce logs there we go Cobblestone the thing is the only thing yeah I probably just sent to a little bit too much in one go for it to all get picked up and so some of it has maybe got picked up yeah some of it as just not all of it

Because obviously there wasn’t enough space but normally you won’t get that much wood or Cobblestone going in one go so I wouldn’t worry about that too much I’ve dropped off all my items everything is full of shulker boxes so it’s time I start using this farm and get my

Infinite dirt that should be enough time spent there I’ve also got all sorts of extra items from it but as it worked has it been filling up these shulker boxes oh look at this okay well we’ve got a little bit of wood snuck through that

Here and there so maybe I need to add a few this second one doesn’t count by the way because that would have already had it in before but yeah maybe I do need to add like an extra oh what did I do that as I was saying maybe I need to add an

Extra slot or two of Hoppers just to slow it down now and did any of these shulker boxes actually fill doesn’t look like oh well we have an observer anyway that’s good I’m just gonna see anyway how full they are just out of curiosity so that’s a that’s a decent amount of

Wood you know obviously it’s a dirt farm it’s not a wood farm so we’re not here doing it what about the Cobblestone I don’t really care about Cobblestone anyway because I’ve literally got on the cobblestone as you guys have seen but did I go into here and yeah so that not

That much byproduct which is a good thing I suppose because the main focus is to be getting dirt and as that is my main focus I I think I’ve succeeded at that pretty well especially when you consider just how much dirt I have managed to get so I’m going to load

These into the chest of dirt what a job well do you would have thought that making a dirt farm was going to be this much effort so the thing that I’d like to do first is very very simple get 1 000 diamonds because I’ve never done that before although just before that I

Should probably repair this elytra that’s perfect and I’m gonna start a timer to see just how long this project takes me I’m gonna begin the search right here at the place where I collected every single block since it’s actually built in an ancient city and ancient cities that have diamonds

Knocking about all over the place I should probably use Fortune then I know just how many diamonds I’ve got finally I found another but all in all they’re kind of rare at the moment there we go now I’ve got 10 and I’m in a massive cave to explore with more diamonds

There’s my first stuck and there’s my first 100 now I’m up to two stacks and then three four five six seven and now eight which means I’m past halfway or at least I will be once I’ve mine this fantastic ten Stacks or there’s still many more to go mining these two up

Makes 700 and now eight hundred nine hundred and one thousand actually slightly marked there’s another one there just look at them all don’t they look great and it only took me nearly five and a half hours but it’s all as well that ends well because I can now

Make my way back home because that’s the ancient debris nice well it will be nice if I don’t die to these piglets which is very close to happening maybe I should just continue flying back home and to make a giant map of the world I’m

Of course gonna need a lot of maps I could craft them with a serious amount of paper which would be waiting ages for this Farm to get loads of it or I could make a map farm and as a byproduct the farm will also get me loads and loads of

Paper now doing this is going to require hundreds of villagers so a super fast villager breeder is what I’m gonna go ahead and build every single item has been gathered up and I also spent a bit of time getting loads of glass because it’s going to come in handy too and

Because this Village breeder is going to be part of a massive hero of the Village Farm that’s how I’ll get the maps in the paper it needs to be built above a Pillager outburst and whilst there was a pillow job post here I can’t really build it in this spot because I don’t

Want to destroy my villager Captain Farm well thankfully I do know where there’s another one this is the place it’s only about a thousand blocks from my house and the village of Rita has to be built up really really high in the sky this is the platform that will have loads of

Farmer villagers up here the tricky part is the very very fun task of getting villagers all the way up here as the carrots grow the villagers will throw them to each other and that is why they will breed although I I didn’t quite bring it up but we’ll worry about that

Later instead I will continue to build up these walls this tube is where the baby villagers will drop down and they’ll walk over here because they’re trying to get to these beds and this lever here allows me to turn the breeder on and off now when they come through

Here they will get stuck right here and and stuck on top of that wall then they’ll grow up and go up above float along go through the powdered snow land on the trapdoor the ladies are there so that entity crime isn’t a problem and my priority right now is to get some bones

So I can use bone meal on the carrots and I’ll also need blocks and ice so that there can be a system to transport the villagers upwards time to get some bone meal crafted some carrots grown and more planted and I’ve realized instead of building a massive water tube to get

The villages up here but there is instead a better way and that way will be to use Nether Portals I need one that connects to this which is above the nether and then I’ll make another one once I find a nearby Village not exactly nearby or the type of Village I was

Looking for well you know what the great floating village will do the way I see it I’m doing all you guys a favor now I reckon I could use a job okay I was gonna say I could use a job site blocked alone at least they just walk through on

Its own I’m not complaining come on mate you look lost Let’s uh let’s get you out of it just head through that portal and you’ll arrive to your brand new job now to go and get five more of them welcome villager number two and whilst I could

Just breed those two to get the other four I’m instead gonna manually move them I’ve got them all through some have come back through what do you guys think you’re doing oh no no no wake up we’re having that let’s get this portal broke seriously can’t believe four of you came

Back through then when the cooldown is over I can light it again and send them all through welcome guys this is your life now and to speed things up every single one of these crops is getting grown because the quicker their inventory is fill up with carrots the

Quicker I will get more baby villagers well they’re throwing crops to each other they’re having baby villagers the plan is working it will take me 50 to 100 days to get the hundreds and hundreds of villagers that I want and since I’m going to day six thousand I’ve

Got loads of time there’s no rush you’re not gonna breed to your heart’s content and I can get busy building the rest of this thing this is the bit where all the villagers are gonna go so it’s gonna be modified a little bit later once the villagers are in but they will get

Ejected into their slots as you can see it is nicely filling up with baby villagers everything’s coming along nicely another thing that we’ll need doing for this Farm is to completely spawn proof The Outpost since they only want pillagers to spawn in one specific place look at this we’re starting to get

Adult villagers as well excellent but to build this whole Farm I am gonna need a lot more resources than what I’ve got so going home together all them is my next priority there it is every single item in this there’s quite a lot of them so

Now I can get this Farm Built Well after me Elijah repaired anyway so it’s going to start with a massive yellow platform down here that the pillagers will be able to spawn on and then there will need to be a villager in this space here

And that is what is going to lure the pillagers to run up here and they’ll go up the shoot and you think getting the Villager would be a hard thing but I could actually just build a quick portal which will still connect to this one on the nether roof and another villager can

Be kidnapped from his home and I have no clue where he’s going but he’s walking miles away in the wrong direction what on Earth do you think you’re doing now he’s left me no choice but to vote him by force that’s you in there perfect there’s gonna be another spawning

Platform right here and this one’s got Redstone lumps on them so that the light levels can control whether the spawning platforms are on or not I also need one final villager right here to lure the pillagers that spawn on there oh my goodness I just found the rarest block

In Minecraft a half bed and the Sun is going down and the question is can you sleep in it I really want to know Moment of Truth nope you you apparently cannot use a half bed to swipe in anyway this is the last of the villagers here once again sp77 successfully ruined something

Because this guy won’t get a job I’ve got a manually move him which may take a little bit of time I could be wrong but I don’t think I can use a nitwit for this farm so it’s kind of useless to me in the end anyway instead I’ll grab one

Of these guys and send him all the way down there okay sadly he didn’t survive the fall I miscalculated good thing I’ve got 50 more to just head on that one made the fall perfect one out of two survivors are you kidding me I was just about to say one out of two

Survivors is not bad and then he nearly escapes thankfully he’s okay so now it’s time to get back to work and that involves building a massive slab roof for darkness and a giant water shoot to send up the pillagers this is where the storage system is gonna be I’ve not

Currently set it up with auto sorters because I’m just gonna be getting maps and paper at the moment but once I’ve got loads of them I plan to change it to a redstone Farm but even for those I probably won’t be needing any sorters the Redstone is coming along very very

Nicely and this right here is where the player is going to AFK so it needs to be a trapdoor like this and then the same on this side and and the trap doors open and closing I’m gonna be waterlogged so that they can easily be turned on and

Off you can see off and back on again not entirely sure how many villages I’ve got but it’s definitely a lot and once I finish the rest of the Redstone I will probably start adding them into here and once these last few final bits are down

It’s done the hero of the Village Farm is complete five of the slots have now been filled with 25 Villages so once again I’ll move the activator rail along one and keep going until every single slot is filled and there we go it is now completely full of villagers I’ve also

Got loads more in the pipeline ready and I have added a piston door to every level so that I can disable the breeder like that so at the moment it is Switched Off and now I’ve got to pop back home to grab a few extra resources

So that I can fully finish the farm as you can see this orange glass needs removing and then these rails also need mining up I’m gonna put glass right there and also there then Pistons are going to push the slabs downwards and get mined away and I need a road blocks

Right here with more Pistons facing into them I can activate them all at once with a button break them all remove this top row of glass and Redstone and then I’ll finally water lug the slabs and that’s it the hero of the Village Farm is now complete and ready for testing

Well it’s almost complete I just need to grab a little bit more water because in this tube it doesn’t quite go all the way up yet I’m also gonna quickly build something else before I use it and and I turn the monster chops on our pillagers

Are going to get in the way but yeah I’m gonna build a full regeneration Beacon that way when I go AFK I don’t have to worry about starvation or anything like that although I I didn’t bring enough glass to completely spawn proof it so that’s the next task and with that done

I can now test out the farm loads of pillagers have come up and I have now got a raid starting but what happens below is the raid tries to spawn and it instantly despawns because it’s so far away and because an ominous Banner has dropped into their the game detects that

And I’ve just got the hero of the village as you can see in the top right now all these guys are soon gonna start throwing the gifts and there we go just look at all the maps and paper flowing in I seem to pick most of it up in

Inventory so I’m gonna go ahead and throw it over there and then I’m gonna go and do this with the fireworks so that all of it will successfully go into that just system it’s working fantastically so I’m gonna run it for a bit and get as much as I can a few hours

Of pasta let’s go ahead and see and with regards it guys keep throwing it to me don’t Don’t Stop also I better eat some pork chops good thing I have that regeneration bacon otherwise it would have been a problem I’ll turn the machine off with that and look at all

The paper and all all of the maps I did not expect to be getting numbers I think that is all that I’m gonna need I can also only guess that I’ve accidentally got a farmer in there because for some reason I’m getting seed stuck at me but

Yeah what a great farm this is I’m gonna knit back home and get some sugar boxes to be filmed a little bit Overkill but I think eight should be enough to collect all of the drops one and a half sugar boxes worth of Maps doesn’t look like a

Lot but that’s 20 000 papers worth and also 2 500 compositions so it definitely definitely is better especially when you consider I got a shulker box and a half’s worth of paper on top of that as well and with all of that out of the way

I think I should finally do what I’ve been wanting to achieve since I started this world which is to reach level 1000. there we go level 900 has been reached I hope I’ve got enough TNT left to get to level a thousand and here it comes finally level one thousand I’ve never

Ever done that before I’m not gonna stop there I’m gonna keep going until this machine runs out of TNT which by the looks of things that there’s not that much left okay so it shouldn’t take too long and the TNT has now finally completely run out I’ve got none left

Anywhere so the machine can be switched off however there is still a lot of XP here to collect so I’m I’m gonna get all of it and there we go 1031 levels a few levels to spare in case I need them for some reason now this giant map is going

To consist of 2 500 in total it’s gonna be 50 by 50 wide it’s gonna be massive and it’s also going to be laggy and because I don’t want to break or corrupt the air around my house I have gotta find the perfect location this looks

Good to me so now I’m gonna dig a massive hole for the build to go in foreign Finally mission accomplished there is just one tiny little bit of bad news myself talks pickaxe did break I now only have this Fortune one available and I forgot I got bad Omen from a pillage oh here we go now we’ve got a raid although it seems to have failed to

Spawn so that’s good news anyway I’m trying to do this in a sufficient as way as possible that’s pretty good and I’ve successfully maxed it without going under level 1000. now when it comes to placing all the maps if I place them on glowstone then they will not have any

Shadows and they’ll look a lot better but that does mean that I need 2 500 pieces of the glowstone which believe it or not I’ve done quite out so I’m going to fly over to this raid Farm to see if there’s much here and the answer seems

To be yes there are some shulker boxes with Glowstone in them and a few random Stacks it’s not a crazy amount but it’s still better than nothing and how will I get the rest of all the ones that I need well I’ll be from my good friend the

Cleric and the void Trader by the time I’m done I should have absolutely loads all emeralds have been traded and a good amount of extra glowstone has been obtained and now I’ll take all the glowstone and also all the white concrete and then begin work on this

Build the sheer amount of time that is taking me to place down all this glowstone is make me realize just Darwin in maps there are going to be good job I’ve got 500 Days this episode I’ve got a lot of exploring to do mission accomplished and then I need a border of

White concrete all the way around the outside with that done I can start pulling the maps down anytime I want but I still need a few extra resources for the rest of the build for now I’ve got enough of the items here so at the very

Least do most of the build and for the walls I kind of want to look like a bit of a world map so I’m going to kind of do like terrain like this and just kind of yeah make make bits of green out of the land and then ocean around them you

Know what I have to say it’s looking pretty good isn’t it and I reckon it’ll be perfect once I’ve built it all the way around there we go I have left gaps in on four of the sides so there’s a way for there to be some staircases although

Apparently I don’t have any squat stairs at the moment so I should Rectify that right now and yeah they’ll just go along like that and then I’ll break this and continue staircasing it up nicely done and then round the edge I’m gonna have the concrete like this and then another

Road where I’m going to leave gaps every four blocks because I want sea lanterns to go there but unfortunately I didn’t bring any sea lanterns because I uh I’ve completely run out so I’ll fill in those gaps when I can and then there’ll be a cause brick pathway that goes all the

Way around followed by more white concrete with gaps for sea lanterns around the outside I’m also going to add a border of blue concrete and then I can start placing this which will act as the base of the walls and for those walls it’s gonna be pillars periodically along

Which I’m gonna just Mark out now and they’re all going to be five blocks tall in total it’s really starting to take shape isn’t it now in some these gaps there’s going to be blue concrete because I’m going to have water in them in other gaps it’ll just be Stone

Because there will be lava in here it seems pretty straightforward doesn’t it so now I’ll start putting the lava in and hope this sheep’s like sheep don’t stand there no run my goodness I didn’t think it was gonna make it yeah you’ll probably say putting the water one

Anyway with the lava in it can be blocked up with glass panes and I can do this in all the other gaps that’s every lava one successfully done and in these blue gaps I’m going to use ice to go for the water okay that’s not exactly how I

Envisaged it as I was saying I’m going to use ice to get the water but I think water in its own is it just isn’t enough so I’ll pop back home get a bunch of bone meal and then I can add a bit of life to the water tanks might even add

Fish eventually as well but for now I’m just gonna stick with what I’ve got there we go the wall is complete well it will be Stone but I’ve gotta add another layer of this on top and that does mean that I require a few extra items such as

N Rods and black concrete and I’ll also make sure to farm some Guardians to get the extra sea lanterns that I need as well at this point I’ve probably been here more than long enough to get to get the things you need yeah I’ve got plenty

Of stuff but I also kind of want to get level 1020 so I’m just gonna stay here a little bit longer there we go I have made it and now to craft myself a bunch of sea lanterns which I can of place in the floor so the way that more layers

Are going to be added up here is I’m going to first start with white concrete keeping these pillars in then I’ll Place black concrete behind and end rods in front and that’s how that bit will look then there needs to be five more of these pillowed up and columned across

Now due to the fact that I have less space it’s going to be a little bit trickier to do this top bit but still very very possible and that’s gonna be the button again a checkerboard thing so there needs to be water behind this one which means pulling down blue concrete

And this wall is now fully complete and so I’m going to repeat what’s there on all of the three other sides this is this is gonna be a big job Foreign Also do you like my floating grass yeah it was above like a little waterfall so I I kept it I thought it was kind of cool and I’m still not gonna put the item frames and Maps down just yet because it will make things a bit laggy

And I want to make sure everything else is built first before I do that so I’m going to nip home to grab a few extra resources to get the roof on deep slate bricks are going to be part of the roof and five Stacks is all I need and I’ve

Also got to head to the end to trade for a load more glass mission accomplished so now it’s time to add a deep slate border all the way around with loads and loads of glass in the middle to cover the entire thing well it’s not this it’s

Probably the biggest job that’s job done now anytime I fly over this I will be able to see them out through the glass the back which currently still isn’t there so I’ve got more work to do such as terraform in the area so that it fits

Into the scenery a bit better which with this mountain here could actually work out to be quite a big jump definitely starting to get that the hardest part is just making this mountain look natural because I’ve had to mine a little bit away and all of this stone is still

Going to have to be turned into dirt I’m pretty happy with what I’ve done I think it looks fairly natural doesn’t it you know like it’s like it’s part of the mountain maybe not that big there should be good enough I do still need to fill

In this Gap right here which I can do with a bunch of stone and dirt on top from here it looks very very cool the final part of the build is to dig out an entrance way otherwise there’ll be no way in and out it’s all dug out now I

Need some quartz stairs and some white concrete so I can build the walls and finally the staircase and the map room is done all that is now missing is the most important part yes the map and apparently sheep lives down here now I I don’t know how you’re still alive to be

Honest now building this map as you might guess is going to take lots and lots of exploring which means I’m going to need lots and lots of firework Rockets unfortunately in here I’ve only got two stacks left and paper is an important part of that I’ve got a decent

Amount as you can see but I would like more I’m going to use the hero of the Village Farm to get that later but first i’m gonna grab all of this wood so that I know how much I need to make the item frames from all this leather and then I

Want to make a bunch of shulker boxes take them to the oil farm and get loads more gunpowder but yeah first things first I’ve got to craft all these sticks that’s all of them all eight sugar boxes now I take all of these and place them into the auto crafter although what I’ve

Got so far will still be insufficient I need to turn all of these into sticks as well now time to make all the item frames and some people are trying to tell them in the comments that I can like you know hold hold the uh control

And and press Q on these but it doesn’t matter what your price I can press shift I can press anything and you can’t drop the entire stack from there you can only drop it from there I just thought I’d drop that in and that should be all of

Them yep every single one of them is here and every single one of them needs to be placed down this is actually going to be quite a daunting task isn’t it so I’m gonna drop these off here the plan is to add the item frames as I add the

Maps that way it’ll just combat lag as I’m doing it all and I really feel like in here there’s just not going to be enough Spruce logs to make the amount of sugar boxes I need to restock up the EOL farm so I’m going to spend more time at

Spawn using this dirt farm so I’ll have lots and lots more wood I should definitely be long enough and how much wood did it get me a decent amount not even a full circle box but it’ll do also grabbed myself a bunch of sugar shells

From the sugar farm as you can see I have an abundance and then all these can be completely filled up with shulker boxes mission accomplished which means I can AFK here to get loads more gunpowder it’s been a few days and I reckon I’ll have loads of gunpowder as well as

Apparently loads of Enderman fly away and just despawn these but anyway as I was saying I’m sure we’ll have plenty of gunpowder now these chests along here I’ll use those to make a new shulker box worth of firework rockets and then I’ll grab all my maps because I think I am

Ready to begin the massive job of exploring the world filling in all these Maps now I’m not actually going to use spawn as the central bit for this world map because most of the things that I’ve built are kind of from Sports bones that way they’re more from Spawn and then in

That direction you know like the airwell farms and all that kind of stuff and you know what after a bit more thought I’m gonna use my house as the center I think that makes a lot of sense everything else revolves around this part of the world so I’m gonna clear out the Hotbar

And start with map number one okay the problem is I’m not gonna have a great deal of space but this is map number one and that is my house okay fully filling I’ll look at a volcano it looks insane and then from my house I’m gonna go a

Further 25 maps in this direction so by the time I’m done I should have 26 maps in totals if you think I’m gonna be doing this on foot so you’ve got another thing coming okay I’m gonna fly to speed it up a little it’s actually very cool

To see it in a form of a map as well I love it and basically every time I get a full hot bar that is when I just need to land and organize the maps so that they are in order of ID number I’m telling you now this right here is a foolproof

System and this is the end of row number one and look at that it even just about has room for the old floating village which is cool and now before I create too many other Maps I’m gonna go and get these placed down just to test

Everything out and why the heck is there a shulker boxing did it wait did I just leave the shulker Box what what kind of video does that puts all these Maps down and forgets about him good job I saw this on the way past all right Matt

Broom prepare to have some maps added I’ll just do a strip of two going all the way across and then from the middle I need to have some sort of system where they go into my inventory in an order I’m starting from here now is this the

Right way yes this they’re all fitting together correctly so we just keep going like this and it works perfectly it just goes nicely up to that although I’m gonna take this map because I need to know the exact coordinates of how far in that direction to go all the way if I

Was being smart I would have remembered to check when I was there but I didn’t so we’re gonna do it now this is the spot so now I’ve got a good plan which means I can do the other 24 Maps going in this direction that is the final one

And that is a forest on fire so now to get them all placed down perfect that is one row down 49 to go so I’d better get fizzy I filled in loads and loads of maps but I’m starting to get a bit confused about which road corresponds to which especially considering when I

Hover over them they now say oh no map what’s that all about that’s definitely gonna make life harder okay okay if I open it up then it tells me what the map is yeah but that’s that’s quite a lot of effort anyways I guess it’s not too bad

Then I’ve got them organized and ordered now to start placing them in one long row like this I have to say it is looking pretty cool I can’t wait to see the fully finished thing and I reckon looking down at it from the top is gonna look even better well there’s quite a

Long way to go before I’m ready for that so first I’m going to take a load of these item frames and get them placed down on this side and then I will collect every single map to fill in this side and that’s it that is done the

Final map of that half is filled in talk about Big Pro this has taken ages and I have seen loads of cool things as I’ve explored the world like a a floating Pillager Outpost how weird is that and now with the more nicely organized into the correct sugar boxes I can gather

Them all up and place every single one down And it is done does they look cool it looks really cool and it’s only halfway finished it’s definitely now it’s time to call some frame drops and before I go ahead and generate all the other Maps there’s some other things I want to do such as modifying this here of the

Village Farm so that it is not full of cartographers because I don’t need the maps anymore I’ve got all the maps I could need and I don’t really need paper from them either but there is really only one way to do the necessary modifications a nice suit Brute Force

I’m sorry guys but but you’ve just got to be cleared out in a big way for these guys which I’m going to make into clerics so I get loads of redstone well once I remove the water and put the rails back in I will anyway the necessary modifications have

Successfully been made I need to get rid of this cartography table and then fly back home to get a brewing stand whilst the mayor also grabbed lots and lots of emeralds and then like before the plan is to trade with them and okay that’s not quite right there we go but yeah the

Police to trade with them I’m gonna get Max Redstone every time because it’ll just behind his half that looks in the trade the unfortunate thing is I okay he died but the brinkstone copy move so I have to manually break it and place it because it’s not pushable by a piston so

It’ll be a little bit more effort than the Cartographer one was but uh it’ll it’ll still be worth it plenty of going in but I should also probably turn this breeder back on since baby villagers are going to be quite important for the uh the whole operation this adult villager

Cannot be here because it is definitely going to ruin everything and I can get back to trading with the Villagers already my villagers have run out so I have to wait for you guys to grow up and once the gym I’ll have a good steady stream of villages available I have got

A lot of baby villagers there as you can see they are now just starting to grow up so I should start sending them in and continue the trading I just love watching all the baby villagers grow up once it’s olympica miles it just it just looks so funny and with that there are

Now 100 in that slot which is quite a lot if I put 100 into every single slot then the farm will give me 6 000 Redstone per hour not bad but also not good enough so I’m going to go ahead and put 200 in there I want to get to the

Point where I’m getting so much Redstone per hour that it’s better than my rage farm so it’s gonna take quite a bit and that is 200 and now I’m going to move the activator rail along one and then I’ll fill up every single one of these slots with 200 villagers each good job

We’ve got millions of baby villagers ready to go my goodness it’s taken a long time the the frame rate is kind of dead now let’s look over there and it’s fine but there’s a lot of villages over there about 1 400 to be exact with many

More babies over there I I need to shoot off the breeder which I can do by flicking every single one of these levers and since there’s a complexion villagers here I might as well send them through as well my PC does not like this one bit but make it the necessary

Modifications is yeah it’s not gonna be very fun but thankfully it’s very straightforward mission accomplished now all I’m missing is seven buckets that are going to be filled up with water and used to waterlog the slabs and it’s done my Redstone hero of the Village Farm

It’s complete and the best thing is I got so much Redstone from that not just that but all of this as well now I’m gonna turn it off the mob switch and then I can test out the farm say just how good it is in theory it’s 12 thousand Redstone and twelve thousand

Lotteries per hour but because there’s so many villagers the TPS is about half of what it should be so it might be closer to about six thousand albino we’re gonna test that and find out so I’ll switch the farm on jump into here and wait for the pillagers to come up

And then I can get hero of the village and then all these guys will throw me loads and loads of redstone there’s thousands of them a good amount of time has passed and I’m very curious to see how much Redstone I’ve got into the first chest and strike okay it’s you

Know what it’s looking very very nice I’m gonna be turning everything into blocks so that I have more space and let’s say just how much we get and it has to be said that is a pretty good haul of goods plus it’s my first ever lapis Farm got loads of that now plus

I’ve grabbed all the extra maps and paper that I had because you just never know when they could come in handy and I get all these lovely extra resources dropped off back at home now if I think back to the project of the map I do of

Course still need to fill in all the rest of them but I also think it’d be cool to have like a couple of pixel arts that show up on this map they’d have to be pretty big and I’d probably have to add them after I’ve mapped everything

Out so that I know where they’ll be best to be put I have ideas for two big slots they’re gonna look amazing but right now my first priority is to map out the rest of my world and stealing this map might be useful so that then I can tell

Exactly where the starting Point’s gonna be and according to the map it’s gonna be right here so I know what I need to do I just need to get busy exploring and that’s the first two rows obtained meaning I’ve just got 22 more to go and

That is every single one done and before I place all of them down I’m gonna make a pixel art up in this corner here it’s definitely gonna be quite a hefty project but it will look amazing when it’s done there’s a lot of blocks to

Play so I am just gonna get straight to work foreign And finally it is done my goodness that was a project and how does it look how does it look from the top view it looks awesome doesn’t it it looks really really cool although this weather has meant that it does snow on part of him

Which is not good I’m gonna have to wait for that to end so whilst I do that I can remove this platform and I’ll also start updating the maps so they properly show Sonic although I’ve said that this one can’t really be updated until I’ve removed the snow otherwise Sonic will

Just show double white patch on his head which I do not want so let’s get rid of it that is job done so now get back to filling in the maps all the maps have been filled out and successfully organizing the shape which means it’s

Time to get back home and drop off all these spare shulker boxes and then I can begin the end of this project which is the first add these nine Maps into the corner and see just how cool that looks I missed a bit oh wait I got these wrong

Way hold on now I can say just how cool that looks look at that on the map page I love it and then I can fill in all the item frame games on this side of the map that still needs to be done that is mission accomplished and now it’s time

For me to get busy and place down every single map that I have foreign a little bit lucky when I tried to look at it but I have to say I think it’s amazing my entire world mapped out and it has a very very cool Sonic Easter egg

Up in the corner and if I look from above it looks even cooler I’d absolutely love it

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1,000 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft… [MOVIE]’, was uploaded by SB737+ on 2023-06-29 13:53:27. It has garnered 306920 views and 2764 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:00 or 10920 seconds.

I Survived 1,000 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft… the COMPLETE collection of videos of me going from 5,000 – 6,000 days in my Minecraft Hardcore world!

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    Crafting a Giant Fish Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Giant Fish Portal (Zoonomaly) Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you dive into the mysterious world of the Giant Fish Portal, also known as Zoonomaly. This unique feature in the game offers players a chance to explore new realms and encounter exciting challenges. Let’s delve into the details of this fascinating Minecraft phenomenon. Discovering the Giant Fish Portal As you navigate through the vast landscapes of Minecraft, stumbling upon the Giant Fish Portal can be a truly awe-inspiring experience. This portal, with its intricate design and mystical aura, beckons players to step into a… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of gaming content like the one in the YouTube video “Jackbhaiya Ka Idea 🤣 #shorts #gamerfleet #youtubeshorts”? If so, you’ll love the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can unleash your creativity, engage in thrilling PvP battles, and explore unique gameplay features. The IP address to join the server is YT.MINEWIND.NET. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind offers a dynamic and welcoming community for all. So why wait? Dive into the adventure today! Read More

  • The Ultimate Friendship Story

    The Ultimate Friendship Story The Story of True Friends in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft with the latest trailer from MineMixeGaming1. Discover the power of true friendship and teamwork as you explore new lands and face thrilling challenges. Join the Adventure Step into the shoes of brave adventurers as they navigate through treacherous terrain and encounter mysterious creatures. With the support of their friends, they must rely on each other to survive and thrive in this vast and unpredictable world. Key Features: Collaborative Gameplay: Work together with your friends to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. Exciting… Read More

  • US Presidents Play Spooky Minecraft Maps

    US Presidents Play Spooky Minecraft MapsVideo Information This video, titled ‘US Presidents Play Minecraft Horror Maps 1-3’, was uploaded by Presidents Universe on 2024-03-13 16:57:03. It has garnered 107326 views and 2026 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:54 or 9174 seconds. US Presidents Play Minecraft Horror Maps DISCLAIMER: The following video contains AI generated voices of several real people. These voices are fabricated for the purposes of entertainment, and the depiction of these characters do not reflect their real life counterparts. Read More

  • Breaking all the rules: Epic Minecraft house build!

    Breaking all the rules: Epic Minecraft house build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft house 🏡 #shorts’, was uploaded by Br craft on 2024-04-24 15:10:09. It has garnered 3314 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥 Ultimate Phone Anarchy by Кирилл Чернов! NO Xbox

    🔥 Ultimate Phone Anarchy by Кирилл Чернов! NO XboxVideo Information This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШАЯ Анархия на Телефон! | БЕЗ XBOX’, was uploaded by Кирилл Чернов on 2024-05-01 07:21:49. It has garnered 38 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. anarchy minecraft minecraft server for phone bedrock review of the best FMine server on Minecraft Bedrock version 1.20.4 – 1.20.80 and higher! Come in quickly, we are waiting for you! IP: fmine.fun / 19132 Website: htts://pay.fmine.su VKontakte: https://vk.com/fullm Optimization and tags, do not read! funtime, fantime, minecraft anarchy, minecraft anarchy, funtime anarchy, minecraft, pioneer, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft survival, vulture, funtime… Read More

  • EPIC GYROCOPTER in Modded Minecraft?! | Nighturz

    EPIC GYROCOPTER in Modded Minecraft?! | NighturzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Episode: 05 GYROCOPTER? This Helps! |Modded Minecraft 1.20.1 | Nighturz’, was uploaded by ƝƖƓӇƬƲƦȤ on 2024-01-05 06:45:45. It has garnered 68 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:56 or 12236 seconds. Finally got a decent way to travel during the blood moons! Never flown a Gyrocopter before, this should be fun! Read More

  • Fantasy Studio: EPIC Minecraft Roleplay Vyrez Trailer! 🎮🔥

    Fantasy Studio: EPIC Minecraft Roleplay Vyrez Trailer! 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘[ Official Trailer ] Minecraft Roleplay Vyrez Fantasy Made | Fantasy Studio 🔥🔥🔥🚨’, was uploaded by Fantasy Studio on 2024-01-12 01:00:08. It has garnered 168 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. _____________________________________ VYREZ SMP OFFICIAL TRAILER PRODUCER : Fantasy Studio ANIMATOR : @finzch-asli SCRIPTOR : @fannsst —————————- —————————— 🚧🚧 | OPEN MEMBERS | 🚧🚧 🚨 HUB : 085755018076 ________________________________________ MEMBERS JOINED 1. @finzch-asli 2. @fannsst 3. @VilanD1 Read More

  • Unbelievable! Partnered with the Ultimate Minecraft Client

    Unbelievable! Partnered with the Ultimate Minecraft ClientVideo Information This video, titled ‘I got partnered with the best Minecraft client.’, was uploaded by merryway12 on 2024-04-30 14:00:49. It has garnered 1506 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:04 or 844 seconds. Exciting news – I’ve partnered with the best Minecraft client for bedwars! Join me in this video as I share all the awesome features and advantages of this amazing client. Let’s dominate the game together! ———————————————————————————————- discord server:https://discord.gg/fZ3NQ4Udu5 ———————————————————————————————- Details: silent client: https://silentclient.net/ref/fe9becbfbb ———————————————————————————————- Title:I got partnered with the best Minecraft client. Sub Count ✨: 1091 ———————————————————————————————- ⚙️ In-game Settings ⚙️ ・FOV:… Read More

  • Complete Minecraft Challenge in One Sitting?! 🤯

    Complete Minecraft Challenge in One Sitting?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Namatin Minecraft 100% Gameplay #2’, was uploaded by Domenothing on 2024-06-02 05:15:00. It has garnered 168 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:21 or 7581 seconds. Thank you for stopping by this livestream! Don’t forget to click like, share and subscribe! Because just 1 subscribe is worth buying coffee! https://saweria.co/domenothing Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/domenothing/ #domenothing #minecraft #livestreamindonesia Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft house build in Survival mode!! #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft house build in Survival mode!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘build a starter house in Minecraft (Survival) #minecraft #gaming#shorts’, was uploaded by HAMZA HM on 2024-03-13 22:27:52. It has garnered 2483 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #gameplay #survival #gamingwithkev #minecraft #subscribe #gaming #likes #youtube #youtubevideo #gamingchannel #gamingvideos #minecraftvideos #likeforlikes #gamingwithkev _________________ please subscribe in my channel . _________________ youtube channel : / @HAMZAHM #minecraft #subscribe #gaming #likes #youtube #youtubevideo #gamingchannel #gamingvideos #minecraftvideos #likeforlikes #gamingwithkev Leave a comment suggesting a minecraft challenge that i will do in the next video. #multiplayer #gameplay #minecraft _ _ _ _… Read More

  • Astral Towns – SMP, Towny, Mcmmo, PVE

    Welcome to AstralTowns! We are a new server looking for players to create a vibrant community! Experience our feature-filled MMO-like server with exciting plugins for beginners. Core Features: Server IP: play.astraltowns.com Wiki: https://wiki.astraltowns.com/ Discord: https://discord.gg/Fw2cHqFYAY Towny: Claim land and build communities Economy: Player-run with auction house and chest shops Jobs: Earn money from various tasks Dungeons: Custom dungeons with unique mobs and bosses Custom Tool Skins: Customize tool and weapon appearances Ranks: Upgrade ranks for commands and perks Custom Items: Discover custom items for powerful gear Pets: Interact with custom pets with unique features Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Dang, it shrunk since I began!

    Well, at least Minecraft blocks don’t suffer from “shrinkage” like some other things do! Read More

  • Moonlit Lofi: 10-Hour Study Sesh for Lunar Minecraft Quest

    Moonlit Lofi: 10-Hour Study Sesh for Lunar Minecraft Quest In the world of Minecraft, where blocks and mobs roam, Our lo-fi beats create a peaceful home. Moonlit melodies and lunar dreams, Study sessions filled with calming themes. Join us on a journey through the Minecraft night, With Steve and Alex, everything feels right. Echoes of the moon and whispers of space, In our playlist, you’ll find a tranquil place. So subscribe now and let the music flow, For a day filled with joy, wherever you go. Relax, unwind, and let your mind soar, In the world of Minecraft, forevermore. 🌙🎶 Stay tuned for more lo-fi vibes, As we… Read More

  • Betrayal in Minecraft be like 💥

    Betrayal in Minecraft be like 💥 When you thought you could trust your friend in Minecraft, but they end up stealing all your diamonds and betraying you like a true villain. Betrayal in the virtual world hurts just as much as in real life! #minecraftdrama #fakefriends Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Gameplay Reimagined

    Terrifying Minecraft Gameplay Reimagined Minecraft: A Return to Fear and Excitement Embark on a thrilling journey back to the world of Minecraft, where everything is scary again! In this exciting gameplay experience, players are thrown into a world filled with danger and excitement at every turn. Let’s dive into the heart-pounding action and explore the spine-chilling features that make this Minecraft adventure truly unforgettable. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft As players delve into the game, they will encounter a heightened sense of fear and suspense that keeps them on the edge of their seats. From eerie mobs lurking in the shadows to treacherous terrains… Read More

  • Unseen Herobrine in Minecraft?! Malay the Gamer’s Shocking Encounter #shorts

    Unseen Herobrine in Minecraft?! Malay the Gamer's Shocking Encounter #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Summoned Herobrine Minecraft #shorts #minecraft #herobrine’, was uploaded by Malay the Gamer on 2024-05-20 03:38:46. It has garnered 11505 views and 520 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #shorts #viralshorts #shortvideo #trending #viral #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftbedrock ##minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftanimation #minecraftmeme #minecraftlive #minecraftbuilding #minecraftsurvival #yessmartypie #himlands #technogamerz #technoblade #gamer #gamerfleet #game #games #gameplay #gamers #game #youtube #youtuber #100 #1000subscriber #1k #1million #100k #1ksubscribers #1m #subscribe #subscribers #sub #subscribetomychannel #like #comment #share #dream #clutch #mlg #logic #scatman #reels #reel #freefire #free #cod #fortnite #gta #op #cool #facebook #instagram #snapchat #hashtag… Read More

  • Sly Survival Island Challenge!

    Sly Survival Island Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore: Survival Island 3 (with gamingparts) Part 1’, was uploaded by MGB TV on 2024-05-29 16:31:23. It has garnered 65 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:03 or 12123 seconds. I am playing Minecraft Hardcore on a survival island with gamingparts gamingparts channel: https://www.youtube.com/@gamingparts179 PC Specs GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 RAM: 16GB #minecraft #minecrafthardcore #survivalisland Read More

  • Jaltoid Media – Joining CRAZY Anarchy Minecraft Discord!

    Jaltoid Media - Joining CRAZY Anarchy Minecraft Discord!Video Information This video, titled ‘Joining An Anarchy Minecraft Discord (As Bad As It Sounds)’, was uploaded by Jaltoid Media on 2024-05-29 18:30:08. It has garnered 4927 views and 486 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:41 or 1361 seconds. Jaltoid podcast (Dalton and Emi) talking about game club idea, minecraft anarchy servers, and discord servers ◄ Prev Ep| https://youtu.be/8Mj_-vVTQt4 | COMING SOON |Next Ep ► 🐐 Goat Sim Video: https://youtu.be/JvVd-3jaBqU ⭐ SUBSCRIBE https://www.youtube.com/@JaltoidMedia?sub_confirmation=1 🎮More JaltoidGames: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2-Y4cDpVshJlr4pStcpe68fQo8rx_eR0 🛒Shop: http://jaltoid.com/Shop Read More

  • INSANE Earth Survival on CreeperCraftMC! 😱

    INSANE Earth Survival on CreeperCraftMC! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Earth Map Survival! [1]’, was uploaded by CreeperCraftMC on 2024-04-13 13:31:53. It has garnered 61 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:04 or 5404 seconds. Help me reach 500 subscribers! #minecraft #gaming #stream #live Shorts come out every day at 1 PM EST! Streams are every day at 6:30 PM EST! Follow these to get involved in the community! 💬 DISCORD | https://discord.gg/Ds69VT6gj8 🐦 TWITTER | https://twitter.com/creepercraftmc3 🎵 TIKTOK | https://www.tiktok.com/@creepercraftmc101 📷 INSTAGRAM | https://www.instagram.com/creepercraftmcyt 💲 DONATE | https://streamlabs.com/creepercraftmc2/tip Read More

I Survived 1,000 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft… [MOVIE]