I Survived 2,600 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft…

Video Information

It’s finally time i finish this netherright beacon to do that i will create a massive world eater that uncovers ancient debris also remember how i completely broke my world getting this armor well the money is to lose one of the pieces what a disaster and the village gets a massive upgrade i hope

You’re allowing any radius to get into this one also guys thanks so much for supporting my channel if you’re new it would be awesome if you could subscribe i feel like they made diamonds way more common in 1.18 so i’m going to grab a fortune 3 pickaxe i’m going to search

For some brand new chunks and now i’m going to put a timer on screen and see just how many diamonds i can find in just 30 minutes already found a massive cave can’t believe i forgot to turn off my bobswitch well let’s begin mining diamonds remember guys diamond armor and

Tools are for peasants but the diamonds themselves aren’t that bad there’s two more right here and loads in this big cave this challenge is just way too easy no matter how easy it is to find diamonds now this update has without a doubt made caving 10 times

More enjoyable and that is 19 diamond doors i’ve found so far over a diamond per minute so far ah yes the classic cave chickens are back this cave is absolutely massive with loads of diamonds around it i’m not far off 30 minutes and already i’ve got 41 ores yeah they’ve definitely made finding

Diamonds way easier in this update and that is 30 minutes complete we got 43 diamond ore and just to prove a point i’m going to mine them up with fortune even though i kind of want to keep the oars this is going to be close to 100

Diamonds in total let’s have a see 104 diamonds in 30 minutes yeah this is way way too open this video isn’t really about finding diamonds it’s all about getting thousands of pieces of ancient debris and the best way for me to get ancient debris is going to require me to

Have a lot of slime but this farm right here it’s okay but it’s it’s nowhere near going to be fast enough instead i’m gonna build a super powerful portal farm inside of a swamp biome that way i’d have to spawn proof the entire area or worry about building it where there’s

Slime chunks this design is by ian x04 and it is a very cool concept indeed and now a massive area has successfully been flattened now to go and gather the materials you’ll notice i’m only coming back with obsidian stone cobblestone and iron blocks and that’s because i’ve had

A change of heart filling this formula swamp will mean it’ll only work at night which is why i think it makes sense to go to a slime junk because this area is underwater mobs generally speaking won’t be able to spawn and i just need to box

In this slime chunk now to grab some sponge and drain it looking very good indeed now to remove all the gravel next i’ll build a beacon and mine everything super super fast guys i hear a thunderstorm and you know what that means i can go into this shulker box and

Grab this channeling no that’s the wrong one this is the channeling trident if i launch this lightning rod okay that didn’t work they’re gonna be a bit further away let’s take two there we go surge protector advancement achieved there was only one casualty along the way and that’s the entire room

Well and truly dug out so let’s now break this beacon next i’ll build some giant portals i didn’t make this too big yes i did 23 blocks is the maximum height it can be there we go that’s much better now to build three more and they

Are all now done and thanks to mob sporting changing 1.18 these portals make it so that no other mobs can spawn and now to add loads of platforms for the slimes to spawn on and that is all of the platforms complete now to add some torches up here and now to build

All the way up here and create the afk platform and apparently i’ve got no glass and i need a load and whilst i’m home i can also repair my pickaxe needs a few other items i’ve got them all now so let’s do more building and here is

The area where the slimes will fall in through the portal i can come up here as well and access this bottle if i need to before i properly link this one up i want to break this tower next i’ll build a trench that will get rid of the

Pigment at least i know the farm’s working from all these slimes and then there needs to be trap doors along here and the same on this side and i’ll add angles in little slots in the walls never mind pigment can’t see through portals so i’ll just leave you there and

Leave this more importantly let’s link this portal and this is exactly where the portal will need to be so slimes will come through this portal and any of the big slimes will get caught in this lava and then turn to smaller slimes it can go back through the portal or the

Small slimes can just kind of go through so that’s how that works if i go up here it should take me up to sky limit as you can see we’re all the way up here if i go all the way down going through one of these portals will also connect me up

Here you can see the slimes already coming through and into the place where i can take them out and because i’m using looting on this slime farm it makes the rates much much better as you can see we’ve got loads coming through all i need is 40 000 of these slime

Balls which with this it shouldn’t take too long and after a few days of chilling here i have so many slime balls look at that’s loads and loads i will still need much more slime blocks than this in total but it’s a great step in the right direction and

Now we can spend a bit of time working on my next project which is really just a continuation of getting things ready for my world eater so i’m going to choose an area around here to build the world eater because i also want to make a perimeter over a fortress that will

Allow me to make the most powerful farms in the fortress that i possibly can and now with world eaters they take a lot of preparation in the normal world you can just plunk them down in the sky and set them off and that’s fine but here in the

Nether we’ve got to chisel out a massive area i guess i’d better start digging so this is as far as i’m going to go in this direction now i’m choosing out a border that will let me know everywhere that needs to be mined out now that i’ve

Built a border all the way around i’m starting to realize how ridiculously big this task is before i go any further let’s repair this pickaxe and what better place to repair it than the trusty slime farm i managed to get so much slime this time look at this it’s

Too chest-full and all of that is another step closer to where i need to be now it’s back to mining netherrack well both of my pickaxes are so close to being broken and i’ve got so much netherrack now to repair the pickaxes now they’re fixed let’s get back to

Mining although to be honest i don’t think doing all this mining is really the best way instead i’ll mine up loads of sand and loads of gunpowder to craft lots and lots of tnt then i can place it all down and blast this place open yeah

Something tells me this is a little bit faster than mining it by hand already this is finding the ancient debris this little thing but i’ve got much bigger plans than that and unfortunately that is the last of my tnt so it looks like it’s back to mining manually two more

Pickaxes nearly broke and i’ve chiseled out so so much more and interestingly there is a bastion under this massive area that i’m digging sebastian i don’t think i’ve actually looted so you never know well there’s a bit of uh the right scrap which is nice everything else i’m

Not too bold about this place is actually going to be completely destroyed by the world eater so you guys should enjoy living there whilst you can and another item that i’m going to need for this world eater are dead coral fans and so that means i need to try and find

A coral reef found a random village on the way although i kind of don’t know what a village could offer me that i don’t already have that could be a cool project though to get one of every type of villager because of course each villager in each biome looks slightly

Different so that is definitely an idea for the future it’s amazing what you find when you’re just flying over random places only the ogs will remember what i used that portal for and we found a slightly warmer ocean which is a good sign and of course i’m going to check

Every route in portland i find you never know when you might find a nutshell but you know what glycerin melons are kind of useful in the carrots but more importantly where are the coral reefs i actually have the coordinates of a coral reef written down so i might as well

Just go there here we go it never fails to uh to work kind of forgot what i came for now right i think i came for these so i can silk touch them which i guess is just all i need to do i’m not sure if the color actually matters but i’m gonna

Be grabbing these blue tube coral ones and it’d be better for me inventory management if they’re all the same guys even though i am technically destroying the ocean i’m still part of team seas and you should you should definitely go and support them too i’ve got 44 which

Is the total amount that i need but i’d like to collect 50 for good measure in fact 57 for even better measure right i’m getting out of here before i uh steal every bit of coral in the ocean i’ll safely put these coral fans in my

Under chest and then i’ll get back to clearing out this massive area for the world eater so i spent a lot of time mining and in the end i came to the conclusion that it’s so slow and that tnt is really the only way to go but the

New 1.18 update has really lowered the rates of my creeper farm so i’ve crafted all the tnt that i can and i’ve got a stack and a half spare in here next i’ll place down loads of this tnt and then i’ll blast it all up yeah look at this

This is this is 10 times faster than doing any mining so let’s get loads more of it down yeah look at that it’s absolute craziness over there so much of it’s getting blown up and i can remove all the lava that it leaves behind and already i’m finding extra ancient debris

As well that’s the last of my tnt placed now i’ve got to come up with a better solution for my gunpowder farm so the first issue is that mobs now need light level zero to spawn which means that no creepers can spawn on this level and

They can only spawn on certain parts of the level above and that’s all thanks to the light from these portals so the first thing that i want to do to fix this is to grab a load of stone and to also mine up lots of ice then that can

Be turned into packed ice and now to move these nether portals i realize that my nipple the obsidian is going to be the most annoying thing of the day i haven’t used the mechanism here since i changed it to portal so all of that can

Go so this is the shoot that they will fall into the hopefully light in this portal will not project any light onto this level let’s place all of this along here well that was a slight mistake wasn’t it i’m not going to make it look too nice

Because i am at some point going to make a way better creeper phone nice to repair that so now it’s back to mining obsidian and that is the water system finish they’ll all get pushed down here final thing is to craft a load of buttons and spawn proof everything

Although after my little creeper disaster i’m a bit short on items to spawn proof looks like more stone is required and whilst i am pleased with the progress i’ve made on this farm excuse to see if i could add more layers but rather than using cats i’d use water

But it’s just going to be too much effort like it’s just not the right shape and everything so i’m gonna i’m gonna put all these slabs back now and i’m also going to expand this platform a bit see if it affects the pack spawning i’m not sure if 1.18 changed anything

Like that though now let’s afk up here a bit more and the rates will be slightly improved but it’ll never be perfect until i make an entirely new improved farm i decided to check on the pharmacy i was doing it seems that they’re kind of getting stuck

On these blocks now i’m going to be careful if i go in here and fix it but i think changing these to be packed ice might solve the problem i’ll fly back up and check no it still seems to have the same problem i wonder what would happen

If they were slabs instead oh yeah that is definitely working much much better they’re going straight down now let’s see how the creeper rates are doing it has filled up nicely which is a good sign what the heck it just blew up why why does this keep happening

Oh my goodness are you kidding me just stop falling down please i hate this film i’ve decided next episode we’re going to build the most powerful creeper farm you have ever seen well maybe not ever but it’s gonna be way better than this one and instead i’m gonna use a new

Strategy to make way for the world eater yes beds i’m just gonna make loads and loads of beds i’ve no idea how well this is gonna work well there’s only one way to find out all right time to find out if this was a good idea or not oh look

At this this blast protection on the armor it’s very good in deep all right well don’t do that probably going to be parts of it they’re annoying but i think overall it’s actually a good strategy if i had a bit of fire resistance into the mix as well it makes

The whole thing even better it’s probably not as quick as tnt but i’m just having so much fun blowing things up with beds I can’t believe that’s just happened my helmet has broken and you can see this armor is like super impossible to get hold of the only way for me to get armor like that is by downgrading my world again which brought way way way too many things i’m i’m not doing that again but

There is one small chance to possibly fix it i made some backup ones okay i don’t have backup boots but i do have backup of everything else including the helmet but it’s not got thorns on now can i put thorns on this let’s buy a

Thorn’s book from you and now can it be handled together it can hold on a second and i can rename it we have got the ultimate helmet back that was a very close scare and very stupid of me but that is the backup gun as well now so i

Can’t ever make that mistake again so i think it’d be very wise right about now to repair all of my armor i’ve got to be much more careful now that that does not happen again have you guys ever started a project and realized you’ve just built

Way way more than you can chew i mean when you look at the amount of area that i have carved out here it’s it’s absolutely massive but i’ve still got all of this area to do and all of this on this side which look how far it goes

It’s it’s absolutely miles of stuff so i’ve got two choices i had to just keep mining my life away and placing beds and blowing stuff up and all that kind of stuff and yeah you know that’d just be the rest of the video pretty much or i could create

A super insane creeper farm that’s going to get me all the tnt that i need i’m talking like tens of thousands of tnt for this which will speed the project up so so much so yeah that’s what i’m gonna do this was this was in no way planned

But this creeper farm right here it’s just had its days just too many problems with it yeah this is this is gonna be somewhat crazy but before i build this project i’m gonna take a quick break and repair all my tools and all my armor because i was pretty much just mining

All that netherrack for the last six hours in it yeah i need a break all right the brakes over time to get back to work i’ve been putting a lot of thought into it and i think the best way to do this is going to be to use a load

Of scaffolding thankfully i’m completely overrun with bamboo all of this is definitely going to be enough i don’t know why i made that much i’ve covered up loads of items that are going to be useful and i’ve realized that my best option is just to create another farm

Next to this one because the only other way to really make a proper gunpowder farm would be to dig an entire perimeter and well we just now got time for that this is where the scaffolding comes in i’m going to do something like this it doesn’t need to be that high for the

First layer once i get to the top i’m gonna go something like this with trapdoors on every side of the observer and a dispenser on top scaffolding on each one of these trapdoors and then i can do something like this and as you can see it will go to the perfect amount

So it’s just it’s just so much quicker than any other method really so you can just kind of place it all and it’ll make for your okay hold on as long as i do stupid things like that but yeah otherwise it will make for you a perfect

Diamond and a bucket of water in the dispenser a scaffolding and the whole thing repeats again now the other thing i also need to make sure i do is cover the entire roof in trapdoors and because the farm isn’t running anywhere near its max rate i’m going to allow spiders to

Spawn for now because they’re not really getting in the way of the mob cap i have to say it is so so fast building layers with this i mean look how many i’ve done already although i’ve still got to add all the trap doors to the layers as well

And that is trap doors on every single layer now and i’m going to go ahead and get a load of glass from this chest right here so that it can be used to spiderproof the area i’m just going to test the phone quickly to see if it

Works if i go like this it should yeah look at that it works water comes out on every single one but you can see i’m just messing about with the glass and this is this is not the way to do it yeah this configuration is much better

So far operation d spider seems to be going successful but now that the sun’s going down and it’s getting dark i can properly test this the glass is on every single level in theory now when i afk up here only creepers will spawn okay so apparently spiders can still spawn on

These corners which means doing something like this around the area which again is really quick with the scaffolding and i think these two as well and now it is definitely 100 spider proof i’m also going to fill up this bucket and add one more layer to the top

Here next i just need a bunch of slabs to cover this area let’s craft these and get on with the placing now i have made this slab roof a little bit bigger than it needs to be but i’ll be thankful of it later as you can see look at that

We’ve got creeper spawning it’s working fantastically the next thing on the agenda is to add some redstone and this is basically just a simple redstone clock with a comparator on subtract mode and then we’ve got a lever there i’m not going to turn it on just yet because

We’re going to get showered recruiters if i do first things first let’s build a collection system this one’s been built underwater since i uh i accidentally ran out of space above it the area that will hold the water is complete let’s create the area that the creepers will fall

Down into this is looking very good indeed so what’s the final thing that i need no no no not a seed or to feed okay i’m just going to stop saying words that rhyme with eid now what i actually need well i suppose what i require is just a

Bunch of sponge i’m always so inefficient when it comes to i shouldn’t have had to use that much really should i you know what the main thing is that it has worked and whilst i do really want to check that the portal works i feel like i just get ambushed by a creep

If i went through and that farm was blown up enough today now that everything’s set up let’s get all of the water in now because i’m just too scared to test it i’ve got a much better idea i’ll grab a few eggs and they can be the guinea pigs it’s absolutely foolproof

Well they’re going through the portal to somewhere and would you look at that they’ve gone into the portal let’s first repair this top bit with some trapdoors i would like to know how so many of the chickens got all the way over here all that’s missing is a few vines around

Here and i think i can safely release the creepers i swift and if you blow up please do not we’re okay we’re all right that’s it stay calm guys it’s trapdoors enough to not blow them up i think so i think i’m okay that’s it

Just get rid of them all so i guess we test out the main thing see if the rates are improved but one thing i do know is that this platform needs to be a little bit lower so that the creepers don’t despawn when they go into that portal

That i built underwater my little home is complete and i’ve just realised a couple of things the top layer needs trap doors and the bottom layer needs spawn proofing so that is all mob spawning on this platform stopped i’ll actually turn on the machine for a second and straight away i’ve realized

I’ve lost the ability to place repeaters correctly take two we should have things yeah there we go they’ll all be uh raining around me wilder creepers yep perfect and that then gives me the opportunity to add the trap doors oh careful i was gonna say to add the trap

Doors up here there we go all trap doors are actually in this time and the reason i didn’t build that one even higher is because the lower in the world you are the more mobs will spawn so the higher it gets the less you kind of get on

Return so it makes more sense for me to build a third one somewhere else rather than go really really high in the sky i think i’ve left it enough time hopefully there’s an increase in creepers how many times you say this but the fact that it’s lagging is already a good sign yeah

These rates are definitely going to be way way better half a double chest in less than 10 minutes is definitely faster than it was going before so i’m going to take this opportunity and get even more gunpowder plenty more time has passed and plenty more creepers are here

I also feel like it’ll be more efficient if i have vines up here as well and look at that plenty more gunpowder is here and you know what that design was so fast and straightforward to make that i’m gonna build another one right here and then my creeper farm will be even

Faster and yet another creeper farm is now complete so i’ll grab some more eggs and do another chicken test all of these guys should be enough and look at that they have come on through and despite it what are you doing there and whilst i’ll build that farm a lot of

Creepers did come through which means plenty more gunpowder oh my goodness that was a terrifying experience i didn’t think i’d connect to that pool i should have connected to that one but yeah let’s afk here for a bit and see just how much gunpowder we now get

Because this farm is spawning a lot of creepers plenty of time has passed let’s see what we’ve got a very laggy game that’s what but we’ve also got a crazy amount of creepers and also nearly three double chests worth of gunpowder that’s going to get me lots and lots of tnt

I’ve just crafted more firework rockets and realized i could have accidentally used all my notch apples for banner patterns i mean what a waste that would be you know what so that never accidentally happens let’s put them in the end of chest the food stocks are

Getting a little low in this chest so i’ll top it up with pork chops and now for my next project which quite simply is going to be to have this area around my house look better because i don’t know it just it just looks really really boring first things first all this snow

Has got to go and that is a massive area now dug out let’s get rid of this ice and then fill in this gap with loads and loads of it it’s times like this that i’m very glad i created the ice farm and now it’s back to placing down the ice

That is now all of the ice filled okay well it’s not quite i’m one block shot are you kidding me now all of the ice is placed down it’s also terraform this mountain a little bit while still of course leaving this very cool floating snow i do really like

The way that this looks makes me feel like i really live by a proper ice lake i’m also gonna get rid of this like this pathway like why is it even here perfect i’m really really liking the way this is going and now to sort out this village

Because let’s be honest these guys that one attack away from being completely annihilated and apparently i have a load of villagers ready and waiting to be sent down to the trading hall i don’t know how much progress i’ll make on transforming this village today but at

The very least i can create a much better entrance first of all i’d like to know how i’ve managed to create something symmetrical that does not look symmetrical i’ll just forget about it and keep building and there is the front of the wall now i know what you’re

Thinking sb you’re the world’s worst builder you should just stick to building farms and to that i say don’t you worry yourself this is far from finished just yet bruce logs will make some very nice decorations and i want to add a live snow right here as well to

Make it more 3d just hold on a second it’s actually coming together and hear me out on this one what if the walls were a couple of blocks thick and you could actually walk inside them and spy out the area with windows dotted along for you to look through that are like

Fences oh look at this and just when i’m getting going i’ve run out of snow what a terrible time for something like that to happen and i think all of this snow should be enough to continue building a wall i have to say so far you know this

Is this is a bit of a masterpiece however the issues start to creep in when i have to decide whether to get rid of this turtle enclosure or not i’m thinking yeah i want this wall to be longer like wider otherwise it won’t look right so congratulations turtles

You are now going to be protected within the village and i can also add a pillar right here just to give the wall that bit of added depth think with fences in front with snow underneath this wall is really starting to come together but if i want this to reach its true potential

Yeah some of this mountain has just got to go now i’m thinking about it more of this mountain has got to go than i first thought you know when i come out of my house and i look at that from a distance i just think that it looks so so good i

Do think we can get rid of some of this bamboo i i’d like to keep some of it for old time’s sake but a lot of it is just it’s kind of in the way this area looks much better now i don’t know whether i should ever fill in this ravine but i

Kind of like having it we can really see the area that the wall is going to go starting to take shape i think i need to slightly fill in some of the ravine just to be able to fit it so the wall is going to kind of connect up to the tower

Of slavery well you know what i have noticed all of the slaves i mean the farm this is this is a town this is a tower of work this isn’t slavery at all but they’ve all disappeared all of the farmers that should be working hard in

Here where did they go thankfully i just keep bringing more villagers so uh we shouldn’t have a problem getting them back now let’s remove more string and build the other side of the walls and it’s quite handy mining up all these fences because they can then be used to

Fill in all the windows and also in these gaps along here with both sides of the wall done i think it makes sense to fill in this patch of grass as well like so and slabs can be added along all the way on the inside with a roof on top

Let’s also fly back to my house grab some ladders and then place them in areas like this with trap doors above it makes sense that pretty much every corner would have a way up and this is an emergency they can easily get to the

Top and look i also want to do the same on this side and i should probably extend this wall to go around all of the farm i’ll do that right after i’ve been to bed because the ground here is slightly lower than it is over here i’ve

Made it so the wall goes up one and you know what i think it works it definitely works better than i was expecting it to anyway once again i’ve run out of snow i need to create some sort of entrance way here this one’s going to be a little bit

Too low making it one higher will definitely look a bit better yeah that’s way better rather than spend time mining up more snow i think it’d be a good idea to make this entrance way look a bit better let’s grab cobblestone and i’ve got an idea of what i could use this for

Do i actually have a chest for lanterns i don’t think i do which just means i’ll have to crap them instead and here’s the plum hanging right here we put a bit of chain and then a lantern like that i think that works a bit higher up is

Probably better and can i actually reach up there no i’m too small yeah i think i’m happy with that for the entrance way next i’ll craft some cobblestone walls which could hang down here i really don’t know if this is gonna work i’m thinking cobblestone with stairs on each

Side followed by iron bars and right there if i have that i’ll be able to have blue fire with more stairs around the outside okay this i mean this is gonna look good but it’s just gonna be too big and it’s it’s not gonna look good so that’s more or less what i’m

Going for as you can see it’s it’s just not quite right is it just it’s the entranceway is not big enough for that size so it’s back to the drawing board i think something that will work better is if i maybe make some pillars we can

Still use this and have the stairs on either side now it’s annoying that this bridge is in completely the wrong place it’s just got to be moved taking a little bit of a risk and completely open the front just so i can make a pathway what on earth how are you down there

How did this happen to you just a random gollum trapped in this cave you look really worse for well let’s let’s get you healed up good sir you just never know what you’re gonna find in a random hole i just don’t know how they do it

You know that you just look at them the next thing they’re in that can gulliver actually swim i’m not sure they can great first he was trapped under the ice now i’m drowning him all right that’s it he’s getting the idea walk on out mate

Okay into his village oh look at him he won’t really see this inside i changed it up he’s going for a bit of an exploration isn’t it you do know you need to go through this entrance way well i’ll leave him to it and just carry

On with these and i’m thinking a nice little water feature here could be nice so if i just put water like that we’ll get some more right there and do it on both sides say what guys i’m actually quite proud of this this village is gonna look so so good when it’s fully

Finished for the ice bridge i’m actually gonna have a slight change of heart i’m gonna make it one long row of slabs that goes all the way to my house to see how it looks yeah i’m not sure about this it almost because it kind of curves here

And then it’s just a straight line like from here it’s okay but with the curvedness here it just looks a bit weird but if i instead make the corners a bit square yeah you know what i’m not really sure if i’m up with this maybe i

Have a direction going over this way as well the building was going so well until i tried to make a simple pathway all right yeah we’re not going to keep this all right i will make an epic bridge from here to the village all

Right but you know what i i just want to ignore this this disaster that i’ve done with that trying to rebuild the bridge instead i’ll enjoy the village entrance way i think i need to add some sort of fencing so they can’t just walk out you

Know what i’ve got an idea it’s a bit of a risky idea and it could work terribly or it could be one of the coolest things i’ve ever made but there’s only one way to find out i was like to do it so i could flick a lever and fences would

Come down and seal it with pistons everything but probably unless i make the wall way higher i won’t be able to fit all the pistons inside of it instead it’s gonna have to be a much simpler system with walls and sticky pistons so all of these

Will be nicely along here with walls on top and repeaters attached to them with redstone behind the buttons for this are going to be here and here they’re going to connect to a simple t flip flop look at me getting all technical just need slightly adjusting and now when i press the button

They extend press it again they go back down you can do the same on this side uh brilliant now i can put the water back in not a massive fan of the fact that you can see the sticky pistons but if anybody’s got a better way to do

Something like this then just let me know in the comments like you know download my world and rebuild it or something like that or like tweet me the same for this pathway if you’ve got a good bridge idea or something because you know this is this isn’t the best

Idea but that doesn’t mean that i don’t find it very very cool indeed i also do have some spare fence so we might as well fill in some gaps i’m also going to change these bits to be like that and i’m going to have snow under here i just

Um i blocked up the water temporarily because i did not want water going onto my redstone that can now all be brought back looking very well looks better anyway i’ll continue changing these to be snow as well and also add more to the walls since there’s now a snow wall here

I suppose i can get rid of all these fences and use them for windows and to make any more progress on this more snow will definitely be needed this should be all the snow that i need hopefully for now they’ll definitely let me continue the walls so that they’re further around

And it could be cool to add something in this one like maybe a window or something yes a spruce fence window is definitely the answer i’ve also just realized that because of the thickness of this wall yeah these the homes of these guys are going to be kind of taken over all right

Guys you all need to move over to this side okay this is this is not a drill all right you will be trapped in the wall for the rest of your life if you don’t move how is there a chicken in here of course there’s just one awkward

Cow left right going just get out no don’t come back in yeah this is weird you know what i i’ve got a plan b here oh wait they’re all out no they’re not all that yeah i need a better idea let’s take a bit of wheat and that’s it lure

Them all over here that’s right of course the horse has to go get out of here you’re stupid else right please let me just block it up now that’s right your pen just got a lot smaller all right now to do it with the sheep nothing’s ever straightforward in

Minecraft is it oh my goodness we’ve he’s found a way out how on earth if you don’t you go back in there that’s right you know nothing about this secret escape route i really don’t know how i’m going to tell him that i also have plans

To demolish his house but i guess he’ll probably work that one out on his own sooner or later i have to say i’m pretty happy with how this is looking we’ve kind of run into uh an obstruction there so until we do some uh some demolition

We won’t be able to continue that way but you know even looking at the entrance like i say the bridge needs fixing i mean even the walls i think it works like the whole idea of pressing that you walk in and then close it behind you

Like i think that’s a really cool bit of redstone but let me know what you think and as the sun sets on this world that was 2 600 days and i just crashed but that was yeah you get the point

This video, titled ‘I Survived 2,600 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft…’, was uploaded by SB737 on 2021-12-11 12:23:47. It has garnered 2781189 views and 100783 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:45 or 1605 seconds.

2,700 DAYS HARDCORE VIDEO: https://youtu.be/wFc4Fv1EuxQ

►Subscribe Here: http://goo.gl/0JbOQk ►Leave a LIKE if you Enjoyed! ►Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/sb_737

In this Minecraft video I survive 2600 days in a Minecraft Hardcore world. Here are all the things I accomplished, and all the adventures that I had.

100 Days Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWJikipm2MTbf7lS_Ncd7W-Y88KOSKAof

Tutorials I used for this video: Slime Farm: https://youtu.be/1t-LvNVuhN0 Creeper Farm based off this farm: https://youtu.be/TmqLXovhDOQ

Thanks to @Luke TheNotable for the idea! https://www.youtube.com/user/Creolesbackfire

►Watch me stream Minecraft LIVE: http://twitch.tv/SB737

►Become a Channel Member – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFrVj6wBM42y3XuKCAj8n5A/join

►Official Merch: https://sb737.store

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  • AfterBeyond Networks


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  • SHOCKING: Hood Baby Goes Crazy on NYPD

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  • JustAxstler’s EPIC Bedwars RAGE QUIT?! 😱 #minecraft

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  • Minecraft’s Secret Meme Revealed! Watch Now! #shorts

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  • Free Will

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  • 💎 ChillZone SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Community HermitCraft Inspired Whitelist Claims Dynmap Player Shops

    Apply Here ChillZone is a newly releasing Semi-Vanilla server dedicated to providing a great vanilla experience with small enhancements for multiplayer. Community input is valued, and all players have a say in server decisions. Quick Links Website Dynmap Gallery Player Statistics Our Values Community – All player suggestions are considered, and decisions are transparent. Welcoming – A diverse and inclusive environment for all players. Stability – Top-quality hardware ensures a stable experience. Updates – Regular updates keep the experience fresh. Some of Our Features – User-friendly claims plugin for land protection – Vanilla Tweaks like Armor Stands and Mob Heads… Read More

I Survived 2,600 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft…