I Survived 3000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft! [FULL MINECRAFT MOVIE]

Video Information

I’ve just survived 3 000 days in my Hardcore Minecraft world which is 3.6 million seconds yeah I really need to touch grass anyways I’ve converted the last 1 000 days of footage into one Epic movie whether you’re relaxing studying with it in the background or trying to

Get to sleep I know you’ll enjoy this movie oh and if you haven’t seen the first 1753 days then be sure to watch that movie first by clicking here but without further Ado here is 3 000 days in Hardcore Minecraft how can one chest store millions of items to answer

That we need to go back to when I just got home from my 30 million block Journey last episode I got back and I didn’t have anywhere to put my leftover supplies in fact my current storage system is very very very very very unorganized so let’s fix that my plan is

To build a huge automatic storage system and then encase it in a large double chest but there’s a problem with that this storage system is gonna need a lot of Hoppers and we have three so to fix this we’re gonna build a really API in farm and we’re gonna build

This in the spawn so these guys are constantly dying anyways we somehow need to get these guys to spawn which is 4 000 blocks that way hmm wait a second are there any Villages close to spawn oh yes there it is I’m pretty sure this is the first place I slept in my

Hardcore world all right we don’t want these guys escaping so let’s dig a big hole and get trapping them all right excuse me sir would you like to get in this hole this way yes villager number two yeah let’s get a boat all right I think that should do for now

We should probably give them some protection from the zombies because it’s about to go night that’s a bit there alright so we’re gonna need a lot more villagers for the iron farm and there’s definitely not enough in this entire Village so we’re gonna have to breed these guys up

Meaning we need two things a lot of carrots and a lot of beds foreign we could just share all these sheep but where’s the fun in that all right yeah we still need loads more so all right and we’ll just kill a few more one two three four

All right let’s let these guys sleep all right I think we may have lost a few but if we Chuck these guys some carrots and now it’s time for these guys to well you know okay whilst they do that we actually need to get building this farm and for

It we’re gonna need to collect a bunch of items the first of which is gonna be some stone slabs now we should probably get our Beacon actually yoink haste one should help a little bit I guess all right that should do and ironically to build this iron farm we’re actually

Gonna need Hoppers which requires iron so let’s hope this is enough uh we we have silk touch let’s try this again um I don’t have arrows nope yeah this is still not gonna be enough iron Okay so we’ve managed to scrape enough iron together to get about 20 Hoppers which

Should be enough now we need glass so and if we head down here oh what oh my what the anyways we can come down here and we should have yes a decent amount of glass oh there’s actually some spare hoppers in here and then finally one of the most important

Parts is we’re gonna need a bunch of obsidian for nether portals yeah we should have brought a beacon okay let’s build this thing and we’ve run out of full blocks of stain maybe we can salvage some from here is this gonna be enough yes it is we definitely should have got

Scaffolding because we need to place a block under all of these Corners so there’s one two three and four all right now these parts are gonna be the Villager pods where the villagers will live all right now we need to place three beds on each of these glass layers

Right now we can do this and this to you every single one and now it’s actually time to get the villagers over here I think it’s about 300 blocks so we should have enough rails with us wait there’s not even enough of these guys yet we need to feed

Them all carrots come and get your carrots all right let’s build the truck here just block it up for now we need to make sure we’ve got enough powered rails why are you dying okay yeah we need a lot more rails okay the great Railway is now complete so now

It’s time for the Moment of Truth to test it actually works please let’s go can’t believe it actually worked first time all right now it’s time to actually get a bunch of villagers on here so that when it goes night they all walk into the cells over here stand on the track

Let’s go he is on his way to give me lots of iron and there we go one villager has been delivered see ya and another one all right so it’s actually night time now so oh he’s going to a bed yes there we go one more

Now we cover that up and we slap it up and that is one of the Villager pods complete see ya get that way leave my villagers alone no villagers for you oh chain mail boots and that’s number three all right it looks like they’re making it safely despite there

Being loads of mobs then we can just break this what why why did you do that wait where’s the other one why is he going back stop go that way oh no it’s daytime so these guys are free God damn it I’m just gonna keep breeding villagers up and

Transporting them to the farm until we have all four of the pods complete okay here we go come on yes perfect and subscribe somehow an iron golem is literally just spawned and is staring at that husk let’s go all right now I’m pretty sure we should be able to get rid of these

Slabs now all right and then one of the final things for us to do is actually build the four tools by the way I’ll put the link to the iron form in the description down below great okay we’re back after an awful time trying to get this to work but now we

Have officially got this working basically what was happening is the zombie was getting murdered by the Iron Golems but we’ve now got that fixed and if we come over here we have a nice little killing chamber set up where all the Iron Golems will die and we collect

All of their lovely iron so I’m just gonna sit here and watch Iron Golems die whilst I have my lunch and walk my dog thank you okay we are back and it’s been a fair few hours oh my God that is a lot of iron wow we’ve probably got enough iron to

Build an entire house okay that was pointless now let’s turn this house into a bunch of Hoppers for our storage system okay perfect we have nearly 2 000 Hoppers here which should be enough and our ax is very destroyed so wow but now it’s time to destroy the ax

Even more because the next part of the storage system we have to collect is the chests oh boy here I go deforesting again alright so I’m now officially have way too many chests and after raiding my Redstone Supply from this video we have all the red Stoney stuff we’re gonna

Need now as I said before I want to build this storage system in a giant chest and giant chests don’t really grow on trees so we’re gonna have to build one so to make a chest to UNI blocks that actually look like a chest and the only block that looks remotely like a

Chest is actually Brown concrete wait no that looks nothing like a chest strangely enough it’s actually yellow terracotta that looks most like a chest which makes this a lot harder than concrete now we need to travel to the Mesa biome my thousands of terracotta murder 100 skeletons and then realize I

Have thousands of Bones from building a wither skeleton Farm then come back and bone meal the sunflower until it wants to die and finally we have enough yellow concrete to build a double chest yeah it’s gonna be quite a big one we also need some kind of Blackish block and I

Think we’re gonna use black concrete this is gonna be a nice little contrast so we can make black concrete powder and then we can duplicate this concrete powder with our sand jeeper put one piece in here to load the chunk switch them all on oh yeah okay that’s definitely gonna be enough

All right and now we convert it okay perfect now I want to build the chest down here but this ugly stuff is kind of in the way perfect let’s build this thing and there we go we have our giant chest now it’s time to actually build the

Storage system and to be honest I’m kind of nervous for this because I’ve never really built an automatic storage system and this one’s going to be massive I think for now we’ll just have a little entrance at the side all right now I’m going to replace all of this grass with some snow

What the hell is that how has that happened what is that now we need to place down a hell of a lot of chests so so okay as you can see we’ve now got loads of chests set up and we’ve got this red section here for all the items

That nobody really cares about and that I can’t be bothered to sort separately now we’re going to use all of these Hoppers and all of this Redstone to build the sorting system this is gonna be interesting wait I built this stuff on the wrong level all right and I think that is the

Completed Auto sorter for this side but we do have one big problem and that is lag so to fix this problem I think we’re gonna get rid of this top row of chests and we’ve got the resources now so we can always expand it later on so

All right the lag seems to have died down a bit now we need to get this machine on that side and that side as well okay perfect okay we’re nearly done now we just need to add some item frames all right and now we need to decide

Which items go where alright so we’ve now got all these items in place but we’re actually gonna have to move this red section to over there because the Hoppers need to go around in a circle like that so all right nice and this is going to be

For all the Overflow item these items here are gonna be for the non-stackable ones and according to mumbo jumbo this thing should work I have no idea all right now we need some filter blocks and I’m actually going to use sand and we’re gonna call them Mark after our dog foreign

Filter blocks into each of the Hoppers and this should stop at 41. yes perfect now if any stone blocks come along this line like so they should be sorted into this chest let’s go alright so we’re gonna do this for all of these things all right nice the filters are

All added now now we need to create a water stream up to here and then this thing’s basically finished all right comparator here piston Observer another one there like that then some kelp put sauce on here nice all right and I’m pretty sure that should work okay let’s

Finish all this up and test it out all right guys it’s the Moment of Truth we finished the build and you now enter through this Keyhole okay will this actually work we’ll test it with beacons okay I can hear them being shot up it’s a good sign where’s the beacon

Chest all right it’s here they should add on to these 22 beacons why is sugarcane in there come on is it gonna work please let it work oh my God yes let’s go it actually works wait no now I need to bring all of my stuff and put these

In this chest this is gonna take ages all right and whilst I’m doing this you guys should watch this video next okay so the plan is to buy thousands of blocks to 1.19 chunks and hopefully find an ancient city and then it should be as simple as whacking the wooden a couple

Of times until he’s dead at least I think it should be that easy okay so to fly thousands of blocks we need Rockets So if we head in here oh yeah and we’re also probably gonna need some more food hmm wait a second do we have any

Emeralds oh nice now we should be able to trade these for a bunch of golden carrots perfect now let’s grab our bow and some arrows and let’s do this all right I’m pretty sure these are 1.19 chunks now we just need to dig all the way down and try and find an ancient

City all right we’re in a cave I’m pretty sure they’re quite deep down wait I think I just heard something sneak 100 does that mean it’s close oh my God here it is oh my God this is scary I’m shifting where’s the actual big part okay there’s something down

There oh my God this is so cool all right we’ll just Glide down to the middle all right now where’s the wood in that the hell what the hell oh my God this is so scary I’m gonna cry I’m gonna cry the hell is that thing huh oh my God I’m actually scared

Why am I scared of playing Minecraft oh my God the warden um okay we kill it I’m out of here oh my God we need to get out of here now we need to be more prepared okay we’re gonna head back to base and do some research because this is very scary

Okay so Mark and I have been busy researching and we found some things that are going to help us kill the warden first thing that’s actually going to help is projectiles to distract the warden we could use snowballs but eggs are actually better because they have the chance of turning into baby chickens

Which also distract the warden yeah these guys are really loud yeah so we should probably make a chicken farm perfect now we just need to get some chickens in it are we gonna get lucky oh my God we actually did oh I I’m in here this is gonna be a lot

Easier if we have leads yes there’s one all right here’s another chicken come with me sir oh yeah that doesn’t work oh got another one and we lost our first one I’ve got to be so difficult these guys are best friends wait they just made an

Egg already all right don’t fall off the cliff good chickens yes another egg and get in the hole get in the hole nice and let’s go and now we can just breed up these chickens until we’ve got all the eggs we need okay these guys should produce enough

Eggs so that is the projectiles problem solved alright so the next part of the plan we need is a way to combat the darkness caused by the wood because that stuff is very scary we could use a torch but that means we’d have to not hold a totem which would be

Basically suicide so the only other option is to actually Brew up some night vision potions so we can see in the dark so we’re gonna need loads of water all right probably not that much and we’ll Chuck it in here alright so we’re gonna need some nether warts and we

Chuck one of these in each thing all right now that we’ve got awkward potions we can add golden carrots I think and that should make night vision potions now I think if we add Redstone it should last longer which is what we want now can you move actually let’s practice for

Killing the warden with this guy then finally We’ll add some Gunpowder to it because we’ll probably need to use it in a fast situation there we go all right that should definitely be enough patience so we can take that off the list now in our last attempt against the

Warden we used a bunch of totems so we’re running low and we need to get some more oh I don’t have my electron so let’s go find some of them Banner guys here we go here we go nice we have bad Eamonn time for a raid oh yeah this Village is dead

Here we go and we’ll kill the Sheep to get warmed up there we go nice get him there they are going wolf you can do it nice guys get inside what are you doing stop killing my villagers I swear these guys don’t want to live why are they just coming

Out here we go where is this weave all right here it is oh this is kind of scary here’s The High Ground it’s over lockdown I have The High Ground you under and make my power let’s go teamwork 360. that’s what we like to see oh my God oh

My God go on iron golem you can do this I believe we need the evoker dead I need to eat all right operation of vodka we need that totem nice yes ah these guys can just die no oh there’s another revoker yes we got him

I think this is the final wave we should be able to get at least two totems from this look at them down there there’s an Avoca on a ravager we need to kill that yes he’s dead oh oh my God look at all them down there yes they’re so dead

Oh and I think that is raid complete let’s go all right I think that should be enough but just in case we’re going to use our raid Farm as well so and then if I remember right we just come over here and rate should stop perfect this is gonna be so much easier

Thank you and there we go that was so much easier and we’ve got five totems from it perfect okay we can take that one off the list the next thing on our list is actually gonna be wool because apparently when you walk on wool the warden isn’t able to hear you so let’s

Get cheering all right that’s a decent amount of wool but I feel like we’re gonna need a bit more because them ancient cities are absolutely massive so we’re gonna build an automatic sheep farm so we need dispensers here like this we’re gonna put observers like this all the way

Around cover that up put redstone on it now we need to dig out underneath and we’re gonna put chests under every single one of these then Hoppers going into the chests rails on top Hopper Minecarts and I think we need to play some blocks in between now the last step

Is literally just to do something like this ah now we just need to get some sheep in this is gonna be a bit tricky we don’t want lose to escape and you just like me all right yes they’re finally escaping we don’t want too many out I think all

Right that’s enough no more no more and now we just need you in one of the holes nice oh my God two of them fell in the same hole right one of you is not gonna be very lucky yes come on yes come with me sir

No you idiot and there’s the last one right we need to do one more thing we need to put all these shears in the dispensers how this works is every time one of these sheets eats the dispenser is triggered and it shears the sheep and then all the collection system

Underneath obviously collects the world so it should be fully automatic there we go wait why is that not being collected yeah I built the storage system in the wrong place all right I think that’s fixed and we’re getting our first pieces of wool and to make this a

Bit faster I’m gonna do some expansion all right perfect now we’ve got all these guys collecting wool for us we’ve got these guys collecting a bunch of eggs and we’ve got pretty much everything else we’re gonna need but before we actually go and attempt to kill the warden I’m scared that we’re

Gonna die without seeing the new 1.19 features such as the Frog and The Mangrove swamp so me and this zombified Pikmin are gonna go on a search for the new Bayou alright let’s find this thing okay what the hell why has this happened there this is so cool it’s like a

Floating village I’m not even sure what the Snee biome looks like whoa this mountain is huge oh my God it’s massive all right guys it’s been a while but I think we finally found it the mangrove swamp Okay this place looks cool oh my God what’s this oh mud oh that’s pretty

Cool sounds quite nice oh these things I think they’re like the saplings so you can plant these and they make these trees I always thought these were the wood but it’s actually not they’re The Roots where’s the wood oh here we are oh this stuff looks sick it’s kind of like

A more in your face version of crimson all right enough of all this stuff let’s grab our bed and let’s find some frogs I might grab a few of these actually Froggies where are you surely they should be like around here right why is this like the world’s smallest Mangrove

Buying yeah I can’t find any frogs all I’ve got is this chicken and uh he is not good enough let’s try and find another one all right we’ve definitely found a bigger one now there’s gotta be some frogs in here I’m seeing lots of fish but no frogs maybe they’re only

Spawn in like a certain part of it oh my God we’ve had a frog how do we get him can we lead him we can but we’re way too far away from home wait I think we need to find a second frog let’s see if

We oh yes we are gonna have to breathe then two frogs so we can actually bring some home and to do that we’re gonna need slime balls so I’m just gonna build this Tower so we know where we are and let’s go find some slime balls wait

Slime spawn in swamps so if we just wait until night let’s hunt some slimes foreign ball and you take this one don’t look guys all right so it happened what happens now okay I think he’s going to the water and he should leave some tadpoles okay nice and then we can take these

Yeah we just broke them uh we’re gonna have to try that again what is that frog doing how do we get these then ah okay so I have to wait for these guys to actually hatch so and there we go we got a tadpole we want to try and get two though

That’s it funny look let’s go now let’s make a nice little area for these guys all right and now we can release the tadpoles and they are gonna grow up into some nice frogs so leave some name suggestions in the comments down below okay now there is one final thing on the

List before we attempt to kill the warden and that is spectral arrows these will help just in case the night vision potions don’t work and it will mean that we can always see an outline of the warden you can get these from bastions but pigment brutes are kind of scary so

Instead we’re gonna trade with these guys out we’re gonna trade with these guys instead but we’re gonna need a lot of arrows meaning we also need a bunch of gold good job we’ve got a really AP gold Farm and let’s get this going yeah I think we’ve got enough gold wow

Now we just need to put the piglens in a giant hole again the hole get in the hole get in the hole get in the hole don’t hit me get in the hole ow I’ll say tough anymore are you come on guys come to the home nice this way

There’s one and the final one nice and now you can have all this gold oh yeah this is gonna be good wait we’ve got loads of Specter arrows but I’ve got these spawned all right we have now ticked everything off our list and we are ready to kill

The warden let’s do this all right I think we’re starting to get close it’s just a bit deeper all right here we go here’s the deep dark oh my God all right we’re gonna use our night vision potion so we can actually see oh that’s a lot there and we’re gonna

Drop down we don’t want to alert any of them shriekers yet I think we’re on that massive portal thing yeah we are I want to see if there’s any chests because I know there’s some cool things you can get from here all right there’s one there but there’s also a Shrieker right

Next to it yeah that’s a Shrieker and if we alert any of them that will go off and maybe summon the warden oh we’re gonna fly down and we’re just gonna shift straight away should just be able to break this thing uh-oh the night vision isn’t helping

That is scary all right we can’t break them then okay we can use our world on night vision that’s worn out that’s not that’s not good oh this is so scary oh no I think we’re on our last warning but we need to pick this up oh my God

How are you gonna do this without triggering the water let me just checking here one more time no all right that’s not good that’s really not good where is he he’s there let’s use our eggs for an egg over there he’s Daddy’s there just start shooting him

Egg there there’s an egg there go for the egg go to the egg you know you want to go sleep oh my God all right this is gonna be a way out if we need it just gonna throw an egg there so he’s distracted that’s our

Way out if we need it where’s he out there he’s stuck in there isn’t it all right this is scary all right it’s in there all right let’s start hitting it who’s gonna try and hit us with that Sonic thing come on then come on then Warden no he’s gonna do it oh

And then we just set up another one no the second one oh my God oh my God why is there two wardens that’s not good we need somewhere where we can Pell her up 21 blocks I think this is high enough yes he can’t hit us from there I think we’ve got him

Oh the blocks are in the way let’s trigger one to spawn here and there yes we’ve got this one I don’t think he can hit us here oh my God this is scary uh night vision come on we’ve got this thank you oh my god he has

Ah all right we need to be further away than that then crazy oh he’s there there’s a hole in the wall perfect let’s go come on please die he has so much health I think he has like nearly double the health of an Ender Dragon yes we killed him we killed

Awarded let’s go oh another one I’m out of here we killed one we’re not killing another three now I need to wait for these frogs to grow up so frogs are in Minecraft now and I want lots of them but we only have two hmm how are we

Gonna fix this I’ve got a plan we’re gonna find frogs and feed them a bunch of slime and then wait for their spawn to hatch into tadpoles then we’re gonna go along and kidnap the tadpoles to start our very own frog Empire sound good all right so we’re gonna need some slime

That should do we’re also gonna need buckets to actually capture the tadpoles I wish you could just put a frog in a bucket but that doesn’t work and now let’s fly thousands of blocks to a brand new Mangrove swamp wait I’m so dumb I literally just realized we could have

Just used the frogs at home oh my God all right we’re here now so we have to use some frogs from here the only problem is it’s kind of hard to find frogs I don’t know why but it always is frogs where are you yes all right we found two frogs Let’s

Go whoo wait where did that one go right one there two there okay nice all right we’ll break these guys up all right don’t look guys don’t look all right yes we got some spawn so once this hatches we’re gonna steal all of the tadpoles and then we’ll bring them

Back home so we can breed them so basically the life cycle of a frog goes spawn had pull and then actual frog and we are gonna get a thousand of these bad boys today but we’re gonna have to wait 10 minutes for this so I’ll be back in a second

All right here we go all right there’s two of them I think we got them all did any Escape were this water looks so cool like this all right I think we got all of them oh slime we’re actually gonna need a bunch of you all right I think

We’re gonna do this a few more times to get a bunch more tadpoles nice oh this is a scary place to be come on Hutch why is everything trying to kill me no no there’s so many noises in the swamp and just the squelching of mud

Oh my God there’s so many of them what the hell come back yeah I think we got all of them that was like five all right I think we’ll get a few more and then we’ll head back to base all right we’re back at base uh wait

Where are our two frogs they’re not in the chicken pen um okay one’s here where’s the other one no please please tell me he’s not in there down here maybe surely not now there’s no way he’s down there well we’re already down to one frog this episode is going great anyways let’s try

And replenish our population oh my God there is so many all right and before these grow up and we lose the original one we are gonna name him and thank you to this person for the name suggestion we’re only gonna need one of them because Jeremiah run off all right

And there we go we have Hopper the fraud yeah to be fair he kind of looks like a hopper so the frogs are pretty much all Hutch now but we have two major problems first one is as you can already see our first frog run off and I think the same

Thing is gonna happen to all of these frogs what if we build them an island where frogs could exist without worrying about Predators or dangerous things like lava it’d be like a kind of safe haven for all of frog kind uh we’ll do that later but now I’m just gonna put them in

A hole here looks like a good place all right is this hole deep enough you’re in the hole all right now try and get out hello jump I think it might be deep enough so now it’s time for operation frog hole for this we’re gonna need some leads all

Right here we go come with me yoink yoink yoink let’s go oh my God there’s a bunch of these guys just in the mountain see it’s frogs like you which make operation frog hole necessary oh my God and we killed the Frog anyways I think operation frog hoe was a success and we

Now have all these guys trapped however the second problem is pretty obvious they’re all orange but why are they all orange let me do some research okay so apparently frogs come in different colors and that color is dependent on which environment they grow from a tadpole to a frogging so

Temperate biomes like the planes biome give orange frogs and mangrove swamps are worn by him so they give off the white frogs like we saw earlier this episode but that leaves only one type of frog that we don’t know how to get and that is the rare green frog and that’s

The only one that doesn’t spawn naturally and apparently you get a green frog when a tadpole grows up into a frog in a cold biome such as a snowy biome like this but I think we’ll leave the green one for now and focus on the white

Frogs and to do this we’re first gonna need a bunch of tadpoles so thank you and now we wait all right now we just collect these guys up that is a lot of tadpoles now we need to take these guys to a warm climate so

That we can get a bunch of white frogs let me just test this but I’m pretty sure a Savannah Biome counts as a warm biome all right these will be our testing tadpoles let’s see what color frogs they turn into and whilst we’re waiting for these tadpoles I’d like to ask you to

Subscribe if you’re enjoying this content because we’re trying to hit 1 million subscribers by the end of the year alright perfect we’ve got white frogs now we need to dig a big hole for them as well all right we’ve got one frog in all right there’s two frogs four frogs and

We’ve got all six frogs in the hole all right now that we’ve got a method of getting orange frogs and white frogs we need to try and get some green frogs so for this we’re gonna eat into our shulker of tadpoles and we’re gonna try and let some grow up down there

All right let’s test it these four tadpoles will be our testing tadpoles and now we just wait like we did before all right we’ve got a bit of a problem ice is spawning and it’s actually trapping and killing the tadpoles so if these guys don’t grow up fast they will

Never turn into green frogs they’ll be killed by Ice how are we gonna fix this because we’re gonna need a bunch of green frogs we could try and grow them up faster with slime let’s see if this works oh my God it’s taken so much slime

Is it gonna work let’s see if it works come on please work no a typo is dead no no no there’s only one left oh my God this ice is deadly wait I think I’ve got an idea what if we got some kelp and put it in

The water so the eyes couldn’t spawn oh please let this tadpole still be alive or he’s alive we only got one piece of kelp great let’s go I don’t think I should be able to spawn now so this guy should turn into a green frog wait I literally just realized we lost our

Totem to a zombie Ah that’s a lot there let’s go we’ve got a green frog that looks sick oh this guy looks sick oh we got a new achievement as well that’s sick yeah I’m gonna call this guy Jake the Frog he looks so cool all right so

Now we have the method of getting all three types of frog we need to build somewhere for them to live more permanently because they can’t really live in a hole forever or could they okay no they can’t so we’re gonna build them an awesome frog Island where they

Can be safe and live awesome frog lives so what I’m thinking is somewhere in this ocean we’ll have a big island and we’ll cut a massive hole in the middle a bit and fill it with loads of water and separate it from the sea so that the

Frogs have a nice big safe area to swim and will also surround it with Mangrove features such as the trees and all of the mud I think we’ll also build a giant frog statue but I’m not sure how that’s gonna look yet so let’s get to work

Alright so to build our Island we’re gonna need some resources and the First Resource we’re gonna need is about a shulker box of grass bye bye shovel foreign actually survived let’s get two shulker boxes oh look this enderman’s helping me thank you so much sir all right yeah this place is a bit

Ruined but we have our two shulker boxes of grass now the next material we’re gonna need is a shulker box of mud but our shovel is probably not going to be very happy about that so we should probably get it repaired this gold form is definitely the best farm I’ve ever

Made it’s Extremely Loud though big lens come attack me foreign okay let’s head to a mangrove swamp oh this stuff is so satisfying leave my mud alone okay our shovel’s not very happy again but we do have all the mud we need so the last thing we need

From this biome is all the decorations and a bunch of the saplings oh my God there’s two Creepers all right let’s do it foreign oh my God a full chainmail zombie that’s sick give me it please yes oh all right we have one more resource we

Need to get which is actually glass and the reason we need this is because we need a way to separate the ocean from the Frog ocean and I think I know just where we can get this glass let’s not kill ourselves this time oh my God

There is a lot of stuff here yeah we’ve definitely got enough glass all right now we have all our materials we need to find somewhere to build this island I think around here could be a cool area all right so this is going to be the

Center of our Island so I’m gonna build the outline out of mud because this is going to be the outer layer and then we’re going to have an inner layer of grass and then in that will be the massive Lake for all the frogs to lay

Their spawn I’m not really sure how big to make this thing all right I think that is a fairly decent shape for the island yeah it looks kind of cool now we’re just gonna fill in this oh my God there is mobs everywhere yeah we should probably sleep

All right that’s a lot better now let’s build out this mud section all right that’s the mud layer complete the next layer is the grass layer but we need to be careful to leave a big enough Lake because there’s going to be about a thousand frogs on here and we need to

Make sure there’s enough space for them to swim around so so that’s the basics of the island complete now we need to add in the security features for the frogs the first of which is a glass bowl which is basically going to separate the normal

Ocean from the Frog ocean so I want to give them a bit of room to swim around but I don’t want to make it too deep because frogs don’t really swim that deep and I am drowning all right now the frogs won’t be able to escape via the lake but they still will

Be able to jump out of the sides how are we gonna fix this the woods would have to be quite tall to stop the frogs escaping and we want to let some light in so I’m thinking these blocks could work all right let’s do it here we go oh yeah

And for the Wolves I think we’ll have something like this and we’ll also use these like Muddy Roots as the bottom just to join these two blocks together nicely all right the walls are now complete now it’s time to start adding the trees and the lily pads

I’m not sure why these aren’t growing hmm maybe it needs more space to grow oh oh my God I’m not sure if they need more space or they just need to be closer to the water yeah I think they just need more space oh my God they’re huge and with that I

Think frog island is ready for its first frogs all right so we want to try and get Hopper first which one is he Hopper wait where is he oh he’s here okay are we gonna get just this guy out all right come on Hopper quick before they all escape this way

Good all right we’ve got Hopper and we have Jake the Frog all right I think we should be able to just Glide with them come on guys we’ve got this an epic mission to frog Island don’t hit the floor I’m pretty sure they’ll die if they hit

The floor please don’t hit the floor that did not just happen well then let’s just try and get as many of these frogs to frog Island as possible oh my god let’s take five of them with us this way guys all right we’ll walk them down this way all right and now we

Should be able to just Glide them all the way there yes it’s working all right now we need to land in the water and we should just be able to come through here come on guys yes we have our first three frogs all right now we just keep repeating

This joint and you and you and you let’s go yes let’s go four more frogs where’s the other one gone I’m back up here let’s go and another five frogs all right we should also start bringing Ava some of our white frogs let’s go why do I feel like I’m a Frog

All right and there’s a bunch of white frogs so we now have about 15 frogs and as you know our goal for this episode is to get a thousand frogs so we’ve got a long way to go and we need to get these guys breeded up so let’s see how many

Slime balls we have yeah that’s not gonna be enough I think I know how to fix it though what if we built a really AP slime farm to get all the Slime balls we’ll ever need that way we wouldn’t have to go around hunting Slimes like we

Always do let me do some research okay so I’ve done some research and I’ve found out that we’re gonna use this slime farm today we’re gonna need a bunch of slabs all right that should be good for the slabs now we also need some jack-o-lanterns so

Ah that is a lot of mobs nice now we need some iron some ladders and a bunch of other stuff all right now for this Farm to actually work we need to build it in a slime chunk so we’re gonna use chunk base all right so I think

We’re going for this chunk right here which if I’m not mistaken is this exact chunk all right so now the first thing we need to do is head down to Y level 20. all right now we just need to dig out this chunk one eternity later yeah

This is taken ages we should probably get our Beacon wait what oh it needs to have the surface that’s cool tasty Beacon sort it oh my God this is so much faster let’s dig this hole all right so now that we have this nice big open area we need to start making

The platforms where the slums will actually spawn so I think we need to do something like this all the way around and we’re gonna have a few of these layers all right now we need some way to actually attract the slimes to fall down there to the killing chamber and we’re

Gonna do that using an iron golem nice we basically need to dig out three blocks this way on all three layers this is gonna take a while foreign the cage for a second Iron Golem there we go now all slimes should be able to see iron golems and finally I’m gonna

Build the Kill Chamber where all the slimes will die and will collect all their slime balls all right it looks like the slimes are already spawning the last thing we need to do is create an AFK platform way up in the sky so and now I’m gonna AFK for an hour whilst

I’m eating some pizza foreign so it’s been about three hours let’s see how much slime we’ve got please tell me it’s actually worked oh yes that’s sick all right it’s frog breeding time all right the easiest frogs to get are gonna be these orange frogs because we can

Probably just breed them here and the tadpoles should grow up and turn orange that is not good all right that shouldn’t happen again now so let’s get breeding these frogs hey look he’s on a lily pad oh you want slime okay perfect we’re starting to get some spawn now each one

Of these can hatch and produce two to six tadpoles so as we get more and more frogs It’s Gonna Get Easier as we’ll be able to get more and more tadpoles each time until eventually we have a thousand frogs yes the tadpoles are beginning to hurt a two tadposer looks like

Come on I want more frogs yes he did it this is gonna be full with tadpoles yeah our tadpole numbers are definitely going up oh my God this frog is getting mental oh my God what that um what are you doing we vibing but okay I think we’ve got to the point

Where we can start taking some of these tadpoles out and trying to get the different color frogs come with me and you there are so many of them it’s actually kind of fun just catching them all right now we’ll head over here and we’re trying to get a bunch of green

Frogs so these guys should grow up and become green and now we wait all right so these guys are all nice and grown up now as you can see we’ve got loads of these green frogs and I actually forgot that we have loads of tadpoles in here

From earlier so we’re gonna let these guys grow up and whilst they’re doing that we’re gonna figure out a way of transporting all these green frogs to our frog Island come with me ah getting up this mountain is gonna be annoying thank God they can jump high let’s go

Yes our first green frogs in frogland let’s go and we’re just gonna keep doing that wait if we get some string and we use some slime balls yes oh my God 27 leads that’s gonna help so much oh yeah come on Froggies the green frogs have

Arrived and now we can just use slime to replenish the tadpoles we’re gonna have so many frogs all right so we’re working on getting loads of orange and green frogs but we also need to start working on getting white frogs so no that is a lot of frogs the white frogs have arrived

All right I think we’re now at the point where we have about 500 frogs the lag is beginning to start but I can’t help but think frog island is missing something and by something I mean a giant frog statue in the middle of the lake and because we’ve got the most orange frogs

We’ll probably make this frog orange so we’re gonna need some orange dye to get orange wool wow I said orange a lot anyways we’re gonna buy me all these flowers and then we turn them in to die and then combine them perfect and we’ll just dye some of these

Sheep we’re also gonna need black dye and we’ve already got a load of white sheep and then we’re also gonna need some green for a lily pad all right I think we’ve got everything let’s build this giant frog all right as you can see we have our

Giant frog statue I think it looks pretty cool but there’s still one small problem with frog Island we’re having to use torches to light it up and if you didn’t know there’s actually a light source that has something to do with frogs and to get this light source we

Need to get these guys to kill some magma cubes so we need obsidian a flint and steel some rails and a couple of Minecarts then if we head over here build this thing get out of the way hopefully we spawn in a biome that has a

Lot of magma cubes oh okay oh there’s one right there Perfect all right so what we need is actually the little ones so yes there’s loads of the little ones can you put a lead on them no okay rails it is okay get on the truck

Nice we got one all right go go go and break this there we go oh no he’s here yes oh and we got our first thing this is a frog light and that is one of three colors which we can get let’s try and get some more ah there is no frogs here

Yeah that is a problem actually we don’t want the frogs to come through all right let’s send some more of these guys down nice wait if we can just take the White Frog up there it’s gonna be perfect where’s it going no this way oh my God piglin leave me alone

Get one of these things yeah let’s get us frog lights nice yeah look at these we’re getting the pearlescent one I think it’s called yeah nice oh these ones are the coolest I think wait wait don’t kill any more all right there’s one last one can we

Get this green frog to give us some come on he’s right there nice yes we got the achievement awesome oh these things look so cool all right so we’re gonna get a few more frog lights and then carry on breeding up these frogs until we get a thousand frogs

All right guys we’ve finally done it we have 1 000 frogs in Minecraft hardcore but it’s starting to get kind of luggy so I think I’m gonna kill some and whilst I’m doing this you guys should watch this video next this is a chunk a

16 by 16 area that extends all the way from Bedrock to the sky limit and today we’re transforming it how are we gonna do that well first we’re gonna dig out a three by three chunk area this place looks good so we’re gonna Mark out these nine chunks with some white and orange

Wool oops are you kidding me we’re literally one orange World short anyways we now need to take this entire area down to bedrock so we bag our digging oh my God I know God and that’s day one of digging the hold on we should probably save some of this

Dirt for the second part of the video yeah we’re gonna need this extra shovel all right as you can tell from the lack of dirt and my shovels all for health we are now onto the stone layer now it’s time to hurt my pickaxe um excuse me this is my hole okay then

Just gonna eat this so I don’t die uh more dirt I don’t think my shovel’s gonna do too well against this yeah we should probably get it fixed this is so much better oh this has taken absolutely ages we need a way to speed this up wait what if

We used a beacon which block should we build the beacon out of we could use Emerald gold or iron wait I know the perfect block oh yeah it’s black in time and there we go a full diamond Hasty Beacon and all I had to do was mine for

20 hours in a straight line oh and we also got loads of netherite pickaxes in that video so let’s put them to work oh my God this is so much better foreign we should definitely start collecting some of this Stone too and it looks like it’s time for pickaxe number two

It’s pickaxe number three time I found a cave and a golden zombie came out of it back to mining three blocks all right we’ve made a lot of progress but we are now on to our last pickaxe and this is taking absolutely ages if only there was a

Faster more efficient way of digging a giant hole hmm what if we built an automatic fire machine that could fly across and drop TNT down below that way we’d be able to make loads of progress digging this hole really quickly okay let’s get to work so for this machine

We’re gonna need a lot of resources I’m one of the main resources we actually need is slime thank God we built the slime farm in the last episode yeah that’s a bit too much we’re also gonna need to repair the silk touch pickaxe because we need to get some Coral fans

Oh yeah you think there’s some Coral over here here we go wow that is a lot of sea pickles and I think we can get the rest of the resources from here all right so I think we’re gonna need three of these machines so we better get building these need to be obsidian

All right we’ll do this one first resident torch repeater on one tick and piston that is a lever not a piston anyways we now need an observer like that I think now we’re on the other side and we want to make a similar obsidian thing redstone torch lever repeater on

One tick and then another Observer all right now we need another Observer there piston slime block slime block and distance and then another Observer there all right now I think we’re gonna add our TNT jeeper to the Flying Machine all right so I think we put slime slime then

We put our Cobblestone wool all right now we place a detector rail there and a minecart on top and then we add two more slime blocks and our Coral fan here then we do something similar on the other side I think and now we just need to build three more of these great

All right we now have our three fully complete TNT Jeepers and before we turn them on we should probably mine up our Diamond Beacon I am going to sleep much better nice and the last thing we need to do is actually place the TNT and prime it so we just

Place the TNT there there and there and now we just flick these levers and it should send the machines to the other side and prime the TNT all right yeah that looks good now all we have to do is Place more TNT there there and there here we go is this gonna work

Um Why didn’t it work all right I’m pretty sure I know what happened if we just send these back over there what happened was we built these obsidian bits in the wrong place and it literally broke the entire thing okay attempt number two is this gonna work please looks good so far

Oh no oh we forgot to put the Observer here all right if we can fix it before it gets back we should be fine oh my God we need to do this fast okay okay Observer no that’s the wrong way around Observer it’s coming back resting torch repeater okay on two break this

Wrestling torch all right I think that’s good yes all right that looks fixed now we just add TNT to these things oh I missed Perfect all right is this gonna work let’s go it’s dropping TNT oh no no leave me alone I’m just trying to dig a

Big hole all right I think this should actually work I’ve said that so many times let’s go I think it’s working is it gonna come back though yes it’s working nice oh my God this is sick foreign I think we got a problem there is water

And we need to get rid of it otherwise the TNT is not going to explode that ground oh there’s always something I think this should stop when it gets here nice all right let’s clean this water up uh are we gonna do this oh wait we need

Sponges we must have some in here yes bye bye water I think that’s all of it and then we can just switch it back on all right I think we have the same problem but with lava yeah this is a bit harder but if we grab some scaffolding

Oh I did not mean to fly straight into it it’s not going to make all this lava disappear it looks like yes back to business all right I think I’m gonna add a few more machines to get rid of these middle sections and then I’m Gonna Keep on

Removing lava and water until we get down to bedrock oh yeah let’s do this one eternity later all right I still need to make that wall look nice but I’m getting bored and now we have a nine chunk hole in the ground meaning stage one is now

Complete anyways in the second stage we will be completely transforming this middle chunk and we’re gonna do this by building different biomes going up all the way from Bedrock to the sky limit this is gonna look so cool but the world is very tall now so we better get

Started so of course we’re going to start at the bottom and I was oh we fell I was thinking that the first biomes we should do is the nether biomes because the nether’s kind of like hell right anyways let’s get collecting all right first we’re going to collect the basic

Nether wastelands by him all right there’s another rock now we need the little details like oars um excuse me oh these would help as well oh yes I’m one of these all right that should probably do for yours and because this is one of the more plain leather biomes

I think this one could benefit from another Fortress Cameo so that should be good now we need some glowstone and of course the final thing that this biome has a lot of is of course lava now we have the basso Delta biome which is pretty boring so let’s just quickly grab

All the stuff I think we have loads of this stuff from our end portal video anyway okay now we need to collect all the stuff for this body we’re also going to use a hoe to collect some of these leaves because I think they could make a pretty cool background for the bio

These things sound so nice when they break oh so good and finally the last thing that we need is these Vines oh and now we need to do the same exact thing for this Buy here we go a pig get both spawned well perfect now we only need one more

Biome and it’s this one the sosan valley yeah that should be enough because this biome’s kind of boring I’ve got an idea for how to spice it up a bit but for it we’re gonna need a lot of bone blocks oh that gash just disappeared ah there’s loads here perfect

Who’s gonna win um they’re not even hurting each other oh my God yes you win the prize of death oh and God just whip me with his sword okay I think we’ve got everything let’s build these by aims okay let’s transform this chunk so the first button we’re gonna do

Is the nether wastelands biome so let’s just place down a perimeter and we can now get rid of these chunk borders there we go that’s a lot there and speaking of getting rid of things these slimes are getting pretty annoying so now I think each one of these biomes is

Going to be about 20 blocks tall so let’s just build up to that can 18. and 20. that is a lot of mobs all right and we’re gonna look at all of these biomes from this direction and I think this is gonna look good if we have some

Different layers so that it’s not just like a linear build all right let’s fill this in all right nice and now we are gonna build some kind of nether fortress Bridge all right I think that’s looking fairly decent now we need to add a few more

Things one of which is a nice little lava pool thought is not good oh my God oh my God oh my God I am out of there okay note to self don’t stay in the hole when it’s night time let’s just fix that all right lava

Pool well maybe we can get the lava like dripping in from up there oh yeah I think that looks pretty good and we’ll have a similar one down here nice now we just need to add a few finishing touches let’s add some ore then once we have a ceiling we can add

Some glow stay and with that done that is the nether wastelands by him complete alright so this next biome is actually going to be the battle Delta but we have a problem we only have four buckets of lava and as you can see that definitely won’t be enough so we better collect

Some more let’s go alright first things first let’s build the backboard and the ceiling for this biome ah well that’s not good I think we’ll add all the battle expires up here all right so we want two ones at the back like that then we need to leave spaces

For lava and build slightly smaller ones in front yeah it probably was a bad idea to move our bed down to here yes anyways now we’re just gonna repeat this pattern all right I’m thinking that’s looking pretty good and the rest of the biomes gonna look pretty similar to this area foreign complete

So the next biome is going to be the soul San Valley so let’s build the basics of the Bayou okay nice but it still looks pretty boring let’s add some more details alright that helps a little bit but it still just feels a bit empty wait I think I’ve got an idea we’re

Gonna need these and there we go this took a lot longer than I thought but we now have a huge skull there’s just one more thing I want to add to it and that is teeth I think I have a good idea for it if we use some

Pointed drip Stone oh yeah yeah that looks sick anyways on to the next biome so this next biome is actually going to be the Warped forest biome thank you and then I think we’ll use these blocks for the back and the ceiling uh We’ve run out of these blocks

Um what are these guys doing in here oh how do you want to die all right that’s it I’m gonna burn you maybe not perfect now we can place some mushrooms and turn some of our spare bone blocks into Bane meal nice let’s add some of

These things a couple of vines and now let’s use these stream lights as glowstone on the roof these Vines are actually coming in really useful and then with this empty space here I’m gonna build a warped themed house okay and of course now we need to do the

Crimson Forest so we’re gonna do the same thing again but in red perfect oh and you may be wondering why this biome has fences well I was thinking of ways to make this biome a bit more lively and I thought what’s more lively than a giant fat pig running

Around in here so now we have to get one oh this is gonna be annoying okay so first we need to find a Crimson Forest alright nice we found one and I just nearly died in lava oh my God there’s a lot of pigs okay we need to build a

Portal ow oh my God all right nice now we need to light it okay come on Pig I’ll put you on a lead maybe come on go through can you not go through yes I think we’re going through where’s gone yes he’s there nice oh he’s turned into

A zombie one we’ve got him on a lead now we need to somehow run back to base before he kills us ow all right we finally got a zoglin here but how are we gonna get him down there hmm all right let’s put him on here for now we need to

Build like a sort of catching area all right wait where’s he gone no he despawned all right guys we finally got our second zoglin let’s do this straight away so he doesn’t do spawn all right we need to make sure he falls in the right place uh oh okay come with me

Now we didn’t come don’t despawn whatever you do all right we need to get him to fall in the right place this way get down these fall in the right place don’t kill me yes we got him in the right place oh oh my God this is dangerous now um

Don’t fall this way oh we’ve got a lead uh just need to make sure it doesn’t fall okay come on you can do it out I’ll stay yes we got him let’s go and so he doesn’t despawn we’ll call him at downlive tweet because you guys should follow my Twitter for updates on

Videos link is in the description alright so the next biome is gonna be the deep dark we better get prepared because this is gonna be dangerous I then spent the next 10 minutes Gathering everything I would need to survive the warden okay I’m just repairing my tools

And then we’re ready to face the warden I’m pretty sure it’s down here here we go I can hear stuff already all right let’s collect a bunch of this stuff first actually uh night vision will probably help with this oh thank God we brought our hair it gives you XP Oh wait

We’re literally not getting anything wait what is this oh it’s just sculpt it I guess all right I think we’ve got enough now we need to go into the ancient city and actually get some of the structures oh this is the scary part let’s redo our night vision oh my God

Okay here we are whoa that thing would look really cool or maybe some of these pillars wait let’s definitely steal a few of these candles this place is so scary should we get any of these cannons I can hear a heartbeat that’s not good oh no there’s one there

All right we’re gonna steal this entire pillar all right the pillar’s gone I’ll just grab a few more things and then I want to try and get a Shrieker actually why don’t we just try and get that one there oh no oh my God there’s three of them

This is scary uh we’ll just try and get this one let’s go we got one Diamond horse armor and Palin Regeneration all right we’ve got one actually it might be good to get two uh where is he can it’s not be so dark this is so scary you can’t get it up here

Yeah yeah I’m going all right let’s build this biome we’re trying to kind of mix deep slate and the skulk blocks together all right nice now we’re gonna build the Tower here I think I’m gonna let a wall and a lantern and there’s a zombie here all right nice that’s the tower done

Right now let’s add some of these viny things to make the scope kind of blend into the deep slit nice and next we’ll add some of these skulk senses perfect and then we’ll add some candles oh my God quadruple candles oh it’s a flex wait how’d you like the candles oh nice

Perfect okay it looks pretty good but it’s missing one important thing and that is the Shrieker much actually uh maybe that wasn’t a good idea all right hopefully we don’t end up summoning in the wooden but the next volume is actually going to be an amethyst geode slash cave biomes so

Let’s collect a bunch of this stuff all right we’ve got everything now let’s get building first we’re gonna build a huge cube of deep slate all right nice and now we can build the actual amethyst Shield all right I think I know how to build one of these

All right so that’s gonna be the entrance to the geode now we surround it with calcite all right nice and now we surround that with smooth battle all right so we just need to add some of these things and the amethyst Geo biome is complete and the last cave biome is

Going to be the Lush cave by Aim so wait is that a baby Axolotl wait or is that just the normal size he looks so small let’s get a bunch of these guys actually yoink and you let’s do the floor and the Wolves first all right nice and I’ve also added the

Blueberry Vines up there so hopefully they’ll grow and now we’re going to build the place for the axolotls so I think this is made out of play all right and we’ll add these guys in by the way guys don’t forget to comment some names down below and I’ll name them

In the next episode oh and this place is looking pretty boring so let’s spice it up a bit okay we’re moving on to the Overworld biomes now but I really need to start speeding things up otherwise this video is going to be an hour long so I’m probably just gonna show the building

Phase from this point on so the first avoid biome is actually going to be desert so let’s start by laying down a bunch of sandstone all right and then we can lay some sand down on top and it’s raining in the desert great and for the wall and

Ceiling of the biome I think we should use smooth sandstine perfect and now for the decoration hmm I feel like it’s missing something wait what if we added a desert temple who would have thought it but an entire desert temple doesn’t fit into a chunk

So this one is just gonna be a simple Oak Forest and now we just place a couple of trees give them some bone meal let’s add some of this stuff and just one more thing a nice little bees nest the next biome is going to be a bit more

Interesting because it’s the eye spikes by Aim so foreign spikes all right nice now this is going to be one of them fishing holes that’s cut in the ice item frame fishing rod and a nice little light perfect and I was thinking up here we could probably build an igloo

All right it’s looking a bit dark in the igloo so I’m going to add this hopefully it doesn’t melt it oh yeah that looks nice then we can add some snow around the place just so it looks a bit more realistic and there we go that’s our eye

Spikes biome complete oh all right this next biome is going to be a bit of a throwback to last episode because we’re building a mangrove swamp all right so we’re going to start off with a base layer of mud and then for the back wall

We’ll have a mixture of mud and Moss now mangrove swamps also have a lot of water in them so we’re gonna get rid of some of this mud ah there is ice underneath I guess let’s just add one more layer and let’s add some water and now we add some mangrove trees all

Right that’s looking pretty good oh my God they’re massive and some lily pads and then finally some of this green stuff but wait I feel like it’s still missing something yes that’s right I’m gonna transport this frog to that biome let’s do this here we go all right we

Have to land in the water did you make it he sort of did can we just ah yeah maybe we should just transport the tadpole there we go and whip a couple of frog lights that’s the mangrove by him complete okay we’ve now built about 12 biomes but

We’ve still got a very long way to go so let’s start making some serious progress the next biome I built was the Mesa biome including this very awesome mine shaft complete with gold and a bunch of the other weird Stones then I moved on to something a bit more Oceanic yeah I

Built an ocean by him and I think it turned out pretty good we even got some tropical fish and after that I moved on to a jungle biome and I kind of ran out of space building this tree but I think it came out all right then finally I

Moved on to the mountain biome but I think it looks kind of plain so I toyed with the idea of getting some mountain goats but decided against it that would be very annoying alright this is the second to last biome and we’re gonna do a simple Plains Village so so

Right there’s a house and now we’re going to build some of them wooden stools nice and some of this a nice little grass farm and then we’ll finish it off with a little bit of this and now for the last biome the end Dimension because we’ve got the nether at the

Bottom of the world I thought it would be fitting to have the end at the top of the world so let’s get building wait a second height limit reached oh it’s actually not as tall as I thought uh we’ll just build it on top of this body

Okay nice and for the tower I’m actually gonna use some Crown obsidian because I think it’ll look cool uh we need one ghast here like this and there we go I transformed a chunk in Hardcore Minecraft today we’re honoring technoblade by building the biggest pig army anyone has ever

Seen so for a pig army we need pigs hello Piggies where are they and yoink or should I say oink now we have tea pigs and we need to turn these two pigs into a lot of pigs are you guys hungry what what do you even

Eat wheat No Seeds no beetroot no wait yes what I was expecting that to be no well that’s kind of ruined my plan anyways the point I was trying to make is that we’re gonna be feeding these pigs potatoes so one potato for you and one potato for you and they were are

Only two potatoes oh my God um well done that was my last totem so we now have two options option one we could safely fly home and retrieve a totem from our chest room or we could do option two and risk our entire hardcore World by completing a raid without a totem hmm

Finally let’s go here we go this is very risky oh my God oh my God wait I’ve only got my lighter on oh my God he could have killed us I literally forgot we didn’t have a totem let’s get some dirt blocks just in case all right if we need

To we can escape up here oh oh my God these guys are easy the ax guys are the ones to worry about oh my God can you help me please raid leader more like Dad that’s just Spam you why does he not care about me that’s all oh

He cares he cares nighttime reads are scary so perfect wait where are they maybe down here no there they are why is there only one ah okay oh no which if he gives us poison we could lose our world there’s a couple of witches we need to get them gone okay nice

Oh no I should not have jumped down here sounds like they’re coming from here oh yeah wait there’s a Vindicator come on yes I think we got him now we need to get down there and get our token oh my God he’s destroying the tree and

We have no arrows oh oh we were shooting spectral arrows oh oh oh oh he hurts oh oh my God you can’t get me he was too far to get in there I can’t believe we have no aries wait I’ve got an idea if this works I’m a genius

Nice okay one of you let’s go we’ve got arrows we did have to kill one villager though all right now these guys are dead we’re just watching the brand it’s so beautiful yeah you guys can just deal with the raid on your own now I’ve got

What I came for come on yes let’s go we have nine potatoes now instead of using these potatoes to feed these Piggies again we’re gonna invest them because remember guys you should always invest your money wisely or I guess in this case invest your potatoes wisely anyways and now we wait

All right that was about 48 minutes and now I should have used Fortune 3. we have 37 potatoes oh we have 39 potatoes are you kidding me we have that’s a poisonous one we have 43 potatoes but we’re gonna need a lot more so to make this a bit more interesting

I’m going to have a potato war with myself the sheer amount of potatoes I’m gonna have is unimaginable these pigs are going to be able to eat non-stop for years on end and now we wait foreign so we now have all these potatoes and I’m gonna Harvest them with this fortune

3 ax I want you to guess how many potatoes I’m gonna get and comment it down below and I’ll be sure to Heart the ones that are the closest literally everyone’s gonna cheat aren’t they my guess is about ten thousand and I was mild off the actual number was

3249. that should be enough for our pig army all right Piggies where are we gonna put you because you can’t stay here because when we get loads it’s gonna make the area very laggy I think if we come this way I’m surprised they haven’t got stuck yet oh

Um one is stuck ah this pig literally just grew up we block off this side and that side it should make a nice area for the pigs all right we’ll make that a bit more permanent late but we need to start getting our Pig numbers up so this bar

Is gonna start at three and you’re gonna see it progress as the episode goes on alright so we’re starting at three and we’re gonna set a goal of a thousand Peaks by the end of the episode let’s do this uh that’s not gonna work is it come on

Eat potatoes we need you to be a normal Pig how many does he want to eat oh he is big nice wait I’ve just realized all these pigs are gonna be inbred okay and whilst they’re growing up I am gonna Pig proof the rest of the area because this one is trying to

Escape already naughty pig um nope stop nice okay I think it’s a hundred percent Pig brief there is a couple of mobs everywhere though can you not please no do you mind zombie it’s potato time wait how often can you actually breed pigs okay about five minutes this is gonna

Take absolutely ages so it’s Pig breeding time yes give me more pigs let’s go another Pig foreign cakes at the moment this part right here is what I like to call the pig trench and it stops the pigs from escaping because they’re not very smart are they Hicks behavior is very strange you’ve

Got all these paced together and then you’ve just got this lonely pig trying to escape here would you like a potato oh yes you would all right come with me sir all right we’re gonna do pig Tinder you like this pig nope what about this pig no this pig no this pig

All right yeah let’s cancel pigtinder that pig was way too picky trying to steal my pigs are we I don’t think so There Is No Escape let’s go another Pig we’re slowly getting more pigs I feel like you could probably make this jump yeah you’re not allowed

It’s been a little while I now have about a hundred pigs so we’ve actually made a decent amount of progress but now I think it’s time to take a break from breeding pigs and work on decorating this area a bit because it kind of looks terrible at the moment I think it would

Be cool to make a really secure looking gate so that the pigs can’t escape I know you’re trying to look at this guy he’s definitely thinking about a way to get wait how did them pigs get out there see this is exactly why we need a really

Secure gate alright so for this we’re gonna need a bunch of iron then we’re gonna somehow craft chains how do you actually do this is it with nuggets wait is it something like this ah I was kind of right so it’s like this perfect let’s grab a bunch of those all

Right that looks good and maybe we can get some stone brick as well all right and I think here is a good place to build it if we just clear this and maybe something like all right that looks kind of cool but maybe we should add stairs in these corners hmm

Oops maybe slabs all right and then something like that and then we can put chains coming off of it um nope and maybe one more up here I think that needs to be moved down one more actually and then we’ll put some chains up here too and now we just need

To build a tower here and here all right we just need to add the chains on this side perfect but wait I still feel like it’s missing something oh that’s right we still need to build our giant technoblade statue to watch over the army of pigs plus this way whenever I

Fly over this place in my world I’ll be reminded of technically alright so as you can see from this picture techno blade had a very complicated skin alright let’s start by getting a bunch of red dye nice now we’re gonna need some white dye some pink dye and if we

Kill some squid and combined it with some white dye we can get gray dye then if we get some lapis nice and mix it with some whites you get light blue dye perfect oh my God I just saw the side of his crown alright I think we’ve got

Everything now and this place looks like a good place to build him let’s do it and this bit’s dark gray and now there’s this like complicated patterns so this is going to be interesting finally onto the red oh no this vest part is kind of complicated as well well that’s wrong I

Can’t really think of another pink to use but this doesn’t really look like it so this is gonna have to do oh yes the back is so much easier foreign done we now have a giant technoblade statue watching over the pig army and back to the pigs they’re so spread out

Excuse me sir you don’t really look like a pig oh no he despawned hey can you guys stop hitting me oh no they also despawned um I think them pigs are trapped I want to try and gather them all over by the fence I would make this

A lot easier this way okay I think we’re gonna do the stun instill with potatoes in hand method this is definitely the easiest way okay I think we now have about 400 pigs and we’re now gonna take another break from grinding pigs for a technoblade theme challenge we’re gonna play a game

Of Minecraft bed Wars and if we win I get to go out on a boat with my friends but if I lose I donate 500 to the charity in the description this is gonna be hard I haven’t played Bed Wars in like over a year but you can still speed

Bridge that’s good this is gonna be interesting I’m gonna try and fire charging why is it so easy to kill people with those all right now the next thing we need to do is get diamonds and then we need to go and get some hems actually we

Should probably just go for the animals straight away so no one has a chance to get them okay how is everyone doing active’s just AFK white has killed pink oh my God we need to be capital of Y ender pearl and Potions right we’ve got

This we need to go take out a bed let’s go take out red and in this oh no he fell uh maybe we can get someone else oh no oh no let’s go we escaped Red’s chasing me all right that’s that guy dead iron sort of help a lot where is white White’s

Probably gonna go for a red bed so we should probably try and get White’s birth here we go don’t mind him fatigue yes we got his bed now we need to take our red bed speed let’s go no way are we gonna win our first game in ages oh Red’s hiding that space

Nope no oh my god oh we have to donate 500 to charity to be honest at least it’s going to a good cause yeah I kind of went on the boat trip anyway meanwhile all right let’s build this pig progress bar up and get to 1 000 pigs

I mean I hope the music goes like that it is 3am and I am breeding Minecraft pigs my life is very normal also guys don’t forget to like the video if you haven’t already there’s so many things right we just passed 500 pigs where we might actually run out of potatoes I

Remember to feed myself as well we just passed 700 pigs as a lot of pigs everywhere is pink we’re so close and here we go the 1000 thing let’s go we’ve officially bred 1 000 pigs for techno blade in Minecraft hardcore wait what pause this is the immersive

Portal mod and today we’re gonna try and recreate this in our vanilla hardcore world but with an End Portal all right first to make this effect work we’re gonna have to find an End Portal that’s high enough in the Overworld so that we can build an entire end Island under it

But first we’re gonna need some Eyes of Ender so thank you that should do and now it’s time to murder a lot of places I think there’s a blaze spawner down here let’s go um hello is it gonna work okay I think that should be enough all

Right so now let’s craft these up perfect and let’s get searching okay which way is the closest one hmm I think that’s taking us to our old end portal let’s go a bit further this way all right what about now perfect oh it’s this way now excuse me Mr Cow oops I got

A bit carried away God that is a lot of mobs I’m Gonna Make You All kill each other yes fight oh that guy lost oh look at that tiny Arrow oh wait it’s going down that means it must be down here somewhere how deep does this go oh

My God yes perfect and now to find the portal is a zombie whipper sword anything good we will take that yes we found it and it’s got two eyes perfect wait what am I on about we don’t even need them okay so we’ll break this and what y level is

This minus one oh that’s not very high we’re gonna have to find another one one eternity later all right I’ve now found this stronghold which is a lot higher than the other one as you can see why level 35. so now we need to get digging a big hole underneath this portal so

That we can build a giant end Island underneath so first let’s get rid of this lava nice and now we just need to keep digging this is gonna take absolutely ages I’m gonna need my beacon all right we’ve got it let’s build this thing nice ah wait can Beacon beams even go

Through these blocks yes it actually does that’s pretty cool oh oh haste too please oh this is so much better foreign Island down here make sure you guys like And subscribe if you haven’t already because we’re trying to hit a million subscribers by the end of the year and

You subscribing will really help us out I’m not sure how big this hole needs to be I just know that it needs to be massive all right guys I’m just gonna keep digging and watching the boys on Amazon Prime hashtag not sponsored it’s just a really good show

All right I’ve been at this for a while now but we’re not really making much progress and we still have a very long way to go so I’ve been thinking of a way to speed this up and I’ve came up with a very explosive plan yeah we’re gonna use

TNT all right for this plan to work we’re gonna need an absolutely astronomical amount of TNT so we’re gonna have to enter TNT grinding mode alright so as you know TNT requires two things sand and gunpowder oh there is a RAID I think they’re safe inside of the

Village of prison anyways sand and gunpowder so first we’re gonna focus on the sand I locked our life how are you gonna get hundreds of thousands of gunpowder well that’s where this comes in this is a massive sand duper all we have to do is put some sand on here

Switch these levers on and it’s not working all right I think it should be fixed all right yes it’s throwing all the sand into the void and now we wait all right so that’s the sun sorted now for the gunpowder all right theoretically this Farm should make 10

000 gunpowder per hour so let’s put it to the test oh right it’s been a little while and we can now take off gunpowder as well so let’s craft up a bunch of this TNT there’s one shocker of TNT and another one and a little bit more now what’s the

Best way of doing this we need to make it so we can’t see any of these wolves all right let’s try just doing a straight line down never dig straight down I am being very smart right now okay there’s bedrock let’s do this oh there we go all right it’s working

Yeah we’re gonna need a lot more of those oh no it break the beacon yes haste two let’s go all right let’s keep doing this and see how much progress we can make I am being murdered oh no we just destroyed a lot of the beacon great oh and our pickaxe is

Nearly broken oh my God this is so loud hey yeah foreign wait a second all this gold has given me an idea last episode we got a pig army for technoblade but we also built him a huge statue however as you can see the statue’s crown is fake it’s not even

Real gold so we’re gonna fix it all right first things first gold thank God for this really AP gold Farm we’re just gonna sit here and get richer and richer let’s craft these up nice okay so let’s turn this Crown into real gold thank you all right perfect and now we need to

Replace the jewels so for dark blue of course we’re gonna do lapis there was literally only one for light blue we are going to do diamond of course the green will do Emerald and red will do redstone hmm what are we gonna do for purple oh wait for purple we’re gonna use amethyst

And there we go techno blade now has a real crown alright let’s dig this hole what if we drop the TNT like this um hello well that’s our flint and steel gone what happens if I stand on it and shoot it I’m just gonna place a bunch bit

Randomly around hopefully this should do a lot of damage excuse me Mr zombie all right that’ll do yeah we should probably leave nice oh my God that was close all right and let’s just carry on doing that leave me alone just trying to place TNT stay behind here

All right this should try and get rid of some of these upper bits the sound of progress there is a lot of silverfish leave me alone you little gray bugs a silverfish like more like bugs or rats let me know in the comments down below they’re kind of Ratty all right leave

Your votes in the comments Down Below guys bug or rat to be honest it doesn’t matter what they are they’re all gonna die to TNT uh oh we should probably get rid of this water you’re kidding me all that water came from this and no more water

Well what happens if you put TNT next to a creeper oh bad things bad things happen over it all right what are the odds this guy has a flame bow pretty low considering he just shot that skeleton and he’s not on fire I have a flame Bay

Just keep placing just keep placing why do all my projects require a massive hole in the ground oh my God no crap oh my God all right lesson learned watch out for those guys all right we’ve made a lot of progress now we’re now down to bedrock in a lot

Of places so I’m gonna get to grinding and whilst I’m doing that I’m gonna be watching some of my old 100 Days videos friends alright guys it has been absolutely ages but finally we have managed to clear out this massive area but now we have a

Problem you see for this area to look anything like the end we’re gonna need the surrounding cave to look like the void which means we basically need to replace all of those blocks but which block do we use we could use code blocks or obsidian but I kind of want to finish

The video this year so that rules them out what about purple concrete no I think it’s a bit too light and black concrete just seems a bit too smooth wait what about black concrete powder that’s got some texture and it’s also very dark like the void now we just need

To get thousands of this block luckily sand isn’t the only thing this can duplicate nice and whilst we’re waiting for that we’re gonna play a game of solo Bed Wars alright so I’m basically doing this for Redemption from last episode if I win you guys have to like the video

But if I lose then you can spam elves in the comments down below all right let’s try something interesting wait a green goat of diamonds because if they are they are very not clever ah that did not work what was I saying about green not being very clever

No they were just trying to do why do my keybinds never work oh okay they were at that time five diamonds thank you very much oh no I think Aqua might be coming from my base let’s get a trap minor fatigue and sword all right we need to take our aqua

Oh my God why am I so bad get off the map he’s not back okay watch this guys watch this it didn’t work yes let’s go no please please yes let’s go let’s go first try definitely definitely first try that is embarrassing why my oh how did it not work

My keyboard didn’t work oh that’s so laggy they’re so laggy you guys have to uh like the video now yeah all right we’re back we’ve got the black concrete let’s get covering this bedrock foreign mobs down here wait I feel like we’re wasting a lot of concrete powder in

These holes wait what if we use some deep sleep to kind of like make it all flat and then we just put the concrete powder on top oh yeah that seems to work all right let’s do this oh Don’t Mind If I Do this spot is really annoying me

Hard to see with the concrete oh my God yes finally there is an army of baby zombies after me great all right so that’s the floor sorted but now we need to do the wolves and as I was doing this it occurred to me how are we gonna do the walls because concrete

Powder has gravity so it falls which is gonna make the walls and specifically the ceiling very hard to do but to fix this we’re gonna take our black concrete powder and dip it in some water to make black concrete which doesn’t have gravity oh and this machine is gonna

Make it a lot faster foreign we’ve got the concrete let’s build this thing oh my God this is gonna take ages oh it actually looks pretty good you can’t even tell it’s there that is what we are going for so hard to tell what’s going on everything’s just so dark

Okay about four movies later and we finally have our void this took way longer than I thought I actually feel so cool just being in here though anyways the next step we need to build a giant end Island inside of here and for that we’re gonna need end stain and let’s get

Collecting it we should have probably brought up a beacon here perfect oh I I’ve made one hungry ow that’s just uh go under here quickly he’s not gonna win this fight and he’s two wait why does this not feel any different and maybe it feels a little bit different

All right I’m gonna be honest this is still really slow but luckily I have a massive brain and I think I know a faster way than this okay so there’s two steps to this plan first is to get a bunch of nice okay so the first part of

Our plan is to place TNT down like this and use it to mine for us foreign oh my God but then we’ve still got the problem of picking up all these broken blocks but that is where the second part of the plan comes in so for this all

We’re gonna need is some chests a couple of Hoppers and a note block oh that is a jukebox yoink perfect sorry I couldn’t resist anyway the final part we need is one of them blue flying guys I think they’re also called elaze and they should be in these kind of

Things all right we need to find Pelletier outposts that we’ve never seen before this is gonna take a while foreign spot for one all right we found one but I’m not sure if it has an Olay or not no I don’t see one oh my God there’s so

Many pillagers there all right let’s keep looking all right Pillager Outpost number two oh it’s literally empty that’s just just green all right there’s an outpost over there is it gonna be Third Time Lucky that’s the worst cage I’ve ever seen if there was one it might

Have escaped come on yes oh my God two delays not gonna lie I have no idea how these guys even work but you guys follow me if I is that how it works let’s go we got the achievement oh there’s more come on guys let’s go let’s get over here I’m gonna

Take as many as I can no they’re shooting them let’s run oh my God they’re so many come with me guys let’s go we’re getting like an L.A Army all right come on guys let’s do this follow me all right so we had five relays and now

We have three uh don’t ask me what happened but let’s try and get these guys into the end if I throw these in yes it works where’s the other one he might have already gone through they’re all here okay nice we just need to do one final

Thing so if we get observers put them like this nice and some Redstone they should all want to go here and they should drop the End Stone here finally three pieces of End Stone perfect okay let’s try this out without the TNT are they gonna drop it at the thing yes

They are ah that is a problem they’re just dropping it on top of it all right I think I fixed it I installed the note block underneath it and now when I mine this they drop all the End Stone into the actual Hoppers and it should we’ll be

Collecting down here perfect okay now let’s use the TNT all right here we go let’s hope the Enderman don’t kill us it’s probably safer from up here wait that Enderman stole our TNT all right now is this actually working oh yes we had 14 before that was so fast

All right come on guys let’s get to work more TNT equals more and Stone it’s almost like these guys don’t like their home being destroyed yes collect the End Stone we need to be careful not to blow up the blocks on the floor so I’m going to collect some as well watch out

Uh that is not a good place for TNT it’s where I didn’t place that there these guys trying to sabotage my operation it was that guy thanks for the TNT that’s more redstone I feel like I might blow myself up it’s a lot of Enderman oh my God hello there

Our end Stone Factory has gone pretty well our workers are happy and we have loads of End Stone we also have an Enderman trying to break our world right now let’s just take care of that perfect and now it’s time to build our end Island all right first things first

We need to decide what height the Island’s gonna be hmm maybe a bit higher than that what about this oh yeah I like that a lot more and now let’s do the shape of the island I think it needs to curl around this way

A bit more then I think I want this side to be a bit bigger than the other sides well that’s just great all right I’m quite liking the shape and I feel like it needs to move that way a bit though all right yeah I’m liking that a lot

More excuse me Mr zombie I want to fill in this island see ya wanna try and make it look as realistic as possible so I’m gonna make sure to do different layers of end stain yeah this is not gonna end well easy that’s the first layer done player

Number two oh my God four baby zombies it’s like they’re all on their way to zombie preschool not any more they’re not ow oh the parent has come to get revenge anyways and layer three now we need to do the sides and the bottom of the island

Because I don’t know many end islands that look like this from underneath yeah we’re definitely gonna need scaffolding for this oh this is actually so annoying to do and ta-da it actually looks like an island but we’re still missing a few things one of which is the obsidian

Towers I’m sorry to have to do this to you pickaxe but one eternity later all right let’s make sure we put these in the right place we need to be careful not to make these Too Tall I think this is a decent height let’s see how it looks with a few more

Maybe one over here foreign I think these two need to be a bit more spread out oh I’m gonna have to destroy that one this is so fun all right I’m thinking that’s looking pretty good but we are missing the end crystals so it’s time to go ghast hunting

Okay nice we’ve got the end crystals uh we have to be careful with these why do I actually feel like I’m in the end hmm the ones with the torch on look a lot better than the ones without alright and that’s all the end crystals the final

Thing is the middle portal and I think deep plate looks the most like Bedrock so yeah that’s not right there we go I think that looks pretty good and with a few finishing touches that is the project finished thank you guys for watching don’t forget to follow

Me on Twitter for video updates and watch this video next this is the story of how I went from a lonely player with only three lays to the king of an Olay planet and it all started about a week ago alright So the plan is to turn these

Three lays into 100 and then trap these delays in a giant Olay planet that way whenever I need them I can get to them easily alright if that’s the plan then the first step is a laze last episode we found loads of alays in one Outpost so

Hopefully we can get lucky again don’t think there can be outposts in this time have you seen any I’ll take that as a name oh we found an outpost have we been here before I don’t think we have but uh that is empty all right there’s a village here so that has

To be a Outpost nearby right oh yes this one seems familiar there’s Iron Golems I guess we’ll free you oh there’s another one Elise nope it is just empty this is very outposty landscape if you know what I mean yes another Village and another one there’s got to be an outpost another

Village another one what the hell what’s up guys either of you seen like a an outpost we do not know what you are talking about okay why does this igloo look like this what the hell I had no idea this was a thing I’m just gonna

Leave you guys to it okay this is a problem it’s taken so long to find these outposts but I think I have a solution we can see where all the Pillager outposts are and just fly directly in between them looking for a laze okay this should be a lot faster well then we

Were just about to get to our next Outpost and my elytra is broken let’s go here it is Annie cages no yes oh my God there’s one that escaped let’s just uh repair this guy all right I think that’s enough but where’s the a league on surely you can’t

Have gone that far yes we found him come down yes I think we got him all right perfect now we just walk home I guess right just uh a nice 6 000 block walking all right yes finally we’re home wait a second didn’t we have three delays

Before is he over here I don’t know where he could have gone wait surely not he’s in here okay well we definitely need to block that up go through see ya perfect we now have four Alles just 96 to go we are running quite low on food though oh no

Oh we started a raid I just wanted food they always get stuck down here yeah I see you guys guys I’ve got an ax too 360. a way to set we could use the Elise to help us collect some totems all they need is some totems in the hand all

Right come on guys oh no oh no there’s a witch please don’t hit my lease oh my God you break my crops oh we could get one of them to collect emeralds bring me the emeralds they’re literally right there why are you so bad oh this is dangerous

Oh there’s a novemaker all right get that totem for me oh there’s so many there’s a witch this is very dangerous oh I’m getting buttered nice don’t hurt my Elise one guy left let’s go and all for release survived and they collected me a lot of totems yeah we’re definitely gonna need more

Elite all right here’s another Outpost but does it have any delays no okay Outpost number 7468 will it have any alleys nope why couldn’t you just be in L.A good job oh a goat horn I’ve never used one of these thought is sick right please

Wait no it’s empty oh my God yes we finally found some more release yes come here have a rocket these guys took so long to find but now we have another problem we are 10 000 blocks away from home and I don’t fancy spending over an

Hour walking in with these guys okay I think I’ve got a plan if we tie you guys up here like this if we somehow managed to get obsidian and make a nether portal then we could link it and get on top of the Bedrock then it would only be like a

1 000 block walk home because every block in the nether is eight blocks in the Overworld but for this plan to work we’re gonna need a lot of resources the first of which is gonna be obsidian there’s a lava pool there get a crafting table get a bucket and

I think that should be good now a very important part is ender pearls because we need a way of getting on the Bedrock roof yes all right perfect I think that should be good and with a few more things I think we’re ready for our plan okay so we

Don’t really have anything to light it I guess lava might work oh let’s go oh this is a scary spawn and now we just build up I guess out wait a second we nearly forgot to break this pool all right here it goes I think this is high enough and aim for the

Corner yes perfect all right let’s hope this works yes oh my God thank God perfect let’s take these guys and go through yes oh no don’t burn to death whatever you do all right guys now we got a short walk home let’s go and with those two added we now have six

Alas but 100 is a lot bigger than six and this is taking ages so we need to speed this up a bit let me do some research wow okay so it turns out you can actually breed a laze while it’s not really breeding it’s more like duplicating and we only need a few

Things for it so you need some diamonds and a little bit of wood to make a jukebox and we also need some amethyst shards ah okay so you break the actual block to get the shards that makes sense and finally we need a music disc all right

I’ve never tried this so let’s see if it works we put this in here and they should start spinning around like that nice and now we just feed them this oh my God it duplicates them let’s go oh my God we have so many more let’s turn that off it’s kind of annoying

No I just disconnected all of them don’t run off we’re missing one and he’s up there can you come down please thanks we now have 12 relays oh my God that was so much faster can we do it again oh there must be some kind of cool down hey don’t shoot my alleys

All right and whilst we’re waiting for that cooldown to expire you may remember in one of my previous episodes we built the world’s largest carrot Farm in fact it’s so large that the entire thing doesn’t even render it which of course means it’s very painful to harvest and

That’s where I’m hoping these guys will come in I’m pretty sure all we need is some Hoppers a few observers some Redstone and a note block and I think here’s a good place for it all right so we’ve got a note block there I think this should work only one

Way to find out and now we just need to give each of these guys a carrot one for you and you all right perfect I think everyone’s got one now all that’s left to do is release them and harvest as many carrots as I can is it gonna work yes they’re gonna drop

All the carrots into there oh my God this is perfect uh let’s see how many we can get in like five minutes oh my God look at the sheer amount of carrots these guys are AP wow this is definitely gonna be one of the best ways

Of farming carrots that’s what 12 can do imagine if we had a hundred all right I can’t wait let’s get these guys back to base and start making more of them where do you think you’re going all right let’s duplicate them we’re gonna try a different disc this time oh yeah this

One sounds cool yes give me more relays I think that’s all of them now we need to get them before they all disappear ow don’t kill them there’s four why is he going away five six seven let’s add them five more to go one where have they

Gone there’s another one they seemed to like going up here yep there’s the third escapee yep that’s another one all right I think there’s one more We’ll add these guys all right where’s this last one you must have made it the furthest yeah here he is oh no we’ve run out of leads

Quickly is it like that the other way around ah all right where is he still in the same place nice fine and perfect we now have 24 alleys oh and this is how you torture Elise you put it just Out Of Reach so it’s impossible for them to get but they

Really want it so my guys can’t get it oh what they they got it if this is what 24 look like imagine a hundred speaking of which where are we actually gonna store these guys the plan is to build a massive Planet somewhere but where it should

Probably be somewhere close to the base and high up in the sky I’m thinking up in the sky here could be a cool place all right so that’s the place sorted but what are we gonna build it out of it needs to be a lay theme so we’re

Definitely gonna go for a blue color scheme oh these stretch logs look really cool okay so whilst these guys are waiting to duplicate I’m gonna go ahead and collect all the blocks we’re gonna need for the planet so the planet I’m gonna strip loads of this wood and then I’m gonna chop it

And if we get a hoe we can get rid of all this stuff and finally the last what we need is actually cyan wool wait how’d you even get cyan dyed okay so it’s green dye and blue dye all right well there’s blue and the green

We don’t have any Cactus oh I could just steal some from here all right let’s smoke that and we combine those perfect and now we let time do the rest all right that’s looking pretty good and before we build the planet we should probably duplicate these guys again so so

Come down don’t fly away please I think we’ll start building our planet around here all right now I want the design of this planet to look similar to Jupiter so we’re gonna use these three blocks to try and make that happen this is gonna be difficult foreign

That’s the Planet complete wait but how are we gonna get the olays into the planet because this thing doesn’t really look very good I I mean I guess we could try a glass pathway hmm I’m kind of thinking that looks absolutely terrible however this bridge is due a rebound pretty sure it’s been

Here since episode five I then spent some time completely redoing the bridge and making a nice way up to the planet I’m well start receiving this I was breeding the olays until we had about 70 elas I think the bridge is looking pretty nice now although it does look a

Bit weird just floating I think I’ve got an idea for it we’re gonna need lots of these and if we come down here we can do something like this you know what I’m actually quite liking it it kind of looks like they’re chains under tension the only thing is we

Didn’t really have enough Vines for all of them so uh we’re just gonna have to let these grow anyways I think it’s about time to turn these 70-something arrays into a hundred oh no we literally don’t have any leads oh no there’s a creeper trying to blow up all my lathes please no

No oh my God all right we’ve only got one Shard left that means after this we should have a hundred delays oh my god there he is bang now all this and I think the planet looks a bit boring however I think I’ve got a good

Way to spice it up a bit earlier on I said I wanted the planet to look like Jupiter but I think it would look cooler if it looks more like Saturn let me show you what I mean we just need to grab a few of these I hope this will look good

All right that actually looks really sick um I’m trapped in the planet surrounded by two Creepers hey yeah oh no please let’s add some more torches in here all right come with me guys this way maybe this will get their attention come on guys this way I hope they all

Follow me this way come on I hope they can get through this let’s lower them in with rockets all right I think that’s all of them oh no there’s way more here how is there still so many here and there we go we have trapped a hundred

Delays in a planet in Hardcore Minecraft I’m tired of these boring colorless Villages So today we’re gonna spice them up a little by building a village in every single color in Hardcore Minecraft the start of our planet is simple still part of a village and rebuild it close to home

And bang with an Old Blacksmith model added that is the model Village complete this next part will take some more time but we need to build a giant color wheel and in the segments we’ll build different color Villages going all the way around but before we build it we

Need to work out the size of it because each segment needs to fit this entire Village in it this is gonna be tricky circumference ID all right we’ve got a bit of a problem my brain can’t really figure out how to split these segments evenly I think we’re gonna have to scrap

This color wheel idea and go back to the drawing board okay I think I’ve got a plan instead of using the color wheel how about we do like a colorful piano method and then we just put the villagers on the separate colors in a line plus this way I think it will be

Easier to compare the villages anyway alright so first we need to oh hello as I was saying first we need to measure the village one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen and now that we’ve got that let’s build an outline

For the build and I guess we’ll use dirt wow this is going to be massive anyways we’re just gonna do the colors in the order they are in the creative menu so as you can see the first color is gonna be white now for the white by aim we’re

Gonna need white dye and I think I know just where to get it you see in episode 20 of my hardcore series I got a thousand beacons after that we needed a wither skeleton farm and there it is now if we just wait here for a second

Then if we kill these guys we should have all the bones we need wow that’s actually too many now let’s dive these guys all right so that’ll be wool sorted but we’re also going to need concrete so sand gravel and this should make concrete powder perfect now we just

Replaced this black concrete powder with this white and turn our jeeper on uh I don’t think that’s right how do I always find a way to mess this thing up maybe I was meant to put the concrete powder on here yeah it starts working all right Emma this is happening don’t forget to

Like the video guys wow I have ruined this end yeah that’s a problem for future lockdown live and now we’ll just turn some of this powder into actual concrete all right now I’m not sure whether to build this entire thing out of one material or do like different patches

With wool concrete powder and concrete to be fair I’m kind of liking the way this is looking wait a second this white concrete really does not look white it’s kind of gray what if we replace it with snow wow that looks so much better and it’s

So much whiter all right I think we’ve got a plan we’ll use snow and wool for this bit all right nice now we need to recreate this Village but in white so instead of Oakwood I guess we’ll use spruce okay now we’ll just add the dirt now I don’t really think there’s any

Crops that are white but there definitely are some flowers that’s looking good now onto the buildings alright so the next part is of course the house so instead of Oak we’ll use Spruce wait did I just call it Spruce wow anyways let’s do this roof seriously there’s another one of these

Guys and you have absolutely nothing useful to me oh you might actually come in handy you will not and stay there the reason I’ve got this guy is we’re gonna try and get a mob of each different color and this guy will be the white mob

You are so annoying all right now if you compare this house to the model house you may notice that we’re missing something we’re missing Cobblestone and for this we’re gonna use quartz why does this quartz have to be so risky to get leave my courts alone

All right now which one looks the most like Cobblestone I think chiseled hey look a white skeleton um do you mind not shooting my llama okay I don’t really know how this is gonna look and to finish it off let’s add some white stained glass a nice Spruce Birch

Door and of course a white bed and now let’s do the blacksmith in the same style all right there’s only a few more things to add the iron bars some lava and I think there’s some down here yes some furnaces the Birch fences we need the stairs here

Which will be quartz and inside we need our table and our chest and with a couple of torches that’s the white by aim complete the next Village is orange so we’re gonna need all of this for orange dye nice so we can do the exact same thing to get a bunch of concrete

We can replace this white stuff with orange and we’ll do the same thing for our wool and we’ll just do the same thing here but with concrete instead of snow perfect now for the wood in the orange Village we’re gonna go for stripped Acacia so could this guy be our orange

Mob nah he’s he’s more yellow isn’t he okay so first for the farm we need to strip these logs place the dirt add a Sprinkle of water and finally we can plant a bunch of carrots now they don’t look orange now but once they’ve grown they will be

Orange wait there’s a thunderstorm I wonder if we can get another cool looking white mob all we need is our Trident perfect wait is it still thundering we need to find some horses donkeys will that work I know that definitely won’t work yes horses um wait what isn’t that men at work I

Thought that was meant to create the skeleton horses or maybe it just has to happen naturally and it stopped thundering all right this time we’re gonna do the blacksmith first so we’re gonna need a replacement for the Cobblestone and I think I’ve got an idea

If we fly on over to the Mesa by a we can actually mine some of the Sun and use it to craft red Sandstone which weirdly is actually orange so let’s grab a bunch of this all right so first is a layer of red sunstein now we need to build a place

For the lava find bars for an eye and I think it’s logs in the corner like this and they need to be stripped this should all be acacia wood Acacia door orange Windows chest and we need these fences like this and I’m pretty sure yes we can

Get red Sunstone stairs for here perfect there’s our Acacia table some lava and finally we just add the red Sandstone Reef all right I’m not gonna lie guys we’ve smashed this blacksmith it looks so good in orange and literally everything is orange perfect so now let’s just do the

House in a similar Style wow I’m actually really liking how this Orange Village is turning out the only thing we’re missing now is a mob or a feature first mob that popped into my head was actually a strut that is lava it’s actually a Strider but actually I’m kind of thinking they’re

More red lasers could work but they’d probably settle the wool on fire and they’re more yellow wait is there an orange parrot is there an orange color parrot color there are five Pirates red green blue cyan and gray so no there is not an orange parrot I don’t

Know what we could do wait instead of a mob we can just scatter a bunch of pumpkins around yeah that should do for now and with the orange bed added that is the orange Village complete as you can see the magenta Village is next but

Magenta dye is kind of hard to get which got me thinking we should probably start building a flower farm alright so for this we’re gonna need observers yoink some pistons and a bunch of other stuff all right I’ve got everything I need I just need to find a flower by aim I’m

Not sure if this is one or not I feel like that one over there has more of a chance of being an actual flower buying and it’s got a bunch of these ones all right then we surround this area with blocks then we need to add the Pistons

On this side and this side then we need to clear one row of dirt so the grass can actually leave now it’s time for the Note Blocks which will actually tell the Pistons to move and here in the middle we need to add our dispenser that will actually shoot out

The bone meal a couple of observers and we’ll lead some Hoppers to a chest and finally we just need to add some fences all right let’s see if this works please work um maybe there’s something wrong with the Hoppers no yes oh my God finally how do we stop it

Wow that is a lot of flowers well we definitely have the magenta so let’s move on to that Village of course for the floor we’ll use the same old magenta concrete and magenta well come on please don’t destroy it yes oh I feel like this

One’s going to be really hard I have no idea what blocks are actually magenta let’s do some research so there only seems to be two other blocks that are actually magenta color that is the bubble coral and the magenta glazed terracotta the only problem is bubble Caro needs water otherwise it

Turns into this gray color like that so I guess for this one we’ll just use concrete as wood and this glazed terracotta will be our Cobblestone all right so we need glazed terracotta and for that we need terracotta which funnily enough means we need a bunch of

Clay oh here’s some and now we just smell up this clay and then we get terracotta craft that into magenta terracotta and smelter again to get glazed magenta terracotta okay so first we’re gonna do the bomb I really wish there was some magenta wood but I guess

This will have to do and once again there’s not really any magenta crops but we could probably just use these flowers instead and for the house we’ll use the concrete as the wood and of course the glazed terracotta for the Cobblestone wait why can’t I get the arrows to face

The right way ah okay you just have to place them a certain way yes the roof will just have to be blocks as well we can have magenta glass panes and a magenta bed there is no magenta stairs so we’ll just put that there I guess who

Would have thought building out of just magenta blocks is not very easy I guess let’s try and build the blacksmith and I think we’ll actually use concrete powder instead of plugs how’s that going to work with the door there could we use like a a button to hold it up yes all

Right perfect I can’t place it the right way you’re about having some blocks underneath it so I’m gonna use dirt for that all right now although I’m missing is some kind of replacement for the fence post and actually maybe the door as well I wonder if Crimson fences would look

Alright not really magenta is it wait what about some kind of magenta Banner so a stick and some magenta wool okay but can you place them on top of each other okay all right there we go I think that’ll do and we can use these as sort

Of doors as well and finally we need a mob or a feature and I can’t really think of any magenta mobs you guys are gonna have to let me know in the comments if I’m missing some but I do have an idea and for it we’re gonna need

To find like a tropical ocean wow this Village is very cool all right perfect now we need to get a bunch of this stuff I’ve literally just been spiked by this guy like three times no and we’ll take a few of these as well now we just need some magenta glass and

Wait did I just waste that or can it come back to life great all right lesson learned water first okay and now the coral should live and a few Coral fans is that gonna live there no no it’s not and with the coral Ravine added that is the magenta biome complete

All right so that’s three colors done but as you can see we’ve got a lot more to do so to stop this video being over an hour long we’re probably gonna skip some of the more boring colors like brown light gray and of course gray all right we’ve now done three more colors

But whilst I was doing it it came to my attention that we’re missing something see how the model blacksmith has slabs on the roof well I forgot to do them for all of them so we’ve got some work to do but white we’re just going to use quartz

Slabs orange will work perfectly with some red Sandstone slabs now for magenta our options are very limited but I think we’re gonna go with purpose Labs then for gray and light gray we’re gonna go for deep slate brick slabs and of course the default smooth stone slabs which

Then leads us onto the brown Villa age and to be honest I’m not a fan of this stuff I’m not really sure what color I would call it but it’s it’s not really brown but I think I’ve got a solution if we come over here to the mangrove swamp

And mine a bunch of this mode oh my God anyways apparently we can craft this into something called packed mud maybe we have to smelt it all right is it gonna work hmm ah so apparently we need some wheat oh my God this wheat has been here for so long

Okay then is it just like this yes and we’ve got packed mud and with this we can craft up some mud bricks perfect okay nice let’s get this stuff replaced all right I’m actually really liking that oh wait we can also change the stairs get rid of these and replace them

With these perfect anyways next on the color list is cyan which is pretty convenient because we have loads of resources left over from last episode where we built a planet for a hundred Elise definitely check that video out if you haven’t already after this one all

Right and bang now of course we’re going to use these to build the farm and we’ll plant some of these blue orchids wait they’d probably be better in the blue biome I don’t think there’s a suitable replacement so we’ll use these for now okay so it’s the next day now and as you

Can tell I am ill anyways despite feeling a bit ill we need to find a replacement for Cobblestone for this cyan Village gonna need some of this and probably a few of these and we’re gonna collect that block there on top of the ocean Monument I think it’s called prismarine yes oh my

God that’s one of these guys oh my God he hurts uh chest plate nice right what we really don’t want to get is mining fatigue because that’s going to make this so much harder oh great we’ve got minor fatigue guess that’s what the milk’s for I’m not sure

How long we’re gonna have to mine this stuff before we get mine in fatigue so we need to hurry up no and we’re drowning sorry Mr tree I’m just gonna need a bit of your wood all right there we go oh this is much better

Oh not again we need to kill these guys before we run out of milk all right finally we can drink this milk and we can actually mine all this stuff let’s go okay we’re actually gonna use prismarine bricks because they’re more cyan and then we use prismarine for the

Light blue Village all right let’s see how this is gonna look yeah I’m liking it and we’ll do the blacksmith as well all right now can you get stairs oh yes you can and half slabs yes all right now we just need to get ourselves a mob for this Village and

That’s where this is gonna come in wait they’re more light blue than cyan maybe we could just scat around some of these trees and it’ll probably be faster if we just get a bunch of these and With a Little Help from the white Village that’s the cyan Village complete wait a

Minute that’s just reminded me we’ve done all the extra stuff for these Villages but we completely forgot to do it for the gray and brown villagers alright so first we’ll do light gray which is going to be pretty simple and we’re just gonna kidnap some of these

Security dogs don’t fall in the lava please foreign house complete with plenty of Bones now for the gray Village and I think it’ll be cool to see if we can get a bunch of Pillager banners nice if we add these four Banners To The banners we’ve got stored up we should

Have enough for the gray Village all right and that’s the gray Village done and for the brown Village I’m just gonna tame this horse called Gerald come on Gerald let me tell you Gerald does not like me Gerald where are you going yes yeah Gerald really can’t jump very

High here we are Gerald alright we need to start making some more progress so I’m Gonna Fill in the floor for the rest of the villages okay now we’re gonna do the red Village and for the wood we’re going to use the mangrove logs thank God they added this

Redwood and we’re actually gonna plant a bunch of beetroots because they’re red and for the stone we’ll probably just use Nether Brick wait how to get red nether brick so apparently it’s like this oh perfect oh this looks so much better okay now for the red feature for this we

Need a lava pit and actually before placing the lava we should probably move some of this wool so it doesn’t set the entire thing on fire all right nice you may remember earlier when I was doing the orange biome I said this well yeah Striders are definitely red so we

Need one for our red Village but how do we get them to come here is he coming to me I guess we could try a riskier scrap yes oh my god it worked all right now we need to build a portal in a particular place to get back to base okay the

Moment of truth is it gonna work yes finally the surface oh my God rain hurts him okay it finally stopped raining so let’s get our Strider in here oh and that’s the red Village complete okay so the next Village is gonna be a bit of a

Flex you see worst up and Ill I’ve been AFK and at my gold form so that I could afford to replace the Cobblestone for this build with gold oh and we’re gonna use hay bales for the wood this might not look the best but we have to do it it actually looks really

Comfortable from the inside oh and for the future biome I just had to cheat a little bit and just die a sheep yellow for Progress so let’s skip through a bunch of the boring Villages the first Village I did was the dark blue Village and I used pretty much all of my lapis

On this build which means I’ll be coming here for enchanting in the future also for the mob I got this blue tropical fish and called it Gamers after my friend who’s about to finally upload a video after that was the lime green Village which was basically paid for by

My villagers and my slime farm and speaking of which for the mob I trapped a slime called slimy then came the dark green Village which was basically a more boring version of the lime Village but with a grass Farm oh it also has a trapped creeper called run because if

You’re close enough to read it you should probably run anyways next was the pink biome which was pretty similar to the magenta biome but it did have some pigs listening to rock music the light blue Village was next but the light blue Village had some problems because I

Realized prismarine is more green than it is blue so I decided to use blue eyes however blue ice actually melts near lava so so I had to use some packed eyes for the blacksmith which was very annoying to get oh and for the feature I built a huge ice Spike and put five

Little lays on top from the last video and the penultimate Village was the Black village and it was pretty easy because Blackstone exists however I also managed to capture Richard the cow but you may have noticed we don’t have any flowers with this Village well that’s where this guy comes in kill

These horses please is that weather Rose yes there’s one here all right new plan I’m Gonna Fly Away and hopefully it should Target the horses yes it did Perfect all right I think we’ve finally got enough wither ridges it’s time for it to die alright this is it me this is

The weather let’s go oh my God yes we got it and that is the black Village complete all right now on to the final Village to the purple Village wait for this we’re gonna need some of our remaining gold and we’re gonna trade with this guy for a bunch of crying obsidian

Let’s build this final Village right and lastly we need our little purple bug let’s go and just like that every color Village is now complete sorry about my ill voice and this one guys but thank you so much for watching and watch this video next so dream finally did a facial

Reel and now I’m gonna build his face in Minecraft hardcore and this actually looks really cool so make sure you watch to the end to see it alright first I’ll screenshot this video and then remove the background then I’ll put it into an online pixel art generator and it’ll

Tell me all the blocks I need to build dream’s face wow that’s a lot of blocks alright so we have over 5 000 blocks to collect and where better to start than by collecting the 80 ancient debris we need for this build we’ll grab some TNT

Head down to y equals 15 and let’s do this that is lava so if I don’t blow myself up yes ancient debris is this gonna work maybe if we actually hit the target let’s go how is there no ancient debris here all right great so from a stack of TNT we’ve

Managed to get one ancient debris okay so maybe we should start off with the easier blocks and then work our way to the harder blocks to get okay so first is two Stone well that was easy next to six and decide oh and whilst we’re here we can collect

Our three gravel and our 13 diorites oops we got one too many goodbye all right and next we’re gonna need a bunch of different wood we also need a whole two Oak gloves I’m just gonna leave that there and three stripped jungle logs we should probably collect wood for all the planks and

Stuff as well all right and that’s all the work done all right and now we’re gonna head down into the mine because there’s a lot of blocks there we need to collect okay so four tough and 58 of this Granite looking stuff and I can’t believe we didn’t get this

On the surface but we need 38 dirt yes okay how much of this do we need 10 10 well there’s one six seven eight nine ten perfect now we need 99 redstone ore oh my God wait a second we have a massive problem I’ve just seen that we need to collect

321 blocks of raw iron 321 times nine oh my God we need 2889 pieces to make all the raw iron blocks we need wait how much does one of these give us ah great we have set of touch okay so one block gives us one

Real iron but if we trade with this guy and spend a couple of levels we can now get two raw iron from one block yay all jokes aside though this is gonna help a lot and now let’s get collecting some iron so I spent the next hour collecting as much iron as possible

And also collecting a bunch of underground blocks that I would need for the build wait what the hell let’s make sure to silk touch this all right it’s been about an hour now and we’ve managed to collect a bunch of blocks including the 99 redstone ore the 43 goldor and a

Bunch of other blocks like copper but sadly we’ve only managed to collect 111 blocks of raw iron which is nowhere close to what we need wait actually how much blocks of coal do we need oh my God we need 461 blocks of coal we better get back to it

All right so I’m looking for coal at the moment but there’s so much eye in here it’s almost ironic get it my iron okay so we now have this much iron and coal we also managed to take off the 55 drip Stone from our list but

As you can see I’m getting a bit hungry so let’s take a break from Mining and head to the nether okay first up is of course 20 netherrap well that was fast then we’re gonna need a bunch of these Soul blocks I think these are going to be important for the eyebrows

Okay and now we need to find a Bastion I think there’s one over here yes and there’s a bunch of different blocks we need to collect from here why do we need food gilded Blackstone to build dream’s face oh yes and another ancient debris we’re

Now up to two out of 83. all right that’s all the Blackstone blocks collectors and oh no I forgot to mention at the start of the video but when that wheel goes off we have to spin the wheel of dream challenges oh what are we gonna get

Lava boat right so we basically have to imitate this clip from dream you can’t even make boats out of these all right here we go we have to get from here to there using only our boat to step on lava and I really hope this doesn’t go wrong because I only have one

Totem with me also could you please get out of the way okay here we go oh my God I didn’t think I could do it first time let’s go that is sick they will be doing a few more of them challenges throughout the episodes just to pay respect to dream for finally

Doing a face reveal because that deserves a lot of respect anyways now I’m just gonna quickly collect up the rest of the nether blocks all right now we’re going to move on to some of the more miscellaneous items and first up is 17 bookshelves each bookshelf is made out of three books and

Each book is made out of one leather which means for 17 bookshelves we need 51 leather so it’s time to go hunting our first victim long shot long shot oh my God is it gonna hit maybe cows don’t drop leather but since I’m killing all the cows perfect of

Course now we need paper hmm getting sugarcane like this is gonna take too long all right I guess we’re going to our sugar cane Farm um this thing looks pretty broken yeah I don’t think they’re supposed to be there but do we have any sugarcane saved up

Oh yes thank God so if we grab some wood and that’s 17 bookshelves sorted also whilst we’re here we have a bunch of different terracotta blocks to collect so we might as well get them ticked off the list first up 39 Brown terracotta all right now seven regular terracotta

And we’ll also grab a bunch of this so we can make the non-naturally spawning terracottas next we have a light gray terracotta there’s 60 of that and we’ll finish things up in the mace 577 white terracotta and I think this is the main block we’ll be using to make

Dreams face wait I’ve got a big brain idea if I just fly myself in here and nearly kill myself I can now mine just the white terracotta foreign for the other terracotta so the first one we need is purple so red and blue and if we combine them we get

Purple dye which we can use to craft purple terracotta now these squid are gonna die and with black dye we can craft black terracotta oh wait we actually need 217 black terracotta so a lot more squid have Gotta Die next is magenta terracotta so we can

Just use these flowers we can get pink dye by using bone meal on this there we go and we’ll use that to get both pink terracotta and glazed pink terracotta and finally the last terracotta we need is actually cyan terracotta so we can combine green and blue dye and we

Actually only need one of this but I guess we’ll get eight okay and now for the biggest waste of diamonds you’ve ever seen apparently we need 15 jukeboxes also we can build dream’s face wait couldn’t we have just used a note block well that was a waste of 15

Diamonds okay I think it’s finally time to return to collecting our raw iron and coal blocks but we’re gonna need some torches first wait a second I think I hear something oh my God we have to complete another dream challenge all right here we go which one are we gonna

Get oh no water clutch okay so what this means is we need to do a water clutch like this from wire level a thousand yeah I don’t like our chances on this one here we go all right as you can see guys we’ve hit Y level 1000 here we go we’re falling

Take our elitro I think I’m facing down yeah all right it’s all about timing well we failed that challenge today that’s one point to dream so over the next two hours I scoured as many caves as I could find and collected all the iron and colon sights

All right as you can see we’ve now got all the Roblox of iron but we’ve still got 252 blocks of coal to go but I think I’ve got an idea I’m not sure if this is gonna work but if we head over to a wither skeleton Farm because we’ve got

Looting three we should get an average of 1.67 coal per kill which means we should have a bunch of it stored up here oh my God yes we have so much gold and just like that we can take coal off the list okay now I’m just gonna spend some

Time collecting some of the more boring items that we need like all the different color walls that we’ll need and all the different color concretes oh and actually while we’re here we might as well collect all the end blocks we’re gonna need alright so what we’re looking

For is an end City here we go I think this should have all the blocks we need so we need one purple block and then about 28 of these pillars okay and that’s it for the end box okay now finally we’re only missing one block and that block is the one I’ve been

Dreading it is ancient debris and we still need to collect 103 blocks of it it was only 83 but apparently the pixel art website really wants to punish me anyway let’s AFK here put some Gunpowder grab some sand and craft a bunch of TNT all right here we go let’s go

All right so we’ve used our first stack of TNT and we’ve only managed to get four more ancient debris and I think that’s because Basalt is more resistant to TNT than netherruck I think if we might in this biome it should be a lot easier also to improve our rates I think

We should be mining along the chunk borders all right let’s do this let’s go we found some already oh my God yeah this is so much better foreign okay now we finally have all the blocks we’re gonna need to build dream’s face so it’s time to start the lengthy

Process of building and I think this is going to be a good place so it’s actually only going to be one block thick but it’s gonna be a hundred blocks wide foreign perfect so we’re going to start with this chin some wool here a quartz there

And that is the first layer done once we get onto like the hair layers oh my God that’s gonna be so much more work oh my God already this second layer is getting even harder this is the first time we’re using raw iron this is going to be a big

Block in this build mushroom stem and oh yeah how is this gonna look like dreams chin we have to trust the process anyways now let’s get stuck in and make some serious progress thank you this is going to be the first layer with ancient debris on it so we’ve got some

Stone slabs of course some white terracotta pink concrete then some wool now some of these pillars and we’re on to the annoying wood parts that you have to place sideways like this uh and finally our first ancient debris that’s such a waste anyways time to waste some more foreign

As you can see I’ve made a lot of progress but we have a problem you see in this build we’ve used some cut copper blocks but we forgot to wax them so they’ve oxidized and they are turning green so to fix this I think we need to

Wax the blocks and to do that we need some shears and a campfire all right and now we just need to find ourselves a beehive do you have a hive sir are you kidding me I think I found the one homeless bee in all of Minecraft where could this

Let’s go I think it’s like this and then yes perfect I think we’re actually gonna need a bit more than that so let’s try and find another height yes another one and all right now I’m not really sure if this is gonna work but can you like strip the rust away

Yes perfect and then we wax it nice and then we’ll just do that to all the other ones that looks so much better okay so that’s the copper problem solved but we also have one more problem that dirt block isn’t meant to be there but it’s holding up concrete powder that would fall

Otherwise I think I might have an idea for this as well we get enough wood and make ourselves a button will a button hold this up um let’s just try that again yes perfect and you won’t be able to see that from all the way over there okay problem

Sorted let’s get back to grinding and for this next part of the build I tried building in segments rather than layers it seemed to be a lot faster and we were making some good progress all right that’s pretty much all of these annoying sideways logs placed now it’s time for

The massive raw iron segment which was caused by the Shadow on dream’s face why couldn’t he just face exactly forward all right this is gonna be interesting and we damn any dirt all right and then we need some covered deep sleep for there oh my God we have

To do another dream challenge all right come on which ones are gonna be horse clutch okay so this challenge is based on dream’s most recent video with Mr Beast where he punched a horse down a Ravine and somehow clutched on it and we’re gonna recreate it hopefully will a

Donkey do yeah I think he will can you survive this fool only one way to find out wow he can’t all right and then we just jump on easy first time let’s go we did it all right we complete the challenge now let’s build the rest of dream’s eye this

Is such a weird video wow it actually looks so much better than I was expecting but like dream said obviously I can’t just turn around we need a proper reveal so I’ve got a plan and it’s gonna require a lot of pistons and a bunch of concrete powder alright

So the idea is pretty simple we put a lever here and then we have a line of concrete powder set up like this all the way across then we have something like a button and place it under that way when we do this all the concrete powder will fall and

Reveal dream’s face so with the plan in place let’s get to work we need to make sure we cover this water otherwise the concrete powder is going to turn into concrete and it’s going to break the entire face reveal now we just need to figure out how this

Is going to work with the Redstone okay I think something like this will work all right here we go let’s give it a test um why all right maybe if we do the repeaters every other one okay every other one it turns out this is the answer I don’t

Really know what I’ve done but it works and I’m not gonna complain all right now all we need to do is Place thousands of concrete powder and reveal dream’s face I’m going to survive using only this one Emerald for seven real life days and I really don’t want to die because I’m

Playing on my 2500 day hardcore world the goal is to trade away up from one Emerald to having enough gear to take on the Ender Dragon so it’s basically like Ryan tryon’s penny series but in Minecraft and with that being said there are a few rules one I start with nothing

Except one Emerald so all my stuff is getting locked away in this chest rule number two I must use emeralds for everything including food alright we’ve got a one emerald and we need to find a village quick otherwise we are going to die we literally can’t do anything until we

Find this Village yes it’s a village okay we need to find like a toolsmith I think we need a way of getting more emeralds yes toolsmith okay we can trade our one Emerald for an ax okay now if we chop down some wood we can now craft with these and turn

These into sticks and if we can find a Fletcher we can sell these sticks for emeralds no no Fletcher oh that’s a cartographer oh my God there’s no Fletcher what are we actually gonna do so I spent some time chilling with the Villagers and staring at this trade

Table to try and figure out a way to survive all right I think I figured out a way but it’s about to go night so we should probably sleep all right so the only solution I can see is to chop down another tree make a crafting table and craft ourselves a

Boat and the reason we’ve got a boat is that it won’t use hunger whilst we’re moving around so hopefully we won’t starve to death and lose our world we need to find a village with a Fletcher have you seen a village oh that’s a village now please tell me it has a Fletcher

Oh maybe they don’t spawn in deserts no we have to keep looking uh oh it’s gone night and now we have another problem there could be a drowned like anywhere with a trident and we’re dead oh my God there’s a drowned with the Trident over there all right so we

Found this ship and there’s nothing in the rules about looting stuff but there’s a spider guarding it right I think we’re gonna risk it here we go oh my God emeralds oh my God we’re losing Hearts we need a village now yes a village farmer no I just want food wait

If we break this we’ll get different trades each time I think yes give me some bread oh my God our world is saved all right so we’ve got some food but now we need a reliable way of getting some emeralds and I don’t think we’re gonna

Get this Village so I think we’ll buy this upgraded ax and we’ll spend the rest on food Oh and before we leave let’s just check in here yes iron we can’t take the chest plate this is where rule number three comes in I can only craft with items I’ve traded for The

Only Exception is stuff that’s impossible to trade for like wood or stone all right we’re not gonna stop until we find a Fletcher finally guys we have reached this Village and I’m pretty sure sure there is a Fletcher wait is that one right there yes all right sticks for emeralds that’s what we

Wanted all this time let’s get to work give me them wait you’re not the right one maybe if we try and reset his trades yes oh my God give me emeralds please 16 emeralds oh my God it’s time to get rich it’s 57. oh my God I’m getting scammed

Oh my God I hate you give me more emeralds half a stack of emeralds let’s go we’ll take a fair bit of bread but now we’ve got another problem our ax is basically broken wait I think I’ve got an idea to fix it though we found some

Iron and we’ve got wood so if I’m right we can craft a smithing table and if we give this job to this villager he should let us buy some tools with him that is not the one we want yes another ax oh and we’ll get a pickaxe too okay now I’m

Just gonna grind emeralds off of the Fletcher until we have an astronomical amount of emeralds and that’s what I did for the last couple of hours of day one all right it’s real life day two and we’re starting the day with 155 emeralds the goal for today is to get some better

Gear because right now we are naked and we only have stone talks but first I think I saw a wondering Trader can we use any of this stuff melon seeds could be useful and now you’re useless I think we can get a few more emeralds all right

Let’s see what else we can buy from this guy because we’ve been trading with him and we’ve unlocked some pretty cool things this could be useful to defend ourselves and a couple of arrows that should do now we need to figure out a way of getting better tools I’m not sure

If this guy sells anything okay so on the chart it says if we level this guy up we can start unlocking some better tools and eventually get diamond tools I think the best way of doing this is probably just to buy a bunch of stone

Axes from him now pickaxes I guess is he gonna refresh his trades well we’re waiting for that guy we’ll try and find someone who sells armor alright so on the chart it says that we’re looking for a guy who has a blast furnace oh no that’s not a blast furnace maybe this one

Oh yes okay oh perfect iron armor wait I wonder if we can get chest and leggings oh yes I was beginning to think it was impossible oh it’s gonna help so much oh wow leveling up these guys is gonna take so many emeralds we definitely need an easier way of getting emeralds something

More automatic all right I think I’ve got the plan we’re going to use these melon seeds to create an automatic melon form which should give us a constant flow of emeralds the only problem is this Village is running out of villages and there’s no one to buy a hoe from so

We’re gonna have to take these workstations and try and find another Village wait is that one right there already all right you can be off Fletcher perfect we need an armorer oh nice we can get these Perfect full iron and we’ve got a toolsmith as well oh wait we need this

Guy to trade us a hoe yeah this guy needs to die oh we just messed up all the treats do villagers forgive well that’s just great apparently they hold an eternal Grudge well looks like we’re finding another Village wait actually this guy is the only guy who’s got lower trades and this

Guy’s got a hoe trade let’s start this melon farm the second part of this plan is we need villagers to trade melons with us wait a sec I’ve just looked at the chart and you can’t get a melon trade until like level three but I think I’ve got a different idea and it

Involves this we can take the sugar cane and craft it into paper then we can trade the paper with this guy for Emerald so let’s plan all of this and whilst that Sugar Cane’s growing and passively getting us emeralds I’m going to be actively chopping down trees for

Sticks and trading them with this guy for a bunch of emeralds let’s do it all right it’s been about an hour and as you can see we’ve managed to amass a mighty 212 emeralds and I also discovered that the stick method was way faster than the sugar cane and because

Of that we’re gonna reinvest the sugar cane into a farm instead of turning it into paper and trading it right about now I really wish we had a shovel trade all right and it’s now lunchtime in real life so I’m gonna eat whilst the sugarcane grows oh yeah

And we should probably reinvest this too perfect okay now that we’ve got all these emeralds we’re gonna try and get some better tools Hood level them up like this oh that’s interesting oh that gives me so much more XP okay maybe it’s time we start exploring some

Caves for iron then we should probably make ourselves a shield I also think these might come in handy yes iron great it just ends here I then continued exploring the underwater caves collecting as much iron as I could possibly find all right now we should be

Able to level this guy up with this yes perfect oh an iron pickaxe let’s go and the diamond hey we’re gonna have to buy that we might as well just buy a couple of these will this do the rest of the levels all right what else is it gonna

Get who would ever do that deal Fortune One ax is pretty decent Diamond as well okay perfect wait a sec I think he has one more level there he does come on give us something good let’s go we spent a bunch of emeralds but look how much

Faster this is oh this is so good all right next we need to get working on our armor all right we’re gonna buy a bunch of these we’ve got iron for emeralds so for this I think we’re gonna make use of our brand new pickaxe and mine for some

Iron all right we got a bunch of iron and I’m also going to chop those down and see how many emeralds we can get from the librarian all of this investing has paid off so we have 51 emeralds that’s a nice 24 emeralds from that I

Think the next step of this is making an automatic sugarcane farm but we’ll have to leave that to another day what is this guy doing all right let’s level this guy up what are we gonna get there’s a trade for a bucket of lava for

Like 12 or 20 emeralds if we get that we can make so many emeralds so let’s hope we get it please oh I guess we can try and get some diamond armor from The Next Level though yes protection Two Feather pulling two and Fire Protection One they’re not terrible three fair is way

Better than normal iron and I ended off day two by selling their own wheat back to the villagers for some emeralds and also selling some more sticks ah all right day three in this real life week of grinding emeralds and we need to get serious because we only have 90

Emeralds we need thousands otherwise this horse is gonna continue laughing us but to stop this horse from bullying us we need to get over a couple of hurdles first and our number one problem is we don’t have enough villagers and I think I’ve got an ingenious plan to fix that

The first step in our master plan is to get a bunch of boots wait a second I’ve just realized can you trade for boats I’m just looking at the chart and no you can’t ah but you can trade a boat for an emerald so it looks like we’re clear to

Craft a bunch of boats Perfect all right that might have been too many beats now we need to capture all the villagers we can find from here get in the boat nice come on get in anyways after I finally managed to get all the villagers and the

Boats I had to transport them to the side of our master plan but even that process wasn’t without its problems I’ve somehow managed to get a pig and a cat stuck in villagers with boats sorry Mr Pig and I’m not really sorry Mr Cat you did that to yourself and now let

Me introduce you to the great villager Cube yeah it’s just six villagers in boats and they’re stuck here because if they try to cross the boat gets stuck oh I shouldn’t have done that and then I’d have to do something annoying like this and the Villager would probably run away like that no

Go that way oh my God anyways next we need to build them on mud mansion and this is gonna be extra hard because we don’t have a shovel yet and we need these extra villagers so we can get a shovel wow this is slow oh this is taking ages

We need a shovel wait a second I didn’t trade for these three pork chops you can have them Mr Chicken oh an egg okay if this gives me a chicken I’ll have 10 000 emeralds by the end of the series here we go oh my God yes let’s go that is a good

Sign anyways back to this all right I think we’ve got enough to build it let’s get to work gonna make it three High don’t really know what kind of design I’m going for and we’ve run out of it all right and there we go oh no I tried

To go for some kind of cool shape but it ended looking like this anyways let’s move the villagers in now we need to breed these guys and to breed villagers you need two things food and beds and actually I think we’ll do food first because that way it can grow

Whilst we’re getting the beds so me and these cows are just gonna consult the trading chart all right so there is no possible way to buy carrots you can only sell carrots oh yes I’ve got Fortune one on my ax so let’s use that and we’ll just replan all

Carrots gonna eat my bread and plant more carrots I guess we’ll just plant the rest of the carrots around this house and this will be forever known as the carrot house okay now that we’ve got our carrots growing we need to work on getting beds for these villagers because

They can’t breed unless they have enough beds alright and after looking at the chart we can actually trade for wool all we need to do is get a Shepherd which requires us to get a lean block which means we need some string so hopefully there’s some spiders down here wait what

A skeleton spawner oh the string let’s go bang there’s our Loom and you sir have been promoted to Shepard and I think to get the World Trade we need to level this guy up oh no we’re down to 70 emeralds now yes looks like we’re getting a bunch of red

Beds and we’re starving to death so let’s buy some bread oh my God we’re down to 38 emeralds wait oh my God you can straight up buy beds from the villagers eight emeralds no okay okay perfect we have a nice amount of beds all right I’m whilst I’m waiting for the

Crops to grow I’m gonna spend some time trying to replenish our Emerald count all right so it’s been a little bit and we now have 79 emeralds and a bunch of carrots that’s a bunch of carrots I also found this wondering Trader that sells buckets of tropical fish and this is important

As this is one of the only ways we can trade for buckets so I bought three of them and then I trapped them in these fences I usually kill wondering Traders but this guy got to live anyways now let’s try and get our first baby villager so if I drop some carrots

Yes let’s go we got a baby villager and I think I’ll sleep with the Villagers but sleep next to the Villages you know what I mean all right now I think I’ll continue doing this for the rest of the day and also expanding our carrot Farm

And now we also have a lot of villages oh these guys are actually going to be pretty useful so we’ll keep all of them in this series the goal today is to work out the best way of getting emeralds from these guys so for my first idea we

Need some wood then I think you craft them like this nice and if we grab a bunch of our carrots we can hopefully get some Farmers that trade carrots all right this guy already tries carrots and so does this guy just like that we’re up to 76 emeralds already alright now we

Have this iron and we could trade it for emeralds but I think a better use of it might be to make a stone cutter all right so we need a few of these make a furnace and we’ll start smelting we’re gonna harvest the sugarcane foreign

Then we can craft one of these and with this we should be able to get some pretty cool trades all right so what it looks like to me if we level this guy up we should be able to get 20 stone for 10 emeralds let’s reinvest some of these oh

It’s just for one Emerald yeah I don’t think that’s worth it I guess another way of making emeralds would be to set up a wheat farm as well wait a minute no Billy the wondering Trader has died actually we only have eight dirt and I don’t really want to collect any more

With my fists because it started to hurt so let’s try and get ourselves a shovel all right give me a bunch of them shovels can we get a better shovel maybe if we level up this guy some more no I don’t want a diamond here I want a

Diamond shovel well I guess stone is better than nothing I might actually just leave this guy in here okay so all our crops are grown again let’s Harvest them and see how many more emeralds we can get I think the next step is to work on some

Semi-automatic Farms so we don’t have to keep on running around and planting all right I think I’ve got a plan and for it we’re gonna need a bunch of librarians who went mind if I borrow these you see with Librarians you can get a second level trade for books meaning four books

Will give you one Emerald plus this first paper trade is pretty good as well so to take advantage of the steel we’re gonna make an automatic sugarcane farm and also an automatic cow farm for leather so that we can make books alright so we’ll do the sugarcane farm

First and that requires Pistons which requires iron Cobblestone and wood but lockdown live to forgetting about the Redstone well actually no I wasn’t we have this little guy and he is going to sell us a bunch of red stains thanks oh no we also need observers so we’ve got

Everything except quartz you know what that means we have to go to the nether that is not right right I should probably turn animations on that looks so close all right that’s better yeah like the portal please yes oh my God we don’t have a totem if I die in here it’s

The entire hardcore series over this is very scary oh my God yes this is perfect quartz right here let’s go all right so I don’t know if you can hear but I’m currently surrounded by a bunch of piglens that just jumped me and tried to

Kill me this is scary oh my God they’re there is it safe no it’s definitely not safe can we get out yes oh my God we’re alive oh my God yes observers let’s make this fun and I think we’ll build the farm right here next to the Villages

All right it may not have looked like it but I actually messed up building this thing a lot of times however it’s nearly finished we just need to buy some glass from this guy turn it into panes and that’s an automatic sugarcane farm and whilst we’re waiting to see if it works

Let’s build our cattle farm this is going to be pretty simple and now for the important part the cows and would you look at that we have two right here all right come on guys follow me okay now get in the hole yeah no you

Know nice okay now we just do that and that and now we just need to breed these guys up until we get 24 cows in the hole and at that point they should crush themselves to death whilst we do that I might make another one of those

It’s been a little bit but we now have our book factory completely operational so we have a four layer sugarcane farm which all the sugarcane should drop into here and we have our cows here which we click with wheat then you can see they suffocate and die and we get some juicy

Leather then we take this and this craft a bunch of these and sell them for some emeralds and that is pretty much automatic all we need to do is do the wheat so whilst we’re collecting up a bunch of sugarcane I’m gonna see if we can get some different villagers oh a

Cartographer could be a good one yes and these guys also buy paper another useful one might be a butcher because we’re gonna have a lot of raw beef we need some Cobble for a furnace and exactly one small tree of logs next I think we’ll try out a fisherman and that

Station is just a barrel so that’s pretty easy I think it’s like this yes oh an easy way to get Buckets I am gonna buy a few of these all right maybe that was too many not gonna lie I kind of want to get a fish trade so I’m gonna

Waste a couple more emeralds at least the villagers will be warm oh wait it’ll kill the villagers there we go and now because I’ve just wasted a lot of emeralds on not very useful things I’m gonna try and make that back by fishing for some salmon where is summon

Right yeah yeah it is all right it’s day five let’s do this not gonna lie to you fishing wasn’t that successful and I think we’ve ended up with only having enough salmon for two emeralds yeah we won’t be doing that again the goal of today is to get more

Geared up because we don’t really have the gear to fight the Ender Dragon so the first thing we’re actually gonna do is get more farming Villages this is gonna allow us to trade a lot more carrots for emeralds yes a carrot trade straight away no they’re getting free come back

Yes you listen to me also we’ve got to remember to murder these guys at any opportunity all right and now that we have a dedicated set of carrot Farmers the next step is expansion of the carrot farm and now that the carrot Farm is expanded and we have some Automatic Farms it’s

Time to grind emeralds queue epic montage okay so we have this many emeralds Alexa what is 64 times 17. 60 s 1088. wow so with this extra one we now have 1089 emeralds hold on a sec I think Alexa wants to say something else subscribe now I’ll evolve into a Hi and

Kim all your villagers all right yeah you guys should probably subscribe anyways I did notice our stick Villager has turned himself into a chicken and we found this guy who is burning his llamas and he sells slime balls so we’re actually gonna buy a bunch of these

Because I don’t know where else we’re gonna get them llama abuse aside now that we’re rich it is time to live the lavish lifestyle I’m tired of eating this boring tasteless bread and now that we’re rich we can afford cookies oh all golden carrots yeah actually we’ll have

A bunch of those oh they taste so much better we also don’t really have a house we’re kind of just sleeping in that villager Hut so my name is lockdown live and this is my crib it’s fully decked out with expensive Windows stripped logs and of course all the chess space you can

Imagine it also has a really cool reef and plenty of lighting and that’s pretty much it really alright so it is a very nice house it just needs a bit more decorating inside which luckily for us we can afford alright so I think one of these guys sells paintings yes oh this

Is such a good deal three paintings for only two emeralds I also think we can get some of these lanterns because they look a lot more expensive than torches of course we’re gonna need some orange beds because that is our Channel color and just because we can we’ll get some

Pink Carpet we’ll also get some bookshelves and we’ll finish off the decorations with a very expensive Bell alright we’ve spent a lot of money but let’s see how this is gonna look and bang here we go oh my God it looks so much better and also we’ve got our very

Own chandelier complete with a bell why is there so many Iron Golems down here wait a second skin I think these guys are giving me an idea we need to get blast furnaces so that we can get armorers so if we hit this guy re-iron and you guys are next alright perfect

This is enough to make six blast Furno Perfect all right and now we should be able to get six new armorer villagers wow these guys are gonna need a lot of leveling up oh my God yes a full set of diamond that’s all right we’ll take it

Though it’s way better than this we might be able to get some better armor off these other ones though oh feather falling for Unbreaking three let’s go so I spent the rest of day five trading emeralds and hoping to get better pieces of armor okay it’s day six the second

Last day of this challenge our armor is looking pretty decent now but our weapons are lacking so today we’re focusing on Fletchers and weaponsmiths and for a Fletching table we need to get 10 of this and yes we can trade some of this for 10 Flint nice now our next

Problem is all of these guys are very productive and they have jobs which means we need to spend some more money on some beds and now it’s time to breed the villagers oh yeah and whilst they’re growing up I’m gonna collect as many sticks as possible alright it looks like most of

Our villagers are grown up now and we did have to buy a new ax so we’re down even more emeralds a good way to fix that is going to be to level up our Fletchers we only want stick treats uh we should probably craft sticks first

And we can just refresh these guys until we get the sticks all right that’s all the wood tray did and we got some extra emeralds from that now I think we can use some of these emeralds to level up these guys oh there’s our first enchanted bow I’m

Breaking two that’s decent power two that’s pretty good all right so if you buy this one this one twice we should be able to combine these into a pretty good bow the only problem is we need iron for an anvil and there we go we have a power three

Unbreaking three bow and we’re running quite low on emeralds now it’s time to try and get ourselves an enchanted diamond sword alright so we need weaponsmith wow these guys are hard to level up I am down to 64 emeralds I feel like there’s got to be a better way of

Getting a good weapon and that’s when it hit me instead of leveling up the weaponsmith we could just try and get a sharpness Book trade from a librarian and then use our Anvil to apply it to a diamond ax yes finally sharpness and we are down to seven emeralds so we’re

Gonna need a few more emeralds right now we can buy a fresh ax and add ourselves sharpness five all right let’s test out wait a second this is the horse that was bullying me well how would you like me now oh we cannot have that anyways now we

Have pretty good armor and a very good weapon but we’re playing on my 2000 plus day hardcore world so we’re not gonna take any chances and that means we’re gonna have to get ourselves a totem before we Face the dragon so let’s spend our 9 emeralds on some arrows and let’s

Go start a raid alright here we go all right the moment we walk into the village The Raid starts here we go oh those Alex guys would hurt us so much okay we’re gonna try and use our bow as much as possible and keep them away from

Us no villager get inside what are you doing oh wait did I just did I actually just do that right I guess that was counted as a separate Village to this all right here we go Raiders Hampton number two let’s try not to kill our own villager

This time these guys are freaking out oh they’re at my house oh no jump shot yes we got him yes iron got him wait how did you get in my house no don’t hit them into here nope oh no oh no die Iron Golem no no some of

The vexes yes got two ravages on it and the novaker no yes you can’t swim down here can you wait can I hit them from down here ow no bad idea bad idea stop destroy my carrots let’s go we completed the raid alright so from that raid we’ve managed to get

Five totems now which is going to be very important for the Ender Dragon but now we’ve got discounts on all our trades we’re gonna take advantage of it by grinding some emeralds for the rest of the day all right it’s the final day day seven and we now have

1423 emeralds I also may have accidentally bred some more villagers just for fun anyways enough messing around with the Villagers we need to prepare for the dragon and to do that we need to mess around with the villagers again because we need to get this guy to

Trade us some ender pearls yes we got an ender pearl trade the next part of this preparation is gonna be a bit harder we need to get blaze powder let’s head to the nether because there’s no possible way of trading for blaze rods all right I think we’ve got enough all

Right there’s that but now we need a transport method to actually get to the end portal these guys would be good you can actually trade for a saddle but first we need a leather worker Perfect all right now we’re gonna have to spend the loads of Errors just leveling this

Guy up and yes we have ourselves a saddle okay this guy’s all right but before we go and risk our hardcore World attacking the Ender Dragon I feel like we owe it to our villagers to make this place look a little bit nicer and whilst I was upgrading at home I

Also traded with them as much as possible to get our Emerald count up this took a while to build but I think it was worth it yeah I think the villagers are a lot happier now also you may have noticed this giant Emerald on the side of the building and I spent

864 emeralds on this and we still have this many emeralds which is enough to build an entire Emerald Beacon if we wanted to so we are now officially rich and to think all this wealth came from one emerald and with it we transformed this standard Village into the trading

Capsule of my Minecraft world where the population speaks in only one language emeralds but there’s still one last thing to do also I should mention that I just spent some time collecting these end crystals because we’re gonna need to respawn the dragon as this is my 2000 day hardcore world let’s grab everything

We need come on horse Down live let’s go kill a dragon let’s go yes we have enough all right here we go just ignore all my stuff let’s do this it’s kind of fitting that there’s an emerald Beacon here um here we go all right we need to be

Really careful of the Dragon we’ve only got diamond armor oh oh my god oh wow that stuff hurts why are the pillars like this thread the needle yes all right that’s the last one let’s go he’s going down oh oh my God he hurts oh my God

Wow nice let’s finish him up with when I’m rude let’s go and there we go we had to survived from one emerald and defeated the Ender Dragon and now I can finally collect my stuff

This video, titled ‘I Survived 3000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft! [FULL MINECRAFT MOVIE]’, was uploaded by LockDownLife on 2022-11-05 16:58:09. It has garnered 5202260 views and 37134 likes. The duration of the video is 03:13:21 or 11601 seconds.

I survived 3000 days in hardcore minecraft! (FULL MOVIE) Surviving 3000 days in minecraft hardcore FULL MOVIE!

This is the second full minecraft movie of my hardcore minecraft 1.19 series! Watch me achieve epic things in hardcore minecraft and witness the awesome progression of my world 🙂

Also if you watch till the end then you are ofically very EPIC!!!

FOLLOW ME ON EVERYTHING: https://solo.to/lockdownlife

Watch the first 1000 day movie here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vEYpMZf3YI

Watch the full 1.19 minecraft hardcore series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CplCUyiI3c&list=PLuP1FCJ1ukL5qTks7ziukaGsjckRnROGV

This video was inspired by Skyes “I Survived 1,000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]” so full credit to him @Skyes This video was also inspired by other “Minecraft Hardcore” youtubers like acookiegod and sandiction. As well as minecraft OGs Wadzee and mumbo jumbo.

The thumbnail was also inspired by notnotbrock “I Survived 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MINECRAFT MOVIE]”

#minecrafthardcore #hardcoreminecraft #minecraft

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Defeating Ender Dragon in Minecraft Mods

    Defeating Ender Dragon in Minecraft Mods The Epic Battle: Defeating the Ender Dragon in Minecraft Mods Survival As the sun rose over the pixelated landscape, a group of brave Minecraft players geared up for the ultimate challenge – defeating the Ender Dragon. Led by the skilled player known as Wus, they embarked on a thrilling adventure filled with danger and excitement. The Journey Begins Armed with powerful weapons and enchanted armor, the team delved deep into the End, a mysterious dimension filled with perilous creatures and treacherous terrain. They navigated through the End cities, facing off against Endermen and shulkers along the way. Music to… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT HACKS EXPOSED Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks: A Creative Adventure 🏡✨ Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft as we delve into some of the most viral and intriguing build hacks that promise to revolutionize your construction experience. From time-saving shortcuts to innovative techniques, we will test and evaluate the effectiveness of each hack, providing you with creative inspiration and practical tips along the way. Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft Build Hacks 🛠️🔍 Join us as we uncover the hidden gems of Minecraft build hacks that truly work wonders. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a novice builder, these hacks… Read More

  • Froggy Fire Frenzy: Alex’s Magma Quest

    Froggy Fire Frenzy: Alex's Magma Quest In the world of Minecraft, Alex takes the stage, Crafting potions with froglights and blaze rods, all the rage. Building a farm for magma cream, a fiery delight, To face the nether fortress, with all his might. Gathering nether wart, with a careful hand, Mixing ingredients, following the plan. Creating potions of fire resistance, strong and true, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always something new. Join Alex on his adventures, full of fun and glee, In a world of creativity, where you can be free. So grab your pickaxe, and join the fight, In the world of Minecraft,… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft Bundles

    Unveiling Minecraft Bundles Minecraft Introduces Bundles and Hardcore Mode in Realms Minecraft players have something new to look forward to as the game introduces bundles and hardcore mode in realms. This exciting update brings 16 colored variants of bundles, adding a fresh element to the gameplay experience. What are Bundles? Bundles are a convenient way for players to organize and store their items in Minecraft. With the addition of 16 colored variants, players can now customize their bundles to suit their preferences and style. This feature not only adds a practical aspect to the game but also allows for creative expression. Hardcore… Read More

  • Top Secret Minecraft Bases | unspeakable

    Top Secret Minecraft Bases | unspeakable The Best Hidden Bases in Minecraft 1.21 In this exciting Minecraft video, we take you on a journey to uncover the mysteries hidden inside a secret Minecraft base! 🏰✨ Ever wondered what makes a perfect secret base? Join us as we reveal the intricate designs, clever traps, and hidden treasures that make this base truly unique. From sneaky entrances to elaborate redstone contraptions, you won’t believe what has been managed to hide away! Discover: The best locations for secret bases Tips for building an impenetrable fortress Creative uses of Minecraft blocks and items Hidden treasures and surprises waiting to… Read More

  • Ultimate Farming in Minecraft ATM9

    Ultimate Farming in Minecraft ATM9 Minecraft All The Mods 9 (ATM9) | Mystical Agriculture & Mob Seeds Farming Join the Minecraft adventure with ChevyCoolWithIt on Twitch as he delves into the world of All The Mods 9 (ATM9) and explores the fascinating realm of Mystical Agriculture. In this VOD, witness the mastery of farming mob seeds and learn the best strategies for resource gathering and seed automation. Exploring Mystical Agriculture Delve into the mystical world of agriculture in Minecraft with the Mystical Agriculture mod. This innovative mod allows players to grow resources like never before, including mob seeds that can yield powerful rewards. Discover… Read More

  • Caterpillar Craze: Minecraft Flag Design Fun!

    Caterpillar Craze: Minecraft Flag Design Fun! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I’ll show you a flag design that truly jives. A caterpillar flag, easy to make, With colors and patterns that will surely take. Start with a green flag, a canvas so bright, Add a white creeper pattern, a true delight. Green diagonal divisions, left and right, Creating a design that’s out of sight. A green diamond, a light gray border too, Each step carefully crafted just for you. For insect shops and banners, this design is key, Bringing a touch of Minecraft artistry. If you enjoyed this tutorial, give it a… Read More

  • Minecraft: Transparent Glass Tutorial

    Minecraft: Transparent Glass Tutorial Exploring Transparent Glass in Minecraft Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the many features that players enjoy experimenting with is transparent glass. Let’s delve into how you can create transparent glass in Minecraft and enhance your gaming experience! Creating Transparent Glass To create transparent glass in Minecraft, players need to follow a simple crafting recipe. By combining sand and fuel in a furnace, you can smelt the materials to produce glass blocks. Once you have obtained glass blocks, you can further refine them to create transparent glass. This process… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Where’s that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?

    Minecraft Memes - Where's that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?It looks like Bryan is really slacking on his supervillain game if he can’t even keep track of his creations past number 303! Read More

  • Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise!

    Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise! In the world of Minecraft, a giant mushroom grew, Secretly raised by a player, a sight so new. With zombies and plants, a battle ensued, In the realm of gaming, where fun is pursued. Subscribe to Z_Phragmites for more gaming delight, Updates on Plants vs Zombies, a thrilling sight. With each video, a new adventure takes flight, In the world of gaming, where dreams ignite. Read More

  • Villager’s Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme

    Villager's Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme Surprising Villager Logic: "I’ll trade you 20 emeralds for a piece of rotten flesh!" Oi Oi Oi Sleep Reaction: villager falls asleep standing up Minecraft logic at its finest! #shorts #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round

    Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round Minecraft Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters BONUS REMATCH Join Dream in his latest Minecraft adventure, the BONUS REMATCH of Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters! This thrilling and unscripted video brings together Dream and three hunters in an intense chase through the Minecraft world. The Minecraft Manhunt Series Dream has dubbed this series “Minecraft Manhunt,” where he faces off against multiple hunters instead of the usual one or two. In this video, the hunters include Daybroken, Harvey, and Galaxy, each bringing their unique strategies to stop Dream from completing the game. A New Challenge This time, the challenge involves Minecraft version 1.20,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations

    Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations Minecraft Mob Transformations: Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft Creatures 🌟 Welcome to Villager’s Craft! In this video, we delve into the captivating realm of Minecraft mob transformations. Have you ever pondered under what circumstances a Zombie Villager can revert to a regular Villager or how other mobs evolve in the game? 🤔 From morph mods to in-game transformations, we’re exploring all the ways Minecraft creatures can undergo changes. Exploring Minecraft 1.21 and Beyond 🚀 In this video, we’re immersing ourselves in the world of Minecraft 1.21! We’re delving into everything from constructing the ultimate Iron Golem Farm 🛠️ to… Read More

  • Maizen’s 3D House INSIDE Mikey’s HAND?! (Minecraft)

    Maizen's 3D House INSIDE Mikey's HAND?! (Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Maizen 3D on 2024-06-13 18:10:50. It has garnered 2698 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:25 or 2305 seconds. How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!

    EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ TV on 2024-02-15 12:01:44. It has garnered 4691 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:26 or 926 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of… Read More

  • EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!

    EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arceus FF gaming is live!minecraft survival island’, was uploaded by Arceus FF gaming on 2024-06-23 18:38:42. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:37 or 2557 seconds. Iam not a youtuber but we will try #videos #games @arceus ff gaming Read More

  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

    Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ketakutan Yang Ada – Bakwan: Fight Back Episode 25 [ Minecraft Roleplay ]’, was uploaded by Rolfeey on 2024-08-28 02:25:38. It has garnered 12145 views and 815 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:49 or 4009 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/rolfeey ➽ Description !! Command Night bot !spec !donate !discord ➽Read Sekuyyy ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ And Dont Forget To Like, Comment, And Subscribe For More Video !! See Ya ➽Help Me Reach 100,000 subs!! : / rolfeey​ ➽Discord : / discord ➽Contact Me : Instagram: / rolfeey2 Twitter : / yourstar_2 Discord : Rolfeey 📧Business Email… Read More

  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

    Unlocking Herobrine's Secret Powers! 😈 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine |’, was uploaded by Oprajgaming on 2024-04-24 16:56:01. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ○Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine | Tags #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #edit #minecraftshort #youtubeshort #editing #shortsvideo #minecraftshortvideo #minecraftshortsvideo #herobrine #herobrinesmp #attitudestatus #attitude #acharulipopuri #mcpe #mcpeshorts #minecraftshort #minecraftedit #minecraftedits minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ62eviBm92rz20hE1IIIXQ/join My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vinceyreads/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/vinceyreads TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vinceyreads 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – https://memealerts.com/HaYaRy&ProSha ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – https://www.donationalerts.com/r/hayary_and_prosha 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – https://goo.su/i7ss 💵TRADE HaYaRy – https://goo.su/XEuTm6Q ✅VK GROUP – https://vk.com/club_hayary_and_prosha ✅TWITCH – https://www.twitch.tv/hayary_and_prosha… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More

I Survived 3000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft! [FULL MINECRAFT MOVIE]