I Survived 3,000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Survival [MOVIE]

Video Information

Welcome to my Hardcore Minecraft worlds where I have survived 4 000 days I love to build and build and a little bit more building on top with over a year and a half spent in this world and nearly 900 hours survived now for part three of my

Journey to 4 000 days here’s the first 3 000. please leave a like And subscribe and if you don’t want to watch this entire thing just leave it running in the background as it helps me out a ton let’s get rocking starting this hardcore series I gave myself a big goal to build

An interconnected world full of villages towns and cities where I built a lot of really cool stuff throughout the 2000 days survived inside of this world so far like trees lots of trees did I mention I like trees but until now my house has stood pretty alone on top of

This hill I’m taking on the challenge to build the first city inside of this world be sure to double check that your subscribed so you don’t miss out on this new journey and let me know in the comments what you think I should build inside the city first up to make

Progress on the city I want to fix the wheat farm as it’s really close to working but it’s Extremely Loud and extremely slow we’ve got 49 weeks let’s turn that off so instead I want to make a hopper clock now if I put a stack of kelp inside of

Here that should activate it caliber goes over and it trades back for this machine apparently we only need one note from the note block every so often so it should turn on go for a little while and then turn back off next I need to get

Some bees to add inside of each layer of the farm to help the wheat grow faster for the purpose of bee breeding I would like to create a small shack right down here let’s level it off a touch more with some dirt next for the foundation something like this should work

Turning it into a tiny Greenhouse with some glass walls that we can solidify a touch And something like this should work out pretty well putting some campfires on any of the sides so that the bees don’t hurt us a lantern out front with Corsair in for the floor I want to spend some time connecting this up to the main road

In a tiny path like this should do it now these four beehives all have bees inside of them these four on the other hand are empty we just need to keep breeding until we can get a ton and it’s kind of cramped in here it should be

Fine so I can grab some bone meal and get a ton of flowers now I just need to wait for the bees to jump out oh there they all are hi everybody take a flower no no no you saw nothing absolutely nothing and everything is fine I’m just gonna for no

Reason at all extinguish these campfires I’ve now got a ton of bees in here the Sun is setting so hopefully they’ll go into the hive soon this should be enough more behind we’ll take the bottom eight as we know they’re full so is my inventory now with

It still being night time I need to jump into every single one of these adding some alliums to the corners and one of the beehives up here and we’re good all of the beehives are now in and I’m a little worried as I got a stack of wheat

From it so I don’t think these are working well breeding the bees I also realized that this system is much more complex than it needs to be and make it so much so much less brain numbing with just a redstone line going to each of the Note Blocks so it only goes once

Hopefully this thing’s working a little bit better now oh that’s so much more peaceful sounding next up it’s time for everybody’s favorite part planting a field however I did just notice the carrot farmer is uh dead so I need a new one but first the field adding another

Field to this world brings us up to 21 fields of farmland and it’s starting to look really good now asking y’all to subscribe right now would be a little weird wouldn’t it it’s almost like the intro just ended and I did that no no no

It’d be so weird of me I’m not a sellout of course now look at this carrot field in addition to this I want to add a small Pumpkin Patch right over here as I don’t have one anywhere in the world yet so a little something right back here

Should be great this is looking pretty good we just gotta wait for the pumpkins to grow and because I can’t be stopped I’m gonna build a small farmhouse right over here one final step waxing all of the copper and The Farmhouse is complete look at it

Oh it’s so cute I’m really happy I took the time to do that now back to the last field picks for the day moving a villager into the care Farm first up I started by digging out a new tunnel so I didn’t need to build one in the air

Again and laid down a new rail track to get the villagers into the new field as quickly as possible and if I need any Replacements again in the future but this should be everything we need up here and a quick trip down to Santa Villa draw and we’ve got one villager

Left perfect I have to go carrot farmer welcome home buddy you’re gonna do great there haven’t been like six Farmers also in here that have died yummy yummy thing let alone planning a massive city in Minecraft takes a lot of brain power which I can’t even say brain power

So today we’re focusing on the Northern Gatehouse and the land leading up to it this needs to be a pretty Grand and large entrance into the city so starting with two massive bases we can work our way up I want to add some Towers onto the corners to break up from the current

Boxy look we have which we can just send these all the way up both towers are in on the side and it’s taking shape next I’m thinking the archway itself is gonna be about this tall and then we bring It Forward now that is starting to feel like a

Gatehouse so from there I spent some time adding in more of the stone to get the rough outline of our Gatehouse in place so next I want to plan the road connecting back down to the graph this should be a good start and it’s got

A nice curve to it but we’re going into a city so I don’t think having a coarse dirt road is the right idea for this first up I’m gonna need Cobblestone regular stone stone brick and some rooted dirt which I’m almost out and regular dirt and finally to merge those

Two sets together lots of packed mud entering the city I want to start with stone and Cobblestone at the top which then merges down into the packed mud bricks as we work towards rooted dirt and regular dirt in as well and those work really well leading back into the

Coarse dirt I use in every other pathway around this world currently now the gate itself won’t be Stone this is just for the plan like I want to use the top of deep slate down here at the base which I am already really really liking I want to get terraforming so this

Doesn’t look like it’s floating any longer but first I should probably extend the walls all the way out to the mountain and to the tree sorry we feel I think you gotta go adding the trim in front of the wall here as well and this should work next

We need a lot of dirt and I have one box and some change on the Mountainside I want to make it a little bit smoother so we can have space to include a building like a stables or something but still having a bit of a harsh drop off right

In front of the wall [Applause] their first side is now done and ready for building and from here I want to make the other side a lot steeper and descending down into the valley connecting the ground to the ground is a later foot problem and man that guy hates me now I want to focus on building

Up the Gatehouse as well as designing the walls taking some inspiration from the mud brick castle for the block palette I need to gather up a ton more mud but first my wings are pretty busted do I need to make a quick trip into the

End and fly my way over to the Enderman Farm next up we are off to the swamp where my goal is going to be to gather up two shulker boxes of mud Two Sugars of mud in the mess of shulkers I have a granite and brick

Stroker box the last item I need is brown mushroom block which we can get a bunch here in the forest and this should do it I’ve got plenty of brown mushroom blocks to work with now I’ve got a good amount of wheat so we

Can craft up a ton of packed mud and a bunch of bricks getting started on the build it includes some stairs here then frame it all in with some trap doors the recessed line back here I want to fill in with a bunch of brick few terracotta

And granite I’m Gonna Leave a stone here in the center because I’ve got an idea for something fun to add in starting on the Gatehouse structure itself I want to bring in a bunch of packed Bud mud brick as well as brown mushroom block to be the main structure of this building this

Is looking really good from here I want to tackle the upper battlements where yes I want to use diorite a strip of regular then we finish with polished on top oh I love that that looks really good now next up for the towers I’m gonna need something we don’t have so I

Flew over to the jungle and chopped down a bunch of trees from here I want the corner Towers to pop out a bit but still stay within the general color palette which is where the jungle comes in first one is now done and it pops out really well against the mud and there

Both towers are now finished next up for the roof I’d like to start out with some Spruce on the corners and some deep slight tile for the rest and I think that’ll work for number one with number two being the same roof as well from here I want to build out the

Outer walls to the side a touch so I have a better idea of what this looks like at the top I want to build in some diorite too the bricks at the top is working really well over here time to bring the second side up

With the walls in on both sides now I thought we could build out some Flags using oxidized copper and prismarine Topping with some anvils and trap doors we got some big old fancy flags from here since I already know what I want to do with the walls I’m just gonna get

Them built up Next up Ramiro I want to take a bunch of spruce logs crafts Spruce planks for a lot of stairs because it is time to work on this guy I fell all the way down at the top I want to use a familiar roof pattern that we’ve done on our starter

Base adding a trim out of spruce wood moving on to the roof itself I’d like to bring in some Cobble deep sleep next up I’d like to grab some sandstone a little sand this should do it for the walls of the top starting by taking off

The bottom bit where I can add in some Spruce down here instead then stripping it all down with all the stone removed we can add in a little sandstone and I think that’ll do for some texturing next replacing the floor in the ramparts with just some more packed mud and we can add

A little bit more detail to this face and there we go this is looking much better out here now the front of the Gatehouse is looking great and I am loving the style the back however I can’t hide it any longer right now with the top I want to finish building out

The little house up here adding in the packed mud base floor then building out the Sandstone structure before adding in an additional simple railing along the back walkway since we more have to worry about Intruders from the front here the back of the Gatehouse doesn’t need to be

As intense and if anything we somehow lose the Gatehouse to the pillagers we don’t want them to have full-on Arrow slits when they’re firing down upon us the bottom of the build though Still Remains thankfully though we’ve got most of the front here that we can base it off of foreign

We can come on the inside now and add in some polished Granite down here at the base and I’m thinking we just used some brick a little Granite tossed in and some terracotta all the way up at the tippity top there are two blocks I still need to replace on the Gatehouse itself

Before we can call the exterior done that and that this is going to require two lodestones each of these requires a netherite Ingot now I’ve got plenty of sand and I could use the gas farm for gunpowder to craft tnt and we’re off to the nether back into the old netherite

Mines I’m gonna spend one hour Mining netherre and see how many I can get Thank you one hour later and we’ve got ourselves 25 ancient debris next for a quick trip over to the gold Farm or rotten flush Farm but we got all the gold we need now for the first time in way too long we can use the netherrite forge you create

Netherrite scraps which we can use to create netherride ingots next to end of the villager trading Hall we got some chiseled stone bricks and we have two lodestones that are gonna go right up here that looks so good with a little bit of a bonus of four netherride ingots

Moving Focus back to the wall itself I want to first and foremost make it much skinnier probably only two blocks tall on the top so we can move that wall back a few with that done I added in all of the blocks along the back Edge to finish

Off the build leaving only The Two Towers at either side left to build and I’ve got all of the stone cleaned up along the edge too the Deep slight trim and everything however we’ll figure it out when we start working on the town because there is still plenty left to do

Out on the front this city is meant to be a big wow oh statement everything about it is gonna be a little over the top especially when it comes to the entrance kudos to the wandering Trader for some small drip Leaf but we can finally empty out some of these azalea

Leaves lastly over to the flower farm for some Azure blue ads adding even further to the shulker monster where first we actually need a little gate in here and something decorative like this I think is going to work out really well a little thin but but believe it it’ll be okay next

Bring a little stir otherwise it looks a little artificial from here maybe some Mangrove Roots after that we bring in all of the azalea leaves with some flowering and regulars now dotting in some Azure bluets in the middle to give that really big pop of Flowery color lastly a little

Bit of bone meal for some Tall Grass the idea is this is so Lush that nobody has attacked it in a very long time and nature has kind of taken over alright so fertile from the blood of our enemies no it couldn’t be we’re peace loving people

Here with the first section nailed down I continued to doing that over on the other side of the wall to bring it up to par a Gatehouse really only serves a purpose if people are trying to walk through the area which means I need a road to show people actually are

Traveling through this area it looks like I am going to need a bridge going over this massive hole which will get sorted in a minute because right now the road is going to disappear around the mountain over the bridge and just kind of over there but I also want to connect

To the River Village down here so we can curve a road coming down the mountain like this a beautiful path through the countryside and it’s gonna look so good but I’m running into one small problem I need to link it to the road here and there’s a carrot field in the way well

That’s not a care field anymore but I think if I shorten up the field along here this pains me to take away from a field though I should have just enough space to sneak a path through quite literally just enough from here I expanded the roads adding in slabs and

Making them all wide enough for carts to travel down next I want to clean up some of these steeper faces and add in some rocks that’s looking much better here for the first section now for this one the entire Upper Road is now finished up which leaves just this location down

Here and unfortunately it overhangs we’ll just add a little Edge that’ll be fine just this little retaining wall right back here remains and I thought it would be nice to add in something other than just Stone we’re right next to the Village so being a little bit stronger

Probably makes sense back to the two towers on the walls I’m gonna need a lot more mud brick you guys this is not gonna cut it good thing I have a lot of wheat Fields so I can gather up some wheat and craft some more packed mud

Well the next field in the box is ready to go but now I can craft well any more packed mud right let’s get building Leaving some gaps in the sides of these towers I want to extend out some turrets and that should do perfect second one is now in place as well something tells me there’s somebody under the road which I think is my cue to leave as I need to

Gather a ton more Spruce Wood to build the top of these towers Drew Street patch is replanted and we’ve got plenty of spruce to work with I jumped into finishing up the top of the towers inspired by what you’d find in age vampires as a simple top but do not

Draw away from the Gatehouse itself this is looking fantastic over here but now it’s time to move all the shulker boxes as I want to build a small stables and in outside the city for travelers okay the shulkers did not move very far but I’ve been thinking about this for a

While and already built and deleted so many things first to not interrupt the sight line of our Gatehouse originally I had a big building here so I tore it down and I’m thinking instead we do a nice carrot field and then we build the Inn all the way back over here next to

That we can throw a stables building right back in here for some horses with a few details added in for the Stables it is finished up next up we can tackle the Inn Change out of the front for some jungle and I like it even more then we can do a nice little flower bed to attract The Travelers a lot of colors in here is going to draw people in and of course a big old chimney smoking away I know I’m

Working on the end but what a little well right out here just looks so good the answer is yes the answer is very much yes especially when you put water inside it but okay maybe a second floor and a roof on this is needed this build

Is so fun going back to the build style I started this world with 2000 days later and expanding to a new region makes me really excited to move forward on this project but there we go the Gatehouse the walls and now a stables and in in the front are finished I still

Have plenty of work to do out here but I’ve run out of time for this video otherwise if I keep working on this video my wedding that hopefully happened a few days ago should have went through or it’s really awkward right now hopefully there’s a happy post on

Twitter right yay for working ahead building anything in Minecraft requires a lot of blocks normally we make our way underground mine guarding slow slowly breaking blocks and my home’s a mess this is fine and all but I’m on a quest to build a city in this hardcore world

And I want to tell a story beyond the Minecraft levels of resource Gathering today I’m building my stone storage facility to house all of the different types of stone blocks in this game inside of a massive Quarry to tell the story of how Stones were required to

Build this city now leave a like And subscribe as less than 40 percent of you watching my videos are actually subscribed so be sure to double check as YouTube might have actually unsubscribed you I already have this massive hole in the landscape and it would be rather

Dumb of me not to use it for the Quarry but I do want to open it up a little bit more before building and as always it’s time to set up the beacon Oh spruce trees and bamboo you’ve served me so well since episode one and that’s a lot of spruce wood before the digging starts I definitely need to repair my shovel so back into the end we go the upper section now just has Stone left removed to open up the area and

This should be pretty quick come on it’s so close let me break the block this is a pretty good sized spot but I think I want to go bigger like clearing out this entire section of the cavern Quarry cave hole in the ground thing yeah let’s go with big hole on the ground

Things are looking really good so far but I don’t really want these overhangs so I want to try cutting this back even further I’m already in full destruction mode so I might as well keep going spending another few hours digging out the pit and revealing a massive area to

Start building inside whoa wait look at that oh it’s a dungeon zombie spawner have I not found this before I can see my house from here but free name tags don’t worry I didn’t forget as with every Hardcore episode I planned a new field inside of this world and as we’re

Building a massive City we need food to feed the people so it actually makes sense to do this now just like you subscribing makes sense if you like the video so double check that you’re subscribed and there we have a brand new potato field I want to add so many more

Trees around here but that’ll have to be for a stream later on as I need to focus on the Quarry for now the first problem I have is how do I walk down into the hole for this I’d like to bring a new road from the starter mine down along along the edge And this brings us all the way down here to the base of the pit where I’ve got a lot of terraforming to do still but it’s at least a start next taking some of the stone I already mined out I want to create some large geometric shapes as if

The workers mined out huge chunks out of the ground the test area is looking very good now to connect the rest of the road to the ground which is now done as well but things are looking a little flat texture-wise so I want to try adding in a bit of top Just to bring in a few Shadows throughout with a rock solid plan in mind it’s time to finish plotting out this Quarry but just like ogres quarries have layers and we need to build that into the plan for this I want to bring a road roughly along here that is smooth

Enough for heavy carts to travel creating a bit of a Terrace out of stones along this way and the road can continue up here up that way and off there with another bit of a Terrace section back in here I got to work flattening out the first layer to make

It easier to add some details in working in the roadway first next up I want to take the stones idea that we used over here and bring that in along this entire Edge as well with that section done I can keep clearing away blocks on the

Next onion I mean layer this should do for here now I need to figure out how to get the road going up to this next Point without it sticking out too much maybe for this one I bend it around this way instead of a straight line that should

Work I just need to clean it up a lot more I finished up this little side over here and the retaining wall but we’ll decorate it out further later as I have a lot more blocks to break hopefully for the last time today I cleared out more

Of the stone in the hole to set the stage for future builds to be added in then moving forward with adding in a lot of the quarried stones to set the layers apart okay it’s finally time I’ve really gotta get this Beacon out of here it’s

Serving as a great storage room but it is so in the way with that done we’ll leave the shulkers floating for now but I want to get all of the roadways then and there we go the floor is now all dirty moving into the first physical

Build today I started crafting up a ton of materials Gathering up a load of aged copper and tons of spruce as I want to add in a big lift for the heavier carts to get out of the Quarry where the horses might not be able to pull them up

The steeper pathway starting with a massive wooden structure to house the lift I want to reinforce the sides and connect them all together then using some large copper wheels at the top to give it a mechanical aspect for the build creating a second structure to hold a counterweight in here to raise

The lore levels of this lift over 9000. I’ve already added in the lift platform itself for the carts to go up and originally I was thinking about using grindstones for the chains but they’re a little too big so instead I want to use actual chains

And a nice barrel with a lamp the shape of this right now is uh boring to put it lightly so I want to add in some ladders stretching around as different support areas and ways to access some upper levels of the Quarry this way we can start to break up the

Boxy rectangular shape we have so far and add a little bit more interest with some new colors it’s still all brown but it’s uh a start but with this one we are connected all the way up to the top rail mostly you can squeeze through there there’s a lot

To do for the second side as I don’t quite know what I want to do with the face yet but I do know that I need some light sources down here as it’s getting rather spooky should make it a little bit safer down here but I’ve gathered so many shulker

Boxes of stone out of this Quarry that I think it’s about time to build a place to uh store them all the Quarry is currently very gray with all of the stone so I’d like to give this storage room a pop with some color first I’m gonna need a lot of pumpkins

Next up some orange wool I’m gonna need a load of orange dye as well to craft orange concrete powder where about half of this needs to turn into concrete then of course like every other building back over to the lumber mill to get a bunch more wood and craft a ton of

Spruce trap doors the last item on the list before we can get building we need light gray terracotta to cook into light gray glazed terracotta all of the materials I need are inside of these shulker boxes and I want to start by outlining the base of this structure you give

Ourselves more space I want to push this back up against the wall but I think we need to clear it a little bit more space in here for the build itself next up to give an indoor outdoor feel to really bring in the warehouse vibes I want to assemble these large archways going all the way across and then building on top of it next with these two little holes we’ve dug out I want to make them look like small doorways where we can add some dark oak in the back and a door do nothing with the base

Room done I got to work building out a chimney and etching out the Mountainside to make space for the roof of the storage room from here I built up the front doorway adding on the trim for the roof and placing in a fake window then some color adding in glazed terracotta

With some copper to contrast all of the warm wood tones before finishing off the final roof outlines the final major element for this build is adding in the roof itself for this I want to use a gradient firing from some darker oranges working our way up into the lighter colors

Where we end up with a little something like this and that is gonna pop really well against the Quarry the rest of the roof is now in place and I’ve been working on some of the final details like another little lift because I apparently can’t get enough so we can

Take a chain all the way up to here here’s a little deep slate inside and bring it all the way out to connect them and some strip dark oak with another grindstone right there adding in this little lift makes me want to add a bunch more of them throughout the entire

Quarry to really make this look like a work Zone but first we’ve got to tackle the inside because right now it’s not much of a storage room to make a storage room to last the entire hardcore series I need a lot of space as I have too much

Stone but to avoid a stupidly large building I need to go underground with this one we’ve got six different rooms for different Stone types and overflow chests in the center and plenty of space for a shulker monster in the middle wait what no no no no before we add in any of

The chests I want to add some hidden lighting throughout the back with frog lights then mud bricks and packed mud around next so that I can still open the chest but it looks like they have a ceiling above them we add in slabs with that done next up I just need to

Start adding in all of the chests which is gonna be a lot Two stacks of Chess oh I’m gonna need a lot of wood we empty the wood storage room to create the stone storage room and back to placing in the rest of the chests with all of the chests in place we can move forward with detailing a touch here

Where each one of these Cubbies of sorts is going to be decorated on the floor corresponding to the stone types that’ll be in there first we have stone and stone brick Next to the Cobblestone we’ll have deep slate which will all be bleeding out into the central area that don’t know what I’m doing with quite yet next we have bricks and granite diorite and andesite lastly a section for tough and drip Stone now

As we need it if any of these fill up I have an overflow chamber back here that needs some chess inside but first we can decorate everything else I’ve lowered the center down to see over the eventual shulker monster and decorated out the floor with a bunch of dirt from here we

Can start to make this not look like such a box and I want to come through and detail out the sides the same way we did inside each of the Stalls It’s almost time to move the items in and clear out a lot of the shulker monster but first I want to finish decorating for this I’m gonna need 18 looms 60 note blocks and a few oxidize copper slabs the outside currently looks really good but the inside is a little

Lacking starting with a trim of strip dark oak logs around the top and one right across the middle from here we can actually remove a little bit of the mud that we added in and replace that with our note blocks before we finish the center I thought

The Looms could go in here as the ceiling adding in the ceiling I created two different sections to make sure the room feels like it was Grand and needed a lot of extra support to it and because I have way too much of this stuff let’s grab some obsidian and make ourselves

Some Ender chess I’m gonna need a whole storage room just for obsidian soon but these can go in the corners so like every good Minecrafter I’ll bring my own in and set it down in here I’ve got some chests to finish off this last section in here too which will all be for

Overflow goodies so I don’t even know what I’m gonna put back here yet but now it is finally time to move items into the storage room because in mining out this Quarry I already have eight more sugar boxes full of stone and the goal is to get shulker boxes back out of this

So I need to empty them into the chest I spent over two hours sorting my storage transforming the shulker mess from this to this and I’m much happier and definitely on team we need an inventory update yes I know there are still some shulkers out here but but

Feast Your Eyes Upon This empty shulkers everywhere I almost cleared 54 shulker boxes worth of junk so much Stone Cobblestone and it feels very very nice to finally have an actual storage room for stone types but I’ve been thinking I want to bring a bunch of wagons and

Carts in here and I keep talking about mules being able to pull carts out of it and everything like that so I think we need a small Stables attached to this guy and today we’re actually gonna move some animals around but if we go right

Back over here I think we can use this flatter spot and almost into the wall as a good Stables getting right into it I’m building three stalls for animals to hang out in the Quarry as workhorses or mules in this case and they deserve a good home because they’re the only ones

Really doing any work around here I need to bring three mules down into the Quarry and maybe one or two over to the city Gates as well so if we come inside here we’ve already got one but we need a lot more than that and while these

Little dudes grow up but look how cute he is first I want to repair my pickaxe because yes it is scaring me at this point too so I’d like to test something if I grab a light gray wool I really like really like Shadow I added in with the tough

Block but what about a highlight with a bit of a lighter Stone so I went forward with adding that throughout the entire first section mule number two yes oh they’re so adorable come with me little ones first two mules are being delivered and I wanted to bring them

Over while they were babies because that’s the way that I think I can fit them inside of here and he can definitely get out while he’s a baby okay that stays there for now we now have a third mule down in the Quarry and the first two are group

What I’m missing a mule did he suffocate in the wall okay I need another one until number three grows up he can hang out over here one final step for this corner of the Quarry I need to detail the stones above the Stables as its default train Looking back at where I started today peeling back the first layers of the ogre I mean the Quarry the Quarry is starting to take shape as the first buildings are added in and the first corner is finished up however the rest of the walls of the pit are pretty gross

I must blockify them and then we have fun with the details but first our mule has grown and hopefully he doesn’t suffocate in here this time oh look at him I love it now thankfully we’ve already decided on the style for the Rocks so I just need to build them first

Step for this is gonna be grabbing a bunch of stone and I think we can start over on this section foreign Area is starting to look really good over here but I’ve decided I want to take this guy and just send it all the way up stacking on top of each other And that’ll take us all the way up to the top Edge now if I keep building around this switch a bunch more of these rocks it should come together pretty well I spent an hour terraforming yeah I think this would be considered terraforming the Quarry to create the

Larger rocks as well as shaping out the remaining corners and things are really starting to come together and be a full piece of a build here pillagers in the Quarry I just I can’t seem to get rid of these but yeah they’re pointing out I missed a block okay we’re gonna leave

Them absolutely ignoring they were ever there because again for another session I need a lot of tough and a quick trip to the sheep farm or more of the wool because as great as this looks right now for the shape it’s really hard to see

Any detail as it’s all the one block I need to spend a little bit of time adding in the highlights and the Shadows Quarry rocks are now done and Dusty and this wandering Trader is really trying to dispose of one of his llamas next I want to finish replacing the walkable

Areas with some dirt for contrast Filling up on a bunch more Stone we can make a bunch of pressure plates and buttons to add almost small stones as clutter throughout the Quarry Right now we have a really big hole in the ground with a few buildings but to tell a story we need to show life happening inside of here if you want to take your builds from that oh that’s pretty cool to that wow standpoint this is the most important aspect I spent a

While thinking about what I can include in the Quarry to really bring life in here and I kept coming back to cranes really trying to make this feel and look like a workstation where a lot of people are around doing a bunch of different things going with a really simple design

For this one we just want an arm stretching out over here Oak trap doors along the top and the old grindstones with chains it looks a little bit lopsided though so out of the back we can do something really simple for a tiny bit of a counterweight or something

And then magic happens and things do and here we have the first crane of the Quarry this is a big operation though so I need quite a few different cranes throughout the Quarry but if they’re all the same size it’d be rather boring so I’ve Incorporated a few different

Designs to get some variety in here the other ones we built are great but I had this large opening over here so I wanted to add in a huge crane to load the heavy Stones onto the transport wagons speaking of which wagons and carts are the next step to Bringing life into this

Area I’m gonna need a lot of different types of wood to be able to make some interesting designs as always too many Spruce trap doors I’d like to just scatter a few designs to these around the Quarry to make it looks like things are happening We have the first card already loaded and ready to be pulled on out of here medium-sized cart is ready to be loaded he’s just a little guy look at him he’s just a baby so the Great Lift of lift the heck out of here we’ve got two

Little guys lined up ready and waiting next crafting up a ton of barrels I’ve set out a few locations to add in some like mining supplies of sorts showing that we really have a lot of infrastructure and things happening around here but I don’t want it to look

Cluttered so I’m kind of containing it to a few different areas like this one here I want to have a covered workstation for The Quarrymen to get out of the hot sun so here we can take some smooth sandstone and make it almost as if like there’s a tarp coming all the

Way across them nice shelving bits and I think that’ll do it everything in here is looking really good at this point but one small problem there are mobs spawning everywhere at night time a few lanterns hit it around though should fix it hopefully but when in doubt glow like

An out last step we need to fly in here and grab a little bit of moss Carpet One to save the darker areas from spawning mobs but two we need some green The Quarry is now fully built up with a storage room built into the upper levels and so much more detail to go around the entire space but I’m running into a lore problem in order to get the stones from the Quarry back into the city currently

A wagon would have to go all the way down to the river Town back up the hill over to the main gate or I get some begun powder and make a bunch of TNT like this bare spot on the wall right here is perfect if I take some TNT just

Dotted along here now I just dig down and put a bunch of TNT in oh damn it oh oh get me out of there foreign Let’s see how the first two work no I blew up my rocks but at least we know it’s gonna work rocks are temporary pathway is forever One more time here and this should do it yes look at it oh we have a path next up with all of the resources that I got from the destruction I can use it all as a way to plot out the pathway and see how natural of a slope we can get from

Here towards there I then exploded a bit more of the Rockaway then brought in a load of dirt back and worked a gradient going from dirt all the way up to stone bricks using packed mud in between then cleaning up the walls of the new path to

Make it appear like it’s in the Quarry those walls are all now textured up as well but currently it’s a wide open pathway into the definite City the big city back here so we need a little gate and Gatehouse to block it off however even with all these rocks I am out of

Deep slight again time to go mining I might as well try for a few more diamonds down here while we’re at it 14 more diamonds and a load more Cobble deep slate but it’s time to use a bunch of this stuff to create a lot of deep

Sleep before I can get building I need a lot more jungle wood somehow I’m always out of this stuff Okay emergency side mission emergency side mission burb there’s a second bird back there I haven’t added any burbs to the burp third verb three burps for the burb tree first verb love me yes second verb third verb no that’s my burp third burb you three sit here let me get one

More tree down I should be plenty jungle wood come on Barbies let’s go home oh no they’re knocking all the other burbs off sit back down I hate this bird I have so much regret breaking this bird home from there I went back to crafting all the

Wooden materials I need for the new build before running down into the Dwarven Village to trade for a bunch of lanterns everything else I had ready to go here inside of the stone storage room so this should be everything for this I want to keep the same idea from the

First Gatehouse so they look like they belong together so we have our first Gate entrance right here and a second one behind it right there inside of it I don’t want to leave the stone in here so I’m going to replace it all with jungle planks and some strip logs

Inside for the gate itself we can bring in a few Spruce slabs extend all of the chiseled bricks across and for this gate we can just use some Acacia trap doors so I can at least still kind of fly through it yeah finishing up the front of the Gatehouse this is heavily

Inspired by the Eerie in Game of Thrones with the Quarry being a bit deeper but coming around to the back I want to take some walls and levers here to give it a little bit more of a pop and from here I could pretty much just copy everything

From the front for this section to the back with a little bit of an overhang We’re just gonna ignore the inside of this mess for now but look at it we we’ve got a Gatehouse with the Gatehouse finish the city Quarry is now completed and I have so many Stone Supplies inside of the new storage room to build up our city and finally you can stop yelling at

Me about the shulker mess that was in front of my house it’s still here but much smaller my goal from day one has been to build a massive interconnected fantasy world full of cities kingdoms castles and so much more I’ve done a lot of really cool things in this world

Already but today I am starting the most insane project of this world yes yes I know I’ve said that one before but this one is so crazy I can’t possibly finish it in one episode today I am transforming this Village into a city I know I said I was going to transform

This Village today but what if instead we just build on top of it as in placing blocks and covering it in absolute complete darkness okay I can at least put some torches underneath to keep it safe down here you should do it there we go as good as day we have the

Main street in right here but for the side streets I want to break away from the gray Stones so before we can complete those I need to gather a lot of materials first up is wheat which means it’s time to plant another field in every episode I plant a new field inside

Of my Hardcore Minecraft world trying to see just how many I can plant before the inevitable demise be sure to subscribe so you can see just how much of this world I can cover in Farmland before it’s too late only nine and a half stacks of wheat

Less than half of what I hoped for but we have a snazzy new Wheaton field yeah before I can jump into building the roads I need a lot of rooted dirt so I flew around the world looking for Azalea trees to dig down and gather all of the

Rooted dirt below leading into the Lush caves which meant traveling over 5 000 blocks away from home just to find some hidden in a tiger Village dude I just rate an entire tiger Village of all of its Spruce trap tours yes yes I did at

This point I’ve got a rough idea what I want the side roads to look like around the city with all this newly crafted packed mud and a bunch of different types of dirt blocks I want to start with this little strip here and just kind of see what happens

Okay I like this especially with the coarse dirt on the outsides next up I want to go up a block the only slab I currently have is these mud brick slabs so I think some jungle could also work in here and up another block so we don’t

Run into that issue too often from here I decided to spend a while tracing out the roads and how they would play between the buildings I created a rough outline by taking a screenshot from above and drawing on it in paint which helped me a lot with adding in all of

These roads today my plan is to focus on a small section of the city only looking at these planners right here back to the front gate which I think is about uh 10 buildings I’ve still got some roads to build on the mountain side well uh this this Mountainside yay for no flat

Terrain floating roads check with the roads completed I spent about 20 hours planning out the build in creative mode to get a better idea of how to do this and man I’m wishing I was a creative YouTuber right about now as hardcore survival adds a huge level of difficulty

As I need to gather all of the materials by hand and I am addicted to Spruce trapdoors well any trapdoor so I spent a few hours Gathering up Spruce logs from a mega tiger layering out an entire Birch forest and lastly opening up the canopy of the dark oak forest all to

Restock the lumber storage room man I still need even more blocks to build this city first up here flying off to the Mesa and finding a notchable along the way nice I did get lost but I found a new Village and it has hay bales which

Means more Pacman finally made it to the Mesa where I want to get a load of terracotta to build with Sugar rockers all right my elytra and pickaxe I think it’s time to figure out the first building in the city right inside of the gates I think it’s very important to have a storage building of sorts so let’s get started here stacking up some tough blocks here to create a stronger

Base I want to leave a few large entrances to get into the first floor something more like this from there I’d like to build some big doors to hide the lack of interior in villagers and boxes before I can finish off the base I need to grab some stone

Brick stairs and stone bricks to add as a divider across the top here next has a little detail around the back I want to take some Spruce fences and just add it as a small buffer before tackling in the next floor I thought a huge chimney in the center would look

Fantastic in a wall to kind of hold everything together on the building from there I added a staircase to the gate side of the building and we have some new flooring on top as well before some zombies spawn in here and kill our villagers let’s add some torches well

Lanterns I’ve also built a little market stall out here selling blueberries and potatoes yeah and a small shed back here just for some supplies of whoever’s working in the back alley that’s a little well but now we must go up but of course starting with the safety railing

Using some sand and Sandstone I started one half of the second level and using some Birch to top it off for a small third Story Attic then adding in a sealing texture out of spruce for the inner Sun as next the larger front section and using jungle wood and some

White terracotta to finish off the other half walking through the front gate now I am really loving this especially the beautiful mist of sugar boxes over here but we have two different roof sections I’d like the smaller one to be made out of cut copper out which I have plenty

Here and I’ve got a crazy stupid idea for the larger one but first let’s tackle the simple one just filling in the blanks on this roof here with some wax cut copper this is starting to look really good but now for the stupid idea it could also

Turn out really cool what if I use rock hopper blocks as a building material as well as some blocks of raw iron where we can make a tiny gradient going from the copper to wax exposed copper to Raw iron I think that can be really cool Um the first building inside the city walls is now completed the carriage or cart parking facilities and villager house here’s your pro flip Builder tip of the day for the low low price of listening to me asking you to subscribe tell a story with your buildings I just built a

Spot to store carts which means we need a stables back here to house the animals that pulled the carts and a Tavern over here to house the people traveling into the city on the carts so please subscribe tackling The Stables first I want to flatten this area to start out

With a good dirt floor or I think ground level is going to be about right here I think the middle is gonna be made out of a lot of rooted dirt this should work for the back section thinking that this would be a wall maybe and then out here I want a little

Outdoorsy stable section and Vermeer I think I want some bricks to build up the structure running into the Dwarven cave I traded with the Masons for tons of bricks and drip stone blocks before getting right into the build where I think it’ll be bricks over here then

Hidden against the back we just used some drip Stone doorway right here out into some horse stables and then above the drip Stone we just bring in more of the brick with that started I added in a Corral space along the back and spent another good while finishing off the general shape

For the Stables apparently I’ve left some aged copper over here so we can ax it down and use this for the roof One last Quick Stop as I ran out of jungle logs again taking all the blocks I just gathered we can start working on a little bit of a hanging outfit right over here with some jungle and then here we can strip it all down it has some shutters we can just

Put in a few ladders and cap ourselves off with a little overhanging Spruce stair roof okay pause everything before the roof I’ve got a fun idea right here flying into the sheep farm I can grab myself some cyan and light blue wool everything over here is so warm toned

That what if we introduce a few cool colors with some banners hanging here they kind of blocked the sight line through the road oh I like that and maybe a little hay bale hanging out there going up to The Hayloft what was that I got the roof in and it’s time to

Add in an extra Market stall along this back alley just to decorate things even further down the side street I cleared out the coarse dirt in here and hit a water source behind that dirt put in the dirt back down we can turn this into a little bit of farmland and plant some

Carrots for a tiny City Garden just a little something like this should look really cool once it grows up can’t stop I can’t stop detailing I’m just placing blocks I can’t help it look at it wheelbarrow okay okay we’re done this street the Street’s done look

At it it’s beautiful to the tavern okay maybe just a tiny little bit more detailing just a few glowberries and some lichen okay maybe just one more little Shrine it’s just just a little guy detail brain is satisfied I jumped into working on the tavern trading with the Villagers for some glass then

Breaking down some Kolor because I’ve run out of fuel to smelt some Stone into smooth Stone and some more smooth Sandstone well those are cooking down I want to add some height into the city with a tower sticking out of the corner of the tavern drawing travelers to the

Entrance continuing on with our little story here I want the tavern to be very approachable the large Windows here at the front showing our non-existent interior should work out really well Vermeer I added a sticky Audi bit onto the front with tons of Windows kind of mimicking the lower level floor and

Added to some bushes and its own little roof made out of spruce then jumping around to the back adding in some sand and Sandstone for the walls with a few windows and shutters before moving to the top and adding in a really simple Spruce stair roof for the back from here

I want to have some fun with a little bit of color so I have some cyan terracotta we can bring in for a wall here and some light blue terracotta over on this side before we get up to the roof let’s make a big old chimney here out of some deep sleep bricks

So far campfires and trap doors with the little topper and we’re all set adding on the roof to the tavern means we now have three fully completed exterior buildings with this bright Acacia roof going in taking a moment to look at where we started today now 2 300 days

Into this world and I am very happy with the result of the city project so far but a lot of work is still left before I can remove the shulker monster so let’s knock one of those off the list here real quick by building a more open

Concept building that that I want to use as a grocery store when I eventually maybe probably never but there’s about a two percent chance of it happening build the Interiors of these buildings let me know in the comments if you think it’s worth doing that one half of Main Street

Is ready to go so far food and housing for the general population is sorted for this part of the city but people would look pretty silly running around here all Nicky nothing against it if you want to go for a naked mouth do it but to finish off Main Street over here I’d

Like to build a tailored shop yep we’re after a great start but I have run out of Mangrove woods so it’s off to the swamp for me this just happened to overlap with Minecraft live so I spent a while streaming and chatting about the new 1.20 update which honestly I’m

Really excited for especially the hanging signs and we’ve got plenty of mangroad work with but what about you what are you hoping to see in Minecraft 1.20 before starting on the next build I do want to take some time to lay out a little bit of copper to let it age down

Okay we are very much in the ugly stage of this build but that’s it’s fine it’s a work in progress now for some working and progressing I think I want to use some terracotta little white terracotta granite and diorite maybe we start off here instead with a little bit of a base

With drip Stone as a lower foundation and we work diorite with these buttons on every other going all the way up got some windows in there but something like that is pretty cool for the texture here we now also have a fancy front door where I’m thinking the entire inside

Space is gonna be dark oak planks to the floor and back to the door where we don’t need that sun anymore but instead I started with some Mangrove here maybe we bring some of these guys around and finish framing it with some Cobble deep slate

And then we kind of create an arch at the top and brick walls you know what I actually really like that and we can duplicate it and hide the mangrove all the way around the back with the front done I finished off the other walls introducing some jungle planks into the

Build palette for fun that’s legitimately the only reason I just thought it was cool no lore here just a good block buildings without roofs look good a little bit awkward so let’s get to work on this first I’m adding in a ceiling out of Oak stairs and planks

All of our copper has aged down and nicely so we can gather it all up and slap it on top just like that now all of the Main Street buildings inside of The City Gate are finished things are really looking Grand throughout here but there’s still so much more I can do it’s

Time to move our way up the side of the mountain we’re having ordinary houses doesn’t seem like a great fit for the city as it’d be very expensive to own two buildings so instead I want every building to have its own purpose like this one right here I want to be an

Explorer’s Guild then over here a new business we can have a library of sorts but I’ll be honest I’ve run out of creative and interesting things to say while building because I’ve been doing a lot of buildings so let’s build spending another four hours in game building my little heart out

This upper section of the city is really starting to come together with the addition of the Explorers Guild which I’m actually kind of excited to design something for an interior for it sometime in the future I think it could be fun because it’s a bit larger then

Moving on to the library I had a really fun idea for this one to reach Peak book reading Vibes I want to build a small Greenhouse at the top fill it with a bunch of plants so people can grab a book and curl up in there on the couch

While getting some sun this build also has a little bit of a light dark contrast just to have some fun in here so we have the white blocks on one and a much darker tone build on the other they look interesting content right up here I know Warriors game

Are now in place but the street in front well it’s uh it’s a little Bland gotta started decorating over here but I figured this was something very interesting and fun to talk about sorry I’m definitely not going insane yeah let’s decorate first up I’d like to fill

The void right over here with a sort of Market stall where we can use some dark prismarine and swap in some regular prismarine bricks in between and carry this down for this one I’m thinking we go with the route of being a flower stand start off with a little bit of a

Framework like this and then we throw some flower pots on and this person sells tulips and something like that should do it a few more crates around we got our flower stand and I realize we’re selling tulips in here do I need to build another field no no no no no next

Episode for now we can scratch the field itch by planting another little Garden in here we hide some water sources in the walls and hoe it all down might look a little weird when this thing’s fully grown up ow but I’m thinking wheat back here could be really cool lastly we do

Need a small tool shed for the spot where a little guy like this should good work yeah I like that but maybe also we have a little Archway leading into it add a little wagon out front and it is ready and of course I gotta spend all of

My wood here making a few more chests next because the staircase doesn’t really go anywhere for now into the side of the mountain I added these banners up here so it kind of blocks it at least just getting the tower dust but if you happen to be in this one I missed a

Button if you ever be in this one spot right here it kind of maybe blocks it yeah worth it at the current end of Main Street I want to open up and do a Grand Plaza so I built these garden beds originally here to add some trees and

Flowers I would like to take a play out of Scar’s book here and grab some Coral fans getting started over here to do this you got to clear all the way around the edge and come back in with a little bit of extra dirt below once that’s done you

Just come back on top and fill in everywhere you want to put a coral fan with a little bit of water and then top slabs right in here from there the core won’t die because it’s touching water next up I’m thinking some big old azaleas Cypress sea type tree things are in order

Trees are in place and in the center I decided to add in a few of the alliums to just get some more color and once it’s not The Village Church it’s gonna look so much better here but before we get to that we’ve got four more buildings to make over here I’m thinking

A big old Bakery back here we’re gonna have a pottery of sorts over here in the center I’m thinking since we got two levels we could do a big Carpenters Workshop at the bottom and maybe something else on the top if you have any ideas and over here a big old

Toolsmith of sorts now this episode has been extremely buildy like 99.99 building do you enjoyed this video format let me know in the comments getting right into the next building where I found something new to talk about sight lines so to start off this build I’m building a large bell tower

Out of packed mud and brown mushroom blocks giving a point of reference to help people walking around to know where they are in the city but down here in the Villager cave for just a moment as I really hope these guys trade Bells yes perfect and we can place this Bell right

Over here now I want to walk up these stairs and be able to clearly see the bell in the tower at the End of the Street focusing on that for now let’s get some walls in place so we can see what the alleyway will look like okay

The first tourists are here in the city and it’s not open yet but there we have the first building I’m thinking we bring a little bit of a jet out there maybe the bottom will come out too for a big doorway and this is meant to be the

Bakery so I wanted a big window to see inside now for this section here I’m gonna need some deep slate and some Acacia I’m thinking an overpass connecting the Tower and the building together will be a great way to restrict the sight line but still make the player want to explore even further

Starting right here and then we can come up to the top use some Spruce and take it all the way across and the perfect spot for a covered walkway on top Building late into the night but there we go no no no no no no it’s not my proof overpass in place I went back to building out the different structures along this upper section trying to add in the walls first before too much of

The detail so I can get a good idea of what I’ll be able to see when I’m walking down the pathway working on all of the buildings at the same time jumping between them and the vision is really starting to come together over here at our toolsmith I want to add in a

Big old chimney back here for the future Forge underneath now for the roof itself I’m thinking an ode pack to our original starter house we’ll use some Cobble deep slight there we have it one more big boy finished up inside the city for this big old window into the bakery I would love

To make it pop here with this yellow glass and a little bit of an awning using Oak trap doors then I’m thinking a little bit of outdoor seating right in here maybe a few little plants back in the corner and I’ve also got this little green patch down here which could look

Nice with a few more flowers now if we actually had some buildings people might want to hang out here so we can start off on the top of the Potter’s Workshop the little bit of a balcony sticking all the way out here maybe then here we can

Bring up even further with some more of our sand and Sandstone mix I added Mangrove planks for the roof of the bakery so over here I think we’re gonna use some acacia a little poppier on the front with some crimson and we’ve got the upper entrance finished now over here I’m thinking

We’re bringing some dark oak strip it all the way down and in the back we throw in a nice door border it off with even more Spruce because I can’t be stopped and then up here we do another one of those little sticky Audi bits introducing some of our Oak we can do

Little Flower Pots out here on the front again and some Oak trap doors which I can use to get myself up Mangrove stairs to fill in the blank and there we go but maybe right here as a sign going into the bakery we could just put some prismarine kind of blocks everything

Behind it but I also like that because it contrasts so much it makes me want to walk over there looking out into No Man’s Land we’ve also got this side finished but there’s one more thing I need to finish off the bakery gotta get that cake cake cake all of our buildings

Are finished up here and now I’ve got to figure out what I want to do with this final spot I’ve been building for six hours straight so I need a moment here before I jump back into yet another build so I ran around the city placing

In some glow lichen and glow Bears on the buildings to help add in some more Greenery and well walk around I realize I forgot to detail this area outside of the big old Ivy I think we start with a well right over here with that we can

Put a little seating right over here really guys really come on please no no no not now okay just take out your banner boy thank you stupid pillagers from here I thought it’d be really cool to bring some like hanging plants across the top and we can

Sleep on the bench for now but now we have chains a few flowers in here and then some ferns which I can find right over here in the tiger toss these guys in and perfect next I got a little water and we can do this and of course the

Tavern needs its own little garden where they’re growing beetroot magic Spore Blossom above and a little hedge around it from here I think it would look a lot better to border our Central path with some Moss you wear decorative flowers added in then big boys back there and I

Think that is perfect with the garden done it’s time to tackle the last house in this first section of the city remember the goal of this project is to create a city that connects all the way down beyond the river at the bottom of the mountain but one house at a time I

Want to start with some Mangrove Vlogs some drip stone block and maybe a little polished Granite with two different street levels to work with here I want to use the bottom as a workshop with a bunch of drip stone walls going around the edge now for the lower entrance down here it

Needs to be big maybe not that big maybe more like this big and something like this for a door behind and that should do it first floor isn’t going to be super detailed but this was very boring over here I’ve been wanting to introduce some funky blocks into the

Build so far just to keep it fresh and interesting so this time what if we did some soul soil yeah I like it workshop level is ready to go so I hopped my way up top and used some stripped Mangrove logs for the wall then added in a little

Extra that so soil to the top section adding in the front door for the second level now and All That Remains is the roof which I need even more copper and I believe I still have a decent decent amount funnel roof is now going on completing every single building within this first

Section of the city coming back to what I was talking about with sight lines earlier when you walk along this path you get the glimpse of the tower up there making you want to walk further and you get the grand reveal of the bell tower leading to the other Grand reveal

Of the final spots we have to decorate time for trees not that tree I’m talking about the tree and the street over 150 days spent in game building the city already accomplishing so much in that time but also so little looking at how much is left on this insane project with all of these buildings my creativity is tapped and

That’s where I need your help leave a comment down below with some names for all of these different shops we’ve created today if you want to be absolutely amazing give me a story about the people that live inside of them it’s a fantasy world so go crazy this build

Has taken so much time and with tons of detail crammed into tiny Corners I don’t have the ability to show it all off here so I want to introduce you to my second Channel flip 2. after every city building episode in hardcore I’m gonna upload a City walkthrough video to give

A better vision of what I’ve built here today I am surviving over 250 days in the nether I’ve built some insane stuff in this world but this project this project drove me to Insanity I’m building a massive Wither Skeleton Farm to flex a bit by decorating with beacons

Now please leave a like as I’ve spent over a hundred hours on this video and I really appreciate the support and double check that you’re subscribed as you might watch my videos all the time but never have subscribed so do it right now flying down into The Nether from the

Safety of the roof I have another Fortress hidden right back over here and as I keep running out of fuel to smelt things inside of this world trying to build up the city I thought today we could take the most convoluted way ever to get coal in this world by building a

Massive perimeter for a wither skeleton farm and there’s a blade spawner right over here I think I need to get rid of that one but we’ll do that when we’re blowing things up step one we want to dig straight up from here a great idea in the Nether and we land right there

Now from here I need to mark on a box that is 128 blocks that way 128 that way that way and that way so I’ve got some digging to do where’s corridors Doug Second one is Doug will the third one ends perfectly at the edge of a Basalt Delta okay all four corridors are now dug out and the next step is well um I need to flatten this entire area so I’ve got a lot more digging to do first pickaxe is nearly dead and the

Other’s halfway already oh no two pickaxes later and nearly five sugar boxes of Netherrack and probably another one or two on the ground time to drop these off and go repair oh not safe not safe not safe and we could drop off all of the Netherrack back here because I want to

Save a good amount of this and back to digging we go oh no oh I wasn’t paying attention no that was my first ever diamond pickaxe that I have created another right oh no oh it’s a sad day we might have to go mine for another ride because I need

More tools I can’t do this with one pick after crying in mourning about my pickaxe for a good hour we’re nearly done with the first side but this one’s also very dead I won’t lose it too back to work we go wait wait wait hold up here we have four ingots and three

Pickaxes where one breaks three shall take its place step real quick as two of them are only efficiency four I’m gonna need two more of these books much better far my card tell this is gonna be a really good one love fire the only thing that breaks today is the pickaxe not me

Skull yes yes spending another two hours minding out the second quarter of this which you get to see here in a nice seven second time left here there’s a lot of skeletons up here now let’s get a little spooky but before we do the second half of this project I

Need to head back to the Overworld I can find my way out of here oh Cobblestone we must be close there we go grab me a bunch of sand and my second favorite ingredient Gunpowder the craft tnt this will get us started the eggs haunt

Me in this world too I need to get out of here make this look even better I want to clear out the Netherrack in the Bedrock ceiling replace TNT and button and explode like a good floss 16 TNT later and we’ve made a good amount of progress just gotta clear out

The rest of this jumping onto a live stream to work on this as I didn’t want to sit in silence by myself I flew through exploding the nether’s roof after an hour I hadn’t finished clearing out even the first quarter so I kept at it placing TNT and activating those with

Buttons before fully working through the nine Stacks at TNT I originally crafted where someone in chat mentioned I should probably just use my pickaxe as it might be faster instead of going to gather more sand and then returning to explode and say they were right I wasted a lot of

Time but now we are moving much much quicker going nearly twice as fast using the pickaxe even with running back to get anything I missed and a repair which has been a fantastic excuse to come look at the blue sky in Minecraft but back into the cave we go and down into The

Nether yet again where it’s hard to see right now but I’m happy to say that I removed all of the Netherrack in the ceiling including the second half of the first half now we have the second half of the whole thing left to go for this

Time I want to see if it’s going to go quicker if I literally just mine them all and do the ceiling as I’m moving hello Enderman I’m home tools are repaired back to the digging for one final round assault Deltas bring back scary memories of season two wither

Farm so I went back to clearing out the Netherrack on the fourth corner to finish off the major part of the grind on this project another fresh set of pickaxes and only four more rows of Nether and Blackstone and Blackstone left to go netherx should now be done

Mostly the only thing remaining is the basalt Delta corner and this one’s gonna take quite a while except I think I want to save the basalt because I definitely don’t need the nether the entire roof is now cleared out and I need to bring this all down at least 15

Blocks to run TNT dupers across to do the rest of the work for me flying across the world to the desert I started going crazy mining for as much sand as I could fill up my shulker boxes spending over an hour here just Gathering sand blaring back the desert farther and

Farther reaching all the way to the edges of the river by them slowly this entire biome is just being removed for building but I’m definitely not the bad guy right so naturally I went to the gas farm and started crafting all of the sand into explosives over 16 stacks of

TNT in hand I got to work placing it all down manually so it could keep the project moving forward after nearly 50 days in game already spent destroying the nether let’s start the button in the corner now we back up real far yes it’s working it’s working oh it’s working so well

Ah look at that now we just gotta get rid of all of the lava okay hey Wither Skeleton I’m coming for you finally removing all of the lava and this section is ready for flying machines the gas Farm is unfortunately out of gunpowder with a total of 11 left but

I’ve got an idea I really want to try out a small AFK session should fix this and hopefully the farm still works it most definitely did not work but a torch grid should fix it it’s a good thing we’re building a lamp Farm because I ran

Out of coal for torches new plan wait huh crash this averted we have we have tunnel board type system to remove the upper layers we’re at nearly a full moon tonight and I need a ton of slime blocks so time for a little AFK session at the slime farm this one

Should actually work with the slime blocks acquired I went off to gather everything else I need to create borkon’s TNT tunnel bore from grabbing eye under craft pistons and sticky pistons then stopping by the bartery farm to grab quartz to craft observers I’ve now spent about an hour Gathering

Resources and I really hope this Farm works as I definitely have not tested it the first set of two should now be completed but before I can test any of this I need to build them going all the way down to the far end with large Redstone builds like this I am pretty

New to making them so initially I was completing each section at once building out the TNT launchers then branching over and moving on to the next piece but an hour in I realized it might be easier to complete each thing component by component carrying on with building the

Activation system in the back before blowing up even more of the TNT launchers I’m trying to create as I’m running out of resources this is really turning into a much larger project than an I anticipated so I need a lot more resources I’m almost completely out of Pistons but thankfully should at least

Get all these blocks back in the end I’ve built seven of these so far and uh I have 30 more to build okay let’s get to it I was able to craft everything I need except the slime blocks so we’re back whoa wow this is working really

Well that should be enough time to finish the TNT launchers Foreign they are all done finally before we see if this thing even works I gotta do something very important and I’m gonna need two of these before I absolutely destroy this entire area I should probably Mark out where I want to actually make this farm and I think

That’ll do one final step to prime it all and this is where we see if it works or not please work oh it’s going and go yes oh I think it works well Step One is done now the terrifying part of please fire the TNT

Or not wait we’ve had TNT I don’t know hopefully a simple fix I just forgot to finish building this nice work please no it’s all off okay break it all and move it back and take three yes it’s working I might have to do a little maintenance

Along the way but now we’re mining in style as long as I run along and patch up any of the lava spills as I go it should be pretty easy with the Kinks ironed out I was Off to the Races shooting TNT into the mass of Netherrack over and over

Again while flying down to clear out all of the lava Pockets found in the walls until I ran into a small issue I had to manually bring down the Netherrack another block or the machine was gonna explode itself as it got closer which brings us here two hours later and it’s

Time to boot up the machine and clear out the rest of this mess oh ancient debris brings us up to six having to clean up a few patches of train along the way but we are officially halfway We’ve officially reached the Far Side of the perimeter but the machine hasn’t worked out quite as well as I was hoping as next up I want to pick up all of the slime blocks and everything else to repurpose them for the future flying machines which means we should be able

To build those again straight away but I did get a bit unhinged at the end and just started breaking it all and letting it fall down into the lava this year was everything I was able to secure but I definitely lost a lot of materials

Piston I will take that next up I need to take everything within the perimeter all the way down here to 105. Foreign you’ve seen me dig out thousands of blocks already today so instead here’s a clip of me riding around on a Strider running circles around these fools but what’s more back in the end and I am forever grateful that I built this thing and this thing I have now mined 634

000 blocks with nether I pickaxes that’s a lot of blocks especially when 322 000 are Netherrack I’m done I don’t want to mine anymore before I build another flying machine I need a break from The Bleak Nether and I almost forgot today it’s time to build a field the number

One field I’ve been asked to plant forever is a sunflower field and I haven’t well because looks up the mountain and for my Prime aesthetic viewing location you just see the back however my big brain idea is to build a sunflower field next to the

Birch force on the far side of the river just like your big brain move of the day would be subscribing as I’ve already cleared over 300 000 blocks in this video and now planted a pretty field so I think it’s an even trade that being said I really love this little pop of

Color over here and one final step is going to be connecting with a shovel connecting this up through the main road perfect look at that oh I love it yeah we need we need more colorful Fields over there initially I wanted the cool spectacle of building a bunch of tiny

TNT machines and just watching the TNT rain down upon the nether but for my own sanity’s sake I’m gonna be taking the quicker route I’ve used it before so we’re building raceworks TNT Quarry this thing is so small for how amazing it is for clearing out areas and the other

Side is now assembled too now if I break this Redstone the boom should happen it’s going it’s going I miss beloved it’s it’s I’m gonna play it safe and go after I’m not dying for this oh a lot of lava cleaning up this lava real quick hopefully we can verify that it’s

Actually gonna come back and then I just need to keep on the lookout for more and more lava Moment of Truth and it’s coming home oh good oh bad oh so much lava yep I gotta go I gotta go between gas and having a dog all over the TNT

Coming out oh this is a lot more stressful than I thought it’d be good at the machine and Drive by lava nice I did not plan for this at all but the blaze farm is just outside oh that’s good I thought it was gone or for sure I am by

No means a technical Minecraft player but something about clearing out a massive chunk of the nether is really really satisfying outside of almost burning in the lava trying to keep the area clear the 25 plus hours of work I’ve already put in at this point are

Really starting to pay off and I can feel the lamps coming soon somehow I did just lose my Minecart so I’ve stopped the machine and we’ve gotta fix it they’re right there I plan to stop the machine anyways as well uh I only have 30 Rockets left to my name right now my

Entire ender chest is empty too but ancient debris that does bring me up to a whopping 44 ancient debris and there’s still fewer floating but before we can get any of those one I need to get rid of this lava that should hopefully do it not before I forget and send these

Machines off again let’s fix them and there’s number two now just look at the insane amount of progress we’ve already have now let’s hope the gas Farm has gotten a little gunpowder for me before I can’t fly please please please please not much these Rockets should at least

Last me a little while and free gun powder for now back to boom boom well the machine was working I flew around Gathering up all of the ancient debris that had been revealed while clearing up any lava messes that happen to pop up along the way and trying to kill some

Wither skullies for skulls since I do need some witheroses later but no luck there quite yet so instead it’s time to start on the most painful task clearing out this Lava Lake ah yes the sky is already crying for my pain but I’m going to need an insane amount of scaffolding

So we can use the Quarry as a bamboo farm for now and while that has grown up a trip to the mines to my first experienced Farm in this world the triple spider spawner I need a lot of string we got a lot of string also Piccolo squid farm that right there

Should do it just gotta gather it all up I might have made a slight mistake here I’m already full of bamboo and there’s a lot more that’s gonna be a problem for another day as I’m working in the nether right now or or another day no not another day

Now I can at least do two things at once so if I start the machine up again kill a gas for good measure we can use all of the scaffolding to start to clear out the lava because for some reason it is the best way to clear lava in this game

Sweet bit spooky down here I’ve been making a lot of progress out here but I definitely keep lighting myself on fire so it’s almost back let’s go stop this please make it make it make it got it perfect okay five res plot time and then mess continues oh it’s so

Bad I’m thinking to get started we just go with nine awkward potions plus magma cream and Redstone I now have nine eight minute fire resist potions which means it’s hot tub time but first too much gravel do we have not much pretty much none basically nothing this is a decent

Amount and I guess I could have gotten the fire’s just potions literally right here we will call this a learning moment for now time to get started again and see what happens with this mess keep going keep going get in there I think the best way to do this is actually

Gonna be to drop gravel in and make a big box foreign in the time it took me to manually clear out this area using the scaffolding the Quarry machine was able to remove this much of the land I’d be lying if I didn’t say I have any regrets right now

Just a little more lava to clear out and now you might ask why on the regrets because well I spent another four hours clearing out all of this lava in the corner and I still have all that left to do which is so incredibly painful as it goes all the way down to

Bedrock but at least I can get a lot of the scaffolding back and keep going ah there we go but good news Peggy we are officially past halfway destroying your Homeland oh it’s fantastic I hope I don’t regret that one but no I flip the Redstone tutorial following engineering

Professional I spent some more time Brewing up fire resist potions and researching I found a design by decisive I’ll leave a link in the description for a liquid clearing flying machine we’re getting even more technical today quick uh sidebar here let me know what you think about this video in the comments

As it’s way out of the norm for me it’s been a crazy project to do but I’m curious what y’all think I’ve got everything I need right here to create the lava clearing machine I think but first before I can really do much I need

To wall off the area with gravel like I did right over there and I’m in the lava I’m glad I got potions From there I use all of the gravel I still had left in my storage to stretch all the way around but it wasn’t quite enough in order to get more gravel I need to make a quick trip across the nether to the gold farm and not fall off

Aha we’re still got a decent amount of gold over here well that’s not gonna be quite enough I might as well get rid of all this rotten flush when I would hope I don’t crash my world just a little bit of rotten flesh hopefully this is fine

And just despawns while I sit in the nether for a few oh that’s really laggy no I just sit all the way at the top up here come my little piggies about an hour later and we have a ton of gold where we can head back to the center of

The nether Hub and start bartering with a few of our piggy boys there we go all of the gold is now queued up and you just gotta wait a little longer for these guys side quest complete I now have a little over two shulker boxes of

Gravel for ourselves so I should be able to hopefully finish off at least this corner going all the way down wait what what’s going on why am I hearing burning besides me being on fire don’t tell me oh oh I have to swim through the lava

All the way to place this bottom row in I get that this is lava but man it would be nice to be able to see down here I just finished this no which means it’s time for the flip Redstone professional engineer to get to work

As I was setting up the Flying Machine I realized that the entire Fortress is buried underneath the lava spill so I think I need to manually remove it another Fortress crisis averted removing this last line of Netherrack and falling in the lava I’m very thankful for fire

Resist and this right here should start the machine yes it’s going oh look at it look at it go all that lava if I did this correctly it should go down and not down I think I can fix this by pushing this down I think I fixed it and now we

Go well this first one’s working here I think I want to assemble a second one right next door so we could do two at once I added in another wall of gravel over here and I’m working on getting rid of the lava in the back with a little

Bit of scaffolding with the inflammable scaffolding wall in place I can now remove this back section we got a little bit more working room as I’ve got to reset this flying machine and move it all forward a block and fire resist is important we should never be fixing next up

Unfortunately all the scaffolding’s gonna get burned in the lava as I’ve got to remove it so the flying machines don’t catch oh this hurts now let’s hope this works this time activating that guy he’s going off and activating this one even if I have to do this manually and

Send them each time it’s still so much faster than me doing the scaffolding method and now for the test this should not be getting pushed down it should just be sent right back and it broke why it’s the breaking this one works what’s the difference they’re the exact

Same second guy comes back and gets pushed down and goes off again okay he is completely set and working what is wrong with number one these machines are being a bit temperamental and keep breaking on me but even with that building the flying machines to clear the lava has probably already saved me

About six hours at this point however the gas have blown them up and I have run out of fire resist potions so I think it’s time for a little break to the Overworld except you’re going down first where I can have a peaceful moment Brewing up a few more piggy fire potions

And much better with the new potions acquired I’ve been working on this project for well over two weeks IRL so I decided to take a quick little break and let the TNT Court machine run to remove all of the final bits of land remaining on the perimeter above lava level all

Well I sat on my little box of emotions made of glass my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is not now not gas gas I’m ranting I’m ranting leave me alone Durant now where was I raw right my my disappointment here I am in the direct Center of this perimeter and well

Look at that stupid little Wither Skeleton over there stupid says and wither skeletons and skeletons still spawned in on supposedly that side of the perimeter I need to make it bigger every other side is totally fine that side at least like three or four blocks back nope a lot of Blocks he’s

Pretty far back before I end up in a pit of despair I need to finish building it so it’s time to get back to removing the lava in this perimeter and the guess it looks like these guys are stuck so yep just as I thought okay right so

Everything over here is shallow so if instead I send this guy off going backwards I might be able to get a little bit more of the lava cleared okay there it goes and here goes the so nope that’s the wrong way they’re just taking the cell sin with

Them that might cause a problem I should fix that okay well those go I want to fly around over here and pick up all the floating ancient debris while I can 16 more ancient debris acquired bringing my total up to a stack and three that’s how much ancient debris you get from

Clearing all this worth it right yeah right yeah flying machines appear to have broken again which means this should all be the bottom layer so if we block it all out with some scaffolding it should actually be pretty easy to remove with a tiny bit more hand-holding there

We go from here begin the process of placing down all of the scaffolding I had in my shulker box to remove the lava then picking it all right back up again besides the farthest wall and then placing it all right back down on the other side but finally the first

Quadrant is all done as I’m in a pit all the way down here not of Despair though I know I’m as surprised as you are because this entire trench is now clear of lava except back there we don’t look there with this done I can now clear up

The old flying machines no saving materials please no no not the slime blocks those are difficult not them no not the one alone I hate everything now stop it on to the second where I have a formula now construction of the flying machines then building the extension to

The gravel wall the bouncy back stations and finally turning on the machines just to see how much they could clear out which was going great until the lava Nation attacked and by love Edition well I mean the end here that have consumed absolutely consumed ow no no no no no no

I’m complaining about the other part of the nether right now not you at this very moment please just take wait your turn the lava Nation the gas Nation the skeleton Nation they’re all attacking don’t mind the arrow in my head and by me oh no my adventuring but somehow my

Flying machines have been absolutely consumed by the lava I don’t don’t really know and this is my final fire resist potion so I’ve gotta go make some more and get more scaffolding as I’ve this is all I got left well I’m up here and thinking about it I’m gonna grab

Some soul Speed 2 for my boots as well as really hope I can repair my bow good old booties and please 33 levels okay fine zoom in through the next section and now we can take some torches and recover all of this gravel to reuse Which I just realized I don’t need any of these torches as we’re on Soul Sand so I literally just have to do this and it ended I’ve been working on a new gravel wall coming all the way back here as I think this side probably needs to be done manually unfortunately but this

Way seems to be all flowing lava so I’m hoping I can put a gravel line in here oh nope that’s me in the gravel nope not a flip in the lava a gravel in the lava yep that is helping a lot this was all covered in lava a second ago look at it

Fade away this seemed to be working very well the show actually how much work I have left to do instead of just seeing lava everywhere I’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel or maybe the lack of light with no lava on this

Project now that I actually know how much space I really have left to clear I didn’t think there could be anything worse than clearing lava caves and by that I definitely mean the Lava Lakes until I got right here and I’ve been working on clearing out a lava cave as

This is just so much more painful than anything else could be but I think this might finally be there and no my scaffolding oh it’s been a day but clearing out these little bits of bamboo scaffolding leftover my oh my is this a serotonin boost right here I’m so happy

To show you all that most of this area was actually just flowing lava and or one layer deep so it was really easy to get rid of all of this and by that I mean it’s been about six hours but you know we’re here that’s fine yeah and

More importantly I’m now on day 2518. before we get back into the lava clearing I’ve really been wanting to remove these floating islands over here as I keep running into them when I go from the nether Hub to back out here and I think it’ll just look a lot better

Having a giant open hole in the side of the nether and that right there is looking a heck of a lot better now I’ve nearly run out of gravel yet again so I’m off to the gold Farm to craft up even more gold where we can hopefully get lucky with

The barting system for some major gravel stunks just under one and a half choker boxes of gold ingots are ready to go and we can drop some in each of these and we’ve already got a decent amount of gravel here ready to go that was just sitting and waiting gravel Acquired and

It’s time to build out the final lines in the lava just to see how many more channels I need to clear with the flying machines before this is finished now from here you’ve probably got an idea about how all this goes bring some more spicy water potions building even more

Flying machines clearing the land underneath the lava sending the flying machines off stupid gas they’re everywhere and it got stuck instantly don’t you dare blow it up more time spent draining the lava where needed with scaffolding hour after hour pass by clearing out all of these zones while

Fighting many many guests nope nope nope no I just finished building it I just finished that oh I hate gas oh I hate gas so much I’m going to murder them all in this video game but all that’s starting another round of doing the same thing tearing down the old

Gravel walls and then placing them right back down again leading to this very moment where I Christen Thee the lava banana or the lava why does that sound like something night elf from World of Warcraft I don’t know I’m a nerd back to Lava clearing oh that’s a lot of piglens

Nearly eight hours have passed at this point in time and I can finally see some of the progress coming through as a lot of mobs are really starting to spawn down here in the middle nah where is he where’s that gassed he gone okay no there he is oh they’re getting sneaky

Nearly done with his entire Corner one more deep pit of lava to clear out with all the scaffolding here and then I think I can finally move on now for the super satisfying part of removing all of this scaffolding just gotta find the part it’s stuck to yes there it goes

This feels so satisfying a lot of good scaffolding has been lost to the spicy water but look at this oh progress is being made just this big old section then we clear out the banana and only one quarter remains even less actually third quarter of the perimeter is now cleared out

Um now now it’s now it’s now it’s cleared out oh wait wait wait how did I miss this this ancient debris it fell in the banana we’ll clear out the banana here in a moment but check this out I’ve already started on the final quarter over here not even it’s a lot smaller

And I think flying machines can help but uh this thing’s here and well uh It’s gotta go oh no no no maybe I gotta go oh I gotta go there are four of them guess I’m trying to make a place to spawn a bunch of them so that’s a good sign

Just clearing up the last of the pillar sunken down into the lava here and we’ll be good to go we’re next up I want to try a new flying machine design that’s actually well my own design a bit more manual but hopefully it doesn’t break as often which it just has some blocks

Attached on the bottom and then I’ll manually move it down as I go but we could build a bunch of them that that obviously is a way to stop it okay let’s try this again and number two the idea for all these is that they don’t get caught up on any blocks like

That that the old one would and I think it’s gonna work out really quick oh I just watched two shulkers I’m so tired of gas I just saw a joke about this this is working great clearing out all of the lava until the gas Nation attacked I did lose my shulker box of

Scaffolding in the mess so this was is all I’ve got left here which means clearing these lower sections is taking a wee bit longer but I decided to be a little bit smarter and move my shulker box mess back to this little safety hole where I unfortunately I lost my shulker

Box of food oh this is all I got left but in the meantime it’s time to at least clear out a little bit more of this top layer of lava slowly it all disappears one final push clearing out the lava in this final Corner over 80

Hours have been spent on this project so far trying to clear the perimeter up until this point where it’s finally time time to explode things once again and get rid of all the gas spawns YouTube and you first up here I need to tear down the machine and build it back up

Lower in the world while also cleaning up the walls so the machine doesn’t get stuck before I can launch this bad boy not that guy that guy I need to clean up all of these gravel walls as well uh any explosions are just gonna destroy them

And then the lava gets back in and we don’t want the lava to get back in to stop the lava from ruining every thing I want to take some of this obsidian I’ve been leaving in my front yard and crying obsidian here from the bartering Farms clearing the skies very quickly and the

First wall is now done second side should now be done as well beyond the lava third side is now done and off to the fourth and I think I can start the machine and there it goes there goes all the lava oh I might regret this one lava

Removed and away it goes destroying everything and clearing it all down to the Bedrock even flossing the Bedrock itself I had to babysit this one a good amount with all of the mini lava sources hidden down there but overall this has taken a good while to clear out the

First section where I’m now up to 91 ancient debris but the machine has broken and there’s a lot more ancient debris to gather around here don’t blow up the machine somehow this desynced but this should fix it yes there it goes okay and hopefully these are lined up

Again here and that’ll be total really fine well that machine’s going on I can just gather up as much of the Bedrock I can get my hands on Ancient debris not Bedrock we’re not breaking that no that’s that that stays just like you little guy and your cute little chicken over there

Or just the chicken a few moments later and I think I got all of the ancient debris so far and check this out two stacks and 16. 80 hours of work for a little over two stacks of ancient debris so far oh it’s been worth it yay and now my lava watch

Continues I’m on it let’s do it yeah destruction continued and lava continued to be a problem as I babysat the machine for another few hours where unfortunately aghast did manage to blow up the machine with a fireball once so I had to rebuild it from scratch bringing

The total time for this up to nine hours where things are a little noisy but we are just over don’t you dare do it we’re just over halfway done as my little AFK platform is the halfway point oh it’s get in there and I’ve got a lot more

Ancient debris to grab look how many ancient Debbies I have over here oh I’m gonna be able to make so many decorative lodestones we’re up to 233 that is absurd and there’s another and another and don’t mind if I do starting the final seven hour stint destroying the

Remaining land and a perimeter you can see here in a nice seven seconds and it is done well mostly I still need to clean up that side a bit more that’s a future foot problem just like me stuck in this health okay and the ancient debris total is now up to five stacks

And five to summarize this project so far I transform my nether from this to a massive hole with nothing inside of it now before I can fill it with a wither skeleton farm for lamps I need to build another farm that requires killing wither skeletons to make yeah thankfully

I already have two Wither Skeleton skulls so how hard can it be to get a third I flew into The Nether to start killing wither skeletons and well uh this was the first kill neat uh there we go all right let’s move on off to the

End where a magic mushroom here is gonna make this all possible goodbye portal building an entire spawning platform for Enderman with one endermite at the top perfect easy does it then flooding the entire surrounding area to spawn proof it and summoning in a Wither right here and hopefully this works please please

Work yep he’s now I just removed the water and get rid of that oh it’s breaking things now we fix this and then I stand up here and watch the Enderman die oh beautiful we have with a roses just gonna load up on these Goodbye Mr weather you’ve been great

Back into my lovely bit of Despair it’s finally time to build up this weather skeleton Farm step one spawning platform foreign oh wow holy cow yup the Farm’s gonna work right the Farm’s gonna work absolutely fantastic to get started we disabled the blazes oh this is dangerous oh there’s so many

Mobs Farm’s gonna be great everybody Farm’s gonna be absolutely great before I finish the platform we can go on to step two where I want to surround this whole thing with some nice pretty colors to stop spawning and here I was thinking this would be a really really simple

Thing just to get done super fast and I’ve been under constant attack by blazes and the entire thing’s on fire ah quiet much quieter step three we lure a piggy to the middle excuse me coming through very quickly and into the middle please good sir yes thank you flippy piggy step question

Mark where I did a bunch of fancy stuff setting up a killing chamber and making it all work kind of correctly I’m now out in the wild looking for two good boys to help me out all right first good boy come here oh I have a Blue Collar

Come on let’s go oh you’re a bloodthirsty killer come here come here no be my friend don’t kill the Sheep No be with me don’t look at the sheepy look at me or murder the Sheep that’s that’s fine too get it yep another one oh so

You did great come here okay over here please and take a seat and you would go into The Nether now if we carefully take each dog no doggy don’t you don’t jump off one dog in and second dog next up planting The Garden of death All done I hope now we get the wither skeletons I hope they’re coming oh the weather skeletons there we go now it’s speeding up and nothing yep here we are so I didn’t waste the last 90 hours right the farmer’s working well so far but there are still a lot of

Improvements to be made I’m Gonna Leave the pups farming away from me right now as we already have seven Wither Skeleton skulls but I’ve realized there’s still a few blocks that I’ve gotta clear back further and it should help speed up the farm even more now I’m really hoping a

Little machine like this is gonna work out for me back to the TNT life we go I swear don’t just blow things up in this game as much as I want to blow up all of Minecraft right now after making this video but this final area did need to be

Pushed back next in Blackstone slabs on top of the crying obsidian might help a touch more now this is looking much much better here at the pup powered lamp Farm time to take some Wither Skeleton skulls and some Soul Sand where it’s finally time to use the giant entry Over 100 hours spent on this episode alone with millions of blocks removed in the nether leading up to this very moment where I can Flex by building a ton of beacons to use for building lamps inside of my city yep that was the whole purpose 2672 days survived in Hardcore Minecraft and it is time to refocus on building in the Overworld to continue my city project today I’m taking on the challenge of building for 24 hours inside of Hardcore Minecraft to see just how much I can add to this world last episode I finished building a massive

Perimeter inside of another for a lamp Farm to start off this 24-hour building grind I need some coal to craft a bunch of torches so I can finally fix my gas farm and have access to gunpowder again right now the farm should be functioning again with that started next up I want

To upgrade the storage room in the Overworld as it’s uh it’s a bit of a minimums right now it’s a little bit of a mess crafting chess Hoppers repeaters and competitors I can start by tearing out all of the chests leading up to here I hooked up The Hoppers around a corner

Before building out the sorting system on the back side where I was one comparator short of course tried to run down and mine some Stone and crafted up another to finish off the back thankfully I had everything else on me before filling in The Hoppers and some

Jess the next step in here is going to be placing some Gunpowder in and some kelp the last three are gonna be set up with gas steers instead reason being is I’m ending up with so many eggs inside this farm and I want to replace that

Block with a dropper to throw them in some lava which is now in place and I put eggs and arrows in here they will start dispensing perfect yes oh Trader what do you have buddy what do you have small drip Leaf you stay right there let

Me get my wallet give me your strictly thank you everything appears to be looking so a few composters added on top should help with the leg and while those cycle through I think it’s time to give this new AFK foreign so the whole purpose of the Torches was

To remove the skeleton spots and well that didn’t work out in the slightest this portal and storage system in the sky is looking uh gross so I want to spend some time hiding it I haven’t done a landscaping project in a very very long time so I think it’s gonna be super

Fun first off though how much light gray not any I’m basically out okay the shears are still in there okay that’s good that’s good we haven’t run out the Sheep is just not growing as well running over the city I should have some hay in here somewhere with this I can

Dye all the sheep in here like gray and then we just breed them up a few times and then we manually Harvest some wolf to get started I ran over to the Quarry picking up some Stone from the stone storage room reading up the Sheep one

More time on my way over to the portal with that out of the way Step One is the shape I started plopping Down Stone to create some rough outlines for the shape of a big rock sticking out of the side of the hill to give myself space to

Build on top of later next taking some dirt to create a flatter top section to fill out the terrain for easier building and now I present to you whale or rock you see the little eye there we got a big old mouth and a nose yeah my plan

Here was to make this really geometric in just a lot of sharp lines so I think I need to try this one again like maybe we cut a triangle out of here and just bring it back a lot and I think the whale has started to disappear a little bit by bringing that

Back in perfect so I know the whole purpose of this was to actually you know hide this Farm but it’s kind of sticking out too far and I want to see if I take right down from here if I could just move the farm inside the rock instead of

Moving the entire machine I am just moving the portal in a small collection system down into the Rock to see if it will work before I move everything else now we gotta go to the Nether and spawn some guests to the Overworld a few seconds up here at the top should do it

So we don’t release an army of jellyfish into the Overworld good news so far no jellyfish flying around did we get any drops yes oh it works oh that’s so good right time to move the rest down sorter is now rebuilt inside the rock with two

Extra things on the end for arrows and Bones I might as well embrace it the eggs however they go into the lava no no Lava into the lava I’ve got an extremely carried away with this build it was meant to be a small part of the 24 hours

But instead now I’m building a giant monolithic structure on the Rock after hiding the farm inside the rock my goal has been to tell a story in this world without using words and I think this structure is really going to help pull that off especially because I want to

Create a focusing lens of sort here in the middle which might have been powered by something in the ancient past but that one is well for the comments to decide as next up I need to fill in the shape and texture this monstrosity starting with some Moss crafting that into mossy cobblestone regular

Cobblestone too I’ve got some Basalt here that could be nice maybe we throw some deep slide in the mix too And a bunch of other random blocks to add some detail spending another hour detailing the build and working on the gradient from Moss to Stone and using some Basalt and the Deep slate as a dark shadow to give it some depth keeping it earthy still blending in with the

Terrain but something less natural to make this look even more aged and a part of the environment I’m thinking some tall grass on top could help a bunch Sawgrass is on and I’m really building this to view it from all the way back here at the city and yep that is looking

Pretty great no I think this will work I just put a beacon right down here shining directly up the center and we can build this into like a regen Beacon that’d be kind of nice to have for one and two it would look really cool and it

Works oh check that out I love it well let’s change it to light blue going up now we just set this up with some resistance and regen and it’s a nice little buff tower now I intentionally left this side blank here as I don’t want the structure to just sit alone I

Think it still really needs to be part of the landscape so I’m thinking a small Mountain coming out the side could be really cool but before we build the mountain farmer flip Has a Field to plant in every episode I plant a new field of crops in this world to keep

Expanding my base spawn proofing the area with farmland and just to build something cool please double check that you’re subscribed as I am nearing 1.3 million subscribers and with your help we can make that happen before the end of the year and here we have our brand new beetroot field where things are

Really starting to come together down here I’ve already transformed the gross gas Farm into a huge monolith sitting on a rock now to finish this build I need to connect the monolith To The Ground by building a mountain connected to the right side taking a quick break here to bring up

The Sheep one more time as the whole thing here has turned into a stone blob and my cool monolith doesn’t really pop anymore for this one I’m gonna need a lot of blocks starting with some tough blocks where I have plenty in storage and acacia wood for the Shadows here we

Can take some leftover gravel and sand plus Azure bullets for light gray dye to craft light gray concrete powder now I’ve been breeding all the sheepies over here so I can use the light gray wool for highlights before I get to the stone texturing I want to take some dirt and

Replace some of the flatter spaces here to grow a little grass Diving the texturing here I want to focus on a smaller section where this Stone can be replaced with some Acacia logs for a shadow around that we throw in a little bit of tough I’m trying to work in terms of building out big blobs here and I think that’s a good start but

To balance that we need a light or a highlight a little like that before we really A-Okay this I’m gonna build this top section out I keep looking at the mountain from back here and I can actually see some detail into it with the lights and shadows and

I love that focusing on the back of the Mountain first to keep practicing the style I’m adding in the shadows and highlights trying to keep in line with the shape to make it all work together see we even do the backs of the builds here just not the side so moving on look

Squirrel I mean distraction as the top is not finished too oh great just got this section of the mountain live to go Nine hours into the mountain and monolith build itself and the mountain is nearly finished just this little spot remains and that should do it only the whale Rock remains and I’ve already detailed the eyeball lashes and they’re looking fire replacing more of the stone on the Rock I carried on with my new

Formula removing the stone at the base and replacing it with tough and Acacia log for a shadow then going up to the sides and replacing that with the liner blocks to keep the same style as was developed for the rest of the mountains first up I need a load of gravel to

Craft coaster which will replace all of the grass blocks underneath the whale back inside the great tree where I need a little bit of glolikin and that should definitely do it this way I can get rid of the torch spam and have a little bit more of a subtle light here with the

Glow like it and maybe some rocks that fell off the big rock another hour later and the mountain is completed alongside the monolith and I gotta say this is a pretty good transformation from earlier this project is far from done but I can’t spend all 24 hours on this build

As I have still got a lot of stuff I want to build today like filling in this little area around the lake with a small fishing Village first the train needs some love this here should work out for the edge of the lake maybe turning back without a

Touch further now I just need a big flat space for building this was going to be really boring so I brought up the edges to kind of slope it into here a bit you guys building on flat terrain instantly makes the build boring building spot is

Ready to go but I’ve got some extra dirt on me so I want to fix up this little cliff thing over here too and much better that could be honestly a really good spot for a little Orchard but first The Village grabbing some Cobblestone from the storage and plotting out the

Space for some homes to go this mess right here should be a good start We’ll add things as we need for now I can start etching out the shapes of all these buildings by putting some posts up this building is going to be a bit of a

Storage room and we can finish it up to the top right about there now this build here isn’t supposed to be a big wow factor just another element in the world to explore so I’m building a lot of smaller and similar structures just to make it happen now for the roofs in here

I’m thinking some deep slate can make it work Cobble deep sleep for this one left space for a chimney out the back where this should do it deep slight tiles can go over here add a little awning on this guy and then we can throw some deep

Slight bricks up top with the nice Cobblestone chimney lastly another Cobble deep slate roof for the final next here in the center I want to replace this with a little well take some fences up to the top adding some stairs and perfect with the base building done next up is adding in the

Roadway with some coarse dirt to link all the buildings together leading down to the Lakeshore I want to build a fishing dock and a simple guy like this should work out right here on the shore I want to add in a small little boat more like a

Canoe I guess and I think that’ll work up here we can have a bit of a dry dock making it look a little bit like there’s still assembling the boat up here and I think that’ll work maybe we used some beehives for a small workstation of

Sorts back here I’ll get some more Decor blocks too but that works with all of this sorted I want to add in a bunch of tiny details around the town to really make it appear like people are living in here and somehow I forgot to finish the

Roof here I’ll do that now with that sorted I want to just come in here with some Spruce and create a fake roof up above us something like this should work out I just need some chests to throw on top nice that’s a good little storage

Room of sorts right now it’s more life than the build we can take a few oak leaves and as a bonus today add in an extra field as a little herb garden little guy like that should work out perfect next I do have some flowers in here and honestly just a little Flower

Patch along the road as you’re walking in could be kind of cute yeah why not now be against the time of running around and just adding in a bunch of random details around the village to make it pop a little bit more with every build in this world I want to make it

Look a little overgrown so adding in some glowberries and glow lichen we can help spawn proof things and just make it look a little bit better in the process now I’ve had these axolotls sitting in the shulker Box for uh probably eight nine months and they can just go live in

Here have fun my children have fun be free three hours ago this area started out with absolutely nothing interesting inside of it now it’s an awesome little fishing Village full of so much detail leaving me with only seven hours left of time to build in this video right with

The village built I’ve kind of realized something I have no fishermen villagers in this world and they have the most important trade I could ever need campfires tackling the building at the end of the villager trading Cavern I’m clearing out a room to build a new Training hall adding in the Villager

Apartments while leaving space in the middle to add a fish tank for decoration some and at the bottom and dark prismarine and for the walls I do have some leftover Coral that I want to add in to decorate the tank as well then running over to the coral reef to

Re-home some local fish to their new fancy fish tank getting all those dudes added into the tank and spending some time decorating the trading Hall with deep slight and strip Darko clogs now for the important aspect villagers digging out a tunnel back to the other training Halls to connect to my rail

Network then slapping some rails down for easy villager movement all to sit AFK because I forgot to start the Villager breeder before doing this which leads us back to now where I have three villagers ready to go and I need like nine so let’s get started a bucket of my

Favorite not one in place seven to go I now have eight more Cod added into the lake next with a few pieces of gold I can move the last guy here up into his position bunch of golden apples we’ll leave the rest in here and then I’m

Hoping I just slid this crafting table into the middle it didn’t hit any of them okay I just wasted a potion And now we can get Cod 4 super cheap but off you go trading me the campfires now I just need to get unfortunately a lot of buckets of God where we only keep the buckets and there we have it our first campfire trade and a second one I never

Intended this to be a Cod Sanctuary but here we are that’s a lot of fish in the pond but I also have over a stack of campfires four hours to remain on this challenge before time is up last episode I built this crazy perimeter in the nether which yielded a ton of ancient

Debris using the coal for my Wither Skeleton Farm we can start to smelt this down but some more blast furnaces might help Dad they want main G3 no the emergency flint and steel I hope this works yes after a little bit of a fight the netherite scraps are all so melted

Down and we can make ourselves 82 nether at ingots which is nine blocks of another right to and that extra scrap I’m using these for lodestones or maybe some gear we’ll find out later working my way downtown walking slowly through the city where I want to spend a few

Hours building I was recently in Italy for my honeymoon and I love the plaza in Siena naturally here’s a picture of me and my wife eating gelato there first I need space to build as the mountain here is a little in the way foreign with that I got to work clearing out a

Good amount of space at the end of the road to build up the plaza in future town hall with one very broken pickaxe later my goal was to build this entire section but with only two and a half hours remaining ain’t nobody got time for that we could still work on creating

The plaza floor for now though burning with a half circle here out of stone and oh my pickaxe right I should fix this and I’d like some more skulls to decorate with beacons so we can repair it here Much much better and we’ve got 14 skulls 15 skulls I would like to use bricks and Polished andesite for the plaza floor where I’ve got plenty of andesite and no bricks but I’ve got stone masons we can use to try out don’t Mason by Brick craft brick block make slab starting by

Bordering this half circle we made here with polished andesite perfect I want to slope this down so we go from a full block to a slab layer for a few and back to full blocks but like the plaza in Sienna I want to add some lines striping out to the corners so

It’s just not boring in the middle dividing this up into a bunch of hopefully equal size shapes with the slices in place I decided to use bricks for the floor to bring in the warm tone representing this city quarter adding some glow Lichen in a long should help

To spawn proof this from what I can tell the entire brick area is now spawn proof the outside however not so much so Beacon lamp and to look at amazement in this beautiful landscape benches and that looks great this way and that’s the only way we’re gonna see it from for now

I’m not even gonna turn around just gonna walk on out of here just over one hour remains and I’ve been racking my brain trying to find something I can build in that time frame and back to the monolith we go as I want to create some custom trees to flipify this place being

Right next to my Birch floor Forest we gotta use the best tree in the game quickly stacking up some tree trunks I got to work placing in a few trees around the monolith to help further connect it into the landscape trying to make the tree is at the top of the

Mountain a little bit shorter to help with the perspective of this build still feeling great this is looking great so far but next up I’d like to add in some tall grass but getting rid of the flowers lastly maybe we add some of the yellow flowers over here for just a

Little patch of flowers and I might have one more little crazy idea I think I can carve a waterfall starting from up there coming all the way down through here and just disappearing off that way where it can come down here drop down into this tough block land there and then

Hopefully Just Keep On Truckin now hopefully this will work before I flood everything yes there it goes oh it’s working I love that oh I’m so happy I did this with a little bit more love the monument is looking Grand I’ve just read 20 minutes remaining on my timer before

The 24 hour doors are up and I thought a great Final Touch would be to finally update the world map as it’s been a few episodes well now that one’s newer but I don’t know when it was last updated for starters I’m gonna need 35 empty Maps

That’s not gonna do it first here I need to take the old maps and duplicate them with all of the maps ready to go we need to take one of each of them flying around in the world to update them all we’re uh nothing has changed here or

Here but here the city more City and the monolith has made it on spending my last few minutes on this challenge flying around the world to update all 35 Maps where they are ready to go inside of here I believe I have a stash of sticks over here somewhere yes perfect for this

Map I think we take this corner of the room and I’ll actually put a sign on it this time 35 item frames down next I need to take all the maps and lock them into place then slap them all on the wall and here we have it 35 updated Maps December 2022 episode

25. that is looking really good especially with my overgrown Quarry and shulkerbox mess you know what it’s an accurate representation of the world today I am building my first ever mansion in Hardcore Minecraft serving as a meeting hall for my massive Minecraft city fully equipped with a beautiful

Bell tower which led me to the deep dark for the very first time in this 2750 day old hardcore world and to calm my anxiety I’m building some Gardens into the Mountainside all to assemble my dream Minecraft mansion before starting double check that you’re subscribed as well YouTube might have unsubscribed to

You causing you to miss out on my videos today’s Journey begins with a lovely Green Hill where I’ve already spent over an hour clearing out this mountain to create space for my Mansion using a large amount of the space for a Plaza in front and I’ve got so much Stone in here

Now and I’d really like some smooth Stone to work with flying down into the cave I could toss a shulker of stone into the Super smelter with the magic of editing I now have a shulker of smooth stone for a small sidewalk here in front of my Mansion going for Aesthetics here

I want to use some deep slate and Polished deep slate to create a trim around the base of my Mansion where I’ve run into a small problem and I need to move a mountain to fix it back at it again here with the beacon spending another hour clearing out the

Mountain space behind my Mansion so I can actually fit the building here leaving a big future foot problem of this gross wall and maybe a even larger sugar monster current flip problem of two very broken pickaxes quick break from building we can repair all the pickaxes this is currently just purely

Gray so I need a few little Planters and some street lights here in front perfect next up the Mansion starting to pillar up here in the middle I want to create a grand Bell Tower to see easily from around the city leaving space for a grand doorway here in the center right

Here in the center though I’d like to include a big old window made out of cyan and light blue the window’s a wee bit flat so we can fix it with some more smooth Sandstone much better breaking the tower into multiple layers I started stacking each of them up on top of each

Other sticking with a warmer block palette but introducing some fun light blue accent colors now the star is inspired by some build I found on Pinterest but it kept linking me to cooking websites so I couldn’t find the original person who built it so if you recognize it please leave a comment down

Below not only is this a bell or Soul Lantern Tower but it’s also a clock tower we’re in this world it’s always three o’clock and three o’clock means it’s time to figure out what I’m putting up here and uh well I’ve got an idea but first it’s time to play into field maybe

You have shulker boxes no no no actual field before I Risk Everything to finish decorating this tower episode 26 brings the 26 field into this Hardcore Minecraft world 2785 days survived so far and so much has been accomplished on this journey now having survived over a year IRL I

Never expected to get this far double check that you’re subscribed so you don’t miss out on this adventure now for something I put off for a very long time in order to finish the top of this Tower I need a Shrieker from the deep dark it’s time to risk this entire world

Finding the deep dark for the very first time but a quick side mission here as I move almost out of rockets down into the monolith where we have gunpowder self harvested gunpowder much better the deep dark was introduced in Minecraft 1.19 I started this world in 1.18 meaning the

Chunks have already been explored around my base so they can’t have the deep dark biome I have to explore a very long way away from home where I’m trying to find some very tall mountains and this is kind of the opposite oh these chunks seem to be a little rough floating in

Here what have we found we found gold and some creepers trying to find my way all the way down to see if we can’t find any deep dark underneath the mountain that’s not gonna get me anywhere oh this is looking promising nope nope nope maybe this cave wants to go down cool spider This is a little interesting it’s a bit interesting oh we’re going down though deep slate this could be good I’ve been went mining in this world like this in Forever This actually feels kind of nice it’s kind of nice just running around excuse me I got my very first deep slate

Copper ore only nearly 2 800 days in this world [Applause] nope nope nope buddy buddy you’ve had you’ve had better days buddy you’ve had better days maybe get out of the water there you go good job okay what diamonds look at that oh my gosh there’s six of them and gravel of

Course they’re scramble but there’s more diamonds look at my neither are I just spent 17 deep slight diamonds like nothing wait what is why is there a deep slate brick here oh you have got to be kidding me oh oh oh oh whoa whoa whoa okay we are we are in

Ancient city now I wasn’t expecting that oh I wasn’t expecting that at all there’s no skulk here why is there no skulk here there’s Diamond pants though and more diamond diamond no player okay there it is the deep dark does exist okay now I’m scared why am I happy about

I should be happy about that I’m terrified I see a Shrieker that is all I need okay do we go for it I think I gotta go for it and we found all the bombs okay they’re nice nice and we’re being a sneaky skeleton head two more before the warden two more foreign

Look at the diamond hoe oh this is fantastic so if sneak one that’s amazing oh I love this so much oh we’re getting so much loot today wait that’s a catalyst I can make skulk at home skulk at home doesn’t try and kill you like

Skulk in the world I think I can do this nope I could not do it I could not not do it at all okay one more of the order spawns I’m not scared and I think I slide right in here oh we got a chest deficiency five and books another chest

With more skulk and another Diamond hoe and I’m in oh there’s a warden oh no there’s a warden where is it where is it where is it okay buddy you just stay over there all right oh no there he is oh no no don’t come this way don’t come

This way you shh stay over there okay you just stay I’m just gonna go Loop this little room he seems to be sticking around over there and not walking this way okay he’s gone we’re sick back to looting I’ve never pressed the shift key so hard in my life more Diamond hoes

We’re getting so many hoes other side wait that’s amazing for this next chest right over here I think we swoop in break it with the ax pick everything up and look at it later let’s go he should be over there and I should be safe yes look at it bobbin up and down

We got supposed to speak three I just need three more disk fragments and a few more Echo shards we can make the last items oh I just heard one go off Kate let’s do a skin oh hi Warden I see a chest a lot of chests I think two orders

Just spawned everything’s so dark I’m not having a good time hi buddy okay we got our Echo shards I just need disc fragments a safe chest near the exit it should have a lot of stuff Swift sneak two amazing he’s adorable bye buddy oh this is gonna be bad okay we’re swooping

In we’re picking up and we’re leaving it’s like instantly leaving did I get it still no more come on now there’s one two more roommates okay there’s only one Streaker up here nope nope there’s two never mind there’s two okay no play next just here we go please get a few more

And I’m out I’m out right now oh I can’t see anything I don’t know where I am I don’t know oh there’s my charge Safety Torch anything nothing and nothing good the warden down here is really angry it appears to be skulk free on this side maybe we can get lucky I’ve looted

Nearly every chest inside of the city and I am still two disc fragments shy but that’s in far too many close calls let’s find our way out of here behold my stuff it’s a lot of diamond hoes where we can take one of these guys make a compass they’ll hopefully never work

Inside of this world yep keep spinning just keep spinning most importantly we can take the skulk Streaker and toss it right here which looks so good there are a lot of fun shapes on this Tower it’s time to add even more fun shapes to this

Build but I need a lot of materials to make that happen as always starting by laying down some copper to oxidize crafting up tons of granite materials getting loads of emeralds to trade with the stone masons for Brick blocks dying terracotta toe or terracotta breaking bamboo for sticks to craft a lot of

Fences and here we have everything for the walls of the Mansion let’s start by Framing out the build by alternating brick and granite on the corner and maybe for the Upper Floor we bring in terracotta repeating the same thing for the front I want to create some big Windows here

That we can border with some copper here we can divide the floors with a little bit of a polished Granite stair then we repeat a second window ending with something like this best part is done and I worked on filling in the rest of this first sign to see the shape in

Place underneath the windows I’d like to add in a little bit of a flower planter with some Azalea on the first and second level for the roofline I want to make it a little Gothic adding in some spiky bits yep that’s looking good sticking with a Sandstone idea from the main

Tower window we can carry that in right down here ditto for the second floor glass is now in place and I’ve extended a little white terracotta around the side here that we can just reinforce with a few jungle signs across the top this build is meant to be symmetrical

With the one front side finish I set off repeating this to the other now tackling the end bits over here I want to First Carry the white terracotta up to make it even now for the end this is where I want to bring in a pop of color grip stone

Blocks to the base and then we bring in the orange terracotta coming all the way up leaving space for a few windows in here looking at the beautiful Rock Ing out the windows here again with some Sandstone for a little bit of a pop but as this is a bigger one I want to break up the middle here with a little pillar and some bushes in the front adding in some glass here for the windows and that’ll do and you guessed

It repeating this to the other side too but wait subscribe now and there’s more the entire back is the same but wait for it again less Windows starting from a Minecraft mountain I have now carved out a great mansion from the stone just a bit of a convertible Mansion for the

Roof I want to make a strong contrast taking some Cobble deep sleep I can craft deep slight tiles starting with some stairs slowly working our way up and making the arch even taller as it goes Where I think we work from a slope like this to the top I just have to bring it all the way around To break up the roof I’d like to leave a few spots like a big two by two Gap right in here you add in a chimney just to break up the big old tile wall This is looking pretty good but it could use some more love for starters iron bars across the top points making the build a tiny bit more Gothic yep that’s helping a lot then these Open Spaces we can take some of our and aside hi skeletons using droppers to the top of

The chimney then a few soulfire campfires and that should do it of course with a second on the far side now this is starting to look like a mansion and the inside no no no no no no no okay okay the spiders and creepers on the Mansion they’ll never expect to be

Coming in from the side I’m sorry Mr random we can be friends this way do I hit the ground almost died to Tallgrass okay we’re fine I really need to torch this up as I want to get my beacon back no just don’t look at the

Shy tall guy in the corner nobody knows he’s the best Minecraft block picker upper in the world moving to the back of the Mansion to create my ideal life of luxury it’s time to build some massive Gardens sloping somehow up this way and I guess I’ve got a lot more of the

Mountain to remove okay maybe a little bit of a better idea here what if I start by building a retaining wall and then I work my way up from there Yeah that should be a good first layer and for this I just need to get the coarse dirt to this layer for the garden to work with the shape of the mountain so we’re not completely blowing it up again I want to make multiple Terraces for the garden layers came down to grab

A little bit more tough and got some diamonds setting up the beacon yet again and clearing out multiple layers for the garden to take shape into the Mountainside where I think I now have enough materials to build my own Mountain a good way to plan this out is

To use some signs I know genius right a tree over here a pond a fountain in the wall a statue on this Lair the Tree of Gondor calls for leaves nope here I think I want to start with some cypress trees and I actually have the blocks on

Me and that should be a good hype for the base and ooh Trader anything ooh Rudy dirt I’ll be right back emergency emeralds thank you now I can just go through the process of adding leaves in here with some moss and Tall Grass dude give it a little bit more texture

Trees in place and next up I want a little bit of a trellis right along the front a bit inspired by something you might find in like a Mediterranean Garden hopefully it doesn’t block no that should be good a little bit more depth with them some slabbies and some

Glowberries hanging down and that should do it to finish the upper section I added in some peonies two small statues kinda Mossy carpet for more green a few small flowers and some benches out of campfires this is looking really good up here but my pickaxe is super dead before

Adding anything more to the Garden I should probably fix and get some more garden lights in the process taking a quick trip out to the end I’ve got some skellies to kill well I did that I have uh Withers to kill there we go before installing my new

Lamps I want to add in the rest of the details which starts by moving my shulker mess don’t tell Pearl because right here we add a pond digging down just a touch I want to grab some dark prismarine to fill in the base and no no

Maybe dark first brain for the sides too grabbing a little bit of water and a quick trip to the swamp or some lily pads I should need just a few of them that should be plenty with the water in I want to add a few lily pads around the

Corners and maybe a big one right here with a flower for a bubble Coral fan little walls on the corners and that’ll do next I just need to add a little bit more green to this section because it is kind of supposed to be a garden this is

A good start I think I want to make the actual walking pass a little brighter with some rooted dirt yeah that works a lot better I’m gonna make this look extremely manicured I’m thinking a small tree that’s almost like a little too perfect looking could help a lot beyond

That I think taking out this back section of dirt and replacing it with fancy stripy grass using moss and grass blocks will help complete the illusion that this is a really fancy spot to hang out a little workstation over here and I probably need a door so we can have a

Proper entrance inside including a second door on the upper level as well with a little seating area underneath a canopy of leaves adding a few Beacon lamps around the garden building a new Fountain into the walls of the garden to create some depth and adding in a new

Fancy feature to the mansion with a lodestone here at the center and a few benches around the Edge Plus a big old Birch in the corner from there I removed more of the course dirt to replace this with a rooted dirt path around the garden for the other attractions while

Doing that I kept coming back to this spot and I want to tear it out to build up a little Shrine of sorts with something a little like this I know the tree of flippendorf calls for AIDS starting with a little bit of a raised platform

Next I need a little bit of water to fill in around the edges and cover that with Mossy Cobble slabs where hopefully I have a little bit of coral you act as some really colorful plants all to accompany a miniature version of the Giga tree growing in the Mansion Garden

Walking up to this I need a bit more of a wow which might be possible using some pillars This is Oregon a little better leading up to the tree maybe we’d line with some azaleas low lichen on top for lighting and flowers still missing something but you know what candles could look really good here oh and I’ve got a ton of orange dye two three and four that adds

A little bit more of a subtle color and I like that a lot this Dead Space over here I want to turn into another lawn striping grass and Moss blocks going all the way across looking perfectly fancy time to clean up the absolute mess of sugar boxes where I started from a

Default Mountainside fancying up the Mansion to include this beautiful garden area with multiple water features custom trees and just so much color I need more custom trees specifically at the corner of the front of the mansion Some big plant Putters on both sides because it’s the best Minecraft tree I’d like to use some birch logs this one for now is just gonna go into the side of the wall I guess I’m missing a little space here we’re wonky and sticking out forwards it should be a pretty good

Height just need some branches as I work up the courage to tackle the rest of that flat face will improve the tree but that’ll do for now now one more to go there we have it my Minecraft mansion to live a life of luxury in this hardcore

World this is my 1000th video on my YouTube channel and I thought I’d do something I have never done before something absolutely crazy that no one would ever expect something so insane it’s Unthinkable I am decorating my hardcore City build to bring on the Good Vibes now I can decorate all day but

They’ll still feel empty so if one catches your eye leave a comment below with a name for the shop who owns it and maybe a little story about them I’ll pick out a few write them in game hide them in a barrel inside the shop itself

For your story to live on in this world leave a like on the video and don’t forget to subscribe let’s get rocking first up here on the Mansion I need a floor for a base color I’m thinking we go with some Spruce Wood oh maybe I also need torches I’m just gonna

Close the door with that I just need to fill in everything else along this place with all of our Spruce planks with that in place instead of a giant room I need to grab some dirt now planning out the rooms and breaking up the space into something a little more manageable but

For some reason my brain told me to put the door to the Garden up here we’ll figure this out in a sec as first I need to get a staircase leading up to the second floor and for this one I’m just gonna use some screw spikes as well to

Get things set in place now I know the total amount of space I have to work with and we can start on the grand hall by fixing up the door then oak blank’s going around it little like that for now I think it’s gonna work next up replacing the dirt outline back here

With polished Granite going all the way around afterwards piling up sand with smooth Sandstone going all the way to the top to the top I’ve got a new idea I want to try with the base walls in place I added in a trim around the top so

Something more than bare walls up to the ceiling speaking of the ceiling I want to tear it out to build a grand chandelier or two of them where I can now tear up the floor torches and the floorboards themselves with money Mangrove roots and brown carpet to go

Around working in the last few detail bits around the grand hall including a mosaic at the end for a pop of color and a ton of flower pots around this first room is now ready to go now to access the gardens I’d like to build a slab

Staircase going all the way up through this next layer around the edge of this we can just add in a few bits of spruce I built some simple decorations in this hallway with lots of plant life to easily tell you’re entering the garden two sections are now finished up next I

Want to transform this room into a dining room to contrast the warm colors over here I want some Bluey turquoisey colors for the walls with some warped wood and prism brick The walls and ceiling are in place and then from here we can use a little bit of Acacia maybe smooth red sandstone and Acacia trap doors for the table or maybe I just do this because underneath I think would be really cool do fill it in

With skulk a few chairs on either side but not on fire as I want the fireplace to actually be right over here just as a way to keep things warm with this final Edition as a centerpiece the dining room is now finished alongside the Great Hall entrance to the gardens and an extra

Little back hallway remember this is where we started today without even a floor at the far end of the hallway I’m thinking we transformed this into a kitchen starting by tearing out the floor and using an alternating pattern of smooth Stone and stone comboing it with the fireplace from the dining room

We can build out our own new cooking area right in here campfire hidden underneath smoker right here and we’ve got ourselves a cooking station for a kitchen we need a lot of counter space storage for food and equipment and even a little herb garden to help produce

Some spices for cooking to bring the whole atmosphere together when walking in this instantly feels like a kitchen and I’m super happy with it now three rooms left to go on the far side step one walls to divide the rooms up Sandstone to keep it on theme but I also

Want to have a fun one in the back with some stripped Crimson logs where we’ll have a few meeting rooms back in here and over here and an office to show the Mansion was really transformed into a town hall taking a few Spruce signs we can finish the hallway with a simple

Bench where I sleep the night where we wake up with a new conference room if I could yes just get the painting in place look at it it’s beautiful except I would like to change the floor out to some deep sleep complete with a door perfect getting a nice breath Outside Inside the

Villager trading Hall cave I need to get a little bit of redstone here cause I’ve got an idea I want to try look at all the work we’ve done yeah you can see everything there’s a plant in the window look at it tearing out this walleye just

Built up I want to move it over a block and get rid of this one as I’ve really enjoyed working with the wallpapers just to make the rooms feel little different from each other a little something like this and with that we’ve now fit a little space with another office

I don’t want to admit I have a problem and it’s right here behind me all of these Jokers are so unorganized I don’t know how to find anything help but I got a cool new office yeah look at it shulkers can’t get me in here if I just

Keep building eventually actually all of the blocks will be placed down and it’ll be fixed right I think or maybe I’m just really hoping that’s a nice little table first installing a door and as a final step in here we need to fix up the ceiling where I want to bring some Oak

Slabs going all the way around like this and then we just raise up the center that should do it except maybe a table here could be nice for the most important part of today’s episode I need to build a new field in this hardcore World however I have so many feels and

No Mills to process the wheat so I don’t go insane only building in tears today I want to construct a windmill at each one of these pillars next I need a lot of material so I first ran over to the Birch Forest to chop down a bunch of

Trees for trap doors then to the mangrove swamp for mud stopping at the wheat farm then crafting the mud into packed mud and it’s not a foot build without Spruce in it so throwing a lot of stuff together and this year should be just about everything we need

Starting with a base of some mud and polish deep slate on top next I’m gonna grab all of this packed mud some Spruce trap doors fences terracotta mushroom blocks campfires and those on the inside I want to create these little archways just like this then in the front I need a larger

Entrance to get inside perfect with that I finished the base of the windmill adding a lot of mud going all the way up and adding in a few more windows a big old pillar of spruce up the center composters around the edge and adding in an oak plank floor for the second level

Along with walls out of an oak for three of the sides the windmill Blade’s gonna stick out here eventually but we’ll sort it out in a bit funnel side I want to leave as an opening for a lift with a little something like that raising the

Roof with some deep slight and Spruce to make it fit in with the existing builds in the area now for the important part the windmill itself on the front of the building looking fantastic last step for now is adding in a little bit of coarse dirt inside for the floor for now the

First windmill is finished up in the Farmland just two more windmills to go right down the road over here where’d you come from stick ING with mostly the same builds for the next but trying to make it feel unique so I added a ladder up to the top from the outside

Instead of the lift which now has a super fancy little interior space down below up the ladder we can go to the top with a little bit of a workstation up here for the mill itself number one also now has interior space in here too but then inside ladder leading all the way

Up and oh my gosh look at that suddenly a third windmill oh gosh how did that get there huh we can just assemble the Little Mill here in the bottom porch piston composter and stairs going around got a little terrifying to do here so we

Can actually now use this lift I am kind of doing an episode on Interiors here so I should probably finish decorating this thing One more step after adding in the details to the buildings this is episode 1000 so I’m being extra and I want to bring a stream coming down the mountain through here into our Lake just a little guy carving out a small channel for the water to Cascade down the side of the

Mountain I added in course and rooted dirt along the edge of the screen bed before bringing the water and cascading of course down the Mountainside bringing in some flowers sugar cane dark oak saplings and Mangrove leaves for Greenery along the edge of the stream too just to make it a little more Lush

Next crafting some Spruce fences and getting Spruce leaves out of the leaf box I want to decorate the land with a few smaller trees to help the windmills feel taller sitting on the Mountainside I’m definitely not putting off building interior so hey look phone meal we can

Get even more grass and keep decorating the outside yeah just a little bit more time spent over here maybe you touch right back in here you know not having tall grass right here behind the windmill I’d somebody’s gonna notice said so I gotta do it somebody’s gonna

Notice it and I’ve run out of bone meal dang it okay no more distractions I started today with nearly nothing in front of the city Gates now we’re finally getting somewhere with these brand new windmills with my Wind Farm built we’re eco-friendly now but I also

Need to be eating friendly and plant a field get it because it’s food if that joke didn’t make you want to subscribe maybe the fact that I’ve posted 1 000 videos on YouTube will double check that you’re subscribed to my channel as YouTube might have unsubscribed you

Randomly which would be sad over 60 of the people watching right now are not even subscribed with that out of the way we now have 27 Fields inside this world with the first floor of the Mansion done I need a break to tackle some of the smaller Interiors like the grocery store

Next with a Basalt floor trying to channel my inner Trader flip here the most important thing to sell is candles and succulents of course with some more shelving around the entire space quite literally Farm to Table I need a seed a few potatoes and some carrots for a

Small produce stand back here we can just do some carrots potatoes and then hit it up in the corner oh wheat with a big old tub of blueberries to sell back here I want a big table so we can display some Goods like sea pickles some more produce on display up here big

Leafy green plant I don’t know why the grocery store is overgrown but that’s the way it’s going and a register lastly growing all of the produce so it looks nice the grocery store is now completed but it’s just a front as I want to go underneath and build a pumpkin and melon

Farm starting by digging out a large enough space to contain two of the Farms I’ve run out of redstone so I went into the villager trading Hall to visit the clerics and trade for some more then grabbing Cobblestone from the Quarry and running into The Nether for quartz from

The piglet bartering Farm all the craft over a stack of observers with an equal number of Pistons to match next I need a Minecart Track running underneath for a hopper Minecart with powered rails in the middle to keep it moving and a way to bounce it back at the end grabbing

Some of the dirt we cleared out a slab in the middle and we make room for Farmland now for the important parts pumpkin seeds and melon seeds I have a pumpkin farm down here but I have yet to plant a melon field in this entire world

Because who would plant a giant field of melons they seem kind of useless right off to the Jungle I go to find some melons melons melons where are you melons melons melons much better planting all the seeds and alternating rows and adding in some lights so they grow more efficiently as

I’m definitely going to be down here all the time I want to add in some lime glass along the front as a way to see inside first Farm is now done and here goes number two with two of these Farms I’m gonna need a good amount of storage down

Here which means a lot of Chess and a bunch of Hoppers five chests across going uh three tall I need to run Hoppers along the back to be able to unload everything into it and somehow get two Minecart unloading systems in here I think I can squeeze the first one

In right here I think okay it looks like it works no it does not work that should work it’s coming back and now we’re talking and off goes the second with the farm done I set off to detail the area a touch and installed an access point from

The grocery store to get into the storage room where the grocery store is about 10 times noisier now but finally 2943 days into this world I have easy access to pumpkins and melons just gotta wait for the little guys to grow and this Farm’s gonna be producing like

Crazy moving next door in the city working from the stone Cobblestone through the Deep slight we can just fill in the rest of the floor with this from here I want to bring the walls all the way down and fill them in just to give ourselves a good amount of space with

The floors in I also need a ceiling and dark oak slabs with strip dark oak logs should do it I should put a torch up here otherwise it’s going to be very dangerous this Workshop is going to be for Building wagons so I want to start

With a bunch of storage space back here on some racks a bit like this that we can use for a load of storage using Oak trap doors to make it look like we have some extra Wheels lying around and wanted out more barrels and other stuff next building a wagon that looks like

It’s being repaired or just being constructed right now and I think it’ll line up yes we can make it look like it’s being held up by the chains a few more tweaks and this here works for the shop get it okay moving on to targeting the Main Street buildings next I’ve

Decided to focus on the first floors as it’s really the only thing I can see when I’m walking around down here looking in the Windows like a creep I can at least kind of see the grocery store the second floor not at all here we have the tailor shop that still needs

A name I want to make it warm and inviting on the inside so here we have mangroovie logs I’m gonna divide this up in a few smaller rooms with some strip Mangrove logs going up the sides just kidding as I think red terracotta instead of strip logs might look a

Little cleaner to keep it open air though we could extend some fences across and trap doors on top yeah that looks a lot better you walk up to the second floor that I’m never gonna go to we can install a little staircase the contrast the warm tones I want want to

Add in a big carpet here in the front with cyan light blue and cyan kind of bordering it as you come in in a Cool Copper desk right back here I wanna have a big old like fitting room back in this point where this is meant to be a mirror

And I need to grab the most useless block in Minecraft to fill it in blocks of diamond outside of building a beacon these things are pretty worthless so we might as well decorate with them inside I want to have a bunch of plants so we can start with some azaleas right over

Here maybe that can set up here too and I am gonna need some light in here so Soul lanterns they don’t give off a huge light level so we’re gonna need quite a few of them heading into pearlescent frog lights on the side and Moss blocks

With azaleas on top we can create a cool display box where I need some armor stands later but the front should be more or less ready to go a little storage Under the Staircase and back here can be a bit of a workstation dares for people to sit in barrels for storage

And a grindstone don’t know why a tailor would need it but maybe they do should have some smooth Stone right here and sticks to craft armor stands now I can’t make any cloth based clothing but if I visit the hogland farm here in the nether I might have leather no no not at

All absolutely none come on Piggies into the pit with you Hopefully we have some leather ready almost enough we’ll make it work crafting up a few pieces we’ll see how many I can get out of all of this leather oh perfect two whole sets one out of purple and light blue whip has Wares if you have coins but you might

Want to spend that more at the tavern once we decorate the inside starting by boxing in the space by creating a wall for the kitchen and using dark oak for the ceiling this deep slate leads to a chimney which means the tavern can have a nice fireplace Much better next up a place for people to sit and eat at tables where we can introduce a little bit of warped wood and create some cool little boosts perfect and I think on the way to the kitchen I could squeeze in a few more back here we gotta fill this base as

Much as we can so big table in here this can just be made out of some slabs we could put like a plate here and a flower pot cup thing there next I have to run over to the farmers grabbing a few emeralds along the way as all perfect

Minecraft tables need a cake right there I added a staircase to the second floor if we want to do anything with it in the future and then right over here I want to include a lectern and a sign to make a little welcome station well stare and

Then signs some coat racks and storage Barrel I like barrels okay I like barrels you know what I’m gonna put some more barrels back here and you can’t stop me oh my gosh she’s switching up with Beehives just kidding barrels for the shift to work their magic let’s put

A campfire down here and two smokers on top finally a light in the corner and a few herbs on display and then a cake being ready to go out now it’s kind of bare as we walk inside so I’ve gotta find something to do in here but it’s

Really skinny hallway so maybe some paintings but also gotta set the vibe maybe like a cool little carpet as you walk in and we make one of those fun stations where a lot of people’s just artwork is on display for sale yeah that’s kind of fun with the first four

Of the tavern completed next up is something a bit different I want to focus on detailing The Stables over here for the rest of the good animals to have a home in the city starting by first removing all of these little end bits to where we can add some bigger dividers

With our Spruce and then making it so the animals can’t just walk out the side you can do a few slabs on top and then just fences back here with some trap doors above yeah that’s looking pretty good so far and I would like a way to

Get up to that second floor if we do want to use it in the future so I’m thinking right about here we just take some stairs up then we can do something a little fun with right there underneath and maybe this corner because it’s a little cramped is just some storage the

Actual styles are for Animals I want to add in some jungle doors so that they can see through so it doesn’t feel like a quiet little box of happy thoughts happy thoughts not a dark little box of Sorrows whoever’s staying in this one will forever be hungry as we can put

Some hay bales down here then on this side I think it’s almost like a tack room with some extra storage that I think is gonna work out pretty well ground torches not acceptable I Love Lamp too much then it looks like I never finished carrying that detail along the

Edge so we can bring in a little bit more of these and I think I might strip these down as it’s a little too dark you know what I like that that looks pretty good we’ll get animals out here soon but first this back area needs some love I

Really need to get well inside the city or some form of water I keep having to walk all the way out here but it does look pretty good coming back inside now in the back I’d like to create a water trough so we can also show the animals

Some more love perfect then we can kind of divide this a little bit in case we have extra animals that need to stay outside there’s a little bit of a dividing wall here now as we all know animals tend to be a little stinky so over here I’d like a place to store

Manure to represent this I got muddy Mangrove roots and so soil which we can clear out all of this oh there’s the farm I just built it should work with maybe a little fungusy something growing on it we’ll just move on to over here where I want to have some warp roots and

Then maybe some of these guys just dotted around like some stuff is kind of growing back here but overall the Staples is pretty ready to go next up I’m gonna need a few leads as there’s this wandering Trader llama up on the hill that I really want to bring with me

Into the Stables he’s been here for a long time oh he has a friend I feel like it actually makes a lot of sense to have wandering Trader llamas inside the City Stables that’s designed for people that just stay over for a little while please don’t die please don’t die in the

Berries please don’t die you’re professionals look at you you’ve must traveled a lot nope you’re dying on the berries you’re not supposed to do that I need name ideas for these llamas down in the comments below and I think it makes sense if they’re a pair once again back

Into the villager trading Hall we go cause I need golden carrots one for a snack two for a visit to breed a new mule come with me little guy there we go I really should make a lot easier Pathway to get over to the city for my

Starter base I have to walk all the way down the mountain and back up on top of the mule I’ve decided I want to obtain all of the rideable mobs inside of Minecraft checking the Box on the mule here next up we need a horse we need a

Donkey and we need a skeleton horse which requires a thunderstorm let’s focus on the easy ones and see if uh thunderstorm wants to roll in oh here’s some horses perfect horse of the mountain I need you to come with me no no no don’t don’t come with me don’t

Come with me not this way not it’s not smart you’re a professional you live in the mountain you know what you’re doing there we go the horse is now acquired as well I think to make this a lot easier I’m gonna need to find some Saddles and

The end rating loot Barrel supplies oh it started raining is this I don’t think it’s a thunderstorm okay let’s focus on finding a donkey to bring home I’ve also just now realized I also need to bring a pig home because technically you can put

A saddle on a pig which I might have an extra Pig hanging out back in here yes there he is look at him with me my Porky friend damn sandwich has been brought home and I think the perfect place for him is gonna be to hang out here just

Kind of attached to this back to finding the donkey Target acquired donkey you have been located I’m here to save you okay we’ve got our donkey give him a saddle and we ride on back to the city only one mob remains at this point that I want to bring back here let’s throw

This guy in a stall and we can just lock him in but I need the skeleton horse another one that I could bring back would be a Strider but I do feel kind of mean bringing him here with no lava and I’m not putting lava in the city quite

Yet there hasn’t been a thunderstorm for quite a while in this world so I’m hopeful one’s gonna happen somewhat soon and I think this is a really good spot to hopefully get some skeleton response I will just wait until we have a thunderstorm it’s here oh it’s finally here I think I

Just need to start fighting things and then maybe we’ll get something I think I might need my chest piece for this one there hasn’t been a thunder striking full speak of the devil there it is there it is we have one I have to get really close here he’s gonna explode no

No no no we can’t kill the horses okay we got one we got one we got one no we killed the horse we specifically killed the horse we have three horses yes yes yes yes yes yes yes I need to go sleep instantly this is the first time I’ve

Ever had skeleton horses in a Minecraft world oh they’re so cool hello my new friends oh they’re already tamed that’s amazing look at him just don’t look at the arrows in my face the battle is over and welcome to your new home my skeleton friend I believe this nope that’s the

Baby mule it’s been a while since I’ve been here I thought he would have grown Piggy’s over here you can hang out here with him I swear it’s great you’re gonna love it the other two skeleton North friends that survive the battle I’m just gonna let him roam free and if you have

Any ideas on what we can do with the other skeleton horses let me know all of the Interiors on mainstream are now finished up except the Villager cart storage area will come later as I’m ready to finish off the Mansion interior starting by walking up the

Stairs to the second floor where we have nothing to make it a little bit of a safer place to work so we don’t fall down in the middle I should probably put a little railing a little stripping later and that should do it next I’m gonna need some terracotta and a little

Bit of cactus oh I already smelted some yay all to craft cyan terracotta from here I’m gonna need some warp wood from the lumber mill but I’m all out that’s a problem which can be solved by a quick trip into The Nether to find ourselves a warped Forest somewhere in this mess

Perfect here we go This tree should be enough yep that should be plenty I had to find my way out of here ah the perimeter perfect with all the warp goodies squared away I’m gonna tap into the witherow supply here of course some black dye for a quick trip to the guardian farm and

There was plenty here and no shards all right a quick AFK session at the guardian Farm later digging the frisbane shards we can craft dark prismarine one final step for the walls I need to take all of this concrete powder and turn it into concrete all of these materials are going into

The walls and ceilings inside of the Mansion for the second floor Central room some storage closets and most importantly my bedroom the main room in here is looking great we’ve still got that hat fluff to go but over here inside of my bedroom which is very massive I thought we could instead use

Some Mangrove planks for the roof it might be busy I was gonna say it might be easier to build from up top but I don’t know let’s just go the old-fashioned way ah much better For these larger gaps I’m thinking we just use Mangrove logs and strip them down make it safer up here let’s throw in some torches too and you know what I might do that inside of here as well this will give it a little bit more

Texture and help it feel I think a touch more completed this is starting to feel a little bit more like a bedroom in here just a few places that still need to get patched in a closet with a mud floor a bedroom with a stripped Mangrove floor

And a back office with an acacia floor we can move to the other side where I’ve kind of started planning things out with the main carpet here in the center then two rooms on either side I’m thinking a display case here at the end on top of

The copper we can bring in Acacia planks and then stacking up logs one all the way up with the border of some more Planks on top Of course stripping the logs all the way down there’s not much space here in the hallway so I’m thinking we just extend some drip stone blocks all the way back Oak trap doors going back down so it’s just not quite as flat with some soul lanterns to light it up for the left

Room I want to take some jungle slabs in here and trap doors to connect across above the jungle though I think some pink terracotta could be kind of a fun color to incorporate now for the end room over here I want to take some Oak

Slabs and just work them up to the top but you know what what if we just flatten it across here then I don’t have to add any more copper just like that we now have an extra room which might need a torch for now in here I want to create

Some display cases that will fill out shortly with massive armor stands but for a fun floor I thought the warp nylium I gathered up when I was getting the logs earlier could be kind of fun we’ll get frog lights in here soon for the base of these cases but for now we

Can throw in dark oak trap doors this room I want to turn into a bit of a kid’s room just like this now across across the hallway I want to dedicate this room to the number 1000. as this is my 1000th video on YouTube mostly because I wasn’t really sure what else

To put in here so this will have to do a big one thousand a few final touches in here with a little bit of greenery and some storage Moss blocks in here with some azaleas on top maybe the one in the window is a big old bushy guy and trap

Doors to frame them and I can just sit in this chair and stare at the big old 1000 Greenery is a big aspect of my builds and my life IRL so I want to add a ton of plants throughout this second floor really quickly coming back to the

1000 room I want to try putting a giant painting up here like that I love it oh the pig face is perfect now moving on to some weirder details this room is kind of about flexing so I wanted to put a few things on display like a beacon and

Some Wither Skeleton skulls I only have one extra Beacon right now so eventually I’ll get a second in here and these are all going to be armor sets on armor stands with a the right one in the middle but before we get to that grind let’s finish out this Central Area like

Some Lily of the valleys and randomly a skulk trigger this is about showing my Conquest so we can put a second year with a little table thingy and a crystal ooh this room is starting to come together an additional thing is maybe we do some benches with the light blue bed

And a second right here now for the little Supply Closet in here we can put beehives barrels barrels maybe a chest extra flower pot and that should do it we’re not really gonna go in there that often now a very important detail however sea pickle and another wither

Skelly skull inside of my bedroom I’ve been kind of working on a four poster bed as I’ve went along and I think I finally got an idea we can use some more of our dark oak slabs and bring them all the way across like this kind of giving

It its own Roof then connect the lower part with some trap doors and because I have them light blue beds in the middle this little corner over here is kind of gonna represent enchanting so I want an enchanting table in there but first we can finish off this with some some

Barrels maybe some more right there and up top I’m thinking we just do four solo chests this is trying to be my closet and since there’s no roof in it I’ve got dark oak slabs at the ready this deep slate leads up to the main chimney for

This side of the house so let’s just connect ourselves in here and have it look like it’s going through the floor maybe more like that because the kitchen is right below us so it does need a way for that smoke to get up this little room back here we can throw a jungle

Door in and I like that and then some barrels along there and I think just some chests up top and there’s again no roof I do have Oak slabs and I do have roof now for some of the finer details where I’m gonna need a lot of sticks

Four five armor stands when destroying the village underneath us I did loot a book that’s just been sitting in the shulker so I’ve got a great use for it at this time to dive into a lot of these diamonds and a little netherite as I’m gonna need two new diamond swords and

Five sets of diamond armor and a new enchanting table but this is gonna get real expensive especially as for the full Flex I want to take one of them and turn it into a set of netherite armor with two swords for some reason this is my super fancy mansion after all so it’s

Gotta live up to the park Quick Stop in the bedroom to drop off the enchanting table and a spare Ender Chest in my office armor stands at the ready another right here in the center because I’m thinking we take the two swords and point them right back in the middle no

Not my totem I would like that please there we go now the diamond armor can go right here but I’ll be honest just another set of diamond there in the corner sounds kind of weird to me so unfortunately these two chess pieces are gonna go to waste tying the Mansion back

Into the rest of the things I’ve accomplished in this world I think a set of gold armor on both sides helps tie that in kind of showing the crazy gold farm that we have here too but everything leads up into the netherite in the middle looks pretty good doesn’t

It now anytime I walk down the hallway or just around I can just see the netherride armor at the end oh that’s looking good one final treat for those of you that have stuck through this interior building extravagant answer I reward you with another interior the

Blacksmith is no longer a mess of dirt behind Mangrove trap doors and instead we have a double Smith inside that is in need of a great story from the comments I’ve spent the entire last month building a custom biome in Minecraft at the start of the series this land was

Basically a place to chop trees then I transformed it into a custom Birch horse today is phase three live streaming the entire process showing everything that happened I’m bringing together two massive projects and this has taken well over 200 days in game two complete so be

Sure to leave a like and double check that you’re subscribed as we rewind the clock to tell the story of how I built this but first we must add some lore to this world last episode I built Interiors in my hardcore City asking for people to leave comments with stories

For each of the shop fronts I have so far I’m adding in some of my favorites as Easter eggs throughout the city as written books inside of each of them That sign is looking much better but of course I’ve got some llamas to name in here too Terry and Terry previously I spent 24 hours building in this world and completed this monolith but the waterfall coming off of it just randomly ended so the first step on this project

Is to extend the dirt and fill in some of the flatter areas for the water to more naturally come down the mountain and reach the river eventually below with the outline done I created space for pools for the water to gather before it moves on then jump down to the main

River I want to finish both endpoints then figure out how to link them together as it makes more sense in my brain so I cleared out a large area at the end of the river to allow for the water to flow through more easily with that complete I went back up to the

Whale to bring the water down to the plains level where I had already built some custom trees so I want to make these working with the terrain by building up the bank of dirt so the water flowing through seems more natural with a bit of a riverbed Edge on both

Sides of it my idea was working well so I flew through extending multiple routes for the water to reach the river as I I do want the small waterways Creek streams or whatever they’re supposed to be called sunken into the train so I took a shocker of dirt around and

Stacked up the plane’s biome by one or two more blocks to keep us smoothed out across the entire thing and have the river make sense then filling in the Ravine that split the landscape as it felt pretty out of place for what I wanted I was brutally attacked by some

Stormtrooper llamas after their leader somehow disappeared I’m not quite too sure what happened to him but these llamas rolled a one on accuracy so I was pretty safe I survived the attack and spent the next few hours texturing the riverbeds with dirt and some large boulders to help explain why the

Waterways split and diverted along the course it’s still pretty bare but uh so far I was really happy with the progress on this diving into the detail phase we’re getting right into the fun here the boulders might have been nice but they need some extra texture variation

To match the monolith as a first step I went around adding in light gray wool and concrete powder to them then for some of the overhangs I added in a bit of The Acacia log for an artificial Shadow now playing arms are pretty bare so I want to add in subtle details where

I can like tearing up some of the grassy blocks to add in Moss for this slight difference in color linking this to build elements already in my world I went into the nether portal Cave to the nether root farm and boom yield the warp side to get a ton of warped roots and

Sprouts which needs shears together of course adding those around the bottom as grass get the bluey turquoise color for even more of that green variety once again Gathering materials I need a lot of string to prevent sugarcane and other things from growing which led me down into the old spider spawner but before

That I took some seagrass and added that into the riverbed to hide my inability to texture underwater but now we can run through and just bring in a few carrots and a few beetroot throughout the edges I hate this game you don’t plant beetroot you need beetroot seeds

Beetroot crisis over I grabbed wheat seeds instead and started adding those in along the riverbank then started with some sugarcane azalea bushes to create a lush Riverbank at the top as well but this needs a lot more variety along the riverbank so I added in a bunch of items

The total list came through at patches of lilac some dark oak saplings along the water we have Tall Grass sugar cane and small drip Leaf in the water itself for the flatter sections then for some larger bushes I brought in oak leaves along the edge of the main river before

Spamming them along the upper Creeks as well with some small flower patches and Tall Grass over the entire plains biome which has led us here a completed riverbed and details along the entire biome and it’s looking amazing now not stopping there I need a border for this

Biome or it just looks kind of gross so I started to point out where some custom trees will be built later on and planning out a road that will extend beyond the biome to a future Village transformation project that I’m really looking forward to but I need to

Assemble more custom tree stumps along the back edge of this project to fully encapsulate and surround the biome I’m building now here’s my Pro Creator move I stream chat and forgot to hide it from recording so if you see your name let me know in the comments but on day four of

The project IRL I wanted to frame out all of the beautiful custom birch trees with branches using birch wood and diorite walls for smaller branches at the end a quick shout out to Marco’s editing the video right now because he gifted me this Mandalorian head Lego

Over the holidays but I do need Birch leaves to finish the trees so I flew out to where I’ve been clearing a birch Forest along the ocean for a potential town build but before I get carried away on another future plan I need to fill an entire Soaker box of leaves for my

Current custom trees I’m using the same tree design from episode 17 where I spent a few hours adding in the leaves to the birch trees before adding in some custom oak trees with andesite walls or a trunk then Acacia leaf trees with Oak fences as a drunk but so far I gotta say

I am in love with this transformation day five IRL rolled around which led to more of the same thing this is a really big project and I had run adversaries again so I’m back at it again clearing out the forest to build my own custom Forest that hope is going to be better

Today I’m focusing on framing out the entire back section of the forest building out as many of the trunks of the trees as I possibly can to just so I can see how many leaves I’m going to need for this project it better how many trees I actually need to build the

Stumps I had placed previously were for a general idea but they weren’t set in stone allowing me to remove them if it felt too crowded as this is meant to be a more open space as a forest edge biome but more deadly llamas did show up safe

From the Llama spit I finished building out the trunks of the trees on the back half trying again to leave Extra Space Between the Trees so it wasn’t quite as dense as the main Forest the tree trunks are all in place but they are Nikki which means it’s time to Elite them

These had already taken a ton of time today to build so I focused on the one at the front for now random chat window has been fixed and I realized I built all these trees and never really showed you all how to make them if you are a

Fellow birch tree enjoyer check out my second Channel Flip 2 for a quick tutorial on how to build this one Link in the description but no suddenly a tree wow look at that huh huh it barks like a tree get it it’s bark on a tree

Okay you know what I got a lot more to build I should move on I don’t think anybody really likes my jokes but it’s it’s fine I’m gonna keep telling them because I like them here we are swooping once again because yeah boy needs more birches

At this point in time Birch leaves are now my eighth most Mind Block in this world as well as my ninth most place block but those are rookie numbers I gotta pump up those numbers yesterday was all about building the trunks today is all about finishing the trees and

Covering them with leaves to get the full atmosphere [Applause] flying like a leaf in the wind I made some of the best burst trees ever seen in Minecraft it’s already the best tree but somehow we’ve made it even better here the force was feeling very full as

Much as I like the trees I don’t want it to be super dense so I tore down a few of the trees to leave it and make it a bit more open now Chad constantly asked me to build a lightning struck tree so I had to oblige by tearing down one

Slightly and stripping all the logs then bringing some stripped Oak in for a darker variation and a few Mangrove roots for like burned branches but adding in a branch at the bottom that’s still alive just for funsies but the final birch trees grew back their leaves

To finish off the border of this biome this is looking super magical at this point in time and one thing I want to do before we continue is actually tearing out these few trees that are at the front of the biome because they’re really interrupting the view I also

Don’t want to interrupt the view of the monolith itself so we’ve got a few more to move maybe we build a patch of the small trees right back in here so they kind of all belong together and there’s a weird Gap coming through right here where you can seeing the nothingness

I’ve got one plan so maybe we do two more one extra little detail I did add in is a small Footbridge to actually get into the middle of this biome instead of having to walk through the water this project is getting into the final stages where all of the different elements are

Finally coming together to create something really special once more back in the resource Gathering phase I jumped into another to pick up gravel from the piglet bartering stations along with a sugar box of dirt I started to fill in the cave entrances around the middle of

The biome before moving on to create a pond there was so much green around that I wanted that little splash of blue in the middle of the Plains since the Creeks were on the far side of course I needed details on the pond so it did

Remain a focal point of the biome as you’re walking by so I added some mud around the edge and then dotted in a few other foliage bits and some flowers around the entire thing to make this something I will actually see and walk by in my Minecraft world I

Extended the road out of the forest to link into the village on the far side hello he gave me a potato unfortunately a potato was not the solution to all of my problems as much as I want it to be so I’m back at the lumber mill to craft up

Oak fences and then grabbing some andesite from the Quarry to make andesite walls I’m thinking first up here we start with these little trees like the Llama ones so that we can just kind of fill them in see what’s gonna happen and tackle it from there can I make it no no

Advent defeat I admit defeat okay now I love this skinny tree design so I’m adding a few pockets of them throughout the entire region but to add more interest in I’m introducing a third tree type already in my world the oak leaf green is helping to add some

Contrast to the forest bit with a little bit of height variation as these are slightly shorter than the birch trees but I am trying to bring them up the hill on the side to use all of the height available around me after that I

Had an idea to jump to the back side of the biome to build a few more of these oak trees sticking out of the edge leaving a lot of space in between from the other trees to kind of dither out the edge of the forest a little bit

Further and really reinforce that edge bit where I’m very happy to say this finished the entire tree phase of this project it’s time to finish up the central plane slash Meadow area of this project by first smoothing out the dirt and filling in a lot of the weird

Minecraft holes along the landscape that we all love so very much I am giving this the same treatment as the creek section of the build so I also want to add in a little Moss to help with the texture of the grassy areas and add some contrast in there in the final detail

Phase things can be a bit repetitive as I’ve already figured out the formula it’s just time to grind and get it done placing in all of the bushes flowers and warp bits throughout this entire new section before deciding uh it was too flat so I brought it up even further

With another 10 stacks of dirt it was about here that I realized I passed the 3 Thousand Days survived in Hardcore Minecraft and yeah I missed it I completely blew past it we’re now on day 3013. still unaware for a small detail I built a bridge over the creek for people

To use and decided a simple path out of it with some coarse dirt would look pretty nice finally I grabbed some bone meal and running around to add in tall grass for the goodness on top of it all with a few fences along the pass with a

Little Lantern to make it a touch safer and adding in glow looking and the occasional jungle slab as a mushroom on the side of the trees exiting the main part of the Birch Forest here I can say this is finally complete every detail element I wanted inside of this custom

Biome is now finished look at that little creek over here it’s absolutely beautiful we got the pathway leading all the way out to our future Village transformation and flying around and looking at this entire place is just so special I am absolutely in love with this project taking a look at where we

Started with the gross planes biome and the monolith on its own I’m super happy to say that a month later this is looking so much better after all of the work we put in to create a full environment finally it looks like this actually belongs in the world now but to

Put a cherry on top or should I say a beetroot on top it’s time to play in a field first I need beetroot where do I have a ah there we go if you’ve watched till now I have a very important question for you I need you to answer in

The comments have you subscribed if the answer is no please subscribe if the answer is yes please tell me your favorite Minecraft block in the comments but here we have the 28th field added into this Hardcore Minecraft world Foreign decorative netherite armor kits but over here I still have a diamond hoe before we do anything else I have to fix this right now another I didn’t get unless the diamond hoe gives us another Idaho the grand piece of this biome we built is the monolith but as we get a little

Bit closer you can pretty obviously tell that there’s no interior and it’s just a beacon which leads to the whole place feeling a little artificial so I’m thinking first and foremost we kill the skeleton yep nailed it and two we get rid of the clicking that’s killing me

Much better to help out the floor I’m thinking we surround this entire thing with some deep slight bricks this way I can kind of jump on top and I think we can also extend the platform another three blocks with the glass so we don’t just see through into that mess I’m

Thinking we take some skulk and fill this in underneath all of our glass blocks so that we can create a cool artificial floor extending a small platform up here I’m thinking we take in front of these frog lights we do a Soul Sand right there and a brick right here

Here surrounding these I want to create water elevators that go up to the entrance this way I don’t need a giant platform coming all the way down here all the way up here at the top I’m thinking this side we drop on down to keep the water locked in we can take two

Trap doors with a water bucket over here and on top of these we can add in light blue glass going all the way up get the water elevator working I do need a little bit of count where I should have some yes perfect when in doubt the

Storage mess out shall provide throw in the water here in the top we can meet it at the bottom with a little kelp going all the way back up breaking the kelp and up we go creating a cave feeling out of the deep slide on the inside I want

This to feel dark and kind of tucked away so you don’t really notice it from far away and I think we’re kind of getting that well it still looks a little reinforced here with the walls in place but overall pretty good One Last Detail to fly all the way around and

Back inside I need to get up and down I’d like to hide a Spore Blossom back here so it feels a little magical when you’re getting near it too hopefully those particles are going to be appearing yes yes we’re getting a little bit of them perfect there we go that is

Looking much much better now we can jump all the way down to uh this Yep this this is what we’re jumping down to now ow ow well now it’s time for the Minecraft Builders curse of never being able to actually finish a project as

I’ve got a new idea to add here but I need a little Cobble Mossy Cobble Moss Cobble slabs some Stone the base of the force around here just feels a little flat and empty so going around and adding in a few Boulders I think it’s gonna make it feel a little nicer foreign

The nature around here is looking absolutely fantastic but this world is lived in and I thought adding a little Farmhouse out here could be a great way to add to the environment going off of the base style that we’ve done everywhere else inside this world something I know that works is really

Simple and just completes it breaking away from the mold we can add a little front door right here and for the walls I’m thinking just bringing in a ton of cobblestone but I also do have Mossy Cobble so maybe we can use that to replace some of these

And make it feel very weathered out here in the forest hooking in a window right over here and maybe another out the back on this side drawing more walking around this area a little bit I added a little bit of root of dirt and then maybe here

We do a little campfire so this is a pretty basic farmhouse on the inside we can just add in a bunch of course dirt for the floor toss the door in place and extend some Spruce stairs out for a front awning which is gonna Connect into the main roof line throughout here that

Will also probably be spruce it’s been a little while since building in this style but it is really nice coming back to something that I know and seeing if I can do it in a better way for the roof itself we can bring in a few deep slate tile stairs going all the

Way across leaving space for a chimney in here using the last little bit of cobblestone I have some walls up here then I do have a soul campfire that we can throw on top here at the end with these slabs I’m thinking we just bring them in a touch

And trap doors across the rest of it this is looking for house so far with the house completed over here we really need to situate it into the environment so I’m thinking a little hedge right along here then over on this side we can extend it down with

A small workstation like covered station of sorts a little more like this where we have a bench over here clearing out the floor underneath and I think we just fill it with some rooted dirt and a lot more stuff in here okay that’s looking much better for the

House but over here is very flat and open where I think this could be perfect for a small storage shed about this size and then from here we connect everything up with some Spruce new Spruce stair right there Yeah I think this can work we just need a little roof where I think some Spruce slabs just carried all the way up to the top will be the perfect solution a little tip on top here I did add in some Spruce stairs to help it be a little bit

More consistent going across a little coarse dirt down here at the base and I’m thinking from this point we just keep adding in the extra details of storage goodies all over maybe a little table right here for some working and it’s getting dark so I need a lantern

Yep this is helping a lot for the area to feel it just a little bit more lifting I really like the Hedge over there so maybe we can use that here to help kind of block off this side entrance The Far Side is just gonna be

Blocked off by stuff and maybe a few extra leaves on the outside because the back looks a little weird I love the idea of them having a little garden patch so maybe we can throw a few of the alliums over here and just a few of them

Here on top of this section too one of these days I’m really gonna have to make a Sweet Berry Farm as I use them a lot to decorate but I just never have any some final touches for the build style is just adding in the foliage throughout

We got glowberries glow lichen sweet is along the back it’s funny what was a necessity when I started out this world to keep myself safe like using glowberries as a light source and glow legend for that and the sweet berries to stop the mobs from coming in is now just

Purely for decoration and it just has to be here it’s like the soul of the world at this point now this is feeling much more like home the disgusting mess of a shulker box mess to go along with it transforming villages in Minecraft is literally my favorite thing to do if I

Don’t do it at least three times a year I’ll go inside if that doesn’t happen from dealing with these dudes excuse you they’ll also make me go insane but that’s fine now please be sure to leave a like on this video And subscribe if you’re new as we dive into a new

Adventure transforming this Village step one of this project I need oh I’m in the water okay two step one of the project here I need tulips that definitely wasn’t the first time at all that I made it across the bridge already have a flower farm over here that produces

Alliums and Azure blueettes just by doing this if you get all the Tulip variants as well I need to clear out all of the trees and the flower Force to make space or morphars that forest was a lot bigger than I expected but hey at least I got logs now

The idea is to surround the entire village with huge colorful fields of tulips but first I need a lot of flowers which the weather Skelly Farm can help out with as I’ve got tons of Bones myself this should be plenty you’re doing great dogs you’re doing great every time I

Bone me on the ground there’s a chance of getting a flower if you didn’t know when you bone meal the same spot it’ll always spawn the same flower ah right there it did it which means it looks like right over here we’re always gonna be getting red tulips I just need to

Find where the other three types of tulips are gonna spawn but I think I’m gonna want to get rid of all the other types of flowers first looks like up here I can get pink tulips in almost every one of these spots over here we can get white tulips and orange looks

Like orange flowers also spawn up here which I might use instead at each of these locations I want to build a little Farmhouse to hide our flower farm that way we can decorate the land as well but you know before we added a massive flower field after we’re tearing up the

Massive Field of Flowers just gotta trust the process on this one for these Marco Farms I first need to build a box around where I want the flowers to spawn it at the ends of each of these boxes I need to add in pistons on both sides

Give a little bit more space on one of them looking forward with a note block just behind repeated on the far side now this should break everything perfect stop stop please stop thank you thank you thank you for stopping now right here in the middle observer looks at the

Top then this way at the old Observer with a dispenser looking up at the grass fill him with some bone meal and we should have flower farm very loud very loud flower farm oh my gosh seed Farm but flowers to make it a little bit easier I’m gonna bring some Hoppers over

Here with a barrel out of the side now I can just fill this with bone meal and it should go all the way in repeating this process three more times we now have a working flower farm for each type of tulip in Minecraft now these are all

Pretty ugly currently so I think I want to build a small farmhouse around each of them to hide it looks like I am at a cobble deep slate here to build with so time to mind this should do it these are gonna end up being pretty big here where I already

Need to make it one block bigger for an extra trim along the base let’s bring our tough blocks up another Block near the barrel maybe it juts out a bit right here for a small entryway and access to the barrel then over here we just extend

The rest of the walls up using our Cobble along the front I think I can get away with a few slabs inching their way up as we come in we can make a little lip going up to so that the front door is actually walkable Yep I think that can work a few windows in to really help this house feel come alive for the main trim though I do want to outline it with Spruce before we bring in that deep slate now Behind These though I want to try adding in a few mushroom blocks except hiding this

Texture for something like this which can come all the way across with the spruce slabs down the middle and repeating the entire process on the far side the back is really long and flat right now though but I’ve got a few friends right now okay I feel better

Along the back I want to take in a bunch of deep slight tiles to create a small fireplace back here that’ll stick out with a chimney which shouldn’t stick up too far but maybe right about here surrounding the campfire with some trap doors and a slab on top for safety

Perfect to keep it pretty simple on the front I just want to add a little core skirt out the door which will be Oak and a little deep slate on the inside for a floor back up top to use the Deep slate I literally just mined we can bring in

Stairs some full blocks then slabs for the upper part This is looking pretty good but it definitely will be spawning mobs everywhere so on the inside to make it a little safer it’s a working space it doesn’t have to be gorgeous in here okay but even saying that even I can only allow it to be so bad okay that that’s

Much more doable the perfect red tulip flower farm is ready to go just don’t look at it for too long okay moving on with the red Doula pump complete I worked on the remaining Flower Farms trying to make them a little unique from each other as I go hold on a minute here

Before I finish building this last one I want to try something I’ll at least get this finished first right now it’s really hard to tell which building represents which flower I’d like to grab a few flowers in here grabbing eight of each I can turn them all into Die Why

White Tulip gives light gray dye I don’t know please excuse the mess but somewhere in here I think I have some terracotta perfect using the dies we can craft a stack of each of the types of terracotta and I want to try replacing all the cobblestone on the front side of

Each of them with the matching color of terracotta which gives us a little something like that that I think I like maybe here we just go full red that’s gonna do in here I have the orange tulips Orange terracotta’s in place up here we have the pink foreign

Place and a little window I haven’t finished building this one yet but I’m really trying to break away from the shape by having this lower droop down section in here because the others are so long I can’t handle it I really don’t like them but we’re gonna live with it

For now and I might go back and change it later but at least we’re gonna keep moving forward I’m not stressed about it no no not at all All of the houses in here are looking really good at this point in time but I definitely have a little bit more cleanup work I want to do and some extra details like maybe over here we have a stack of logs just showing somebody’s living in the space and then maybe we do

A little chest there my next goal is connecting all these via some roads and Pathways that will get sorted in a moment but at least with this we can add a little life back here but the four Flower Farms assembled and housed I want to link them up with roads I’m yet again

Asking for your picky support in my campaign to create brand new roads and I need gravel nope nope yes nope nope nope nope nope yes this right here should definitely keep me busy for a while before I get to the roads I want to place down some dirt to smooth out the

Terrain around here a bit further we’re not gonna need the stinking villager Pathways so I can bring in my own new Pathways imagine making a path out of actual path blocks I could never nor will I ever stamp through a night crafting a ton of course dirt and a few

Spruce slabs for walkability you can get to work tearing out all of the blocks to make space for a brand new road for now the pathway is just going to disappear off into the distance but in our little village it does connect to every single

One of the homes where now I just need to run throughout here and add in all of the coarse dirt that I just crafted it’s amazing how a few pieces of different colored dirt can really just change the atmosphere of an entire place this is looking so much better now especially

When we add in a little garden that is looking pretty good that says a little Ode to the flower farm back here that for now um it’s just gonna stay like that because I don’t know what to do with it if you have ideas let me know

Farms are now set up the core export of our village is ready to go which now this needs some love do I even want to ask why you all are in the animal pen come on out there you go there’s a whole world to explore oh okay come out when you’re ready it’s

Okay take your time okay that’s the answer that’s the answer right there as with all terraforming projects I need my comfort Beacon nearby to keep me safe and crafting five new shulkers to fill with stuff you see where I might have a bit of a problem but this is going to go

A long way as I need to carve out space for these rivers to connect which results in a ton of block breaking to get a better idea of all of this and how it’s going to flow I left it all one block below water level so I could

Easily add in the water on top some areas needed a little bit more love so I pushed back a few of the hills to further expand the river cutting back even more of them in a few different spots I wanted to smooth out the terrain for future field building and give a

More natural look to the river now a few village houses might have been in the way of the river so I tore those down to rebuild them later on I I promise but first the river kind of sucks as it isn’t full of water so I’m fixing that

Problem one bucket at a time we’re a little low on shulkerbox storage space so let’s spend a little time here filling in everything inside first so that we can clear out space before we get into digging With the base shapes done I dug out the river to be roughly three to five blocks deep just kind of varying across drop everything emergency emeralds where are my emergency emeralds please what happened to my emergency emeralds no we have to go get more you stay right there

We need more I always have a stack of emeralds in the under chest where did it go yes he’s still here oh drip Leaf thank you very much buddy we got ten oh that’s so good thank you you’re the best with that beautiful Discovery I moved on

To creating some Mossy Rocks Under the river to break the consistency of all of the dirt so far now for one final step underwater I wanted to add in some seagrass to make it not feel so bare as you’re kind of looking at it the wandering Traders are gathering and it

Seems to be worth it so far I really like it next up we’ve got to fix the above water portions of the river and maybe a bridge we probably need a bridge a quick jump back to look at where we started today not with a full connection

On the rivers but I want to take this one step further and I’m really glad I got all that gravel earlier today as I want to start removing the edge of the rivers where where we would have some residue depositing and filling it back in with the gravel oh this is kind of

Nice the Sand’s already here where I want to fill it in so we’ll just change it out and I should probably do this underwater too or that’s gonna look a little weird a few extra plots of Graveler now in place and this is looking a lot better before I do

Anything else I need to clear some space in these shulker boxes so let’s grab some grass excuse me sir I need that bed I want to create a small Riverbank area so I’ve already started plotting out of place to raise up all of the grass so

The village isn’t quite as much of a flood zone and now I just need to go throughout the process of placing all of these blocks to fill in the entire area there we go it’s all filled in now which looks really really boring without any

Tall grass on it we’re in the ugly face everybody time to move on before I add any further elements along the River’s Edge I’d like to focus on the village itself my first constructing a bridge across the water here for this I’d like to stick to Cobblestone Mossy Cobble and

Stone bricks on top of that a little bit of spruce out for the walkway oh we’re almost out oh no the head box did give me an idea though let’s grab some Chris Marine for a little pop of color first starting off by building a platform of

Spruce lab’s five wide arching over the river itself for the first set over here we can do stone bricks on the end maybe a little bit more coming through and slowly working this up to keep it kind of a smaller Bridge thinking it might be good to reinforce it underneath here

With some stone bricks for the Inner Circle coming all the way back down into the water and then I should be able to just copy that over here adding a little bit more Cobble here into the middle and extending it all the way up this is looking pretty good now

For a little bit of prismarine where we can grab a few walls and a handful of slabs as if they’re like a colorful railing going all the way across and then in the middle we do our walls maybe on top I can bring in these warp trap

Doors for a little extra Pizzazz of course lamps underneath I do want to bring down all of the slabs they’re just a little bit closer to the water level but the style figured out for the first side I decided to duplicate that right over to the second but the bridge in

Place for now I’d like to add a little bit of coarse dirt here on the end and probably over on this side too I was listening to the spawn chunks podcast recently and Joel Duggan gave me a great idea for a little extra detail along the river if we dig underground here and

Create a bit of a staircase coming all the way up we can add in the water and you’ll subtly hear the flowing water sounds now out of the left side of my ear I can hear water moving well we’re walking across at least on this side we

Feel like the river’s moving and I just think that’s really cool playing with sounds in Minecraft is something I really want to get into more so if you have any ideas for other blocks or ways that we can incorporate sounds into our world let me know in the comments I’m

Removing the houses on the outside as I’d like to have the whole village on one side of the river and connecting the bridge up with the rest of the existing pathway the entrance to the village is looking great right now but the Village um not so much and we’re gonna keep

Ignoring that for now I swear we’re transforming a village today I just have a million and one things that I want to do first like along the riverbank here I want to tear out a lot of the space and bring in some mud Muddy Roots and a

Little bit of coarse dirt along the back Edge which for now we’re just gonna leave along the base Water’s Edge Water Edge along the first side is looking really good you made it especially compared to the other side which we’re gonna be fixing right now underwater

Adding in a few Mangrove roots to make it look like sticks are kind of building up which I do need to waterlog I also got some kelp that’ll grow and just add a little bit more movement under the water small drip Leaf is super rare So

I’m thinking along the edge we just at it kind of in these flatter areas near the bridge so we really see them yeah that should be good of course a little sugar cane along the edge some oak leaves towards the back a few dark oak saplings then we can hide a little bit

Of wheat down here just to have things grow in you sweet berries and a tiny bit of bamboo to act as another form of sugarcane I don’t want to go too heavily detailed here as I don’t plan to do the entire Riverbank but I think this will

Work so far A little more love added in and the village entrance is really turning into something special okay maybe just a little Tall Grass just a little I’ll stop detailing too just a little Tall Grass see see very needed very very much needed now I know I know

I know I know I know I know I made Flower Farms to build massive tulip fields but that’s not the field you know you know the field so I got a pleasure field today I think we grab potatoes 29 episodes in in 3050 days survived in

Hardcore Minecraft so far and no sign of stopping if you’re enjoying the series double check that you’re subscribed so you don’t miss out on future uploads let’s learn 40 of the people watching right now are actually subscribed so this very well could be you with the brand new potato field we are

Slowly approaching World spawn with the never-ending expansive Fields what am I gonna do with that oh well moving on my original plan was to create a wall around the entire Village to keep the villagers safe inside eventually they’re gonna roam free but for now they like their box we’re scrapping that plan

Though this is a peaceful Village after all so I don’t think they need a wall but I do want something out the front here so I’ve got to get rid of this house this is to make space for a tower right here and since we have the river I

Thought it could water mill around here would be great earlier I discovered I was out of Sprucewood so we’re stopping by the mega tiger to chop down a few big old trees that right here should be plenty I’d like to have the Watermill coming out somewhere right about here

Sticking into the water going from a little bit of drip Stone up to some bricks stone brick on the corner and then we can top this off here with a little bit of granite make it appear a bit stronger along the water I’m thinking we bring in a little little bit

Of the stone brick here and stairs on top bringing up the other two sides on the top here I think we can just do some Spruce planks for a floor and so some we can be on top looking out over the river we can do some prismarine walls around

The edge here in the center is where the water wheel of strip logs is going to be sticking out all the way into the water from here we can Branch off all the different sides to create two different water wheels themselves sticking out for the wheel itself I took inspiration from

My windmill designs to give it a little extra texture I am a bit worried about all of the job blocks inside of here but maybe your villagers just really love the water wheel for the next step I would like to bring a bunch of tough around to create the actual Milling

Section for our water mill next just bring in Cobblestone up another three blocks you know what instead here I want to bring a little bit of stone brick out and create some archways this will just give us a little bit of depth with a little bit of moss we can repeat it to

The far side and then over here I want to create a deck that overlooks the front bridge the Waterway and everything just to have more viewing platforms throughout this adding a man grab door in here for a little bit of a pop that I’m thinking around that we just bring

In some Sandstone with maybe a window right there like that I’m adding in some slabs and trap doors for a little roof so this isn’t so flat I think I can get away with bringing this out another block strip Spruce logs on the corners in the middle I want to start with some

Birch logs and then reintroduce that smooth Sandstone we’ve been using as a way to start arching myself up to the top where I’ll stop somewhere here but maybe we extend it out to make the build feel a little bit different now for the big open section because I can’t be

Stopped I’m adding a bay window because I love them it’s just so good just like the rest of the build I got to work on next adding in all of the reigning walls and faces I love the idea of this upper window so that they can kind of have

Working time based on how much sunlight is coming in and it’s a setting over here I’ve started a little overhang on where the main Road’s gonna come in and I figured we could have a few plants right back in here and for this I want

To add the bell tower on this side but I’ve got an idea for this I’m inside the sheep farm I want to grab a little bit of Orange Bowl and a pink wall to kind of represent the Tulips four of these and six of these spending a quick night

Inside of my wagon and we’re off for another day of building I feel like this is gonna look like Sherbert but I’m kind of okay with that I am hanging off the lantern you know what I think that’s pretty cool here I can bring some stone

Brick coming up right next to that guy some tough for a foundation maybe an entrance right there then we just keep the stone bricks coming all the way up walls of the tower are in place and I want to have a window here on the front

But around the edges I was thinking we could bring out a little bit on the base got a little stair over here then we follow it up with a few of our Cobble deep slight I’m not gonna add any on this side as I kind of want to bring the

Terrain up a bit above this though for a trim I thought it could be cool to just bring in a bit more of our prismarine going around adding in a touch more prismarine here on the front we can bring up some fences and then I’m thinking dark prismarine could be the

Way to go in here if I could place it and please yes you know what I like it moving on with that up here to the top maybe we can take an idea from it bring in some of our chiseled Stone stairs in the middle as like murder holes but

We’re not about murdering here it’s just for decoration remember no walls needed but as a pretty trim on top we can add a little bit more dark prismarine wow the middle we can bring it a little bit more Cobblestone to bring us up to the layer and then probably just some Spruce

In here extending these up so we can actually have a small bell tower itself which eventually you’ll stay right here in the middle fence gates along the bottom and then a little double slab action adding a top here out of copper with a little bit of prismarine and then

Warp fences on top the Bell is now in place but it’s time for a little bit of whip Redstone action and I need a few more Bells Oh I have a lot from here I’m gonna need a redstone comparator a ton more torches to craft a load of

Repeaters finally a few pieces of glass to craft a daylight sensor now right here should get access to the Sun so we can put the daylight sensor right there flip it to night mode comparator going in the side bringing a line of dust down underneath I’m gonna need a small space

To work down here and we can just add in a bunch of repeaters set to Max ticks with a bell at the end repeater that down here do another belt and finally the third Bell right here now if I did this correctly when that sun sets we

Should hear the bell toll three times any minute now Sun is going down whip Redstone at its finest it’s gonna work please work oh oh my gosh it worked yes oh that’s so good maybe a little more delay on the second one though that makes me absolutely so happy now for the part

That I’ve been putting off the roof to create a unique Village I want to use warped wood dark frizz marine and prismarine Bricks at least for once tell me I have some warped wood yes oh we do prismarine brick yes little dark verse brain the shulker monster giveth today

It is a great day working from the darker colors at the bottom to the bricks at the top this is really coming together and you might have noticed this little market stall where I’d like to bring in some smooth cord slabs for an awning with one little workstation in

Here so we actually have a villager hanging out I think it’ll be pretty cool now I desperately need a road as well I’ve kind of been tearing theirs up for this I’d like to use some packed mud packed mud brick and coaster as always we start with the Burr oh that’s my

Redstone and just like that we now have the start of a road this area being so flat is really bothering me and uh I’m not a fan so to start out I’m extending a line of grass across to create a new slope yep something like that should

Work and I need one more going the other direction it’s probably gonna fill up this entire area in here put the guidelines in I want to speed things up here as it’s been a lot of block placing today so here’s me placing more blocks really really quickly using all of the dirt

That I dug up out of the river is it weird or just a coincidence that this isn’t the first time I’ve just buried a village in this world I don’t know what but what gotta go fix it apparently elytra and more bones to power The Flower Farms Electra is

Repaired and tons of bone meal here is ready to go with a few extra schools it’s finally time to plant the massive tulip fields around the village the first step music block sounds off next step own meal first up I’d like to gather up a ton of pink tulips unfortunately these Farms don’t

Automatically gather them but I can just run around here for a little while and keep on collecting oh 42 Stacks nice about two minutes later and look at that a full choker of pig tulips okay I’m I’m ready to stop it now my plan is to surround the village with massive tulip

Fields dividing it up so we have a different color on each quarter Around The Flower Farms I want pink tulips but before we do that I think it could look nice to add in a few leaves to divide them up into smaller field sections Foreign out the remaining Fields with more oak leaves and now so it’s not just a massive blob of color of flowers all over the place I want to create individual rows about two or three flowers thick and going across at an angle this field is done and that’s

Looking pretty good so with that I got to work completing the remaining pink tulip fields which are looking pretty spectacular next time you’re at The White Tulip Farm to try and gather up as many of these as I can full shoker box and some change later we can leave the

Seeds in here I thought the white tulips could look really cool going against the Mountainside for all of the Birch forests and everything like that so villagers I need you all to go into the village I’m sorry I took down your little barricade but over there safe I

Promise there’s there’s a bell there’s barrels they’re gonna have to figure it out later to prepare for Fields I smoothed out the terrain a touch so the slopes weren’t so crazy and well minecrafty next up I want to build Hedges to outline the fields again trying to leave additional space for

Some farmhouses down the road which I’m actually also leaving space for the hedges are in place to surround the fields but before adding in any of the flowers I want to get a road in here this right here is so much better finally it’s time to add in all of the

White tulips throughout every single one of these fields two types of tulips are placed down and nearly two full shulker boxes have been used next up is the red tulip field but that’s supposed to go on the far side of the river meaning it’s time to build another bridge to reach

The other side and continue the Farmland expansion the same slope works on the previous Bridge so we can just rebuild that same one thank you bridge is now in place and I’ve started extending some roads out of it too connecting back into the village as well over here into the red tulip fields

Where first we’re gonna focus on these extending the course dirt road up the hill to keep a path between the fields to leave it open for future expansion as the world progresses the more roads I have leading off into the middle of nowhere means the more stories I can

Tell down the way step one means just start surviving that long and next now I need more oak leaves cause we went through almost a whole choker in the pursuit of oak leaves I cleared out part of the forest at spawn to refill my shulker box and this right here should

Do the trick you’ve already seen this twice already so I got busy placing in the field hedge borders for the red tulips leaving some space in between them so we can edit details later then coming in with a ton of red tulips to fill in all of the remaining spaces just

Like that over 20 stacks of tulips have been placed down this leaves only one type of field left to plant the orange tulip which looking at our future Village location needs to be over here and because I hate myself I didn’t really leave any space for it however

This Pond thing out here I think I can just fill it in this will give us the land that we need yep just need to fill all of this in with even more dirt all right let’s get busy It should work for a little River’s Edge here at the front and then we just take this back I know you want to see more dirt placing today so I’m not holding back on you here with so much dirt and even some grass blocks being added in

And just like that Dirt has now passed sand as the most placed Block in this world I’m pretty sure oak leaves will be up there soon at this rate as we’ve got Mo out more Hedges oh the villagers not no no no the villagers right there please you all come right into the

Village all right this is not cool let’s take out everybody I don’t want to raid I don’t want to raid I don’t want to raid at all trying to keep the villagers alive I haven’t even built them homes I buried them all right there we go okay

Everybody alive we’re in the hot tub everybody’s in the hot where’d the stone Mason go we lost the stone Mason I’m sorry my friend you shall be remembered stonemason of the village number three completely unrelated to that look at all this bone meal I have right into the flower farm with you

Suddenly a full sugar of orange tulips and my ears don’t hurt at all one more time going through the process of placing in all of the Tulips around the brand new fields foreign Fields being placed in this is looking really good finally we now have a place for each of the four types of tulips in our brand new Village I just have a few unwanted guests as well the Farmland is looking great but there is more to add like little trees dotted around for this

I’m going to need a ton of Oak fences and some azalea leaves making a few of the open spaces around the field we can bring ourselves up quite a few different blocks and create some posts like this trying to create some sort of like a cypress tree is my goal and something

Like that should do with the first one done I decided to jump around to the different Farmland regions to plant a few more of these trees I don’t want this to feel like a forest but it just felt so bare without a few trees except I have run out of azalea leaves so

Taking a little dirt bone meal and azalea bushes I just need to grow a few trees now we just get together all of the leaves on top and this should be plenty of leaves let’s finish off these trees much giant Field of Flowers needs taking some leftover flowers a long time

Ago I built this mini Greenhouse that should be full of bees hopefully that means I can take all of the flowers and we can breed up a few more baby bees we’re gonna need a few more than four the entire next day went by and I’ve got

A lot of bees in here now I just need to figure out which one actually you know has bees in it oh it’s gonna be a problem oh it’s a Wandering Trader what’s up buddy red tulips yeah I definitely definitely need to buy those from you thanks thanks for that I’m

Thinking the perfect spot for a little API area is right over here this is for the cosmetics and I just want the bees to be able to fly around the field and have a home that they can come back to there should be enough space for the

Bees and I’m thinking we use some scaffolding beehive on top with a B I hear a b that’s good that’s a good start oh we have please look at them wait come here YouTube baby baby six beehives are down and the bees are already enjoying the field so I’m thinking right back

Here we just make a little Shack for some workers just a little spot like that maybe some trap doors on top and maybe we add a few lilacs right back in here just for the extra Papa color this leaves us with a pretty good spot for

The bees and they’ll just be hanging out there but I’ve got a few that I need to return back home for any future bee breeding tests that we need to do creating the atmosphere around the village I want to revisit the riverbank so I’m running around replacing a lot of

The large lower areas with coarse dirt and mud and Muddy Roots along the River’s Edge with that in place I’m adding in all of the extra details to the riverbank that I already went over previously inside of the video just looking at the before and now check this out the riverbank is actually

Adding something now I was running around spamming a little bone meal and I did see all of this coal and copper down here that uh I couldn’t pass up I’m at that point where I feel like I have so many blocks in front of me and I can just keep building building buildings

But a lot of the essentials I’m running out of and a little over a stack of coal or in a good round of copper I really love the fields of flowers but they aren’t edible at least I wouldn’t recommend eating them so I thought a fun addition here could be a Shepherd living

Outside of the village something like this should work for the base shape of the house bringing a few pillars up on the corners and this little jut out I made I want to do purely out of Oak stripping it all down going with my classic stuff for the rest

We’re just gonna bring in a little bit of cobblestone for the walls cooking out a few places for some windows so we can actually see outside and I think I want a back door here so we can get back to where the sheepies will live we’re we

Actually already have two on top of the hill Oh this is so good I just need to create a big old flat area for them to live on now out behind the house we do need a small space for a lean to for the Sheep to actually stay inside that’s

Gonna require a touch more terraforming back here we’ll of course dirt in for the floor and I think only two of the walls being made out of stone could be kind of cool so we’ll leave this open here as some fence and I’ll fix that in

A minute we’ll work on the roof in some finer details later but for now I want to get a fencer out here so that the Sheep can’t just leave this size should be pretty perfect for a bunch of sheep to hang out just maybe a

Few bushes to cover up a little bit of the fence with the base shapes in I threw on a quick roof with a spruce trim and some dark prismarine in the middle and at the top of the mountain here there are so many sheep what is going on

Okay come with me we’ve picked up some cows and a black sheep along the way they’re gonna have plenty of wool hopefully come on everybody let’s go slowly down the mountain together oh no We lived we made it down into the valley and I just need them to jump over this fence for me oh they’re professionals here’s your reward for being on time and actually getting through thank you okay the whole heart is inside and we have our safety cows here to watch over them

And this is going to be fantastic now for the little building here that we have for the lean two I need to get a roof over it I think the more Airy we make it the better it’s gonna look in the end so adding in a few fence gates

Right here a few slabs along the front full blocks and then if we do slab with an s coming all the way down this will actually work out and there we have it the lean two is ready to go for the sheepies to sleep inside the extra bits

Added around with a little bit of glow like in and glow berries this is looking pretty good for the shepherd’s house now to get the shepherd themselves or we can take a little string and craft ourselves a loom and picks the trapdoors I definitely didn’t miss but now I need

One of you villagers to come on up here anyone want to be a Shepherd you look like you want to be no out of the hot tub dump back at that get out of the hotel look at the loom look how great it is I don’t know where you’re going but

Again in the boat I think the easiest way to get them over there is just going to be to take the river and hopefully he doesn’t bunk his head on the bridge it’d be okay right yeah we’re fine all right Mr villager I need you to follow the

Loom nope that’s the wrong way wrong way follow the loom yeah you like the loom come on again with the wrong way oh it’s working now just get inside over the fence our Shepherd’s no home I want the shepherd to be able to walk inside the

House and not out the front door so we’re gonna put the trap door right there there there’s your loom go great your Loomis with all the Sheep out here I can share a few of them or one of them because you have three wolves and craft

A lovely bed for Our Shepherd he’s got this workstation he’s got his bed and what trades ooh white wool what a smart Shepherd buying the color of wool that is right in front of him thanks buddy the pale Sunset Vibes of these Banners are pretty great but I think we can do

Something a little bit better excuse me get out of the field please you’re gonna smash all my potatoes I’m not ready to make a stew but here we do have purple wool to make purple banners on top of this I need a little light blue dye red

Dye orange dye and a magenta dye we’re you’d think after 3000 days I would have a loom somewhere in my house no the neighboring house Loom yes Jake and purple Banner starting with the red adding in a Chevron magenta to add a lozenge next with the magenta we can add

In a diamond in the center Orange to add a gradient from the bottom for Sunset Vibes and finally Light Blue for a little bit of a border to me this Village is going to be a combination of sunset Vibes with the colors of all of

The Tulips that we have as well as like Light blues and colorfuls and just bright cheery happy but kind of mystical is the vibe I’m going for here and this I think is gonna be perfect just need that back for a minute though so we can

Do this and whoop look at that okay so first I’m going to transform a village but I need to tear down in the village then get distracted by a few other things we still build the village right flip we definitely still build the village right flip

This video, titled ‘I Survived 3,000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Survival [MOVIE]’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2023-06-17 17:15:01. It has garnered 1749698 views and 11824 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:04 or 13684 seconds.

fWhip Survived 3000 DAYS in Hardcore Minecraft survival let’s play! Enjoy the 4,000 days movie series to catch up going into Minecraft 1.20! CLICK THE LIKE BUTTON IF YOU ENJOY!

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    Insane Minecraft Craziest SUPREMIUM ARMOR Crafter!Video Information This video, titled ‘Crafting SUPREMIUM ARMOR In Minecraft Crazy Craft’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-09-09 22:02:15. It has garnered 41955 views and 1960 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:28 or 2488 seconds. Crafting SUPREMIUM ARMOR In Minecraft Crazy Craft My Server: play.minefury.net https://store.minefury.net/ https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmonfury.1992837 Thanks for supporting me with purchases on the server! Buy My Shirts: http://www.jeromeasf.store/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Modpack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/crazy-craft-updated/files/all?page=1&pageSize=20 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS Roblox – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnZRyqhMZlydNijw_nUpvg Gaming – http://www.youtube.com/JeromeACE Real Life – http://www.youtube.com/Jerome ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JeromeASF Follow My Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/JeromeAceti… Read More

  • The Dame of Amel: Seeds of Survival

    The Dame of Amel: Seeds of SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Seeds of Survival ~Minecraft: The Dame Of Amel [S2 E2]’, was uploaded by Cover0fNight on 2024-09-06 22:34:43. It has garnered 327 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:23 or 983 seconds. 💛 Connect with me! 💛 ☆ Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/c0ver0fnight/ ☆ Twitch- https://www.twitch.tv/cover0fnight ☆Tiktok- https://www.tiktok.com/@cover0fnight_ ❤️ SUBSCRIBE ❤️ Resourcepack: https://bdcraft.net/downloads/purebdcraft-minecraft/ *The Dame of Amel is a roleplay Minecraft series that follows the journey of Cover, a mysterious traveler who arrives in the tranquil village of Amel, only to discover it shrouded in secrets and haunted by shadows of the past. As Cover… Read More


    🔥  MINECRAFT 1.21 BEDROCK OP GLITCHES! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ALL OP GLITCHES IN 1.21 BEDROCK! DUPLICATION AND XRAY GLITCHES (WORKING)’, was uploaded by ItsTrey on 2024-07-18 06:03:55. It has garnered 16718 views and 553 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:41 or 461 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftduplicationglich #minecraftbedrock I will show you a duplication glitch for the latest edition of Minecraft Bedrock being 1.21. To ensure this glitch works for you, please follow each step carefully. I really do hope you enjoyed this video and if you did a sub or a like will be greatly appreciated – sub to see more useful… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival with Primordial Team ft. Drehmal

    Ultimate Minecraft Survival with Primordial Team ft. DrehmalVideo Information This video, titled ‘The ULTIMATE Minecraft Survival Experience | Drehmal’, was uploaded by Primordial Team on 2024-04-05 19:00:21. It has garnered 24901 views and 999 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:25 or 145 seconds. DOWNLOAD: https://www.drehmal.net/downloads DISCORD: https://discord.drehmal.net/ PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/drehmal TWITTER: https://twitter.com/DrehmalMC Trailer edited by Nicholas Fisher: https://nickfisher.xyz/ Drehmal: APOTHEOSIS is a massive, one of a kind Minecraft survival/adventure map with a heavy emphasis on exploration. Originally released in 2020 by Keeko & Rift as Drehmal: PRIMORDIAL, the APOTHEOSIS update has been in development for more than 3 years with support from a team of more… Read More

  • Surviving ONE Night in Horror Minecraft?! 😱

    Surviving ONE Night in Horror Minecraft?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Can we survive just ONE night in horror Minecraft?’, was uploaded by JNO on 2024-03-26 14:30:16. It has garnered 75 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:03 or 1023 seconds. To sum it up, this is HORROR Minecraft… Watch as we try and fight our fears of the night and at least survive. Watch the full video if you enjoy and don’t forget to try horror Minecraft sometime! Join our journey to getting to 1000 SUBSCRIBERS! SOCIALS: Linktree: https://linktr.ee/officialjno_ Contact us at [email protected] Twitter: https://twitter.com/official_jno Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialjno_/ ABOUT OUR CHANNEL: Our… Read More

  • Insane stream server in Minecraft!! Join now!

    Insane stream server in Minecraft!! Join now!Video Information This video, titled ‘I made a stream server for people to join! | MInecraft Server’, was uploaded by Cable on 2024-07-08 22:52:51. It has garnered 21 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:17:20 or 15440 seconds. Feel free to subscribe if you enjoy the stream! just chilling and having fun! Read More

  • SHOCKING: Minecraft film stirs controversy! New revelations for Gamers | Rk News

    SHOCKING: Minecraft film stirs controversy! New revelations for Gamers | Rk NewsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Filme do Minecraft gera polêmica e mais Excelentes noticias para jogadores de video game | Rk News’, was uploaded by Rk Play on 2024-09-06 20:48:55. It has garnered 5426 views and 350 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:07 or 487 seconds. This week is full of news for video game fans! If you are a passionate player about PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo, or even a fan of the universe of films inspired by games, this post will keep you up to date with everything that happened. From releases and rumors, to surprising news about… Read More

  • “Master Builder Reveals Insane Minecraft Hack” #minecraft #shorts #gaming

    "Master Builder Reveals Insane Minecraft Hack" #minecraft #shorts #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft build hack . #minecraft #shorts #gaming #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Abhay pro gaming on 2024-06-20 16:22:25. It has garnered 41 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecraftbuild #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecrafter #minecrafthouse #minecraftdaily #minecraftserver #minecraftideas #minecraftart #minecraftpocketedition #minecrafts #minecraftxbox #minecrafthouses #minecraftsurvival #minecrafttutorial #minecraftcake #minecraftuniverse #minecraftyoutuber #minecraftbuildings #minecraftcreations #minecraftforever #minecraftersonly #minecraftbuilding #minecraftdiaries Created by Inflact Hashtags Generatorminecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts minecraft,shorts,minecraft but,minecraft animation,minecraft memes,minecraft speedrun,minecraft challenge,minecraft tiktok,minecraft funny,minecraft mod,minecraft short,youtube shorts,minecraft parody,cash minecraft,minecraft sad story,minecraft sigma,minecraft challenges,help herobrine shorts,help shorts,minecraft meme,minecraft but challenge,alan becker… Read More

  • Insane! Kanye West’s Carnival in Minecraft!

    Insane! Kanye West's Carnival in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Carnival by Kanye West but it’s Minecraft’, was uploaded by Inso on 2024-09-02 01:55:34. It has garnered 24 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:24 or 264 seconds. Heavily inspired by @FortyeBest , @jaundoce , and @staticamour I had fun making this lmao it was made in Bandlab. “SURVIVAL” – CARNIVAL but its Minecraft Tags: #minecraft #minecraftmusic #minecraftmemes #music #bandlab #tiktok #tiktoktrending #tiktokvideo #tiktokviral #parody #viral #viralvideo #viralshort #kanye #kanyewest #ye #stronger #graduation #ys #everybody #tydollasign #vultures1 #vultures2 #vultures #carnival Read More

  • The Bob SMP

    The Bob SMP Welcome to The Bob SMP, a Bedrock Survival SMP with Kingdoms and more! Join us for a unique gameplay experience with mods like Farming, Furniture, and Gravestones. Our friendly staff is excited to have you on board. Don’t hesitate to join us today! Join our Discord server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Meme: Jack Black dominates Minecraft

    I guess you could say Jack Black is really “rocking” the Minecraft world! Read More

  • Hot diggity Minecraft memes!

    Hot diggity Minecraft memes! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Block Exploration: The Ultimate Guide

    Block Exploration: The Ultimate Guide The Observer Block: A Redstone Marvel in Minecraft One of the most intriguing blocks in Minecraft’s vast array of redstone components is the Observer. This block, introduced in the 1.11 update, revolutionized redstone contraptions with its unique ability to detect block updates and emit a redstone signal. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of the Observer block and explore its applications in the game. What is the Observer Block? The Observer block is a redstone component that resembles a small, robotic eye. When placed facing a block, it can detect changes in that block’s state, such as block updates,… Read More

  • Minecraft’s End of the World?

    Minecraft's End of the World? The Mysteries of Minecraft’s Far Lands and Sky Grid Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead players to discover some truly fascinating and mysterious elements within the game. Two such phenomena are the Far Lands and Sky Grid, which have captured the imagination of players worldwide. The Far Lands: A Glitch in the Matrix One of the most intriguing aspects of Minecraft is the existence of the Far Lands, a bizarre and glitchy terrain that appears at the edge of the game world. These distorted landscapes are a result of a quirk in the game’s programming, causing the… Read More

  • INSANE TWISTS in Ninwiindo Minecraft PS4 Ep 2!

    INSANE TWISTS in Ninwiindo Minecraft PS4 Ep 2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | PS4 | Episode 2’, was uploaded by Ninwiindo on 2024-09-09 04:32:27. It has garnered 46 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:35 or 5615 seconds. Minecraft Lets Play Read More

  • Survive RL Craft with Lion LIVE!

    Survive RL Craft with Lion LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT SURVIVAL RL CRAFT!!’, was uploaded by Lion HIMSELF on 2024-08-06 04:38:50. It has garnered 1140 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:54 or 13974 seconds. Minecraft Survival Caseoh #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftharcore #caseoh #minecraftfirstday #minecraftsurvival #minecraftchallenge #minecraftmeme #minecraftmemes #minecraftvideos #minecraftcreepers #minecraftcreeper #creeper Discord ► https://discord.gg/TTGyMuAbyT Donation ► https://streamlabs.com/sl_id_ead4e660-1270-36e9-9fb7-592eea6212e0/tip CashApp ► $Shlonkboi Live! ► https://www.twitch.tv/lionhimselff Live on Twitch 8pm Monday-Saturday! ►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lionhimselff/ ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/LionHimselff ►TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lion.himself Read More

  • R1ckson’s Insane 2b2t Base Hunt! 🚨 Live Minecraft Madness!

    R1ckson's Insane 2b2t Base Hunt! 🚨 Live Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t: BIG Sunday base hunting! (Vertical Minecraft Stream)’, was uploaded by R1ckson on 2024-08-25 18:05:01. It has garnered 7786 views and 207 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:59 or 10439 seconds. JOIN DISCORD: https://discord.gg/UMmTtACwNE Basehunting for as long as I can manage…. Minecraft 2b2t Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft 1.21 on Extreme!

    Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft 1.21 on Extreme!Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai passé Minecraft 1.21 en difficulté EXTRÊME !’, was uploaded by Myrolame on 2024-03-21 18:37:04. It has garnered 15241 views and 1071 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:41 or 761 seconds. 10th episode of the Skyblock Hardcore adventure on the latest Minecraft 1.21 snapshots! My goal is to reach 100 days of Minecraft while staying alive! If I die, the adventure ends! This series aims to create a video: I survived 100 days in Skyblock on Minecraft Hardcore #minecraft #skyblock #survival Datapack: Skyblock – https://modrinth.com/datapack/skyblock-infinite Recipes+ – https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/2mal3-s-recipes/ Resource pack: none Shaders: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/shaders/complementary-unbound… Read More


    24/7 SHIZO MINECRAFT MADNESS ON HEADSTEAL SMP LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 247 ON HEADSTEAL SMP LIVE @YASHGAMERYTYOUTUBER@GamerFleet’, was uploaded by YASH PLAYZ on 2024-08-24 18:50:01. It has garnered 20 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:30 or 2190 seconds. Minecraft Minecraft is a sandbox-style video game that allows players to build, explore, and survive in a procedurally generated world made up of blocks. The game offers a unique blend of creativity, adventure, and survival mechanics. Key Features: – Blocky World: Explore and interact with a vast, blocky 3D world made up of cubes, which can be mined for resources…. Read More

  • EPIC Waterway Infrastructure Build in Minecraft!! 🌊

    EPIC Waterway Infrastructure Build in Minecraft!! 🌊Video Information This video, titled ‘Constructing Waterway Infrastructure in Minecraft — Upon Further Survival Ep. 8’, was uploaded by orrenlane on 2024-08-24 19:48:11. It has garnered 53 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:37:15 or 16635 seconds. Upon Further Survival is a live Minecraft SMP hosted by @LucidMakesVideos featuring a bunch of YouTubers and content creators, such as Zesty Jesus, Technicals, Lon’qador, and More!! As determined by the rules of the SMP — All participants are able to perform “hits” and pranks on other players via donation. You can request a hit or a prank by… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft temple build! MUST SEE!!!

    INSANE Minecraft temple build! MUST SEE!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 1.21 construção do templo dos inscritos pt2’, was uploaded by Tallezx on 2024-08-27 13:50:24. It has garnered 68 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:24 or 8484 seconds. live de minezinho 1.21 #minecraft #minecraftlive Read More

  • INSANE Modern House Build in Minecraft!

    INSANE Modern House Build in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft survival modern house build’, was uploaded by Blue Clue Gaming on 2024-04-22 09:44:44. It has garnered 0 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Sacrifice – Trapped Families Steve & Navar” #clickbait

    "Insane Minecraft Sacrifice - Trapped Families Steve & Navar" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trapped Families: Steve and Navar’s Ultimate Sacrifice #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Flying Gaming on 2024-09-17 04:38:33. It has garnered 203 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:13 or 313 seconds. Trapped Families: Steve and Navar’s Ultimate Sacrifice 💔⛏️#minecraft #shorts Steve’s Epic Battle: The Giant Zombie Showdown 💥#minecraft #shorts Steav Vs Herobrine 🥹 Part – 4 #minecraft One Trader Kid VS Two Villager Kid😂 Minecraft Funny animations shorts #minecraft #shorts Heart of a Bear: Child Loses Parents in Car Accident, Rescued from Wolves #minecraft #shorts Eating from Trash, Losing Her Emerald: The… Read More

  • TerritoryMC PVP Towny Modern Weapons Custom Enchants Launches This Weekend!

    Welcome to TerritoryMC! This is a Towny SMP with Custom Enchants x Modern Weapons, where players can participate in massive multiplayer battles during the weekends. We recently reset the server due to low participation, and we are looking to gather more players for the second season. If you are interested in joining the community, please join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/SFJtPjqb Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Not delusion, just genuine love for Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Not delusion, just genuine love for Minecraft"Wow, a score of 53 in the highly coveted Meme Olympics! Watch out, we’ve got a meme connoisseur over here! Read More

  • Minecraft Mysteries Unveiled: Entity 303 Strikes Fear

    Minecraft Mysteries Unveiled: Entity 303 Strikes Fear In the world of Minecraft, mysteries unfold, From Entity 303 to Steve, stories untold. Solving disturbing puzzles, a real horror show, With each twist and turn, the truth starts to glow. Exploring the depths of this pixelated land, Uncovering secrets, with a steady hand. From phone to bedrock, the clues are all there, Unraveling the unknown, with a sense of flair. So buckle up, viewers, for a wild ride, As we dive into the unknown, side by side. Minecraft’s mysteries, we will decode, In rhymes and emojis, our story mode. Read More

I Survived 3,000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Survival [MOVIE]