I Survived 50 Hours LOST AT SEA in Hardcore Minecraft! #3

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Open ocean and I’m tragically lost in it for the next 50 hours I’ll have to expand upon my base create automatic Farms with a create mod and I have to find a way to create more life as I’m missing out on a lot of blocks and items if you’re into underwater massive bases

I think you’ll enjoy what I build in this episode now here’s me surviving 50 hours lost at sea enjoy so we’re speed running this wow you’re extra loud in there that’s terrible oh God I also have to give them food just beating you with your own friend oh yeah

Um I won’t lie I’m I’m actually genuinely shocked that this actually works yeah I sure am happy that there’s a whole lot of jellyfishes Ah what a beautiful sunken World giving Bioshock Vibes and my god do we have a whole lot of work to do I am really hard to see hey there I am I’ll never get tired of seeing that oh my God it’s so cool I guess so you know after super

Duper fun Journey getting back you know almost losing the world uh very luckily it seems like you’re all cool with me having you know the tree is that a beehive okay I I thought that was a beehive but it seems like you guys are completely okay with me having trees and

The seats and all that stuff so um thank you I won’t lie I’m a little tempted to also bring in a graphs block I’m just saying you know I’m a little deserving of that but also um yeah we’re gonna be getting into the create stuff and I kind

Of need at least sheep for the and I’m pretty positive if I either make like if I make a Grassfield on the surface of the ocean out here then maybe we should be able to get some of the animals to spawn in every now and then like I

Managed to do them on previous videos somehow I don’t know how the mechanic Works whatsoever I just remember that you know they would randomly spot on stuff so I’m a little tempted and you know if you ever see me uh having a uh a grass block then you know it’s just

Because like I just really need it for that and um but again I don’t know if I’m ever gonna do that because you know I just it feels a little dirty like technically cheating technically but anyways I don’t even know what if I have dirt okay never mind I have a whole lot

Of dirt um I’m crying nice and there’s apparently two ways to get one thing that I need for the create mod because apparently slime is super important is it true that I can turn this into line dye okay wait wait I think there’s like a tool in the create mod like some kind

Of uh grinder why did I just hear a zombie hello hello why why am I hearing zombies is there really a cave this close to the surface oh uh don’t worry I’ll most likely never go and explore that but given on how much dirt I have right here let’s

Actually go and make a platform because just to be safe in case I can’t use the um sea pickles for some lime dye because you know it’s a long story okay but I can use lime dye mixed with dough and then I can make slime that way so in

Case I can’t use Sea pickles for it then I can use Cactus for it and allegedly wandering Traders have a chance to sell me Cactus for like three emeralds switch you know I also I don’t think I have any emeralds it’s been a while since I played in this world so there’s multiple

Ways to go around it and if anything I can actually just enable that one mod you know that almost deleted my world and then there’s a little plankton thingies that Spawn from that mod and then they give me slime so I’m not too worried about that I’m just a little bit

Worried about actually you know starting the cray mod because I actually uh I spent over half of today just watching YouTube videos trying to understand it and I was watching a lot of Tango which he’s really good at showing you what you can do in the cray mod but at least from

What I’ve watched um it doesn’t exactly explain it to you I’m not too confident in my uh create mod skills but regardless I’m sure we’ll have fun like it’s the worst that can happen you know like I make one of the machines blow up and kill me and there goes the world

Like that would never happen I don’t make mistakes and there we go this should be big enough I really don’t see like nothing spawning on this however we should go around and actually light it up because yeah no no I really don’t want bad mobs to spawn on uh on here I’m

Actually kind of okay with that not happening I got beautiful and I guess now I just have to keep an eye on this we’ll check it every now and then but again I’m I’m pretty certain they can because if you’ve seen my uh jumbled chunks 100 days I’ve had sheep and I

Think chickens randomly spawn on one of the chunks and there was no spawner so we’ll see hopefully this works if not we’re gonna have to you know come up with some other way to get some materials or just not use certain machines and items from the crayon but I

Don’t know fingers crossed and hopefully this works hey if you’re enjoying the movie so far I got a challenge for you unsurprisingly my base requires a lot of glass to make and glass takes an unbearable amount of time to get but I’m willing to make a

Deal with you YouTube shows me how many subscribers I gain per video so for every subscriber I gain on this video I’ll give mine a block of sand I can buy it from my villagers but I’m willing to suffer for all of you so good luck and

Subscribe and now back to the movie now before we even start the create mod there’s actually a ton of stuff that I need to do so I can actually use some of the machines in there you know and actually get started because it’s not

Going to be very cheap and I am a little worried about it and also I kind of want to try out the Villager Farms like I just want to try just because like you know it’s something new I’m not gonna completely depend on them I just want to

See like what every single one of them does see if they’re actually good or not you know like first up this little tiny iron farm which looks really adorable I wait do I even need a villager in here or does it automatically just do it by itself that would actually be really

Interesting the one thing is do I even have a lava bucket oh how what wait how long has all of this been in here wait why oh my God okay I see you past milk huh okay so we got everything for the iron farm wow this will be the fastest

I’ve ever made an iron farm in my life next up just need to go get some lava which wow I actually have some right here okay we are speed running this we’ll take some of you we then put everything into this formation and we now have an iron farm hello okay we’re

Gonna set it up right here here no we are not no no no no no no no no no we are not doing that you guys can jump out um we will actually set it up right there so output items I’m guessing this will just fill up with iron I’m gonna

Take a wild guess just so it’s not so overpowered because that was unbelievably cheap to make it gives me like what one or three iron bars a day maybe something like them so uh remembering these one’s position so basically almost night time and I’ll come back here at the end of like the

Next day and see you know anything that we have because do I need to like pick you up and then oh oh I am really happy that I tried that out what happens if I pick you up and put you in okay so no it’s only one villager wow you’re extra

Loud in there that’s terrible well if that takes up one of my villagers well yeah we actually should really make a breeding one as well oh wow okay so that is really really cheap as well do I have wool in this world it’s been like a

Month since I’ve played this oh I can mix them oh God okay this is gonna be kind of expensive I believe I have everything like off the top of my head I think this is how it went yep it is okay beautiful so now I have a breeder do I

Need both villagers in here or can I just be really really lucky and only uh to you of course oh God I also have to give them food oh my okay uh oh no wait what if I break it oh no do I need another villager what if I put you in oh

My god did I just mess up please tell me I only need the one villager in there oh my gosh please don’t tell me I need to go make another villager now so I guess this is a good warning for anyone who’s using these mods um be very careful uh

Let’s make some bread give it to that dude uh God I have a strong strong feeling that I need two villagers on there I can’t believe I can’t get this thing out I don’t even think that’s enough bread I’m actually really positive that they need more food than

That oh God so I think we need to go and start on a farm which you know um the career mod would have been really really good at helping me out with uh making that automated but I mean I might have enough resources to actually start the

Create mod I at least on some of like the basic Farms you know I don’t think it’s that expensive but do I even have a witch still or did I kill her I killed her of course I did well everyone and I have left her alive no I won’t need the

Witch anymore let’s just kill her oh my god well we have a lot of skeletons so that’s cool hey yep yep sounds like you guys having fun in there that’s good works for me very well yeah oh let’s go help out that zombie yep very good oh

Nice yep he’s beating you with your own friend oh yeah yep now you’re making the other zombie Mad very good okay it’s good doing work with you boys now do you happen to have any zombie villager Brothers down here I’ve been in this world for like half an hour and

That is a baby and I’m already creating so many issues for myself oh no please don’t come in here no thank you you actually listen and you got yourself stuck in a little corner like a dummy thank you what ow wait did you shoot the baby or is the baby just suffocating

Itself because I mean to be honest I really don’t care I don’t really don’t care if the baby is suffocating in there but oh oh my God I’m sorry I’m sorry I do care I do care I do care I don’t want you to die oh God I’d be so crushed if

You did oh my God you almost killed me geez I I already hear another baby in there nope nope I’m okay nope I am totally good I’m not checking anymore don’t care uh so I guess in this episode we’re definitely not going to be getting

To the create mod at all half an hour and we already have so many chores to do so many things to do I’m also pretty positive that I actually created this building right here for the create mod that’s right cause I was gonna make this all a farm which wow I actually built

This correct for that because yeah I can definitely fit the the water wheels right here and then all that yeah wow huh good job past me okay so still no outputted items that’s good so I’m guessing I get one iron per day yep there’s no villagers coming out

I don’t want to do that again what oh okay that’s cool oh it’s so adorable oh nothing destruction that’s so cute okay well here at least I can get some uh some kind of refund for making those Farms that’s that’s kind of cute oh come so we got three days halfway over so

Maybe we get like maybe anywhere from two to six a day I want to say that sounds about right yeah I was about to say where did all my dirt go because I didn’t see this whatsoever but um at the very least okay the grass is

Growing so I I mean I don’t think we could write this off as useless yet you know we need to wait for this entire thing to be grass and then give it like a few days I’m hoping that works there’s so much to do I think we need to focus

On food I think we need to focus on making a farm so first off we need to go through and actually destroy all of these trees I don’t remember if I was doing anything important with these trees well yeah let’s just get rid of all of these any sapling that we get

From this we’ll just be putting on the island up here which I don’t think this would cause any issues with anything spawning on here if anything I can actually see this helping things spawn you know so actually we’ll try and give like some space for things to spawn on

Here okay perfect got those 12 going so finally we have a super easy way of actually getting wood for once in our lives and then let’s no come back here let’s actually start we’ll just do it basic even if I can’t get any of the

Great stuff to work yeah I wish I could take you guys out I think I’m actually gonna look this up there there has to be a way to yoink them out I oh my God I’m actually so screwed if I can’t okay okay I think we’re safe I looked at the mod

Page and apparently yes you can take stuff out I think it was just because I had the carry-on mod and it was conflicting with this one because you know what carry on with just let me pick this up so if I right click I get you

Yes okay then you go into here and one thing that I actually kind of really like and now I’m actually kind of tempted to use these blocks instead because um the create mod is going to lag my world immensely and then uh we might get to a point where I can’t use

These shaders anymore and then everything just won’t be this pretty so yeah this stuff actually reduces lag immensely apparently or not not like immensely but you know it’s just it reduces lag from any kind of villager stuff that I would have to use yeah I think I’m actually kind of into using

This stuff and also hey then I can take down the fence but uh oh wow and we already have a baby villager so with a baby villager out of there and oh need to sleep don’t want scary spawning and I guess so now the next one that I want to

Make is called an incubator apparently this will just make the babies grow up not a lot faster but just faster um and also that is you know incredibly cheap and I will definitely be using this a lot I just really hope that I will be able to um put more than one

Baby in there also why why is the little kid sounding like an adult that’s weird and there we go incubator perfect plus I don’t know using this mod it’d kind of be fun you know it’d be a change of uh Pace you know I’d never done this before

And oh my god what happened to you okay well I guess now I I can’t take him out uh it doesn’t even look like they’re slowly growing over time which and I kind of wish that they would appear like that would have been a really cool touch

Let’s say how are you guys doing nice forgot the second baby can I put you in there okay so I think it’s one baby is going to be in the block at a time but you can stack it up with four and then they’ll just cycle through as the babies

Grow faster in them but who knows hopefully this goes fast and okay so I think it was what four bread per child I think it is which wow that is really cheap is that normal and then speaking of normal oh God our chest is getting full let’s go get some of these lovely

Slabs and I believe I made all of this out of slabs right not full blocks did I seriously make this out of four blocks okay so we’re gonna have to be doing some changes there um I’m gonna try and come up with a way to make it to where it looks like only

The center block right here has water in it and there’s water nowhere else because I don’t believe the ocean right here well actually like make this place um be hydrated I don’t know what to use I think going around and then kind of strategic magically breaking these and

Then oh wait wait let me get some water and then put you there water there this should be hydrating the plants around here like we we should be decently good with that also let me actually swap the orientation of this I’d rather be up top there also wait wait I need a double

Check because this is 1.16 you’re still filled with water right yes and yes okay good but here if we go around every single corner and probably throw one down right here oops okay I think with that we should be good on water everywhere um if not then I’m just gonna

Go through and change out all of these with slabs and we’ll just fill up the entire thing with water so then you know this will look aesthetically pleasing and everything should be uh hydrated and good and then the entire time of doing that how are you okay so you still

Haven’t grown still no new kids there and uh you’re you’re kind of slacking why aren’t you making iron entirely by yourself okay so I’ll make a hoe not like that wait is this even in the center oh I was foolish and I didn’t make a center okay well that’s cool uh

Anyways I’m hoping that this doesn’t become an issue with the lighting because I will be having to remove the Torches I mean oh we can actually just make uh some lanterns now oh especially since we do have an iron farm yeah so we can actually make lanterns and have

Those drop down from the ceiling but this will be a good test to see where the dry spots are and there we go so the entire place is hoed and I’m very lucky God this is so hard to see with this Shader pack on uh don’t worry if you’re

Having issues uh seeing anything whatsoever don’t worry I’m in the same boat now I’m not seeing any dry spots it looks like everything’s getting hydrated so by me kind of just guessing on where to put everything it seems like it’s actually working oh that’s except for

Wait what how is I can’t be right um here let me oh wow I didn’t put any around there okay well let’s just quickly put that down do that let me let me go get another slab okay I let the farm hydrate for a little bit Yeah I

Think everything’s good I don’t think like I’ll be really surprised if any of these uh turn back into regular dirt yeah I think we’re good um I’m dude I’m actually really happy that that I thought of that so we’re gonna start just by planning down all

The seeds that we have right now which yeah this Farm probably will take maybe two stacks to fill it possibly three oh yeah that’s definitely gonna be three but we luckily don’t need to wait however okay wait wait wait before I move on okay so I guess they need six

Finally okay you’re good boom you’re going to the iron farm and then this baby is going now and wow that started working immediately okay sick it’s just oh my God it’s so loud I don’t know why it’s a lot louder than normal anyway so we got 64 bone Mill right there so we

Got 22 bone blocks 22 bones well we’ll just start off with just the 64. bone meal that we have right now like I don’t really want to go through all of my bone resources just in case if I need them for some odd reason for the future or I

Don’t know something with the create mod oh that’s right and this is really lovely so I have a mod where I just right click and it’ll Harvest them replant them so we got 30 Wheats oh my God we got no seeds what do you mean we

Got no seeds huh oh my God that was my oh no that’s why I use bone meal I don’t care for bread right now I wanted the seeds okay never mind I don’t like that mod that mod sucks okay fine here we’re gonna go and use another stack of bone

Meal again here let me just uh give you guys ten more bread there we go get back to work okay now very carefully we only hit it there we go okay now we can actually make more progress okay so it’s kind of hard to see with all the shadows

In here but we have a little bit over half the farm done so I’m doing all of that we have luckily four iron ingots okay baby’s still doing work got another baby here you can go into there and then now it’s kind of just a winning game I

Just I really don’t feel like using any more bone meal on any of those but I have noticed that our trees over here have all fully grown or at least most of them have fully grown not seeing any animals however that could also be because uh it’s kind of like no room on

Here so I think we’re gonna plan a lot less trees so much nicer okay I think uh yeah we’ll just have like these five trees that should be totally fine but I don’t know just hopefully things start spawning uh if anything there might be a mod where I can create certain spawners

For like certain type of mobs which you know then I can actually make a sheep one and possibly a cow one those two would be really nice God I love this farm so much it’s one of my favorite Creations on this world it’s just so unique my word wow you actually work

Kind of fast just like you two so this entire room yeah this is definitely gonna be the farm in here and having the villagers right here is cool you know especially when I go and make some bread but I think we should Um make I think we should go and make a room or we could actually just keep them in here since I don’t really use this for anything of which what happens if I break you oh Kong I love that you can actually see the Villager in my hand

Still so that’s a good sign doesn’t look like we lost anything um we’ll just put them in the center why not so you go there and you still have all this stuff inside of you okay sick I like that almost as much as I like having a composter that should definitely live

Right here okay beautiful so we’ll just have them in here especially it sounds like I don’t really do anything over here so we should never really hear them or you know have annoying stuff from them the next one that I want to make you know once they actually grow up like

Once one of the baby ones grow up into an adult one is a farmer one I think this one is going to be very useful for us you know for when we’re lazy or something I don’t know it’s just so I don’t have to go over to this farm so

Much until we make it automated with the create mod which again I’m just I’m really hoping that it’s not going to be too expensive and in case you guys are wondering yes I’m going to be needing so much help with this series now I’m I I somewhat understand the create mod but

I’m definitely going to be needing all of the backseat gaming nerds out there to help me out with this um so yeah in the future if the episodes are really short that’s because I didn’t really do too much in 48 hours or in 50 hours because uh yeah because I’ll be doing a

Lot of troubleshooting and watching videos on how to make Farms look at the farming one is made I will just put it right there next to uh iron farm why not need anything I don’t believe that that’s too good to be true uh okay good good we have an adult boom you’re going

To there because like that makes no sense unless there’s default to wheat yeah let’s go get a c just to be safe I want to see what happens if I click on it oh my God I’m so stupid I can’t tell this is fully grown and I’m a little

Worried to hit it but I think this is fully grown okay good it is don’t worry Farmers so if I right click you okay so I did plan it wait can I plant more than just one or do you only need one uh let me go get more seeds okay beautiful so

Far I’m really good at guessing God their audio’s so loud okay if I right click on you no okay so so yeah it only needs one and that crop looks like it grows so much faster than the crops out here which is kind of fun and cool and

Then let’s go make some more bread for those villagers so now that we finally have an iron farm I really just don’t care about uh my entire iron Supply because you know hey if I ever because if I ever start needing a whole lot more

Than what I got then boom I’ll just go make more iron Farms like that since they’re just so easy and actually enjoyable to make for once so the first thing is that I’m pretty positive I’m just gonna be needing a metric ton of andicide Alloys so I’ll make 32 of those

Next up we’ll take like 27 of my logs and here’s the fun part at the very least it seems like making uh this one major component of the crate mod is actually really cheap and easy so go over here we just strip all of these logs just like that nice beautiful job

You then go with the uh the underside alloy and then you right click it and then this is where I’m Incorrect and now I feel kind of foolish I’m gonna assume it’s because it worked on the create mod up in like version 1.19 so being on 1.16

My cause a few issues for us so we need to go and look into this oh god um boy they are a lot more expensive in this version um okay show me at least got these and then if I Ponder with you now we can actually start seeing some stuff oh boy

Okay so for luckily for those large Wheels this actually looks cheap for ones so we just got to do some of these with the planks we got boom boom bop boom some of those and apparently that in the center and then we get a large Cog wheel beautiful and then we can

Finally make a water wheel which I I think will be fine with just one for right now I don’t think we need two honestly don’t know I’m not gonna lie now I am fully aware that this is not needed whatsoever and it’s actually just gonna be really expensive for me to

Build like this what I kind of want to see everything moving and like just how it works I think they’ll just look cooler for the series and for you know all of you watching so before I use glass because I don’t have any form of silk touch let’s first go here because

We’ll put you there and then you like that okay and let’s see now I think if we go because I need glass onto here and then this is water so for the water we need to encase it around the wheel and then we build this up like that so then

The water goes back here just like this and then we leave all of this open and then now we come up here with the water and then I just put you in and then you magically work oh my God it actually works oh yes and okay so we cannot see

This like whatsoever and there’s a torch in there why is there a torch on there this is amazing so this might not be enough power at all to uh Power the wheel that’s gonna be you know collecting everything on here but that should be fine I’m not really worried

About the speed whatsoever because crops grow really slow so we don’t need like a rocket speed machine in here maybe again I don’t know this model I’m just kind of guessing yeah wait until you’re automated I hate guessing on who is actually finished growing oh God so yeah

Uh we’re gonna need to take down this wheel um I can actually build it in a better spot over here and we’re gonna have to kind of clear out a little bit of a circle right here so we we oh God we have quite a bit of work to do here and

I also need to clear out a little bit of the ocean down below this place near the center and there’s there’s so much to do so first off at least on here everything has been going Non-Stop and we’re actually making you know some pretty decent progress on everything especially

The uh the iron which is a really nice and good thing also let’s go through and actually uh make all of this bread give it to you let you keep going I think we’re gonna want like two possibly three of these because after a while it’s

We’re gonna be needing a whole lot of iron so first off I think the most important thing is that um I need to make a wrench uh apparently that’s really really important for this entire mod because you know with the wrench I can actually rotate things I can pick

Them up immediately save things as like a schematic in a way oh God but to make that it’s a whole lot of work all right first off we need to make a mechanical press luckily that’s not that difficult we already have the end of sight casing

I think we have the anesite alloy and I could just make a block of iron that’s literally nothing but then little Cog Wheels very luckily are nice and cheap you know I just take a whole lot of buttons and then some anesite Alloy on the center for all the people that are

New to this mod see we need andeside alloy for everything and I’m pretty sure after a while it’s actually possible to just make anesite out of thin air kind of like I’m pretty sure Cobblestone can end up as anesite alloy in the super duper long run like I’m pretty sure

There’s a way so first off I think I just need 16 buttons and then you go around just like this we take two of you we get that oh okay well uh you know what fine we’ll just make all 16. I really don’t want any buttons I can’t lie and then we make

Ourselves that lovely little block of iron we click you and then we click on that and then boom we now have a mechanical press which this now requires a hand crank which we just need more of that we put two up there now we have a

Shaft we click U and then we go boom and now we have a hand crank I honestly don’t know if this hand crank is going to work for this mechanical press because looking at the kinetic stress impact it’s high looking at this one it’s small

Um I’m brand new to all of this so let’s even see if I can actually get this to move so if I put you there and then I’m pretty sure if I put you there honestly can’t even tell if it’s moving or not um let’s see first off uh okay good I do

Have some gold at least so here if I just like throw you under I think I just throw it under it right oh my God it’s actually working gold sheet oh oh my God wait wait that actually worked so now if I go over to a wrench oh no way no way

Okay I like that so yeah I just need three of those and then I can make a wrench wow maybe this isn’t going to be that much of a headache at all okay I see you I see you um I won’t lie I’m I’m actually genuinely shocked that this

Actually works and then we just keep this going boom boom and now we got these three of which I think I just needed like one stick for it and then we go to the U and then we move items and now we have a wrench okay wow that wow

That was like tremendously easy I’m not gonna lie I’m shocked that actually worked that fast things actually went my way and for anyone who went over to my second Channel and you saw me actually play the create mod for the first time ever on there I live streamed it over on

My twitch Channel which you know again you know links for all of this stuff down below like if you want to go and watch me play raft or uh R I have a lot of videos on my second Channel over on Skies two so you know if you’re looking

For more content from me or you need more videos to fall asleep to then you should go and check out that channel um yeah so I if for anyone who actually watched me play the uh the create mod live uh yeah I’ve come a long way I hope

You’re proud of me because have you guys trolled me along and you didn’t help whatsoever thank you so now what the wrench made oh you’re actually new I I’m actually kind of shocked that you’re in here um here can you get off of my crops and now I’m really hoping that you don’t

Leave oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God nope yep you ain’t coming out here I know that for a fact nope I do not care I can stay out here forever and I will kill you in a very cheap way awesome uh what’s not awesome

Is how these broke at the very least I don’t have to uh tell you again um okay and oh hi why are you little oh I know exactly where you got that from wait did he not get it from here I’m not seeing any missing blocks that’s bizarre

Where did he get it from did he pull it out of the Farm from here okay now it’s also looking like a no uh cool I now am one dirt richer I just have no idea where he got that from okay as I was saying so if I right click you maybe

Left click I’m gonna assume it’s because there’s not enough space but but I’m very positive that uh yeah that’s supposed to be turning into a different direction uh if I can hopefully pick you up okay good uh maybe I need to do it out here so if I put you like right

There and then I right click you oh okay if I should oh oh so if I shift and then I right click I automatically pick them up okay so that’s good to know how do I change orientation left clicking isn’t the answer ah okay so I have to click you from the

Front so front changes it like left and right I don’t know how like how else to explain this and if I’m On Top then it just makes it go left or right so like okay yeah so it barely makes sense to me but you know it kind of makes sense to

Me but basically how this wheel is I need to place this underneath this because I could have the wheel here and then use like 500 000 different Cog wheels and uh shafts you know going around this entire room and it’s gonna look super duper ugly and just be

Terrible and then I know all of the create mod nerds out there just gonna be super mad at me so yeah let’s not not do that what if I right click with this darn okay so I can’t get it back if I if I left click with you okay yeah that’s

What I figured okay uh so that sucks I’ve now lost all of that glass but oh well pretty soon once we make some uh librarian villagers which 100 I’m going to be making them out of these kind of blocks we can actually just keep on refreshing all their trades of which I

Actually need to start going through my villagers because I’ve been neglecting them for a little bit and now they’re getting backed up so the next one that we need to make I have no idea what an auto trader is I’m going to assume I can

Set it up with Hoppers and then I can automatically like place down no sticks into there and then emeralds come out of it but uh Trader is what we’re looking for so then with this I can just put villagers inside of it I could press the button it will refresh their trades blah

Blah blah it goes super fast and it’s so amazing ever I have Redstone right okay thank God okay so we’re gonna make four Auto Traders cause you know I’m definitely going to be needing them and then we’ll just have our librarian uh little line right here why not get you

Out of ah wait oh I need to put a lectern in there duh okay so we’ll make Gluck turns in the future it’s just I need these villagers out of my inventory wow this is like so weird how fast all of these are maybe we want to make a lot

Of the action no we don’t want to make a lot of those never mind cracking myself but we might want to do right now actually uh let’s go get some dirt we’re going to want to go through and actually make our water wheel spot right now because we

Just we don’t need it in our inventory it’s obviously going to go right here oh nice okay and I think like I can kind of see through like the little center part of it and I believe that’s right where the slab is so what we now need to do

Okay we’re gonna be using dirt just because we could break this even faster I think we want this to go down by two blocks I’m also guessing on that this inner part right here this is going to be all water so then the outside of it

We want to cover it does this even need to be too wide I think this only needs to be one so we’re roughly gonna have something in the size of this because we do need to encase it now with wood so let’s see and we’re going like you you

And now just like that after clearing out all of the dirt I think we’re good in here now it comes like kind of the tricky part of this I believe I need to actually put wood there and there and then right here on this block this is

Where I put my water like that and then if I block you off the water should have gone all the way around the block I think that’s a good speed like I think that’s maxed out like I’m kind of positive on that also here we can get a

Little bit of a refund on the wood because we actually don’t need any of the blocks right here so we can make this super duper cheap and nice and I I cannot see anything whatsoever these shaders are making me blind so far I am swinging into a black hole okay

Beautiful and just so nothing messes with the the wheeler I don’t know but here we can completely block it in so now wait uh no no I think we’re fine because I don’t think there’s any water in like water logged into the wheel so actually let’s leave that for now I kind

Of want to make lanterns to light up this place I’m almost tempted to just leave all of the glass here until I get some silk touch even though like at that point once I get silk touch I should have some Librarians selling me glass I don’t know and then if you listen really

Closely you can actually hear it spinning with the water down below it so I think it’s all working because I can actually hear the water current and I can hear the wheel yeah it’s definitely not working correctly okay beautiful next up we need to make mechanical bearing I’m I’m pretty positive on that

And very luckily this actually looks pretty cheap I believe I still have some of those the only thing is I need to make a turntable which is just a shot crafting a slab which I can actually do that wait I can actually do that right now in this uh little inventory of mine

Yes okay so we got everything else let’s go make that beautiful and then I’m very positive I actually no I’m not positive anymore uh I can either just use regular Planks on this thing but I think I need linear chassis like I’m pretty sure I just need this which honestly it just

Looks like it takes any kind of wood and then it just takes and aside alloy which hey we can actually do that right now um before I make more of them let’s actually just go and test this out I want to see if this is actually correct

Oh my God hi hi please get off the crops I don’t want to hit you on to them okay there we go did it ruin anything no okay beautiful uh yeah it looks like I don’t have any torches over here so I guess that’s how you spawn them yep we

Definitely need to use some lanterns I hate you guys why are you gone as well I think we’re safe in here again oh thank you for the bow I’ll repair mine and I think you gave me a three arrows maybe four so the mechanical bearing we now

Break you and there is our wheel so this is when things get a little bit messy up here because as soon as I put you down if I can that’s not a good sign to me I don’t know why you’re not spinning um I think it isn’t oh my God huh I’m so

Confused what I’m pretty sure isn’t it like I have to go up like that and then you go over oh God why did that break everything yeah I got a strong feeling we’re gonna have to go around this entire thing and change this out with ever like all this was slabs and then

Put water down just to actually hydrate the farm that gone in the center that sucks but I won’t lie I no wait don’t I just need to put on a like a lever ah wait let me go watch videos I’m not even gonna attempt to fix that myself I’m

Just gonna see other people do it thank God for YouTube so very luckily I don’t even need to figure it out myself someone did for me so apparently it’s because I forgot a clutch now with this clutch apparently if I just go going over here line up all of this stuff

Apparently it goes clutch which I don’t know if you can see that because we know lovely shaders but with the clutch this is now actually turning so that’s a good sign then from the clutch that’s when we place down the mechanical bearing and then I don’t think we need to use linear

Chassis or chassis in the video the dude was actually just using Oak planks but I think just for the aesthetic and because you know I’ve already made them uh we’ll go with the linear chassis on this and I think it was just like boom boom why does that not wait that doesn’t that

Doesn’t sit right with me I think oh God all the plants are breaking so I think it was I need to place it down facing that way yeah okay now I feel a little bit better about that and then we go from there and then we go like boom and

I need to go make more oh my God I can make so much what is a Gantry carrot mechanical belt and it’s a pillar and aside funnel ornate iron window whoa what is that what’s a Depot oh Millstone oh my gosh there’s so much oh yep I’m getting overloaded oh God and an

Andesite tunnel oh geez okay just one thing at a time one thing at a time okay so I made nine more linear chassis just because this thing is going to be super duper huge which Now new not like that that’s not what I like to see uh can I

Place it down like the air we go okay and then from there you go I believe we need to bring this like all the way out to here very obviously break all of these and this is basically the farm like now if I right click this you you

Actually oh my God you’re fast okay and I kind of want to see okay I think this covers everything if it doesn’t like I’m kind of worried about this block here like on this little corner piece even though this is passing through it I don’t know if it’ll actually Harvest

Them if it doesn’t we’re just gonna extend it by one all the way out to here then you know we’re totally fine so just to save on materials we’re just gonna see if this actually works just like that boom Oh my my God no oh okay so it

Actually does matter where I stop it which I need you to stop right there okay beautiful that’s all right that’ll be a one-time mistake I will never make that mistake again why did you just scoff and not believe me like you think I’m lying okay so up next we need to

Make something I believe it’s called a harvester uh just off the top of my head I’m pretty sure that’s what it is ah I’m so smart oh God I’m in pain okay so we’ll make more of you just because I already know I’m going to be needing a

Whole lot more of you and then we’re just gonna try and make as much more of these that I can just because we are running super low and now we need to bring out our old friend the Press it’s like let’s and uh you know what here

Let’s just let’s just think of the future okay we’re just gonna make 11 of the ACT oh no let’s let’s actually go to our iron farm and all of the iron in here is just gonna be made straight into plates oh my god oh nice we have 45 okay

Well we’re definitely gonna be set for the future You Spin Me Right Around baby right why are you not working other way oh God nope not Chef um there did I like knowing me I probably needed to place on there right yeah that’s right already and then uh

Don’t mind me I’m going to be here for off the top of my head I think this is going to take me three minutes play this machine keeps pressing all this iron babe makes me think about us and how we kept on person through all of the hard

Times that were as hard as iron please take me back oh God wait wow spinning that wheel makes me insanely hungry oh God and kelp does nothing oh no oh I guess it’s a really good thing though we’re making a farm so that’s gonna be lovely you know I can very hopefully

Start upgrading to uh wheat I’m such a hungry boy before any of you tell me that I could have just made another water wheel and then just automated this so it would have been faster and require a lot less food we don’t like to do that kind of smart flanking around here

That’s right I like to brute force all of my stuff in life and then we take the ranch boom boom perfect okay now with all of that we can go and okay good we can actually make this how many do I need I really don’t want to make more

I’d say one only seven okay beautiful hey cool I can only make three oh wow that takes so much inside alloy oh I guess that’s a good thing that I went mining okay so we got seven of these Beauties and now we’re starting to get

You know uh come into the hard times so um so the entire thing is actually done oh okay well actually not done yet wait let me go make a chest just in case if I accidentally turn that thing on so from here uh let’s actually just put the

Chest down here because I’m thinking of the future yeah yeah I think I know how to do this in the future but with this uh this will pick up everything that this machine harvests on here and very luckily with these I’m not unless I’m mistaken I’m very positive that these will pick up

And replant all of the uh the crops here um the one thing because it’s a little expensive to make it but like not really expensive but I need to make super glue um that’s not a joke and with the super glue I just attach all of this together

And then it just kind of acts like one block yeah this entire thing kind of just becomes its own entity and then all of these will automatically start putting all of the uh the Wheats and the seeds into here but I don’t know because

I’m on 1.16 I don’t know if I need to do that ah let’s just be safe let’s go make the super glue which I think I just need two of you in oh God I only have 28 more and just like that Boop we got some super glue now unless this is different

In the older versions of the create mod this has a durability on it and it’s kind of like the bad side of it so we’ll go over to this block right here you know we right left right right click why is this not working right click oh no

That’s actually really bad I don’t want that oh okay good good I can just hit it off um okay never mind it’s actually different in 1.16 so if I right click here yep that is sticky okay I’m just gonna play it safe and then just go

Through and stick all of these then so we can’t really tell but if I break you okay so they are sticky newer versions of the create mod like a green box pops up and then you can actually see exactly where you’re making it sticky and you can make the entire thing sticky and

Really nice I think this is done that was like incredibly easy and simple but I’m I’m pretty positive that this is done so as soon as I click this this should start harvesting all of this wheat and replanting it and it should work magically and I’ll end up in there

And I have no faith oh oh my God it’s working oh my gosh that is so bad yes oh my God okay let’s see if I can stop it perfectly boom okay I stopped it perfectly okay now the next thing is why are you two single chests uh nothing

Whoa okay that’s amazing God that’s so many seeds so much wheat okay we need to go and make a hoe like I I’m not gonna lie that kind of slightly bugs me in the future I need to make something that’s like uh it’s portable something it’s a

Portable thingy and it’ll attach on top of this chest and then it goes out a block and it’ll connect to another one and then that leads into a chest blah blah blah the big thing about it is that it won’t stop the machine every time I stop the machine it breaks the ground

And then they’ll ruin crops and I want this to just run forever but having two single chests I don’t know how this is gonna work like I don’t know if I just need only one single chest then so that’s gonna be a little bit annoying uh

The reason why I’m not doing that right now it requires brass and let me tell you it’s not easy to get somewhat I think I can actually make brass right now but it’s not going to be efficient whatsoever also you’re going to be noticing that I left this area right

Here entirely open oh also perfectly um that machine actually gathered and harvested every single one of these blocks so I don’t need to make it bigger so that’s awesome uh right here specifically yeah I need to break this and also I saw the dude in the tutorial

Do this I don’t know if I need to do this or if it’s important at all but this wheel and this machine moves insanely insanely fast and I’m kind of tempted to slow it down like I don’t know if it causes issues or lag if it

Runs faster I mean if I don’t need to do this or this is a bad idea just tell me in the comments I’ll come back and I’ll reverse this but yeah I don’t think I want this running at Max Speed like that so if we just go and just put you like

That then boom why are you why are you working like that okay but anyways so this is now moving super slow you know it’s moving a lot slower it’s a little bit more uh friendly I guess you can say all oh my God we are speeding up

And if anything I can make it even slower if it matters even more and then Boop you stop okay God that is so cool oh God I love automating things next up we should definitely automate that when I’m not gonna lie I’m probably just gonna use like my old Hopper system

There’s probably a better way with the create mod yeah now I figured out a way to like uh hydrate all the crops inside so we don’t actually need to go around and uh change all this out with slabs it’s a lot less work however I only have

Four slabs let’s go get some more and we need our hoe okay first up I don’t want to mess with the water down below I’m I don’t think I could just put the slab up here on the top half and then the water would stay in it so yeah sadly we need

To go around and then just put slabs like this all the way around it so the water only stays on top and then it just takes a whole lot of trips of going back and forth how are you water logged actually waterlogged wow okay that’s weird there’s eight blocks there and I only

Did that seven times uh anyways so now should be able to go around with the hoe get every single one of these dirts and perfect okay arm is almost back to normal uh I know about like these two rows right here is just I have to wait

Until this is actually going and then I can replant all the stuff there and then you know I’ll just have to fix it every single time that it stops hello is it trying to tell me something dog you have water right here you’re fine you’re even hydrated why am I missing something

Let’s just start it then and then oh I think something happened when I placed down a mechanical bearing the first time I don’t know if I need to break all of these blocks and then just replace them and redo everything but I I am right clicking like

You you can hear my mouse right here and for whatever reason it’s just not placing it and I’m like I’m at least 93 sure that this ground is tilled so yeah anyone who knows the crate mod that knows why this issue is happening I would greatly appreciate it if you could

Tell me in the comments down below and then if you guys see a comment explaining it please thumbs it up so I can see it so I can find it easier thank you I appreciate you guys a lot uh also really quickly can I put torches on this

What if I super glue it and then oh wait huh whoa I don’t know how I did that but there is a torch in there I have no idea what I did I’m I’m very positive that’s going to break off whenever I stop the machine but yeah we

Now yeah I can’t even access the chest so we do have to stop it every single time but oh I can actually place them down in some of the spots okay okay so I’m guessing it was something with the hydration I’m gonna I’m gonna assume that I’m gonna assume it’s because they

Broke first and then you know the the ground just needed to get moist before I could uh place these again okay except for this block right here that still won’t let me Place anything on it okay so the farm is completely good and working that is lovely and yeah I’m just

Gonna you know forever let that go I should have picked out everything from that chest before making this go ah fine let’s stop it let me wait for it to get back in that spot boom Oh Hey look it’s the torch yeah what happens if I just

Like put a torch on here and then I use my uh my super glue would that actually make it stay just in case if that actually does work here let me do it in three different spots but if I actually works I’m gonna laugh pick up everything

Make sure we’re all good okay beautiful you yep oh God that is so much stuff in here okay good you’re all empty didn’t want to leave anything in there drop you there and then we start it up again okay don’t hurt me dude go through

Do the ground again but see now like I can immediately place it down on someone I don’t know dude this mod is so weird oh I wish I had you automated I don’t like clicking so much I don’t want to get arthritis and there we go I’ll clean

Out of seeds Okay can I at least plant these seven now of course not but I can go through with these 15 bone meals and then use these oh my God the Torches are staying oh that’s amazing and why did some of the seeds just fall onto the ground like

That what dude what what is wrong with my machine I don’t get why it’s just breaking like that because now over here they don’t want to be in the ground like did I do something is it because of the mechanical gear thingy the one thing I noticed though is that um yeah the

Torches kind of turned into their own block like those are way bigger than the ones out here I I think right or am I going crazy wait no scratch that wait sorry I think I’m just going crazy I think those are the same size why do they look bigger I guess they’re the

Same size but they don’t uh emit light so that kind of sucks so I’m gonna assume it’s the same if I were to put down like shroom lights or glowstone or toad lights if you know that was in this version so that kind of sucks yeah I

Still can’t place any seeds down on those so hey if anyone knows I would be uh greatly appreciative if you know if you can tell me also before you guys even comment about this don’t worry you’re not the only one that’s surprised at the farm worked immediately on my

First try and it actually wasn’t my first try that’s actually not a joke okay anywho we can now why is there two different bread okay cool cool so I have uh some bread where I can either put in the top slot or the middle okay yes that

Makes a lot of sense well around here uh you know we’ll take the top slot because you know we’re top Alpha G’s there’s a whole lot of like kitchen stuff in here so that actually looks kind of fun but anyways finally we have upgraded from the super duper lovely dried kelp that

You know is totally efficient and fun to eat into bread we’re finally progressing in the world and nice God that’s so many uh I’m not gonna lie this might be really dumb to like a lot of you but let’s just throw the seeds into the

Ocean I just I really can’t be asked to put it into that uh composter Again by myself well we’ll make it automated soon I’ll probably look up a way in the create mods how to actually do that I can’t tell if that was the magma blocks

Out here or if that was a monster but those are like some explosions going off no no that has to be the magma Vlog so okay that sounds terrifying I hope if that’s an entity I hope I don’t ever meet it oh also let’s go check on the

Stuff up here any animals oh it sure is looking Lively up here yeah I got a feeling that animals are not going to spawn here so we might have to do some creative things or up next I think it’s time to get back into the Villager stuff

Ooh nice yep we have three more adults and I am not giving you guys my bread now I don’t remember did I ever manage to get any kind of sugar cane uh the answer is looking like a really big no wait how do I oh no no okay I remember I

Got the paper from all those sunken ships so I at least I do have a lectern but it looks like the first villager over here uh I put that down and then I look at you so there’s two things that I need one I need an actual good

Enchantment that I want and then two I need them to actually sell me bookshelves or else we’re gonna be in kind of uh an issue um I think also fairly recently soon we’re going to want to set up someone who can actually uh do a stick trade

With us but I don’t know if there’s that kind of trade with um this mod so we might have to actually set up like a villager for it but here’s one super duper fun thing with this I can actually just cycle the trades like this it can

Go fast like boom nope don’t want that boom nope don’t want these boom that piercing no like oh my God I love this power five wow and I like how it actually tells you down below what the enchantment is for so in case we have any modded ones I’m hoping it actually

Tells me which I think what is that flute Edge one allows you to jump out of the water you must be at the right angle for this to work interesting but I think very obviously the first one that we should go for still touch is nice but I

Think we need mending oh and then I can actually make it go even faster now by doing that oh my goodness this is such heaven oh I love this I just realized an issue though um wait what holding three increases the storage capacity of certain items okay you sound amazing I

Don’t think I actually have any emeralds so even okay well I have 20 which that’s gonna be cutting it really close but um yeah I think I need to look into stick trades oh wait I’m dumb oh that’s right no no so I’m a Trader wait wait

Wait wait okay if I go and just make a Fletching table um boom and then I just put you in here right oh why did I think that this was only for the the librarian so this is for any of their trades which that’s amazing and yep there we go already 32

Sick one boom boom okay let’s go up to our lovely little tree area which it still doesn’t look like it’s gonna be spawning in anything other than maybe Enderman chop down all of these I’m gonna go around and replant them and now we have a super easy uh source of

Getting a whole lot of sticks so now we have unlimited emeralds and technically XP I guess we can call this an XP farm now yo give me all of those beautiful so now I can just get mending okay you seem to really want to sell oh my God hi ah 16

16. ah see do I really like it’s 16 and it’s a paper trade uh it’s what I need but honestly I got it so fast that I think I’m okay with just refreshing this and then just hoping that what are you oh yeah and then just hoping that I can

Actually get a mending trade and a bookshelf a trade as well that would be greatly appreciated like and they were 26 okay well that’s even more expensive but it’s what the bookshelf trade on it I honestly think that this is worth it I don’t like I might be able to find a

Mending trade that’s like five emeralds but do I really want to chance it but that is a lot of emeralds and we don’t exactly have like a decent Tree Farm yet I think we chance it I think we chance it see if I can get something better oh

Wait attack targets drop more experience when killed well hello that’s gonna be a really nice one to give yes okay so this one is only 14 emeralds nice and a lot cheaper and it’s with the book’s all bookshelf trade so yeah this this is the one that I actually want so I think

Thank you love you however okay God we’re gonna have to be making a whole lot of these so I don’t think I should start out trying to get a lot of these um librarian ones I think I should actually make a few more of the stick

Traders but even though like I just have this armor right now and you know I’ll probably never need diamond armor since you know uh everything is kind of focused on the ocean so I don’t know it might be best for me not to do this I

Mean oh wait but if like if I go to the Nether and stuff like I’m gonna want actual armor so I want to make some armorers and some weapon Smiths that can actually like give me diamond stuff so that then I don’t have to use my own

Diamonds and then I can just enchant them with like everything that I want from these Librarians my God you guys are so loud and you guys are generating me so much iron I love you okay and then we just have a whole lot of villagers on backup so that’s always nice yeah I

Think I want to go down that route even if like I don’t really use them but I just I think it’s going to be important for that but now we’re starting to enter the crossroad of in issues so this one building took me quite some time to

Actually make but if I oh I can actually just get unlimited glass now if I just level you up enough because I kind of need to build another one of these but make it a lot longer hello what just happened what what was that is it this

Thing what are you I I don’t know if it was that little fish thingy that just attacked me but goodbye my God okay I’m sorry for saying that I had to build another one of these but um anyways yeah I need to build a second one of these

But then make it like a long uh curved oval curved rectangle because um yeah I need to make a lot of machines there’s actually one that I really really want to build right now which I might because it doesn’t take up that much space and I

Think I can squeeze it in here but I need to make a cobblestone generator and I actually know how to make it on the create mod like I I’m very confident on this one but we need to build that so I can actually then use a lot of stone

Because I might just make the um the industrial one like the industrial building out of just a lot of stone instead of any wood inside like that but dude this looks so cool oh my god dude can we just take a moment to look at

That like that is so cool and trippy to see this in Minecraft like an actual machine that’s moving and stuff like I wish I could access the chest while it’s moving but oh well um it’ll be nice once I can actually uh make the portable chest thingy majigger and you know all

The content from the chess will move out into it oh wait do I even have any suits I want to see if I could plant them I didn’t save any okay oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that’s right hold up okay we’re we’re on the

Next you know era now so yeah see I actually just have seeds from there still can’t plant them okay I I just I don’t know what’s wrong I have no idea what’s wrong with the ooh okay so actually now I’m hoping this doesn’t become an issue but I need to actually

Turn back on the carry-on mod so I can actually move these around no no I won’t be lazy okay so I break you don’t think I actually lose anything it’s actually adorable you can just straight up see the Villager in my hand like that I love

This modded so it’s so nice and new oh wait actually I could just put you guys in the sky like that yeah I could just put you in like Sky prison okay so my two villagers that actually have stuff you know for me to trade and buy it

We’ll just stick you there farms can uh go right there the breeder and the incubator go there and then these two lost souls so first off I think we should go through and I should just make a water wheel that’s gonna be the most important part because like I need that

For the power so I’m gonna see if that actually works first before I try anything else okay I believe right here you should be good uh honestly let’s just use dirt for now like this is not gonna be permanent whatsoever so I just to encase you and oh wait wait wait wait

Hold up okay we actually want to put this up above right there okay yeah yeah because we need water to actually go underneath this thing so we actually got the maximum power out of this because I actually need this thing to go really really fast okay I think this is the

Right height and everything for that you go there wheel is turning ow I think I break you yes I do beautiful okay then we want a shaft going out and one more that should be far enough next up we need to go get a drill oh you’re nice

And cheap uh wait why can I oh whoops okay I need some iron next up we also need some shoots which basically just work like Hoppers but I think this is actually a lot cheaper than making a hopper so I’m definitely down for shoots plus you know it’s just something new

Might as well use modded stuff instead of vanilla and then the last way to end it all off uh I need ah we’ll do two chests you know we’ll be a little bit kind um I’m hopefully going to be making a lot more than just this one thing it’s

Just I want to see if I’m actually making it all correct first of what oh okay I thought I was holding up the drill so I want to see if this actually works first before I go into like a whole lot more of them so then you go

There uh that’s okay we’re already running into issues so I need to break the floor or um I’m not too happy about that honestly I build this up one Higher God you are so loud no no let’s actually just go build this one up because then

You go there yeah you go there no no no no no no stop mining it okay I break you don’t mind my shoot okay and I don’t think I need to make this any taller I’m pretty sure this works right yep yep okay good good I think out we have hits

The maximum speeds uh like uh I’m pretty sure then okay so drill goes right here this bad boy right here is going to automatically mine any kind of blog including me uh right here in this space didn’t know that would hurt me I guess that makes sense on why it did like here

Let’s just test it out like here if we have one dirt block right there boom and then the shoot automatically picks it up and then it puts it right into the chest just like a hopper perfect now yeah we’re gonna keep using dirt I really don’t want to use anything else so we

Need water which that’s will actually be logged into the drill so I think I would just do it like boom and then kind of just go like boom like that let’s make a nice little staircase going up next up we need a spot to actually hold lava

Actually wait wait before we even do that here let’s just set the water there because like you know nothing can go wrong if I just have water there so in case if there’s an issue with the lava we’re fine so we go oh nope okay yep

That only works in 1.18 what not 1.60 okay never mind so that means we’re gonna be breaking this and then we have water and not like that fine uh we will actually have a slab and then we have this going around so then our water hopefully this works correctly but then

We have water water there boom okay so water goes right into there and then we need a spot for lava which I honestly think it’s just like what like this you know boom boom boom and then lava sits here I mean we could be a little bit

Safer and just put lava right there then someone having fun over here is there a couple in here or something what are you doing no no no no no no oh my God I’m so dumb all just to save a fish that died anyways let me go fix this okay now with

The lava collected I believe if I just put you right here you should work fine okay that sounded like it was created okay oh my God that is painfully slow okay nice okay I think this is perfectly set up it would look a lot better if you

Know I was on 1.18 also if I had a glass here but this is only temporary like this is not going to be a permanent spot at all for this so that is why I want to build the long rectangle curved version of that so I can have a whole lot of

Machines like this in there but at least now I don’t need to go and collect Cobblestone myself I don’t need to go mining anymore well technically I don’t like there’s some stuff that I will have to go mining for maybe but this is amazing this is also why I want to make

A whole lot more of these um I think I know how to do it as well like there’s a reason why I had it go all the way out here even though technically I didn’t have to I could have just pushed this one block back and

For that I need a gearbox okay so just four Cog wheels and then and aside casing which yeah that oh that’s right okay yeah you were a little expensive that’s why I had that script log I think okay now if I put you there and we go like boom boom boom boom

Boom boom boom I think three should be enough relatively yeah well we’ll start with that but I think this might be enough so now if I break you and then I put you there is that okay yep yep that’s still working beautiful okay now I think I can break you and nothing bad

Happens okay beautiful okay good and then you go there okay good good and then the nice part about building it like this is that you know I could just forever expand it this direction I don’t know if they get less power from um like me extending it like that I don’t know

If it’s like at each block you know it gets like 10 percent less power or something so any uh crate mod experts out there that know it you know and greatly appreciate if you could tell me but the the bad part is unless can I have shoots going to each other no okay

So maybe maybe we actually want to build two um Hoppers it’ll work the exact same way as a shoot it’s just I just wanted to try out a modded block but at least with a hopper I can have them go into that so we won’t uh have to make

Multiple chests which I really don’t want to do then with these two I’m hoping a hopper can actually place things into a shoot actually let’s let’s test this out if I put you into there does that work okay good good just had to make sure it was all compatible now

Let’s go make two more drills I guess thank God I actually can okay wait wait before I do that as I almost just break the farm okay let’s go up here take you out because I don’t even want to chance it breaking anything my God these things

Are so loud I need to put dirt here and here I’m gonna slab there slab there now I can break you ah oh dear God okay I need more dirt alrighty never mind actually what we’re gonna be working with the yeah well nope definitely not wood never mind I immediately just

Changed my mind on that fine uh we’re gonna be building it out of cobblestone now this is such a beautiful machine I know this is probably one of my most beautiful Works drill goes not like that uh rotate you that way okay beautiful I don’t think it matters that it’s going

The opposite direction though and then I can break you and then right here is just a drilled absolutely not facing that direction there we go okay all three drills are set up however I don’t want my water source to just be right here I want my water source to cover all

Three of these blocks I don’t think there’s an issue having it like that I’m pretty sure it’s fine like I don’t think I need three separate ones um for the lava I think the lava source can actually just be like this because we just need to go straight down I don’t

Need anything fancy for it so I think there and then if I why does this make me nervous I think if I just put the lava right there it should be going to the left and right which it is and then it should be going down just like that

Oh okay so yes every single extension does actually make them slightly slower and weaker I believe I can actually make this stronger if I add in a second water wheel even a third water wheel maybe I want to make two more maybe I do I guess

So I must up made too many buttons so fine here we’re gonna have four large Cog wheels and then very nice I can do that and okay so we got two more which I don’t think this should be that difficult to extend it the only thing is

Like I just have the water getting everywhere of which uh here if I can actually just get up there uh yeah give me that water we’re just gonna turn this off stop the machine break these okay now down we get rid of this so here let’s just extend it just like that boom

Boom boom boom boom boom God this is such a tight fitting machine just like that water goes like that I need to get two more onto here which here we go let’s make a nice lovely staircase you go there okay that should be moving slightly faster and then one more right

There I believe that actually worked and it’s actually making them like three times as fast right I honestly can’t tell I honestly can’t tell if it’s exerting more power or not or uh we should also probably light this up I kind of don’t want things to spawn in

Here okay actually here there’s a way for me to stop guessing on all of this stuff and to actually see if everything is working and you know and doing exactly like what I want uh for that we need to make goggles okay very nice that’s actually cheap that’s actually

Possible for me to make right now uh dear God okay I need to get organized I really need to get these things out of my inventory okay which really wasn’t that much oh oh well so we need string very luckily I actually have that then

We need two glass and did I ever flatten gold no I did not okay so we’re just gonna do one of those so for that you know don’t mind me gotta get you down the hand crank gold there and now for me to lose a whole lot of hunger perfect

Okay give me those back now we got this I’m gonna go to you and now we have engineer goggles so with this bad boy if I have them equipped so then with these on I look super duper cool and if I go and look at any of my machines I can now

Uh I can actually see their stress impacts I can then see the current speeds that they’re going at oh that’s kind of cool items move downward and that even tells me what’s in them as well okay I like that but the reason why I made these so if we go to the water

Wheels all of them are actually at 160. oh so it divides it up evenly across all of these noted okay so if I take away the water right here take away all the water okay I’m gonna I’m gonna test this I need to see this why did the wheel

Just spray I don’t know why my wheel just why are the wheels breaking stop okay fine here I won’t use water to get out we’ll just do that fine you know this machine is very sensitive I I get that now you go there now if I put down

Water you’re moving at 160 96.96 did I do it wrong I could have sworn that if I have more Wheels in there it should have been exerting more power making everything faster like right now you’re still only at 40. that’s weird and then boom I put that water down and you are

Still at 40. so do I need to use Cog wheels and then it would actually make this go faster also uh yeah now looking at it here let me uh just completely cover up the lava kind of don’t trust it I don’t want one of the Sparks to come

Out here and light this place on fire uh I mean okay maybe I don’t need to actually uh make it go faster because just for me building this machine and trying to make it go faster we are already at two and a half stacks so it’s

Really slow kind of sucks but once I have a bigger room and I can actually like make stuff then we can hopefully make this a lot faster and more efficient blah blah blah um we’ll also use stuff that’s not water wheels hopefully in the future like a like a

Steam boiler or like a steam engine for this anyways okay I don’t see this you know going wrong at any point I don’t think I need to worry about this but here let me put you back on so we’ll keep the goggles handy and I’ll keep

Them nearby next I need I think I need to level up this uh librarian I think it’s gonna be a good decision to do it because I really need glass and I want glass faster okay first up uh I need to clean out my inventory but you know I

Want to go do that later so let’s just throw everything into here grab our extra saplings because I’m going to be needing a metric ton of sticks which I think I have bamboo I’m not gonna lie I think I do I just don’t remember but I I

I’d rather just deal with trees I I feel like this is just a tiny bit faster than bamboo like it just requires less for me until the future oh okay well there goes my ax because very luckily in the future one of the things that I absolutely love

From this gray mod is that I can make an automatic crafting table system so that’s going to be oh my God why did I think there’s like an iron golem in the water staring at me it was really creepy so that’s going to be really really nice

With a bamboo Farm because I’m just gonna have all the bamboo that I get from it just automatically get turned into sticks so that’s gonna be really nice however in the meantime yeah we’re just gonna be dealing with trees I can’t be asked to go through and just keep

Putting bamboo my crafting table making sticks it just suck on it it gets so tedious after a few thousand times and this entire time of doing that we now have four stacks of cobblestone of which we might want to take those for and actually start cooking them because I

Might be needing a whole lot of stone wow okay well I only got three stacks of sticks from that so that sucks here you are oh that’s funny uh maybe I don’t want to have all of my villager stuff on the roof like that so yeah actually here

Let’s just lower you guys back down to the ground okay so we’ll just take all of our emeralds we’re gonna come over here and be a nerd give me all of those which obviously oh boy yeah this is going to be a very long journey I mean

If we have a tree farm going maybe I don’t need to hold on to any of these logs right you know maybe uh maybe I could just you know skip waiting a little bit you know and we can make uh okay a little bit more sticks I also

Just can’t wait to get to the parts where I can start buying lanterns from the dude because that’s gonna be a really fun one because then I can really use that for building because I would love to get rid of all these torches even though I can just make them now and

Since I have uh unlimited iron oh my God I have so much and so much of you I mean okay with all of this iron now since I don’t have to worry about it whatsoever maybe we also go and set up God what was it I think an armor Smith can like an

Armorsmith and a weaponsmith can both buy iron from me which I swear it was a smithing table that I needed wait no never mind it’s a grindstone okay a few glad I didn’t make that however that’s an issue wait no it’s not I have stone Okay then if I take you I should

Hopefully get a weaponsmith please yes weaponsmith okay beautiful oh boy um well it’s looking like uh iron ax for three emeralds is gonna be the best uh best option which comes right back down to me not having any uh emeralds let’s say do the trees grow at least okay you

Guys are going somewhat fast wait that thing can pick up items on the ground like that that thing has some of my bone meal alrighty give me two of these bad boys at least I will be using this for quite a while so I guess you know I sell

To you and then I buy some axes from you and then I can keep on shopping all of you but honestly now it’s kind of just a waiting game I I might have to you know just sit around here and just keep waiting while I uh get more sticks buy from you

Buy from you yeah I mean I can start building building and now like I can I can make some stone bricks with all of this stuff and I can make the outline for uh oh God beautiful we got some more Stone to work with which I could have

Sworn oh yeah it’s right here never mind I was like I could have sworn I had this you know a nice stone cutter now before I make it because I’m actually gonna be making it the same exact size as this thing however just for spacing uh let’s

Actually line this up with this perfect and then this one out one two three blocks so we’ll go out one two three blocks like that and then I think I’m gonna try my best to put uh like the next building like that that size of a building like right here I’m gonna try

My best to give it as much space as possible I don’t want things to be too close and then just to keep things like not annoying I think this will be a doorway but I’m not gonna build anything like going this direction for it like this little strictly just be like an

Entrance like like an airlock you know just so I can actually get back into my base I love this machine more and more every time I walk past it you know what it’s so nice having automatic things so I love them oh also yeah I kind of

Forgot about that uh we can actually just pre-plan this stuff like all the slabs and everything over here we can I think I can remember how I did them or I can figure it out thank you oh nice nice barely had any of those right here let’s

Try another new design so we’ll actually just have a ring ah well actually making one block away I don’t like it uh blocking the glass view I swear in my life I just heard a skeleton shoot at me skeletons are out for me all these mobs

Just want to make me miserable boom and then we’ll put a slab there and a slab right here oh that’s why it looks so weird to me um oops uh basically everywhere that the stone bricks are that’s supposed to be glass so uh oopsies uh yeah hey let’s bring this out

One more okay now I think this is correct you know we just have glass going there this looks like the right size because I kind of like making them a three tall because I don’t like how uh claustrophobic this makes me feel I kind of like this one more especially since

This feels a lot more Grand and then I think we just have another one right here just to show off the uh the actual entrance for it where the door is going to be going for that air lock um I don’t think we need anything else

Because like I don’t want to have too much Stone because I do want to be able to see out especially with how beautiful it looks so this is all glass and then right here I think we go forward just one more block actually here I’m not

Gonna have it the exact same distance as that one we’ll have this one a little bit farther out because then it might make it a little bit easier to make a pathway over to that door right here also should probably get oxygen kind of don’t want to drown about that far I

Think that should be good enough and then now let’s actually build the circle part of it um God trying to figure this out which I think I have it it’s just uh just so I can actually focus on it I might go through and actually build it

First I’m going to show you guys at least the beginning of the circle afterwards and Tada so this looks really huge that’s because it is so this should give me very much so plenty of space to actually build with so I’m loving this so far the fish are loving it too and

Now instead of actually completing the other side of the circle I now need to figure out I mean I don’t think we even need to care about Stone anymore because oh my God yeah that went up like what two more Stacks that entire time that I

Was building so yeah no I’m I’m not worried about that whatsoever ah let’s see because I’m trying to think of like everything that I would want to make you know like I’ll have like a cobblestone I believe there’s stuff like I can make like a black stone iron gravel I think

Sand as well God I almost want to make this 50 blocks long in general because then that wouldn’t need like one two three ten so we need 10 blocks that at least to end it off so that’s 10 there and then okay so Fred 15 so far the end

Is about 10 blocks okay if my Math’s correct because I just want this to be 50 blocks long I think I just go forward 35. why does that not sound correct to me 49.50 yeah okay I guess I just go forward 35 blocks why does that not

Sound right to me like whatsoever oh well I’m just gonna trust it so we bring this bad boy all the way out to here oh and I have you my little item generator which beautifully you’re already working on this nice and nice keep being awesome buddy you keep uh getting me all that

Stuff I kind of want to pick them up whenever I enable the the carry-on mod again okay so then from here I kind of there’s no way this is 50 blocks hold up wait wait wait wait 50. ah I knew it was wrong okay yeah because this is already

15 bucks and 35 on there obviously that equals 50. why was I not thinking correctly I needed to go forward 20. but I kind of I kind of like the size being this big no no no no this has to be too big right because then I could add an

Extra 15 blocks and then we can have it 65 wide because I mean look at the size of this and this was just for the uh the wheat farm right here and even then like this isn’t really that big you know like right here this would fit in um like a

Decent size uh chest system to actually hold everything from the farm but this is a 24 by 24 area not just one machine so maybe I didn’t mess up maybe I didn’t add too much maybe I was you know unknowingly telling myself that this is actually a good idea yeah let’s actually

Do that so corn five six boom okay now if I just go forward 35 blocks here just make it easier just so I know that I actually did this correctly so then we go forward 35 blocks this should line up perfectly with my half circle down here and it did

Okay so never mind okay instead of 50 we now have 65 to work with and um oh my God this is huge um that’s what she said but yeah this is a very massive and it seems like the jellyfish I was gonna say fish but never mind but yes seems like everyone’s

Enjoying it so you know hey now we can work with a football field I know you know I I have been wanting to uh do a mega build so I guess now is a perfect time to start it and it looks oh my God yeah it actually looks like I don’t even

Need to uh really like come out this way to build a little Bridge way over here so here we’ll extend this forward so we’ll have two entrances from my base into here if I had more oopsies oh Cobblestone I need you um okay so we’ll take up six Stacks right there I’m

Hoping that I have enough Cobblestone uh not Cobblestone enough coal in every single one of these which it looks like I do lovely lovely don’t have to make charcoal just yet but I’m 100 I’m going to okay then while that is all cooking we need to uh get back to work on this

Lovely thing right there area Anita gets a glass because um believe it or not I actually do want to make you know a good majority I might go in about three no like two more blocks of this with stone and uh yeah the rest of this might be um

Last wow you are very interesting can I put you in a water bucket oh my God I can’t bucket of ornate Bug fish I think I’m actually yeah everybody let’s go get another one just in case if I can actually breed these things I should have multiple buckets okay I have one

More bucket uh do I have any more buckets I do not have any more buckets okay I will be making more buckets uh where’d you go so in case if I could breed them I actually want to make more of these guys if I can find them my God

Are they ghosts I had to have swam this way right there you are I know you couldn’t have gone far why were you hiding from me you guys are acting like I’m a terrible person I build nice areas for my fish I treat them well so uh here

I’m just gonna store these fish into a box forever and so I make a an aquarium just as a kind person does all right yeah then I’ll make myself a new bucket okay anyways after getting distracted here let’s put oh yep I might as well just put everything in here make as much

Room as I can for sticks and yeah let’s see fingers crossed is all my trees grown that’s right brother of course they are oh with the scuba gear on wow this is so much faster to go around and actually chop down all these trees I wonder how difficult it would be to make

An automatic tree farm with the crate mod that might be one of the Farms that I build in there and the knowing trees you know they like to get tall so uh I think it was a good decision to actually make a tree farm uh or not Tree Farm but

That entire like machine area massive even though it’s going to take me forever to build I actually don’t think I’m gonna be able to finish that building this episode so lucky for us for that entire uh tree Massacre we ended up with like a decent amount of sticks that’s definitely gonna be more

Than what this guy will actually buy from it which I guess that’s a good problem to have so now we have 16 emeralds and then with you uh it’s one trade uh I should have more emeralds I think or at least two more hopefully two

More please uh so that’s a no oh God oh we could buy two more from this dude and then maybe start selling iron oh no I think uh I think we should just wait um what we could do because we do have one more villager right there we actually probably shouldn’t make another

One of you okay so we only got two more Flint not too good it’s kind of hurting a little bit oh God wait do I have any wood okay good boom boom Fletching table okay let’s go give it to you then you can actually go on top of this

Dude there you go and I don’t like that one I like that one there we go thank you okay good from there oh man we just need one more we could have done two but anyways there we go or at least making progress on cranking that one up God

This is so slow this is actually painful this is hurting me what the hell are you guys doing okay well the stone in here practically done might as well just take all of this and then I kind of want to be smart with my stone for once

Um we might just use slabs and maybe we go like a few blocks so I mean we don’t have to give ourselves that much of a glass floor in here like this one is pretty decent so maybe okay here first boom you actually want some more of you

And then let’s give ourselves four stacks of stone brick slabs and hi why did you spawn did you spawn in the cave and then come out here no you couldn’t have spawned in there um oh yeah you seem to be really confused so uh here

You go let me help you out there we go thank you for the gunpowder okay and then we’ll just line you up right there perfect okay now for the slabs I honestly think that we might want to just go in three more so everything out here is four blocks wide it actually how

Much glass would that be like compared to if I did four versus three that is still huge okay here let’s go four slabs in on like around the entire uh oval yeah God even then that would actually use up a lot of resources don’t mind me

I’m just gonna do it the easy way so even with just using slabs uh 64 of them I don’t even think that was half of this thing do yeah definitely using slabs I hope this isn’t an issue with uh some of the machines that I have to make I don’t

See why it would be but I don’t know I just don’t know what to expect with the create mod it’s like learning Redstone and Hoppers all over again oh hey I need oxygen I’m not crazy right you guys heard that creeper sound too wow okay

Well that was four stacks of slabs so we almost finished it I honestly think we need four more oh this is gonna be a big boy oh it’s actually gonna be kind of nice having like a massive base area though again I won’t lie like I’ve kind

Of missed those uh did the rest of the stuff nice okay the rest of the stone actually finish I also desperately need to get into enchanting soon just having all of this XP like being level 40 I’m missing out technically like in the wrong uh long run I’m missing out on a

Lot of XP by not enchanting stuff then going back to level one if that makes sense okay what well after eight stacks of uh slabs at least we’re almost done I think we just need not even like a stack anymore I’m actually gonna try oh God we

Have to cook more oh geez okay uh yeah let’s do another six and we haven’t even started doing like the wall sides or even the roof of this yeah like this is gonna be one expensive boy okay we’ll just do 16 so we’ll get 32 more slabs

And then I think this should fill in the rest of the area and perfect you can barely see it because we have Jesus in our eyes right now what I think it was definitely the right choice to actually go in so many blocks because even then this is just astronomically

Huge for you know the area with the glass oh God why do I think this is gonna take like 15 or 20 stacks of glass oh God maybe we’ll have an auto smelter in here you know we’ll just have some items feed into it plus I think having

Like a super wide area of gloss I think it would have looked a little silly it wouldn’t have looked as nice but I think we’re good next up so this is gonna be a little bit difficult but we need to figure out like all of the stone support

Beams and rings that I’m going to be putting around this thing and it’s so much easier doing it when I actually have a glass up so I’m a little worried about it I won’t lie oh man yeah no because we have to figure out how we

Want to do all of that stuff all right guys so I just sat around all day uh Luckily everything is actually done so I’m gonna go through collect uh all of these blah blah blah and then I think I’m just gonna be smart here we’ll just

Do like one more with that and then maybe we do like 32 of the chiseled just so we’re not only using stone bricks everywhere um first stuff I’m gonna think of this eye thing I’ll actually just make like this the entrance out here I want to say

Did we do like boom boom I want this to go up to where there’s like one block of water above the basement so what it like looks like we’re still underwater a part of me so if you guys want to answer this a part of me kind of wants to like

Change this world and this mod pack kind of a decent amount um I kind of want to update from 1.16 to at least like 1.18 or 1.19 oh my God you little son of a um it’ll unlock a little bit more game mechanics that I kind of

Like later on in the game God I hate you so much you’re lucky I could barely see you yeah it’ll unlock like a little bit more like game mechanics and there’s a few more mods that can make this you know more fun uh in the newer versions

Of Minecraft but also the biggest thing is that one um yeah we would lose all the scuba gear that I have which I’m kind of okay since we’re getting close to uh like enchanting and getting diamond stuff I would also lose this but I’m kind of okay with that as well I

Think I don’t think I’m like that deeply attached to the subnautica um boat thing I forgot the name of it I’m sorry but also if I update this to newer versions uh the reason why I’m asking you know what you guys think about this is that um I kind of want a

New ocean world it’s where saying like this eyes of all the stuff that I’m building I kind of want to have fun and I think it would actually be really good if I were to download or not download but if I already use this one um world creation setting mod things where the

Ocean would be like a hundred and fifty maybe like 200 blocks deep I would be able to build like super high up have a very amazing looking glass base it’ll look a lot like the video game Bioshock I could do so much more in the world and

You know like I won’t be like wow I really need this to be really tall up but I can’t or else let me just go out of the water and then it kind of you know defeats the uh the cool look that I’m going for with this series so I’m

Kind of curious if you guys would be down for that you know um I don’t really know how ways to where I could copy this base and like my player stats over to a new deeper World new mods and everything kind of just revamp this series make it

A little bit more interesting and cool so yeah I would love feedback on that if you guys can answer that in the comments down below and then if you see a comment that you agree with just thumbs it up so I could find them easier I’d greatly appreciate that so thank you guys

Appreciate you a lot uh anywho let’s go back to you so I think just so we can get the maximum amount of height from this base I don’t really care too much to make a curve like how I did with this thing right here like it’s super curvy

And we lost like four blocks of height from it so with this one it’s gonna be more of just kind of just like a a rectangle like a really sharp one so uh from here I think like the door is going or doorway is going to be kind of uh

Showcasing how the rest of the bass is going to be going for the most part I think like right there and then you’re gonna go one more and okay I don’t have any stairs let me go in like that and then we can go one more I’m gonna go

Like boom boom with some slabs maybe so you know it’s super cutting it close but if anything we can always just come back and fix this up then we’ll have glass going around the doorway actually here we’ll do you and you and then we’ll have glass going around so then we have this

Great giant hole looking door which you know I think this will showcase like the size of this building like pretty decent like I want everything in here to look very Grand and very expensive it’s very important okay I’m also here let’s extend this and then we’re gonna do the

Same exact thing over here we’re just gonna go so two for the doorway and then oh my God the two doors going right there so I boom boom and we just bring this all the way up and it’s relatively the exact same design over there it’s

Just you know super duper skinny which I oh God actually after building the entire thing yeah let’s actually change it okay let’s make it a little bit wider because I don’t like how skinny this looks it kind of defeats the grand look that I’m going for and there we go

Perfectly mirrored from over there to here I guess over timely no if I need more doorways I’ll just break the glass and then we’ll just build doorways there but let’s do the exact same thing over here as well which uh how did I do that again

Okay doorway’s done now all of the costs that I placed down for the walls it’s going to be on this block right here so we technically we’re gonna be losing like two blocks to work with inside ah which kind of sucks but I think that’s

Kind of like the only way that we can do it actually wait wait wait wait wait how did I do it with my uh my previous buildings hmm that’s right never mind I made them go out which I think I’m gonna be doing again for that building over

There because how did I do things with this so I like how for some of my buildings I just put the glass on the actual building and then some of them I put it off of it but since this is for farms and machines and I made it this

Huge so I have a lot to build with you know I have a lot of room never mind right actually putting the glass outside so then if I’m going to be putting the glass outside I’m pretty sure with this I actually made it so that the stone

Went out on top of the glass so then we have to make at the plan for that here let’s do like a little test one so this is where glass is so if glass is there if I go to all the spots where I want to

Put down my stone pillar stuff if I just do stair stare and then go up with the block we’ll actually have enough space and it looks like it’s actually holding all of the glass so this is what I would be working with I’m crying so that actually makes sense and then just so

It’s like decorative you know we use that block five so I think every thick uh let me double check this 47 why does that not sound right 47 okay so each side has 47 so if we actually just skip one block on the outside you know we

Just don’t count that so all of them will be going one so they go like one two three four five which is that one right there one two three four five wow I actually did that uh correctly boom okay nice this one oh my God this will actually looks so beautiful yes it’s

Actually being planned out so perfectly okay I love this oh I’m loving this building so much this is gonna become my baby I already know it yeah I sure am happy that there’s a whole lot of jellyfish spawning here as I’m working outside for once very interesting now

I’m starting to second guess if I bought this thing correctly or not I don’t trust these jellyfish I’m just gonna get rid of you guys before you start uh stinging me I know there’s more I don’t trust you guys there’s no way it was only one nah it’s not moving so much nah

And I’m pretty sure I can actually just uh put these on a furnace and I get slime balls from it yeah no they line up so I guess I built them all correctly just wow that feels really weird anyway so now I’m gonna go around just very

Quickly get the next layer of these started I’ve got beautiful next uh don’t believe I have enough but we need to put down the pretty blocks and now with all of those place down I want to figure out how to do this because I do want it to

Curve in a little bit at the top I don’t want it to be like a perfect boom boom boom boom you know I feel like that would just look really ugly and then I think for this entrances we can have like a glass come out a little bit

Specifically for these parts so let’s see so maybe we go up six stairs okay no no because that’s way too tall because something maybe would go like that with you there let me just do stairs and then for only a block away from the surface so then that’s just go in like that

Across so it’s a little curved but it’s definitely gonna be a honking beast that’s not uh nicely shaped at all it’s gonna be like pretty sharp but oh well again I’m going strictly for functionality instead of uh looks for this okay so this is what one of the

I’ll call it a rib cage uh actually looks like so see if I had a deeper Ocean World hello then I could actually build this so much taller we can actually make it curved and just so much more beautiful so that’s my thought process of it it’s just um I have no

Idea how to copy over this section of this world to a new world like I don’t know how that would go I feel like it would cause like a lot of issues and uh to be completely honest I really truly don’t want to restart or uh build this

Base and creative on a new world egg even that would just take way too much time so yeah I’m not really sure what to do there also I’m not really sure what to do here so these two right here line up perfectly with the door Archway over

There that you can see hopefully I’m not exactly sure how I want to bring this over there like how to end it off you know oh yeah oops also need more spares all right you uh just chilling and enjoying the bass oh actually okay here since it actually does kind of line up

God because I’m trying to think of the glass and how we’re gonna be going about that because the glass lines up with this perfectly and I mean wait where would this even line up it kind of it’s the staircase wait a second I think there’s a way to make this actually look

Nice wait I think we can literally just do that oh and and maybe we go like that maybe that works like I don’t I don’t think it’s that bad right oh god um okay I think we just leave it like this and then we just wait until we get

Glass and then we’ll definitely be going back and like remodeling this section doing a uh over a little bit but maybe that works but I’m definitely loving the pillar design going so far like this definitely feels like a uh Industrial Area it’s definitely giving me those

Vibes so I’m loving that whoa this is trippy whoa that was sick okay we’re finally in the home stretch it’s just the one thing that I’ve kind of realized is that this takes a lot of stone bricks no we were so close we were on the last

One and we ran out oh boy oh time to smelt six more oh my God uh never mind maybe it’s a good thing that this doesn’t go fast because wow that actually uh gets us Cobblestone really fast I don’t think I’ll ever have uh any more issues with the getting Stone

Whatsoever that definitely would have taken me uh like two days to go through and collect all of the stone that I’ve been needing for this thing oh my God that looks so cool almost as cool as this thing right here dying oh this place is gonna look so nice oh I love it

And then while these cook uh let me okay now very quickly if I still have time before it’s night time I don’t want to deal with any monsters but let’s go around it looks like all the trees unsurprisingly have fully grown beautiful oh hi wow even more beautiful

I’m I’m not gonna lie I am a little worried that the chest is getting like super full so maybe soon we should actually uh look in there and make sure everything’s actually fun however and way more important news before I do that uh wow we actually have a lot of sticks

Once again hopefully that means a whole lot of trades for us like it is actually so unbelievably important for me to unlock this last trade or else this building is uh probably not gonna be finished this episode and there’s all also a chance that this villager right

Here doesn’t even sell me glass so I’m actually really scared about that but the third level um that’s when like they actually should sell me it but this is a really good sign that we have the Lantern and I just need like two no three more emeralds and

It should level up and then the next level that’s when we should have it so uh God I’m actually so worried about it but at least we’ll unlock the lanterns so you know we won’t have to be using uh torches for that much longer and I can

Actually put lanterns in all the corners and everything and it’ll just look so much prettier things are looking up you know at least we’ve unlocked that I don’t know why I thought I saw a b right there that’s kind of trippy also it’s so weird how like the bridge is going up

These things work so fast oh that sucks so if I pull it out I can’t put it back in that that could be taking such a wrong way Jesus ah why does it randomly break the crops what is wrong with my farm I I don’t get I can’t even replant

Them like actually what is wrong with this machine machine it truly makes no sense to me anywho okay we got a little bit more time until the stone is complete the trees have somewhat regrown and we are getting close so I just kind of want to keep pushing forward and

Hopefully unlocking that class trade because oh God we’re actually so close to that oh no I’m out of an ax whatever shall I do because we got 32 logs I’m really hoping that this is actually gonna be enough okay I got a few more in there okay we got eight to work with

That should actually unlock it this turn right here no oh this was supposed to be the glass trade so we didn’t get lucky ah that sucks okay uh we need to go make another trading one which very luckily is nice and cheap I wonder if there’s a

Farm that I can make in a crate mod for Redstone okay so then this one we’ll just go right there and you and then you you’ve got I’m getting so sick and tired of those things attacking me through the floor okay so we’ll pull this villager right there you boom go straight into

There and no I don’t want that or that are you kidding I got that so fast again I’m not sure what this does I kind of wish that it told me but potato recovery three like do I just put that on a hoe and then I get a lot of potatoes I won’t

Lie I’m actually kind of tempted but the only reason why I’m not gonna take this trade is because I don’t have a paper Farm oh ah but it’s a paper trade uh what actually like to have had that one please okay it’s not that important to

Me like I was hoping for on breaking three but still touches only 10 emeralds which is kind of high I usually see silk touch around five but I don’t care the part is the bookshelf I don’t have enough for that uh uh let’s see if I can

Go in quickly gets okay I’m killing you first and then we’re gonna quickly go see if I can get some more wood I don’t know if it was you but I don’t like you okay you are down there and uh same with you where’s the one that’s poisoning me

You’re really grinding my gears oh my God I shouldn’t have slept oh no I probably just screwed that up oh no uh very quickly oh no I think I accidentally just refreshed the trade why did I sleep please please please please bye bye bye bye bye yes oh my God it’s

Actually still here you give me now oh and I was actually able to buy two of them okay but beautiful we actually have silk touch and now we have mending and whatever capacity one is which I really don’t care for but okay that’s at least locked in so we’re good there now we

Just have to really hope that uh you so me glass if you know what’s good for you actually here um let’s just stop this machine now because like you’re not like the farm matters it just keeps doing that you know just keeps on exploding for no

Reason okay and see now I can actually plant all of this stuff right here so I really truly do not understand this whatsoever and why it just keeps on breaking see in there I can’t I can’t place it or there okay oh my God okay jeez they’re so many see

I am not going to sit there and put all of the Saints into that I am so good now we’re gonna go make that automated really quickly oh and luckily I think I can actually get away with using shoots I’m very positive on that I think I only

Need two shoots ooh but we need chess I don’t want to waste Spruce I want to keep the spruce because I don’t think I’ve gotten a spruce sapling I’m pretty sure I only have Oak so yeah no we’re we’re not gonna be using Spruce unless it’s for something pretty but at the

Very least you guys grow fast oh I got the very least I can make three chests and then we just need a composter which come here beautiful and then fingers crossed this actually works wait why did I make a composter I have one right here

I don’t know why I thought I had to do that oh well okay so we put double chest there and then we put a shoot there with you there I’m really hoping that this works and oh my if this actually works oh my goodness we actually have the

Perfect size to actually do that okay uh let’s see let’s test this out if I put these seeds then do you work it’s not sounding good really not sounding good okay uh well it was worth a try oh well good we will make two Hoppers beautiful

Now it’ll actually work so I guess we’ve now found out the difference between a shoot and a hopper but there we go yeah I’m I don’t have enough willpower to actually go through and uh do all of these seats by hand I just I’m not gonna

Waste an hour doing that and if I’m being honest uh seeing how easy it was to get all of this wheat like that was after like a day of me like playing in real life like that it’s almost been a day I don’t think I need that much food

I mean oh here we’ll we’ll go fill up the villagers uh trading things that then I never have to worry about that again and I guess it’ll be good to have a lot of food on backup oh my God that’s a lot of food never mind we’ll just have

A lot of bread so at least now I never never have to worry about any of that so you go there and uh you guys here you go Merry Christmas there’s a whole lot of bread for you and oh my gosh I have so much on backup okay

Well we got 56 on backup okay uh anyways so with that all figured out oh let me actually uh let’s give you seeds Okay let’s go back to you I’m gonna start up the machine again see what happens okay oh never mind okay yeah of course you went through and broke everything nice

Nice oh yeah wait I need to go get my hoe not that one there’s no shot really almost the entire one I I can’t wow actually quite impressive that it’s that terrible or what if I jump on you oh you and I still can’t put it down okay what

If I do it to this like these two yeah I really don’t know I hope you guys can help me oh oh my God we already have 20 yep but at least we’re gonna have a whole metric ton of bone meal oh that’ll be perfect for all the sea pickles out

There anywho I take you and I finish you boom Oh yeah this place is gonna be so amazing I want to say for anyone who’s watched my hardcore series from like a year ago no I haven’t died yes I stopped the world no I haven’t stopped the

Series I just don’t feel like playing it right now too oversaturated on YouTube I actually think this is almost half the distance of my automator or it’s at least like 40 of it so just to put in like perspective of the size of this thing like this is massive but I don’t

Think that I need any more um Stone now we’re just gonna make doors we need to eat I think we just need eight oh I forgot wait no we only need four because we’re gonna be taking these off of which I already turned all of my extra wood

Into sticks so yeah I need to go chop down more trees okay we could do a little bit more trading before I do that I just remembered I did this for doors so here we go we’ll make six more I think that’s all that I’m going to be

Needing for that and then the rest of you can be turned into sticks please give me a lot of emeralds please I’m desperate I wish that this would give me more experience with how expensive it is because it’s kind of dumb that I can go through an entire level with the

Lanterns if I just buy 12 of them I’m just saying oh but uh speaking of dumb okay let’s go around with the doors you guys go there nice and perfect same way you and you know you there we go and then I would put doors all the way down

There at the end but I really don’t feel like crafting more of them because as soon as I can actually make uh this little Tunnel right here then I could just remove the doors from these and then just move them down of which way before I even skip that I feel like I

Should make a ring around that one because this one over here at least has two of them I don’t think I should add the uh the slabs around this I feel like that might ruin it unless I only do it up till the first ring uh because I’m thinking about the glass

But then glass would go all the way there um never mind no no we are gonna do slabs I think that’ll work out well here you go down pretty much that can be nice and then maybe we go in uh five blocks five and then we break this and this and

Then we just put in an actual normal block just like that and then you get staircase boom staircase staircase and beautiful I was thinking of going around and changing out like some of these with the chosel blocks but I think that’s fine for the bridge area

So we have a nice tall walkway yeah really all that I need now is just glass which let me see one thing I believe oh god well I have a stack um I also have some sand I think uh the amount of sand that I have right here

Will allow me to do like maybe two lines of oxygen at a time so this entire thing might take me about three hours to go through which that sounds like so much fun so yeah maybe we actually want to go and gather some sand right now just so I

Can have a whole lot more from when I go and uh dry out or drain uh these areas still for that lets me go through empty as much it’s oh my God that’s looking like nothing empty as much as I can do I have any more trust okay I do wait I had

Seven chests right there I never had to actually craft them oh that sucks okay well at least we are nice and emptied up uh we have a decent amount of time of light remaining no no here let’s wait until daytime and then we’ll go minings yeah it’s about to become nighttime Also

Let’s make one more iron shovel just because I don’t think I have that much of a durability left on mine for the amount that I want we might as well take it and I won’t take it for a spin have some fun but yeah I think I’m okay with

Losing this mod if it means that I can have a cooler world to play and fine at least it allowed me to get over here way faster and now to go through possibly two iron shovels oh no I need to breathe I forgot I need oxygen because anyways

Besides my human needs there goes our iron shovel and then from using up both of those shovels we’ve gotten like a pretty decent amount of sand so at least with that amount we should actually be able to clear out quite a bit more uh Roma in this monster right here like

Dude this thing is so massive that it even takes me a little bit of time to bring my SEMA through it all oh this is gonna be so much fun okay make yourself one more shovel and then hopefully I can store a decent amount of the sand and

Then in here hope I’m definitely prepared for clearing out that entire room and then speaking of clearing oh let me take you and you and let’s go chop us down hopefully some more trees I’m hoping that the trees are still able to grow even though I was chopping down

Sand far away chopping down sand collecting sand but it looks like a large majority of you have grown so that’s awesome alrighty boys got a whole lot of sticks for you I’m hoping that I can get more than just two trades with the Villager or the librarian out of

This which I truly doubt okay not too bad I think that’s what three trades with you yes okay good we might be able to buy glass from you before the movie is over if anything it might be smart to try and uh level him up to where I can sell iron

Swim which I think it’s actually just one level but you know I’m starting to get a decent amount where are you of iron so it might be good but I’m also just scared to actually uh level him up because that just takes up a lot of

Emeralds and then what if he doesn’t buy iron on this level but I think he does I just I haven’t been working with those villagers too much so I don’t really know their trades God I have so many villagers oh my God hi why are you in

There don’t you dare damage my building whatsoever why can you spawn in there I thought these were registered as a air blocks I mean luckily it doesn’t seem like there’s anything else in these but yeah that’s trippy to me I don’t I don’t know how he was able to spawn in there

Before any of you even comments or if you guys have been commenting it uh no I will not go and smelt my glass that I have just to make glass uh I I would much rather save all of that sand for are draining out that room because that

Is going to be such a monstrous task I mean if anything I do have more dirt and I could actually just take up the uh the dirt in between every single trim I can make this a lot bigger which might be smart oh wait actually okay wait wait I

Think I know a smarter way on how to expand this instead of having to like have a whole lot of dirt blocks everywhere oh wait wait wait here let’s redo the farm so I don’t believe that this should affect the growth rates or affect the trees from growing like I’m

Pretty sure that they should still work but if I just fill in this entire spot right here with Oak saplings I’m pretty positive the trees should still grow and I should be able to chop down like that entire monstrous thing in one go with my ax like I’m pretty sure it’ll work like

That but just be safe let’s also grow trees around here in a normal manner yeah and then we’ll just come back in a little bit the other thing that I’m thinking of that can actually work out hopefully pretty decently well wait I’ve never found bamboo wait really you’re

Kidding I thought I found it in one of the sunken ships really and I believe I’ve been having an issue with this world which is also why I really want to change it because there’s no sunken ships any new chunks that I go to there’s just no sunken ships out there I

Don’t know what happened I don’t know what kind of uh world generator or biome generator that I have on my world but Asia is they’re non-existent now so maybe Bamboo’s out of the question unless a traveling Merchant were to come by miraculously and then that sells me

Bamboo but I don’t think they do but um never mind okay I was gonna start growing bamboo but uh nope can’t do that so I guess I’m just stuck to uh tree farms and sticks alrighty buddy there’s another trade okay it looks like two more all I need is just two more you

Know what here let’s do it I don’t got anything else really going on so fine we’ll make some more of those plus I at least then it’s not a complete voice you know I can actually use these for the tree farm yes they’re a villager that

Buys kelp I do have a lot speaking of which we should actually keep on cooking all of you I want to make a lot more of those kelp blocks chemical belt oh wait dried kelp gets mechanical belts that’s actually huge that’s gonna be incredible later on oh we also need to make

Charcoal because I think charcoal is just a lot more easy to get than kelp blocks those take a little bit of work to actually get okay let’s see how are you guys doing it looks like some of you have grown are you all in the center

Okay okay I think my idea does somewhat work oh wait wait wait boom I got a stack and a half a bone meal which I can go and use on those lovely trees ow ow and there we go okay the entire Center monster tree is done there’s no way I’m

Chopping this I’m gonna go yeah yeah I know that’s what I kind of figured yep please please pretty please so it might actually be a smart idea is digging up and then kind of cutting it off from there yep I love that chat oh man hey in

Case you guys were wondering um this tree is too big and can’t be broken in one hit because there’s a maximum of a hundred just in case if you guys didn’t see that or if you were curious yeah I can chop the trees around it which I

Think are also causing an issue for it okay here let’s chop off some of the leaves as well maybe this will help out because I think the leaves also count towards that 100 I don’t think it’s just um logs and then maybe we don’t actually

Grow trees on the uh the outskirts of it because that seems to really be uh creating an issue okay round two yes oh my god that actually works okay beautiful okay so from chopping down a monster tree yeah okay yeah we basically ended up with like maybe a stack in like

20 more so is it worth it maybe but it’s not as like crazy as I was hoping for I was hoping for like five stacks of wood or something and know there we go yeah we’ll leave that many trees hopefully they uh grow fast actually wait wait

Wait wait wait here I still got uh 26 more bone meal let’s actually have a little bit more fun okay well that was only four trees and there goes that ax and I didn’t bring any more with me for some reason okay now we can actually go

Trading hopefully we get a lot more emeralds this one so far we’ve uh kind of hit a brick wall okay we almost have three stacks let’s check this bad boy out and there we go oh crap I think we’ve uh we got enough sticks to actually do more than what both of these

Guys can buy so that’s actually a nice change of pace for once okay we got 33 finally in the next level okay now we should be on to Lantern oh dubs Rider two kind of cool I guess okay lanterns watch us boom all I had to do we’re

Already on to the next level police for the love of God give me glass please I’m I’m so desperate yes yes yes oh my God we actually have glass yes yes yes okay uh can’t trade with you guys yet but at least we can start doing this oh my gosh

Yes and I think for this doorway honestly we might just bring the gloss that far out because we kind of don’t need more now realizing it I might not even have doors right here because it really doesn’t make sense for me to like I’ll have glass at some part up there

Like maybe once the tunnel comes over but I think having a grand massive entrance into here same for that side how that literally makes no sense for you to be here like how yeah I think I’m gonna do the same for this entrance over here but sadly for that entrance down

There we might have to have an actual little door there at least unless I make like a tunnel going out of there for like a little bit but yeah that’s kind of what I’m uh thinking for all of this nice massive grand opening uh doorways just to make it look even cooler in

There oh my gosh we can actually buy glass huh even though it’s only from one dude it’s really going to be slow because I think I can buy like maybe a stack of glass from him uh each purchase or like each uh refresh we’re not uh

We’re not out of Harm’s Way yeah well I thought I had more sticks can’t exactly like that yeah we can only buy 48 per refresh so it’s gonna be a little slow a little slow oh wait we have a little bit extra so you yeah give me that thank you

And then hopefully with him we can actually sell iron and then they’ll be even more Revenue that we can get and then I just have to be super duper careful to not mess anything up I mean I could buy silk touch now and make another diamond pick and put it on there

Or make a diamond ax and put it on that but and boy try yeah I I honestly think that we kind of just hit a brick wall I don’t really know what to do other than wait for the uh the trees here to grow which seems like they grow actually

Pretty fast so maybe maybe this brick wall ain’t gonna take us too long to actually to get through it oh my God calm down geez I’m trying to get all the trees I just chopped down stop growing there okay now you can grow okay we can

Do a little bit more trading today hello buddy man these guys are gonna become Masters in no time like right now uh more glass from you oh Frost Walker that’s kind of fun ah thank you buddy love working with you and hello other buddy yeah give me that one that one

That that and that please buy iron please yes yes that’s another Revenue Source okay so then I’m gonna go over to you and hello profits nice okay we can get some glass even faster which uh yeah I think we want to start making a lot more uh Librarians you know I think we

Can start uh producing those a lot faster now okay so we have some decent profit ways so that was like a huge hurdle actually done we should actually be able to finish up this tunnel you can put that in the video if you want that’s so funny oh okay so maybe

For you so I’m trying to think on when we do this Open Door god that actually hmm like how would I do this I guess maybe we have just like a straight line of glass going across like right here and then we just walk inside which

Honestly oh God like that’s kind of lame I’m not gonna lie I mean at least we get started from like they’re going up maybe and then yeah I guess we just like walking from there it’s I don’t know that just seems kind of lame to me but I

I don’t know how I was envisioning doing that with like short tunnels going into a large door but yeah anyways hello thank you I need more glass still you up like that actually here you know what screw it yeah it’s not gonna look good regardless so yeah maybe we just do it

Like that and then I mean we will be removing these doors once this area is uh removed of water is it you you did you just pull me in I think you did I don’t trust you guys or are you below there’s no way it’s below you God I hate

You okay does anyone else want the smoke or are we good yeah maybe we actually end the glass like right there and then this is how we get in I don’t know but I think we’re good question mark uh this is gonna hurt me but let’s actually just

Delete you and then there we go but we can now put a little tiny pause on needing glass and everything now we can get all the sand oh my God that is actually a lot okay and just go through fill up this yeah even just this little

Tiny hallway took roughly a stack and a half so Yep this is gonna definitely take me a few hours to clear out that big room and done beautiful and then the fast way to get rid of all your torches just like that lovely I think I started

With 56 honestly don’t remember but ah look at that we actually have another tunnel I wish I could have made this a little bit more curved but then I would have had to make it like really awkward important stuff but it’s not not too bad

Oh and also here you go we can actually remove these doors and I I am insanely tempted to remove the gloss right there I actually really hate that so here let’s go to you and let’s actually extend you like that and then screw it don’t carry any more boom we can

Actually break that and yeah that that’s so much nicer so much nicer in fact that I kind of really really want to fix this yeah I think I am that that’s bugging me too much okay so for you yeah let’s just raise up all of the glass right there

And I think I need to add gloss right there and then maybe like that and we should be fine let’s see if I go through here and then just go Boop and try them kind of yep yep looking good looking good nice okay wow I actually guessed

That completely right uh I’m a little tempted to remove that and put a gloss there but I I think we’re fine you know it fits in the stonework there also so we don’t need you then I need to be really fast with this though nope you’re

Not coming in and same thing with you I need to be fast with you I don’t think I think there’s glass above okay good so yeah that’s very nice and then I’m Gonna Leave This right there so I don’t really want to remove you I think it’s better

If I leave that like same with that little Edge right there so I think we’re good with that but hey now everything is a lot higher we’re not going to be smacking our craniums on anything very nice so nice that hey I want more glass thank you ooh also with these Spruce

Doors we can at least go all the way down here okay now we can put the doors like that so at least now all the entrances have a door in them oh God what am I getting myself into for this building uh I guess I can start a little

Glass section right here boom boom boom okay so a little bit of progress on all of that okay maybe I was over estimating it maybe I don’t need all this sand right now okay wait actually before I start dealing with even more librarian villagers I kind of want to fix this one

Little corner ball you know I still have it on my mind okay let’s see so if we copy the design right here from the corner you know okay not right there okay but you go right there and actually let’s not put anything below it I don’t

Think that we need to do that and then you come up yeah here let’s just go straight into slab so then you come across here just like that oh absolute perfection yes slay there we go okay and I think with that now I think I’m actually done with this tunnel I don’t

Think I need to add anything else oh my God this is so beautiful oh I like this yeah yeah I like it so I think that this gives like a pretty decent uh inspiration from Bioshock camera like I think it does the artwork and the architecture of that game like decently

Well okay now yeah uh let’s yeah let’s make four more I think we can do four more Librarians I think that I’ll do with some uh some good which I kind of want to actually buy glass I don’t know what I’m just I’m really against using this glass I really don’t

Want to use any of that give me some of that Redstone oh monster tree looks like it’s actually been doing work so yeah I think this is definitely the uh the right way to do tree farms now and I might have spoken too soon yeah wait wait nope still speaking too soon yep

That’s good bring back the chat log yep oh dear God okay maybe this isn’t the way to do tree farms God I wish I could just do unlimited I hate this 100 Max so much okay forget it uh we need to go through who leaves we need to start

Lowering down on these bad boys Lisa I want some less leaves that keep growing back oh ideally actually wait a second what am I doing I already know future me is gonna want to start using leaves so here we’ll just start going through this oh my God they actually clear this out

So much faster please thank you there we go okay literally finally uh unharvested okay let’s not actually make this so huge um no it is nice getting for two and a half stacks out of that but while the time that it actually takes to uh chop it

Down is way too long so instead maybe we just do a even just a 4×4 how about that I don’t think it can get too crazy with that and then over here just for even more tree growth because you know I don’t want to make it too tiny uh yeah

We’ll do like four all the way down there and then we should be good hopefully now I can actually chop down the monster tree a lot faster there we go make you a master very beautiful might as well just buy some glass for you right now because it’s gonna take

Forever for you to bring that uh purchase trade thingy back up can’t trade with you and then we’ll just go through and make two of those we got 32 of you and then we’re gonna make um no I only want four and then before I

Even head back out there so then now we need to make four more of you now we’re getting serious with our capitalism here we go and yeah give me these four beautiful welcome welcome all the Librarians I hope you guys enjoy your stay uh I think we’re most definitely gonna be moving

All of these villagers into here as well like maybe one of the we’ll also just have all of them on the edge uh who knows but yeah I definitely want them out of that room but yeah we’re definitely not finishing this this episode can I try to see you again okay

Beautiful I just want to make sure that I have a lot of emeralds for when I start trading with all of these guys okay so we got silk and mending and nothing else that’s good okay well nope don’t need that come on baby give me something I’ll say quite literally almost anything oh

Uh 45 Who’s ah I don’t know about that one Shifu um especially since I kind of already have a fortune 3 pick you know like I don’t know I don’t think any other tool maybe a shovel it’s Fortune three but yeah I don’t know uh that’s a bit expensive there bud no wait

Wait man I had Thorn three I would have taken that oh aqua infinity but you’re a paper trade uh okay managed to get Fortune three again almost at a 50 discount but you actually have a bookshelf and you know what I think we’re just gonna take it I am down for

That you know that is one of the enchantments that I do need wait do you guys have anything good absolutely not okay well then I don’t care about you guys and hello beautiful that took literally one refresh and yep I am accepting you nice we are moving along

Incredibly fast and I’m very happy and hell oh my God never mind I I do want efficiency five but not for an entire stack of emeralds and a paper trade and almost buddy you’re almost there maybe wait do I have this hook touch I do and you’re also one Emerald cheaper

Whatever it gets old like I want this just 64. I honestly think that this trade is always expensive no matter what so God this absolutely kills me but I think this is actually worth it like usually I always see sharpness five at like 48 emeralds

On above so oh man yeah this kills me but you know it’s also with a bookshelf let’s do it you know it’s I’m gonna buy that one time maybe for the ax I don’t know if the ax can also get uh sharpness on it but we might be doing it for that

As well so fine also I remember that I have the iron trade now so hello money pardon me wants to like go and get a sign and then just label what all of these are okay I think I know what I’m looking for in here honestly protection

Five or power five would also be really good they’ll always just go for it it’s another one that I need okay so you’re amazing with glass I want you to sell me glass and yeah this is gonna take forever we might want to make a second

One of you yeah let’s should do that I think that’s actually going to be worth it huh hello hi what are you doing in my home did I make an oopsy poopsie and forget to light up this place my bad I hear another high nope I see another

With a creeper I yeah can that hit you no I didn’t want to hit you I want to hit the creeper thank you nope nope that’s okay buddy I really truly don’t need you to blow up okay before we go and do some more trading let’s get on

Light duty okay is everywhere else safe God I hate you no no no no no you’re not making it now and I saw you with your friend no no where did he go there’s another okay that door said oh got to remember to light everything up honestly

Something that I don’t ever really think of uh what are you guys oh jellyfish oh wait wait here I got a home for you thank you and thank you yep it’s called my inventory yes I still have wood so you got another thanks oh my God yeah we

Will never have issues with getting villagers alrighty bud I really want to buy that can you give me something cheaper please I could do that wait three yeah do I want that though are you actually gonna buy iron the next one because I don’t know if I need like coal

Or something I’m gonna trigger it oh wait never mind I’m a silly little Goose I don’t even have an emeralds and just like that now I do I got the very least I don’t feel too bad about buying all these axes actually wait wait because each ax only costs three so it’s like

Technically I’m just making them definitely gonna be using them all up there that thing has grown I think I find that means I’ll be right back time for me to go and chop down some more trees I need to undo all of Mr BEAST’s work yes okay beautiful that actually

Went down in one go no way I didn’t have to spend like half of my day up here trying to get everything thing to break except that did not give me that many saplings so that worries me will you give me a lot okay so maybe the farm

Over here will give me wood but also it’ll always guarantee that I get saplings back because it’s starting to appear that this over here is really inefficient for getting a saplings back actually let’s plan another one right there why not I should actually probably save those 60 planks I probably should

Start worrying about wood instead of trading all of it there you go okay you give me more yes level up okay please buy iron yes okay good okay we at least have two trades with you and then you know we got two trades of sticks I think

We’re fine on all that stuff also uh let me buy some arrows actually there we go so now in case my Ops come in here I’ll be fine okay beautiful at the very least I want to get a little bit more work done oh my God that was only 20. and you

Know what I don’t feel so bad about taking this glass anymore but I want to get a little bit more work done on at least this this tunnel here I would like to at least get the pathways to this building done so here we’ll do this that

Hardest part is lining everything up to actually fit why does it feel like I messed this up but I don’t think I did pretty sure this is still correct and then okay here then we’re gonna start bringing this over because then this will tell me how high I need to make

Everything else yeah yep yep looking good uh here wall starts I encasing this with glass and then even though the door is super far out there I might be okay to leave it like that I don’t think I hate that here let’s bring this glass

Back over to here don’t touch me no I heard that where are you no no no no no where are you buddy there you are yeah no goodbye I’m so tired of getting poisoned so we might have to come back and fix up this area in the future like

With how I kind of wanted to have everything super high and mighty with these doors but at the very worst I I think I have enough glass to fill this in nice and you’re all done over here oh God wait I need to sleep I don’t want

Things spawning in anymore and then with the leftover glass just so future me doesn’t mess up anything here we’re gonna go around and strategically place all of the glass on where it’s gonna be going around here oh God I’m already confused um okay wait wait because we have to

Follow the design right here you start on this section am I thinking wrong no I think it actually does go right here okay here you go there glass goes here and then I don’t think I need any glass right there oh that’s gonna bug me I

Hate that oh man I mean I could just put the glass right here but I I actually no I I have to I I can’t I can’t bring myself to uh have the glass touching that glass I’m gonna hate how that looks because then you won’t have any of the

Water in between it it’ll actually just you know be uh like that you know like a you’ll just be able to see like straight through and I just I I can’t bring myself to it I hate it so we’ll have one little bit of a building uh design flaw

Right there just to keep up with the water aesthetic okay God why are you guys always over here go away you have the entire ocean just leave my door I’m speaking of door do I have a lot of sand for that and then we just come on over

Here and we’ll just start from this side bringing in sand everywhere then we go over to the farm side put down sand over here with the sun blaring into our eyes so we can’t actually see definitely gonna be needing some glasses after this series or this episode there we go and

Now we just bring out the Torches and then unlike last time as much as I would love to have creepers and skeletons spawn on here let’s go through and actually light this up and I am going to go overboard with the lighting because I don’t want anything to blow this up and

Then once again even though I don’t have silk touch oh well we’re gonna remove that so we have a nice uh whole ceiling blade right there I’m kind of I think I want to remove this yeah yeah I think I like that I think that’s fine because so

You know it kind of slopes down into this place and then uh same thing for you remove that uh can’t remove any of the other glass but we can remove the doors and you beautiful oh my goodness our base is becoming so nice Okay and with us completely organized this all

Done future me should very easily be able to figure out how to build all of this and I’m not gonna lie oh wait no no here let’s go get a little bit more glass just so I can show you guys what I mean and just so I don’t forget it for

The future so iron to you and so oh wait he bought all the iron oh yes perfect okay so we got a diamond ax and we got a diamond sword don’t even care about the enchantments whatsoever I’m gonna be uh removing both of those and then for you

If I get like pretty pretty please and I get a diamond ax and shovel from you like that’d be perfect speaking of perfect hello you give me all of this class also how are you doing okay we might want to move all that out of that

Chest soon just because you know I I like having Stone so this side is gonna have the Perfection with the glass uh going on to the land right here just so that there’s still like a little one block of uh water right there what I think on this side we’re gonna start

From right here um it’s gonna be the only little mistake in this entire place and it’s only noticeable now that like I said it I don’t think you guys would have noticed that if I didn’t maybe like four of you would have oh I do have dirt

Okay I think that’s correct oh yeah yeah that’s because I had those pillars right there that’s why this looks bizarre to me just bring you on down hopefully future me can figure out the rest there you go and then let’s just not get touched by the little uh puffer fish and

Let’s go and put some more glass down here beautiful okay I think I future proof this for myself I don’t think I’m gonna get confused at all by any of this and yeah I think that’s all that we can do for this episode it’s almost bedtime

I think we’ve done a lot I think we’ve done enough you know I uh actually automated and made the weed farm we have all of our villager stuff going just so much there I made an automatic triple cobblestone generator I made one and two different uh glass path ways so now you

Know we have more places to walk around and we started the cathedral I I don’t know what to call this place if you guys can you know come up with a name that’d be awesome I’ll go with the uh the most liked comment or the comment that I like

The most so yeah I think we’ve done like a pretty decent amount in here I’m pretty happy with everything and I think episode four if you guys would like it we’re gonna aim to at least complete the construction of this which that’s gonna be an absolute nightmare so that’s why I

Think I’ll have to dedicate an episode to that and then maybe if we have time starting some of the machines in here because oh look it’s mini me I’m like a little baby Sky’s ones upbeat oh there we go perfect yeah here’s me in BB form how did you spawn here there’s like

Light for if you know you guys want it and yeah I hope you guys enjoyed and I’ll see you guys next time see ya

This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 Hours LOST AT SEA in Hardcore Minecraft! #3’, was uploaded by Skyes on 2023-08-11 16:15:02. It has garnered 206395 views and 4651 likes. The duration of the video is 02:20:00 or 8400 seconds.

I Survived 150 Hours UNDERWATER in Minecraft Hardcore! 30,000 Likes and I’ll release another 50 Hours Movie! 🙂

INTRO SONG – bbno$ – top gun https://youtu.be/FZIxKMqrdUo


MY SECOND CHANNEL! – https://youtu.be/xtjq4k6rlpU


🐦-= Twitter – https://twitter.com/Skyes 🎽 -= Merch – https://skyesmerch.com/ 🎥-= Twitch (Live streams) – https://www.twitch.tv/notskyes 🖥️-= My VODS Channel – https://bit.ly/3qD1i4U

Edited by: https://twitter.com/MeggTheEditor


#50Hours #minecrafthardcore #minecraft I Survived 50 Hours in a OCEAN ONLY WORLD in Minecraft Hardcore If you enjoyed this, it would mean a lot if you leave a like on the video! Thanks 😊


Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 00:45 Hour 1 39:03 Hour 10 1:08:12 Hour 20 1:28:34 Hour 30 1:47:40 Hour 40

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  • 🔥 AKH Realm Server – Beitritt für epische Bedrock-Action! 🔥

    🔥 AKH Realm Server - Beitritt für epische Bedrock-Action! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Joint meinem Realm Server für die Minecraft Bedrock Edition #minecraft #viral #server’, was uploaded by AKH Community on 2024-05-24 11:20:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable! Building insane bunker in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable! Building insane bunker in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Working On My Bunker | Old Minecraft Stream’, was uploaded by Mongster on 2024-06-02 01:24:56. It has garnered 978 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 03:13:11 or 11591 seconds. Continuing work on my bunker from the last stream today. Opening music is provided by bouncytorch If you’re interested in old Minecraft, join the discord: https://discord.gg/pENaw4vxqW #minecraft #minecraftbeta #stream #goldenage #swag #epicswag #fortnite #prank #gaming Read More

  • FortNutBr – You Won’t Believe His Age!

    FortNutBr - You Won't Believe His Age!Video Information This video, titled ‘AGE CHECK? #fortnite #clixboxfights #twitch #clixfortnite #fortniteclips #clixandsommerset’, was uploaded by FortNutBr on 2024-03-06 11:35:45. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. 313,buckefps,clix,mongraal,motor,EU,NAE,NAW,Na central,central,Fn,Fortnite,Editing,Free Highlights Editor,Minecraft,Gaming,FUnny,Kids,Bugha,Dukezfn,SypherPk,Derekgraz,PilatFN,WebsterFN,Shorts,Tiktok,Tiktok CLips,Stream Clips,24Hr Stream Tags : fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity pc, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity settings, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity , fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity guide, fortnite controller sensitivity season 4, fortnite controller sensitivity x and y, fortnite controller sensitivity ps5, fortnite controller sensitivity bug, best ps5 controller sensitivity fortnite, fortnite ps5 controller building sensitivity, fortnite best controller sensitivity… Read More

  • 🔥 EXPLOSIONS & INSANITY on EarthMC! 😱🌍 | IanSpace71

    🔥 EXPLOSIONS & INSANITY on EarthMC! 😱🌍 | IanSpace71Video Information This video, titled ‘EarthMC Stream – Chaos, The Wither, and TNT’, was uploaded by IanSpace71 on 2024-03-31 09:17:08. It has garnered 118 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:16 or 7816 seconds. earthmc.net Minecraft https://discord.gg/KveWTgwssB Read More


    EPIC PIGGY & CREEPER SHOWDOWN: BIG COLUMN VS BIG SKIBIDI TOILET!Video Information This video, titled ‘BIG COLUMN VS BIG SKIBIDI TOILET | SKIBIDI MOB FIGHT’, was uploaded by piggy&creeper on 2024-02-22 15:00:15. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Funny Minecraft Adventures with Piggy and Creeper!! #minecraft #skibidi #piggycreeper Subscribe! minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft music, minecraft song, minecraft godzilla, minecraft videos, minecraft civilization, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft live, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft armadillo, minecraft ambience, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft arg, minecraft animation movie, minecraft ancient city, a minecraft song, a minecraft… Read More

  • PandaSteal

    PandaStealPandaSteal LIFESTEAL SERVER LESS PAY2WIN GOOD PING JOIN NOW! PandaSteal.mc-play.org Read More

  • Townscraft – SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.20.1 Whitelist Towns Community-focused 2+ Years

    Townscraft Information Townscraft TL;DR: Townscraft is a Survival Multiplayer server that focuses on creating towns. Each town contains houses, shops, farms and more. You can join an existing town, create new towns with three or more members, or choose to be a solo nomad. From Big City Skyscrapers to Steampunk Floating Islands to Funkytown themes, there’s something for everyone. Quick Links Rules Discord Photo Gallery Video Trailer In-Depth Our server is a whitelisted SMP that promotes town-building and community events without altering Minecraft’s main gameplay. We believe in a vanilla player-honored system for a natural feel. Tight-Knit Community: We value… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Accidental Minecraft Chaos 😅

    Minecraft Memes - Accidental Minecraft Chaos 😅Looks like this Minecraft meme is mining for gold with that high score! ⛏️💰 Read More

I Survived 50 Hours LOST AT SEA in Hardcore Minecraft! #3