I Transformed a FLOWER FOREST in Hardcore Minecraft Survival

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I’ve now survived 3 000 days in Hardcore Minecraft where I spend a majority of my time working on the spawn region the capital city has grown a lot and recently we finished this massive project building an entire custom biome that divides the land with a force and

Shows the start of a new region leading into this perfect little Minecraft village transforming villages in Minecraft is literally my favorite thing to do if I don’t do it at least three times a year I’ll go inside if that doesn’t happen from dealing with these dudes excuse you they’ll also make me go

Insane but that’s fine now please be sure to leave a like on this video And subscribe if you’re new as we dive into a new adventure transforming this Village step one of this project I need oh I’m in the water tank too step one in the project here I need tulips that

Definitely wasn’t the first time at all that I made it across the bridge already have a flower farm over here that produces alliums and Azure blueettes just by doing this to get all the Tulip variants as well I need to clear out all of the trees and the flower Forest to

Make space for morphers that forest was a lot bigger than I expected but hey at least I got logs now the idea is to surround the entire village with huge colorful fields of tulips but first I need a lot of flowers which the weather Skelly Farm can help

Out with as I’ve got tons of Bones be plenty you’re doing great dogs you’re doing great every time I bone me on the ground there’s a chance of getting a flower if you didn’t know when you bone meal the same spot it’ll always spawn the same flower ah right there it did it

Which means it looks like right over here we’re always gonna be getting red tulips I just need to find where the other three types of tulips are gonna spawn but I think I’m gonna want to get rid of all the other types of flowers first looks like up here I can get pink

Tulips in almost every one of these spots over here we can get white tulips and orange looks like orange flowers also spawn up here which I might use instead at each of these locations I want to build a little Farmhouse to hide our flower farm that way we can decorate

The land as well but yeah before we added a massive flower field afterwards tearing up the massive Field of Flowers just gotta trust the process on this one for these Marco Farms I first need to build a box around where I want the flowers to spawn it at the ends of each

Of these boxes I need to add in pistons on both sides give a little bit more space on one of them Observer looking for forward with a note block just behind repeated on the far side now this should break everything perfect stop stop please stop thank you thank you

Thank you for stopping now right here in the middle observer looks at the top then this way yeah the old Observer with a dispenser looking up at the grass fill him with some bone meal and we should have flower farm very loud very loud flower farm oh my gosh seed Farm but

Flowers to make it a little bit easier I’m gonna bring some Hoppers over here with a barrel out of the side now I can just fill this with bone meal and it should go all the way in repeating this process three more times we now have a

Working flower farm for each type of tulip in Minecraft now these are all pretty ugly currently so I think I want to build a small farmhouse around each of them to hide it looks like I am out of Cobble deep slate here to build with so time to mind

This should do it these are gonna end up being pretty big here where I already need to make it one block bigger for an extra trim along the base let’s bring our tough blocks up another Block near the barrel maybe it juts out a bit right

Here for a small entryway and access to the barrel then over here we just extend the rest of the walls up using our Cobble along the front I think I can get away with a few slabs inching their way up as we come in we can make a little

Lip going up two so that the front door is actually walkable Yep I think that can work a few windows in to really help this house feel come alive for the main trim though I do want to outline it with Spruce before we bring in that deep slate now Behind These though I want to try adding in a few mushroom blocks except hiding this

Texture for something like this which can come all the way across with the spruce slabs down the middle and repeating the entire process on the far side the back is really long and flat right now though but I’ve got a few friends right now okay I feel better

Along the back I want to take in a bunch of deep slight tiles to create a small fireplace back here that’ll stick out with a chimney which shouldn’t stick up too far but maybe right about here surrounding the campfire with some trap doors and a slab on top for safety

Perfect to keep it pretty simple on the front I just don’t want to add a little core straight out the door which will be Oak and a little deep slate on the inside for a floor back up top to use the Deep slate I literally just mined we

Can bring in stairs some full blocks then slabs for the upper part foreign but it definitely will be spawning mobs everywhere so on the inside to make it a little safer it’s a working space it doesn’t have to be gorgeous in here okay but even saying that even I can only

Allow it to be so bad okay that that’s much more doable the perfect red tulip flower farm is ready to go just don’t look at it for too long okay moving on with the red Doula Palm complete I worked on the remaining Flower Farms trying to make them a little unique from

Each other as I go hold on a minute here before I finish building this last one I want to try something I’ll at least get this finished first right now it’s really hard to tell which building represents which flowers I’d like to grab a few flowers in here grabbing

Eight of each I can turn them all in to Die Why White Tulip gives light gray dye I don’t know please excuse the mess but somewhere in here I think I have some terracotta perfect using the dies we can craft a stack of each of the types of

Terracotta and I want to try replacing all the cobblestone on the front side of each of them with the matching color of terracotta which gives us a little something like that that I think I like maybe here we just go full red that’s gonna do in here I have the

Orange tulips our terracotta is in place up here we have the pink which is now in place and a little window I haven’t finished building this one yet but I’m really trying to break away from the shape by having this lower droop down section in here because the

Others they’re so long I can’t handle it I really don’t like them but we’re gonna live with it for now and I might go back and change them later but at least we’re gonna keep moving forward I’m not stressed about it no no not at all All of the houses in here are looking really good at this point in time but I definitely have a little bit more cleanup work I want to do and some extra details like maybe over here we have a stack of logs just showing somebody’s living in the space and then maybe we do

A little chest there my next goal is connecting all these via some roads and Pathways that will get sorted in a moment but at least with this we can add a little life back here but the four Flower Farms assembled and housed I want to link them up with roads I’m yet again

Asking for your picky support in my campaign to create brand new roads and I need gravel no no yes nope nope nope nope nope yes this right here should definitely keep me busy for a while before I get to the roads I want to place down some dirt to smooth out the

Terrain around here a bit further we’re not gonna need these stinking villager Pathways so I can bring in my own new Pathways imagine making a path out of actual path blocks I could never nor will I ever stamp through a night crafting a ton of course dirt and a few

Spruce slabs for walkability you can get to work tearing out all of the grass blocks to make space for a brand new road for now the pathway is just going to disappear off into the distance but in our little village it does connect to every single one of the homes but now I

Just need to run throughout here and add in all of the coarse dirt that I just crafted it’s amazing how a few pieces of different colored dirt can really just change the atmosphere of an entire place this is looking so much better now especially when we add in a little

Garden yep that is looking pretty good that says a little Ode to the flower farm back here that for now um it’s just gonna stay like that because I don’t know what to do with it if you have ideas let me know Farms are now set up

The core export of our village is ready to go it’s now this needs some love do I even want to ask why you all are in the animal pen come on out there you go there’s a whole world to explore oh okay come out when you’re ready it’s

Okay take your time okay that’s the answer that’s the answer right there as with all terraforming projects I need my comfort Beacon nearby to keep me safe and crafting five new shulkers to fill with stuff you see where I might have a bit of a problem as this is going to go

A long way as I need to carve out space for these rivers to connect which results in a ton of block breaking to get a better idea of all of this and how it’s going to flow I left it all one block below water level so I could

Easily add in the water on top some areas needed a little bit more love so I pushed back a few of the hills to further expand the river cutting back even more of them in a few different spots I wanted to smooth out the terrain for future field building and give a

More natural look to the river now a few village houses might have been in the way of the river so I tore those down to rebuild them later on I I promise but first the river kind of sucks as it isn’t full of water so I’m fixing that

Problem one bucket at a time we’re a little low on shulkerbox storage space so let’s spend a little time here filling in everything inside first so that we can clear out space before we get into digging the base shape’s done I dug out the river to be roughly three to five blocks

Deep just kind of varying across drop everything emergency emeralds where are my emergency emeralds please what happened to my emergency emeralds no we have to go get more you stay right there we need more I always have a stack of emeralds in the under chest where did it

Go yes he’s still here oh drip Leaf thank you very much buddy we got ten oh that’s so good thank you you’re the best with that beautiful Discovery I moved on to creating some Mossy Rocks Under the river to break the consistency of all of

The dirt so far now for one final step underwater I wanted to add in some seagrass to make it not feel so bare as you’re kind of looking at it the wandering Traders are gathering and it seems to be worth it so far I really

Like it next up we’ve got to fix the above water portions of the river and maybe a bridge we probably need a bridge a quick jump back to look at where we started today now with a full connection on the rivers but I want to take this

One step further and I’m really glad I got all that gravel earlier today as I want to start removing the edge of the rivers where we would have some residue depositing and filling it back in with the gravel oh this is kind of nice the Sands already here where I want to fill

It in so we’ll just change it out and I should probably do this underwater too or that’s gonna look a little weird a few extra plots of Graveler now in place and this is looking a lot better before I do anything else I need to clear some

Space in these shulker boxes so let’s grab some grass excuse me sir I need that bed I want to create a small Riverbank area so I’ve already started plotting out of place to raise up all of the grass so the village isn’t in quite

As much of a flood zone and now I just need to go throughout the process of placing all of these blocks to fill in the entire area there we go it’s all filled in now which looks really really boring without any tall grass on it we’re at the ugly face

Everybody time to move on before I add any further elements along the River’s Edge I’d like to focus on the village itself my first constructing a bridge across the water here for this I’d like to stick to Cobblestone Mossy Cobble and stone bricks on top of that a little bit

Of spruce out for the walkway oh we’re almost out oh no the head box did give me an idea though let’s grab some Chris Marine for a little pop of color first starting off by building a platform of spruce Labs 5 wide arching over the river itself for the first side over

Here we can do stone bricks on the end maybe a little bit more coming through and slowly working this up to keep it kind of a smaller Bridge thinking it might be good to reinforce it underneath here with some stone bricks for the Inner Circle coming all the way back

Down into the water and then I should be able to just copy that over here adding a little bit more Cobble here into the middle and extending it all the way up this is looking pretty good now for a little bit of prismarine where we

Can grab a few walls and a handful of slabs as if they’re like a colorful railing going all the way across and then in the middle we do our walls maybe on top I can bring in these warp trap doors for a little extra Pizzazz of course lamps underneath I do want to

Bring down all of the slabs they’re just a little bit closer to the water level but the style figured out for the first side I decided to duplicate that right over to the second but the bridge in place for now I’d like to add a little

Bit of a coarse dirt here on the end and probably over on this side too I was listening to the spawn chunks podcast recently and Joel Duggan gave me a great idea for a little extra detail along the river if we dig underground here and create a bit of a staircase coming all

The way up we can add in the water and you’ll subtly hear the flowing water sounds now out of the left side of my ear I can hear water moving well we’re walking across at least on this side we feel like the river’s moving thing and I just think that’s really cool playing

With sounds in Minecraft is something I really want to get into more so if you have any ideas for other blocks or ways that we can incorporate sounds into our world let me know in the comments I’m removing the houses on the outside as I’d like to have the whole village on

One side of the river and connecting the bridge up with the rest of the existing pathway the entrance to the village is looking great right now but the Village um not so much and we’re gonna keep ignoring that for now I swear we’re transforming a village today I just have

A million and one things that I want to do first like along the riverbank here I want to tear out a lot of the space and bring in some mud Muddy Roots and a little bit of coarse dirt along the back Edge which for now we’re just gonna

Leave along the base Water’s Edge Water Edge along the first side is looking really good you made it especially compared to the other side which we’re gonna be fixing right now underwater adding in a few Mangrove roots to make it look like sticks are kind of building

Up which I do need to waterlog I also got some kelp that’ll grow and just add a little bit more movement under the water small drip Leaf is super rare So I’m thinking along the edge we just at it kind of in these flatter areas near

The bridge so we really see them yeah that should be good of course a little sugar cane along the edge some oak leaves towards the back a few dark oak saplings then we can hide a little bit of wheat down here just to have things growing you sweet berries and a tiny bit

Of bamboo to act as another form of sugarcane I don’t want to go too heavily detailed here as I don’t plan to do the entire Riverbank but I think this will work so far A little more love added in and the village entrance is really turning into something special okay

Maybe just a little Tall Grass just a little I’ll stop detailing to just a little Tall Grass see see very needed very very much needed now I know I know I know I know I know I know I made Flower Farms to build massive tulip fields but that’s not the field you know

You know the field so I got a pleasure field today I think we grab potatoes 29 episodes in and 3050 days survived in Hardcore Minecraft so far and no sign of stopping if you’re enjoying the series double check that you’re subscribed so you don’t miss out on future uploads

Let’s learn 40 of the people watching right now are actually subscribed so this very well could be you With the brand new potato field we are slowly approaching World spawn with the never-ending expansive Fields what am I gonna do with that oh well moving on my original plan was to create a wall around the entire Village to keep the villagers safe inside eventually they’re

Gonna roam free but for now they like their box we’re scrapping that plan though this is a peaceful Village after all so I don’t think they need a wall but I do want something out the front here so I’ve got to get rid of this

House this is to make space for a tower right here and since we have the river I thought it could water mill around here would be great earlier I discovered I was out of Sprucewood so we’re stopping by the mega tiger to chop down a few big

Old trees that right here should be plenty I’d like to have the watermel coming out somewhere right about here sticking into the water going from a little bit of drip Stone up to some bricks stone brick on the corner and then we can top this off here with a

Little bit of granite make it appear a bit stronger along the water I’m thinking we bring in a little bit of the stone brick here and and stairs on top bringing up the other two sides on the top here I think we can just do some

Spruce planks for a floor and so some we can be on top looking out over the river we can do some prismarine walls around the edge here in the center is where the water wheel of strip logs is going to be sticking out all the way into the water

From here we can Branch off all the different sides to create two different water wheels themselves sticking out for the wheel itself I took inspiration from my windmill designs to give it a little extra texture I am a bit worried about all of the job blocks inside of here but

Maybe our villagers just really love the water wheel for the next step I would like to bring a bunch of tough around to create the actual Milling section for our water mill next just bring in Cobblestone up another three blocks you know what instead here I want to bring a

Little bit of stone brick out and create some archways this will just give us a little bit of depth with a little bit of moss we can repeat it to the far side and then over here I want to create a deck that overlooks the front bridge the

Waterway and everything just to have more viewing platforms throughout this adding a mangrove door in here for a little bit of a pop that I’m thinking around that we just bring in some Sandstone with maybe a window right there like that I’m adding in some slabs

And trap doors for a little roof so this isn’t so flat I think I can get away with bringing this out another block strip Spruce logs on the corners in the middle I want to start with some birch logs and then reintroduce that smooth Sandstone we’ve been using as a way to

Start arching myself up to the top where I’ll stop somewhere here but maybe we extend it out to make the build feel a little bit different now for the big open section because I can’t be stopped I’m adding a bay window because I love them it’s just so good just like the

Rest of the build I got to work on next adding in all of the raining walls and faces I love the idea of this upper window so that they can kind of have working time based on how much sunlight is coming in and it’s a setting over

Here I’ve started a little overhang on where the main Road’s gonna come in and I figured we could have a few plants right back in here and for this I want to add the bell tower on this side but I’ve got an idea for this I’m inside the

Sheep farm I want to grab a little bit of Orange Bowl and a pink wall to kind of represent the Tulips four of these and six of these spending a quick night inside of my wagon and we’re off for another day of building I feel like this

Is gonna look like Sherbert but I’m kind of okay with that and hanging off the lantern you know what I think that’s pretty cool here I can bring some stone brick coming up right next to that guy some tough for a foundation maybe an entrance right there then we just keep

The stone bricks coming all the way up Walls of the tower are in place and I want to have a window here on the front but around the edges I was thinking we could bring out a little bit on the base got a little stare over here then we follow it up with a few of our Cobble

Deep slight I’m not gonna add any on this side as I kind of want to bring the terrain up a bit above this though for a trim I thought it could be cool to just bring in a bit more of our prismarine going around adding in a touch more

Prismarine here on the front we can bring up some fences and then I’m thinking dark prismarine could be the way to go in here if I could place it and please yes you know what I like it moving on with that up here to the top

Maybe we can take an idea from it bring in some of our chiseled Stone stairs in the middle as like murder holes but we’re not about murdering here it’s just for decoration remember no walls needed but as a pretty trim on top we can add a little bit more dark prismary

The middle we can bring it a little bit more Cobblestone to bring us up to the layer and then probably just some Spruce in here extending these up so we can actually have a small bell tower itself which eventually you’ll say right here in the middle fence gates along the

Bottom and then a little double slab action adding a top here out of copper with a little bit of prismarine and then warp fences on top the Bell is now in place but it’s time for a little bit of whip Redstone action and I need a few

More Bells Oh I have a lot from here I’m gonna need a redstone comparator a ton more torches to craft a load of repeaters finally a few pieces of glass to craft a daylight sensor now right here should get access to the Sun so we can put the daylight sensor right there

Flip it to night mode comparator going in the side bringing a line of dust down underneath I’m gonna need a small space to work down here and we can just add in a bunch of repeaters set to Max ticks with a bell at the end repeater that

Down here do another belt and finally the third Bell right here now if I did this correctly when that sun sets we should hear the the bell toll three times any minute now Sun is going down whip Redstone at its finest it’s gonna work please work

Oh oh my gosh it worked yes oh that’s so good give it a little more delay on the second one though that makes me absolutely so happy now for the part that I’ve been putting off the roof to create a unique Village I want to use warped wood dark frisbane and prismarine

Bricks at least for once tell me I have some warped wood yes oh we do here’s Marine brick yes little dark burst brain the shulker monster giveth today it is a great day working from the darker colors at the bottom to the bricks at the top this has really come together and you

Might have noticed this little market stall where I’d like to bring in some smooth Court slabs for an awning with one little workstation in here so we actually have a villager hanging out I think it’ll be pretty cool now I desperately need a road as well I’ve

Kind of been tearing theirs up for this I’d like to use some packed mud packed mud brick and coaster as always we start with the Burr oh that’s my Redstone and just like that we now have the start of a road this area being so flat is really

Bothering me and uh I’m not a fan so to start out I’m extending a line of grass across to create a new slope yep something like that should work and I need one more going the other direction it’s probably gonna fill up this entire area in here put the guidelines in I

Want to speed things up here as it’s been a lot of block placing today so here’s me placing more blocks really really quickly using all of the dirt that I dug up out of the river is it weird or just a coincidence that this isn’t the first time I’ve just buried a

Village in this world I don’t know but what I do know is my elytra is fairy toast so I’ve gotta go fix it barely able to make it to the weather skeleton Farm I stopped to get some experience for apparently elytra and more bones to power The Flower Farms Elektra is

Repaired and tons of bone meal here is ready to go with a few extra schools it’s finally time to plant the massive tulip fields around the village the first step music block sounds off next step own meal first up I’d like to gather up a ton of pink tulips unfortunately these Farms don’t

Automatically gather them but I can just run around here for a little while and keep on collecting oh 32 Stacks nice About two minutes later and look at that a full choker of pig tulips okay I’m I’m ready to stop it now my plan is to surround the village with massive tulip fields dividing it up so we have a different color on each Corner Around The Flower Farms I want pink tulips but

Before we do that I think it could look nice to add in a few leaves to divide them up into smaller field sections Plotting out the remaining Fields with more oak leaves and now so it’s not just a massive blob of color of flowers all over the place I want to create individual rows about two or three flowers thick and going across at an angle best field is done and that’s

Looking pretty good so with that I got to work completing the remaining pink tulip fields which are looking pretty spectacular next I’m here at The White Tulip Farm to try and gather up as many of these as I can full shoker box and some change later we can leave the seeds

In here I thought the white tulips could look really cool going against the Mountainside for all of the Birch forests and everything like that so villagers I need you all to go into the village I’m sorry I took down your little barricade but uh over there safe

I promise there’s there’s a bell there’s barrels they’re gonna have to figure it out later to prepare for Fields I smoothed out the terrain a touch so the slopes weren’t so crazy and well minecrafty next up I want to build Hedges to outline the fields again trying to leave additional space for

Some farmhouses down the road which I’m actually also leaving space for The hedges are in place to surround the fields but before adding in any of the flowers I want to get a road in here this right here is so much better finally it’s time to add in all of the white tulips throughout every single one of these fields two types of tulips are

Placed down and nearly two full shulker boxes have been used next up is the red tulip field but that’s supposed to go on the far side of the river meaning it’s time to build another bridge to reach the other side and continue the Farmland expansion the same slope works on the

Previous Bridge so we can just rebuild that same one foreign is now in place and I’ve started extending some roads out of it too connecting back into the village as well over here into the red tulip fields where first we’re gonna focus on these extending the core skirt Road up the

Hill to keep a path between the fields to leave it open for future expansion as the world progresses the more roads I have leading off into the middle of nowhere means the more stories I can tell down the way step one means just uh surviving that long and next out I need

More oak leaves because we went through almost a whole choker in the pursuit of oak leaves I cleared out part of the forest at spawn to refill my shulker box and this right here should do the trick you’ve already seen this twice already so I got busy placing in the field hedge

Borders for the red tulips leaving some space in between them so we can edit details later then coming in with a ton of red tulips to fill in all of the remaining spaces just like that over 20 stacks of tulips have been placed down this leaves only one type of field left

To plant the orange Tula which looking at our future Village location needs to be over here and because I hate myself I didn’t really leave any space for it however this Pond thing out here I think I can just fill it in this will give us

The land that we need yep just need to fill all of this in with even more dirt all right let’s get busy This should work for a little River’s Edge here at the front and then we just take this back I know you want to see more dirt placing today so I’m not holding back on you here with so much dirt and even some grass blocks being

Added in and just like that Dirt has now passed sand as the most placed Block in this world I’m pretty sure oak leaves will be up there soon at this rate as we’ve got Mo out more Hedges oh the villagers not no no no the villagers right there please you all come right

Into the village all right this is not cool let’s take out everybody I don’t want to read I don’t want to raid I don’t want to raid at all I’m trying to keep the villagers alive I haven’t even built them homes I buried them all right there we go okay

Everybody alive we’re in the hot tub everybody’s in the hot where’d the stone Mason go we lost the stone Mason I’m sorry my friend you shall be remembered Stone Mason of the village number three completely unrelated to that look at all this bone meal I have right into the flower farm with you

Suddenly a full sugar of orange tulips and my ears don’t hurt at all one more time going through the process of placing in all of the Tulips around the brand new fields you know and here we have the final tulip fields being placed in this is looking really

Good finally we now have a place for each of the four types of tulips in our brand new Village I just have a few unwanted guests as well the Farmland is looking great but there is more to add like little trees dotted around for this

I’m going to need a ton of Oak fences and some azalea leaves taking a few of the open spaces around the field we can bring ourselves up quite a few different blocks and create some posts like this trying to create some sort of like a cypress tree is my goal and something

Like that should do with the first one done I decided to jump around to the different Farmland regions to plant a few more of these trees I don’t want this to feel like a forest but it just felt so bare without a few trees except I have run out of azalea leaves so

Taking a little dirt bone meal and azalea bushes I just need to grow a few trees now we just get together all of the leaves on top and this should be plenty of leaves let’s finish off these trees This is much much better but you know what every giant Field of Flowers needs taking some leftover flowers a long time ago I built this mini Greenhouse that should be full of bees hopefully that means I can take all of the flowers and we can breed up a few more baby bees

We’re gonna need a few more than four the entire next day went by and I’ve got a lot of bees in here now I just need to figure out which one actually you know has bees in it oh it’s gonna be a problem oh it’s a Wandering Trader

What’s up buddy red tulips yeah I definitely definitely need to buy those from you thanks thanks for that I’m thinking the perfect spot for a little apiaria is right over here this is for the cosmetics and I just want the bees to be able to fly around the field and

Have a home that they can come back to there should be enough space for the bees and I’m thinking we use some scaffolding beehive on top with a B I hear a b that’s good that’s a good start oh we have bees look at them hey come

Here YouTube baby baby six beehives are down and the bees are already enjoying the field so I’m thinking right back here we just make a little Shack for some workers just a little spot like that maybe some trap doors on top and maybe we add a few lilacs right back in

Here just for the extra Papa color this leaves us with a pretty good spot for the bees and they’ll just be hanging out there but I’ve got a few that I need to return back home for any future bee breeding tasks that we need to do creating the atmosphere around the

Village I want to revisit the riverbank so I’m running around replacing a lot of the large lower areas with coarse dirt and mud and Muddy Roots along the River’s Edge with that in place I’m adding in all of the extra details to the riverbank that I already went over

Previously inside of the video just looking at the before and now check this out the riverbank is actually adding something now I was running around spamming a little bone meal and I did see all of this coal and copper down here that uh I couldn’t pass up I’m at

That point where I feel like I have so many blocks in front of me and I can just keep building building buildings but a lot of the essentials I’m running out of and a little over a stack of coal or in a good round of copper I really

Love the fields of flowers but they aren’t edible at least I wouldn’t recommend eating them so I thought a fun addition here could be a Shepherd living outside of the village something like this should work for the base shape of the house bringing a few pillars up on the corners and this

Little jet out I made I want to do purely out of Oak stripping it all down going with my classic stuff for the rest we’re just gonna bring in a little bit of cobblestone for the walls checking out a few places for some windows so we

Can actually see outside and I think I want a back door here so we can get back to where the sheepies will live we’re we actually already have two on top of the hill Oh this is so good I just need to create a big old flat area for them to

Live on now out behind the house we do need a small space for a lean tube for the Sheep to actually stay inside that’s gonna require a touch more terraforming back here we’ll of course dirt in for the floor and I think only two of the

Walls being made out of stone could be kind of cool so we’ll leave this open here as some fence and I’ll fix that in a minute we’ll work on the roof in some finer details later but for now I want to get a fencer out here so that the Sheep can’t just leave

This size should be pretty perfect for a bunch of sheep to hang out just maybe a few bushes to cover up a little bit of the fence with the base shapes in I threw on a quick roof with a spruce trim and some dark prismarine in the middle

And at the top of the mountain here there are so many sheep what is going on okay come with me we’ve picked up some cows and a black sheep along the way they’re gonna have plenty of wall hopefully come on everybody let’s go slowly down the mountain together oh no

We lived we made it down into the valley and I just need them to jump over this fence for me oh they’re professionals here’s your reward for being on time and actually getting through thank you okay the whole herd is inside and we have our safety cows here to watch over them and

This is going to be fantastic now for the little building here that we have for the lean two I need to get a roof over it I think the more Airy we make it the better it’s gonna look in the end so adding in a few fence gates right here a

Few slabs along the front full blocks and then if we do slab with an s coming all the way down this will actually work out and there we have it the lean two is ready to go for the sheepies to sleep inside the extra bits added around with

A little bit of glow like in and glow berries this is looking pretty good for the shepherd’s house now to get the shepherd themselves or we can take a little string and craft ourselves a loom and picks the trapdoors I definitely didn’t miss but now I need one of you

Villagers to come on up here anyone want to be a Shepherd you look like you want to be no out of the hot tub don’t pick it up get out of the hot tub look at the loom look how great it is I don’t know where you’re going but yeah in the boat

I think the easiest way to get them over there is just gonna be to take the river and hopefully he doesn’t bunk his head on the bridge it’d be okay right yeah we’re fine all right Mr villager I need you to follow the loom nope that’s the

Wrong way wrong way although the loom yeah you like the loom come on again with the wrong way oh it’s working now just get inside over the fence our Shepherd’s no home I want the shepherd to be able to walk inside the house and not out the front door so we’re gonna

Put the trap door right there there’s your loom we go great your Loomis with all the Sheep out here I can share a few of them or one of them because he gave three walls and craft a lovely bed for Our Shepherd he’s got his workstation

He’s got his bed and what trades ooh white wool what a smart Shepherd buying the color of wool that is right in front of him thanks buddy the pale Sunset Vibes of these Banners are pretty great but I think we can do something a little bit better excuse me get out of the

Field please you’re gonna smash all my potatoes I’m not ready to make a stew but here we do have purple wool to make purple banners on top of this I need a little light blue dye red dye orange dye and a magenta dye you think after 3000

Days I would have a loom somewhere in my house no the neighboring house Loom yes Jake and purple Banner starting with the red adding in a Chevron magenta to add a losing next with the magenta we can add in a diamond in the center Orange to add

A gradient from the bottom for Sunset Vibes and finally Light Blue for a little bit of a border to me this Village is going to be a combination of sunset Vibes with the colors of all of the Tulips that we have as well as like Light blues and colorfuls and just

Bright cheery happy but kind of mystical is the vibe I’m going for here and this I think is gonna be perfect just need that back for a minute though so we can do this and whoop look at that okay so first I’m going to transform a village

But I need to tear down the village then get distracted by a few other things we still build the village right flip we definitely still build the village right flip

This video, titled ‘I Transformed a FLOWER FOREST in Hardcore Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2023-02-16 18:15:02. It has garnered 655268 views and 25920 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:10 or 2050 seconds.

fWhip transformed a Flower Forest in hardcore Minecraft 1.19 survival let’s play! CLICK THE LIKE BUTTON IF YOU ENJOY!

fWhip Second Channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/fWhipTwo

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#Minecraft #Hardcore #Survival

  • Ghost Hunting Shenanigans in Minecraft

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  • Experience Minecraft Characters Come to Life on Minewind Server!

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  • Mine for Laughs: Golden Shovel Shorts Go Viral!

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  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Survival Adventures!

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

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  • Fantasy Studio: EPIC Minecraft Roleplay Vyrez Trailer! 🎮🔥

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  • Unbelievable! Partnered with the Ultimate Minecraft Client

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  • INSANE Minecraft house build in Survival mode!! #shorts

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  • Astral Towns – SMP, Towny, Mcmmo, PVE

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  • Minecraft Memes – Dang, it shrunk since I began!

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  • Moonlit Lofi: 10-Hour Study Sesh for Lunar Minecraft Quest

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  • Betrayal in Minecraft be like 💥

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  • Terrifying Minecraft Gameplay Reimagined

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  • Squid Game Challenge in Minecraft & Fortnite

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  • Unseen Herobrine in Minecraft?! Malay the Gamer’s Shocking Encounter #shorts

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  • Sly Survival Island Challenge!

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  • Jaltoid Media – Joining CRAZY Anarchy Minecraft Discord!

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  • INSANE Earth Survival on CreeperCraftMC! 😱

    INSANE Earth Survival on CreeperCraftMC! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Earth Map Survival! [1]’, was uploaded by CreeperCraftMC on 2024-04-13 13:31:53. It has garnered 61 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:04 or 5404 seconds. Help me reach 500 subscribers! #minecraft #gaming #stream #live Shorts come out every day at 1 PM EST! Streams are every day at 6:30 PM EST! Follow these to get involved in the community! 💬 DISCORD | https://discord.gg/Ds69VT6gj8 🐦 TWITTER | https://twitter.com/creepercraftmc3 🎵 TIKTOK | https://www.tiktok.com/@creepercraftmc101 📷 INSTAGRAM | https://www.instagram.com/creepercraftmcyt 💲 DONATE | https://streamlabs.com/creepercraftmc2/tip Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Barn Build Tutorial – Easy Steps to Master the New Update 1.20 with ScootterBoo

    Insane Minecraft Barn Build Tutorial - Easy Steps to Master the New Update 1.20 with ScootterBooVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to build a SIMPLE BARN!!! in minecraft 1.20 [build tutorial]’, was uploaded by ScootterBoo on 2024-04-28 11:00:46. It has garnered 314 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:22 or 322 seconds. how to build a simple house in minecraft. I love this update what do you guys think?!!! 1.20 has really impressed me and i can’t wait to play more!! hope you like this 1.20 minecraft build tutorial. hope you enjoy this simple build tutorial! I’ve loved every build I’ve made in 1.20 can’t wait to make some 1.21 tutorials!… Read More

  • 500 Days Surviving Alternate Dimensions in Minecraft – EPIC

    500 Days Surviving Alternate Dimensions in Minecraft - EPICVideo Information This video, titled ‘SOBREVIVI 500 DIAS EM DIMENSÕES ALTERNATIVAS NO MINECRAFT – O FILME’, was uploaded by Skyvitor on 2024-01-24 15:00:39. It has garnered 16083 views and 365 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:04 or 12484 seconds. Finally, it’s time for our mega compilation of all my adventures in 500 days of alternate dimensions in Minecraft! Hope you like it! Twitter: https://twitter.com/OSkyvitor Discord: https://discord.gg/7YN74vaZJ9 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/o_skyvitor/ Read More

  • Shocking revelation with FriendsWithMatt!

    Shocking revelation with FriendsWithMatt!Video Information This video, titled ‘I can NOT believe this’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-02-24 06:31:36. It has garnered 138 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:10:20 or 15020 seconds. Minecraft super smash pick-axe is REAL whaaaazaaaaaaat jk it’s not Got 3 minutes to spare? Please consider giving $2 to support this channel Paypal = mattbrodersen777 Venmo = FriendsWithMatt Cash App = FriendsWithMatt Zelle = [email protected] WHAT IS MINECRAFT? An introduction to a blocky sandbox game. Minecraft is a game made up of blocks, creatures, and community. You can survive the night or build a… Read More

  • INSANE JOKER Highlights 🔥 MUST SEE Valorant Plays #jokerorwot

    INSANE JOKER Highlights 🔥 MUST SEE Valorant Plays #jokerorwotVideo Information This video, titled ‘Thukka ❌Calculated✅ #jokerorwot #valoranthighlights #valorantmoment #valorantclips’, was uploaded by JOKER’s STREAMHUB on 2024-04-05 17:45:00. It has garnered 349 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. #valorant #Live#jokerorwot#JOKERorWOT#minecraft #joker’sStreamhub #JOKERorWOT#clove #jokerboltepublic #newagent Channel link: UCGLujn9S2offKQEzTERG4Tg DISCORD : https://discord.gg/G9bN5GU9EJ (IGNORE TAGS): valorant,valorant montage,joker montage,joker valorant,valorant highlights,funny gameplay,jokerorwot,jokerorwhat,joker bolte,live valorant,new skins,new battlepass,new agent,fade gameplay,reaver2.0,#newagent . Read More


    🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT WEAPON MOD TESTS by Valenn_Ro 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘PROBANDO MODS de MINECRAFT DIA 3 – WEAPON MASTER’, was uploaded by Valenn_Ro on 2024-01-12 18:00:09. It has garnered 3164 views and 233 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. 🌟Get ready to discover the most impressive mods that have marked the year in Minecraft! Don’t miss the opportunity to elevate your gaming experience to another level with these amazing additions🌟 🥳GET YOUR MINECRAFT SERVER FOR HALF PRICE! https://theminecrafthosting.com/whmcs/aff.php?aff=2894 (PERREY CODE) 🤖MINECRAFT PREMIUM WITH EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNTS HERE: https://www.eneba.com/other-minecraft-java-bedrock-edition-official-website-key-global?af_id=ValennRo&currency=USD&region=global ⚡ Advertising and hiring 👉🏼 [email protected] 🤩 FOLLOW ME ON INSTA TO KNOW… Read More

  • LeafySMP – Roleplay SMP Modded

    Welcome to LeafySMP Server! Welcome to LeafySMP Server! This is a 16+ server with a focus on a mature community. Join us for semi rp gameplay and weekly events. Build, create, fight, and define your world here! Mods on the server include: Let’s do Vinery Let’s do Bakery Lets do candlelight Customizable player models Better combat Better nether Chipped Handcrafted Origins Simply swords Backpacks Jei Xaeros Carry On: Pick up any mob Simple voice chat Interested in joining? Reach out to leafyelfy on Discord with your age, pronouns, and Minecraft style. Server address: leafysmp.minecraft.best Note: Some restrictions apply for redstone/mob… Read More

  • Old Fashion

    Hello there!! Welcome to old Fashion, We are a server that is less severally and more community. We are just starting this community up and as we are putting things together we are in need of players to give us the suggestions that will make us the best place to come and play. Come on in. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Fish ain’t swimming, what gives?

    Minecraft Memes - Fish ain't swimming, what gives?Maybe he’s just taking a little fishy nap, let him rest and he’ll start swimming again soon! Read More

  • Stitch & Switch: Minecraft Fabric Modding Fun! | #16

    Stitch & Switch: Minecraft Fabric Modding Fun! | #16 In the world of Minecraft, where tools are key, We delve into modding, with Fabric MC. Basic tools like axe, hoe, pickaxe, and sword, Crafted with care, in the game they’re adored. Tool materials, a crucial aspect to know, In Minecraft 1.20.6, they put on a show. From wood to diamond, each material unique, Enhancing gameplay, for players to seek. Join us on Discord, for more modding fun, Where the community gathers, under the sun. Fixing errors, tweaking code with finesse, In the world of Minecraft, we always impress. So leap into the verse, with tools in hand, In… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: LOL at These Shorts!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: LOL at These Shorts! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor #boom Read More

  • 15th Anniversary Update in Minecraft!

    15th Anniversary Update in Minecraft! Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary Celebration Unveiled! Excitement is in the air as Minecraft enthusiasts worldwide celebrate the game’s 15th anniversary with a special event. Let’s dive into the details of this milestone celebration! New Features and Additions The anniversary event brings a plethora of new features and additions to the Minecraft universe. Players can expect exciting updates, exclusive items, and perhaps even limited-time challenges to mark this special occasion. The anticipation is high as fans eagerly explore what Minecraft has in store for them. Community Engagement One of the most remarkable aspects of Minecraft is its vibrant community. The anniversary… Read More

  • Epic Shizo Parotter in Minecraft 2024: Sans vs Let’s goooooooo!! 😍

    Epic Shizo Parotter in Minecraft 2024: Sans vs Let's goooooooo!! 😍Video Information This video, titled ‘Sans & Let’s goooooooo!!! 2024 ep4 😍 Parotter Minecraft best funny Animation’, was uploaded by Parotter on 2024-05-01 11:30:24. It has garnered 68935 views and 1320 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:17 or 1577 seconds. Please Subscribe😍& could you be my Fan??? Would you like to be my supporter?[YouTube Membership$1.99] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG6NHS34ujpuokyx008jgzQ/join ★This money will be used to fund my activities and purchase equipment. ★I will reply to comments to members with the highest priority. 💖-💖-💖-💖-💖-💖-💖 Insta https://www.instagram.com/parotter_animation/ X https://twitter.com/minecraft_paro_ 💖source My anime uses the voices of many Hololive and NIJISANJItalents→ https://www.youtube.com/@hololive https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji #shorts… Read More

  • Devious Creator Pranks with Fake Minecraft Updates

    Devious Creator Pranks with Fake Minecraft UpdatesVideo Information This video, titled ‘deleted minecraft updates #memes #minecraft #minecraftmemes #memecraft #experiment’, was uploaded by PerKing on 2024-01-26 17:15:36. It has garnered 3244 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Music: Holiday Weasel by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/5517-holiday-weasel License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license and music by epidemicsound license minecraft is weird game Read More

  • ANARCHY base hunt CHAOS & VICTORY #Minecraft #6b6t

    ANARCHY base hunt CHAOS & VICTORY #Minecraft #6b6tVideo Information This video, titled ‘ИЩЕМ МЕСТО ДЛЯ НАШОЙ БАЗЫ АНАРХИЯ[2]#anarchy #grief #minecraft #6b6t #frainds #перемога’, was uploaded by MR Кавунчик on 2024-01-27 14:27:15. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:05 or 6425 seconds. #anarchy #grief #frainds #minecraft #overcome #6b6t played on the server[6b6t.org] Read More

I Transformed a FLOWER FOREST in Hardcore Minecraft Survival