I Tried Ghost Hunting To See If It’s Fake

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This is me standing in front of what’s widely considered to be the most haunted hotel in the U.S the Stanley Hotel every ghost hunting program that comes here somehow has this insane traumatic life-altering experience after staying here for just one night and I’m trying to do the same thing I’m

Gonna try to spend a night here hunting goes because I have one simple question is every ghost show in paranormal YouTuber over exaggerating or is it just Shane Dawson because I know that Shane Dawson is these shows are quite literally designed to scare you they go in with a preconceived

Notion that like well we’ve got to make an entertaining show and we’re only here for one night so we gotta come up with something scary so they add in scary music over every scene scary sound effects they dress all cool and I’m pretty sure they just make stuff up too

And after filming this video and talking to the hotel staff I have a lot of evidence I just feel like as a viewer we never get to actually see what the experience is like staying at one of these haunted locations what’s it like when a regular person that’s now trying

To make a scary video stays here are you actually guaranteed a Spooky Night of being tossed around the room by some guy that died a hundred years ago or is it all fake Beck out of scared they felt their presence and they’re trying to leave The Vibes off we gotta

Get out of here the Stanley the Stanley Hotel is probably most known for being so scary that apparently just one stay here inspired Stephen King to write The Shining and I’ll tell you the story of how that happened later but ever since The Shining came out this hotel has been

The subject of countless ghost stories and paranormal investigations most of which exclusively depict this place as this decrepit creepy old hotel that only exists at night but this place is actually like a beautiful hotel it felt less like a portal to hell and more like a tourist attraction when I got there

There were people Milling around taking pictures the hotel was like blaring music if I was a ghost I would have been pissed I can’t haunt this place it’s too nice out nobody’s even gonna be scared of me there are a ton of different ghosts that haunt this hotel like I

Think every article I read and every person I talked to at this hotel somehow knew about a different ghost that I hadn’t heard of yet it’s like anyone who’s ever so much has even looked at this building gets sent here when they die I’m worried I’m gonna haunt this

Place when I die there’s no ghost of a housekeeper that was in an explosion at the hotel and still sticks around to fulfill her maidely duties a cowboy ghost that supposedly kisses women in their sleep and a lot more ghosts many of which are tied to specific rooms like

My room the haberdasher Suite because my room is haunted by a haberdasher if you don’t know what a haberdasher is it is someone who have her dashes which apparently is old-timey speak for sells close to men it’s just a men’s clothes dealer okay I’m about to enter the room

For the first time supposedly one of the Haunted many haunted rooms in this hotel I’ve heard that when stepping into a haunted space for the first time you can immediately notice a different energy Wow but I walked all around this room looked at every nook and cranny and I gotta say I did not really feel anything there’s a fly flying around I don’t know if you can see that I keep seeing it smack into the window he’s trying to get out of here

He’s scared on a scale from one to ten I’d say my spook level was hovering about a 1.1 on The Spook meter on the spookometer no Bible you know what I feel like hotels like this often because they’re haunted can get a pass if anything about their room is like shitty because they

Can either be like well the ghost did that sorry your bed’s [ __ ] up the ghost did that or just like people who are coming for like a haunted experience aren’t looking for like the nice amenities of a hotel they’re not focused on the backsplash of the bathroom sink

They’re focused on like am I gonna start floating in the middle of the night you know what I feel like we should be fair and actually do a review of this hotel room from a non-paranormal perspective when you stay in the haberdasher Suite you’ll feel like you were transported

Back to the early 1900s and not just because there’s a man trying to sell you a bowler hat in the corner I’m talking solid wooden doors no Central AC which according to an email was to preserve the historic feel of the room a giant AC unit by the window which does the exact

Opposite I also like the fun historic pics of the hotel oh that’s the hotel in the background that’s tight I thought this lady was holding a gun at first that’s why the hotel’s haunted this is moments before the first ghosts entered the Hotel this couple’s just laughing

Having a good time this lady’s like yo get a picture of this with the theme of not keeping with a theme the bathroom also felt very out of place this is actually a very nice shower some nice artwork over here this is beautiful their bathroom had this like newly renovated Farmhouse aesthetic

Like something straight out of an episode of Fixer-Upper zero out of 10 not historic and too nice to be haunted seriously when it started to get dark out the only place I felt like I wouldn’t get haunted was in the bathroom I’d be peeing in the haberdasher would

Just be standing outside the door like come out here I can’t haunt you in there it’s too nice come out here where it’s old and creepy please I’m trying I want to sell you a hat okay this curtain has a stain on it something was up with the

Bed too do my feet look higher than the rest of my body alright I’m settled into my hotel room I’m chilling I went to the Hotel restaurant and ate some dinner The View was beautiful and the food was just okay and my spookometer is still going strong at a one now you’re probably

Wondering what I mean when I say that all of the shows that film here are over exaggerating unless you’ve watched one of these shows before in which case you’re not you already 100 know what I’m talking about well let’s take a look at go at Adventures which is hosted by what

I like to call the Chris Angel of paranormal investigation Zach Baggins this is a genuine authentic haunt the second I got my key and I shut the door I pretty much said all right listen I’m gonna get I’m gonna have to get naked a couple times to take a shower sometimes

In the middle of night I get up to get water and I can’t guarantee that I’m wearing everything oh no oh shoot is that something I should have done when I got here attention all ghosts in this room you are gonna see my dick from Early Childhood I used to hang out

Around here I’ve had two heart transplants So every anniversary of one of my heart transplants my parents would give me a weekend up here I’ve had a lot of near-death experiences wait their gift to their son with severe heart problems was a trip to the scariest

Place in the country dude I don’t mean to pry but your parents were 100 trying to kill you our investigation will take us into three of the building that comprise the Stanley complex the sound effects in this show are insane they’re designed to make you scared before

Anything scary even happens I feel like I’m being shot in the chest every time they switch shots in this sequence the main Hotel whoa the manor house and the Heritage House oh [ __ ] at 3am I was woken up by an unexplained noise and shortly after that my digital recorder

Captured an EVP shut the door stuff like this is pretty hard to dispute because it’s like it’s impossible to tell if this is staged or not or if this is just like static that happens to somewhat resemble a human voice without the text on screen it kind

Of doesn’t even sound like a voice like let me play a different one for example and you try to tell me what you think it says and here’s what it says did you get it no I knew you didn’t have what it takes to join the Ghost Adventures get out of my

Hotel room and then we get to Shane Dawson I think they tried to decorate for Christmas but it is scary why are all these chairs so scary watching Shane Dawson investigate the Paranormal is like watching a wounded deer try to investigate a theme park it doesn’t matter what happens he’s going to be

Terrified yeah oh no oh my God wait are they [ __ ] with us oh my God just unlocking the door to his room is almost enough to send Shane packing this is creepy as [ __ ] it is a very normal hotel room okay can I just say something and you’re gonna think I’m

Being dramatic my camera has been fine focusing this whole day the second we got into this hotel it stops [ __ ] focusing every second I don’t know if you guys know this but cameras have a harder time focusing and dimly lit environments that’s like a well-known thing about cameras it’s pretty funny to

Try to pin that on a ghost it’s not focusing on anything yeah you guys turned off all the lights what is there to focus on he’s like panning around really fast and like getting really close to things in the dark like I’m sorry dude the darkness is usually way

Crisper on this camera but I think my favorite part about this is when Shane pauses the video and edits in text to point out something that he didn’t notice while filming Foreign I’ve shown this to so many people did you guys see anything what did he think was there I’m so confused he literally he didn’t have to edit that in it might be nothing yeah no it definitely was nothing throughout this video Shane adds in sound effects that

Are designed to make his terrified reactions seem a little more Justified oh my God he’ll hear like a tiny bump noise that came from outside and then add in like the loudest horror sound effect you’ve ever heard here’s the actual sound effect and then here’s how scared that made me

Okay guys I have a confession to make I know I talked a really big game about all the ghosts that have been spotted in this hotel and as I was doing some research in my room I started to realize that a lot of these stories might also be over exaggerated a little bit

I know apparently it’s not just the Ghost Hunter shows that are doing it perhaps the hotel also has something to gain by playing up how haunted they are 1911 Maids up here on light in a settling gas lamps there’s a gas leak this room blows up the maid’s name was Mrs Wilson let’s

Believe that Mrs Wilson is still with us in the hotel here we’ve had guests walk into the bathroom the light will turn on their clothes are put away in the dresser drawers and their bags are stacked in the closet I have a couple questions about this story because the

Way he tells it in this show makes it sound like the housekeeper is haunting the hotel because she died in this explosion at the hotel she didn’t she didn’t die I looked it up there’s articles about this story this happened in 1911 a housekeeper accidentally blew up like half the hotel

She sustained injury she broke both of her ankles and then she died in 1950 she lived for 40 years after this explosion honestly even if she is haunting the hotel like if she died here in 1950 that’s her own business the hotel doesn’t need to go around spreading this

Story about her [ __ ] up and blowing up the hotel that seems a little bit Petty doesn’t it the interesting thing about the housekeeper ghost is that it said that most of what she does to haunt the hotel is folding people’s clothes and making their beds while they’re not

In the room which sure it is pretty difficult to prove a ghost did that because that’s what happens at every hotel when you leave the room because that’s what housekeepers do but what would you rather her ghost Powers be blowing up your room [ __ ] up and just

Exploding the hotel that wouldn’t be a very fun ghost would it yeah this room is actually haunted by a creeper from Minecraft you hear hissing behind you run I’ll be honest at this point I’m kind of worried I’m not even gonna get kissed by this Cowboy ghost and it’s not

Just that I also looked into the story about The Shining and do you want to know what happened what inspired this hotel’s biggest claim to fame on a cold winter night in the 1970s Stephen King stayed in Room 217 at the Stanley Hotel it was the end of the tour season at the

Hotel so it was very empty and while Stephen was sleeping he had a nightmare that his son was being chased by a hose and it was so scary that he wrote a whole ass book about it that’s right as far as anyone knows and as far as Stephen King has ever said

Stephen King saw Zero ghosts at the Stanley Hotel zero goes you can book the room Stephen King stayed in and it is booked for every Halloween for seven years because the hotel’s booking system only goes seven years into the future and you never saw a ghost okay but to be

Fair just because Stephen King didn’t see a ghost at the Stanley Hotel doesn’t mean that there’s nothing weird going on here as I would find out when we got to talking to two tour guides at the hotel this is the third possibly the fourth haunted building I’ve worked at this is

Definitely the most haunted place I’ve worked in town I think that there are far too many far too close enough to sane people at the Stanley who have a ghost story when I started working here I was thought you know maybe I’ll see a ghost hear some weird noise you know

Maybe once twice a year Some Nights some nights it’s an every night thing and we also got to go on a tour of all the most haunted spots in the hotel after hours where we found out a lot of juicy details about this hotel for one

There are a ton of pictures of ghosts that people have taken at the Stanley Hotel and on this tour they showed us a lot of them and while some of them just looked like it could have been like a camera glitch or like a blurry low-light photo where you can’t really tell what’s

Going on when it’s 1am and you’re in the underground cave tunnels underneath a haunted hotel with two strangers you’ve never met and one of them shows you a picture of a ghost girl hiding behind the carriage that you’re standing right next to scary the scariest ghost they told us

About was a ghost named Dennis they don’t actually know the ghost’s name but they call them that because he’s a menace and I wish I had a video of some of the pictures they showed us but Dennis looks creepy as hell in every picture he’s just a shadowy figure with

Glowing eyes and one of the pictures he was posing in the background like this and they told us a story about how one of the staff members saw Dennis in like the staff quarters and Dennis started chasing him and all the doors were locked so he had to run upstairs and

Jump out a window to get away from Dennis do you have any idea how badly I didn’t want to wake up in my hotel room that night and see Dennis staring at me I was in a solid five or six on my little spook meter but that all went

Down to a negative five or six when they started telling us a story about when Zach Baggins was there filming for Ghost Adventures a big part of the Ghost Adventures episode at the Stanley was the carriage house because that’s where the hotel stores all of the mattresses

That people have died on there’s objects in here where some actual death happened where the bodies were just covered on these beds so they spent like a ton of time in the episode trying to contact the spirits of people who have died on these mattresses can you guess what the

Tour guides told us yeah none of that’s true yeah the hotel doesn’t store mattresses that people died on like they’re saving them for something save it what would they be what would they be saving them for that’s so funny um we’re an operating hotel and believe it or not

We switch out mattresses every once in a while yeah so Zach Baggins and his crew apparently just showed up and like looked through the window of the carriage house saw mattresses and were like hey let’s go make some stuff up in there the most interesting thing I took

From the tour is that even though the tour guides know all of the spookiest things that have happened in the hotel some of them don’t a hundred percent believe in ghosts we were walking with one of the tour guides after he had showed us I don’t know some of the most

Insane pictures of ghosts I’ve ever seen and Jake asked him like so when did you start believing in ghosts and he was like oh I don’t know if I believe in that stuff huh so wait wait what was all that about Dennis then you get to just tell me

About Dennis and make me scared and then not believe in him yourself how is that fair don’t get me wrong though a lot of the staff actually do believe in ghosts so much so that some even claim to have personal relationships with the ghosts they interact with most often last

Summer 2021 Paul our former caretaker of the concert hall gave me a birthday present it was a little 20 cent Euro piece French issue left it on the front seat of my car two days after my birthday I asked my husband I asked my co-workers I asked whoever and then in a

Ouija board session three weeks later Paul claims it and carry it with me as a good luck too good I’m a very naturally skeptical person so when I hear stories like this my brain immediately jumps to like let’s think of all the reasons why this might not be true so rest assured

That’s all I’ve been doing since I got back from the hotel but like you know I have a hard time calling people liars and saying that they’re like first-hand personal accounts aren’t true what I do know though is that while we were getting this tour there were at least

One or two other tour guides that were following us and trying to prank us the entire time by tapping on the Windows of the rooms we were in with sticks because because I remember one day it was like completely drained who’s that I guess that’s just kind of

Like a fun little thing they do there a fun little hazing designed to I don’t know make me poop [ __ ] my pants there’s nothing wrong with a little bit of hazing except for when there is so I am kind of curious how many of the Paranormal experiences the staff have

Had at this place that were just pranks that they never found out were pranks with me to the Stanley Hotel I brought pretty much every ghost hunting device I could get my grubby little hands on so let’s turn off the lights in this hotel room and get to work I’ll have this EMF

Running the whole time and EMF measures electromagnetic frequencies which are usually emitted by man-made sources like electrical wiring or ghosts is there anyone here right now still at zero another popular ghost hunting tool is a tiny Twist on flashlight like this because some ghosts might not be super powerful and might

Not be able to move really heavy objects if you twist one of these flashlights right to the point where it’s about to turn off it makes it a lot easier for a ghost to communicate by flickering the light I gave any potential ghosts a little demonstration on how to twist the

Light and I was about to start trying to communicate when the unthinkable happened so if there’s anyone here let’s maybe make sure oh okay yeah it was just a moth that flew in front of the camera light and Jake tried to swat at it so the light flickered for a second don’t let

My nervous little smile and laugh fool you I actually was scared right here but I guess having the only light in the room is kind of a oh [ __ ] you got it I got it holy mackerel [ __ ] that guy he had another ghost in the room tonight

Next up the Spirit Box a Spirit Box is basically just a little radio that rapidly Cycles through radio stations and ghosts can apparently use those radio stations to communicate with us okay now I would like to ask again is there anybody in this room aside from me and Jake

Okay we got a little something I don’t know what it said kind of sound like oh you can do it very encouraging ghost I do appreciate that thank you uh is there anybody that is Maybe okay that actually sounded like I said is there anybody and I it kind of

Sounded like it might have said there is somebody I’ll let you guys listen to it a couple times let me know what you think that is maybe maybe maybe full disclosure I actually am pretty weirded out by this this is a pretty strange occurrence it does sound a lot like there’s somebody

And so I will give one point to the ghost for that one that was pretty good buddy if you’re a ghost make make no noise happen like make it so no words are said I also have a thermal camera to look for cold spots which could be ghosts

I just turned it on and there’s literally a cold spot right here actually it feels wet oh should I smell it Okay it kind of smells like it might be like a cleaner or something I think but it definitely is wet uh hey Danny it’s future Danny here could you stop touching that it’s definitely Pete there was a small wet spot and then a little Trail and then a big wet spot like somebody

Started to have an accident managed to control it for a second and then hobbled two feet and then just let it all out which leads to the scariest question of them all why did I put my face in that why was my first instinct when confronted with a

Wet spot in a hotel room to get my nose and lips as close to that baby as I could I’m at home it’s been a week since I was at this hotel and my spook meter is at a 10 out of 10. I think I was possessed by a piss Goblin luckily in

The rest of the room we didn’t find any more piss uh we also didn’t find any ghosts but at that point I was more worried about the piss thing now full disclosure I’ve never like a hundred percent like the way that paranormal investigators go about like looking for

Spirits everybody goes in and like sits on the floor and is like who’s there is there can anyone say your name who are you what’s your name did you pass away in one of those beds I think it’s a little bit condescending so I think if we’re

Gonna find anything in this room we’re gonna have to get a little bit more drastic howdy y’all if there be any root and tootin Cowboys that like a good time why don’t you come go ahead and flicker the flashlight is there any ghosts around me all right

Well I guess if you don’t want to come out I’m gonna have to keep all this gold myself but the only thing coming for my vial of gold was a puddle of gold so I guess my method of ghost hunting was a giant waste of time and sure I did get

This sick picture out of it but unless I ever make like a half country half hyper pop album and I need cover art it’s pretty much useless can I tell the haberdasher I say hello I will Thank you foreign Ly laying in bed in the dark in this hotel room this is the first time I’ve been like alone with all the lights off in this room first off let’s do a bed review dude this bed very squishy a lot squishier than I thought so should be a pretty cozy night

If I can get to sleep that being said foreign it’s honestly very frustrating to be scared right now I think in an attempt to avoid sitting in complete silence I just started saying anything that was on my mind which resulted in me performing what reads like some sort of paranoid

Ghost-themed stand-up set why are people only scared of ghosts when it’s dark the fact that ghosts would only come out when it’s dark it like implies that ghosts only exist to scare living people I don’t subscribe to that why would that be all right yeah man sick whatever

Makes you feel less scared dude ghosts don’t just come out in the dark they also come out in the daytime so you should be scared right now but you should also have been scared all day very clever definitely having all of the pictures that they showed us on the tour

Like replaying and my mind is not gonna help so I really ought to stop doing that before before I really try to get into it so if my brain could just stop with that and then we could get proceed with the rest of the experience that’d

Be great as I laid there I could almost feel my brain wanting to play tricks on me I was so like hyper aware of every shadow in the room every sound that I heard every feeling in my body and it took me a solid like 30 minutes to calm

Myself down enough to try to go to sleep all right well I’m just gonna try to go to bed good night I did it baby that’s right I slept in a haunted room in the most haunted hotel for five hours and I slept like a rock dude there could have been a haberdasher twerking on my bed all night and I would not have woken up luckily it does look like nothing paranormal happened that

Night because I would have been pretty pissed if I missed that so look I can’t tell you if they’re for sure are or aren’t ghosts in the Stanley Hotel but what I can tell you is that you’re definitely not guaranteed a paranormal experience what I can bet though

Is that it’s still probably going to be pretty scary even if you don’t believe in ghosts it’s like turbulence on an airplane I don’t actually think the plane is gonna crash but when it’s happening I am clutching my armrest speaking of which I think I gotta catch my flight back home

This video, titled ‘I Tried Ghost Hunting To See If It’s Fake’, was uploaded by Danny Gonzalez on 2022-10-01 16:00:38. It has garnered 11987002 views and 474333 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:45 or 1545 seconds.

spooky scary stuff

shot by https://www.instagram.com/jakeshotfriend/ edited by jake and i

hope you guys enjoy

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    Stone Mason Goes Solo: Music-Free Gaming Stream Replay Welcome to Stone Mason Building in Minecraft! Music Free Gaming is a family-friendly channel that primarily focuses on playing Minecraft. In this stream replay titled “Going Solo 3,” viewers were treated to an exciting session of building and exploration in the virtual world of Minecraft. Supporting the Channel If you enjoy the content provided by Music Free Gaming, there are several ways you can show your support: Tips & Subs: Visit musicfreegaming.com to provide tips and subscribe to the channel. Merchandise: Check out the channel’s merchandise at musicfreegaming.com/collections/all. Wishlist: Fulfill items on the channel’s wishlist at throne.me/u/musicfreegaming. Engage with… Read More

  • Kids These Days: Minecraft Trends

    Kids These Days: Minecraft Trends Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Fun Welcome to the vibrant world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and fun is always around the corner. Dive into a realm where imagination takes center stage and players of all ages can unleash their inner builder, explorer, and adventurer. Meet ๆ–นๅ—่ฝฉ: The Minecraft Content Creator ๆ–นๅ—่ฝฉ, a prominent figure in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that prioritizes the well-being and safety of young viewers. As a creator in the Minecraft domain, ๆ–นๅ—่ฝฉ crafts original animations that are not only entertaining but also humorous, spreading joy… Read More

  • Blainez World LIVE! Win Disney Pins & Minecraft Giveaway

    Blainez World LIVE! Win Disney Pins & Minecraft GiveawayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Blainez World is live! #disneypins #blindboxopening #minecraft #giveaway’, was uploaded by Blainez World on 2024-03-10 10:45:36. It has garnered 167 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:50 or 4010 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft: Finding Granny’s Horror | Part 2

    Minecraft: Finding Granny's Horror | Part 2Video Information This video, titled ‘i Found Horror GRANNY ๐Ÿ˜ฑ in Minecraft | ( Part-2 ) |’, was uploaded by RICH GAMERZ on 2024-02-19 07:00:36. It has garnered 66634 views and 423 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:06 or 606 seconds. i Found Horror GRANNY ๐Ÿ˜ฑ in Minecraft | ( Part-2 ) | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game… Read More

  • Winning by leaving last space – Chaosflo44 ๐ŸŒŒ

    Winning by leaving last space - Chaosflo44 ๐ŸŒŒVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wer als letztes den Weltraum verlรคsst… gewinnt… ๐ŸŒŒ’, was uploaded by Chaosflo44 on 2024-05-25 10:00:23. It has garnered 318044 views and 22417 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. โžคโžค ๐Ÿ‰ **ALLE** MINECRAFT SHORTS: https://youtube.com/chaosflo44/shorts โžคโžค ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿถ **NEW** PLUSH TOYS: http://shop.chaosflo44.com โ˜…โ˜…โ˜… ๐Ÿ“ธ๐Ÿ”ฅ **FOLLOW ME** INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/chaosflo1337 โ†“FOR MORE MINECRAFT SHORTS DO THE FOLLOWINGโ†“ โ— ๐Ÿ‰ Subscribe + ๐Ÿ”” so you don’t miss any more videos! โ— ๐Ÿ‘ Thumbs up for more videos like this! ๐Ÿ˜€ โ— ๐Ÿ’ฌ Give feedback to support me! ๐Ÿ™‚ โ†’MINECRAFT SHORTSโ† โ˜… Together with Billy, Manfred,… Read More

  • “Steve’s Mind-Blowing Redstone Engineering Study!” ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraftdreams

    "Steve's Mind-Blowing Redstone Engineering Study!" ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraftdreamsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Steve Wants to Study Redstone Engineering! ๐Ÿ“– #minecraftmemes #dream #minecraft’, was uploaded by Kraftube on 2024-01-14 12:01:32. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Read More

  • Cyrex fr – EPIC smp Minecraft adventures with friends!

    Cyrex fr - EPIC smp Minecraft adventures with friends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing minecraft with friends in a smp’, was uploaded by Cyrex fr on 2024-03-06 08:49:36. It has garnered 37 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:40 or 880 seconds. GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor Memory: 16 GB RAM (15.91 GB RAM usable) Current resolution: 1680 x 1050, 59Hz Operating system: Read More

  • Unbelievable Subway Surfers Gameplay Moments || #Shorts

    Unbelievable Subway Surfers Gameplay Moments || #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘subway surfers game || #shorts #subwaysurfers #games #ytshorts #short #viral #o’, was uploaded by Gaming shorts for you on 2024-05-10 04:01:00. It has garnered 36 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. subway surfers game || #shorts #subwaysurfers #games #ytshorts #short #viral #o games minecraft gta 5 gta5 poki game pokemon online games car games gta v gaming pubg chess subway surfers free games video game solitaire steam rummy valorant rummy circle the last of us ninja pokemon cards gta ludo king dinosaur game chess online ludo game… Read More

  • New record-breaking Block Clutch in Minecraft! #mindblowing

    New record-breaking Block Clutch in Minecraft! #mindblowingVideo Information just do it This video, titled ‘Mind blowing Block Clutch #minecraft minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Not_Anish12 on 2024-01-15 09:34:51. It has garnered 3270 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Like And Subscribe For More Videos #minecraft #minecraftbuild #minecraftdaily #motivation #gaming #gamer #ytshorts #shortsyt #shortsfeed #homefeed #searchfeed #youtubefeed #feedshorts #minecraftdareschallenge #clutch #montage #viral #viralvideo #tranding #viralvideo pahari bhalla #viral #viralvideo #shortvideo #trading pahari bhalla #viral #trending #shortsvideo #going somewhere#taralets my lozada tv block clutch mlg rush 16 #shorts ูŠูˆู…ูŠุงุช ูŠูˆุณู ูˆุงุฎูˆุชู‡ #shorts# watch movies 14 minecraft aphmau mrbeast minecraftshorts viral viralshorts… Read More

  • Pranking Friends with Haunted Minecraft World!

    Pranking Friends with Haunted Minecraft World!Video Information welcome ladies and gentlemen to Cookie Craft Modded Survival at least that’s what my friends Adam and Alec think earlier today I invited them to a brand new modded survival world but what they don’t know is I’ve added the scariest Minecraft mods I could find it adds in new monsters haunted houses and Herobrine that haunts us every single night if you guys do enjoy and want this to be a series let us know by leaving a comment and also tapping the like button if this video gets over 10,000 likes in 2 days we’ll turn… Read More

  • Insane Anime Minecraft Animation! #Shorts #minecraft

    Insane Anime Minecraft Animation!  #Shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft animation #Shorts #minecraft #mine #subscribe #tiktok #minecraftmeme #????????? #fyp’, was uploaded by Anime Tv show on 2024-02-20 17:03:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #tiktok #enderman #mine #craft #animation #Minecraft, #Daily, #Short, #Funny, #Cute, #Relatable, #Tiktok, #Aesthetic, … Read More

  • Nethilor SMP

    Nethilor SMPMinecraft Server with Crates, Jobs, Quests, Rewards, Kits and much more… From 1.8 to 1.19.4, the ip is: mc.nethilor.net Discord: https://discord.gg/pzXVawqyF8Join this beautiful community now! mc.nethilor.net Read More

  • LumaMC SMP Survival Towny Jobs mcMMO QuickShop 1.20+

    โญ Welcome to LumaMC! โญ Explore a new Minecraft server like no other at LumaMC! Experience thrilling features, custom plugins, and a vibrant community. ๐ŸŽ‰ Some of our features: Towny: Build your own town, form alliances, and join other player’s towns or nations. mcMMO: Level up your skills and become a master of your craft. Custom Items: Special items with unique abilities. Player-Based Economy: Influence supply and demand dynamics through trading. Hoarder Plugin: Sell bulk items for extra cash and compete in hoarder events. Ranks System: Climb ranks for different titles and abilities. Artmap Plugin: Express your creativity with map… Read More

  • [GER] VRKTTR – MinecraftBukkit | MULTIVERSE (Kreativ/Survival) | LandClaim

    [GER] VRKTTR - MinecraftBukkit | MULTIVERSE (Kreativ/Survival) | LandClaim[GER] VRKTTR – MinecraftBukkit | MULTIVERSE (Kreativ/Survival) | LandClaimMiWelcome to the VRKTTR Minecraft server, the ultimate adventure for all German Minecraft fans! Our server offers you a variety of exciting game modes and unique features that will make your gaming experience unforgettable.Features:1. Multiverse-System:Immerse yourself in different worlds and explore diverse landscapes. Whether creative or survival – with us you will find the perfect environment for every game.2. Creative mode:Let your imagination run wild and create impressive structures in creative mode. With unlimited resources and flight abilities, there are no limits to your creativity.3. Survivalmodus:Face the challenges of Survival Mode. Collect… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Morning Minecraft Mischief

    Minecraft Memes - Morning Minecraft MischiefLooks like this meme is mining for likes and striking gold! Read More

  • Ore Rank 1 vs Ore Rank 999: The Battle of the Ages! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Ore Rank 1 vs Ore Rank 999: The Battle of the Ages! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚ When you finally reach Ore Rank 999 and realize you’ve been mining for so long that you forgot to eat, sleep, or even go to the bathroom. Who needs real life when you have Minecraft, right? #dedication #gamerlife Read More

  • Ghost Hunting Shenanigans in Minecraft

    Ghost Hunting Shenanigans in Minecraft Exploring the Thrills of Ghost Hunting in Minecraft Embark on a spine-chilling adventure in the world of Minecraft as you delve into the realm of horror gameplay. In this video featuring Minecraft Horror Game play, you’ll witness a fusion of the beloved Minecraft universe with the eerie elements of Phasmophobia. Unveiling the Gameplay Experience the thrill of ghost hunting as you navigate through the haunting landscapes of Minecraft. With Phasmophobia making its mark in this gameplay video, expect a unique blend of horror and adventure unlike anything you’ve seen before. Join the Adventure Immerse yourself in the action by… Read More


    SURVIVING MINECRAFT W/ VIEWERS! INSANE COMEBACKVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT WITH VIEWERS (IM ALIVE AND BACK)’, was uploaded by CrescentPaws5000 on 2024-05-12 16:54:06. It has garnered 35 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:29 or 6869 seconds. put ur Minecraft/roblox username in chat and I will friend asap https://discord.gg/HfpYJU3jsd https://discord.gg/UWqey7qfMj https://twitter.com/crescentpaw5000/status/1560819010756902912?s=21&t=r494dLisTzYCvsU8ZRJqCg This stream is PG-13 dont be rascit / homophobic/ be nice Read More

  • Uncovering the Worst Minecraft Ripoffs

    Uncovering the Worst Minecraft RipoffsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Juguรฉ las PEORES 10 COPIAS de MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Athos on 2024-01-16 17:02:00. It has garnered 89625 views and 1371 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:32 or 1412 seconds. ๐Ÿ‘‰ On this channel I produce Minecraft videos trying to explore various features of the game, bringing not only tips and trivia, but also mods, add-ons and various customizations of the game. โœ” I also make series, play community created maps, test Minecraft store packs and walkthroughs on farms and redstone systems. Eventually I also like to bring building tutorials. ๐Ÿ“ž Commercial contact:… Read More

  • “T-benson’s gaming config unleashed my inner demon! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐ŸŽฎ” #Minecraft #PVP #Clickbait

    "T-benson's gaming config unleashed my inner demon! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐ŸŽฎ" #Minecraft #PVP #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘bensons config turned me into a demon… #minecraft #neverlosehvhhighlights #pvp #hvhhighlights’, was uploaded by T on 2024-03-24 22:32:49. It has garnered 353 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. benson turned me into a demon #minecraft #neverlosehvhhighlights #pvp #hvhhighlights 2b2t crystal pvp montage montage, Owning spawn on 2b2t.org, 2b2t, 2b2t cpvp, crystal pvp, 2b2t crystal pvp, 2b2t crystal pvp montage montage, Owning spawn on 2b2t.org, 2b2t, 2b2t cpvp, crystal pvp, 2b2t crystal pvp, 2b2t,5b5t,9b9t,eliteanarchy,fitmc,minecraft,crystal pvp, cpvp, montage, tutorial, crystal pvp tutorial, how to crystal pvp,future client, 2b2tpvp,how to… Read More

  • Unbelievable Ending in NipunLegendShorts! #shorts

    Unbelievable Ending in NipunLegendShorts! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Just wait for that… #shorts’, was uploaded by NipunLegendShorts on 2024-01-01 07:30:11. It has garnered 45 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Thanks For Watching ๐Ÿ™‚ Subscribe To The Channel As Not To Miss The Minecraft Shorts! About The Short :- Title :- Just wait for that… #shorts Hashtags :- #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #shortsfeed #insane #minecrafttrendingshorts #viral #trending #meme #memes About The Game :- Game Name :- Minecraft Java Edition Keywords :- Minecraft Minecraft Shorts NipunLegend NipunLegendShorts YouTube Trending Shorts YouTube Shorts Gaming Gamer Video… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving on 1 Heart in Minecraft SMP!

    Insane Challenge: Surviving on 1 Heart in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Can I Survive on 1 Heart ? in this Minecraft SMP | DECODE SMP Application’, was uploaded by FAHADWarrior on 2024-03-25 10:00:06. It has garnered 214 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:24 or 504 seconds. Can I survive on 1 Heart? In this Minecraft SMP In this video I survive on 1 heart in a smp and complete my friend challenges If I die I’m ban from SMP . You can enjoy video a lot Video idea insperd by @STEEL-WING and @DarkwebGamer Texture pack credit @LivingLegendOP Discord link https://discord.com/invite/JfqyX7Bp Tags… Read More

  • Discover the Hidden Jinn Mine in Minecraft!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ‘ป #scary #shorts #horror

    Discover the Hidden Jinn Mine in Minecraft!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ‘ป #scary #shorts #horrorVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Horror Villager ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #minecraft #shorts #horror’, was uploaded by Jinn Mine on 2024-03-16 11:05:50. It has garnered 15324 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Minecraft Horror Villager ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #minecraft #shorts #horror #minecraftshorts #youtubeshorts #trendingshorts #gamingshorts minecraft horror horror minecraft techno gamerz minecraft minecraft bhoot minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft minecraft horror game minecraft horror videos minecraft horror story minecraft techno gamerz ujjwal minecraft minecraft game minecraft horror map minecraft ghost bhoot minecraft techno gamerz horror video minecraft horror movie minecraft horor bhutiya minecraft techno gamer horror… Read More

  • Unbelievable! ZYROLIC2024 Lung Test Goes Viral! #shorts

    Unbelievable! ZYROLIC2024 Lung Test Goes Viral! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿซ test #shorts #trending #viral #challenge’, was uploaded by ZYROLIC2024 on 2024-03-14 18:20:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. stream challenge, stream challenge ideas, islands in the stream challenge, 24 hrs minecraft stream challenge part-1, fukra insaan … Read More

I Tried Ghost Hunting To See If It’s Fake