I was building my Roof and THEN… | Minecraft X Life #5

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Thanks so much for the slime ah where’s the way so I gotta get out of here before he traps me ah good day everyone and welcome to another episode of X live so you guys haha last episode I built this gorgeous Don and beautiful home oh I’m very pleased with it

Although the reception wasn’t as welcomed when I asked the three girls who stole my turtle to come over they were really rude and disrespectful if you ask me but you know what I’m still proud of it you guys seem to like it as well but there were some comments in the

Last episode that were like whoa what’s that in the background over there and I’m gonna show you guys in a bit flip created a clubhouse for for heart players and I died again in my last episode and now I have four hearts so that’s a thing unfortunately but also

Fortunately I get to join a club house and since clearly the unholy trinity girls don’t like me and they don’t want me in their group and they’re bullies I now have a group of other people in the four heart club so without further ado let’s get flip and let’s go explore that

New clubhouse alright you guys so okay is it a flip or is the F silent okay well okay you flip okay so I see in the distance that there is a four heart Clubhouse over there yes yeah it’s a little bit of throwback to kids next

Door oh whoa I didn’t even think about that that is so cool okay so you built that all yourself yeah and somehow it didn’t die in the process so poor heart safe as I something I couldn’t say about Erica that would have been so funny here building Oh for our

Clubhouse land semi-secret planned for it was because I put the four up there I was just gonna scratch you that oh yeah are you gonna make a clubhouse for every time that you die not saying that you’re gonna die but like I’m hoping I can at

Least live in this one for a little while now we can all hang out there before that happens but I know since this has happened a few other people have talked about making their own club houses Scott was on earlier and he’s working on the to heart clubhouse right

Now so my gosh it’s so hard to last that long with two hearts haha what were your deaths very very sad I lasted 40 minutes death by crocodile nine minutes death by crocodile oh no was it the same one thankfully no the first one he and I

Killed each other at the same time it was actually kind of sad and really bummer like I like hit him and I fit I died off by one heart and I looked on the desk screen I’m like there’s there’s crocodile drop sitting on the ground over there this is this just sad

Oh my god well glad you’re still here you got four hearts same as me since you are like the king builder of the server I was interested to get your take on my new build so first of all first impression what are your thoughts I love

All the colors in it I would say one thing I might change yeah is the roof it just feels a little thick you know because okay go down here you have a lot of detail and yeah yeah with like you have a lot of the depth inside of this

One and the fences and everything going around it but then the roof feels a little just blocky okay don’t do that yeah and I’d I don’t know if those bamboo ones have like slabs and stairs and everything they do have stairs stairs could work or there was the

My stuff have some of my back I don’t know if you’re looking at it healthy to have slobs this on the clubhouse there’s the read thatch Oh check that one out and that I think also has a vertical slab which if you’re trying to make that really big arched one right

There in the center yeah and for me personally I always find those working on evens are a little hard they’re hard to do what do you mean working on developing it what’s that I just how you have the you have the two wide doorway and then

Yeah it’s up to two blocks at the center yeah up that’s all it’s just a little those are a little rough to do but the vertical slabs thankfully thankfully and bought it those can actually help with doing good nope they’re all back at home yeah looks like I don’t have any of

Those homie right now but if you don’t have the slabs and stairs and everything in like this one right here yeah you can use that or I don’t know if you have any smooth white block or whatever it’s called I was looking at it earlier yeah

Yeah or if you have I this would be going to the nether but the the quartz could actually work as a cool like highlight to the roof what’s a highlight that it just like it just a different color to it just adding a little bit of

My I don’t know I feel like the yellow and the roof bringing the read block it just feels like the bottom is so smooth because you have like the this pink come right right very smooth yeah and then you got the texture in the wood which is kind of muted

A little bit it’s like a little bit like washed out and then the roof block is just kinda like BAM true okay I see that for sure I was just trying to get a yellow colored roof I was going off of the mat well actually it’s not yellow it is kind

Of like this Thatcher thing which I didn’t even know this block existed because it’s a thatched roof so the fact that there’s an actual thatch block how do you make that it’s bamboo and sugarcane so it’s actually pretty easy to get a lot of it oh I was able to get

Everything that I use for the clubhouse over there and like an hour okay well I can I have a lot of the outline of this roof is all bamboo blocks that can be repurposed into regular bamboos again so I can just hope focus roofs are just so scary I’m nervous so

Wait what what shape how should I adjust the shape with this new block using stairs or slabs oh my god I got a fancy new tool CPK showed me earlier is that a gun going down yeah and oh there we go morning time whoa that is so cool literally saw cbk like

An hour ago or so yeah damn let’s say let’s pick these up if you want with like this front one let’s see if we can do this here real fast we got that one right there and then that one comes just doing like a bad no that’s wrong

Okay cuz instead we’re yeah for me personally I like for rubes like doing the slabs and stairs and things on it okay and it like we have the full block right there so maybe you could bring this out a little bit and then whoa that already looks so much better and you can

Even arch that one up even more so it kind of comes up to like this main central point you did that so fast oh my god that is so sick so you do something like that with the shape and then one thing I would say for the bottom is if you you

Can make it because you have the fences on here on the corners yep so you can actually make like and make it actually look pretty good if you have the overlay let go out even more okay so if you have like the whole overlay around the edge sure

Just add like another stair like that going around the whole thing a so like even more another block from outside of the edge right there yeah I got jump up there and take a quick one okay but if you brought it down to even like something like this height things in the

Same block yeah you brought it like that and then that could kind of wherever you if you’re playing on putting any windows outside of like the big guy like you I don’t know if you’re playing on putting any inside of here but you could like

Angle that see I’m so new to modded that I don’t know anything oh my god you only play in panella usually oh yeah no I’ve only played vanilla oh wow this must be like a whole new world for you then yeah I’m just like there’s so

Many blocks er I don’t even know what to choose yeah if you have any like small windows that you’re planning on working with uh-huh you could kind of angle them around here and then you can do like this little I love doing this we have like a little tiny awards dinner

Oh this one Oh Mike you know I need to just hire you for an Extreme Home Makeover edition but it’s so helpful thank you yeah let me see if I can get down here without killing myself yeah good luck through it you are at a little bit of an angle so

Just be warned should be good there you go okay there’s one thing I’m familiar with it’s dirt scaffolding yeah alright sweet thank you so much um I will definitely work on this later on but I think we need to get down oh no keep this keep this I need this example I’m

Gonna forget well I think we should get over to the tree house and have a little tour over there cuz it looks so cool yeah it’s a it’s good to look at from afar I know I’d kind of bras you and you jumped on a few days ago it’s like oh my

God finishing it and just drop down to the ground I saw you logged in I was like wait his house is right over you’re standing right there this is so who all is in this for player or for heart gang you me Shelby and Mika oh okay now there’s there’s four of us

Wow I don’t know if either of them have checked it out yet but so far it’s uh it’s pretty empty on the inside I’ve kinda actually after we’re talking last time yeah we were talking about I know you had mentioned wanting to move in I decided to divide up the rooms a little

Bit more searching more space up here so we got kind of like a hangout spot down here with the lovely and love these lights very lights are good oh my god yeah welcome to the world of fairy lights oh my god I’m using them everywhere

Oh my gosh yeah up here I was figured like it everybody want to split it up and make some room so yeah smaller spot down here and then coming up to the top point there’s kind of a larger room and then it there’s even like more oh my god

It keeps going yeah so we can all have our own like little room yeah I figured we only had a place to hang out now that yeah just me I was like alright I need to make something for us to hang out you know get an actual Clubhouse here oh my

God let’s plot against the other players to make them lose more lives exact right in front of the big four there this is so cool how long did this take you to me outside of gathering the resources I think building it was about three hours

And I may only fall off twice and you survived so there’s there’s a few ponds down at the bottom and those were those were there because I thought okay our area around the build so in homage to the puddles saving my life I added some

Ponds a very very nice oh my god this is so cool thanks for making a clubhouse for us I will be moving in shortly I’ll find a cute room in there and start decorating sounds great I can’t wait to see I’m not one for interior decoration

Too much so I’m hoping you all can kind of stuff up the inside of this one so yeah we definitely can by the way I think I heard that you are a bit of a slime dealer on the server I am yeah I do have some slime balls of it yeah what

What’s the what’s the going rate form so recently I’ve been just to make it fair for everybody else I’ve been doing one diamond for ten right now Oh Oh fabulous no you know what I will gladly take you up on that offer let me just

I will meet you over at your house in just a second I got a run on home and guess him as well oh okay it’s a little bit of a mess right now it’s it’s had better days but it’s whoa what you building out here I I wanted to

Go for like a Mediterranean villa the starting start enough to building in here this is so cool oh my god you’re sugar cane is so high yeah the the bamboo oh that’s bamboo not sugar cane yeah the shorter kids to be like 15 blocks tall it’s insane do you have to do anything

Special to it or doesn’t just do that I don’t I don’t know what crazy mod that is but it works oh nice all right here is your diamond in here here you go there the slime balls for you whoa pleasure doing business with you totally yeah how did you even get ahold of

Slimes I found a slime chunk down below into my base and then I can actually show you it’s right down there a slime chunks safe there are there are some slimes down there they kind of hop around and do their own thing what do you mean by a slime is hung so in

Minecraft everything’s divided up into chunks like the way it all loads in like there’s the big tiles that load in around you yeah there’s a chance for some of those to be a slime trunk which basically means slime can spawn inside of them and thankfully with isn’t that lovely

Mini-map mod does Scott got for us yeah we can Church you can make it look for slime chunks and they light up green and so if you just kind of clear that out down at the base it makes it so you they just spawn down there wow this is

The most intricate walking down a staircase to hell this is down here they’re fine they’re fine Wow why do you diamonds ooze on by the way I got them from a wandering trader and they have feather falling five okay okay okay so there’s that that’s also what

Kept me alive while building the trees so they’ve they’ve been good friends yeah so I got this live trunk down here and I move this spawner inside of it so it spawns these lovely little guys and then you know I got all them up there the cactus kind of stops up wait I

Didn’t even know there slime spawners their art they lovely modded that’s I’m finding if you you can get spawn eggs in this game I got one from a chest that just had a slime spawning only with a mod if you right-click it on a spot oh yeah that’s what it is

Wanna turn it into this so you got us time spawn or wear like a a grind up chest I found in the caves around here they’re so brave I cannot go on the caves I get too nervous there if we got like halfway back up the staircase I’ve been slowly try to light

Up this big cave so that I can get more slime sivan this one right here careful on the edge it’s uh I’ve been slowly working at this to get rights act cuz I’m sick you learn funny hours my god yeah is the diamond shield you have on

Is that like the best shield it’s the best one that doesn’t slow you down oh okay okay you can make an obsidian one but it makes you move slaughter the crocodiles that run these mountains like kind of yeah you you have um some prisoners yeah they’re safe those ones

They live in the they have a large area than these ones have a little capsules over here where they live it’s fine cat wait the oh my god sir blink twice if you need rescuing they’re fine they get bread it’s okay a little villa to roam

Around and I just it’s like that whole I gotta build the place before they my god this is a little twisted you have chickens trapped in on one by one block yeah I think I gotta go you know I think thanks so much for the slime uh uh I

Gotta get out of here before he traps me oh hey man it’s magic I mean there’s gonna be some lovely assisted living homes inside of the okay well I gotta go thanks for everything yeah well uh we’ll meet up at the clubhouse I swear it’s safe over

There all righty thank you I think I know just the place of where to get a bunch sugarcane the unholy trinity actually has a bunch of sugarcane if I remember correctly so you know what I want to go there and I want to take it’s rightfully mine they can

Come to my place and steal mr. ninja then I can’t rightly take some sugarcane so I also need a little bit food because I’m starvation nation and I don’t rock no I’ll take it let’s cook it up all right so let’s head on over there and take what’s ours alrighty so it’s

Actually the next day and the roof is completely gone let’s go outside a big a look-see shall we oh she’s bald her wig was magical radar Oh No snatch stop okay so yeah this is gonna be the new roof but before we do that I want to work on

The second floor of the house just so I can have a little bit less all issues I put this water down I also unlike questioning do I make a enchanting table so I can get there following on my bootys hello the Sun is setting there’s so much things I want to do but

Don’t know what to do I guess I could just put water everywhere I made a bunch of the thatched roof although that’s not nearly enough I do need to get my sugar cane so I’m gonna finish making all of that weight is all my sugar I still have

Something yeah I think I’m honestly gonna need more sugar cane so see I’m legit thought that I had more than enough sugar cane but clearly I did not know let’s take a look at what he did I think it’s pretty much all stairs so there is some of the squares which is

Good for me because I think I can make more stairs with everything so that’s gonna be the roof I’m nervous to go back up there you guys I was so terrified I built it from I D build it from inside so it could fall onto the water and we

Do what do we do what we do I definitely think I mean feather falling like that’s no doubt so let’s place the enchanting table down and maybe you can just put like iron boots on feather falling one I think that’s probably better than nah sure we’ll go with that

Oh though maybe I could get feather falling – lets just try second pair of iron booties oh I don’t have an anvil oh no do I help iron I have one barb okay just kidding I guess I’m gonna just be stuck with the feather falling I think

I’m gonna go into the mine get some levels and I’ll be right back all right well I’m back from my mining adventure I got a crap ton of iron oh this is dangerous oh my gosh No I don’t have a roof fat guys are gonna

Start coming out well I got a lot of iron as you can see and a lot of gold this is coming oh wow look at the clouds dissipating that’s so pretty okay so I also got I got a lot of Goldilocks and the three bears so I can start making

Some gold and and apples fabulous okay AHA ho ho ho ho ho let’s get down to bed oh I ain’t rented my boots I have feather falling one so we are good to go with the building I hope I wonder I don’t know feather calling two three

Four would obviously be better which I’m gonna eventually build up to but for now these boots will do so I need to figure out what to do with the roof so I’m gonna map it out down there first so I want to get some of the thatch looks

Like I already have stairs so we’re good there but I do want to make sure that this is exactly perfect so there’s one two three four five six one two three four five six maybe that’s not right I’m confused okay so if he was able to do this by standing

Should be able to do it right I need to take a picture okay let’s see if that works did I get that right piece is not right oh it’s supposed to be a staircase not a block got it uh it’s raining again okay but at least we got the roof shape down

That’s actually kind of cool as like an archway like walk through it okay to make the Sun come out maybe it’s a thunderstorm I can’t sleep ah fabulous we love sleeping the rain away it’s a magical trick that is such a cute art way I kind of live for it but maybe

Somewhere else it definitely doesn’t make sense right here but I need to replicate this on the roof which is terrifying I do it feather falling I do want to put some buckets of water out I’m going to destroy my grass but you know what you got to do but you got a

Dam do know buddy buddy buddy back you know what it’ll be fun over here okay no no you’re gonna there’s not gonna build the rule over there yeah okay everything seems to be covered up except for these chests and stuff hopefully I can manage to not land on those that would be unfortunate

Yeah I think this should be enough let’s actually do the sides of the house – I love how I’ve managed to do the whole first roof without doing this but you know I just don’t want to risk it again okay let’s try this where do I start here okay I think I

Think I was able to do it let’s try this side again and then we’ll look down there and see if I got it Okay I think I did it let’s go down and see if I did fingers crossed Oh what am I missing something looks very very wrong here I need to put a staircase there and then I’ll just get rid of all this pink okay yeah let’s try that okay I think that

Should do it and then think about filling this in it looks like there’s gonna be some holes in my roof think about that okay I guess I can close them up with more walks like best uh-oh out of pink okay let’s go get some more and then we’ll go look outside

We also need to sleep this is turning it out alright it’s not terrible alright let’s see let’s see let’s see it’s not bad you know what I’m going to push it out maybe two or three anyways so you’re not gonna notice the hole yeah okay I’m

Gonna go mess around with us check in with you guys once I figure it all out alright ladies and gentlemen I’ve hit a wall with the sugar cane incident issue problem that we have going on so this is as much sugar cane as I got to make the

Planks but I do have a little sugar cane farm growing in my back yard which was probably take a few hours – okay I’m gonna go inside to get so in the meantime I work on the inside of creating a second story of this house so

What I’m gonna need to do is figure out a color for the second floor I think I found one it’s called this one dark blue green plank I think oh my god I really got to sleep I think it’ll be a good accent color for

The cyan floors and I think I’m gonna go with that but I also want to create a staircase that leads up there so I’m gonna rush around with some staircase options and I will update you guys in a moment okay y’all I’ve been making some major damn progress and I’m making a

Basement right now but here is the inside of my house look at this we got some framing going on some edges that are snatched we got a staircase that goes up to a second floor look at this we have like a little balcony area I’m living my best life I’m still working on

The roof I’m waiting for the sugar king to make its way up to the hilltop so I can go in and cut it oh we have a visitor hi visitor villager how’s it goin so I’m gonna let those grow a little bit more and then we can hopefully finish the roof but it’s

Looking so good to go to gum jobs let’s take a little look shall we we shall Oh stunning look at the improvements I have made it’s not truly shockingly beautiful it’s taken me a long time but you know what it’s worth it in the end I’m very happy and proud

Of my work so but yeah right now I’m working on the basement which was going to be my chest achill room I’m clearing it out which is so much easier with these amazing tools so this took me like no time whatsoever so it’s looking at printing going on its own

Got a hammer these down look how sickening now I don’t really know what I’m gonna do for the colors down here I think I’m just gonna make it a little basic for now because I want to get I don’t know more things I might want to theme it to be something you

Know something Alice in Wonderland themed so if you guys have any suggestions of what I could turn this basement theme into let me know but for now I kind of just want to make the walls I’ll just be a solid white or something for now we can always change

It actually leave it until you guys give me suggestions know it’s kind of scary to color anything okay well I’m gonna mess around with this area I honestly think I’ll probably just do all white steam planes or let’s see if I have any other a lot of a single color

Because that might have to be what it is I have a lot of cyan purple I think I’ll do that I’ll make it purple just for now and like I said you guys give me some suggestions what I should do for the chest room no do I waste my time putting

All the planks down I think I’m just gonna leave it like this and not put any plane yeah we’ll do that okay okay okay hold up hold up hold the phone hope come out if you have a phone hold it up okay thank you so this just in there are cool

Freaking mushroom tress look at how pretty and magical that is so Alice in Wonderland so if required mushroom blocks which I can only get with this look at silk silk half silk touch pickaxe so that is my mission for today is to find a Silcox silk silk you get what I’m

Trying to say silk touch oh hi sir what do you have to trade real for diamond gentle sapling oh no I would never want to go to a pillager outpost thank you very much okay wow these are grown so big okay so I’ve seen several mushrooms and I think

There’s actually some over that way but anyways I think we need to start with a silk touch pickaxe oh my god I need a stop segment this becoming a lot so I need to look up and see what enchant that is I don’t know if it’s a little 30

Or you can get it at a lower level so I should probably figure that out and then I will be right back once I do okay I can’t figure it out so I am assuming that you could just do it when and wherever so I’m gonna make a bunch of

Picky axes and you know nothing here I don’t know what Salvage is but cute okay I can also enchant these things I have a feeling I need books miners for forever I don’t even know what that is for fervor miners I’ll try one more enchant if not I’m gonna see if there’s anybody

Dang it I don’t know I don’t freaking know what to do okay I think what we’re gonna have to do is either look for more traders which would take a while oh she’s been fishing afk to try and get one okay damn it e damn damn ersten that’s a boy

– I think I really need to get books and to get books I obviously need a sugarcane but I also need a leather Oh hold on I got this – there’s a thing that flip was showing me with the glass container they use the lasso the golden

Lasso it was something okay – diamonds – slimes and lead Triana lead if I don’t I had to tonight I do have one a-hole okay okay so basically there’s a mod on here that you can take an animal put them in a glass jar put a chest under it and it starts

Spawning some of their meat or leather with it’s a cow it will have blood there so okay i got the gun i got blossom right click to capture a mob just fabulous just freaky fabulous all right let’s go find ourselves a cat wait I should probably figure out what that

Thing is that glass box a wooden mob bottom stone okay okay the fires stuff I definitely don’t have okay Oh a bookshelf rotten flash to do definitely don’t have rotten flesh that’s Purdy I’m sure I could probably get I don’t want to battle anybody going down people on the server so most likely

It’s not gonna work because people are gonna make it daytime it’s so terrible okay there’s want to sponsor man and then once they’re out there we’ll let the Sun Shine and burn them and then I can go out and get what’s rightfully mine okay so I’ll be out there let’s sleep

Burn baby burn give me that gorgeous all right let’s go out there good no bad guys out here just here for the rotten flesh That’ll teach you lucky block it’s just there I don’t know if it’s a good one our bad blend so I’m just gonna leave it alone I don’t trust it okay so here’s the team late tees I need to look at this recipe oh my God look at my house that looks so

Much better I’m so glad flip gaping it’s some constructive criticism on my house okay so what I need is for bookshelves I need those big shelves we could go explore we could go on a exploring mission to go and find books I mean we have to go find a cow anyway so we might as well go on a little class we can use the waystone to go far away I think

That’s the plan personnel yeah we’ll take a way stone to get actually let’s make some of those way stone I just realized I still only have a medium backpack I should make the largest backpack what does that require oh my god it just requires for leather for

Wall what am i doing Wow a lot of space I have oh my gosh I’m ready to go explore the damn worlds alrighty this is good this is getting real good up and we’re up in here we got some food we have a Golden Apple we have

Everything we kind of need let’s go find some books let’s go explore the world we will go do we want to go to the desert or should we go far away let’s go to the far field okay let’s split up if I split up let’s just go fine hopefully an

Abandoned building that has the bookshelves and hope oh look at this cow well hi sir hi cow Aoife Oh lots of cows okay which one do I want – I want the brown cow the black cow oh there’s there’s an inverted brown cow a regular

Brown cow and then the – oh this one’s so cute this is like a classic I’m taking now oh and the rest I’m so sorry you’re all gonna be sliding it’s all for a good cause though so don’t be alarmed thank you for your service for your food and

For your leather Anya something tells me I probably should have brought a book oh wait I meant to say a boat not a book I should have brought a boat I’m so sorry Cathy fuzz I have stumbled upon the gorgeous cow lands I didn’t even know they existed I’ll ever need

Take some oh look at all the pink flowers yes mama get into it alligator alligator alligator leave me alone sir leave it Oh multiple alligators okay we got to get up here Big O okay yep big big alligators coming Oh they’ve already killed some people okay we need up we get somewhere safe

Lay down a bed sleep – we can’t sleep no Mars what we got to do okay we need to get out of the [ __ ] savanna so I am just going to build a little boat we’re gonna sail ourselves out of here let’s go find ourselves the Knights village or

One of those little shack houses okay y’all I’ve come up to two struck out three structures four structures what the heck okay so we have a boat Gordo’s wow there’s a lot of structures over here with the hex plate well there’s like drowns over there I don’t know if that’s like a pillager

Outpost thing so I’m like nervous to get close to it but I see a chest right there I’m so curious I’m so curious and the Drowned can’t really do anything okay do we start with this here let’s first get here first second I have system nervosa

Right now keep an eye on the prize bottles and chanting emeralds iron lapis some stuff in my backpack guys this is so crazy okay I feel like that bottle of enchanting will come in handy later on for something I don’t know there’s usually multiple chests there’s like two

Per [ __ ] yeah I feel like it’s gonna come around my foot any bad guys down there there’s chest buried treasure map ice essence don’t know what that is but I have it I got a look at some books and paper oh my gosh oh my gosh how incredible okay

Buried treasure oh my god okay okay alright let’s let’s um let’s store it’s in our backpack because it looks like we have more loot to acquire at these buildings so let’s be calm careful collected I wish I had a bow that’s I did have a lucky bow okay that’s that’s

On the to-do list is to get a bow let’s make a run for it ow I got more essence things oh my god why there’s so many of these things I don’t know what they are oh that looks that looks scary I don’t know if that’s like a trap or what it’s

Not a trap house I knew like break around it and make sure it’s not a trap it’s not a trap water essence magic essence we more fishing rods guys we are getting some major blue designs okay the drowns are right there come here I can get down out of the water

Let’s go up here let’s first check oh my gosh I hit the freakin jackpot life essence magic acid I need to figure out what the heck those essences are it is Joey’s damn birthday today oh my got another one over here another buried treasure guys guys this is this is

Unreal dark essence I already got one of those Wow Wow Wow Wubbzy Wubbzy Wubbzy Wow Wow I kind of want to see what’s in this nothing okay good we do you think this is a whole temple like do you think there’s something in the middle of this

I feel like we should place a way stone down just to come back here in the future and like you never know that was some major freaking loot I’m gonna right-click this and put temple there might be a temple underneath this and these are just like the four spires

Coming out like they’re all on the line I think there’s something in between here so we’ll come back to the temple at a later date let’s sleep here at the dark temple we’ll get we’re gonna get the stuff that was down there fabulous okay now we need to deal with

These damned rounds okay how do we get around them they can’t walk on land so we’re safe with that department where’s the chest what are you doing sir sir he got nervous he said I’m coming for you and then he’s like oh wait I can’t okay

There’s the chest we’ll wait for them to come back oh my god poison essence fire essence more life essence life essence is so pretty okay I think it’s just that one chest so we are good I’m feeling frickin fantabulous about everything all right enjoy your steam things okay so how many

Books to beget should we go after barriers no I feel like we should come back for the buried treasure another day we’ve already done so much and we have the temple here to bring us back what is this I thought there are rubies okay I what is that what the hell

Are you oh don’t look at me you creepy thing okay I need to look and see how much leather we ended up getting 9 leather that’s not okay so we although I do at the cow I have the cow I need enough for four bookshelves and then we should be good

On the mother situation so four bookshelves equals six books oh what’s this oh there’s a philosophy of a gorgeous villagio please have some books hello this villagio kind of reminds me of that weird tribe thing from okay I don’t think it’d look good good y’all

Got any books gummy but oh oh you all got paper I’ll take the paper I’ll take the water I’ll take the darkness give me all your dark past thank you come again look at this cute little village more papel for Joey more bread don’t mind me

These traitors any of them want trade me first so touched another testicle solid right great oh just what I actually need for building supplies who knew they had such good building supplies here guys I’m hitting the damn jackpot hi sirs and if y’all want to trade don’t wiggle your

Heads that mean this is a big village Oh oh my god this is too much I don’t a little beat villager and look at his little flower that’s cute no jumping on the bed little boy okay okay so much to [ __ ] see explore I want this give it to me a

Brewing stand oh my god this is too much this is too much I feel like I’m cheating oh well let’s just pretend that never happened okay don’t know why it happened why don’t you guys fade they only trade with the Wanderers now maybe I have to do it with an empty hand I

Guess is that like an update that I just don’t know about is you can’t trade with the villagers anymore yes oh hi your head stuck oh that’s really creepy okay I’m gonna take this smoker oh there’s house up there hold up is this marble I’ve been looking for marble

Everywhere it is marble oh wow okay I’ve really outdone myself this episode I just want to thank the spirits watching me who are guiding me through this and you know really giving me everything I need in life oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my god oh my gosh

Y’all have an infestation of wild animals up here excuse me let me inside Oh compass oh my gosh I feel so bad I’m like literally stealing everything from this village but they don’t know okay okay all right I think it’s safe to go explore these last two houses and then

We’re just gonna go home I think we we don’t want to get too greedy and then lose everything oh my gosh another freaking chest generals oh the solid white Grey’s exactly what I need so that’s really I can just like this why haven’t I been doing that oh hi

Oh my god he brought his friend he brought his friend or you mean or you mean I mean are you nice I don’t know okay class chest last chest I love this rainbow thing okay I really gotta go I really need to go home recuperate and just bask in all that

I’ve achieved I’m just going to escrow where’s this girl gonna take me no it’s bound to the temple that’s not where I want to go at all it’s like we’re sleeping here for the night all right I need to find a bed I gotta find a bed before I get killed

Yeah I’ve got a bed no bed okay y’all got a bed in here for me all right I’ll just set my own bed up you know I guess I can’t have everything from you guys oh my bed is okay so unfortunately the scroll is only gonna take me to a temple

Area which I don’t really know how to get back to so I’m just gonna do it it’s whatever and then from the temple we’ll just teleport home home sweet home oh and look at the sugar cane she’s growing tall and strong okay huh Wow this has been quite the

Episode so let’s make that being what even was that I can’t gunpowder I didn’t know gunpowder was a thing or a bow why don’t I look at that I don’t think I have any of those things I do have TNT can I do compose the TNT no I can’t

Okay don’t have bones or gunpowder so we’re just gonna have to make the mob thing another episode I think we know I think I’m done pretty much for today I really wanted to make those chests builder studios in a future episode I’m gonna finish my roof off in between

Episodes you guys will come back to a fresh new roof guys we’ve done way too much I’ve spent so many hours on this episode I just gotta end it here if you guys enjoyed it please slap that like button it really lets me know you’re enjoying the series but until next time

I’ll see you next time good damn

This video, titled ‘I was building my Roof and THEN… | Minecraft X Life #5’, was uploaded by Joey Graceffa Games on 2020-06-06 19:00:00. It has garnered 398977 views and 15273 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:28 or 2848 seconds.


Welcome to X Life! It’s a brand new modded SMP with a bunch of amazing Youtubers! The modpack features a bunch of fun 1.14 mods that add to Minecraft without changing it too much! We do however have one very special custom mod that completely changes the way our health works! Each player starts with 1 heart, and everytime we die we gain a heart, up to a maximum of 10! If you die after that 10th heart though… You’re out! Who do you think will last the longest?

X Life SMP Members: Dangthatsalongname – https://www.youtube.com/dangthatsalon… fWhip – https://www.youtube.com/fwhip Jacksucks – https://www.youtube.com/jacksucksatstuff KatherineElizabeth –https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsBBCjvcuWX3fPVSwboM-hw LaurenZside – https://www.youtube.com/LaurenzLIVEside LDShadowlady – https://www.youtube.com/ldshadowlady PopularMMOs – https://www.youtube.com/PopularMMOs Seapeekay – https://www.youtube.com/seapeekay Shubble – https://www.youtube.com/shubble SirenMika – https://www.youtube.com/sirenmika Smallishbeans – https://www.youtube.com/smallishbeans Solidarity – https://www.youtube.com/solidaritygaming Strawburry17 – https://www.youtube.com/strawburry17plays TheOrionSound – https://www.youtube.com/TheOrionSound

FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: http://twitter.com/JoeyGraceffa FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/eS3jWn MY NEW MERCH! : http://www.crystalwolf.co ———————————————————————— INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/joeygraceffa/ ————————————————————————

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  • FrogPond SMP

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  • Valleycraft: Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, SMP, Survival, Hard-Mode, No-Cheating, No-Grief, Trusted-Players, Hermitcraft Style, Long-Term, Terralith

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  • Minecraft Memes – It’s time to mine!

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  • Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled

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  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

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  • Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy’s Farm

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  • Uncovering Pharaoh’s Curse in Minecraft

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  • INSANE Motion Blur PvP with NEAR25⚡ in Pojav Launcher!

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  • Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFC

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  • SCARIEST Minecraft Creeper Encounter😱 #minecraftcreeper

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  • EPIC Minecraft Building Extravaganza!

    EPIC Minecraft Building Extravaganza!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft small building #build #small #explore #fun #tutorial’, was uploaded by VINU on 2024-05-21 17:19:50. It has garnered 550 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:25 or 325 seconds. Song: AXM – Sunlight Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: https://bit.ly/3mTaHsP Song: Thomas Gresen – Elevate Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: https://bit.ly/3A2wbGx #build #small #explore #fun #tutorial #funnylogic Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft SMP Server IP & Port! Join Now!” #Clickbait

    "Insane Minecraft SMP Server IP & Port! Join Now!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft New survival public smp ip and port 24/7 online server #video #minecraft #server #public’, was uploaded by Atifgamer on 2024-01-14 12:47:10. It has garnered 33 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Guys you guys always keep showing me this kind of support and please like, share and subscribe because I have to complete 1k subscribers as soon as possible. Read More

  • SECRET METHOD: Breed Villagers with Wige! 😱 #shorts

    SECRET METHOD: Breed Villagers with Wige! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Breed “With” Villagers 🤨 #shorts’, was uploaded by wige on 2024-02-26 09:00:41. It has garnered 493 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ✅ BE SURE TO LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS!!! 🎥 Welcome to Wige’s Cinematic Minecraft Let’s Play Modded Survival Series called Spoils Of War. Let’s rediscover the joy of playing Minecraft together. Taking things slow and documenting every step I’ve taken within the world. 🤍 Check Out My Main Gaming Channel @wigemojo Hey! Any Feedback & Criticism is much appreciated and… Read More

  • Insane New Minecraft Gameplay You Won’t Believe!

    Insane New Minecraft Gameplay You Won't Believe!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft new video cool video’, was uploaded by Jasus Gamerz on 2024-01-16 01:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft new video cool video #minecraft #trending #viral #gameplay #jasus gamerz #gamergirl #gamestagram #video #winning … Read More

  • “Insane Blox Fruits Gameplay with JB! LIVE” #roblox

    "Insane Blox Fruits Gameplay with JB! LIVE" #robloxVideo Information This video, titled ‘Blox Fruits [Playing With JB] #live #roblox #bloxfruits’, was uploaded by RomeoGotGame on 2024-04-20 18:12:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello Im RomeoGotGame But You Can Call Me Romeo & Im 12 Years Old & I Play Videogames Such As Sonic, FNAF, Minecraft, … Read More

  • Insane Piano Prodigy Teases Epic Minecraft Song!

    Insane Piano Prodigy Teases Epic Minecraft Song!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft song teaser!!!!’, was uploaded by Piano Kid on 2024-06-03 03:53:18. It has garnered 10 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Gaupa

    GaupaFactions server under development. Some of the stuff is not finish, but come and join and build your empire and be the strongest faction in this world PvP Just have fun 1.20.1 Read More

I was building my Roof and THEN… | Minecraft X Life #5