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Hello how’s it going welcome to Minecraft live 2022. the day after it happened because I’m a family man now I just actually you know what I got the dates wrong I plan to react to and stream to this on Friday but you know what it wasn’t on Friday Minecraft live 2022

But here we are welcome sorry I’m late yeah we’re here we’re here we’re here how’s it going hope everyone’s good if you’re watching live if not welcome what I’m gonna do today is figure out because I got an email from Mojang let me just get my thoughts back together I’ve

Literally just driven for like two hours got down sat down eaten and side streaming so sorry if this is chaos but hello how’s it going today I am going to be reacting to Minecraft live 2022 and the reason is even though I’m like super late and everyone already knows what’s happened um

I got email from Mojang about three months ago maybe like two or three months ago saying uh can we use one of your videos in Minecraft live 2022 so I was like yes of course you can so today I’m going to try and find where I am in

Minecraft 2022 live Minecon I don’t know I don’t know but hey let’s watch it this should be fun I know who won the mob vote I mean I knew before who was gonna win the mob vote anyway because we had a poll on YouTube which was 250 000 results and um

The the sniffer was way ahead it was like 75 of the votes but hey did our boy Rascal proud I don’t think it was in last place but that’s all I know I know we’re getting some new stuff in Minecraft I want to see Minecraft Legends

And that’s pretty much it I want to see a wreath thank you for the membership and the gifties appreciate it let’s do this shall we are you ready to go I hope so let’s do this um let me actually go to the right screen that would help uh YouTube stream

Hey there we go okay says the stream is like almost two hours but it’s less than that because there’s intros outros we can probably skip the mob vote stuff are you down for that because you already know what happens but if you’re new around here before we

Start leave a like that’d be awesome subscribe if you’re brand new let’s do this uh let’s go to here look back would be complete we’re going to take a look so much fun here we go I absolutely love it enjoy Minecraft live everyone I will bye okay everyone the main show is

Approaching which means it’s time for me to say goodbye however before I do go we’re going to take a look back at the past year of Minecraft of course no look back would be complete without taking time to remember technoblade and YouTube is preparing a wonderful tribute video

To remember him technoblade Never Dies technoblade Never Dies man I don’t want to cry at the beginning of the stream oh God here’s what it feels don’t mind me just obliterating the support player dude technically why are you so good you want more that was incredible technical blade Never Dies

I’m actually hurt his voice for a long time Foreign I like that rest in peace techno man that actually hit me in the fields oh did they do any did they do any more or is it just that I think that was it that was nice to include though I liked it I sounded like

YouTube did that is that what he said but that was a nice touch I’m glad they put that in because it’s a very important probably one of the biggest moments in um in recent Minecraft community history to be honest um yeah rest interviews technoblades obviously an incredible dude

They will never die he lives on and now is encapsulated in Minecraft live 2022. and I’m glad they did that right let’s get to the next stuff which is the main show here we go Minecraft live let’s do this is the sound okay I hope it is

Hello and welcome I’m your host and chief Storyteller of Mojang Studios Lydia Winters we have an exciting show for you today packed with all things Minecraft and you’ll hear it directly from the amazing people making it hang out with us as we show you our new game

Minecraft Legends see what’s going on in Minecraft dungeons find out about things I need to play more of that game a lot more if you love Minecraft you’re definitely in the right place welcome to that Pig’s head just moved 2022. that Pig’s head definitely moved just put it out there

Love these animations they’re so sweet dinosaur ripe hopefully we’re good there’s Minecraft dungeons let’s go frog gang frog Crossing why do you give them the side eye like that huh they know each other Something’s Happened in a past life there You know what no one uses Minecart bonuses do this why is that sorry if my dog barks by the way she hates anything Minecraft the same yeah the pig’s head moved actually it’s like an animatronic wasn’t it hey Minecraft world would be sick like Disney Disneyland like Minecraft

About what I’ve personally decided is the coolest part of Minecraft live the Bob vote as you may have here’s the mob vote guys a little differently this what’s going to happen in the mob though let’s take a look at our three mob choices the creeper the Minecraft thing

Is we’ll choose from the one that wins the vote will be fully developed and added to Minecraft first we have the sniffer an ancient mob that hatched from underwater eggs by sniffing the ground if you vote for the sniffer you can revive this mob that was thought to be extinct and maybe even

That’s some deep lore actually for Minecraft I don’t think we’ve ever seen anything extinct this mischievous apart from the archeology update that’s right that’s fully extinct it loves playing hide and seek if you find it three times it will give you a prize if you vote for the Rascal you can

Play more I hear about the most sad I am in Minecraft and last but certainly not least is the tough Gollum do you know these Stony mobs the more I read about the tough golden the more I liked it vote for the tough guys rest in peace

You could set up your own moving art exhibition okay so you know the mobs how do you vote for them for every everyone to get a chance to vote this year for the past 24 hours we had an in-game server that you could jump into and capture games oh I missed

That as well there are still two women I’m a terrible YouTuber right now and for about 15 minutes either head straight into the Minecraft launcher and click the Minecraft live tab or head to minecraft.net live you cannot do that anymore the sniffer the Rascal or the tough

Golem if you haven’t done it yet Go cast your vote now and be a part of deciding on the future of Minecraft now let’s go to I wonder how long we’ll have to wait for Kevin to hear all about our new game Minecraft Legends Department was going to skip just

Everything and go to the Minecraft stuff but I want to know a lot more about this game because obviously we’re gonna play it because we hold Dearest our Legends of Hope and the section of this is long so yeah I definitely want to check this out we’ve seen this already

I love all the characters in this change the world forever is the legend of a United Overworld I need to give Minecraft dungeons another chance as well United oh I played it twice is a brand new action strategy game from us and Mojang studios in partnership with Blackbird interactive and I’m here

And they’re an amazing colleagues sets and stuff look awesome hello okay before we talk about the game which I’m really ready to do what I was saying about Minecraft like in um in real life the creative directory here in Stockholm nice and Kevin I am the Victor for the

Game studio in Stockholm so yeah you’re going to tell us all about this amazing game we’ve all been waiting for first I want you to tell everyone what does it mean Minecraft Legends is mid what how are you guys feeling about Minecraft start answering that question is to talk about storytelling yes

Minecraft because stories in Minecraft means something different than in most games in most games most of the time it’s the the game gives you a story and then that’s I think it’s gonna be cool that you take but in Minecraft it’s all about the stories that you make and so

Every time you log on I log on all of our players log on the stories that you make to all of our players the stories you make are the most important stories in Minecraft so with that understood uh I think what it best means when we first announced the game we did

So with a scene of a villager reading a bedtime story to a villager child I think we can all understand that feeling of closing your eyes and hearing an impossible story that feeling of sleeping on a rock hard bed next to your dogless four times the

Size of you maybe you maybe isn’t all true but you wish it was maybe parts of it were it’s those kind of legendary what-ifs that we’re going to add in Minecraft Legends for you to put into your next Minecraft story I really love that it feels super complex though

You’re taking a game so many of us we know we love we’ve been playing for a long time and then you’re trying to interpret it into something new how do you do it it’s it’s not easy to make a game it never is but this game

Especially like with a new team both in turn a little bit when we just you know learn Minecraft and not only the game but they do this was it pre-recorded games I’m guessing it was live working together with black work in Blackbird interactive in Vancouver just getting

Them into that Spirit you know Spirit of beginning bad execution nice what’s going on insurance right connected with everybody around that and focus on what we want to do with this game and get the new stuff in there because we do want a differentiation between our games as

Well but you still want it I mean you’re really bring craft game and the feeling of you know you’re like we’re in this beautiful place it’s different than Minecraft but it’s something special where are we a little familiar still uh but Welcome to The Well of Fate uh The Well of Faith

Look at this uh our adventure in Minecraft Legends it’s working too wait um it’s really the heart of the Overworld in this story uh and it’s a place where over the course of the game you’re going to make uh some very important friends I think we’ll talk

About a little bit later we definitely will I just love fate sounds you know you feel the Minecraft scary right away this is actually scary but you’re also you’re adding so many new things you come to The Well of fate and you have you get really awesome tools I’m stoked

About them yeah when you come to the valley of faith in the beginning of the game you will be given a couple of tools to that kind of gives you your ability in this world and in this game and so to begin with you get the thing called The

Flame of creation well I mean I don’t know okay here we go there it is making it possible for you to build spawners that can bring new friends into the world that helps you out I’m insane second thing you will be giving is the banner of courage and that’s a banner

That you can wave in the air and that will make see I’m not used to these kind of games so I wonder if I’m gonna be I’m gonna be terribly I’m terrible against but I wonder if it would be hard for me to pick up not least my favorite the

Loot and because you gave it you are given a loot and that you know just play some music and that will bring in the Allies into the world they love music buildings and stuff in this world cool and everybody’s gonna get to see a lot

Of that as we play through and show a lot more of uh Minecraft Legends than people have seen before throughout the show we’ve asked our creators to send us questions so they can ask them directly to our team working on it remember we’re still looking out for my face somewhere That’s a really good question that is and uh every good Legend uh needs some good legendary danger and the danger in this game uh comes in the form and the smell a little bit of the piglets smell for a while now we’ve thought about it about what happened if the nether would

Come for the Overworld uh for uh vanilla was being worked on uh we started thinking about we had zombie piglens in the game uh what might they have been in a slightly less icky form slightly lesson that Kevin is talking about like how it’s terrific how to you know change

Things in the game and like feel like if there are now a total zombie State how can we get them to be at least a relative you can’t smell a Minecraft well something will be the sniffer will be sniffing you up here’s another physical piece of art from that time

Period kind of like this isn’t Mojang you’re doing it to me again Minecraft dungeons has some really cool mobs and now you’re putting in Minecraft Legends as well can you imagine if we had all this in the real game era where we kind of expect to find that great balance

Between you know being super cute look at that double crossbow on the right dangerous insane really they’re really cool and you actually have added different hordes so there’s different piglet hordes that are gonna I mean not be nice basically yeah as a rule yeah no we have several different words and they

Kind of they bring different things to you together yeah they play differently yeah Get the new experience each time you encounter a new one and I mean action strategy what does that mean in this game yeah that’s it’s a bit of a new thing for us and for many games it’s a unique combination in many ways for me um we

Make games that we love to play and we have many people at the office who likes to play strategy games so therefore we want to experiment a little bit with that and but another thing with Minecraft games we always have a hero and representation of the players we’ll

Find out I’m pretty sure I know who who did like and when you have a hero you want that you’re going to be able to do some stuff right so that’s where the action combination comes in and so on so you you can ride around and then that should be cool

Swing your sword a little bit have some environment environmental gameplay as we see here you know we call call those things looks so good look at them trees jump caps and they’re like super cool yes jump around it’s kind of cute a little bit with your sword you can

Defend it against a few numbers of picking and so on but first and foremostly we also have a strategy part where you’re actually a commander in in the game like bringing your friends to help you fight because yeah I lose I still use these awesome and you have my

Own branding one too you know they are fighting alongside you we have some friends that guide you but you also have just a lot of pure cuteness yes there is uh well the Overworld in Legends is a very peaceful cozy place you can kind of

Look around us and see and uh yeah so there’s a lot of blogs who will show up oh God they’re cute wait I’m always the hero there’s a little turtle following the hero there are you familiar to players of uh Minecraft up what look at the pig

Oh they’ve done to all their eyes and with them Kawaii faces in there as well and like I said I’m serious and we’ll follow you around and start to learn about you uh but some of them may help out a little bit uh for example our friend the Llama um Good okay so we’ll take them only the llamas with us maybe and you’ve added they look great like this one’s like your booty eyes and everything you would talk more about it you’re you added friends that really guide you and I would put the subtitles on but it says

It’s not available apologies this is new for uh for Legends and the the kind of gameplay that we have here because the uh well normally when you play Minecraft you show up and and the world is open to you and there’s really not a lot of immediate pressure uh in Legends however

The piglets have terrible manners uh they’re not gonna give you any time so but I want to just hang out I think Minecraft Legends is going to be fun there will be some time there but in the meantime Pig ones yeah so yeah so uh yo

Bubs thank you that’s wild thank you so much dude at the will of Fate like I said you will meet some friends called wasn’t my part of the start no I think it’s in the actual main thing uh that you’ll get to know across the course of the game wait I wasn’t listening Um at the will of Fate like I said you will meet some friends called the hosts uh hosts are interested in these guys uh that you’ll get to know across the course of the game uh and on screen there’s a shout out that’s kind of what

I thought the the guy in the middle the Cyclops I thought that was what the tough Golem was gonna look like oh one is foresight the little one is very rich in the middle is uh action and foresight knowledge and actions when we started thinking about these characters that we

Think all Minecraft players we all demonstrate every time we play Minecraft is we see a hill and foresight is coming up with a dream of what might be up there uh knowledge is the understanding of the crafting recipes and the ingredients that you need to make that

Real and then action is the oomph it’s the hard work to make that a reality so yeah using those characters are really cool actually across the course of the game um and uh hopefully become your friends I really love that and Yen’s actually headed into Legends to meet up with the

Host so that you can all get to know them more uh oh here we go so well of fate it looks insane there’s a kind of too much grass though how many grass blades welcome back yes there it is what can I do for you today you’re always so

Helpful foresight we’ve been friends it’s time to return the favor thank you anything I can do to help you with that your timing is perfect hello oh action it’s good to see you I’m glad you’re back that is not the voice I expected but that’s awesome I love that hmm maybe a

Thing or two good somebody has to help us put an end to this they sound about seven years old though but we might need a few more reinforcements I like the Tigers the tigers are called the purple ones man this world looks so full it’s kind of crazy

That we thought we need more time knowledge all for England right now we run yeah we got British boy in here to run mate the designs of these are sick look at that rabbits chained up oh the poor buddy let’s go so you can ride Tigers oh yes that’s

Kind of crazy it was really Brave yep uh oh my red skies that means more piglets that means it’s time for us to actually jump into the game we have more amazing people ready to play from our team at Mojang Studios hi Anna hi telemachus and from our friends and we’re active Haley

And hi Pete hello Pete we’re gonna start exploring with you so let’s jump in let’s do it oh wait we haven’t seen this before if you know you know but this looks so much like cube world it’s kind of obscene so this here is the Regal tiger

It’s one of the many new Mobs that you’ll see in Minecraft Legends this is one of the few that you’ll able to be able to ride that’s so cool and throughout the game yeah I don’t know why I do that that’s right that’s right that’s one of the reasons why it’s my favorite

Because that’s so adorable it is really adorable I got a couple things planned where we should be heading over to help the rest of the team battle the pigland base oh I’m excited about this now I wanted to show off first I see the wall of fame yeah you sure do

So this is gold and blue when they’re in the world of Legends it’s uh where you start the adventure and you return here many times so beautiful I love how peaceful and nice it is here yeah that’s the idea Minecraft scoop up some friends so you’re using the banner of Courage

That’s right you just always summoning the badges friendly mob nearby and you know Badgers are crazy by the way they’d kill you so we’re gonna get uh get a group of animals going here nice yeah he’s gonna sacrifice the well please yeah that’s right we’re gonna take him

For a swim just for fun okay so they’re coming with you for fun oh that’s cute man that’s right I mean look at that Pig’s face would you send that face into battle no definitely not I don’t think so I would protect it though I’m ready

To show first off with the Lays I’m gonna ask the delays to gather this tree for me that’s really cool yeah you can see him tearing down that tree um players will be familiar with uh vanilla Minecraft uh breaking down the world and rebuilding it block by block

Oh we like to say that you do that thought by thought the player just has to say you know what I need some wood and then you ask those together for you and I’ll take it would be on PS5 I think so amazing so they will stay there and

Just keep Gathering as you go that’s that’s right you can you can send them off together more important things they’re really nice friends the next thing I wanted to show off this is very similar to the bounce caps that you and Magnus were talking about these sparkling bushes in front of me are

Called speedweed now the player just they’re called what it’s to touch these and they’ll get a speed boost so we’re going to use this let’s go a few biomes and head over to the Team Battle oh so in the bottom left you’ve got five gold allies and three blue okay nice

Off we go wow oh yeah that’s right so we’re heading into the jungle here we’re gonna hit some more visuals and then we’re gonna hit these bounce caps here so we’re gonna be super fast and jump super high oh that’s nice but we’ll we’ll see him yeah we might be

Too fast and too jumpy for them yeah we’re not making it easy on them but um I have faith that they’ll be able to keep that whoa this is gorgeous this is insane yeah this is one of my favorite biomes it’s um because of how much fun

It is to run across the Treetops like I’m doing here but also just because of how nice it looks oh it’s beautiful and the mangroves are there yeah that’s right so I wanted to show off this nice bird’s eye view here we go oh this is

Mango they look so much better in this game and the world is randomly generated so it’s always going to be a bit different that’s right everyone’s world will be different the world is is just like it is in vanilla Minecraft or you know from one player to the next the world is generated

Experience unique very minecrafty yeah we’re gonna head over to the Badlands next but I’ve spotted something down on the floor I’m actually way more excited about this game than I was before this this is the second the second thing that the leas do for you this is in the

Lay chest and essentially the Lays will keep these stocked with resources so you can find them in the world crack them open see what’s inside there we go I got 107 Diamond thank you Elaine that’s right yeah 107 exploring the world and you find those uh chests

Around be sure to open them up because delays always have gifts for you oh some of my friends managed to keep up that’s great good job oh hello it’s me here we are the animals so this is the second biome I wanted to show off definitely not as friendly as the

Beautiful jungle yeah yeah this one’s a little bit more hazardous we’ve got some red Thorns over here be sure not to walk into those those can deal damage there’s a lot less trees there’s a lot less Wood resource in this biome so you have to keep that in mind when you’re when

You’re planning planning ahead oh what’s this they can have like new biomes and stuff this here is the piglet base now you can see them when I make a series 100 corruption that is spread throughout the world from that portal oh yeah this is that’s why we’re here to stop it we got

To destroy that portal so that this corruption doesn’t spread any further okay now this is the last thing that I wanted to show that the Las can do I’m going to switch my hop bar here and I’m going to get oh yeah no way one click and off they go wow

That’s cool and then the yellow ones are building things that’s exactly right and then they’re both filling chests of Awesomeness I mean they are really great yeah they sure are that was cool so I’m actually gonna drop these friends off here I don’t want to bring them into

Battle I don’t want them to get hurt yeah I’ll be back for you later okay next is the spawners so here we are we’ve got a few of them these are players and there’s one for each type of mob and essentially you build them you get your

Lace to build them and then you interact with them to spawn some mobs so this is a creeper spawner we’re gonna spawn ourselves a couple of creepers I would say I’ve never been happy to spawn creepers but maybe interesting yeah you can build them yourself how

Dangerous they can be but when you use them against the piglens they’re extremely effective and then you saw a spoon can you just do it that’s right these are the grindstone Golems so I’ll grab a few of those and then next I’m going to get a couple of the plank

Gollums and the strategy really comes in you’re deciding which mobs should be fighting the piglet hordes because you’re doing it in different ways that’s exactly right so what the player is going to do is oh they’re yours check out the pigland base these are huge structures in the base

And then pick their mobs accordingly I see a lot of action so we’re gonna head over to Lee and go like in the middle of battle we sure are oh this is okay four people in the same world as well that’s kind of cool too yeah at least riding

Across that bridge there she’s got a whole bunch of mobs with her oh my God what so that’s big piglet over there is a lava launcher that is one of the most dangerous pigments you can find in the horde of the Spore this is a quart of

The sport base it’s like a tower defense game for those they can attack and Leah’s actually put her uh uh really cool to actually have more defense that’s right the towers that she’s got on the left and right side of the bridge here those areas down the

Tower they’re gonna shoot arrows at any pigments nearby so um what we’re doing here is we’re essentially moving our way into the base taking out the picking structures setting up structures of our own battling the people this is kind of fun what do you think is this

No this is a completely separate game and he’s on everything I’m pretty sure and everything as well launcher to try and take it out before we move in on the portal now Lee’s been being handed off to mobs from one of her other players from Anna and that’s a key part of the

Playing the game in my in Legends you have to make sure to use teamwork everyone working together against the piglets in big trouble yeah it doesn’t have much time left again the mob designs are really cool oh there it goes lava launcher down fridge we have a secret weapon well hardcore

Mode on this no that’ll be so hard where’s our secret weapon there we go look at that goal of these guys see this giant mob behind him scooping up a boulder and Swinging it in oh that’s six oh that’s the health of the bowl ings didn’t know what hit him game over

13 a couple more shots great job team that’s cool I like this a lot I just hope he doesn’t get too repetitive and everyone else when can we play yeah that’s the thing I got that question all the time I buy daughter my and my boys

Yeah and I’m happy to tell you today that it’s spring 2023 so spring exciting very very I mean you’ve been working out the one time so I know yeah we’ll see the community playing so early next year and we’re very excited for you all to play in Spring 2023 and for the first

Time ever here’s the beginning of our game the opening cinematic of Minecraft Legends we go tough Golem voters are gonna love this game you’re right yeah there he is Holy tray the turtle kind of looks like the one from Finding Nemo No come on you go about to smell that oh they work together don’t they in this game the animation is so nice Trey we made it the white coats are back with a little bit of gold they’ve upgraded I’m so pleased excuse me holy this guy’s insane not the haters oh

I’m kind of terrified the whole mood has just changed what can we go through the pool as well because that’ll be nice but they just absolutely destroyed that rabbit dude that rabbit got cut literally look at this thing all of these look awesome I love evil characters love them

Open your eyes it’s gonna be okay it’s gonna be okay I promise action knowledge come with me action knowledge foreign Yeah well Muslim says that I’m winning um I find that a bit surprising considering this is like a Cooperative game also we’re live the mob vote for 2022 is what is going on the Move let me just mentioned the move Bloom everyone’s gonna cry now my

Favorite mob I know I did yes what’d you think about the mother this year oh I I thought it was amazing like oh the team we were coming up next that’s really adorable and I’m very excited computer I can see my face yeah it’s uh let’s go

It’s an exciting thing and there’s still so much work to be done on the mob that we want Minecraft dungeons absolutely one of the updates over here okay into the game that’s when you start really nailing down the details and you kind of figure out how how does this more

Interact with all the other mechanics in the game and what do we need to make it like a really good mob yeah loves Minecraft and wants to make the best mob possible so now I’m sure they’re very excited to see which one it takes to win I think we all are since I

Have you here we have a Creator question just for you good question bro that’s a really good question and a Magnus and Kevin they were talking a little bit about this because you see in Legends uh we have their lace and the lathes were created in four Legends to

Solve a problem like how can the player build and collect resources while focusing on the big picture of the strategy um but when we thought about the lace we thought about and also like what what do they mean for the bigger Minecraft mythology if we call it that and what

Would it mean the vanilla experience yeah um so uh we uh we would ever went to bed it’s as good as I can get included in the last year’s uh Mob vote and and uh thankfully the community voted wait so hold on a second so it was the alley was

Created for Minecraft Legends and then they put it in the mob vote for Minecraft and it won what if if it didn’t win that’d be really awkward everyone’s like no I don’t like it but it’s in Minecraft Legends anyway but of course then we needed to make sure that they worked

Well for for Minecraft uh indulging the questions yes that kind of gameplay we had some some things were of course like the way it looks and that it loves new music that was like yeah part of its Essence but uh it needed to work well for Minecraft and similarly like Kevin

Mentioned like with the pig lens we wanted to make sure the piglets were quick well vanilla so that that is kind of how we think about many mobs in all our games and they may or may not move to other things you can’t even answer it it has to fit

Like it has to have an opportunity essentially and uh obviously in Bank of Legends it’s a legend and many of those really special ones will probably remain a legend that’s okay cool I have a really important question for you haven’t you ever wished you could just develop your own mob for Minecraft

Well I I anyway now you can do just that okay here we go make your own Minecraft mob I’ve been championing this for a little bit I’m in here somewhere Oh it’s by Kev nice The Entity wizard Tool uh is a tool that is built with uh our friend Giannis on blockbench and allows for a simple way to quickly make an entity and get it into the game fast if you wanna if you want to get into

Making stuff in blockbench by the way this is where I learned most of my stuff from Arts by Kev he’s really good oh and easy for anyone to get on YouTube you’re not really guessing as to what a mob does you can actually just take that as

An archetype and say I want this to be like it’s really easy to build off of a bear it makes it I can do it so you can too yeah main purpose of that tool is to make it super easy and it walks you through all the steps it tells you like

It suggests things that you can pick from it gives you I think I’m in this way and then I think what is that that’s great creating your own more from a scratchy I think all of us really really want to see our own mobs in the game like we

Kind of kind of the next thing I want to do is make mods like actual mods that’d be sick or maybe there was a model that didn’t go our way hashtag team copper Gollum this tool allows for anyone the Golem the Golem people always slowly the one who has an idea there’s

Definitely going to be another goal in the next boat for sure let’s see what it would be like my favorite bird is uh hornbill toucan um so I really wanted to say like can I actually remake A hornbill toucan and I want to build it on the parrot because

That gave me all of the gameplay features that I wanted and it would make it easier to make it look like that as well so knowing both what you want it to play and feel like yeah I’ve heard that’s way better than it used to be those two together really leaves you in

The right place to start if you’re scared about it like I was you can just start by painting an existing mop that’s one of them secret used to be pretty bad I think yeah it’s going to be better already exists so I’ll try it yeah comfortable with painting then work

On changing the model itself so changing the dimensions changing the shape around it get that in the game I hope you find some resource to get you started here whether it’s our tutorial as well this only works with bedrooms whether it’s a YouTuber that’s made a video on this

Stuff uh see what other people are doing out there getting oh that’s cool I love this tool and just start seeing what your creativity can bring and try it out banana Hmm this one we made it really difficult how did you make a curved object we made

It in Minecraft that’s me but that’s us I think I’ve actually done okay it’s gonna need some eyes or something do reckon we could make like a face double you get a little bit more interesting dub we do that not the beginning of the not in the pre-show not in the pre-show

Oh yeah you can’t see you can’t see wait wait wait wait it’s me twice let’s go we got the banana in there too they chose that one the way they chose that one [Laughter] I’m so pleased see my I said Mojang could employ me turns out they did just that we made it

We weren’t in the community show we’re in the main event right in the middle let’s go okay that actually looks kind of cool I thought it was going to be massive did you do anything unless you’re so pleased with this this is great okay this looks like an Adventure Time a

Banana though I always dreamed of being able to make my own stuff in Minecraft now I can oh that’s why yeah let’s go you can’t wait to see all the cool mobs we’re gonna make I’m not saying I’m still holding out hope that my alcohol bottle from last year will go in the

Game but I definitely am the coolest thing is that these are the same tools thank you for putting me in in Mojang that’s really cool create new things in the game Minecraft Marketplace is full of fun content you can’t get anywhere else and today we have a first look at

Something new dogs yeah they get excited when I shout they get like yo what’s going on right there what’s happening my name is Jim Lee I’m the publisher officer of DC Comics yeah a brand new DLC world you can use Amazon if you want in this DLC you’ll

Use Batman’s gadgets to explore Gotham and take on villains actually I’m not a big like superhero guy or as you unravel Spider-Man to celebrate the release of the Minecraft this sounds cool DLC you can get the free Batman cap in the dressing room right after Minecraft live Minecraft

Wanna hear more well then it’s an amazing trailer for the Minecraft Batman DLC right now oh this is not stolen someone it’s kind of crazy Minecraft has DLC I’m gonna be using mods for so long foreign that’s kind of cool I like what they can do with these maps

And stuff it makes Minecraft really like unique and very different but whenever I’ve played one of these Maps it feels like a just like a reskin and it’s not as fun as it looks like it could be but I haven’t played one of the official

Ones so I guess I’ll try that at some point squid said that the SpongeBob one was really good so maybe I just played some of the official ones it was kind of fun though maybe maybe we should try that hey Agnes hi hi I know a lot of the community know

Yeah that means you don’t could you tell them new update oh thank you please hello everyone love to meet you I’m Agnes and I’m the game director for Minecraft and Agnes she’s got all the secrets you know it felt the next update oh yes so we will show some lovely new

Things and we will actually do it in a bit of a different way this year it is important for us to learn from previous years okay that’s hilarious listen to what you said oh yes so we will show some lovely new things and we will actually do it in a bit of a

Different way this year because it’s important for us to learn from previous years that basically means we won’t say things uh that by accident that actually don’t end up in the game that’s funny I’m very excited I know we did not screw make that but first I

Wanted to know have you ever wished that there was an opera for the warden yes all the time oh yeah it’s like my biggest Dream well Element Animation has made your dreams come true Element Animation the OG is actually element of animation so before if you didn’t understand that basically I’ve been interrupted by music but before they’ve shown stuff like Birch forests and the archeology stuff uh fireflies that’s the main thing I think they’re referencing is the fireflies and um they are just saying the unless it’s going in the game 110 where he’s showing you because we know you get mads

Rightfully so Animation Stars reminds me of blue monkey yeah the budge Forest is gone I don’t know why they did that I wonder why it can’t be that difficult to implement right Villager News That’s OG right there from again to the um we’re getting to the Minecraft update soon we’ve got this

Minecraft dungeons I’ll watch for a little bit and then the new updates here we’ve already seen ourselves in the we’ve already seen ourselves in Minecraft live which is sick it can sense you in the dark and hunt you as you hide oh no this triggers me you’ve sealed your fate

It just needs a riff not the actual video just the wardens like sounds [Applause] Foreign like I said I like the style a lot through that by the way I learned now the hard way a few times yep there we go before he comes the warden is the coolest thing I’ve ever added into Minecraft okay very cool much wow tallied and it’s time to hey

Tiny boost doing what yes I can’t believe it worked I love these little animations that average sized Foo always gets the glory but it’s finally me tiny Vu who gets to shine the first round of the mob vote has been tallied and now I will tell you whether it’s the sniffer

I’m pretty sure I know who he is here it is my big moment drum roll please who got the least votes today tiny boo you have voted and we have counted and wow so many of you joined the vote this year over three and a half million Minecrafters

Well out of the Snippets that’s crazy Rascal and the tough Golem the mob with the least number of votes is the tough Golem goodbye little tough Gollum you will live on in our memories whoever keeps trying to put a Golem into Minecraft that’s not happening you just

Have to force into an update we will reveal the winner of the mob vote the Victor I wonder who it was going to be to the game in a future update are you excited there’s still hope for the mob I voted for so I’m very at least there was

Hope for the raw school I’m glad you didn’t have a deadlines Minecraft and wondered what were they thinking well I’m gonna skip I’m gonna skip this now Minecraft dungeons and for that I will of course invite Lord oh can I have that that’s quite the entrance jealous huh a little bit I’ll

Take that anyway when you’re not being rolled around on Thrones can you tell everyone yeah I know who won obviously it was going to be the sniffer obviously it rolled around and I am also the lead designer for Minecraft dungeons which means that I get to contribute a

Lot to the Creator 1.20 won the Golem up there yeah so I think it would be cool even if they just added in like a different Journey the past few years Begin by watching a bit of a recap of the game all right so we haven’t played Minecraft dungeons

In a while I actually played it twice on the channel I think look at that and then I played a lot off camera with my brother and we really enjoyed it there were some annoying glitches when we played like he would never get upgraded items like get all the really good stuff

I’m sure though it does look fun It just got a little bit samey for me but maybe with all this extra DLC and stuff it might be good do any of you guys play this Do any of you guys still play um Minecraft dungeons oh look at that again the mock designs in these spin-off games are so good there’s an underwater one too brother yeah I have a brother how do you don’t know this I’m sure I mentioned him before You do what a lot of you do is decent yeah to be to be fair these updates look kind of kind of Awesome the game can get really hard too seasonal Adventures I just like saying oh do you see that there’s one of the old mobbo characters in there

That’s when the old mobvo characters isn’t it I’m sure of it no not my twin I don’t have it there was a mob vote character that lost in Minecraft dungeons I didn’t know that so much great stuff has already happened it’s been so much and we it’s been so

Great wolf Golem is back in 2023. the past a little bit we are ready the amazing thing is that now we’re ready to announce that we’re releasing seasonal Adventure 3 which is called the Faun Affair and uh it is All About Pets and new animals to come to the universe of Minecraft

We started with some constant art and we have some water some fairies hedgehogs would be great and my personal favorite which is the Hedgehog yes and it’s tiny and it rolls around and it’s I want all this stuff in the actual game I’m going to be that guy I’m gonna be whining the

Mobs turn out so Penguins feel very well in Camp and we also have chicken from Minecraft and The Woolly cow yes our emo cow we’re very happy she said it the whole season will revolve About Pets so all the rewards you’ll be able to get through

The season are around pets so you’ll get like cow and turtle capes and all the emotes are gonna be about animals so you will be able to pet your pets or you know be a bit of a chicken or a bit of a dog why not that’s perfect and also very

Flashy flares like the the cat one and yeah all sorts of cool animations that you’ll be able to get we’re ramping up to after Minecraft dungeons we’ve got education I might take a quick zip that’s right and then it’s the next update it’s not far away all right in

The jungle Sonic in Minecraft it is actually a Sonic DLC for Minecraft one for free which means that all the players that never got to play in the jungle I played this one before we’ll get to explore the jungle that’s so cool well that’s free now that’s cool massive

Tree and you run around in the branches and inside of the tree itself so I think it is a very different experience because it’s such a vertical level yeah I love that you always feel you can feel that you’re way up high yes and uh I think we should also talk about my

Favorite things your favorite uh it was a bit of my baby but in dungeons you’ve never gotten the ability to replace your enchantments you know how you get a piece oh yeah and they come with their enchantments oh that was one of the worst features which is a new Merchant that will move

Into your camps so cool yes and it will allow you to it looks great it happens if you will put it in the just about that let’s watch it hi there my name is gaming and I’m also a gaming content creator my partner and I love playing Minecraft dungeons together but we’ve

Always wanted a way to change up our enchantments I heard in the new update there might be a way to do that with the enchantment can you think you just said that how it’s going to work right yeah I guess I can give a few more

Details let’s see so you’ll be able to save the intentions and you’ll be able to go up to their booth and select a piece of gear you want yes yes this is so good enchantment you already had pay a better goal and the enchantment will re-roll it yeah I

Want to play this again I mean you have to pay them for their work yes yes yes it is their job yes and I think I say the best thing for last okay so you know last year we talked about the tower which was a new feature and it is that

Space where you go floor by floor defeating waves of mobs and you get yeah well we’re ready to announce that we’re releasing a multiplayer mode that’s awesome yes and today from The Dungeons team hello isn’t that my Throne it is my Throne now okay let’s just get into the game yes

And here they are playing together and together with the tower multiplayer amazing so there’s a set in the end I would just play this just to see the new Mobs to be honest myself look at those green ones they’re firing stuff out there okay so

So I think they should have a good time in this floor they they did quick work there yes and if I ever learned how to code and add stuff like in mods in Minecraft I would add all the cool mobs from Dungeons and legends

Minecraft as if I can get them to fit in a way where it felt with enough you know what I mean so yeah same us as in the rest of the game like whenever somebody joins or somebody else there’s so many eyes game will adapt to how many you are

And and balance its difficulty uh so we’re very happy of how smooth that turned out yeah and I see these two uh doing really well here maybe I’ll stream Minecraft dungeons this channel what do you say a bit of a head start since it’s Minecraft [Laughter]

We want to try to keep the Whimsical like Vive of the tower what is Javascript yeah that’s the problems oh here you can see like when you choose a new piece of gear in the tower you’ll be able to see what your friends are choosing also okay which means that you

Can strategize with each other so oh you choose the hammer yeah you know you get that you have to like relearn what the game is because I completed the base game then I started a little bit of the DLC and then just made this level

To give them a bit of a challenge and uh we’ll see how that goes I think oh I think it’s already looking a little bit tough yeah but here you can see like how you collaborate with each other like you put the totem of healing and then you

Can all heal it exactly and then you you both get it and you can protect yourself so I think I really really like this brings to the table uh to be able to play multiplayers such a different experience and you might have done this one a bit McGraw is really good okay

Because I I used to be not that great challenge you definitely showed the challenge so controls are super easy yeah when do we get this because if you get good enough stuff pack and slash it’s fine personal Adventure 3 is coming on the 19th of October you’ll get the enchantment Tree Top

Tangle Tower multiplayer all of it odds you have to have the DLC for the enchantment though yes but there’s also one other thing that is coming on October the 26th of October to be precise and that’s the Spooky Fest which is now a tradition in the dungeons world

And this year you’re getting more rewards than ever before you’re getting six pieces of gear uh and I’m super happy how they turn out they look so pretty you’ll also be able to get those pieces of gear in Minecraft Bedrock Edition which means that you’ll be able to get

Spooky all around that is great well you’ve shared so much thank you so much Lola I mean it’s it’s funny well as usual the Minecraft dungeons news was fun and exciting now let’s take a look at something on the inspirational side now more than ever the world needs more

Hope curiosity this education Edition what’s the difference into the Minecraft world enables us to explore places we’ve never been dig into real interests in an accessible way and immerse ourselves in history to shape a better future you can talk to Desmond Tutu On Earth you can play as a whale all while learning about the waste climate change is impacting these Frozen worlds these five Minecraft maps are inspired by stories from the Frozen Planet what a great created in Partnership animal where I was skipping I’m sorry education Edition I’m so sorry

It’s next update time let’s go Agnes you’re gonna tell us next update I will soon but first I would actually love to take some time to talk about what we have learned from previous years but here we go we have announced some features that we didn’t manage to deliver and it’s

Important that we learn from that and that we take action from that so five flies are back in let’s for example this year we will only show features that have come very very far in the development process okay that’s fine with Minecraft live we want to celebrate

This like lovely game together with our amazing community and we want to create player dreams so when we show new things we want like to inspire the players and I remember for myself like a long time ago before and I know coming in I’m sorry and I remember seeing new things

On this adventure and we want to give this kind of dreams to our players and then it’s so important that we feel 100 confident that we really can deliver I’m glad they adjusted though that’s good yeah and I mean it shows that they’re um we would tell everything listening to

The community which is great and then you had to just keep up with that you you couldn’t add anything or kind of change things yes so like in recent years we showed like the full update almost and then we were just chasing it for the rest of the development process

And yeah that’s true I think that’s better so this year we think we will have time to really like iterate on the features together so I guess they’re gonna show less now and then show more throughout the year and we have a show today because like we

Know we already have so many ideas and also during the development process both us and the community so many ideas gonna pop up and those are also often very very Charming so we’re happy that we will Minecraft is basically Australia so the giant spiders together yeah I love

It let’s the team ever heard that conspiracy community and like kind of see where the path takes us and also it’s really exciting to get to hear new things like throughout the year too so I’m excited what’s happening all right let’s see what happens but I’m ready I’m actually

Avoid all of this by the way so I don’t know I can’t tell quite many things but actually first I want to tell you that we have decided to not name it yet so okay now we will call it the 120 update and it will be released in 2023

And the reason for that is that we want to shape it like throughout the development process together with the community because you know what that’s actually cool because if they release it in Little Bits what Minecraft does even though it comes out in 2023 sorry to

Pause it I will unpause it and stop doing that but um what’s good about that is that we with the snapshots we’ll still get loads of content up until the release we don’t have to wait till 2023 to get access to it or we can play the

Snapshots which is good so that’s fine Minecraft it’s some kind of like magic almost to Minecraft and I think I think it’s a good thing things that create this magic is that Minecraft is community fueled absolutely yes we both came from the community before

Ready to do that but you do have a theme so like some some things to think about we do know that she would update and we have a vision we just want to be like flexible enough so the community can be part that’s fine shaping it yeah and

What do you want to do with this update is that we want to make Minecraft Minecraft the air okay more blocks please absolutely we include that by Folk folk on like certain parts of what Minecraft is if and those are like the creativity like self-expression and intrinsic motivation

So what we want to do motivation I don’t even know what that means enabled players to be creative in their own ways and to express themselves in their own like a unique beautiful ways and in this update like one way we want to do that is to enable self-expression through

Representation and I think it’s so beautiful because you know being able to do what you want in mind Minecraft the Minecraft update this also lets us shape it with the community and all of you being creative so we do have some awesome features to show and our first

Guest she is here to help us show them welcome hey come on she show us the good stuff buddy first Minecraft live yes and can you tell everyone what you do at Mojang uh well I love to play the game at Mojang I’m a fan uh but I’m a 3D

Artist on Minecraft and you’ve worked on some super cool animations for the game everything from like really scary like the warden yeah when for example when I see I see frogs like it really makes me feel something you’re so good at it so glad to hear it so I have a Creator question

He kick things off for the two good stuff please please Japanese Minecraft youtubers are actually great by the way videos to the Western World New characters whoa she really likes sauce and Easter egg that we had in there indeed that’s amazing lovely and yes we are adding new default skins and the full hypothetic Alex and Steve so we see them as like placeholders for the players and our goal with Minecraft is

Always that everyone should feel equally welcome in the game and for us this is like one step towards reaching that goal oh wait so it’s not just Alex and Steve anymore Is this one of the new ones Oh sick his trousers are so high up what are these all the new ones I thought they were gonna add like two It’s moving so fast I can’t take it in I take it this is gonna be every version right because obviously you can change this in Bedrock and you can change your own skin anyway that’s how we should be using Redstone definitely lots of new default skins can they show them like an image yes we’ve added seven new skins

Oh wonderful collaboration this is such a good idea this is a great idea it’s kind of crazy how they just had like two White characters basically as the defaults that’s gonna man within the company glad they’re taking this step this is good yeah we we really care about feeling represented in Minecraft

And I think with these skins we did that and I think I mean you’re gonna start seeing them a lot yeah yes so I wonder if I have names only that you can play with them in the game you will also see them in like trailers key art

Merchandise so you really get to know these schemes or like characters what are their names it’s it starts the game if they haven’t made a new sort of like represent themselves they also can pick one of these and feel like it’s closer to who they are which is that’s a good change

And these awesome skins are coming soon they weren’t ready for live so you won’t see them in everything here but everybody’s gonna get to know them a lot they added the fat guy from Minecraft story mode I know I don’t know if he likes to be described like that yeah he

Didn’t like him and the first one we want to show is a very Charming Vlog called hanging signs oh wait I thought I was talking more about the characters yeah look at them players can Vlogs and change to craft them oh they’re really nice yeah that’s nice because like all Minecraft villages and

Stuff have like a medieval kind of old school feel to them so having the hanging signs is a really good change and what they do and these hanging blocks they’re very versatile uh you can craft them with every wood types and they have three different states oh and here

In here the first one here is when you hang up that’s cool from the side of a block and this one is like the base one so it has two chains and it’s when it hangs under a block that’s quite wide and then my favorite oh that’s cool too it has like a

V-shaped chain and this is when you hang it under something that’s narrow like under a fence post or yeah that’s so pretty they actually really transforms even from that because adding them to different places it’s super awesome yeah we love that when players like use these

Um use our blocks to do something else like for example create like really colorful flags with them and during our play tests uh one of these like um yeah connect like uh to uh that’s nice yeah I like I like that yeah the flags it’s like a festival feeling especially like

I think the crimson and warped wood ones they’re really quality and Agnes you’ve said for a long time that your favorite block is the sign block yes these reasons for that so A long time ago I think maybe 12 years ago when I played Minecraft I haven’t hadn’t really found

My play style yet and then my little brother I mean there’s only a soul Castle he had built and he was like this excited you can be about hanging signs but I think it’s a good addition and that inspired me a lot so I started to

Do that too so I started to like name since we have the Virgo slabs yeah I guess families like they work with this right in this house because you can use them um in every single wood type they said and like build my world if you can

Make them glow though with the glow squid make it make the glow skins do you think signs for you for me a bit but what I like with the hanging signs is that they’re a bit more expensive to craft so I will use both okay very nice I love

That you are using them for storytelling but also I loved you we spent a lot of time I’m seeing spoilers our community is going to do things for this we’ve never thought of they’re always so creative it’s amazing yes so you have something else to tell us about oh yes uh we have

Created a beautiful new wood set for bamboo bamboo okay look at this you have the planks yeah the fish just hang in there you have trap doors you have doors and look the windows oh they trap doors yeah the trap doors are nice patterns on the trap

Doors so good yes and I love like they’re so good to use as Windows for example the doors are good as well yes yes okay yeah it’s a really beautiful new one that was so like it’s amazing you can kind of grow it like crazy so yeah we want players to represented

Players who grew up with wait did you get it from bamboo this sounds dumb you get it from bamboo right we managed not like a bamboo tree and beautiful our artists did a very good job we never go much longer they say special block in this set only yeah so

The bamboo roots that actually have a block that no other wood sets have and it’s called bamboo Mosaic and you can see it here wow I think it’s very beautiful amazing I when I see this I’m like I want to build floors with it yeah that’d be cool for floors actually I

Mean they’re beautiful floors and I mean it’s beautiful in the whole building and I think what I love about it remember how well it matches with every tree no don’t don’t Cloud me please like looks so beautiful yeah it goes really well with the purple box together look here

Like with the copper and even the Frog lights even the Frog lights yeah but more than that I mean I’m very excited because I think if you’re able to build your real world in Minecraft I think when you combine with other blocks it looks better like this much better it’s

Very yellow it kind of looks like SpongeBob actually that it sounds like on the fence The Mangrove swamp yeah it’s really beautiful and you’re gonna have a boat well not exactly a boat we uh we’re gonna have a raft a raft yeah it works the same as a boat

It also has a chest but it looks more adventurous I like that I like that better than the boat you know if you’re being like on an adventure on the river and then it’s a rough okay that is not what I thought they’d be adding to Minecraft it’s really lovely yeah I definitely

Want to get stranded on an island make a wrap yeah I like the rock bands really fun I mean I think it’s so so it could be fun for making a back rooms man I’m ready SpongeBob bedroom bedroom no SpongeBob thank you so much for telling us about those things for joining us Hey thank you thank you this set is so amazing turned nighttime yeah oh Agnes is the Villager now I’m doing my emeralds on me here for those of you who don’t know what do you do at Mojang sure I’m a gameplay designer which basically means I work on some of the new features

Coming to the game very exciting you’re gonna tell us about those remember hey let’s be nice come on they said they’re not going to release it all at once which is I think is a good thing it’s not good for like now because of um we

Want to see all the new stuff but it’s good in the long run because throughout the year we’re gonna get new stuff not just the stuff they’ve already announced we’re going to get new updates it’s gonna feel like there’s loads of new updates rather than one big one which is kind of cool

Foreign that’s always hard just one she told you well as a panda I have to say the bamboo would set okay that’s a very good choice and what about you Agnes that’s fair I think it is a tricky question oh I do love all of the features and especially

Like how they connect together but if I have to pick one I actually want to pick one that we haven’t showed yet well you can bookshelves bookshelves is the new block that we’re adding to the game and she’s gonna interact with it to store one to six

Books yeah yes yes yes also enchanted books and books and quill so basically this is where you’re gonna store the stories that’s sick I like that and personally I’m really excited about it because as a player I love telling stories about my game and I used to keep

It in a physical notebook just next to my game uh my computer but recently I started writing it in the world sort of storing it in Chester I like that you know that was actually inspirational magnets in your amazing world yeah I need to go back and look at the um

Because it’s just it’s so in-depth I love it okay well yes it is very gnarly so I actually write stories both in the game in books in game and it’d be cool if the bookshelves emitted a certain Redstone signal depending on how many books are in the bookshelf it’s very

Important then you can have like the classic put a book in like a person and the stories they write there they might not even be true so they could be Legends they could be Legends but then in the notebook outside the game then it’s my perspective so that’s like this

Is what really happened I just love that I think there’s Cinder both I mean seeing like the stories written and then being able to pull them from the bookshelves like I get so excited I think these will also have Redstone capabilities yes oh like causing a comparator you’re actually I’m insane

Pull a redstone signal that’s gonna tell you what is the last book that was interacted with and there’s many uses for that but personally I’m gonna make this doorways I am there’s so many dogs what probably my Agonist poster fans [Laughter] you use that to like tell stories I

Can’t believe it please I’m insane opportunities to tell stories all the castle and I want like an evil queen to live in this castle and then she can like so you can uh it would be really cool I want to make an escape room because then you’re like try and maybe

Actually no I want someone in the community to do that and then I want to play it that’s that’s good I’m pretty sure I’m from the future exactly I legit didn’t know that I like a lot of the other things storytelling aspect but then it’s also like they’re really Paired with so I love it I tuned out I don’t want to comment on that and I don’t know what he was talking about texture so you you can see it like on the floor like oh yeah but it’s very important I mean I think that’s the cool thing whenever we get

Any new blocks in the game it’s like being able to go a new brain cells help or you can be like these are the best floors you’ve ever seen like in the final book you know like they’ll find the button Maps so many more things than us amazing and

You have one more thing to tell us about one more that’s actually a feature that’s quite close to my heart because I grew up interacting a lot with these um so maybe it’s time to take a look at some camels camels How do you grow up in trying to move camels a lot that’s quite cool actually isn’t it buy brain cells I’m getting crazy out here watch out camels they’ve added camels yes well that’s a cool animation Well it’s little ears the villagers are always gonna be my favorite mob man I think you could write two players Oh no they don’t jump like that I only I’ve never seen a camel jump in my life watch the legs on this bad boy what The that was great fantastic jump Mr Camel That was Unreal I remember growing up going on field trips and sort of seeing them and riding them that’s a job I actually have a really distinct memory of sitting being the small kid on this huge animal and sitting on them went on the ground and when they gave up the camels don’t

Really just get up immediately they’re like indecisive rocking rock paper sort of thing so camels can we have some camels and something to cover them how this update is self-expression through a presentation and I just love that so many more people now around the world I wish that we

Could ride the alpacas properly remember and explain from their life in the game I think there’s a big jump too actually they could jump further than horses because that was the thing I really loved you what do you think about the process of camels because you had talked

So much about like your experiences as a shy I don’t know how tall the camels is and how they stand up in this like different way way and then when I got to play with them in the game it’s a dash like you told me about and I thought

That was cool that’s really cool okay and Agnes here’s a hard-hitting question for you camels horses why both well this is an important question yeah why boy so we want to keep update Minecraft for like a lifetime for 50 years or more and that means that each thing we add needs

To really fit within the Minecraft ecosystem Minecraft for 50 years wow and since camels are a writable mob and horses are too it was very important for us to really create a unique experience can they spit yeah we worked quite hard on that uh trying to find a different

Control game to roll up to someone both and they really make the experience different and unique and there’s many differences for example a horse are quite agile strifing right and left is really quick in Minecraft and camels are quite big animals so they’re a bit

Slower but if you find the uh yeah hey that’s good I’ve got a job for a very long time if they’re updating Minecraft for 50 years I’m good I can make I’m 30 now don’t update 50 years more I’ll be asking you to subscribe when I’m 80. thank you Mojang I appreciate it

Straight stretch maybe a relatively flat ground wait really you can get questions actually and I’m Googling that that’s helped by this new ability that they have called the dash so using this oh it’s a dash or even Rivers which we all know are the enemy of horses yeah they do spit

And another unique things with the canvas is that you can be two players on it at the same time and they’re the two that’s cool it’s a dash that’s why it looks so weird really annoyed to play together with their friends so it feels good to have a

Feature where you really can go on an adventure together yes now I’m happy that if we added it finally my Agnes might invite me to play somewhere this guy needs to calm down stop and I mean they’re great for storytelling it’s like yeah I think he’s sleeping on an adventure come see

So you know another side to them yeah exactly I think that Duality is really really interesting because like we saw the volume why is it low I’m sorry it’s very sort of storytelly adventury but there’s another side because you can actually Sprint with camels and they go

Quite a bit faster when you do so for example in action scenario at night you can be out with your friend and Agnes for example is using the camera and moving around and dashing out of danger and I’m with a bow oh that’s cool actually I like that collaboration whoa

And as you can see here the many mobs can’t reach us because the camera is so tall oh that’s cool too finally I get to feel how it is to be tall yeah me too me too I could be six foot let’s go zombies a little bit cute maybe ugly cute yeah I

Mean I think that I’m definitely going to be the one you know like hopefully dressing if that’s the biggest Edition but I do I mean it’s really really cool it adds a lot especially to be able to you know maybe you’re doing a little both you’re having a nice stroll and then you’re

Like it turned night let’s let’s fight together yeah but I mean I have to point out that they’re all that will be good at night incredibly cute they are and especially they are ugly cute I think they’re ugly cute oh they go babies and as we can see we also have camel babies

Because the way they get they look so weird something pretty interesting is that the item you’re gonna use to feed and breed them is actually a cactus and I thought that was so interesting when we like researched camels I didn’t know that real world camels eat cactus yeah I

Mean I’ve seen many videos eating Cactus I thought it was really really interesting and also Cactus is sort of an item that doesn’t have too many uses in the game so it’s always nice respectful of old features sort of adding more uses to it how do they eat

Cactus like that here thank you so much for telling me straight into the next amazing teachers thanks for having me on October 27th during Minecraft now you’ll be able to hear more about these cool new features and Agnes you have one surprise for us well now we do have a

Surprise so previous years you have been able to play test the new features like in many many months after live but this year we’re very excited about this this year you will actually be able to play Test new features in beta snapshots and previews used a few days from now oh

Okay yes hey I told you it was a good thing if they do it in bite-sized chunks like this we don’t know what we’re gonna get so it’s like they can just release a snapshot with it in and be like go go play it that’s good I told you

Beware of camels I like that too to hear what you think in a few days like Agnes said this is the start of they have leather tongues don’t hurt them what about that stomach or when it comes out almost the end of the show and we all know results what are we saying

But let’s take a look back I’m learning about camels though I didn’t know that Camo armor would be good but I don’t think that would need I don’t think they’re going to because that’s horses they serve a different purpose but we’ve done this uh let’s see what they think oh you all voted into the game boo hello what are you doing I’m farming but you

Want the mob vote results we do I mean the carrots here no idea nice throw yeah it’s not the whole update yeah I know so this is important because this winning mob actually got over half of the total votes wow what wasn’t it between two the winner is oh let’s go

I’m sad and upset Again Minecraft wouldn’t be what it is today without all of you I hurt my nose why did I do that thank you so much I’m no sniffer wait don’t oh God I just punched the microphone in excitement uh I just want to see what happens in

This next bit it says meanwhile Steve good sniffing guys let’s see what this is that is the camel a camel update You missed it bro you like it this is this was me on Friday because the train didn’t turn up and this is me today I missed it I missed it at the beginning I missed it at the end I don’t think we need car more armor just putting out there we don’t need it if they can’t be you can’t be touched by mobs on a camel because you’re too tall anyway oh yeah so we should be able to place in a few days she said poor Steve yeah that was me

Well that was um you know what I actually really enjoyed that that was good I didn’t think I’d enjoy it as much I did because I wasn’t sure what they were gonna release but I’m pleased we got camels bamboo the rafts which I think are really nice and

We’re in it baby let’s go we were in Minecraft live Mama made it of the objects in Minecraft how does that work but it’s me everyone saw how many people watch this like a couple hundred thousands we did it we made it guys thank you for

This is our this is our Victory together huge Victory huge stuff lots of Dubs all around actually I really enjoyed this I hope you’re excited for more Minecraft thank you for hanging out with me today uh it was awesome before you go leave a like that’d be awesome subscribe if

You’re brand new because I’m definitely gonna be playing the camel update when it comes out soon I guess but um yeah that’s pretty much it for me thank you so much for watching hope you see you in another live stream very soon I really want to touch on Minecraft dungeons Minecraft

Legends when it comes out but half a mill saw it yo let’s go love that but thank you I’ll see you next time alright love you bye

This video, titled ‘I WAS IN MINECRAFT LIVE 2022!’, was uploaded by DanTDM on 2022-10-16 21:43:24. It has garnered 928436 views and 34292 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:55 or 5335 seconds.

SUBSCRIBE AND SOMETHING GOOD WILL HAPPEN Minecraft Live 2022 Thumbnail Me by: http://www.twitter.com/Panedwards_YT

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DanTDM Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/DanTDM

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  • Glorp Junior High School

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  • Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Cave – Insane Freefire Gameplay

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  • MASSIVE UNVEILING: Mildlywarm’s Epic Tech Adventure Begins!

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  • Unraveling Secrets: Into 1.18 Caves! – PinguPongu.Merlin.VIP

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