ibxtoycat – I Reviewed Every Single Default Minecraft Seed

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Hello i’m mpx toy cat and one of minecraft’s lesser known options is when you’re choosing to type in a world seed or rather not as a lot of people do you actually have the ability to hit this button right here and find some seed picker seeds that have been

Pre-chosen by minecraft that means if you want to spawn next to say a bamboo forest or a mushroom island biome or a mesa or any of the other rare features like a woodland mansion which are usually fifteen to twenty thousand blocks from spawn but can be found

Super close if you pick this seed or this seed or any of these other ones all of these seeds are very unique and worth checking out in some way but it’s hard to work out which of these is say the best and uh obviously looking at the

Images gives you a good feel for what’s going to be at spawn but what about the rest of the seed what about the never what about the actual liveability of all of these seeds it’s really hard to work out from just an image which is why it would be handy if

There was a whole video diving into all of those things but obviously that’s unrealistic except wait a minute this is seed sunday the weekly series bro show you sees minecraft that are particularly interesting and worth checking out in some way and i’m diving through each of these 18 sepika seeds and rating

Them so you know which ones are worth checking out and which ones are a little bit lame outside of the one chosen feature so welcome to the first of many seeds that we’re going to be diving into today this is the bamboo forest and you spawn next to a bamboo forest

Which is pretty big i’ll admit but it doesn’t come right next to a giant corresponding jungle at least not right over here so it’s a very weird kind of feeling for a biome that is again smaller than on average you’ll find in other seeds maybe that’s

Not a big deal because this is way more than enough for most players but it’s worth keeping in mind just in case you want a giant bamboo forest you don’t technically get it here and also you don’t get as much of the rest of the jungle however it’s worth mentioning the jungle

Does kind of slip over to the north here and in over to the north you find something fascinating it is a jungle temple which is right at the edge so it’s very easy to find it doesn’t have the usual downsides of having to go into the jungle

That’s really nice in my opinion if you head a little further north you’ll find a much bigger jungle biome which is nice the more traditional thing even contains some melons which is delightful for livability and then also you’ll find a ruined portal up here just in case you want to

Get magma in your first uh you know like a minute or so on the overworld you can do that here also crying obsidian there is almost enough of it to make a respawn anchor in the overworld from which is wacky in my opinion there’s also a chest of all

Your free stuff that you normally expect so your options to the north are pretty limited in terms of jungle bamboo mountain or a little bit of normal forest um but if you’re if you go to the south instead you’ll find an ocean this is an ocean i thought

Must have had a bunch of promise in there i thought you might find an ocean monument or even just a shipwreck or something but no there is nothing in this ocean it’s one of the most empty oceans i’ve ever seen people often complain there’s too much in minecraft oceans this one clearly

Proves that that is not true for all oceans hashtag not oceans and as a result there’s pretty much nothing i can recommend to the north or the other way uh that you face from spawn on this one which is a real shame but you know let’s go into the never now

And see if maybe it’s great over there so for all of these seeds the way i’m checking out the never is by making a never portal at spawn because the never is obviously uh much more traversable um than the overworld however if uh you know there’s something really

Great and than never but it’s a thousand blocks away it doesn’t really count as a good never because every never has good stuff if you go enough blocks ten thousand a hundred thousand a million so let’s rate what’s actually found uh if you made a portal at spawn and you

Wanted to explore the new nether and in this case wow a giant crimson forest side note here but a really cool feature that minecraft bedrock has besides coordinates in the top left so you can see exactly where we are if you want to find any of these features but it’s uh if you

Look in the map in the bottom left you can see just how fast you travel in the oath world uh if you go via the never because it’s an eight to one scale and that’s why no matter how far you go on the earth world you’re gonna spawn in

Roughly the same never place because again it’s much more scaled down and therefore pretty much anywhere you spawn uh you know portland you’re gonna find yourself in this giant crimson forest by him which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but it is just overwhelmingly sized and also there’s a wart forest perhaps the

Second best biome next to it that’s nice actually this what forest is really interesting because it’s surrounded on all four sides by the crimson forest i’ve never seen a biome entirely surround another one and then never before now however an endless crimson forest with a huge distance to go to find a bastion

Remnants or another fortress literally you have to go 800 blocks in the nether to find a never fortress which is essential beating minecraft means that as far as utility goes this never is great for biomes but pretty awful for everything else i would say so before we explain how good

I think the bamboo forest seed is i think it’s important to come up with a rating system so we can truly and accurately compare all of these seeds in a lot of different categories to work out which one’s objectively the best if you want to see it that way

Although obviously this can be kind of a style factor where you might prefer a different seed that’s the great thing about them but you know none of that everything’s weakly good here on this channel no let’s work out which one is the best by using five major categories

I think that the spawn area quality is really important in terms of the biomes you get in terms of the everything about it um if you don’t have a good spawn area you don’t have a good seed because again you can travel thousands of blocks to find anything on

Any seat if you want to so the spawn area is the one thing you can’t change and it’s so important that’s good i think structures in terms of distance from spawn is also a big benefit even if you don’t like the uh loot they give you having access to a village is just

Always going to be handy having access to a witch hut for a witch farm for instance is always going to be handy more structures is better than less structures and also freely opportunities is something that you might choose to ignore but a lot of players like being

Able to start their game a little easier and therefore that’s another category then obviously because the never update is fairly recent and a lot of people want to give that a go we’ll rate the never on a scale of one to five or so and then we’ll have a

Uniqueness rating just because some seeds feel right you know some fields seeds feel right some seeds feel wrong even if they might you know like be uh you know great in some ways if they don’t feel great to play then it’s not going to be a great seed i can recommend

So what do i rate bamboo forest well spawn area quality i’m gonna give that a three out of five it’s very much average there are worst uh spawns out there and i guess i can’t hate it too much i’m going to give the structures a solid two out of five it has

A jungle temple and it has a ruined portal and then that’s it that the nearest village is so far away um that’s almost unconsiderable and the never structures are even worse the never on this seed gets a three out of five it would be much lower but i really

Love the balance of warp trees with the crimson trees and uh you know finally the free loot category is gonna have to give us uh again it’s gonna be super weak because jungle temple loot is not the best ruin portal loot can be good but that’s

Gonna have to bring it just to a two out five and then uniqueness i guess we’re gonna have to give it a four out of five again this is a unique never such a giant crimson forest at the spawn that surrounds another one a bamboo forest being so big a ocean

With nothing i mean it is very unique and it makes for an interesting minecraft experience just not always a perfect one but we have to award that somewhere and therefore this is the total that this seed gets so the next seed promises to be a coastal village however you spawn into a

Plains biome which is kind of nice that is i guess by the coast so that’s great not that i can see anything uh that you can benefit from the coast besides a boat journey if that’s what you’re into um actually over there nope it’s just more land however you can see

Just out the corner of your eye over there there is in fact a village and that village is located about 150 blocks away however i’d like to just mention i think this is a little bit misleading because it’s not really a coastal village there are so many villages in

Minecraft that are genuinely on the coast this village is on a lake and it’s on a river and that river does lead to the sea but i wouldn’t say this is on the coast do you agree or not comments let me know but i guess this is

A unique enough village i mean there’s an island that exists just to store the hay bales on if you’ve ever seen that before um and that’s kind of interesting and uh you can also see how it cuts through this lake in a very interesting weird way it’s definitely a lakel village a lakeside

Village and that’s kind of nice a riverside village as well both those things are delightful um however the village itself isn’t that useful it’s a village which is nice but there’s no uh blacksmith it doesn’t even have a great number of uh guys to trade with the most beneficial is probably this one

Right here because it’s clay that you can mine straight from here if you want to and then give to this guy in exchange for some emeralds so you can get straight on the emerald trading ladder but and also there’s a bunch of it found here that’s really useful by itself but as

Far as uh you know structures go this is about all you can see too close by spawn okay i take that back there is a desert well found over here oh my god this is a delight you’re in the middle of the desert you think you’re gonna die

And what do you find some water what else is the point of this structure well i mean water is just really valuable especially uh more seriously when you pair it with lava pits there’s not just one above ground love pit which is so so useful for you know either fueling things off

Making an f portal but there’s a second one found right here and just in case you’re too uh you know like fill up yourself to make your own portals well it looks like the seed also has some form of ruined portal over there a pretty big one too and a

Pretty complete one as far as big portals go as you can see these things are usually barely filled in and this one is doing pretty well and also it has lava underneath it as well as a chest where you can get some more obsidian to get closer and closer to actually

Filling this one up so yeah a giant portal next to another village a village i actually recommend a little bit more than that previous one um as far as like if you want a big village to settle down with also it’s got the hay bales also it’s next to

Savannah so you’re gonna find a savannah villager in this house i reckon and it’s probably worth mentioning that also not too far away from spawn there is this third village this is a desert village so that’s kind of nice and uh yeah again i i can’t say it’s too

Notable above the previous village but if you want another village with fewer crops and more villages and this weird overlap where it goes into the plains village that’s kind of nice too but that’s about it as far as structures go you get a really nice spawn area in the sense that it’s plains

That fades into a desert that fades into a savannah biome and also some trees nearby but the biggest downside is the fact that you do spawn with one of your sides being the coast so that’s something you have to like if you want this seed i would say

Although not too far away as you can see based on this map you can also eventually find a jungle so that’s kind of nice that also fades into another savannah biome there’s no real temples around here but that’s good enough for now i guess yeah if you do cross the ocean you find

A little bit of a jungle but otherwise it’s the exact same stuff you have on this side so i really can’t even recommend the ocean unless you just like boats that much and you want to make a giant bridge or you just like boating from one side

Of your base to the other then maybe i could recommend this but otherwise i’m not too excited also this is very weird loading in of chunks huh if you want to see some caves now you can isn’t that nice there’s an abandoned mine shaft down there so interestingly enough this second seed

Also spawns you right into a crimson forest again a very good thing but this one is slightly better because it at least gives you the choice of the never waste biome so much more easy access to gold and never quartz and all the other goodies and indeed just less harassment by

Hoglands if you don’t want to deal with them and you already have overworld food so that’s a nice thing however both of these biomes definitely do overstay their welcome they’re giant and they don’t really seem to end they’re not easy to get out of and also uh to kind of add that nail

Back to the coffin there is a pretty decent way you have to head to get to a bastion remnants the never fortress is thankfully only a couple of hundred blocks away so that’s kind of nice but it’s not an easy journey to get there you can’t walk straight there because

Again the terrain kind of gets in the way of you easily getting to or from this never fortress um so yeah as far as the survival experience goes this isn’t going to be a great never um but if you are willing if you know the exact coordinates and you’re willing to

Go through and around a lot of stuff and mine through the blocks then you will be able to find a neb fortress which is great because who doesn’t love free loot like two gold bars in a saddle so yeah so i’m gonna rank the spawn area quality on this seed a nice free

Because even though there’s the big ocean there everything else is above board and again ocean is something some people might like i’m gonna rate the uh the actual structures that you can get to easy from spawn a2 i mean villages are nice and that one ruin portal is great

But anything else and you have to go some serious distance which is a shame in my opinion i’m gonna give the never a two out of five because i mean it’s just it’s just crimson forest and never wastes i think crimson forest and warp forests are the best

And uh you know the size of these two things and the distance you have to head to get to anything worthwhile is a bit of a you know lame one again it’s nice enough it could be worse but it could be a lot better there’s a lot

Being desired right here i’m gonna rate the free loot to be a obvious one out five there’s there’s none besides the ruined portal chest and if you come to the never the chest here and then finally the uniqueness it gets a two out of five because again lakeside village

Isn’t a massively unique thing so this seed is called desert village which i think is the most uninspiring title for a seed because no one’s really that on the lookout for a desert village a lot of seeds have desert spawns and deserts are often big enough that they contain

A desert village i would argue the more interesting nature of this seed is the fact that right in front of you at spawn as you saw there is both a desert temple and a desert village right next to each other in fact it is a lakeside desert temple and it is a riverside

Desert village although by minecraft standards this is a coastal desert village i think you’ll find isn’t that delightful more delightful yet is the fact that it’s next to a savannah bomb and that savannah bomb is next to a very chunky ravine seriously the size of this thing it is like a

30 44 block distance across this is not one of those small time ravines you can just jump across no this is a ravine you jump and you fall in and it’s a long way to get out and also conveniently enough it’s found within a slime chunk which is

A really handy convenient thing also this water flow is very confusing to follow i just know that it leads to slime smelling apparently otherwise there’s a fair amount of gold down here there’s even some mushrooms which spawn under the ridge there’s no diamonds or anything like that but it’s a pretty decent ravine

To come mine into and start your diamond mine from perhaps if you would like and again it’s very close to that spawn desert coastal lakeside village which i think is nice heading backwards from spawn also gets you into this nice savannah biome which then has a savannah village in it after you cross

This ravine of course this is really nice because although it’s kind of uh bland in terms of the biomes you spawn in i mean there’s also a small planes here um they are two biomes that between them do not have any rain which means rain is not a concern on the seed

Something i really like as a thing but if you want to use tridents in the weird riptide thing you won’t be able to on the seed but personally i think the benefits of no annoying rain sound makes that worthwhile also look there’s a chest in here what’s

In the chest i hear you ask some raw meat huh i like this house actually you’re not raw meat and a smoker to cook the meat in what more is there you could want anyway so this is pretty solid but let’s hop into the never and see what’s happening over there by

The way each of these desert temples gives you four loot chests so just keep that in mind as being a super valuable thing and i want to mention that this seed has three of them here is the third one as you can see next to a village

Actually you might miss this if you’re not paying enough attention because it’s partially submerged but again even if it’s submerged you still get the same benefits of the four chests assuming a mob hasn’t spawned on there first that’s a whole nightmare for another time though

Also by the way what a treat two coastal villages on the same seed look how coastal this thing is look how big that house is anyway let’s uh dive into the nether oh also right over here next to some pumpkins there’s this giant hole carved

Out of the wall for this throw in portal and almost finished room portal it just lacks three blocks across and then you got yourself a pretty big one and again you can always find some obsidian sometimes in these so that is really solid and in fact i’ll

Enter the never from here because this is where i’d recommend doing so it’s got the lava it’s got some gold it’s got a portal and a chest and everything and it’s got this amazing like dug out the hill location that i’m just so inspired by i think that’s so cool

Would you believe it we spawn into a never waste with a crimson forest on our right that’s very unique however the key difference here is it’s non endless crimson forest next to an endless never waste because as you can see all you have to do is cross this kind of dangerous

Uh waste right here and you find a warp forest again the second best never buy them i don’t even think it’s really up for debate like there are benefits to base salt deltas being interesting looking so sand valleys will have soul soil and source sand and skeletons but wart forests are a great

Place to settle down in the nether who doesn’t love that and even better than this you can see how actually there is a bastion remnants right over here i love that that’s crazy close to spawn and then that bastion remnants is next to another crimson forest which is next

To that same wart forest so you get the two best biomes you get a bastion remnants and it’s a weird one because you have to like mine in from the top which is potentially dangerous i would say but worth doing so that you can get oh yeah look at this

It’s meant to be a bridge but the bridge is like tunneling through the terrain again fascinating stuff i would say but the downside is you have to head about 800 blocks to get to your nearest never fortress but i would say overall that’s a pretty great never a four out of five never

Perhaps so how does this seed rank overall i mean this seed is obviously very unique with a very great spawn and it has amazing access to loot my first five for the video um the never is pretty darn great as well like i really recommend this if you

Want a great never update seed however the one place it’s let down is structures it’s a lot of villages and then it’s a desert temple but again because of the lack of biome variants you have to go a lot further to find more than that and i can’t

In good consciousness give it a greater rating for that um but if you just like lots of villages and lots of desert temples then you’ve got some structures and even the ruined portal and a desert well you better believe those exist here too so this next seed is called epic jungle

Which at first i thought was a bit of an immature name for minecraft to use for like an official seed that they’re putting inside the game but clearly i think they’re going for epic jungle as in the definition where it’s very very big and uh my lord look around the spawn on

This seed and you’ll see that it is definitely a big jungle literally as far as the eye can see in every single direction or as far as my minecraft xbox can render in every single direction um it’s the same on every platform i want to clap right now um but yeah if

You go a little bit beyond that render distance every direction you will see that eventually the jungle ends but the definition of the world eventually is very much uh contingent on how far you’re willing to go if you’re in survival bear in mind i’m flying right now and it’s still not ending or

Even showing a sign if you’re in survival you probably will get mad unless you use your map and use a bird’s eye view and you have a nice render distance to see your way out but if you like jungle and you wish that there was no other biome in the game

This can kind of simulate that with a lower rendistance another couple of great things is there’s a jungle temple here already shown off how great those can be they’ve got a couple of chests and also there’s a lava pit here which spawns close enough to a tree that it starts a chain reaction

That means when you load this in it will set fire to the tree this can be really humorous if you have fire spreads turned on um but the big downside that you should keep in mind is that it will start to cause some lag as the fire spreads

And believe me jungles uh have all the fuel it needs to spread all over this so yeah fighting the fire is a fun part of this seed so what other features are there around the spawn i hear you ask there’s a there’s a lot of jungle and if

You had enough hundreds of blocks you find a savannah that’s cool there’s nothing in the savannah though is it even a coincidence at this point that the never is also in a crimson forest it seems like a pretty sizeable one but what else can you find around here

The answer is apparently just a lot of crimson forest and a piglet bastion so this is delightful nice little bastion near spawn and it’s one of these types as well the bastion farms i think they’re called or the housing units except the housing units are down below the ground

So to get there you have to go through the bastion which is i think a very unique way to have to get around anywhere you go up here and then down there and then you find a chest and then down a little bit more and what do you find

Oh nothing so this is great but otherwise it’s a lot off crimson forest with a little bit of soul sand valley if you head far enough away um it’s nice but is it unique so i’m gonna rate this seed two for the spawn quality because if you want anything besides jungle

Trees and pain and chickens and maybe some melons you’re gonna have a hard time with this one uh these structures i mean there is that jungle temple and yeah um and then as far as the never goes i actually kind of like the never on this one it’s okay enough it’s it’s acceptable

It’s it’s a it’s a good never with a bastion near spawn so why not um and then as far as free loot goes a one because there’s nothing you can get besides two chests in a jungle temple um but then as far as uniqueness goes you’ve got to admit there’s something

Unique about this seed that makes you want to check it out even though it’s kind of bad it’s so bad it’s almost good except all the other ways to find that it’s bad so at least have to give it some points for that

And bring it up to a total of 12 out of 25. so this is the forest glade seed and a forest glade as i didn’t have to google is in a general sense a clearing in an open forest which to me doesn’t actually sound too unique i mean

It is kind of cool that it’s a forest on most of the angles this little clearing with some some thousand between but i wouldn’t say this is the most desirable thing by anyone because it’s not a big forest either like for real don’t get me wrong i don’t think you need much

For forest but if you were going for a forest glade uh you know seed that was the number one thing you wanted i don’t think this would provide very well for that in the slightest and heading this way you can see how there is at least more forest but it’s a birch

Forest which again notable by itself but the forest glade is not something that appeals to me personally or maybe i’m the crazy one however if you give the seed a chance you’ll see there’s a huge plane spam which connects into a whole lot of nothing in the end

No structures just plains and then some extreme hills which is maybe nice but it’s also overwhelmingly generic you see a lot of seeds like this and usually they have something else going for them which this one does not okay i looked everywhere above and below ground and the closest thing i found

All the way over here so many hundred blocks away from spawn is this it is a ruined portal with not even enough lava to make into a finished portal because it’s not even all the way complete and it’s missing these two crucial blocks which means yeah this this is the overworld location

Spawn it’s it’s nice i guess if you don’t want many things so before the never update this was a seed that didn’t sound appealing and then when you finally loaded it up it also was not very appealing and after the never update it is also an unnotable seed with no real reason to

Check it out so yeah this is the worst seed i’ve encountered today it’s average at best except saying average at best implies that it’s average in any part i would give it two stars for maybe the spawn area not being trash and two stars for the never being okay

Everything else gets a nice solid one here because it’s not unique in the slightest why is it in the seed picker i don’t know but moving on so the next seed picker seed is for a mesa plateau and it’s super interesting because the seed is like one two eight three feet

Free or something like that it’s a very short minecraft seed so it’s one you could type in pretty easily without having to pick the picker however knowing the seed is very handy because you spawn right here next to a mesa biome um and these used to be significantly rarer

Than they are right now so here is a mesa plateau um again they fixed that since they put that in the seed picker um but it is worth mentioning and looking at and saying hey look how interesting this biome is no matter how many years passed since

The 1.7 update that changed the world every time i look at a mesa biome i’m just like yes there is something stunning about settling down here that you just cannot replicate with any other biome everybody has the same variation of like dirty blocks and woody blocks and stuff like this

This spine is made from red sand and this like magnificent stained clay or stained terra clutter or what is even called these days it’s just terracotta these days it’s made from this wonderful terracotta and hardened terracotta and red terracotta and yellow terracotta all the terracotta colors are found right

Here which is great if you’re trying to make a house again there is just a lot of delightful things and even better than that here is the mesa spikes themselves i think these are actually the mace plateaus which as you can see super rare super interesting and even

Better than that they now after the never update come next to a ruin portal over in portal which is almost complete by the way literally missing two blocks down here as you can see yeah literally leave them two blocks it’s missing this singular block right there and then you’re done

A single block that sometimes will come in this chest right here that is really cool you can have a complete never portal you’ve just got to like clear it out which is maybe a big problem by the way this mesa platopine goes and goes and goes and goes

So if you really want a unique place to settle down because a mesa biome is already super unique but in the middle of here it’s just such a bizarre minecraft experience it’s almost like an entirely different game at this point again your resources are different your view is different it’s just a delightful

Way to play the game and combine that the never update and you’re basically in an entirely new world and yeah the mesa blind itself extends past that even further until eventually you end up in this lovely roof forest over here the only big downside of the mesa biome

Is that there’s no structures that spawn within it so you know your best bet is sometimes finding trees and maybe a ravine like you can at these corners but even this is a fair few hundred blocks away from spawn so structures takes a real hit in exchange for uniqueness getting a real

Bump here you can also see how there’s meant to be an abandoned mine shaft here which is kind of like a unique structure for the mesa biome but it just didn’t generate because of weird bedrock bugs so yeah um it’s a nice area with some random dirt you can take

But otherwise this mesa biome is mostly just a hospitable experience that looks delightful and oh wow there is even a second ruined bottle at the very north of it which as you can see also connects into a village which is in a tiny desert next to a jungle this is actually incredible

Look at this it’s a ravine going through a desert village which has a mine shaft in it as well and that desert village just so happens to partially go into the jungle and then so that means there’s jungle villages in here or there should be except it’s abandoned so they’re jungle zombie

Villagers so it’s an abandoned village crossing over a ravine crossing over three separate biomes and then that ravine also crosses through an abandoned mine shaft that’s just a lot to keep up with in my opinion so yeah there are next to no structures because of the nature of

It being a mesa biome but the structure you do get is pretty astounding and also just outside of it there’s this how crazy okay so at what point do we just assume that minecraft bedrock forcibly puts a crimson forest above the spawn location for any minecraft bedrock seed we’re six in now

And they’ve all started with a crimson forest if there was an independent chance of every biome spawning as the place near the uh the world spawn you’d expect that to happen 0.0064 percent of the time okay this seed is literally crazy on the unique scale because it breaks all the

Rules of how minecraft seeds probably should work there’s a piglet bastion right here in the bastion deltas i’ll show you on screen from the minecraft wiki how these things are not meant to spawn in this biome you should not be able to see this combination so widely together

But yet here it is covered in the bastion delta’s kind of fog that you can see right here fascinating in case curious is what the actual logic is i think the spawn point of this structure must be based over there and therefore it can spawn in a biome and cross over

Into a bastion deltas but this is still very unique and rare as a result and pretty darn cool in my opinion so i love the spawn area of this seed i think it’s the most unique of these seeds i’ve seen so far it’s almost like a seed sundae

In its own right and uh but i think the free loot obviously suffers compared to any other seed and i think you’re gonna suffer in terms of distance to structures that you need in the of world not in the nether though which is kind of astounding and it’s why

The never gets a four as well this is a pretty decent seed that i would even bump up to a really decent seed if you don’t care about the free loot opportunities and just loot opportunities in general which you generally might not so this next seed is called

Mushroom island and boy does it not disappoint on that front i mean this is not just a mushroom island this is a mushroom empire and somehow since they added it again they haven’t updated these for the never update somehow it just so perfectly happened to spawn with one of these

Right next to you as well and it’s not just a ruined portal which is almost complete it’s a very important that is almost complete with two gold blocks right next to it and also the chest with sometimes a gold chest plate and some gold horse armor what a delightful

Thing to spawn next to and in addition just in case mushroom islands aren’t your thing you also have this island right here which is a planes and therefore can spawn with cows chickens pigs all the other animals you might just want and there’s even the mainland behind you so that’s a

Lovely combination just in case the scale of this thing isn’t really clear yet it’s big it’s big enough to start several uh you know houses villages uh several different types of build you can make an entire city of this thing which would be great because if you did

Mobs would not naturally spawn anywhere above or below the ground here which means that if you want to go through these caves you know there’s not a single chance of finding any mobs down here and also you find some nice purple water but just in case big things intimidate you there is also

A smaller mushroom island over here look how adorable this one is it’s even got its own little cave that you can explore that goes so far it’s a giant cave that never ends actually it is pretty nuts it’s pretty small but yeah you’ve got a cave and you’ve

Got an island and you’ve got a lot of mushroom area but what about the never i hear you ask well good thing you did ask hypothetical viewer that’s just a narrative device in this video because if you go for the nether you’ll end up in a basalt delta which is kind

Of funny it’s the exact opposite of a mushroom biome ambushing biome is devoid of mobs this is filled with all of the scariest most annoying mobs namely the ghost and the magma cubes of course so yeah kind of different but it’s not a crimson forest which again i’d argue is not a good

Thing but at this point i’m just happy to see it if you were actually playing the seed though what you’d be more happy to see is the end of this thing as you can see it goes into a never wastes which isn’t a huge improvement but then just a little further than that

And you find a crimson forest with the never fortress within it and this is a really great location for a blaze spawner this is a really great formation of the neb fortress it’s not sprawling out too much it’s all close together so if you want to raid it that’s great

If you don’t want to raid it then i guess it doesn’t matter to you but also there’s a ruined portal right down here as well for another way to get back to the earth world and another chest filled with loop most importantly so this seed is unique has a great enough never

At least it’s another a lot of people would like and then it also is a wonderful spawn if you’re into this sort of thing however if you like structures if you like the loot side of things then this seed is kind of lacking in both those things minus the portal which is

Right there i guess which is nice but by itself it does not make a set of structures for a seed and some of those structures are important like say a village and you’re gonna be going quite a while if you want to find one of those so the

Seed ocean monument ahead honestly is the one that sounds least appealing to me because having an ocean monument near spawn is kind of cool if you want to do a how fast can i kill the old guardians challenge which i do remember i used to

Do back when they first came out in the tu like 31 days or whatever it was um but uh in the time since then i’ve kind of thought to myself why do you want to spawn on an island with nothing but ocean monument around it’s like survival island except

Slightly worse because you’ve got more trees you eventually still have sugarcane which is nice but otherwise it’s like why do you want this and it’s a good question without a good answer but i am technically obliged to remind you this is a good loot opportunity if you kill all three elder guardians

Which is a bit of a challenge i mean it it’s not easy to do when you just have a fist but if you can do this you get eight blocks of gold freedom and count them or i guess counterman read them look at them and then count them and you

Can see eight blocks of gold which is pretty insane to have that many uh 72 um gold ingots if i’m not mistaken right off the bat over a stack if you want to uh which is a really nice thing you can have uh next to spawn so that’s the biggest

Advantage as far as loot goes for having this but otherwise this is an archipelago seed this is mostly just islands if you look around here’s a sad island here’s a sad island here’s a sad island here’s a sad island over there what is it it’s a sad island

But shortly in the distance oh yeah you’re right there’s a landmass nope it’s it’s it’s a it’s a big island it’s not particularly sad but it’s not particularly happy and right next door to it what is there there’s a sad island actually this this island is very interesting it doesn’t seem like it

Wants to exist but yeah you can see sad islands are most of this seed with the nice benefit being i guess if you go 500 blocks by boat away from spawn you can eventually find this portal which is almost fully formed and if you’re lucky and you find two

Bits of these it is fully formed as a portal so that’s nice i guess plus two blocks of gold that gives you ten blocks of gold on the seed this is the seed if you like gold and you’re willing to fight for i guess i guess another way you could phrase

That as it’s a seed for pirates and my god it really is a seed for pirates ignoring the shipwrecks you can find in an ocean this fast um you can see how there’s not just the [ __ ] at the ocean which is right over there there’s also a second one which is found

Just to the north over here and uh you know can you see it in the ocean there um but as a result of that it means you have even more gold opportunities more than you need more than you want and more than 99 of players are going to take

But again the point of this series uh this this whole seed review thing is to show the seeds that 99 players wouldn’t take and that maybe you want to because if you do take the seed what happens when you go to the nether if i spawn in a crimson forest i’ll know

The game is rigged i do not i spawn oh my god in a crimson i spawn it in a soul sand valley and that soul sand valley is this close to a bastion this is a bastion monument at spawn effectively i mean you have this much

Uh water around you you can make a portal easy enough a bastion remnants a pretty interesting one too it’s the bridge which means wait is it gonna be the one for the gold it totally is this is a pirate seed there is so much gold up in here available for you

Not much else i mean you can find pig step if you’re really lucky in the chests up here um but it mostly is gold gold gold and more gold and then even better than just giving you gold uh you know kind of wildly blindly it then gives you these

Guys you can trade with so if you want to get a bunch of gravel you want to get a bunch of crying obsidian etc etc you can do so with the piglets also there’s gold in this structure as well i should mention just like littered around the place

And uh yeah i really can’t express how insane this really is so yeah i like that the seed gives you two very different biomes right at your spawn plus a bastion which isn’t really its own biome but it’s basically its own biome right also pig step i mean who what more do we

Need to be happy but um i i really like this never because it gives you two biomes next to themselves um again some people will hate the soul sand valley some people love um the way that you can shovel fruit instead of having pickaxe um some people i think much more many more

Will prefer the uh crimson forest but the fact that you have the choice of both is incredible and the fact that the never fortress isn’t too far away either um makes this perhaps the best never we’ve seen so far which is weird given it comes with an archipelago seed this never is

Much more recommendable than this overworld but the overwatch almost seems built for the never so yeah the spawn area sucks the seed isn’t amazingly unique there are so many seeds exactly like this in minecraft but for the nether quality that you get it might be worth putting up with those

Things also there’s another a third ocean monument this way honestly ocean moment ahead is a bit misleading it’s more like ocean monuments surrounding your north sides which again before did you need that much gold probably not now you can use that gold and you can i know trade with a pig lynn

Try and get a never right hoe or something temporarily um you know whatever you want to do the fact is there are more opportunities to do it with this seed because this is a pirate seed and i mean just don’t look what happened to the previous pirates okay

So the newest addition to the seed picker is one called outpost ahead kind of playing on the ocean monument ahead there is meant to be an outpost somewhere ahead of me i mean it says a head which means if i spawn facing this way

I guess if i go this way far enough i’ll find an outpost maybe it is back this way you’re not they’re really playing fast and loose to the definition of the head of this seed i think okay so i’ve flown in the sky even if we assume a head can mean

145 degrees behind us uh there is no outpost i can see maybe it’s like across one of these deserts i mean it’s no outpost but i think we all know this is the best structure in minecraft right by a country mile also there’s a desert temple over there

Or a desert outpost as the namers of this sea decided to get creative and go with this is like a villager outpost if you really think about it it has nine golem which pillager outposts do too so no it doesn’t count okay i searched the entire area around the spawn

I did not find a single outpost i did find one of these which is nice i guess just gotta finish that bad boy up and then you got yourself oh it’s a pretty big one too just gotta finish up one of these giant portals and then if you’re lucky you’ll find a chest

Around here under the sand somewhere which is annoying you know this is a bad ruin portal but at least the ruined portal exists unlike the outpost which is meant to be on the seed i think at this point it’s fair uh you know within reason for me to go

Back to the spawn area and be like okay so where is the nearest outpost on this outbuster head seed if i can find it can minecraft cheats do so for me so uh locate pillager outpost the nearest one is at four two four five oh four

So we’re gonna go this way 420 blocks okay minecraft i see a village but i don’t see an outpost i am roughly at the coordinates and oh there we go okay so admittedly it was like tucked away on a corner island behind everything it’s a good location relative to the village

But calling this seed outpost ahead is so misleading like you know mojang if you’re watching this video find another seed that isn’t 400 blocks away i can provide you with one would you would you like me to maybe that could be like a little next week challenge but

Like the idea of going that far for an outpost defeats the point of outpost the head it is a nice seed otherwise it’s got a nice mixture of biomes it’s a good area of spawn if you want to but you’d be upset if you look for a pillager outpost and

This is the seed that was recommended to you like i even if you saw this on youtube you’d be outraged you would dislike the video you’d be like that’s that’s not plus if you can’t see it from spawn and you can’t see it after a lengthy boat journey from spawn

Then it doesn’t count if it’s not even on the spawn map then is it really an at spawn or even a head of spawn i don’t know man what i do know is that the never is something you should never skip and in this case it’s a uh a never wastelands

Biome it a ruined never wasteland for some reason i’m forgetting the name on the spot but it is a never that consists almost entirely of old generation until a bastion appears out of nowhere okay you know bastion ahead right i mean tell me if you disagree but all you’ve got to do

Is do a little bit of the journey head this way and just 150 blocks away which is you know for 250 short from the outpost there’s a bastion there this seed should be renamed bastion ahead and all the gold you get is delightful and also uh this type of bastion let’s not forget

The real delight is that it comes with this giant bridge in this case the bridge is like jumpable onto and then it also comes with this whole room with even more gold with a magma spawner first time in minecraft and with a couple of chests if you want some ancient debris

Or you want a diamond helmet that’s kind of cool in my opinion also if you’re willing to go a couple hundred blocks you can find the crimson forest uh again personally i feel like spawning in another waste is just such an anti-climax if you’re looking for an ever update seed

If you don’t want to never update particular seed though this is great this is top tier never just with a slightly disappointing start and i’ll mark it down from five to four for that but still great never great spawn i would even say great loot because

Of the things you get around um but as far as unique no nothing about this is unique in the slightest you just think to yourself like oh yeah i want an outpost what will i do well you know better head about 450 blocks if even me flying to the outpost from spawn

Is like an amount of time that extends the extends how long i have to talk about this one seed quite substantially you know we’re still going i started all that time ago here we are now flying minecraft literally flying and then all this time later there’s a

Single outpost if it was two outposts i’d be like yeah outpost ahead nope it’s one outpost can’t recommend on that basis honestly can recommend burning it to the ground if you’re angry like me though so it’s funny because the next seed is called savannah village and clearly this is one of the older

Minecraft seed pickers some of them have been around since the earliest days of bedrock um and it’s uh and even before the bedrock days and you can tell it’s old because the savannah village which used to be at spawn on this one has now turned into an abandoned savannah village which again

Sometimes zombie villages are cool but again this isn’t really a savannah village like it is technically a savannah village but is it really when you when you think of village do you expect zombie villagers i i wouldn’t count this as a structure because it’s only useful for loot

And for killing zombie villagers in fact i can’t even find the zombie villagers today is there one in here nope where where are the zombie villages at is can we can we see one in here okay there’s definitely one nearby i heard him look my point here is just

This isn’t really a village and therefore the one defining factor of this seed which wasn’t even rare to begin with has been destroyed but let’s let’s rank the seed as it is anyway because it’s easy to type in so what do you get when you type in the seed besides

My two favorite structures the desert temple and let’s be honest far above it the desert well oh it’s such a glorious thing look at it it makes the design of the desert temple look garbage look at the beauty and the hours they had to spend into crafting this structure

In minecraft something that is a moderately redeeming feature of this seed is if you just go over these mountains which are kind of obscuring it from spawn you’ll find there actually is another savannah village over here again most players who type this in will just be disappointed

But you dear viewer who watches this youtube video now has the knowledge that all you’ve got to do is head over here and you find one of the wackiest savannah villagers like look at this thing we’ve got a cat which spawns on a little island by itself

We’ve got an entire house which is like on an island floating above the ravine we’ve got villagers chilling on the side of this thing it’s a very very very bizarre village ravine combo like and i’ve seen my fair share of village ravine combos let me tell you

So that’s always fun oh it’s actually two ravines i think yeah it’s two ravines you can see the first one crossing through the second one right here and both of them go pretty much down to diamond level so and this one has water flowing around and above some lava

Shouldn’t be possible if you spend too much time on the seed it will break but it’s always cool to see that naturally generate in my opinion also what’s that free diamonds with no effort required just go to these corners and the game will give you a nice free

Diamond bonus it’s a good mixture of all the nice biomes with also uh delightfully enough a savannah mountain biome which is nowhere near as tall on bedrock as it should be on java but it’s still a delightful little thing to break that all up so you get the good structures like the villages

The abandoned villages and the desert temples but you also get a nice bit of terrain if you want to build on something interesting so good spawn area actually despite being misleading it’s still good i actually do like this spawn location it’s a very very bizarre one very never but as you can see

You have basalt deltas if you want it you can start mining straight away into the base sol stuff i mean again i can’t say i recommend it but you’ve got a bunch of base salt then you gotta never waste here which is disappointing because when you go into another you expect a

New never no no never maybe one day this would be like nostalgia like yeah can you believe it’s like the old never man i can’t believe it it’s huge too but yeah we did it we found ourselves a never fortress kind of nice right here in a crimson forest which is next to

A soul sand valley and also is just a bit beyond that uh never waste we started with so yeah three biomes meeting at a point kind of nice i guess having another fortress there too also pretty darn great it’s a shame how many of these seeds are

Let down by their nevers but that’s the point of checking them out after this update because everything changed about what happens when you go for a portal and now you’re updated about what that is so the next seed here is called snowy village and i thought it was odd that we spawned

In a plane spine but you never know they’re just over there there appears to be both the hottest thing in minecraft and the coldest thing so i guess that is the snowy village unless maybe it’s over here do you think that a seed like this should be able to call itself snowy

Village because again i mean you can at least see it from spawn on most devices no a lot of people will be lost and confused they’ll think the iceberg is the snowy village but having to go this far is a little bit more than most people want but

It is a nice snowy village it has a blacksmith these are incredibly rare to find in this type of village it’s a very niche fun thing when you do find it and indeed it gives you some bread for the journey isn’t that delightful so yeah it’s a snow village that’s somewhat near spawn

And also it’s a room portal which spawns between you and it if it weren’t for this room portal i’d say this is also a garbage seed i wouldn’t recommend but with that it’s like uh maybe actually this same snowy plains biome which is always a delight to be in and to look at

Also has a second village and it’s not even covered in zombies wow that’s hard right and uh even more interesting than that there is also kind of like a solo one-man village if you want to think of it that way there is also a little igloo found over here too

How delightful interestingly just over 400 blocks away from spawn there is a pillager outpost so snowy villager and pillager outpost ahead i mean even then this is at least like you know a clear direction it makes just as much sense as i’m trying to say just in case you like snowy abandoned

Villages there’s one of those here honestly there’s a lot of snowy things i don’t know if that goes without saying or not but just in case it doesn’t there’s also another snowy village over here too and this one is not abandoned and has an igloo outside of it as well it’s just igloos

And snowy villages for days on this seed and this igloo even goes down to the basement a fun change i didn’t realize they’d made in this update is that now because the villagers are spawning in a snow plains biome they now are like snow villages all the time

This guy is a librarian i should trade with him with trades this good heck yeah also a free golden apple also a nice splash potion of weakness you’re meant to use both those things on this baby zombie villager but who’s stopping you from abusing that power this this guy is that’s that’s who

Well that was nice while it lasted so the never at first looked like it was going to be kind of boring but then i noticed off in the distance what’s that that’s a basal deltas and then i realized heading the other way there is the absolute mother lode beautiful combination of these two

Biomes the crimson forest into the warp forest ah again love this uh you know seed combination love this biome combination love the way that you can see these going up against there you can get all of the minecraft never biomes with the exception of the soul sand valley and that’s

Not too far away you can get these four biomes all pretty much next to your spawn portal seriously look how well this lines up that is amazing in my opinion and it’s only about 100 blocks if you want to find the soul sand valley and another crimson forest

So yeah this is the perfect mixture of the biomes it’s a little far to find a never fortress or a bastion remnant so again we can’t give it the perfect five out of five but otherwise i’m liking this uh area i’m liking this seed

I think it’s a great way to get a new nether in a great old world because snowy is a fun different type of world that is very rare to spawn so uniqueness gets a nice four never gets a nice four uh stuff around spawn because of that blacksmith

Nice four as well you know fours all around for this seed this next seed is called spooky mansion and the picture is taken at night which is why it’s a little bit misleading when you spawn in and it’s not nighttime not that the seed can be that but again you expect something different

And also you don’t expect to spawn this close to a wooden mansion ever in minecraft again the average distance we worked out we went over 50 seeds um the average distance is over 20 000 blocks from spawn so to have one be about 120 is a nice difference in my opinion

The only other structure that is particularly close by the spawn is this village right here which doesn’t have a blacksmith but does have a very industrious villager so this overworld would be a giant meh for me if it weren’t for the woodland mansion

Which brings it up to a i guess it has a thing you might want but what about the never you ask well i mean you don’t actually ask that’s uh that’s me doing the asking on behalf of you because that’s how rhetorical questions work and you know what doesn’t work like

A rhetorical question than never will we spawn directly into a crimson forest with a never wastes again spawning between biomes is good gives you options give you choices however this crimson forest biome actually never mind i thought it was gonna be a dead end it wasn’t how embarrassing this never is pretty uninteresting

Overall i mean if you go far enough you can find the biomes but that’s true for any uh you know never seed and also it’s pretty far to get to a never fortress auto bastion remnants so as far as is this the golden seed we’ve been looking for

In in literally no way no literally in no way unless you like one of mansions but again there’s al all the seeds are good for one thing but the question we’re asking is how good is the overall seed and here this is i would say it’s the

Jack of all trades but the master of none but this is like the this is the gravel full trades the jack of none you know it’s average at best and that’s even then that’s a stretch so this next seed claims to have a stronghold below but a stronghold below where is

My first question and yeah this seed was exceptionally good at one point i even remember a few people used it as a speed running seed because uh during some of the betas it used to have a ruined portal here but they load the generation of those

And as a result you just have a seed which has a desert temple nearby pretty cool and a village but then otherwise the big selling point of this seed is meant to be the stronghold which is below and actually not let’s find out how below that is is it

Below here or is it below the village because otherwise that should say stronghold ahead below or stronghold diagonally below stronghold sort of below ahead sort of nearby maybe i’m not sure how we can do this but yeah the actual stronghold is found just over here dig down from

The village i’m pretty sure and you’ll find yourself inside of a stronghold or inside of a room next to a stronghold in my case so yeah here’s the stronghold okay that’s nice really good location for a stronghold really great thing to have in their spawn because there’s a lot of chests

You can loot there in addition to this village in addition to the desert temple so killer loot next to spawn and that’s before we mentioned that nearby there’s also a desert blacksmith with not only some lava but also uh chest these things are pretty rare so that’s cool

But next to that there’s also a big bit of lava and in case going this far for bigfoot lava you know a whole 300 blocks which according to minecraft is just ahead you also have a ravine which is just to the left of spawn which has another

Set of lava down there and to the right of the village we also have another lava pit so again as far as beating minecraft fast getting the resources to do the stuff fast if you know what you’re looking for this is great it also has it’s worth mentioning the sugar cane and the

Pumpkins you know the things that you want to farm in the overworld really great little auditions in my opinion also you don’t have to go too far to find one of minecraft’s coolest structures that’s right you know what’s up here it’s a desert well the highest quality highest water highest value

Structure in minecraft where else you’re going to find water you’re in a desert there’s no water anywhere around you i tell you there’s no access to it except for that desert well right there so i’m so glad we could find one it doesn’t matter how good the oval

Is unless it corresponds with a great never however so let’s see i mean generally speaking this is considered one of the worst never biomes but it is new it does have some nice red mushrooms and just ahead of spawn there is a never fortress it looks like indeed there is

That’s cool this one seems mostly buried in the mountain kind of thing here so i’m mostly indoors never fortress you might have mixed opinions about that but it’s pretty interesting regardless i would say and also look at this it’s basically begging for you to make a bridge over twin of a biome

Look at this otherwise though your spawn is made up of the two worst never biomes it’s kind of cool that you have a ruined portal and a never fortress that definitely bumps it up to being not the worst never we’ve seen so far and i mean the fact that you can head

Some distance and eventually find a crimson forest is pretty cool as well again i i like this biome this isn’t a exemplary version of it in fact it’s very much the opposite but if we remove those criticisms uh and just focus on the positives i’d say we’ve got a pretty good never

As well again an acceptable plus never you know it’s better than acceptable if only there was a word for this and you know if only we didn’t have to throw it into numbers but yeah we’ll do that right now here’s what i’m rating this world let’s move into the next one

So this next seed is called sunflower plains and you know what who doesn’t like sunflowers and tiger biomes which come first i mean i’m again i’m just saying like sunflower plains aren’t that rare at spawn seeds with those do exist where you don’t have to spawn first in a tiger

Like do you think minecraft everybody wants you working for your seeds or is this just this was the best they could find with you know 20 minutes for searching because again i i look at this and i go you know what minecraft i can help you guys out you know i

I won’t even charge you i’ll for free find you better versions of a sunflower planes and all these other biomes because sunflower planes are nice i just don’t see the point in having to walk over to one when you could spawn in one uh speaking of

Spawning in one we also get these lovely cornflowers here one of minecraft’s newest flowers because it’s a planes biome although this spawns in the tiger which is kind of weird same with these sunflowers actually but yeah what about this seed as a whole what’s going on here let’s find out

There is an almost finished portal over here however it’s got crying obsidian so you need four bits of obsidian however non-heard of to find it in a chest just not today and it’s pretty cool to see regardless because there’s a couple of gold blocks as well

So two gold blocks always nice i agree there’s a second ruined portal over here that seems to be missing the portal bit it’s just that oh it’s like hidden into the mountain imagine if like there were two more blocks there you’d have no idea you just

Find a never explosion on a little chest with two bits of obsidian you’d be so confused but maybe with the obsidian from last time and the potential from this time we’ll have something by the end here huh yeah this is missing three bits of obsidian which so with both the chests

You’ve got a not insignificant chance being able to go to the nether pretty instantly but you need to know where this is it’s not too easy to find it’s just behind spawn you have to go over a mountain though so there’s that and then if you’d believe

It right next to spawn there is a third ruined portal which as you can see is right here and again this is missing it looks like four separate blocks but again between them you should be able to get some amount of obsidian going so in reality it’s just lots of room in bottles

Lots of almost portal opportunities in case you don’t place portals yourself and you love having these in your world there’s also this little island and some pumpkins but that’s about it as far as notable interesting or free loot things around the world otherwise it’s just a fairly nice collection of biomes there’s a

Lava pit over there and that’s about all the praise i can get it’s planes which is nice some flower planes even um but it’s not terribly unique minus those uh never portals but maybe if the game is telling me to go to the nether maybe that’s what we should do to learn

More about this seed well i mean it’s on the precipice of two separate biomes that’s always nice one of those is the crimson forest which is always great too to have as an option not forced on you you’re not spawning in the midst of a jungle it’s

It’s right there if you want it and then if you also just want to use the old never that goes on for more distance than anyone cares to admit the never wastes start coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming

The key lesson from this also there is more crimson forest next to this soul sand valley so if you go far enough you can find at least three biomes but also rare and unique structures are a fair distance away and as a result it’s just a average at best except calling it

Average would be a compliment never so yeah i’m not in love with this one so this next seed is called survival island and you know it actually lives up to the to the title it is an island that you could survive on however again you know don’t be a stickler here

But generally speaking a survival island is one that has a single tree that you kind of work with right that’s part of the deal this um i’m not a great counter but i think it’s more than one tree but i guess the trade-off is you get a lovely desert

Fire for whatever reason it might be a beach but it looks like a desert you get this lovely like sand mixed in with your forest and that’s kind of nice it also looks like over here there’s a bit of a plains biome so you might be able to get some animal

Spawning yep there’s there’s animals that can spawn here so this is a better seed but it’s not what people expect from survival island but you’re not i dig it i can confirm the island is pretty isolated on all sides besides very small other islands that are smaller than the one you spawn on

Also if you look into the oceans around you’ll find a few shipwrecks this one’s quite notable to me because it’s like usually they have some giant piece missing this is just a full shipwreck that’s just below the ocean bed which is always fun to see you know you could uh drain

The ocean around this and have a functioning ship wait that wouldn’t work you could raise the ship that doesn’t work either you know what there’s a ship at the bottom of the ocean and its name is shipper de shu anyway it’s a survival island spawn you don’t get structures unless

Shipwrecks counter structures there’s not even really any ocean monuments to nearby so it’s all down to you the ocean and some little wood structures you find in there there is a third one over here this is a lot of shipwrecks given they lowered the quantity of those

Recently but yeah it’s really unique but it is a problem for starting any normal minecraft world i think we’d all agree because you have to make a boat and go somewhere very far away if you want to actually see most of the biomes but what about the nether well i

Never ever seen an ever that’s this interestingly varied it’s got the free worser you know like this there’s the two best forest uh bombs than ever it’s got all three of the lesser ones nearby spawn which is still cool cause it allows you to explore those

It’s sadly not a survival island in the never and as a result it’s just an interesting blend of these three things but how far until you find a structure oh it is not far all to find either of those things those things are both pretty nearby there’s a never fortress like 150

Blocks from spawn and then not too far away in the opposite direction you’re gonna find a bastion remnants in a wart forest what a dream of a world that this is just in case you’re somehow tired of the crimson forest this seed has a really good balance of the other

Four biomes no crimson forest to be found anywhere around here though and also it has one of these bastion bridges which is great because sometimes you can find a lot of gold sometimes you can find the all wanted or necessary pig step and honestly it’s just a cool structure

Everyone wants to experience it at least once right so that’s nice though we can find it right here alongside some crying obsidian and a lord stone i like this never i’m going to give it an almost perfect rating and i like the uniqueness of sofia island but we have to admit like

In terms of shortcomings if you want a normal minecraft world you’re not getting it with survival land i’m not gonna say it’s a one but it’s it’s not too far off is it so this next one is called tiger bay and let me tell you i am horrifically misled

By the lack of tigers by this bay honestly it’s not even really a bay right but no this is a tiger bay because you spawn a tiger biome that presumably has a very nice bay next to it would you call this a bay i’m not sure that i would so this seed

Does exactly what it says on the tent you spawn next to a frozen tiger biome and next to that frozen tiger biome there’s a mega tiger biome next that mega tiger prime there’s a regular tiger by him all of the tiger biomes are either ones that have the spruce tree

Tiger with an a and an eye um also foxes and berries um all of the tiger bombs exist very close by here with not much of anything else to go along with it sure there’s an extreme hills but also spruce trees grow on this as well sure

There’s an iceberg bomb over there but it’s ludicrously tiny this is a seed don’t try and get it focused anywhere else focused on the tiger biomes and not too much else there’s also an igloo found just over here with a bizarre redstone torch floating on nothing but otherwise this

Is a lonely isolated seat for people who hate naturally generated structures they feel like it’s cheating to get any form of free loot from them or anything like that well boy this seed has you covered in so many bizarre ways there never is a similar thing where like

If you like one of minecraft’s most hostile biomes i mean it has soul soil so i mean it’s not hateable but it’s uh definitely not what any major person would consider great if you go far enough you’ll hit this crimson forest it’s not actually that far away it’s it’s it’s nice enough

So it’s interesting but it’s near unforgivably far away from its nearest uh that never fortress and it’s pretty far away from its nearest bastion uh you know even though it’s only 400 blocks away from spawn you still have to head up and down a whole bunch to get there

Through some walls around which means it’s a big mine it’s a big effort to get there so it’s a no structure never made up mostly of soil valley near the spawn again every never has all of the biomes millions of times but in the case of this one the spawn

Isn’t great under any definition this might be the worst seed we’ve seen so far actually getting a solid i would give it a two for spawn area quality because it is three biomes you know that they’re all the same but they are at least different if that makes any sense

Uh there is no essential structures nearby unless the igloo is essential to you um the never is a solid tragedy and also as far as free loot goes you can’t get any and it just isn’t exciting and unique i i i’ll give it a free because it’s you know there are

It’s not like it’s something interesting you might want to check out because it’s bad enough but otherwise this is just the worst one we’ve gone through so far so this next seed is called tiger village and it spawns you in a tiger biome where’s my tiger village though it’s

Over here off the map so yeah if you head to the right of spawn which isn’t immediately obvious because you’re surrounded by tiger biome you can find a tiger village i mean it’s not exactly the best tiger village minecraft has but i guess it will do otherwise you’re just surrounded by forest ocean

And more forest if you want to get anything done in any direction i explored a decent way in each direction like the amount you might ride a boat or something and yeah it’s just endless tiger or endless forest or in this ocean none of which are really great

Also this one village which again it’s a tiger biome so they have more black stuff than normal doesn’t have any blacksmith in it so you’re limited entirely to what you can you know raid from this village trade from this village and indeed what you can make yourself which is maybe nice

I was hoping that maybe the stronghold would be below here and i’d feel silly and be like oh no it’s all right there’s something good about this now this is a tiger village and it’s it’s not much else i guess i like that at sea diversity

Like again the fact that you have to go so far to get to other biomes means you have a different minecraft experience and maybe the seed picker is trying to encourage you to have different minecraft experiences or e bad ones um maybe uh actually wait here we go we hot

We head far enough and there’s a nice abandoned mine shaft in a ravine i love these and that’s next to a village but um most of what you’ll find anywhere near here is pretty rough so we’re going more than a few hundred blocks away from spawn but we find

This incredible thing here it’s a zombie village i don’t like it but you might uh in over that ravine goes through a stronghold and then down into this like lava water complex this is incredible look how much of this stronghold is going through this ravine like my god

Honestly this seed should be called zombie village over a ravine stronghold ahead all of this can of course be made up for with a great nether which i never expect to see anymore when we land into stuff like this yeah this is this is non-ideal yeah i’m gonna pretend

We didn’t load up this seed and just say oh yeah it could be really good i prefer the hope to what we found right here the crushing disappointment but we have one more seed to roll through today that isn’t gonna suck like these last two i assume honestly i’m so demotivated by

Even the name it’s called winding river like who’s excited about a river do people not know how common these things are whatever let’s dive into the winding river i mean at least you spawn next to it literally two blocks away from dumping in this river jumping in this river also dumping in

This river you just need to find the right moat for that right but yeah as you can see you spawn next to a river but i would i would debate that because these things right here kind of cut it off it’s not really the same river if

There’s no water there so it’s actually one of the shortest swinging rivers in minecraft but if we assume the wider definition we’re like oh yeah this still counts as it goes here let’s see how winding this river really is so it starts here where it meets the ocean and also a

Wrecked ship that tried to ride down it one assumes and let’s see where it ends on the other side this river is just really winding me up you know It even gets confusing when it does like a loop-de-loop over here like even there’s two village either there’s two rivers one going like through here and around there or going through there or maybe it does a loop-de-loop and it comes out i don’t even know anymore

I just know there’s a lot of river stuff happening and a little island that they made by accident oh this same river went about a thousand blocks that way did a little loop-de-loop and i think this exact same river is going to cross over itself and i think that’s what we saw before

Maybe it’s hard to be certain right now it’s a very long river literally we’re like 3 000 blocks in or something and we’re heading back towards the spawn funny enough oh no the the river finally ends over here after about a 3 000 block journey it’s very winding

And unnecessary but again it’s called the winding river a literal 3 000 something block river in minecraft that you might be down with but just in case you’re not let’s talk about what else the seat has because again i the river is cool like circumnavigation by boat is fun

But only really once like exploring a seed is great but do you want the river to be the main part of that seed i’m not too certain diamonds and obsidian are nice and at zombie villages too but what about the rest of this seed oh no never mind it gets even better near

Spawn as well on this same winding river there’s actually a ruined portal that’s cool it’s it’s by the riverbank so you can go to the nether and skip to the other side of the river which i guess defeats the point of the river honestly never rivers would be so much

More useful than of world rivers we’re just we’re missing a key beat here in my opinion okay but like what if there is a winding river in the nether as well that would surely uh justify all of this existing and it’s clearly not a river but it is a warp forest

Next to a as you can see right here never fortress in a basalt deltas that’s a cool combination of free biomes and a structure at the spawn area right there but does it get better oh no it doesn’t but you can eventually find a crimson forest without too much effort

And then head for that crimson forest and you’ll find yourself a bastion remnants which literally goes through three layers of the spine always a cool thing to see in my opinion um so yeah this is a very very unique uh way for this to appear you can literally see where it’s cut through

The uh the biome itself which is always fun i like this never a lot actually this this is one of my favorite nevers because it also has you know you have to go a couple hundred blocks to get to this admittedly but the upside is you get a nice little

Portal so you can go home if you want to although this will spawn you in the ocean so keep that in mind but yeah i i like this seat a lot i feel like it has uh a really really really nice never but as far as the of world

As you’ll see when we teleport back there pretty much no matter where you teleport if it’s anywhere near your spawn it’s not going to be that interesting useful or varied so what do i rate this seed i’ll give it a nice 14 out of 25 you can see the breakdown here

Because i think adding up all the scores together admittedly this is my subjective take on what a good seed is you might like the supply line the most you might like the tiger biomes so much that even the worst seed we went through today i.e the tiger bay

Uh might be your favorite thing however as far as my recommendation would go if we were to look at my favorite things in seed the things that make a seed good to me the best of these 18 seeds that you can easily open with the seed picker

Is going to have to be surprisingly enough to me the desert village sea followed by stronghold below both of these are really great minecraft seeds that will give you a really good head start in your world obviously um you know they both are unique in their own ways they’re not the

Most unique in terms of everything about the seed isn’t incredible um but they have great nethers they have great spawn opportunities they have great structures around and overall they’re the two best seeds of the 18 you’ll find um there are some real stonking stinking stonking seats right here forest glade

Is just it’s just embarrassing what is what is it really meant to be tiger bay is just bad um should we put our seed finding work to uh you know uh task and should we try and find some seeds that maybe help uh mojang out do you think do you think

We should do that or do you think that’s uh putting something onto death is because there are some good seeds in the seed picker it’s just the fewer and further in between than you might hope if you were trying to make again great seeds in there as opposed to

Just moderately interesting scenes but maybe that’s just me being critical let me know in the comments down below i hope you all enjoyed this mega undertaking it took me like three separate days because i was just like i need to stop looking at these seeds um at the end of like

You know the first um dozen or so um but i hope you enjoyed it regardless if you did let me know in the comments down below because i’ll see you all in the next one goodbye i’ll consider subscribing or liking if you’re into that if you’re not into

It you know what i understand youtubers tell you to do all the time but like maybe it should be me liking you know you why am i not subscribing to you that’s pretty selfish of me to not consider your subscribing needs and your liking needs so

I’ll like your comments if you leave one down below that’s there’s my commitment to you friends on the internet anyway yeah thank you for watching i hope you all enjoyed and whatever you do don’t like don’t load up the forest glade seed just pretend it doesn’t exist and we’ll all be happier

Okay goodbye You

This video, titled ‘I Reviewed Every Single Default Minecraft Seed’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2020-08-16 16:39:58. It has garnered 315971 views and 10529 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:52 or 4372 seconds.

Seed Sunday ^18

1- 1:07 2- 6:56 3- 12:45 4- 17:42 5- 20:58 6- 23:07 7- 28:12 8- 31:10 9- 36:10 10- 41:24 11- 45:15 12- 48:43 13- 50:37 14- 54:10 15- 57:29 16- 1:00:40 17- 1:03:25 18- 1:05:56

Minecraft Bedrock is the same as Minecraft Windows 10, Minecraft Pocket Edition; or Minecraft Xbox One, PS4 & Switch

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This Video Was Edited By: Benjamin

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    Insane Speed: Minecraft 1.19.4 SugarCane Farm Minecraft Fastest SugarCane Farm In 1.19.4 Farm Details AnalistYT has introduced a new Minecraft tutorial showcasing a simple and efficient SugarCane Farm that is Chunk Unloading Safe in Minecraft. The farm boasts impressive performance, yielding between +2500 to +2700 or even higher sugar canes per hour. The farm rate can be further increased by expanding the farm range. Farm Mode This SugarCane Farm operates in a fully automatic mode, allowing players to focus on other aspects of their Minecraft world while the farm produces resources efficiently. Versions The farm is compatible with various Minecraft versions, including 1.16, 1.17, 1.18,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Livestream with Scavenger // Part 01

    EPIC Minecraft Livestream with Scavenger // Part 01Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVESTREAM // Minecraft w/ @Scaveng3r // Part 01 // PC’, was uploaded by BigSweetC on 2024-10-05 03:58:44. It has garnered 40 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 04:44:11 or 17051 seconds. What’s up YouTube, today we’re playing Minecraft with our good friend Scaveng3r! This has been a favorite of mine for quite some time, so let’s play! If you like what you see, subscribe for more! Merchandise: https://sweetnesscollection.creator-spring.com Help the channel here: https://www.paypal.me/bigsweetc You can also follow me: On Instagram: https://instagram.com/bigsweetc On Twitter: https://twitter.com/bigsweetc Discord: https://discord.gg/XgXuum STREAM RULES: 1) Respect everyone… Read More

  • Piggy Shenanigans in Minecraft

    Piggy Shenanigans in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What the pig doin?! | MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Killerpanda on 2024-02-29 04:58:57. It has garnered 9 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:31 or 3931 seconds. KILLERPANDA ARMY!! Be sure to check out POGGERS!! A hydration/energy drink company founded by gamers!! Use my code “KILLERPANDA” to get 10% off your order!! Link below: https://t.co/rcW0ZkHUBg Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/killa_panda426 Kick: https://kick.com/killa-panda426 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kilerpandaz Read More

  • Unbelievable Rare Armor Find in Aether Minecraft Hardcore!

    Unbelievable Rare Armor Find in Aether Minecraft Hardcore!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Found the Rarest Armor in Aether Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by Wenzo on 2024-10-12 11:00:29. It has garnered 217592 views and 4889 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:17 or 2957 seconds. Dimension Raiders – Episode 2 – ★ Discord: https://discord.gg/t5n6BVDrNx ★ Second Channel: @WenzoTalks ★ Twitter: https://twitter.com/wenzo_yt ★ Make Your Own SMP: https://bisecthosting.com/wenzo – Business Inquiries: [email protected] – MAIN MODS USED: https://modrinth.com/mod/aether https://modrinth.com/mod/deep-aether https://modrinth.com/mod/configurable-extra-mob-drops https://modrinth.com/mod/deeperdarker – This is an episode of Wenzo’s New Series: Dimension Raiders. This series is my attempt to try and bring something new and fresh to the Minecraft… Read More

  • “EPIC SMP Collab – Join Sticks N’ Stones!” #shorts #minecraft

    "EPIC SMP Collab - Join Sticks N' Stones!" #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Join Sticks N’ Stones now! Link in bio. #minecraft #shorts #smp’, was uploaded by SticksNStones on 2024-05-30 02:21:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join now! Click the link in bio! // IGNORE // minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft iron farm, minecraft builds, minecraft … Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Bedwars Moments – Shizo Clickbait

    Unbelievable Minecraft Bedwars Moments - Shizo ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Stare Dobre Czasy… Minecraft Bedwars Craftplay.pl! #5💪💪💪’, was uploaded by _Albertoo_ on 2024-08-24 15:52:50. It has garnered 467 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. If you are reading this, be sure to SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss the next shorts and videos! ❤️ TAGS: #minecraft #sagi #piter #dexsi #anarchiagg #civilization #manhunt #minecraft #anarchiasmp #manhunt #dream #tobiaszgaming #tobiasz #Napierak #Kubir #Busz #Mikols #Dexsi #speedrun #speedrunner #Sagi #anarchia #napierak # wr #jjsmp minecraft, Bisu PanBis It’s the end of bed wars, Bed Wars but, I played with, I played… Read More

  • Monster School – Dog Abandoned Baby Zombie!

    Monster School - Dog Abandoned Baby Zombie!Video Information This video, titled ‘Monster School Poor Dog and Baby Zombie Minecraft Animation shorts version #Shorts 8’, was uploaded by MR Aashik YT on 2024-10-11 17:01:14. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Minecraft is a viral sandbox video game developed and published by Mojang Studios. It allows players to build and explore virtual worlds made up of blocks, in a three-dimensional environment. With its endless gameplay possibilities, Minecraft continues to captivate players of all ages, making it one of the most popular and iconic video games in… Read More

  • Insane viral dance video with sisters – MUST WATCH!!

    Insane viral dance video with sisters - MUST WATCH!!Video Information This video, titled ‘@triplecharm #dance #sister #youtubeshorts #trending #viralvideo #shortvideo #shorts#short’, was uploaded by Funny viral shorts video 3 on 2024-07-28 07:03:50. It has garnered 0 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #shorts #viralshorts #trendingshorts #minecraft #tiktok #enderman #mine #craft #animation #Minecraft #Daily #Short #Funny #Cute #Relatable #Tiktok #Aesthetic #Minecraft #Cute #Funny #Short #Videos #Daily #minecraftdeutsch #deutsch #funny #minecraft #minecraft #hindi #minecraftespanol #espanol #mrbeast #top10 #hot #minecraft #cute #minekraft #cute #minceraft #2b2t #gommehd #minekraft #shorts #minecraft #shorts #gaming #fortniteminecraft #minecraftfortnite #warzone #Monsterschool #Enderman #creeper #pig #nether #sky #beauty #crafting #cutebuilds #Minecraftsongs… Read More

  • Join the Fastest Growing SMP – Ghost Town Episode 89 #shorts

    Join the Fastest Growing SMP - Ghost Town Episode 89 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ghost Town SMP Live Episode 89 Join Public SMP Join Fast | Road To 2K #shorts #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by Minecraft GG on 2024-08-19 13:29:38. It has garnered 1066 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 02:36:44 or 9404 seconds. 🔴 Live Now: Minecraft Survival – Ghost Town SMP! 🏚️👻 Ghost Town SMP Live Episode 89 Join fast #shorts #shortsfeed Welcome to our Minecraft Survival Ghost Town SMP! Join us as we explore, build, and survive in a spooky, abandoned town filled with mysteries and challenges. Minecraft server ip – Discord… Read More

ibxtoycat – I Reviewed Every Single Default Minecraft Seed