ibxtoycat – Minecraft Xbox 360 PS3: Mini Games – Capture The Redstone

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Hello i’m ibx taker and today i’m going to be building a mini game uh that i think is pretty cool for minecraft xbox 60 that’s going to be capture the redstone so essentially it’s going to be capture the flag um because it’s going to have all the same principles but i

Figured i’d give it a redstone twist because if you use redstone you can make a natural event happen uh once both bags captured and in this case i choose my event to be blowing up the other team’s spawn and giving you access to cool weapons so the game is essentially over

Um once you have both flags uh but you know you still get to you know rub it in by using an extremely cool uh setup to try and kill them they can you know keep killing you for as long as they want but it’s more just you know a fun

You know kind of victory thing so before i get into this i want to quickly point out because i’m going to be building this uh it’s going to be a fairly long video building the entire map i’m going to be streaming this exact map because it’s obviously going to be finished

Later today um at 9 00 pm gmt or about 3 p.m in america uh you can click the link in description it’ll give an exact time in your or you know a countdown to when it’s going live in your time zone um and then basically you can play this map

Live with me or you can just watch it if you want to see this map played because it’s gonna be cool uh it’s gonna be freebie free so i obviously can’t believe you i’ll try and play as many subscribers as i can uh so yeah let’s get into actually building the map i

Hope i see as many of you as uh you know possible with the live streams so basically uh the id uh if you want what what i’ve done from that so far just to get the basic concept done i built the glowstone tower up and then i built a

You know small little field because i want it to be a very rectangular uh you know you can see the whole battlefield but not necessarily interact with it from your spawn um and uh basically this was my third this first rectangle was my first idea but it seemed a little too

Small so i went to a second one it still seemed too small and this third one seems to be just right if you have a spawn that adds on top of it so in the middle here there’s gonna be like two ways to get across there’s gonna be a

Towel which is gonna have access to a bow and give you a little bit of an advantage but you know still kind of hold you down so it’s mainly meant people who wanna have to get in combat with each other and then there’s gonna be a sneaky

Passage here which is very wide open but it’s faster and it’s going to be you know the fast way into their spawn you know people aren’t careful about it the game could end fairly quickly as the game’s 3v3 so i’m trying to make sure that it’s planned of that in mind but

We’ll see how that goes so the first thing i’m going to do um obviously i’m going to i’ve got to fill us in at some point but i’m going to delay that for now because i want to show you some stuff um first thing i want to do is

Show you what the spawn is going to be like so i went five blocks to the right here uh what i’m going to do is the map’s going to slowly just kind of fade into this so um like so i only use these stone blocks just you know represent a point and uh

Basically the spawns will be start here and uh the spawns will first of all um underneath the spawn there’s gonna be you know i can just show you it so basically uh here there’s gonna be a big oh you know just kind of stone thing that’s essentially where you’re in the

Danger zone you’re underneath their spawn and you know it’s it’s dangerous people are gonna get you you have to get in and out there quickly and then at the back here there’s gonna be a place where the redstone lies so i guess it’ll just be here to here um

The map’s a little actually doesn’t doesn’t necessarily have to be that wide uh there’ll be a little place like here to uh here and underneath here there’s gonna be um two bits of redstone so the idea is of course that you want to get these two bits of redstone um you

Only have one of the bits of redstone they’re going to be repeaters i think uh i did a little bit of test conversion circuit and obviously once you have both repeaters the circle will work because what’s going to happen is um you won’t be able to see the rest of the

Circuit because it’ll look like this because it’ll be covered up um actually it’ll probably have to be like this yeah the rest of the circuit will actually be covered up and unaccessible uh basically the circuit will always be on and once you fill in the circuit by

Having both of these because each spawn will have one uh that’s how you win the game so you need to protect your flag while also getting theirs i’m going to make sure there’s no way for this to be destroyed you know or lost like someone’s always going to have both

Flags uh big quotes uh and it should be an interesting little thing so yeah basically i’ll show you just a mock-up of the circuit um there’s gonna be some redstone going in here it’s gonna power that and then that’s gonna lead to uh some actually yeah and

That needs to be there uh that’s gonna lead some important redstone over here let’s just pretend there’s a tnt block there um and basically what happens is once you get your second repeat up you can do that and it powers the circuit and if you only have one of them it

Obviously doesn’t no matter what where you place it it’s still not going to uh you can pick up your flag if you want obviously to take it with you but it’s probably not the smartest move because it just makes things more risky uh and yeah you have to collect both of these um

And it should be an interesting little game so uh if you’re wondering what it’s going to do it’s going to link to a big pile of redstone it’s going to go through that it’s going to go down a bit and then let’s go under the map all the

Way to their spawn and it’s going to blow up their beds which i’m going to show you which i’m going to make now so although there’s this big open area here which actually i need to the same thing i did there so five blocks from the edge so one two three four five

Uh basically just do the same thing we did that because we want to make it symmetrical of course like uh i don’t know there are some problems of symmetrical maps but this is uh just you know taking the basics from it there we go uh go out another block

And there we go so this is gonna be the uh big area that leads to uh the redstone which is going to be i guess heavily guarded there might be an iron golem on each side uh just make things you know that little bit more fair and then above this area so

Kind of up here there’s going to be a place where both teams spawn so to keep things from being like you know nearly impossible because both teams already spawning uh my plan is to make it so that um first of all uh both teams do have to

Jump down here if they want to get out or maybe they can go this way but it’s more risky in some way uh or you know for instance like to have stairs down the back here or i can make it you know so you can just jump out there uh second

Of all if you want to have armor and stuff there’s gonna be dispensers that have buttons you have to press that take like a good second or two so it’s about a five second respawn time if you want armor of course there’s that’s on there

On low health you can just jump down and you can punch them uh but most the time you’re going to want to get your arm which means there’s essentially a few second respawn time uh which i think it would be a cool little um addition to the whole thing uh let’s

Just start building on the stuff here so what i’m going to do now is i’m going to show you the rough mockup of how the spawn is going to look um once i put this whole platform in place uh and i’ll get back to you once i’ve got that

Okay so now we’re back we’ve finished the stone brick little fortress for one side um and you can get the basic idea of what’s going on here you spawn up here uh i’ll probably make this a one-way staircase down so i could just get rid of these blocks i guess uh make

It kind of like a safe pull down except not really um and yeah that’s basically what’s going on here but basically what i want to do now is uh the dispensers so basically i’ve said basically like five times now but what i would basically be doing here again um

Is uh making it so there’s dispensers here uh they give you stuff when you uh press the button so uh the idea here is that you press the button you get the thing you want and it delays your spawn time if you want to be effective so if

You want a sword it takes you an extra two three seconds to get uh if you want armor so you can be competitive if you need the extra three seconds uh because otherwise if you instantly respawned and you had stuff just in chest you could quickly just get out uh if someone was

Here they’d have to kill you like you’d have to meet in the middle they’d have to kill you you’d be able to jump down uh you know they’d have to kill you again here then you’d be able to jump down as they’re about to take the stuff then you can

Kill them again and it makes it a very very difficult game if you play it that way whereas with the respawn times you need to use teamwork and it you know it seems a little bit more fair that way maybe that’s just me but you know that’s

Just how it seems to me uh so yeah that seems about right because this way um it’s one way down but you can’t get back up into their spawn and break their beds uh only they can so what we’re going to do here is as i said we’re going to put

The buttons down and we’re going to make this work so i’m thinking of having like on an item frame above it like a picture of the thing which uh hopefully people won’t abuse like maybe i’ll pull it in behind some glass or something so you can’t

Actually take it uh rather than using um item signs because signs i don’t really like any more item frames there they’re a pretty fancy way of doing things so uh if we do that there and then we just uh quickly go like this so that’s entirely invisible and yeah now let’s

Quickly hide the redstone so we’re gonna use repeaters to make it slower uh because as i said um let me just see where this leads to it have deleted there i guess uh let’s equally check that is all functional press the button okay yeah um because as

I said uh i want it to be slightly delayed and let’s do that you have to use repeaters i could just use a lot of redstone but i’m trying to do minimum redstone here uh like i know it’s a redstone based map but i don’t want to keep redstone to a

You know kind of bare minimum uh so yeah let’s quickly just make that go up now so now what happens is the redstone goes there um it follows a couple of repeaters i think both on max settings and then it goes around a corner which then goes into

I guess we’ll go up a block here and then we’ll go up a another block here and then like that so basically like that it means if you if there’s something in here i’ll quickly pull in this uh stone brick stairs it takes about a second for it to get to me

Did i not do that right i don’t think i did did i oh right yeah i get this um so let me just quickly fix this i’ll go for another repeater since i realize there isn’t enough time on this anyways we’ll just uh go like that which means

Now we can go put a third repeater on i think about 1.33 yeah 1.3 or so seconds is about fair um for all the tools i might put more on the sword but the armor you know 1.3 seconds per it uh it seems about there so

We’ll go up a block go up another block and then go into the um dispenser now the redstone interferes with itself and then we can just do this so boom magic stuff working here um and now it should just work when we press the button though it should take a

Little bit of time and so we press it and then we get our stuff uh so if that’s armor then you press it you have to press the next one you have to press next one i guess you could press them all in quick succession but it’s still

Going to take you about you know three four seconds to get the armor put it on uh the sword i think’s you know gonna be fairly quick so that might have to be one that just you know takes longer by itself but i think you know one second

For each piece of armor seems about fair and that’s how i’m going to do things uh so yeah we’ll just hook up the rest of the dispensers now it shouldn’t be too difficult we just follow the same basic pattern um yeah oh actually against these corners

Might make them into bit of each other uh so i guess what i’ll just do is um if i make this block go lower um so we’ll make every other one lower than the other ones so yes we have to go a couple of blocks

Lower uh so fill on two blocks lower and then these this will go down there that will go up there and then we can make this one go up maybe so uh i’m gonna make this one on the far left here the sword and then these three

Three bits of armor maybe uh or i could make a sword and then maybe a bow and then two bits farmer although i’d have to have a chest for the powers i might put you know potion or end pearls or something in the second one but i think

Two bits farmer makes more sense than three uh because three’s just so close to a full set it doesn’t make sense whereas you know two is just about right right yeah let’s just repeat the uh redstone for this one then uh we’ll do the other two in a second because this was just

Simple uh kind of almost copy and paste work so put it there uh pull it over to there and then boom so before you put the redstone wave down now and then we’ll just put the repeaters down so i realized why i should play should pro should have probably done this first uh

It’s a little bit of effort so yep three of them uh put them all on max settings which get uh by the way for each setting it’s point one second seconds so three of them is uh 1.2 seconds uh then we just need to uh basically go down

Here with our redstone and then do the same thing we’ve got going on there but we have to go a lot third round or not a lot of that frown uh but you know blocks out like so one two three and then we’ll just do the exact same thing and it

Should just magically work assuming i do get this no it won’t work like that i have to go one more block out it seems um like so and then then i’ve got to go higher than everything else which this is a lot of efforts too uh but it keeps

All my stuff safe from interfering with other stuff i want to make sure uh you know redstone’s a little bit finicky like that you want to make sure that nothing interferes so uh we got our three blocks down yes we have so redstone oh in fact that can just

What i do oh i put redstone first oops but whatever so um i guess we could have just fixed that problem but whenever we fix the double now uh that’s a double fixed problem meaning we can just uh get rid of these two blocks

Make it go up there and then we make it go all the way uh we’ll make it take a right here and then we’ll go for lots of repeaters to get to there so uh they’ll they’ll be set to one so won’t be as big a deal and

All the redstone shouldn’t fit right now so i’m going to put something in each of these just to you know test it uh so i’ll put a dispenser in this dispenser i’ll put a stone block in this one and i’ll put a grass block in this so

Or a button apparently so we fire all of them and they all fired just fine by themselves yep that works just fine uh for some reason i’m not actually properly picking them up okay there we go and i don’t think this one whatever i put in there didn’t fire no i

Just didn’t pick it up where is it up here maybe whatever what there’s there’s a missing dispense from the list oh no there is never mind i’m going crazy so you press it it fires boom and that should work with pretty much no failure and although you can kind of abuse it by

Trying to get in there i think if i just do a simple you know cover like that uh means you can still do it but it’s you know not entirely easy i could put a small trench here too or i could place a block there we’ll see how that works

We’ll just place a button in there press the button now and then it kind of goes up there sometimes uh plus it doesn’t actually fix the problem properly so i’ll just leave them i guess you could technically go into them but it requires it requires you to angle it just right

Like it’s not if there was a chest there would be simple as that whereas pressing it like that and most people want to legit anyway because that’s you know kind of cheating and it doesn’t give you any more benefit to have lots of one item so yeah we’ll fill these up in a

Second we’ll work out what we’re going to fill them with later for now they’re just working just fine though actually we’re going to get this fourth one going so we’ll do this it should be very much simple uh just as simple as uh going like this it can go as many blocks

To the right as it wants which is just good for me um make it follow some redstone make it go into a couple repeaters or three repeaters one two three all set on max um actually this is gonna be the sword and we can go for a lot of repeaters uh so

We’ll make it go through one more and then we’ll make it go through around the corner and then we’ll make it go and i guess two more so i think this is a full two point four so it’ll be 2.5 seconds overall which i think is fair for a sword because uh

Obviously it’s a pretty good item uh you need people to go for a little effort for it so i think that i can’t do that then i could go around this no way i guess what like what i’m gonna have to do here is i’m gonna have to go round and up

Then up to here uh and then follow it along make it take a turn here oh wait actually it’s good should be as simple as that and then boom there we go so now we should get the register but redstone is always one of those things that takes a

Little bit of working with to actually get going right um like i’ve done so many redstone contraptions and it always even the most simple just getting redstone from one place to another it’s a little complex because you need to get it really compact over there there’s our redstone

It’s not the most compact in the world but you know it works just fine it does what we need it to and that’s all that really counts here uh so we’ll put a redstone in there and we’ll see how long it takes it can’t be too long because

Otherwise people will be you know encouraged to get just a reach in there uh but that seems about fair um so someone’s killed you you respawn over here you go into there you press it and then uh about two seconds later you get your stuff so yeah

Magical um so what we’re gonna need to do now is uh the next step really involves filling in the map i guess we could avoid that i guess the next step would be uh repeating this but on the other side so you can see what the map

Would kind of look like once both sides are in and then we’ll work in the middle so i’ll quickly do that now and then i’ll be back in a second okay so as you can see now uh the redstone uh sorry the second building is

Now built and i’m going to show you the redstone that will make it blow up the other team small because that seems fairly complex at first but it’s actually a really simple piece so uh basically um the redstone are both connected circuits like this i’ll totally show you it um

Where if you have both them it connects the circuit like i said if you’re wondering why the reason it’s not redstone dust because if you have redstone dust it just does that and it’s kind of lame um whereas if you have the repeaters like i’ll get it back in

For some reason it magically works and it connects the circuit so that’s why i’m using repeaters i’d love to just use dust because it’s i know there’s something you’re pure about dust but i can’t use it right now so i’m going to show you how the circuit and i’m going

To connect it up so first of all it’s going to get to here and it’s going to go left and right because it’s going to go to two places uh first is going to be giving you the weapons and the cool stuff and the second is going to be to their spawn so

It’s going to go like so and that’s going to go somewhere else which i’m going to show right now but then it’s going to go underneath the map so let’s go down the staircase there’s going gonna be like a little secret redstone chasm that’s only in use for redstone uh

As i said i’m trying to keep the redstone down where i can so this will be just a really simple uh redstone line uh of course there’s repeat every 14 blocks so i’m gonna keep that in mind too but it shouldn’t be too much of an issue so let’s just uh

This this is probably low enough under the map that i’m probably not gonna have to do anything like that uh if i do it quite a lot of work so you know what i’ll probably just uh repeat it and then we’ll go another few locks down uh just you know actually here’s enough

I realized it takes a lot more redstone to keep doing it as yet we’ll just um we just need to have a really long path that looks like this and basically this is the i don’t know the kill path uh obviously you could break this in some

Way and then you’d uh end the game but you know for most people it’s just a hidden path the map to make something happen uh as soon as you do something so it’s just uh quickly keep going along with it uh so it’s as simple as this it goes all the

Way across the map by the way you can see how big the map is when i’m doing something like this uh like it’s a good 60 70 blocks i think now uh actually probably 55 60 but still really really long map um takes a lot to go along it so uh once we

Get to here it needs to start going up so i’ll just um i’ll just start doing this um for the sake of things i’ll put some redstone later by the way i’m just getting the basic pathway done uh so then it goes up some blocks like i said

It’s got quite a few blocks so halfway along the chain uh i would probably just uh take it to a repeater so let’s just let’s keep this up it’s it’s going to take a lot to this both sides but i’m just going to show you it

Right now um so yeah once we’ve done that it goes all the way up here i’m pretty sure that was too much in one chain actually uh so i’ll stop it here and i’ll quickly repeat the signal uh if you’re wanting white i need to keep repeating

The signal it only lasts for 13 blocks then it needs repeating uh some you know you need to make sure it’s staying safe don’t mess it all up because of one bit of redstone uh we’ll do the same bit going up to here and then once it’s up here um it will

Head in the secret ceiling which i haven’t actually properly done yet i guess i guess there’s a real ceiling and then inside the ceiling there’s some uh simple tnt uh that will activate uh as soon as it’s hit by this redstone so i guess this will be the ceiling height

And then there’ll just be redstone bits that are poking through it so um i’ll just show you the basic example uh with some really basic redstone here uh i’m not gonna actually hook this up just yet so it’s gonna be mostly done um i’ll use redstone lamps for now actually

Because it’s got the same effect but it doesn’t blow things up horribly um yeah so basically um woke up the redstone like i said so let’s just quickly get the redstone back out because i realize i’ve lost it um place the beds of it because we’re probably not going to make anything off

Those um and what will happen is um there’ll be a piece of tnt here uh so just up here um that will be you know like hidden in the ceiling kind of so if you look up you’ll see it but it won’t be entirely obvious and as soon as

You know this redstone circuit completes uh all of the tnt up here which is gonna be about four or five bits for each team not too much to break the game but enough to kind of devastate the spawn uh will all blow up at the same time

Destroying the beds making you unable to respawn um if you do respawn you’ll respawn at the spawn and they’ll be big like you’re out of the game type deal and basically once your spawn is gone you’re over uh you could technically get both flags and try and compete that way

But you know it’s pretty much done it’s just uh you they get slow you in return now um yeah now i’m gonna hook up all the redstone twitch so you can actually see that it’s all going uh we’ll also just put a repeater just there so we can keep

Everything going uh so i’m just going to quickly test it works now as i said with the redstone lamps just for safety because uh i spent a lot of time doing this off camera and i would rather not just blow it all up so uh let’s quickly get all of that done

Hook it up to a repeater and then we need to go back a few more blocks pull another repeater just there go back a few more blocks but it repeated that now we basically do this the whole way till we get back and then once we go

Back we put the redstone in and then that should make the circuit just magic so there we go uh actually is already repeated here so we just have to do the same thing but playing all the redstone in now and you might seem to think this is a really

Long redstone circuit and that’s probably a fast play but this is the safest just simple one line of redstone that will make the entire map uh hook up and magically work so let’s just quickly activate it now um so once i have both repeaters i put them

Both in and what happens is it powers the line of redstone and this activates uh so as you can see it does all work it’s a pretty simple stretch it happens it pretty much instantly it takes about 0.5 seconds it was fast and i could fly

There and now i’ll just hook up the rest of the pieces so you can see what it’ll look like i i guess i’ll have a second one over here in the same general place um which would be just there so i guess i need to keep the block there um place

The lamp and then do the same and yeah that’s basically what’s happening here it’s just uh blowing up wolf there spawn uh kind of just wrecking the whole place uh showing letting them know that they’ve lost basically um i contemplated having the entire map covered in tnt besides the secret bowl

Uh but i really wanted to keep tnt to a minimum while you know giving the same effect because uh basically if you don’t uh what will happen is uh the game will lag out if it’s multiplayer because uh multiplayer and tnt just don’t really work well together which kind of sucks

Whatever uh yeah as you can see right now once you fill in the circuit uh the tnt would fall um i could simulate this if i i can’t properly simulate i wanted to use tnt just see how it looked but i guess i’d have to save an exit to do

That and i’d rather not right now but yeah uh so here’s how it looks right now um i’m going to hopefully unhook the circuit so you can see that it is just uh the circuit being turned on now it’s all unhooked the redstone lamps turn off so yeah that’s simple

I’m going to hook it up to the other side now um and then we’ll probably just start working the middle and because that’s the the middle of the map this is the actual map people are going to be playing on i want to get that properly

Done and i want to show you me making it so yeah let’s do that now okay so now i’ve got the redstone mirrored on both slides you can see it works just fine um obviously now i have to premiere on the actual word spencer on each side but i’ll do that in a

Minute um or later i guess not in a minute uh what i’m gonna focus on now is the middle of the map so this is uh the actual structure part of the map but that’s gonna be interesting a web fight so i need to get this right um

First i’m gonna do the tower on the left here so uh the edger is as i said there’s gonna be a tower on the left and like a water on the right that’s faster uh but gives you less advantage and there’s gonna be more people on the left

So you know it’s more people uh you can do the objective feature that way but there’s going to be more people just in front of you so you kind of want to kill them i know it should be an interesting mix uh hopefully yeah hopefully in game

It doesn’t just turn out people will go one way if it does like easily just fix the map but for now that’s what we’re going to focus on so first we obviously need to fit in the map i’m going to probably do that between the next jump cut just fill in

With this ducks it’s not too much fit though um and then yes so um the basic idea is both sides go up a little slope to go into this place so it starts about four or five uh blocks up so we’ll start from uh let’s say we start about here uh that

Would make the bill and then here that makes the building one two three four five blocks white i think we need to go another block wide go seven by seven just make a nice big tower rather than small one so we’ll go an extra block

Each way like so and yeah let’s let’s do it now so um there’ll be a little um staircase i said going into it so we’ll start four blocks in the air or so uh random number but it works for this so one two three one two three four there we go

And we’ll make stairs going up to it later that actually looks nice uh but now this is what’s going on here and then we’ll do the same on this side so one two three one two three one two three and one two three uh if you’re wondering why i do

Everything mathematically it’s to make things symmetrical and balanced rather than just you know making sure things seem right uh it’s just you know generally better strategy so this takes them both into the same building uh rather than make it get so you can just run straight through the

Building i’m gonna make it like split into two parts um so we’ll try and keep a roughly square tower so if it’s seven blocks apart i think one two three four five six seven we’ll have to go seven blocks this way so one two three four for some reason my counting just

Keeps going off so one two three four five six seven and then yeah we’ll just um follow it along uh like so and now we can just uh repeat the same thing and we get a gist for where uh everything’s going uh so um basically the idea is

That both teams have to go up a flight of stairs then there’s a big middle room uh where you’ll see the other team and also be able to get like a little poke out here um and it should make things a little bit more like close combat sort

Of thing here uh whereas out there it’s gonna be more like type open combat and it should be a little bit interesting if we do that um so yeah both teams go in here and it’s going to be a room that’s this big but it’s going to be properly split up like

I said i’ll show you what that actually means as soon as we can actually get this filled in so because this is a large building it’s going to take some time um i i wish i could just magically say something and it pop up so i could

Talk about the next thing but there we go so basically uh the team on the right oh team on this side i guess um when they come in uh they go to their right and they go up some stairs like because the building’s gonna be split down the middle here

And then uh they both end up in the same room at the same point and it should be an interesting a little thing so let’s get some stairs uh where are the stairs at here are the stairs jungle wood stairs making out jungle wood just because i haven’t used

Jungle with prop in the building yet and it’s always fun to try new things right um and i guess their team could go upstairs that go the other way um so they’ll go this way which might seem a little unfair but you have to go up and down them anyway it

Gives one team a small advantage but it doesn’t mean a whole bunch in the grand scheme of things um so you’re five flights of stairs i think yeah i think that’s enough for the next floor uh actually yeah but we’ll do one more because it seems a little bit there we go

So the next floor is at this height so i’ll just fill in the rest and um basically what actually i should have done this closer to whatever um and then on this side you’ll be going up from there this place to there so starting from i guess uh how many blocks

Means be like four one two three four and then a fifth uh so we’ll start from here and just do the same thing leading up to the corner uh so like so taking a fair bit of effort of course but whatever um so boom boom and then

There we go now we’re in the corner here uh and we should do the same thing and then this is gonna be the floor where all the fighting happens because uh assuming both teams get here at the same time which they probably won’t actually um you know this is where you’re going

To see them and you have to head down the stairs they’ll be coming up this should be an interesting confrontation say the least uh we’ll quickly fill this up so you can see what it’ll actually look like uh and yeah so both teams head in here

And uh one team’s over there one thing’s over here uh there’s gonna be a ladder you can go up to go get some more cool stuff so it’s not just all about you know fighting each other um but you know this is this is the big room at least i

Would imagine so for combat and it’s gonna be interesting because it’s such close to combat and um even if you kill someone they’re gonna yeah definitely have all that stuff before you get to them uh so it’s more just you know combat gaining you know position on the map type of deal um

So yeah let’s keep that up actually no hey i probably don’t yeah actually i don’t want to do this um keep this going all the way up there i’m going to do this for all of that um i realize now i have to do these blocks over here too now so

I’m just going to do all of this uh it’s going to be a big tower to do so i guess i’ll just quickly fill in the building so you get the general just probably working this more because there’s a lot of block placings do so be right back

One more group of seconds or more minutes you could say okay so as you can see my tower is now entirely complete which is uh pretty pretty nice and um it’s a little bit uneven each side because i’ve done a fair amount of rough working uh the same idea is there um the

Inside i’ve got to actually just finish in um you get the idea um you can’t see the other team except you can for a little while hold just here that’s why i had that there um so you can see their team is coming if they’re coming or you know you can

Actually get a proper sneak them you can punch them if they’re going upstairs on that side but it’s more just like a you know kind of heat pink where you’re going uh you have to head up the stairs your head and hit then you have to head

Down their stairs and that’s how you get through here it’s a lot faster technically but you’re going to go for a lot more people because um also the top here uh what i want to have is i’ll pull up some ladders for this um that’s that is i i realize it goes the

Section just because the rail up there looks like a ladder but whatever so quickly the ladders uh but then there’s also some ladders up here that will take you um up to the secret little vantage point it’s not really that secret but there’s a little point up here um which

You can actually you know attack people from so it’s gonna be a little platform uh easy enough to fall on and get on and enjoy fall off uh i’m sorry not full on but he’s enough to fall on off just you know kind of cool platform you can hit

People right from their spawn uh and it’s also gonna have bows and like all the arrows in the world you could ever need um just to make things a little bit more interesting and you know keep things from just being runs the other side so you could have an archer up here

Uh defending you know your side from theirs or whatever i think they’d make an interesting little twist to the game maybe i could also have like a jungle tree that you can reach from up here um something like that i figured it’d be a cool little thing uh we’ll probably have

To finish up building it up at some point but yeah so now let’s work on the second way across which is going to be the um the waterway so we’re going to need some more buckets for this one and it should be as simple as it sounds so

Actually we need to do a bit more dirt for this uh basically um instead of going into the building uh there’s gonna be a big old waterway i guess from about a few blocks black so from one two three four about from four blocks back um

So from here outwards we’ll have like a little thing like this to stop the water flowing out um it’ll go from there to all the way to the edge of the map i by the way i’m gonna have like a bedrock edges off the map just to stop people are getting out um

Should be as simple as doing this and then doing this uh also have loads of them like actual mountains and hills and stuff in the place to make this not look really out of place and weird but one two three four and then was it four then

The block yeah it was also creepers still kept scary and creative even though i know they don’t blow up anymore it’s you know still kind of horrifying but one two three four and then all the way along here uh and then we’ll just quickly make sure we actually just

Fill this in because i’ve decided it’s gonna like poke out a little bit out at the side of the map uh so from here we’ll go two blocks out and then from there we’ll go another two blocks out and then we’ll just do that a few times one two

And then one two and i think even that will be enough really just you know set the theme for the map uh so it starts that so we’ll just do the same over here and then these these will be the edges too so we’ll just really um

Fill these in so uh go like that and that and that uh of course we’ll have bedrock all around this but this is just the landmass that you can actually play with uh i figured it makes sense if it was actually uh you know going out a little

Bit rather than being a direct square i’ll just be kind of you know more realistic i guess uh realistic probably the right word uh blowing this be a little bit just more having more feel to it or something like that so this is gonna be the shape of the water

Part of the map uh there’ll be a couple of lily pads and just mainly a lot of combat and a lot of uh drawing attention to yourself really that’s that’s the idea behind this place so we’ll be just covering water now uh i guess it’s probably be deeper than one

Because if it’s one deep then i know i i guess jumping off there shouldn’t be the idea well off but you get the point let’s just uh got this in some water uh i’m going to regret doing this if i decide i don’t want here but there we go water is

Covering the place now uh it looks just how it should do once we get enough water which is the infinite source itself um boom okay there we go so i’ve got this entire place filled up as i said it’s going to be a real pain if i said that and basically

Uh from your spawn i’m going to quickly just test how long it takes to get from one side the map to the other as well as we’ll pretend this is full filled in uh you gotta run across here you go through this there’s a big pool of water it

Takes a long time to go through you’re incredibly vulnerable while you’re in here um then you gotta get out you gotta run all the way to their side uh obviously navigating whatever’s in the way uh take their you know piece of redstone or redstone repeater in this

Case uh then you’re gonna run all the way back and um that’s what you test it uh so we’re talking about 45 seconds to a minute really or to do the entire loop and that’s with five other players on the map i guess two are on your team so

Three three players trying to kill you as hard as they can i i think that just about seems fair i think a bigger map would definitely be needed if the 404s or even more uh but for a freebie free this seems about reasonable nice and small keeping things simple

It’s one layer uh what sounds about right in the map so what we need to do now uh i guess is we need to just quickly fill in the rest of this map like i said and then we’ll plant some trees or something uh to make it look

More realistic so i’ll be right back again okay so now i’m gonna quickly place trees on both sides of the map um i think about four they’re not actually you know they’re just for you know pure design purposes to give you something to hide behind stuff i think four should

Just about do it or maybe even three on each side so we’ll just quickly do one see how it looks uh simple tree simple tree there and then maybe a third tree just there so as simple as that now there’s trees on each side the map uh there’s some

Cover to hide behind also if you want you can jump straight from this on to a tree no you can’t which is good i guess um and it’s you know just a good cover to hide behind uh you can crouch behind one and if the song behind it you can you

Know keep an eye on them and you know just makes the game a little bit more varied i’m also going to add some more terrain to the thing but for now that’s there i also got to start on the bedrock around the map that’s something i’m you

Know going to do stop people from getting out because i need the redstone stay on the map at all times uh it has to be either beats on inventory or you know be somewhere where someone pick it up and uh making sure there’s no lava on

But no way for it to fall off are two key parts of that so yeah let’s just uh quickly uh do the trees to this side of the map i guess we’ll follow the same pattern of just like tree uh make sure it’s not close enough to jump to no it’s not um

I have a tree here uh oh no more like that and then another tree uh also it’s still a priest it’s a pretty short tree that one is um then another tree uh just here like so so yeah uh there’s three trees i kind of have one in the middle too um

Stop people from going the very easiest route like right here i guess we could just build a simple tree all right actually if i if i plant and burn the tree quick enough no it won’t grow uh so i guess what we have to do is we just need to quickly um

Buy blocks like so uh place a tree in the middle make it grow and then get rid of four blocks uh so honestly that tree i don’t like the you know whole idea of what’s going on behind that uh so just i’ll punch it get it fit and then we’ll

Just pretend that didn’t happen i guess if we used a different type of tree like a birch tree it might make more sense but you know that just kind of look awful um i’ll try and put some other stuff in the middle but you know this tree just was

Not working i’m glad we realized that now that’s what i’m going to quickly do now is i’m going to make this building look better uh by using pillow wood for the pillars of this thing because um it should make the building look more like it’s uh you know an actual building

Rather than just something i threw together with wood which it technically is something i just proved together with wood but you know we’re not going for that look we’re going for the real building type deal i don’t know that’s uh just my thoughts uh so yeah we’ll just

Quickly build that all the way up do the same over here and then boom now we’ve got a way better looking building at least i think so you know kind of add some more layer and texture to the map that makes it look more like a real thing rather than just

As i said something i threw together um so up here i’ve got up you know playing the chest for now uh but actually um i could probably finish the roof just now so if we just uh place a few blocks there place a few blocks next to it and

Then we could probably simply connect that up right now and boom we’ve got ourselves a ceiling uh we’ll make the ceiling all out of jungle wood i guess so um i’ll just uh do that now uh just to give you know something unique i guess i know

I i try to up my building skill every now and then uh because it’s not something i particularly care about because honestly uh some of the more part interesting parts minecraft are making the mini games like this but you know getting some good building in there

Can’t help her can’t hurt too much and it can help a lot contrary to what i just accidentally said when i said it can’t help a lot uh but yeah so let’s just finish up this roof full of oh damn that’s gonna be difficult uh finish up

The roof and then boom we finished this entire building uh i’ll probably have to add some more interest stuff to it because it does just look like a tall tower but you know pronounced adding more and more each time and you know its rating is a good way to make good things

I hear anyway um oh yeah that’s how all the best things are made you just uh you make something pretty good and then you make it better and then you make it even better it’s just simple simple logic and that’s why every minecraft update although it has some

Bad things it technically makes the game better and better so you throw enough stuff out there something’s gonna be good and stick so uh now we’ve got the entire map made we need to put something in the middle i can’t really decide what though um

I guess it could be like a deep undersea like like a chest on the sea or something or i could make it let’s look through the items see if anything bets uh so we can throw some glass in the middle that you have to break the first time maybe no that seems

A bit lamb throw some cacti in the middle uh no idea how i’d pull that off properly uh just you know kind of throw people off make them more cautious in the middle you know i’ll try that just see what it looks like because worst case scenario

It’s just weird and uh it’s it’s one when we’re going for so just quickly throw some sand in here uh one uh two three three cacti simple as that uh just place them there and now the center is a lot more dangerous to place otherwise still faster

There are now cacti to keep you on guard so yeah that’s something enough you can go around or you can go through them uh but you risk being pushed into one and cacti hurts so you probably don’t want to do that uh we’ll also throw some lily

Pads on there to keep you know the center looking a little bit more interesting so early pad uh just uh here and a little pad over here oh just over there works uh then we’ll do the same thing over here we’ll keep them just out of line

Uh like so so it doesn’t look entirely as fake and then we’ll put one over there and one in the corner there so you can kind of jump on the lily pads to go faster and uh not too many lead pads i think this last one is excessive but besides

That lily pads are just about good gotta keep you on your guard would have got hit by a cactus there um so yeah i i like what’s going on the middle now i just have to get the bedrock made a little higher on the corners i’ll spend

A little bit of time doing that because it’s going to be a tedious just uh bedrock up bedrock up type deal so yeah be right back one more i should stop saying be right back but i’ll see you in a second okay so as you can see now the map is

Actually pretty much all filled out um it’s it’s it’s i i really like what’s happened to the map it’s got the everything it needs uh now i really need to do because i’ve finished the bedrock walls i probably need to raise them up a little bit more around this bit uh i

Don’t know if i want to connect that because it’s only really visible from the outside um then i’ve got to light up the map because i realized because it’s just her night time uh that there’s monster spawning everywhere and that’s not something i want to happen in the real

Game uh i’m not going to protect the water though just make it a little bit more dangerous and i’m also not going to protect uh probably a few places i i want to keep the map you know nice and uh risky uh so right now you two options just to show

You the way across because i think it’s no interesting that you can technically go um around about the same speed through here um as you go through here like someone end up on the other side uh or you can just rush straight through the center which isn’t actually much of

A rush anymore because it’s just this fast uh which is about 5-10 seconds faster but it’s not incredibly fast i just think it’s interesting uh but i guess there’ll be more people going that way because they’ll be going for this thing so it’s definitely still the roof people oh

Damn it uh for people that are just going for pvp and stuff so yeah um i’m gonna pull in the arrow the boat spencer and the arrows up here in a minute i guess um i probably have put them behind some uh wood or something uh yeah i i hope you

Get the idea of the map uh the thing i’m gonna work on next is lighting like i said so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna just uh go with a very very incredibly lit um map just keep things nice and uh actually is that the middle of them no it’s not

That’s middle i will go like a grid pattern so we definitely cover up thanks because although the map probably won’t be played at night so probably finish within the first 10 minutes just in case it doesn’t want to keep making sure the map is adequately lit anyway

Because uh there’s no such thing as too much lighting right so uh just going to cover the map in lighting uh as i said just go over the grid thing because then it will look slightly odd but we’ll make sure everything is covered uh i could go random lights but

Something odd about that to me we could also add some glowstone i guess uh just you know for vibrance awesome jack-o’-lanterns jack-o-lanterns race bun uh they get under used too which is uh kind of a shame although i understand why because it’s painful but we’ll find jack lantern which i don’t

Know why it’s under decorations they’re very valid uh decorating tools but yeah so we’ll throw a couple of those down one on each side of this and then we’ll just repeat the same thing we just did over there on here and that should be all of the outdoor area lit like um

I’ll do this side a little lazier just show you what slightly lazy looks like um because then there should be like the order side and the chaos side i know there’s something weird about that idea that’s generally appealed to me right now there’s the random side then there’s the very ordered side

It should be slightly noticeable as you go across but not too noticeable uh then we’ll fill this place in with lights of course um i think this is one we should do glowstone uh is there another side of blocks where with where it’s closer there’s glowstone since uh you know like with

Buildings you can just replace blocks glowstone and it makes much sense that way uh so we’ll place glowstone there place a block glowstone here and a block of glowstone not right that here uh which looks really odd but you know it’s the idea going for odd uh and then

We’ll put a block fit in the ceiling just there which lights both floors up and down which is kind of clever um was finally a block just there and now everything is just lit except the water which is where mobs can still spawn and i think that’s a fairly interesting idea

Personally uh oh we can just sleep in the zombie underneath us whatever um so now what i need to finish before the map to be done is um first of all the dispensers um on both sides of the map really um why i need to actually make them inside the map and

Then i need to fill in the rest of this place and then i just need to make it so that the um the winning trigger uh throws out some enchanted diamond swords or something uh also i need to put stuff in all the dispensers uh then i need to

Get this done so i’ll get back to you at least halfway through doing that okay so as we approach two hours into the build time we are very very close to finish i figured i’d show you what i’ve done now uh so basically um i figured just up here instead dispensers i just

Have chest full of stuff you can take what you want but there’s no real point having all these bows and arrows if you don’t need them and there’s a lot of powers uh sneaky little thin steel so if you really want you can just burn the place to the ground because that would

Be funny i guess maybe um and yeah that’s just this building right here pretty simple building just a place where you can snipe people uh adds a little bit more complexity to the game i think than just running at the other team as fast as you can um

And then also i’ve wired up the dispensers properly uh and also on one side the map evidently not this side um i’ve shown off the uh new idea that i’ve had for basically uh getting the dispensers to work um because i forgot how you could do this and this would

Have made my life a lot easier uh if you want redstone signal to go up you just use lots of torches and it carries a signal so now when this is correctly working i’ll just show you right now but i guess it’s without a repeater um yeah when this does correctly work so

I’ll truly break through there uh can i get that in right no i can’t let’s just uh break that then so yeah let’s just quickly get this working please uh there we go now when it does work it should power the circuit it doesn’t because i have messed up

Somewhere uh but yeah it’s a it’s a handy way of you know taking redstone current from something something else um i think actually i need to power the block maybe so i’ll just uh quickly see this this is why i’m like i’m glad i uh what i should

Have tested it before but um you know it shows the the there’s a reason for it trust me trust me there’s a reason so we need to go around enter a repeat which goes into the block should does that do it no maybe it has to go into the torch

And then the torch sends a signal but does it stop when the signal stops no the signal is just always on which is odd really odd whatever i’ll fix this later uh but now you get the point it’s a magical magical system that does magical things uh once i get it working but

For now that’s what it looks like so let’s head over to the other thing i did which was um which is expenses i figure i need to fill them up now so i figured i just let you in on the process um what i thought was um because i was

Working out a way to go around the fact that there’s only nine slots uh and since there’s pretty few that’s only three lives i think it will be more interesting is if there’s two swords so once you lose all nine of your first swords you have to move on to your

Second sword and once you lose all your armor you have to loot it from the field if you want to get more and i think if that’d make for a more interesting dynamic so i’m gonna you know leave things that way and we’ll see how the

Game plays out with that on because you know it’s really interesting to see how that works so we’ll just do this dive one set red and one set blue i realized dying lots of farmers feeling that it’s gonna be difficult but you know the port’s all there also i am

A cat in a suit right now in case you haven’t noticed so we’ll put the uh love pants in one we’ll quickly just check it works and we’ll see how it looks so yep love pants come out there uh it’s you know pretty cool idea i think and then

We’re also gonna have in these dispensers it’s gonna be filled with swords uh one can be filled with stone swords one’s gonna have gold swords so if you’re wondering gold is about the same as wood whereas uh stone swords are very very much uh i don’t i think it’s

Four hits to kill versus five it’s not a huge difference but it’s you know nice to have at the very least um and also um up here in the corner are going to be dispensers which are going to have the um diamond swords diamond armor whatever

You know i just choose to put them there uh that’s going to give it to you up for um winning the game so that’s what’s going to be going on here i’ll fill these up now it’s going to take a fair amount of time to dial that armor but

Yeah i’ll get back to you in a second okay so now what i’m going to do is i’m going to quickly uh show you the redstone panel thing so i got it working it was a little bit of a broken thing in my head but let’s let’s get this going now so

Basically all it is is uh the first redstone has to hook up to the actual um i’ll just show you my example over here uh first redstone goes to the torch itself so uh like so um what i did before was entirely wrong apparently but

This works just fine uh well it does is it takes the signal and it just you know takes it takes up a few layers uh i need to actually just really fix this right now because there’s two redstone repeats there and there shouldn’t be um so yeah it just takes

Signal all the way up and uh whatever the correct signal is it puts there uh so it goes into this this makes two redstone signals so you get two of each of these items uh two swords two apples two dime chest plates i’m actually gonna quickly test it right now and then i’ll

Show you it working on the other one so let’s just quickly put the redstone repeaters in like i would do if i had one and then as you see i get a chest plate and the other two items have not happened which means i did something oh they spawned up here

That’s probably something that needs to be fixed you know i’ll just quickly um simple wall there makes it yeah if i just do an entire wool thing there uh it kind of looks like it’s just meant to be that way and now we’ll just really check to check the

Thing again because it does have uh all of the uh things have ample amounts full of foot in there yeah there we go uh this is what two players get when you beat the game so please uh unlock it then go again and as you can see you get three items you get

That and unfortunately they go off on that block there uh that’s probably something that needs to be fixed um yeah you get the point you get cool items you get a sword you get enough armor and you get a god apple so you can just go wreck that team it’s a really

Nice little victory thing i think and yeah we’ll make this happen on the other side now and then i think we’ll be done with that because i’m looking around the thing and it all looks entirely complete so i’ll just really do this and then i’ll do any other things and then this will

Probably be the last time i jump cut so jump up okay so we’re gonna quickly just uh show you this side because i’ve replicated now and then i think that’s everything because the only thing i’m missing off this is tnt which i’ll do um and then

The whole map is done it should be a really nice little freaky three i think so let’s really show in action it’s currently the other side’s currently powered on but both sides camp out at the same time theoretically uh so i’ll put in the repeater there and what

Happens is you get your first set of items then a few seconds later you should get a second set of items pushed out or in this case you just get nothing and it all goes everywhere and wrong but you get the point um i guess what

You could just do is keep placing it down and i’m placing it if you want more items whoa okay that time i got two of everything so it seems to be random you know i’m just gonna keep on picking stuff up because i can replace the stuff because i’m curious if it oh

Okay yeah wait there is a serious serious issue here that probably needs to be fixed um i think a simple just second line here should just magically fix that so we’ll just do that all across now and now we should be able to receive all of our items actually to us so

We’ll see if this magically works and if it doesn’t then we we give up and assume it’s broken forever maybe uh so yeah let’s give this another shot where you should go and boom okay so some stuff falls up there which you wait actually i’ll see if you can get

Stuff that’s uh on the ledge that high if you’re not on the ledge no you can’t that’s that’s kind of cruel i think but you know it’s the funny crew so i’ll leave it there or i might fix it between them but first of all let’s get the um

Tnt done so first of all quickly just uh break both repeaters because we don’t want it to be on while this tnt connected um we also need to fill the chest at the cement stop again we’ll deal with that later but for now let’s just get this

Going so we need to replace these with tnt so first thing we need to do is um be a hundred percent sure if the redstone is turned off uh because it will ruin a lot of uh hours of work if it hasn’t uh then we’ll put the tnt in so

First of all we um break that and then break the block underneath then replace it uh then we’ll do the same just over here and oh no actually block up uh so block then tnt break it blank it and then yeah now we can put in the um tnt instead of the um

Redstone lamps because that’s what we need to do uh both there and here and yeah now we should be able to actually replace this for that uh and then we also need to replace that underneath and then what will basically happen here is the tnt will now when you do it i’m

Gonna test it uh later um i’m gonna save the game first uh the tnt should just go down and boom everything should blow up i’ll do a test if it’s enough because stone brick has a lot of resistance but all it really needs to blow up is the

Beds uh i was hoping a lot more but i realized stone brick is super super resistant uh so it might not even do that but we’ll see what it actually does when it does it so this time we’ve got a more efficient system i realized i could do i would

Just do that instead go to those two blocks do the same here just uh place blocks all along everything and then boom we’ve got some magic going so now we’ll save the game and then we’ll test this system oh i haven’t actually done that right uh

We’ll save the game and test the system just to see if it works and then i can end this so i hope you’ve enjoyed this capture the flag map making it’s taken around two and a half hours to make uh if you you know include unedited time oh

How long the video was i hope you’ve enjoyed how long it was if you want to see me do a lot more long videos like this for my weekly stuff i can or if you want me to keep it short like last week

I can do that too uh so as soon as the level loads back in okay that’s i’m pretty sure i just saved it right now if i didn’t then i’m going to regret decision horribly i just pick up somehow and then we’re going to probably just check that everything works uh so i’ve

Just stolen their repeater i’m gonna pull it in mine and this is what happens oh wait all of it seems to be going off up there that’s not right at all so as you can see that’s kind of wrong uh we’ll do the same test over here but um

For this test just to make sure that everything goes according to plan uh we could just have more tnt or we could um if we place tnt under it maybe that will guarantee this tnt goes down because that does look more natural so we’ll quickly test this

From the other side of course uh so i’ve just stolen that tnt and i’m going to pull in my stuff and okay get cool stuff and then what happens over here okay it falls it breaks the bed it breaks everything it makes all their dispensers break and it

Sends the effect i think they’re looking for you can see their side the map is visibly destroyed by that i might add some more tnt you know on their side the map just in general like on the floor here uh but for now that that’s pretty

Good so yeah i hope you enjoyed this video like it if you liked it if you’ve killed them this far that is um leave a comment saying i got this far on the video if you did get this far and let me know you actually did it and

Uh yeah i’m just gonna go to an outro i’m very pooped out and have to edit like two and a half hours so yeah goodbye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Xbox 360 PS3: Mini Games – Capture The Redstone’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2014-05-15 10:00:03. It has garnered 5692 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:18 or 3318 seconds.

This is my “making of” video for tonights live stream on capture the redstone. I will be playing this map with subscribers later today! Live Stream link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5Ax9jVul1w Liking the video helps support the channel. If you do, thank you.

Important links: Minecraft Xbox 360 / PS3 / Xbox One / PS4 Seeds Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe8AZ2rjfkpyqlRnXNjetrxgLLX6xIT0i

Minecraft Xbox 360 – Update Adventures Lets play Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe8AZ2rjfkpx5SUrbzQrqt_bwLkNxC9sD

Recorded With a Hauppage HDPVR. Links to buy: US – http://amzn.to/Sgf7om UK – http://amzn.to/VC6ZK6

My Twitter: http://twitter.com/ibxtoycat

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    Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed! In Dreamcraft #4, we finally take flight, But the topic’s gone wild, it’s out of sight! Minecraft news, with a twist of fun, Updates and changes, we’ve only just begun. Join the adventure, with Mustafa in tow, Crafting and building, with each new show. Stay tuned for more, as we soar and we dive, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams come alive. Read More

  • Minecraft: Back to Basics

    Minecraft: Back to Basics Exploring the Vanilla Minecraft Experience Today, Minecraft enthusiasts are embarking on a journey back to the roots of the game – the vanilla experience in a fresh, untouched world. The decision to start anew stems from the frustration and longing for the simplicity of the game without the added complexities of mods like Vein Miner. Embracing the Pure Essence of Minecraft Returning to the vanilla version of Minecraft allows players to rediscover the core elements that make the game so captivating. Without the crutch of mods, every block mined, every structure built, and every adventure embarked upon feels more… Read More

  • Crafty Creations: 10+ Survival Room Designs in Minecraft

    Crafty Creations: 10+ Survival Room Designs in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I’ll show you room designs that will open your eyes. From bed rooms to libraries, each one unique, With a touch of my style, let’s take a peek. Dragon Egg Room, a mystical sight, Potion Room, where magic takes flight. Small Room, cozy and snug, Map Room, where adventures are dug. Dining Room, for feasts with friends, Greenhouse, where nature transcends. Blacksmith’s Forge, where tools are made, Library, a haven for knowledge displayed. Portal Room, a gateway to realms unknown, Spawner Room, where monsters are shown. Starter Base, where it all… Read More

  • Zeddy’s Wild Minecraft Cart Showcase

    Zeddy's Wild Minecraft Cart Showcase Minecraft Mod Showcase: NiftyCarts & AstikorCarts Redux Exploring the vast world of Minecraft just got more exciting with the introduction of the NiftyCarts and AstikorCarts Redux mods. These mods bring a whole new level of functionality and creativity to the game, allowing players to enhance their gameplay experience in unique ways. Features of NiftyCarts Mod: The NiftyCarts mod introduces a variety of new carts that players can use to transport items, animals, and more. From the versatile Handcart to the sturdy Supply Cart, each cart serves a specific purpose and adds a new dimension to transportation in Minecraft. Key… Read More


    STONE FARMING CHAOS | MINECRAFT SKYBLOCK Minecraft Skyblock: Building a Stone Farm Join Devil369 Gaming on their Minecraft Skyblock adventure as they tackle the challenge of creating a stone farm in the virtual world. In this gameplay video, viewers are taken through the process of setting up and optimizing a stone farm to gather resources efficiently. Starting the Gameplay The video kicks off with an introduction to the task at hand. Devil369 Gaming dives into the world of Minecraft Skyblock, a popular game mode that tests players’ creativity and survival skills. With limited resources and a floating island to work with, the challenge is set… Read More

  • Purple Star Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Purple Star Portal Prank in Minecraft Minecraft’s Purple Star Portal: A Colorful Adventure Awaits! Are you ready to embark on a vibrant and enchanting journey in Minecraft? The Purple Star Portal, also known as the Rainbow Bubblegem, offers players a unique and colorful experience like no other. Let’s dive into the magical world of Minecraft and discover the wonders that await beyond the Purple Star Portal! Exploring the Purple Star Portal As you step through the Purple Star Portal, you will be greeted by a mesmerizing landscape filled with hues of purple, blue, and pink. The vibrant colors and sparkling gems that adorn this portal… Read More

  • Survival 1.8.7: Episode 3 – TLR’s Minecraft Rhyme Time

    Survival 1.8.7: Episode 3 - TLR's Minecraft Rhyme Time In the Nether, we ventured, flames all around, With potions in hand, we explored, spellbound. Blazes and ghasts, oh what a fright, But we pressed on, with all our might. Mining for quartz, and gathering glowstone, Our adventure in the Nether, not done alone. Dodging lava, and avoiding the heat, Our survival skills, truly elite. Back in the Overworld, we crafted and built, Our base taking shape, our creativity spilt. From mining to farming, our skills on display, In Minecraft Survival, we’ll always find a way. So join us next time, for more fun and delight, In the world… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Wild Ride

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Wild Ride In the world of Minecraft, anything can occur, From monsters to explosions, chaos to endure. Each episode brings surprises, adventures to find, With challenges at every turn, testing the mind. Subscribe to see what’s next, in this wild ride, Leave a thumbs up if you’re on this Minecraft tide. Share your thoughts in the comments, what should I face? In this game of twists and turns, in this virtual space. Join me on this journey, through blocks and through caves, In this world of creativity, where anything saves. Minecraft, the game that never fails to excite, With each new… Read More

  • Villager Parkour Challenge

    Villager Parkour Challenge The Challenge: Can a Villager Complete This Parkour? In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible within the game. From building intricate structures to surviving in harsh environments, the creativity and ingenuity of Minecraft players know no bounds. One popular challenge that has been circulating recently is whether a villager, one of the game’s non-player characters, can complete a challenging parkour course. The Parkour Course The parkour course in question is a series of obstacles, jumps, and puzzles designed to test the agility and skill of any player attempting it. From… Read More

  • EPIC BANANA FAMILY SURVIVAL – SkyBlock in Minecraft!

    EPIC BANANA FAMILY SURVIVAL - SkyBlock in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey FAMILY BANANA on SKYBLOCK Survival in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by muzen on 2024-09-23 10:00:11. It has garnered 2345 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:56 or 1736 seconds. JJ And Mikey FAMILY BANANA on SKYBLOCK Survival in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our… Read More

  • Sneak Peek: Crazy Block Game Fun

    Sneak Peek: Crazy Block Game FunVideo Information This video, titled ‘Just a silly little block game’, was uploaded by ElBoboMan on 2024-05-08 00:34:55. It has garnered 26 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:49 or 9889 seconds. Playing almost every free epic games game. In this particular instance I am playing Minecraft Subscribe for more! Discord server link: https://discord.gg/64ug5cVG Read More

  • Insane Ice Spike House Build | Minecraft 1.21 Let’s Play

    Insane Ice Spike House Build | Minecraft 1.21 Let's PlayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Easy Ice Spike Starter House Finished! | Minecraft 1.21 Chill Let’s Play’, was uploaded by JayDeeMC on 2024-08-04 11:45:02. It has garnered 556 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:49 or 1309 seconds. In Minecraft 1.21, this Let’s Play chronicles my journey to build a house in every biome in a large biomes world. In episode 32, I finished the ice spike starter house and decided to move on and go back toward spawn to fill in the map. But where should we build next? == Support me on Patreon to… Read More


    ASNOX - CREATING USA in Minecraft! REDSTONIA IS BACK! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘LES ETAT UNIS VONT ETRE CREE SUR MINECRAFT ( REDSTONIA DE RETOUR !! ) ft @fantomax4126’, was uploaded by ASNOX on 2024-08-11 02:43:47. It has garnered 72 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:41 or 10181 seconds. yo friends today at 2 p.m. the REDSTONIA V5 server opens these doors and leaves pure nostalgia and desire I made the decision to start a new adventure filled with experience the server had an upgrade with a lot of new things – But ASNOX it what is Redstonia ???? REDSTONIA is a server… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Evi - DRAGON SMP - EPIC HOUSE!Video Information This video, titled ‘YENİ SERİ – EJDERHA SMP – EN GÜZEL MİNECRAFT EVİ?’, was uploaded by Minecraft Evi on 2024-05-30 13:15:00. It has garnered 108712 views and 7586 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:43 or 1303 seconds. Have you watched the How to Train Your Dragon series? We are here with the team with a brand new minecraft series that the viewers will love! Today we are starting the survival series in the viking world in the 1.18.2 minecraft mod package. We’re starting with our classic starter! We are looking for the owners of our houses… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Challenge: JJ vs Mikey in 100 DAYS vs THE BOY AND THE BATH!

    EPIC Minecraft Challenge: JJ vs Mikey in 100 DAYS vs THE BOY AND THE BATH!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ Survive 100 DAYS vs THE BOY AND THE BATH ! – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-09-14 17:00:32. It has garnered 9130 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:24 or 3924 seconds. How Mikey and JJ Survive 100 DAYS vs THE BOY AND THE BATH ! – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want… Read More

  • Noki’s Insane Survival Moment in Minecraft 1.7.10! 🔥

    Noki's Insane Survival Moment in Minecraft 1.7.10! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Смішний момент з виживання в 1.7.10 #twitch #minecraft #stream #gaming’, was uploaded by Noki on 2024-05-02 10:16:37. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. #shorts Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Gameplay by AK King!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Gameplay by AK King!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft’, was uploaded by Its_Me_AK_King_1432 on 2024-07-26 16:06:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft but minecraft mod maizen minecraft shorts shorts canman minecraft challenge minecraft but challenge cash … Read More

  • “EPIC SHOWDOWN: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in Reverse Puppet! 🎎💥” #shorts #minecraft #gaming

    "EPIC SHOWDOWN: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in Reverse Puppet! 🎎💥" #shorts #minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob Vs Pro Vs Hacker Reverse Puppet 🎎 #shorts #viralshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed #gaming’, was uploaded by ANUJ GAMING 43 on 2024-02-23 11:15:54. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. subscribe to my channel for new video of Minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro … Read More

  • MCXP Network

    MCXP NetworkWe’re a Minecraft Network! Join and check it out yourself, see you soon 🙂 We have Lifesteal, Bedwars, and Mini-Games! Bring your friends, and enjoy your gaming experience on MCXP 😀 mcxp.net Read More

  • Minesson SMP | Releasing this weekend | Whitelisted | 1.21+ | Java & Bedrock

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Server! If you’re looking for a server with a mature community and where griefing and toxicity are not allowed, you’re in the right place. Both Java and Bedrock players are welcome to join on any 1.21+ versions. Features: Custom diamond bank plugin for storing and trading diamonds Chest shops for buying and selling items Quality of life additions like homes, teleportation, and land claiming Levelling system for progression If you’re interested in joining us for the server release this weekend, please join our Discord server and submit an application. Click here to join: https://discord.gg/anxf8YqJST Read More

  • »» ICECLUB NETWORK (1.8 – 1.20x) «« ¡UNETE YA! ❅ discord.gg/iceclub

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: iceclub.live (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Blockbusters and Creepers

    Minecraft Memes - Blockbusters and CreepersWell, I guess the Minecraft movie is already starting off with a higher score than most Oscar winners! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 01 – Buddies Unite!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 01 - Buddies Unite! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Buddies forever, in a story untold. Family, friends, peace, and love, Cherish these moments, like a gift from above. In this episode, we dive deep, Into the bonds that we sow and reap. Children grow fast, time slips away, Treasure each moment, make memories stay. Learn from mistakes, from lessons learned, In the game of life, the tables turned. So grab your pickaxe, and your sword, In Minecraft world, let’s explore the horde. Together we’ll build, together we’ll fight, In this pixelated world, our future bright. So join us now, in… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor Read More

  • Join the Ultimate LifeSteal SMP Now!

    Join the Ultimate LifeSteal SMP Now! Welcome to the Minecraft LifeSteal SMP! Are you ready to embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure like no other? Join the public LifeSteal SMP server, where Java and PE players come together 24/7 to explore, build, and survive in the captivating world of Minecraft. What is LifeSteal SMP? The LifeSteal SMP is a unique Minecraft server where players can experience the thrill of a public SMP with a twist – the ability to “steal” hearts from other players. This exciting feature adds a new level of strategy and excitement to the gameplay, making every encounter with another player a… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hack Client

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hack Client The Exciting World of Minecraft Bedrock Modding Minecraft Bedrock Edition has captivated millions of players worldwide with its endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the most intriguing aspects of the game is the ability to enhance gameplay through mods, such as the (FREE) 1.21.30 Hack Client for Minecraft Bedrock – Solstice. What is a Hack Client? A hack client, also known as a utility mod, is a tool that allows players to customize their Minecraft experience by adding new features and functionalities. The 1.21.30 Hack Client for Minecraft Bedrock – Solstice offers a range of exciting options… Read More

  • Ultimate Modded Minecraft Storm Fury!

    Ultimate Modded Minecraft Storm Fury!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft Survival Episode 86: “Fury of the Storm”‘, was uploaded by SkitzTGPG on 2024-09-16 13:00:26. It has garnered 62 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:38 or 1178 seconds. Skitz and his new fire/lightning-breathing friends send a clear message to Pillager leadership- The time to settle this is now! Neener-Neener-Cheater-Discleemer: All Cinematic, Plot, Story and Montage shots are done in a duplicate save file and any structures, items, mobs or other materials are used for storytelling purposes – the scenes depicted do not actually occur in the world save of… Read More

  • Unbelievable Discovery: Horror Skibidi Toilet in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable Discovery: Horror Skibidi Toilet in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘i Found Horror SKIBIDI TOILET 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part- 3 ) |’, was uploaded by STAN REHMAN on 2024-02-18 08:21:55. It has garnered 3773 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:23 or 383 seconds. i Found Horror SKIBIDI TOILET 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part- 3 ) | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Trail – Unbelievable Aesthetics!

    Epic Minecraft Trail - Unbelievable Aesthetics!Video Information This video, titled ‘#ASTHETICS #OF #MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT TRAIL on 2024-06-02 07:45:35. It has garnered 429 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #gaming #secret #short #tricks #triggered #by #me #asthetic #graphics I LOVE TO PLAY MINECRAFT. EXPLORE WORLDS ,BIOMES , MOPS,CREEPERS, VILLAGERS, TRADERS, ADVENTURE,TRIDENTS,PORTIONS,ACIENT CITY, OCEAN MONUMENT, DESERT TEMPLE ,SPAWN EGGS,JUNGLE TEMPLE,SEED,WATER BUCKETS,SHIP WRECK,FRIENDLY MOBS,STRUCTURES,ENCHANTMENT,BLOCKS,OBCELEAN ETC. ON MY CHANNEL I UPLOAD SHORTS FROM THE GAMES I PLAY . IF YOU LIKE MY VIDEOS THEN DO SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL. Read More

  • Unbelievable! Iggy INC Gaming Encounters Rare Dinos!

    Unbelievable! Iggy INC Gaming Encounters Rare Dinos!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dinosaurs Ultra Dino Episode 3 | A Real Foundation |’, was uploaded by Iggy INC Gaming on 2024-01-10 06:59:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Today I took time to gather resources to build our bunker base, it turns out exactly how I imagined it would look. The building of the … Read More

  • EPIC FIRST TIME IN VOID SMP! 💥🔥 #minecraft

    EPIC FIRST TIME IN VOID SMP! 💥🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘|⚡PLAYING FOR THE FIRST TIME IN VOID SMP 🙈❤️⚡| MINECRAFT FRIENDS | #minecraft #live |’, was uploaded by DikkaShaabYT on 2024-03-08 23:53:32. It has garnered 11 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:55 or 1255 seconds. Hello Guys Welcome to my Youtube Channel😉❤️❤️.. I Stream Everyday in evening on this channel 🎮❤️… Hope you guys enjoy the stream!! 😉❤️ Don’t forget to Like and Subscribe the channel if you Like my content🥹❤️ Your 1 like = Motivation For me 🥹❤️ Insta: https://www.instagram.com/your_brain_strucker7/ If you guys wants to support more🥹❤: Paytm: 8587830645@paytm… Read More

  • Shocking Revelation: AndrewGaming67 ARG Unraveled by Mush the Skeleton

    Shocking Revelation: AndrewGaming67 ARG Unraveled by Mush the SkeletonVideo Information This video, titled ‘What is happening with AndrewGaming67? | AndrewGaming67 ARG’, was uploaded by Mush the Skeleton on 2024-05-17 03:42:21. It has garnered 186643 views and 6322 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:42 or 5382 seconds. #analysis #arg #minecraft #mystery THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WATCHING! This one was my biggest project yet, and took quite a bit out of me. I hope you all enjoyed and thank you so much for the support and sugegstions for this one. I sincerely hope that you guys enjoy this and hope I did it decently well. I’m also… Read More

  • Snowman’s SHOCKING Answer Will Blow Your Mind! #Twitch #shorts

    Snowman's SHOCKING Answer Will Blow Your Mind! #Twitch #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘kardan adam evet diyor | arpeakk #Twitch #shorts #mc #minecraft’, was uploaded by ArPeaKK on 2024-01-09 12:14:12. It has garnered 2456 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. #shorts #twitch #twitchturkey #explore #explore #weareinexploration #trend #trending #minecraft #boxpvp #bedwars Read More

  • Insane Titanium PvP – Sky Cutting Madness! 😱 #titaniumsky #pvpboss

    Insane Titanium PvP - Sky Cutting Madness! 😱 #titaniumsky #pvpbossVideo Information This video, titled ‘Titanyum Gök Kesme PVP(GÖK KESERKEN SIKILIYOM) #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncutitanyum’, was uploaded by SensizKalamam on 2024-04-04 00:50:01. It has garnered 376 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:23 or 383 seconds. DC: SensizKalamam discord.gg/titanyum212 bogac blood cutting minecraft sonoyuncu pvp minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, how to do minecraft sonoyuncu cheat 2019, minecraft sonoyuncu settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endoyuncu, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps… Read More

  • ULTIMATE PHONE SHOWDOWN: Shovels vs. Goleeem

    ULTIMATE PHONE SHOWDOWN: Shovels vs. GoleeemVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHICH PHONE IS BETTER BUT PHONES ARE SHOVELS IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Goleeem on 2024-03-21 19:33:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. memes #meme​ #Minecraft​ Thank you all for watching. #Minecraft​ #meme​ #memes tag: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, … Read More

  • DarkPixelMY

    DarkPixelMYWelcome to DarkPixel, the ultimate destination for Pixelmon adventure in Minecraft version 1.16.5! DarkPixel offers a unique Pixelmon experience, combining the excitement of creature-catching and battling with the rich features of modded Minecraft. Our server boasts a vibrant community and a range of exciting features to enhance your gameplay. Explore our expansive world filled with diverse biomes, thanks to the Biomes O Plenty mod. From lush forests to sprawling deserts, there’s always something new to discover around every corner. Whether you’re seeking rare Pokémon or simply enjoying the scenic landscapes, there’s adventure waiting for you in every biome. Join us… Read More

  • Novidium Skyblock SMP: Chestshops, uSkyblock, Challenges, Money

    Novidium Skyblock Server IP: play.novidium.net Novidium is a simple skyblock server where you can build an island, complete challenges, and visit/build shops. Features: Challenges: Complete simple challenges to earn rare items. Economy: Player-to-player trading/buying/selling only. Leaderboards: Track the richest players and highest level islands. Join Novidium for a nostalgic skyblock experience that balances old and new features. Read More

  • » » InfluenceMc NETWORK « « TIENDA tienda.influencemc.net

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.influencemc.net (GL HF) Read More

ibxtoycat – Minecraft Xbox 360 PS3: Mini Games – Capture The Redstone