ibxtoycat – Minecraft Xbox 360 / PS3 TU30 QnA New Creative Blocks & herobrine

Video Information

Hello I’m a BX tweak Adam welcome back to Kuhn a Saturday SS days a weekly series I ran on my channel or I’ll see your questions about a variety of subjects usually focused on the next big update the Minecraft Xbox and minecraft PlayStation we’re currently calling that

Appreciate a like on the video because it helps out the channel and let’s know you do like to see stuff like this I want to see more like it but let’s get straight into the video with the first question that seems like a pretty good place to start and this one comes in

From Sargent Zion who asks so toy cat they said they’re releasing little updates so will we get more items than the one shown so yeah basically when 4j announced that be you know this next big 1.8 Update they did say there’d be some small updates between now and this next

Big update a lot of people kind of interpreted that to mean that we’d get smaller features like we might see a biomes update then a Guardians update then the big update but the way I interpret it and obviously this is the thing I think is correct is that the

What what they meant is there be some smaller bug fix updates and maybe you know bring something like new achievements or like a single feature of something but for the most part it’s probably just gonna be to add trials for texture packs and stuff like that and

You know even though we’re a month or two away from this next big update we still haven’t seen any evidence that they’re doing that so yeah what I actually imagine is between now and the next big update is you know there’s gonna be a text pack and maybe even ask

Impact so that’s gonna have to have a trial added to the Xbox one and the ps4 because the way they add their trials is prove the game directly through updates so that’s what I imagine they mean and I think we almost definitely have some form of something coming because

Halloween’s coming up and there’s usually either a texture pack a skin pack maybe there’s gonna be a measure pack this year because it has been a few months since last one who knows what we’re gonna be seeing some fourth DLC between now and the next update and I

Think that’s what they mean by the low updates so I don’t think we’ll see little updates with just brand new features in there I think we’ll have to wait for the big update to have all those features but that’s just what I believe so far it’s kind of open to

Interpretation but that’s what I believe so next question comes in from mega versus prime who asks hashtag QA because we are getting the may sublime will we get above ground mine shafts of gold thanks so before I answer this question let’s just quickly clarify what he means by

Above-ground mine shafts of gold if you don’t know the Pocket Edition an exclusive feature in those blinds where basically you know mine shelves generate with entrances in you know like kind of the Mesa plan it’s really very cool to see and you know it’s a cool way

To find gold because you can find Gundam really high up and basically the reason I don’t think we’ll get those immediately is because right now the console is targeting as hard as it can to be equal to PC then it’s gonna start working its own direction and I imagine

They’ll probably not include that at first but I think we will eventually get it because either it’s gonna be put on the PC version and it takes them on the PC version or I imagine a lot of the population features have got to be IDE up by the console developers I know that

Actually some of the you know the developers for the console edition have been you know tweeting out that they’ve been playing the POC Edition so I imagine that we’ll be seeing those features eventually but I don’t think the neck I don’t mean they’ll come at the same time as the may supplier as

Cool as that would be there’s a chance to happen but I imagine we’re going for PC version first then adding all this stuff second so yeah that just answer your question let’s move on to the next one which comes in from the rainbow Kitty 101 very nice picture by the way

That’s a nice little smarter but it’s okay how is your day and is there going to be new flowers and is there going to be a left hand into you 30 so this is free questions for the price of one really but I’ll answer anyway because

There’s a cute cat so how was my day my day so far I’m recording this reasonably early in the day has been quite tired but it’s been pretty good looking forward to doing the other videos I’m doing today uh is there gonna be new flowers in the next update yes there is

Gonna be new flowers I think we’re going from like we have the red and the yellow flower right now we’re going from that to something like 10 or 12 I forget the exact number there’s give me a bunch more flowers as can be pushes them lots

More flowers if you like flowers you can be pretty pleasing this next up lip and is there gonna be a left hand into you 30 I can say with like ninety nine point five point nine percent certainty no this next updates based on one point eight and it might have one or two

Features from one point nine that we know are confirmed but I imagine for the most part it’s gonna like because you know one point nine still wasn’t you know properly confirm we’re probably not gonna be seeing any one point nine features especially not one as big as

The left hand so no left hand into thirty new flowers and my day has been pretty good but it’s only just starting really so next question comes in from beast gaming who asks tweak at I know we have a variety of creative blocks but on

To you thirty do you think we’ll get the water temple blocks press prune and a site diary a dioxide etc I think he means that right but yeah well basically he’s asking about creative players cuz I know whenever you did the 1.8 I’m one point seven updates

I’m mostly for survival but if you’re a creative player if you just want to have new blocks this next update is very exciting because you’ve got all those new flowers you’ve got red sand you’ve got the new types of dirt but you also have all these cool new blocks in the

Form of the you know the pressed mean in the form of you know and a site diary that you know polished and a site polished granite Pollock polish diary there’s going to be so many new blocks to play around with red sandstone they’re never one you know all the

Things you can make with these new types of wood you know the stairs etc I think it’s gonna be pretty awesome so if you’re a creative player I would not worry the next updates gonna be awesome you’re gonna get a bunch of blocks everything you know from survival plus

Maybe some more will be in there so awesome stuff let’s move onto the next question which comes in from Dan aha or Dana Hart who was hashtag Q&A what are your thoughts on TV 30 do you what do you think’s that hope is gonna be invented because good job take out

You’re doing great thank you very much but what do I think slash hope is gonna be into 30 I think it’s gonna be every 1.8 feature with very few exceptions there’s a couple ones that were kind of iffy on we’ve seen the Guardians now and presumably the war stemple’s but now I

Think that leaves amplified Walt and customized worlds being kind of questionable so yeah I think pretty much everyone point a picha precise that those so lots of amazing features you know guardians slime block you know they’re all being shown screenshots but lots of 1.8 features and what do I hope

Is gonna be implemented I really hope that they add the first kind of seeds of console exclusives because you know for the longest time we’ve been trying to catch off PC and we’ve been doing pretty good job this update will finish the job like you know it finishes like two years

Of gaps between updates and the PC and the console it’s all gonna be gone off to something however I think it’d be cool to add just a single console exclusive or a second you know just some things that kind of show that’s what we’re gonna be working on next because

I’d love to see something called its console exclusive even if it’s something small if it’s just okay well there’s gonna be a new flower that’s just pecan sauce or there’s gonna be the new type of wood or just something like that would be awesome that’s what I really hope but whether

It’s gonna be a med storm or its kind of iffy in fact I’d probably say not but that’s that’s pretty hopeful that’s what I wake up in my dreams and believe that and let’s move on to this question to the next one shall we which comes in from Turtledove studios well as hashtag

QA do you think there will be a reset and feature at some point I think this would be an awesome feature because we have reset never of reset and make sense but I think because of the PC I’ve hinted they want to you know have a way of resetting the end in

Game will probably just wait for that and then you’ll be able to do it like in the game and you don’t have to use the menu so reset end feature probably not gonna come to console they’re probably gonna wait till it comes to the PC and kind of use that system whatever it’s

Gonna be so next question comes in from that’s a slash move / dance / moves from watch I don’t know how you have a name that long but congrats anyway who asks why don’t they add herobrine as a boss in Minecraft so usually I hear who Brian

Questions and I’m like oh but this one is a really cool idea because no matter how many times they said like people the developers will literally tell you here Brian’s not in the game he was a joke and people will still be like aha that’s

Proof is real so I think it’d be cool to add here a Brian to the game in some real sense and I think the best way would be as a boss mob so make it like when you meet a certain set of conditions so let’s say yeah you know

Once you are wearing full diamond armor and you also have this a certain number of like emeralds in your inventory you know just a wit weird set of conditions that they’ll tell people in the wiki or something like love stuff at once you meet those conditions Hera Brian will

Spawn somewhere and hit you know he has player logic but he’s wearing super armor he’s got like golden apple and make it so it’s like a super hard PvP fight I think that’d be awesome because you know that the right now PvP is not really a thing you do by yourself which

Makes sense because it requires to plan I think it’d be awesome if you had to try and you know trap here a Brian yet to do some cool stuff and it would also make it a cool way to end that myth so here Brian should be the boss mob in

Minecraft I think it would solve so many problems and it’d be an awesome fight I imagine you know just how hard that would be imagine how awesome it would be and yeah III think you’d be cool so here brands boss mob – ten out of ten I tier but

Probably not gonna happen so next question comes in from xbl crafter who asks will there be an option to change the fov like in the Pocket Edition so the answer this question is probably not because of the fact that the PC has an fov slider because of the fact that it’s

So close to your face the same is true with the POC Edition if you don’t know I kind of when when it takes up so much your real life field of view you need to app you have to change that that’s why it goes from I think it goes from like

60 to like 180 or something yeah you can cease it like you know you can see so much more but there is actually a performance requirement for field of view because you can see more of the world that means surrender of the world and I think the consoles that’s kind of a performance

Like because right now the console has to run at 720p it has to run at 60fps or 1080p 60fps or next-gen both current gen as it currently is but basically you know try if you add FF into that it might not be able to always hit 60fps

And that is not something they want so there might be an MOV slider in the future but I do not think it’s likely because it hits the performance and on consoles it’s generally considered that you’re going to be quite away away from the TV or monitor and you generally

Don’t need fov if you’re sitting far away so that’s the answer to your question hopefully I come and put you min there next question comes in from dark wolf who asked hashtag QA alright at this point I’m just gonna accept hashtag kione’s I think leave leave hashtag QA of your questions but feel

Free why not but they are still you get bored of Minecraft so do I get bored of minecraft yeah I’ll be honest sometimes I do but the videos I make on not getting bored of Minecraft are genuinely what helps me so yesterday I had a

Pretty chill day and I was like oh I’m gonna work on this minecraft thing and I was mining on my sugarcane farm for like half an hour and I was just like I I do not want to mine this cobblestone down anymore I’m done I can’t do this and

Yeah you know instead of just being like I’m bored of Minecraft now I decided to switch entirely and this is something we’ll be working with the rest of the day so he was probably sit in the next couple of days or three days or something like that but basically I then

Decided okay I’m gonna do something I’ve always wanted to do I’m gonna learn to speedrun the end dragon in like less than five minutes and yeah that’s that’s an upcoming video idea I’m working on right now I want to be able to kill the untracked in as little time as possible

I think I got in under 4 minutes last night and yeah that’s that there’s so many fun things you can do in Minecraft and I could have gone to my creative world I guess it’s like you know building something cool there I could have you know start playing you some sky

Wars there’s so many cool things to a Minecraft and that’s why I think the game will last a decent out of time because there’s not only other games where you can really entirely change up the gameplay and still be playing the same game but minecraft that’s entirely possible

So do you ever get a board of Minecraft yeah but I like switch stuff and that’s why my channel I like to make videos that help you not get bored so I think I spent too long answer your question so I’m movin to the next one which comes in

From Carlos and is actually the final question who asks hashtag QA what would be your best advice if you’re out of building ideas and are you visiting Sweden anytime soon so what’s your best advice if you’re out building ideas for me personally I just like to think of something like really

Range that shouldn’t exist in Minecraft like okay then I’m out building ideas well I’ll build this or sometimes it’s just like you know I like pandas i’ma build a panda or like let you come up no example just like oh I’m gonna look for the Minecraft inventory and something I

Really want to have in the world I’ll build that that that’s what I like to do for most people though I know look around your room I’m looking in front of you right now I can see a controller that’d be pretty cool to build I see Afridi s that’d be an awesome builder

Nope and I opened it and it’s not playing music I see a wallet a snooze control a wallet thing there’s that like Tommy kaboom nerd is just around you it’s kind of like when you’re in a conversation and you’re looking for a name and you’re like oh well my name is

Banana except it’s it’s a good idea good to make a bit on minecraft whereas your name shouldn’t actually be a banana but anyway there’s been one to the second bottle question which is are you visiting Sweden any time soon yeah I’d really love to visit Sweden Norway Finland really because I love I

Love ask and like I’ve only been to Denmark so far but I love Scandinavia like all the concepts of it it’s it’s just a nice place everyone speaks English there too I don’t I think it’s 92% of people from Sweden speak English that’s that’s crazy if you

Think about it but yeah I’d love to this sweeter visit Sweden I think I’m gonna visit Sweden Stern and I I don’t know exactly when probably next year I think I’m done traveling this year cuz you know T thirties gonna come out and I’m gonna be very busy for that so yeah

Probably 2016 bunch traveling also while we’re here well we just got a little bit of time at the end the video only to address something because I like the Saudi comments now asking will I come to this place that place I’d like to visit everywhere in the world but I don’t know

If there’s like enough time in a lifetime to do with that but also the one other one I went to address was um people being like toy cat there isn’t actually 50 countries in America they’re good States I know they actually are cool States and I know they are states

But what I kind of mean by that is what the you know that the difference between Alaska and Florida for instance is kind of like the difference between Germany and France like two distinctly culturally separate places that are kind of in that they have the same currency

They share a lot of culture anyway and that’s kinda what I meant like but by that so now people are going to be telling me that Germany and France are countries not States and I know I just mean that that it it’s kind of a similar concept the concept of an EU member

Country or state is kind of like a u.s. and I think like to go into geopolitical and the questions at the end of there I do think at some point will transition to the EU being kind of like states in the way that the u.s. okay I think the

U.s. is successful because it’s like 50 countries that act like one again they’re States not countries but it’s kind of like 50 countries and I think that’s kind of what that you use turning into which is not necessarily a bad thing so yeah let’s move on from that through

The outro I hope you did all enjoy the video even if I do ramble about stuff at times I hope I answered some of your questions about the next update if you if I didn’t then you leave them in the comments down below and also like for you if you did like it

Sherry who likes it and subscribe if you’re new around here I make videos like this every single day my channel and if subscribe you’ll see them daily on your home page thank you for watching and have a nice day goodbye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Xbox 360 / PS3 TU30 QnA New Creative Blocks & herobrine’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2015-10-17 20:30:01. It has garnered 115059 views and 2580 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:27 or 867 seconds.

Answering YOUR TU30 questions For Minecraft Xbox 360, Minecraft Xbox One as well as Minecraft PS3 and Minecraft PS4 (and PS Vita of course)

– Previous Video(PE History): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecHjX6oJn-A

– Learn More about upcoming TU30 Features here: https://goo.gl/EvHfnJ

– Think you’ve missed a video? You can check my most recent uploads here: http://www.youtube.com/user/ibxtoycat/videos

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– Recorded With an Elgato HD60: http://e.lga.to/ibxtoycat Buy in US – http://amzn.to/1DcpKgv Buy in UK – http://amzn.to/1KAjBwY – Music By Bulby: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrBulbamike

– Minecraft Console Edition Seeds Playlist: http://goo.gl/niZorV

– Minecraft Xbox – Update Adventures Lets Play Playlist: http://goo.gl/MKvYLj

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    Welcome to Melios SMP! We are a whitelisted survival Minecraft server on JAVA 1.21. Our focus is on providing a vanilla Minecraft experience with a strong community emphasis. Here are some key features: No teleportation or warps No land claiming system – trust-based Custom world generator: TerraformGenerator Diamond-based economy and shopping district Long-term world without resets Regular events Our philosophy is to keep the core experience vanilla and prioritize community interaction. If you’re interested in joining our active community, whether you’re a builder, technical player, explorer, or a mix of playstyles, you are welcome to apply through our Discord: Join… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Where’s that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?

    Minecraft Memes - Where's that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?It looks like Bryan is really slacking on his supervillain game if he can’t even keep track of his creations past number 303! Read More

  • Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise!

    Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise! In the world of Minecraft, a giant mushroom grew, Secretly raised by a player, a sight so new. With zombies and plants, a battle ensued, In the realm of gaming, where fun is pursued. Subscribe to Z_Phragmites for more gaming delight, Updates on Plants vs Zombies, a thrilling sight. With each video, a new adventure takes flight, In the world of gaming, where dreams ignite. Read More

  • Villager’s Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme

    Villager's Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme Surprising Villager Logic: "I’ll trade you 20 emeralds for a piece of rotten flesh!" Oi Oi Oi Sleep Reaction: villager falls asleep standing up Minecraft logic at its finest! #shorts #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round

    Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round Minecraft Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters BONUS REMATCH Join Dream in his latest Minecraft adventure, the BONUS REMATCH of Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters! This thrilling and unscripted video brings together Dream and three hunters in an intense chase through the Minecraft world. The Minecraft Manhunt Series Dream has dubbed this series “Minecraft Manhunt,” where he faces off against multiple hunters instead of the usual one or two. In this video, the hunters include Daybroken, Harvey, and Galaxy, each bringing their unique strategies to stop Dream from completing the game. A New Challenge This time, the challenge involves Minecraft version 1.20,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations

    Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations Minecraft Mob Transformations: Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft Creatures 🌟 Welcome to Villager’s Craft! In this video, we delve into the captivating realm of Minecraft mob transformations. Have you ever pondered under what circumstances a Zombie Villager can revert to a regular Villager or how other mobs evolve in the game? 🤔 From morph mods to in-game transformations, we’re exploring all the ways Minecraft creatures can undergo changes. Exploring Minecraft 1.21 and Beyond 🚀 In this video, we’re immersing ourselves in the world of Minecraft 1.21! We’re delving into everything from constructing the ultimate Iron Golem Farm 🛠️ to… Read More

  • Maizen’s 3D House INSIDE Mikey’s HAND?! (Minecraft)

    Maizen's 3D House INSIDE Mikey's HAND?! (Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Maizen 3D on 2024-06-13 18:10:50. It has garnered 2698 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:25 or 2305 seconds. How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!

    EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ TV on 2024-02-15 12:01:44. It has garnered 4691 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:26 or 926 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of… Read More

  • EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!

    EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arceus FF gaming is live!minecraft survival island’, was uploaded by Arceus FF gaming on 2024-06-23 18:38:42. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:37 or 2557 seconds. Iam not a youtuber but we will try #videos #games @arceus ff gaming Read More

  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

    Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ketakutan Yang Ada – Bakwan: Fight Back Episode 25 [ Minecraft Roleplay ]’, was uploaded by Rolfeey on 2024-08-28 02:25:38. It has garnered 12145 views and 815 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:49 or 4009 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/rolfeey ➽ Description !! Command Night bot !spec !donate !discord ➽Read Sekuyyy ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ And Dont Forget To Like, Comment, And Subscribe For More Video !! See Ya ➽Help Me Reach 100,000 subs!! : / rolfeey​ ➽Discord : / discord ➽Contact Me : Instagram: / rolfeey2 Twitter : / yourstar_2 Discord : Rolfeey 📧Business Email… Read More

  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

    Unlocking Herobrine's Secret Powers! 😈 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine |’, was uploaded by Oprajgaming on 2024-04-24 16:56:01. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ○Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine | Tags #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #edit #minecraftshort #youtubeshort #editing #shortsvideo #minecraftshortvideo #minecraftshortsvideo #herobrine #herobrinesmp #attitudestatus #attitude #acharulipopuri #mcpe #mcpeshorts #minecraftshort #minecraftedit #minecraftedits minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ62eviBm92rz20hE1IIIXQ/join My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vinceyreads/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/vinceyreads TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vinceyreads 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – https://memealerts.com/HaYaRy&ProSha ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – https://www.donationalerts.com/r/hayary_and_prosha 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – https://goo.su/i7ss 💵TRADE HaYaRy – https://goo.su/XEuTm6Q ✅VK GROUP – https://vk.com/club_hayary_and_prosha ✅TWITCH – https://www.twitch.tv/hayary_and_prosha… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

ibxtoycat – Minecraft Xbox 360 / PS3 TU30 QnA New Creative Blocks & herobrine