ICE SPIKES, IGLOOS, AND SNOW FOXES! | The Minecraft Guide – Tutorial Lets Play (Ep. 78)

Video Information

Hey hey there everybody how you doing it’s me your boy minecraft guide is season three welcome back episode number 21. yep that’s right episode number 21. we just moved out here to the jungle look at this brand new house aha i got you that’s right i i knew it i got at least

The 79.3 percent of you i’ve tricked you all of you went down to all of you who went over to the title checked the episode number realized that it was indeed confirmed that it wasn’t episode 21 and then promptly slid down to the comments to say waddles you’ve got the episode mixed up

I think you perhaps have some onset memory issues but wait i’ve got you because it was all just a troll you see i’m here to remind you i’m only 24 and there are some of those out here that are like five times my age so no i’m good

Trust me i’m good it was all only just an elaborate troll a prank on my part ah but welcome back so first the big development the panda project it was a success we have many pandas in here they’re doing good this baby is still living the the child life which is cool

But i’m pretty sure that we could probably breed some of the yes we can okay okay here you go here you go please no no no why are you all that type no this is terrible alright so in other news i’m having really bad luck finding a mesa biome like it’s

It’s bad i i really really am desperate for a baseball at this point because terra cotta i have builds in mind that i would love to use terra cotta on there are other blocks that i could substitute but terra cotta is absolutely the move so today hopefully

Hopefully this is going to be the day that we find the mesa biome for once and for all so back before we started the panda farm project like literally right before we started the panda farm product we found a really cool bio not the end of an episode

It was the ice spikes bio today i’d like to start by sliding back over to the ice spikes biome checking out the ice spikes checking out some of the other cool snowy stuff and then hopefully we’re going to end by taking up terra cotta in the mesopotamia it’s going to go

Perfect and nothing could go wrong no no never absolutely not it’ll happen today i promise okay well actually i guess i can’t promise i take it back i don’t know quite yet but i really hope i i’m really hoping but we need to start with going back to

The basics the sweet flower four is based i miss you i miss you so much so we’re over here to grab some sweet berries actually i don’t think i ever brought any over to the jungle big sad i’m thinking sweet berries just in case we find snowy foxes if we don’t

Find a mesa biome we at least find snowy foxes we could breed them and maybe we’ll see import one back over to the jungle that could be pretty cool all right now when i was over by the ice spikes biome these are the coordinates that i got and a screenshot right there it’s

Pretty close it’s not exactly in it but it’s close divide those numbers by eight and we’re going to end up with something that looks a little bit like uh this spot back there i actually passed it right over here we need to go to 342 and then actually all the way over to

Negative 86. so we’re going to branch off of this tunnel right here 342 all the way down to negative 86 which is going to be straight down this way i’m pretty sure 250 yeah yeah yeah that way it’s gonna be like 300 blocks this way i’m thinking that this wing of the

Tunnel might actually end up staying here forever because the icewise bomb you have to admit it’s a pretty sweet place now in all honesty other than like cool sights or something like that there’s nothing that we really needed the ice bikes biome it’s just a really really sweet place of

Course the ice bike bomb has a lot of ice but that’s the old me okay the new me would never ever never consider even then i’ve been thinking about taking ice from the ice spikes by him the ice bikes are way too cool the old me

Has since been like taking out bag the ob is gone completely erased i would never take ice from the ice spikes biome it’s too cool of a place finally it’s a really really long tunnel i had to bridge a couple gaps i think based on the fall color we’re in the

Soul sand valley by them again yeah no no no warp force oh that’s sweet we have like a new shortcut over to a new warp force that i could take down for like a bunch of warp wood in the future that’s awesome that’s really cool but this room right

Here is going to be the portal room and then inside of the portal room i’m going gonna make a chest for all of this netherrack yes i’ve been ordering all of the netherrack yeah there are like a bunch of different chests around the nether once the world download drops you’ll probably find

These chests like sitting around and they’re just loaded with netherrack i was thinking about saving it i don’t know if i maybe i’d need it okay yeah it’s not hoarding okay don’t be like that it’s called conservation i already feel bad about destroying another enviro environment we use the term loosely uh

I i feel bad about destroying it so we’re gonna save the blocks at least okay that’s the least we could do so uh ice spikes oh yes ice spikes biome but we’re way up in the air okay yeah this isn’t exactly going to work we’re gonna have to get down from here

Um for now we’ll do this and maybe we can just use the scaffolding it’s also night time should probably sleep but this is perfect this is exactly where we should have been this is amazing okay now bed no joke okay cool cool cool how do we get down from here

I’m thinking that we may be mlg fly over to the ocean and then swipe back over here and scavenging up that’s probably the best way so check this out right here we soar down we don’t even need the ocean watch the smooth landing on the ground always smooth landing smoothly

Smooth landing yes okay now scaffolding back up to the nether portal i’m going to leave it in the air like that there’s no point in moot well there could be a point in moving it down if i want to bring the foxes all right so i think this is gonna be the spot

Like right here all right at least it’s gonna be pretty close we might be like a couple blocks off um or are we gonna be right next to it oh no we’re gonna be like two blocks off i think yay one black golf one block off okay that’s pretty good so

Portal is right here i’m gonna write these coordinates now i made a bunch more firework rockets i have banners and then of course i have all of the maps too but more importantly the ice bikes biome so check this place out the ice box bomb is one of the rarest biomes in minecraft

And oh my gosh this biome is a beautiful biome actually watching this check this out we have to do this for the good sights here it’s really cool looking but it could get even better boom zilder’s enhanced default shaders i love these shaders because they’re so minimal

They don’t change too much and now look at all the shadows and the ice spikes that ice bike right there that’s a really really cool ice mic i like the tall ones these small ones are okay too but the tall ones are definitely where it’s at so today i

Figured this is where we would start the ice spikes buy one of the rarest biomes in minecraft then village right here i figured we would make some stops at the villages now i’ve been thinking about these villagers i really really like these villagers outfits they’re really cool i could import them

To the jungle but i also like the jungle villager outfit so maybe importing them really isn’t the smartest idea so in the future uh here’s what i’m thinking maybe what we do is create like a giant hello cats hi hi maybe we create a gigantic villager museum basically

And and try and find a villager from every single biome type so like one from here like a swamp builder we’d have to make it but like a swamp village or plains villager you know all of that type of thing and then bring them over to one

Area like like in this big museum which is basically a village we recreate like one house for for each biome so like one desert building one of these buildings yeah i think it could be a really really cool project it’s not something that i want to do

Quite yet but i just kind of wanted to put it out there so let me know what you think about it should we do that because then we would have like this gigantic village or village i mean the whole base is going to have villagers all around it this time

Instead of like a giant trading hall but then again maybe i’ll do a trading hall too and maybe we do operation villager museum i don’t know villagers you have really nice outfits but you have absolutely terrible loot what have you been doing living out here in the tundra for so long you have

Potatoes potatoes and beet root that’s it and a piece of coal that’s literally all you have i’ll i will take it thank you very much but come on all right now honestly i can’t remember which cats i have and i don’t have at this point that’s siamese cat over there

I definitely don’t have that one though so it’s an exploration episode you know what we have to do yeah taming cats is so stressful taming cats is like the most stressful thing ever come back here come back here come back here come to me come to me

Yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no no yes yes come to me uh-huh oh my gosh one fish well two fish it’s perfect okay so the cat we’re gonna move it back over to the portal cab thank you for cooperating today that’s perfect you’ll wait here

And we’ll be back for you later i won’t forget you yeah i’m pretty sure at this point every time we need to explore we basically just need to get a new cab like every single time to mark the journey so the village though i think after this building yeah

After this pathetic building i’ve looted it all which means it’s time to move on and i saw a plane’s biome right over here which is interesting things warm up really quickly we have planes and then swamp which i think is even warmer uh than the planes biome not 100 sure but maybe

Now we actually i don’t think we have found a witch hut in this whole world and eventually i’d like to make a witch farm so any witch huts over here um not looking like it uh yep not looking like it at all actually okay well fine be like that yep no

No witch huts all right well we’ll have to find somewhere somewhere else but back to the snowy tundra so i know for a fact i saw one of these there we go there’s one right there and look down below it it looks like we have a basement which is really

Really cool igloos igloos are another really cool structure that only generate in these snowy biomes but not every single snowy mountain for example the ice bikes you won’t find any igloos there now inside of the igloo we have a bed a crafting table a furnace a redstone torch why could that be there

And then carpets now check this out if we go into the furnace over here and cook something up it was actually kind of perfect we have potatoes right here let’s go ahead and put the potatoes in the furnace make them into baked potatoes now while we cook

That’s going to turn on which is going to create light which can actually melt the ice and watch what happens if we give it a little bit of time this ice should actually melt the redstone torch will of course be broken because it’s water and then water will flow in here now why

Would we want that well uh you you have to wait and see what we would want that uh hopefully hopefully the vernis actually does the trick oh yeah yeah yeah it happened right there it happened right there but uh did the water seriously flow yeah i’d

Float back that way okay okay okay okay hold on all right look redo there was a block there all along it was always right there the water flowed in here and it took the carpets out and now we see a trapdoor right there so that’s what’s up with the redstone torch and

The furnace sitting in here that’s there we don’t really need it we’ll block that off because of course we don’t need the water anymore we found the secret now the secret it gets even better if we go down here through this trap door we’re going to find the basement

Of the igloo and in the basement of the igloo we should actually hopefully find two mobs in here yes yes perfect two mobs we have a villager right here and a zombie villager right in there and then narrows right there now over here brewing stand with the

Splash potion of weakness and then over here a chest with a golden apple just realizing i actually completely forgot extra shulker boxes so all this random loot is gonna have to go in here all right anyways golden apple there will always be a golden apple in

The basement in the loot chest and there will always be a splash potion of weakness over here in the brewing stand of course what are we meant to do with this stuff cure the zombie villager this is the hint that’s built into the game at villager curing so splash potion right there

Apple right there and then we would give it some time and this villager will actually cure into it looks like a cleric villager i believe the zombie villager should always be a cleric zombie villager and then this villager right here that’s just a normal villager just sitting there doesn’t have a profession

Or a trade or anything like that that’s pretty cool though yeah so i can’t exactly remember when igloos were added into the game maybe like 1.11 or something like that maybe before i have no clue but they’re they’re really cool because they hint at this whole zombie villager curing process which is

Something that you could potentially not even know about now how are you meant to figure it out i i don’t know maybe hopefully you take it out of the broom stand and just toss it and try to golden apple or something i have no clue but it’s here and it’s really really

Cool now before we do anything i’d like to wait for this zombie to cure up heal and then maybe we let this villager out so we can claim a job and hopefully it takes that job right there we’ll trade with it so it’ll live here forever not despawn and then

I think we’re just going to abandon them here in the in the basement of the igloo there’s no point to really move them anywhere we have a cleric villager and we have a villager breeder so we don’t really need more villagers and it happened it happened it happened

So the villager i guess lost this job which means you can come out and you probably want to claim this shop please yeah yeah yeah perfect and there we go we have the trade discount lock that in so you won’t despawn you’re gonna live down here forever and then

You you you’re gonna probably take the leather worker right i don’t know if i have anything that i could sell to you if you take the leather worker are you gonna take the leather worker um please take a leather worker hello it must be nighttime they must be like

Not wanting to work anymore are you are you trying to sleep oh you’re trying to sleep no no no this is my bed all right so there you go how about you okay you know what here here here here just because of this villager i don’t

Want it to live oh no oh no i don’t have enough i don’t want you to live alone though i don’t want you to live alone forever well hold on can i get a better price say we roll your trades put that back please please give me a two emerald trade i don’t

Think i have any more emeralds anywhere i don’t think i even have anything that i can make profit off of like really quick and i’m like just short i mean i could buy redstone but like no i don’t want you to live alone forever that would be miserable even

More miserable been locking up in these cells come on come on please please give me a no no no no no no cool pants cool pants cool pants but come on come on please give me a good trade give me a good trade oh no this is not good what else could i

Do think fast well wait wait a second what am i thinking villagers they don’t do spawn as long as they’re okay and they’re fine they’ll live forever right yeah yeah they live in the villages forever so let’s just put like a bunch of torches down here look

It’s beautiful now you’re welcome and uh that then you guys get to live down here together forever that’s amazing i marked it with a banner now we can just go ahead and leave this place because there’s not really anything else that we need from here and baked potatoes you come with me too

Because i mean why not so back to exploring i’m pretty sure i just saw a creeper outside of there yep that’s a creeper right there anyways so back to exploring so i figured oh nice another village i i figured we would fill this map in today

And hopefully find a sign of like a mesa biome or something if not i i don’t know really what i’m gonna do if not then i think what we’ll do is one final exploration trip probably with like portals or something and jump around in the world in the last

World that i played in that’s exactly how i ended up finding a mesa biome so i might have to do that why are you don’t go in there villager no no that’s what i did in the last world to find a snowball i don’t know that could be in the loot

Table i get so distracted when i’m exploring and looking in villages but anyways in the last world i think we used the portals to find a mesa biome maybe we might end up having to do that in this world too but hopefully not and i just realized i ever got a marker village

Um and i forgot to park the other village too dang it so birch forest it’s cool i like it it’s nice lots of birch but nothing ooh a desert okay okay i i could i i like that a desert is cool that’s nice it’s warmer and then the

Swamp island that we found what kind of ocean warm ocean with cur with coral all right hands down hands down we need at least a little bit of this stuff coral wait wait what oh okay it’s up there is up there coral i want some of the blocks these are so cool

And the plants too i might as well take these oh this is amazing and see pickles do i have any sea pickles i think i just broke some i i yeah they’re right there they’re right there the inventory is full though this is not good this is really bad

Okay yeah so we can’t take it all we definitely can’t take all of the coral today but we can take some of it and at least i’ll see pickle hopefully i should i should probably get like nine blocks of coral because then i can make like a sea pickle farm

That would be like pretty smart oh this is amazing all right so look i have nine blocks of tube coral that should probably be good we’ll definitely need to come back to this place i’m gonna mark it with a banner for sure uh so there we go banner right there

That’s there did i get the enter chest um no i didn’t where did it go huh no dolphin you did not know you did not just push that no no no stop that all right so warm motion right there it’s really small maybe it’ll get a little bit bigger

Uh okay maybe not but it’s still better than nothing we’ll come back later for more coral if we want to or we’ll try and find a bigger warm motion wow so yeah i think already today’s exploration episode is more successful than the other one we found warm ocean stuff with coral sea pickles

And in igloo we cured a villager yeah we’ve literally already found more things and i’m still on the first map that’s like crazy but potentially things are going to get better right in here because we have a snowy tiger biome this biome right here is where we would find the snowy foxes

So snowy boxes we got the boat we have sweet berries this is going to be a little bit tricky if we find one because they’re gigantic chickens but hopefully hopefully we can find like a snowy fox or maybe even two snowy foxes breed them take the child home with us yes

Yes that would be perfect because in the child it wouldn’t run away from me all we need to do is basically steal it from its parents it’s not that bad now i wasn’t sure if i could actually find sweet berries in this biome too from the from the looks of things it

Doesn’t look like there are any sweet berries but maybe i didn’t even need to bring them i’m not too sure i mean that again yeah yeah i’m definitely not seeing any it doesn’t mean that there aren’t any but i’m not really seeing any sweet berries right off the bat

Now i’m looking around for the foxes they should oh wait no there are sweet bears okay cool cool uh but i’m looking for the foxes and they should be laying around on the ground they’re going to blend in a little bit but they should kind of stand out because

The snow is it’s pretty flat there has to be like at least two in this whole place right like like at least just two or even one but preferably two there has to be right there there wouldn’t be like no snowy foxes right no they would never do that no no

No no no they wouldn’t all right fine hide your good mobs i don’t need them anyways i’m leaving this biome right now leaving furiously and so angry that i can’t even fly fine hide the good mobs i don’t even care i didn’t want them anyways we’re going this way

Into the snowy snowy tundra the snowy wasteland forever i’m never returning i’m going to stop at this village though and mark it but i’m never returning to that tyga ever again and just because i can do this deal with nighttime villagers i’m not having it anymore deal with nighttime you’ll have to

Figure it out yourself because i’m flying away from you i’m going to sleep over here on my own so you can deal with night over there alright if i sleep over here it’s still nighttime over there but actually maybe i’m not sleeping right now maybe while i’m here we can see the special

Snow skeleton the the stray we’ve never seen a stray oh i’ve just realized what i found it didn’t click at first but i found another snowy tundra biome okay okay okay and look what’s found me right there the stray so the stray the stray is the snow skeleton

And check this out i have slonas and that’s because the strike got me this stray shoots arrows of slowness and it drops them it drops some yes it dropped one right there that’s so cool put the boat on put the ball down that’s not fair that’s not fair

Okay enough with the night time enough for now that that’s good we’ve seen the stray the stray is a snow skeleton the snow skeleton is basically oh that’s not good that’s not good okay where’s the bed did it really ruin my bed did you really no

You ruined my bed oh okay we’re gonna have to find sheep over here okay stray snow skeleton it shoots arrows of slowness it drops heroes of slowness maybe we’ll set up straight farm eventually yeah that happened okay we lost the bed so new goal we find to do we find snow fox

In this forest over here and we find sheep for bed should be easy now the problem here with this snowy tiger is it’s not right next to an ocean so if i find a fox here it’s going to be a whole lot more annoying to get it out of here

Unless i can find two foxes breed them both another igloo that’s cool if i can find two foxes and breed them both then get the baby fox and just take the baby fox out there should be pretty simple uh it’s just a matter of actually finding them they seem to be kind of

Rare no oh that’s an old fox that’s the snow box right there and what does it have it has wheat in its mouth absolutely useless but snow fox get in the boat perfect just like that you’re trapped you’re stuck in the boat this is amazing we have at least one snow fox

This is perfect this is the best development all day this is sweet okay all we need to do is find a second one bring them together unite them at last and then breed them and then take the child and then these snowy foxes they can actually go back into the oh oh

No no no no there’s one right over there there’s one right over there okay okay okay okay okay this i don’t even know why i’m laying i don’t even care this is what we need to do we need to make a crafting table right here just like that and then a new boat

Because i left the other one in the nether uh we have a new boat just like that now this fox i’m gonna need to catch up to it somehow i don’t know how i’m gonna do this drop the boat down um how is this gonna work you know what and also

In case there are foxes we need to get you out of the forest i meant to say wolves in case there are wolves wolves in in foxes they don’t get along so snowy fox okay look look we’re gonna flank it just like this and then hopefully it’s not gonna notice me you don’t

Notice me no no no no don’t notice me don’t notice me don’t stop it okay this is gonna be like impossible this is gonna be like impossible can we find another one could there be like another one sitting over here like a little bit closer that i could easily just catch like like

Really quick because the other one ran we’re like really really far boxes are annoying uh it is no that’s a wolf that’s a wolf that’s bad we need to take this out i’m sorry look away look away look away i need to take these out they will take the foxes out but

That’s not good okay you’re a child you get to live for no okay look so here’s the plan i couldn’t really find one so if we were to go over here and find the fox which i just landed next to i don’t know where it went i

I swear okay no yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s that’s a box as a box then all we need to do is catch up to it somehow drop the boat down really quick like right in front of it which is gonna be tricky and then just row it over look boat right there

No no no no no so close so close so close okay perfect it’s down in this hole right there the boat i got it i got it i did it oh i did it i did it i did it that’s amazing the fox ran down to the hole then i stood still

I don’t even know why but i don’t even care if this is perfect now all i need to do is bring the other fox over to this one because it’s like open and just downhill this should be really really easy all the ride all right snow boxes snow foxes look

Look you unite at last this is perfect okay so they’re right there just like that we need to contain them which means i think dig down if we just dig down in this area like right in here we can even just drop the boats down into the ground like this

Uh like like this without breaking the boats then we should be fine maybe we make it like three deep everywhere just to be safe there you go you’re in the hole perfect perfect you too that’s good that’s good okay now we just need to be careful with the boxes

Yup stay down there and you uh can i reach that no i can’t reach that okay i don’t want to use the oh no you know you’re both in the boat now no not good all right so we need to get them out of the boat um

Okay you’re out of the boat now look look look look sweet berry sweet berry there you go there you go uh you’re gonna breed okay you both picked up grass blocks that’s a big brain right there uh okay now we need to figure out how to separate these ones

From the child so child go to like a corner okay okay no no no no okay okay it’s fine uh there you go okay that that one’s separated that’s good now all we need is you just stay in one spot calm down yeah perfect perfect perfect okay

So now how do we do this um if we were to do this i’ll unbury them don’t worry uh if we were to do this right here this box is gonna trust me um yeah yeah yeah perfect perfect okay cool okay so now this is what i’m gonna do

Because the oh wait how did you get out of there oh no that’s not good all right um that’s not good all right so check this out it’s truly a masterpiece i know this is the final thing i’ve ever built but here we go let’s try this again

So foxes could you get out of the boat i i need the boat back maybe there you go okay okay now child you come back up here trust me you’re good you’re good okay now adult stay down in the hole for now for now just for a second we’ll let it out

Here we go we get the baby fox out like entirely out of this place and now you’re waiting the boat okay perfect and look at look at this is all we have to do we can now open it back up to the sky the foxes are going to live in this hole

And i’ll come back for them when i need another fox because we’re just going to have one fox today so yeah we’ll have to come back and like breed them again to get another fox and then take that other fox back home but this is perfect one fox is a great start

They live down in that hole right there that’s gonna be there and then i marked this thing with a banner on the map so that’s good i i know where it is always but little problem it’s turning to night time i don’t have a bed still so

Gonna have to work that one out really quick you wait there i’ll be right back oh hey another igloo that’s really cool oh wait actually another igloo that’s amazing that’s amazing that’s going to work out any better look at this bed right here this is perfect this is

My bed do you have that oh you do you do awesome that’s really cool we don’t really need to heal the villager again but we could definitely go down there and take the golden apple i’ll keep that apple um okay i hear the villager okay the zombie one yeah i see the villager

The other one is in here supposedly uh are you in here um i don’t even know okay that’s weird that’s really weird it has to be in there unless it’s like buried underneath this thing that’s so weird we’ll come back to that igloo later polar bears that’s amazing

But we’re not gonna do that today okay so here’s the plan i’m gonna go ahead and finish filling in the map really really quick then i’m gonna grab that fox sail it down towards the ocean somehow maybe um maybe not maybe not maybe i’m gonna make a new portal and hopefully

We’re gonna end up with that baby fox in the jungle i’m not gonna really do anything with it today it’ll live in the boat maybe we’ll just keep it in the nether hub but we’re going to import one fox over to the jungle and i’m gonna finish filling in this map

I doubt that we’re gonna find a mesa at this point but at least we have a baby fox which is did i will take that as a consolation prize that is fine oh and really quick i almost entirely forgot about this igloo so let’s see is this igloo going to have a basement

So not every single igloo will have a basement sometimes you’ll find an igloo do you have a yeah yeah you don’t have a basement so sometimes you’ll find an igloo and it doesn’t have a basement if it doesn’t have a basement there aren’t any secret suit or anything

Like that it’s literally just an igloo without a basement same setup up here but no basement so igloo that’s pretty cool there are two different types of igloo with the basement and without the basement all right so i thought about it uh it would probably just make sense to make a portal going

Over to that spot and it’s going to be pretty close to the spot anyways so if i make a portal going over to where those boxes are then it’s going to be easy to bring even more boxes back over to the jungle so i can set up like an

Automatic sweet berry farm or things like that so 369 is one of the things that i need and then negative 137 is that yeah that’s gonna be that way negative 137 right over here that’s gonna be really easy the portal is gonna be up in the air we’ll have to

Build a staircase down but it won’t be that big of a deal because i’m going to have like a bunch of netherrack here which i’ll be able to to use to make the staircase all right so portal right there this should work this should be right by the foxes i’m pretty sure

Uh okay this time we’re in a cave system that’s interesting uh definitely a little dangerous though so let’s just go ahead and do this right there no mob should get through there how about over here oh yeah yeah very dangerous very dangerous okay same thing

We’ll do that there and then stick us up to the surface how far oh oh we we shouldn’t be too far okay that’s not bad and here we are up on the surface but apparently i forgot that bet again so back to the igloo uh but it worked it’s amazing

Okay so here’s the plan for now this one should work for sure this time oh wait you grew up that’s gonna be so much easier uh but lead right there put you on the lead with the sweet berries so you you stay locked on

And now all i need to do is walk down the staircase right right over here come on come come to the staircase okay perfect and then go down through the nether and then actually instead of using a boat i could probably just walk the whole way with the fox

On the lead i just need to be careful about corners like that hey wake up buddy wake up wake up no no no no okay uh corners are gonna be a little bit tricky you know what never mind the boat’s just easier it’s so easy and the fox won’t go anywhere

This is the easiest way the nether home i’ve made a bag cat’s right there the fox is right there not today the fox is going to stay in the boat and stay in the nether boxes can jump i don’t want to bring it over to the overworld and even put it in like

A pen and then have it jump out uh so yeah the fox was gonna wait there for now i did leave the tunnel connecting to where the foxes are so we can get another fox and we can breed the foxes and have even more but the cat

The cat definitely comes over to the oval world so cap please follow this way this way so close all right so now let’s take a look at two final things the comment of the day and the loop we’ll start with the loop from today’s episode

It’s it’s kind of messy but this is what i have right here now the map i i did stop exploring i was starting to get low on rockets down to 52 and the inventory space is basically full i mean check that out and then over

Here yeah i just sort of ran out of spots to put things and i was starting to find really cool things i mean i found a couple villages that i didn’t end up looting because uh inventory found another warm ocean that it was like huge which was really really

Awesome definitely gonna go back there and another ice spikes biome which is kind of crazy the ice spikes violent is on the edge of the map all the way over there right there where i stopped exploring so we’ll definitely have to finish filling this map and we’re going to have to

Explore again i need a mesa biome it hurts oh this pair of gold boots is from a rune portal frost walker two i thought that was really cool i left the other gold enchants there though because i didn’t really need them so today’s comment of the day

I love the pandas what are you doing with the xs1 since you said you’d transport them out so for now the exos pandas are going to actually just kind of sit around in the pen they’ll be safe they’ll be good there i won’t do anything to them they’ll sit

There until we build the transport system the transport system i think i’m planning is going to transport the pandas out of the jungle or at least away from there like maybe way back further into the jungle honestly and then i’m basically just going to let them free into the jungle i think or

Maybe even create another pen over there that pen will be way more basic though it’ll basically just be a way to move the pandas out of this area the other pandas they’ll get to live and they’ll be set back into the wild or whatever but they won’t really be important to us so

I probably won’t put too much thought into it but i’m not 100 sure also by the way i saw a couple comments about it but this tory gate right here i know it’s more of a japanese thing and the pandas are chinese i just love these gates they’re so beautiful so i wanted

To add one into the world or well i guess too because we built two now i’m actually going to end today’s episode with a little bit of deforestation that i’m gonna actually do off camera so over here i’m planning on adding a build in in this area

Next episode so what i’m gonna do off camera is actually chop down some of these trees some of them i’m gonna try and keep like that one i like that tree but like this area in here maybe like more so over here by uh next episode at the beginning

It will be flattened cleared out ready for another build we explored again today unfortunately no luck we’re gonna probably build something else next episode but mesa very very soon i’ll have to substitute different blocks in for what i wanted to do but it’s no big deal if you liked

Today’s episode leave a like and subscribe elite so we’re on that road to 1 000 okay we’re getting so close actually almost like 100k away thank you all for watching as always has been me your boy i’ll see you in the next episode good bye everyone You

This video, titled ‘ICE SPIKES, IGLOOS, AND SNOW FOXES! | The Minecraft Guide – Tutorial Lets Play (Ep. 78)’, was uploaded by wattles on 2021-01-29 18:57:20. It has garnered 155230 views and 7820 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:28 or 2008 seconds.

exploooore.. mesa… please. today we head out into our world to check out one of the coolest biomes and some surrounding snowy biomes too. we found an ice spikes biome which is really cool. after that we talk igloos and their secrets. after the igloos comes to arctic snowy foxes.


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  • Medieval Realms

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  • Terrashift SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.2 Community Whitelist UHCs Bluemap

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  • Minecraft Memes – First tool to craft in Minecraft?

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  • Insane RomanG6 PvP Montage

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  • Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On!

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  • Villagers Get Trolled: Moye Moye Edition! #minecraft 🔥😂

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  • Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour!

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  • Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft

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  • INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST See

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  • SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender – The Movie

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  • “Ultimate Mini Base Guide in Minecraft!” #minecraft

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  • Shizo Madness: My Name Revealed in Minecraft

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  • Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle – Xzino Craft

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  • Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!

    Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-06-08 13:45:03. It has garnered 3991 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:35 or 3275 seconds. Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS! Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: Follow Gracie! – Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirl

    SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirlVideo Information This video, titled ‘We found a scary music disc! 🎶 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #gamergirl #stream’, was uploaded by Bee Batch Gaming on 2024-04-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 468 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

ICE SPIKES, IGLOOS, AND SNOW FOXES! | The Minecraft Guide – Tutorial Lets Play (Ep. 78)