IS IT GOOD?! – Minecraft Legends Early Gameplay

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Hey guys Dan here and today is the day we finally get our hands on Minecraft Legends been waiting for this game for a while ever since they announced it I’m pretty excited to dive into it the graphics look great it’s very different style of a game than I’m used to but

Let’s dive straight in leave a like if you’re excited subscribe if you’re new so you don’t miss out any episodes that’s a chick duck chicken one of those hey there’s my boy how you doing buddy yo that turtle looks cute as well I hope you get to play as a villager

That would be great oh wait I feel like we’ve seen this things are upon you young villager ah okay maybe they end so bad yeah I feel like we’ve seen this before but let’s Let It Roll anyway dude that’s insane What’s up fella should the zombies work together with the Villagers now I kind of like that it’s a little truce going on foreign I feel like we’ve seen that before but I still wasn’t prepared for it I forgot that happened oh my God not the Hat as well oh

This is started off real intense holy yeah yeah they’re taking over the Nether and that the nether needs in the game in the real game it needs the hanging uh the hanging cages that’ll be so sick oh man some of this stuff looks insane it’s gonna be like Minecraft dungeons

All over again where they just have incredible mobs that I want in the main game look at that massive pigling on the right oh here they come oh they’re bringing out the cages too oh yeah these are the gods right action knowledge come with me we must witness this together

You’re like a stick of gum oh they got some nice Minecarts though we just appreciate that you don’t like an alley with legs and arms wait allies have arms you know what I’m saying maybe they have legs too hmm I’m locking all these new portals popping up Foresight you can see we all are no I am just sad that it has come to this Shall We Begin absolutely the little one’s voice has a deeper voice than me I was not expecting that uh peace and harmony but for how long hey this is venturing

Into new stuff we haven’t seen they’ve got trapdoors all over their floor what on Earth why have you done this you’re some kind of psychopath oh areas lone Warrior mindly loan business friend hello is that me that might be me we didn’t mean to start of you your bravery and creativity inspired us

To seek your Aid you see our world is under attack it’s being devoured and it is a danger only you can prevent time is of the essence will you help us I like the crowds that’s funny thank you now step forward Brave hero and join us I’m the brave hero this will

Just take a second hey I’m afraid we have much to ask of you actually really like the character on the left that’s a really cool design I like the breaking of the fourth war was cool as well okay here we go straight into it right campaign versus I forgot

There was versus mode as well lost Legends and myths new adventures every month then you can buy stuff as well all right look at that armor though oh this is kind of crazy switch hero oh yes Mount skins as well we can mount Tigers Birds beetles and

Horses and you can unlock more skins in the marketplace all by completing lost Legends that’s cool so which hero do we want to be I’m kind of very I’m kind of varying towards this one you know me I like me some skeletons and if I could be a little bit evil even

While being nice I’m taking that one hello you are now my friend so this versus mode campaign I kind of want to click this real quick download and play Lost legend everyone plays solo all your friends and short twist on Minecraft Legends earn a reward while completing it

Okay I didn’t know that was a thing but that is very very cool and we’re gonna do that at some point but not now we’re heading straight into the campaign and go for a new story let’s do this I want to use my controller though let’s see if I can use

My controller I’m excited look at the cell shaded Minecraft looks so odd that’s they’ve kind of done that with shaders before but not really seen apart from that I already used cell shading so it’ll be interesting to see how it works here we go hello feeling okay that kind

Of trip always upsets my stomach I like as always thank you for having the courage to come I am foresight I’m action and I’m uh I feel like those two voices should be swapped this world is under attack and we need your help foul creatures known as the piglets have

Emerged from their fiery home and they mean to conquer this peaceful land and all the creatures that live here we need your help to make sure that doesn’t happen but don’t worry you won’t be alone oh we present to you will gather your resources safe for you and build whatever you need

In this case burn the Flames of creation the Flames will call upon friends to fight by your side helped us shape the Overworld and now they will help you defend it and last but not least the banner of Courage tries to your Aid it’s time to all make sense now Come on the pigland’s hunger is insatiable they already have a foothold in the Overworld and if they are not stopped they will devour everything everything prepare the creatures of our world for this day but we believe you can that’s why we called upon you if there is any

Issue that’s a lot of pressure just putting that out there my steed laughs we don’t have much time but just enough to show you a thing or two about these tools we’re going tutorial mode the horse I like we get the mount straight away that’s cool oh here we are in game

Well it’s like telling the world now that the piglens so the sooner you master these tools the better oh yeah this looks nice already controller no I forgot this is a Microsoft game I need an Xbox controller I don’t even know if I have one wait I

Think I made them mad by using a Playstation One this will work right does this work oh the beat butter boost yeah there we go oh man okay this is feeling silky smooth a to jump toggle the Sprints oh this feels nice very cool we made it now let’s get to work let’s

Do it the Overworld is filled with resources you can gather to help you fight the piglets and that’s where the elas come in play the right Melody on your loot and they’ll gather anything for you let’s start by playing the melody together wood all right left trigger gather Zone and Bam

Did I do this correctly oh look at them go okay well done oh we got a lot of wood as well yo okay like a hundred and something together some Stone okay so you just toggle the Sprint we’re just gonna Sprint all the time right

Hello nice work so now we need to do this this time play The Melody for Gathering Stone oh my god oh okay I was confused for a second I was like how many buttons so you just have to select the material and then okay that makes sense 1500

That’s how much is in that square that’s now you’ve got the resource a lot of resources step one okay step two is playing the melody that will inspire the Allies to build what you need hey yeah I like my character bro show me up here uh we should look to the

Marketplace I guess I didn’t because it’s probably gonna be empty since this is a pre I’m playing this before it’s out okay navigate to the building hot bar build View start placement oh oh that’s kind of slick you know if only uh building that well in

Minecraft was that easy in in real game you know we made it Well Done stairs are going to save you a lot of time out there for sure to call your friends to battle lapis will keep these Flames burning bright take some from that chest to play a spawner Melody spawner Melody

All right let’s open this chest what’s we’ve got 50 lapis now Melodies they’re called the Golems you met earlier okay how do we do this summons okay this starting to make sense I think it’s definitely easier for me on controller uh left trigger to builds placement of spawner do I just want to

Put it anywhere though where do I want to put it I’m guessing we’re gonna have to fight something yo lipstick what are we doing huh I’m just gonna put it here just to satisfy everyone uh and then this one’s gonna go just here how much does it cost

25 okay that’s not too bad holds the creation that will call upon your allies it’s cool cool your allies sporting Golems hold X’s one Golems or standing there a spawner spawn spawn spawn spawn my pretties can I just spawn as many as I want

You oh no oh no I just wasted all those resources friends come over here please friends this way hey this way there we go oh you have to like proper collect them in your in your thing I definitely spawn too many I spent a lot of resources then

What is this is that an enemy spawner or something look at them go follow me my trusty steeds on my trusty seat the horse is cute actually leave well of Fate oh no I don’t want to do that where was I’m gonna go I wasn’t listening you

Where do I need to go buddy oh over here I’m being dumb looks like I don’t even have him to bring the Golems over to me a Max of 20 on the bottom right it says I’m not sure what that’s about stop following you use your banner again to

Ask them to stop stop following me okay there we go there you go you can also use the banner to send your friends in any direction you want okay over to action we’ll send them over that way press y what should I use charge or charge fellas charge

Wait I need to do I need to grab them first to grab them and then send them go you didn’t go very far um okay let’s try this again now you do that press y oh so you just can’t send them very far I thought they’d just keep running I

Guess that doesn’t make sense inside The Well of Fate is terrible so we created some false piglets so you can practice using the banner in combat okay I’m so excited uh press extra rally Press B to attack pigeons with your oh I can be slicing them up too I like that

Right so battle slice slice guys they just automatically attack or they just chilling oh we taking them down they climb this thing too that’s sick now take everything you’ve learned here into the real fight and the piglets won’t stand a chance it is good that you are ready as

I must ask we get moving one of the villagers has just been attacked oh no no quickly come with us I guess my question is what happens if you accidentally leaves on behind like you’ve got 20 to keep track of you know that’s that’s quite a lot well it feels

Like a lot anyway oh you’re a powerful clap there thank you again for your courage you’re most welcome we are honored to have you as an ally an ally that was a lot of controls man hopefully I find it with you can’t send them out

Further how do you do that I have to learn well this this background looks nice kind of preview and everything I’m looking forward to this this is definitely not the kind of game I normally play so it’s cool to be introduced to that with Minecraft so let’s see what happens next

There we are the hero that looks evil look at the Llama I really want to use the villagers so badly I have my own villager Army that would be insane so we can ride those two the bird the Tiger you know everyone’s excited to see me

What is this yo look at this love to introduce you properly but a village needs your help I want to see this animal no I want to see this animal right now what is it to make sure you’re going in the right direction okay uh press to find your map

Okay so this is quite small so Village oh these are all Villages got it Place marker though I can’t employ these you’re employed resources but remember that come with me while you make your ways oh man lapis Melody earn learn oh this is so much oh this is kind of like there’s

Different Tunes so we’ve got plank Golem spawner which is the ones we’ve already learned buildings we’ve got Gates walls a carpenter Hut repairs nearby structures with its Zone healing effects cannot stack okay Arrow Tower kind of cool and then this is improvements which I guess we’ll learn about later on

And we know all this stuff as well okay so we need to get why am I here the music is getting a bit dramatic for my liking let’s go this way uh I need to gather resources though so how do we do that again we need to go to this and this

So that only spend I think one blue so can I just run away from this now and get some more but we’re getting boost I think that’s from the animals what’s this stuff here we want to grab from here I want to grab Stone

Oh wait I’m on the wrong one I’m on the wrong one stone 466 Stone so we can run away from them while they gather wood and stuff that’s really cool I need to go this way oh there’s something oh never mind I thought I was a chest and there’s a lot

Of trees around here huh I think some of these animals are boosting us wow look at this oh you know what now I think about it foresight I know you’re you’re trying to help here buddy I’m trying to help you too but I’m distracted all right I’m over here I want to grab

I’m gonna grab that chest that I saw no already doing parkour and I don’t like it one jump up here there we go The mushroom’s giving us jump I saw this chest that I want it would you give me oh I got another gather alley so I can just can I just take this street down there’s something that can happen let’s see what happens yes I can just take this tree

You’re just gonna take the tree but what if there’s a chest on top could it just gather that I need to go let’s go I’ve lost all my animals they’ve all abandoned me let’s just get out of here oh wait they’re here oh my god look how fast they are let’s go

One of these guys is definitely powering me up and I’m not sure who it is there a way to find out I can’t remember how to get oh here oh yeah here we go Overworld horse that’s not what I wanted I wanted to find out about the animals

I’m getting distracted let’s go I’m gonna ice fire now as well so I can also use we’ve got Stone together as well I don’t know how many resources we need are they still oh god oh no my animal’s not oh God they’re dying we’ll be on Fox

Oh hold up a second what’s this that looks like diamonds to Me Maybe we can’t grab that yet we need to learn how to grab it oh I need to remember that there’s School damage here but let’s go to this so the yellow ones are build alleys and the blue ones are

Gather allies got it oh there’s a portal down here can I do with this that’s the village get over there quickly what’s this though I’m so confused so it’s to learn no no don’t do it buddy you can’t just kill villages in front of my eyes like that I’m taking you down

You’re all down no leave them not the Fox as well geez what this Village oh you just got slain in the balcony oh God oh not the baby fox you Psychopaths yeah that’s what you deserve at least they’re a little bit dumb why we’re in trouble

Okay so now I need to switch to my pink monsters the little pig monsters that’s what we’re gonna call them question I can slice and they can slice as well right let’s uh put down cobblestone and this slice this bad boy up oh no I didn’t

Mean to do that I didn’t mean to do that I’m sorry so I can slice these can I slice these up oh God I can that’s bad oh I need to spawn them as well there we go get out of here so these guys drop lappers as well so

They’ve got 40 lapis which is good oh I need to oh God I wish they just followed you you know but take them out that’s more like it was a big chest here too chest is empty sweet gather gather an attack I’m just gonna watch them do it look at them go

This is great I’m not even doing anything open cage well this takes forever it’s y’all no my sword is really powerful I guess it is diamonds right we need to save some more I think there’s only one left actually where is he there he is slice and dice so if they

Follow you don’t need to tell them to attack which is kind of nice [Applause] we did it Heroes of the village give me three things Gray heads We have movement the immediate danger is over but the village is devastated yes piglens have ruined the fountain can I replace Carpenter hot will repair nearby structures get their legs to work building one for you okay we’ll build one here uh building and then I want to go to

This I’m going to build this can I rotate I can well it’s kind of nice you know so I can repair build uh villages and stuff too that’s kind of nice look at them build it I wish our lives did this in a normal Minecraft as well that we don’t so

They’re gonna spawn in Carpenters and start repairing this I mean some slow progress though is it working I did it sweet what a relief well that was fast water flows again it flows again oh that’s beautiful look at this let’s go for a swim oh come on

Now there is no time to waste the villagers need you oh I’m still getting stolen stuff from somewhere by the way where do we need to go next we need to go all these icons oh there’s so much to learn so much to do I need to go over here

Let’s go let’s go friends well these guys follow me the whole way I hope so oh cake I kind of want to explore these buildings so Minecraft in me wants to explore but the more important things to do let’s get out of here so since if I go to this

These only cost 20 each right that seems really cheap oh wolf yeah grab grab ah we’ve got a fox as well yeah something speeding up is it the fox I think it’s the fox that speeding me up look at me go show you the way yeah I know I’m getting distracted again what’s

This oh what has happened yo launch me not my friends just launched me whoa okay that damages everyone never mind let’s go let’s go guys right this is the village here it is so why are these portals they might be like quick travel or something

So while I’m here let’s gather this no I want to gather the stone more images in the well is it our hero another Village it seems oh no they’re just doing yoga and you’re just gonna slice them up again should we go burn them as much as it hurts our

Hearts to see this happen we must trust that our hero will see them through it well I’d be stealing their stuff that’s not good oh it’s big ones so we can only spawn 20 things in this we’re at half capacity so we could go a

Bit higher I just want to grab this no come on let me let me play there we go we’ve got 10 of each let’s place oh let’s play spawner here spawner here and they’re spawn some more in right go attack these guys they’re bothering us

Three four five one two hey I just sent you over here go any more one two three four five so now I have 20. I’m maxed out let’s go friends take them out I’m trying we can’t allow them to gain any ground I’m trying look they are actually getting crazy ground too

What now what no no no not with a cat on top I’ll be done it I don’t know it’s gonna fall down I was like wait okay that was that was pretty easy we thank go to the Village chest at the base of the fountain for a surprise don’t mind

If I do what we got oh my God some defenses while there’s still time arrowser where are they gonna come from as well you can count on the resource Structures okay so we need to build an arrow Tower where are they gonna come from I guess it kind of doesn’t matter how much are those 35 that’s still cheap we’re gonna build two of those we can also build Towers no way Gates and walls as well we’re definitely gonna need some more

Resources I think so let’s gather let’s gather some words here I am trying my best knowledge I would be a spawner through a lost return loss units to you okay got that you guys aren’t following me for now that’s fine it’s just telling me to place Arrow

Towers I’m just gonna play some more doesn’t tell me how many to place there’s still some time to gather up resources if you’re getting low all right all right I’m trying my best you’re stressing me out what else do I need I need probably more Stone I mean there’s not a lot here there’s 16 that’s trash let’s go over here could you grab some of this all right you go grab that so we could we could literally build an entire wall around this thing you guys want to help too can I just do that

Let me see Play Starting piece I’m literally gonna try this I could do this and this is gonna go over here and then we’re gonna build a wall oh this is actually costing a lot but I think it’s gonna it’s op no they’re coming oh God they’re not even about to reach us

Where are they finished my wall bro check and see where they’re coming from gate so gate can go here there we go and it’s kind of hard to place there you go they’re getting now right come with me fellas we must attack I think we’ve got Max where are they

Oh I hear it we’re already at oh they’re over here oh God they’re taking us down right over here please they’re attacking our spawner hey get out of here who do you think you are boys be gone stay away at least they can’t attack the thing

It’s really hard to see them I wish I had that arrows above them or something right recall let’s recall everyone come here that’s better who’s being attacked I can hear a villager death sounds you’re doing great just a little longer and you’ve got this I mean knowledge not gonna lie there’s

No one here I’ve placed all these towers where you’re mad already where are they the arrow towers are working okay good oh they’re over here yo leave my friends alone oh my God there’s loads take him out boys get out the house who Do You Think You Are

Stop that my sword is so powerful oh God over here fellas fellas quick I don’t want to have to keep Gathering you up that’s really annoying all right go over here twice slice and nice we still haven’t lost anyone yet I’m taking damage though someone needs some help that was so

Quick I found a new resource a pig link key you know what because after you send them out they don’t just come back to you I kind of wish that was the case is you have to be near them to recall them unless you’re next to one of your

Things over here but even then that takes forever whether over here let’s go we’ve still got everyone here attack that’s it that’s right attack is over oh easy simple look they can even touch it can those villagers get out I’m not sure it’s the most scuff The Village defense ever

Additional rewards I’m just thrilled that you defended their Fountain they’ve put some extra resources in the chest for you as a special thank you yo thanks guys but piglens do not give up easily even now they prepare an attack upon another of our average the carried them

Oh my God okay Advantage if you can shut down the piglet outposts surrounding the village we might be able to push back this Invasion okay so we maxed out on lapis which is good we can’t eat more wood really uh can I take this down can I gather this back

Can I take this down oh you can do I remove it I might just keep it there you know you know what I spent the money on it let’s just keep it there I mean money as in Wood right we need to go somewhere else map that’s not map this is map oh

Higgling outposts all right we’re going this way right where are our friends we need to recall them all this is really annoying we have to do this right everyone let’s go I do find it strange so far I’ll probably get used to it but I do find it weird how you have

To let’s grab the resources how you have to put down spawners every time that seems a little bit weird but I guess we might get used to it I’m just collecting up your guys all the time I wonder if say I left all 20 at the other Village I

Wonder if I could then place a new was it question mark place a new spawner somewhere else and then record them there maybe yo I have sparkles why do I have sparkles look it’s a frost Tower where oh I thought I missed that and what do we do with this investigate

This may be of use against the piglets if I if I could figure out a way to make it movable you keep working away at the pig lens and protecting the villagers and I’ll keep working on this Tower yo wasn’t there a chest or something I heard Sparkles I’m hearing some sparkles

In here where are they let’s try and just gather this Did We Gather it maybe it will reveal it I can definitely hear it though where is it oh wait that’s making me boost the attack is making me boost right that’s how I’m going I feel like that’s

What it was anyway we’re learning we’ll learn on the Fly and make sure I didn’t read too much about it so I can just kind of have a fresh experience with you guys as well let’s keep it going we should head over here right there we go

The Boost is kind of in the grass we’ll head into a new biome right nobody die alright we’ve got zero death so far oh God no stop oh geez okay don’t go this way I am so stupid no come on guys you’re being dumb now stop stop it that

Village attack could happen any moment okay I’m on my way oh my God what the this is not what I was expecting oh buffed by speed wheat I wasn’t doing the animals at all all right I don’t got llama so let’s join join join knowledge is all power Towers over there

We’re down here boys to the Power Tower so we need to go over to Outpost The Outpost is very terrifying he find the opinions okay we’re in water not good destroy the three piglet outposts that are threatening a nearby Village I guess we’re going into Attack Mode

How do we get across oh wait clearly underestimated their capacity for corruption remember the Rams who built with us at the world they don’t only to go up cla’s to build you a bridge across that moat I like it I like it a lot there we go over oh they built it so

Fast as well I kind of went one way in one way out right is that what I want Cobblestone Golems are great at smashing buildings plant Golems are good against piglets okay well we’re maxed out we’ve got 10 of each I think we can even build up here right

Okay maybe not there must be a way to get in here oh here we go let us in Smash It Up boys that’s what I’m talking about they’re little arms oh man break down the gates I’m a little bit terrified of the guy in the gold though it’s a bit awkward that

Is real awkward take them down can I just sneak in the back and just slice them up I kind of want to do that maybe I can help as well oh it’s breaking I don’t feel like this is the way we’re supposed to be doing it

But it’s working hey we did it we did it yo oh you’re getting sliced up let’s go yes so they will follow me all the llamas are getting involved as well this is great we good can we just take this out oh you gotta go to take it out I think

This is a spawner I chop this down this feels like it’s taking forever though oh wait there’s a spawn some right over here boys they have a lot of Health these spawners huh tons of Health and they’ve stopped like listening to me now interesting okay that took longer than I

Thought no gal don’t just fall in there come on guys just use our brains try to take this out as well hello Attack yo llama what’s wrong cause I chop you I’m so sorry oh I love that you can employ the animals that’s so funny Sorry you just got burnt by a flamethrower though can you build spawns in here I need to see just real quick no you can’t build on here hey hey can’t build a Netherrack I guess that makes sense please don’t go in there but there are more piglets out

There because we’re celebrating right I guess we’re good okay that was odd all the creepers oh they help us out though don’t they I’m sure they do Interest Waking to the wall yeah who knows we don’t know what’s going on right now but let me gather all my friends we still haven’t lost any mobs yet we need two more outposts wrong button uh it should be easy to see right this way can I mine these

I kind of want these trees right now can’t build okay fair enough but let’s go this way pick up a rabbit joink let’s pick up a llama because they were doing work earlier I’m almost maxed out I think Max is a thousand of each right now wait there’s they’re already attacking a

Llama are you kidding me no stop this unbelievable poor llama we saved its life though right come here let’s take these guys out yo when we start taking people out we get going real quick all right these guys obviously didn’t have as many resources so we can just take these guys out easy

Oh we’ve lost two we’ve lost two I don’t know what we’ve lost though that is the problem I don’t think I need spawners yet send them into that old we may have lost some of our some of our guys but at least oh oh they do damage

Yeah we need to get these out of here as soon as possible you got this buddy yeah they’re gonna do damage for wild guys I feel like we’re not doing that much damage though my sword is obviously doing them a lot it’s a nether spreader yeah my sword does a lot of damage

We’ve only lost two guys it just takes ages for them to be knocked down he’s not just ignoring us fair enough right set yourself I’m a horse wait we lost all our where are the other guys oh they’re here they’re doing nothing yo come here what are you doing

Get in here my word yes where did they just stand around afterwards not sure about that has anyone helping me like this they just stood around as well if I take this out we need to get these spawners out of here look at them go I definitely need capacity for

People to spawn in because I’m kind of at Max and it’s really really slow still take them out take them out ow oh oh no come on you just pushed me into the Llama oh the Llama just died got all the way down there that feels so

Bad but these buildings take forever to take down what oh finally stop there we go right one more let’s pick everyone up everyone up okay everyone come here attack this solo I think this is the last thing and then we need to get to the other outposts then we’re good

So these guys don’t do anything they’re so confused everyone’s working together perfect gather up everybody let’s go no rest for the wicked how do I know clear the air I don’t know which I’ve got Max off I guess I just decide which one I want more of right that makes sense

And some more llamas give me as many llamas as I can get the Oink Oink yes please all right last one is this way I guess as well you can actually play this with up to four people so if you had four people with all the resources individually you’d have 80.

80 units so I guess it’s much harder solo but those blazewell towers are pretty pretty the range is impressive at least we hope to get up there with a ramp okay play the right Melody I don’t want to gather I want to build right ramp get up there boys let’s do it llamas

Everyone spit at them spit them even if you’re not a llama just take them out let’s go that’s right oh like my sword just knocks them clean out I’m gonna take these out I’m gonna spawn in on oh what was that noise can I spawn in one of these

We’ll build on there where can I build it in the water fine right let’s take a breather real rally the troops we need two more of the Golems so I think you’re gonna be cheaper there we go cheaper I mean quicker they’re gonna be quicker to take down the buildings

Go my friends go take them out I think I take these guys out by myself to be honest I’m on fire okay never mind I am on fire why am I on fire look how quick they make work of that okay now I’m making now it’s making sense right

Over here boys again they stopped moving over there llama you too over there can you take down buildings I don’t think so so how quick does this go down now that I’m using the right guys these are just ignoring us kind of fine with that oh my God this all sliced me

Up still takes a while to take down the building huh it doesn’t scale up or scale down if you’re playing by yourself there we go right now gather up gather up gather up and take this down I think the Llama just Rage Quit we have plenty of lappers which is good

Thank God yeah we kind of just need we’re kind of okay with the piglets to be honest because we can take them out ourselves I’m using a lot of Health from this place Tower pop it’s a good intro we don’t know we do that boys girls everyone else

Even the tallest tower will fall facts oh do you know what I I left the two that I crafted down here oh you have to go and collect them that’s so lame let’s give me some creepers Man Creeper is back and they bought a friend who’s that

Was the skeleton with a cool hat someone mod this Mod’s normal Minecraft to add all of these that’d be great I kind of like that you get to the friend the mobs that you usually avoid that’s really cool yeah look so I basically I spawned these in over here because I couldn’t craft them here you’ve collected quite a bit of prismarine bring it to me at the will of Fate okay

And I’ll show you how to build something that’ll be very useful for you I’ll be there in a second travel here quickly anytime yes I knew it so yeah the problem I have with the spawning system I couldn’t place a spawner up there because it would be op

So the spawner was placed down here but then I have to run all the way from there to here just to pick up my guys right because they won’t just oh they oh I’m so confused anyway let’s go boss travel with a well of fate does that cost money come on I should

Have a cost to it right I made it we’re in the mid knowledge what are you doing out there teach me great things are working on a little something extra to help the hero oh cute stone golems is that the same one we got these are Mossy though wow

Imagine that being in Minecraft automatically water your crops with a little Cobble Golem they are perfect they won’t be as friendly with the piglets I assure you that what are they water bottles okay going now I’m friends oh my God I wonder what other mobs you can craft spawners for

So what was that about I’m excited to join you but you’ll need a special resource to build them okay I’ve written the melody for you you’ll just need to build the right Improvement open your songbook add the Improvement gather ions your melodies this is where all the wonderful Melodies

You learn will be kept okay now go ahead and turn the pages turn them now choose the structure that improves a loot to play the iron Melody and the elas will build it for you okay enables gather alleys to collect iron each additional Improvement allows you to carry 150 more iron iron unlocks

Advanced structures and can be used to spawn grindstone golems and mossy Golems first upgrade guards plus 25 iron enables Village chest located for us and drives fire okay we need to put this down here great now go ahead and build your iron Improvement okay where do I put it near the

Improvement Hub said are these these ones oh there we go so we can customize that Hotbar okay that makes sense how much does this cost oh 100 of these beautiful this like here every new Melody your relationship with the alas grows okay this tune will help the mine iron for your building needs

And there you have it now you’ll be able to connect iron world and spawn these new friends whenever you need them okay great so now we’ve got an iron resource now that you have access to these you can use it to build all sorts of new structures

And new structures as well oh here we go something I know it a well house and a masonry again so how do I do these If We Gather iron gather Redstone but I need I’ll need a hundred of those uh so that was that was what we found before that was

Um diamond we found before right let’s go let’s go find some iron then I don’t know where it’s gonna be but we have to go find it we found some different resources but I don’t know where it is that’s speed wheat so we need to look

Out for this every time we go through this we get a boost which is nice I don’t really need that many resources either I just want to find iron I’ve got the stone in that I guess we could just gather whatever we want there you go some Stone we’ll reach Max anyway

Let’s find some iron this is diamond right how are we finding diamond before iron what is this ice oh it’s ice I thought it was like a cactus like a German Cactus right there’s a question mark here so I’m gonna head to that I think destroy a new

Type of piglet Outpost let’s make our way over and because we’re at Max Capacity we kind of need to we need some people to die I’m afraid so we can craft the new ones what is this I need to find out what this is can you find the piglets to

Come back after they’ll always finds a way to make it movable there’s also a chest right up there that I want to try and grab see what’s in it oh is this iron no where’s the iron at am I being dumb potentially let’s try and head up here really hard to get up

Here actually impossible Maybe by this gather from Stone I gather the stone let me see if it breaks the chest I need this I want to get up here you have to parkour it I think there’s a way to increase your jump height but I can’t remember how

Oh I’ve got myself stuck this is great news um gonna have to mind this now yo I’m stuck I’m genuinely stuck oh that’s what I get for exploring huh yo allies help me out buddy help me out you gotta take this out for me no resources to gather so I’m gonna have to

I broke it already I’m gonna have to fast travel to here oh I’m so dumb okay panic over let’s get back to what we were trying to do so it doesn’t actually destroy the blocks that makes sense wait this is coal okay there’s coal here

I need iron I don’t see none more coal I don’t even think there’s a coal upgrade is there oh God now boys let’s go come on Follow Me This Way those pigs don’t appreciate who’s in the bath with them pay them a visit and you’ll get a surprise

Why are we talking about boss oh what’s this hold up ah you’ve discovered an old friend of ours you two will get along nicely but we have to focus on the immediate figlin threat we’ll teach you a song to wake this Gollum up later assemble the first of Oak

All right I guess we’ll discover him at some point was that the question mark I think it was because we found that so that’s something we can do later improve Ally storage to carry more resources yo how I feel slightly lost right now is this

Where we need to go oh that’s far right that’s fast travel I can’t even fast travel to that this is Hope right we’re gonna go this way oh wait I found some iron let’s go okay so iron down there beautiful she gets a lot more right there’s Redstone over here as

Well Redstone over there for when we need it and now we’re in the jungle but what are those I can ride these guys The Beatles swap mounts yes I’m on a beetle what do the Beatles do I need to know beetles can climb anything there’s nowhere the piglets can hide oh it’s

Like strap spider skills that’s cool oh you’re slow though wow but can’t they like oh you can glide okay let me just read it we go to here what’s his key opens Pig Lin’s chest we haven’t done that yet there’s piglens overboard I don’t go to beetle brilliant Beetle’s a wrestling companion

If you want to reach the higher points they can climb up walls and cliffs okay so we haven’t really come across that yet though but how could I kind of want my horse back to be honest this this Beetle sucks a little bit it was my

Horse my horse is gone oh no here he is right we’re back on the horse let’s go for me scratched why are we scratching him you know calm down so our Beatles can go up the sides of mountains but I guess why would you need

To oh is that different oh it’s a turtle never mind we currently haven’t found somewhere that’s not uh we’re not able to get up so I guess that doesn’t make sense just yet bounce caps these are good I guess is where you can find chests and stuff it looks like there

Might be a a root up here yeah look how high you can jump jeez any chests that’s all I’m looking for right now chests only genuinely this is a really good way to get around though this combined with the beetle might be pretty good because you can glide I

Don’t have this many bounce caps with no chests right oh wait I see the piglet thing this is a big one this one’s huge or it looks at at least right let’s go now that you’ve got the hang of using the banner let’s try a few

More advanced oh no no Advance my brain specific commands to specific allies if you need just one type or even just one friend to get the job done in the heat of battle you’ll need to be ready for anything destroy all pigling structures in this Outpost uh hold RT for Banner View oh

Okay hold B hold to direct your nearby mobs to charge there we go holds oh so the charge is way better now old white syndrome mobs are focus on your target something feels different here pigland’s threat is changing but to what end is not yet clear to me okay this

Makes sense so we can send all our ranged mobs to here for example right oh but then I have to go and pick them up again yeah see I picked them up and then we can send I want to send just my plank Golems to charge

But ascending one hold it send all of them ah that makes way more sense because now we can send all these guys just to the buildings so the melee mobs are just gonna go over here okay that makes more sense right gather up everyone gather up gather up come

Here I want the dogs as well yoink don’t want the Beatles unless the Beatles are gonna smack some face all right let’s get out of here we’re gonna go and take this on they have pre-built Bridges I guess what else can we build now or we

Can build these we’ve got space for one Mossy Golem or grindstone let’s see what each of them does Brian Stone breakthrough large groups of low rank piglens mostly Golems use Healing Waters to heal the hero and the Allies that is worth let’s quickly grab one of those we

Want one of these here they cost iron oh God they’re here already we’re speaking to send everyone needs to go this way go everyone go that way now we’re going to spawn one of these in grab you okay this makes more sense it’s starting to make sense in my head now

Which it wasn’t doing earlier so we’ve got some heels we’ve got piglets to take out it’s like I got wings I swear you just glided we’re everyone this way let’s go yeah look he’s spraying the holy water let’s go so we want melee mobs to go oh my God to here then

The rest I guess in here yo this is looking a little bit crazy actually yeah we’re in trouble we’re in trouble move out move out move out I’m on fire I’m gonna die I need Healing Waters let’s go spawn another healer in because definitely UPS the ante can you spray me

With water please spray me up I need healing spray me oh it works thank you oh my God this is great doing they’re getting smacked up right I need everyone to come here then we’re going to send all our ranged ones to here I should have held it

Melee mobs over there the rest of the range ones are gonna stay with me we need to take out the buildings first if we can yes Yo this is oh they’re sporting loads okay at least we got the heels I need to make these make some more Cobblestone ones let’s go it’s another one of these we’re down a lot of guys all right I think we’re good let’s go back in oh let’s unlock this we can unlock this

First man there’s a lot to keep control of Keyboard I’m not too sure look at these right we want I think we want ranged mobs to focus Target on this so they should focus that Target now because we need to get that spawner to stop working because it’s obviously spawning way too many yes look at the water healing yeah that’s it

That’s what I’m talking about all right guys we need is that another spawner it is isn’t it we need to get all these to focus this is they’re gonna Focus that and we’re gonna Focus everyone else okay this is working much better there’s some guys on

The bottom I kind of don’t care right I’ll be right back I need to go and heal not heal I need to get some more resources you’re on fire sir let’s go get some of these guys let’s get another one of these because these are really good then the rest can just

Take down I feel like taking down the buildings are much better gotcha all right so let’s get all of these to Target this then everyone else get down here because they can heal as they’re smacking it up yeah that’s perfect I want all the Rings everyone else to go on this

So they can work on that well we’re taking these guys out sweet no Focus this Palace Focus this that’s it we’ll work on the rest yeah quick work and now we can focus all the mobs on this still making sense to me now and because they’ve got the healing going

They shouldn’t get too damaged but when they do get damaged we can just heal them up real nice yeah they go healing water dope right I’m not this you guys do that I’ll open this It’s done we crushed it right no we didn’t what where is everyone oh they’re over here see what I mean you just kind of leave the mode here when you think you’re doing stuff that’s so much frustrating thing so far now you don’t know where your guys are

If they finish doing their tasks that’s the thing I found most frustrated about the controls so far but now I’ve got targeted now we can Target things it’s way better let’s do this let’s go down here and I want every melee mob actually let’s get everyone to focus this we should be able

To take this down easy is that making sense to you guys hopefully making sense to me now you can send single mobs but I don’t know why you’d want to gun size had the Outpost done they’re celebrating yeah we’re good sweet okay why come here oh he’s mad who is this

See what I mean all the designs for this are really really cool [Applause] oh you corrupted that huh what did you corrupt it wait what was that that’s a block we ain’t seen before this animation is hilarious is this in the overlord now oh wait they’re blocking out the Sun despicable who oh this can’t be good I thought I was

Just getting the hang of it and now they’re busting this on us I want to use the creepers so badly first they poison the ground and now the sky our hero must see us through the darkness I will do my best okay find the pigment base creating this permanent night find it and stop it man okay now unfortunately guys this is where I have to stop it because I will give him the code early thanks to Mojang Microsoft whoever gave me the code thank you so

Much for giving me the code I greatly appreciate it but I have to stop here I’m under strict instructions so when the next part of the Embargo lifts I will be playing this I’m pretty sure I’m just gonna play it beginning to end like old school let’s play style that’s how I

Want to play it anyway so that’s what I’m gonna do hope you enjoyed it hopefully you’re excited for the game if you are then leave a like that’d be great appreciated subscribe if you’re brand new as well so you don’t miss out on the future episodes of this I’m

Excited it’s a lot to learn but I think we’re getting there thanks for watching guys I’ll see you next one bye

This video, titled ‘IS IT GOOD?! – Minecraft Legends Early Gameplay’, was uploaded by DanTDM on 2023-04-14 17:00:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

SUBSCRIBE PLS OR PIGLIN ATTACK Thanks to Microsoft for sending me the game! In this DanTDM gaming video, I play the …

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    Welcome to Chilltown! If you’re looking for a unique survival Minecraft experience, look no further than Chilltown. Our server enhances vanilla gameplay while maintaining that classic feel. With a focus on community, feedback, and player-driven decisions, Chilltown offers a relaxing environment to enjoy with friends. Here are some key features: Key Features: Custom World Temperature and Seasons Professions and Level-based Ranks Custom Mobs, Weapons, Tools, and Enchants Special Crafting Stations and Waystones for Teleportation Chunk-based Land Claiming System Non Pay to Win Come join us at and experience a new kind of Minecraft adventure! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Villagers in da Club

    “People say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but they clearly haven’t met a Minecraft player who just found a vein of diamonds!” Read More

  • Tier by Tier, I Conquer Minecraft Bedwars

    Tier by Tier, I Conquer Minecraft Bedwars In the world of Minecraft, I take my stand, Facing every tier, with a mic in my hand. From F to S, I battle with might, Crafting rhymes and beats, shining bright. F tier player, with ladders in hand, I take on the challenge, with a plan. Diving into the game, with a grin and a spin, Conquering each tier, with a win. Moving up to D tier, the challenge grows, But with cheeky strats, victory flows. C tier player, a tougher fight, But with skill and wit, I shine bright. B tier is next, the stakes are high,… Read More

  • Minecraft troll face meme: When you find diamonds but fall in lava 😂🔥

    Minecraft troll face meme: When you find diamonds but fall in lava 😂🔥 Why did the Minecraft troll face go to therapy? Because he couldn’t stop block-ing out his feelings! #blockheadhumor Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Free Palestine in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Free Palestine in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Free Palestine Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, UzeMing takes on the challenge of creating a portal like no other – the Free Palestine Portal. This portal holds a special significance, symbolizing solidarity with the people of Palestine amidst ongoing conflicts. Building the Portal To construct this unique portal, UzeMing gathers obsidian, flint, steel, sandstone, and green concrete. With meticulous planning, the portal takes shape with a size of 4×5. The intricate design includes sandstone and green concrete, culminating in a powerful symbol of support for Palestine. Exploring the Portal… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest updates from the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining the Minewind server. While watching a fun YouTube video about Minecraft animations, you may have felt a spark of inspiration to dive into the world of Minecraft yourself. The Minewind server offers a unique and thrilling experience for players of all ages and backgrounds. With a vibrant community, exciting gameplay features, and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination… Read More

  • Getting Revenge in Minecraft

    Getting Revenge in Minecraft Minecraft: Revenge for my dog 🌩️Minecraft: Revenge for my dog ⚡️ The Adventure Begins In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, you must seek revenge for your loyal companion, your dog. After a band of ruthless mobs attack and kidnap your beloved pet, you must embark on a dangerous journey through treacherous caves, dense forests, and towering mountains to rescue your furry friend. Danger Lurks Everywhere Armed with only your wits and a trusty pickaxe, you must navigate through a hostile world filled with dangerous creatures and deadly traps. Along the way, you will encounter helpful allies who will aid you… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Starter Base by HYPNOTIST 🔥🏠

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Starter Base by HYPNOTIST 🔥🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Amazing starter base .🔥🤯🏠🔥. #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by HYPNOTIST R* on 2024-04-23 15:02:29. It has garnered 6536 views and 154 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Terrifying Curse Unleashed in Minecraft! #19

    Terrifying Curse Unleashed in Minecraft! #19Video Information Oke dengan cahaya-cahaya gelap gini gua aduh du du gua gua rada takut sih kalau kalau kayak gini guys Aduh gelap banget eh Pusing aduh no playing lagi itu ada apa aduh ada sapi Aduh no playing lagi aduh du du Kenapa gini guys jujur aja Gua sebenarnya bisa guys ya untuk lanjut explore tapi di sini gua pusing cuy karena ini layarnya ini kayak Hitam Putih Hitam Putih gini guys jadi jadi pusing tahu aduh Gua sebenarnya bisa guys lanjut explore ya tapi gak bisa guys Ini gua bikin pusing tahu aduh duh ini kenapa gini ya… Read More

  • Unleashing the Beast in Minecraft! 🔥 #Shorts

    Unleashing the Beast in Minecraft! 🔥 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘1k #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Beast thor19 on 2024-01-12 15:12:33. It has garnered 13287 views and 277 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Ice House Build Tutorial – Must Watch!

    EPIC Minecraft Ice House Build Tutorial - Must Watch!Video Information Minecraft cave houses are cool but what if you take the concept A step further and make one in a glacier this is how it could look I wanted this house to be usable in survival so I dug it seven blocks deep to have enough space using easy to get materials is crucial in survival that’s why I used Oak Planks on the floor the walls followed a similar process but I decided to splurge a little on those fancy Spruce logs and I made sure to connect the pattern on the back wall as well this… Read More

IS IT GOOD?! – Minecraft Legends Early Gameplay