iskall85 – I got OVERPOWER – Episode 42 – Minecraft Modded (Vault Hunters)

Video Information

Well hello there would you like to come to my dining party we’re having Vault Crystal ingredients oh I just I just farted do you wanna know something that really sucks like really really really sucks toothache and I’ve had a terrible toothache for the past six days go to the dentist you may

Say well I called the dentist and they they’re like well we have a time in two and a half weeks and I was like okay well I I guess I guess I’ll be in pain till then today however it’s actually quite bearable luckily but that is part

Of the reason why it has been a while since the last episode because recording a video with toothache is just uh not very fun anyway hello episode 42 the answer to life the universe and everything number toothache isn’t the only reason I haven’t had a video in a

While I am also extremely busy at the moment with the development of Walt Hunters 118 and I am happy to announce for the first time ever an actual date Vault Hunter’s SMP will launch November 5th on Twitch the app originally it was supposed to be end of October but

There’s actually something else coming up end of October that I didn’t want to collide with so with that in mind we decided to do the weekend after which is November 5th now the pack will not be publicly available on November 5th because I want to leave it a week or two

To catch the nastiest bugs so that when you create a new 118 world you don’t have like massive region failures one week into your play time realistically the pack will be available and hopefully somewhat bug free by mid to end November it’s gonna be great I am so excited for

You all to see what we’ve done so don’t don’t miss the launch fault Hunter SMP on November 5th anyway since last time we did have the stream day and unfortunately I don’t have any footage available from that Stream So if you do want to check out the vote I’ll put a

Link Down Below in the description but I’ll tell you already now that I became the champion and I haven’t looked at this Champion crate I just had it in my inventory now when I looked back on to my world here before I get to that though I want to address something that

I saw in the comments my terrible math skills hundreds of people pointed out that if I do this with this weight I essentially have set the average to 11. the XP multiplier average so what I’m gonna do to address that is that I’m gonna add two more fives and one more

One and now the average should be well far left I should actually calculate this one moment 77 divided by 9 is 8.5 oh that’s still very high hmm I may get rid of the 20 then that would make the average be 7.1 but then I could replace it for another one

That means to get the average you’re going to do 58 divided by 9 which is 6.4 yes I’m happy with that so I could still get the Omega Run the 10 time run but most likely I’m gonna get a one or a five thank you all for pointing out that

Little flaw in my mathematical brain and now hello no and now Champion crate look at this Beast oh I actually got a mystery stew I think that’s pretty rare right let’s get all of this out and all of this that’s a gold there and 28 Silver that’s a lot of currency did I

Get any tier twos um no no tier twos just here once and none of them were extraordinary five Catalyst fragments is nice and 18 star Essence oh that was a thing in the Stream day I actually got quite a lot of star Essence let me have a look I have

To remind myself since I’ve been away from my world for a few for a few days here for these three star charts wait a minute that’s five knowledge points I need six for my mining Gadget unlock which is gonna give me a laser that I desperately oh that is I am so close

Actually I’m very very close anyway let’s get my trophy out I did it in 425 I shall put it here and then put my candle back nice and then my unidentified artifact and the challenge Crystal please be something good uh uh it’s terrible wow that is the challenge crystals of

Challenging raging with a hundred percent extra damage and then 30 mob sporting around me that looked Walt that’s also destructive and requires 10 obelisks it’s one of the one of the hardest crystals to do out of all the challenge crystals I’m not gonna do that anytime

Soon I don’t even know if I’ll ever do it now in regards of the artifact I just remembered I saved the top of the top the creme de La Creme from the stream day in this very chest and something very Omega happened this happened I actually got an artifact

Again sorry I don’t have any footage from the stream day but do check out the mod if you want to see me get it live and and that means that I have two unidentified artifacts this is the I’m free I feel very powerful on top of this

Shelter box before I open them I also just want to flex that I got the treasure key I bought that from the soul charge shop I got an acceleration chip and another seal of the architect which is gotta be my favorite types of walls the bill of alt are just so very strong

And a new treasure key means that I can go treasure room hunting once again it’s a sparkle team key right I gotta identify these art facts to the Fort I go because I still haven’t moved my artifact well I can’t believe that I got a dupe already anyway this ought to be

Exciting this is what I wish I was better at editing so I could add like a cool drum roll here goes artifact number one please don’t be a dupe it’s it’s not a dupe oh and this is actually an artifact that is drawn to resemble my base from the very first Legacy

Playthrough of Vault Hunters very nice okay second artifact please don’t be a dupe it’s not a dupe yes two new fresh artifact look look at my son Tabo hello there Tabo two new fresh artifacts brilliant as the owner of two brand new artifacts I deserve some shopping

Totally logical I do believe that I have some star Essence to purchase and seeing how I’m very close to my goal not that skill Essence seeing how I’m very close to the lasers I want to make sure that I have bought all the star Essence I can

And was that actually it I thought when I was scrolling through that I had a lot more than just two but nope that that looks to be it for stars and six six more Essence I mean it’s still something I might just as well buy some Vault gear

Items as well a big plus Scrappy plus oh wow that was that was terrible I get a tier two please nope doesn’t look like it okay this is this is just bad now I’m not getting edit there too come on I’m running out of gold here I think I

Bought them all now yep I bought them all let’s see if I get lucky oh slowness immunity with four levels yeah that’s definitely a keeper may also keep a mining fatigue immunity one it’s always good to have immunities by the way I apparently got to show a tier 2 helmet

In the last episode I think I may have made a cut mistake it was garbage anyway I think I’ve already disposed of it I’m starting to stack up on a lot of Trader cores that are either sold out or not good enough for purchase so I gotta make

A new cryo chamber which means that I have to break down some gems luckily I do have a healthy supply of oars or 21 perfume 25 sparkleton and 15 tub all of these from Seven oars each that’s a that’s a massive difference there anyway that is great because then I can create

A new POG and a new baby maker I mean cryo chamber how about a little Hopper mechanic for this one since I have a full shulky box of a trainer course I’m just gonna pop these two in goodbye Tabo goodbye goodbye myself and then I can

Put this here and that should no uh I think it needs to be on the lower block try this again yes there it goes automatic although I am gonna get some Pandora’s boxes from this one I probably need to hang around and make sure they don’t despawn in the meantime though

Soul Shop nothing extraordinary in here I should say that I did spend Soul charts to buy that treasure key I may have said that earlier on the stream day oh wow the Pandora’s boxes keep coming in nine Pandora’s boxes now quick reminder Pandora’s boxes for the most

Part are not great but they can contain oh they can contain some very good stuff better than World gear actually that’s nether right that’s kelp Catalyst fragments a pug there’s actually a pug I just got a pog I I got a Pog okay what else anything no nothing nothing’s better POG though a

Pug is huge the gear not so great success however I am lion let’s head with this kind of weird I should also clean up and smell down some statues there are quite a few things to manage in Vault Hunters 43 percent not bad now with all of these

Things taken care of how about those lasers I mean the icon is literally a pickaxe but but yes this is this unlocks the mining laser well I am going to need exactly 46 more star essence if my math is correct and that is going to be the goal of today unfortunately

Though I have zero crystals and my recipe requires a lot of chicken now during the stream day I actually hello there then I actually took the liberty to create a little chicken farm hello there baby chickens do you want to grow up to be healthy big big chickens I love

Twerker it’s it’s a great it’s a great tattoo oh I should I should probably take my magnet off here but this thing is hooked up directly to my refined storage system so hopefully I have produced a bit of raw chicken yes 475 that is that is great news because the

Farm itself is actually terribly slow so actually afk’d a little bit after the stream day and and that seems to have been enough then all I need to complete this one is Underside which I do not have enough of and I need need one thousand four hundred and fifty three

Undersides to be precise for the record I think this started off with something like 7 000 undersides so it’s really drained all of my supplies oh oh actually one of the statues did generate the underside well that is great news then all I need is 497 Underside okay I

Can do that and as a quick reminder Quark changes the way Underside and granite and diorite spawns so in modern terrain Underside spawns only in forest biomes but it does spawns in mega large chunks now I don’t actually know if it respects modded Forest so I’m just gonna

Head to vanilla first and this is a vanilla first although it’s very very small and I forgot torches oh all I gotta do though is find one Underside vein and I should be set and that is an Underside vein great success 1200 Underside in no time at all that is

Actually more than I need now a little while ago I crafted up this warp Stone I can’t remember if I did that off camera it’s very very handy-ary and it takes me back without placing a new a new Waypoint it was quite expensive though but definitely worth it when going out

On these mining Expeditions anyway take my Underside crystal is done great success now I do like to see my next recipe before going into this world oh are you kidding me another Underside heavy Crystal but apart from that this is actually very very doable if I have

The rotten flesh that is and I do okay so in my next Vault I shouldn’t just focus on Stars since I should also focus on undersight compressed undersight it’s time to get dressed for Success well I should probably actually repair my Flamingo oh and I can use this new Idol

Which is absolutely the incredible seven extra help look at all those hearts I think I’m okay with running this world random the goal is 46 star assets which is probably not going to be possible in in one Vault but to get as close as possible to the 46

Star Essence I’m nervous I haven’t run a vault in over a week oh actually before I go in I gotta do this I got a white one so that’s one I gotta set the multiplier to one game rule Vault XP multiplier one I should really get my

Admin to come in and install some command block buttons for this I’ll try and do that in between episodes alright well here I go resilient luckier safe Zone oh that’s huge okay sales on is great so this is basically perfect for excuse me oh I should equip I should

Equip my luck chest plate why are you not opening chest there we go this is uh probably perfect for my uh for my task here which is to get the star Essence wait something is wrong with my tanks why are they not picking stuff up or did

I forget a tank oh I don’t have time to spend on doing this I think I may have forgot the Dank anyway I just gotta I’m just gonna keep keep looting I don’t know what’s wrong with all of those extra items oh what village room please get lucky this would be the perfect

World nope nope nope I don’t have time for a crystal room I don’t care about obelisks I just want to loot oh this is some pretty glass though I think this is a very little structure another Village will it be luckier this time nope I don’t feel like I’m doing

Great so far I’ve been skipping a lot of rooms to find oh oh never mind everything never mind everything this is absolutely brilliant absolutely ridiculously brilliant I’m probably gonna end up spending the rest of the walls in here and you know what I’m gonna be a little bit smarter I’m gonna

Take Mr gank and I’m gonna put these two things in there so that all the sand will go into Mr gank and the first thing I dig up is a giant trap and the second thing is also a trap dang it there are so many mobs absolutely everywhere I still haven’t found a

Single treasure but Paxton is also about to break everything is sort of really dangerous here oh what am I doing come on yes that’s my first treasure and because I’ve saved song there will be no explosions no nothing and that is absolutely fantastic [Applause] this is

Worst dick site I’ve ever seen so far hopefully it gets better Axel yep goodbye Paxil this is so satisfying I am getting a little bit crowded though really annoying that I forgot one dank if that’s what happened I assume so oh that’s bombing night wait this doesn’t have silk touch oh no

Okay oops pressure half a treasure foreign [Applause] this is crazy I’ve only found like four treasures though it’s been very unlucky yeah that’s another wow it’s another trap do I have another Paxil because otherwise I should probably stop I do I do have one more okay this room eats magnets and paxils or

There may be one more treasure here it’s also a track okay there’s one there’s one and it’s a big one oh I see a little bit of a treasure here as well nice oh that’s so satisfying oh there’s a key piece 10 minutes I’ve spent in this room now and I honestly

Think that I’ve got most if not all of the treasures I have destroyed two paxils and three magnets as well and this room was actually there was a lot of fake Treasures as in just Bunches of spawners but yep it looks like it looks like I got all the treasures oh no

I did all of that without my luck playing I I swear I equipped the luck chest plate oh no dang it that’s uh that’s not the greatest ever to be honest but oh well okay can’t do anything about that time to move on I still have a healthy eight minutes to

Utilize the safe Zone and and luckier and this time I’m definitely equipping my luck chest babe I can’t believe that I’m sure I equipped it at the beginning of This Waltz I see another Village room I get lucky nope oh I completely forgot that I should look for compressed undersides as

Well oh and here’s another Village room I’ve had quite a few Village rooms actually in this Vault see if this one is the winner nope okay I’m out oh you gotta be kidding me with 350 remaining there’s a puzzle room okay let’s see what I can do here this would

Be great to open and that’s a lot of Epic but yes I can do this I can actually do this okay quickly that’s that’s actually an incredible amount of Epic three four five but it is it is a luckier and save some walls so this is definitely worth it oh What a Feeling

Great success two equal gems right there I wish I didn’t forget my I actually didn’t forget that tank have I said that before I wonder if I have a little bit of time to greet some of these chests as well 145 remaining I should probably try and

Head for the exit oh but maybe maybe I have time to do this real quick yes a favor hopefully my exit should be to the left here if I’ve passed this Vault correctly yes perfect agreed a few more chests in this room remember what the poster says breed is good although very scary

Okay I think I got most of them I am out whoo up and there’s my missing dank I presume hello there Jimmy luckily I had my trusted crate 27 bootax shards is great than the two Echo gems obviously brilliant as well wait I already have 327 mystery boxes I think I bought a

Full stack inside this Vault I also got a bit of Vault care but it looks like not a single one it’s a tier two oh my goodness regeneration trousers as in they give me regeneration when equipped also inside the vaults I would actually regen from wearing these trousers Unfortunately

They are tier one and and they’re pretty pretty bad but as I’ve said before I can later in the game pull that regeneration off and hopefully put it on other trousers so that’s actually a very good pickup the rest of this is one night vision Helm I’ll save that

One too the rest of it is not that great I also got a very healthy amount of statues an incredibly healthy amount of statues and Trader cores and this reminds me I desperately need to take one of my new houses down downtown and create a statue room for now though foreign

Trader that’s huge and something I’m definitely holding on to until I got tier two gear at least these were garbage so give me Pandora’s boxes please oh one mod box a box in a box where did it go stop stealing my boxes Johnny a frame drawer is that really all that

Was okay that’s uh I was pretty terrible alright now for the big question how did I do with star Essence 29 oh you know what that’s that’s not bad for one volt that’s actually really I’m really really happy with that 29 is great but it ain’t

46. I need 17 more so hello there andersite ah that actually took quite some time to do oh it’s so nice when you throw something out from a tank it just Auto throws everything out 1 500 rotten flesh a poisonous potato and a little bit of

Iron makes for a great stew I mean Crystal nice all right here I go again and this time I did bring Jimmy I also made an extra Paxil and I repaired my magnets everything should be hopefully with me oh and actually I also have to do this once again oh no it’s another

White so I don’t have to change anything it’s one once again here I go please be a good vault Speedy’s Super Lucky Super Lucky that’s a tier three tired and difficult scavenger Vault lots of different things to scavenge I don’t think I’m actively gonna look for that but rather just zoom through this

Vault and loot every chest I can oh but mining fatigue actually really sucks I should have brought I should have brought the mining fatigue Idol just in case because this is Omega slow oh yeah I should probably open the chest and cue things out Super Lucky though it’s plus

Three luck that’s an incredible modifier and I think this may be the first time I’ve got it in this world anyway zoom time oh a mine in a mining fatigue vault mad I I have not seen a man in a very long time this is a great room but it’s

Not gonna help me get knowledge but honestly despite the mining fatigue I gotta try and profit a little bit at least from this room because it is very very rare Echo wow okay time to move on beautiful oh yes this is a good room give me all

Of the Gilded chests in the sewers there’s literally none that’s funny [Applause] hello there you’re having issues swimming eh that is my second Echo gem I think in this world oh actually that was a it was a pretty good enchanted book ah no just sharpness that’s my third Echo gem what

All of a sudden just got echoed out of out of my mind the last Vault had like six Village rooms this Vault I haven’t seen a single Village room unless wait a minute is that could it be no that’s not a villager over there oh

But there is a village room to the other side of where I looked brilliant I think I’m at the point where oh there’s a port there’s two portals that’s crazy okay there are so many more Super please help me out this just got extremely toxic very quickly okay I

Don’t have time don’t have time for them there are two portals down here wow five minutes to go I think I have a good idea of where I am in the world I think I’m pretty close to home so this is this is potentially great success uh the mining fatigue really sucks though

Come on yes and go double Omega Chester by the way that’s one portal room down this is amazing this is absolutely amazing hey I’m out of here with two portal rooms and the sewers I feel like I must have I must have found enough now I just

Gotta find my way back home did I make a mistake in my pathing I think I did foreign I feel sick this is one hour later because I just I just had to step away my poor heart hmm I don’t think I’ve ever been that close to dying without actually dying

That was terrifying specifically since I was in the right room the last minute I just messed up the where we’re home was I just passed it twice anyway like I said I had to take a break my poor heart had to rest now that Waltz should have yielded quite

A bit of ores yes I mean not a massive amount but definitely a good amount the big question though is did I get I don’t even remember now 17 oh oh wait did I is that hold on wait yes okay wait that is exact no no I did miscount I am

Terrible with math I know that I’m terrible with math but I miscounted in the wrong way so so that’s that’s fine that’s good okay six six knowledge Stars three four five six yes and then yes knowledge Stars great success this is a big investment but I have actually never unlocked mining

Gadgets in My Vault Hunter playthroughs and from what I’ve seen it’s very powerful I’m gonna change and actually I did get a handful of loot to double as well oh there are some tattoos here three tier twos oh and the chest plate does not look Scrappy anyway tier

One first anything super special nope oh eight Armor 3 Health Scrappy with three levels that already beats well my Flamingo isn’t beaten per se because it does have fire resistance but in terms of base stats yeah this chest plate comes very close okay what about the non-scrappy one

Uh boys it’s so terrible it does have thorns though which is a new tier 2 thing but it’s uh it’s it’s very bad sword oh a rare sword so if sharpness 5 adds three damage this is actually 15.3 I’m gonna wait with a sword though because I want to check out

Mining gadgets it’s a mod that comes with three different lasers and I think they’re all actually the same they’re just visually different and the good thing is is that they’re actually fairly cheap to make don’t know which one I like better maybe the MK2 so all I need

Is one of these and then I can make the mk21 oh yes not a problem it looks like a little God I think the third one is a big rifle and that’s the one that I’ve seen but I’m happy with I’m happy with this one and then I need to make a

Modification table and I’ve actually never really played around with this mod so a lot of this is new to me but I think it’s pretty straightforward the modification table allows me to install upgrades and change my laser which is going to be important because the default laser I don’t think it’s very

Good but I can build things like Silk Touch void junk that may be super powerful magnet allows for 3×3 mining radius yes let’s do that one as well I need another pickaxe hmm range upgrades there are three different of these and I assume that I’m gonna want all through oh wait

Do I upgrade I’m confused can I put a tier one and a tier 3 in let’s let’s find out laser go in there and then tier one and history no okay so I gotta choose so I choose the tier three and then I’ll put all of these other things in every upgrade is

Going to from what I understand make it so it costs more energy to mine and there’s also a battery upgrade that I should make but apparently I’m completely out of quartz batteries here one tier two and tier three nice that just added 10 million storage power to to my my mining laser

And then there are efficiency upgrades as well apply sufficiency yes we are gonna need that too and I don’t see a reason to not make the highest tier there we go and oh look at it it’s it’s on the table very very very pew pew all right so now all I’ve got to

Do is uh charge this thing down to the then I go and I think yeah I think I can charge it in this thing I actually don’t have that much power store 1 million and this can hold 10 million I may have to look at the upgrading my power system now that I

Have a laser it depends on how much it drains okay that’s enough for now I need the power to be able to access my items 1.1 million inside the laser nice let’s try it out in the modern lands so I don’t destroy anything important Okay so that’s very satisfying it should be that

Is so cool now how do I make it mine in a three by three oh also if I shift click I get oh wow check this out that’s very very ridiculous okay what if I vein mine with it avoiding most of the blocks when I do

This a bit of a incompatibility with the vein Miner but if I want to clear out the area very quickly that’s just ridiculous that is just absolutely ridiculous oh and actually I think I’m on an older version of Walter’s because that bug right there I think that’s fixed in the latest version

Of the pack and it filters I assume that’s the void junk so if I just put like dirt in here is it just gonna it’s just not gonna give me dirt if I mine dirt oh wait a minute Whitely so right now it’s avoiding everything buttered oh

Wow that is so powerful almost a little bit too powerful hello I’ve got a laser check this out it’s an it’s your new house okay I’m not gonna I’m not gonna hurt you I just wanted to make you a house this is gonna be extremely powerful inside the vaults

I’ve got laser now wait a minute actually I’ve got lasers now yes that sounds a lot better and I look fantastic anyway we are unfortunately out of video time for today and that’s kind of sad because I can’t wait to try out my new lasers plural inside a vault although I don’t

Actually think that the one in the open works oh it may actually work in the oven wait oh wow uh I I probably prefer an idol though to be honest I really hope that you enjoyed today’s episode it definitely did hurt my heart a little

Bit but it was all great fun anyway if you did enjoy the video please do hit the like button down below and if you’re brand new because subscribing and I will see you in the next episode

This video, titled ‘I got OVERPOWER – Episode 42 – Minecraft Modded (Vault Hunters)’, was uploaded by iskall85 on 2022-10-11 17:00:16. It has garnered 365281 views and 23573 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds.

I got OVERPOWER – Episode 42 – Minecraft Modded (Vault Hunters) Iskall gets lasers, minecraft mining lasers (of doom). And it turns out they are completely overpowered.

Stream Day Vod:

MERCH RESTOCKED! Check it out! Any purchase made on the VH shop will help development costs for VH 1.18!

Patch Notes here

Vault Hunters is a modpack currently in Open Beta. It is unique in that it focuses on action rpg style gameplay as well as all the classic Minecraft elements, with over 2.1 billion different chestplates, swords, idols and more, the pack features a never-before-seen depth!

Find out how to download and install Vault Hunters yourself and play along with iskall: || to install!

Download my pregenned Vanilla world (5GB): Second link if the first one doesnt work:

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the top 3 easy ways to add a mini-map in Minecraft PE. But before we dive into that, let’s take a moment to appreciate the endless possibilities and adventures that Minecraft has to offer. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, adding a mini-map to your Minecraft PE experience can take your gameplay to the next level. Imagine never getting lost again, always knowing where your friends are, and exploring new territories with… Read More

  • Unleash The True Gingershadow in MINECRAFT! EP. 2 Dungeon Break

    Unleash The True Gingershadow in MINECRAFT! EP. 2 Dungeon BreakVideo Information This video, titled ‘A DUNGEON BRAKE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 2’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-04-12 20:00:11. It has garnered 10363 views and 479 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:55 or 1855 seconds. Solo Leveling Dungeons & Dragons (On Vod Channel) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – A DUNGEON BRAKE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 2 #SoloLeveling #MinecraftSoloLeveling #SoloLevelingMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon (Minecraft… Read More

  • Dangerous Game: BAD X WARRIORZ

    Dangerous Game: BAD X WARRIORZVideo Information This video, titled ‘never try this game💀(@badxwarriorZ6526)#yttrending #horrorgames#viral #moyemoye#minecraft’, was uploaded by BAD X WARRIORZ on 2024-04-18 05:14:10. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:50 or 410 seconds. #yttrending #shortvideoviral #shortvideo #minecraft #viral #carparkingmultiplayer #howtoviralshortvideo #memoryreboot #moyemoye #myyearonyoutube20 That sounds thrilling! In your game, are you exploring haunted locations, using ghost-hunting equipment, or solving mysteries about the spirits you encounter? Ah, I see! So, you’re looking for a game that combines the intensity of being an exorcist with the atmospheric fear of phasmophobia. That would make for a truly spine-tingling… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft World Tour: 15000 Days in Hoef!

    INSANE Minecraft World Tour: 15000 Days in Hoef!Video Information This video, titled ‘15000 Days Minecraft World Tour’, was uploaded by Hoef on 2024-03-14 17:00:06. It has garnered 11009 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:04 or 2344 seconds. We finally did it! 15000 days in my Solo Survival world! With entire towns, massive decorated farms, and much more, all in one big video! I hope you enjoy! Build inspirations: Villager trading hall by fWhip: Custom birch forest by fWhip: Austrian village house by Bdouble0100: Hall of fame by linkzzey’s hardcore world: Build designs: Custom oak trees by MrMattRanger:… Read More

  • Lemon OP TikTok Hack Viral Video😱 | #MinecraftShorts

    Lemon OP TikTok Hack Viral Video😱 | #MinecraftShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tiktok hacks 😱| #minecraftshorts #shorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by Lemon OP on 2024-01-06 03:07:02. It has garnered 8 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. 🔸ABOUT ME :- Hi Guys! This channel is made for gaming 🎮 In this channel you’ll be able to see gaming videos and so much fun too 😄 Subscribe to see all of this 😊 💠 Instagram 📷 :- Your quires minecraft build hack, minecraft build hacks on bedrock, minecraft create mod above and beyond, minecraft mod create above… Read More


    EPIC FREE VIP SKYBLOCK SERVER with CHALLENGES & DUNGEONSVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT: SERVIDOR de SKYBLOCK ONLINE com VIP GRÁTIS, DESAFIOS e DUNGEONS para MINECRAFT PIR4TA’, was uploaded by Alisonsz on 2024-04-24 16:19:02. It has garnered 587 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:34 or 214 seconds. #skyblock #minecraft #minecraft server the server recently opened has several active players, sweepstakes and events every day! MINECRAFT JAVA – VERSION: 1.8 to 1.20 IP: DISCORD: video recorded and edited by: @MrLuizBR1 Tags: skyblock server, skyblock server, minecraft skyblock server, minecraft skyblock server, pirated skyblock servers, skyblock br server, brazilian skyblock server, pirated skyblock br… Read More

  • Insane Fireboost Viper Gameplay! 🔥🎮 #Shorts

    Insane Fireboost Viper Gameplay! 🔥🎮 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘#Shorts #minecraft#mine #valorant #subscribers #minecraftmeme #punju #fyp #bgmiindia #pubg#viral#bts’, was uploaded by Fireboost_viper on 2024-05-04 06:32:58. It has garnered 407 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. #minecraft #tiktok #enderman #mine #craft #animation #Minecraft, #Daily, #Short, #Funny, #Cute, #Relatable, #Tiktok, #Aesthetic, #Minecraft, #Cute, #Funny, #Short, #Videos, #Daily, #minecraftdeutsch, #deutsch #funny #minecraft, #minecraft #hindi, #minecraftespanol, #espanol #mrbeast, #top10, #hot #minecraft, #cute #minekraft, #cute #minceraft, #2b2t, #gommehd, #minekraft #shorts, #minecraft #shorts, #gaming, #fortniteminecraft, #minecraftfortnite, #warzone, #Monsterschool, #Enderman, #creeper,#pig, #nether, #sky, #beauty, #crafting, #cutebuilds, #Minecraftsongs, #Cuteminecraft #Cuteminecraftsongs, #Minecraftbetterfortnite #hola #minecraft #minecraftmemes… Read More

  • Jurard T Rexford: EPIC Minecraft Reveal!!!

    Jurard T Rexford: EPIC Minecraft Reveal!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】It’s been a while’, was uploaded by Jurard T Rexford Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-04-30 12:06:38. It has garnered 18505 views and 1760 likes. The duration of the video is 06:46:24 or 24384 seconds. WE’RE BACK IN THE MINES!! AGAIN!! Thumbnail art by: Thank you for the Minecraft skin!! This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions ( Big thank you to Xwitter user Beeturle for the widdle gremlin animation! BECOME AN HONORAWRY SORAWRITY MEMBER NOW!!! JOIN JOIN JOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Birthday Merchandise can… Read More

  • Tornn – Insane 360 Combo in 500ms! 🔥 #PvP #Minecraft

    Tornn - Insane 360 Combo in 500ms! 🔥 #PvP #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘360 Combo On 500ms #mcbe #minecraft #pvp #mcpvp#zeqa #combos #bedrock #freshsumo #shorts’, was uploaded by Tornn on 2024-05-13 23:00:25. It has garnered 473 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Song: I dunno it’s non copyright Kb: Wooting 60he M: Kone Pro Dpi: 800 Sens: 30 Cps: 14-16 butterfly Fov: 80 altered on Keybinds in bio sub Read More

  • Ultimate Lamborghini Showdown – Noob vs Pro vs Hacker!

    Ultimate Lamborghini Showdown - Noob vs Pro vs Hacker!Video Information This video, titled ‘Noob vs Pro vs hacker Lamborghini 🚗 #shorts #viralshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by JCB AGRI TECH on 2024-02-20 10:03:36. It has garnered 167 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. subscribe to my channel 👍 for new video of Minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker vs god house minecraft short noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft new short @TechnoGamerzOfficial @Technoblade @nrVids @minecraft… Read More

  • Nebula Wars Semi-Vanilla – LIVEMAP ANTI-P2W SMP

    Welcome to Nebula Wars! Tired of overly-complicated and Pay-To-Win Minecraft survival servers? Well, Nebula Wars is your best bet! We are a Semi-Vanilla survival server created to bring the feel of classic survival servers, taking a step away from the nonsense of most modern-day survival servers. Features: Skills you can level up, and achieve powerful stats and abilities! Jobs you can gain money from participating in! Create Player Shops with the ChestShop and plugins! A real-time map of the server world you can view! Bounties you can claim from killing other players! Obtain Spawners with a Silk Touch Pickaxe! …and… Read More

  • SpeedwaCraft

    Plunge into the world of legendary anime “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure” in an equally legendary game Minecraft.- They’re waiting for you here favorite characters, unique stands the number of which continues to increase.- Incredible story mode line with voice acting and exciting battles, as well as unforgettable atmosphere.- Explore Features of the art of jamon and become a master of this technique, or go to side of vampirism and gain easy-to-learn but useful skills for survival or battle.- Unique achievementsthe ability to create any outfits for your character and more, the ability to upload to records any music and even create… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Plop Goes the Creeper”

    Minecraft Memes - "Plop Goes the Creeper"Looks like that meme made quite the splash with a score of 906! Plop! Read More

  • Hardcore Farming: 5 Farms for the Ultimate End | TRONY

    Hardcore Farming: 5 Farms for the Ultimate End | TRONY In Minecraft Hardcore, I’m on a quest, To create the ultimate end farm, I must confess. Five different farms, each with a unique twist, Building and crafting, my skills put to the test. From sugarcane to iron, all resources in play, Every block placed with care, no time to delay. The end farm awaits, a challenge so grand, But with determination, I’ll conquer this land. Join me on this journey, as I build and explore, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity soars. Subscribe for more hardcore gaming delight, And together, we’ll conquer every fight. So come along, let’s… Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME: HOT DIGGITY DOG Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • EPIC FAIL: Trying Viral Minecraft Hack

    EPIC FAIL: Trying Viral Minecraft Hack The Viral Build Hack in Minecraft: Exploring New Possibilities 🌟 Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft as players dive into the latest viral build hack that has taken the gaming community by storm. From challenging tasks to exciting discoveries, this Minecraft adventure promises endless fun and creativity. Unveiling the Viral Build Hack 🏗️ Discover the secrets behind the viral build hack that has captured the attention of Minecraft enthusiasts worldwide. Unleash your imagination and explore new ways to construct impressive structures with this innovative technique. Key Features: Minecraft Challenge: Test your skills and creativity with… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner UHC Pro on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Unleash Your Inner UHC Pro on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and tips for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “How to become UHC pro Short and Easy Way {No one Knows about This}” that got us thinking – what if there was a Minecraft server where players could truly test their skills and become the ultimate PVP pro? Enter Minewind, the most intense and challenging Minecraft server out there. With a hardcore survival experience, unique gameplay mechanics, and a thriving community of dedicated players, Minewind offers a one-of-a-kind gaming experience that will push… Read More

  • Automating Andesite Age in Minecraft Mod

    Automating Andesite Age in Minecraft Mod Automating the Andesite Age in Minecraft Create Mod In a thrilling Minecraft Create 1.20.1 adventure, Stam1o has successfully automated the entire Andesite Age! This feat showcases the creativity and ingenuity of players within the Minecraft community. Let’s delve into the exciting details of this remarkable achievement. Automating Andesite Production Stam1o’s automation journey began with the creation of an impressive Andesite farm, thanks to the guidance provided by LegendCraftB_. By utilizing the innovative features of the Create Mod, Stam1o was able to streamline the production of Andesite, a crucial resource in the game. Modpack and Resources The success of this… Read More

  • Epic Quest: Finding the Undying Heart! Minecraft Hexxit II

    Epic Quest: Finding the Undying Heart! Minecraft Hexxit IIVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Need An Undying Heart!!! ◆ Minecraft: Hexxit II’, was uploaded by Avernon on 2024-05-09 12:08:39. It has garnered 43 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:56:03 or 14163 seconds. We Do Gaming, Podcasting, Streams, and More! So Why Not Subscribe!!! All My Links Are Right Here: ◆ Discord: ◆ LinkTree: ◆ Patreon: ◆ Late Time Talks Spotify: ◆ Zach’s Basement Spotify: ◆ Instagram: ◆ Tik Tok: Read More

  • Adding Blood Sheep to Hardcore World

    Adding Blood Sheep to Hardcore WorldVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Added the BLOOD SHEEP to his Hardcore World’, was uploaded by Doni Bobes on 2024-05-14 21:00:00. It has garnered 227468 views and 8505 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:58 or 3358 seconds. If you see a Blood Sheep… Delete your Minecraft World w/ Doni Bobes – Minecraft Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure! In this thrilling episode, my friends and I face off against the terrifying Blood Sheep! 🐑💉 Join us as we explore the eerie landscapes infested with these menacing mobs, strategize and build epic defenses to keep ourselves safe, and… Read More

  • EPIC ASMR Hardcore Survival with Danley Tonkin!

    EPIC ASMR Hardcore Survival with Danley Tonkin!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Survival 1.20.6 Ambience ASMR’, was uploaded by Danley Tonkin on 2024-05-08 11:12:02. It has garnered 47 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:45 or 6345 seconds. playing some minecraft in 1.20.4, Minecraft Hardcore Survival 1.20.6 Read More

  • Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse in OMOCITY! Minecraft Madness

    Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse in OMOCITY! Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best of Zombie Apocalypse In OMOCITY!! I MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Jey Jey on 2024-03-06 08:03:00. It has garnered 191832 views and 3181 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:34 or 3574 seconds. Maizen,cash,nico Parody Maizen Tagalog Best of Zombie Apocalypse In OMOCITY!! I MINECRAFT FOR SPONSORSHIP AND COLLABORATION : [email protected] Minecraft Minecraft Pocket Edition Minecraft Bedrock Omocraft Minecraft Tagalog Oneblock Minecraft but Minecraft Pinoy Minecraft Java Minecraft Filipino Minecraft RP Minecraft SMP Minecraft hardcore Minecraft 100 days #minecraft #omocraft #mcpe #minecraftfunny Read More

  • Shocking: Master English with Dronio & Minecraft! Try Free Lesson!

    Shocking: Master English with Dronio & Minecraft! Try Free Lesson!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 23:45:29. It has garnered 107 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:27 or 87 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • Unbelievable Live Minecraft Grind – Episode 6!

    Unbelievable Live Minecraft Grind - Episode 6!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 [LIVE] GRINDING!!!!! – MINECRAFT STORY OF AMIKATSU INDONESIA #6’, was uploaded by NikoHite on 2024-05-20 12:04:40. It has garnered 327 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:58 or 7318 seconds. Here’s the link: – no subathon- subathon: Rp. 1,000: 1 minute Rp. 5,000: 10 minutes Rp. 10,000: 30 minutes Rp. 20,000: 1 hour Rp. 30,000: 2 hours 30 minutes Rp. 50,000: 5 hours Rp. 100,000: 9 hours Subathon time only stops if: 1. no longer live 2. called by parents 3. disaster 4. power outage 5. sleep This channel… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Math Tricks Revealed!

    Mind-Blowing Math Tricks Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Man -_- | Koseki Bijou’, was uploaded by Mathech on 2024-03-21 10:00:31. It has garnered 122 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Stream source: 【MINECRAFT】Is Minecraft a horror game? Koseki Bijou Ch. hololive-EN / @KosekiBijou Thanks for watching! Please Like and Subscribe if you enjoyed the clip! #holoAdvent #Hololive #ホロライブ #Vtuber #hololiveenS Read More

  • Uncover CRAZY Minecraft SECRET Now! 🔍 #shorts

    Uncover CRAZY Minecraft SECRET Now! 🔍 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘A SECRET Minecraft Feature 👀 #shorts’, was uploaded by robbehy on 2024-05-19 20:30:03. It has garnered 23399 views and 1189 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. hey, i make videos ============================= discord: tiktok: ============================= skywars & bedwars are minigames on the hypixel minecraft server played by many youtubers like wallibear, technoblade, im a squid kid, & purpled. #minecraft #live #minecrafthardcormode #bedwars #skywars Read More

  • EXCLUSIVE! NotCheeku finds Treasure Island in Minecraft!

    EXCLUSIVE! NotCheeku finds Treasure Island in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Treasure Island (Mini Story 4) #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by NotCheeku on 2024-03-25 09:13:00. It has garnered 327 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:19 or 259 seconds. Subscribe For More 😎 Instagram 😀- ⚠️Note: These Background Sounds Don’t Belong To Me, Credits To Rightful Users keywords #firemc #psd1 #minecraft firemc loyalmc lapatasmp stormsmp firemcpsd1 psd1 notcheeku herobrinesmp story mini story Minecraft story poor to rich rich to poor noob to pro pro to noob money dollars Minecraft city huge city funny horror story haunted house ghost horror haunted creepy… Read More

  • Morven 2 SMP Vanilla Community Focused 1 Week Old Nations

    NEW SEASON LAUNCHED MAY 5TH! Server Info Inspired by Hermitcraft, Morven is a private vanilla SMP server with a nation/district system. Our goal is to establish an active, long-term community focused on artistic and creative builds. Image Gallery from Morven 1 Nations Spawn: Link Dwarf: Link Medieval: Link Modern: Link Oriental: Link Viking: Link Wild: Link Morven 2 Nations Starting nations in Morven 2: Artoira – Medieval and magic styles Hanami – Japanese and Asian style with nature elements Vvardenfell – Steampunk fusion with Dwarven and Nordic builds Unique Features Events: PvP tournaments, court sessions, weddings, elections, races, and treasure… Read More

  • MavenMC

    MavenMCWelcome to MavenMC! 🌟 The Ultimate Minecraft Experience!Dive into a vast universe of creativity and adventure on MavenMC, the newly launched Minecraft server that promises endless excitement! With over **20 unique game modes**, there’s always something new to explore. Whether you’re battling it out in intense PvP encounters, mastering intricate puzzles, or embarking on expansive quests, MavenMC has it all!Why Join MavenMC?- 🎮 Over 20 Game Modes: From classic Survival and Skyblock to unique custom modes, MavenMC offers a diverse range of gameplay to keep even the most seasoned players engaged.- 📹 Streamers and YouTubers Onboard: Play and interact with… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “oh sh*t!”

    Looks like this meme is breaking the high score record in the meme world! Read More

  • Scute Loot: Armadillo Breeding in Minecraft

    Scute Loot: Armadillo Breeding in Minecraft In Minecraft, armadillos are quite a sight, To breed them and get scutes, follow this guide just right. Find them in the wild, bring them back to your base, Build a farm for scutes, at a steady pace. With patience and care, soon you’ll see, Armadillos multiplying, happy and free. Collect their scutes, for dog armor so fine, In Minecraft, the possibilities always shine. So breed those armadillos, gather scutes with glee, And enjoy the game, as far as the eye can see. For in this world of blocks and pixels so bright, Adventure awaits, day and night. Read More

iskall85 – I got OVERPOWER – Episode 42 – Minecraft Modded (Vault Hunters)