ItsFunneh – We’re TRAPPED in a Minecraft Bubble!

Video Information

We are crew and we live in a bubble i want to build the biggest glamorous bubble house i want to explore the darkest bubble to sleep i heard that there’s a rainbow bubble and it’s calling my name bubbles if we mess this up no cobble nothing we have to delete minecraft yes yep

Right yep right memories are all coming back yep we have to wait for the ice to melt we have to wait for the ice cream oh it’s not melting i’ll start getting wood for a pickaxe oh wait i think i think the lava is supposed to go higher

Draco i’m pretty sure it’s like this come on draco i am trying to remember this is taking forever we’ll never leave the bubble um yeah i’m pretty sure this is like an ice cubed block you can’t even get rid of it we could just grab water over there dracco

Do you guys need iron there’s a torch iron in this house wait there’s iron okay let me get it bye rainbow you do the witch hopping thing and why got it are we struggling thank you luna wait does that happen sky block is you must be very careful with your resources no

Wasting resources yeah and you have to be pretty knowledgeable uh funny hurry up draco’s coming up here to steal the treasure no draco chill i got it i got it i got the water the water dude i will not mess this up you ready i’ve already placed the ice in the wrong spot

Okay whatever the ice we haven’t watched her hey get off get off get off i got the pickaxe and now we get the cobble no no Wait druck wasn’t this your fault you did it wrong yeah whatever whatever we have water now and one obsidian um onwards oh you guys there’s something over here please tell me it’s like what if we didn’t even need to do that what is this contraption it is a sink

To wash your dirty hands yeah lunar is this a mine guys we’re already starting actual tools yeah this is ah i i’m crying over our can we go back to stone generator no no we’re just gonna have to destroy this bubble piece by piece gold go chop down some

Wood i’m really sad right now okay our cobblestone generator is broken because out of all the people you had to let rainbow yeah draco’s i agree with gold dude i have a feeling though that draco built it wrong no no rainbow was supposed to let me remove the lava first

Yeah uh it’s gonna take forever i just i say we didn’t need that generator anyways right we’re better off without it rainbow look at this cave does it look what look we can’t we can’t possibly mine this deep and the sun is going down and i see new worlds i must go to

So let’s just grab a bunch of cobble wait till we travel there and then just travel to a new island we’ve ruined the size i told you we didn’t need the generator that makes us terrible humans we have polluted this one and now we just leave it we’re out i don’t know anyways

Hey hey have you heard the legend dude the legend of what if you mind straight through just in a straight line there’s diamonds in the center of this oh yes yes i heard the legend if you close your eyes you could become very lucky okay just stand there just stand there and count

To 30. yeah count to 30. it’s the magic number make sure to count to 30. oh wait i have a i have a valuable bucket how dare you oh yeah we all have valuable buckets okay oh good thing this is a bubble so we can never die we could just like totally

Hollow this out can we travel yet i want to go pick another i feel like there’s nothing in here and we’re mining for nothing gold we’re mining for coffee what i think we should put goals on bridge judy what’s wrong with actually the bridge where she just builds to other bubbles wow that’s

A boring job what you guys wonder the bubbles are the end world oh and the nether wait where should we go from ready to build the bridge yeah we’re ready but we have smelts from iron i feel like to that small island over there there’s treasure in there all

Right bubble it’s time for us to leave there’s a llama gonna take some of out here with us i’m taking the furnaces with us because i mean one furnace everyone loot this bubble keep building guys we’re leaving this little bubble we’re going off to new lands

Oh my gosh it’s going to take forever i’ve been building for like 30 seconds i am really hungry can we kill those sheep draco no we can’t eat them no we can breed them and make more food don’t be a stupid human yeah that’s true we need something how are we going to

Transport them over yeah with wheat we can use logic we can get seeds from breaking all the grass over here see big brother feeling the chest wait rainbow’s just stealing but i will help everyone okay i will go oh my god food what what happened there is a llama

Oh it’s gone now it was just staring at me dude don’t kill me where’d we get a llama from watch this we will grow wheat and we will be fed bunny don’t waste wheat on this island we’re already leaving rainbow the next island has nothing and draco’s already running there

I have an iron dirt can someone give me a good weapon we don’t need a weapon you want an iron soul i want a weapon we live in bubbles i’m joking i’m joking i need the weapon to travel to the next place rainbow island’s up there oh i must go

To that one build faster draco oh my gosh Luna there’s nothing to be scared we’re not gonna push each other that’s what you think this is a game about teamwork we’re supposed to work together in order to conquer all the bodies llama it’s been nice seeing you but i think it is time luna don’t do it

Well what could happen i made it swim there needs to be mutiny someone is not allowed to go to the next island she just killed the llama she killed she killed a friend luna you’re bad i came up ah you’re bad you’re not you’re not invited to the

Next island get out the lava became a bubble and didn’t die draco what do we do dracco you just like ruined everything this island has like nothing i think it’s like a buried treasure it’s because it’s a bridge island to get to the cooler islands up there i’m seeing if there’s buried treasure

Let’s go let’s go whoa water island has a yellow bed just for gold any buried treasure man is there anything i say we make this island a full water island draco i’m pretty sure this is for fishing this is the fishing island gold this is your island hurry up don’t run here

I’m asleep here we don’t even have a fishing rod we can make one fine we must travel to spider island where the mop my island wow this is a really risky plank um jacko gold has a complaint about your bridge yes well if she has a complaint she can fortify it herself

Gold truck will go to that island island we can make unlimited chocolate chips all right let’s start making the road bunny get over here what i found something don’t you think it’s us how i was chopping this tree and the log is still here no not really man no but luck there’s more

What shoot Oh go just down he’s punched oh They don’t care they found luke and they’re you pigs better make a diamond pickaxe okay dude just give me all right you found diamonds wow okay draco don’t let them back in what happened to teamwork i’m going to make some pickaxe for both of us because we both found it

Cracker there’s not enough for a diamond pickaxe make a diamond axe okay i got it i got it there you go we can leave him now don’t punch me i’m low on health actually i’m low on health i’m gonna go die can you hold this for me

She’s gonna take it off from you oh yeah you can trust me wow karma bye i walked out of the bubble why didn’t you guys just both kill yourself because we want to fill our hunger bar up huh i’m smart uh-oh then where did you leave your

Treasure uh nowhere no no no no no nothing go to our treasure gold is not here once you’re a treasure this is all of our treasure yeah yeah yeah yeah can someone tp me you can’t be calm get out of here please can somebody this isn’t your

Place no she’s gonna take the treasure one for you tp me tp me draco what’s happening to you glitching yeah i’m stuck okay draco you have to sleep in a bed if you want to jump it’s empty dude chill i have this stuff draco there’s your pickaxe come whatever let’s go to

Let’s go to cocoa bean island it is time to venture forth to cocoa bean island for limitless cookies thank you lunar we will pay you in water you should pay us in diamonds thank you um i don’t have any more diamonds actually gold you um yeah i hid them though in a secret

Place because i know i’m gonna probably fall smart idea cocoa bean island’s right there but the desert island’s pretty close lunar you don’t want to build there how much cobble do you have no cocoa beans do you want to split your cobble i can build that way and she can build

That one yes and the two have divided go that way go that way divide and conquer until you guys killed me from your stupidity we didn’t kill you dracula i bring couples couple cobble coffee rainbow look pay cafe i have a lot of cobbles okay go you may pass you may give me

Give me hey please jacko be careful man this bridge is very there you go you know i’m gonna go mine cobble yeah that’s a good oh wait you can just go under the beach island look there’s a bunch of stone under there oh true not enough my job is to just admire

Everyone building what are you doing montreal site manager yes fast forward to this 20 times all right no pressure you’re being recorded now branch journal printer I’m out of cobble it looks like luna’s done building her um staircase and gold yes cocoa beans yes be careful the stairs may be rickety hold my diamonds i am not risking it what cool don’t be a baby um can i just say that these are the most architecturally

Nice stairs i’ve ever seen lunar you built something scary down the stairs are we going to fall off of it yes cold’s careful i’m being careful yeah i know but these are really like twisty tourney what in the world kind of stairs are they these are the most horrible off-balance stairs

Wow i lost all my resources again oh wait good thing you gave it to me because i have all the diamonds no no okay i won’t fall off you can trust me actually don’t trust me i always fall off asking what the but but i don’t want to be the

Holder rainbow there’s no stress just go up backwards look i could go backwards it’s not scary go up backwards are you insane wow i’m admiring everything beautiful oh my gosh no luna this sucks what in the world made you think to put a hole right here

Right here what wait where was the hole okay where did i fall i was jumping backwards and shifting oh my gosh i’m not going right here look what this is what caused your demise all right i’m just gonna patch up those holes for you [Laughter] [Applause] Oh my gosh oh okay seems like there’s a lot of babies oh there’s a trainer here there’s a trainer here we’re resourceless now we got nothing oh my gosh it’s like we’re starting off from scratch hello what what do you trade sir um emeralds a lot of emeralds for things

That we don’t really need i mean emeralds for seeds that’s not that valuable uh this island’s kind of just trees and coconuts hungry okay well at least we’ve got harvest cocoa beans here draco don’t kill the cow we need the cocoa beans meat everyone meat grab the cocoa yes

Okay i propose we put lunar in jail for all foreign hey i built you those stairs okay but i do want to throw lunar in jail who wants pork i killed the only cow in this bubble food and now i’m cooking three delicious beef chops on the campfire draco why don’t

You be smart like gold she’s just feeding the clap i find i’m eating it all no one’s coming no give me one i eat it give me a morsel everyone i can’t lose the cocoa beans because i want to make cookies so where are the stupid stairs

I can’t see them everyone let’s travel to the desert island without dying this time i hate these are the worst stairs in history i’ll just speed run it they’re beautiful stairs come on let’s go appreciate i don’t want to run them stairs they’re smart stairs but they’re scary draco’s running what

Are you talking about because i want the treasure first i say we make it to another island i feel like nether island has important stuff for us like really good loot i just want to get into every bubble it’s almost turning night but i don’t think there’s mobs

We’re breaking down phantom soon let’s see oh yeah oh what’s down there oh there’s a skeleton down there okay that’s not that crazy i’ll take this what are you doing there what’d you guys find i did not find more diamonds okay we got more diamonds some more lapis

And some redstone eventually guys we’re gonna have to choose one of these islands as our home we have to make rainbow island i choose rainbow i’m not really feeling these islands yeah i feel like rainbow island is the best place to live rainbow island is the life for us all

Right funny let’s go down and explore this cave i don’t want to die it’s okay it’s okay all right guys come on make it to this island so much iron boy bye bye bye bye can i kill it i don’t have a sword

It’s okay i got it i got it i got it i got it okay draco you picked up all my stuff it’s cool yeah that’s it okay there’s nothing here we’re still built we’re out you guys all right more comments we are just looters you guys what there’s a creeper approaching me on

The bridge no no no no no go jack we got to go guys we gotta go save gold there’s too much sand two we just we just saved gold oh there’s actually mobs at night dude move move where man gold where you at we’ll save you i’m over here

With my baby chick and uh it’s uh i can’t cross it uh i only have half of her wait i got a bow i got a bow from the skeleton just push it off be brave oh what’s going on the creeper is coming hello okay

It blows up you gotta push it out okay just go lunar you should just shoot it no draco don’t shoot it what no dude oh my gosh rip i’m running back oh no the keeper’s coming towards me now oh no oh no buddy money is coming towards me

Funny bunny the creeper the creeper is walking so fast dude push it off push it off i’m scared you get out of here creeper what dude don’t push me i already have nothing get off get off oh oh nice yeah i lost all my stuff because i fell

Off because of this i’m hungry i’m about to die okay we gotta go to a new island right no one trample on my farm okay we’re tipped just tippy toe to the next island let’s go hurry up try it you built everything here anyways yeah gold this is very inconvenient for

Us come on make sure you swim oh rainbow’s going to die i will tell you death trap okay so i really wanted to go to this island it is the end island does it have a dragon on it this needs to be fresh stairs go extreme guys let me get your stairs

Out of here those are our scenes oh there’s a pirate ship what there’s an end portal here oh oh wait i don’t know we are not right we are not equipped to battle the ender dragon yeah we’re not doing that yeah do you think we’re equipped at all

I’m gonna see what’s on top of this oh this is lunar’s bubble all right lunar have fun living here it’s a quite different there’s no resources what are you guys not gonna build nice stairs so everyone these are empty um no we’re just we’re just checking first we have to check

To make sure it’s safe for everyone before we invite everyone up what you two are doing there’s nothing go on there the ship is useless we’re out empty no there’s nothing they’re leaving jackal they’re leaving let’s go no where to rainbow this place has no loot straight go straight go straight

Hey these islands are not explored yet we have to explore it together oh now we have to explore now seeing that yes we must explore this is another realm another bubble whoa what if we just dig straight through in a hole do you think we’ll find anything

I mean you could do that but i’m gonna be much more clever there’s a creeper no what where creeps is it a good cave i don’t know this is actually good material we could build a really cute house out of this everyone get a lot of netherrack

I’m just gonna uh on to the next island for me no our house is gonna be so cute oh we should get that glow slow stone too oh yeah i got glowstone we’re gonna make the cutest small house ever at rainbow island sky block is a lot of collecting blocks

It’s all about saluting dracula did you just try to kill me man what’s this no wait this water’s so foggy guys do you hear that look what he’s like yeah like when you harvest the tree it makes a different noise that’s cool it sounds creepy oh gold just died

What crew hello crew i’m down here no no no no no no oh we lost everything see that’s what you mined from the bottom we’ll never build a home i hate living in this year i hate the bubble life it’s so hard hey your other two other three members please do not die

Like the most efficient thing is we live here funny and we eat the grass from our farm no we still have other islands to explore guys i stomp i stomp on the vegetables oops hey don’t give up you’re banned get out of here get out get out this game’s so hard guys

What look look next island is compromised someone go first we can go through Go draco go Dude you just lost the diamond pickaxe oh i got a repair wait everyone this bridge is not this is the problem with single file bridges because you can’t see past this person yeah i already said it’s dangerous okay expensive careful walking careful walking okay this is like a field trip we have

To wait for the rest to come here or no one gets to go down the hall disaster all right everyone single formation only do not hog to go down the hole or you will die okay all right okay okay dracula’s trying to fly what’s in this house

There’s a ladder up here i like a schwa okay the guy that could get all the loot first i have a sword of a sword for me garbage um yeah that loots pretty much i mean it’s good for enchanting but is there anything under water that’s it i’m out this place looks boring

Don’t punch me yeah all right see you guys let’s make it to rainbow island so we can make home base there no oh my god she just got killed what the heck we’re never gonna survive this island is very scary there’s diamonds go get it oh funny if i die

One more time i will kill you dude this diamond i can’t wear i can mine it i have that right there good job lunar you mind that yeah trap door good for our new homes let’s just go build on rainbow island i agree i want a beautiful dream bubble home

No gold think smaller think more humble more humble dirt house no i lost all my rare materials in the nether and i don’t want to go back i will just um not in the nether in the bubble bubble nether whatever bubble nether not even real nether this is it rainbow island the tallest

Island in the sky that doesn’t look very safe it’s okay rainbow made it so it’s probably safer than whatever we made before we’ll let her go first see all you gotta do is extend your legs and then thank you for making a safe ladder hey hey careful yeah

I’m gonna kill him oh you should have done that an enderman owns rainbow island oh oh we’re not scared of andermen just go in here oh dragon oh my god [Laughter] no no no no it’s spleef okay stop stop once we’re in the bubbles island is so pretty ooh

There’s diamonds you guys no wrecking any of the trees around rainbow island who who made the ang oh my gosh what’s wrong with that it’s his fault no luna don’t hit it it’s draco’s fault yeah but let jack will fight his own battles hi can i have some materials

I’ll start building please i think there’s a secret cave under here first though and you killed lunar good job don’t look don’t look in the eyes goals don’t look nice this is a pond i’m gonna say bill jacquel lost all the materials didn’t he okay everybody lost him you’re gonna

Build yeah on the pond you have pickaxe nope i lost it all when i tried to hit draco off the cliff grab pickaxe i have an idea why don’t we just bake rainbow decide underneath of the wool you guys do you believe in the legend that there’s treasure under rainbows

Uh no i mean at the end of rainbows yeah draca no under under no one says andre i’m pretty sure it’s the end of rainbow well i’m building a very cliche netherrack anyone have iron nope nope i got windows oh dude where’s the door for this house

Is there treasure down there or not nope no it’s the bed there is diamonds oh i can’t see the enderman wants this house hey can someone help here i’m stuck in a hole can’t come back up got no items oh now i’m gonna die not me guys

What is this proof it proves that we clearly are not ready for the minecraft bubble life we all died we lost our resources multiple times and we could barely build a house with a door on it we can we can okay i brought some accessories because

This house is so empty i guess we don’t have dirt we don’t need that this i’m just trying to show everyone that just because you don’t have materials that match doesn’t mean you can’t make a cute house see no it’s a cake house it’s still ugly isn’t it

And i don’t need to respond to that question because it’s not my job too rainbow no i’m gonna make this the roof we have to be creative when we lost all of our resources okay look the enderman can’t get you if you’re under this roof look haha you’re too tall [Laughter]

You’re too tall you can’t get in here this is a short people house wait no he said this yeah what is this mushroom house it’s not like much it actually it’s like a red velvet cupcake who’s with me oh red velvet it’s cute wow 10 out of 10.

Our house totally livable good job everybody yes we all survived the bubble life and let’s just take a glance to look at all the the all the bubbles we conquered today and ruined wow [Laughter] she is the true queen

This video, titled ‘We’re TRAPPED in a Minecraft Bubble!’, was uploaded by ItsFunneh on 2020-12-27 20:00:06. It has garnered 5948642 views and 85326 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:31 or 1831 seconds.

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    Insane! Surviving 900 Days in Hardcore Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 900 Days In Hardcore Minecraft – Hardcore Minecraft Day 85’, was uploaded by Jtom4000 on 2024-08-16 22:06:12. It has garnered 127 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:55 or 7495 seconds. If you enjoy my stream make sure to hit that subscribe button for more content just like this! Top Donations of 2024: 1 – Gatores – £784.28 ($1,630.76 NZD) 2 – DarkLight – £264.05 3 – Huns – £200 4 – Muzee – £152.76 ($190.36 US) 5 – Fakebot – £118.88 If you guys would like to… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft ARGs – Unveiling the Toasted Cherries

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft ARGs - Unveiling the Toasted CherriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Strange World of Minecraft ARGs’, was uploaded by toastedcherries on 2024-08-09 17:01:46. It has garnered 355855 views and 12937 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:06 or 3726 seconds. Over the last few years, the long-gone era of classic Minecraft creepypastas has had a resurgence, taking the form of “ARG”-esque channels. They seem ordinary on the surface but have an underlying story hidden by mysteries and clues along the way. Here, we’re diving into four separate Minecraft ARG channels from over the years, including the first of its kind. 📝 Support the people… Read More

  • Insane PVP Battle in 24/7 Minecraft SMP!

    Insane PVP Battle in 24/7 Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘PVP Battle Kal – Public SMP 24/7 Java + PE Edition | Minecraft Live #shorts #minecraft #short #smp’, was uploaded by Lord’s Gaming on 2024-03-16 11:19:53. It has garnered 300 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:35 or 12215 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: Thumbnail By – Welcome to our brand new Minecraft 24/7 public server! We’re thrilled to introduce you to an exciting world filled with various game modes to suit every player’s taste. First up, we have Bedwars, a thrilling mini-game where teams… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay – Must See!

    EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay - Must See!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hive Playing Multiple Game Modes’, was uploaded by Coolest_Dude2 on 2024-06-09 17:18:54. It has garnered 30 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:35 or 5375 seconds. Channel Music: Playlist: My Discord: Read More

  • Insane Elytra Hunt with Famous Gamers!

    Insane Elytra Hunt with Famous Gamers!Video Information This video, titled ‘Elytra Hunting In Minecraft! ft. PorcelainMaid, Michi, Froggyloch, Melody, Sushidog & MeichaFox’, was uploaded by IRONMOUSE VODS on 2024-06-05 09:15:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Streamed on: 05/21/24 My Main Channel: ♡♡♡Follow me and all my weirdness if … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hack Revealed! 😱

    Insane Minecraft Hack Revealed! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hack You Didn’t Know! 😱”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-13 01:57:52. It has garnered 118 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel 🎮 Welcome to another exciting Minecraft Shorts episode! 🎮 In today’s video, we dive deep into the world of Minecraft with [specific content – e.g., “an epic build,” “a crazy Redstone contraption,” “a survival challenge,” etc.]. Watch as we [brief description of the action – e.g., “create a hidden base,” “showcase the top 5 builds,” “battle it out… Read More

  • BEDROCK Players’ ADVANTAGE in Minecraft?! 🤯

    BEDROCK Players' ADVANTAGE in Minecraft?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘BEDROCK Spieler haben einen VORTEIL? 🤯 Wölfe essen kein Fisch in Minecraft? #minecraft’, was uploaded by Desaux on 2024-05-01 12:35:11. It has garnered 1218 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. ☆ You can heal wolves with many items in Minecraft, such as steak or meat. But it is not possible to feed wolves with fish in the Java version. In the Bedrock version, however, wolves can be healed with fish #minecraft ☆ Feel free to come by on Twitch: ✦ ☆ Join my community: ✦ ☆… Read More

  • DeepSea SMP

    DeepSea SMPWelcome to DeepSea SMP Dive into an immersive Survival RPG experience like no other. Our server combines classic survival gameplay with exciting RPG elements to keep you entertained and challenged. Here’s what you can expect: – The first ever AI Powered Chat Bot inside of Minecraft, Free To You 24/7! – Big Name Plugins such as: McMMO, SlimeFun with Addons, Minions, PlayerVaults, Custom Enchantments, and our new BattlePass! – Exciting features to spruce up your vanilla experience such as: Timed Parkour Tracks, Custom Chat Games with Rewards, AI Powered Death Messages, Hourly Crate Envoys, Server Wide Events, CoinFlip, Land Claiming, Custom Mailing Service,… Read More

  • SSMP Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 No Whitelist Simple Gameplay

    SSMP Semi-Vanilla SSMP takes survival multiplayer back to the fundamentals. No limits on gameplay as long as it follows our simple rules. Perfect for large builds and redstone projects without complicated plugins. Features: 2 /sethomes + bed Easy /spawn access Developed server infrastructure (farms, shops, highways) Rare head drops Player-based economy Permitted dupe methods Join us at: Discord: /discord in-game Supports bedrock connections on port 63809. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Myth: The Forbidden Secret

    Well, I guess the meme is like a phantom in the Minecraft world – elusive and mysterious, yet somehow still managing to rack up a high score! Read More

  • Villager Base vs Enderman Rage #lit

    Villager Base vs Enderman Rage #lit When you realize the Villager Base is just a peaceful little village, but the Maddest End is basically a rage-filled rave party with Endermen. Time to grab your glowsticks and get ready to party! #minecraftmadness #endermanrave Read More

  • Join My Minecraft Building Competition!

    Join My Minecraft Building Competition! Exciting Minecraft Building Competition: Summer Reflections! Calling all Minecraft enthusiasts! Get ready to showcase your creativity in the upcoming building competition hosted by Gamefruitpulp. The theme for this competition is ‘Summer Reflections,’ so let your imagination run wild as you create your masterpiece. Competition Rules The build must be started after the announcement of the contest. You can build alone or in a group, in survival or creative mode! Do your best to create a story or lore with your build! The building must be within a 42 by 42 block area. Scoring Matrix 50 Points – Building Style… Read More

  • Crafty Short Shorts: Minecraft Recipe

    Crafty Short Shorts: Minecraft Recipe Minecraft Crafting Recipe: Rail Short Shorts by StrawberryGS Short shorts – just what you need to know. Regular crafting recipes in ultra short format. Six iron ingots like railroad tracks, and a stick in the middle make 16 rails. Additional Information While the provided information gives a quick overview of how to craft rails in Minecraft, there are many more exciting elements to explore in the game. Exploration: Minecraft offers a vast world to explore, filled with unique biomes, creatures, and resources. Players can embark on adventures to discover hidden treasures and build impressive structures. Creative Mode: For those… Read More

  • Minecraft Master uses Wikihow guide to win!

    Minecraft Master uses Wikihow guide to win!Video Information This video, titled ‘beating minecraft but wikihow controls my game’, was uploaded by quen on 2024-06-15 15:03:00. It has garnered 799 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:20 or 980 seconds. wikihow to make an ACTUAL minecraft video 🙂 ——————————– this video was powered by: orange juice ♡ ▶ watch more videos: ▶ follow me on twitter: 00:00 – the intro? 00:13 – the overworld?? 04:36 – the nether??? 10:11 – the end???? music from: “Enter the Party” by Kevin Macleod “Backbay Lounge” by Kevin Macleod “Dirt Rhodes” by Kevin Macleod… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Villager Prank

    Sneaky Minecraft Villager PrankVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villager prank 😂😂 #shorts #minecraft #prank’, was uploaded by Shivam Gamerz on 2024-06-11 08:15:57. It has garnered 9878 views and 327 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft villager prank 😂😂 MVP #shorts #minecraft #prank Read More

  • Sirenhead vs Shadikyui: Epic Minecraft Encounter

    Sirenhead vs Shadikyui: Epic Minecraft EncounterVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Hunted SirenHead In Minecraft’, was uploaded by Shadikyui on 2024-07-13 19:00:15. It has garnered 14807 views and 247 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:39 or 639 seconds. Hunting Minecraft’s Scariest Creature | Siren Head I found Siren Head in Minecraft. This is Minecraft’s Scariest Mod so leave a like, subscribe, and comment if you think you could survive this minecraft horror challenge. Siren Head has come to Minecraft to terrorize the villagers as well as me. Can we stop Siren Head from destroying the villages and killing me. Watch to the end… Read More

  • EPIC Bedwars Duos with Pro Gamer – Minecraft Madness!

    EPIC Bedwars Duos with Pro Gamer - Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing With @steelx1ght Bedwars Duos in Minecraft | Nethergames’, was uploaded by oCloqdy on 2024-01-12 03:39:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hi there If you like my content please consider Like and Subscribe Game :- Minecraft Ign :- oCloqdy Server:- Nethergames Ip … Read More

  • EPIC Neon9M iPad Survival Adventure – Part 3! Click NOW!

    EPIC Neon9M iPad Survival Adventure - Part 3! Click NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft [ IPad ] survival gameplay part #3 | IOS (no voice)’, was uploaded by NEON9M on 2024-02-26 16:45:20. It has garnered 16 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:11 or 1931 seconds. Minecraft pocket edition Enjoy the silent gameplay Inspired by @TechnoGamerzOfficial Shaders on App used : Minecraft patch World seeds : After 300 Subscribers My Device : Ipad Air 5 generation OS: 10S17 Ram: 8GB ROM : 64GB Chipsets: M1 About Minecraft: Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The… Read More

  • Maid Mint’s Wild Minecraft Mod Adventures!

    Maid Mint's Wild Minecraft Mod Adventures!Video Information This video, titled ‘【VSHOJO MINECRAFT SERVER TOUR with HENYA & IRONMOUSE】so many mods…【Maid Mint Fantome】’, was uploaded by Maid Mint Ch. ミント・ファントーム on 2024-05-24 03:31:08. It has garnered 91554 views and 6105 likes. The duration of the video is 03:17:55 or 11875 seconds. Thumbnail art: Thank you so much!!~ Welcome home, Master and Lady!♪✨♡ 👻Spiritual offerings: Chat Rules: 1. Be nice or I’ll haunt you! 2. Don’t spam 3. Be mindful of language and sensitive topics 4. No backseat gaming or spoilers please!! 5. No exorcism spells that may harm the ghost or send her to… Read More

  • 🔥Sea Grand Opening with Hot VTubers!🔥

    🔥Sea Grand Opening with Hot VTubers!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘【 MINECRAFT】#Fantasia_SEA GRAND OPENING WITH PRETTY VTUBERS ! ! ! ! ! !’, was uploaded by Nemusagi Ch. on 2024-08-11 18:59:54. It has garnered 308 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 05:23:59 or 19439 seconds. ×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× [ DONATIONS ] × Throne gift: × Streamlab: × More: ×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× [ SOCIAL LINKS ] × Twitter: × Discord Server: ×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× [ PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING RULE SO WE CAN ALL HAVE FUN ] × No DOXXING. × Be respectful to each other. × Don’t spam excessively and troll. ×… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Golem vs Siren Head Showdown!

    Ultimate Minecraft Golem vs Siren Head Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Siren Head Boss vs All Minecraft Golems Fight #minecraft #sirehead #mobbattle #horsy #24x7live’, was uploaded by Horsy on 2024-04-04 21:54:09. It has garnered 18 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:32 or 1412 seconds. You have to agree i make real good content so.. Lets break Youtube Algorithms like Steveee, Alexa Real and Spectator did! In this video, We are going to watch an Incredible Fight between Siren Head Boss and All Legendary Minecraft Golems😱 Wait For Netherite Golem👀🤯 Enjoyyyyy!! Subskripeee.. Follow Horsy on: Discord : Instagram : Twitter… Read More

  • FWhip Digs Deep into Survival Mode! – Hardcore Minecraft 1.20

    FWhip Digs Deep into Survival Mode! - Hardcore Minecraft 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Diggin for Dirt! – HARDCORE MINECRAFT 1.20 – Survival Let’s Play’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2024-04-02 23:36:47. It has garnered 29590 views and 1864 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:59 or 8519 seconds. fWhip is playing HARDCORE Minecraft – Minecraft 1.20 Survival! LIKE the Stream and SUBSCRIBE! ..It helps me out a ton, thanks! ⭐Become a Member (Your name will show on screen!): 💙If you enjoy the stream, consider leaving a tip, thanks so much💙 💻fWhip has partnered with Seattle Built PCs to build his latest Gaming PC! Enter code… Read More

  • JustBucket

    JustBucketActive, friendly community & staff! Many Ranks and positions available! At Just Bucket, we still have the small server with a home feel to it, yet with the production, and service quality of professional servers! 24/7 zero lag. We feature survival gameplay, with the option of Skyblock. Within our server you will find we are focused on the economy aspect of minecraft. Feel free to trade with players, make your own shops that are active 24/7, engage in jobs and tournaments to earn money. Purchase blocks, items, flytime, claim blocks and so much more with in-game currency! We are always… Read More

  • SpongeCraft – Semi-Vanilla, Community, Towny, Jobs, Teralith, SMP, 1.21

    Now updated to 1.21! SERVER IP: PLAY.SPONGECRAFT.NET What is SpongeCraft? Towny & Resource World – Two worlds to explore and build in Toggleable keep inventory with custom features Custom enchantments and relics Various ways to acquire goods through shops and auctions Events, parkour, and minigames for entertainment Unique ranking system and cosmetics for customization Jobs with level-up perks for gameplay diversity Survival and vote crates for rewards ABOUT US: SpongeCraft is a long-standing community with a focus on building, collaboration, and inclusivity. Join us for a unique SMP experience! Rules No griefing, trolling, or unfair advantages Keep it PG-13 and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Movie Trailer Falls Short on Every Level

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Movie Trailer Falls Short on Every LevelWell, it looks like the Minecraft Movie trailer is about as popular as a creeper at a block party. Read More

ItsFunneh – We’re TRAPPED in a Minecraft Bubble!