ItsMarloe – Minecraft – Brewing House Tutorial (How to Build)

Video Information

Hello everybody my name is marlo and today i’m going to be showing you how to build this brewing house in minecraft so if you’re in need of some potions this is the place you can go to there’s a small netherwart farm on the outside and on the inside is just about everything

You could need to do some brewing an infinite water source plenty of storage and of course some brewing stands before we get started with the tutorial let’s take a quick look at all of the materials that you’re gonna need to complete this build so this is the

Resource list and all of these items with the exception of these three blocks right here are to the exact number needed so you’re gonna need to gather all of these together before starting the build of course feel free to skip this part of the video if you just want

To get on with things now but i am going to go through all of these because a couple of things need some explaining so all of these on the top row just all of the spruce wood that we’re going to be using nice and simple the next row is

All of the dark oak wood along with 12 oak trap doors then we have the stone row and all of these three blocks here the stone bricks those aren’t to the exact number needed these three blocks are not and we also have the stone cutter here because

You’re going to need to break some of these down into stairs and walls so we can mix in some texture after but 10 of each block should be enough to cover you then we just have some more building blocks here that we’re going to be using and basically everything else is just

Miscellaneous items which i’ll just do a quick scroll over in case you’re not sure as to what some of them are also just to mention these two corn flowers represent any type of flower it’s just something to go in the flower pot and on the coarse dirt doesn’t have to be two

Of the same flower we also need a torch or any other lighting block it’s gonna be hidden so it doesn’t matter what and this large amethyst bud you don’t need it it’s purely decorative if you don’t have easy access to it just grab something else once you’ve found a good

Location for your new brewing house the first thing we’re gonna do is place down four dark oak logs just as i have here and as you can see all of these are three blocks apart i’m just going to come to one of the corners here i’m

Going to go up by two more dark oak logs then a barrel then another dark oak log then another barrel and two more dark oak logs so we have something that looks like this then we can go ahead and do that three more times for the other three corners with these pillars in

Position the next thing we can do is add in three horizontal logs on all four sides starting from that middle log there in between the two barrels so we get something like this then we’re gonna go ahead and place two spruce trap doors on the outside of that

Middle block so you don’t get to see what is actually in between the two barrels just like that now we can start work on the roof outline and we’re just gonna pick one of the four sides for now and we’re gonna add two dark oak stairs

Upside down on those top logs with two full blocks on top of each of them and then we’re gonna place down two stairs facing inwards so they should be pointing towards each other and then we’re gonna place in an upside down stair off the front of that one just

Like this to do this in survival just stand on top of the top part of the stair and click on that bit so very simple that’s how you place it down two more full blocks and then we’re gonna do the same again with two more inward facing stairs we’re gonna have a full

Block in the middle with a stair on top so this is the general outline we’re looking for then whilst we’re up here we can continue on going inwards we’re gonna have a slab off the back of that stair with a dark oak trap door on top of it

And i’d recommend just flipping it up for now stand on top of it and then place a slab on the bottom part of the trapdoor and fold it down so when you’re all done you should have this for the very top point and as you may have

Guessed we can go ahead and do that for the other three sides too we can now fill in the roof with our deep slate tiles and it’s probably easiest if you actually just stand inside in the very center here and place it down on all of the corners so we’re gonna start off

With a full deep slate tile next to those bottom stairs then we’re gonna have a slab on top of it then next that slab we’re gonna have two full blocks either side of it and of course as we go around just make sure you’re doing that on all of the corners

Then on top of those two full blocks we’re just gonna place in two more slabs and then last but not least we just need a full block in the corner of those two slabs so if we just go take a look at it from the outside this is what it should

Look like we’re nearly done with the roof now there’s just a couple of things left to add in the first one is a full plank block right in the center there and then for each of the corners what we want to do next to the full block at the

Bottom here just place in a dark oak fence with a dark trap door above it and one below it and as you can imagine we need to do that three more times for the other three corners as i’ve already done so here we have a perfectly symmetrical

Build for the moment it’s of course not going to be staying like that so at this point is now where you need to decide on which of these four sides you would like to be the front mine is going to be this one right here you can even mark it with

A block if you would like to but we’re just going to decide on which one is the front hand side and then come round to the left side because this is where we’re going to be having the netherwart farm and a secondary entrance so what we

Want to do on this left-hand side here one in from these logs diagonally we’re going to add three more logs just like that with two stairs facing outwards one stair upside down in the middle and a trapdoor on top what we can then do on

This block in the middle of the logs add in a spruce plank and on the back of the block we’re going to place in our spruce door just a side entrance alternatively to the front one that we’re gonna be building and then in front of this plank

We’re gonna have two spruce slabs come to the left and place down three spruce slabs next to this outer slab we’re gonna place down two spruce stairs either side of it and two strip spruce logs next to the stairs then on this right hand side we can go in diagonally

And place another log and then on these three blocks right here we’re gonna place in some spruce trap doors we can do the same thing on this side so another log diagonally three trap doors flip them all up and then on this side here we’re just gonna do two more of

Those logs and on top of all of those we can place in some spruce slabs the next step as you may have guessed is to fill in all of these blocks with some soul sand because this is where we’re going to be planting our netherwart so we can

Go ahead and slap that on as well i should mention that your netherwart will not grow as quick as mine is here my game tick speed is turned very high up so it won’t be this quick but it will grow here in the overworld real quick

We’re just gonna place in an oak trap door next to all of these pillar blocks that we’re able to so there’s two on this corner two on this corner one on this corner and zero on this corner with this section added in we’re now gonna complete the bottom part of the build

Which is the base down here and that is going to be made out of a combination of stone bricks and the site crack stone bricks as well as stone just to make it simple for the tutorial though i’m going to build it all out of stone bricks

First and add in the texture later so whether you want to do it that way or mix in as you go it’s entirely up to you but what we’re going to start off by doing is here at the front of the build so where you’ve marked hopefully if

You’ve chosen to do that we’re going to place in three upside down stairs curved round on the corners like that then we’re gonna have two full blocks here and we’re gonna step inside and place an upside down stair so it looks like a full block from the outside and

Then two more full blocks here either side what we can then do is add in a brick wall either side of what is going to be our doorway two spruce fences on top of that one a spruce slab in the middle and then two spruce trap doors on

Both of the sides and last but not least we can just grab a spruce door and put it right in the middle there now moving on round to the right hand side we’re going to start off with a full stone brick block in each of the corners with

A stone brick stair at the bottom and an upside down one at the top two sting brick walls on either side and two iron bars in the middle as for the side round the back we’re gonna start off with three four blocks along the bottom and three blocks on top of that

In the center then we’re gonna have a wall either side with an iron bar on top and an upside down stair above that iron bar and for the final side with our netherwart farm we actually need to come inside of the build to do this because

We’re just going to be having a line of blocks down either side with an upside down stair at the top and a regular stair at the bottom so now we can go around and mix in all of the other stone variants the stone the andesite as well

As the crackstone bricks and the best way that i have to explain this is try to place them down so that stone bricks is still the most used block we’re just adding the others in for texture so trying to keep it as 40 stone bricks 20

For the other three blocks if that makes sense of course not forgetting to switch out the walls and the stairs when possible so that is the bottom section all done we can now move up to the top section here which is mostly going to be made out of spruce and once again we’re

Starting on the front side here with the main doorway and first thing we’re gonna do is place down five strip spruce logs on either side of this part of the build then we’re gonna have two full blocks at the top with a spruce stair upside down underneath it

And we’re gonna have a coarse dirt at the bottom here with a spruce trap door in front of it and some sort of flower on the coaster itself now we can actually step inside the build and just gonna click on the back of the flower

Here and place in an oak trap door and then crouching and place another and we just want to close those up for a window and the last thing we can do is place down one and two chains with a lantern underneath them now we’re gonna come around to the left-hand side above our

Netherwarp patch and we’re gonna do the same thing so five strip spruce logs on either side then we’re gonna have a spruce stair at the bottom skip two blocks and have another spruce stair upside down and two full planks at the top what we’re gonna do for our window

Instead of having something like this we’re actually going to place them on the side of this block and open them up that way it kind of looks like these shutters have been opened and these ones over here are closed as for around the back of the build we’re doing the same

Thing once again with the five strip spruce logs we’re gonna have a stair at the bottom and then we’re gonna place in the two oak trap doors like i mentioned we could do on this side with a spruce stair on top of it two full planks and

Then same as we did at the front we’re gonna have two chains and a lantern for the final side once again we’re doing the usual five strip spruce logs on either side but this time we’re actually gonna step inside the build and go up by one two and on the third block we’re

Gonna place in an upside down spruce stair and above that we’re gonna have an oak trap door folded upwards another upside down stair facing outwards this time and a full spruce plank on top of it now you may have noticed there are two blocks missing from this side that’s

Okay we’re going to be covering it up there’s going to be a fireplace on the inside so on the outside we’re going to build ourselves a chimney and the first thing we’re going to do is place in a brick slab on top or to the side actually of that center log i’m gonna

Have two four blocks on top of it and then a stair facing inwards just like that then we can have two upside down stairs facing outwards and two more on top of those stairs facing in this direction then we can place in a brick wall on the

Back of that stair with one below it and one above it then we’re gonna come out by one like this and go up by one with a full block on top and that is the shape of the chimney all we need to do is add the smoking element to it so that’s very

Simply just a campfire surrounded with four spruce trap doors so that everybody is the exterior of the build all done we are now ready to head on inside and start work on the interior the first thing we’re gonna do with the inside here is replace the floor on the bottom

Level so we’re gonna go ahead and get rid of all of these nine blocks as well as the tenth one here underneath the doorway and we’re going to replace it with regular smooth deep slate just like that we can also go ahead and replace our door

Then we need to get some barrels and in line with these logs here starting on this side we’re gonna place in three upside down then another three and then two more here leaving this gap open to place in one two three four five and six ladders to get up to the second level

Before we head up there we do just need to cover up the bases of these barrels with some spruce trap doors so now we can go up the ladder and just complete the ceiling at the very top here so the first thing we’re gonna do is place in a

Dark oak plank on the bottom of all of these deep slate blocks and we’re gonna have a dark oak slab underneath all of those then we can have a dark oak stair facing inwards upside down on the other sides and then we’re just gonna place in and i

Think the best way to do this honestly is just go one two and that downwards just to fill it all in come to think of it you don’t want mob spawning up here so maybe what you could do is just break your way up and break that block and

Replace it with a torch otherwise you’re going to be hearing some moans and groans from the zombie that will ultimately spawn up there in your roof which we definitely don’t want with the floors and the ceilings now done we are free to furnish and the first bit of

Furnishing that we’re gonna do is down here on the bottom level and we’re gonna face this side and we’re gonna build an infinite water source so we’re gonna have two stairs in the corners and a spruce trap door in the middle then we can waterlog both of the stairs and this

Water source right here will never disappear so you can fill up as many water bottles as you would like we’re also going to add in a crafting table in this corner and a barrel in this corner we can also place in two spruce trap doors one over here on the top part of

This block and another over here on this block those are just gonna serve as some shelves for decorative items which we can go ahead and add in now so on this shelf we’re going to have a lantern which is also going to produce a nice bit of light which is good on the

Crafting table we’re going to have a flower pot with something inside of it and then on this shelf i thought we could add in an amethyst bud it just seems quite magical and well suited to a brewing house of course if you don’t have access to this just put anything

There it doesn’t matter it can even be another flower pot and above this barrel we’re just gonna label what is inside of it and i thought this would be a good spot to store all of your nether wart that you harvest so that is the bottom

Level done we can now start work on the top level and the first thing we’re going to do is place in a chain and lantern in the center here just to get a little bit of light then we can place a cauldron next to that coarse dirt with two chests one on

Each side and we can keep filling up that cauldron from the infinite water source down here now we do have these chests for storage but don’t forget you also can access all of these barrels on the floor which do come in very handy we’re gonna turn around and next to the

Ladder we can place two brewing stands then we’re gonna get our spruce trap doors whilst i sit in the cauldron apparently and on these two blocks right here we’re gonna place two of those with two brewing stands on top and we’re gonna do the same over here on this side

That way you have six brewing stands in total which should be plenty for the average player and last but not least the final thing to do is just add our small fireplace here behind our chimney so campfire on top of that log block and just cover up with a spruce trap door so

There we go everybody that is how you build my brewing house in minecraft i really hope this tutorial helped you out thank you ever so much for watching and i will see you in the next video bye for now

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Brewing House Tutorial (How to Build)’, was uploaded by ItsMarloe on 2022-08-17 15:00:01. It has garnered 7920 views and 466 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:53 or 1013 seconds.

How to build a brewing building in Minecraft! This potion house has everything you need to do some brewing including storage, crafting, nether wart farm, infinite water source and of course plenty of brewing stands!

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Timestamps: Intro + Materials List – 00:00 Exterior – 01:55 Interior – 12:42

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    Gingershadow Strikes Gold in Minecraft One Piece Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘IM RICH! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 5’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-07-31 22:00:10. It has garnered 3585 views and 259 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:56 or 2696 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – IM RICH! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 5 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon… Read More


    GET SCARED IN MINECRAFT - ONE LUCKY BLOCK SURPRISE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft First map scared map then doing part 2 on one lucky block and come and join :)’, was uploaded by trill_smoke2002 on 2024-02-19 00:35:52. It has garnered 158 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:11:34 or 18694 seconds. Making Gaming live streams And small video (first time trying tho) Read More

  • Unleashing the Ultimate Minecraft Beam: XerxesTexasToast

    Unleashing the Ultimate Minecraft Beam: XerxesTexasToastVideo Information This video, titled ‘blasting you with the minecraft beam again’, was uploaded by XerxesTexasToast on 2024-08-13 06:19:46. It has garnered 21 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:44:38 or 17078 seconds. Support: Check out the playlist section on my channel to view whole series! GROUND RULES – No racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or any other flavor of bigotry. – No sexual harassment. This includes both lewd jokes directed at me or another chat member and unsolicited confessions. – Don’t ask for personal info. I will not tell you real names or locations,… Read More

  • Minecraft FreshSMP: DUMBO Goes Insane?!

    Minecraft FreshSMP: DUMBO Goes Insane?!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft freshsmp’, was uploaded by dumbo on 2024-07-08 01:20:54. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:22 or 5302 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on BANZOUIN Hakka! You Won’t Believe Her Reaction!

    EPIC Minecraft Prank on BANZOUIN Hakka! You Won't Believe Her Reaction!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】HONEY WAKE UP, IT’S TIME FOR YOUR MINECRAFT SESSION ! ! !’, was uploaded by Banzoin Hakka Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-10-02 05:05:39. It has garnered 5561 views and 843 likes. The duration of the video is 04:31:59 or 16319 seconds. MINECRAFT TIME BABY. ✦•······················•☼•······················•✦ CUTE AF ART, THANK YOU SO MUCH KIIRU ! ! ! SUPER ADORABLE DANCING HAKKITO ANIMATION cool custom chat CSS by chroneco! Awesome captioning & translation by Jimakuchan ✦•······················•☼•······················•✦ So much to explore, it’s dangerous to go alone, take a subscription! Make sure to ring the bell,… Read More

  • INSANE Eggwars Gameplay with Subs! 😱🔥

    INSANE Eggwars Gameplay with Subs! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Jugando EGGWARS con SUBS en MINECRAFT BEDROCK – Ciktro’, was uploaded by Ciktro on 2024-09-02 23:48:14. It has garnered 40 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:11 or 5291 seconds. Playing EGGWARS with SUBS in MINECRAFT BEDROCK – Ciktro —————————————– ———— SOCIAL NETWORKS ———————————— —————– TIK TOK: TWITTER: DISCORD: INSTAGRAM: ————————————————– — CHANNEL INFORMATION ——————————————– ——— As you know, my name is Ciktro and I really like talking to you and entertaining you. My main content is based on Minecraft, where I usually do tutorials for both… Read More

  • Deadly School SMP in Minecraft ft. Shabirzzgamer

    Deadly School SMP in Minecraft ft. ShabirzzgamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But You SUB I die school smp | #shabirzzgamer #minecraft #livestream #shorts’, was uploaded by Poki Mine Gamer on 2024-10-02 12:12:03. It has garnered 2903 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:38 or 7598 seconds. Minecraft But You SUB I die school smp | #shabirzzgamer #minecraft #livestream #shorts 💕💕😍😍 Minecraft Live is an annual online event hosted by Mojang Studios, designed to showcase major updates, features, and upcoming content for Minecraft. The event is packed with exciting reveals, including the announcement of new game mechanics, mobs, biomes, and collaborations. Viewers… Read More

  • Dragon Shield Modded: No Client Mods-Modded Survival, MMORPG, Backpacks, Magic&Custom Weapons, Quests, 500+ Dungeons, 300+ Custom Biomes, New Ores, Custom Ore, Whitelist

    🐉 Join Today 🛡️ Hello long forgotten friends! I welcome you to Dragon Shield, a server filled with custom ores, over 700 hours of content, 500+ dungeons, backpacks, over 100 custom biomes, furniture, and souls-like boss mechanics—all without needing any mods! Joining is easy, simply load a small resource pack when you join. Explore the vast world of Dragon Shield and experience all it has to offer. Contact me for our wiki where every custom detail is explained. Whether you’re new to minecraft or a seasoned player, this server is designed for everyone to enjoy. For casual players, there are… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Newbie baited!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Newbie baited!"Looks like the noobs aren’t the only ones falling for traps – this meme has definitely caught some unsuspecting victims with a score of 21! Read More

  • Villager’s spicy oi oi meme 🌶️ #lol

    Villager's spicy oi oi meme 🌶️ #lol Why did the villager go to therapy? Because he couldn’t stop saying “oi oi” all the time! #villagerproblems 😂 Read More

  • Creating a BoBoiBoy Topan Portal in Minecraft PE

    Creating a BoBoiBoy Topan Portal in Minecraft PE The Exciting World of Minecraft: BoBoiBoy Topan Portal Creation BoBoiBoy Topan, the second level of power that emerges in the Minecraft universe, brings a unique twist to the game. Among all the BoBoiBoys, BoBoiBoy Topan stands out as the only one equipped with a hoverboard for transportation. When BoBoiBoy Topan first appeared, he lost control, leading to a fierce battle with BoBoiBoy Halilintar. BoBoiBoy Topan’s Unique Abilities BoBoiBoy Topan’s hoverboard adds a dynamic element to the game, allowing players to navigate the Minecraft world with speed and agility. This unique mode of transportation opens up new possibilities for exploration… Read More

  • Troll Face Phonk: Moment Before Disaster

    Troll Face Phonk: Moment Before Disaster The World of Minecraft: A Journey Through Creativity and Adventure Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and challenges await at every turn. From building magnificent structures to surviving against all odds, this game offers endless possibilities for players to explore. Unleash Your Creativity with Minecraft Shorts With Minecraft shorts, players can showcase their creativity in quick, bite-sized videos that highlight their building skills, unique challenges, and hilarious moments. Whether it’s a daring escape from a creeper or a mesmerizing time-lapse of a grand castle construction, Minecraft shorts never fail to… Read More

  • Experience the EPICNESS of Minecraft’s Mega Base! 🤯 #JustCallMeCat

    Experience the EPICNESS of Minecraft's Mega Base! 🤯 #JustCallMeCatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mega Base!!! ( LIVE )’, was uploaded by JustCallMeCat on 2024-09-05 01:41:17. It has garnered 101 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:28:17 or 8897 seconds. Its what you think it is… I Have Merch? Discord: #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #streamer Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Trick

    Ultimate Minecraft Diamond TrickVideo Information This video, titled ‘Diamond 😂#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Koobra Arvind on 2024-04-22 13:13:40. It has garnered 8518 views and 187 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey and j, monster school, tiktok, obit, mikey and jj roblox,… Read More

  • EPIC Indian Survival Series in Minecraft Pocket Edition!

    EPIC Indian Survival Series in Minecraft Pocket Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘New survival series minecraft pocket edition indian’, was uploaded by Lankesh gaming 777 on 2024-07-07 15:59:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 1.12.224/server 32 bit minecraft free 64×64 minecraft server icon 6700k for minecraft server 60gb minecraft server minecraft server … Read More

  • Minecraft Diamonds Guide: Insane Tips for 1.21!

    Minecraft Diamonds Guide: Insane Tips for 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘The BEST Ways To Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.21!’, was uploaded by Marcor on 2024-09-16 17:12:03. It has garnered 35673 views and 2636 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Here are the best ways to find a ton of diamonds in your Minecraft world with ease. From the good old strip mining method, to dive mining, there are many ways to find diamonds and they are all in this video! Hey, thank you for checking out my channel, I really appreciate it! Consider subscribing while you’re here. If you enjoyed… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT FLY THROUGH!! 😱🚀 #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘FLY TROUGH #minecraft #gaming #memes’, was uploaded by MrKanto on 2024-05-24 21:02:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. gaming #minecraft Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or … Read More

ItsMarloe – Minecraft – Brewing House Tutorial (How to Build)