Video Information

Hello it’s me james and welcome back to another minecraft bedrock edition bug slash glitch video so in today’s video i’m gonna be showing you all the working duplication glitches in the minecraft bedrock edition all of the glitches that you are gonna see in today’s video apart from two

Are going to work in a game you will not have to leave the game and they’re also going to work in realms and normal world that being said if you do have a tip trick or glitch you want to submit or feel like i’ve missed one in this video

Let me know in the comments below and of course all my links are in the description below so let’s not waste any more time and get straight on into today’s video in at one we are gonna start with by far the best duplication glitch that is working in the game

At the moment this is of course the beacon duplication glitch i am kind of surprised why this hasn’t been patched although there are a few downsides now the downside to this duplication glitch it does require you to have a touchscreen device and of course you will need to go into your settings

You’re going to want to go into video settings and change your ui profile to pocket edition all this is gonna do is change like the menu and stuff like this this is required for you to do this glitch so of course if you do have a touchscreen device all you would

Need to do is get these stackable items that you want to duplicate in your hotbar you would then enter the beacon and simply tap the items you want to duplicate this is very very powerful like i said i put it at the start because it is the best working one

On minecraft bedrock edition at the moment unfortunately it does not duplicate non-stackable items which is a little bit of a shame although like i said definitely the best one and that’s why it’s first so duplication glitch number two is specifically for horse armor now if you’re going to want to perform this

You are going to want to do this with diamond horse armor that is the best horse armor in the game at the moment so uh yeah you’re definitely going to want to do it with diamond horse armor and of course you’re gonna want a bunch of horses and

A looting three sword now to be fair this isn’t all that great personally i wouldn’t go around killing horses to like get some horse armor because it doesn’t work every single time it only works on a chance so uh first of all what we got to do is actually tame the horse hopefully

It uh gets tamed first time of course it didn’t let’s uh try and tame it come on horse no third time lucky third time lucky right try again come on please please he knows what’s about to happen basically got to tame the horse like i said he definitely knows what’s

Uh about to happen there we go we finally tamed him and then we can go ahead and put some diamond horse armor on to the horse once you have put the horse armor on your horse you can then go and kill your horse with a looting three sword

Like i said this only happens on chance so it’s not guaranteed that you’re going to get it every single time so yeah i mean that it’s up to you but let’s try it and as you can see um i picked one up and there is one on the floor

So uh it did happen we got two but of course we had to slay a horse so there we go horse armor duplication glitch okay so for this part i have actually turned the volume down but recently on my channel i’ve showcased this gravity block duplication machine this will in fact duplicate all

Four blocks that you’re seeing now and we now have a modification that you can make to this machine to allow you to duplicate concrete and it’s very very simple all you’re gonna need to do is go ahead and grab yourself some string and simply place some string here and here

Like that on every single side now you will be able to place concrete here like i’ve done on this one as you can see and of course now we will be able to duplicate concrete powder so as you can see i’ve turned both machines on what i’m gonna do is fill my inventory

So i don’t pick up any of the blocks when i go through and i’m gonna show you them in action so first of all let’s go through to this one it’s been on a little bit longer of course we’ve got all four of these blocks so we should have some of these blocks

When we go through best thing to do probably is turn this off and go into survival because you’ll pick the blocks up anyway if you’re in creative so let’s go into survival and there we go we got a bunch of blocks you know let’s just uh

Let me just see how many we’ve made in that short amount of time see that we got 35 anvils in literally seconds um yeah we pretty much got the same amount of each that’s pretty good so i’m going to go back into creative and of course show you the

Concrete same principle just of course with concrete first of all i’m going to remove these because i am in creative now jump in survival and we’ll go through and there we go wow all right yeah so because i went through to the other side and didn’t let it

Go through as long uh that’s why we’ve got a little bit less so obviously when i went through to collect the anvils and stuff the chunks weren’t loaded on the main island side if that makes sense so that’s why we’ve got a little bit less

But of course you just want to go afk for as long as you want and you should get some pretty nice amount so yeah to get the concrete to work on this machine all you’ve got to do is add a couple pieces of string and the full tutorial for this

Form is on my channel i’ll put it in the description below so up next we have got the piston duplication glitch this thing only duplicates pistons that being sticky pistons and of course normal pistons and i would personally say this is a late game duplication glitch although it is very very

Op i’ve got a full video which i’m going to put in the description below but basically what you’re seeing now is a wither cage and the wither blast is blowing up the piston but we are retracting the pistons at exactly the same time and the game kind of thinks that it blew

The piston up but in reality we pulled it down so the game makes an extra piston like i said it’s super op super cool if you haven’t seen it definitely check out the video in the description below i mean pistons are generally very useful in the game on to the next

One okay so the next one is a flower duplication glitch now of course this is primarily for wither roses of course if you didn’t know already if we go ahead and place a flower down and bow meal it you can actually like like make more flowers anyway just using some bone meal however

If we were to do this with a with a rose yeah it just doesn’t work so to perform this glitch you simply want to grab yourself a couple pieces of dirt in this formation place your wither rose place a piece of snow on top of the wither rose

Go to the back and place yourself a button at this point you’re going to want to be removing this bottom block and then you click that block with this and you will actually grab yourself an extra with a rose now if you didn’t see that i’m going to try and do it very

Slowly again you want to place a block place down a wither rose like so place a piece of snow a button on the back get your snow in hand and whilst you’re removing this block get ready to click and place a piece of snow on this block

And it kind of like multiplies the roses for some reason so yeah remove the block back of the block and as you can see now i’ve got three so i’ve got a full stack and i’ve made an extra two eventually you get a lot better at this

Technique and it does become a lot easier okay so sticking to the flower theme this one is it’s kind of pointless it is the fern duplication this one right here i mean like i said it’s very very pointless i mean unless you want some ferns for whatever reason

You will still need some bone meal although it’s never gonna get used like just let’s watch this i’ve got 58 and if i go ahead and use this it doesn’t like even use it for some reason let me go ahead and do that again it just doesn’t use your bone meal and

You can get unlimited firms of course if you wanted to get these like i think you need like a silk touch or something but it never uses your bone meal whereas if i do this one oh what it did it to normal grass as well just then you see that i have 58

Still what wait does it do it again let’s try this again what right as you can see let me do it to the flower oh damn i have 53. 53 not 58 sorry as you can see when i hit that it uh took some off let’s see if this

Actually does it again on the fern so if you hit a fern boom all right it’s doing it this time that’s strange but now it’s not taking it off i’ve got 51. you see that and i just hit that one let me try this grass 51 again so yeah

You can do this with like grass and that’s why i put this in here yeah you can pretty much get unlimited grass again like i said it’s pretty pointless and sometimes it does go a little bit glitchy and weird but it’s still technically a duplication glitch so for the most part that

Is all of the working in game duplication glitches in the minecraft bedrock edition at least they’re the ones i know of now there is the infamous exiting out of the game glitches these are by far the worst kind of glitches these glitches are going to allow you

To duplicate any item in the game however they will require you to exit the game i have seen so many people showcasing these kinds of glitches and i want to make this real clear they are the worst kinds of glitches to be showcasing and spreading around

Purely for the fact that they will work differently with every single device every single platform they will be different let me explain so if i was to perform one of these exiting out of the game glitches right now for you guys on my pc i could probably successfully get it to

Work not only does my pc run really well but i can load up minecraft really fast so it’s not really that much of an issue for me however if i was on my xbox it would probably massively impact my xbox purely for the fact my xbox is not powerful enough to

Do these kinds of things over and over again so if you do happen not to do it the first time and you’ve got to do it again it’s just so long there are also other things that can impact the exiting out of the game glitches the size of your world

Can impact the time in which you need to exit the game and of course every single person who plays minecraft will have a different size world so you get what i’m saying you’re gonna need to leave at a different time so you will all have probably seen the

Exiting out of the game glitch where you put some stuff in the chest and then you break four blocks on a brand new fresh world deleting those four blocks would count for about four seconds this would be all right on a brand new fresh world however if you’re on an

Older world it could be dramatically longer or even a little bit shorter with all that being said there’s still people who are gonna wanna do the exiting out of the game glitches so what i’m gonna try and do is show you how you can optimize it

Like i said i’m not the best at it but i’m gonna show you how you can do it all right so this one okay you don’t need to set this up like this this is an example one okay you don’t need this many repeaters i’ve seen someone

Else try and showcase this exact one and they explained it so wrong this is literally for the time okay this is time i think i worked out that this much right now i mean let me go ahead and put an item in there just to see i think i worked out that

That’s about four seconds all right so like your average four seconds when it comes back maybe a bit longer i’m not sure but and then you’d leave the game when this lights up i mean you know what let me go ahead and show you this first of all

Let me go into survival i’m going to wait for the redstone to stop doing its thing i’m then going to put some random items in you know i’m just going to put the uh the anvils in i’m gonna wait and at the exact moment when the light lights up i’m gonna press alt

F4 and exit out of the game of course every single device is going to have a different means of exiting out of the game and stuff like nintendo switch i don’t think you can even do it without it auto saving however that being said i mean i don’t

Know if this is gonna work i’ve not fully tested it but yeah basically you can see well it took me back a little bit further so i’ve still got this i’m in survival still but it’s took the items out but we didn’t lose the items

So i think i waited a little too long so what i’ve done is just took off a few repeaters i’m gonna try this exactly the same thing again i’m gonna take some of these items out wait for this to of course stop i’m gonna go ahead and save and quit in front of

This then i’m gonna go back onto the world and we’re just gonna do it with the uh anvils again you know what we’ll go ahead and do it with uh whatever i mean you just want to make sure you put the items in before the light lights up like so and then if

We go back in i mean that could have been too quick so i may needed a little bit longer but you can see what i’m doing i’m doing trial and error so basically now i’ll go on and hopefully i mean you never know oh there you go we actually successfully

Managed to do it so if i was to do that again what i’m gonna do is wait uh basically i’m gonna save and quit once again and then i’m gonna go back on to obviously jamland we’re gonna go ahead and throw our items that we want to duplicate

In here i’m like just going to pick some random ones like so i’m gonna make sure i’m ready for when the light flashes and as soon as that light flashes we’re gonna go ahead and go back on to the world well we’re gonna exit out

Of the world and then go back onto the world once we’ve exited out of it and i mean you can generally get the timing perfect with this and it should stay the same like like you see here i mean you never lose any items so yeah hopefully i explain that um a

Little bit better all the redstone is for it doesn’t do anything to duplicate the items all the redstone is for is for timing as you can see here because this is a reasonably new world i’ve simply got i don’t know one two three four five six seven

Eight nine 10 11 12 13 14. i got 14 repeaters that is it whereas when i’ve showcased this in the past i’ve showcased it with 60 repeaters because i was on a bigger world i did say this at the time as well so i’ve showed you how to optimize

Timing using redstone now it’s time to optimize the amount of items you can actually duplicate if i were to personally pick one of these exiting out of the game glitches to do it would be this one purely for the fact you can literally duplicate i don’t know 14 to 16 chests at once

I mean if you set this thing up around a whole chunk you’d be able to do so many more chests than just this i’ve just set these up for an example as you can see in the chest they are all full with different amounts of shocker boxes

Of course you’re going to actually have full circle boxes to get the most efficiency of this duplication glitch but you can then go ahead and also just throw in normal stackable items as well so how i’ve set this up is i have got these chests

Lined up on the edge of a chunk so when i turn this machine on the pistons will push in and out of the chunk at this point we’re going to want to exit the game at a specific time again i will mention this right now this is probably going to be different on

Every single device because of course every single device has a different amount of time uh for when you exit the game and they also run a lot differently and of course it will depend on how big your world sizes as well but yeah first of all

If you do want to do this you’re going to want to set this up like so very simple to set up you’re then going to want to go into survival well at least i do at this point i’m going to want to go ahead and save and quit out of the game

Then we’ll go back on to the world we just saved and quitted out of we’re gonna turn on the lever and we’re gonna count to about 20 so that’s one two three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20. on the 20th i’m gonna exit out of the game i’m then gonna load the game back up and go back into the world we just exited out of now if we’ve done this correctly we will have successfully duplicated our chest i will also mention that there is a slight

Chance that you actually uh remove your chest so of course there we wasn’t successful so what i’m going to do right now turn off the machine i’m going to save and quit so we’ve got our save level sorted i’m going to go back on to the world like so

After that i’m gonna turn this on i’m gonna count to twenty again two three four five six seven eight nine ten 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 and 20 oh i was a little bit late there but we exited out of the game

And of course we want to go ahead and open that world up again and like said fingers crossed if we got that correct we could have possibly duplicated our chests or like you can see here made them completely disappear as you can see the items have completely disappeared

That’s why it is always important to have a copy of your world i’ll be back in a sec all right fortunately enough for me i’ve got a backup of this world um i mean i do need to make a quick save so what i’m gonna do first

Is go into survival again like so i’ve also given myself some blocks this time i’m going to nerd pole up like this so we don’t have to destroy any blocks now i’m going to make a save and quit and we’re just going to do that same process again

So as soon as we come in through the game we’re going to turn this on we’re going to go over here and we’re gonna go one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 and 20

I’m gonna exit out of the game like so i’m gonna load the game back up and hopefully this time our items didn’t get deleted um although they can get deleted which is i mean a downside to these exiting out of the game glitches but thankfully they didn’t get deleted

This time and we were actually able to duplicate our chest so you can see you can get in these ones you can’t get in these ones right now these ones are fully um we can’t get in these ones right so if you want to get in these which of

Course you’re going to need to to get your stuff you want to go ahead and remove all of these pistons like so and this should actually allow you to get into those ghost chests so now as you can see we will have fully duplicated items and a lot of

Fully duplicated items at that like literally we’ve got all our portal blocks now we’ve got our xp vials or bottle of enchanting whatever you want to call it so yeah exiting out of the game glitches if you’re gonna do it do it right do this one believe me there

We have it all working duplication glitches in the minecraft bedrock edition again i’m fairly certain i covered all of the ones that are working in game without having to exit out of and like i said i wanted to show you how to optimize your timing for those

Exit out the world glitches and of course optimize the amount of items you can get the rest of the uh exit out of the game glitches in my personal opinion are a waste of time so that is literally all i have got time for today i will catch you on the next one

This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.16.201 – ALL WORKING DUPLICATION GLITCHES 2021 TUTORIAL! XBOX,PE,WINDOWS10,SWITCH,PS4’, was uploaded by ItsMe James on 2021-03-03 16:00:04. It has garnered 276578 views and 5740 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:36 or 1296 seconds.

#MINECRAFT #ITSMEJAMES #GLITCHS Thanks For everyone’s Support , would love any feedback!


Very Simple Gravity Block Duplication Farm!-Tutorial- Minecraft Bedrock! (DUPLICATION GLITCH)

*Working* Piston Duplication Glitch! (Fully Automatic Farm) Mcpe,Xbox,Ps,Windows10,Switch

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    Shocking: NOTMINEXD Terminated 🕉️ #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What happened to NOTMINEXD 🕉️ ( Channel Terminated ) #minecraft’, was uploaded by Notnikhil on 2024-03-24 06:45:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. youtube channel how to recover terminated youtube account my youtube channel suspended youtube channel suspended … Read More

  • EPIC Custom Warp System in My Minecraft Server! 😱🔥 #minecraft #smp

    EPIC Custom Warp System in My Minecraft Server! 😱🔥 #minecraft #smpVideo Information This video, titled ‘Custom warp system for my Minecraft Server! #minecraft #minecraftsmp #smp #mc #cozy’, was uploaded by StinkySurvival on 2024-05-20 13:50:13. It has garnered 781 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Toilet Fight in Minecraft ⚔️ BHALIYA OFFICIAL #skibiditoilet

    EPIC Toilet Fight in Minecraft ⚔️ BHALIYA OFFICIAL #skibiditoiletVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But Skibidi Toilet 🚽 Fight #minecraft #skibiditoilet #phonk’, was uploaded by BHALIYA OFFICIAL on 2024-06-13 08:03:45. It has garnered 502 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. minecraft minecraft animation minecraft shorts shorts #minecraft minecraft mods minecraft pe minecraft edit minecraft 1.20 minecraft memes minecraft meme phonk minecraft funny edit minecraft minecraft video minecraft but shorts minecraft minecraft noob minecraft challenge animation minecraft meme minecraft minecraft tiktok noob minecraft minecraft live best phonk zonecraft minecraft hacks cursed minecraft phonk edit video phonk pvp minecraft minecraft mod minecraft… Read More

  • EuropeSMP

    EuropeSMPWelcome to EuropeSMP, the ultimate CPVP shop survival server where you can become the best player in the game! Join us and embark on an epic adventure as you build, mine, and conquer your way to the top. With a thriving economy, endless possibilities for customization, and a dedicated community of players, EuropeSMP offers a unique and immersive gaming experience like no other. So what are you waiting for? Join us today and start your journey to greatness on EuropeSMP! Read More

  • Ezartla SMP 1.21+

    Welcome to Ezartla Survival Server! We are excited to announce the grand opening of Ezartla Survival Server in just 2 weeks! Join us for an unforgettable survival adventure with exciting features for all players. Key Features: Land Claiming: Protect your creations with our intuitive system. Player-Run Economy: Trade and become the ultimate entrepreneur. Ranks: Earn perks and abilities as you progress. Custom Enchantments: Customize your gear with powerful enchantments. Massive World: Explore a vast 50,000×50,000 block world. Minecraft 1.21: Experience the latest version. And More: Stay tuned for exciting updates! Connect With Us: Server IP: Join Our Discord:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ultimate love in Minecraft

    The love in this meme is so high, it’s like trying to reach level 105 in Minecraft without even mining a single block! Read More

  • “Spicy Minecraft Memes” 🔥 #minecraft #game #memes #shorts #minecraftshorts

    "Spicy Minecraft Memes" 🔥 #minecraft #game #memes #shorts #minecraftshorts Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #boomtherapy 💥 Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Trash Can Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Trash Can Tutorial Minecraft Tutorial: Building a Trash Can with Zurtox Welcome to another exciting Minecraft tutorial with Zurtox! Today, Zurtox will guide you through the process of building a simple trash can in Minecraft. If you have any other building ideas or suggestions for tutorials on his channel, feel free to share them in the comments section. Building a Trash Can in Minecraft Creating a trash can in Minecraft can be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Follow Zurtox’s step-by-step instructions to add this essential element to your Minecraft world. Materials Needed: Iron Blocks: For the main structure of the trash can…. Read More

  • Villagers Sleeping in The Nether?!

    Villagers Sleeping in The Nether?! Minecraft Myths: Villagers Sleeping in The Nether? Exploring Player Myths in Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, players often come up with myths and theories about the game’s mechanics and possibilities. Today, we delve into some of the most intriguing myths shared by players, including the question of whether villagers can sleep in The Nether. Unveiling the Myths First Myth: Players speculate about the existence of hidden dungeons beneath the ocean, waiting to be discovered for rare treasures. Second Myth: Some believe that certain biomes hold secret portals to other dimensions, offering unique adventures. Third Myth: There are… Read More

  • EPIC Finale: Lost Books Uncovered on SkyBoundSMP

    EPIC Finale: Lost Books Uncovered on SkyBoundSMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lost Books { SkyBoundSMP EP 34 }’, was uploaded by Artfulrenegade on 2024-07-09 01:28:30. It has garnered 330 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:33 or 2433 seconds. Hello! Welcome to Episode 34 of Rune’s journey on BoundSMP, a lore based multiplayer Minecraft server. Today Rune and Sylph meet someone new! Watch the lore LIVE over on my twitch Check out these playlist to catch up on past lore! SkyBound: Find me elsewhere in the wild: Tik Tok:… Twitter:… Instagram:… Alright that’s all from me, see… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Redstone Build Hack in Minecraft 2.0

    Mind-Blowing Redstone Build Hack in Minecraft 2.0Video Information This video, titled ‘Amazing Redstone Build Hack in minecraft #shorts #minecraft #build_hacks #gamer #gameplay’, was uploaded by Dinar Gamerz 2.0 on 2024-04-06 04:00:25. It has garnered 300 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Amazing Redstone Build Hack in minecraft #shorts #minecraft #build_hacks #gamer #gameplay #craftingandbuilding #Roblox #clashofclans #craftingandbuilding #mecharena #indianbikerider3d #bestgameplayathome #grannyremake #mobilegameplay #pcgameplay #banglagameplay Hey Everyone! This is Dinar ! Welcome to My channel ..”Dinar Gamerz 2.0″ .. I created this channel for PC & Android games. I upload daily videos about pc & mobile related games, gaming news Reactions… Read More

  • Secrets of Midnightbirds: EPIC Hardcore Minecraft

    Secrets of Midnightbirds: EPIC Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft Ep.1’, was uploaded by Midnightbirds on 2024-02-19 18:00:10. It has garnered 31 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:42 or 1662 seconds. Sorry for the audio issues. they will be fixed next video. Hardcore Minecraft is Minecraft locked on the hardest difficulty. You have one life where you have to try to survive as long as you can. This is my attempt Read More

  • Insane Mining Academy for Creepers – The Respecter

    Insane Mining Academy for Creepers - The RespecterVideo Information This video, titled ‘Если бы криперы могли пойти в шахтерскую академию’, was uploaded by The Respecter on 2024-02-21 20:15:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here … Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft HACKS on Ander Bling’s FIRST VIDEO! Subscribe now! #SMP

    INSANE Minecraft HACKS on Ander Bling's FIRST VIDEO! Subscribe now! #SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘First vid subscribe #minecraft #smp #viral #hack #funny’, was uploaded by Ander Blings on 2024-01-07 23:35:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane 8 Mods for Minecraft YOU MUST TRY! 1.20.1, 1.18.2

    Insane 8 Mods for Minecraft YOU MUST TRY! 1.20.1, 1.18.2Video Information This video, titled ‘8 New Minecraft Mods You Need To Know! (1.20.1, 1.18.2)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-03-25 11:00:23. It has garnered 55611 views and 2253 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:09 or 789 seconds. 8 New Minecraft Mods You Need To Know! (1.20.1, 1.18.2) 0:00 -Epic Fight: Obsidian Can Cry 1.18.2 (Forge) 7:47 -Airstrike Mod 1.20.4 —— 1.20.1 (Fabric) 9:59 -Back Weapon Slot 1.20.1 —— 1.18.2 (Forge) 10:25 -Instant Sleep 1.20.1 —— 1.19.2 (Forge) 10:49 -Item sharpness 1.20.1 —— 1.19.4 (Forge) 11:17 -AutoHarvest 1.20.4 (Fabric) 12:10 -Xp from… Read More

  • Endless Minecraft Phone Addiction?! 👀 #Minecraft2024

    Endless Minecraft Phone Addiction?! 👀 #Minecraft2024Video Information This video, titled ‘POV: So-Called Phone Addiction. – (Minecraft Short) – #Minecraft2024 – @simonbreaofficial .’, was uploaded by JakeyDboy47 on 2024-06-12 06:48:50. It has garnered 8943 views and 232 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Hello, I am JakeyDboy47. I like to play Plants vs Zombies, Fortnite, Minecraft, Rocket League, Rogue Company, Among Us, Goat Simulator, Fall Guys and Multiversus. I also like to post cartoon videos and Minecraft Skits I’ve made. My Favourite YouTubers are Typical Gamer, SypherPK, Nick Eh 30, LazarBeam, Lachlan, Loserfruit, GhostNinja, CourageJD and Ninja. My best friends are… Read More

  • ¡Increíble video Viral de Minecraft Mod en 2021!

    ¡Increíble video Viral de Minecraft Mod en 2021!Video Information This video, titled ‘Vídeo completo en el canal #viral #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #mods #minecraftpemods’, was uploaded by Gotenks333 on 2024-02-20 00:10:57. It has garnered 1013 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Firework Show in WDW!

    EPIC Minecraft Firework Show in WDW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft/ WDW – Firework Show’, was uploaded by LegoMaker961 on 2024-06-17 04:12:07. It has garnered 3 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:15 or 375 seconds. From The Minecraft DLC: Magic Kingdom I don’t own any of the rights to anything. The Music in the show is owned by The Walt Disney Company. U.S. Parody and Copyright Law: Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section,… Read More

  • MineLett Network

    MineLett NetworkMe complace presentarles MineLett, un servidor que aspira a crecer junto con su comunidad. Nos esforzamos por estar atentos a sus inquietudes, quejas y sugerencias para mejorar constantemente. Actualmente, MineLett ofrece la modalidad de SkyBlock, donde encontrarás una amplia variedad de características. Además, estamos emocionados por las próximas actualizaciones que traerán aún más emocionantes características a la experiencia de juego. ¿Qué estás esperando para unirte a nosotros? Ven y diviértete con la comunidad de MineLett, ¡ayúdanos a crecer juntos! Read More

  • All Of Create SMP Modded Java Whitelist roleplay

    Welcome to All of Create! Version: 1.19.2 (Modded) Discord: Join our Discord server About Us: We’re a small modded survival multiplayer server looking for members to join and play. Get more information about us in our server! Join Us: First join our Discord using the link above, then fill out the application to be added to our whitelist. You can find the mod pack and IP in the server’s Info channel. Read More