I’ve Played This Minecraft World For 9 Years Now (World Tour)

Video Information

Hello my friend it’s like and this is my new minecraft 1.8 series which is a new let’s play i’m starting for 1.8 where i’m going to be doing 1.8 sort of stuff and uh the two key differences between this and my regular minecraft flex let’s play which has been going on for over

100 episodes and you should totally totally check out uh and uh you might be thinking how does the hat change anything toy cat because i can’t see the hat and actually you can’t see the hat why am i even wearing it i could just say okay berm

Hello i’m mpx toy cat and on this day nine years ago i decided to start a brand new minecraft world it looked something a little like this and despite thousands of hours of minecraft playtime since then and despite hundreds of episodes of let’s plays being made in

This very world i am still playing it all these years later as my primary minecraft world and so things have changed a bit from a random floating lava pit with a stone block on top which very much did exist back then do something a bit more like this so as you

Can see very clearly in the last nine years what i’ve done is removed that one block of stone above the lava pit also i’ve used a few blocks of lava also i built a house and a giant last furnace and another house actually there’s quite a few things around here that have

Changed most notably the deforestation of the entire area you don’t realize until you look up here and then you you see that all of that used to be forest and oh yeah i guess i’ve used a lot of wood for some of these builds huh um also fun fact because we’re not playing

On a realm like we usually are we don’t have to limit our render distance like this to just 10 to 16 chunks but instead we’re going to be doing this world tour with over a thousand blocks of render distance as indeed this world deserves so let’s give you a tour around what

I’ve spent tens of thousands of hours uh doing over these last nine years for real i would be halfway into raising a child in the time and effort i’ve put into this minecraft world but i wouldn’t take it back for anything because we’ll start with this spawn area right here um

A lot of people see my intros to my videos and they see my house and all the things from it but why do all of these things exist what is the scoop with everything around here there are so many projects new and old that we need to

Dive into and i feel like we need to start right over there so yeah this is roughly the same place you saw all of those trees earlier now it’s been converted into a delightful road with a nice bit of clearance from trees on either side i’m a big fan of having a

Road that connects up my minecraft world and so pretty much everything you’ll see in the main part of this world is connected to the road in some way i just think it’s an easy way to guide people around various things and even when there’s a river that gets in the way

First of all we build round into that river which means we’ve kind of terraformed this area right here but also there are bridges and other various structures to allow you to still ride boats through here which i think is fun uh at least in my opinion and so yeah

We’ve got a lot of uh you know like roads and uh bridges around here but they connect various structures and a lot of these structures are around the spawn like my house i still have this ugly house that is deliberately again people criticize this all the time it

Just makes me want to keep it even more um this is designed to look like a child’s pictogram of a house so as you can see it’s a square box of a triangle roof four windows and a door there is nothing much more to here uh i guess you

Could argue there’s more to the fact that like oh yeah when you go inside there’s some storage on the top floor as well as my rare and unique items then there’s the bed on the in the attic and then finally on the very bottom floor is

All the things i need to interact with easily such as lever storage in this shulker box or map storage in this chest right over here or cat storage on top of the bring stand uh it’s all very simple the way i keep things organized at least

In my own brain i think a lot of people get confused by that which is entirely understandable then i’ve got the mega beacon i’m very proud of this uh thing it’s something i did only in the last couple of years uh but it’s one of those minecraft accomplishments once you pull

Off you just you have to show it up it’s like yeah this takes so much time to kill the weather six times and then get this many mineral blocks it takes a bit of doing and uh i i was proud of it when i first did it nowadays it’s like yeah

That’s old news we let’s move on to the next big challenge which is kind of the beauty of minecraft i mean some of these things i built years and years ago like oh yeah this is just a pit in the ground that i keep cows in but it perfectly

Does the job just as well as something much fancier okay i really enjoyed this so let’s do some more of it let’s do some before and after of this minecraft world by the way even though i started this world on the xbox 360 it was before

Title updates even had names but it was a kaiju update roughly equivalent to minecraft beta 1.8.1 which means that i can load up java 1.8.1 to show you roughly what the world should look like naturally speaking and then i can show you back to my let’s play obviously i

Can do the same with this area right here which obviously is a sculpture park in my modern day let’s play and even wakia is this area right here where there is a giant museum nowadays and every single block in minecraft but in the beta days it wasn’t even flat there

Was a lot of terrain terraforming that’s been done right here also interestingly enough look at this that is this is what that village naturally looks like there is actually yes meant to be a village there and it looks so weird and different to just see this village being

In its natural form beside you know rather than having all of the weird modifications i made like the apartment building and even just the the shape of the terrain itself but the most interesting change to me is this desert right here and this mountain which of

Course in my current world are not a desert and now another mountain it is just so strange to see them actually existing here in beta 1.8.1 but i think rather than showing you all the things in beta and then afterwards i feel like for most this video i just want to show

You what things are and you’re gonna have to trust me that the world looks basically nothing like it did naturally if you can do so just as well as my furnace house which is of course my automatic furnace system which is also incidentally of course made from furnaces allowing me to make some

Furnaces on the outside i’m just now realizing it’s unbalanced on each side it’s eight wide on that one and six wide on this one i’m pretty gonna just have to you know we can fix that right now okay real real quick oh we we actually couldn’t fix that very easily now the

Top isn’t working you know what just pretend you didn’t see that okay so yeah this is the newest part of my minecraft let’s play world added in just last monday’s video i i really enjoy it and it’s super efficient at smelting things down with these auto furnaces but also

If i need to use a hundred separate furnaces good news it is literally made from those and so yeah there are things that are super super new and built in a very different style and things that are super super old right next to each other this is a minecart elevator in case

You’re curious built from a wooden structure with some glass and dirt and it looks like we got some wool and lapis lazuli blocks again super super old times before i had access to most colors and for some reason i thought this was just an acceptable way to leave a build

It’s ugly it’s not very effective but it adds to the kind of heritage of the world sometimes it’s fun to update old structures like this um you know like a museum in the last year we’ve taken a good uh you know poke with we’ve changed it a little bit um but sometimes it’s

Fun to leave things exactly how they are i love that i have this old npc village uh that looks like this and actually allow me to show you how this village and this desert or of a lack thereof um links in with the rest of my world because there’s a long road which

Connects them like every house in my world i have a big old road using wood for the base and stone slabs for the sides it’s simplistic yes but does it do the job i think you’ll find it does and in fact it better than does the job it

Allows you to you know kind of like run a little bit and you get a little bit of traction from the ice which is underneath the ground oh there’s not ice underneath this ground oh there is there we go you get a little bit of a boost when you’re running from the ice

Underneath your feet and there’s just something about that that adds to the feel of the world i actually don’t know if that’s true in bedrock anymore yeah i feel like i feel like it’s actually not doing anything for me so that’s another example of something that’s old doesn’t

Do anything for me just makes the road feel a bit weirder but yet that i have in here anyway i mean realistically we fly around the place but it’s still cool to show off the roads because this road leads right back to home and this bridge

But then also we have a road going this way out towards the mountains over there which actually look really cool from this angle back here um so yeah this is the spawn with which used to be a forest and now is very much not i mean even the

Closest thing i’ve retained of the original forest is this which is a biome i decided to maybe shave all the leafs off what did i do of those leaves it will come up later but it’ll just give you more it’ll give you more questions than it gives you answers but yeah i

Shaved an entire forest biome because i think it looks kind of spooky and halloweeny see very on topic for this month but am i right but yeah let me go just a little bit further north here and show you what is in my opinion one of my favorite things every minecraft world

Should have it’s gonna slow us down a little bit in terms of frame rate but i have 225 maps all filled out well filled out asterisks some of them for some reason refused to fill look at these ugly little corners but i have 225 maps showing off my let’s

Play world as you can see right now we are over here this little barrel thing for some reason do we not have a roof on top of this we don’t i should put a roof up there huh anyway so as you can see we’re um over there maybe i should uh

Actually i should fill the roof in saying like you’re here or something like that yeah like a big red arrow that uh i think a big red arrow pointing to this thing would be really handy this is the world origin even though the spawn is over there even though i

Started this video there and that’s where my house and a lot of my major builds are um this is the world origin which is defined as zero zero and i have of course a seventh beacon in my world to represent that i feel like beacons

Are pretty cool and uh yeah this is the kind of point where everything is going north south east or west from and uh even it’s it’s funny because my entire brain can is based on the fact that this is north and this is south but like in terms of actual coordinates it’s not

It’s my entire like world view is flipped compared to what actually is i mean if you look at the map you can see this is going up which you figure would be north and this is going down which you’d figure would be south but you’d figure incorrectly that is

Uh again just a just an interesting quirk i don’t know if it’s an old world thing or if it’s just wait no that is north why does north wait no i just realized because the sun is setting in the west that that is north so if that’s north why do the

Coordinates go negative what is what is the sense of that i don’t i don’t fully understand that one at all anyway so this is my big old map and this is my world origin would you like to see some other things that i’ve changed because here’s another forest

That i’ve obviously lit up i’ve lit up my entire xbox 360 size world because like i said i started this world on the xbox 360 which used to be an 864 by 864 size world you can still see the remnants of this to this day because

There’s this big square in the middle of the map that has like an ocean border around it that’s when i converted my world from xbox 360 to xbox one and then some of this map like where the united kingdom is gloriously sitting are in when i converted the world from xbox one

To xbox one bedrock and that’s why i managed to play the exact same world whether i’m on an xbox one a phone or indeed on the pc like i am right now anyway as you can see there’s a significant amount of deforestation going on which is something i decided to

Fix which is behind why behind my barrel which is my mega storage i have a birch forest which i planted myself yeah you’ll also notice that even though it’s getting dark in this world because of all of the torches it never actually gets dark here um something i decided to

Do in the last few years was torch up my entire world it took many many hours it took genuinely tens of thousands of tortures but now i don’t have to worry about mob spawning even in the forests as you can see right here because it’s lit up

Enough that that’s just not a real concern by the way we’re gonna follow this road north into the mountains which again these mountains are mostly original and uh it’s a fun reminder by the way in case you’re curious about anything around here that we’re ignoring because there are gonna be a lot of

Things that you’re like wait so what’s what’s in there why is there a pig inside that wood why is there this giant mountainous cabin with no light in case you do have any of those questions i did just update the let’s play world only minecraft marketplace if you go onto the

Marketplace and you search toycat or toycats let’s play world or ibx toymaps there’s lots of ways to find it uh you can actually download this map for yourself and look around it we just added a brand new update and the cool thing about it is like from before

Always updates will come out for free you can see the latest version it’s always a month behind the real version uh so there’ll be a few things in this uh video that won’t be in the world but if you want to see any of this for

Yourself or you want to you know like see any of the bits that we kind of miss then you can obviously check out the world and give it a download uh nine years of progress for just 660 minecoins what a what a stealer for deal that is

Am i right anyway so now that we’ve done that let’s talk about this area right here and rather than going back in the past to the job edition days let’s go back in the past to episode one of this let’s play and show you how like oh yeah

I was skeptical about starting a ravine it’s good as you can see we’re halfway across the map haven’t really found anything interesting although this is really really cool uh considering making a house up there worst comes worst comes to worst um oh a ravine oh there’s something can stop the house near them

Let’s let’s see where this goes uh ravine is actually an ideal place to start a house near so you can have a mine that’s like already sort of dug um that’s my idea anyway we’ll we’ll see if it pans out or not let’s let’s check this cave out in fact let’s get the

Torches out i have torches there actually i i literally said that uh yeah at some point i changed that here i am nine years later this which somehow has been made uglier by the addition of the terracotta is genuinely my cape house in the last year we did do a remodel now i

Have this giant room down here there’s nothing in this giant room maybe i should put things in this giant room at some point anyway i’ve got this giant room down here as you can see i’ve got a staircase which leads you down into the ravine fun fact this this is crazy to me

At least if you go across from this ravine and then you take a little staircase down there is a second ravine down here this is these are the facts people don’t know this world is blessed in one point again but back in the 1.8 days having two ravines next to each

Other was a dream look at all the ores i mined from here and all the cobblestone i’ve placed and okay it’s a very ugly ravine let’s admit it’s not very fun to climb in and out of either but yeah the fun fact is that i have a little house i

Live in a cave and i love it because so many youtubers like in their first like few months they’re like oh i can’t believe i’m still living in my starter house i need to make a grand mansion for myself and don’t get me wrong i have

Made a grand mansion for myself you can see it sits very precariously on top of that hill over there i’ve got a giant mansion but i genuinely don’t enjoy using it i prefer living in my starter house which you know i have made modifications too it used to just be on

The side of this hill the cave used to just expose a few blocks i made a lovely little window here um it used to just be that it was you know like sometimes uh not the best lit i added these glass windows so i could see if it was day or

Night on the outside even to my bedroom oh look at that wonderful remodel we did right there it used to be that there was just a door that led to nothing now we’ve got a door that leads to basically nothing which is incredibly different and even get this the chest room has now

A wool floor yeah i’m making all the changes in this world um but no yeah more seriously uh obviously i i think there’s something more fun about changing and updating your house um than to just build a new one and scrap the old one maybe i’m crazy though

Uh but i like the fact that in another 10 years i’ll still be living in this cave house and people will say ty cat the it’s it’s been it’s been over a decade you gotta you gotta stop and that’ll just fuel me to keep on living

Here out spite for those people again we did add blueberries as you can see we we changed this house so frequently all the time it’s it’s really big anyway let’s go to sleep i hate the rain and let’s talk about things tomorrow okay i guess we’re talking about things

In the rain see look at this by the way i can tell it’s raining from inside the house because this one doesn’t even have glass on top of it i bet at some point a creeper’s gonna fall down there it’s gonna be a whole nightmare but that’s

Not my issue for today also i’ve got this lovely uh map of the uk excluding northern ireland for some reason we have the isle of man on that though we’re missing the isle of wight but we’ve got the yellow man anyway so this is my

Lovely map of the uk i think i did a pretty good job at this given that this is actually a real map i had to make in minecraft um and uh yeah do you want to see it do you want to see my uk so sadly

If you want to go outside the confines of my old xbox 360 world the roads don’t really continue anymore this is something i could fix in the future let’s fly past this deep slate mountain not question it let’s fly past this savannah mountain one of the new changes

In the last couple years these dinosaur eggs just chilling inside of here this bridge that leads between two mountains that otherwise aren’t connected in any way and also my newest changes to the horse stable this year i added a little as you can see it’s a redstone machine

That can tell you how fast the horse is i really want to breed the the fastest horse in minecraft sometime and i’ve just not done it ever i have this whole machine for it now and i still don’t use it which implies the problems on me oh

Speaking of problems that are on me i built something massive that i really don’t like um and you can only see it from the sky even so this is my ocean monument which i surrounded with n blocks and a very confusing pattern honestly i just thought it’d be cool to

Have this feeling of like you’re in the old world but it looks like you’re in the end and obviously when you turn down your render distance enough it almost looks that way the ocean gives it away a tiny bit but um yeah if you have a low

Enough render distance it will look like we’re in the end which is fun i like that but um honestly yeah there’s just something it’s just missing some of the point this chorus fruit farm i never really use for any point uh i i’ve got some plans to expand and improve upon

This in some way but they’re just not active plans maybe that’s my big problem i need to make my plans more active and fun also what i’m considering doing is replacing all of this sand with glass so you can see the ocean around the ocean monument again it’s a fun idea it’s a

Work in progress right now speaking of things that are a work in progress this is a witch and i can finally go to sleep oh by the way just in case it’s not clear this is a drained ocean monument if you go on the inside we we removed

All the all the water from it it was one of the very first projects i did on youtube where i was like oh i’ve got something that will take me you know like 10 plus hours to do how about i stream the entire thing and the success

Of this on youtube streaming is why i still stream dumb survival projects to this day i’ve done a lot of dumb survival projects in my day i say look look at this one placing all the endstone for instance um and the whole reason uh that i stream them is because

I find it to be fun to like have a conversation with the internet while we do that that’s why i stream uh this world in so many ways this is my uk map it might look a bit weird but if i do a quick 180 you’ll see like ah

And yeah again i me maybe i’m too proud of myself for this but it really does take a lot of concentration effort to make a map of something in the middle of a giant ocean which is now forever marked that way is that a shulker box

Just chilling okay it’s a random look of dirt but um yeah it takes a lot of effort and i’m proud of myself for this are you proud of me too i’m making this whole video to make you proud internet you gotta say you’re proud of me now

Incidentally by the way because this is a big stretch of ocean it’s where i try to fight the wither so you might find especially if you download a copy of it on the marketplace you might find some i knew it some errant wither skulls let’s

Try and get hit by one of these shall we okay no can’t do it okay we’re gonna we’re gonna try and get hit by one of these river skulls damn it it’s hard to do but um yeah they’re just flying all over the world because the weather is long

Dead but these things only simulate when you were in simulation distance of them and so yeah you can if you want to download this map and just watch with a heads fly through the sky then one of the things i totally recommend is coming to roughly these coordinates

Corners are in the top left again i just want to mention that okay i’m gonna get hit by this for some reason i can’t get hit by it maybe because the weather’s long dead there we go i did it i got hit by a wither despite one not having been alive

In about six months that’s an accomplishment you can only do with a world like this or maybe lots of other worlds too but again it’s interesting in my opinion anyway let’s go back to the part of my world you recognize and let’s show you another huge project that we’re mostly

Finished with i uh i’m mostly saving it for a video but i’ll give you a sneak peek right now and no it’s not my bedrock to sky high sugar cane farm which side note will be getting an extra 128 blocks tall in uh 1.18 that’s gonna

Be a fun you know that’s gonna be a mega project for a stream right it has to be but what i actually mean i’m gonna come up to my lovely mansion by the way exists on this hill very nice i have a gold block throne and a place to sleep

And everything it’s all very good it’s next to my pretend 1.18 mountain you know i made the joke you know whatever it’s it’s we it’s fun to make fun of things it’s also fun that like at one point 400 episodes was a giant milestone that i made from 400 cakes and now it’s

Like oh we hit 520 recently but what i’m actually talking about is this i drained an ocean recently it took so many hours it took so many hours but we did it and as you can see it looks glorious uh there are still some things i want to

Add to it like on a dig deeper into that chunk for instance and you know what i i keep looking at it and i’m like ooh we could go further you know but for now isn’t this beautiful the answer is yes the answer is yes this is beautiful it

Took it took 20 something hours it has to be beautiful honestly that’s the beauty of minecraft projects is you can spend so many hours doing something and then hate it at the end but you’ve still made that change to the world this is now a permanent addition but at some

Point i’ll be like oh yeah i did that and it’s cool to see a whole world filled with things where you’re just like oh yeah i did that like an ice desert temple or this whole wall i built this wall just like have background pretty cool gameplay to the world i um

Because again i wanted i don’t know why but i had this like desire to have wall building as a background gameplay it’s very methodical and easy to follow so expect to see it in the future by the way um over there is my uh tu-31 you

Know i don’t have time to talk about that today but i had a whole world that i was trying to build deliberately to look like a decent city obviously my definition of decent isn’t gonna perfectly match of yours but as you can see um it’s it’s a city made from

Various different parts it’s the one like coherent part of my minecraft world and generally speaking at least in terms of videos and in terms of uh the comments i get no one really loves any of these buildings again i this is true for me too my favorite parts of this

World are the weird bits even though i might regret draining this ocean or building this ice temple or you know the oil rig or all of these things right here that they add character to something even something doesn’t have to be good to be interesting you know uh

All of the things around here especially in this ocean even these giant blocks they’re objectively ugly but they add character and uh there’s something about minecraft i’ve realized over these last nine years they’re like yeah it’s kind of like creating art there’s no real such thing as good ah bad art and

Everything else there’s just different types of art and uh in the same way the fact that i made just a giant flat land with a very large never portal which uh i might have made a bit thick or the way i shave down this mountain every little

Touch that i’ve added to this wash even even the two carat types next to each other i love the way it all blends in together to me it is beautiful and um that’s why it’s so fun to play on this world to see all of these things you’ve

Done in the past some things more recently than others some things less recently than others but when it’s it’s so fun to look around and to see these things and just be like yeah you’re adding to this permanent tapestry uh in the same way your life is a collection

Of events that you’ve done and it’s just continuously getting longer this minecraft world is continuously getting bigger and i mean that in like an actual problem way the world file size is about a gigabyte now um and so actually being able to play it is causing real problems

And actually just how it corrupted this last week and i lost some progress you want you want to see something that i i would be able to show you fully but i can’t because uh of the damage so my editor is going to do the best he can to

Show you what random city should look like right now so place a half slab down there instead just to keep you know keep things interesting have some texture in this path you know yellow terracottas as a fun cat one you know that the yellow terracotta is a beautiful block we don’t have enough

Blocks on me to pull this off the way i want to okay prismarine bricks perhaps says funk at one dasha you know let’s go of it shot because we built a random block pathway that got removed by weird server based corruption i can’t even fully tell why

Or how it got removed it just didn’t save to the world um but um oh okay no more is that the end of the stream okay no it’s fine we can come back i hope i read this may take a few moments as this may take a few months as dasher you

Know you read it more correctly than they wrote it oh i would love a four ball like a kitkat size kinder bueno you know like just four of those how am i over here how did no wait what what why what’s wrong with you minecraft i don’t how did it not save anything

Why Um i built a desert temple variant deliberately designed to be strange and different got removed because i had to load an older backup because my world genuinely corrupted it’s sad but this is random city so far do you like it i like that these builds all have a weird bit

Of character i think this city is going in a very interesting and weird place and i look forward to adding new things to it maybe we could do that as like a live stream event because yeah this world over it’s weird because over the last uh like two years i’d say this has

Shifted from being solely the let’s play world to being the let’s play world you know the survivor world that is both once a week i go through and let’s play it but i’d say more and more of my hours are spent streaming this world now for

Instance uh you know again this is 25 hours of work not a single moment of it was in a let’s play this uh this pipe is actually i guess technically i built during a let’s play but then this thing right here i built for some background gameplay this uh

Weird underwater prisony thing i don’t again i i can’t i explain to you most the things i build i’m like you know we’ll give that context later what matters is that you enjoy building something um and what matters is that you know it’s going to be interesting

Because i it’s infinitely better to be interesting and bad than to be boring and good in my opinion that is uh one of the the views that i i try to live my my life by sometimes uh because again uh there is only there’s only so much space in the world

But boring and good and wouldn’t you rather be not space in the world at that point i don’t know what i’m saying all i do know is that i’ve shown you the core of the world we are of course missing out some of the best bits

Like a stream i did in this last year was donations build a biome if you tipped the live stream you could pick any flower or biome based block and i would place it down in the coordinates of your choosing and people did that in a interesting way [Laughter]

Like i don’t i don’t understand uh anything that i’m looking at right here i also don’t understand how this made it into the let’s play update again for real you can check this very biome out with its questionable signs perhaps you could say um and uh yeah this is part of

The let’s play world on the marketplace that you can download and i would say that it modern art just like this sign does but yeah it’s not the only interesting thing if we continue this way uh or indeed if we ignore the sign that says go away then

We’ll find the end biome that i built in the overworld i think i forgot about this project halfway through like that that end city that i’m building at two times scale definitely is missing uh some blocks that it needs huh do i have them i even have them in the chest

I totally did just forget about this oops i’ve got so many shoulder boxes being wasted on a project i’m not doing but i made i i covered an entire biome and obsidian i don’t even remember if there was a good reason for that and then further than that i recycled an

Entire never fortress all of these big projects kind of exist next to each other outside of the main world i think what i need to do actually is i only have uh like regular roads linking my main world maybe fun to build a big road linking all of this stuff together

Rather than just a blue ice pathway and never portals what if we had an overworld like walking guided route around i think that’s what i need to do i think that’s the lesson i’m taking from this and then maybe the guide it could be like a guided route so there’s

Signs like a tour guide type thing because again i i love to see this stuff and i’d love to like have some context to explain it to people like you know what when you come across this island of four desert wells and one dessert well

You know is that going to make sense to most people or people just going to be confused at why i built this i don’t know let me know but before we go i i said i’d show you it later in the video and i don’t intend to be a liar if you

Go all the way north not only do you find the ice islands and this thing and you know you find a lot of things but you find what i did with all of those leafs for some reason one of my favorite stream projects that i’m almost finished

With by the way also this year i built that i think it looks cool anyway um if you go all the way out here you’ll find this my weirdest stream project so we quickly go to sleep as you can see what i decided to do right here

Is maybe just maybe fill an entire lake a pretty big lake too with leaks and it’s not entirely filled yet it’s filled like most of the way from the bottom all the way from the sides we have this fun little lake that remains here um and uh

There’s a lot of good questions about why how what what this even achieves why i’ve spent uh like 20 30 000 leaf blocks on something that doesn’t even really make any sense but uh it’s the perfect embodiment of the rest of this world do the thing

Uh make sure you have some fun of it because again i would say this castle falls under the definition of like boring but good-looking i mean i think it looks good you can disagree with me on that one you probably do actually people do but like it’s like yeah it’s kind of

Cool it’s in the ice spike span i guess but there’s no context around it there’s nothing interesting around it’s just a dead end it’s just a build that exists in the biome it’s much more interesting when you have these stories to tell in your world the stories of how something

Came to be and that’s really what the definition of interesting is right is like um something which people can take an interest in do you take an interest in how i destroyed an entire woodland mansion and i’m slowly building it into a massive robot you you might take interest perhaps you

Should even take interest do you take interest in the fact that i have just over here you can see it an entire jungle then a regular forest and then a roof forest too minus the mushrooms i left the mushrooms there which i destroyed for the sake of getting wood

This is why i haven’t used the wood factory in a while um you know if you find those things interesting this world is for you and uh if you want to check it out it’s on the marketplace a lot of people are so excited to finally tour

The world and the reason we put it on there is because that means that you can do so regardless of your device even if you’re on an xbox to switch a playstation where you can’t download third-party files you can download it because it’s built into minecraft obviously you have to play the whole

Minecraft micro transaction game but i personally think it’s worth it it does support the channel and it’s a great way to say that yeah you want to see the let’s play world yourself thank you very much for watching today’s video though i hope you all enjoyed uh the world tour

Uh happy nine years of uh minecraft here and obviously there’s big events and stuff happening right now but i need i like to celebrate this anniversary every year because nine years of the same minecraft world to me is an accomplishment i’m proud of and i hope

That you’re all proud of me too if you are like favorite or subscribe i guess next year for 10 years we could do the full tour where literally it’s gonna have to be like a two-hour video and i explain every single last build um maybe that’s what we’ll have to do like

We even missed the stone biome which has one of my favorite builds in minecraft it’s an ore temple look how beautiful it is i don’t i didn’t have time in this video to explain why and how i built it um but yeah i hope you’ll enjoy it

Regardless because i’ll see you all in the next one goodbye it’s so beautiful it’s such a waste of iron ore but it doesn’t make it not beautiful So You

This video, titled ‘I’ve Played This Minecraft World For 9 Years Now (World Tour)’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2021-10-16 21:21:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

9 years ago I started a Minecraft world, and I’ve played it for hours every week since. Here’s how that looks! Update Adventures …

  • Ultimate Guide to Creating BoBoiBoy Blaze Portal in Minecraft

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  • British Invasion: Niaz Takes Over Minecraft!

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  • 🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨

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  • Daring Minecraft Horror Mod Showcase

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  • Mind-Blowing Portal Build Prank 👑🔥 Must Watch!!

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  • INSANE Minecraft Morning Madness! #gaming

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  • Insane Mashup: Fortnite vs. Minecraft

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  • Sarkarnetwork

    Minecraft lifesteal 24/7 Online Join now And not forget to vote our minecraft server For more information Join our discord server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes: Y’all better accept it!

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  • Bedrock Battles: Minecraft Bedwars Gameplay Galore!

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  • Minecraft meme #hotshorts

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  • Minecraft Anarchy Server Explained

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  • UNBELIEVABLE: AlmightyNibble’s INSANE Survival Stream!

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  • Unraveling the Mystery of the Haunted Island

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  • Build the ULTIMATE mansion in Minecraft Skyblock! 🏠🔥

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  • “Krimsy Catches Rare Cobblemons!!” #minecraft #moddedminecraft

    "Krimsy Catches Rare Cobblemons!!" #minecraft #moddedminecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gotta Catch Em All!! #minecraft #moddedminecraft #cobblemon’, was uploaded by Krimsy on 2024-01-31 18:00:03. It has garnered 2506 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Hello Everyone! I am Krimsy and I am a Minecraft youtuber. I Upload multiple things such as stream highlights (I stream on Youtube now, either this channel for Minecraft or my 2nd channel for other content) and even other things such as Lucky Block Battles, Letsplays, some 100 days, and even My favorite, Minecraft videos with a twist! Maybe more things in the… Read More

  • DOLT is Losing His Mind! Insane DC Driving LIVE 🔥

    DOLT is Losing His Mind! Insane DC Driving LIVE 🔥Video Information तो गाइस कैसे हो वेलकम बैक टू अने वाला ह डॉक्टर [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] अ च [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] भा [संगीत] हाट एमपी ऑन करो भाई ठीक है आप आप जाके खेलो मैं हा ऑन कर रहा व न है यार शायद तक मैं अभी देखा हूं छोटू भाई खेल रहे थेम में शायद ओके ऑन नहीं है चलो भाई मैंने ऑन कर दिया है ओके ओ [संगीत] यार भाई बहुत अच्छा है [संगीत] आप लिया कैसे क्या [हंसी] ओ माय गॉड क्या खतरनाक ड भी बहुत करते है 80 नहीं दो भगाए ये ट्रक भी ना स्पीड… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Manhunt: OP Superheroes!

    EPIC Minecraft Manhunt: OP Superheroes!Video Information Minecraft Manhunt but I get to play as overpowered superheroes I put together a special movie just for you guys to Showcase my best superheroes that I’ve ever morphed into so grab yourself a cookie and find a comfy spot because you are about to watch the most epic superhero Manhunt in Minecraft history it’s hunting time siren let’s get him atam we’re the Scarlet Witch my friends are hunting me down right now as two women where is he we got to get a wood and we got to get out of here quick click take all… Read More

  • INSANE GAMER BUILDS HOUSE WITH SHIZO – MUST SEE!! #minecraft #demonslayer

    INSANE GAMER BUILDS HOUSE WITH SHIZO - MUST SEE!! #minecraft #demonslayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘how girl build house and……….#minecraft #demonslayer #shorts’, was uploaded by GAMING WITH SADDIN on 2024-02-17 12:23:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Shocking Noob to Hack Master in Minecraft – Omz Roblox Exposed

    Shocking Noob to Hack Master in Minecraft - Omz Roblox ExposedVideo Information today me and my friends are going to be trying to beat Minecraft but what they don’t know is I have access to all commands like game mode creative and I’m going to be pranking them with all of these awesome items they’re going to have no idea I’m cheating so are you guys ready for this awesome survival Minecraft enjoyable experience sersi I’m already on my grind getting some wood yeah everyone we have to get some W Heather buy the wood Alexa buy the wood I’m going to go into this villager’s house and see if… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Transformation: Woggy Man 2012 vs 2022!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Transformation: Woggy Man 2012 vs 2022!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2012 VS 2022’, was uploaded by Woggy Man on 2024-03-24 15:41:07. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, bluexephos, uberhaxornova,… Read More

I’ve Played This Minecraft World For 9 Years Now (World Tour)