Jeffy Minecraft – MUTANT SONIC.EXE vs The Most Secure House EVER In Minecraft!

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Ooh I’m the best cook in Minecraft I’m making the best food ever I hope my Daddy really likes it uh-oh here’s my daddy now I hope he really likes my food Jeffy what are you doing Jeffy I’m just cooking up dinner for us oo what’ you make um I made some poisonous potatoes

And rotten flesh your favorite Jeffy this is not my favorite are you trying to kill me what no you said you really liked it so that’s what I made for you Jeffy how do you even make poisonous potatoes and how do you get rotten flesh that’s disgusting Jeffy a you don’t like

My food no I don’t like your food you know what I don’t like you so get out wait what you’re kicking me out oh yeah there’s the door there’s the exit but no Daddy I don’t want to leave you tried to kill me in my own home but Daddy I just

Thought you liked them nope don’t like them I don’t like you so get out fine Daddy I’ll get out of your house and you know what I’m going to find a new Daddy and someone that’s going to really like my food all right great yeah don’t let

The door hit you on the way out oh I don’t know where I’m going to go no I guess I’ll just follow this Trail until I find something I don’t even know where I am I think I’m lost in this weird Forest wait what is that up there it

Looks like some sort of factory with like big Rings why are there floating golden rings in the sky wao this looks so cool wait what the heck what ow ow this plant’s eating me ow I just got killed from a plant Jeff is that you are

You back Daddy Daddy I just got killed by a plant that had teeth and a mouth Jeffy did you eat something weird are you having some type of like thing going on with you right now no Daddy I was literally walking down this path and

Then all of a sudden a big flower ate me I don’t believe you oh yeah Dad then follow me all right I’ll follow you if I don’t see a big evil plant then you know what I’m definitely kicking you out of my house H it was around here somewhere

Oh Daddy look here it is wait for it Daddy ow Jeffy it’s like a dragon plant Danny it does a lot of damage we need to kill it I don’t think you can kill a plant like that yes daddy I’m doing damage what if you just break the block

Below it God Daddy I died again yeah I know you died to a plant pretty embarrassing wait Jeffy what what’s going on with this big blue Factory thing it looks like it’s been abandoned I don’t know Daddy but I was going to go inside and see if there was a new daddy

In there for me Jeffy I don’t think anyone’s in there and why would you even want to go in there it’s kind of scary well Daddy you kicked me out of the house so I had no choice well you know what actually go in there you go in

There how am I supposed to go in there with these big plants just walk around there all right Daddy I’m just going to run really fast go go go oh God there’s multiple of them oh God ow get away from me Mr Plant Jeffy did you die no but

This plant wants to eat me oh he got te oh my goodness this is so disgusting ow okay Daddy do not go near the plant okay I’m going to just run for it I did it Daddy look how scary this one is yeah oh God yep daddy you

Shouldn’t have done that wait what does this sign say no Jeffy allowed hey that’s not fair how do they know my name’s Jeffy they don’t want you here either a well Daddy we have to go inside it said no jeffy’s allowed you’re not allowed in there so you’re allowed

Inside but I’m not yeah watch oh I’m allowed in oh yeah Daddy Jeffy you’re not allowed in here get out whyz it said no jeffy’s allow Daddy no one’s going to stop me uh Jeffy what who behind you what the heck is that oh my goodness

Daddy it’s a mutant Sonic this thing is so scary I know Daddy wait but it looks like he’s tra Behind These Bars I think we’re safe okay that’s pretty good that’s pretty good wait there’s also signs here Jeffy oh no more signs beware the blue Hedgehog he’s vicious like a

Guard dog Sonic was locked up by Tails as he became a demon from hell since you saw him you can’t escape very soon you’ll meet your fate you have 10 minutes to run before Sonic eats everyone Daddy’s going to eat us ow why’d you hit me Jeffy we only have 10

Minutes to make get back to the house before this crazy Sonic comes and eats us I know Daddy run quick quick quick oh God watch out for the plants ow run run run run run yes daddy we made it back to the house oh my God Jeffy we need to

Protect ourselves Daddy I don’t know what we’re going to do we’re going to die from a mutant Sonic uh maybe we have to uh put up some defenses or something yeah yeah defenses defenses daddy why don’t we just take our whole house and move really far away Jeffy it took me

Ages to build this house I’m not just moving away oh I guess you’re right but what do we do first oh we need to think of something quick something something easy that we could do first all right daddy step one is to look really cool check it out Jeffy where did you get

That armor You Look Silly Daddy I found it and look it’s going to protect us from the mutant Sonic you need to put some on you just look like you’re wearing a grass suit no I’m not Daddy I’m Ready for War you are not ready for war all right

Daddy you put your suit on and I’m going to start armoring up up wao look at all these different weapons no Jeffy you’re not allowed to touch any weapons check out this one daddy triple taker Jeffy you are not allow Oh Daddy I’m reloading it wait wait what what do you mean

You’re reloading it oh dang daddy check this out I heard that what’ you just shoot I shot a gun Daddy I got to practice my aim for Sonic all right hold still what don’t don’t aim at me oh my God stop Daddy what are you wearing you

Look so stupid in that thing what do you mean I’m wearing my armor no okay you know what I’m getting my own gun now daddy these guns are you’re so cool wo check out this Shield this could definitely be useful daddy relax right in the face ow stop dodging it I’m so

Good I’m too cool all right daddy fine you want to battle then go into survival mode je you don’t want to do this all right Daddy are you ready to fight I’m ready all right I’m going to take some cover wait what cover Daddy come out I see you all right

I got to reload how do I reload daddy you’re shooting leaves I take that I’m moving positions ow you hit me Jeffy come out and play take that Daddy I see you oh I got you Jeffy you hit me oh no no no no stop

Stop wait what you have a shield give me my weapon back ow Jeffy we just wasted like 5 minutes shoot each other we need to make defenses for the base before Sonic gets here yeah you’re right I think we shouldn’t waste any more time Jeffy I have a really good idea what is

It I say we make a wall but not any type of wall we make a glass wall a glass wall exactly so we can see Sonic coming all right daddy that’s a good idea let’s do it all right so we should probably put it right here all right let me just

Extend it this way daddy how high are we going to make this wall we got to make it pretty high I mean he looked like he was a pretty tall fellow yeah true he also has four arms I know Daddy he’s a mutant Sonic it looks like he works out

He can beat us up pretty easily daddy Sonic is really really fast he probably could just run through all this glass ah you know what J you right we need to get some something that’ll slow him down like what H maybe like quick sand wait quick sand Soul Sand Soul Sand and some

Cobwebs okay Jeffy you need to place all this stuff down because those are too many items all right daddy we’re going to do some Soul Sand here oh so you’re just replacing the path with Soul Sand we’re going to do some cobwebs all against the glass oh my God that’s a

Good idea and we should make pits of this quicksand this will definitely slow him down look it’s impossible to get out of well don’t get stuck in it Jeffy because if you get stuck in it then you’re also a goner Daddy I’m in Creative I’m not going to get stuck in

It all right Daddy help me build all this stuff around our wall all right Jeffy sounds good wao daddy this wall looks so good Sonic is definitely not going to be able to get through this I can’t wait to see him get trapped in the quicksand I know all right Daddy what

Should we add next maybe we add something on top of the wall on top of the wall yeah like what if we put something really really heavy so the walls can’t break like anvils wait anvils oh my goodness daddy these anvils are super heavy I know and Sonic won’t

Be able to break through the glass because of the pressure of the anvils yeah I guess that looks cool D we should make some sort of towers though so we can at least look over the wall yeah you’re right so we can bow and arrow

Them daddy how tall are we going to make these towers around this height doesn’t have to be anything crazy wow daddy these towers came out so cool I think we’ll be able to see over the wall from anywhere Dy now we just need some crossbows so we

Could shoot the sonics wo Jeffy they have actual crossbows in this mod look wo those look super cool but Daddy I think I have something cooler I have a blow gun uh blow gun yeah Daddy you have to blow the arrow out of it watch this

Wa that was kind of weak no Daddy they’re super overpowered okay are you sure about that yes wow Jeffy you got me with your blow gun amazing but Jeffy I have a question why why is the whole back of our base exposed um Oh Daddy that’s right I remember that’s because I

Was going to put a bunch of cool tanks back here tanks Jeffy yeah Daddy let me show you all right I’m just going to get one of these one of these maybe one of those Jey what are you getting daddy hold on all right Daddy are you ready

For your mind to be blown uh sure Jeffy that’s big that’s too big no it’s not Daddy it’s a tank does it actually work yeah Daddy here’s one for you wa I like that one and also Daddy check this out that’s not a tank Jeffy that’s a plane

Check this out Daddy ah Jeffy that’s that’s also not another tank that’s that’s another plane and Daddy I also have one more little surprise for the front of our base what do you I I don’t like your surprises Jeffy what is it check it out daddy is that like a tank

With missiles yep and you can go on you and control where you want to shoot missiles at okay Jeffy don’t shoot it daddy do you want me to show you how to use this thing uh no wait why Daddy it’s super easy if we get out oh you have to

Do is just aim where you wanted to shoot and ah oh my go go ddy wasn’t that sick a take that Sonic a Jeffy stop what Daddy you you’re going to make Sonic m n Daddy I’m not going to make a m you just blew up his house a daddy it looks like

I ran out of ammo let me just get some more no Jeffy stop doing this you are crazy take that okay we’re dead than that Sonic D we got to show Sonic that we’re not messing around well now he’s going to come with everything he’s got

So thank you very much for killing me oh God he’s looking right into me Daddy I think he’s mad that I blew up his little Factory Sonic it was not me it was all Jeffy no it wasn’t it was all my daddy Oh Daddy where’d he go uh this is not

Good Jeffy oh God daddy’s coming after us I’m going to eat a golden apple Daddy I’m really scared oh god daddy Sonic is looking at me oh no he’s going right after you oh yes he’s stuck in our cobwebs take that Sonic I got to reload

He’s going super fast wait what the heck he’s shooting stuff at us he’s trying to break it with his he’s punching so fast what the heck are those Daddy he has some crazy abilities he’s got hurricanes Jeffy I’m want to start hitting him with

My SW take that yes I killed him D that was so good daddy that was so easy Sonic’s never going to get us we killed him oh yeah oh god daddy there’s like four more they’re multiplying I’m going to use my gun wait I think they’re fighting each other what dumb Sonics

It’s definitely like a Sonic hierarchy we killed one oh god daddy I’m going to go out there my knife and kill him wait Jeffy you have a knife no you’re not allowed to use a knife come here Sonic take that Daddy I’m messing him up out

Here oh God I’m stuck in a tornado I’m shooting him I’m trying daddy keep going I’m throwing a mole to let’s go oh god daddy why does this Sonic sound scary what the heck oh no I’m stuck in our cobwebs oh no he’s breathing snow what

Daddy help me he’s hitting you with a sonic boom I’m frozen wait no daddy this backfiring ow he’s hitting me with crazy stuff I almost killed him I almost killed him moov what he’s on fire I threw fire at him oh God Daddy I got to

Run I got to get back into the base wait there’s another one oh no ah he threw ice at me I’m frozen I’m frozen I’m frozen I’m frozen like d did you kill him yeah Daddy but look now our whole Forest is on fire that was my fault what

Why did you do that I I threw these what Daddy well guess what I got grenades check this out uh-oh fire in the hole that was a good grenade wait what Oh Daddy why is Sonic flying oh he’s not supposed to do that oh God he’s ah ow oh

God daddy this scary oh God he’s coming back down get away Sonic yes I killed one Daddy when did Sonic learn to fly I think he moves so fast than he can just fly now oh my goodness oh no I shot the wall I shot the glass I’m shooting him

Daddy these guns are so overpowered oh no Jeffy they’re inside the base there’s another flying one daddy they’re everywhere they’re making it through our wall oh no oh no oh no oh no oh God he’s inside our base oh no no no no no no ow

I died from you oh my my my thing just accidentally shot you daddy why would you hit me a take that Daddy Daddy get inside the house get inside the house I’m coming in I’m com oh no Daddy they made it through our wall what are we

Going to do get upstairs get upstairs all right daddy we have to shoot out the windows all right I’m going to shoot out this one I’m on the roof ow oh where are they at they’re everywhere Jeffy oh God take this hey I’m going to blow them up

I’m throwing grenades uhoh run I fell left the house Jeffy they’re after me I’m shooting him with my poisonous bow Jeffy I’m I’m just throwing oh no I’m in the air oh all the way on top of the roof now wait what where are you at hit

Me with a tornado daddy there’s more flying ones look above you oh no I’ll save you Daddy don’t worry no I don’t want you to save me oh gosh Daddy I hear another scary one I am Frozen I’m like Elsa from uh Frozen ow Jeffy why on the

Roof next to me help me oh gosh daddy it keeps spawning it out of nowhere I’m going to mess this one up with my knife take that what why am I not doing any damage fine take a gun to the face how about that oh Jeffrey

There’s a lot of them oh no Daddy I’m frozen again I’m going to get him I’m going to get him it’s this guy right next to you Daddy I think I need to bring out the tank no not the tank yes Daddy I need to go in the tank wait

There’s some inside our house oh they’re on the Roof oh they’re in the house come on Daddy get inside the tank ow stop driving what daddy why are you driving oh gosh daddy you’re a terrible driver I’m going to throw up what is the tank doing that Daddy it’s dancing oh no all

Right Daddy I just got to reload this tank uh uh all right son get ready to die oh yeah Daddy I’m shooting them oh no they’re after me Daddy don’t worry I’m going to mess him up my tank oh god daddy I’m surrounded Daddy help me Jeffy

I’m hiding in a plane wait you’re hiding in a plane um daddy I’m running out of fuel uh Jeffy that’s not good daddy I’m running back I ran out of fuel I’m running out of ammo too help me Daddy what are we going to do we’re going to

Die Jeffy we need to escape somehow well how are we going to escape maybe use one of the planes all right Daddy get in the jet daddy I’m going to take off you better hurry up no Jeffy no why you leave me Daddy you better hurry up oh

God Daddy help me I don’t know how to fly this thing oh great Daddy I’m flying the jet you’re flying Daddy I’m losing control oh God oh God Daddy help me oh God I crashed no Daddy I crashed at Sonic’s Factory help me I’m coming I’m bringing some Sonic friends though

Oh no oh God I’m trapped in a tornado Jeffy get inside get inside Jeffy okay Daddy shut the door now we’re stuck in Sonic’s jail cell no we’re going to die wait a second Jeffy what I have a tank wait you have a tank what the heck daddy

We have no ammo for it oh wait but I have fuel all right daddy I’m going to place this tank and we’re going to bust out of here are you ready I’m ready take the fuel all right Daddy what the let me just put some fuel in this bed boy and

We’re going to go yes Daddy it’s working we’re breaking the blocks come on oh we’re breaking out of this place take that Sonics got to keep going keep going we just got stuck in a ditch it’s not looking good for us Daddy get out of that thing run daddy run I’m running

Come on Daddy follow me we need to escape and never come back I know I’m running I’m running this is what you get for kicking me out of the house this is all your fault this is not my fault it’s your fault for actually making me eat stupid poisonous potatoes oh okay Daddy

Take that I’m going to go find a new daddy if you guys enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye

This video, titled ‘MUTANT SONIC.EXE vs The Most Secure House EVER In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Jeffy Minecraft on 2023-09-23 21:04:56. It has garnered 245261 views and 2864 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:27 or 987 seconds.

Today, Jeffy and Marvin come across MUTANT SONIC.EXE! Jeffy And Marvin will have to try their best to make the MOST SECRURE HOUSE EVER In Minecraft! Will they survive? Or will Jeffy and Marvin become MUTANT SONIC.EXE FOOD!

#Jeffy #cashandnico #cash #minecraft #minecraftmod #securehouse #minecraftsecurehouse

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    Insane Minecraft Bedrock Challenge - Gone Viral! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft bedrock chalang #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by mr. Allrounder gamerz on 2024-03-14 04:58:37. It has garnered 124 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:05 or 185 seconds. satisfied sand art #minecraft #minecraftshorts #youtubeshorts #viral #shorts #viral #shorts #house #minecraft morden house build #minecraft morden building #minecraft pocket #minecraft mod #minecraft download #minecraft morden houses #minecraft tutorial #minecraft tips #minecraft short #minecraft shorts #minecraft #shorts #youtubeshorts #viral shorts #trading shorts #gamergirl #gamestagram #video #winning #gaminglife #pcgaming #online #gamer #playing #playinggames #videogames #instagaming #gamerguy #instagamer #onlinegaming #game #play #gamingsetup #instagood #videogameaddict #photooftheday… Read More

  • 1000xp HARDCORE Challenge vs NYDO Gaming FAIL

    1000xp HARDCORE Challenge vs NYDO Gaming FAILVideo Information This video, titled ‘ME vs NYDO 1000xp HARDCORE challenge in Minecraft day 80’, was uploaded by FAIL NYDO GAMING on 2024-08-14 05:00:26. It has garnered 761 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:09 or 729 seconds. Minecraft Warden king Ne LiYa Revenge Hulk Se | with all Mobs And Iron Golem Kill Hulk😳 #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #failnydogaming Hello Guys Iam FAILNYDO Iam +2 Pass My Interest In Uploading Video on YOUTUBE I Love YOUTUBE ❤️ Iam All Ways In Chill Mood😄 I Won’t You And Your’s family Save And Healthy Thanks For Reading Love… Read More


    survival.ggWelcome to! Dive into the ultimate Minecraft survival adventure! Explore a world teeming with endless possibilities! From lush forests to rugged mountains, there’s always something new to discover! Build your dream home, craft epic gear, and conquer the wilderness with your friends! Battle fierce mobs, conquer dungeons, and prove your skills in thrilling challenges! Join us for weekly events and make memories that last a lifetime! Ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime? Join now! Read More

  • Spawntrapped vanilla public

    Welcome to our Survival Minecraft Server! This is a survival Minecraft server where griefing is not allowed. Our goal is to stay as close to the vanilla game as possible. No resets, no cheats, and no commands like tpa or sethome. Join us on version 1.20.4 (updating to 1.21 soon), with redstone working perfectly as we don’t run on paper. Our 4-year-old world has never been reset, and there are no chat reports. Killing is allowed only in self-defense, and no clingy staff members following you around. Say goodbye to teleport commands and experience meaningful travel. Check out our server… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Weeping Angel Fever

    “Don’t blink, or you might end up like all those lost diamond pickaxes and crops in the presence of a Weeping Angel in Minecraft!” Read More

  • Minecraft Disaster: Hot Mess Incoming! 🔥

    Minecraft Disaster: Hot Mess Incoming! 🔥 When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and hear that ominous hissing sound… RIP to your diamond pickaxe and dignity. #minecraftfail 😂💀 Read More

  • EPIC UPDATE! NEW Minigames in StanCraft SMP 🎮

    EPIC UPDATE! NEW Minigames in StanCraft SMP 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 The Server Just Got MiniGames + More | Minecraft StanCraft SMP’, was uploaded by Stantin Gaming on 2024-07-12 16:16:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Please be respectful in chat. We try to keep it family-friendly/PG-rated. !commands – To See The Full List of Commands … Read More

  • EPIC TNT Run Fail 😱 #shorts

    EPIC TNT Run Fail 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘TNT Run Failed 😂 (98%) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by SIDHU GAMING 9 on 2024-06-12 13:30:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. TNT Run Failed (98%) #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmemes minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, … Read More

  • EPIC Drumming in Minecraft! You won’t believe this!

    EPIC Drumming in Minecraft! You won't believe this!Video Information This video, titled ‘#drums #music #minecraft’, was uploaded by spandan gamerz on 2024-04-29 12:46:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hack – Score HUGE Desert Temple! #shorts

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hack - Score HUGE Desert Temple! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Make Small Desert Temple | Minecraft TikTok Hack Part 10 #minecraft #shorts #tutorial #temple’, was uploaded by Tech GAMER Guys on 2024-08-10 14:45:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to Make Small Desert Temple | Minecraft TikTok Hack Part 9 Discover how to create a compact desert temple in Minecraft … Read More

  • Insane GOD Armor in Minecraft SMP LIVE! Join now!

    Insane GOD Armor in Minecraft SMP LIVE! Join now!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIFESTEAL SMP LIVE WITH SUBSCRIBER | GOD ARMER | 24/7 SERVER | ROAD TO 10K | TMPBOLTELIVE’, was uploaded by TMP BOLTE LIVE on 2024-03-16 20:45:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR LOVELY AND UNBELIEVABLE SHUPPORT GUY’S FOLLOW ME ❣️ INSTAGRAM … Read More

  • EPIC FAIL in Minecraft Cottage Witch Modpack!! 😱

    EPIC FAIL in Minecraft Cottage Witch Modpack!! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cottage Witch Modpack – Episode 21 (I Made An Oopsie…Again)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-09-21 13:23:17. It has garnered 1194 views and 72 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:26 or 6026 seconds. Hey everyone! My Minecraft Adventures in Cottage Witch really never cease to amaze me with how random they can be and just how chaotic my brain becomes because whew….you’ll see what I mean a few times during this video. lol Mods I’ve added to the pack – Additional Lanterns, Easy Villagers, Botany Pots, Botany Pots Tiers, Iron Furnaces, Chipped,… Read More

  • Insane Kyle Goes Crazy in Minecraft Build Battle! #wilfert #shorts

    Insane Kyle Goes Crazy in Minecraft Build Battle! #wilfert #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Kyle Raging Over Minecraft Build Battle #wilfert #shorts’, was uploaded by Wilfert on 2024-09-02 16:00:52. It has garnered 11344 views and 400 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. This guy is a senior in college by the way. (Server Address is: Twitch: Clips Channel: Twitter: Font Used: Magic Mushroom Music Used (In Order): ClefferNotes – Animal Crossing Gamecube 5P.M. (Orchestra Remix) Pokémon Black & White – Critical Health [8-Bit] (ZahranW Remix) Emotes by: #wilfert #madami_ #madami #shorts #gaming #twitch #twitchclips #comedy #memes #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes… Read More

  • Minecraft First Day Survival Challenge 😱

    Minecraft First Day Survival Challenge 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘First day in MINECRAFT Survival😊😊 .(Day-1)’, was uploaded by Gamer Tube on 2024-06-06 13:41:27. It has garnered 63 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:59 or 959 seconds. Welcome to GamerTease, your ultimate destination for Minecraft adventures! Join us as we build, explore, and conquer the pixelated world with epic gameplay, creative builds, and thrilling challenges. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, there’s something here for everyone. Don’t miss out on our exciting updates, tips, and tricks. Subscribe now and become a part of our ever-growing Minecraft community! Read More

  • Razz Gaming: Insane Curse Version Minecraft! #139

    Razz Gaming: Insane Curse Version Minecraft! #139Video Information This video, titled ‘Ini Adalah Minecraft Versi Kutukan #139 #minecraft #mcpe #mcpc #mods #error422’, was uploaded by Razz Gaming on 2024-04-18 03:30:03. It has garnered 8017 views and 252 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Previous Video: Riot Playlist in Minecraft: Minecraft Mysteries: Support me by: (gopay, dana, ovo, just link) SOCIAL MEDIA: 2nd Channel: Subscribe : Instagram : Tiktok : Join this channel to get access to various benefits: ================================================== == Gathering Darkness by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license… Read More

  • GoatSMP

    GoatSMP[1.21.1] GoatSMP is one of the most fun smps in the world with the most customized plugins! We have added custom origins for the most unique play experience. Read More

  • MoltenKit PVP 1.20+ Custom Items

    MoltenKit: A Unique KitPVP Experience Join us for custom items, perks, and kit upgrades in a custom-built map. Uncover rare artifacts and customize your kit to defeat your opponents! Meet the Team: Molten, ExsitingEevee, and Jackson_57. Play on our public Minecraft server and join our community here. Server Details: Server IP: General Rules: No spam or self-promotion without permission Treat everyone with respect Report any violations to staff Minecraft Server Rules: No cheating or hacking No boosting or unfair progression Violations will result in consequences determined by staff. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bedrock but make it spicy

    Minecraft Memes - Bedrock but make it spicyLooks like this meme is a solid 7 out of 10, just like my Minecraft building skills – not bad, but definitely room for improvement! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Crafting a Minecraft Planter: 3D Printing & Bambu Lab

    Crafting a Minecraft Planter: 3D Printing & Bambu Lab Minecraft-Inspired 3D Printing Adventure Embark on a creative journey with Theo as he brings a Minecraft-inspired dirt block planter to life using Blender 3D and his Bambu Lab P1S 3D printer. In this exciting video, Theo shares his design process, experiments with filament painting, and overcomes unexpected challenges along the way. Let’s dive into the world of 3D printing and Minecraft magic! Conceptualizing the Planter At the core of this project lies the concept of merging the pixelated charm of Minecraft with the tangible world of 3D printing. Theo’s creative vision takes shape as he envisions a dirt block… Read More

Jeffy Minecraft – MUTANT SONIC.EXE vs The Most Secure House EVER In Minecraft!