JeromeASF – 6-Player Town Of Salem Lucky Block Race In Minecraft

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Hello hello everybody what is up Jerome here the buddies and welcome to a Lucky Block race it has been a hot minute since we last did one of these on the channel and it’s going to be a great time for those of you that don’t know

What a Lucky Block race is it is pretty self-explanatory there are in total 500 Lucky Blocks on the ground you have to break each and every lucky block and then every 100 blocks you get to a checkpoint where you can reset your spawn point at uh after that you try and

Race to the end of all 500 blocks and first one of the end wins but then there’s a extra segment which is going to be a battle with the stuff that you get so you can win the race and there’s also the chance to win the battle as

Well you know or you can win one or the other there’s two ways to win basically um question what type of Lucky Blocks are these uh T to mail them oh sorry um so yeah that’ll be fun and then after that we have uh the next segment

Of the live stream which is going to be a h i was a secret hacker hacker roulette um and that’s going to be cool which basically we spin a wheel to see what hacks we get in order to use for a battle against each other uh so you’ll

Get either a really good advantage or you might end up like Steve who seems to always get Miley Cyrus twerking I’m not really sure what that’s yeah it never fails dude I never get anything good out of it I’m sorry buddy I’m sorry it’s Rigg serious business yeah but uh

The last thing is an awesome thing I’m going to be doing with Woofles over on a sky block server so we’re going to have a little bit of fun hanging out with Woofles uh so that’ll be awesome times all right so if everyone is all set did

You set your spawn points I’m not ready yes all right let’s go ahead and let’s do this thing then here we go chat remember you guys can help or hinder us you could do all sorts of crazy things and that’s all I got for you also peanut

Says thank you for all the birthday wishes yesterday a happy birthday peanut we love you okay here we go three two one let’s go oh this is going to be CRA I got to play I think I immediately got God I want that that unfortunately lands pearls huge ow ender pearls are actually

Huge for a Lucky Block race okay what are all these get it’ll help you get back to where you were serial killer stabby knife that’s going to be good for the battle in face I’m using a come on I used you know what that is throwing me for a loop typically

I’m just going for the end but you got to make sure you get good gear as well I’m that’s why I’m running through the blocks I got to get oh I got a pro two hat hogins yeah I kind of I don’t think I’m going to win the race but I want to

Win the battle so that’s why I’m taking it slow look at the gear I get oh who knows maybe I will win both you never know my luck could just be on fire today could be a fire luck day my God last time we did Lucky Blocks I had crazy

Luck oh god oh come on I’m not using it my luy BL or my knowledge wish came true I got to go get that oo enchantment table got to grab that there we go o serial killer knife huge oo delicious like let me borrow that for a second to

Kill these hoglins have killed me about five times oh only one knowledge book how is that a knowledge wish agreed that was not boo ow oh block of diamond I’ll get that just in case we need I’m dead drum it depends on what book it was really cuz if it’s like

Webster’s dictionary then you know oh God those guys are still chasing yeah they’ve got a long aggro range but why would we want knowledge it’s a bad thing dude C you thinking you know knowledge is not a good thing monkey okay ignorance is BL explains a lot

B oh God the TNT a lot of things God throw out this don’t need don’t need uh they’re they’re wither skeletons wait wait I got it yes I got the arena ticket haha mon nice everyone knows it’s your favorite thing in the world World more laugh one

It’s not there and luckily I did just get a bunch of hoglins and the reason I say luckily is cuz I had a bunch of mobs following me so I think the hogins kill most things that’s probably a good thing no ooh I got the MS don’t Target each

Other unless uh wait oh bro CW is in the chat roasting me he said maybe the knowledge which is relative and reading one book is a lot for you you yes have you considered not being hot garbage Dr oh W read a book I don’t want to yeah what

If he doesn’t want to that’s the problem I have died so many times really yes I’ve died a singular time I’ve died like 10 times already I might try and make a bed again this time I have not died yet should I only got one book too maybe the other fell off the

Map yeah I got one book as well I don’t know hey I got another one book Victory squeeze did you reach the 100 I beat the thing and I got a fire cutless oh nice bad for us yeah I didn’t actually win I just won the uh the arena

I’m surprised you did that right now and didn’t just save the arena ticket is there any bonus for getting like ahead and winning I mean you win so there’s two ways to win right you can win the race and then there’s the battle as well there’s kind of there’s going to be two

Winners or one really good winner okay one Mega winner someone’s really good and the rest of us just get embarrassed yeah no no one of them is more important than the other the battle or the race you know what I’m saying they’re both they’re both in the hearts of the

Fans I think that’s for the fans to decide dude you don’t know what they’re think the fans are going to be more about the Battle than the uh race than the the battle Yeah fair I got Dr why stead you leave my nose out of this it’s

Mine now wish get those dark leggings again just because they give you movement speed boost enchanting bottles wait they’re not stacking n yeah some of the items don’t stack for some reason that’s a bit odd Kronos 50 gaming with a $75 stream tip said what is everyone’s favorite cookie mine’s either fresh from

The oven chocolate chip or snicker doodles that’s a hot sauce and I’m going to eat this quick so I can get back to the race Crono she trying to hold me back but uh oatmeal raisin easy dub no you really can’t beat fresh baked homemade like chocolate chip that’s

That’s the way to go I’m I’m going to see your chocolate chip and raise you chocolate dough with peanut butter chip okay all right right I see it I see it Tori made my new favorite recently what is it made what is it oatmeal chocolate chip and butterscotch

Chip oh that does sound nice mhm you know speaking of like butterscotch did you know like Dairy Queen has butterscotch dip cones yes they have like Cherry butterscotch they have mint I think at least they used to have mint I think they used to have mint but like I’ve never experienced it like

Like the butterscotch dip I mean I’ve always wanted to find a place that serves both the chocolate soft serve and the butterscotch dip just so I could try it once that’s fair that’s fair I used to like the uh what are they called the Dilly Bars oh the Dilly Bars those

Things are sick ocean of swiftness huge gains 3 minutes but thank you kotos 50 gaming for starting us off strong as our cat for the live stream but it’s going to take a lot more than one hot sauce in to stop me Buddy it’ll take 12 hot

Sauces I was going to say two but yeah 12 12 hot sauces oh no oh goodbye Soldier you know the Assassin totem with reach could be kind of huge in this like experience yeah now you mentioned it to break the lucky blocks I don’t even think of that yeah just like from even

Farther away while you’re running good good call cat not that I have one but if I did let’s see uh dude how long is this poison Kronos 50 gaming with a $75 stream tip said nope you said two bruh all right here’s the habanero Ow like Kronos you will not defeat me

Today you might slow me down a little bit on these lucky Bo but I’m going to win in the end oh yeah assassin totem would you look at that I got one of those ain’t that convenient ain’t that convenient I haven’t gotten any of the armor yet I’ve only gotten two pieces

I’ve gotten wait dropsy what I’m only missing the boots oh my God I hav got town of Salem armor but uh I got uh emerald armor and healthy pants I have two pie I made it to a checkpoint question mark yes every blocks stacked oh can I can I

Set my spawn point here now yeah yeah oh why do I even do the intros chat why do I do the intros I don’t know that’s a good question well you do them for chat but we don’t listen cuz we’re not chat yeah we’re not chat don’t worry jome I

Listen to you it’s okay uh you don’t have to lie to me what did you just say I didn’t hear you Kronos 50 gaming our captain live stream another $75 said but you said that before but I win in the end you never win dude they haven’t had me do

The super hot sauce in like a week buddy if you think it’ll take three to take me down you’re buddy I did hit him with a buddy H with a buddy dude lately I’ve been hitting peanut with the Buster whenever he acts up yeah you better calm down Buster all right uh

Dang no Town member boots dude I actually might have to buy more hot sauces soon they had me going through a whole another set of these already wow yeah look at that oh there we go thank goodness I kept the Eye of Ender on me that’s a permanent extra heart nice

Nice oh it’s fine it won’t matter Kronos you’re a bad man it might N I can feel it’s starting to add up a little bit piece by piece wo I just had the hoglin experience Dr oh yeah dude they’re still I can’t even stop to

Do you think they’re going to have a big end update uh soon again cuz it’s been so many years since they no they’re going to work on other biomes their new stuff before they update the end again I just want to be able to transport animals better I tried playing

The other day and it’s like it’s just so hard to transport animals well did you see they leaked the mob vote no I didn’t on accident yeah so uh they were making a YouTube playlist and the playlist has the titles so people could see what the

Mobs are and I think the options was crab jellyfish and another aquatic thing I don’t remember what I know crab was definitely one of those know crab and Jellyfish were were there crab and jelly maybe maybe vampire a vampire squid but the every time they

Add a mob I’m just like but what’s its purpose though like fun yeah soup I hate I hate that dude jellyfish is the the next thing on my list of things I need to eat how long is your list I got a lot of things on there

Okay can you give us examples of other things yeah i’ like I can’t have them expect it coming they can’t see it coming yeah can’t have a finally oh no I somehow don’t think jellyfish are capable of prepping for you Jerome that’s why that’s why I happily call

Them out by name mhm other creatures though cap can’t be too careful agreed dude I a good job surviving these explosions I keep getting exploded but it’s not enough to take me down couldn’t be me I’ve been killed several times by them yeah but uh if there’s one animal I’d love to try

Eating it’d be a bear bear me you can I just hear they’re full of parasites they are full of parasites but if you get the right type it’s not so bad like they are specific like uh Berry right no you catch them while they’re weak out in the Arctic no

Polar bears are like the apex predator of the world they’re the only animal that actively hunt humans well then they actively hum so they had to time to time for us to fight back fight back yeah like don’t even get me started on grower bers crawler or sorry Kronos 50 gaming

With a 75 with a $75 stream dip for another hot that’s hot SA number four Kronos also we have 500 people watching 500 500 500 in the chat there we go 500 500 get the 500 go in kotos this is for you buddy that’s the ghost pepper powder it’s going to be

Hot I still hav hit the first oh yo I totally did not clock that I got a Coliseum ticket a full set of gear I mean I guess I’m glad that I died then I’m not going to use it yet I think oh that is hot that is very hot hut hut

Hut oh my gosh yeah that’s actually bad I got to chug some water but I got a giant skeleton chase me around yeah but what’s happening in the game Jerome um a giant skeleton is trying to befriend me this guy’s just talking about his Halloween decorations at this point all right

Cap yeah c yeah you don’t have to worry about the food consumption of it but everything else that’s an inconvenience you have to deal with would you like Max to be the size of Clifford yes I that’s how how is that even a question he’s already halfway

There fair fair he is a last time we weigh him he was 110 PBS chunky why is the skeleton a a sizable lad right there he can he can stand up on his hind legs and get at the pastries all right Dam CH some water now that I got the big skeleton

Away no um no that’s not helpful oh I the pistol apparently the third leaked mob they’re saying in the chat Marie Casey said the third leaked mob was the seagull o yeah I knew it had to do with the ocean I just couldn’t remember what exactly dude they better have the ability of

One to fly around and steal french fries from people they should be able to dude they I think they would definitely be able to steal food there’s no way they wouldn’t put that in there they would have to that would and that would open up think about this way that would open up

A whole new layer to mobs in that it’d be the first mob that can actively interact with your inventory right and that that’s a whole new level of things that they could it’s a whole new world I mean I’d love it honestly if they could do that uh I think it’ just

Be very interesting imagine the pranks you could do by just like filling your friend’s room with like a 100 seagulls oh my God and they just keep stealing their inventory yeah reminds me of the politicians in Crazy Craft yeah you’re right ooh ooh another Coliseum ticket

Jeez you have to get a single Coliseum jeez I’ve gotten one I just haven’t used it yet now what I haven’t got is my bottom parts of the armor I’m not get to any luck with that okay no this is the way this is the way God is this what monkey feels like

Getting all these colum tickets sure yeah yeah man let’s go with that I think so jeez dude must be nice must be freaking nice knowledge books um yes Jerome’s nose like that nice all right let’s keep it moving you to get your own nose from a Lucky Block

What has been going on I did dude yeah what happened what happened to you you want to talk about a jum oh my God someone stole my nose that’s what happened Dr school they just went up to you and went got your nose and then you

Trying to get it back this whole time that’s another Coliseum ticket all right I’m going all the way back what I got are you cheating I’m not cheating dude I’m just cheating better I got just built different first checkpoint they just hate us cuz they a US bro has

Anyone else gotten the giant slimes that sit above your head and just follow you yeah that was the first block I opened maybe the second no no no no no I just got back here no I just got back that’s such a long run man BR the first Lucky

Block I opened TNT oh no the lava T bro I hate the TNT one I forgot this was in oh you know what you know what I need I need to get those planks because if I have those planks I can make a bed Oh

That’s oh do we want to B that I don’t know that’s smart but that’s there’s already checkpoints in the past there hasn’t been so it was fine but there’s already checkpoints okay so considering there’s checkpoints the only reason I brought it up is cuz got planks from a Lucky Block

Oo like cuz otherwise there are no planks to be had I got planks and wool from I didn’t think about it to be honest but I don’t know yeah I feel like CU there is checkpoints already yeah really we don’t so it’s like not fa say

Go for it cuz that’s that’s just big brain but you know Adept overcome a potato wish God but thank you again Kronos gaming for being our captain of the live stream I think you’re the only person so far who streamed tip as well so just thank you

For the bottom of my heart you are absolutely crushing it and carrying the channel today thank you buddy I never need diamonds in this okay agreed yeah I’m just a oh a Notch Apple I didn’t wish for these diamonds apples then I would need them oh these are fancy I’ll use a

Splash potion to speed I don’t need def pants is it speed two where it starts to make it so it’s not worth jumping while you sprint or is it speed one speed one it’s just regular speed is anything faster than your normal Sprint is the same as Sprint jumping D

Okay yeah cuz I know like at like certain speeds it actually hurts you to do it like speed two it’s like you shouldn’t speed two is where it hurts you to do it uh speed one is just where you can run normally and it’s the same speed but uh

Oh I have to walk all the way back here now oh oh yeah it’s such a far run like I got to be near the end of The 100 block part well I got my pants in a long time I found a Dark Sword I decided to go back

Into the arena again good luck Soldier I think I could do it I think I believe in you I still want to know if you get anything CW if you’re still in the chat do you actually get anything if you end up beating the CW

Boss no one’s come close but I’m just so curious I don’t think it’s technically possible to the second one as well I really like I just put her no ah cool the pants I want the pants there’s a reason we we’re asking you know we do Willie said you don’t get anything

Special from it a has he already talked about this same loot table normal rewards oh that’s fine it’s not fine it’s like impossible it’s not worth it but it’s better than getting nothing for it you know true so like I I will absolutely take normal rewards over them me second

Checkpoint nothing oh my God sick what you I just got a bow that has like everything Unbreaking Power Punch Infinity wow I I got a power four bow and I’ve been holding I do why do you think I’ve been saving it my knowledge wish came true

Huge oh another C boms don’t mind if I not going to use this victory I did it which checkpoint uh no nothing I just got a poison side oh I don’t really need the serial Killer’s knife anymore I’ve still not gotten an arena ticket are you sure it

Does a lot of damage dude nope I threw it off the cliff hold on oh all right I and I have the fire cutless oh true he has the saber yeah poolside wants to know Steve where you got your nickname from the last cops of robbers the uh poo butt diaper

Man you know I’m not entirely sure also can we get 600 in the chat we have 600 people watching 600 600 600 600 thank you could you tell me a little bit about it your room uh Noe no I’m allergic actually to diaper diaper aren’t you are you not allergic to I’m

Of I don’t no I’ve never thought too hard about it and I don’t intend to to be allergic I would have had to have like close contact and I haven’t so I’m going to what do you think po but diaper man’s secret ability would be if he was a superhero pooping diapers I

Don’t think either diapers neither of those make any sense at all why would you do any of those things I don’t know that’s his name people’s name are always related to what they do I’m not seeing the correlation at all agreed I mean I’m captain blast what are

You going to say Batman wow I didn’t die that entire time he is a bat and yes he does have bats okay so if he is the bat then he vomits humans at people I think given the opportunity he would I don’t know about that the bat who laughs let me guess

Next you’re going to tell me the Joker tells jokes yeah dude he’s scary he’s he’s spooky uh no Steve The Joker Is just uh he just kind of is there you know he doesn’t actually do anything okay I need the not is is it Canon that the jok The Joker

And The Riddler are like somehow related in a way cuz like they’re like I don’t know same kind of different emo different emmo entirely I think is the way I is like a puzzle on the universe there’s like a quote League of like villains but it’s

More so like they work together CU they have to not cuz they want to especially Jer hates everybody also Victory except Batman canonically the only thing Joker is scared of is the IRS that’s true quality a sweet I don’t know if I’m going the right way there’s only one way

To find out though what do you mean you don’t know if you’re going he got turned around and he broke stuff yeah I was going to the arena and I came out I think I’ve already come this way so I go back now gotta oh I got the helmet huge yes made

It to the third checkpoint full gear bro I haven’t even made it to the second oh my God yeah Steve you’ve already reset your spawn point three times yep dude oh Ste do you not need stuff anymore uh depends on what you consider stuff loot from everything I don’t know man what

Why I might I might not are you just waiting till the end I would no I would never do that most things are stuff and most stuff are things but never sh a two be meeting in between what I what uh third checkpoint or well second checkpoint but third third thing yes

Pants this is so many Lucky Blocks it’s not that bad it’s 500 Lucky Blocks dude all right dude I’m I am doing pretty good I’m not like doing well for the uh race but I’m doing well for the battle danger zone I think I’m actually looking pretty I think I’m

Doing well in both yeah I think I have everything I need except for Arena tickets there goes ow yeah I don’t I I’ve have one but I don’t want to use it yet was that hey babao it’s the Jerry what what’s going on do you see me

He just ran past me oh get faster waffle pancake thanks for being such a long time fan it’s like literally over a decade dude thank you for coming back and saying hello appreciate you man R all right let’s see I’m going to get to the end and then I’m going to go back

And break someone else’s blocks you’re a monster why wouldn’t you just be happy that I’m taking away your blocks because it would a win lose situation if you’re trying to win the race then it’s good but if you’ve already won then he’s just not going to get the

Items okay all I need is chest plate I’m sorry the boots all I need is the boots and then I’m done boots and pains got the extra pair of boots for um I might take you up on it but I’ve also had so many more blocks to break I mean anything could happen

Spiderman no you’re you’re right you’re right bring me pictures of Spiderman living man oh that’s what we needed oh no had to stop for a eating break I feel like it’s slowing down the server a little bit here I feel like it’s not happy not happy it’s it’s getting a

Little okay I thought it was just me no the server is not happy at all it’s probably all the mobs I’m loading like one lucky block at a time I don’t know how much my footage is usable that’s okay St it I’ve been over encoding this entire time oh my

God you you have something else going on yeah I don’t know I’m going to restart my computer after this bro yeah no dang I missed the teleport and I fell a I found a slight problem what’s the slight problem I’m starting to have to wait to open up lucky blocks for the

Server to catch up oh no so you’re really slowing down then yeah so uh probably Luke it might be because of the items yeah everyone just stop breaking stuff for a sec all right never mind no I’m definitely continue breaking I cleared why would I stop there’s another

Spawn point CU if he got something really good like a Coliseum ticket and then Luke cleared it you’d cry oh yeah go Point yep I do make those from time to time very rarely yeah don’t push it p uh let’s see I can get rid of that I hope I’m going the right

Way I don’t even know what section I’m on I forgot how many times got the I got the old arena ticket a bro cry I don’t think I’ve actually I one of the original too I don’t think I’ve actually got got an enchantment table yet which is kind of odd I

Just on my person right now oh wait I did I think I accidentally threw it out whoops I’ll find another one eventually something a Dark Sword I will stop for that Dark Sword pretty op yeah I think it’s nice just because wither can get the final hit if I remember correctly

Yes it can poison cannot with can oh another Jerome’s nose yes I got dark armor which I’m happy about because it’s like a 30% speed buff right now is where I’m at I’m collecting all my noses good happy for you I think if I get all of them it’ll be like Thanos to

The Infinity Gauntlet you know the infinity schn dude it could be a rotten potatoes ew he can smell the whole universe next checkpoint I don’t know if I’m going the right way or not oh I died I I don’t know which way is which Enchanted huge I now have four Enchanted

Armor oh golden Snapples oh they don’t stack though of course I’ve got like a bunch of golden apples another Dark Sword I don’t need that have 11 which is pretty good more dude I need the server to catch up I’m getting chased down but I can’t progress

Anymore oh finally gotten to the point to use that it’s doing it it’s do do do how did the turn just die don’t worry about it well they died because they were killed Jerry oh okay makes sense makes sense server I think I figured out what

Happened what happened I think I uh just didn’t uh set my spawn point right because I’m still coming across items oh my God a block just dropped legally it wasn’t in the Pro like it was in between two blocks and it was really bugging Sean how was P’s first birthday

Was great Sean he had a blast blast YY it was the best day ever for peanut I actually get triggered every time I hear blast now I’ve done this to myself huh me no it couldn’t possibly be me why would this guy be saying it meanwhile I’m watching like like some

Other YouTuber I’m like there is no way I think I might be coming up on the end I don’t know what checkpoint I’m at but but I feel like I’ve broken so many I think I’m on four but I I really think I’m on the home stretch like I’m on I

Would love to be able to oh no I just jumped to my death God I not picking up anything else goes into my dad what have you done this so because of you know the server taking forever to load I was just jumping along and I was expecting did it

It was a TNT explosion jome instead wait Steve you finished yeah I did it bro how I don’t know I think I’m getting pretty close like so Steve got first place in this what do we want to do want to do his punishment last place doesn’t get to finish the race they whatever

Gear they got for the battle yes it seems my my goal was to just run through and forget everything else like I was like all right I just want to win the the race portion so I think love to but my world isn’t loading at this point

I’ve got pretty much all the gear I would need except for an enchantment on the chest PL but otherwise I’ve got everything so I wouldn’t mind like just speeding through this to get second or third place I have like all my stuff I’m just trying to oh I’ve only stopped if I have

Like Enchanted gear Dro or books dropped at this point hey 700 in the chat we have 700 people watching 700 700 700 700 700 700 look at all those people all those beautiful people with 700 in the chat now I hate getting struck by lightning did you know that once you get

Struck by lightning you’re like like more likely to get struck by lightning again yeah it’s weird wondered about stats like that um because do you think it’s that you’re more likely to get struck by lightning or do you think that people who have behavioral tendencies that would get them struck by lightning

Like going out in the middle of a lightning storm are just inherently more likely than me who goes oh lightning I shouldn’t stand out in a field you know you ever think like maybe it’s the person and not the fact that they had been struck before no sometimes you’re

On to something sometimes it could be valid you could be but I I I need look up the facts once I’m done with this race but there was like one guy who got struck by lightning like 11 times dude but that’s what I’m talking about at some

Point the dude if I got struck by lightning three times you would never catch me in a lightning storm I got struck by lightning once you would never catch me out when it was even raining a drizzle I would be running inside dude who gets struck by lightning 11 times

Like who puts themsel in that situation 11 times struck that many times someone who’s so dense in the head that they get struck by lightning 11 times that’s who well they are probably pretty dense in the head after the 11th strike that’s all I’m saying so I think

The stat is a little little biased if you will oh that’s some nice feather falling dude how do I always get the buffing horn I never get a weapon I only get the buffing horn Steven Ard said he was a park ranger I think okay so mindblowing that

The guy who’s in the guy who’s in a forest all day long during lightning storms get struck by lightning news flash I don’t know like you know what I mean like it doesn’t surprise me like I don’t know maybe I’m wrong though I could be wrong I might be wrong but I

Can’t help but feel like the behavioral tenden W nice oh you were pretty close after me oh hey what’s up I didn’t hear you say anything I just another it and Drome was in the middle of his Spiel yeah all right so we got third place so I dude I

I still have going slow D I still have well over a 100 to go but I also had three Arena tickets so I have two Coliseum tickets and I’m about to do it now God monkey how come you always get Arena tickets yeah yeah I don’t understand

Just so talented and humble and amazing at all things that the Elizabeth Foster that’s cool she said what if last place automatically lost they weren’t even allowed to battle I don’t know oh what if for the first life you have to Target last place that would just be brutal that one

Luke if you want to get it ready by the way we could do five lives five Liv SS fine um here I want these I want that cool those okay this is this is good ow I got struck by a skeleton okay oh hyra at least I know

That I’m not behind jome I didn’t realize you were in here can worries I’ve only got one but uh you will obviously be next yeah that’s it I don’t even know if I’m going to use it but I’m going to see what I get you get that buffing horn though and

That that’s game dude I’ve never gotten that it’s good it gives you strength absorption want to know something crazy what I cut Jerome’s nose on every piece of armor no way that’s actually big so you’re stacked I got a lot of Health I’ve got at least three Jerome’s noses right now

Guys you got to stop these are not collector’s items well obviously not there’s too many of them Luke if that’s the case collectible that is horrible now cap what if you turn the nose because I reset my recording I think nfts are garbage in the first

Place go ahead make it less valuable voy dagger huh don’t blink too far you’ll go through the Bedrock yeah I know Luke thank you thank you probably not the best weapon to get yeah we suon that up all well that depends yeah slow that Luke okay okay why do I have two

Different types of golden apples I do too one’s Enchanted and one’s not no they just won’t stack Oh weird weird cuz I have Enchanted and normal yeah it’s just just happened to you I just teleported into the Coliseum okay you just turned into a ball of

Smoke on my screen and I was like uh with the weapon oh hey dropsy you want to see something crazy huh what’s up yo you want to help me out wait did you blink tag her in or something he did yeah I did oh I can’t attack them God whoa CW’s good that’s

Impressive this guy’s good dang that’s funny he call the Magic Man for nothing oh they can attack me though how about that that would make sense oh I can shoot them okay all right I’m just going see I can shoot them oh I outran let’s go zoom

Zoom dude this is my comeback dark here is it someone on my right is way behind me that’s all I’m saying who is that green it’s got to be monk yeah yeah because I’m on your left you I just saw you look to your left mon do you see my

Blocks yeah well I saw some behind me monk you might have skipped over somehow a lot of your and that’s ow no no no this I well then I I’m front of you then by a large margin imagine though been crazy uh drops you cap you know when out of the

Arena H let me know when you’re out of the Arena uh Cap’s got another one to do okay Steve can you wait till the battle I don’t know you exploded my side look what you did I didn’t do it yes you did I kind of believe it makes a good

That Arrow fell from the sky and who shot it into the sky um wasn’t me I I don’t know I just watched it fall from the sky maybe it was Luke pretty convincing I don’t know how does it work if you give sharpness to something but it doesn’t change the

Attack damage on it does that mean it just isn’t programmed in the text you know what I’m saying it might just not be programmed in the text and thank you again to our captain of the live stream konos SP gaming with $0000 and stream tips so far thank you

Buddy thanks for being our captain and supporting the channel like I said before it gets harder harder do we do come you know late August September and October with everyone going back to school so having fans like that to support us means the world so thank you

Like it really like it’s the only reason we can do what we do I I did it I I kept it uh because it was hallow mon we are so far behind I thought it was in the last stretch we still have another hundred here goodness throwing slown potions on

Me m we are nowhere near this end dude wow yeah I don’t know what the others did I know what I did I went to the arena three times yeah that’s why haven’t so far I have to wait until the battle ooh poison huge I I don’t want to

Make everyone wait for that long I didn’t want to yeah I didn’t want to use them in the battle like I could have used all three during the battle phase but I’m like people are going to get so annoyed with me if I just keep going there you’re getting get annoyed with me

For not being there I just waited until I finished and then I was like all right I got time now I can go ahead and use my Arena tickets you know Steve I’m pretty sure that’s what dropsy and cap also did yeah I was going to do

The that too if I had time I’m just chilling now oh jeez got bad Omen okay I have too much all right have too much stuff good outside of like bad parkour skills I haven’t really died much okay so now that being said bad parkour skills have been the bane of my existence

Projection or Protection One un breaking one I don’t need it projection one no you have a big nose um yeah this will be more worth it you guys ever have to poop take the town member leggings off to check what color Speedo you’re wearing no

Can’t say a half but yeah I don’t I don’t think I’ve ever needed to check what speed I was wearing dude I have that is solely oh entirely a you problem yeah I’m done I have quite the plan for this battle is all I’m saying does it get there that’s my

Guys get to the battle Jome it’s my turn I just realized that the like vigilante gun says any Mayors around yeah yeah is this uh is this where we’re going to be battling oh I’m sorry dang maybe um no I think they you just can’t help yourself can you he’s going to reload a

New world Steve I think I uh put uh Cappy’s bombs on this and I’m hoping that the pistol can shoot exploding rounds so it might you’re in trouble because he already said he was going to reload a world it’s okay he doesn’t listen to my intros either yeah I don’t listen to

Anything anyone says Brock with1 said let’s go give play well who’s that for Brock please don’t be me that’s give player an extra 25 lucky blocks to open please don’t be me oh no Brock that might be you bro Brock listen here here let me make a good case for myself

Monkey is a butt wow okay wow see how it is that’s the whole case emotional damage that’s a good case what do you think Brock what do you think is that good is that good Brock did I make my case Brock people are getting get mad at

Me no cap you want to hear what I did what’ you do I had enough Jerome’s noses to put it on three of my weapons oh I did as well so I can toggle between and not lose my health how you guys F in all my noses I didn’t realize you had that

Many they did it maybe maybe it’s like a piece of it kind of how like you know like some games you find like a piece of the yeah his nose is in like a ton of pieces and so it’s like you have to uh collect them

All and put them back together for the reic Triforce yeah but a lot more pieces the tros are we making this lore uh yep uh not making it’s already like that’s it yeah she just breathed into existence for you Brock in the chat said he figured

Out a weapon did dropsy I don’t know if this is part of it but he said he’s tagging you in for what 25 Lu additional Lucky Blocks oh I guess here sad is that she’ll still beat us she’s still going to beat us the S Lucky Blocks Mr intern

Oh actually no she won’t she’s only going to beat you mon oh man dropsy you better hurry up and ta all right dropsy got to beat monk I’ll do my best uh where’s my corner F you’re not exactly if anyone has Arena tickets I am out where do I live where’s my corner

Luke you don’t get a corner so witches take don’t take lava damage I can’t this did not happen me the whole time I I I agree with you dropy I did not get one of those I did not get that the whole time oh big skeleton no lava trap yeah the pitfall

Oh uh luk can I TP to you yeah he’s fine sick all right stream we got some big things I have like 10 conjures Magics oh yeah yep it’s going to be good also 800 the chat we get 800 in the chat we have 800 people watching and

Thank you to our big fans out here like Brock as well as earlier as well we had Chronos 50 gaming thank you to both of them for the tremendously generous stream tips you guys help support the channel and keep it alive so thank you from the bottom of my heart for being

Awesome fans for real Brock you’re awesome Kronos you’re awesome let’s have some fun done some stuff she still beat you even with the 25 yeah dude I don’t I don’t think you understand how far back I am so well you have to stop breaking yeah no I stopped

Breaking if it’s any consolation monk it’s an embarrassment to everybody all right let’s see uh okay and on this I could throw I feel like that’s an irritating one let’s do that I like that all right all right think I’ve got everything that I needed oh my God anonymous gamer with a

$200 stream tip what does that one even mean watching you since off oh my how much for drop C pi pick or hack name okay wait so you want this stream tip not for this one you want it for the next segment Steve did you have that typed up

Already um yes I do how much was the hacks for the next one here this this is is there a Don for extra spin uh yeah that’s what we’re checking there usually is for like extra hacks or like there is I had one for 500 allow someone to pick as many

Hacks as they want okay well well how much is there one for like extra spins and stuff though and like pick your own hacks uh 250 for a bonus hack okay Jesus so guess we can do 200 for a bonus hack yeah we’ll do okay drops you gets to

Pick a bonus hack in the next game Anonymous gamer huge thank you buddy turning on drop spot with koraa you guys are doomed what’s wait what’s drop spot what’s that you don’t remember drop bot oh drop bot I heard spot I heard drop spot Dr oh no drop yeah was in the head

Drop oh desk oh no okay good that mean broo what was that that was a desk pop I’m sorry I’m wondering if that’s just to more than a desk pop cuz like does that does kill you no matter how much it’s 30 it’s 30 damage Steve’s acel

Dental one earlier when I was at full health I lived oh my God Anonymous gamer our captain of the live stream with another $200 stream tip said dropsy again sorry everyone thank you so now what are you choosing drop bot plus kill or and then I’m guessing

It’s got to be XR well well kill or and drop out are two separate ones so those would be without the one that I spin for like two that I pick oh I see I think you ought to reserve the right to choose a different one if

Oh yeah those are the my ideas right now I got to look at the list but those are the ideas right now chat this is this is going to be for you drop out we’ll we’ll we’ll fight to Victory geez well Anonymous gamer thank you so much for

The $200 the $400 that is nuts dude thank you for supporting the channel being awesome and making the day extra special guys let’s have some fun is everyone ready for this battle Luke raised a 10 lives which is a good idea from the five that I suggested a very

Good idea um because of what’s about to happen all right okay I have a question first actually yes so to save time so I’m actually in the battle can I just have Luke spin a random number generator and give me weapons for the arena ticket or for the Coliseum tickets so I don’t

Yeah yeah just roll it yeah that’s fine all right I got all right mon what if you’re not strong enough to beat the arena yeah you’re hilarious how many Arena tickets do you have monkey five on me right now what what uh there were six but I didn’t pick up the

Six BR Jesus isn’t that one of everything Mr I never get them all right Steve settle down that one was a little much why am I not healing you you want to just whatever you want is not healing call it what do you mean are you at half

A heart no like it’s not doing my extra Health hold on oh my gosh just don’t give one give them all but one of them Luke just do it that’s why I was like random number gen so works thanks buddy oh I can’t I can’t pick up this

One BL thank you come don’t worry I’ll pick it up for you too late Steve this one’s about to be wild oh my God I’m lagging so bad all right monk you good yeah I’m I’m good Ste how did this Ste fell out of the world uh blink taker

DP ow Steve all right did you give St a life back you shot me no I didn’t all right is everyone ready now I’ve been ready bro yep I’m all good L give him another there we go three two one media oh someone else did one before

I could God help us well oh it didn’t even get anyone oh I think it failed either that or are we all just going to sit here award God oh no cppy what was that he spawned another one my spawn point did not set oh God neither did hey Cappy boom

Goodbye Oh my God thank you Luke just going to be meteor smash oh Jes okay there it goes no no no no oh oh you want some of this yeah I have a lot of these so Samantha was a steak bomb on cppy with a $25 God no meteor strike dude this is

Going to be inventory was pretty much exclusively conjur magic that’s exactly the opposite of everybody so I die to every single one of those there we go mon Shi me oh my God God what is that can we please stop that weapon we’re not even fighting all

Right right Tru Tru I don’t care that I’m last stop the I shot that before you wait hold on CT to respawn okay what’s going on oh no there he is there he is he’s in the ground hit him with a meteor how did you survive that I don’t

Know I think the steak shielded me watch out can’t be surviving okay who used I tried to hit him with another one get that out of your hand he survived the first one okay that’s my last one I swear oh my God every what is that g

I about to say it might have been his last but it wasn’t my Jesus I’m not respawning I have two lives left bro I I literally have two I have two Med I’m just not two get out of here SC bro be very scared I’m so I’m so afraid right now

You should be look you CED what do you mean me how is it how is it automatically my fault oh my God you made me do it you made get in the hole there we go ke you found the key to success if you jump into the hole you’re

Safe oh wait St you knocked yourself out yeah oh my god dude hey drum yeah let me know how safe you feel I jumped out of the hole monkey okay it’s like you’re a I sit there I was like all right well I still had two more you don’t want

This I have hour four Cappy bombs bow with wither arrows so do I I don’t feel bad for me or all wow being basically out Al alive I do feel bad for drops being almost I was at the opposite end of both of you guys every single one of

My deaths was one of those stupid comets Hey cap I actually put Kappy’s bomb on the viil land’s pistol oh my God I’m out of there oh my God wait dropy are you actually out of lives chose not to respond she’s got not responding until people are done with

The comments I thought were done ceasefire ceasefire ceasefire yeah nobody’s oh my God it’ll be obstructed now I don’t think she can I don’t even know if dropy can respond now uh so if I will it’ll be wherever World spawn you done C all right we doing this oh my god dude

You going to use another one go ahead do it hit me no he’s out of them you can trust him he’s an honorable man you can trust him he would never oh my god dude oh you’ve got totems still dis bro I have totems out the w I have

Everything under the sun you might not have a choice but to use another I don’t have I’m going to survive that he won’t dude this is ridiculous oh my God what do you so do you have pretty much every single one of those yes like just about everything under the

Sun I have he was set at least one of it’s uh yeah armor weapons whatever you whatever you’re thinking I I probably have it somewhere oh my C you got him on the ropes I didn’t even have a chance to eat my gapples yeah I didn’t

NE I to go into my inventory for a second oh my God that’s got to be his last one no it’s not no I don’t think so oh my God it’s just the last one for my bar yes Roger Miller has risen with a $300 stream di boom goes the server we get

The and Cat this has the peek mod big Minecart big big mine cart big mine cart man this is quite the battle from the two of you yeah it is oh yeah all right now I’m using my gaps oh my gosh drop have you still not respawned no no I think

What do you mean cap did this earlier I don’t think seen you in a fight yet it just hidden I was hiding in a cloud of steak let’s be clear the my the meat Cloud oh this is a good battle oh yeah you guys destroyed my spawn dropy if you

Want to T to me you can oh my God uh are you in good spots yes they’re can’t wait for cap to have one more of these and it not matter anyways they’re preoccupied he wouldn’t do that no I don’t have any more of them yeah hor we still

Alive I ate a bunch of app oh and to be fair M you also were surviving I was going to let heal but that’s fine oh okay no I get it yeah now take him out dry c one through like five of his to oh yeah I went through a lot of totems

Oh okay I mean you you hesitated in the middle of the Arena what do you expect well I didn’t know cap was still alive I thought it was last life yeah I to I just evening it wait does that have 100% success rate of us that just withered me whatever

That was yeah it’s a Wither Arrow what what so it has 100% chance C’s bombing no oh you just got very lucky to procket so I’m getting bullied people mad oh no oh no too bad you didn’t save one of the conjur Magics I wish I had for a tie ball

Game oh smart smart smart cap dude this is a final lives battle oh my gosh been a while oh you want to oh go oh she’s got totems cap that might have been it dude no she’s got totems she gots the totems what what you both are you

Kidding me how did that happen I was going to die that was my last resort she had a contur thing oh my God that my first and only one she sat in the stupid spectator you didn’t respawn the entire game because of not the entire game Steve I lost nine of my

Lives I’m not worried about [Laughter] it all I had like so much so many conjurers Magics and totems of undying that I just couldn’t pick stuff up along the way cap yeah is you ready give creative you want one okay here we go oh we should set it off with

The conjurers bomb can will it will that work it should explode jome look behind you please uh I can’t I’m blind oh hi all right there we go okay once everybody else’s arms start lagging is when we stop so thank you again Roger Miller Anonymous gamer and Kronos 50

Gaming all for being our captains of the live stream you guys are awesome all right we should proba it’s lagging up a bit arms are lagging we go big everybody up big mine cart if you’re too close to it you’ll just nudge it and like because of it oh okay okay

Now Luke Luke set it off with a conjur thing if you have that just like laying around there it is uh can we push it push it I’m kind of waiting to see if L has the yeah you want okay let me get let me get fire fire the

Conjur if you give me a live I I have one on my you have a life you have a life oh okay Max is angry who wishes who wishes to put trigger hurry up and pull it I got things to do Jesus yeah I’m in a rush today give me the Conor’s magic

Oh my God it’s lagging too badly I can’t even pick it up Bruh Bruh just just fire just fire just do it all right Luke all right I sent one thank you had what there we go I don’t think it did there it goes yeah don’t yell at me it just didn’t do

Anything oh that oh it’s lagging that’s why it’s already lag I have a bad feeling about this I have a bad bad feeling about this it’s really trying here oh there it goes it was it was put up a good fight it was an admirable attempt have fun with that one

Blade all right now on the next segment we have hacker rouette where you spin the magic hacker wheel you then have I think it’s like 15 minutes to get your stuff together uh and then we do a five lives battle to see who got the best

Gear and the best hacks and the best best best best Anonymous gamer did stream TI for drops you get two overpowered hacks of her choice so is going to be we’re going to have a work cut out for us on this one we’re going to have a work cut out doesn’t mean it’s

Impossible but does mean it’ll be a difficult one all right I am on and ready to rumble already all right boom hey drum what’s what are we doing right now cuz I wasn’t listening to you doing your intro hackeru that buddy I know I did it

First I actually beat I it’s very rare I get on the server first I beat everyone all right guys what are we doing right now I wasn’t here oh my God I don’t know we don’t have time for this today get on the Ser I actually I’ve been getting on

I’m setting it up I’m getting the instance I’m getting the instance but I had to mess with you while I was doing that it’s multitasking no respecting these kids Jerry none whatsoever at least he’s honest about it no got no quals with it there we

Go all right I’m do you guys have your record can we just start sinking now yeah I can start recording I I need a second I don’t even have anything go like I’m trying to take care of everything have I told you I’m just like loveing my new computer Drome by the way

You haven’t talked much about it there was a lot of talk prior but you didn’t really talk much about it after so it’s working as you you would hope yeah as intended uh with such large recordings like we do the only problem I’ve encountered is that sometimes it still

Takes a long time to load the thumbnails but it’s like substantially better than my other computer and it’s like 200% quieter and 300% reason to remember the name yeah I put him in survival but 50% pleasure 20% pain 100% remember you switch can you switch back real quick do

It he switched again he’s got hock Keys imagine using hock keys in Minecraft it loads Starfield like a dream I know you’ve played it I love Starfield Starfield is great I only really experienced a little lag upon launch but otherwise it’s fine go ahead Shred the descript room okay I start

Recording oh all right started quite the opposite of what I told you to do start recording start recording well he has to do it on camera so he can publicly shame you forever yeah yeah exactly Jerry you have to be publicly humiliated for your Foles what’s the

Point of a punishment if no one sees you all right uh if everyone’s recording Drome Bop St happy Bop stud dropsy monkey poop all right we get Stak in this right yeah all right I changed up the description like that on the Fly Steve see that’s jez yeah it’s done what’s the

Flight Key by the way 400 all right have no idea here we go three two one I’m going up first everyone and I am going to push Le button spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin I hope I get fight bot please don’t get Miley Cyrus please don’t get Miley Cyrus

Critical oh my God that’s pretty good that’s really good that’s huge so every hit I do chat is going to be a critical hit that’s bet nice Donald $25 stream dip said steak bomb on Jerry no there’s no shot there this thing is rigged did you get Miley Cyrus again said read

Miley Cyrus says Cyrus anyone but stead can reroll this once normally I’d let Dr read it do it it says or St read it right so Steve how do you always get this dude it no it’s rigged because it literally went Cho ch ch ch done like it

It didn’t even go a full time around we have rule against that I don’t know if you’ve seen the Redstone mechanics back here but dude I don’t think they had the ability to make an oldfashioned riged it yeah he lied yeah I’m I’m I’m rolling now we’re P

This I’m just glad I got all this steak here I can hand out steak who wants steak you wants steak Steve you can have some sympathy steak Ste I don’t want any steak you have some sympathy steak buddy drops you can have some sympathy Jerry nice nice I’m so upset what’s he gonna

Get I can just keep criticals on the entire time Donald Anderson asked what was the most I’ve ever seen blade get ah it’s a tough one have you actually seen blade get mad though I’m I got Miley but I’m Gonna Roll because I’m not Steve I can think of several I he got

Mad I think he got mad at me yesterday I wouldn’t say it’s the maddest he’s ever been wait you Cyrus yeah cuz you’re yeah because he’s allowed to Steve not on to X-ray and kill aa oh my God yeah he’s a low to R Steve it’s land on the you see

Where it says anyone but Ste or Steve sorry he doesn’t make the rules he just enforces them Steve yeah you know that’s that’s crazy that’s actually crazy that’s stop I’m still rolling I know I’m going to let you re I’m going to let you roll there’s a button right

There Steve oh sick I got X-ray and Kora and I get thank you start the timer oh you started it you started it blast mining oh my God for those that don’t know uh so start the timer Luke but for those that don’t know dropsy also thanks to Anonymous

Gamer gets to choose two hacks and she just got Kora and x-ray we’re doomed God we so we’re so dead it’s drop yeah like is that gonna be a group guys in this game mode as well we always for the sake of making x-ray more powerful we always make it so you

Actually have to smelt your stuff too in the preface you need to come to the battle correct cat with three diamonds in half you can eat lead bro just like get out of my life bring this back to the Vigilante gun I’m about To I am so upset with this you also can use full bright everyone that’s it obvious that’s C right yes c yeah is C dude dropsy is going to get the biggest D you we might not get any kills on her at all we might

Not this might be a drop bot win again it still times the hits so there’s times in between her attacks you can get close That’s How Time hits work she can’t take us all pretty much she might be able to to be fair the easiest way to stop drop bot

That I found was just bucket yeah lava bucket so you get your hands on one of those doesn’t like lava I mean to be fair I don’t like lava uh I don’t think anyone a great way to like deal with like people you don’t

Like I mean you look at uh Lord of the Rings Sauron you know you took him there uh Terminator you know he he died in like molten metal technically lava so I like that what am I doing I can blast mine like lava adjacent wait how do you

Blast mine what’ you get T bro Soul Steve’s TNT oh my God bro this group of degenerates you can’t you can’t have nothing group of there ain’t no Integrity here anymore look I still made limited number of I still made a one pickaxe and then I

Realized okay great that you you did it dead you beat the qu look I still made a pickaxe yep you’re going to need that anyways yep so uh so dropsy you’re going to easily get full diamond it’s just a question of if you’ll have time to enchant or

Not uh there’s I I don’t think I would have to get the levels for that and I’m not not I’m not going to be able to do that I think I’m just going to go for iron Samantha good choice oh that’s the peanut cam we know and love hello I’m

Just going to go for iron there’s no way I get diamonds 12 minutes he’s being the best boy best it’s still his birthday week and then after that enti week and then his birthday month out of curiosity what’s like Peanut’s favorite treat not so much treat but he likes

When Tori makes him stuff with pumpkin puree Max’s favorite treat is sleepy time chees what what is sleep Ben yeah he can take up to three benad dril he’s so big oh my why do you give him sleepy cheese because he won’t shut up otherwise and also he’s allergic

To pollen and stuff like that so uh we give it to him so he doesn’t like bite himself and itch in the middle of the night that’s trueir like otherwise he gets a crusty butt and we don’t like that oh yeah he he’ll like chew his butt and

Like it’ll just get stuck like some like he’ll get stabs and stuff and we’re like Max please no to be fair P had a little bit of allergies and he had little scabby things but we had to spray him with this we brought him to the doctor

They they gave us some spray or whatever and sorry the dog T we brought him to the dog T and they gave us some like spray to put within a week it was cleared up yeah it was like a steroidal they said that some of just get

Allergies yeah it’s just a thing that happens Max like he likes to roll in the grass but it’s not good for him that’s what peanut does too he does this thing where He Flops onto his back and then he just starts dancing like this and I’m like dude what is wrong

With yeah yeah yeah they do that having a good time having a good time when we’re in the woods and he’ll do that in tall grass and I’ll go oh yeah let’s just collect all the ticks buddy yeah yeah he’s looking for Pokemon you ever do you

Ever like vacuum Drome and then he’s like I’m mad this doesn’t smell like me anymore no but luckily what I did get for him and I’m so glad I did is uh I I have like I got it on I think I got it on Prime day I got a Roomba and dude

It’s awesome I just run it while I’m working all day upstairs and all of his hair so much s this the dog segment by Jerome and Cappy over here hey dude I don’t think any if anyone has a complaint about the dog segment you can leave the door is right

There the door is literally right there actually there we go everyone loves a good dog segment yeah what I find is even cat people a lot of cat people I don’t know many cat people that hate dogs I know a lot of dog people that hate cats squares and

Rectangles oh it isn’t a square but a square is a rectangle dude I am having so much difficulty like an like a I was and then I got very lucky Steve I just kept beding and then I found a m shaft that had iron in it

And iron M shafts don’t work for me Jerome oh cuz you’re twerking yeah I can’t quite literally I can’t I I got I found a m shaft and instantly died I love how this always happens and we called it earlier today I was like in the last segment of the live stream I

Was like Steve you’re going to get it again and the only thing it does is just makes it impossible to do anything like quite literally it’s impossible to do anything oh I know I had it once and I I had to take it off cuz it just annoyed my viewers too

Much like they couldn’t see it like they couldn’t like kind go yeah you got it once and you you had to you had to take it off cuz you were a coward exactly all right okay let’s see I need to find coal too like dang uh let’s see what do I

Have okay 19 iron and I need 27 for a full set and shield right and a sword oh if I want an axe though I need 30 30 yeah okay so nope can’t get that iron although you’re telling me no bll but Steve I really no when I want have nice

Things Dr No the iron was just it it was in reach but then also too far out of reach cuz I couldn’t stop shifting dude I hate witches why would Krim have so much health that’s my only real issue with them you know what I realized in the last segment is that

Witches are immune to Lava damage but not poison damage yeah they wait oh they’re not because they don’t have an anti-poison that’s why the only reason they’re fire ime is because they drink a fire resistance potion there is a difference between fire immune and lava immune or is there not no same fire

Resistance fire resistance immunity in lava God I hate everything that’s valid not have blade just type chat a witch has 13 a witch has like 734 I think it is up there though for a big number mob Health sowhere between 734 and 8,000 that’s crazy how do like the

Witches get more Health than the warden you know I just don’t know V blade see you’re not reading that correctly that’s you’re that’s a metric system so oh we only working Freedom Units here yeah huh you know what enchantment is a lot more uh feasible oh

No we can talk about this no my God why are there you save me for last Colin said they do have decides oh okay Colin said they do have 26 Health but the caveat there is that they had regen and health potions so like yeah that’s the other issue wishes are just annoying

Fight well that I think that’s the whole point though yeah I’ve always wondered like since I don’t know off the top of my head What potions or which has available to use is it just any potion Dage a specific set yeah it’s instant damage poak poison yeah like she

Does a lot but I don’t think she has like I think she has the big harming thing hello there oh you know imminent fear she has the potion of kicking drum’s butt I I love that guys you know of all this Channel’s history that might have been the greatest display of memory power

I’ve put into anything I found the M shaft that I died in I made my way all the way back wow so proud here’s the question was it on purpose though it was that was pretty deliberate D I went right back to it I sniff bro this

Blacksmith had like two iron picks in here wow wow that’s actually and an iron sword I’m actually having to go back Drome no please but well monk got one of the blacksmith there was two healing need the one though it’s this one over here um stream

Yes we going back we’re going back oh you’re kidding me you’re actually kidding me hey yo is there sugar canane nearby I did not see any no I don’t even want to play this big oh hey yeah that’s right is a problem people be afraid of playing

Games we’re about to H 900 people watching which for a week day I don’t think it’s happened since the school year started oh yeah drop there’s plenty around the lake at spawn yeah no I just need leather there’s cows too yep I see him danger noodle killed

Me yeah killed by what a danger there’s creeper creepers are not danger snakes are danger noodles and they’re not noodles they’re pigs creepers are pigs right that was the whole thing with creepers yeah first attempt at a 3D Pig model and uh well yeah that’s what happened you can see how that

Went so anything else in here worth Mr hot said fish always buddy always good to see you Mr hot for years now he’s been doing that you can’t get your uh enchantment table from spawn by the way what do you mean there’s a obsidian at spawn oh I found some but thank

You stead why are you helping the person with 18 hacks he’s in drop Mercy drot knows no I know the robots will dead dead out here thanking Siri for helping him like BR as it says you you probably use Siri more than I do no

I don’t trust Siri I’m just kidding I I don’t actually to be fair it I feel like it’s so futile I love when people like oh I don’t want to have that thing listening to like it’s fine dude you’re getting listened to everywhere else in your life what does it matter yep that

That’s the Glorious part is they can get so much of my useless information that it’s all worthless maybe I could flood it with so much garbage that’ll be like we got to shut the company down maybe this is too much pointless data all right now I have two minutes to look at the

Hacks oh gentle giant you leave Papa Baka at us said Papa Baka thanks nightbot that’s entirely different all right that is wholesome he doesn’t realize nightbot is not a person he was born in the generation where his mind was going to explode from a fax machine okay you leave him out of this

He’s not part of this conversation oh thank you Luke that’s fun he’s not part of this debate Steve found diamonds he must be hacking hi Jerome hi Cappy I’m I think I’m gonna barely have enough time to smell this are you using their yeah uh there’s coal in there

Already if you want to I’m already done with it they actually work or they like see yeah then I don’t want it all right and then why you give me a battle horn also Donovan Adams with $125 stream said Jerome might get even more heated after getting the slash kill in hot

Sauce I you’re lucky I’m not back in the mind Donan Adams but that is hot sauce number five ghost pepper and ghost pepper powder is that your war cry waiting long time ago all right here we go m that’s me chiple I heard whoever just did that really long drawn out goat horn

I heard that as well who’s doing that okay that actually pretty hot could we that’s number five dude I’m so happy though 900 people watching thank you all for being here remember guys smell you smell your stuff oh that’s yeah I don’t need to why

Not hey jome um thinks he better than I got diamonds yeah I can tell I’ve got Uno do trays of these oh I have nothing to give you I can give you a goat horn oh dude I I’d be willing to just give you one you mean it Dad yeah man dude

Just in the nick of time I smelted all my stuff that’s a time is up we all meet in the village to strike press for funny noise inventory on yeah I’m about to I’m about to go crazy us oh yeah did you get the enchantment table

Up I know I’m just playing with you buddy I know you’re awesome gentle giant man hello oh sorry Jesus trops sorry sorry my spawn point I’m g go I’ll s my spawn point over here it’s a five lives battle best of luck to everybody out there where’s everybody all right I’m

Trying to make sure I’m not point near anybody so I don’t on uh on spawn okay everyone good to go set all right three two one banana dropy Where’s what what even she shows flight oh my god dude why do we not think of this why do

We not think of this just hit the Pata boys everyone work together way out of the way two get out of the way I kill get out of the way oh jeezus Mony I tried to warn you so many times oh God mon get her get her I’m getting her let

Ankles yeah what you going to do dropsy you’re fing get it all walk away from mon walk away from monk hold on I got to adjust some of my stuff I’m going to fly up for a sec no you give that back you give that back you give that back right

Now you give that back it’s it’s gone forever Jerome hey red Palin with $125 stream a death for dropsy and a hot sauce for Jerome that’s hot sauce number six let’s go now drop’s on my level three lives hot sauce number six is Scorpion Pepper powder scorpion pepper

Ghost pepper eat hot eat very hot I have an idea I’m hiding inside got get back in fight you’re hiding inside yeah wow she hit me for that many heart you oh my God oh my God oh my God where you head dropy come here come here the

Dropy oh no not working on the hor dude she straight up hit me for five Hearts you’re the I just barely left in oh that was going to be good guys I can’t even get close enough to kill why do you want to I’m the only one

Who can fight dropsy you’re also the only one with ever dropsy I tried to defend you did you do you have reach no I’m walking away uh drops you just you guys if I can’t kill you I’ll kill what you love a God why through the leaves yeah kill or it goes through

Blocks dude that’s why you shouldn’t use it on servers oh that was Luke’s oh yeah I just stole it and put iron armor on it right Luke uh about that I’m really not trying to hit you guys I’m just going for drapy God stop hiding come here who’s hiding

Dropsy nice try nerd I got it there’s no way you don’t I got it he stole that from I had it I didn’t change anything on this give oh God Jesus help my toes oh God also my mouth is on fire god no at least give me a second you are such

Dude monkey can kill her monkey has killed oh God I couldn’t see that because of the shield monkey is our only hope to killing her monkey’s our only hope to killing her and then we all have to work together to kill monkey it’s the way it works well if you guys could help

Me kill her that would be great circle how do you think we’re going to help her help you kill her how her yeah how do you expect that when both both of my sorry buddy my finger slipped there’s no way is just killing me like I she’s not even

In my in range of my kill Ora don’t worry monk we help you she’s taking care of the problem got this said she is the problem bro it’s just impossible may I beg for mercy are awesome this is so stupid stop running monkey I’m out okay there goes all hope no way now

I get to have fun where you guys at wait if we put ourselves indoors she has to come down no it can go through walls it can go through walls what do you mean it can go through walls oh yeah I can exact Jesus I didn’t know Kora went through

Walls yeah that’s why he really bad for servers oh bro what is that reach that’s the drop bot it’s a 360 angle so I don’t know dropy like there’s something not normal reach going on it might be the creative flight cuz that gives distance maybe oh God oh God drop 9000 my

Spawn oh my God okay my bad got to leave him alone even my didn’t reach you I think this is the biggest blowout we’ve ever seen in a secret hacker sorry hack a where is she C uh cap run cap [Applause] run no you’re only hope take yourself out first no sorry buddy

God oh God I hate Jesus oh my God that was brutal he said I could pick and I was like oh Dropout might not be the best cuz they’re just going to Target me and then I was like screw rolling and I was like wait flight so what was your other hack by

The way like you got I I have creative flight kill Ora and no false that whenever I fell from the sky from getting hit then I wouldn’t take damage yeah all right well oh my gosh well guys g g to that that was nuts Anonymous gamer you oh my god thank you

You made her so overpowered dude that was ridiculous that’s welcome at any time that’s a uh record-breaking time stamp there yeah that was an insanely quick one I feel like I know right like dude oh my gosh all right everyone I’m gonna go to the bathroom super quick and I’ll be

Right back and I’ll explain what’s going on to the viewers give me one second guys but the next segment we have a member of the pack who’s going to be joining in as well be right back and hello I am back with welcome everybody to the next segment of the

Live stream here this is going to be super fun now guys I am going to ask you a big favor here a lot of people whenever they hear the sponsor segments coming up they click off the video and they just disappear please I’m asking you guys it does directly support the

Channel this is an awesome new series that we’re going to do it’s a 10 parts I think 10 parts uh with Woofles over the month of October uh we’re going to be playing on a sky block server called chaos craft ho uh it’s going to be really fun I almost just connected using

A Hacked Client that is hilarious I would I was literally about to type in the IP but uh once again please I’m asking you guys help out you can join the server if you want if not just come hang out with us it’s me and Woofles we’ll be hanging out we’re having fun

It’s the same as always it’s the same thing it’s G to be really great um and so let me go ahead and type in the information here um and also boom uh let’s see here all righty bringing that over to here and that is our IP everyone all right so hopefully you guys

Are all ready for that I am going to message over here to the other chat and say uh going to call this chat warning I am live all right there we go so we’ll see who joins in here um also remind him again that we are live here it is right

Here season start sept all right so we’re only like 10 days late on the season start here that’s not bad that’s not bad at all alrighty so let’s go ahead and let’s see starting a new yeah look at that it’s going to be a versus series as well guys so

Yeah I also got to change up some of the description here I just realize some of the stuff on here um and yeah some of the stuff was just copy and pasted Steve had there perfect there we go nice all right now we just sit around

And we wait uh for our friends all to show up and I’ll also go ahead and move the webcam and everything over to this corner there we go perfect what’s up guys hello hey gentle giant he’s one of our viewers over here we recognize by the

Way thank you guys we’re still at like 700 people watching which is so awesome like I said before that really does mean a lot to me to hear um and see and oh my they gave me some crates to get started bro that’s so sick all right we’re going

To be we’re going to be awesome here now it is a versus Series against Rob so you can get further but that being said Rob has more experience than we do on the server so I’m pretty sure that he is going to uh hopefully be generous enough

To help us out and explain things to us um so I’m very excited for this I’m very very excited um all right um let’s see new server I see again which left H not this one for a bit dude we got at least a month we got a 10-part

Series John Mr John MCCA a 10p part series coming in so it’s going to be fun it’s going to be awesome it’s going to be a good way as well to catch up with one of my fellow pack members uh Woofles that’s the cool part that’s the part I love

Just getting to hang out out with those guys all right hopefully they join in here soon they were’re supposed to be meeting up at four o’clock so I’m sure they’ll be coming in um uh calling the Discord chat I am live alrighty so uh wait what John what does that even

Mean I’m copy my idea for poke play huh I’m right hey what’s up Momo we are live buddy oh didn’t know that sorry that’s okay yeah yeah don’t worry about it man welcome so I just hopped on the server and I’m ready to go I didn’t want

To get a head start on Rob although I didn’t know does he still have his stuff from last season or he got reset too he’s going to reset so have his resets since then cool okay I didn’t want to get a head start then so I’m just

Hanging out in the hub hopefully my fans are all piling on in here we actually just broke a 100 players online you’re not allowed I’m I I just finished up my I’m coming on but don’t you’re that’s cheating I’m not doing nothing dude I’m just I’m just dancing

And spawn not cheating or trying not to anyway no no progress I’m starting in like 5 I’m going to start in 5 minutes but I’mma pull I’mma pull your stream up does it count if a fan gave me $10 million I’m totally joking I’m totally joking no one’s giving me any okay we

Got to we got to set those guidelines and rules um because realistically giveaways are kind of fine in my opinion oh all right I’m down with that then I’m down with that like I’m just saying like if if my community now I’ll have you know I’ll

Have you but it’s up to you in fact your chat can decide cuz frankly I’ll tell you right now if we let my community help me out you’re screwed you’ve lost you’ve already lost dude I’m going to be out here I’m going to show up in a panhandler’s costume I’m going be

Begging for those virtual dollars your community won’t have anything to give you though they’re going to give you dust literal dust dude Momo just messed me on the side and said your friends are Island number one all right you know what fine my community is going to take

You on Rob they’re gonna take you on all right whatever bro so we have our own Islands we have to play on our own Islands okay oh I see you stretching you’re looking jacked bro oh thank you thank you I just set a tal two days ago

That’s two days of that’s two days of work in at I mean yeah true dud oh he’s on the tunel let’s freaking go okay sick I love that um oh I I honestly I’ve just been chatting I haven’t even launched my Minecraft or my stream um oh no worries

Me a second to uh you know give me a few extra minutes for my team to get ahead you know okay okay so I’m I’m going to mute up I’m gonna get my stream going I’m on like I gotta I it’s just been it’s been hectic but I’m a start and I’m

Going to absolutely dominate you last ground rule uh well not ground rule what uh how do we determine who wins is it Island value yes okay whoever’s higher up in in the island in Island value Island top Island score Etc that’s that’s it and so you can’t but here’s

There’s some rules on the server you can’t break so they can’t bring um like there there’s no Island trading really so they can’t just bring stuff over to your Island and put stuff onto it like we need to build our own Island that’s fair so we can’t add new members to our

Island or if we do want to talk about it or something exact exactly yeah and you can’t just like go to your friends and like grab a 100,000 Emerald blocks and just put it on your Island and win but they can like give you some handouts you

Know what I’m saying but yeah yeah yeah that that makes okay I’m I’m okay with that I’m okay with that see we’re figuring it out we’re figuring it out all right all right any other ground rules chat that we need to uh be aware of it’s a trap he’s buttering you up bro

Dude oh no yes sir why do I feel like we’re going to get clapped this season oh I mean I’m not going to lie but my my group has finished top one every season so far so well this might be time for you to lose dude it might be time I don’t I

Don’t think so okay I got to leave you alone for 2 minutes I’ll be right back and then we’re going to we’re going to get Crush in it sounds good dog cam let’s freaking go the peanut Cam all right guys thank you Kronos 50 gaming for that $40 stream tip we’re throwing the peanut cam on there Peanut’s rooting for us obviously peanut does not want Rob to win now guys I need your help from our community as you just heard Rob’s Community Rob’s friends are

Island number one our community our friends are literally not on the board so we need to we need to work on this I need your help it’s a 10-part series all throughout the month of October uh like Rob said there’s certain ground rules like uh unless we agree upon it later on

Like maybe we’ll say we can add like one Community member or two like you know but until that’s approved we’re not allowed to add anyone else to our Island right this is all just going to be legit uh I’m assuming the other rule is going

To be that we can only play uh while we’re live you know what I’m saying so we can’t we can’t like you know be sneaking online in the we hours of the evening you know J J J do SL kits and then go to your God kits you got a g kit

I got a g kit which one do you want me to use I got I think I got all the G oh wait no I don’t have any G kits depend you don’t have none Yep they’re all xed out available it’s okay buddy I understand

You you don’t want me to have that upper edge of Rob these islands actually not doing well this season they hash six I they his team’s in sixth oh stream stream what is happening dude these they’re falling apart they’re nothing dude you had me worried there for a second moment well meanwhile dude

Bunch of weaklings all do it again you should have something let’s see uh all right I’m gonna run the command again God kits uh I have spawner kit I have September kit okay Spawner in September is that all I’m supposed to have yeah I’ll give you some crate Keys as

Well uh have you got crate keys in your Advent I’m not sure if they’ been given them yet they did they gave me three of these like Mega ones that gives you so much stuff or has a potential for so much stuff that I can’t even fit it on

Screen okay cool I would change your if you go to video settings i’ change your like gii scale that should fix it okay um see well I don’t know I kind of want to leave I’ll just leave it it’s fine we’ll see what we get yeah I I’d rather leave

It because I I I don’t know this this looks fine it’s all good by the way have you said hello and happy birthday to peanut it was his first birthday yesterday dude oh happy birthday peanut he’s peanut I’m sorry my dog it’s Peanut’s first birthday bro how am I

Meant to know happy birthday peut okay dude Momo I I apologize I apologize I apologize I apologize is that why there’s a dog on your screen yes that’s peanut dude what where have you been but sis when did you tell me you even had a dog named Peanut I don’t [Laughter] Know oh my gosh okay um do you know how everything works as well because it’s not normal Sky Block so if you actually create an island you like an island base what okay no no one told me any of this stuff I thought it was just a Sky

Block yeah so Rob’s been playing for like this is his third season so he knows everything in and out so uh once you create if you do sear as create and then obviously put your name where you want it to be um pick whichever type you want you’ve got something called um it’s

Island safe and you’ve got an island sky base okay so you need to Fe your Island like safe like gold coal diamond etc etc that’s how you actually get your Island value and wait so he was saying because the way he described was you put blocks

On the ground was he just like lying trolling me so no you don’t put blocks necessarily you put it all in your safe so you get get emeralds and you can put them all in your safe and then you can um post your sky base as well um so if

You click to open it it should give you a little bit of a description oh dude I’m not trusting rob you got to hang out here and help me out man because he’s he’s spitting hot garbage he was saying all like you can’t you know have some

Come to your Island and place the emeralds below he was making me think it was like old school oh chat get on the server we got to smoke him out of the waters here 110 players I would like to be 130 players 20 more of you out there

Helping me out we need to work together guys if Rob’s Community wins you realize I will never hear the end of this right it would dude it it would break my heart it’d be so sad it would be almost more depressing somehow than Momo hanging out on the Pixelmon server

Yesterday to the Wi hours of the night listen listen listen listen Okay I needed to check it out okay I need to see what was going on got to scope out the competition you know got to scope out the competition I’m sorry I had I had to I had to say all right

Well you good you good I hope you know my fiance what she hears about all the Antics that I put you through dude John in my chat goes facts though dude dude what I fiance hears about all the all the stuff I put you through she goes why do you harass this

Poor guy so you do you harass me so much man so much just leave myself I open your own like come on Joe oh my God bro Dude too funny it’s too funny imagine I’m not even a stream mod yet like I’ve not even got stream mod yet

I’m really offended man I’m really offended would you never chat where oh you did actually you chatted once I should I should have mod I’ll mod you I’ll mod you out here welcome Woofles boo wo’s boo that guy sucks I have no idea yill they’re all boing [Laughter]

Him let’s go hasht team can we get that as a tag or something do you guys have tags in This Server yeah we got tags we got tags tags hash team ASF I get let me get way that dude team ASF out here let’s go oh there he is Momo

Minecraft yeah you see that I got a whole Minecraft Channel mate dedicated to playing Pixel one is that all you do on there literally entire life just pixel mon bro I I literally post a video once every like eight nine months and then disappear I love it I love it so much that’s

Awesome that’s awesome dude I also love how many players on the server man D you have 729 viewers that’s not too bu you know Jerome dude before the second we had 900 out here I told them though I had I had a little talk with them I was like look guys I know

Everyone’s like first thing they do is to click off of like a sponsored segment and I like but this one’s different I’m like I’m hanging out with one of my fellow pack members Rob we’re having a great time it’s a competition you know it’s a 10p parter I’m like just be chill

Hang out with us it’ll be different than usual that’s what I told them and they did they stuck around the dude the the bakas team ASF is real out here dude yeah I don’t know if they remember you did do this sub but like I think three

Four years I do remember dude yeah but this is it’s nothing it’s not it’s totally different it’s totally different yeah yo nice iron you Noob oh my goodness oh did you already redeem your God kit bro what do you mean man I’m like I’m I’m now it’s begin begins now all

Right I got to redeem my K begin like it’s okay so I I I heard that you were uh no not no you were spout some garbage that’s what I heard uh so Momo was telling me that we were like oh you can’t have someone else place the blocks

For you to add Island value apparently that’s not even how you get Island value apparently you get it from your safe and how do you get things into your safe you dumbo all right you know what I don’t even I’m going small island dude I’m going small island I don’t even

Want I don’t want to talk to you bro I don’t even want I’m I’m doing a nice little small island this guy you trying to tell I I did Cosmic Gods I did Cosmic Gods down with Woofless oh my God okay wait no Island delete Island

Delete it’s on dude wait the name must be oh it’s too long it’s too long dang okay okay I’m I’m G do I’m GNA do I’m gon do cosmic ODS we’re chilling with it CG CG CG let’s go um I’m doing te so yeah I’m already I’m already ahead

Of you like I’m going to be straight up with you how we just started cuz I just know D drum you’ve walked into a serious mistake like dude I feel I’ve been in a trap I think this is a TR I’ve been playing this Sky Block like I have one

Seasons I know things about this that you don’t know I am going to dominate you in this versus series like it’s not even a question here I have out man dude I’ve got like freaking 15 episodes of this already done across multiple seasons including the beta like who do

You think you’re talking to right now I am your dad oh God uh you know what Rob I’m I’m I’m GNA make a cobblestone gen you better watch yourself is that a good idea cob no it’s not I mean yes it’s a great idea make a cobblestone genen God

Bless you jeez dude I Momo’s got to give me the low down or something at some point man uh all right let’s get a little water let’s get our water Source started here we get a little no this is look I I’ll like look everything’s going

To be fine okay you’re going to make it um yeah you get some bone some sugar cane you got all sorts of stuff that you can build from I’m excited for you I already screwed up the infinite water source what have you oh my god dude a

New water okay it’s only 50 bucks to buy another we’re fine we’re cool we’re cool we’re chilling here Life’s good good Z is zoom in uh oh God why does why does my my key binds just get randomized every time D okay all right so help me

Out a little bit what’s like the best starting point what’s like the you know what I’m saying like what should I do farm all I’m asking the chat I’m asking he muted bro that’s toxic he just straight up deafened himself Chad what’s the best way oh God

Why I have caps on I’m turning okay all right all right all right he’s mut okay I had to open your crate crates um open yeah yeah you got some pretty good crates um I had a silver pouch okay what do I use the silver on well I got

Millions of dollars already I’m back Rob that was toxic but it’s okay it’s okay cuz I uh I got 3,000 silver and $3 million um hey drum yeah we got August monthly crates at least I did yeah I did too I’m opening them now do you want do

You want to do you want to coin for them uh I’m down but I just used you want to PVP me for them no I’m not PVP I’m not falling for that dude no way dude I’ll Co flip I’ll Co that no that’s some that’s some good stuff that’s some good

Stuff okay we have to do rock paper scissor for it okay all right all right okay um so rock paper scissor for one of them sure how do we is there just RSP or RPS I mean I mean it’s going to be literally we’re going to say it at the

Same time out okay okay okay all right all right oh oh no I know I know I know I know what we’re gonna do I know what we’re gonna do ready for this drum yeah okay so it’s like odds okay I’ll start at 20 and see if you can get odds we

Like just one two three say a number okay okay and we go down one each time and we go down yeah I like that I like that okay all right no just give me one second because I need to up to find wait what’s Zoom

Hold on a second my zoom is just set to this I you set it to V thank you okay brilliant okay um yeah Sweet let’s do it yeah yeah I I’ll start at 20 okay go all right three two 1 19 11 okay three two 1 18 two three dude there’s too much

Desync there’s too much dyn no it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine all right three 2 one 15 10 just like think of the number before you know what I mean don’t Che okay okay say we’re at 17 now 3 2 1 16 Okay Go Okay three two one three three oh yes

What I won right that is such a bull what do you mean how’ you do that dude dude I reading mindes out here reading mines all I’ll tell you what I’ll tell I’ll trade you I’ll trade you but you can’t lie to me you can keep it but you

Got to tell me the best way to start man I don’t know what I’m doing honestly to take my monthly crate probably oh I just got finessed that’s well no no I’m gonna give it to you man the game is a game dude yeah game is a game bro game is a

Game oh you thought I was literally okay no I thought that that was the advice I was like oh my god dude no the thing that you now will no longer get is exactly what would have given you the advantage um okay let’s go to spawn I’ll

Give it to you okay uh spawn what’s up Gabriel uh SL spawn I got you speaking with I saw someone I think he’s a a guy from your community Whiskey Bravo I haven’t seen him around in a minute hey yo okay yeah that’s that’s an old that’s

An old school that’s an old school that’s what I’m saying dude I haven’t seen him since the cosmic days dude years yes sir okay where are you uh I just went to SL spawn but I don’t see anyone I don’t know if that’s oh now everyone spawned in what the heck where

Are you there you are okay pack the pack needs to chill right now dude streaming oh P going oh it is getting going off dude I don’t know let’s find out hold on um oh it’s lock one oh I think for every message they send we should show up five minutes late to

The record well that’s what they’re saying they like it’s delayed so we’re great oh is it dang it yeah yeah yeah yeah wait where are you Jerome trade Jerome ASF all right I sent you a trade request there oh boys in the diamond now okay there we go there we go

Okay I just want to give you one of these though there you go here I’ll give you something for your troubles H thanks dude thanks bro man if you get I now but I also want you to open it right away so you know I know what I just lost to you

All right all right here we go this is Rob’s toxic let’s see what we got in here come on oh it’s right here please be bad dude lots of jeez I got a lot of good stuff there dude oh my god oh oh my God it just

Dropped on the ground it dropped all the key stuff on the ground and I just grabbed it all Momo how are you not going to program an overflow I literally just grabbed all of it oh my dude you’re not you’re not meant to have stuff in your inventory drone come on that’s

Server number one that’s actually nuts I actually just scammed you get scammed see you all right I go see you gota go bro he deed up okay anyways you got the best thing you got the best thing you got veins anyways so veins probably like

The best thing to start off with M you just played me dude I got played I got played out here all right we got we got the veins so tell me more about these veins bro that’s which server do you expect to actually how am I meant to

Give you the stuff then if like you have a full inventory please explain to me it’s overflow backpack dude okay I’ll make sure that’s added for you next time jome I apologize I am so sorry thank you can you call it Jerome’s backpack yeah I’ll call it

Jerome’s back pack just for you okay cool so um with the vein you’ve got a chance to drop crystals and then you can apply like the crystals to your sky base so if you actually go to your sky base okay I’m at yeah I’m at my island is

That the same thing as the sky base yeah and it says it should say whatever the island named sky base okay if you click on it it gives you a little description of what it is and what it does yeah here it is okay I see that now skybase

Yeah okay so Sky based crystals click here to see more information about the crystals applied to your Island uh Sky based boosters unlock a booster thing okay and sky base overview okay so what do I do from here okay have you used the veins yet no I

Haven’t used the veins you want me to drop one on the ground yo can’t confirm I just got mythical and it opened up in my inventory and I got everything so you actually got fully scammed and I love that for you I love that for you in fact

I got scammed dude the game game’s a game game’s a game game’s a game skill issue skill issue skill issue skill issue oh wait no I mythical keys and said I got the important thing though he said I got the important thing what’d you get I got the uh Emerald or vin

Apparently that’s like super op Oh that’s oh cuz you opened up the vein loot box okay wait let me open up my Lev loot box that the fact you got an emerald is actually insane that’s what he was saying I got an emerald too no way dude oh I mean I mean

Sorry I don’t know if I can say that sorry he was just super lucky there I can’t lie like Emerald’s really good Emerald’s like pretty good J all right Emerald’s good Emerald’s good okay what do you mean every roll is good dude I got the the emerald vein is easily the

Best rooll you can get there that’s actually I said Emerald’s good I said Emerald’s good not yeah what did he get I got Emerald as well I got Emerald as well yeah that’s nuts I got a lot of so I don’t know how like the money Works in

This but dude I’m at 26 mil right now yeah you probably got um just the money like the there’s like these uh money pouches that give you a lot of stuff okay so I I broke the emerald vein so I got three emeralds so pretty much it’s it works like exactly

As you’d expect it just gives you Emerald okay okay cool cool cool use silver for upgrades all right let’s see let’s see what upgrades got this silver shop over here okay I’m gonna do my next wait do you have any monthly crates left I’m gonna open up another one yeah I

Have two of them still yeah oh I’m going to open up mine maybe at the end no I should open up now I was going to do end of the stream but like frankly this is this is versus series dude I gotta go all right all right good luck good luck

Oh geez chat chat you got you got to help me out of here chat after I’m done opening these up we got to we got to really like figure something out you know what I’m saying a game oh I actually got nuts I actually got nuts

Stuff you got I got I got good I got good stuff I got good stuff oh I just got good stuff 10 more veins what I’m lying I have no idea I got a purple Diamond vein though um oh yeah yo they they just added dungeons to the to this I’m

Actually really excited about Dungeons oh what okay that’s cool they didn’t say oh wait I got I got a pet dude the fortune pet when active you will gain more when selling to the shop o o that’s so good I feel like that’s really good I feel like that’s awesome I should you

Should give it to me uh yeah no try again okay titles I could probably sell you give it to me yeah I could definitely sell it on the ah right yeah no no no no ah selling no ah selling okay it’s against the rules all right good good rule yeah yeah yeah

That’s like an OG rule but like cuz if you if you sell an a you can technically sell like almost anything for whatever price and most most of the time someone will just buy it so that’s fair that makes sense that makesense we don’t want

To be lling out here yeah we ain’t doing we ain’t doing handouts we ain’t doing handouts yeah yeah none of that none of that um I did get three dungeon ticket hards but I feel like that’s I don’t know much about the dungeons I say next episode we we do dungeons yeah

That does not seem like an episode one kind of task no no if it’s easy I’d be like all right but yeah I have an easy but we’ll do um I think we both do dungeons at the same time I think that’d be really fun yeah I’m down but can we

Compete or is it like um oh star pass level one okay so wait you’ve unlocked one level of your Star Pass you’ve completed the crate cracker 10 task and I’ve been rewarded 23 Star Pass SL Star Pass oh dude watch out I got another pack I got the jogger pet

But he doesn’t seem nearly actually speed and jump boost in a dungeon could be lit that could be really good actually wait oh dude so here’s my bank so how do I can I just right click this with emeralds to deposit how do I deposit

Into my bank oh I just put it on the ground and the the safe tells you the value okay okay I think I guess how it works look at that chat we’re learning or something Rob laughing at us dude yeah no no no honestly I’m focused I’m

Focused I’m focused all right people are trying to stop me from from like opening up my mythical crates and I’m like guys like it’s not hard for me to just click outside of you to like get out of my way you’re going to have such a great

Start though dude because you get the all those mythical crate Keys is kind of nuts yeah yep the mythical crate keys that’s a big help I also have I have mythical Keys legendary keys vote keys and cosmetic key yeah I mean the Cosmetic key is dog yeah it’s just

Garbage but that’s fine yeah like no one cares Minecraft no one cares about Cosmetics bro all right okay I actually got really good actually got really good stuff wait how much money do you have uh 52 mil okay I’m on 30 mil respect if I

Do a 10 mil if I do a 10 million um coin flip CF you want to do you want to do 10 mil coin flip yeah coin flip wait uh here okay ready to grab it doing coin flip 10 10 million yeah let’s do it all

Right heads wait what is not working oh there we go got it uh Tails let’s go oh wait no I’m playing I’m going against LOL it’s rol dude he’s from your chat I’m pretty sure oh dude take him for all his money sry d D oh my gosh love

It well there we go that’s my community dude if you’re feeling generous you can you can pass it over my way you know what I’m saying no D I’m not doing that again dude that was that was that was absolute trash broken busted um okay this is actually sick I

Need to buy that more um I’m GNA not say what it is because I don’t want you to know how sick that just was I got to go back to my Island dude I I’m still opening Keys up and I just got like a huge one for a valkyrie kit and now my

Inventory is full again and I got to dump all this off let’s see you’re probably just like this Noob this absolute Noob I’m why yeah D but I’m like more so happy about I’m like haha this Noob while I go and get to work all right let’s see portable

Gold vein we like that we like the portable veins there we go some more how much silver do I have okay done all right I might have enough now is there like SL Craft on This Server there is nice okay I’m going to make one emerald block oh Rob not the

Brag but I’m about to place down my first emerald block there we go so that should increase my Island value right God I don’t think that worked Jerome you can’t craft it that’s not how it works what do you mean that’s not how it works you can’t just craft emerald blocks

What but I did you can’t craft emerald blocks to give you like it’s a custom is it’s a custom item sorry you can’t just craft it and it gives you stuff that’s not how it works oh well then what’s the point of the veins okay do you want me to give you a

Little bit of rundown rob you want to give him a little bit of a rundown dude Rob’s my competition you can’t trust me yeah dude I’m not saying I’m not saying anything dude I’m hoping that you give a bad explanation Momo like I am going to give a bad

Explanation that’s why I asked you to give yeah well skill isue like I don’t know what to tell you okay give me two seconds Dr oh geez dude I’ve got my work cut out for me here chat this is not he’s gonna go Google he’s gonna he’s

Going to go watch my he’s goingon to go watch my episodes drum and then give me all the Intel that’s that’s good though that’s good I need that you know the inside man yeah go you go watch my videos dude there you go you get all the you get all

The Intel you’re just trying to get all those precious pennies for me watching yeah okay I’m going to give you both like should I give you both like one value block to add so I can just show Jerome how it works and stuff Rob what no that’s cheating sure I don’t care

Okay cool I’m a joke dude it was a joke okay okay okay okay holy crap all right Momo what are we doing here buddy let me give you an value one minute I got I got apply Emerald to your safe okay I got that okay and then that that’s how you

Get it you need to did you J do I understand I don’t understand anything you just gave me take the emerald block go to your safe and right click near the Block near the near it okay I got that but how do I get the blocks besides begging Momo or is that

How we get them is it just like a a beg system yeah it’s it’s going to it’s going to be it’s going to be a b yeah you don’t actually get the blocks from uh Emerald wait you yeah from Emerald that you mine right you make you make

The blocks from the from the blocks that you mine from the veins I actually don’t know is there a custom yeah Momo what’s going on here I’m finding out I’m finding out I’m trying to remember how to cuz I can’t remember if you just sell no the veins the veins drop

Crystals in it it’s in um do you do SL shop and then go to the black market yeah yeah yeah there we go yeah Emerald value block for male oh so this is how you buy this stuff okay yeah very yeah but you can also get them from like playing cth

And and uh envoys and Adventures Etc okay so the veins are cool cuz you get valuable blocks that you could sell back and then you buy these special ones all right so oh Rob not to freak you out buddy but Island value 26,000 I’m so nervous dude wow what is

It is top let’s see where are we ranking now all right this current island is all right all right I’m so spooked bro just going down a few pages hold on a second hold on a second bro how far down are we oh god dude we are oh my God never mind

We’re we’re we’re not doing good we’re not doing nearly as good as I thought dude 24 all right that puts me at somewhere around 84th 80 no well dude the map’s been the map’s been up for a little bit dude so like true true true that’s that’s that’s

Gonna it’s going to happen you’re chilling you’re chilling you’re chilling all right oh I do have some crystals though I can add for uh sky base crystals so let’s see cisy per this Crystal is currently locked why are they all locked okay um every crystal to the

Sky which will increase the value of a pulse by$ two okay that’s pretty sick um let me see can I just right click I can just right click nice so you just deposit crystals and they give you like passive money okay but I need to do is upgrade

Now if I want to get better crystals okay word where is this select an upgrade all right okay just invite me to your Island I’m GNA help you a little bit no dude I’m not the Rob will never let me live it down no no no like help

You I’m going to show you like no dude I can’t I don’t trust you I can’t I can’t do this okay do you have a sell do you have a sell all command or sell SL Spas all so no sell all only does the stuff

In your hand yeah s sell all yeah but like how is there a way to like quick sell everything in your inventory yeah yeah I sell all I just did it and I sold like everything when I do sell oh all one word yeah yeah one word gotcha okay

There we go I just got I got a little bit of money I got a little bit okay now the pulse how does that work so is a pulse happen like every like oh three minutes okay then I so I just get free money because of the crystals forever

Then you told me not to help you no you can give me advice you just can’t come on the island yes you get you get free money every time you post correct okay word okay have you even made a cobblestone generator Rob told me that was a bad

Idea was he trolling me no if you make you want to ear a little bit of money you can you get like random valuable blocks from it like and then you can sell it is that the best way to start though or dude I don’t know what’s real anymore

Rob’s telling me one thing you’re telling me another chat’s telling me it’s something else make a okay make a sugarcan farm that’s the best start for a m that’s what I’m going to tell you properly all right sugar farm all right yeah oh o okay I used another Valkyrie

Kit I got six more of these onxs blocks dude we’re going to be making the big buck soon Momo yeah you’re you’re going to be so rich I know dude you’re probably so jealous I’m so jealous I’m so jealous I understand it’s okay buddy nothing embarrassing about being a

Little jealous from time to time you know there we go we’ll go and drop these Valkyrie gear the extra Valkyrie gear we have off there this chest is like our junk chest over here we don’t we don’t care about this chest I’m going to make Prett are you going to open your

Mythical keys by the way I am yeah I just uh I want to clear out my uh my other stuff here quick so get rid of all that that that that and claim your da by the way daily oh I didn’t know there was dailies okay let’s see uh how do I claim

That slash claim slash daily no all I’ll figure that out later uh let me roll some of these see if I get any more keys from it all right my last Autumn crate guys come on give me the big bucks please sorry I went okay you have to

Visit the NPC it’s in the front of the bridge and you can claim your roads the NPC in front of the bridge oh it’s spawn okay yeah I was heading to spawn anyway soon so that works o white scrolls those are good I’m pretty sure we want to we want to keep

Those so yeah we’ll we’ll put these away all right randomization scroll good good all right nice I’m doing a decent job of like keeping everything organized here I feel like all right let’s go and do 21 mythical guys by the way a reminder to join the server if you haven’t done so

Already we’re trying to beat Rob here okay you guys are allowed to help us out if you want to you can also just make fun of them in the live chat we need all the help that we can get from you guys get on the server and support it it’s

Going be a 10p part series hanging out with my pal Woofles from the pack uh it’s a competition though you know what I’m saying chat we gotta we got to really we got to deliver it to him we gota we got to deliver to him hard here

So that’s all I got that’s all I got to say about that all right let’s see well I got all these mythical crates so here we go SL warp crates um boom all right mythical keys see we got here a cosmetic key no we’re rolling that no way no way dude four

Iron Golem spawner now we’re talking dude it’s going to take me a while to open all these up I feel like silver all right we want silver that’s good farmer minion we don’t know what minions do yet but I can pretty much assure you that’s it’s going to be

Op um let’s see here Harvester tool that sounds really good actually at a low chance so spawners we like that yeah Smith what’s up dude thanks for $ stream hope you having an awesome day I hope you are too Vernon and hopefully I’ll see you on the server my man thank you

For stopping by what’s up Mr Momo um you know you can like open your keys fast if you like shift and open it by the way then you can just go all rewards in your inventry straight away unless you want to individually open them one by one yeah I knew that yo

Jerome just clarifying we can’t like AFK our account when we’re not streaming yeah yeah no I I the way what I told the chat was I I figured we can only play during live stream yeah yeah okay so we’re on the same page yeah only play during live stream great no no

Good uh Momo how do I open up all these crates at once again you you know being uh now that Rob’s here being I have like I have like 400 some odd key no I’m just kidding I have like 30 Keys though I still got to open up dude are you

Serious yeah dude I’m still going from my original crate I think I did really well in those crates that Momo gave us okay this is toxic but all right whatever it’s fine it’s fine I’m not mad about it dude I’ve got like 100k silver ooh everything’s fine everything is fine

I’m not worried at all okay I think early game I want to upgrade my uh my crystals on my Island I feel like that’s a good idea also Momo how do I so how do I open up all these things at once I’m shifting it but it’s not you shift and click I

Literally just did it you shift click sorry but you can’t use that okay I did that it only Ed one at a time I don’t know man I think I’m just dumb don’t worry about me I’m up looking shift click it just uh dude what the heck something just someone just like flooded

My inventory with garbage bro I don’t need all your garbage someone just threw a viking set on me oh got to go back to the island there dude I think it was a plant from Rob Rob I think you told that guy to go there and just blood my inventory are garbage

So I got to go home okay let’s see welcome to team ASF let’s get let’s get a couple of those going in the chat here hold let me spam let me spam the chat to annoy Momo’s mods uh let’s see here hash team ASF there we go a couple of

Those that was so easy jome what what was I just muted chat bro they’re working against us just heard it there guys it’s an inside job Momo and his guys his gang are working against us dude all right SL is upgrade let’s get where was the upgrade for this Sky

Based crystals so I could boost Sapphire next for five mil all right start this upgrade will take 20 minutes Momo bro said grind yourself what can I say moo 20 gr yeah you got to put you got to put your hard work and effort in bro you

Can’t just sit there like all these other servers did you get your dailies um no I forgot you trying to beat Rob yeah who doesn’t foret anything is super good this that’s why it’s not working cuz my is bank is nothing I have money my is

Bank doesn’t okay I got to deposit money then all right let’s deposit the $5 million that it needs there is upgrade do do the crystals work while you’re offline yes oh that’s actually really sick okay increase the magnitude of your Island’s pulse by applying this there we

Go all right did a little little booster there and then I got to wait until we upgrade before I can use these Dylan asked for us helping what would you like us to do I’m on honestly I don’t know yet I would say just play get a little further along and because I’m

Still learning right so once I learn a little bit more I think I’ll be able to better help gentle Giants level two as well so gentle giant if anyone in the chat knows right anyone out there Ender knows if anyone out there like the Colin verway um if anyone

Knows then please let him know um because I am still learning all right I got got some goodies here I got got some nice goodies uh I still a vote key and then cosmetic keys left and mythical Keys nice blad said I say we blow up the

Island that’s true Momo can I get a op yeah no no no no what about what about blade can he get up yeah no definitely not was it him yesterday who was trolling me right no of course he would why would he why would he troll you yeah yeah it was him

Wasn’t it it was blade I swear it was Blade no dude that that that sounds nothing like like not the blade I know dude what are you is he online let’s see no no n he isn’t online he isn’t online he’s lucky he’s lucky you think he’d be spying on you like you

Did oh my gosh oh I forgot the V key duh gotta go open these up too all right let’s go let’s go vote key there you are medium silver pouch yeah I like that small silver pouch okay I want to go check out the silver shop again in a second

Here all right let’s see um okay so silver shop looking at that right it should be let’s see potions wands crystals Scrolls pets all sorts of stuff I don’t know yet what’s really worth it though miscellaneous all right we should keep our silver for now then until we

Learn also it seems like the pets work off of a use system in order to get them to level so we got to remind ourselves periodically to use the pets get them to level up a little bit you know what I’m saying I think that’s the the right call otherwise it’ll just take

Time well otherwise it’ll take an infinite amount of time um all right let’s see head on over here okay that’s still go oh our next pulse is in 30 seconds all we going to hit spawn here quick go and roll for my daily so three unclaimed

Rewards yeah I like that okay I got an epic key for free for just hanging out yeah cool oh I got this one right here a my a mythical key for free um and the daily reward what was that I’ve claimed all my rewards okay cool

Dude we got to make sure we do that epic key mythical key and a rare key okay that’s like honestly really awesome so I I think I could do that pretty much every day extra silver patch sure yeah what up gamer hey hey I just found out about my dailies and I got

Three extra keys from that wait dailies yeah dude no no no your daily reward you get free things I got three free Keys SL daily how’d you do that I’ll tell you a secret if you tell me a secret I don’t know I don’t know how good is the secret

You’re going to tell me it’s good dude it’s good so if you go to spawn there will be a guy stand I ain’t going to spawn ratio don’t care who asked no one not me don’t care I’m busy to be fair it didn’t even give me anything that good the the keys

Were all right but not did I hear the word daily bro get out of here I don’t want that I don’t want that what I want is an efficiency 5 pickaxe hello if anyone has an efficiency 5 pickaxe let me know at spawn cuz I’m trying to mine

Right now and it’s slow dude it’s slow rob you don’t have I have an efficiency seven pickaxe dude what you don’t have dude now I know why I’m crushing Rob now I know I don’t know buddy I don’t know if I can tell you you’ve been keeping a lot of Secrets From

Me Oh there’s my efficiency 5 I found it a dang it yeah all right I got efficiency seven dude Big Boy over here okay okay what did you get that from your uh wait where are my kits yeah I got I got it from my God kit okay sick yeah actually could do

The valkyrie kit Viking kit yl kit but this is good enough oh bro oh jeez I accidentally put down my Farmer minion how do I pick you up oh jeez I think you shift right click yeah yeah that was easy enough yeah I got you I got you so

The minions I know were recently buffed so definitely keep an eye on them I don’t I haven’t quite dabbled in them too much so I do have my Farmer minion down um okay uh oh right what am I doing actually I know I I’m such a dweeb wait

Hold on a second you right click it go okay aquarine fortified Bo dude another fortified booster can I put like Can I stack these fortified boosters are really good by the way yeah I used one already it won’t let me stack them though that’s fine that’s fine next episode that means next

Episode I did not use a fortified booster because my pulse is what like making $5 right now yeah that was probably a bad idea was what’s your pulse making dude like my pulse making nothing uh $5 sounds about right let me see how do I check uh

I’m making oh actually 37 it’s not bad everyone everyone’s got to start somewhere everyone’s got to start somewhere okay we’re starting definitely somewhere I need some background music I need some Loi you know what I’m saying okay what are you working on by the way uh right now I’m well I just finally

Finished up opening all those crates that’s how many I had so I was probably going to make a sugarcane farm I heard I heard through the grapevine that was the right call what about you what about you the problem is that like yeah sugar can’s pretty good cuz we’re not afking

So like a lot of the Farms are really good only if you can AFK for like 24 hours yep that’s what I’ve been realizing that we don’t have the time to AFK like they do so yeah exactly so it’s kind of like I don’t really know if a

Sugar cane Farm is worth the time to be honest because we got to the normal rules for Sky Block don’t really apply for us yeah because we’re only gonna be here for like an hour and a half at a clip but exactly that being said sugarcan is like the fastest growing

Crop in Minecraft I’m pretty sure so was my love for you in beating you at this game which is great that was a little UNC I do think you are ahead of me I thought just for now but that’s only because I got lucky with the crates like to be completely

Honest with you yeah you hit me with that that monthly crate dude is actually crazy dude you so you open up all those crates eh yep yeah I opened up all the crates uh dude I have like Millions I’ve already upgrading my crystals for the

Sky base I’ve got 32 mil still in the bank I’ve got three gold I got a gold a diamond and an emerald vein I’m sitting pretty like real pretty okay I’m I’m down bad I’m down horrendously bad but that’s okay we’re confident we’re not confident but we’re we’re excited and

We’re happy and we’re living and so that’s all that matters dude I was a little annoyed though I didn’t realize they had like the upgrades takes like 20 minutes like take time apparently money but wait how are you doing your first upgrade did you get Island I guess you

Got Island value uh no you didn’t need to oh wait maybe you did actually let me see is upgrade I only paid attention to the money part of it um oh yeah you did need Vault value well yeah I have 26k in my Vault anyway so oh my go see I

Actually need to do that hold on Black Market you know what just because Rob’s doing it we got to we got to hold him back a little bit here just go that’s actually so true there we go let me put a few more I forgot that I had

Cash dude not to brag but that’s 41k in there let’s see where that puts us oh Rob Rob that puts us in 702 Bud okay gota watch out there my gu is flying dude um all right what’s my what’s my my to remind chat that we are

Uh accepting handouts uh thank you yeah we are accepting cash handouts if anyone wants to Chuck it over uh I need exactly 5 million in the bank Okay cool so I’m good to spend a little bit more uh SL shop SL shop okay before I go place is

There like a builder wand or like a fast place or anything uh not that I know of oh dang I’ll be honest we’re going have to really I need 4,000 more oh my my god dude it’s going to take up like most of the episode for me here what what do you

M oh all the sugar cane oh yeah dude yeah dude oh that’s going to be that’s going to be a problem it’ll be worth it in the end though it’ll all be worth it that’s what I got to keep telling myself I got a lie

To myself here so I feel I need I need to like I need to get a little bit more Island value dude I’m like I need to get my upgrade going this is bad this is real bad should have wagered that that crate yo yeah that 10 mil is really

Bad yo pay me like that 10 mil losing that 10 mil is actually game losing for me it was jom just purchased three mythical mythical Keys what did someone someone bought them for me oh my god dude yo we’re counting that dud D we’re counting that SL that’s so toxic oh that

Counts that counts too I’m using all these awesome nice spawners more spawners oh more money yeah I’ll take more money and another farmer minion oh my God chat Rob what’s going on here dude happening this is not this ain’t it this ain’t it we’re getting we’re getting dumpstered oh the extra large

Money pouch I uh 5.4 mil in it but it was count all right let’s see that we’re down bad wait why is this minion not getting picked up here pick up I need a little bit more money dude I need more money boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

Also I found out the pets they level up through being used a bunch yeah the problem is my pet it has a 4our cool down dude yeah yeah those are just never going to get upgraded dude like I don’t know what to tell you that thing’s staying level one forever yeah exactly

Exactly I mean like okay how much money how much I have in my bank uh I have 8.9 mil person just made $68 I almost made 69 dude oh I don’t know if it was worth it or not but Momo and he might have been

Wrong which he he has a tendency to to be sorry Momo yeah but uh he told me that even while you’re offline your pulses will activate and so when you get no no that’s true that’s true that’s this this is a pulse game dude this is a

Pulse game 100% like you guys I’m not even messing with you okay okay so then I should keep on doing that cuz that that was the first upgrade I got for my Island um all right SL shop let’s buy more dirt need a lot more dirt here oh

My god dude let’s freaking go okay boom boom boom what I can’t afford this per I literally need $100,000 more dollars okay coin flip I am regretting giving Rob that pity piece of dirt now that really might set us back that whole 10 cent that it cost coin flip wager 200

200k wait coin flip 200k okay heads I need this so bad I I actually need this so bad dude it’s actually if I lose this is game losing who is this Adam oh my god dude wait he beat me I didn’t even roll coin flip 200k oh my God this is

Actually it I’m getting cleaned I’m actually getting cleaned uh so someone in my chat’s saying for me to trade with them so me and Rob agreed you can’t trade directly yeah let’s go okay I need okay coin flip 200k come on come on bro I need this

Dude are you trying to coin flip your way up yeah dude I need to win one more time oh my God Chad help us out help us get to the top Island value come on no clean me R son of a oh my God I’m getting cleaned I’m at

200k I I lost I lost I actually have zero okay Rob what are you dude you’ve lost everything today I’m dude this I am this is bad this is really bad dude you’re holding yourself back man this is really bad I think you got to put the gambling aside you got to be

The man that Mr Rogers knew you could be I needed $100,000 more dollars dude I thought I’d be able to do it now I’m going through my PVS I have nothing to sell holy crap dude this is really bad okay everything’s fine there painful to watch wait why can’t some someone says

Why can’t I SL pay I don’t know try SL pay wles a million dude I need I needed 500k I I literally needed 100K okay I how do I make $100,000 100K oh well no no now I need to make 600k so dude now we’re now we’re down

Really bad dude I think you got to get started on your sugarcan farm I’m getting started dude on the sugarcan farm let me tell you I know now dude the the real like try hards for like Sky Block they have a new pattern they don’t do the

Checkerboard for sugar cane I I’m I’m going to do check board cuz I’m lazy but apparently there’s like a whole new like pattern that gets you like a couple extra per chunk people take it like real seriously dude it’s pretty crazy yeah man then I thought they’d be supporting

Me but here I am with 20 $20,000 and literally broke dude why do you keep got to stop gambling okay wait I guess I could coin flip 20K and then maybe Rob they’re going to clean you out dude no this is my time oh my God yes grubber I want money I need

$500,000 I I need $600,000 to get the next upgrade I’m like so close to it close you have 20K dude you have done no I was close I was close I was so close and I got scammed bro I got scammed I don’t think you got scammed I

Think you just lost at gambling no dude you never lose at gambling you just don’t win yet that’s true if you keep going dude you know you never know right you never know you might be one away from your big win you could be I literally got scammed oh my gosh

Here I am now I’m literally mining how much do I sell sell Cobblestone $60 okay we’re making we got it’s going to be a minute but it’s going to be a minute but I’m confident I’m not confident Dr I think I quit Rob this I was told you were like

The master I was told that you were you know you were massaging me earlier making me feel like everything’s going to be okay but now dude I don’t know man I don’t know I think you you might be a little washed up here pal might be time

For Team ASF to take over on the server dude could be time I’m Banning you ban him there we go okay actually I have an idea would have said stop spamming immediately just Spam yeah dude of course that’s like what do you mean that’s the only way to do it

Stop no dude Server chat disabled Momo come on try hard Momo uh have a little listen I can’t be having spam in chat okay I got to be a good server owner oh you got to be a good server owner yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah of course spaming chat is like you

Know it’s like it’s alive dude you know it’s exciting it’s like things are happening what spamming hash TMF does not yeah dude wait is it daylight savings time or was Lin just using it as an excuse to be late an hour I have no idea is like

Savings time even is that did that happen dude freaking better not be when is when when does that happen November 5th that’s not happening until November dude dude is using an excuse four months sorry two months out oh my God at least he’s responded to you I’m

Still delivered from like two weeks ago I think you take dude yeah Take a Hint dude I know all right H ratio dude ratio I was telling Momo earlier Rob I I I I feel bad sometimes like there times my fiance is like why do you harass this poor guy so

Much and I’m like dude yeah Mo just gets absolutely deleted constantly um oh even my chat’s like yo it’s in November L quick drop I see you in my chat SL pay me I know you got money ooh there we go whoa I just got okay sick

Cool sorry all right three stacks there looking good looking good um who’s like the top server I didn’t even bother looking like I or Not Top server top Island let’s see is top 9 million current value dude who is it uh it is what is this Atlas is their name in their

Island oh my God the owner is B Zulu uh-huh H Atlas Island can I borrow 100 no dude oh my God you said you weren’t going to be like Lin now you’re actually being like L that’s actually nuts dude it’s just Bor that’s nuts from you that’s literally hand out

Borrowing I’m going to pay it back I’ll pay it back I’m never paying it back that is a 0% loan that’s a negative 100% loan for them they’re not getting anything back yeah dude that’s literally did they get you stuff no they didn’t they were trolling

Okay good cuz I I was about to literally just like ban you I have ban commands by the way is that Emerald vein that like valuable cuz yeah man we got so lucky he offered 150 mil for it I know we can’t accept it but like I didn’t realize it

Was that good it’s like game-winning bro like I don’t know what to talk like like it’s nuts oh Colin good eyes that’s why Colin’s looking out for me he said my upgrade finished up all right cool oh nice smart smart no one’s looking up for

Me so now I can put my sapphire crystal back someone’s asking me for a shout out on my chat I’m like yeah pay me $5 million in game and I’ll give you whatever you want oh my God you said I was looking for handouts dude you know

Like like what do you think this is a charity I’ll shout someone out for for 100 Mil in game 100 Mil all right skybase I’m I’m upgrading my skybase crystals again dude let’s go there we go you’re missing requirement oh that’s right I have to deposit the money into

The oh I’m literally too broke by 1.1 mil anyone out there got an extra 1.1 mil got a 1.1 mil Momo I’m trying to get out of here dude what is M do what’s he doing I’m Bing him bro he’s just ping somewhere no but oh my God my

Coordinates are on screen and now I actually was going to get out Momo he’s just sitting in a bush go protect me Momo no now I know I’m actually going to die now this is actually so cringe oh Rob someone was nice enough to buy me four more keys

Dude oh my god dude I S D this is not your day buddy no this is someone buy you more keys they literally someone’s cominging to kill me now Momo I I actually I actually shame on you oh it’s gr you killed him earlier bro he’s coming for his revenge oh thank

God rob it had another 13 mil in it for me oh thank goodness no it’s actually one second [Applause] away okay I’m actually going to delete grber though he’s actually going to die all right deposit you got another guy behind you rob another guy behind you he’s helping

Me are you going get him killed dude oh there that full guys it’s the homies oh no they want me to kill grubber with them wait it’s rol dude this is actually so T I actually had all the stuff on me too if I die I’m I’m pissed M you got to

T me out you got to T me out of here you cannot let me die cheating bro that’s cheating cheating yeah I I call me abusing sorry Chad I love you oh my god Mo that is toxic dude I mean it’s just revenge in it Revenge what do he do to

You okay I actually got out you’re actually I let you out don’t okay all right dude all right dude all right well I had five Diamond veins on me two Moonlight crystals two topaz crystals oh Momo what is this garbage in order to get sky base crystals level two

I need chest size level three upgrade but I told you is grindy bro I can’t just be letting you get stuff easily oh my God Momo what kind of show are you running here dude yeah we’re going to need we’re going to need some like some free

Upgrades for sure dude yeah this is ridiculous yeah we’re not actually we can’t actually grind everything up that’s be that would be nuts okay I got one Epic key so that’s cool I’ll open the that maybe next episode I’ll give you some we’re we’re have to we’re have

To get some upgrades for free okay I still 20K so that’s really cool can I recruit definitely living here I think I think halfway through the series we should be able to recruit like one or two players for our Islands yeah agreed agreed next next episode we can recruit one person dude I

Already know who I’m picking I’m picking your team dude I’m I’m picking head admin 4K bro 4K away from uh this my upgrade I actually like I need $400,000 like That’s how little I need oh wait oh oh wait I got oh actually I

Got it oh let’s go my the things that I escaped the adventure with has given me enough to is upgrade so I’m actually not behind you too much boom Momo what do you think can hire your your head admin I don’t think she’s doing anything anyway so yeah brilliant yeah I think

She I think she’s just sitting there she’s just collecting a free check from me anyway so let her hop on and you know the island and help out a little bit here yeah actually want to player dude I’m keeping up with the pack chat let’s see what they’re saying oh new

Rule the fine for being late then we already establish the F of being $1,000 per person what a th000 bucks don’t be late dude what that’s crazy but to each member that’s what I thought we agreed on that’s five grand don’t be late dude n there’s no way oh my God yeah

They’re actually we’re actually canceling the recording dude you’re it’s actually not happening it’s it’s it’s literally the the pack recording is crumbling while we’re live streaming no way unironically I’m like I’m not even kidding yeah Lin said daylight savings he’s got to go do a workout Vic’s late

For a good reason but still he’s late Preston hasn’t said anything Mitch is who knows what bro you’re lying these guys ridiculous dude and I me and Rob will carry the channel there we go yeah no as long as we have Mitch as long as we have MIT Mitch is lowke in

Carrying Rob bch and I why doesn’t Mitch have face cam and everybody else does momo stop being a fanboy shut up okay okay cool yeah I’m mad sorry I’m mad that he like actually like almost got me killed dude that was that was kind of

Lame Mo that was so M I’m so mad at you right now I would have been laughing but at the same time dude you know you didn’t die you didn’t even die it’s a chill I almost died dude I almost died it’s not funny this is not a game this

Is a competition it’s freaking serious dude all right I ain’t here for for any other reason than win all right I ain’t here for nothing else let’s make it clear dude blad’s already angry blad’s in the chat going I swear if I show up to another pack recording and people don’t show show

Up hey blade I I think it might get there’s a solid chance it’s getting cancelled That’s My Boy blade he’s pissed rightfully so all right here we go let me block these all in boom boom oh no did you see what Mitch just said no dude what oh let me look oh painful

Oh oh my God no oh it actually is insane that’s actually such a Nutty comment from my boy Michelle Dell that’s unreal I love it though next episode we’re doing like like draft style like you know like Draft Day NFL Draft Day for uh people to join ourland oh cool no

I actually love that idea that’s such a good idea we’ll make it look a big I’m going I’m going to wear a suit and tie I’m going to get dressed up for this okay okay I’m into that huh okay so these guys are working why aren’t these working H it’s just way

Slower respawn time hold on a sec see upgrade oh the upgrade thank you Colin’s been on top of it bro Colin you’re the man he keeps telling me every time my upgrades go through because I don’t know how to read thank you um all right so now we still can’t do the is

Upgrade because I think I need to get one more chest level which is thanks Momo um so let’s go see here yeah level three we need okay R me up he was very mean there for a second Jesus Christ dude you almost got him killed I don’t

Do you blame him bro I got I I could have got him killed easily bro could have got him killed easily he had like four people helping him dude I don’t know I’m on Rob’s side with this and he’s the enemy dude you you were messing around

With him you almost got him killed I don’t know man re what do you think oh my god dude they are so toxic the pack I swear if they cancel this recording I’m going be so sad s said you should recruit the rest of the Buddies

To your Island dude I don’t I don’t trust them I don’t I don’t trust them to get it done you know what I’m saying we need we need someone who’s on the server all the time you should hire me Dr $1,000 an hour yeah in game sure I’ll give you a

Th000 payp bro PayPal my time’s worth money you know yeah I’ll give you ,000 ingame dollars PayPal bro PayPal PayPal oh look at us go Willie said he thrown his Willie honestly I I might have to tag you in dude it’ll probably be you cuz I don’t

Think Queen I think Queen Rose hates us so I I don’t think she’s going to be helping out but you know there we go there we go spam spam there we go look at that she said we can spam she said we can spam right there

Jome there we go look at that we can spam why Rob just Ty crap Rob forg The Backs slash on that one dude oh my God keep hopping on the server guys come have some fun let’s go also Momo it’s just easier to talk than answer your telegram you can’t do

That on YouTube there’s no way to cut it up like that sadly oh is it not it doesn’t do that yeah but I’ll make sure the IPS in know the whole time okay dude the amount of times you guys have cursed that I have had to timestamp

For poor Stephen Libby to cut out of this live stream I have SW okay that’s a Rong dude we don’t even use the d word or the H word on the channel D What’s d the word you just used that sucks no we use that you say that I just

Said that sucks I didn’t say d word what’s a d word the I don’t even know what I said oh my god dude that’s how much of a foul mouth guy this guy is he doesn’t even realize even oh you don’t use how bro slipped up

Again H how could you don’t use that one what’s wrong with that we have a familyfriendly channel over here Momo Shane chat shame in game as well live chat shame what the I don’t care what’s wrong with that Shame Shame used if I said that to my school

Teacher they would have say nothing shame dude this ridiculous we’re shaming him shame they need you oh my god dude okay this ghost guy needs to chill bro dude your Comm dude your your community managers are not ready for the Drome ASF Community to come spamming on This Server all the

Time oh flip I’m in PvP I forgot and some guys rocking me bro leave me alone ah I’m going to die all right Ender so and Jerome takes over the MC server for real though dude top dragon ninja is Right shame on Momo his mom and his family dang dude sorry

Mama dude I’m getting a 5 VI W in PVP like Rob’s like whole gang is killing me right now I’m dead I’m dead yeah I died yeah brilliant did you have any good stuff on you yes I had good stuff on me I I I had a like kit like Immortal on

Or something and it had like all like the coal oh my god dude what are you doing let me unmute chat now these guys we need a bit spam prevention system well no one really these are these are more of a mature people thank you very much no one really like spams

Normally whoa what’s that supposed to mean I’m saying that’s a bit immature for spamming all right all right pal pug asked they want my opinion on wet toast ew that’s isn’t the only answer he you is the only answer there also I can’t right now with the pack I

Can’t believe they might be canceling today’s recording session probably like how hard is it for you guys to actually get in a recording session very unfortunately very because we’re working across so many time zones we’re working across EST CST British time uh and Australian time and we’re trying to coordinate from five

Different countries now hell yeah that is ridiculous oh dude Jerome someone one of my friends here she went to McDonald’s and she put she got a milkshake and she stuck Oreos inside the milkshake and ate the Oreo yeah oh that’s nasty bro you guys don’t have Oreo milkshakes there no

We don’t have Oreo milkshakes on McDonald’s I’m pretty sure McDonald’s sells Oreo milkshakes let me see McFlurry with Oreo cookies yeah we saw that in the US the flurry the Oreo McFlurry cookie Shake that’s a ice cream that’s not a milkshake a milkshake like what do you drink it says McFlurry cookie shake

Shake yeah we don’t have that down here then we have a normal flurry which is like an which is ice cream that’s an ice cream where does it say shake mcf the is it a mcfur or Shake no m is like like ice cream it’s just

Pure ice cream with Oreos on top Oh I thought mcf was a shake how often did you go McDonalds I don’t what you eat then what you go to like nice restaurants I’m sorry Mr Posh Jerome no I home cook so I don’t spend too much

Money I could home all the time dude I’m the total opposite dude I’m literally the total opposite n you have nice home-cooked meals it’s healthy you don’t have to spend as much I tried making eggs yeah and the Egg like like exploded how do you try making it that’s the easiest thing to

Make dude dude I I’ve my mom makes me everything like I can’t even make eggs I tried and now she doesn’t even let me use it we have like a really Posh like like fire frying thingy what you call it stove and you have to press all these

Like electronical buttons and stuff and doesn’t even know what a stove is chat chat can we get the shames rolling again no doesn’t even know what a stove is dude I know what a stove is okay I know what a stove is I just need microwavable meals it’ll

Be so much more easier for my life that’s just shaming yeah there we go chat’s going off on him Shame Shame there we go Willie said not that McFlurry comment dude I thought it was I thought it was a thing I thought a McFlurry was a shake I

Don’t I don’t know man I’m so tempted to just like send 10 flues to your house right now please don’t I would have if I if I order you 10 m FL would you eat them one in stream no 10 I would be I would be vomiting

Dude I don’t think any human being could consume 10 McFlurries okay okay what if I got you like three little fishes and two and two uh milk flurries and an apple pie but I mean the apple pies are pretty good I’d have some of that I couldn’t

Eat all of that though no you have to eat one of that though you have to I don’t have a big appetite I’m not like a big eater you didn’t let me donate you money to give like to for you to down the chili sauce you should let me do that

Because you’re insan dude do you know how hot some of these are dude yeah and you’re on number 12 that’s why I asked you what you just the down it oh my God I’m uh right now I’m on number six for the day they forgot about it though they

Let me they let me live which was nice they let me survive today is it is it in your description though let me see it is in there but they just haven’t done it dude they only got me to number six that’s it oh it is $75 what’s the B Willie oh

Willie ah he’s just a problem child that comes out to our chat sometimes we got got to take care of them from time to time peut gets a cookie yeah dude what you don’t like peanut getting a cookie Momo hates dogs shame I’m scared of dogs I’m scared of dogs what

Dude I was meing Momo hates dogs no no no no no I don’t hate them I’m scared of dogs dogs are scary Jerome dude why is Server chat to say what the heck because people keep spamming dude come on open it up oh my God Roger Miller

With $150 stream tip for two hot sauces that’s number seven which is Carolina Reaper or scorpion pepper sorry and then number eight is Carolina Reaper pepper bro Roger we could have like gone the rest of the day without this we didn’t need this to happen things were looking

On the up and up for me why not give it to someone like Momo who hates dogs bro they can’t donate they can’t donate to me unfortunately I’ll do it I’ve got hot sauce I’ve got like the Nando’s extra extra extra extra hot sauce that’s nothing dude you’re

Weak excuse me I’ve got I’ve got Pure Indian hot sauce in my house as well bro that’s not for the week week nah nah oh my God number eight here we go oh my God it’s hot oh my God yep I’m feeling the burn now I’m feeling it have you thought about

Getting them like chips you get them like really hot chips I usually use it with the jalapeno chips but I ran out oh no like like the real you need to you need to do that like there’s like really really really hot chips oh my God that’s hot dude

So Momo can I get up can you get up yeah yeah that’s not Roger Miller thank you for supporting the channel but no thank you for trying to ruin my night literally five minutes left in the Stream and guy comes out here hey chat just to annoy Rob uh you know anyone’s

Got a little bit of extra cash I could use uh $23 million you know what I’m saying just casual 23 mil all right um oh I gota remember to mine this stuff up every once in a while oh dude what was that what was that I think we got we just got another

Aquamarine Crystal nice dude I’m telling everybody that you hate dogs dude I’m scared of dogs I don’t hate them they’re just scary okay listen when I was younger I was in the park and there’s a dog chasing me and I had to go on the monkey boards and the

Dog need bit my bum okay like that that’s scary bro he literally jump and like went to go by nor hates dogs I I don’t know even know what to say dude how many servers do have Rose managing oh so Sky bounce is down at the

Moment so she’s only doing this one at the moment oh okay she she volunteered to do it she was just like Momo can I do chaos CU Sky bces down I was like yeah say no more that’s fine with me here we go dude oh it stinks we only got like

Three more minutes left but if I I I need a bunch of more millions of dollars to start my chest upgrade that way it’ll like run overnight you know what I mean that’ be sick myth said sugarcan grow grow on dirt true but correct me if I’m wrong it grows

Slower it grows slower than sand I don’t know if that’s true I could be wrong but that’s what I heard anyway it’s the same all right well you know what you know what bubble yeah Willie I was going to ask is that your dog that’s your profile picture or

Is that is that just a random dog you found on the interwebs who you talking to oh it’s 20 had a while ago I was talking to Willie in my chat oh okay oh Alex Ace messaged probably to coordinate for the thingy no because I I pushed the thingy back because yeah

Oh it was meant to be done like ages ago so Chad if you’re a pack fan and wondering why we haven’t done anything Pixelmon related shame Momo no listen okay these guys the recording like twice now okay Shame you guys really need to work on organizational skills Jerome BR to be more organized bro guy out here five months late on payments to me telling telling us telling us to get more organized five months late I am not five months late on payments I don’t know what you’re talking

About I’m a broke boy okay you’re stealing money from a child Jerome I’m a child shame oh my God I’m going to go broke one of these days I’ve been paying for all the pack stuff Momo’s not paying me life’s collapsing why you pay for the pack

Stuff cuz they’re too lazy to set up the bank account it’s been in like limbo for literally like two months now like dude it doesn’t take that long to open a bank account if it depends which country you’re opening it up from like drum hey that’s time brother that is time so

Thank you everyone for watching our live streams we hope you guys had fun remember to hop on the server on our sponsor servers you can connect using wo. chaos. org or jerome. chaos. org we’ll see you online help us out please join our teams I don’t need help anyways

Okay all right peace out bye guys uh he’s deafened he

This video, titled ‘6-Player Town Of Salem Lucky Block Race In Minecraft’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2023-10-03 21:43:14. It has garnered 30025 views and 1294 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:45 or 11505 seconds.

6-Player Town Of Salem Lucky Block Race In Minecraft Come play with me here: 🕹️ IP ADDRESS: Jerome.Chaoscraft.Org (ANY VERSION) 💻 DISCORD: Thanks for sponsoring us ChaosCraft ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✅ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Join our discord here: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS 🎮Roblox – @jeromeasfroblox 🎮Gaming – @JeromeACE 🎮Main – @JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME ✅ ➡️ Follow me on Twitter: 📷 Follow My Instagram: 👍 Like me on Facebook: 📱 Check out my Snapchat: JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Friends @sitemusic88 @Dropsy @CaptainBlastem @SteadfastGamesYT @Monkey1n2 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Production Music courtesy of

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    We Escaped Water Barry's Prison Run in Roblox😱Video Information This video, titled ‘WE ESCAPED WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN IN ROBLOX (OBBY) 😱’, was uploaded by Ayush More on 2024-05-11 07:56:33. It has garnered 388127 views and 6374 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:01 or 1021 seconds. ROBLOX WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN 😱 Techno Gamerz Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Story Video Game House Challenge Proboiz 95 GamerFleet Anshu Bisht Yes Smarty Pie Roblox Game Video Ayush More Roblox Techno Gamerz Proboiz 95 Frosty Loggy Shivang Mini Brookhaven 🔲 My ROBLOX Profile: ____________________________ 🎯 Subscribe to my other YT Channels: HORROR GAMEPLAY: @AyushMore2 ➤ REACTION Channel:… Read More

  • Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!

    Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!Video Information This video, titled ‘“Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilization!”’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Akshay on 2024-03-21 03:15:09. It has garnered 180 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:36 or 216 seconds. “Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilizatio Minecraft Village Exploration Adventure Gaming Community Build Survival Let’s Play Hidden Gems Secrets Mysteries Discoveries Enchanting Breathtaking Intricate Unique Captivating Stunning Visuals Fun Relaxing Minecraft Hardcore Challenge PojavLauncher Adventure Survival Gaming Series Hardcore Minecraft Gameplay Uncharted Minecraft Quest PojavLauncher Survival Guide Extreme Survival Minecraft Hardcore Journey… Read More

  • “INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥” #gaming #viral

    "INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥" #gaming #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘bro started headshoting creepers 💀 #music #musica #remix #memes #funny #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by xardsp on 2024-04-09 22:00:37. It has garnered 33 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!

    The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOS 12 MEJORES ADDONS [MODS] Para Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.21’, was uploaded by JaarXD on 2024-06-17 21:07:44. It has garnered 70712 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:25 or 1345 seconds. What’s up, people? 😁 In this video I bring you a TOP OF SURVIVAL MODS/ADDONS for your Minecraft worlds. I hope you support this video. Take care of yourself and see you in the next video ❤️ ➥ Versions 1.21 ➥ 1000 LIKES FOR MORE! ➥ Download and installation tutorial ► ➥ Social networks + Contact ► Contact – [email protected] ►… Read More

  • Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft Streamer

    Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft StreamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noo i fell… #twitch #minecraft #mcstreamer #streamer #twitchstreamer #youtubeshorts #clips #gaming’, was uploaded by Spooky Yuki on 2024-02-09 09:00:06. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. FOLLOW MY SOCIALS!: 🌸 TWITCH: TICKETS: Read More

  • Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀

    Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀Video Information This video, titled ‘Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic ‎@GamerFleet  reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by NoteMiner on 2024-06-17 06:00:21. It has garnered 16967 views and 751 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic @GamerFleet reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts Hello Everyone 👋… Welcome🥳 to my channel ▶️. If you liked this video then make sure to hit the like 👍 button 😁… And to watch more such contents, do subscribe to my YouTube channel ❤♾️. 📢Credits:- @GamerFleet (Anshu Bisht)❤ I DON’T OWN THE MUSIC🎶 AND… Read More

  • Insane Singh 2.0 – Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shorts

    Insane Singh 2.0 - Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Crazy singh 2.0 on 2024-02-14 11:19:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house When a Minecraft spider gets into your house. And he’s also named Dave. Read More

  • Medieval Realms

    Medieval RealmsLooking for staff and Playerbase! Hoping to grow a server of people looking to enjoy the new minecraft updates! If interested in a staff position, please be above age of 18, and add DemonDeathAngel on Discord! Read More

  • Terrashift SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.2 Community Whitelist UHCs Bluemap

    Server: Who are we? Terrashift is a whitelisted vanilla SMP 1.20.2 server focused on collaboration and building a community. If you enjoy a server similar to Hermitcraft with a strong community focus, feel free to apply using the form at the end of this post. Details: Whether you love building massive redstone contraptions or just want to relax in a cozy hut, we have something for everyone. Server rules are simple: no griefing, stealing, pvp without consent, rudeness, or unfair advantages. We have around 30 active members and value input from all members on server decisions. Currently running various… Read More

  • CrossFireMC – Comp Factions 1.8.9

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  • Minecraft Memes – First tool to craft in Minecraft?

    “I always craft a shovel first because I like to dig myself into a hole right off the bat.” Read More

  • Insane RomanG6 PvP Montage

    Insane RomanG6 PvP MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minewind and Sharpness’, was uploaded by RomanG6 on 2024-07-04 23:18:08. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:43:52 or 17032 seconds. BAHHH Read More

  • Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On!

    Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On! In Minecraft, a bathtub so fine, Craft it with care, make it shine. Use quartz for the tub, smooth and white, Add water and soap, a relaxing sight. Place some towels, fluffy and soft, A rubber ducky, floating aloft. Make it realistic, make it fun, In Minecraft, the crafting’s never done. So dive right in, with creativity, In the world of blocks, there’s endless possibility. Create, explore, and build with glee, In Minecraft, the adventure is key. Read More

  • Villagers Get Trolled: Moye Moye Edition! #minecraft 🔥😂

    Villagers Get Trolled: Moye Moye Edition! #minecraft 🔥😂 When you accidentally hit a villager in Minecraft and they all start chasing you with pitchforks, it’s definitely a “moye moye moment” for sure! #minecraftproblems #runforyourlife Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour!

    Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour! The Ultimate Safehouse Tour in Minecraft Pocket Edition Prepare to be amazed as we take a virtual tour of the ultimate safehouse in Minecraft Pocket Edition/Bedrock Edition! This survival base is equipped with everything you need to stay safe and sound in the world of Minecraft. From a working elevator to a secret underground base and even an escape vehicle, this safehouse has it all! Exploring the Features Let’s dive into the incredible features of this safehouse. The working elevator adds a touch of realism to your Minecraft experience, allowing you to move between different levels with ease. The… Read More

  • Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft

    Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft The Mystery of the Nether Fortress in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey through the vast world of Minecraft as our protagonist stumbles upon a mysterious Nether Fortress. Join in on the adventure as we uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic structure. Exploring the Unknown As our brave explorer delves deeper into the Nether, they come across the imposing Nether Fortress. Towering spires and dark corridors beckon, promising untold treasures and dangers. Armed with only their wits and a trusty pickaxe, our hero ventures forth. Unraveling the Secrets Within the fortress, our adventurer encounters a labyrinth of twisting… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST See

    INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST SeeVideo Information This video, titled ‘[마인크래프트] 일단 알아두면 좋은 모드들’, was uploaded by 마소의 마크일기 on 2024-06-01 03:00:15. It has garnered 469657 views and 14320 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. ✅Mods used in the video [CMDcam] [CreativeCore] [JEI] [JER] [Rubidium] [Oculus] [Jade] ✅Timestamp 0:00 Read More

  • SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender – The Movie

    SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender - The MovieVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE’, was uploaded by YaBoiAction on 2024-06-16 22:20:06. It has garnered 31059 views and 789 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:12 or 13452 seconds. MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE If you are new welcome to the channel and subscribe to be a part of the NxTLvLUnited! #NxTLvLUnited DISCORD: – CHECK OUT MY OTHER CHANNELS- @actionvlogz [Scary Reactions / Gaming] @YaBoiActionMusic [Music] @NotActionTbh [Vlogs / PG13] – Social Media Links – Twitter: @YaBoiAction Instagram: @YaBoiAction TikTok: @ActionOfficial Intro Music: Hope you all enjoy! subscribe for more… Read More

  • “Ultimate Mini Base Guide in Minecraft!” #minecraft

    "Ultimate Mini Base Guide in Minecraft!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Modern Mini Base Build Guide in Minecraft!! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingvideos’, was uploaded by Shured Gaming on 2024-01-16 02:07:49. It has garnered 2551 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Modern Mini Base Build Ideas, build a house. Give your woof a place with style! Build Idea Guide. Easy Design Build Guide in Minecraft!! A Build guide for Minecraft! #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecraftbuildideas #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuild #gaming #game #gamingvideos #minecraftuniverse #minecraftupdate #minecraftnews #minecraftfacts #shorts #gamingshorts #minecraftmyths #new #minecraftmyths #minecraft #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #shortsyoutube #hopefullyviral #gameplay #gamer #gamers #gamingcommunity #gaminglife… Read More

  • Shizo Madness: My Name Revealed in Minecraft

    Shizo Madness: My Name Revealed in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What is my name? Minecraft’, was uploaded by Praxis Thea on 2024-01-13 16:00:28. It has garnered 185 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Who is your MINECRAFT character? JIQILE DIY WORLD XBOX EDITION Allay Alex Baby Horse Baker Camel Knight Cat Chicken Cluckshroom Cow Creeper Crystal Knight Diamond Steve Diver Explorer Donkey with Chests Dyed Cat Dyed Sheep Dyed Horned Sheep Elder Guardian Enderman Final Shadow Man Ghast Golden Knight Golem Horse Horse Breeder Iron Iron Golem Iron Puppet Killer Rabbit Llama Moobloom Mooshroom Ocelot Piglin Piglin… Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle – Xzino Craft

    Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle - Xzino CraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Most People Don’t Know About minecraft warped vs all mob fight’, was uploaded by Xzino Craft on 2024-04-25 19:00:05. It has garnered 911 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:58 or 298 seconds. What Most People Don’t Know About minecraft warped vs all mob fight minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft… Read More

  • Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!

    Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-06-08 13:45:03. It has garnered 3991 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:35 or 3275 seconds. Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS! Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: Follow Gracie! – Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirl

    SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirlVideo Information This video, titled ‘We found a scary music disc! 🎶 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #gamergirl #stream’, was uploaded by Bee Batch Gaming on 2024-04-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 468 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!

    EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘My OFFICIAL Return To Minecraft’, was uploaded by Hargrave101 on 2024-07-06 03:10:55. It has garnered 46 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. #Minecraft #prisons #HCF #Factions #funny My Discord: hargrave101 Aires: ▬▬▬▬ IGNORE EXTRA TAGS ▬▬▬▬ minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,,,hypixel,livestream,mc,,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024

    INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / I Survived 100 Days on 2024-01-11 15:00:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new #minecraft … Read More

JeromeASF – 6-Player Town Of Salem Lucky Block Race In Minecraft