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Thank you Thank you Foreign foreign Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Yeah hello everybody how are you doing today I hope you’re doing great uh I am I am doing great I’m still sick though I still it’s been like two weeks now and I still have this [ __ ] cold uh I don’t know what to do I hope I’m not dying but yeah so today

We decided to play uh I we decided I decided to play Minecraft because to be honest I didn’t know what to play uh I decided this game to play like I think at like 8 30 this morning so we’re gonna start a new world I guess and just have fun and you know

And just buy and find some diamonds and just get really really juicy you know like we used to be and yeah and uh I don’t think I’ll be putting the cat cam today uh hi Victoria hello hello nightmare hello everybody uh because I don’t know why I just do

You want the cat cam because I don’t feel like I want to put a cap jump uh for today uh yeah so yeah everything’s doing great I don’t know if you saw my chibi form uh I might put it later today you might like it uh we’ll see it’s

Pretty it’s pretty cute pretty cute I’m gonna lie uh I’m having a lot of fun uh playing with this pretty awesome not gonna lie that should be form uh yeah uh yeah so do you want uh to talk more or do you want me to start Mining and

Stuff because I’m I’m down I’m down I’m down and uh yeah feel free to say whatever you want to make conversation Minecraft is a game where you can actually converse with people uh yeah because I’m actually dumb I need people to talk to me of course of course of course

I remember I wanted to to talk about certain stuff but I forgot about what I wanted to talk but yeah it’s build a house in Minecraft oh I will build it out it’s it will be ugly but I will build something in Minecraft don’t worry about it don’t worry about it

Uh uh okay cool uh all right uh I will uh start the game really quickly I already made a map called juicy world because where the [ __ ] that huh uh yeah I’m gonna announce the tier list stream uh to today uh uh it’s gonna be a tier list about

A YouTuber that can get juicy so I’m gonna publish it on Twitter so people can actually put their favorite YouTuber on it and or uh themself you know uh is there juice juice in Minecraft I don’t know I don’t have a skin for me in Minecraft actually that’s the problem

That’s a problem without further Ado let’s just switch here start the music right oh the music didn’t start wait it’s kind of loud it is kind of loud like that yeah this is perfect all right let’s go why the only time I don’t have my cat cam both of my cats are playing

With my keyboard right now I swear I swear they know they know when they’re being filmed when they’re being Criminal little [ __ ] did I yeah I doxed all my map in the in Minecraft right I’ve played this one last time I didn’t like it so let’s start this one all right you ready

I feel like I’m really small right now in the overlay but it’s okay I’m looking to maybe change oh bamboos uh I am probably gonna change my overlay soon because I don’t like it anymore uh it don’t get me wrong it’s pretty cool overlay but I’m starting to

Uh not ate it but you know feel like I want something new in the channel I just don’t know what yet I might do a thing where it’s a room or something uh uh yeah I’ll I’ll look other people to see what they have and inspired myself

With what is cool you know and put my own twist on it so yeah for now I think yeah it’s because I I have I I found myself um that’s still not still inspired inspiring not the same not the same uh what do I need to say with that oh even

You got me flustered um Wow okay okay the word isn’t then doesn’t want to come out of my mouth uh yeah Kiki you’re being a [ __ ] now you mute my computer oh yeah let’s go all right we have some music now um you know I want something really more uh

B word gonna yeah yeah of course my cats are [ __ ] both of them are [ __ ] but I love them what I want to say about something more professional as an overlay uh but you know since the channel doesn’t really you know like okay or like YouTube doesn’t pay me

Or anything I found myself um I found this really hard to put money in it do you understand what I mean you know I don’t have a income from it so putting money into it is like uh uh I don’t know man I can find stuff free you

Know but the stuff freeze that’s not the what the stuff I want and you know I I mean yeah because I know like a good overlay can because at least 150 US dollars so Can you switch the texture pack I don’t have other texture pack you’re gonna have it to endure this one uh my my nightmare it is what it is now we’re just exploring the world you know to see where we’re gonna settle for now it’s not uh great to be honest

There’s not a place where I’m like oh wow pretty cool no I’m just gonna get some a lot of woods yeah um I almost played played lust art today but I I didn’t been so long since I played this game I don’t remember how so I would have

Started a new character what’s happening sometimes you just stop like editing the trees or anything I was supposed to be in a server a SMP YouTuber servers uh but I didn’t get white listed yet uh I think the person is not online anymore so for now I cannot play In This Server so

That’s why I am here right now on my own server well it’s not really a server but my own map I guess right right does that make sense yeah oh you think it’s a relaxing game um Victoria it is it is relaxing it then gets a lot it can get a lot

Stressful when you’re in a cave in like 70 zombies trying to kill you only three all right let’s go I’m a parkour master in this game well I used to be I don’t know anymore I used to be foreign Peaceful mode why I do you remember when I tried to play dude there’s a problem with my thing I tried to play this in hardcore yeah it’s been so long now ready mode no I’m not good at building stuff I can’t play Creative the only thing I would do in Creative is like

Speed Rather game because I cannot I cannot I can’t I can’t I suck at building I I remember when I had my friend’s Channel I used to do like uh wrestling Contraption yeah Americans and feeling comfortable killing animal and even even in games uh I used to be a vegetarian uh

Funny story then about that it’s uh with umishu uh she wanted to eat a tofu General uh General Tao does it make sense yeah uh but what the [ __ ] is that foreign so yeah I did I did a bet I was like okay I’m gonna eat your [ __ ] stuff

And if I like it I’ll become vegetarian right now and uh I I liked it so I I was a virgin for at least three or four years or something and uh I don’t know why but if I reverted back to eating eating meat sometimes

But I put a restriction in it and I don’t buy it as often and I often only eat it in restaurants you know so you know it’s better than just not doing anything you know I guess does it make sense yeah so yeah that’s the story on how I became

A return a vegetarian for three days three years sorry not two days and to be honest I was feeling really um less energetic I wasn’t able to find a good protein or a good vitamin that was missing from meat so I wasn’t feeling well actually for three years to

Be honest it like I respect the people that choose to be vegetarian but it’s not for me I’m too dumb hello yeah I was making some tofu bacon tofu it’s pretty great oh no it fell in the hole oh no it’s so deep okay I’ll shut the [ __ ] up now yeah

Should we become a bit a dwarf and just more cool let’s go oh hi how are you doing Alicia I hope you’re doing great I hope you’re doing great stop uh are you sad that I don’t have my cat cam today it’s your problem it’s not 11 14 it’s actually ten so

I almost played Sims Sims today uh they want me to play this uh tomorrow I almost played it today I was I just uh didn’t actually but I almost played Sims you look like a Sim character Alice yeah play fortnite oh do you want me to

Do you really want me to play fortnite because I can play fortnite I don’t mind I like Battle Royal I’ll play the no building mode though thanks what huh honey I hate this can I just come out of this old please but yeah how are you doing guys today hope you doing great

Like I told Nightmare and Victoria earlier I’m still sick it’s been two years at not two years sorry to too goddamn weak now uh my nose doesn’t stop running I can stop uh coughing it’s really uh [ __ ] oh dude I don’t like where the [ __ ] I am can I get out of here

Oh a spider Please Mr spada I’m just out I’m just a small Jews leave me alone oh where’s the skeleton here well don’t mind if I just pass here do you mean uh what do you mean I don’t I I did watch my end what do you mean I was sick

Before that I’m sick because um it’s cold here guys I don’t know where you live but in Canada right now it’s really cold and uh I’m pretty dumb so when I go and take out the trash and they recycle in the compost uh I just don’t dress you know I just get

On what I am wearing and I put sandal sandals on without socks so I’m just walking in the snow and like almost naked just like yeah it’s gonna be quick I don’t [ __ ] mind oh what there’s Emerald right there what the hell okay time to to build a house here Well don’t get me wrong it’s the warmest winter I’ve ever seen right now but it’s still cold yeah right it’s getting dark huh I’m digging a hole guys all right sorry okay let’s go it’s just some find a good place to I want to be on the

I want to be on the beach you know oh my God it’s been so long since I’ve done that don’t look at my crafting okay I just suck all right this is enough dude I still remember Minecraft when when you didn’t take everything out of the crafting

Table you would drop it uh so I will stream before dying uh we all we will all die from global warmingham we’ll be fine we’ll be fine you know you know what uh because global warming doesn’t exist it’s a plow a ploy from the government to get us to invest in uh

Sorry I can’t I can’t I can continue this thing I I know I can’t I can’t I wanted to mess around with you guys but I just can’t this is still dumb uh what a house holy cow yeah right it’s great that’s great house it’s like it’s called the support team

So you know we just go around and serpent in the snake form uh what do you mean Pro moments I need Stone guys because I’m a stoner is it that bad outside it’s not that bad There’s lava there all right I’m gonna find a beach guys I swear I’m gonna find a beach and we’re gonna settle here and we’re gonna call it okay what a burped oh my God guys my cat uh shushu at the diarrhea for like the past week as well

And bro I never clean up that much [ __ ] in my life it was crazy it was like it was [ __ ] on his [ __ ] fur so I had to clean every goddamn place you we went uh before it like dried up I guess that was so [ __ ] not cool into this

Room we are going to find aerobrine we’re gonna try to find Herobrine yes we can find a husband though yes I need a chicken now it was just you know a cat is sick it is what it is I’m gonna try to go get some chicken so I can actually get some uh

Chicken chicken all right come here Sorry it’s more like a crow than a than a chicken oh I’m trying I’m trying okay wait wait okay sorry sorry I was thinking uh to do a stream guys where I um I actually uh just speak in Japanese uh would you like that where I can only use Google Chrome uh

Google Chrome Google Translate do you think it would be fun I think it would be fun ah because of my profile picture what what have I done what what do you mean uh cookie streams when we’re gonna reach 500 sub guys when we’re gonna uh reach front uh 500 sub

Uh to be honest I’m just gonna use Google Translate because I suck uh and when uh when I speak English actually I am gonna end the stream yes or something like that oh hi Natalie hello and uh yeah the chair list is gonna be next week uh it’s gonna be next week

Today but Wednesday sorry so I’m gonna announce it uh on on Twitter later today and we’re gonna you’re gonna propose you’re gonna be able to propose YouTubers or yourself as a YouTuber uh so I can rate you if you’re just juicy or not that’s the plan so yeah is it sun now is

It sun yes English uh yeah Natalie which one which uh profile pic you were freaking out about guys because I was messing around a lot with uh with uh two days ago and I got some great uh art out of it I had a lot of fun meaning and Charlie yes I understood

That but which picture of me I’m going to court in today oh yeah probably against your mother right if I remember correctly right now well I wish you luck then I had a past employee that wanted me to go to court uh to uh testify for them uh but [Applause] but yes but

Uh they wanted me to lie on court I said [ __ ] you I never saw I never saw that employee again and that was like bro I’m not lying to court for you [ __ ] that no no no I’m not doing this I hear clapping what do you mean you hear clapping Uh Uh you mean the crickets were one or wrong you mean oh I created the wrong Alexa is that what you meant foreign can I get out of here never mind it’s rain oh I might die oh I’m not a fighter guys I’m a lover No I’m trying to control my ADHD that’s what’s happening because I’m waiting for the sun to come I guess to come back so I’m just you know I’m just chilling I guess I’m just been chilling you know oh my okay I’m so sorry guys I’m so sorry Uh I want to collab with other YouTubers guys but I’m so [ __ ] shy I don’t know how to like I’m trying to interact with other people on Twitter and stuff like this but it just doesn’t make sense I just don’t understand I how how are you supposed to make friends right

Is we respond to something as soon as you say it but when you do read it’s where you already talked about another topic so it’s kind of getting confusing hello it’s been so long I’m sure you can English just by another shot stop it uh something got deleted well yeah yeah I

Don’t know what though What okay uh what what okay what do you mean I I I’m confusing guys I’m not confusing you’re confused that’s not the same I’ll come back to uh yeah yeah I think yes because the I think that’s what hurts our confidence but it was pretty cute it was fine don’t worry about it

Yeah oh you’re fine you’re fine don’t worry about it uh yeah I know it’s not because I don’t read correctly what you read guys it’s just because my mind is everywhere but don’t worry about it I’m not uh don’t worry about it everything is fine no no you don’t don’t understand nightmares

No you’re not confusing we are a bit confusing and together with our confusement we are creating new confusement yeah but it’s actually called amusements oh [ __ ] hi Buddies hey what the [ __ ] is this please let me alone I’m just just a small time boy trying to find a home for me can you

Stop trying to kill me I’m just you oh hi Buddha creeper humming oh chicken come here no smoke all right I’m sorry I don’t know what happened but you know demon juice just came out a little bit oh my God uh you know I just I I

Commissioned somebody to do a 2d model of me and uh I was messing around with pikru and I wait I’m gonna show it you actually I was messing around with big crew then I did this image I did this image right there okay and God damn I like the the clothes and stuff like that so I’m kind of sad because this would have been so pretty as well you know how do you think so uh oh boy time to clean and die from detergent

Poisoning BRB what the [ __ ] do you mean Alicia stop sit your ass down no stop when I think about monster I think about which is Ghost vampire not zombie iron creeper no no it’s not creeper it’s creeper oh man is that what you want to look like

Because if you if so I can draw that way in fanats yeah I mean you can have fun well do whatever you want as a fan art you can even draw me naked if you want to I don’t mind it’s your art I’ll enjoy it either way

You know I’m just gonna get it out there should I add um a tag for uh not safe for work art I guess because I don’t mind being Master mixed around with like normal Arts you know does that make sense sorry my iki board is a bit broken

Together my with my finger oh your keyboard your icky board uh juice what are you gonna do only fun I will never do only fun uh not interesting nightmare I will never I don’t know what you want me to and you don’t you can’t even like

Go to my only fun actually oh do you have a bone [ __ ] I don’t have a boner for you guys I’m sorry guys if I get a wolf I’m gonna call it Fillion uh well if she had it make sure to ban in he he probably cannot even join the

Only fan you know you have to be 18 or something and I’m pretty sure except sushi I’m pretty sure nobody in my viewer are actually 18 or something um but probably Victoria is probably 18 yeah I think I think she told me her age yeah time to cook guys I’m hungry

Let’s do some barbecue I’m gonna probably do another Korean barbecue soon uh would you like me to do a cooking stream where I just cook Korean barbecue with umishu would you like that would you like that yeah I know you haven’t only found Victoria uh guys if you’re the only fun to go

Check go checks I guess uh Victoria’s one yeah because I will never do one yeah Oh this is a beach guys I think if we found we’re gonna I think there’s a village as well we gotta go check that out 14 moons oh my God I didn’t know where to go grocery uh I live in its closets no the only person that live in my

Closet is Sleepy actually she lives in my attic uh yeah she might come back this week oh aquina hi uh how are you doing did you add school is that why you were uh not here for a longest time now asking for a friend of course oh my God I feel like

We are a lot today what the [ __ ] hi oh my God I’m gonna get flustered A chance that it’s all people I know because if it was a did I really really sorry where I the first time I started streaming um I think it’s been four years ago I was streaming as myself uh playing pubg when it just came out uh

Yeah I was playing pubg yeah and I was streaming on Twitch as myself you know as juice I almost said my name but as me no a YouTuber juice and I was doing it the French actually because you know I’m French and uh and I was actually

Doing great you know having fun and stuff and six people just joined other at the same time my stream I just panicked and I closed the Stream [Laughter] Hey where’s Charlie by the way Alice yeah bring Charlie here bring the gang here let’s let’s be everybody not beat everybody but

Let’s beat the gang here let’s try to top 10 10 Trend Watcher can we do that and share it to your friend right now bring people that’s your task guys I’m sorry then don’t look don’t look I’m killing cows and cow and bhuta and stuff but I have I have a lot of food now don’t worry about it when I’m gonna be enough I’m gonna just make bread bread and eat berries okay don’t worry about it

You don’t have friends ah don’t work no that’s not true that’s not true you can consider consider stir Fran I’m sure you have friend Charlie is Charlie right now what does that mean oh this is so funny dude how much are we uh you’re from Indonesia right you said

Quina let me just again I want to reclaim my title of Mr worldwide okay Uh Indonesian Hi hi kuna hi hi queena All right let’s go I’m gonna reclaim my title as Mr worldwide let’s go oh hi bakaria hello how you doing we’re playing Minecraft today just having fun you know I’m just dancing on my furnace just singing a song and I just reading in my head okay that’s a joke I’m stopping uh at

The end of the stream guys should we uh sing some songs right oh my God guys I tried to sing Kickback uh from uh and uh not even sir what the [ __ ] I can’t it’s just I can’t it’s too fast it’s too much Japanese I can’t But I tried I tried my best I am thinking of singing I’m trying to do my king cover as well but I’m trying to understand the um the effect to put on the voices what do you mean you don’t like my stone things stun things are pretty great Ali

Wrong O2 all right let’s go I want to go see here what it is yeah there’s a village I told you guys there’s a village no no I don’t want to upgrade my tools yet I’m just having fun okay I think I want to settle here well no I want to be

Next to the ocean actually I’m gonna go loot The Village just till everything you know is it lagging a little bit it’s fine guys no that’s a joke buddy uh I’m gonna ungroup my till just not now I’m just exploring to see where I’m gonna settle after that I’m gonna find a cave

But I want to settle next to the ocean or something just having fun you know ah frick uh yeah this is mine now [ __ ] you guys oh my God that’s a lot of farmer what the [ __ ] I think I never saw that much farmer in my life

I’m gonna lose your stuff guys don’t worry about it just just continue chilling by the bells okay I’m just gonna go in your houses and just oh yeah I’m taking that [ __ ] yeah yeah I’m done uh I will not try to kill the iron gun okay I’m a Minecraft veteran okay it doesn’t

Look like it but I am actually a Minecraft I remember I played Minecraft before it was uh I think it was before it was called Minecraft actually like when he was uh when it was like a browser game I will not eat the Iron Golem guess [ __ ]

That you want me to die is that what you want me to do is that what you want me to to be dead huh do you want me to graduate do you want me to stop streaming huh is that what you want me to do huh you want me to disappear

It’s fine I guess if you want me to I can’t disappear it’s okay oh yes with my inventory is so [ __ ] ugly oh Victoria yeah me snowy I wasn’t a game but you should make a cooking stream I hope it be on my day of two plus it’s very submissive and ah

And very Beaty baby breathable what the [ __ ] are you touching about Victoria okay I’m going what do you mean on this side come back oh Alicia please stay I’m not killing their Golem guys I’m not killing their guns you’re so ugly baby okay you need detergent why why do you

Need detergent [ __ ] that no stay stinky you don’t need detergents this is mine yes I can make questions do you want me to stream with my TV form soon I can uh make take a break someday and just stream for like 15 minutes my chibi form just to be annoying

Or chats I’m on the chat who is going to save the world from disease if I don’t clean well you know you gotta do what you gotta do the music is so chill I like Lo-Fi guys I want to be to be able to make off I

Don’t know why I did that guys uh but this week I did buy a guitar um but the fact about me buying a guitar is I don’t know how to play guitar so it sounds a bit like this I don’t know what I’m doing I don’t know I bought a guitar

Uh I like making sounds I mean you know it is what it is oh I think kuna has gone [ __ ] I said hi to Karina in Indonesian but but goodness gone tune in first oh it’s tuned it’s just me that doesn’t know how to play well it’s soon it’s kind of tune you

Know this is the ocean right it looks like the ocean okay let’s go let’s go settle there all right so I might be able to play some guitar maybe someday we’ll see I suck at it I just like to make sounds my my brain goes

When I make sound you know take bed from the village oh I have wool don’t worry about it I think I’m gonna settle there hmm should I this is not the ocean what the [ __ ] is this yeah that’s a shipwreck well yeah yeah but I don’t have any uh place

So I’m just gonna do oh yeah this is this is my home now okay I’m sitting here deforestation time get the [ __ ] out of my side [ __ ] trees I don’t want you on my aisle Island okay I’m gonna just stop messing around okay I’m gonna make a little else

Uh I don’t think so actually I don’t think there’s juice in this game I’m the only juice in this game actually okay let’s just uh yeah I’m gonna put this there with my friend us with my philness here oh my gosh what happened uh Ali You don’t like what I’m doing oh I didn’t want to do that oh well my phone charges low oh okay don’t worry about it okay it’s just a it’s just a sketch okay guys don’t don’t worry uh my skill at building our top tier okay

I was on the Builder for a server in Minecraft that’s a lie Oh my God okay oh yeah this is this is perfectly symmetrical yeah that’s my house right there F and chat for juice chat though what happened pooping time standby oh boy and the Minecraft eagle well it’s not a server so I don’t know if you cannot join this one so

Victor has plans them yeah Victoria wants to be the next Belden theme Right Victoria why do I have a cow in my [ __ ] house that’s what I thought get out of my house it’s my house and make it come back I’m just gonna say that uh yeah I I saw it on websites uh yeah oh cool being building fiend is fun oh yeah what

Do you mean by you know uh I’m say so so I’m not supposed to know what I’m talking about okay I’m just gonna step right there bro no way what Alicia what what happened I’m gonna put I’m Gonna Keep food like here like that yes Uh don’t say who I’m not like the other girl oh oh sheesh okay I’m not like the other girl I just like the whole laughs oh my God I’m so tired I’m so sick oh man okay hi my life okay it’s fine don’t worry about it okay I get everything

I’m a man of culture I’m just say something I know stuff I know and I’m sorry I’m sorry so it’s not the ACT okay I am 100 I don’t know what uh you know touching ground what what is this [ __ ] you listen to me one piece is real do you think so

That’s a great house uh if you don’t come down right now at this instant I’m gonna make one of your those fan art or your Michael Myers what uh or uh what I wanted to do what I wanted to do I forgot oh yeah I go there yes go

Let’s go with that chest I’m gonna start to do it like at um you know a farm here yeah this is gonna be my farm yeah I’m gonna make a farm Talking about fan art you know still waiting still wailing 70 percent of the stream is just being confused I mean no I’m not I’m not confused I am big brain I mean I’m kind of sick and probably doing a little bit of uh you know rehearsal that would explain it but

You know I’m gonna shut the [ __ ] up now all right um I’m the fastest freak boy uh so there was a shipwreck you said right then oh yeah um I’m fast as Sonic I’m a Sonic voice well I’m not Sonic I’m actually a fish I’m a fish I’m finana guys look at this

[ __ ] okay near Village okay taking fish to have a cat because I saw a cat in the village so it’s gonna be my cat [ __ ] those it’s my cats I’m the cat I have almost cats come here let’s go let’s go into the village and find some you know

We are what like five euro right now dude this is crazy really gives me more views huh what what did you say Alicia what are you talking about uh if juice does fortnite I want to join his party and that oh I could play fortnite before of course

Where’s the kitty I I need to find a kitty you know guys I’m fast as [ __ ] I don’t think you understand how fast I am where’s that boy Christmas shoes Kitty Kitty [Applause] Kitty oh no oh no I think it’s gonna call my other cats oh [ __ ] my really good

Oh yeah it’s coming now oh this is funny okay where’s the cat now I saw it earlier here oh my God I did I say that I broke my badminton racket uh last week I suppose I was supposed to go fetch it yesterday at the store but I

I I I I I didn’t have time oh yeah guys I watched uh I watch slime uh the movie oh it was really cool really a really nice movie the end was uh you know something but the the older movie was great and hero is so great Ito is so cool

Uh it was a really nice movie I do recommend it for you if you can go watch it do it pretty nice movie not gonna lie not gonna lie this is a cool movie I should have kept my door can I read here oh dude I can let’s see [ __ ] all

Right I did not watch Person I didn’t watch Puss in Boots uh I’m planning to but I’m probably gonna wait until it’s on uh like oops I cannot go there [ __ ] where’s the chest so dumb there’s a Chester oh yeah here oh my God oh come on come on no I’m gonna die

No I don’t want to die like this okay oh it’s time to go to sleep now it’s free online well everything is free online probably even here you know only found them there’s somebody real freak freaked that one too you know okay I understand buddy

I will go home I will not use your bed then uh do you see if you give me an idea for fanatic beers here for me to do out something like I have gravity whatsoever you want to do a cosplay character I can draw want to be a maid

Yo if you want me to join a mate I mean that would be great I don’t mind to be honest uh I’m so bad at designing but uh meow meow you want to say hi to people you heard a chat did you hear the chat

Uh I’m gonna watch the status on okay I just want to go home without dying no don’t don’t go on the piano I don’t say anything your tail is hiding the screen I’m so fat foreign okay let’s make uh let’s put some torches here let’s make it bad

Should you sleep sleep please you’re really annoying stop stop stop stop you’re such a cat man okay I’m sleeping okay uh being a maid is fun juice if you give me an idea for fun oh uh I can show all the thing I did with pikru

Yesterday do you want me do you want to see all uh Alicia actually and I can I can show it it’s [ __ ] cat look at this one look at this one I mean how did you don’t don’t like this I’m not doing this kind of stuff guys you

Know what I’m saying so I don’t know what this happened but it was funny so I just you know Hello Kitty mama you play Minecraft it’s my favorite game oh let’s go okay hello you know this is a good reference me like hey stop let Victoria stop

Kate uh how are you doing uh over there this one as well but I think this one is the one I like the most this one this kind of part and like the clothes and stuff like being a kind of a demon detective or something I

Think it’s pretty cool I like it very much uh this is a good thing if you want to refer you know or there I had this one as well dude this is so funny okay I’m stopping now I have to go I have to watch the catcher [ __ ]

My chat is jealous of you guys my cat just want to you know me petting him but it’s it’s my fault I kind of call it cat but you know okay let’s go foreign let’s go explore this way I guess try to find a cave now where

Oh it’s Kate is deleting uh her comments but don’t worry about it Kate Kate is shy Kate is shy okay there’s a cave probably here right let’s go let’s start to find a cave somewhere here I’m just gonna dig so did you saw what I what I showed you

With a shower or you were pooping like then Missed missed it missed the the great juice and like your little maid outfit sexy meat outfit actually like it wasn’t just a malefit was it made out of it you know what the [ __ ] am I saying uh my burger here’s let’s go oh my God oh my God I’m

So hungry buddy [ __ ] that oh my God it’s so oh my God he’s so you’re teasing me I might order McDonald’s jobs I like your style don’t don’t try to you know do do whatever you want Alicia I like your style It’s soft you know it’s cool oh oh wait wait oh [Laughter] oh how much uh time do you do you think before I get canceled about something no I’m surprised I did not get canceled actually yet because I just speak without thinking it’s kind of great you know oh

All right this is my first time all right this is my this is my new streaming voice it’s uh it’s gonna be I don’t know it is what it is you know you’re allergic to oh honey what do you mean I know I’m staying away from cancer

I mean it’s finally I did tag you on some things but it’s fine I’ll watch it okay I don’t I don’t mind it you do whatever he wants it is what it is I I I I because you’re my profile picture you know yo I know Katie already told me now that she

Microphone favorite game yeah I feel so weird talking like that oh my God I feel so weird talking like this but it’s my new spring voice it’s me and you cannot change me I swear it’s my it’s my normal voice bro there’s nothing to [ __ ] mind here okay let’s just treat mine

Let’s just go straight right into it you want me to steep the flowers of course I like flowers but but I like saying oh okay it makes me teary to hear you say you dislike it I will try to stomp from Stomp a swap uh little thing here how here here’s perfect

Like that’s did you did you fart my cats farted guys it smelled bad A okay guys I want to show you my 2D model okay are you down not my 2D model but my chibi model are you down for it I’m I suck at this what you want to see all right let’s go let me two seconds okay I’ll have this

Appeared for a moment uh I’ll be right back okay I I’m I’m just gonna I’m just gonna bounce okay I’ll be right back all right uh for your own fart oh no I know the smell of my own fart and it’s not smelling like that I swear to God it’s

It’s really nasty like did you ever smell a cat fart right did you ever smell the catfots this is bad it smelled really bad uh Ah okay that’s not what I want okay why do you not show yourself down Oh because I’m dumb hey oh it’s still not showing okay yeah it looks good uh is it here wait here hmm huh oh oh I think I broke my overlays oh Oh oh uh Uh there’s a problem here I broke my overlay Okay Okay I uh we’ll come over tonight and then I will stay home for the night thanks goodness yeah let’s go human funner is worse uh you have a cat yeah did you ever smell those farts whoa okay what’s happening What the [ __ ] is happening everything disappeared what why is it that big whoa okay there’s a problem with my thing here okay can I just do that instead counts okay I should have messed with that I shouldn’t have messed with this oh boy so [ __ ] babe what the [ __ ] guys I

Don’t think you understand I I just broke everything uh let me just a second okay I’m trying to fix it [ __ ] okay okay I think I’ll have to delete that thing and just yeah yeah because it’s not working anymore okay let me just bring uh a scene we’re fixing OBS right now let’s [ __ ] go okay all right so this is working uh is this working now a bit okay

Cool it’s supposed to work now okay uh okay are you ready guys you ready you ready ready uh all right I almost stopped streaming okay you see it you see I can hi hi guys hey it’s me it’s me chibi juice hi I’m kind of shy hi hello hi

Hi I’m just I’m just a chibi Hi how are you doing today uh I’m I’m I just uh I’m danger okay I’m danger hi I’m danger okay guys don’t worry about it okay just think of me as danger okay uh you think I’m cute I’m not shoot okay I’m

Just Danger All right you better remember it okay I’m really really dangerous okay if you think you can actually pet me you can’t okay because if you pet me I’m gonna bite you okay this is this is this is not a threat uh this is fact okay so if you ever try

And I say if you ever try to touch me again guys I will [ __ ] bite your ankles off okay you better be ready [ __ ] okay I’ll [ __ ] kill you okay I’m a [ __ ] Danger oh I put away what I wanted to use laughs but yeah how do you like me guys I’m

Just a I’m just a small uh kitty yeah All right let’s go uh me likely ooh what do you mean you likely all right that’s this poof all right let’s go I wanted to pet me uh-huh you know pet me I’m danger don’t worry yeah I’m warning you I’m warning you guys I’ll [ __ ] bite your ankles off okay

What are you here oh my God What oh you think I’m cute oh you think I’m cool uh thank you I bet no no I’m not I’m not petable guys I’m I I’ll kill you I swear and I can I can add more faces actually wait where is it oh there I can’t have more facial expression oh

But I like this now this one’s pretty cool where’s the facial expression where is it what I think it’s the idea look um but this one is the Anya style I like it this one is my favorite one nightmare juice what do you mean that nightmare I’m cute uh not me I’m not

Cute I’m danger I’m dangerous sorry what huh I’m dangerous no stop I’m not cute I’m dangerous stop stop I’m not cute I’m dangerous stop I hate it when you call me cute I’m not sure Well yeah I’m a beauty of course but I’m not cute okay I’m dangerous I swear it’s very good he called me cute another time I’m ending the Stream don’t test me I will but yeah I found this uh it’s actually a free uh software you can actually use

And you can make your YouTuber on it uh without having to draw anything but yeah so it’s pretty cool pretty like it yeah yeah yeah okay how can you make it I don’t remember how to make uh no not YouTube it’s called chipping keeping wait call you ping see you been

It’s pretty nice and you can move around I will not show you my legs because uh I’m kind of shy of showing you what I’m wearing right now do you want to see what I’m wearing wearing if I get 10 yeah hello in the chat right

Now I’m gonna show you what uh what sucks I’m wearing your feet lover you nasty feet lover do you think we’re gonna reach uh 2 30 today You think we’re gonna get to 230 subscriber today guys I think that would be great do you think so all right I want to open OBS accurate uh after I found a free version of cubies create a model for myself Lynn and I and another friend I will take Commission

All right I’m gonna show you my my my legs okay guys I’m gonna I’m gonna show it to you okay look you can see it now you can see my legs look I’m so tiny I’m running on the screen guys what oh look guys I’m so fast [Laughter]

Oh you can actually see my mouse oh what I don’t want you to see my mouse what the [ __ ] And to be careful with this Okay oh [ __ ] You ready I’m gonna show you my legs okay I don’t know if I can actually turn my uh Mouse can off I can try it probably can oh yeah I can I’m dumb okay it’s done okay let’s go yay you cannot see it now okay hey you ready I’m gonna show you my

Legs okay oh ready I think I’m wearing short shots shorts shots short shorts you see oh my God oh my God look at my oh my god oh okay that’s enough that’s another that’s enough I’m too shy stuff yeah I will not show more that’s what you get all right bottom clothes yes that’s why I didn’t

Want to show you to selective yeah it is I’m not a bottom on top okay I’m just not on top yeah I’m really tough oh you have to go Kate okay bye bye if you want me to show this to you again you have to finish my fan art today it’s

A joke I’m trying to make some um ladders but I don’t remember how I’m gonna go check because I’m really dumb that’s what I’m oh it’s just sick well I’m done All right let’s go I want more let’s go our office troll I just doesn’t know I screenshot it why why did you screenshot that so mad right now hello hi how you doing sunny I hope you doing great hi I forgot to do some more tools I should do this there instead yeah

I don’t know if it’s gonna be the new model but you know I can mess around with it I’ve been doing uh dumbly good I think yeah let’s go the revenzo to be honest oh [ __ ] yeah that’s what we need zero dumpster uh sir bring some let’s go

What juice hashtag uh I think it’s this but I don’t remember I think it’s that hashtag but on Twitter actually I’m not I don’t remember I think I think it is this yes I don’t remember I’m dying I’m dying guys but yeah hi Sony Hi Sushi yeah hello so what we’re

Like seven watching oh my God hi I’m gonna be flustered for a bit uh do you remember why I did go back here yeah doing new tools and I don’t have sticks yes I’m so [ __ ] dumb this is not working you are famous what do you mean I’m not famous

What what is famous anyway huh can you define famous for me because being called a bottom is not famous at all oh I’m actually a top top tier you know I’m tapped here more tools so I can actually oh shit’s [ __ ] oh no I’m so [ __ ] dumb oh

That’s not what I wanted to do well I kind of did more tools too oh why you bottom stars are shut up okay let’s go down all right I’m gonna have in mind Oh no no [ __ ] way I had a shout out to everybody doesn’t react well to detergent what do you think would have happened huh it’s [ __ ] detergent you’re not supposed to drink it why did you drink that oh gosh it’s been a year since I’ve met you oh yeah oh my God hi

Sushi it’s been a year what should we do to celebrate our first year anniversary associate together huh what should we do what do you want me to do for your sushi huh do you want me to to voice stack something do you want me to do something I don’t mind anything but yeah

Meow bottom okay because I can do both if you want to I don’t mind it’s our anniversary you know My God I hear [ __ ] it’s already been a year since I’ve been streaming oh brother the only thing I learned about streaming for a year is I I didn’t learn how to make good content I’m gonna meow for you ready do you want my other model do you want

Me to be out in in the GB form yo I don’t mind I don’t mind it’s our anniversary of meeting you know juice is mine I know nightmare you don’t want to be okay wait I got you I got you I have another idea too be more dumb okay okay wait uh

I’m sorry I got cold like I have to to end you have to like it this way okay um You’ve came inside the room after I defeated that demon oh yeah I can’t believe it I hope you’re doing great so I will need some healing here if you know what I mean I I request your L please I I yeah for ailing I can I can meow I can

Yeah or I can even meow you know something like this ever anything you want you know I just I’m just gonna remove my my shirt with the quickly in you know get to the healing you know this is so [ __ ] cringe oh [ __ ] okay that’s enough that’s enough

I’m I’m gonna die in hell for this one okay bye that’s it that’s that’s what you get okay now I’m flustered now I’m gonna die I am going to die now oh my God I’m so [ __ ] shy oh why did you make me do this it’s okay I wanted

To don’t worry about it that’s your fault it’s my fault [Laughter] was it okay it was a top-tier voice acting for you I hope you liked it good one of my nightmare is I don’t get enough lighter ladders and I’m stuck at the bottom of it’s cringe yeah

No you didn’t like it you want me to do it better I can do it better I don’t mind can try yeah Now now [Laughter] no no it’s okay it’s fine it’s fine why are you scared scared of mine your power How far I am from change this again okay how far I am actually I don’t see it okay it’s weird dude this Lo-Fi so cool like jazz Lo-Fi it’s cool it’s cool cool like it dude this mother is so [ __ ] funny just yeah when I found it I think it was

Two days ago maybe yes it’s when I was [ __ ] posting on Twitter so it’s probably two days ago I was just uh enjoying it so much hey is everybody gone it’s my cringe Earth that you’re that much guys what did I heard this on me let’s go there

But this is where the ocean is so I hope I will not be in the ocean let’s just go and hopefully find some iron or something right right I want to see something really quickly oh yeah everybody’s gone I scared you away no okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine

It happens you know it happens foreign I saw what you sent me uh I’m supposed to have changed it I changed it guys what the [ __ ] look What let me take a [ __ ] screenshot you [ __ ] [ __ ] computer look I change it I change it nightmare uh all right Rich it’s too noisy here what do you mean it’s too noisy here you mean in your house yeah I mean Alicia wants you to go play you know you know you know

I need to find some iron here Don’t Go on the piano please the piano doesn’t want you to go on it but yeah Sushi what did you do today she had a great time at school I guess okay there’s nothing here [ __ ] that we’re going back up oh how do you use

Cupid uh uh you have to download Open openc Face uh and after that you just launched the tracking software that Um for your faces you change what oh chatted with the homies oh let’s go I hope it was great you change what I changed the Um credit for the thing already I think you just didn’t saw it but I did change it must be fun having homies oh yeah I was saying like do you want me to like stream like Korean BBQ someday if you want to just chat Ariel you know

Because I could do that actually I can see myself doing this uh but we should reach 500 sub first yeah for the cooking stream for the cooking stream I’m gonna probably cook like okonomyaki or something Japanese cooking or something because uh why could do sushis what should I do guys

Should I cook your sushi um oh my God uh oh my God yesterday I was going to go look for I was going to watch a movie and we wanted to go eat in a restaurant but uh I [ __ ] up and I was too far away from the restaurant so

We just walked in the city where I was watching the movies and we found a Japanese restaurant that was selling Sushi and um I know what I did Nightmare and I found the best sushi restaurant I ever tasted in my life in Montreal it was so [ __ ] rule oh hi Sans hi hello Waffle House as spoken please do initiate it what what do you mean uh do you mean this Waffle House I mean it looks like a waffle not gonna lie [Laughter] how you doing what happens G what are you on about okay I’m gonna go back there where there was cave and stuff

To actually try to uh find some iron okay I’m gonna just okay you screenshot that of course so you can tell tell me where I’m supposed to go after all right bye we’re going this way um what do you mean to feed I can feed you I can uh spoon video yes

Um I have I have some I can blend some food I’m gonna blend some egg green onion uh bread and some protein so you can actually have everything you need in your spoon I’m hungry as well I might order some food for for dinner um uh order some

There’s a gift right there let’s go is it night already [ __ ] okay I’m gonna do this real okay oh hi chance yeah hello why my eyes are always open um don’t worry about it just just don’t worry about it that wasn’t the cave I’ve been tricked it’s gonna take a bed here

I’m gonna sleep what hey I want a bed hey uh VC face uh yeah but uh I was talking about open Open Sea face uh it’s not the same it’s the same Creator but it’s not the same oh my God I’m so hungry I can hear my belly [ __ ] you buddy

My house now oh I can have a horse okay now it’s time to find a cave so I can bring some higher iron home that iron Mouse of course but iron whom you don’t like the new uh chibi model chance it’s pretty great you know you don’t know type in chats okay

I don’t want to drown yeah open do you want me to leak the things huh do you want me to do leak stuff huh huh do you want me to to put the the I guess you know the you know yeah what I’m talking about you know you know

What I’m talking about right I don’t know what I’m talking about uh the the the I just have yay in my head but it’s in French it’s called Uh you know the websites should I look at other errors guys oh look at this this is kind of cute I’m gonna lie

What was my hair I think that was this one the first curse juice what do you mean I don’t even fight I have five model yet stop I’m right there look I can be wait it’s not it’s not even starting yet look at this yeah look at this Summer okay wait I have to find my hair again I don’t remember which hair I took this one yeah oh yeah this one’s cool I could be Miku uh I think that’s this pretty much it yes this is so freaking curious what do you mean it’s so freaking why am I curse

I’m not curious guys what the [ __ ] I’m cursed later train is coming okay bye bye chance good train I guess uh Oliver what do you mean what where’s the bald version uh do you do can you be a ball version oh yes you can can you oh no you cannot help tap okay

So I have to remember oh no oh no guys it’s actually me I am your host juice uh today we’re gonna enjoy streaming together and uh I’m a cat yes hi hello I’m a monk guys I’m a [ __ ] Monk all right stop messing around with me reverted yeah yeah don’t worry about it

Should we go back to uh oh should we go back to being a 3D model should I go back to my juice no no Oh Aaron follow juice what do you mean father juice please bless me with your holy water what do you mean only water I don’t have any holy water

I’m a Demon Hunter but that doesn’t mean I’m holy what huh oh my God this is so [ __ ] deep oh it’s so deep oh my God I can it’s myself getting lost here Oliver are you are you having a mental breakdown why you sauce what happened to you where what

Have you seen father seen the father from the Medieval Age no what is this oh my God that scared me that didn’t scare me I I lied Instagram middle actually uh with the cloak oh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay I understand I understand oh hi buddy oh [ __ ] I’m so [ __ ] dead

You won’t catch me alive buddies oh maybe I’m joking you I’m joking joking [ __ ] you guys you see that so fast so fast hello how you doing no nope nope you’re not touching me I’m gonna maybe do a weapon I’m making Cupid character ooh it’s cute right it’s cute right

It’s actually really really really really really really really really really really cute I’m gonna make a weapon with my uh all right let’s make a uh yeah this oh this is gravel and this item sorry um letter what do you mean uh Alicia oh and then and I gonna do stream thingy on

Reality join us oh yeah later what the [ __ ] do you mean on reality I never did any reality thingy can you have cat ears because if you can’t it’s not me I cannot join okay guys I just want this iron can you let me get it please

It’s not because you could touch me that you should do it huh all right let’s go more iron yeah I’m so happy oh [ __ ] yeah come here come here I want you shiny things no like Realty in the app where you can create an avatar and collab with others

And stuff I don’t know boring yeah I know what reality is yeah I think you have an account on it yes my mental messenger is calling me what is this no guys stay stay Wicked out that’s a joke you can go be juicy somewhere else but don’t forget to like it

Share this stream I guess you can also if I kill this skeleton you’d have to subscribe all right let’s go can you disboner I need this boner for the logo now I don’t know how to stream from my phone I feel it’s like I don’t know

I feel like I will like expose myself like her shedded oh my God okay wow I survived this like a pro okay Why there’s dildo here oh [ __ ] more zombies all right time to find my hole again so I can access my crafting table I think it was somewhere here oh foreign oh there it is n’t the same hole okay come on all right aha Crossing Temple is there

Okay I thought somebody wanted to find me but I surely see how Uber curse juice you burnt Cruisers what what have I done again oh yeah I wanted to craft a shield oh I have to craft a furnace before smell stuff It’s here and uh where is it here ah no [ __ ] off [ __ ] off [ __ ] off I don’t want to see you here my head is killing me oh what happened Alicia ah you’re dead gonna take more it’s kind of fun this this game is kind of fun when there’s a lot of people

Watching and talking with me when I was alone and not on a server with other YouTubers it was you know you’re not gonna lie kind of boring uh yeah okay I think it’s time to switch to Big juice now oh uh Alicia did you show a Nightmare uh the old model

You were we were supposed to use like a long time ago do you remember no small juice don’t go okay I’m gonna stay small juice then you like this little juice which one I think the you know the one we were I um you know commissioned the first one the first time yeah

I like I have seven models now I’m talking about juice myself it’s just juice Myself and I so I’ll be juicy until I die because I got me flying I don’t need a handle even when the night is cold I got that fire in my soul

Oh I think I can I mean I’m crazy now okay you can make the shield so I will not die anymore [ __ ] I you see I have a shield now I can be unkillable okay uh I will make a YouTuber model for Primo gems oh yeah is that something on the attention

Probably right yeah I’m gonna make a little armor because I’m in need of some harmor gonna make some boots because boots is good see I’m back what happened where did you go then huh where did you leave us oh Like I like being small Jews but I don’t move around as much as being a 3D so I’m gonna just swing my head like this do you like it do you like it when I swing my head like that well you don’t have a choice though you have to accept the swinging

Can I make pens now no I don’t have enough but I can’t make a helmet it’s better than nothing then can you download the free version of Cubist for me again choose I have put in my head is already killing me I tried to come back if the stream is still

Going far later on okay don’t worry about it take care of yourself it’s more important than a dumb guy on the internet I only told you guys if you don’t feel well you just have to go just go guys don’t don’t feel the need to be here you know

It’s supposed to be here for you to enjoy it and that’s for you to die I guess enjoy it just enjoy just enjoy the Stream don’t feel comfortable just go you know I will not kill you I’ll be sad but it’s okay you know don’t worry about it Now we have a iron pickaxe let’s go I did I die Universe I can die happy if I watch History I have a free version of cubism I just don’t know how to use it I wanted to mess around with uh I was trying to make a it’s still in my video ideas but I want

To make a video where which I create another Channel but a YouTuber only with AI but it’s hard because AI it’s only uh jpeg or pngs so it’s not layered so creating a model from an unlayered picture is really hard so Oh it’s night oh Can I take a minute show some pickaxe in the it’s easy on so you know how to do it I just know that you have to put boob physics on everything if you want jiggle that’s the only thing I remember but yeah I wouldn’t mind to try to learn

But it’s just you know I’m so busy I don’t know if I have time this is this is yeah this is [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m sorry I would like to do to offer you more content guys I just don’t have time the the work take too much time with my of my

Of my life you know you gotta live you gotta live so I gotta work you know makes sense right but someday someday we’ll make it we’ll make it this someday I’ll be able to make this channel my living you know I will be able to make a living out of

This channel someday huh this is my plan I’m really transparent about my goals so I’m trying everything I can to make a living out of streaming because I really enjoy bringing you this uh you know a place where you just chill and the you know things like that and I

I like to be a performer as well I like to you know be cringe it’s pretty funny not gonna lie come on foreign come on show yourself plenty boy I want you here now I want to be cringe too but I’m afraid I won’t survive if someone from school from my video yeah

I mean yeah I can I can I can understand that I can understand that I remember when I was in high school I added YouTube channels of course I will not show you yet I might show it to you uh after the um after their face reveal

Uh but yeah I used to have a YouTube channel where it was me and I just told my ever all my friends go like hey go watch my thing but I was really you know I was pretty popular in high school actually I don’t know what happened I’m not

Anymore but I was pretty popular in high school so I wasn’t really shy and thinking about this I was just ah it’s funny people would like it I’ll do it but yeah it’s uh I remember when I was in Fifth Fifth Grade so I just came back from summer vacation of

Course and I enter uh our art I wish well you do theaters and stuff I don’t know why it’s called English but uh I just add a standing ovation I was the last one to enter the room uh after summer vacation everybody gave me a standing ovation and

It’s called my name and was like oh [ __ ] Jerry’s backwards juice I’m also my name it’s juice oh my god oh I really was so happy dude it was so [ __ ] great I never had this in my life it was pretty great I mean that’s how you see

That people notice you and you change people’s life I guess with your presence and you know if you’re kind and funny I mean people like that and if it’s you know I think my personality is quite uh versatile you know I just like to be a big

Um not a tight that’s not what I won’t say but you know I like to be positive and you know take everything with a grain of salt no it is what it is oh oh boy I’m gonna die all right let’s go uh they keep throwing things that means cool last time the

True uh full water ball out my face and since then I feel like my nose will start bleeding anytime oh don’t worry Alicia if you have to go just go you don’t have to stay here you know no I like I like talking with you guys

But if you if you want to go you can go it is what it is you know don’t worry about it I started with zero viewers I can still end my stream with zero viewers you know it’s don’t worry about it don’t worry about it uh dude I don’t know what what is

Your school but it’s really [ __ ] how can this happen and the teacher doesn’t do anything I don’t know how because in my school like if people were getting bullied or something we were just there to support the bullied person you know while I was there there was no bullying

Around I well I was making sure that there was no bullying around you know because bullying is [ __ ] man I don’t understand Victoria is always here she likes the content you know I think Victoria is one of the cheap person on this channel who actually want and a juice only fan

Oh I’m mine a mine shaft oh [ __ ] yeah we’re not playing Minecraft guys we’re playing Minecraft all right okay yasu I [ __ ] knew it you [ __ ] [ __ ] baka okay this is my oh yeah I might oh shiny stuff yay I got shiny stuff guys okay I might go uh and

Need to show some stuff I’m gonna put this here I want that and I don’t want this lab nope okay you’re working on stuff oh you’re working what they’re skeletons somewhere I can hear it are you this is the oh oh creeping oh man I will take a nap have fun on

YouTube okay bye Alicia bye bye have a good day I don’t understand how we passed to from uh being like seven or eight year oh seven or edgier two [Applause] to like just us to uh Victoria but it’s gonna be a you know a private stream I guess

I hope you’re gonna enjoy it I’ll try to make it the most enjoyable experience for you of course this is what I do I try to do actually trying to be the best streamer around you know I’m trying I’m trying trying my best I think I’m getting I’m it’s getting

Pretty great I’m getting pretty good at it uh not gonna lie uh foreign I would like to be able to get like 10 viewers concurrently I don’t know how to set up word but I don’t know how to promote myself so it’s one of the problems yeah does it make sense

This this block is so cool I like it but you know it is what it is I’ll enjoy still make one my five viewers yeah I saw the picture you posted on um the uh you know the community tab on YouTube Victoria and people were really kind really kind to you

You know people like your content it’s not that like me people tell me about them it’s a joke I don’t mind I can’t I think there’s another I think there’s another oh stop are they fighting foreign uh oh whoa okay I keep getting copyright because Pokemon doesn’t like me yeah

Yeah I can feel it oh what no Alicia go to sleep go to sleep now go to sleep don’t worry about me Alicia go to sleep please you just see I almost died but I survived because I’m [ __ ] good oh no I’m poisoned I think there’s a spawner here I want to

Watch Victoria too hi Buddies getting I’m getting chased I’m getting chased oh no there’s ah okay I don’t like spiders just gonna go oh my God so [ __ ] fast [ __ ] and I have to heal a [ __ ] [ __ ] no no don’t kill the juice foreign Things happens I think it was this way ah I [ __ ] died no oh okay I didn’t put torches where um the cave was but I think it was just here somewhere right I think so I think it was like oh hi Alicia oh it’s another channel oh hi

Oh is it your oh are you recreating your YouTube channel oh my god let’s go is Alicia’s back guys is Alicia back is it confirmed my stuff would not lose my stuff [ __ ] I don’t know who you are but I invite you to uh subscribe to juice channel uh

It’s a pretty fun dude you know I’m [ __ ] dumb oh no where’s the um I think it’s this way I think it’s this way I’m saying this but I’m not sure anymore follow the Torches follow the Torches my oh she noticed me I’m a Yoshi for real I’m your ocean also

Oh it’s here all right I found my stuff back I think oh my God I have nothing oh [ __ ] okay I have to find everything oh no God damn it no I just have bread okay I’m gonna eat some bread foreign Where all is my iron where is my Aaron all right sir okay I only have that and I don’t have torches oh yeah I do I do okay put some more torches here oh okay that’s there’s a cranky you’re gonna continue explored exploring of course why oh a creeper homie all right

But I think there’s stuff here as well no we’re fine okay I think we have everything I can read now okay you ready hey oh my God my oh she noticed me who what’s a nooshi again oh my God my my bias what that’s Korean when I started

Streaming you will be my Senpai in between oh yeah of course I’ll be your Senpai yes guys don’t treat me differently I’m still the the good old did you did you made a video still not not at all right okay um wait where’s the uh yeah it’s here

I’m gonna go stalk a little bit you know gotta see if there’s a little video on there sing Foreign you’re not the first one that pops out Alicia oh I don’t find you oh oh okay it’s fine don’t worry about it don’t worry about it there’s nothing well that’s what you said okay now I can mess with you guys what do you mean oh guys hopefully you don’t forget that

You can play a sound on my stream actually don’t forget about it oh which is something it is actually something dude I lost a lot of stuff there on my death but it’s fine how you doing Regis Kun I hope you’re doing great because I am oh I found more stuff

I kind of need to go to pupu uh not poo poo sorry peepee uh we did the poo poo this morning I need the poopy let the poopy yeah I’ll shut the [ __ ] up now yeah go fight it’s my Pokemon wait what I don’t worry about it ridges don’t worry about it

I’m just gonna destroy that real quickly because I don’t like it [ __ ] you spiders you killed me once you won’t kill me twice what did you get yourself into ridges uh nothing at all I mean I’m just having fun you know oh [ __ ] I burned myself

I just said that I need to go do llpp an idol meeting if you want to say we are say so uh PPP means uh oh my God in Turkish it means oh my God in Turkish are you are you serious they’re here are you bullshitting me or you are you serious Alicia

But hi ridges yeah if it’s your first time here uh I invite you to subscribe I guess if you want to of course you don’t you don’t need to but it’s free and it helps a lot you know ah a creeping oh I mean all right oh my name tag I need it

I need that to call my dog um Fillion uh what do I don’t need this oh another creeper homie OPP means uh oh it does doesn’t mean Omega you were lying to me then huh I see I see so you’re a liar now huh Alicia I thought you were wholesome but you’re

Actually not oh dude I have to go uh P for real okay what okay I need this and I don’t need foreign if you want to foreign Foreign And back I did get a banana to eat yes okay what’s Happening Here My Life Is A Lie what you’re talking about time to get back to my troll account oh yeah need any cubies um what I wanted to say oh yeah yesterday I’m gonna go to cinema to

Watch slime the movies the movie and you know you go pee before you go watch a movie because you gotta you know you know get up and be while the movie’s going home so let it go to the men’s toilet of course because of course a man there were six

Um like I don’t know you call that in English but um the one you p is standing up you know this thing and um there were six of them four of them were broken and me and another dude just came at the same time in uh in the toilet so we were

Like okay well I guess we have to piss next to each other and for the the woman here that doesn’t know the the unspoken rules of uh pissing okay when you’re in a public bathroom you’d never go okay next to somebody you always need to put a space between

Okay does that make sense but I couldn’t and I felt bad is so good this is she gone I think so she’s gone away oh well um Oliver argon as well okay I finished eating the banana now I can actually play this [ __ ] game let’s go time to pray now you ready

Okay let’s go uh what I was doing oh yeah this is done let’s go there this is so dark I kind of like it I like the adjectives of Minecraft mine shafts no no no I’m not dealing with this I’m not dealing with this I’m not dealing with that [ __ ] foreign

Now I’ll try to come back soon oh do whatever uh oh my goodness it’s so pretty um Alicia do whatever you don’t have to come back if you don’t want to do do do what you want don’t worry about it okay this is so cool I have to come back here

So why am I am I your Oshi uh Alicia I’m not Oshi material okay but I appreciate the thought oh dude no no go to sleep go to sleep ill uh and come back tomorrow you know it’s okay don’t worry about it don’t worry about it Alicia

You know I’m just exploring this place oh Diamond let’s go again I’m winning guys see okay it’s just a thing but lady I I I Alicia hi oh you’re um Google assistant right is it is it you well hi how you doing I hope you’re doing great

How does the character move around uh you have to have a webcam or a phone I guess but you have to um you have to have downloaded openc face I think for it to work I think so you can go where I can show it to you

Wait I can show it to you uh wait I can go I’m gonna switch Sheena kids gonna be ugly don’t worry about it you can go here okay at the left you have a live is it live no it’s not live settings you choose your camera and your microphone

And that’s pretty much it I’ll be going back to my YouTube gameplay all right uh how you doing Lydia opening great Lydia juice there is a dungeon behind you there’s a lot of stuff behind me buddy it’s called stress and depression that’s what I have behind me foreign

I’ll shut up now I’m sorry you’re doing thank you oh yay oh no uh sorry I thought it was uh Lydia talking no I mean you’re not messing around with you nightmare this isn’t the place I didn’t explore here yet I’m gonna try to find it again I think I might be lost

But I’m a poor in Minecraft so I’m lying I’m not lost see I did not check here this could attack again let’s go this is Terra texture probably looks weird oh you like uh yeah I just I never played Terraria before hey man okay oh come on buddy

Oh my God I cannot say anything I’m gonna burn you gonna try all right uh well I never played Terraria before yes this is crazy because I lived with my friend in the high school were playing Terror yeah so I should have played it but I never did and it’s

Something that always wondering why I never played Terraria but I don’t know if it’s a game that would I would like actually check these chords okay I’ll check the score you passed this oh yeah I did oh well no word I’m surprised that nobody clipped me uh being really sus with sushi earlier

Today uh so it was somewhere close to there right because I go I don’t hear zombies was it this way but yeah hi ridges how you doing this way right and yes I do why why you want to know what you want to know oops is this my phone keeps ringing

All right well I I don’t mean yeah hello it’s a this way nightmare it looks like Anya but we’re more cursed it was the plan it was the key keeping I freaking paid it to the accessibility 100 of them what what do you mean okay I’m gonna go continue exploring

Because I don’t know where the dungeon is I’m gonna try to find it after I explore all this Minecraft okay guys but yeah tell me hi yeah hello how are you doing great okay I can go there for sure oh I can I can’t go there

Or Redstone let’s go I will not use it for you yeah uh oh it is fun oh you’re in the holidays oh [ __ ] yeah let’s go this is the best feeling ever and not having to go work or school you know so great I like it

I just came back from a vacation it’s pretty cool I made me it gives me uh I was relaxing so much it was so great my week was amazing I liked it I wish I would be I’ll do that not later to no uh wow okay English not working

I will probably do that again soon yeah I’ve been going out non-stop for 40 straight well don’t die that’s the only thing I have to say don’t die be careful also I think sis is also celebrating Ted in Germany too probably probably yeah I hope for her that’s just fun

That’s something I can say about it I’m lost that’s the only thing I can say about me uh dude what the [ __ ] I’ve not seen for ages yeah yeah it’s fine I I’m trying to bring your back slowly but surely where did you go on holidays at home I was home

That’s the only thing I did home Zach again I like just being home and I think fun I played a lot of badminton that was great I broke my strings so also yeah any call what do you mean I’m always home I’m always working I’m never home what do you mean oh my let’s seem far okay Um oh there’s another one here what is it the real one I feel like that’s the wrong one I’m gonna light this on fire so I can have lights it’s so dumb yeah when I stream I’m home yeah but I’m not always home you know oh I was here I was here hi

Dude this is so dark I’m sorry guys okay there’s a lot of stuff I didn’t see yet oh [ __ ] okay I thought I was lost in the darkness but I’m fine diamond dude I got a lot of diamonds now I think I had more than this before I

Died but you know it’s okay [ __ ] happens okay I’m gonna go back home stuff in the chest so I don’t die over Where Are You Are you oh yeah okay hi I’m gonna go I’m gonna go fetch a Philly and then oh my God I uh did you watch uh Fillion um

Stream the dating show with the fun color p and stuff like that did you watch it it was so stressful and fun to watch oh my God I never watched dating show before but this one got my heart racing because I I really love pukalumpy I think she’s a pretty good uh YouTuber

A good personality and stuff and everybody thought she would have lasted like the first round and just get eliminated but she oh she almost finished uh first you know it’s it was amazing my heart was racing every goddamn time because she’s what she was always in danger but

She always managed to pull out like not pull out but pull the victory or something like the safe it was great I liked it uh you should watch it again it’s pretty cool I had fun Thank you foreign but yeah I hope you’re doing great this way [ __ ] I’m lost this way I think do you enjoy Minecraft guys even if it’s a dumbass playing this game that doesn’t know what it is doing foreign my way home Hmm because I don’t think it was that far I’m gonna run sir and then the square I’ll probably find it after this one I just have to get eye up because there’s a village there near the uh hole so so you know I’m probably gonna find my home right

Oh yeah I know where I am I think I think my home yeah I can see my home uh Cube thingy is my home yeah it’s a pretty cool home not gonna lie like it hey I’ll be able to break a bucket so I’ll be able to bring water in my

Mind or something I still want a cat though I know there’s one in the village but I lost it last time I wasn’t able to find it I’m gonna go fine do I have pants I don’t I don’t have pants okay it’s the symptoms let’s do some pens real quickly yeah let’s go

No I need that I need food as well okay I’m gonna I’m gonna keep these sticks I have coal as well let’s go Diamond I’m gonna keep it there because I don’t want I’m Gonna Keep some blocks if I’m either either in trouble again and I’m gonna do a swords and uh ax

Or of course I take the wrong step yes an assault yes all right let’s go I’m Gonna Keep the shovel if I have to use the shovel but I don’t think I will alright let’s go let’s go find a cat I’m gonna bring my fish I’m gonna try to find a cat

Uh where’s the fish and a dog let’s go I don’t need water though I’m so sorry guys oh come on stop running come action Come here come back thank you okay that’s enough I still need some car to reproduce of course I heard a skeleton here oh well I’m still on the mission I’m still on a mission to find a cat I will funny cats and I will make him mine

I’ll call him shushu okay where is it okay that’s a cow just be attentive to sound of course if I actually hear I know there’s a cat somewhere here was here I saw the cat there but last time my check wasn’t here before was wasn’t here anymore

I’m gonna go look further away in the village hopefully hopefully find it again oh I’m gonna take some cool because I don’t have any left okay that was just too cold let’s go well no cats so let’s find the um dogs then oh freak Oh I thought I could make it but I

Couldn’t ah damn okay I’m not a jumpy boy anymore I don’t remember which forests the dog were in though oh well we’ll find it we’ll find it give us somewhere here if I remember correctly foreign Further Because I remember I saw them really quickly not quickly but early in the biome or later depends on how you which way you came from but Do you remember if I well I guess it’s not [ __ ] okay where are you boys show yourself I want me some doggo tree where the [ __ ] are you where are you Fillion oh hi dagger my first biome extremely eels yes I’m looking for dogos Yo they were in this biome I’m pretty sure I’m like 100 sure they wasn’t on in this biome let’s go further away then hi dagger how you doing your sister’s gone the nightmare she’s gone to sleep I think she was dying where uh it’s not in general that’s for sure

The cow here I don’t care so I’m gonna kill him for food come here come here no you [ __ ] [ __ ] go back and lands okay you’re dying no stop oh my God I’m doing great except that cow doesn’t want to burn no [ __ ] you okay now if I have to albertus

What it didn’t drop any milk any any milk meat huh foreign coming oh yeah for sure I did it okay let’s go continue then all right so it’s funny because I’m playing Minecraft right now but I know I will play in a server soon so it doesn’t

Like I don’t see the point of trying to end the game except like having fun I guess you know something I don’t have because I’m not fun at all oh is it another Valley Village oh it’s not I’m dumb okay where are those wolves I’m going to die

Already all right it’s time to go hope all right a little Reds I’m trying hmm all right so I feel it’s in this Forest right there oh come on just die thank you oh oh man I like snow guys this is so cool I like snow still is so pretty

Like people that doesn’t like snow are weird that’s the whole thing no that’s not true that’s not true I can’t understand why people doesn’t like snow I can understand why you know it’s no it’s cold but you know it’s pretty cool I hope I will not be lost Trying to not uh I was trying to get to stay on the trees but hey cancel him what the [ __ ] do you mean Tommy what do you mean cancel meme I did not say anything that could get me canceled now yamete I could have understood if I had but I didn’t so

I will not get canceled today oh [ __ ] you could climb here High if you if you can climb with the thing oh stop eating dude what the [ __ ] okay I’m fine I’m fine I didn’t die I don’t know how but I did not why everything wants to kill me now

Stop oh hi Victoria you’re back now hello how you doing Victoria did you miss me all right so I’m kind of I’m a little bit less not gonna lie yes daddy I am not that immaterial stop I’m YouTuber material let’s go okay I think I’m gonna go back to uh big

Juice all right see you really quickly I’ll be right there I don’t know if I if I close that will I just disappear oh yeah I did okay well it is yes Mommy what do you mean okay now it should appear right why am I not appearing

I will get the only juice one day stop stop okay I’m back oh my God I’m really Pig though okay uh all right it’s the only thing I hate about VC faces you cannot move yourself so you have to actually like move it in the the overlays

I hate it but it’s okay it is what it is uh where’s my thing here Okay hi I’m back I’m back with big huh hey okay I’m back let’s go hey okay I’m ready okay I’m juice I’m back um I want to go home I just [ __ ] up my directions Go in the water then ouch okay okay I’m going I’m going uh VC face is the program I use for my 3D model like this one I’m using right now hey now hello laughs oh wait I tried I tried my God okay I’m I’m so fast whoa I’m Speedy boy okay uh

Oh the village is right there let’s go it’s passed next to all the monsters don’t worry about it yeah it wasn’t that bad it wasn’t that far off I just did not see the dog was not bad I can I’m kind of sad I wanted a dogo in Minecraft foreign Victoria um what do you need I don’t know how much longer I will stream uh should I do a mukbang should I order some food and eat it on camera oh there’s a hole here wait Foreign okay so when you downloaded vcface you want to open the folder vcface then in the folder VC facial should have more folders then one of them is like model or Avatar or something it’s called something like that and you have to you have to have a vrm model so the one

You’re using in virtue so you just import this model in uh vroid or would something else you can uh in this device but something else you can do now is you can just open vcface then add it directly in the um the software

Do you want me to show you how to do it that guys hi we’re going to die buddy all right let’s go should I go take more trees I think I’m gonna go uh Harvest some trees to make more ladder so I can go to the bottom and actually

Farm some obsidian maybe and making a portal an abstracting table and stuff like that in my beautiful house do you want that yes please I’m gonna take over the stream oh to make a tutorial stream yeah let’s go we can clip it if you want

To the tutorial so if you want a video actually I can make it uh really quickly I’m just gonna get out of this hole okay so I’m gonna close my [ __ ] I guess so did you download VC face did you download vcface yes okay so open the folders then uh

Open a vcface.exe of course don’t look at my mother okay guys it is what it is where is it okay now you can do there and you see this we do have the SE well um I don’t know where I don’t know where mine is uh because I just uh creates

Uh don’t have the folders okay so well when when you have the full well do go in your downloads it’s probably in your downloads you go in your downloads your uh after that you extract the uh software like the documents in the document that you have extracted

You go in it and open vcface.exe then after that you’re going to open to this page and that’s where you can add your avatar of course pink juice what do you mean that this is the model I’m using it’s just because every my every uh every uh expression you have to put it

On the model before using it in unity then after that you add your avatar you just clicked on you you go to the left of it you’re gonna have your camera sitting your camera your frame rate your quality that you want a microphone that you’re using and stuff like that and uh

You clicked on it and start and it should work after that you’re gonna open this kind of place you don’t see it right now but you can you’re gonna have a lot of settings you can mess around with I recommend you watch uh actual tutorial of it because

I’m really dumb and I don’t know how to make it what am I huh what me what the [ __ ] all right let’s go that’s what I wanted okay all right let’s go continue this streaming because I’m professional did I finish my oh no I closed Spotify what

You should have told me guys what all right let’s go uh do you remember what I wanted to do before I fell here hey okay I’m tired oh under myself yes let’s go oh yeah wanted to go uh chips on trees yes of course of course and of course getting some animals

Because I’m I’m mean haha I’m top shut up shut up juice oh okay juice I’ll shut up now okay okay I’m shutting up okay yeah true is our Beauty but you know I’m gonna I’m gonna plant it back someday every ten dollar you give guys I’m planting a tree in Minecraft

Team trees in Minecraft #mr beasts uh sponsor this challenge #it’s a joke hashtag don’t sue me hashtag please I’m poor this photo I win and I thought what the [ __ ] and hide the bones okay how did you how did I wanted to tame some doggo without the bones I’m so dumb

Sometimes oh well Come back for me a nap yes oh you’re so cold where you are why are you so cold oh what did you do stop stop pressing f11 peace oh I shouldn’t make shears to uh being able to do some bushes or something I might stop streaming soon guys uh

Because uh I don’t know what to do anymore I can just play I don’t mind it’s just I don’t know what to say so I’m kind of feeling that it’s kind of getting boring for you and I I don’t want you to get bored so uh at least I wanted you to play a game it was it fortnite I think we

Think we have to play fortnite right I could I could play fortnite do mining I’m mining Woods Okay what should I order my house is already the best you could have okay like out of the Starry Sky I have I have walls I have a bed you know what do you want me more yeah it’s bit it’s perfect come here come here come here die thank you

I kind of want to find skeletons now I want bones so I can tame dog oh and you’ll see Victoria VC face is really better than virtue like virtue is okay but you know tracking is the tracking is weird on virtue I I I don’t like it

I’m having fun because I can do [ __ ] you to people but that’s the only thing I use virtue for oh I’m still wondering I didn’t do an art stream yet right I should do art stream where I draw what you want me to draw like her ideas be funny foreign

Yeah I I need to make some shears to actually use uh the trees thing you know oh my God my cat’s purring so loud I’m I’m surprised that she cannot hear it to be honest he’s like laughs I want to make a stream where I also try

To learn Yu-Gi-Oh because I never played Yu-Gi-Oh I had a lot of cards but I never played it so I’m kind of I’m gonna sad and I want to learn it and actually maybe beat sleepy after a year someday destroyed me last time he played because

I didn’t know what to do I just made a deck where there was a lot of Chats on it there was a chat on the picture I take it on my in my deck you know uh when I was playing Magic the Gathering I have to I used to have a

Deck where it was only cats but it was okay was that great but it was okay you know I just want to burn that now let’s make some Letters to go further and I want as well let’s go now all that my house doesn’t burn uh okay where’s the bones okay there are there I should organize right organizing is for all right let’s go let’s go in the in my mind here do I have the trees here yeah I do

I’m just gonna let’s it’s not the tree I want here but the tree I will use uh I wanna kind of do like a little Forest here where my house is like kind of hidden I’m like a fairy mouse or something a fairy in the wood or something like that

I don’t know man my computer is very laggy for this YouTube yeah it’s takes a lot of uh a strain on the computer you know um oh my God I was Sir I was dying oh my God let’s continue mining then oh there’s a cave here I think is it here

Oh how low I am right now 29 oh it’s not that low I I need to be lower but if there’s a cave here I mean I’ll go there I just because of the music I cannot hear where it is gonna make you like um circular thingy

Second if I can hear it better I think it was this one let’s go we found a cave I think hi Buddies it’s me your juice your favorite juice uh hello I’m Jewish the YouTuber I would request your like And subscribe you’re dead all right cool we found a cave let’s go

What is this place I kind of want to jump but I don’t want to jump at the same time oh man whoa this game is scary man sometimes I’m good there probably without dying oh I did not take food with me oh this is a problem it is a problem um

I am curious guys um I’m gonna ask this but feel free to not answer um what do you think I look like in real life laughs you know asking for a friend of course I’m just wondering is another man shaft yes dude I have the pith for this

I have the nose for mine shafts uh okay cool oh chest oh The Learning Time tag let’s go I think I don’t have melons easier uh a blonde ball man you think I’m a ball dude this my chef is big it just keeps on going okay well now you go there

I I’m not bald actually I don’t know where it came from I think it’s sleepy again that was trying to bully me or something but I’m not bald guys um I have long hair in real life my mother resembles me a little yeah what you want to show me buddy show

Me no nothing okay I did not put that is it Herobrine did did we find the husband though of Alicia dude what the hell where the [ __ ] I am okay God damn lost okay we almost got me almost got ooh daddy oh what happened you almost got Ood

But to be honest I’m kind of surprised that nobody found my Instagram or something because before my Instagram had juice in it I removed it because you know [ __ ] you guys but yeah I’m surprised that you never found it let me follow you on Instagram no no no

No no no no no no no that would be face revealing too early guys but we didn’t even reach our second milestone but you see me yeah but you did not hide your appearance I mean yeah I’m trying to stay at it for now okay we’re not gonna reach the um

Uh 100 000 subscriber I’ll show you my Instagram I will not mine I have to ask commissioner before but you know I’m pretty sure she’ll be fine it’s fun I cannot see my OBS chat now because my chat isn’t sitting in front of it foreign what This is so weird okay I fell okay all right all right nightmare do you remember when you said that you aided YouTuber and now you’re like you’re watching a YouTuber every day now how are you feeling about that did I convert you did I manage to convert you into the YouTube person huh

Yeah life is a joke yes okay guys we got nightmare to like YouTubers now yeah oh [ __ ] again it’s the same [ __ ] place oh my God I’m so dumb okay let’s go there then oh yes dude that’s a lot of Merlin Oh yes tortures yay I’m untouchable now oh sheesh no Okay I will not go there oh it’s it’s free now I mean he did he um he did the charity thing I guess hey when were you gonna get more uh subscriber guys and viewers we’re gonna make a charity stream for sure I want to make some I want to make a lot

Of Charity actually I think it’s really important so please stay tuned for that it will happen I don’t know which uh charity though yet uh might be a Canadian one because you know I’m Canadian so Oh you did not sleep Alisha what happened are you okay they want me to sing you a lullaby for you to sleep you want me to sing you a lullaby do you want do you want me to sing you a French lullaby actually well it’s probably not French but you know

Okay okay ready ready Something like that you know it is what it is it’s just my dumb voice singing some lullabies I’m actually starting to hurt oh it’s getting harder throat is getting hard I’m quite sick you see beautiful yes it was beautiful you liked it huh are you asleep now you fell asleep

Yo I can I eat those berries I can’t eat those berries okay I’ll have to go back up now I don’t know how though I’ll try my best a masterpiece yes the Masterpiece of the lullaby foreign as well yeah my stream is boring as well so I

Mean yeah you sleep because of me it’s important is this huh because I’m lost I’m so lost oh I cannot read that sorry buddy I can’t read that so yeah would you like me to stream uh just in Japanese that would be so [ __ ] funny I think we already talked

About this but I think it would be great just using Google Translate be sure to butcher in your in other languages London language Yeah it’s a yeah there’s a there’s another uh As well I don’t know if it’s in English as well but is another one I don’t remember though do I remember how to sing that that’s foreign And try to to get out of here I’m lost Justice last guys oh more torches Bruh Bruh I’m turning in circle oh oh I’m [ __ ] lost uh my thumb my my my thumb my thumb where are you I’m here how are you sir thank you ding dong yeah it seems similar right

Oh it’s here all right I found my way back oh the transition is uh Priceless let’s just say that foreign Okay let’s go further now let’s go even Beyond okay do I have other pickaxes no okay I have to get out soon well time to get out though do you do you remember what I said I was going to stream tomorrow because I don’t uh that would be great if you do

Do you want me to play fortnite or Sims I don’t remember I think it was one of those two but which oh yeah huh it’s kind of cool though oh this is kind of cool oh this is cool sorry you mean uh VC face is laggy yeah face it like you

It’s time to go farm guys oh did you watch the new season of finland’s uh Finland guys it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s okay the last episode ended in the [ __ ] uh Cliffhanger I’m so [ __ ] mad I was like this is illegal that should be allowed what is this [ __ ]

Yeah so I was sad I think it’s eight right eight or four as Memphis wine hi Intruder hi how you doing that’s all God damn it why you keep having me with this [ __ ] where’s the engine oh I don’t know I didn’t feel like to put that on camera now

You just wanted to see my hand jump right that’s the only thing you wanted oh you just came to say hello how high in Jordan yeah hello you missed my chibi model you missed my chibi model it was pretty funny but it’s okay next time to plant some stuff

Hey I got it but it’s weird uh it’s fine I got you with my jump scare it’s my only goal here no no no no their goal here is to be uh I don’t know be Intruder I guess yeah it’s time to go plant some stuff do I have them all

I have more iron that’s for sure I might stop soon uh swimming guys because uh I’m getting really hungry and I kind of you know watch anime I kind of wanted to watch anime uh it was really fun though I really enjoyed my time playing uh Minecraft

It’s been a long time since I’ve enjoyed playing Minecraft thanks to you guys I did uh I’m really happy about it thank you very much Yeah I appreciate it yeah Breeze yes yes please yes you can you can have fun oh I know you I know you’re you’re just sarcastic about this but yeah 225 it’s a great number someday someday we’ll get uh we’ll get that growth you know right now it’s as slow as my hair growth

But you know it is what it is Oh you can charge my master Android already tried to find my Instagram and he didn’t there’s not juice anymore in it I’m pretty sure if there isn’t if you find it uh keep it to yourself guys please will be great the thing you found intruder is the camera when it fell okay

It showed in an angle where you could only see the bottom of my face so it’s normal that you did not see hair I’m not bald stop people are gonna start to believe you like you have to stop for real this is gonna be a problem if you continue to be honest stop

I might be bald someday to be honest As I Grew Older but right now I’m nuts so I don’t deserve this this this this this uh how would you say that the Slender yeah I had the also a weird beard yeah yeah I had little drone to to uh

Unevenly unevenly does it that make sense right unevenly foreign I mean if you expect my beard to be what color black Ginger when it’s long and it’s blonde when it’s uh short Victoria oh it’s been so long since we’ve seen uh um but did you find it well

Did you if you did you can say you can say whatever um all right let’s just see Instagram foreign well I’m not connected [ __ ] that there’s a lot of people keep uh oh like sharing the thing on Twitter that I stream Minecraft but nobody’s showing up what the hell wait uh

Uh no bro why is your chibi model also feminine yeah I mean it’s um it is what it is man it is what it is what you want me to do about it that’s how it may that’s how it was made yeah no I removed yours completely of this uh on my um

Of my Instagram so I don’t think you’ll be able to find it all right let’s go into this thing uh okay I might be oh my God so with this slate I think I might stop guys uh I just realized I have stuff to do are you okay with that as Memphis wine

Do you want me to continue because I I have to stop kinda why you wish you could find it um Victoria why people are so obsessed to know how I look like you know it doesn’t make sense to me no I can’t understand why though

You have is my Instagram okay what it is send me a DMs why why I’m I’m juice I’m just juice I’m exactly oh yeah right right right okay right uh it’s gonna be a bald man of course it is what yeah you’ll be a yeah your [ __ ] uh what I was saying um

I’m my character uh but you know with cat ears actually that’s what I look like and also more masculine of course of course I want to do a duck here why do I have fans this is going to be a duck here soon oh there’s a hole here with mineral

Minerals let’s go give me this [ __ ] inspired At least please I don’t want to be here okay it’s gonna play yeah I think I’m gonna and the Stream and just chill for the rest of the day uh like um let my throat a little bit of a bridge posted my Instagram uh where is it I don’t have this code open

That’s not me this is not me oh you’re funny um yeah this is not me of course oh this is funny though oh okay oh okay okay I’ll end the stream now all right uh all right cool that was really good if you find me I’ll I’ll tell you if you

Find my Instagram and you show it to me and it’s my Instagram I’ll I’ll told you I’ll tell you it’s me but I’ll give you a hint don’t look for bald people because I’m not bald okay guys I was really great I really appreciate my time today we were a lot uh until

We’re nuts but we were a lot of people today it was pretty great I loved it and I’ll pass you tomorrow uh I still don’t know what I’m gonna stream tomorrow it’s between uh could you do a poll in the Discord Intruder for me please uh it’s between fortnite Sims and uh

I don’t know trackmania add those three then add those three I don’t know add those three and we fortnite all right do the polls still and uh we’ll see what wins but it’s probably gonna be fortnite because uh everybody wants to join to join me and

You know everybody wants me to play a battle royale and I like it so I’m gonna probably play fortnite for night so tomorrow I’ll see you tomorrow uh I’m gonna try to announce the tier list for next Wednesday uh be sure to follow my Twitter so you can actually see when and

Where and how it will happen and yeah it’s gonna make uh we’re gonna try our best through that shared us all right bye guys have a good day does Memphis wine it was your host juice juice I did a great time and now I’m just gonna say whoa I’m so small wow

So small I’m falling I’ve fallen I can’t get up my God what happened bye have a great day

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】LET’S MINE AND CHILL WITH LO-FI YOU DOWN 😀 ?’, was uploaded by JOUSS Ch.🍁 on 2023-01-25 19:05:15. It has garnered 73 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:31 or 11551 seconds.

NYAHELOOO I wanted to go and find diamond… I need shiny stuff heheh you can say hello if you want 😀 I will need it minecraft is just so chill ================================================================ 😺If you want to subscribe 😺 ================================================================ WANNA SEE ANOTHER VIDEO ? ================================================================ TO PUT SOUNDS ON MY STREAM LIVE !

command (it works sometimes) !throw !BONK !hydrate ================================================================ SOCIAL




THRONE ================================================================ Donnation… don’t do it unless you really want to

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  • Crafty Minecraft: Dinner Bill Dilemma

    Crafty Minecraft: Dinner Bill Dilemma In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan brings laughter, like a joyful dream. Animations that sparkle, with humor so bright, Bringing happiness to all, day and night. With each video shared, a smile is guaranteed, As Fangkuaixuan’s talent is truly a need. So subscribe and follow, for more fun and delight, In the world of Minecraft, where everything’s just right. Read More

  • Farm Disguise Surprise: Minecraft Edition

    Farm Disguise Surprise: Minecraft Edition In Minecraft, disguise your farms with style, No need to hide them behind a wall of stone, that’s vile. Modify tutorials to fit your world just right, Show off your creations, let them shine bright. It took 31 hours of animating, over 4 months of time, But now I’m back, ready to share this rhyme. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show, Minecraft farming tips, let’s make them glow! Read More

  • Double Trouble PVP Showdown

    Double Trouble PVP Showdown Minecraft: A World of Blocks, Creatures, and Adventure Minecraft is a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the world. With its unique blend of creativity, exploration, and survival, players are free to shape their own virtual worlds using blocks of various materials. Whether you’re building a towering castle, exploring deep caverns, or battling fearsome creatures, there’s always something new to discover in Minecraft. The Power of Blocks Blocks are the building blocks of Minecraft, quite literally. Players can use different types of blocks to construct anything their imagination can conjure up. From simple houses to intricate… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days with ONE BAMBOO

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  • Double Trouble: Guess the Build Challenge!

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  • Crafting a Redstone Timer in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Furniture Mod for Minecraft PE!

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  • “Minecraft’s Crazy Surprise! LOL” #humor #memes

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  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure ft. Homie: Phoenix Flare!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Comeback by Ayunda Risu!

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  • Insane Minecraft Hacks for Epic Builds And Survival

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  • SHOCKING! Green Among Us Traitor Revealed!! #shorts

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  • ResGamingInc All The Mods 9

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  • sVanilla Survival SMP Semi-Anarchy PvP Crossplay Enabled No Crystal PvP

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  • EdenMC

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  • Minecraft Memes – Dirt OP AF

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    CURSED TENGE TENGE CAR BATTLE ROYALE! 🔥😂 When you’re just trying to play Minecraft but suddenly find yourself in a high-stakes car battle with Tenge Tenge…talk about unexpected twists in gameplay! #shorts #minecraft #meme #scary #tengetenge Read More

  • EPIC Upgrades to My Survival Minecraft Base!

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  • Sneaky Muslim Dog in Minecraft

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  • Uncover the Secret to Mastering Blockbench for Minecraft

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  • Escape Choo-Choo Charles with JJ & Mikey

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  • Unbelievable: Jiraiya Boss in Sage Mode! Minecraft Naruto Mod Epi 7

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  • Minecraft 1.21 Witch Loot BUFF is INSANE!

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  • UNBELIEVABLE: Insane Moments in BlocksMC Minecraft Gameplay!

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  • 🔥 Ultimate subway surfers game hacks revealed! 🔥

    🔥 Ultimate subway surfers game hacks revealed! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘jaan meri ja rahi sanam || subway surfers game || #shorts #subwaysurfers #games #ytshorts #E’, was uploaded by Gaming shorts for you on 2024-05-10 01:31:00. It has garnered 431 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. subway surfers game || #shorts #subwaysurfers #games #ytshorts #short #viral #V games minecraft gta 5 gta5 poki game pokemon online games car games gta v gaming pubg chess subway surfers free games video game solitaire steam rummy valorant rummy circle the last of us ninja pokemon cards gta ludo king dinosaur game… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Comeback LIVE with Lapine Ch. 🐰🌙

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  • Ultimate Showdown: Panda vs Golem | Epic Minecraft Battle

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  • Whisper: Old Minecraft Looks INCREDIBLE now! #minecraft #shorts

    Whisper: Old Minecraft Looks INCREDIBLE now! #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is Old Minecraft Looking Better? #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Whisper on 2024-02-27 23:15:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Have you been feeling nostalgic lately toward old Minecraft? Well, I’ve been. I think Golden Age Minecraft has better atmosphere … Read More

  • LancerMC

    LancerMCWelcome to LancerMC! A towny based server centered around econmomy, where you can play however you want. We have a very friendly and supportive community, come join us! Read More

  • Celestria SMP Java 1.20.4 Dynmap Earth Geopolitical Nations

    Welcome to The World Of Celestria Welcome to The World Of Celestria, a minecraft geopolitical server focused on different gameplay styles. Whether you’re a builder, roleplayer, lore writer, PvPer, or anyone else, you are welcome to join our server. Earth is your canvas here, where you can create your own nation, join one, form a cult or religion, create guilds and businesses, and more. Rise to the top and make your mark on the history of Celestria. Join Us Now: Read More

  • Mihion – Bring’s the game ON!

    Mihion - Bring's the game ON!We have a lot of fun on our server and gamers have many possibility’s.The Staff is always trying to be on from Discord where for we can chat with gamer and much more!Mihion is the server to be ON – If you like Mcmmo – vanilla – Creative – Play to Win!We have 4 servers one Mcmmo survival based and an Hardcore survival In this two servers gamers have the possibility to rankup after Mcmmo power and on the other one Money from Jobs and XP. This will give andtaveges on both servers and on the Creative server in witch… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft squad goals, amirite

    Looks like these friends are really digging each other’s company in Minecraft! Read More

  • Squid Island Seed: Minecraft’s Hidden Treasure!

    Squid Island Seed: Minecraft's Hidden Treasure! In the world of Minecraft, a Squid Island we found, Exploring the depths, with blocks all around. The seed was a mystery, hidden from sight, But we cracked the code, with all of our might. Join us on this journey, through oceans and land, As we uncover the secrets, with a shovel in hand. The Cow Town Wiki, a treasure trove of lore, Helped us navigate, and discover much more. So grab your pickaxe, and join in the fun, As we explore Squid Island, under the sun. Subscribe to our channel, for more Minecraft delight, And together we’ll journey,… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Adventure! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video showcasing some amazing Minecraft maps that you can play with your friends. While these maps are undeniably fun, we couldn’t help but think – why not take your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a vibrant and exciting server like Minewind? Minewind offers a unique and thrilling gameplay experience that you won’t find anywhere else. With a dedicated community of players, frequent events, and a wide range of custom features, Minewind is the… Read More

  • EPIC XP & Enderpearl Farm – Minecraft 1.21

    EPIC XP & Enderpearl Farm - Minecraft 1.21 Creating the Ultimate XP and Enderpearl Farm in Minecraft 1.21 Are you ready to take your Minecraft game to the next level? In this video, you’ll learn how to create the most insane XP and Enderpearl farm imaginable. Located in The End, this farm utilizes Endermen to help you reach level 30 in just one minute! Get ready to dive into the world of high-level farming and efficiency. How to Build the Farm To start building your ultimate XP and Enderpearl farm, head to The End and locate a suitable area to set up your farm. Make sure to… Read More