Kaela Kovalskia Ch. hololive-ID – 【Minecraft】#1 dedication #KaelaNB69 (247 debris)【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】

Video Information

Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign If you’re still sleepy just sleep I mean if you can’t sleep just leave right ultimate flexing art let’s go what ultimate reflective art Good morning good morning I need sleep yeah yeah just please sleep if you really need to sleep foreign Sucky I’m okay cool Kyle is the goddess of no no no no no no I’m not the goddess of Minecraft no no no no no no arigato Um The Journey began Oh hello thank you for being awesome as always color your strips are nice to have in the background when I’m at work I’m became so loud really oh it’s loud because it’s double okay now it’s not that loud okay okay Allies dedicated like we are dead Debbie Kylie daddy Kyle likes to her get some help Laughs voice wrong and now my back hurts and I cannot walk what you’re good enjoy your here sometimes oh no it’s still golden I wish you a fast recovery done right yeah oh no I I hope you’re okay um Oh okay so what’s about today’s plan today’s plan right we’re gonna uh the target of each netherite we cannot don’t call it let’s call it knb six nine right um every single stream of the knb six line gonna be like targeting 120 uh ancient debris but but um

Just keep it slow for this week because I still have my um what’s it called uh my relatives like I mean the family activities is still there right so just keep it slow like um if I just need to stop then we’ll stop okay um

So I say it to my relatives that today I can stream until yeah around three La yeah I try to negotiate with my relatives that um I need to start my knb six nine and then I said um no no I I didn’t say that I want to play Minecraft and streaming

Okay I just I just say that I think I only can go around afternoon to evening uh today so yeah yeah but but uh but because I think we cannot reach the 120 by today so I already started kind a bit kind of bit um last night

Yeah so I started already and I think I got already like around when he so the goal is like 100 but I don’t know if I can get hundred by three here We’re already saying goodbye to the city hey remember that the last stream I said that this is the last chance to see the city this is the last time to see the sun it’s actually right because we started already we can still be too loud okay maybe it’s now okay

You can get thousands no the thing is um I don’t know if later on I will move on to grind in the new Surfer because I think the new server engine debris is like a lot right but it’s I think it’s kind of impossible to gut like

All the 5 500 from the new server so I started this um in the whole ID server and it’s not uh it’s not a lot like it’s so little ancient debris yeah we’ll see we’ll see you can do it you have oral thank you Lafayette and then we first you guys Hmm yeah uh sorry relatives I need to see a lot of contacts get some help tabita and then Olive I hope you are having a good day I certainly am thank you for your streams thank you so much for the support thank you thank you thank you okay let’s go let’s start

I bet I’m the only one here okay yep uh wait wait there is no sound other side hold on Ouch that’s good okay get some help huh what after that biglin hits me and not wiggling what is that I don’t know and then it just died what what We show you once and give he very no no no it’s because of my turns I think but is it like that hurt oh jet good morning no mommy mommy you had a busy day good luck with the kmb project thank y’all Thank you yeah what what an opening is that I cannot uh I cannot deck here because it’s already like lava everywhere let’s go it’s already a thousand X and minus thousand y y z minus y g positive X maybe we can understand oh no this is not good foreign

Make sure you will survive there I mean do not die oh yeah yeah we’re going to we try to go on positive X and negative Z okay um I deserve oh this is a fairy hey thank you Naga for your luck I thank you so much Foreign yeah I’m also grinding the gold all together with the cards and the debris Now I can go sleep thanks Carla yeah yeah enjoy your rest Yeah why so Looking good looking good looking pretty good okay Oh yeah by the way I will not count okay because these are gonna be like Chop Chop need to be fast okay there’s no time um we cannot waste any time I’ll just put randomly Why just because I don’t know like I mean you’re gonna go crazy like counting for like uh thousand no power it’s gonna be like a thousand dollars thank you ah give me three give me three why only one okay at least be great for Kyle at least be great for oopsie cool cool

Naga you’re welcome buddy since tonight will I came in for my life oh no tomorrow you’re gonna go back and I’m taking all of your luck right now wow but be safe okay be safe take care safe flight Get some help get some help Yeah happy happy Jalan Have you guys eaten your practice yet I haven’t eaten my breakfast because you know it’s still like um build um a lot of food still closed so I think I will have my breakfast yeah I will order my breakfast thing around and maybe I don’t know and just let’s see what I’m

I will be feeling hungry Guys what Is breakfast oh that’s good like the hot one right perfect breakfast It’s nice to add a long day of work with a new Minecraft stream yeah thank you let’s just chill and enjoy the rest of the night then I think I should go back to the next episode Minecraft stream I hear the name Kyla mentioned at least two or three times generally in regards to resources that they are looking at you really have become the person no no no okay you know what talking about the the temple right if you saw the poor summer and Watami Senpai stream

Talking about the Sheep talking about the ship suddenly appearing in my temple and then ah and then the Lost alley like the one that hoyeri senpai gave to me and then also like my two alleys that went missing right like I mean you know there are a lot of uh

Uh scary scary things mysterious things happen in my temple and I don’t know why and um And then you know uh last night get some help and then last night also get some help no you get some help thank you 56. and then um what is that uh last night right before last night I tried to clean up and finish all of the requests in the

Temple right like I mean when cleanup means um I’m clearing all of the I’m taking all of the books putting on the wall right all of the books renaming all of the items And put it on the wall get some help right and then you know what I saw another Olay there’s like one Alay that is not named and that was not name um why not give me gold huh give me gold give me gold Already took all of the is that the price marine and the sea lantern but I don’t know why she left like two blocks of the prismarine I don’t know why why why I left like two And then yeah so all of the prince marine and the sea lantern is already gone so maybe koyori Senpai came back and maybe I don’t know maybe he cannot she couldn’t find the police that she gave me and then she put another one maybe I don’t know

That’s a lot of mysterious things going on in the temple and I got no idea which feels like so scary Pizza gets home health I’ll take my gold and anything else we want get some help get get some help on fit it’s really haunted right yeah even Kyle is afraid of what’s his Creed get some help so mysterious I think I have ever mentioned about the Sheep like

Um the ships that are in the in my temple before like I said um why there is a ship like it’s just like uh Sheep or ship ships ships no it’s it’s good uh yeah that’s cheap animal animal yeah I have ever slightly mentioned about the ship uh on my in my temple but I’ve I I didn’t even check like whether it’s it got a name tag or not because I didn’t expect

Um they’re gonna be like someone’s animals uh chilling around in my temple area so yeah so it’s kind of like a little bit surprising that it’s actually someone’s animals I mean if uh poor someone senpai were actually confused why they ended up there I’m also confused why they just keep and just chilling around in the temple area Maybe yeah another word is probably blocking the name and then and then the one who found out about the name is actually

The owner which is nice they got caught ha ha the EXP sound is so satisfying the sacrifice no no no no no no Wait I I checked the mess I see first first go for the breeze mine is tour let’s go hola hola Satria a new night stream oh man but wait it’s mean to give time to watch the video and you’re welcome the storage room you built for the girl

And wild her with the aquarium store that I didn’t know you installed what do you mean you didn’t know huh let me Kylie you have a shrine Maiden yeah Friend it’s rain it’s dry Maiden um kinda kinda I’m so happy and hey I’m so happy and then the diverse is like there yeah I’m so happy that okay Senpai helped me to promote the temple like um she really get a lot for the temple too

Like I’m I’m very blessed and I feel motivated 40 feet Is so much I mean she’ll need to go into the temple with some Solace much sticks to see what kind of ghosts is haunting and like this is fire Oh I don’t know a lot of mysterious things happen in the temple weird but okay hello Omega good morning oopsie Yeah about the book about the book that I gave to a fire Senpai right it’s actually um Is that called it’s actually just a like the way I say thank you because you know when uh I don’t know if you know but um sent me the gift before she she even she even gave me the trident right the enchanted Trident and I feel like I just felt really really touched

Because of that gift like I’m just being honored like but and then I and then I just want to say like thank you but I don’t know what to give right and then um I feel like oh yeah maybe um maybe I can contacts I don’t know

Because it just felt like very special like um Senpai kind of helped me a lot too yeah yeah oh I I saw uh I I watched her making the map art but not until finish it’s uh this midnight she finally finished it we yeah I only watch until um almost Fitness almost finished

Um the text already finished the characters already finished uh uh I only watch until she almost finished the white part yeah the white wall but didn’t manage to finish because I need to like you know to sleep because I need to wake up like quite early She was repaying you for this yeah but I mean uh she said that want to repay but um I feel like it’s just somewhat so um heartwarming to give the Trident that she got so hard so I feel like somehow um I don’t know maybe I just got emotional because of that

Yeah because it’s just like um kinda too much Uh there is stalker you really need to get some help yes I hope you will find the better way in life I will I will put the TNT whenever I met Lafayette so if there is no laugh I’ll just stream mine first Amazing and asking for offerings and sacrifices get some help hey there why do you feel like followers no no no I’m not required I’m not recruiting followers hello which server is this this is the ID one that’s why if this is the new server maybe that maybe I found it a lot

Already but this is not the new server yeah See there is no right okay we just chill we’re gonna explode the whole nether Hello hello hello Why not she’ll touch because uh silk touch will not um we we cannot get The Mending uh by doing the silk touch I mean we cannot get the oh that’s the debris we cannot get the EXP and the silk clutch will not even last long and I have the the what

There will be not enough so touch pickaxe in this journey because we are not coming back at all no no I mean at least until the end E I ran out of time uh but yeah silk touch will not last long so and and

I oh that’s more than one and I bring a lot of um shulkers already I I clear out all of my under chests to put um empty shelters for the journey already so I think we’re good we have the storage to store all of the items the parts and pulled no worries I bring almost uh one chakras of TNT I know that’s not get some help a lot but at least that’s okay good enough Hershey mix with ASMR while working thanks a lot you’re welcome good love with your work foreign That’s just how Kyla’s work right all of the things doing all of the things all together because why not Um are you excited for another Diablo better release in a few weeks yeah of course I will play that um Foreign Get some help hello a few days yesterday ago uh no I I I I read the news about that but no Did you watch it it will be so good the first and trick will be applied to the ancient debris I know that’s the art of engine debris isn’t it right to make it more um sure I need him have you watched oshinoku the new anime well um I’m sorry but

I’m sorry but you know what I’m still even trying to find a find a time to sleep and to play other games there’s a lot of things to do I know I don’t have time like trying to find out time to balance the sleep and the work the games the stream is just already hard enough But yeah I I learned that um that’s a very great anime looking at the hype Good morning Halloween you have a nice day today good luck with this theme to stand I saw the eclipse with my mom a few years ago it was so beautiful last time I saw something so beautiful was March 26 2022 um you really need to get

Some help I know what are you referring to I know um Debris please give me the breeze we’re gonna destroy the ID leather first and then we can go to the other Surfer nether The game 0101 Carla cannot find enough time to do everything the school yourself to do other things simple and reasonable requests right yeah yeah if only I can do that You have flown I mean if only to be a ski a grand mile of Ella can do other things for me but somebody just can’t Thank you I don’t forget to stop chewing on the cables and help you I know right But somehow 2K is not real hello and this is foreign lava everywhere stop hurting us Ella no I’m just stating the fact that Shakira is not real stop hello guys Um share my offering here is my offering some help to the cool Kyla no beautiful no samasama please don’t lend me your power of Granny I will need it really need to get some help some help but thank you so much yeah I mean grinding is a very very satisfying

Things to do right please uh need the right tools right yeah suddenly Kai lamps yellow Um get some help Kyle said herself Is just like you do is real yeah I never see that dial is not real Um foreign Even better all right this lava is not nice foreign Not found so bad don’t make me going to the new server nether just please don’t make me do that if I have enough with this ID server I’ll go to the new server I don’t want to get that I want to book no life we really need to get some help

Okay that’s a debris there We spare the new circle out there I think I really need to ask M24 new server like new resource server I mean because new server got many many debris but not with the old one kinda Is n’t really listen really the 120 oh look at that look at that oh that’s four one two three four our sign hi Carlos member Oh that’s five mm-hmm oh oh oh oh oh oh you know when I roasted something it just show up right it’s still working in Minecraft I roasted the broken things it got fixed I roasted the leather that just happened That’s a hell of a power you have I know and then I mean sometimes I just being scared because of that it doesn’t make any sense but okay I mean I’m not even complaining See yeah It’s actually a good idea spawning weeder and matter Visa Foreign will be died because of the Laffer yes no oh No the weather can destroy the ancient debris I don’t think so foreign that’s actually I can save a lot of time by doing that you know Winter is aiming to lack of water is that Papa um Foreign um It will it will gonna be difficult to do okay I’m sorry I’m using begins with the crafting table because I just uh for saving inventory get some help the weather can destroy oh the wind can be strange in the bridge then Withers stronger than water maybe don’t do it yay A um foreign Kill ER Ohio good morning Lava please be nice Not complaining though Okay yes my name is come on me You know foreign I mean even even if I already like prepare the potion here the totem here right when the big Lane tried to hit me I still can read that someone say um use golden boots like no need like you know sometimes when you’re just uh being too safe It’s just not fun you know and the thing is if we kill the pigland sometimes we can also get the gold so it’s a high foreign He was chilling uh yeah I mean it was just not in the right time standing there I guess I just want to show you that I can get the gold from them no I forgot there is something oh Bye um give me more than one hello thank you so much for the membership gift We are talking about my relatives right you know let’s talk about the relatives last night after I reach home right I was like scrolling uh uh Instagram right pulling scrolling Instagram and then I found out Said I was like shop so actually um one of my cousins one of my cousins um are actually um is actually an artist right as artistic art is doing art not artists um playing in the movie no because because I need to explain that because um artists in Indonesians mean um

Are these artists artists Indonesia actor actor actor yeah Celebrated celebrating artists in Indonesian means celebrating this actually is celebrated um then I found out that she actually uh you know she’s been oh I just realized all of this time you know I just realized that she did uh a lot of fan arts for the YouTuber community and then I was like

Um Yeah and then I was like oh And then um uh my cousin right so uh who two two days ago I think yeah two days ago two days ago her parents just came to my house yeah uh but but she’s not there lucky she was not there because because I don’t know I I already hide all of the

I already I already hate all of the merch and blah blah blah but it’s just like I don’t know and just being anxious It’s already like it’s uh I think I don’t know I think she knew uh be tubers more than me I guess because she started doing fan art like a long long long time ago already and like I don’t know it’s just scary to find out that explain your monitor for Thailand Commission

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no There’s a weevil I don’t know but it feels like um it feels like she knows better than me we talk quite a lot like I mean when we met each other we quite talk we talk quite a lot but I just never knew that actually um that actually is she uh She knows about future stuff I had no idea at all and the more I think about it right what if she actually auditioned for Gen 4. but but I mean uh I mean uh we will find out right we we will find out about that later right maybe just it’s just so scary

Yeah oh no That’s the worst scenario ever right yeah oh no please just don’t I mean I don’t know this is so scary you know actually um I have uh knowing me I actually plan already like uh I planned about like I plan the answer about if my friends ask me about like uh

Housework and blah blah blah like that right I already planned how to answer that but I have never planned about like suddenly out of nowhere usually relatives are just like asking me about a um what are you working right now what’s your work what’s your job right now and

Then I already got the uh proper answer for that one right but I have never thought that suddenly out of nowhere my cousin gonna be like asking me hey are you Kyla and then I was like the knowledge of that maybe I should prepare the answer Account for maybe not that easy we have lots of YouTubers um no but actually um it’s actually closer than you think yeah uh it’s actually closer than you think yep oh I just cannot go into details but get some help this will get clear and she’ll put towards Someone been travel oh no I know well it’s all gonna fight on in somewhere or some cases I’m just I’m leaving I lift my peaceful life this one year oh just let me take the gold Get some help let me go no I already saw this before and didn’t realize for me at Fort Hello that’s when you tell them get some help yeah I mean if if I think if she asked me hey are you Kyle and then I will say like get some help Hmm but I mean there’s nothing to think there is nothing much to worry actually because if she’s been in the I mean if she’s been in the future Community uh I think she already know the rules I guess sometimes it’s just more risky to let someone knows about the YouTuber stuffs to someone that don’t really understand how the future Community works you know the rules and so do I he doesn’t you always have that half let’s just I don’t know like actually

If my relatives know about that it’s actually fine too but it’s just my personal reference you know um leaving all of the rules behind blah blah blah for me it’s just like for me it’s just like personal reference like I don’t know like just let me be doing whatever I want to

Do you know How does it feel having a secret identity I don’t know I just I I just I enjoy it like because I’m not the type of person that uh what’s that called you know I I still want to I love streaming right but I want to um

Have my privacy on public areas like I mean I just wanna you know if it’s like being the celebrity they just don’t have like the public privacy anymore like they need to like look at their clothes whenever they come out from the house right I still want to have like when

Whenever I go like uh family activities like I’m doing it right now I’m doing it like this week right and I want to like just leave me alone you know like yeah like I don’t want people to uh suddenly out of nowhere like when I’m

Uh having my family time I don’t want to be bothered something like that Because I feel like it’s just not fair for my family like I’ve been like very busy the whole day the whole year and then I just want to spend time with them and then if suddenly out of nowhere like um I just want them to have the Privacy to that’s all yeah

So if you ask me like how is it fail to have the secret identity I just enjoyed doing that yeah I’m so glad that I have the chance to be like having this job I’m gonna tell anyone I’m Batman Even if they know right I mean I don’t know because I have friends that already asked me like hey are you are you are you Kyla like that right and then I I still keep saying no like because I just I don’t know it’s just personal preference like I mean

If you know you know then you know like um it’s just hard to say yes this spider in real life even better Chris play IR La have friends oh no Kayla has friends all of this time she betrayed us oh no saying oh I I I I I still keep saying no and then uh I’m just that lucky to have why is it so bright is there any love oh it looks suspicious

That’s Basalt Delta already I don’t want to go there and I’m just being lucky that um my friends stop asking me that stop forcing me to answer uh after I said no I think I just got a good friends I guess My salt muscle Foreign get some help Would you present to be a manager as a last resort uh not really because uh I mean they will try like you know relatives gonna be like uh maybe it’s just like maybe maybe they just found out that from I don’t know maybe random places right or maybe when they just strolling

Instagram YouTube and then suddenly out of nowhere maybe they just saw me from the clips or whatsoever right and then if I say that yeah I just you know I’m not Kyla but I just the manager like in whole life right it will make them to uh

Search more about whole life and I feel like um it’s just too risky it’s better it’s better for them not to know anything about that That’s just taking your own grave right yeah yeah yeah yeah no no no I don’t think that’s a good idea oh you know they’re in the chair run No no no no no no no no no no no no that’s not happening still seven Thursday I think it’s still safe to say about all of this kind of things um in the morning I guess because she’s an art is right there’s no way that

She wake up this early and watch my stream no and judging by uh her oh she right I feel like maybe maybe I’m just not the type of um her preference I think Nah not telling you privacy until Ella is happier like a morning say good morning for us as long as you keep using that voice changer on stream they won’t be able to fight no I’m not Kyla I’m on Kyla Right wait I need to eat foreign Way already full again The fortune tree Just Wings wonder I just did wonders I think fortune 3 a lot imagine the ancient debris can be like that right but it’s just too good to be true Do you smoke a thank you what if your customer along the way no no no no no it’s gonna be like that right no no no stay I’m going no no no no no no no Get some help um it cannot be it cannot be a lot of people um saying that I need to collect the gold right I mean the goat is easy to call like actually right look at this we will never will never have like um will never have not enough glue we’ll have more Ouch ouch no more gold for me food there is no quartz I need to put this You can spend a lot of gold with big limb bargains yeah I mean we can build like the gacha machine right the gacha machine oh bye-bye pigland hi gold root what do you mean rude what do you expect save him No gold Gold why you gotta be sold why you gotta be so true oh oh Andy Andy you’re dropping gold too teleport la la la why you gotta be so rude You watch him die what do you mean what do you expect poor water or water to him Good Ness so many weird things happen get some help Foreign It’s gonna prolong your pick that as a break Been hooked to Carlos empty streams and clips that I have dreams of mc2 not sure where the color is heard of No Man’s Sky it’s another game that you can grind roughly sources and build maybe you can try next time no man’s Sky I’ll take note bloody emperor Let’s go let’s continue enough playing you know what I think I will do some strip mine this Is ancient debris I I look away well time for me to back the real of this deal later See you later and hope you can reach the target thank you thank you good luck thank you thank you good luck with your work too like what kind of Vlog is that finding finding attention debris in the wow Delta is a miracle Nice thank you yeah let’s do our Duarte but I don’t think there’s gonna be like Thank you so much for your membership Delta bought me like that it’s a very short one small um Wow not like that I said a good day thank you foreign I need to go positive X and negative Z but okay Membership Diamond membership foreign this black stone looks like I don’t know the pattern feels like ancient debris just imagine if all of this is ancient debris right That only will have a heart attack no I mean you know all these Senpai is uh reaching Zen already right peace in mind she drank a lot of water already balls I love you Ali senpai foreign After I mentioned her name I got a ancient debris and Basel Deltas that’s amazing laughs It’s actually real hard to find them ancient the green doesn’t help as you know if you know you know that if you don’t know let me tell you that don’t stop talking about holiday wow don’t do that I guess too much blood stresses since so yeah I mean

I’m just doing a fairy grid straight line here At this rate I don’t know if actually the curse you color cavalls case actually occurs because I’m taking that as a blessing membership gifts thank you thank you thank you it’s like it’s a blessing uh-huh if only she said like bless you cry like

A wolf get me with us gonna be like a curse but since it’s like a curse you colorful kids it feels like it’s a plastic for me you damn right yeah yeah the more you know always still mad at me because I battled to use he even told me this morning

Still wants me to stop the lucky so I go to Ella to get something on how to stop loose thin don’t make things up Justin too good is not a one cat hello I’m not a god I think I think that I said that the basil Delta is

Like I said that it was a small bust out Delta and then this is feels like never ending basa Delta I already like go for 400 block siding it’s already 600 it’s starting from 1000. Water carries shoot for only but not performance stand the loose and somehow against Just a waste a waste of resources but I mean it’s okay I got like is it five engine debris in the muscle Delta that’s already like too much to us you know it’s a lot foreign Let me check my phone no mama L asked me whether I already ordered not yet Let me order food You know foreign wait let me see is there any mukidi breakfast menu breakfast let’s see Kitty breakfast menu Or breakfast breakfast okay let’s see good muffin oh why it needs to be my mom hot cakes oh it’s a pancake I don’t know what to do what is this drink or coffee no no no um foreign But it’s too sweet like I know you know it’s gonna be like too sweet Oh no the choice of the drinks oh man Get somehow are you ordering Jonah and Ryan get some help The muffin is good no Or the muffin good I wanna try but monies the muffin is sweet What oh no um because if I’m eating rice it will last longer I mean I’m not gonna be hungry for the next six hours But I don’t know what to order the drinks there’s like a lot of I think just ordered a la carte I’m happy with um water Oh okay remove from I am so weird no shredded chicken no scramble and no fried onion no summer Tracy if if I remove all then it become like only Nasi right even better because I really need to focus on reading this I have ever uh ordered a plain

Burger because I’m not reading it well get some help their song Or Another um what should I do extra shredded chicken extra scrambled egg extra fried onion extra summer Tracy plain tomato wait there is already a remove from Nasi or Duke I am so weird no shredded chicken

No scramble ain’t no fried onion and then extra foreign and plain is it a reputation Like if I if I choose plane it’s gonna be only rice in the sea well I could be like Thank you is that a magic spell oh no no no no okay just ordered La okay and pasta hello loading Priority oh no wait wait the ABS is like legging you’re in Alabama good day good day here’s how to get a lot of last time let’s touch your nose with your pinky and hop Street pass on one foot through story you’re really doing that rain elephant loading loading okay the the daily free Is more than half of the food price Yeah let’s order And Mama Ella will help me to take the food please Mama I’ll ask me to order the food right now because they say that uh you’re gonna be busy in the next hour so they really need to orbit the food right now or else there’s no one gonna take the food plane

Thank you so thank you so much I hope then let’s get away from you all good all good all good all good I mean if I Zen lost the one that gonna be met is totally oh it’s gonna be you guys we’re gonna be mad please Come highly Um thank you for the luck oh finally I got six from the bus of Delta like getting six without any TNT feeling so good Um hey Carla did you know that is not only the lucky star but it is also the patient number as well it’s true is this number what do you mean get some help or get some help get some help then Um yeah a bit oh yeah and interesting yeah get some help The strip mining looking so good huh Evening stream no this is the only stream I will do our door whenever I found um lava oh hi but not that lava I mean the lava needs to be in front of me to stop me from strip mining and now the ID Surfer in Mentor is already becoming my Soul Surfer ID server is my Kyla’s resource server

Where’s the way back Whole server of resources for yourself because the other member can already uh Ryan and the new Surfer so right now I can feel it on Brian in the ID Surfers which is good and I literally ask Amazon for like a new resource server just because I’m done I need natural Beacon

I need a new nether I’m John and John oh looking good strip mining huh immediately getting imagine getting pen is it already 10 more than 10 just sweet stream mining miss one hold on hold on hold on where oh oh thank you so much

I think that’s a sign and a yes from M January Get a server called Kyla’s Resort sir This place is just being too nice with me I just jinx it time Yeah no one can escape me files resourcer for number one assuming there will be morally I think I’ll just like you know chilling around after the night rabbit and art right chill a bit la unch Ed Thank you for a farm I mean I need to wait for una Senpai is calling munition is still busy with the auto store picture Oh yeah by the way this is a one-way Journey so um I have already uh make enough under chest so that it’s a one-way so I can just go whenever I want to go I don’t need to go back and forth like that I’ll just eat away all of the EXP and

Buy who cares about the yeah here right We need to be efficient for energies yeah and if I’m not mistaken I touch the bed um the last time I touched the bed is in my storage room so it’s gonna be like so fast we only go back whenever the TNT I ran

Out of TNT and then just take it the TNT I think the server is not happy with that So yeah I just just gonna eat the TNT from the storage room and then just go back to the network yep yep so that’s the plan oh part only the server knows that stop me right you cannot wait until September October when the nether vegan is finally done

Wow what a very big big big big green well this time here is a cool psychological test result if you stay out loud six numbers between 1 and 56 you can feed it the next time you’ll get hungry go ahead try it no I uh the next time I’ll be hungry is actually

Um five minutes later I you’re taking my luck huh you’re trying to take my life no that’s an empty No debris give me debris I want to take a large Sponge Bob give me a lot Still touch should I should I tell you the here I tell you the why I’m not using any self clutch again no because you know what um I’ve ever tried to use the silk touch right and I feel like I’m losing the motivation to like mining

It’s like a double job you know like mine and uh my you spring chat yeah mine and then like do it again do it again do it again it’s just not my thing doing that and I feel like it’s not efficient just imagine like uh there’s gonna be like I don’t know thousands

Right thousands of because I need to be efficient like uh I’m getting requests for this and that I want to build two I want to I mean I I cannot I cannot I cannot spend the time to do double job like that right here I’m not the silk touch enjoyer and that’s

One of the many many reasons the other reasons is actually I have enough space for all of the things that I do totally not flexing just trying to explain if you don’t have any space and you’re wasting any measures maybe that’s a problem but I’m not um Why not create yeah is that right No because this is not if if you are like if you’re trying to find like um I said If you’re trying to find like yeah one stack debris or like one set of net red armor tools maybe silk touch is still fine but imagine how many

Imagine how many blocks that you need to mind not mind what is that called Grind later destroy yeah no Rewind yeah rewind yeah in all seriousness yeah yeah I’ll make sure I’ll make sure about that but I don’t know uh I I don’t know about if I can get burnout from grinding Ned right I don’t know because when I said I want to do something especially when it’s come to grinding I

Feel like this is something that um I don’t know I feel like I just feel motivated right and want it to be done yeah no matter how long it’s gonna take like I mean if I can be like so dedicated and doing in building the world tree I need to do I need

I need to do the same too right yeah and by doing that we can also like uh motivate more people not only in playing Minecraft right I mean and a lot of other things in life it’s like a motivation it’s like Practical motivation yeah it’s not only about the theory if if but Johnson is only like a theory itself interior of the motivation like just a sweet sweet good words right this is like the true motivation like a practical one I’m motivated nice you miss one miss one what Go back ancient debris on the gravel that area which one I didn’t even see it which one which one this one oh that’s not even one thank you so much how you guys can see that But I did it on offstream I already missed that Bingo then wait if I go positive X it’s like going back Okay foreign [Applause] Foreign But I cannot focus without your stream at the background what do you mean you really need to get some help you need to focus on your work hello I think I’m using your stream in the background to hyper Focus hyper Folk After all we just like busy doing whatever things that we’re doing right at the same time yeah we we try to survive this life together yeah just being the hard-working person in the school life together I’m minding my own business and you’re minding your own business Surviving this cruel life is the only goal did I miss one again Foreign Not this one there was a time when Kyle MC stream is the best background for programming oh programming this lava Yeah I mean I don’t know I’m thinking it as a positive um thing like was means um maybe he’s not doing any more programming right now no more project right or what nothing We mentioned the free line Hi Wow Um foreign foreign Oh it’s oh it’s already more than one stack we’re doing good actually um it’s only 8 am right I mean if it finish uh if it’s finished earlier than I mean I can rest a bit until I get for 3 P.M which is good because I will drive again

Or maybe we can grind more than the 120 or the next I mean will Sila we’ll see because I don’t want to jinx it first right now right Okay I wanna I wanna skip the ancient debris and they’re just first just in case if there is anything happen right uh see okay and then Oh and then did you realize the name of the shelter Foreign box called shelter box and this nether sayonara sayonara Street Okay try to save the ancient debris first because that’s the most important one then foreign let me show you all of this it’s all for the quartz and gold I think this is more than enough actually like I mean if I I don’t need to like eat all

Of the Blackstone too because I really need the black stone too right but I don’t know I just don’t like the I think it’s just personal with the black stone I knit it but I just don’t want to keep it so yeah um James Voldemort did you watch the new

Trending animated I’ll no go get some help I think and um for me I know right but I think it’s just a personal thing I’ve done like black stone uh I need to go there right but why is this like Um I don’t know I’ll look judging from the spiral is it like real good or is it like a sarcastic good or or what I don’t know because I’m just looking at the hype Really really good like the real one right the real the real good one right because I don’t know I’m having like a trust issue like when when it usually got um hype like that it’s sometimes it’s because of like sarcastic good yes okay I think gaping it black soon I mean I

Also need Blackstone um but I just cannot maybe not now maybe later if I have enough with all of the gold and the parts ouch Oh that’s nice oh by the way I think the food already came but I just stop one stop but if the rice is not hot anymore I think it’s gonna be like not good So you will see um Foreign restaurant food it depends but I prefer homemade one actually feels more healthy right I don’t really like eating unhealthy because if I keep getting unhealthy food I think that’s just that’s just not good in my situation condition it’s about Min maxing you know said the one who already pins uh you

Know if you if you still if you still say that right I know that you maybe don’t have time to um Watch Me Maybe but it’s okay that’s not your fault I’m just telling you like the fact that actually I can say that um the food that I’m eating actually um far more healthy than you think And if you think that I’m liking the fast food like the burger the pizza like that actually not really because um I mean I don’t I don’t like soda and like the fast food too but sometimes I just need to you know like it’s just it’s just that like there is no other

Choice that I mean I’m streaming like it’s when you don’t have to the time to eat but you just have to eat you know something like that hmm Do I need something first to eat yeah but but I’m still controlling it like I mean the reason why I need to if you ask me like why you stopped for dinner why you stop uh why you don’t stream in the lunch time let’s say right all of the reason is just because

I I don’t want to ask okay I mean I’m I’m avoiding it actually I’m avoiding and like asking I I know that you guys gonna say oh yes okay um it’s fine you can just eat first and blah blah blah I know I know thank you for that but I feel like um

I don’t know it’s sometimes just hard to pause when I’m streaming so it’s like better for me not just to end the stream first and then start again after the dinner or lunch time no dinner is no dinner is mandatory a file will be mine if I’m not

Getting together at dinner but yeah lunch time is just because if I force myself the stream in the lunch time usually yeah usually it’s not gonna be like healthy food because healthy food usually might need to eat it in the dining table morning good morning sorry I’m late man but model number of

Success ready to get some help Negative explosive thank you foreign Your friend is walking towards the TNT and then you attack me you really need to get some help ask your friend why your friend walking through the DND where should I go I should go negative X again fine me that’s not right I don’t want to miss anything ah Perfect that’s just perfect Thank you very very nice let’s see just leave it hello hello good morning I’m very sorry being late how your MCU result is it good I’ll see Aussie Aussie mate thank you um uh good Um yeah Whoopsie no more candy if okay okay here is very very subjective like my okay means I’m in a good hands In good hands so nothing to worry Oh Lying oh can I do this Oh nice All right wow what is A Lava River Thank you so much Foreign Oraga Foreign It is intensive hey Foreign I uh feeling afterwards begin again oh yeah uh Squad Foreign foreign Foreign Like a lot of energy drinks I can say that I can surely say that um you will not feeling as fit as I am I can say that because I mean I have never I’ve never drawn any energy drinks but I know that from a lot of people that drinking it

Uh the after effects after several hours uh the energy drinks it’s just not good you know like I don’t know I don’t know how how it really felt like but yeah oh too much sugar Yeah I mean it’s like it’s gonna be like a only temporary effect right but I mean I’m doing this like every single day like I’m not flexing it but I’m not flexing it okay and I’m not jinx it jinx it but I just want to tell um other people that actually

Um I’m maintaining and I used to like be um doing a lot of sports back then and I’m still doing um small small exercise up until now just because I really do love sports because there is no way like uh there’s no way I can be that’s bad if I’m not maintaining it

Is Yeah I mean because right I’m of I I used to be like a very very very very very active person who loves sports who loves running uh on the field like the minimum day in a week that I used to be in on the field is like four

Days a week it can be like going up to six day per week are you gonna be like taking only one day off because um I used to be like having uh this swimming coach badminton coach and the basketball coach and I was like

Um it’s like just that I used to be like a very active person and if you just ask me to like stress Kyla you need to rest Kylie you need to rest it doesn’t make any sense you know because when I’m not doing something um I just felt like uh I was like

Feeling like um unproductive and it’s just bad like uh I will feel like um my body will feel like not really good because of not doing anything I just need to be active so even if I’m not streaming right I should be like doing something else totally not for sleeping or like I don’t know I just need to like I don’t know addicted to being active probably oh yeah Monster Energy Drink black me out at the gym soy I mean hey energy drink is not good hey get some help you’re still sporting outside as introvert is hard especially if it goes alone yeah I don’t know maybe back then I don’t know how it’s all started like

How can I be like in the team and blah blah blah I don’t know I’m not so sure but maybe back then I was like not that introvert maybe I don’t know I don’t know what to change Me Maybe well um it’s actually a normal thing you know like uh

Things happen and yeah suddenly you’re just like losing the feeling humans sometimes right and yeah the way you think about life kind of shifted I guess right yeah yeah yeah But yeah it just happened I think I don’t know office back then I was like very very active one but still but I mean that doesn’t mean that when I say that I was not being very introverted that doesn’t mean that um I will hang out with my friends after

School and blah blah blah no no no no it’s just like maybe loving the sports is like more than my introverted odd maybe yeah Thank you maybe it’s just because I enjoy being on the field running under the sun Sports overpowered the introvertness Okay um Foreign because if I’m getting more than 120 today it’s gonna help me uh for the next grind ouch the sun right that’s not an engine degree Drive I could drive Foreign No I’m fine Um Six pack do you have a real one with what wait hold on hold on Ireland battleborn hold on chroni has a six-pack do you have a real one huh so so it’s so crony it’s so crony have has a fake one or what what does even Not anymore not not anymore not if not anymore he should say like you still have right but if but if the sentence like that I I interpret that as like he has like um fake one She have one pack after go back from Japan I mean as long as she’s healthy that’s uh already good enough you know yeah is there and um is there a lot of ancient debris in the Soul Sand Valley a lot of lava negative negative C ad get some help I have a six by FB with that might be You really need to get some help No she says suffer because of that more like because you got a lot who forced her to end is it is this something like not voluntarily eating by the way kind of do you ever try to play Jenga with your cat it’s fun to see

How many things you can stack on top on your hand until they wake now I know playing Jingle with your cats what’s the goal huh what’s the goal of playing Jingo with your cats when you can fall off is it like a challenge of um can’t control trying to challenge the catch who

Um control itself or what okay okay and then another one okay I’ll reply later after the stream I’m done okay thank you Oh see so many love I can glitch over the TNT by the way foreign That’s cute isn’t it um Oh my box ah I got it it’s like lid was bigger than the cat what way so many laughable Let’s go to the Great Wall usually there is even better there’s lava um should I go now positive X I cannot go anywhere foreign Oh I mean not complaining I just want to take the cards This first Skill Where Maybe Just got in my luck already absorbed thank you for the love if you own a bucket of love in real life drink it can I no well but never stink I don’t know why I say that I want to drink it but it’s just like the first

The first thing that comes to my mind I mean I mean if I drink it can I get like a super power no that’s also get some help get get some help Get some help good morning do you have a rough estimate on how many times bed has passed it’s still under control today usually usually they started doing that after like um you know usually they will start doing that after yeah six hours and above if it’s only like oh

If it’s still like the first three hours usually they’re fine yeah I did earlier doing what doing that asking for to get some help get some help that’s too much Get some help suspicious well My boots right my boots got a souls and a soul sweet tree so if if you see that I’m suddenly zooming it’s because of that you can do like a marathoned speed run in the soul sign is trying to run from the skeleton why are you running yes So how was of course Um yeah yeah yeah have you considered making a stainless steel baby pad what get some help but it’s not nice last still tastes bad okay dude Why I know it’s still warming then why I think it’s already midnight somewhere in the other part of the world yeah get some help please stop what do you mean please stop you get some help My Oshie the trumpet I’m here succeed thank you India thank you wait it’s already 24 plus 60 for 88. okay maybe when I reach 100 I’ll go to take my food and we’re gonna uh take a break for a little bit while I’m eating that sounds like my plan right So I need a 36 isn’t it another 12 right Dory information What is small Ella doing these days sleep I guess right uh-huh foreign Which one more than one Aragon SD by the way you still have an answer if you have a six-pack or a six pack I don’t really have it but uh uh uh it uh at least it’s good to see if you’re saying that right now right uh I mean I’m I’m not

Personally right personally I’m not even the six pack enjoyer yeah can I see get some help no get some help all of you guys uh but I mean I’m not a very six-pack enjoyer but I’ll maintain it that it’s not gonna be like uh you know what um how to say it like

No no no no it’s like uh uh flap enjoyer flat flat stomach enjoyer yeah yeah yeah not like a bunchit enjoyer no six-pack engine no it’s just like uh flat stomach enjoyer and It’s just like that enjoyer blood is just this icy we’re talking about the same flat here right right I’m I’m saying about the flat stomach okay if if you guys talking about the other flat then maybe we are not in the same boat Yeah because I’m trying to maintain it like um main pain not to get like the buff pack buff like the six pack yeah no but trying to get like the bungee pack also no no is that a new call today get some help from Ben yeah just fit yeah just fit

Why not why not about bunchit I mean I mean if you have bungee back also it’s okay like I mean if you’re healthy you have like a bungee pack it’s okay I mean it’s just a personal preference that so that if I use like uh what is that called like um

Uh like the crop top kind of clothes it’s still like uh gutusila like that yeah it’s okay Six pack all good I’ll try to use crop top what what foreign The important is good to see are you guys like um are you guys uh imagining things right now well I don’t know what you guys uh trying to portray right now but maybe it should get some help one then I’ll give you get some help Social is not a good place to get the ancient oh it’s jeans oh that’s sweet JJ I never stop you really need to stop get some help Wow wow what a very nice things I just really like that Apps apps apps application apps 36 okay I need six more and then it can eat thank you no it’s gone YouTube apps YouTube apps foreign No more no more Arrow No more Arrow Arrow adios thank you so busy finding ancient debris Arrow adios That’s why you use Infinity engine no no Infinity enchantment I there is there will be a time that I will need to make another Bowl right no I don’t like making gold I need the manding I Am amending and joyer yeah because why not just repair it or uh like

Making another bow and just repair it is it positive you can repair Infinity oh really nah someone said that we cannot repair Infinity low don’t give me false in four ways can keep it or not Misa Lisa o you can but limited times why why it’s limited because it’s gonna be like um more expensive The level limit yeah it’s gonna be like more expensive right mending enjoy your son like real blacksmen now what do you mean real blacksmith I’m a real blacksmet hello thank you engine de briocho give me six debris there’s a lot of Miracles but there is no why so many sauce and sauce for You know what I think I’m taking the sauce and because sometimes we need it just in case and we can or Lazy Boy What’s the most available video I’ve ever made I believe that um blade that I have never made because it’s just too hard because it’s just too difficult to make what a fairing great answer right Anya no I mean I mean I hey the Lord is not like that hello

Who say that I who say that uh Anya was made by me hello don’t don’t Done done make your own Lord I mean I think it’s like 100 100 years old multifirst Or more foreign The blacksmith think or you want to be the penguin I mean uh whole life still haven’t got the penguin so maybe you can try to be uh try to join whole life and be the penguin maybe yeah that’s a very nice one good luck wait so I adored them get some help

Aragon while you are making uh your own lore hello a lot love of Grace be nice Miss one Essie hello this is a well for Nimbus hello it’s not like that you guys are just making things up hello hello hello hello Oh that’s mentioned debris ouch nice jump Can get some help Foreign Let’s just spit around food because I just cannot wait to see how much can I get and how many can I get day pretty good ouch Oh okay eat time Breakfast time I think it’s gonna be my brunch though um no Arrow what’s that skeleton skeleton Give Me Your Arrow thank you everything happens for a reason right yeah yeah Oh this works right times No rainy color make me doki-dokey yeah get some help it’s a bit a year if color is Mommy than um will be weird instead it should be that Alice but you really need to get some help okay yeah mm-hmm breakfast hold on hold on let me do our door first and then Food no eat no eat just grind no it just strain Oh Yeah guys I know you can see Hmm Yeah wait all of my TNT gone or is it I think yeah yeah I think okay ouch that’s rude let’s eat already one zero three is it no no no no no no one zero three Plus lucky subscribe is it like real fast Yeah let’s see foreign Wow who said that who said that it’s gonna be hard I said that it’s doable 120 per stream is doable guys no matter highway system s grinding Santo grinding gun powder yeah the grinding scent part is um uh kind of boring but grinding Nedra is actually fine right it’s like I don’t need it when I’m already full of get some help Um Okay 17 more 17 more oh la la la la where to go ouch Seventeen more and then I eat first first I spit around food and then I continue again because this is like too fast should we do the Target by 200 first trip Is If you can why not no no no sometimes let’s just stick with 120 sometimes so it’s like a plus minus one sometimes we can get so many sometimes we can get yeah so so Dungeons yeah Bring be grateful right foreign but remember don’t be too greedy greedy greedy cannot lie There is nothing said that there is nothing now okay Thank you 120s wait one point oh 15. 14 right Not Negative X negative Z see please oh that’s not too bad actually it’s just bad Oh if there is a cold that worship us again no no no no no no no one name no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Imagine falling to that foreign Oh you guys didn’t see that one 13 12. oh I mean there is a postman before a JP member please He turned please tell Yago song two have full ID gamer thinking about that I really wanted to I really want to go to Japan meeting Yago and I want to ask about that oh in front of oh whoa whoa Yeah go thank you so much for the debris but still a lady I know that I haven’t taken the brain I find this package everybody What is the countdown eight more eight more is it Okay oh two day breakfast gonna be like so good boom oh [Laughter] um foreign Get some help hello damn her luck is crazy thank you I’ll take that as a compliment hello hope you’re having greedy hey firefighters you too join the Deep I mean you know what I have a better I have a better plan what if um Yago create the first generation of hollow EU

But it’s gamer Holo EO gamer I mean can I join that so I’m both Hollow ID third gen and Hollow EU gamer Foreign Get out eh cannot be like that look at this and look at the name of the shelter box that means Ella will start speaking Spanish hola Hmm English and hola Spanish foreign Question do you remember anything from your Spanish bowling you say of course por favor right yeah Oh quick question what gets someone in Spanish Positive accent Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope no nope nope nope nope nope what is this I don’t wanna go and go yeah go please give me your luck again I know you still have a lot of luck right lock doko oh see Teddy G what does it mean Um Since you want to be Hollow if you proved Superman’s with one sentence of Spanish words Foreign Foreign four hours Put get some help at least At Last Lunch Break how is it going all good all good all going real good thank you enjoy your lunch day too What doing healthy let’s see see it’s very very get some help get some help hey welcome back booty Positive X can I laugh again how many more by the way five more huh so fast not even for hours not even for hours Foreign six o’clock just because I thought it’s gonna be like taking eight hours Ako uh congrats now you can English You die yeah Well oh scary white quite oh will you give Ancient Liberty for free to other members after you finish another vegan we are talking about that right A lot of I I actually I actually talk about this before right if you remember guys that I have I have ever thought about this but a lot of people are getting the wrong idea about actually the netherite I have I’ve ever said about the main reason why I say that I cannot give

Like I mean if if they really ask for that I will definitely give it like for real for real even though I’m still doing my nether begin project but right I just want to I feel like let’s write not the right right Nedra is like the end game

And I don’t want to be like the Minecraft Arc of the whole life new server gonna end that quick so I mean you know what it’s okay for me to give like to supply um Even pen I I mean I read like you know I read uh I read that a lot of people say that it’s really confusing why Kyla still don’t want to give like the best netherite tools and armor to the senpies that asked that like it’s kind of surprising that Kyla still gave like

Even to Ohio Senpai like two diamonds were like I mean if she if she gave the natural one it’s gonna be like um the rate of like zenless will be like decreased right because of nether cannot be burned in the lava but the idea is not like that even if you really read

The even if you read the what is that called uh the book The the instruction book in the temple right I didn’t put the nether right um exclusion I didn’t put I didn’t write it there yeah so it’s really okay if if they really want to take the nether if they

Really really want it like if they’re okay like I mean when I mean if they really don’t want to fine for it and then they really want to like maybe they just love to build and um doesn’t want to like grind it’s okay you didn’t know it’s only in the English

Version one in the JP one no you can check it yeah but I mean um I want to like motivate them like let’s say if they try to find um if they ask a diamond armor diamond tools equipments and then they they want to go to grind now the right

But they Zen loss I can I mean it’s better for me to provide uh five sets of diamond armor and led them to like find the nether by themselves you know because there’s no way that I keep it the nether for myself no it’s because I really want them to like find

It by themselves because it’s like um the motivation to play Minecraft it’s like the last uh grind because after the net red we cannot do other thing you know like it’s the strongest material for now yeah and then um uh I feel like it’s better for the Ian members to go to hunt the ancient debris the netherade by themselves I mean I guess right I guess a lot of JP members already ever got the not right for themselves before so it’s like even I mean if the Yen members still want to

Get the nether for me even if they you know what um there are a lot of people yeah because there are a lot of people not knowing that actually I gave all of the Ian members like all of them already in the Christmas gift yeah

There is not the right that I gave it for free but yeah um but uh just let them find it by themselves it’s okay you know yeah and some for some of the Ian members they even don’t want to like ask anything you know they they have the

Spirit they have the motivation to find even the diamond by themselves so it’s not always like um I mean if they really if if they if they really ask for it I will happily give them you know yeah but uh it’s not as simple as that you know but

I realized that by giving them so the reason why actually I a lot of people trying to um get some help what trying to take this as serious as Kyla is trying to kill the motivation for other members no you got it wrong because for me right

The temple the you the the purpose of the temple is actually giving them the motivation to do it because I feel like um there are a lot of Builders out there they really want to build something but they’re not uh they’re just too lazy for finding the materials there’s no

Motivation of the grinding I help it because I mean it’s not because of anything it’s just because I love grinding so much that I feel like I can help that’s all yeah it’s not like um that’s why um it’s like the materials for them to

Build so that they have the so like you know um it feels like let’s say risus and Pie right Riso Senpai really loves to build only Senpai really loves to build but there will be not enough materials for them right and then like just leave it to me I’ll I’ll help them

Because I really love to do it and yeah it’s like I don’t understand how other people can say that like I’m just I I I’m not spoiling anyone actually it’s just like helping them to get the motivation to play Minecraft because each of us like um have different motivation to play Minecraft

Right so yeah yeah uh like uh I even say it to uh the ID senpies that you guys uh should have the feather falling I can provide for it because yeah I mean I mean there are a lot of dumbbell project already right they’re Builders they’re supposed to have the

Feather falling just in case yeah and then I mean I just try to help them to uh uh what’s that um because because you know what when people got Zen lost they kind of lost the motivation to play Minecraft again right and I feel like I’ll be there I’ll it’s it’s just that

Simple yeah I just want this Minecraft art gonna be last long and um and I want to keep it that way yeah it’s not I mean I’ll just follow like if if you want to have like the adventure with me I’m very open like if you say that I

Want to have the I want to find the nether by myself but I’m really afraid to go there okay let’s go together you can take all of the netherite I mean here you can take all of the ants in the breeze I’ll be there like I will

Um uh I’ll provide the potion maybe let’s say the fire resistance potions right and then you can just take it all it’s fine it’s like I mean I don’t need anything else I just need the memory the memory is in it right so yeah like I don’t know like um

If I just want to I don’t know I just want to make Minecraft as the comfiest Place confused game to play I guess yeah so it’s like that stop stop um maybe my request is just like maybe stop uh saying foreign no I mean uh the nether Beacon is like I know that

The natural Beacon gonna be like real soon you know like even though I even though I give away the Mandarin or not there’s something there’s gonna be still another Beacon yeah so I mean if they really wanted I will definitely give them so yeah like I mean um

People got a very wrong idea about that yeah like if they’re just like too uh scared by uh exploring in the nether and they real but they really meet the Android Armor tools I can give I can I can definitely give it yeah I don’t need anything else like

Um the reason why I kept playing Minecraft is Just because I just love grinding and I realized that a lot of people uh need a lot of materials too and that’s just how I gain my happiness that’s all yeah yeah yeah yeah like you don’t need to wait until my

Natural Beacon is already finished then I’ll give away all of the nether I know it it doesn’t mean like that you know even after the nether Beacon already finished the terms and conditions is still the same like if you really really really really really are afraid to go to the nether

Really really really neat and want to have like the nadrant armor and weapons tools I can give it but I recommend everyone to just at least experience it first by themselves how about you guide them I mean you know um I’m the type of person that I don’t want to force anything like

Um I’ll I just want them to do it in their own way you know like because I will I will feel guilty if actually they don’t want to do it and then but suddenly I come to them and then like uh Senpai would you want to go to the nether to

Get the right blah blah blah blah blah and then after that suddenly the Zen loss and then they lose the motivation to play Minecraft and off or maybe they just get traumatized because of the nether like I can feel guilty so I’ll just wait until like I’ll just wait for

The invitation I guess you know like uh one thing for sure is I’ll always be there uh so let’s just make them comfortable you know yeah don’t ask them to like ask anything from me and blah blah blah blah blah blah just let them do it their own way yeah I mean um

I mean uh giving letting them know that they can get past okay so it’s not okay the main idea of the temple maybe it got um kinda different already because at first I say that the temple purpose is actually to help people to get the motivation right um

To play so it’s like something that whenever they want to build something they don’t have the materials I can help it so the project not gonna be Minecraft you know right yeah but if it’s only just for fun and blah blah blah I will recommend them to like you know uh to Maybe

Uh do it by themselves yeah um Foreign foreign Of course of Korea let’s build something yeah of course I mean if if there is the if there is a request of like grinding together I’ll also accept it you know like grinding together okay okay good good yeah I will like prepare the tools yep even

If they don’t want to take the tools Maybe yeah okay cool you know like renting tools go grind together yeah all good I’ll just keep I’ll I’ll just I’ll just follow the way they want it to do like just make a Minecraft as the very comfortable place to a game that we

Can like um have fun with to get there yeah because Minecraft is like a lot of freedom in it right each of us have like the different goals in it oh yeah three more yeah it’s three more no no four more four more get some help or more

Just grind together yeah grind together okay It’s just like maybe my goal in Minecraft I don’t know because I don’t really uh fine the fun in building you can see that so it’s just maybe I have like different uh goals in Minecraft Get some help there is something funny about what you place the only one side why Yeah I mean in the Christmas gift yeah if you wonder huh what kind of Christmas gift that Kyle is talking about somehow no you cannot I think I think there is no one clipping that right because I requested the papers not to clip that I

Like so not not a lot of people know that but actually in that Christmas gift each of the EM members already got the not the right one and why uh the en version of the book it’s written like no nedright it’s because um it’s because um I give them already in the Christmas

Gift box yeah it’s not a double standard okay it’s just because of that and I think um it may be um the main motivation too like graining Furniture like I mean Ian members always got the uh interesting Minecraft art like uh last week they went to the waiter fight right they fighting the

Weather on the Overworld yeah so good right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s what I meant like uh finding their own netherre gonna be like a great R for them too yeah it’s the same gun the same fun like they’re trying to find the quartz right yeah it’s been fun too

Yeah one more one more and then I eat Yeah that’s why I just don’t want to kill their motivation or shut down their motivation of playing Minecraft because finding the first uh the first finding the first nether drive by themselves is gonna be like a very uh great journey yeah I mean Bay Senpai already like uh found the first debris that

She gave it to me what a very awesome 10 pie we have there right yeah that’s why I mean I think Muna Senpai already told you guys also about when whenever she said that she wants to grind by herself respect that you know like you guys need to respect that too because uh

That’s the motivation like she wants it to grind just let her be don’t us don’t don’t ask her to like um pause it for me or blah blah blah blah blah right yeah so whenever whenever you maybe you just want to try to help Muna Senpai know that I can

Grind for her but yeah I mean the reason the main purpose the main goal of me building that Temple at fifth at fed at the very first place is just to like uh trying to help other members to find the motivation to play Minecraft so if there is someone that really wants

To grind by themselves too then just let them be I’m very happy you know like I mean some people some people um I mean not all of the people really love playing Minecraft right so if they log in to just play Minecraft it’s already good enough to know just let them be um Foreign puppy uh uh Um Um Like yeah but I know like you know um uh even if I say this already like a lot of times I know that uh they’re just ah finally I can eat there’s just a lot of people that maybe they just don’t want to listen to me and

Uh trying to you know trying to I don’t know trying to start a war and blah blah blah blah blah like I mean let me tell you about that um that will never ever gonna be uh distract me I’ll be I’m I’m very busy I’m very busy with my another Beacon so

If you want to listen you want to listen then if you don’t want to listen I’ll just keep praying for you I wish you have a better life I wish you to have a good thing in life so that um you will be happy by looking at other happiness too that’s all

Yeah because I always I I always I always think that people that can hate other people for no reason and people that can um try to find someone’s uh blunders or mistakes or whatsoever is actually the one that actually got a real problem in their life too so I wish you guys all

The best yeah I I wish you guys all the best in life so that you know that um you can be happy too just just waste them all the past you don’t need to like fight them no let me tell you something all of that people all of those people who hating

You are hating us is actually the one that they really need help so so don’t don’t try to fight them over no you know it’s okay just just pray for them just wish them the best and I wish you guys all the best it yeah how can like okay the logic is how

Can you be bothering other people’s life when you have already like a good life right like me I’m very happy right now I’ve never thought of like you know if if I if I if I see other people happy I’m happy too I’m happy like just buy just by

Reading the message like you guys sent that you guys got erased in your job and then or maybe you just graduate from your college you just graduated from the school I’m happy for all of you like and then I mean the only one that can be happy over someone’s else uh sadness

Trouble is actually they really need to get some help you know so yeah so yeah just just ignore just ignore just uh Focus we still have like six months plans to build the nether Beacon you know it’s okay just just focus don’t get distracted Foreign It’s better for me to think about uh what’s uh Like I mean ah all of all of those words cannot get into me at all I lately for so many years already I have no time to think about that you know But actually I know like the more I think about it right the at the first time at the first time I saw that um when I when I realized that well Mimi’s maybe there are maybe there are people that um hates me and then I was like I was like trying to think

Well is there anything that I do wrong right I I’m not I’m not directly uh thinking that I’m right no I I try to think like is there anything that I do wrong and then and then after that I feel like oh yeah maybe it’s just because there’s

Maybe they feel like that I’m very happy right now and then you know that someone literally just don’t like seeing other people’s happiness so well yeah I mean I wish you guys all the best then yeah yeah yeah Okay okay let’s take this and then let’s take the food okay since um any mobs can spawn here I think it’s better for me to disconnect and pick the food okay oh hold on I will I will read the what is that I will read the last BSC while I’m eating

Okay let me take the food first be right back I just I just stretch we’re back Thank you Foreign Then you have time to sleep then I said I’ll I’ll think about it later okay where’s this food foreign we’re back again Get some help Okay get some help get some help you guys really need to get some help Yummy yummy Yeah after all we finished today go with four hours nice so Let me open the you guys also don’t forget to eat You want to continue on doing something else I think I will play until 12 and let’s see how many can we get and then maybe after that I can sleep first Around 150 yeah 150 okay yeah foreign but it’s not gonna be until three because the first plan is actually until three I am Yeah foreign L a be less overthinking okay it’s not healthy yeah yeah it’s okay I mean I mean I will be overthinking when I’m not doing anything so it’s better for me like to work work work work work work work work work work work work work work and work right somehow um If audio Minecraft addict no no the summer looks like only Tara Trading Card really hit the spot then talk about Precision yeah I I I watched the clip already like um the only scent I want but it’s okay like I mean I tried that as a way of life law I mean Somehow somehow they have the effort you know uh we need to have the positive mindset towards uh towards them actually towards the bad people one because uh at first they also watch the they they also watch the stream right and then um Thailand ran free Ran free in their brains too and then they made the effort to like create a lot of accounts because yeah because the account is gonna be like you know uh banned in my channel and other channels too so yeah all good So it’s about the mindset right if you stress over it you’re gonna be stressed but for me no I’m just uh having a very happy happy life with the pamalu that support me and uh with my family that is coming over yay I’m too busy uh trying to

Avoiding questions from my relatives I really need to think about that yeah Thank you yeah true they call it mikoji Colette foreign Get some help Um Gunther I understood it like we want to sharing Joy of achievements when we get the items Sama Sumer collab with JP and Ian member to financial debris run nether I mean if they really want to do that let’s go get some help Richard little league has peace I wish you luck as you apply for your future real life when you release King come over yeah yeah

You guys better wish me luck for that right Thank you Are you still mix your food with fruit your food with fruit Put with fruit yeah it’s usually When dinner time comes yeah lunch it depends yes because dinner I always eat fruit s I’m not lying it’s doable somehow foreign foreign And then Budi I’m not moody nice Beauty I know English nice even better then wait let me tag Um thank you again in India didn’t know this is do you know that 120 there will be receipts and in New Way ah wait what Hello Do you know oh yeah I know I know I know I know the the frame right the netherite dream right Mm-hmm Hey let’s be done um Um Foreign Um Foreign We still need to grant for uh Not not grind uh yeah yeah grant for the mattress for the tower and the road the way the way from my Island and 20 000 block to whatever it’s gonna be Um just remember a few days back got a fan art of Kyle preparing food that I think a lot wow get some help I’ll go Jordan Ryan so many years of Blake you can call her support wow and then Naga poor rice they call already by the

Way gambari Kyle you know the best thank you thank you thank you thank you yeah Mommy just woke up let me grant for it before you say get something bye bye guys get some help you get some help but okay you inspire others and it really has shown results anyway watching you

Play an interview with other members stay happy thank you you guys too please stay happy because if you are not staying happy you can be salty salty people okay we don’t eat salty salty food because if salty salty food you guys can be like Kia always angry always angry angry right

Yeah we only eat bitter food you know by eating bitter food there is no more bitter bitter things that can consume you yeah I think that’s all yeah suddenly I found a reason oh yeah foreign Every time I try to look at things positively because I eat bitter bitter food every day by eating bitter food every day there is nothing can get into my mind anymore True yeah so please be happy very very mind-blowing yeah that’s not how any of this works I still remember back then get some help back then I think I already shared this story before like my friend asked me like okay let me ask you something why do you why do you love to eat bitter food first is it because your life is just being too good and you need

To have bitter things um so that it can be like you know Min maxing your life that’s the first one and then the second option is just because or maybe your life is just too bitter that uh you need to you you just don’t feel the bitterness anymore in your life and

Then I was like huh good question good question good question and up until now I still cannot and I I still cannot find the right answer for that question it’s been I don’t know how many years already Yeah I think it’s just you being with thank you Nice The game is there one zero and understood almost finished yay for 20 21 Grand waifu together alligator mode even better just thinking red together yeah it’s no longer good highlights oh no um get some help no no no no Tyler is not good no no no no no no oh yes sister foreign

I’ll go get some help now yeah thank you thank you for realizing that you really need to get some help yep Um yeah I kind of understand last considerations it’s not really cold cut short speed up and see our whole Memorial she register MC stream for that yay and I bet like a lot of people um really want to see the the adventure of like other members uh trying to find

Another as much as pomalo enjoy my Ned ride Arc right yeah yeah true true I know about that that’s why and I know that a lot of people gonna be mad too if I just uh hand over the nadrite to let’s say all the other members yeah

So yeah I mean let’s just not do it but if it’s like the Members Choice then maybe if they’re if okay the point the most important point is if they ask I can give it but I hardly recommend it for them to get it by themselves or

Maybe let’s just do it together yeah yeah we really enjoy it in mock yeah imagine at first did you guys forget already the first time I go to that matter and then you guys right yeah spamming potion potion potion potion oh no no no no my heart feels nostalgic right yeah

Don’t dish too fast gold boots gold boots ah good old memories huh Yeah that way a long time ago now if Union Bloom we say yeah and then just love like nothing happened but after Zen loss you guys screaming again too late too late you know too late already uh-huh Yeah imagine I mean a lot of viewers want to see uh the others doing that too yeah it’s the same thing so please respect that you can get some help just jump into lava forward yeah right now uh lava is just non-centered yeah Character development Development indeed My first neither Adventure no life founded in less than five minutes in the nether was trying to dig out of the cave spawned in and found and went right back to overall and store it I think that’s the same story as the base and Taiwan

Yeah not planning to do it but it’s but you know it’s still a it’s still a memory right finding it by your own self you just you just know that yeah you’re just lucky enough yeah you’re just very lucky hmm Alejandro hey thank you so much long

Time no see thank you so much for the red so pass okay Okay chill chill a bit okay chill mm-hmm chill take it slow Ly thing I read already with uh Alejandro thank you for the pink supas you need to chill down the bed hello I like my coffee how I like my woman’s sweet creamy and oh by the way I don’t like my woman how I don’t like my coffee break Argon you’re good this Alejandro Rainbow without any message Foreign Foreign hmm A filter that is Uh Uh good morning good morning just wondering are you going to use your old costume in future shrimp I don’t know Instead of using the old costume why not um having and used the even newer costume right updated hey thank you so much Alejandro thank you so much for the rainbow so pass you don’t you don’t write anything so I just wish you all the best in your

Life okay please make sure that you save your money for yourself do you think it’s too much for the support when you were tossing things into the love I was so worried you had thought the stack of debris so much anxiety no you don’t need to worry the debris

Cannot be burned in the lava no worries instead it’s I mean if it’s Diamond you need to worry yeah the brick debris cannot I thank you so much for the membership gifts Okay I read already and then let me eat the last okay Wait back And then I want to drink but hold on Okay let’s go I think this is Um let’s go positive Z negative why it’s delicious Or maybe just stream until the TNT is until I run out of TNT wow I’m trying to listen to your stream at work but your beautiful student voice is making me sleepy um you really need to get some help then don’t sleepy sleepy don’t be sleepy sleepy hello focus focus focus is the key And my TNT still there it’s just everything Jordan Ryan get some help in my TNT is expensive eh don’t buy good morning I wish for only senpai’s luck again you’re listening to that voice feeling like I will have more luck oh my okay Foreign Thank you Please Wait I need to eat first or else I’m gonna die Helen doesn’t find it every defining finds her key you am I going to the wrong way Ouch oh no sir ID a Um balloon is trying to find it in what server the new one it’s the perfect Grand padlock for your room yeah thank you thank you ID this is ID Surfer I really want to grind it new Surfer but There are still a lot of people who want to find them for you what is the big case right there okay oh no no okay it’s um LaFollette I guess Um no debris There’s no debris I don’t like this give me debris Can you tell kylex that I missed her so much I don’t know where is she right now she will come to me whenever she felt so so yeah I don’t know that has been good so Rude why oh no no no no no no no no this is Please just let me go good all good This is Oh okay the end it’s very Nicole ears I’m talking about the Neko airs I think the artist of that Neko ears already got traumatized yeah traumatized of drawing pilots and Mako ears foreign Thing things bye Orange Block how many blocks in total the nether Beacon 70s right around 70 something is in didn’t block or 100 hundreds okay yeah I mean we can make the 900 block tower I used to make a ancient debris Tower but now I make it as a 100 block tower cool Oh do you see that almost missed that one Oh wait did I get that one hello hello hello even better perfect okay got it Oh I’m winning I’m always winning Just open the strip and WTF just happened um thank you for your luck thank you for your love see you keep going to the negative Z these things oh that’s not nice that’s just not nice all that candy is still there get somehow I mean storage that she lives will be no

No and it does not mean like that no I don’t know I don’t know what uh where should I put the beacon right now I only can think about like finishing the nether you can first it’s been a dream since the first day I try to find netherite I still remember back then when I get some help someone tried like um

Just wait until she learn about Mandarin and then I uh try to find what is an Android and then I know the fact that I really want to break get some help we are going to bed now what’s the respond though um You see already two stacks oh you’re asking at the very perfect timing foreign Until I run out of Indie um bgm still too loud maybe like Graphene sorry for joining so late boss here to offer some of my life anyway are you mining in the resource server no this is the ID Surfer thank you welcome Raffin and welcome welcome and thank you for the luck Mart hey y’all are going to bed now at all every

Time already thank you all guys you can sleep now what do you mean you can’t sleep now I mean if it’s time to sleep then yeah just sleep Is only one two three eight more eight Stacks more it’s gonna be fast right right guys I’ll miss one Foreign foreign Progress eleven percent thank you so much for the math yeah we’re doing it we’re doing it no no worries no worries imagine having a thousand debris I think by next week yeah right next week right next week I’m gonna have already like uh one thousand debris but actually I already tried I already

Conferred all of the debris into another oopsie not like that hello now okay this is already this is already minus two thousand minus two thousand is already 16 000 overall nice nice nice nice nice nice nice can not um Foreign Thank you Not good yeah I think we should go up first hello what is this oh no this is so bad oh I wanna keep going to the negative Z but everything seems try to stop me and I don’t like it positive oppositive in me To negative if if x positive is oh look at that GG Neither tells you to get something no Nethers tell me that I can take all of the debris ah um no debris oh hi long time no see huh No more wait only one three more Wow not that one hello so greedy of course and the right not half more right oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no should I call you that no Jonathan Ryan no no no no no no no get some help ouch ouch

Imagine all of that quartz chewy ancient debris The burrito goal foreign Oh Let me eat this Get some help yeah it’s not real here It’s real Christ hello hello you guys hello yeah I mean Alexia is also an idol it can sing foreign Foreign at all this is illegal chill chill but greedy Godzilla greedy is Why do we wear this function on foreign cannot go up Oh he’s so angry Wow so powerful no more empty debris for you wow thank you for the jinx they tend to need that right the breeder breathe This is so bad Too ouch root debris the breeder breeder breeder breather Bree foreign To like a cooler place I know it’s already almost 12. Foreign especially when you grind if you are like um matching grass no I’m losing so so long too slow thank you Shira get some help um On um too late I just realized it’s 13 not 15. yeah wrong hide let’s laugh a more better so far away Too far away okay let’s see how many debris we can get la shoot No debris how are you able to do insanely long Minecraft streams like this what do you mean extremely long this is extremely short oh no I’m debris hello oh run Um no no do you have any plan to solo fight and the dragon in future yeah I already personally I already look at the tutorial so many times already but I feel like I’m just not ready yet so yeah maybe someday right Luck issue luck issue but under dragon if if let’s say um it can be it can be respawned uh for unlimited times right is it Okay and then what happened if I spawn it but I cannot um I fail to kill it is there something gonna happen oh it will stay alive okay but but it will not be like destroying anything like the weather right there’s it it will just fine right it’ll just like uh free

Applying here and there right stay eleven ready to kill the next one enter oh no I never leave the island ah okay then nice no because just in case if suddenly off stream and then I was like uh got bored and grinding the sand Maybe you know suddenly I spawn in and then by the way Not a single one I know it there’s something wrong about that Crimson Forest you’re good I said that I want to end the stream at 12 so if maybe it’s just like showing the right time that I need to like just sleep right okay Guys guys and you’ll find it Foreign Foreign video Real mama lemon get some help asking Kitty thank God Who knows right who knows Um Foreign Hope you are chilled yay thank you good morning get some help enjoy the Stream so I’m here Mama Ella Mont is better even better and nothing else Think about lemon ever try honeylands thank God ouch foreign Get somehow do you said all Right go up 15. 14 15. it’s okay it’s okay When Kyla almost given another gift to replace to you yeah we we just need two dollars And wow bmp.com Let me sleep while listening to stream in the background okay okay let’s go to sleep it’s already a night time it’s better to sleep now Why it’s suddenly burn t how are you good yeah I’m always good what happened they cannot stand my voice thanks for the stream and have a nice rest also when you’re free look up using weathers together ancient degree automatically it’s crazy oh there is the tutorial I think I need to do that

All right Because someone said that there there was no still no tutorial about that right so actually we can we can do it Rip you can make another Beacon too imagine later on the ID Jennifer okay let’s hunt um ancient debris let’s try to find that right and then going inside the ladder right but no nether no neither used to be nether but not anymore why the gold ore is like self-conscious

First acid today for real for real really I wanted to know I saw an Ohio stream nobelo a chest with stacks of itch members had but 31 Carlos had left I know Luna is one where the 32 others Ella foreign Hmm Hmm Um I don’t know like maybe it’s for experimental purpose maybe right we never know being cute Experiment facial no there’s I I did not think sauce foreign I’m not sass it’s just for experimental purpose Time to take a break for today but the debris is appearing again should I stop I know is that all of them already go negatives foreign Wait why I’m not falling into the lava what kind of move is this I didn’t even know that that perfect stuff Yo you hacker hmm that’s what we called what is that called again gamma ray Parsley this is the power of the Minecraft God what kind of move is that imagine I’m really confused why I’m not even fall down oh I’m flying This is just one person power What’s this more just is hacking your stuff Blah blah Kyle is my friend yeah I want to try and think creative food cotton 4K oops oops Nice Screenshot of the screen Why now my eyes okay screenshot done what kind of move I just I cannot even believe that Young data You don’t even know the power you hold the thing is if you don’t know about the power you cannot even control it you know it’s just uncontrollable right oh no after flying on the ground suddenly the debris is like everywhere not complaining though not really really not really Sure here foreign [Laughter] [Laughter] Thank you it’s so stupid oh see sit oopsie not good oh what kind of power is that obviously at least you have power but uncontrollable unfortunate for me I have no power and control and barely sleep no I don’t even know that I have a power what kind of power is this scary The Y is nine but I can’t find it even better foreign Trying to destroy the nether for real for real 12. 14. but it’s lava everywhere I think wait give me give me a second let me just drink I can sense God The power of gamma ray I feel weaker my luck oh really oh yeah yeah yeah you want to get the luck you need to be able to float on the lava um can you do that by the way I forgot to take the stick from what’s that sound I I didn’t

Take the sticks from the Ian surf with the lock is like if only I take it maybe I got like super super lucky Big Clock Big Clock only cheater can do that thank you for the compliment Tyler What pirate what what fire what power do you have

Oh yeah I have the power of becoming a cheater Ella awaken her true power for real no I’m scared I’m also scared thank you thank you thank you ouch Foreign Empty TNT fairly useless I just want to take your gold oh no one Is imagine TNT and then the the ancient degrees here is that good night Ella get some help I’ll see you when I wake up in seven hours I will wish you luck but you seem to have plenty what the heck Justin thank you enjoy your rest

I just want to take the goal that’s what we say yeah that’s true nice thank you from Ben what happened you good night guys oh dude Cool so guys knew that line tomorrow Foreign I will be like having a good dream after this before the family even I like this yeah yeah please stop it I’m worried I said now I really scared for going back to Maurices while not being converted to 18 Naga thank you when the winding and stink kicks in and

Actually and I feel better than you Suga through black but in Open energy positives hello Let’s go and shinder Bridge somehow thank you then tomorrow I grenade why not right yeah I think tonight since there will be no stream right I will be like grinding for sun I think yeah I still have more dnp in the storage room but I think it’s only for another

One Stream So I think I really need to bring well I guess I wasn’t really using that long anyway I’ll call it even since the state college it was the JC thank you so much for your six now I think get some help All right Get some help brain hurt affection you good Alejandro thank you so much for the rainbow supas but get some milk get that get some help rainbow supas will not help you to avoid to get some help by the way just saying come to me where are you I’m report Oh you need more Foreign If you oh Negative see okay get some help okay okay don’t be set get some help hey thank you so much thank you I’ll take your luck Alejandro thank you so much thank you so much for sending me your luck I really need a lot of luck where fire resistant potions um there is Are you gonna make a kalafa theme park theme park what do you mean part theme park instead of water it’s just lock part no malade Airport you don’t need to sleep like Just Close Your Eyes a bit and you can continue grinding again nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice not like that obviously oh that’s more than one um But this is kind of hard Okay That’s all no more fine Placement of the debris is very very nice everyday I need it where is it a lot of gravels but there is not every huh so bad thank you so much hello foreign I’m okay I’m really really okay thank you so much for the pink so fast Nice nice Let’s go to this way foreign Which one how God made Ella fullness on the wall you’re on huh under all you are on what get some help one door hello okay okay stay right beside the DND Ken why not Marin yes why not thank you guys we nice and easy nice day you guys

Being salty but you guys still telling me even better my food am I gonna die tonight no gonna be good just don’t gotta hmm Muhammad mascara we do not inherit the Earth from our asses and we borrow from our chair Carlos gen 470xp IAL Alejandro thank you so much

Salt makes the food taste better some help you’re not playing in my server so I’m not salty okay please thank you I’m not missing anything right get some help oh yeah instead of um throwing away my exp I wanna do something What no but so Korea yes Namaste and get some help mine is so jealous wasn’t privileged to be slim but get some help you know salty salty ice Jordan Ryan Anyway guys Huh and the one that the one that okay give is still in the temple I’m not bringing that one Yeah I’m not bringing the elytra still have like seven elitra the one that hasn’t been like mending and Unbreaking maybe next time I should bring it then Yeah because I will get away all of this exp later on right so it’s better for me just to use it bring it I don’t bring it foreign get some help it’s unlimited but you see the guardian fun and the Enderman fell bigger the the EXP Guardian form is bigger no

I think I think I asked it before oh oh oh much more mobs ah okay okay Thank you for playing Minecraft you’ve been doing this for six hours please search and drink lots of water have fun thank you so much thank you so much you guys don’t forget to hydrate stretch have a great day no debris foreign In 14 15 and not good foreign I didn’t have the time to make sure if I make shorts I cannot stream no but thank you so much for the compliment income make more shorts I’m making shorts right the the content is like very very very very very very

Very very very very shorts right but actually it takes a lot of time you know also enjoying the shirts enjoying the shorts wait I’m just saying that just because mjang wants me to stop streaming right wow the more I know I’m done I still have like um

A brown and to give the missions hasn’t given me the permission yet get some help color has no time for shirts only love no I have a lot of short streams already I’m just make them even better Palm Jack Maggie thank you Um but guys Foreign Foreign Thank you so much I mean I still need a lot of luck there’s gonna be like six months Foreign Oh that’s another tree There’s another more Thank you a full nether equipment oh we’ll never equipment 37 . yeah yeah missed one where did I really miss one this one messy wait General Ryan thank you thank you guys thank you thank you thank you for all of the luck thank you so much I’m gonna take all of

Your luck uh until another six months Thank you I do I do um Let me just drink first hmm oh I do It how how guys foreign Thank you so much what do I do okay thank you so much Guys can it be like this how can it be like that okay Wow wait wait wait wait wait wait um Please stop working Jake what is the exchange rate for idea to Kyla This is already getting into the newer near town maybe why is suddenly fairy wangy Is my friend this is my house you know neither is my house don’t you jealous jealous with nether thing here no no no no no no no no a lot of Records but you know oh Well no no oh is this Allah um guys it just started guys don’t run out of luck first guys they just started today and that’s the worst part No interesting interesting I barely have Anil I mean we still have like um how many streams another 40 streams 50 streams like this don’t you worry about that gonna be fine oh I still have five Stacks guys um Oh what is this strip mine and ancient debris I like that wearable Dawson and my PhD pieces on Friday please leave me a little luck okay okay you can you can have some luck on that one right no I’m taking it all oh um I’m sorry um treble Dawson this is

Not your luck right Foreign Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck How is this possible I don’t know I thought that it’s gonna be I thought 120 is gonna be hard but well um yeah it’s like breakfast almost over have you had lunch palette I got I had my brush progress looks pretty good but really bad for tomorrow thank you

Sorry if you want thanks that was my life get somehow it cannot keep getting away with this what what did I do wrong please leave at least some of our last so it can still regenerate and not gone forever I mean that’s uh the case right

After this stream ends you guys need to find the last somewhere else so that um you’ll be ready for uh surrendering your luck again in the next streaming Wow thank you No no ancient debris interesting where are you guys hiding the debris huh foreign I need more give me more very sauce why there’s every oh I see it I said guys if you don’t want if you if you want to pretend that you don’t see anything it’s fine Alone hmm okay wait okay got it been ouch can I can I foreign oh Um since your lung is very very right now I need to take it all first before I end this stream I mean there’s gonna be a day that your luck is not that good right so yeah since right now it’s very good aching it all Hmm She must be stuck no no one can stop me see Three Stacks today Oh yummy this is the blessing that I got from okay Ancient debris yummy oh Do do oh Um There’s nothing suspicious so many grateful Okay oh I said if x let’s go oh scary Mama Thank you oh bye Foreign my precious using colorful her casters thank you guys Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you The more lucky I’ll be wait what did I just stop in the perfect spot again even better but I need your honest explanation excuse me what what what anastas explanation I don’t need to explain explain anything I’m I feel motivated I’m gonna get more this is like a very long long one sense

There is a lot of ancient debris okay Bientidoku it took only one another vegan granny stream to go from generous collection to Eve Kyle is Stellar of all like I cannot be stopped his son’s in 99 I mean it’s all with consent right yeah it all with content at first when the stream started

You guys say that I can’t take it that I can take the love and now you’re complaining huh wow wow that’s just wow wow what is this hello hello wow what’s this ouch wow wow where is the TNT negative Z well I cannot even see anything Ouch no the TNT okay okay wait I come from this one right I can’t find this one Like like I’m wearing suit wait uh let me take the food I don’t have enough food Bill Murray faded her nice now I felt why you feel threatened why just why the world want to stop you no no no no no no no no no I cannot be stopped nothing can stop me

Sit sit sit There’s actually the most it should positive X or what oh this is a laughable check it okay okay this is It’s negative zero negative Z find another way yeah this is like all why this is No no it’s either negative zero positive x no my TNT IC Gracilo who said that who said that I can be stopped cannot be stopped tries it’s not me that get in my way And farming Warrior Help yes yeah you got a sexy guys nice one nice one seven hours Three Stacks not bad foreign Foreign Hmm food what’s that debris huh none can’t stop won’t stop can’t stop won’t stop another tree another tree it’s not another tree there six three stacks even more The dance one literally asked what are you guys watching I don’t know don’t ask me cannot kept getting away with this who are you molding huh you mock foreign More than three stacks wait let me put it Wait huh Get some help um five more and 200. I’m watching my own she being happy yeah thank you so much Looking good looking good what a day what a day to grinder right back there’s like one by one maybe one either okay already another block again thank you Foreign foreign How many how many blocks this one is the off during our country I’ll eat one chocolate bar for another blush you got with how many do you need for the don’t do it get some help okay let’s get 200 how many do I need another five right Oh More there’s no sauce after L and chat so how’s the progress oh I don’t think they will let you know about the progress because yeah yeah don’t Ask okay With a positive textures is there still is there still um wow no need their boots again right just eat golden boots no Ned red boots juicy yeah so angry boots adios wow so good there’s a really long surface expectation today people say don’t expect anything because they don’t expect anything but if the

Expectation is like this and the railway is like this I just want to expect expect eh I think I will have a nice trip after this wow a little more with this one or what you throw the monkey from he from hello you good all the boots under the boots hey I do 200. 200 first stream hey killer 200 right what GG this is very very cheesy let me tell you okay But how can I stop if the lock is still like this but I know that I really need to stop tell me how to stop guys tell me how to stop like for real for real how can I stop this Just press and stream button oh yeah press and stream button but still grinding of stream is it because I still have three stacks of TNT right yeah but should I sleep I don’t know I don’t know if I should sleep or not even better bring all our phones give me

Give me one six random numbers from 1 to 56 so your luck goes away and you stop no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no foreign You’re choosing violence wow wow thank you so much for the love fairy fairy Um I got I got the luck from being roasted by the lava and it’s very effective what do For thin fifteen Ouch ouch hello ouch Roasted yeah it’s okay got roasted by the lava means more luck after this I will get more Swatch and see watch and learn get some help sorry Rose L is on strict engine debris no touchcraft no no no there will be fine Mikko 2021 think Oh that’s it just one not satisfying Hmm okay there’s a lot of parts Okay on the one root 15. Oh no it’s already 1 30. I don’t want to stop and please time’s up no no ouch so nice yeah I don’t want to also you guys just also or two then up here what’s I got a lot of cards too make another I don’t know another house another storage room for what

Foreign Nope positive Um okay 38 more and then I’ll end the Stream positive negative yeah sure yeah why you guys have trust issue right now why are you sure about that yeah there is no way to go oh that’s yeah saw it okay oh there’s another one um make them better get some help nice soup

Help me figure out a way to hack Ella’s game so we can rename the ancient wave as dude that way each mc60 will be collecting those dude I’m collecting dude collecting dude dude So many laugh a lot foreign don’t ask me right yeah get some help Um this way can as soon as possibly I love it oh rip mining ancient debris looking good no need TNT is But we cannot do anything live because it’s Kyla mine Oh Foreign Thank you Foreign how many more 23 23 more guys 23 more oh yeah okay thank you wow even better nice laughs Oh I don’t have any blocks Just go okay just go okay all good laughable yeah just true oh 38 more after that you will continue it often right I’m forklifting girl another espila oh yeah another SP lock yeah yeah true true They have 15. they stay at 15 day at 15. they they stay Within 15 seconds thank you another one five minutes we still can make it 15 . we’ve been get get some help thank you 19. okay it’s not right there okay okay he knew the 19th another waste Foreign Okay okay 23 more okay um maybe I should take a potion first right Ocean ocean okay Thank you denox IDE this is like a very very very long way we duar we get it Let’s take the potion first Get some help hello I’m not a kailashin hello Too bright this is possible And yeah I think it’s gonna build the last entities at 23. miss one sco really Um This and this way so the brothers so foreign There’s not gonna be enough time wait Oh oh wait my relatives Thank you they suddenly say that it’s not three they’re gonna they change the plan into five but no no no no no uh we’ll see What do you mean Steven am I torturing you right now huh Minecraft What suddenly get some help foreign Foreign Because they said it’s still like very hot outside you want to have like not so hot weather it is hot nowadays yeah this is so hot playing with the lava look at that big one thank you is that debris no there is no debris for me no root rude hey We need Kyle as a motivational granny fish oh we know me a motivational video Just Do It This ouch There is no no I’m fine Now Bank ing uh Oh my God good luck face a good the luck from SB Oh get some help wait my red lips Okay all right and then Whereas steering car will be horrible no beer no no no no no no no no no no no no no I don’t like it I get somehow I uh this Ella proof Foreign Hey don’t jinx me like that hello My class teacher suddenly chat me oh already from 1 pm just saw it better hold on we’re right back you know that the teacher also becoming my teacher also needs to get some help 1pm teacher sent me a message uh can you have class like tomorrow and

Then I haven’t read it right and then an hour later like I mean a few minutes ago my teacher sent me another tax saying oh I forgot it’s whole day but I really need to get some help too get some help so excited I think feel very very motivated right fun get some help no I really need to quite a meeting first I forgot I haven’t go idle meeting for almost eight hours be right back wait I need to disconnect or else

Be right back Foreign Foreign Oh nice Nice soup oh that’s not nice went down can I do this I don’t know don’t ask me Get some help me Aya me I am your name also need to get some help Wow Positive X 13. 15. The fifth thing I need to go positive x-ray positive X but there is no 15. It’s either negative Z or positive X no negative Z okay just stop here first six minutes For thin Very of course if you see first hello thank you Destiny Okay uh-huh guys sounding extra today thank you So no ancient debris foreign Remember lasts wait I think I need oh that one I think I need to take another potion take another potion Then it’s called uh-huh Go again one more Stack The Entity Much hello Hey the Soul Sand I don’t need it uh in not right okay let’s go um What did I miss anything above which one oh that one oh yeah I forgot forgot about that one thank you oh no it’s grateful oh it’s not one actually even better okay minus 17 okay Oh see word in seconds oh I see that I want to take the potion hello ocean though oh It’s not something didn’t he I think you guys miscalculated it 19 in minus wave We need 31 31 minutes I don’t think we can get another 31. Uh uh He don’t get some help um lost concentration already and it’s okay Go Okay let’s go Positive effects Thanks nope nope um um Did I call my cat color so I can get some help you really need to get some help nice idea let’s get some help Shish oh oh pretty good Nope okay almost three thousand three thousand wow G ate symbolic debris a visit to craft another ride in Block is it too thank you foreign You guys please recharge your luck again okay till the next Madrid Arc again Hey you know what actually right uh 120 times 2 is like 240 right I reached 240 already Yes yes almost almost I’m doing I’m doing uh two streams at once even better Am i setting the numbers just too low maybe right oh bye scaly why are you there scaling you want to give me Arrow right yeah So nice So sand got no ancient debris so bad no the breeze foreign wow this is so bad we all ran out of luck to give you restart guys restock guys help I want to get four stacks help guys How to restock I oh This is I just want to go there the love the love for trying to say that no you go that side even better I spoke too soon okay nope yeah yeah okay we need to um negative Z please no more lava please please Oh no it’s Buzz salt Adios Ella please please put the gray shelter in the under chest eat ing foreign It will be funny if you lose it nice right finally oh nice it’s just not good for your heart right Ouch oh that’s not that’s nice that’s nice just one just someone How many you got uh many many but not enough many many not enough foreign with Foreign guys try to survive 10 more tnps and we’ll be done just hope for the best whoa yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s what I want oh that’s what I want too yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Only one rude at least give me Tula if not three but only one not good If not then he was the death negative wait if I go this way it’s gonna be puzzle built all right let me check Yes there is no other way I should thank you do something maybe this way and turn left working This way swine I think 13 TNT’s left Ouch I think 13 is enough okay this is it guys this is it oh GG it’s a GG guys they’re doing great today I hope that every single time I grind for the nether it’s gonna be like this I hope right that’s not too much to us right it’s nothing even better

Even better Hello there is nothing very very good there is nothing GG okay let’s try to put all of the things hey Carla why is the keyboard always tired because it has yeah I know right um let’s see how many that we got today 192. it’s more than 24 here um it’s more than

2 40. Almost four stacks oh it’s not 2 40. no no Come on okay so no no no so um next stream Next stream we’re gonna meet four three of mine ah no no it’s mine stream mine can I do like strip mine I don’t know or oh this is so bad guys I just need four guys give me four it’s gonna be hard it’s reminding me but for how can I do it

How can it be possible like how can it be possible like the 10th class TNT got nothing rude come back I don’t have the wood I don’t bring the planks just straight mind this um just reach reach reach digging foreign Desire sensor guys sorry Ella we failed you with our boy saying sorry no I don’t need quarters give me ancient debris another way foreign Foreign Get some help okay Okay let’s go let’s go let’s put all of the things we go back we take one stuck TNT and then we go to the new Surfer not there right and try to find just four to make it 240. that sounds like a plan I don’t know foreign

No I’ll just take one stack one stack not taking all stack if taking all stack it’s gonna be GG you know strip mining to the nether get even better Daddy I don’t need to bring this I don’t need to bring this I don’t need to bring this put all of the items here no I don’t need it therefore I’m gonna take anything that is not important Okay even better um no place was here okay okay ready let’s go you’re using wisely Okay And then um We take all of this um okay then Uh it uh where’s the Pizza Okay This one the potion the cool Idea Not enough space Foreign Any candy Is the base we just wait for this then lie already give you a mile Oh foreign is in the city you know brain brain already adios you know very very bad Your brain really alive Llama let’s go yes because I thought this is Overworld um Railway Oh actually I know how to do it 15. Foreign Barbaric mood oh bad it’s bad this is Louis right and this is using bad or maybe other members not always weenies Oh thing torch totally not me what is torch that’s maybe a sign to go back right yeah let’s assign to go back I think I have oh hey the the new Surfer already the new Surfer already a lot of balls they’re not taking the chords at all though problem s Okay okay we’re gonna be indeed here later there if I got nothing then foreign Why this is like Unstoppable yeah up here or a chance Okay please give me that four ancient debris I only bring one stack of TNT okay Too little is not good and then okay okay wish me luck No go back it’s so bad Um just for hello or doco hello desired sensor is real good bigly oh okay okay two Four right we got this we got this okay two Oh okay yay sushi happy happy happy happy happy day hey foreign Wow cannot see anything if there is debris I cannot even see there’s just a lot of love love and love everywhere I cannot see I bet that there is a ancient Liberty there but we can just we just cannot see it Get some help so the goal for htmus 120 yeah Yama bro yes 120 yes true Starting to then for the next six months the big links will bestow Kyle some of the titles of volunteer and the home visitor I’m not the I’m not the home Destroyer hello I did not think get some help Foreign How many how many okay get some help mine nine two four five is it two four five right two four five four Kayla two four five it’s not um it’s not a even number it’s it’s not an even number that’s an even number I mean um that’s just a perfect number to go

Home I mean I still have 20 I don’t even know that you guys want me to go back or not actually huh five more okay five more not I don’t know this is just hard this is this is just hard to end cannot stop one stop right I only have one stack

Of DnD let’s see how can this one stack help me 25 TNTs is that enough already for 25. I don’t know okay you can’t go back if you start the number always weird number 245 is actually already good enough right we’re working okay okay perfect

This is it this is it guys this is it oh okay we got it one we got it right one wait Okay let’s go four more right There is no Just four more why silently we need four more again oh no another for another four another four another four again and then we end up with knitting just one more two four nine even better okay okay we got that we got that we got that how many is that one one

Like one one one one one one unless you like better stuff does that mean you like make it on medicine not like that get some help my TNT gone hello so it really is close to Six line let’s go no no no no no no no no no no two six

Nine two six nine thank you oh no no I really need the potion that there is no other way hmm Okay okay we’ve been It’s wait wait oh 15 right goodness here uh-huh wait away I have like I have like 24 right what’s that say 2014 TNT just like that sure about that there is no more TNT no no I guess that’s it no Get some help thanks for your company on a tough night for me hey I wish you luck Wesley Roy West Wesley Roy Good luck with your life I hope it’s getting better okay yeah the night we’re still weird right two for seven yeah Foreign no I still hope that I can get another tree no okay I think we just need to let go don’t be greedy greedy right y greedy greedy greedy you can just throw some away even better better better solution right modern solution modern problem modern solution okay let’s just hold on okay

Okay let’s just put all of the things and just go back One two three four Okay oh Um okay okay goodbye have a good day and then Professional fast Traveler okay now we just need to take back and foreign Okay now we just need to wait wait and this is rough right uh-huh eight thin taking so long okay then uh while waiting for that let’s just do this sorting a little bit um Arts And then this cold this is for what I still have a lot here for the Redstone already I already uh prepare for it it’s okay With no blasters I never thought about using this one like actually this one is only accessories all of this only accessories I am you cannot complain this is only just in case one La urgent I use the auto smelly but too lazy to go there Blacksmith with accessory stuff higher even better like yeah of course so lame must do 35 one is nine so many Okay um not enough space Oh no This one this one where to put I don’t know can I just put it here first I don’t know Wait What is okay what is glass Bernice materials smooth stone for me Hmm get some help um Last time I heard that someone gonna end the strip at one but my watch is broken yeah of course Your watch is broken yes definitely I even put my leg down from here for what Yama bro huh there is hoarding there is a scent of glue to me and then there is calico about the equator characters thank you thank you Making so long cannot wait la Hmm Ryan what you doing he’s like done why why what’s the problem if mine I’ll make another one okay six So slow already finished what we’ll do already finished lay hello wasting the cool for what That’s why you use blast furnace I already used I have a lot of furnace for what nothing Thank you for the help hey thank you for the help thank you for the help is that all okay Still have one here don’t tell me that you’re gonna use one I’m taking it Okay And I had the right GG foreign Very proud And what two three yeah niece and nephew don’t be like a furnace for what a big mouthful phone is food what what what’s your problem one two three four five six you buy Six one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen is it Thirteen the outer part

I want to change it but One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve uh One two three four five dollars remember where should I put this one two three four five six seven eight and ten eleven twelve thirteen okay thirteen Loop and Oh yeah Tanga oh no what is this Okay birthday cake it’s it’s a birthday cake Uh where is it um oh look at this the lucky stick I only need one hello wood Foreign Cake don’t take emoji Wait emoji blowing my birthday cake my birthday party birthday cake candles what kind of copy too long uh blowing a cake Foreign My birthday party this one is better wait nah Blowing a candle Gotta get some help thanks for the stream and Congress on the progress very nicely Kyle Envy 6ix9ine thank you so much do do birthday cake no Steel no still uh can look no touch Foreign do not touch Free cake what do you mean freak Look okay touch no look okay Look okay look okay but snow cannot look okay touch no okay with the emotes it’s not good I need a better emotes uh Girls birthday my birthday party birthday celebration nah this one this one this one birthday celebration get some help It seems not only who getting lucky Kyle a few minutes ago I just placed a notification was salary rise and stuff over I’ve been just minorize a lot of people getting their rice nice are they ready congratulations sweet foreign foreign Get some help get some help Okay not this one okay and then And then hold on foreign What really need to get some help on me Oh Blowing candles right one Black thing to the next level it’s not flexing it’s That’s What I Call motivation nice Um Foreign Bacon is a success just kidding have a great rest of your day colors and I think yo kind of Summer wow brain alcohol thanks for the show it’s a nice birthday is get some help become larger Foreign Candles Hmm Wait wait it’s taller Yay we’re having a birthday party hmm Where’s the party Screenshot okay look okay touch no nice And and if someone really touched this they’re gonna get the damage right hello wait wait it’s hurting me just now but it’s not hurting me right now It’s to be swear oh oh okay okay What if what if someone attack attack attack this attack this attack attack until the armor gone because of the thorns nice okay so after all we got two four seven is it two for seven right I need to update the numbers in the title so that we can keep track of the

Kyla nb69 yeah 247 and um I have already made a new playlist other than the Minecraft one the Kyle nb69 one so that um later on after the nadra beacon is already finished we can trace back the progress okay Thank you so much I think I need to rest a bit before my relatives come over there’s not gonna be any night stream I’ll see you tomorrow yep I don’t know about the schedule tomorrow yet but yeah I’ll update it on Twitter then okay thank you so much and thank you so

Much for commenting me it’s been a pleasure it’s been great thank you so much for giving me with consent for taking your luck right yeah you cannot complain bye bye Thank you Oh by the way thank you so much for the membership gifts Please

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】#1 dedication #KaelaNB69 (247 debris)【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】’, was uploaded by Kaela Kovalskia Ch. hololive-ID on 2023-04-26 11:22:18. It has garnered 117991 views and 9635 likes. The duration of the video is 09:19:23 or 33563 seconds.

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#KaelaNB69: my Netherite Beacon project starting from April 26th 2023. ——————————————————————————————————- This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms)

【MOD used】 Complementary Shaders Author: EminGT Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders ——————————————————————————————————- 【Twitter】 https://twitter.com/kaelakovalskia 【Instagram】 https://www.instagram.com/kaelakovalskia 【Tik Tok】 https://www.tiktok.com/@kaelakovalskia 【Facebook】 https://www.facebook.com/KaelaKovalskia ——————————————————————————————————- Request from hololive Productions to underage viewers: Please be sure to check the link below before viewing our content. https://en.hololive.tv/request-to-minors Request from hololive Production for underage viewers: Please read the guidelines below before watching our content https://en.hololive.tv/request-to-minors-id ————————————————– ————————————————– — 【Vestia Zeta】 • Channel: https://t.co/mTJbfHlA8z • Twitter: https://twitter.com/vestiazeta • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vestiazeta • Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vestiazeta • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VestiaZeta

[Kobo Kanaeru]• Channel: https://t.co/hAZaN3S6Op • Twitter: https://twitter.com/kobokanaeru • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kobokanaeru/ • Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kobokanaeru • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KoboKanaeru ————————————————– ————————————————– — 【EN】Rules to remember while streaming is in progress: • Please be nice to fellow viewers and comment in polite language. • Please do not engage in off-topic discussions in the comments column. • Please do not spam in any form. • Please do not swear, criticize, or speak in harsh language. • Please maintain your attitude when commenting and please do not comment on sensitive matters related to SARA, politics, NSFW, etc. • Please do not discuss with each other in the waiting room. • Please do not comment about other Vtubers in the waiting room/during the livestream if it is not started first by the Vtuber who is streaming because it is impolite. 【EN】Notice during the stream: • Please be nice with each other and comment using polite words. • Please keep the chat on-topic in relation to the stream. • Please don’t spam. • Please do not swear, bash, or talk with any kind of foul language. • Please refrain from commenting about sensitive topics such as race, politics, NSFW, etc. • Please do not do any discussions in the waiting room. • Please do not mention or give any comment about other Vtubers during the livestream if the topic wasn’t started first by the current streamer first because it would be considered impolite. 【JP】皆に気を付けてほしいこと: ・視聴者同士で仲良く、丁寧な言葉でコメントをお願Aboutす・不適切な言葉を使わないでほしいです ・待機中の話を遠慮してほしいです ・話題に出ていない他の配信者について、話さないでください 【Hashtag】 • General: #KaelaKovalskia • Live: #Kaelaif • Fanart : #inKaela • Meme: #KaeLaugh 【Yasuda Suzuhito Sensei】 • https://twitter.com/suzupin

【Credits】 Thumbnail art: https://twitter.com/Shira_Yuki69/status/1649738990592086017 Opening Screen & Stinger Art: https://twitter.com/keenbiscuit Overlay: https://twitter.com/Melonturtle_ Stinger: https://twitter.com/fremhaus Room Overlay: https://twitter.com/Norah_s_Pot General BGM: https://www.instagram.com/iyast_pratama/ Minecraft BGM: https://twitter.com/minari_studio Notification Alert: https://twitter.com/corgi_koragi Ending Screen Art: https://twitter.com/senjou62 Ending Screen Rig: https://twitter.com/raina_illune Ending BGM: https://dova-s.jp/EN/bgm/play8412.html

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    Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash! In the world of Minecraft, Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, Decided to hit the aquapark, for a thrill. Sliding down waterslides, with laughter and glee, Their adventures in Minecraft, for all to see. With Kare Kafa as their guide, in Turkish delight, Their videos bring joy, day and night. Subscribe for more fun, and turn on notifications, For Minecraft adventures, and rich-poor relations. So join in the fun, let the game begin, With Minecraft news, in rhymes that win. Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, in the aquapark’s glow, Their laughter and joy, for all to know. Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Pranks

    Real Life Minecraft Pranks Minecraft in Real Life: Exploring the Trend Many content creators have been exploring the concept of bringing Minecraft into the real world, blurring the lines between the virtual and physical realms. Let’s delve into some of the most popular videos and trends that have emerged from this unique fusion. Real-Life Minecraft Adventures Creators like Musa Belir, Enes Batur, Burak Kuloğlu, and Oğuz Aslan have been at the forefront of this trend, showcasing their adventures in real-life Minecraft scenarios. From crafting tools to building structures, these videos offer a fresh perspective on the beloved game. Testing Minecraft Legends in Real… Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation

    Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation The Quirky World of Minecraft Logic When it comes to Minecraft, logic takes a backseat to creativity and fun. The game’s unique rules and mechanics often defy real-world physics, allowing players to build, explore, and experiment in ways that would be impossible in reality. Let’s dive into the whimsical world of Minecraft logic and uncover some of its most intriguing aspects. Gravity-Defying Structures and Floating Islands In Minecraft, players can construct gravity-defying structures that seem to defy the laws of physics. From floating islands suspended in mid-air to towering structures that seem to defy gravity, the game allows for… Read More

  • Pvp Legends

    Pvp LegendsWelcome to our Minecraft Factions server! Immerse yourself in a dynamic and competitive world where alliances are forged, battles are waged, and land is conquered. Build your faction, strategize with allies, and engage in epic PvP encounters. Join us for an exhilarating experience where survival depends on both skill and cunning. Will your faction rise to dominance, or will you succumb to the challenges of this unforgiving landscape? Join now and embark on an adventure like no other! Read More

  • Deep Season SMP Semi-vanilla Java 17+ Whitelist Proximity Voice Chat

    Welcome to Deep Season SMP! Hello, Deep Season is striving to create a hermitcraft-like SMP, with a community of active players of all types. We are creating a chill environment where people have the opportunity to create cool things and have fun together. About the Server: The 1.20.6 server officially launched about a week ago on a fresh map. Our shopping district is still in its infancy and the end is locked until next Saturday, so there will be plenty of time to catch up. The server is mostly vanilla, with just a few additions: A few vanilla tweaks datapacks… Read More

  • Bucketry Minecraft 1.21 🌟 [JUST RESET] {Pyro Mining & Pyro Fishing} {Dungeons} {Ranking & Prestiging} {Quest System} {Land Claiming} {Over 200 Unique Enchantments}

    Bucketry Minecraft 1.21 🌟 [JUST RESET] {Pyro Mining & Pyro Fishing} {Dungeons} {Ranking & Prestiging} {Quest System} {Land Claiming} {Over 200 Unique Enchantments}🌐 Server IP: play.bucketry.netDiscord: https://discord.gg/eZXqDPj3kEWelcome to Bucketry Minecraft, where the most epic Minecraft adventure of your life awaits! 🌟🌍 Explore a world filled with endless possibilities and challenges, where survival is just the beginning. Here’s a taste of what Bucketry Minecraft has in store for you:🏰 Progression System: Ascend the ranks, conquer challenges, and become a legendary player in our immersive world.🛒 Shops Galore: Build your empire with a plethora of server and player shops, where treasures and riches await your discovery.💼 Jobs & Skills: Take on thrilling jobs and refine your skills to stand out in the world of… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 64 TEXTURES!! TOO SPICY!

    Minecraft Memes - 64 TEXTURES!! TOO SPICY!That’s a lot of textures for a game where everything is made of blocks! Maybe they should add a texture for every type of dirt block too. Read More

  • Minecraft meme on fire!

    Minecraft meme on fire! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Revamping the Farm in Better Minecraft

    Revamping the Farm in Better Minecraft Enhancing the Farm: Day 10 in Better Minecraft On Day 10 of the epic 1,000-day journey in Better Minecraft, our intrepid explorer set out to improve the farm by adding a touch of natural beauty. Armed with a variety of materials and a creative vision, the farm was about to undergo a stunning transformation. Materials Used: Spruce Fence Dark Oak Fence Ancient Ochre Froglight Crop Heater Crop Chiller Season Detector Redstone Dust Magenta Flower Birch Leaves White Flower Acacia Leaves Apple Acacia Leaves Charcoal Block The farm was about to receive a makeover that would not only enhance its… Read More

  • Intense ASMR Gaming with Hypixel Skyblock Keyboard Sounds!

    Intense ASMR Gaming with Hypixel Skyblock Keyboard Sounds!Video Information all right y’all what is going on everybody and welcome back to my channel you feel me or if you’re new welcome to my channel you feel me so we’re doing Sky Block again and this is Hypixel Sky Block so it’s like very complicated and [ __ ] from what I from what I’ve noticed let me make the chat smaller actually uh chat settings chat size turn it down to 50 turn this up because it looks weird yeah that’s better that’s better so um I actually tried to play this before with Dennis and my… Read More

  • Ultimate Aquatic Adventure: Season 5 Begins

    Ultimate Aquatic Adventure: Season 5 BeginsVideo Information [Music] iwhere find with you Lon strikes or any shade of blue the J the best part even when the RO is hard I Anywhere [Music] With You This video, titled ‘Minecraft Aquatic Survival Season 5 V2 Intro’, was uploaded by Golden Primvally on 2024-04-20 03:17:39. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. ***************************************** Theme song Credits: The Glitch Explorer’s Theme by Dalekium: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmYYB_8xLg8 Intro & Outro themes: GP: Brand New Journey By Brian Skeel: https://youtu.be/kl4qLokmyzA GP: Journey Into The Haunted Manor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQWNjHlytI8 GP: Journey Into The… Read More

  • PurpleGecko’s Insane Deaths in Minecraft #memes

    PurpleGecko's Insane Deaths in Minecraft #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Worst Ways to Die #minecraft #mc #memes’, was uploaded by PurpleGecko on 2024-04-29 14:40:04. It has garnered 4508 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Unlock Aether NOW! No Obsidian Needed – Modded Minecraft

    Unlock Aether NOW! No Obsidian Needed - Modded MinecraftVideo Information greetings humans it is I Bay zipster and today I’ll be showing you how to get to the Aether dimension in modded Mindcraft without the need to find diamonds or mine obsidian step one your typical start punch trees for wood make a pickaxe mine Stone mine coal step to find iron three minimum for one bucket but I recommend finding as much as you can to make more optionally find flint but I forgot to this run so instead you’ll me try a different way to ignite the portal step three find a lava pool preferably on… Read More

  • “SazerStreams: Join Now for Nonstop Lifesteal Fun!” #minecraft #smp

    "SazerStreams: Join Now for Nonstop Lifesteal Fun!" #minecraft #smpVideo Information कैंडल लाइट हैज गन आउट सम वे विन एंड सम वल लूज नथिंग मच एल्स टू से थ आ सर्चिंग फॉर समथ डर क्लोज न साउ टेक लक ए आ एला स्ल आ प् स्लो ड स्लो डाउ स्लो डा [संगीत] स्लो कैंडललाइट है गन आउट सम विल विन एंड सम ल लूस नथि मच एल्स टू से थ आ सर्चिंग फॉर समथि क्लो न साउ टेक अ ल आ [प्रशंसा] स्ल प् स्लो ड से उ से उ से [संगीत] उ कैंडललाइट हैज गन आउट सम वल विन एंड सम वल लूज नथिंग मच एल्स टू से… Read More

  • Krish Gets Scared By Minecraft Monster 😱

    Krish Gets Scared By Minecraft Monster 😱Video Information लोगों को बताऊं यार ये वीडियो एंड ही नहीं हो रही है मैं कर ही नहीं पा रहा यार ये भाई पागल भाई पागल पागल पागल ओके हम आ चुके हैं एंड पोर्टल में एंड पोर्टल में आ चुके हैं हम पोर्टल में घुस तो गए थे मुझे लग रहा था हम दूसरी विलेज में आ जाएंगे लेकिन इस बार हम अलग ही एंड पोर्टल में आ चुके हैं एंड पोर्टल में हम यहां पर आ चुके हैं और यहां पर मुझे कुछ तो गड़बड़ अब यहां पर लग रही है वेट व्हाट यहां पर गाइज एक घर… Read More

  • Shocking Makeup Tutorial: DON’T Mine at Night 💄🌙

    Shocking Makeup Tutorial: DON'T Mine at Night 💄🌙Video Information don’t mind at night I know you’re looking at that cave and you’re feeling kind of Brave go to bed you’ll be all right don’t mine at night there’s nothing This video, titled ‘Don’t mineee at nighttt #makeup #makeupartist #viral #fyp #minecraft #makeuptutorial #meme #funny’, was uploaded by PorcelainxDoll on 2024-05-25 01:30:52. It has garnered 332 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • Mikey & JJ Transform into T-Rex in Minecraft Attack!

    Mikey & JJ Transform into T-Rex in Minecraft Attack!Video Information [Music] good morning Mikey how did you sleep what are you doing there good morning JJ I thought you’d sleep the whole day as usual I’m just looking at what we can do with our resources and what can we do let’s take a walk around the village hm what is it there there seems to be a seller selling something let’s go there soon and see what he sells mhm Hi man we saw your poster there what does it say here buy a plane hi guys I’m selling a plane that you can buy and fly… Read More

  • Building EPIC PandaLand in 1 Block – EP. 5 #Minecraft

    Building EPIC PandaLand in 1 Block - EP. 5 #MinecraftVideo Information [Music] I [Music] so [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] you [Music] no [Music] a This video, titled ‘Making a PandaLand in Minecraft One Block [Episode : 5] #minecraft #trending #viral #viralvideo’, was uploaded by GamingSupro009 on 2024-03-04 12:35:18. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:51 or 351 seconds. Making a PandaLand in Minecraft One Block [Episode : 5] #minecraft #trending #viral #viralvideo minecraft house minecraft game minecraft house ideas minecraft videos for kids minecraft video minecraft house design minecraft live minecraft song minecraft… Read More

  • Fabelized

    FabelizedWelcome to Fabelized, your ultimate destination for all things Minecraft! Dive into a world of endless possibilities and unleash your creativity with our vast collection of exclusive items, skins, and accessories. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting your adventure, Fabelized has everything you need to elevate your Minecraft experience to new heights. Explore our meticulously curated selection of skins, ranging from fierce warriors to adorable creatures, and find the perfect look to express your unique style. Enhance your gameplay with our premium plugins, and texture packs, designed to immerse you in stunning new worlds and enhance every aspect… Read More

  • Aether Earth – Semi-Vanilla Factions SMP PVP

    Welcome to AetherEarth! Features: 1:1500 Scale Earth Map LifeSteal Fully Customized Shop Towny Make your own Vehicles (MoveCraft) Cross-play Welcoming Community Professional Staff Will you make peace or will you start the next world war? Join to make history! Join us on Discord Read More

  • AND Factions

    AND FactionsServer launches on July 10th, 4pm CET!OGFactions is a server dedicated to bringing back the nostalgic feel of classic faction servers. Where items are actually valuable, and players must grind to achieve them – there’s absolutely ZERO way to buy any kind of in-game advantage.The server is run by 2 seasoned MCPVP veterans who are committed to prioritizing gameplay and fun above all else.Discord: https://discord.gg/gCXuvCA4rh Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Which one have you tried tho? 🔥

    I’ve tried them all, and let me tell you, I still can’t figure out how to mine diamonds without accidentally falling in lava every time! Read More

  • Brick by Brick: Minecraft Cherry Blossom Garden 21260 Review

    Brick by Brick: Minecraft Cherry Blossom Garden 21260 Review Leap into the verse, where Minecraft sets disperse, Cherry Blossom Garden, a colorful burst. Sniffers and bees, in a world of blocks, Building terrain, with colorful rocks. The build quality, a bit on the flimsy side, Bees falling apart, a fragile ride. But play value shines, with sniffers and trees, A Minecraft world, full of possibilities. Build experience, colors bright and bold, Inspiration for terrain, stories untold. A set for children, to create and play, A display piece, in a colorful array. Playability, with sniffers and bees, Accessories galore, for hours of ease. A set for kids, to explore… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Survival Minecraft Server Sneak Peek: MineCity

    Survival Minecraft Server Sneak Peek: MineCity Welcome to MineCity: A Preview of Our NEW Survival Minecraft Server! Hello everyone, welcome to the exciting world of MineCity! Our brand new survival Minecraft server is packed with amazing features and bonuses that will keep you entertained for hours on end. Join us as we explore all the incredible elements that make MineCity a must-visit destination for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Features of MineCity At MineCity, players can expect a wide range of features that set our server apart from the rest. From custom-built structures to unique gameplay mechanics, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Here are some key… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Starter Houses Become Epic Builds!

    Join Minewind: Where Starter Houses Become Epic Builds! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to enhance your building skills and create stunning structures in the world of Minecraft? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building talents. Imagine taking the skills you learned from tutorials like “How To Build A Starter House In Minecraft” and applying them in a dynamic multiplayer environment. On Minewind, you can collaborate with other players, participate in building competitions, and explore a vast world filled with unique creations. Join us at Minewind Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft PS3 in 2024: What’s New?

    Minecraft PS3 in 2024: What's New? Minecraft PS3 Edition in 2024: A Look at the Exclusive Features Minecraft PS3 Edition, launched in 2014, holds a special place in the hearts of many players. Despite no longer receiving updates, this edition continues to offer a unique gaming experience. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft PS3 Edition in 2024 and explore its exclusive features. Exploring the Game Upon entering the game, players are greeted with the familiar interface of Minecraft PS3 Edition. The last update, version 1.13, sets the stage for a nostalgic journey through this beloved edition. Players can customize their experience by choosing from… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bom magic tips! 😵😵 #viral #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Bom magic tips! 😵😵 #viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mincraft Bom magic😵😱।‌ #minecraft #viral #shorts #nf Minecraft tips #trending’, was uploaded by NF Mincraft Tips on 2024-01-14 13:11:20. It has garnered 2466 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Mincraft Bom magik😵😱।‌ #minecraft #viral #shorts #nf Minecraft tips #trending Read More

  • Ninja7087 vs Haunted Minecraft Seeds

    Ninja7087 vs Haunted Minecraft SeedsVideo Information हेलो हेलो हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू अनदर वीडियो और आज की इस वीडियो के अंदर मैं आ चुका हूं रर सीट ट्राई करने एज यू नो आज की वीडियो का टाइटल तो पढ़ ही लिया होगा तुम लोगों ने तभी तो वीडियो लगाई होगी तुम लोगों ने तो आज की इस वीडियो के अंदर सॉरी वो थोड़ा एरर आ गया था और मैं बोल रहा था कि आज हम लोग टेस्ट करने वाले माफ्ट हरर सीड्स व माफ्ट के अंदर सो लेट स्टार्ट और इस वीडियो में एंड तक बने रहना और मैं तुम्ह एक ऐसा सीड भी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm 😱

    Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm 😱Video Information [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what up guys what up welcome to the stream how are you guys doing today on this fine evening um I appreciate every single one of you guys coming down to the stream we are live um give me a hello hello yep I can hear you Y sound good hello yep I can hear you good okay can I pick where we’re Landing today yeah so I’m going to turn this down to almost an extreme and then put this back on all right I’m going to pick closer… Read More

  • Mind-blowing Aether and Twilight Forest..? 🌳😱 #viral

    Mind-blowing Aether and Twilight Forest..? 🌳😱 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘ESSE VÍDEO É PRA VOCÊ :AETHER & TWILIGHT FOREST🌳 🤔🤔😆 #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Slinky_ J.E on 2024-01-15 16:32:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. THIS VIDEO IS FOR YOU: AETHER & TWILIGHT FOREST #shorts #viral #minecraft #modsminecraft. Read More

Kaela Kovalskia Ch. hololive-ID – 【Minecraft】#1 dedication #KaelaNB69 (247 debris)【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】