Kaela Kovalskia Ch. hololive-ID – 【Minecraft】sand grinding. for the TNT【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】

Video Information

Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign foreign Thank you Foreign Hello everyone good evening hello how are you hello how are you today I’m great how about you guys hello good evening let’s see how many beach and dessert insert dessert will be gone in the server here some Juju foreign We’re not gonna be like taking a lot of sand right we’re not gonna take like a lot of sand from the server we’re just gonna take a little bit a little bit a little bit is enough right thank you okay a little bit a little bit that’s not what you said yesterday what

I mean I mean okay yeah um just enough just enough sand for my projects okay just enough Sun for my projects hold on I better wait what is this wait is Photoshop still open hold on let me close that let me close all of this tab that I don’t need for now

What suddenly get some help me you get some help yeah definition of enough yeah enough enough for my project hello Um All of this word sense it is mine Kyle foreign Already did mikuji already see the tree house Saw the house already Not there right don’t know I don’t think I don’t think we had the chance to online like Minecraft online yet I don’t know thank you Miko busy with other projects yeah yeah make a very busy is very busy with um other projects right now I think yeah already

Already got the chance to see the tree house right hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on Wait while I’m still reading the Super Chat let me let me just grind for some exp first piano I know Um It’s very hard to find like um the asset biome in the Holo server I don’t know why um I mean in general like in other Surfers too I think like it’s really hard to find um sand is another Island going to be moving to the Box in a while so

Get some help I’m not penguin I’m not cute get some help uh it’s really been a year I’ve missed your granny streams thanks I mean I’m I’m grinding India blue too I’m not the only Grand for the in the what in the Minecraft Hello cool blacksmithing go and then welcome to ND let’s go we are preparing for the kmb because I only need the TNT if we have like enough amount of TNT than the can be it’s easy yeah we need to grind we need to grinders gurunia I mean I win my

I’m in my my my ID my ID house right is in the desert so I mean hmm gets out I know you get some help um you know foreign no it’s gonna be like enough said enough said enough said mommy Lily is not even better nice Running Minecraft good luck grinding thank you my baby Bruce says thank you so much also same day on his birthday and he’s so happy with the kids dream gift that he ignored PS5 gift you you give baby bro A PS5 I mean okay yeah foreign Can be 36.36 ocular okay Can we get like um 250 percent this week I don’t know finally I’m gold taxpayer L want you to try the new Zelda game But Zelda I need to like uh pick between Diablo and Zelda because I cannot play both like I mean if you can give me like um 50 hours a day then maybe I can do that but yeah Thank you yeah press away nice dolphin oh no dolphin why are you here Dolphin dolphin die job and I thought your day is 69 hours I hope I wish I wish no No get some help why did you do that why did she do that is so cute I hope you too can play Minecraft together someday to kill students and your coolest come out in the Stream you might have a heart attack but it’s even better half thank you so much

Our custard tables one for the logic game you need to get some help for real for real thank you Marin joined here between me or Papa Mai or Mama Mario for baby bro but baby bro has one hour play limit every day since he needs study I

Play rest of hours even better nice nice thank you Emerald game hello Um okay yeah foreign On all of this fish for what how’s your day my day was great how about you everything young Probably right now I need to go to the resource Surfer probably I don’t know Project Kyla into this mid first nice foreign Then we need that control to control gory control gorilla is not a bad hello Buffer fish buffer fish after fish puffer fish Um foreign Andrew I’m okay thank you for asking stressful long week hope you will have a better week this week okay um spooky Bennett please and thank you spooky Bender kailan noise why suddenly you asked for spooky Banner Kyla hello Thank you so much for the membership gifts thank y’all imana what kind of sister are you not my responsibility for knowing I mean I mean I mean it’s not my responsibility to know where exactly is where skia is where gorilla is where grandmila is where um Ella is where

Where kofal is where bruela is where I mean if you ask me where PC Chan is I’ll I I I know about that Road no I mean if I mean if you ask yeah like where is Kyla I I I mean kill will also say the same thing uh-huh Will always say you are sleeping even better Guys don’t worry I can’t really give you the responsibly responsibly nice steady go nice America Sato universe foreign I I mean I don’t know Chris Carroll thank you guys in me Siri you know this resource server send actually it’s not that this flat Yeah Foreign I know I I mean I know it right like I want to find a fan art for my stream it’s also really hard already look at the water oh oh cool and be me asures random Geez I wonder Um this is actually my cat um sorry why are you here hello it’s a Christian GIF or six to eight K palmado Los Angeles even better mind evidence no no no no no no no no I mean I mean she I think I I think I think it got teleport by itself right

Come here There is still sand here it’s nice see this is already sandstone Look at what is this what is this There’s gonna be a time when actually this server needs to be reseted like the resource server needs to be reseted for real so that how I can have like more sand because of you not really I mean a lot of members also need like glass knit sand right not only me right Thank you you have no evidence guys you have no evidence But actually I I love grinding for sand because people will not ask me to do like a sand generator maybe some of them will ask me to like do like a sand duping or something like that but since we cannot do that right so I can grind peacefully Get some help Farhan why why suddenly foreign art is in the JP I think yeah yeah it’s in the JP it’s in the JP not in the resource one I swallow red it’s so fast La it’s so fast oh no wait wait wait is LA Um Foreign directly turned into TNT Don’t get why some Gamers don’t just love Gray so I think Andrew I need more sleep I’ll be right but don’t miss me too much get some help get something enjoy your rest More than more sauce Grinding sun is very very relaxing and it’s very fast which I like but yeah this is the first time I did I this is the first time I do this you know Ayala hi oh scam course No need the shaders grinding we don’t need the shaders it’s the efficiency ouch Why you Shader I don’t know wait it’s already night better sleep Okay oh there’s a rabbit there a rabbit okay bro foreign It’s like kind of slow why you always talk about Kursi Haya So Random what am is thank you I don’t have um I think I put all of the anfield somewhere um Oh You can put shocker box in enriches of course that’s why if you wonder why I always have my workshop and my hands in my inventory is because the energy just do wonders foreign B4 FIFA Wait Okay And then thank you Cactus I don’t need cactus Color guys saw me reacting to your stream the other day and said I’ve never seen you smile like that I’m not sure what to think of that guess I cannot help but smile watching your streams thank you wait is it Takia one you’re not smiling because of me you’re

Smiling because of Japan wow wow the JC wow wow wow do you need some luck I got someone here a lot I don’t need it right now but yeah maybe when later I need to find an new place where the sand probably I need someone here thank you thank you

I mean who can resist Kia me you have problem with that is okay even better wow Emerald gang hello foreign I mean I’m just asking right but yeah thank you so much for the clarification I mean you really need to clarify that right thank you I can reset here is the easiest thing to resist I know right yeah I know right yeah Sandstone what’s he what is the the the function of sandstone we cannot do anything with Sandstone right the purpose of sandstone Decoration is it good I don’t like it building materials I mean it’s not even strong it’s not a strong matters to build it’s super easy to break depends on how you use it hmm Thank you Can make fireman on top of it with another bacon oh with sandstone Hmm again 3.5 thank you It’s easier to research again Um Foreign Do I still have to sign off I think Kyla is cooler than together I know Farhan I know that I’m cooler than Kia thank you Again 3.5 MC cinematics Today is my birthday perfect for sun green history hello thank you uh happy birthday we’ll we’ll wish you all the best why is so hard to speak wish you all the best happy birthday happy birthday why I still keep saying happy birthday birthday I hope this year gonna be a blah

Are you yay happy burst happy birthday birthday not birthday birthday Just say Merry Christmas instead nice Unlike sand at core Straub and gets everywhere me too yeah Mama thank you is cool no doubt thank you I know right I know I know How many cents can we get today one one shelter box is how many cent ically you did come into this one by bursting out in yeah technically a speaking technically well um numbers numbers I need numbers not Banya this is foreign soda chicken by things in her place To um One shelter of TNT is Five Shell curse of sand foreign Four four or send it is not like that hello I’ve been talking about papaya best I’ll even better thank you started playing Minecraft myself and father how awesome you are I look forward to more strips in the future by the way it’s my birthday today hello happy birthday foreign happy birthday

Again happy birthday happy birthday it’s so hard to speak doing too much homework can make me hard to speak I think I think it’s time to stop doing homework for real Now guys foreign foreign Explanation even better even better very nice Theory there’s a lot of including me wow potatoes today 11 of June happy birthday birthday again happy birthday to show the best in life yay it’s full again oh no I don’t even know where is the shelter Loss Zen loss Rabbit do you see my shelter box Wait uh Naga happy birthday oh happy birthday happy birthday interesting interesting interesting She foreign Birthday wait the shuffle I think dinner summer the many children is our custard get some help get some help Progress is very fast super fast sandstone a lot of sandstone oh yes yes and then foreign Foreign Foreign no brain had empty I mean you know what if you don’t like grinding right probably it’s like the feeling of the boredom so maybe you can get like someone to talk to while you’re just grinding No brain just hit you know brain just wall left right left right left right yeah I’ve raised your hands in iPhone is in dire need for glass bottles glass bottles just stick it from my uh storage room Warehouse Money money Again no Again I really need to take down the coordinates I think cannot live this life with without the coordinates Ah fine I’ll I’ll take notes of it um Um Foreign Okay Thank you um What is that ship doing here We Go again yeah Yeah I haven’t FK in the creeper farm for like three weeks I think yeah yeah guys I should have asked like in the in this past two weeks I I mean I didn’t like I should have just FK because when I’m doing my homework right I’m almost

Like 24 hours in front of my PC it’s like perfect timing for FK but why didn’t I do that I don’t know maybe it’s just because I’m just too focused and cannot do that probably it’s almost like almost like I think it’s three weeks plus since my last time I

Grind or I grind I have came for the cream in the creeper Farm oh no foreign Client I also uninstall it right so it’s very serious today is my three years happy birthday happy birthday again right happy birthday happy birthday for all of the people who celebrates the birthday today hey Um full birthday yeah everyone door since I’m collecting Pantene everyone is enjoy to Elizabeth nice Paul pamalu got so many twins foreign a few days ago I named after my favorite coolest movie series streamer oh so right now I’m becoming a cat wow wow wow wow I am I am the coolest right

I’m the coolest oh no it’s full again full again it’s full again why it’s full again it’s full again it’s full again fine um did you just got back from another because you look how our Castle gets some help um Negative X and positive the Wait it’s kind of dark but I cannot sleep um Jacob today is not my birthday but can I get a happy birthday message why why did they deliver myself it’s raining but there is no rain this oh like that hey that’s that’s a new knowledge really it’s like that and um in Minecraft is it super nice Yeah I will I will change it to happy birthday happy birthday I didn’t know that yeah this is the first time I know about that though new knowledge new knowledge new knowledge Foreign born Born born happy birthday pant is my birthday today is my first birthday boy oh boy I got birthday streak nice then who else who else laughs oh no no Sorry this is to stunt fight kiss goodness to commentary stream wow you’re stunned I think she did really uh get some kind of magic I don’t know right I really got the magic you know what I’ll just take a shelter box foreign I’m fine I mean I’m in this I think I

Think this is not the first time if you if you hear my son kinda different each stream my son is different so yeah I’m having um boys identity issue you know Oh no it’s not again oh foreign Creeper want to help me just go round and round and round and round and round Creeper Hey by The Wing free gun powder foreign So much gunpowder yeah I’m sorry now I know And they make it fat for like excuse me I’m with agency of Land Management do you have a permit to be taking all of our dirt oh I’m sorry I’m not taking I’m just moving it I’ll give you a report later on or how much that I take okay thank you adios

Minecraft I’ll Crush so you could focus our guests to get some help get some help get some help Where is the gunpowder Drop three years well it’s not guaranteed to drop for gunpowder better Thank you I don’t know I don’t like this Spidey okay you can kill All right foreign Lettering littering littering littering Wow I saw I saw something just fall down adios Thank you I mean it’s nice to have it’s nice to have some help from the creeper Ouch Thank you okay I just arrived at night to ask this but it’s your gift to mikuchi done I mean if I’m not doing it then it’s done Oh it’s morning already yay It’s okay Why suddenly I move until the seashore already this is not right under underwater sent you nice underwater sand okay Do You Want To Build A Snowman no I want to build a sad man okay lost random thank you And I think I whole remember want to have some glass from you and I forget oh thank you Glass I have 23 000 glass in my underwater storage everyone can just take it if they want he You will send me I call Spiderman nice your hip nice why this one why uh wait a positive X Positive X positive Z that way ouch But I still have forgotten powder um Jonathan Ryan just saw an illustration of gorilla jealous and basil with other body and now it stuck in my head please help me I can’t visualize them now oh I saw that one too and it’s great if it’s stuck then it’s okay then right I mean it’s great Um where’s the gun powder I think this is the last gun powder foreign but it’s okay FK FK is easy I can do that like uh uh anytime but the scent I don’t have any time to grind so yeah I only bring like eight shelters of gunpowder even count right now okay um I saw that illustration too and I wondered that gorilla workouts you just have to do your pose on the dojo post uh Okay I’ll take three shelves first and I’ll take the bed bye hey wait Shuffle almost forgot about that Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you know what in my house right in my base I have like a lot of uh iron Shuffle so I really need to use it all first uh where is it is it here no

For the sun grinding it’s gonna be like a little bit slow but it’s okay I wanna uh I wanna use it because if I just throw this away it’s not appropriate to eat away tools you know Warehouse cleaning The good thing about having this kind of Shuffle we can control the grain like it’s not gonna be like a messy grinding everywhere you get orange it is some help back then couldn’t be me Let’s see if uh let’s see until it broken until it’s broken we can see like how many sand that we can get uh with one Shuffle like with one iron unintended Shuffle and let’s see for the second Shuffle can we get like the exact amount yeah we

It’s nice to do the research about that it’s almost broken okay three almost it’s almost four stacks almost first text let’s see for the second one Pretty good just slow yeah really good just slow yeah I mean we still have a lot of time it’s all it’s only like almost one and half hour so it’s okay gold Shuffle gold Shuffle gold Shuffle gold Shuffle gold equipment I feel like it’s I don’t know the durable taste like

It’s very easy to break Fallen Japanese Um I see old gold is blue yeah I mean I mean who make of crafts Equipments and tools using gold why Why efficiency painting interesting one four five six seven eight yeah it’s the same it’s really the same one yep yep yep hold on co-workers good luck lost random yeah good luck Thank you My name Um Foreign Foreign but yeah probably she is yeah yeah grinding stream next better All right oh it’s such a real live such a relief that I can use the iron equals and equipment very nice now I can save some space in the cast storage Did it a little bit more and we’re gonna go back to the diamond S The finger gun Bawa Okay I see Auto react in the live chat I don’t even know how to react but I can’t see it I can I can see the reaction but I don’t know how to do it Above text box Why is it flying there loading I mean you can react for like unlimited times is it Yes what is the function Oh what is the function of it For his family nice Showing our look I mean I mean if you’re in the phone just don’t break your thumbs what is your record for Flappy Bird play Flappy Bird it’s a hard game are you a pro player of Flappy Bird minus 50. wow nice 150 wow did you blink nine even better

What is your record I know around 27 something I don’t know Sounds like a ticket type of Wait what is that um Yeah yeah being gone didn’t think that Flappy Bird is something you consider hard I mean it’s a hard game But you just cannot stop playing it you will play it again and again and again and again and again and then got frustrated because of it and then but you still keep playing it again and again and again and again and then rage in your room like and then play again

And again and again and again and then got frustrated again and then closed the game and then you drink some water and then you play it again and again and again and again and again and again and again and then go through Straight it again and again and again and again but

You still keep playing it the next day keep playing it the next day and then suddenly your friend Wow oh Wow wow wow got stolen on my door hip um wow I can see wow that’s really wow have a bread that I can eat wow you know what I’ll just leave this and so a Sandstone redstone um Music desk I won that oh croissant pie la left I just wanna say con Kyla oh no No foreign Actually just take it hello Gold should I pick the rotten slash maybe I just need to take all of these things Maybe wait what is this why this is like very random suddenly spawner here oh it’s not already Foreign Wow that’s rude Nice nice entrance Okay then yeah it’s very weird this the spawner is very weird like it’s 60 63 6 dude the way is 63. like how The this the spawner is like weird hello hello There are sometimes just randomly under dressers oh really this is my first time To full again sandstone It’s full it’s full it’s full it’s full it’s full it’s full full again and again and again and again and again and again Oh no Okay um there you go see Polo foreign Nice progress mm-hmm alive so if I have like a lot of sand after this I can just FK very nice So all the homework done effect can be much you know all good hi um the story I mean even Diablo right the homework the homework didn’t affect that much it just affects the streaming time yes I completed the story like the main campaign already super nice super great story yeah blue Gigi very very nice the story wow wow just wow I even I even made the my character um what is that I even made my character my desktop wallpaper right now to my character in Diablo

Like there is one scene that I really like not the one that uh not the one that Lilith and my character okay it’s like a shot about my character like I really like that Foreign Foreign Foreign hello Storytelling about Diablo story when I cannot last spoiler Naga La where is the food Did I did I eat the food On the footage here I’m not mine okay Grinder guys foreign Foreign I mean there there is um wait um there is more than okay they’re more than legendary items if you reach like World tier 3 right Or we can treat the secret oh I see yeah I mean I mean if we I mean if in the end game right at least at least I have the sacred that we can be like you know um we can trade with each other the one that I have the one that I

Um the news and then you guys can also like treat what you hidden used but if it’s like you just give it for free like I mean the items and then I’ll be like not fill challenge you know all the tourist performance is so cool cannot wait to see your official 3D

Debut and be a real Idol on stage or comedian Foreign That’s not me okay that’s not me that’s not me okay that’s not me literally that’s not me Me I I have no idea about that thank you so much um positive X positive X Wait I think that’s too much Negative X Oh this is sandstone It’s time to kind of sort this items first Um this one is all set is it okay I’ll send nice also and we can put it here and then This one and then this one is all said Um sand on sand all sense and all sand then what else this one nah this one right uh this one very messy inventory I know ha ha ha this one just put it here So so and Sit and then no no I just think this thing this thing is take this they put it here put it here the golden app well okay one with so many shelters oh not this one kinda confused with all of these joggers for real for real then foreign This is my last Shuffle I really need to go back first um foreign I think the closest one is EPT yeah I think the closest one is Thank you oh no the luck is back Every single time I grant now it’s lagging oh the surfer kinda the surfer kinda giving me some rejection I think stop it I didn’t expect Minecraft but they definitely though you’ll be grinding Diablo no I kinda um kind of completed the main campaign this midnight last midnight and yeah I have some time to grind for the candy It’s all the progress of my Diablo is so far already like if we talk about the story right the terms of story it’s already it’s quite far from my last stream Well you see you will take a bit of sun and you turn from the whole coastal line itself I what do you mean I mean that’s why that’s the reason I asked like one shelter box of sand is how many just one thousand wait wait 27 times 64 right 27 times 64 right

If 20 seconds time 16. 64 times for why 64 times for one seven two eight one seven two eight if it’s like 10 shelter box then it’s like seventeen thousand oh killer okay Busan very nice UDA foreign Wait um where is it I don’t think we can be like very specific about sand I hit the evidence hide the evidence oh You didn’t see anything we didn’t see anything we didn’t see anything no guys no no um it’s just a 10 uh ten thousand ten thousand this is Ten thousand guys ten thousand ten shelters only okay then and uh ten thousand ten ten uh ten thousand okay ten thousand ten thousand uh you guys uh ten thousand yes not Manila still save yeah yeah ten thousand yeah I didn’t I didn’t expect nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope all good all good all good so it’s more than the stones already Oh the stones is one sixth one ten thousand upon yeah and ten thousand no one there’s a very rejected what you know I think oh okay Clipper you have one no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

No no no no no no no no what network subscribers you have enough to mix More Country already think yeah 10K only but no nope nope you didn’t see anything Um car first Oh my God and then Foreign In my defense in my defense in my defense I’m not using the sand only for me um reporting a resource embezzlement nah and um Um um and in my in my another defense I mean other members will also have that amount of numbers okay like I mean there’s no way that um there is no way that it’s only me you know um um um showing that kind of numbers okay um um yeah not guilty kylan not guilty yep objection what is the object Yeah objection yes objection yes Hello Rejected I did nothing wrong I mean okay um um Um um I need glass powder said I need glass topic no no no no uh found us and fine need glass yes uh I am grinding for uh fauna Senpai glass yeah a glass bottle glass bottle yes yeah the police is carelessly believe it is no

You blame fun no I’m not blaming I’m just helping hello in my defense I’m not using all of the numbers for myself okay yeah right ain’t no way she gonna request that much glasses of I mean we never know in the future that um some some some other members need a glass

Right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Go on Corpus you know what have you eaten your dinner yet it’s like um almost 9 00 p.m maybe you’re tired uh maybe maybe you just need to go to um have some follow me probably yeah yep I see TNT At this point just dig straight down to bed Wait thank you it’s the numbers got eat it Cannot be like this Weather difference is another different sauce no it’s not SAS Jordan Ryan Yeah maybe it’s time to go back it’s time to go back to fix my Shuffle first Sleeper boy you have been killed not even Kyler’s I believe that number no I thought I win I I I didn’t do that then there must be um something something wrong instead of the sticks okay 3000k we really need to check it again later on after the can be finished you know yeah

I wanna have a race let’s see which will happen first me getting an emerald Inga or you filing pronouncing that Flopper quickly I feel confident this thoughts me be the best man win that’s Lottery that’s Whopper what do you mean how to pronounce that a flop right

Nah good now I wonder about her said consumption when can we finish yeah yeah yeah yeah we really need to check yeah um Should I take this I I mean I’m still having a lot of Joker box so probably just leave it here right I um what are all of the Maybe It’s okay let’s just go the amount of net direct destruction whoa Look at all those candy no everything’s good three things die job let’s explore another discussion Wait wait wait wait this is this is really weird um don’t think I can lie here because I’m gonna crash into something that I don’t really want Nothing happened Wow Wow I’ll make this Trace fair you keep stressing that around syllable it’s not pronounced that Flopper and stressing the first level is hiding inside I will check it in the Google Translate you just need to wait Ouch foreign Now I’m very confused because I cannot see oh no like even better even better even better oh I think it’s good no no Just do it manually Okay and we just wait here wait okay oh deaf Flopper developer developer developer developer the developer that’s the the devil upper what is this is developer foreign I don’t know what did I do wrong the Flopper the Flopper I don’t know follow developer Foreign Where should I put oh no where should I put the rotten flesh Um 64 rotten flashlights so fast I mean there is no Box about There’s no box for the rotten flash though Where is the oh There is a rotten flush here wait what Rotten blush Rotten flesh I don’t want to pick up any other thing anymore please I’ll just make it full of cactus laughs This week foreign faster I need two I need to grind right Light gray can one ball known jungle sign none Why not I think this one is wrong Thank you I’m I’m just crafted five how much glass you crafted um where is it no glass cannot be crafted right can be like I’m used look if if it’s from the smelter it’s counted as craft good is it huh Drop Blocks of quartz 7 in thousand EMT 16. this oh it’s finished already let’s go this is another one Thank you click click to the end is I need you to get some help what are you going to do with that amount of TNT I don’t even have the TNT right now I only have like one shelter of BND one and a half I don’t know about that numbers I

I am not responsible for all of those numbers you know yep She lets her sister in her diamond pickaxe I mean okay at least at least from from what I remembered I only used all of the TNTs for the nether right grind right so we can have the exact data about how many sand how many um TNT that we crafted for the Canby yeah no no no in the sand the scent it’s already mixed up the sun yeah because

Because no one ever asked for TNT and then I have never used a TNT for any other things so we can get the data about that from the PNP the sand the sand is already like mixed up already like for TNT for glass or uh the for materials for building for whatever Not counting TNT that was donated to you uh I don’t think it’s counted as the one that I crafted and the one that is donated to me I’ve never used any of them whether it’s just gonna be like in the place or it’s gonna be on the wall

I don’t think it’s counted in the data though If it’s around 60 for the case and it’s used for TNT where did you allocate the rest of the sand ma’am um that’s a good question straight what is the data of the glass yeah it’s for the glass right or maybe I just eat all of the sand then No um if if smelting smelting glass is considered as crafted is it because it’s super the number is super small The number is only 3 000 glass it doesn’t make sense it doesn’t make sense the one that I smelled in the super smelter back then on stream it’s already more than three thousand seven hundred it doesn’t doesn’t make sense the number is no smell that I didn’t got count but how can I

But I’m crafted three thousand three thousand oh what is this number came from then foreign oh yeah maybe the yeah oh yeah yeah maybe the color one okay yeah maybe the color one The pop pop pop sun effect yeah it’s like ASMR bubble SMR we’re analyzing the data right now deep sleep 60 000 900 quarts 34 000. Pack is 24 000. you sure about that I’ve never felt like I’ve never felt like that I grind for like 24 000 but okay hmm oh yeah yeah it makes sense it makes sense it’s for the Lamar way and it’s for the guardian Farm Way yeah the grinding unconscious

The Cinematic lives oh it is well doesn’t come for crafting only man oh spicy Andrew thank you thank you for the six night oh but but I think but I think this the super smelt that the auto smelter one will be considered as the pickup one right because they’ve picked up thank you

Not really it’s only six thousand Foreign yeah but I mean you’ve picked up pick up means that I pick from the chest right But no I don’t know either I don’t know about how the or the statistic works Diamond PK Street 300 000 if we total this is like six six hundred and eighty thousand nice nice Yeah I don’t even have my nether at Big X right now nope oh look at this number the anterior I already used like 15 000 TNT and right now I have like um yeah I still have like 1000 DND 1000 TNT 1000 TNT I think I have more than that I wonder if this does have a delay for getting update uh I don’t think so because uh just now I just now I what’s that just know I going for the sun right the numbers going up directly time is crafted scaffolding three thousand I’m used twelve thousand my command like Marley like moneybang

[Applause] twelve thousand nine hundred where did I even go Moon Hmm The second every time you put scaffolding oh so I put like 12 000 times I don’t know I feel like this all of these numbers kind of shock me a bit like how I don’t know huh Emirates zero do you mean times time is Nero use mean what

Use means for crafting isn’t it You need to eat the emerald yeah nice villager trade it doesn’t make sense hello I trade so many times with that with the villagers three doesn’t count oh Tower but this is the last one we are kylashing for a reason I’m not kailash in Zephyr I’m just I’m just

Doing my project that’s all but yeah Oh Wait happy birthday Emerald let’s see let’s see if item use means we need to put it on the floor maybe the emerald block there’s gonna be a numbers I don’t even know where is the Roblox this is still the zero zero zero zero Where is it and green green green green green Green tea [Applause] you skip it really your eyes are so good than that I put it as a beacon before zero two no this is shelter box this is slime block it should be more than that oh no Minecraft blocks are so many

Four five one Okay so maybe use means we put it on the floor yes everybody so satisfying I know me No way it is what Let’s see about the diamonds right the diamonds artistic diamond Blocks oh the diamond is just six four six we should make that numbers going up Laugh a bucket six nine one six nine one I think this is all for the lava temple should be color kind of cool by the way I know that I have a super cool thank you Andrew oh the Flint and still one one one one one one one numbers that we got 16

. and they’re and other Pearl 69 and these the chosen one Andy the chosen one Seth 69 pick up anything no no foreign Can never pick up another one again even better nice I mean we can just upgrade all of the pancakes into Ned right Um Okay Let’s see um is there any other thing else I miss mine 69 times mine any numbers Like that that’s called you need to be like 69. Drop 69 bucket also 69. light gray carpet diamond helmet or what I’m dropping the diamond helmet for 67 times okay let’s go Does it come when you die I don’t know do you mean that I died like 60 times eh I’ve never died 60 times hello You can check status about the amount of debts this the Minecraft is broken Minecraft is broken um um the total um I’ll just pretend that I didn’t say good luck Too much Cannot even sleep oh no Oh chill chill chill chill it’s the thing Oh fixing four shuffles got one two three four five life and health now this Will I die if I go down This is Taiwan Foreign Thank you Hardcore is it really the English of it hardcore Earth Earth core Foreign Double shovel ouch thank you way wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh dude oh yeah okay dual welding shuffling thank you Wait With how to switch again I cannot see it I cannot see it it’s already changed but I cannot see it but it’s it’s like this I can’t see it hey I don’t want to be bothered but did you get a chance to see the copper I put

On Twitter it’s okay if you didn’t or can or whatever no no I saw it already don’t say that you’re a butter no one is a butter hello thank you so much for the six nine hello thank you for your hard work I mean I hope yeah I already checked it yeah I mean I check I check all the clips I check all of the fan art I check sometimes I check the meme sometimes the meme I I checked the meme like um once in a while Um okay But yeah I mean oh no what is this what is this learning the Andy way of teleporting hella just not into memes I guess no because sometimes about meme right times um I want to share and I want to share sometimes it’s like the funny one

Like it’s the funny one but I don’t know if I can share that because um well you know um sometimes I found it funny but it’s like sometimes I don’t know if I can hear that or not Yeah so instead of like thinking about this and that are like um should I talk about that I don’t know is that like a sensitive issue or what I don’t know so it I I just usually I just like you know um I’ll just like keep it for myself

Yeah I just I’m just trying to like you know I’m just trying the safest way possible like I just don’t want to be in a trouble kinda so yeah um she’s doing the right click see yeah because I’m just say that if you’re not really sure about something you can

Ask engine if it’s like okay or not but you know um like I mean isn’t it better for me to grind like Like yeah Hmm so yeah usually I just sometimes if I feel like oh yeah probably probably probably probably this one is safe okay let’s just um yeah just just love it I really I really want to uh I really want to watch that I really want to share it but still and I mean

This is um not the case for only me because if you know like if other members do like um meme review or something like that usually they will be help from Amazon too to sort it out like all of them so yeah I mean I think let’s not add

More work to amjad because thing for me it’s better for Amgen too uh work on the game permission yeah yeah you can slide your memes into my ideas gaming bigger than memes not really I think my gaming become my memes Maria thank you so much for all of you that making memes um for making Uh for making memes or making art for making uh poems is there someone making poems you know I read that too it doesn’t it doesn’t it it doesn’t mean if I didn’t react anything if I don’t react anything I I don’t see it I I see all of what you guys doing like

For real for real then yeah thank you for the Art thank you for the music thank you so much for anything black I mean I mean if even if I don’t see it right Mama Ella will see that and Mama Ella will send me the link like for real for it

Like I don’t know why sending my own clips like I mean I stream I stream that’s me why are you sending me about me like why different hello but usually I already solve the clips even before she saw it but yeah I watch I watch um Clips yes don’t ask me about how can I do that I just can’t do that do that I have the time to do that yes More Um Thank you Foreign Okay again but uh can I ask you if you already got the fan letter from oh about that uh about that yesterday M Chan already said that um the fan letter is already collected as in uh they need to separate all of the gifts and like from each member first right

And then they need to like um uh sort out the processors so around the notes notes the sticky notes one yeah from the one who came to the cafe and then it’s still in the sorting out process I mean sorting out as in which one is acceptable and which one is not

So we just need to wait a little bit longer I thought they didn’t allow physical non-lighter gifts anymore it’s like um yes and it it really depends but you know um we just cannot um pen letter is the safest one but items a yes and you know like it really depends it really depends yeah but the safest one is fan letter

Yeah they will check it first and if they’re really sure that it’s safe it’s still acceptable but if they’re not really sure whether they can check it or not whether they yeah maybe it’s just no way to check it then probably it may be not safe you know so um

Like I don’t even know how that worked but yeah but I mean it makes sense if they can check it then it’s okay they cannot check it and there’s a problem Um I’ll send you my PCR that’s very dangerous This one this one done it’s one this one done should be oh um um One one TNT Uh powder I mean powder just leave space space I need space Like some people sit in LCL or what thank you Okay what is this again oh um Oh no um foreign how to eat Um Thank you Nice And then foreign Thank you but you can see thank you in a live chat too it’s okay you don’t need to ask me every day hello but it’s safe up right thank you so much good luck good luck with your Sunday stuff congratulations Foreign Plus one chakra of this this is also five this is four Plus it’s more than thousand Shockers already so good It’s around 12 already it’s around 12 shelters hmm 12 or 13. This is already set in stone all of this already sends thorns and Stone Give me Sam give me some Thank you I need sun What is SB any way I don’t know SB is SB thank you so much for the six nine Actually I still have another secret area for grinding the Sun so if this one if if I finish with this one if I’m done with this one I still have another one yeah it’s Secret that should be a no no no no no no no Yes that one a noisy hide an entire way way one of my one of my Canby stream TNT is coming from that secret place Sandstone ah that sandstone Allies contouring Sun economy nobody can stop her now I don’t know I’m I’m really curious about if anyone if later if later any other members coming to the resource Surfer will they ever realize about the desert like gone right now I don’t know will they realize do you think someone will realize

Have you ever know at the old thing yo nope nope foreign Looking pretty good Where’s the server will need a rest soon than expected 150 cases I mean if it gets if it got resided right it is super nice because I will have another whole bastard Foreign foreign Foreign Dry Foreign empty you know like why why why so empty Definition of that so you expect this search to be full of tree and waterfall like I mean why not cannot well Come to the Jungle why is it so fast oh no I don’t even have the shelter um Where should I go oh that way Thank you All right Foreign Wow um What a Mimi Thank you foreign I think you are also the one eating it I have no you need it not me why I need someone nope nope Oops I mean we got backpack upgrade in vanilla Minecraft there is a backpack in in like mod Minecraft no I don’t know is it nice to have like backpack I’m in the shelter already looks like a backpack though There is oh like how many slots do you have from the backpack endgame item oh you need to grind Kind of hard to get from ah three two four words I’ll say oh really that’s huge that’s gonna be like the whole screen I think I need to rest first since tomorrow my work gonna be refused have fun granny passes good luck tomorrow okay wish you all the best of luck for tomorrow

Let’s go to the problem Almost full again hey Kyle have you ever granted switch and scores request kind of out of the loop Requests yes wait yes yes yes because because what I remember is I remember that um other the the lyrics one right right right right right yeah I only I only remember that I got the Gifts but I don’t even remember is it quartz or not I know Yes it was cold okay nice then she use it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay the one that um okay now I remember the one that for um uh uh Miko cheese went there and then a lot of creepers one right now see I don’t remember the exact materials but

If you’re talking about what happened I’ll definitely remember my brain is works that way yeah nice SpongeBob I mean the memory matters you know the memory matters the items it doesn’t matter if it’s like whatever items the materials I mean the matters we can grind it again but the memory we cannot do that if it’s like oh memory gonna be like more than one person it it’s like

Two people and it’s gonna be like memory at least two people I still have the book I still have the book and my in their chest I had their chest chocolate box I haven’t put the book yet I haven’t gone to the temple Um foreign No we’re gonna think about that later on it’s okay it’s okay Uruka yeah All trolls full trolls well trolls all full full full full Keep up the spirit 15K foreign Why not thank you thank you by the way Thank you Thank you Oh creeper creeper just chilling Even better I see OMG I mean would you celebrate oh um Yesen we will see about that bingo Very very messy I really need to take my my What would Oh food Food food food food food Snick hundred away Nick hundred sneaky sneaky Snickers uh where is it thank you Foreign 64. okay Sneaky sneaky what is even snake hundred sneak near oh wow playing with the what is that called Warden awarded Scary playing with the word and scary scary I feel bad in a warden as They shouldn’t know that I love you Know and get some help what now My friend trying to lose weight so he’s now on the strict Seafood diet he’s Seafood hello mister shishi Foreign Yep actually I want to see it from I want to see it from up there Oh it’s still looking pretty good no one will ever realized no one no one will ever realized Looking pretty good Kyla sees calmly yeah it’s looking pretty good They’re forming like a menace but yeah nobody will know at least now you know right um what about what about the love well you really need to get some help well well Foreign Okay we need to go higher than that I like to get some help I’m not mama mama It feels like it’s faster now um yeah no more no more desert that’s it three two I think I like to grind sand more now because it’s super fast I like this I can do this all day imagine how many sand can I get after with the same amount of time like I grind for like 100k stones mm-hmm Yeah and no one no yeah no one know that’s the best part Okay No one will ever notice that it used to be a desert if there is no desert left yeah but but but the biome explains everything well yeah well yeah foreign We eat So there is waiting room at 3am grinding Sun for kids I mean okay um once one shelter box of TNT is five or yeah for for shelter box of sand right how many can be already is this we need like 12 wait if 12 um no we need like at least 16.

We need like 16 . 16 is for two weeks right please For Shell Cartier one one childcare TNT is for one um can be Why all full Huh Um Back then when I’m when I was grinding for the stones right I also have like or P cakes and now I imagine if I have like Beacon here it’s gonna be like that is it Yeah because back then I have my beacon right for the stones foreign No one wants to have the Sandstone is it I think I like to grind Sandstone but if no one wants it then for what Sandstone the the what the sound is very satisfying Sandstone grinding on a big crazy it’s very fast it’s big eggs wow and the Sun is like oh exciting my it may be complement with new wooden later on oh nice one Sandstone grinding for meditation I mean it’s very Very very unfortunate that we cannot transform the Sandstone into sand imagine if we can do that though I mean we can we can craft the Sandstone from Sand but we cannot craft the Sandstone to mm-hmm Cool again What’s that sound what happened But son oh really it’s a bad sign but it’s oh I didn’t see anything Foreign what did I do I didn’t do anything oh hi Do do all of the descentstone Sandstone Sands Stone so many sandstones I saw how many said bio have you destroyed not even one I’m just taking a little bit of sand okay they’re still like it’s too much sand something that is too much is not good you know this is like too much sand I need to make it balance

Oh this is still sand nice Nice oh that one also Stills and uh it’s looking pretty good looking pretty good It’s raining Okay okay is it really no rain in me I said like in real life there is no rain desert is it Rarely it rains very rarely but not never all okay okay okay Yeah camel is like a very powerful animal Shuffle still good good good Shuffle still good no worries all good I really need to go out of meeting first almost for hours already I thought it’s still two hours though for hours I wanna go but it’s night time and I’m too lazy to go back to the bed so probably a few more minutes Okay Just dig a hole oh yeah Correct but it’s okay and the shuffle also almost broken We want to oh this is the last one that’s fast I think I need like 10 Shuffles for this project and then after that I will I will just um sell the all of the shuffle this Shuffle move an island before There is no mobs here on that foreign historical Shuffle very powerful one Shuffle foreign Oh um be careful Foreign I think grinding Sandstone is very fast it’s gonna be very very fast faster than growing sand there will be a time when I’m gonna grind for the grindstone ah grindstone sandstone what is Grindstone where is Grindstone Grindstone is stone for grinding you know New material nice wait it’s full already hello Hello There’s a grindstone in Minecraft right yeah the grindstone is the one that um with this engine um this engine things right and that’s rude Maria I don’t use my armor but it’s okay So many sandstone Still raining wow Spencer and grindstone is what must be added to keep up with oh that’s um that’s not my fault that’s um that’s some green creature’s fault literally not me mm-hmm Die both what’s the point of fighting like that man Foreign Oh creeper why are you there hello creeper Whoops that’s why you doing Let’s just eat okay um thank you Chill we are just chilling those monsters are just trying to protect their this laughs and so after this someone gonna say like Kyla you’re the true monsters Not them pain In the road Since when you’re not a monster I’m not a monster I’m just chilling I’m just uh uh grinding grinding grinding grinding grinding chilling chilling chilling chilling looking it’s full again it’s cool again Do There are a lot of said let’s check this Statistics um that’s super fast I like that What’s the target again I don’t know the target No target just non-stop Grant even better Thank you foreign What is Target anyway right what is Target just grind I don’t even know how much do I need don’t ask me how much do I need I don’t know just keep branding just keep grinding my first size ever thank you for being here thank you for being YouTube keep finding chill

Thank you so much And fall again This is unacceptable Puffer fish How to take that um how to take that fine fine fine ouch Oh no I need one more Hmm This one looking pretty good grinding for grinding for grinding for grinding for grinding grinning grinding grinding grinding grinding grinding anything finding grinding grinding grinding depending grinding grinding grinding grinding grinding hey um Okay wow wow wow hmm Let’s go let’s go let’s go I am eating fish oh yeah I need to go I don’t meeting wait wait let’s just how okay let’s go be right back be right back Thank you Foreign Foreign Might get some help what suddenly hi Mama Ella hi Mama Ella Oh it’s night it’s a night time Suddenly It’s a night time suddenly John excuse me excuse me excuse me whoa a nice place A man look since I’m here then uh sand this thick um um sand is and and Sun I yeah my Shuffle are dying already Not yet not yet okay oh hi that’s my cat foreign Almost hit that Oh so satisfying This is foreign just grinding for the sun we are not doing the knb today hmm no no not today Grinding grinding Santa oh blood y nice Looking good looking good Foreign Do you want Surfer bust no ecosystem bust eria okay I know my Shuffle is dying please stay strong um Um I miss most of this six nine streams because I was at work but I’m glad that he accepted that you exist I know this has always bother you maybe you can ask her for singing this is very good he starts with 99 what do you mean that I

Need to ask for singing tips foreign Okay um Um wait wait wait wait wait Nothing’s all still good all still the same nothing’s changed Thank you Foreign look at all of this and um efficiency Is there still efficiency hmm there’s oh yeah the book is still here there is no efficiency fine You know what um hold on Wait Coordinate Jpjpjpjpjp mending book JP Manding book JP Negative negative x negative Z Okay Um it should be around here Wait Uh foreign Efficiency Manding efficiency There’s no efficiency book on breaking Uh Um Um Um um um Um there is no efficiency book one and it’s okay guys Uh wait if the whole life is there okay Thank you snipe Foreign It’s okay it’s okay it’s okay um There is some efficiency book here And break on breaking and breaking in one turn Oh Ephesians ah gotcha efficiency one one ah one two I think I need more what efficiency Okay nice plugins are foreign foreign thank you I don’t know how many can I make um we be two feet three feet B4 what is the fifth one two three oh this is the fee for a fee one feet be one feet two feet three feet four E5 Oh Um mending on breaking the XP is enough right be enough I think I don’t know please please Uh mending oh what Soon and breaking bending mending I think we need them I think we need more mending foreign We go back uh Uh uh confused Sleep again sleep again sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep easily very very waste of time sleep sleep sleep again and again and again and again and again this is still sand like this is still fine now we continue I love your shoes and I love being here crazy gaming What’s the number again now one seven one I need more sun I need more scent I want to I want to ask about your work adding it’s obvious that your dad and Minds who do come back to complete whatever you you set your mind to but have you ever found yourself wanting to give up after trying too many

Times if so what kept you going of course As I ever say that um a lot of things that I a lot of things that I did in my life is like very very crazy crazy things somehow Now read and what kept me going the motivation behind it Like you know sometimes right sometimes foreign Yeah I mean sometimes when you have done so much about something you cannot just give up you know like there’s gonna be a time when I when I say like oh no this is like so tiring this is like so not about my not about my streaming okay this is like something

Other other things now like um this is so tiring I just want to stop can I just give up on something like that it’s very normal it’s very normal right it’s very normal but I mean if I just give up like that I cannot even be here right now and I mean

If you want to make it you can do it you know like it’s just I I I usually right usually usually okay if you’re asking me about the work ethic it might be not the word epic issue but it’s more like do I really want this do I really want this

Like that because um uh there is actually there is actually one time that okay let’s see uh I want to give some example but I’m still trying to find the right word for it sorry I have to sleep can I watch your grinder here tomorrow morning we’ll have

To kiss you don’t want to message Alex you copy um hello it’s timeout ah yeah so um something like you know uh uh there’s a Time okay I will I will I’ll be just like taking a very random example but actually this is really happened back then okay let’s see let’s say I’m

An artist okay this is like the type of what I’m doing is just a random example but um the situation is real like it happened it happened yeah yeah okay well could never imagine okay so let’s say I’m a part-timer artist right I want to be a very very successful artist right but I’m still a part-timer back then you know and then um and then I realized that whatever that I’m doing there’s no way that I can can compete with the full-time artist you know you know what you you got what I mean right like no no it’s not freelance artist it’s

Like part-time so you still have something other things to do in your life and you just cannot be like a full Heimer artist for whatever reason yeah and then I realized that okay there’s no way that I can compete with the full timer one because yeah I mean

Hi Miss half I also need to focus with other things and blah blah blah blah blah blah and then and then that time right that time I really asked myself like is it is it really what you want or is it just your ego you know because sometimes right

Because I feel like sometimes what we want is not exactly what we want it’s like something like it’s just our ego because when you release something and then you cannot get it when you cannot achieve it it’s sometimes becoming your ego more than the exact what you want you know so

Usually I ask about that like is it only because I cannot accept the fact that I cannot compete with others and then it’s like something that I really want to like I imagine that I’m a full-timer artist right now I should have been better than them you

Know like that so it’s like the ego like the ego you’re trying to make things up because of that and then but if you if but but I mean if you think like that if if your ego speaks more than your I don’t know your brain you really need to ask your heart

Really want it if you really wanted it you’ll have no excuse you’ll meet that way I mean if you still say like but I really cannot leave my other job for it and then well probably you’re just not not ready for it so what I what I did before I what I did

I realized that actually probably that’s just my ego and then I laugh it even though I already work hard for like being the artist you know so it’s like well sometimes sometimes we also need to know like when to stop when to push forward but I mean if you really want it right

There’s nothing that can stop you exactly actually just woke up I’m so tired how do you live like this what fast determined thank you hello hello if you’re tired then just rest again sadly sometimes talent and Hardware isn’t simple enough yeah that’s why that’s the sad fact right that’s the sad

Fact but I mean at least you try at least you’re not regretting anything Foreign foreign Minecraft nice uh Minecraft wisdom Minecraft wisdom new episode of Minecraft wisdom too Foreign From trying so hard just to fall short every time but hearing you has moved me to tears thank you for sharing what that with me it really means the word I wish you the best of luck in life maybe and maybe sometimes it’s just not the perfect time you know like

It’s not like you know I’ve been I used to be like working so hard about something for like I don’t know for so long and it seems like I’ve always been defeated by the situations and there is nothing that we can okay the most painful thing about life right is when we cannot

Um when we cannot uh change it I mean if it’s if if the case is about if the problem is ourselves we can definitely change it right we can um we can change it we can try to be better but the most painful thing in life is when actually

We want it but the situation just says no And yeah and it’s really painful back then but When you accept the fact that probably it’s just not your time right now you know it’s not it’s really not your fault like it’s not something that you can say like oh yeah maybe I will be never enough for this life maybe I’m just not uh

Deserve what I want no it’s not like that sometimes it’s just like it’s not the right time for you you know and that time I waited for so long waited for so long until I I waited for so long until I can be here and I can leave like the word that

I don’t really want to so great things takes time yeah so well what I can say is just keep doing whatever you can do right now focus in everything that you can do right now and um let the world do the rest because I mean if you are focusing in

Whatever you do right now right no one knows if um great things can happen too you know Like I can say that all of the things that I’ve done before like I’ve that I did before in my let’s say my past office working live which I don’t which I didn’t really like you know maybe it kind of gave me something that it’s useful now so yeah I mean

It’s just a matter of time you know Very nice alenga it’s hard when you know you have to change but you just have to I have no options to fail you know people always see it it’s okay to be failed to be failed but when it’s not just about your life can you really all right well

I don’t know personally for me maybe it’s not about is it okay to fail but for me personally okay To try and fail because I know that if I didn’t try I will never know will I fail will I succeed I don’t know And the good thing when you try you will get something from it you have something to learn from it But if you didn’t try you’ll just be there regretting things and then yeah you got nothing you can only regret Yeah when you get what you want but not what you need yeah exactly ah that song again that song again thank you regret is the scariest thing for me regretting something and you know they’re gonna be a time when you want something you have idea about something

But you just stop for whatever reason and then someday there’s gonna be someone successful with the same exact idea as yours it’s gonna be painful Yep and then you’re gonna be like I’m just sit alone in your room and then you can just say like should be me me I mean people say like the modifier say that it’s not the matter of how many times you fail but it’s like how many times you fail

And you get back up right it’s what they say wow rabbit dies again uh luck is always be part of your success true true luck is one of it yeah yeah I mean I’m the type of person that is actually if I wanted I if I

Am the type of person if I want something I gonna make it you know like Uh it’s just like because because me and my siblings are totally different about this thing about her yeah about this you know because I’m not a Jack of all trade and my sibling is the Jake of all trade one so it’s like You know um If I’m not working hard for things that I wrote can do um then what else can I do you know like because this is what I can do and I really need to push everything that I can um I just cannot back off Yeah I mean if you’re a jack of all trades maybe you have other options you know as in naturally good at things um no like the one that um Got like from the score from 1 to 10 is like everything is seven to eight one minus not like that minus the one thing that I cannot do is like two and then the one thing that I can do is like nine yeah so it’s like I just don’t have any other options

I need to push through whatever that I feel that I can do it oh yeah yeah it’s 11 yeah so so if I can give it like 11 then I should give it like probably 13. if I can do that um I mean my my own family always say to me like you know my family even like the same as giving me like advice like don’t push yourself too hard don’t push yourself too hard don’t push yourself too hard but what else can I do you know I’m not doing it then who gonna do it Um Somebody else will do it then yeah and then and then and then we’re just gonna regret then so yeah what cool That’s rude she’ll never deny a color because even the most ridiculous school what give me give me the example of ridiculous quotes Mr Crab thank you some just kind of reach over the wall like you do ah it takes time I mean I used to be a person that

Complained about a lot of things too you know foreign There’s a point that I have enough of complaining I’m just too tired of complaining already because complaining doesn’t seem changing anything at all then I just turn into a dahla person you know like yeah whatever and then Magic it just works Foreign I will just like ask myself so if I feel like I’m tired already I just asked myself do you really want it if you’ve done one to do it then just stop then complain if you still want to do it if you still want to try then try Don’t be like I I like that you know Because after all nobody is gonna help you no one gonna help you everyone is busy with their own life You might have like someone to talk to you might have people to listen to you right but after all you need to you you’re you’re the one who control your life you’re gonna be the one who gonna like um pick the best options for your life too so yeah

I mean I’m not saying that talking to other people is useless no sometimes we just need to uh share and discuss about things yeah we need to like asking for second opinions that’s that’s great but after all after all after all after all after all you know we are alone in this life

Yeah our feet in our hands through yeah for guidance yep Grandfather the golden week grandfather this is um Minecraft wisdom episode Would teach you all of this live live I used to be very dumb about my life you know I did a lot of mistakes here and there hope this cheer you up why do golfers wear two pair of pants and keys they got a hole in one of them um There’s no more sharper box Why so weak What do you sell Foreign but it’s very effective It’s very effective at least at least he’s not selling sand and by the way there is a villagers right now you want to meet the Rhinos but maybe not Hey but if I win I can be like the hero right and then I can get like cheaper price but I already bought all of the books oh no Oh no um oh no uh That was a very motivational talk thank you I know I now have a new found courage and determination to continue to do what I want to do to call kailashaya or Uno might get some help you really really need to get some help yeah you really really need to get something yeah This one and then What else Yep okay Almost if my dream is to marry you should I give up on that dream I see it because actually my dream is to give you a cursive With cursing written on it Then what is the connection hello Yama bro get some help yeah Wanna Be kids again um thank you I don’t just want to know you know um Maybe you need to change your mindset of curiosity you know yeah yeah maybe just maybe Oh I see I see maybe yeah yeah the mindset of Kursi you know the Kursi the Cursi mindset I need to go back ouch Oh you know what you guys always need to get some help right have you ever thought about the feelings of PC Chand every single time I read all of those sentences it’s very rude if PC chant uh hear about that you’re like see I’m smart here I know I

Will need to get started if I want to marry Ellis so I’m just gonna find someone exactly like Bella to marry thanks for inspirational I think you really need to get some help too yeah philosophical question if someone asks for Augusta himself should you give that person gets him because he asked or because he really needs to get some um it depends it depends because if some if someone usually

Ask for to get some help right usually I will ask like you good instead of giving to get some help so yeah you good you would Or Sierra versatile insert um draw got it thanks yeah got it you good you good that’s a very beautiful lava it’s a lava fall so good Okay now I need to find a spot foreign I have collected 400 hours pass and corals I want to condemn but they’re concept gonna drove me crazy you know you can lower the voice you know suspicious hello I don’t even know which one is which one but okay Wait what Good evening Ella by the way have you ever taught to bring back the old VM the blacksmith apron price Maybe not yet I won three three seven thank you Maybe yes but maybe not now so I print your pick and then glue it on the chair does that mean I’m sitting um Joe get some help get some help somehow foreign There is a golden apple here um We had many 11.0 5 Hour MC streams went 12 plus or one year because the 12 hour one the 12th plus hour one cannot be seen so yeah too bad right it’s too bad It is you’re Ryan thank you Not that much not that much sand Thank you Not that one Thank you okay lunch ran um Sands The PNP Foreign foreign Foreign Okay is there any San no No um Foreign I completely refent my neck rub bill now I’m a tank neck crew that conclude on you without using even what’s getting even better Chris Glasgow let’s go nice nice great work very very great work in the engineer this one right if we ignore this 60 and if we ignore the 68 right

This is already six the four times five three two zero times four not times five two five six two five six it’s already two fives and this one right this full Tien is already for shulker box Which is really good It’s just no no we don’t need to take this out later I can just take this happy one year away thank you everyone okay thank you based on average 280 per stream so 17 more can be streams if one chakra of the ND per stream 64 shelter were of cents required year olds

64 words so it’s 32 right 32 right now we have like clear all right wait I mean if there is no I mean if tomorrow I have no PE Johnson mean I can just go on and go on but I really sad no listen this is so messy Okay so in total we have how many sun is it now Fonzi I just got here how many bios is a fever of sand farming already not even one should be better right I know right onesie thank you for the six nine right Yeah it should be better it’d be better Kyle I don’t know let’s let’s see let’s see so we have like let’s go with the statistic first 180 ocula 180 is quite okay uh one two three four five six seven eight nine ten okay ten if ten right one test is 54.

54. so we have like uh 540 stacks right plus this one one two three four five six seven eight nine one two three four thirty six thirties so it’s I have like Five eight two stacks five eight two stacks times 64. I’m 64 right 37 000 thirty seven thousand two four eight yeah around we have around 38 000. today we grant for 38 000 of glass should be a glass sand sand should be better you know should be better Um Um I mean sun is glass too the gloss is here I use I use some of this already but it’s still here if if like um if anyone need the gloss just peek it it’s a free flow glass it’s a free flow glass anyone can use it huh it’s ten one oh it’s mine chest too so I have more

Than 20 000 I thought I only have like twenty thousand enough glass to make a mirror maze you only have like 20 000 but actually it’s more than that so I have like 38 000 sand and I have like around foreign I have like Four or five nine stacks four five nine times sixty-four oh around 35 I was in glass yeah yeah so I have like 38 000 and 35 000 glass not that bad Not bad is it enough no it’s not enough I need I need um I need six I don’t know I don’t know how how many do I need I don’t know Foreign glass if anyone needs the glass just take it It used to be full it used to be full but I used some already After all there’s gonna be a day that all of this storage is not enough sad I need a I need a second storage right here Oh no pen storage room yeah one more is this for what is this light blue stained glass for again oh this one is the your face UFO Your face over lagi yeah that’s not mine that’s not mine I should have taken that again back to the UFO later if I build it again it’s okay I gonna go fix all of my Shuffle first Is Blueprint foreign I don’t know I’m really amazed for people that can really build um what’s that um blueprint my case right my case if Mona Senpai said that um since the type of person that actually can uh like copy so good I mean uh uh if you ask me like to build like um

Blueprint or something like that I really can’t but if you ask me to copy blueprint I can do that you know so they just don’t ask me to like and if you ask me to like rebuild I’m really sorry maybe not now No No Maybe not maybe not now maybe not forever

I’m just bad but for some people right for some people copying is hard some people just really love to like you know um free Bill free bill because their imagination is just so good and I think that’s a gift And there is someone that like arakana there’s someone they can see from the picture and then they can build the blueprint and then they can build for me right even if I already got the reference if you ask me like they just make the blueprint I’m really sorry I cannot do that My brain is not made for that but if you ask me to read the blueprint I can do that Yeah is the type of person that can do like a free build that’s a gift not all the people can do that you know yeah and that’s the type of person that can do like a creepy Did Arcana got his master degree in the end after that this is dispatch it’s not yet it’s just the first chapter you know it’s not even the second chapter it’s still babsatu uh Foreign Let’s look at the statistics Blaze kill you one times four two seven one one two chicken creeper kill you four times nine times Elder Guardian you have never been cabal desert foreign Thank you the red one oh the the the root Ally Enderman one one two nine Enderman kill you one times oh so so the one that I was together with Iris Senpai is the first time oh interesting five frog why else Blues huh one goat One goat ah now we know why Kyla cannot find a good wow you kill ghosts 33 okay Guardian nice one three two hot Glen Hall Glen Kelly one times really three horse I am gonna kill you one time Mama Cube kill you one time you killed 32 mushrooms 77 Venom seven picks Pig Lin kill you four times piglet one times let’s not talk about that you have never been killed by polar bear notice is lying I got zenless from polar bear once But for a fish kill you what One ship 879 shulker better sell for fish what is even silverfish Sweetie still for the fish Oh is Skeleton 7000 skeleton kill you six times Skeleton kill I slept bye bye enjoy your rest That’s so Kyle Butter squid stray what is stray it traded llama 29 facts one villager Which really do you still remember yeah I still remember the the wind farm Wandering Trader you kill 20 21 . foreign Just pet pet which kill you one times what with their oh just one wither exactly we need we need to make these numbers to be more than one right with their skeleton oh yeah one wolf Zombie villager zombie fight pigland don’t be fat pigling kill you alien times you have never killed player look at that look at that or Kyla look at that poor Kyla other people killed me four times poor Kyla poor Kyla for Carla poor Carla This is well you are so kind kind of of course yeah didn’t you kill Randy no no No didn’t you kill Irish no foreign I have the evidence zero with so many Shuffle stop hiding the evidence last time like five hours ago you guys say that the data is valid right if you’re if you’re saying that the data is not valid then

Well I mean I did nothing wrong with the sand it’s its own but the Plus yeah I yay yay it’s obviously a scam yeah you edit it when you go out of meeting even better did you buy the stuff to edit this forward For intend to show first what do you mean for I have six And it’s not enough So what do you want to do I I want you what is that I want to to fix all of my Shuffle and then I I just want to go AFK in the creeper farm and then I’m gonna end the Stream what happened thank you what happened I don’t know

Okay this is the last one we have to Johnson in today right yeah why not oh yeah wait I wanna text Mama Ella first I want to say that tomorrow morning he doesn’t need to buy me breakfast I want to eat just for me Okay today today today not tomorrow refresh yet right the the what challenge challenge okay nine o’clock nice okay nice one let’s just go finally not yet might be fixed And then uh so many Shuffle forward Let’s go foreign foreign Beautiful Um Mia um yeah 90 day guys Foreign Depends on what kind of challenge I need to check that first who it here Like what kind what kind of translation is that the translation’s so good oh cute Kawaii what’s that now oh is this the one that koyori Senpai made The one that sees endless is it So many history The one she was blowing yeah I think so I think so I think so I kind of forgot the clear perform is positive or negative maybe positive I don’t know foreign [Applause] got distracted I need to check the coordinate hold on Minecraft I only remember 1200 but I don’t know if if it’s my negative or positive wait How can I remember all of this right how can I remember uh okay Not so far we Thank you hmm I don’t even bring the I don’t even bring my under chest Um it’s okay then you just have a first put under chest there later yeah should be doing that I I already zenless don’t do that again I it’s always like that you know like I want to keep doing that again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again never learn you know boy is there a random item frame there

Are no don’t ask me foreign the intrusive thoughts just hit me so bad I really need the water elevator like this is taking so long all right nice oh Of thinking about crashing yourself into scaffolding I mean the love of pecora senpai kept ringing every single time I’m here it’s super loud so yeah Where exactly were you here no no no quite in the middle I think ah and I don’t know I don’t know I kind of forgot but it’s around middle part of the scaffolding is she talking to better right now yeah at that time no I’m watching I’m watching the tournament that time

And pakora Senpai was laughing very loud nice okay okay I think that’s all for now I want to FK here until the junction stream I will make the waiting room right now too much thank you so much for accompanying me to grind for sand we got uh

Uh 38 000 around that more or less 38 000 Sun for now yay thank you so much that’s not enough but maybe next time then thank you so much for now I’ll see you in the morning stream thank you so much Bingo Now it’s time to hide the evidence three to one hiding appearance Thank you Foreign Thank you

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】sand grinding. for the TNT【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】’, was uploaded by Kaela Kovalskia Ch. hololive-ID on 2023-06-11 18:12:53. It has garnered 65005 views and 6521 likes. The duration of the video is 06:10:27 or 22227 seconds.

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    Insane fireball battle in Minecraft bedwars!!Video Information This video, titled ‘fireball fight #minecraft #shorts #minemen #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by miwc on 2024-03-03 19:08:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. bedwars play,good montages,bedwars,bedwars videos,bedwars extensions,hypixel montage,sammygreen montage,block clutch … Read More


    KILLING MR. WOLF IN MINECRAFT?! 😱Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a certified fo classic oh oh This video, titled ‘logic minecraft’, was uploaded by MR Wolf on 2024-05-28 10:32:04. It has garnered 12358 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More


    SECRET HACKS IN MINECRAFT SERVER! 7 Golden AppleVideo Information हर हर महादेव सो गाइस आज हम वापस आ चुके हैं अपने प्यारे मिस्टर गेमर टी सर्वर में और इस मिस्टर गेमर टी के सर्वर में आज हम खेलने वाले हैं वापस से द बेड वर्स पिछली बार तो गा हम बेड वर्स खेलने आए थे बट हमारे साथ पता है गाइस क्या हुआ बेड वर्स फुल था या तो मैं नहीं खेल पाया था पर आज हम खेलने वाले हैं बेड वर्स सो अभी जल्दी से चलते हैं सो लेट्स बिगन गा भाई पिछली बार की तरह बस वो ना हो भाई ओके लेट्स गो गा चार… Read More

  • Outrageous: You Won’t Believe What Big Brother Black Did! 😱 #shorts

    Outrageous: You Won't Believe What Big Brother Black Did! 😱 #shortsVideo Information lần ra khơi bắt tương chuyền Sau khi vua hải tặc đô la Mỹ Mỹ qua đời Kho báo của vua hải tặc vẫn còn ngoài biển xa biết bao nhiêu người khao khát danh vọng và tiền bạc đã cùng nhau răng buồm ra biển đó cũng là mở đầu của kỳ Nguyên Hải Tặc mới nhưng trong số đó một thiếu niên ảnh Dũng với ý chí bất diệt đã trở thành tân Tứ hoàng của thế giới là người tạo ra trật tự mới anh ta tên là đại ca đen ha ha ta là… Read More

  • Losing my mind in intense Minecraft battles on Hypixel!!

    Losing my mind in intense Minecraft battles on Hypixel!!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Epic Minecraft Bedwars And Skywars On Hypixel!’, was uploaded by Slipses on 2024-04-29 21:14:56. It has garnered 14 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:09 or 969 seconds. #hungergames #lunarclient #prison #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skywars #lunarclient #budgetpc #lowendpc #lowendpcgaming #skyblock #pvp #prisons #bedrock #bedrockedition #gaming #hungergames (120 FPS) How To Rod Pvp On A Potato | (Smooth 😍) #pvp #lowendpc #shorts #minecraft #pvp #bedwars #skywars #smp #tryhard #gaming #prison #skyblock #roblox #shorts,#bedwars,#roblox,#skyblocks,minecraft,badlion,#badlion,bedwars,skywars,skyblock,pvpv,pvp,#pvp,1v1,roblox,op prisons,op prisons server,op prisons minecraft,op prisons bedrock,skyward,skywars roblox,skywars minecraft,hypixel skyblock playthrough,hypixel garden,hypixel duels,bedwars live🔴 now,bedwars minecraft,bedwars roblox,op prison… Read More

  • Minecraft AI Glitch DESTROYS Me!

    Minecraft AI Glitch DESTROYS Me!Video Information hey guys wiing here welcome to Minecraft with our AI bot why did you leave for like two seconds what what was that all about uh I have no idea uh well anyway that’s so Random I I okay um here it is here’s our lovely AI it’s uh we got vivv in our Viv my AI in Minecraft here it is pretty cool huh it just left the game we joined the game uh just uh we don’t need to figure out why that happened probably crashed two seconds ago and I didn’t even realize but yeah… Read More

  • 🔥Epic RTP Command in Minecraft! Only Commands!🔥

    🔥Epic RTP Command in Minecraft! Only Commands!🔥Video Information den armboss platziert ihr einfach dann nehmt ihr euch das Namenschild und nennt das dann den RTP dann müsst ihr einfach den platzieren und den Halt den entsprechend RTP nennen wenn ihr das gemacht hab kommen wir auch schon zum ersten command und zwar/ff Typ minecraftarmor Name RTP invisible 2 255 tRUE wenn ich den Schalter nämlich umlege seht ihr dass die Arm unsichtbar werden weil wenn die sichtbar sind das wollen wir ja natürlich nicht wir wollen halt dass die in wie gesagt dann unsichtbar sind dafür ist halt schon mal der erste command da kommen wir… Read More

  • Placeofwar

    PlaceofwarAn amazing war server with 15 guns and many maps. Recently created (Please install CIT to have unique guns models) play.placeofwar.com Read More

  • Fractured SMP – Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 – Bedrock & Java – Dynmap – Discord

    Introducing Fractured SMP Experience a newly released semi-vanilla server with enhanced multiplayer features. With over a year of community hosting experience, we offer a well-developed server experience. Links Website: Visit Here Discord: Join Now Dynmap: View Here What We Offer Community: Player-driven with transparency and input from all members. Welcoming: Creating an inclusive and diverse community. Stability: Using top-of-the-line, dedicated hardware for a stable experience. Some Of Our Features Claims Plugin for land protection and sharing. Dynmap for real-time world viewing. DiscordSRV for in-game communication. Random Teleport for quick travel. Player Shops for trading. Basic Rules We enforce a mature… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “HeroPrime’s Epic Minecraft Adventure”

    That’s a pretty impressive score for a Minecraft meme, I wonder if it’s in the Hall of Fame yet? Read More

  • Minecraft MEME (Part 3) Spicy AF 🔥

    Minecraft MEME (Part 3) Spicy AF 🔥 When you accidentally eat a golden apple in Minecraft and realize you just wasted your precious loot on a snack. #minecraftproblems #hangryminecraftplayer Read More

  • Unlock 3 Minecraft Capes in 1 Minute

    Unlock 3 Minecraft Capes in 1 Minute Unlocking Minecraft Capes: A Quick Guide Are you eager to get your hands on all three exclusive Minecraft capes? Look no further! In just one minute, you can learn how to redeem these coveted items without any hassle. Let’s dive into the details: 15th Anniversary Cape To claim the 15th-anniversary cape, simply head over to minecraft.net and follow the instructions provided. It’s a quick and easy process that will have you sporting this special cape in no time! Twitch Cape For the Twitch cape, you’ll need to have an account on Twitch and watch a stream with “drops” enabled…. Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you tired of the same old Minecraft servers? Looking for a fresh and exciting place to unleash your creativity and have some fun? Look no further than Minewind! With a unique and engaging gameplay experience, Minewind offers a dynamic environment where you can explore, build, and interact with other players from around the world. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind today and embark on an adventure like no other. The possibilities are endless, and the only limit is your imagination. Connect to Minewind server at… Read More

  • 15 Year Minecraft Browser Game Surprise!

    15 Year Minecraft Browser Game Surprise! The 15th Year Anniversary of Minecraft: A Google Browser Game Surprise! As Minecraft celebrates its 15th year anniversary, Google has joined in on the festivities by launching a special surprise for fans of the beloved game. When you search for Minecraft on the Google browser, you are in for a treat – a browser game that allows you to mine blocks and collect new pickaxes by mining ore! Unleash Your Inner Miner With this new browser game, players can dive into the familiar world of Minecraft right from their web browser. The game captures the essence of Minecraft’s mining… Read More

  • BATHTUB Clickbait: JAX VS POMNI! EVIL OR FUN? Minecraft EP2

    BATHTUB Clickbait: JAX VS POMNI! EVIL OR FUN? Minecraft EP2Video Information hello to all our dear digital viewers just look where we are right now today together with pomy we’ve come to picnic at our amazing digital Circus by the way would you like to swim a bit yes of course I’m always up for a swim just look Jax it seems ratha is coming our way have you all gone completely mad why didn’t you invite me to the picnic with you we really wanted to invite you but you weren’t home I’ve been at home all day today why are you lying to me oh come on… Read More

  • 100 Days Surviving SONIC.EXE in Minecraft Challenge

    100 Days Surviving SONIC.EXE in Minecraft ChallengeVideo Information [Music] what a nice day let’s go for a walk our village is so peaceful well another day another walk huh uh what are these huh uh wao what um I have no idea what’s going on run Mikey get inside let’s hide wow what what is with the puppets the puppets weren’t about to attack us but I have a bad feeling okay I’m going to take another look what are they doing here they’re behind the house too let’s get back inside oh man why now why here oh a news alert it’s an emergency uh… Read More

  • DannySharma beats Minecraft in 100 days?!

    DannySharma beats Minecraft in 100 days?!Video Information तो क्या हाल चाल है भाइयों और बहनों आज ये तुम्हारा भाई डेनी सरवाइव करने वाला है 50 डेज वो भी इस छोटे से वन ब्लॉक पर और मुझे सरवाइव ही नहीं करना है मुझे इसे कन्वर्ट करना है एक प्यारे से बेस में और इसे कन्वर्ट करने के साथ-साथ मुझे कुछ गोल्स भी कंप्लीट करना है पहला मुझे डायमंड का आर्मरर टूल बनाना है और दूसरा जितना हो सके उतना में इस वर्ल्ड को एक्सपें करना है और इसे एकदम अच्छे से डेकोरेट करना है और ये इतना इजी भी नहीं होने वाला है बिकॉज इसे हार्ड… Read More

Kaela Kovalskia Ch. hololive-ID –  【Minecraft】sand grinding.  for the TNT【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】