Kaela Kovalskia Ch. hololive-ID – 【Minecraft】treasure hunt!! ⛵💎【Kaela / Calli / Ina | hololive】

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Foreign Foreign I’m sorry what was that oh my God I think you odd so hard it cut off your wah oh really okay she’s really wanting okay good morning afternoon evening good morrow good morning good afternoon good evening everyone hello it’s today it’s today today is the day what day is

It well it’s the day that we go hunting for treasury I feel excited it’s been it’s been way too long since I collabed with Ina and it’s been never since I’ve collapsed with Kayla so I’m excited yeah I’m excited the first time with Kyla hey hi you know

I’m Hive and also I got shaders Cool I wonder why do you have shaders no I do I think I yeah I do I do awesome We’re in front of Silence Temple the one with the big uh purple pickaxe above it it’s in the new server have you been there uh yes I am in the new server yeah it’s like a candy uh where which way up from the giant glowing

Beetle which way is it oh oh okay Beetle okay okay I see I see it I see it yay figured it out it’s like a candy shop you’re gonna love it it’s okay [Laughter] let’s let’s go here what’s going on I’m scared wait did you get on the roller coaster

No it’s like an exploding pathway scary it’s so warm welcome by the way yeah from the explosion yeah yeah it’s okay I’m alive okay let’s go I don’t know where anything is gonna explode like I just walked into some Arena and things explode I walk on the

Road and it explodes look at all the kitties The inside of the temple is like it looks like it’s pure lava oh my goodness it does look like it’s all yeah you’ve been here and then you cannot you couldn’t find a book right no no no no no yeah so cool I may come and uh wish for some things

In the near future sure sure please do so thank you thank you [Laughter] hello is he it’ll be fun it’ll be fun this is where the free things are yeah sure sure yeah you can take that all you want excuse me is it cookies there are buckets of milk they’re milk buckets

There’s a lot of everything spicy cookies if you don’t have Foods I I will give you food wood healing potions okay my eyes are a little itchy it’s like when your eyes really really water all of a sudden and you can’t see ah okay yeah don’t forget oh

I don’t want to leave oh are we sleeping no no we don’t have to but there are lots of beds here I set the respawn point but yeah we can’t sleep well first thing in the morning we have to find the treasure the treasure map all right so uh let’s go

Where are we going yeah server yeah let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go yeah you mentioned that maybe that one doesn’t have like everything looted I guess yeah because we gone on a lot of Adventures on again it’s a new server I think most of it already been rated so yeah

All right let’s go yeah let’s go I definitely don’t know even if it’s like the nearby place to our usual face husband rated there’s like a lot of further out places that we haven’t really Adventure I think so Ian okay please Lead Me the Way uh uh yeah you know that closes

Area after you your Korean I don’t know where to exactly Go I mean like we can go further out by using the nether portal and stuff okay okay yeah sure okay let’s go that’s a very good idea any cards around here um I forgot where where I left it

Let’s see we can always everyone took all the cards hey thank you so much for the cookie you gave me the cookie I just realized yeah you gotta You Gotta Eat the cookie I mean I can I can do you really want to walk I mean I can I can craft some cars

Out this is how things are done on the answer okay okay Okay okay let’s go walking is healthy it’s fine it’s pretty close kind of and you get to enjoy the Panzer Express a little a little more okay you’re walking okay sure sure yes using the card it will be like so fast right okay yeah yeah a little bit too

Too fast okay yeah yeah in the countryside yeah yeah understood yeah yeah and uh we’re entering the uh Muna samples okay yeah oh oh and then of course ready of course yeah I realize we have more ID members uh statues yeah why what is that reason I thought

It don’t worry about it okay it’s the en server free beds in the barrel I’m taking a bed okay I I I I prepared the bed actually yeah you’re right more room for hold on where’s the orange [ __ ] I forgot hold on yeah more room for treasure Bridge We’re using uh uh into the another section of the en server I don’t know what we would call this section AFP um to the right is a Kiara’s base key of P okay chickens and uh yeah this is also Cara’s house in front of us

A little further off you see my my house oh my gosh you made it so crazy Taco we have we have some we have a garden here in the front it’s a very uh friendly friendly Countryside house lots of greenery lots of cats and dogs yeah and this is our uh main another

Gate that we used to take it was here when we first got to got to this area and it’s kind of like okay okay let’s go all right Gold’s helmets or anything no need it’s gonna be like okay well I have one just in case yeah okay here all right let’s go deeper

I have a lot of potions and stuff left from from the uh uh the Witherspoon case you know you guys need any healing what is this it’s cauldron This Witch is called oh The Cauldron I think it’s like a response yeah another right yeah I don’t know I think it’s like two

Charts right now you guys can click it it’s okay yeah it’s fine we’ll be fine okay yeah all good all good I’ll go okay let’s go let’s go I believe uh we should oh yeah let’s go there’s there’s one Minecart I have myself more in there I have a

Little house my own Minecart it’s okay oh okay I’ll find the one more somewhere I got another one I’ll return it oh you got another one oh here a guy yeah I have one okay my Minecraft is gone but it’s okay I can craft oh there’s a lot of Elijah in these Joker

Boxes what the f whose are these mine I think mine uh all all good the Minecraft all good should I make more all right I have a minecart okay okay um hold on hold on I’ll turn it my voice a little bit I’m ready quiet hold on just a moment

Okay ready to go all right girls taking the lead oh thank you not me wow what this happened oh I’m sorry I meant to shoot the Slime okay okay sorry no it’s okay well good morning okay I’ll go first let’s go okay Maury will go I guess oh my God

What did I do oh I’m in it now I don’t know what oh wow small town this looks crazy with the shaders wow please tell my family I love them where’d she go oh it’s already a free trial oh yeah I just realized the l2d gone oh no

Oh yeah oh yeah yeah you’re gone disappeared oh no hold on hold on good time take your time we’re just on take your time Wait wait wait wait take a time take your time I wonder if I can raise the let me put this over here uh brightness oh dark this place is so scary oh is this that’s the nether port that’s the other portal that takes us back to the

En server but further away first the worst another brightness all right okay I’m here there you are you’re in the same position too yes let’s see where this leads I have no idea hey okay oh yes oh wait this is where the end portal is oh

Let me check let’s go I don’t remember game too loud a sec the game music is off oh yeah I haven’t checked the the voice all good right perfect okay all good all good boys all good okay okay thank you still low I’m gonna pay where are you in the same point inside

I feel like you know with your volume it’s either super loud or super low but it’s okay it’s fine normally it really doesn’t matter it’s okay it really doesn’t matter 70. am I ever loud I do I am very loud she has her loud moments Kelly knows okay hold on maybe I can

I mean there is a limiter on the entire thing it should be fine it’s okay no worries let’s go in oh oh okay I guess we can only sleep pretty go out in the not so Darkness yeah nice idea oh mine’s pink you prepared a pink bed first me

Consider it wow you really know what I like um good morning let’s go good morning all right I think you need to take the bed with you yeah because yeah oh no definitely that’s your bed yeah I think I accidentally yes okay hold on okay all right I don’t hype really know where

Which way we should go to how about we just pick a Direction any any should be fine I have a place looks cool however I choose you to choose the direction you are the chosen one I know this is still reefer right maybe we should try to find like a bigger bigger bigger

Uh water ocean yeah City ocean I wonder if the river might lead to the ocean wait I’m saving the coordinate first just in case you guys want to take a boat um let’s go okay let’s go oh okay I prepared both okay oh wait thank you wait I mean wait

Right on the same one we we cannot we can only use two of those right hello let’s go let’s go Adventure we’re Pirates nice drink it on your own because we don’t want to share bottles at this time of the year on the wall you know it’s thorough oh yes

Okay make sure you know just follow my lead and if I get out of your sight tell me I don’t know where this is gonna leave take us to the ocean and that is nice and it’s fun it’s fun this is where we go where we walk

I would say you know let’s fly but I don’t have a lytra so let’s just walk maybe we could have gone to the nether to get you an elytra that’s okay yeah we should do that yeah another time we can’t do that I need to go to a Farm song

You remember the chords the coordinates yeah we already know them yes of what of the the portal oh yeah yeah I have it I have it got it let’s just pick a direction to run um I think I’ve been here probably completely unexplored territory

Maybe not or is it I see a lot of mountains I wish that there was Oceans somewhere See a sheep yum we are gonna need food along the way but I have lots of baked potatoes it has a lot of cookies and okay okay also there’s a cow and I’m gonna kill him wow okay oh I hear a weird noise there is Andy Andy hello hi Andy who’s that oh

Did you kill him no no he’s just there he’s just dominance okay well no thanks yeah oh food we’re gonna need food for our trip come back no I got him hi yay we’re gonna have steaks tonight ladies yay well maybe not in Minecraft hold on I’m gonna slay these pigs

Oh and there’s a black sheep wow wow guys well we’re bound to run into one if we keep going right where’d you go oh sorry I’m chasing pigs I’ll be right back I’m just getting food for us okay I know it’s okay we’re good I kept going straight hi I’m right here

Yeah okay let’s go let’s go I’m not lost she’s not lost guys okay elegant reminds me of the time well well we were still in Japan I think Furniture was Amir and gura and I were going somewhere I was leading the way except I was kind of like

I I forgot to check behind me if they were following me and I think they called out to me because they need to like recharge their IC card or something except I didn’t hear them so I kept walking and walking and walking I looked back and they were gone I was like oh

Where’d it go oh God it’s a nightmare did they get lost but no nightmares absolute nightmare situation all right let’s keep going okay but at least you guys found each other wow Oh my gosh alpacas do they drop meat huh Well maybe let’s not mess with them I’m gathering some exp from this coal really quick ly get some help well nice we might not be and that’s okay that is fine because as I always say we can’t get lost there’s no destination exactly look it’s a mountain sheep

You need to go that’s a mountain goat right hello This one is not mutton there’s so many animals around here hello so many animals Can you tame him I I don’t I’m not sure about goats but I think you can like reach them and bring them back yeah that’s kind of cool wait there’s like a river-ish channel over

Here maybe oh maybe okay to the ocean yep yep all right Mommy um wait you just don’t have horns oh dude you guys found the ocean-ish place wait is it that could lead to something I don’t think so no maybe not nope but maybe the other direction no no

Go one way okay find the ocean one way or another yeah exactly sure we should just keep going forward but I think the river is like circling I mean there’s more water than before that is true okay let’s go oh yeah sheep produce wool and brought up bucket of water

Oh no I need to eat okay so does anyone come to the en server these days I wonder I sometimes do to grab some stuff but I guess I I don’t think I properly played Minecraft like fully in a while yeah so it’s been a while oh is that the ocean

We found the ocean yeah let’s go one way long enough you’ll find the ocean let’s go why I got so many boats is it free you have my boat oh no one that’s all the boats yeah that’s why why so excited I got all of the road here let me see it

Let’s go okay wait one sec I’m gonna follow you guys you guys lead the way please I mean I think I think you just lit the way I’ll just follow sure yeah sometimes last time a chat will know the last time I went on an ocean adventure I kept going inside oh

You know I usually when you well usually I just like go straight like I open the coordinate thingy and then like I just go I just choose like one well I’m just pressing the direction yep just press double yeah No that’s just uh that’s just trees I’m just blind that’s okay maybe we should go towards the sunset oh yeah it’s almost Sunset I think I saw uh go to the right to the right yep okay that yep that way yeah there is a shape down there yeah down there oh

This is so wonderful was it that thing that’s sticking out yeah okay this one yeah stop right here oh I think but um I think someone’s already loaded this one because there’s already like kelp loading yeah maybe maybe I wonder well there’s another shape in the distance

Uh might be worth it to check but there are a couple shapes on that one I think since it’s really close maybe yeah but maybe we can chat I don’t know or maybe just okay maybe just go to the island first and sleep first okay yeah go to the closest one yeah

Okay all right Island oh Cal can break from love I see oh yeah so maybe maybe it’ll be fine we have a couple targets to check it’s okay yeah maybe we can check after slippers yeah we slippers let’s go away okay let’s go nice nice nice nice there’s my bed okay

Good night good night this is so exciting wow that view was incredible good morning looking beautiful I slept so well I slept like a baby let’s go we are ready okay yeah zombies okay okay I’m ready let’s go okay ladies time to grab our first treasure

Um I think it was there were like three little things sticking out of the ocean kind of like a little Crown shape slightly to the left oh that thing maybe that one food Shrek oh yeah by the way do you guys have um doors

Uh I don’t think so I do not oh I have oh I have doors but hold on we need to like land somewhere first okay what do we use them for wait how about we land on this okay let’s go let’s go okay wait uh wait wait I’ll make a space for us

Okay oh nice nice idea I have so many potions okay wait um doors doors cool yeah thank you how many should I take just take the just take 12 inch it’s okay I have mine okay um I’ll give you a golden care thank you air bubbles

Thank you I’ll keep that it’s so cute thank you okay let’s go uh oh no come back everyone else can carry the loot for me right I bring shelter box just in case if you need it later yeah how do I get deeper into the water shift oh shift thank you okay okay

Uh do you know how to breed with uh doors I don’t okay um lesson from sensei okay let’s go underwater first shift shift okay and then you put doors in front of you yes I can’t do that okay okay and then you open the door and then you get inside oh

Wait open sesame okay okay you should be fine yay now you can breathe okay yeah that’s How We Do It okay okay okay how dark it was wow it is dark okay and then we can just remove the door and move to the other place that we want to go oh

Try the [ __ ] yeah sounds good let’s go so let’s go let them change anything that’s fine you don’t have any apps a door can I put a door here I think I accidentally put oh boy oh boy it’s okay it’s okay most important thing you might have to learn okay you’re right

Okay good I’ll get all good this is hilarious it’s okay oh wait I do have torches oh can we use torches here I wonder uh uh just hold it in my head yeah um left hands and it will be like up if you’re used to the theaters yeah gotcha that’s fine

Is it helping the torch yeah it is sure oh there’s loot here okay let’s go let’s go let’s go I don’t know TNT and carrot that’s possible look might be useful okay interesting um X so yeah there’s only like carrots box that’s something okay so there’s like two two boxes per

Ship right uh okay so basically the the small ship usually have okay um we can know it what just happened oh that’s a [ __ ] don’t worry about it potion right it’s just like oh [ __ ] okay it’s okay uh if you found if you if you find like the chest with only Foods

They’re usually there might be another test but if you only like find the smaller ships with um or you the first one that you saw is like um diamonds Island it usually just the only one uh but this one is like kind of a full

Ship so it might be have two or three okay well we found two right that one is the food chest right so there might yeah yeah so there might be another two yeah you perhaps have ax I could borrow oh okay okay I can’t believe I came unprepared for

This trip and no okay no worries I should have organized uh it’s kind of difficult to know what to bring wait can I get into the door for oh yes yeah for a while okay okay um breathing turns okay I’ll get all good now um you can take the X here

I got my word thank you oh damn index I’m getting special so generous okay okay let’s go let’s try to find the other one all right the other one maybe okay it should be like um the opposite side so it’s if it’s this one side then maybe it’s there

Okay I will try to find lucky oh wait is this the one oh no this is the Karen one powder is this found it maybe um I found them oh I found a very treasure map we found a treasure map yeah I’m drowning oh wait oh no

You have the door right It’s So Sushi yeah yeah he’s in there huh very treasure map I’ll just heal myself wait oh oh come up here Kelly okay no you grab the map yeah I did hold on here get in get in all good okay okay okay okay okay okay that was collage

That was clutch one team our first chef first treasure map nice find Nina thank you let’s go I smelled it across the ship I was like he sniffed it out nice one all right let me see wait is there any the the treasurement the treasure map just got no diamonds and iron and

Something like that right no no okay so there might be there might be another one then another one yeah usually we still have all right like another one I’m a search all right oh we can help Um twice I’m learning this this door stuff first don’t leave the chest box it’s okay I will put a sign later after we finish um I don’t know which one or maybe not but it’s weird there’s no chess is there always a Time yeah and this one

Is like a the full shape so it might be have three why yeah yeah maybe under the grab grateful yes um hold on a sec you guys keep looking and I’m gonna make sure yeah sure this map stays here weird or maybe is it just two

There I put it safe in the chest um usually it’s like two there and they’re gonna be like upper side here another one maybe it’s just two oh by the way it’s already like dark and actually we can sleep underwater yeah underwater hotel yeah we can sleep with

This with the bat in the water and then we can sleep actually okay let me see I’ll throw the wooden ax away and then if I may have um a nicer ax that would be very helpful please I have but hold on where you can sleep on your water yeah

Crazy maybe let’s sleep first let’s go good night good morning does that mean we can use the bed too oh just be kidding we can’t use the doors where are you I’m giving the hold on a sec let me get some air first okay okay okay right here thank you I appreciate it

Thanks a lot Diamond ax thank you that will help me all right okay let’s go maybe it’s only two oh my shelter box we have three boxes so me that was the last of the box okay okay here just in case I think maybe that’s all I don’t know I wonder cool we found very treasure map though yeah I trust you guys more with that treasure map than myself no have have gone here to be okay I think that three was a skipper oh you oh your shulker box I have it so

Yeah it’s okay it’s okay it doesn’t be sorry you’re just helping me too to bake it there you go you’re good there that’s yours oh thank you Lord all is well all is well wait let me just to see what the what it said on the

Oh this is quite close okay it’s close yeah you know how to see them to to to to look at the map right no yeah I have no inventories okay I’ll give you I’ll give you I’m holding it now wait wait I I can give you the shelter hold on

I’m gonna put it oh wait this is like two crafts the space is like too crap oh okay oh thank you I owe you my life oh I have space you can put all your Potions there I know one time we’re gonna split the treasure okay whatever treasure we find we’re gonna

Split it it’s okay you you you you guys can have it no no no no no no no I will I will I will take the I I will just take the wood and it’s more than enough yeah yeah really really what we no no no no you’re Pirates and we share

We don’t go to hell I know that’s right all right okay I’ll get the boat out no it’s okay really take the map Kelly no yeah I do I’m holding it in my left hand all right just follow me yeah of course yeah we’ll be waiting for you That’s how it should be okay let’s go home this way mateys we are pirates and we have treasure yeah I still need a lot of wood thank you it’s all right just pay in the Senpai tax that’s all no no no no no we share the treasure

Are we there yet we’re all yes now hold your horses we’ll be there shortly all right it says it’s right here but does that mean we have to dig under water do you want to know The Secret of finding I know the chest what put my hand

S you you find the the chunk that it said oh yeah I know that yay that’s kind of cool so where are we uh are we in the right uh the coordinates are hold on it’s it’s uh the X the x is here uh-huh okay let’s go eight eight six two

Yes it’s here is it underwater I think it is okay so uh so how we do it actually um try to press F3 uh-huh and then you can see the XYZ right and then yellow that there is like a block right and then one zero eight seven

Then uh-huh and then you look at the bracket one the numbers in Brick uh-huh it’s um wait it’s a 0 15 50 yeah something right and then you just try to find the 999 just move okay nine nine nine and then you just go down and like

It’s like nine nine nine oh I found nine four three nine hold on um nine nine maybe a shovel oh here the 999 is yeah let’s go let’s go we have them there’s so much booty stuff there’s Emerald here I can empty the TR the chest if you want thank you uh

They are honestly speaking can I just have the TNT yeah yeah yeah I just need the ten dollars of course part of the street this is like okay okay the rest is thank you Kelly you can have the emeralds I’m cool with that let’s go we got our first one how is the

Cooked lemon potion of water breathing that’s kind of nice ocean no water breathing would be nice then yeah do you want the goldina you can have the gold oh sure yeah you take the gold I think I need the I’m happy with Emerald iron sword though okay yeah yeah I think just okay

That’s crazy that’s our first one oh you don’t have space but you don’t have to say oh I can give you more space it’s okay hold on really thank you thanks that’s so kind I really appreciate it Santa you’re amazing I’m not sense yes you are yeah No really you’re so good at Minecraft I’m still learning a lot of things not everybody’s still learning but you can still be super good even while you’re still learning no you can also be that good if you keep playing please play more I need friends to play

Minecraft no okay I’ll play with you yes I do want to make more stuff in Minecraft let’s go let’s go let’s go so many things you can do I’m always always thinking you know yay I’m just like wait I need so much materials and I’m just like ah till

Later and then I forget that’s okay that’s normal okay okay all right shall we find another ship wait hold on uh since uh wait wait wait wait wait wait since it’s um the the map right you want to keep it or you want to throw it because it’s like

Oh that’s true okay I’ll put it somewhere yeah just put it here first just put it here first all of the map later we can split for the members later on yeah for the memory yeah I like that idea okay okay Sorry okay let’s go let’s go all right this time me okay this way I think there’s something good this way this way follow me don’t worry about it actually yeah this way this way yeah follow me take this away this away oh I think there is another

And oh I think we left the second ship I didn’t even know there was a zombie I forgot drown better run here we can take them on yeah I’m lucky you can do that yucky you’re strong you can do that see the other ship do we know if the other ship

Had stuff in it should be but it’s okay we can just try to find another one it’s okay no worries okay well I wish to go towards the Sun the Setting Sun okay okay romantic maybe we should sleep first actually oh maybe yeah here this is actually where the ship was

I took us back there why don’t we put some beds down here and sleep okay let’s go home yeah this is our our ship area okay we can sleep here okay let’s go nice job on finding that first treasure map you guys I didn’t even think we’d get one okay

We will get 30. 30. okay okay now we’re gonna get the second the second uh it’s around here it’s okay just go first let’s go let’s go where are we going uh no uh just take the boat first just take the boat first yeah it’s underwater

But let’s go first okay I will try I don’t know where it is it’s okay just go around behind you you’re good Okay yeah oh Lord oh my God and she’ll correct you okay yeah you got it Um second ship ninja School trade first maybe okay so fast very quick real faster where is it guys maybe to the right yeah okay all right oh my Lord heena’s bumper car in my boat the cages who said pressure booking the trick I said it’s gone

Hmm is it a ghost oh Dead one dead one that one uh turn left we left left yeah okay straight oh I see it I see it yeah yeah yeah you guys can see further than I have finished okay okay I can’t believe there’s two so close to

Each other yeah that’s why lucky okay let’s go wait wait oh yes it happens uh because there is a magma block uh under there just keep moving when you saw that bubble um okay you got it I see that’s where it is wait no that’s isn’t that our ship you know okay

Hi is it here nope hold on hold on hold on where is it why it’s gone I cannot see probably hold on hold on um Did not go in circles and end up where we started off oh speed what is it gone Wait is it here I think I see oh wait wait I see I see it this is it right right it’s just really underwater yeah yeah yeah you guys really there it is yeah I see okay okay okay can we build some kind of like base or um I have some what yeah

Get some help see where you wear oh there’s lava down there too we can build off this Oh nice nice here we go okay temporary base not so that it falls in the water thank you you can use the word you can use the potion by the way oh yeah yeah you can use the water breathing potion that’s true how about I split it here

I have I only have two though it’s okay we couldn’t find more later on it’s okay here I’m gonna put one potion of water breathing in there forever whoever wants to drink it um it’s okay I’m a door master door Master nice I like that that’s cool oh I found a chest

Let’s go oh it’s full of like emeralds wow nice no is that the math clock I will projectile protection this is the food so there must be another one then huh that was the one I just looted Nice Since we already found the emeralds and blah blah there’s Mighty hold on it might be not oh yeah I’ll stick around here and see maybe there’s just no matter I found a leather tunic I don’t know yeah that was yours okay oh no the LTD gonna get even better hold on wait Cannot put that door yeah I’m gonna make sure I leave a note that says everything’s been looted but I think that’s what you’re supposed to do right you you just need to like put a random block up there and then people can already know that it’s loaded gotcha okay

You wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t keep looking around so I’m gonna keep looking around this is right yeah it’s a drink first nice I’m very happy potions breathing underwater but I feel like one of you guys should um one of you guys should take the potion

Of breathing underwater the other one I left it’s in the shelter box oh we can use it for the next one okay yeah yeah yeah one of you guys Oh no I’m taking all the kill I guess kelp is pretty good dark oak trapdoor lots of chocolate okay we can move on right now I guess we can go unless well there’s a lot of trash on the ocean we’re not littering it it came from the

Ocean so it’s not like oh yeah well that makes sense Exactly so let’s go is it close or is it far away the map let me see all right treasure map um where is it Captain Cali well it looks like it might be out on the open ocean well it’s got it’s weird because the background looks like a lot of sand

Oh it might be in the desert are we on the dog it looks kind of far away or are we are we on the map Captain um there’s like a a white dot in the um in the upper right corner okay so what you know when when the

Chest is like closed actually the dot the white dot gonna be like a pointy Arrow or something like that and it if it’s just still like a small dot it means that we’re far away a medium-sized dot but I feel like okay uh can I see it yeah sure here I’ll give

Here I’m gonna put it in the pink shulker box okay hold on a second you can take a look because I’m not sure how to read it yeah it’s okay it’s okay be good yeah oh okay okay okay okay this is a medium one not a very small one so okay

Okay this you can have it back yeah okay okay okay thanks okay let’s go okay well that’s good news I just kind of want to don’t forget to take the shelter yeah I won’t forget I’m just trying to leave a bunch of weird looking blocks here so

That people know we’ve been here I’ll put a torch okay all good all good oh a torches means that you’ve been here someone’s here already let’s go okay let’s go okie dokie let me put my the map back in this hand and okay okay yay all right Captain yes okay okay

Um I wonder which direction I should go south east Southeast uh is this Southeast yeah this way this way when you press F3 there is like facing oh yeah so there’s like X yeah okay so we need to go south east yeah this is it yeah that’s how easy it is

Sweet okay okay oh it’s this way right no no that’s not right or this um that’s for this it would make sense because it looks okay okay yeah yeah this way yeah yeah I know my directions haha Southwest will never get lost in Minecraft I think I lost you guys oh yeah no

No no where are my crewmates yeah cowboy oh no that’s all right uh you guys are headed south east right the shepherd came from Canton here let me see yeah the ship we came from yes yeah we’ll meet up there let’s just go back yes Try the the Drone with Trident will kill us now we’ll take Trident from it okay that’s the spirit right that’s the spirit yeah I’m here oh no we lost our captain oh no no she’s here okay let’s go that is obstructed obstructed I’m just getting into the the wood on

The top oh it’s fine yeah okay sleepy time Girls Sleepover in the middle of the ocean let’s go good morning good morning ladies let’s go okay let’s go Captain I’m ready for adventure all right okay I’ll pick captains I think you know there’s my bed but that’s okay

It’s okay okay well I’ll give it to you later Southwest yeah Southwest yeah I like this way it is Enjoy this this is this way you still gotta find the desert okay well it’s a little sandio there’s mushroom mushroom mushroom oh yeah the mushrooms okay here where is it is it on the land on the water no it looks like it’s on the land okay it’s uh like a desert sort of

Okay so if you see a desert go toward that is Yeah we’re kind of starting to come into view dessert oh it’s weird because the map is kind of like it’s starting to change a little bit huh it’s like I can see more yeah it’s like we getting closer okay just be careful around here I guess this is kind of weird hold on

Just jump in the water no no scary oh I hear noises oh you guys you guys just kind of went down so oh okay we’re going go west to go west okay we’re going west okay Journey West isn’t that where we just were I think this is

This is the last right here yeah to the right is West okay all right so we need to go up there okay let’s go okie dokie no problem let’s see can I get a police I know how to climb it’s cool uh let’s go hey I don’t need no incredible I respect that

I’ll just make a dirt Tower dirt Tower is the only way all right nothing can beat a good Dark Tower okay Rue yep okay we’re on the map now guys okay let’s go follow the captain all right do a little bit of Salem where are they Rose okay

Where are they oh no I’ll wait right here uh we went West okay okay you win West okay that’s okay it’s okay yeah just go straight west and then you’ll come to some water okay sure I see you we’ll just wait for you that’s okay I’m here

Oh yeah I forgot she can fly oh yeah she can fly okay oh we need to go again oh okay that’s how he’s got your back okay that’s where we’re going gotcha these are definitely not natural looking Tower right there oh someone or is it natural I can’t tell I

Don’t know it could be but it doesn’t look like it is this explored territory I don’t know hmm all right now there’s a there’s a very low chance that I might have wondered here sometime but I don’t think I was exploring it probably was lost we can go looking for more ships around

Here too because this is a new ocean area yeah true true what a lovely little archipelago archipelago at archipelago oh there’s a wind that’s never win on the right oh yeah well let’s go the treasure is right here so okay okay oh but there is a lot of doors below

There oh how’d they get their hands on it is there like a second chest here yeah there’s the Third but just this yeah the chest is already looted oh oh really oh so it’s oh it’s a use this is a duplicate map duplicate it’s okay let’s put the map here it’s okay

Okay this means we just continue on well at least we found a new ocean area but it might be alluded to I don’t know uh here hold on sorry excuse me yeah okay nap do you think you’re ready for the ocean oh I got your uh wait okay or the treasure hunting okay

Let’s go there is actually a ruin but I don’t know if someone already made the ruined I don’t know I don’t I don’t like our odds it’s okay we can fight fight all of the brown there’s a dolphin get above from the dolphin dolphin tan dolphin please I don’t think the dolphin can give buff to the boat yeah we can break the break the chest so it doesn’t show up on your mouth oh really apparently that’s what that’s what chat says oh is it oh so we need to break all of the chest in the other one ship done

Okay no not that just that’s the treasure chest okay I broke that okay we’re good okay let’s go let’s just go no no Maps will still show it well yeah oh well I don’t know yeah someone said that it’s still here Um because just go straight yeah the ruin is there pretty okay I don’t know how you can see all these things so well actually you need you need to turn off the shaders when you travel oh really because yeah it will soon there’s a lot of clearly

Around there turn on the theaters later like I mean when you’re in underwater right now is this where it is no oh slightly to the right yeah is it an underwater ruin right it’s the stone where where where are you going Uh yeah a straight straight go straight yeah I see the drowned dudes and go we’re slightly right okay go straight yeah you can see it already I like the stone one yeah yeah okay okay let’s go ocean ruin okay let’s find it let’s find the chest

Yeah so let’s go let’s go let’s go should be somewhere should be somewhere oh then there you are This one oh we should also put a I’ll take care of the Drone yeah there’s another chest here another one what the heck oh there’s oh there’s another one right here I should have made there’s a lot of coal okay let’s get the treasure chest

Yeah okay this one is the trash the the chests here I’m here okay oh let’s go oh it’s a little bit like oh another one we got two maps we got two maps this makes up for it this makes up for the not getting this yeah but I hope

It’s not a duplicate one usually we’ll do the math if it’s like close to each other it’s like the duplicate one yeah but it’s okay we can chat later all right let me let me check well we’re I think we’re pretty far from one of them and oh there’s one that’s like

Relatively close Okay okay start with that one yeah we go the course this one West let’s go oh it’s so dark we need to sleep first oh okay we can build something here sure sure yeah um oopsie you know I’m ready okay and uh you’ve got my bed all right you silly goober

Okay sleeping in the ocean is fine oh my goodness what a legend it’s technology okay okay let’s go Northwest so this way nope all right this way oh a rainbow you have shaders right where we’re going this is so fun let’s go let’s go let’s go here treasure hunting is always good

With friends that’s why that’s fun oh Chasing Rainbows together I think we’re getting pretty close it was a very close huh what if the treasure was at the end of the rainbow maybe that maybe the treasure was the friends friends we made of course yeah I knew it is it right here Is that the ruin like on the right is is there the ruin that we said before oh we’re on the we’re on the map now okay let’s go 999. hold on I wish I could like zoom in okay maybe more that’s a tall tower is it this Little Island here where there was

South they must be here then right oh move it to my main head oh that is an option yeah a big tower Tower I wonder who made that get some help here oh sorry I’m for cars with you sorry sorry it’s out of the way

Okay is it here I’m not on the map is it like full color already it’s color color yeah the icon is like still dots are already like a arrow it fits just like a still a circle like we’re we’re literally like wait can I see it okay um Yeah Oh wait oh not yet it’s still a circle yeah it’s still a circle okay okay what okay so we still gotta move yeah you just need to go first it will be like a pointy sharp pointy sheep like an arrow yeah yeah more or what

Wait if I eat that mine okay uh hold on hold on a little bit I should eat something yeah everybody’s gotta stay hydrated and you have to eat Oh yay hello hello let’s go together we’re riding the boat together oh turn into an arrow okay

Just make it go to the X make the arrow go to the x it must be on the slam then okay first Nine yeah I’ll pick a little looksie let’s see um oh I see what you mean yeah okay let’s go zip it right here right nine could be in this area nice oh there’s water going in here now oh nice oh I found it you found it

Where do you know maybe I’ll put a uh I don’t know where my door is like oh there you go yeah what’s in there oh a lot of good stuff what’s that I didn’t make a closet yeah conduit so that you can breathe underwater when if you try to build underwater

Oh how should we split everything into one just stick it just stick it you guys can have the breathing potion okay I don’t know what that is the heart of the sea and then Kyla you get the other you get the other one it’s okay let’s see Um get some help you can pick you you just can’t take the heart of the sea yeah Emerald okay thanks and then you can have the potion of water breathing um actually just take it I I still have it like I mean I don’t have any space too it’s okay

Um yeah yeah just take it okay thanks what about the diamond do you have the diamond it’s okay you can take that for making another stuff tools maybe okay thanks I’ll just take the TNT it’s okay that’s all I need sure prison ring crystals I have some trash that I’m gonna put in

Here and I’m gonna put a torch on it Oh yeah we can probably put a torturous thing we’ve been here yeah or maybe there is yeah we have another another yeah just take the chest don’t forget to take the chest yeah Cannon it’s okay it’s okay um I kind of wanted to put like a thing

On it I mean I can give you more shelter if you need please this one this one this one take it how many do you have make that it’s okay it’s okay are you sure okay I broke the chest okay let’s go okay Innocent but if you still need

Shelter please tell me I have the um good right now okay sure I’ll put the map in your box okay wait wait uh the map the map the map wow lots of treasure finding this way let’s go I haven’t really done this treasure hunting before this is

You know right it’s way more fun than I thought of course let’s go remember we have another map yeah sure let’s go okay and we might be like uh finding another ship or ruined yeah let’s go let’s go okay to go North to West wow that’s so amazing it sounds kind of far

Away might be a while how often do you go to the nether um to get like shulker boxes and elytra and stuff oh it’s in the end City it’s not in the nether neither is for finding nether right now we’re learning we’re learning together it’s okay well we still has many things

To learn it’s okay we can play more I feel like I went I went and I got actually I remember I went and I got elytra and shulker box as a Chihuahua a long time ago but oh I forget where we went it was cool though it’s end City

Yeah and City it was fun though cheese oh we’re on the map okay okay I think this one’s on a little island okay sure I like the ones that are on land yeah it’s easier so much easier on the edge of the island again okay okay we should be nearby let

Me just switch this over to the main hand oh okay okay love today we’ll be right around here nine slime I found it goodness there’s another heart of the sea if anyone wins at this point I’m just happy to be here that’s so cool I built so many conduits yay of course

Yay built underwater base no he wants fish wow I contain cats yeah sure sure uh I’ll keep diamond for now okay and then anyone else want to potion I’ll take it okay I’ll take the iron I think I have your shulker box Kyla accidentally picked it up oh really yeah

Here I didn’t even realize the map one oh it’s the map one okay okay here you go I put it down so you can yeah you can put the map in there yeah I’ll put this in here all my treasure in a different box okay just a moment I’m gonna organize

This stuff really quick this is the treasure box these are all the treasures you guys need Ender Chest I have thunder chest here oh I’ll be useful okay so I can get my uh pickaxe okay okay okay probably any of them are oops I had in there yay treasure

Oh it’s almost dark already by the way oh yeah we shouldn’t sleep right let’s sleep here good night this is so fun I’m having such a good time we can get today I wonder so many August not 30 like I was dead Kyla said 30 so we’re gonna get 30. yeah nice yeah

Four yeah okay we still have some lunch time it’s okay good progress oh yeah let’s go this is the treasure shelter box do you need the Ender Chest then their chest here do you need it I’m good I’m okay thank you though okay all right you’re welcome are we items I don’t need

Wait wait oh yeah we gotta put the torch right right can you put a shulker box inside a shulker box inside a shulker box you need to put it in the end of chest that’s the way this is so confusing I’d lose all my items I’ll be like okay which chest was

That it was it in the one in here or the one oh and then there yeah so many chests right section Ed all right I’m excited to keep keep exploring let’s go let’s go okay what’s your next Captain let’s go the ocean where’s Kyla oh there you are I’m here it’s okay we

Would never leave without you okay all right let’s go for the Sun I want to go toward the Sun are we going east great question and now let’s go let’s go let me know if you see it I wish we could find like uh you know the ones with all the all the

Little fish looking marks I forgot what’s called Temple ah the ocean Monument yeah Monument Temple oh this one’s definitely been looted yeah someone’s there at least they really let us know yeah I appreciate that all right I’ll probably turn um let’s take a little let’s take a left

Uh I just kept going straight okay I only know how to press W I see you Karen hi all right hey guys it’s okay okay Captain wants to go this this way all right we’re going this way yee-haw Scallywags cracking off the pork bow weird cowboy cowboy pirate malboy pirate is there such thing

I don’t think so but from here on out there might as well be Yeah is this a ruin is that a quarter there are little guys under the water maybe that’s right here or so hold on let me see oh sure in a lava block oh yeah yeah you’re true let’s go yeah ruined that’s a new ruins please See let’s go you’re a Green Castle here I appreciate that yeah oh I should probably turn on Cheaters let’s go let’s go let’s go I will use the glowy guys that you mentioned Ina yeah they’re the drowned one all right I just took my breathing potion oh yeah that was breathing potion

Too I forgot It’s okay just use all of the potion we’re gonna find it oh this one the chest is here you thought oh I found another one oh oh I think we might have opened the same oh yeah the fishing rod oh it’s got a curse of Vanishing it’ll vanish

I said the only one going there she’s fine there’s got to be another similar or like another one nearby yeah usually it’s like more than one but I don’t know I bet there it is let’s see you just gotta keep shoveling where it’s Where it’s wow under the chest okay could we maybe mine beneath it and they said there might be something underneath it because it looks like there’s a lot of coal nope that’s oopsie not the Sun oh no no no it’s okay I would have sworn I had a better pickaxe than this but that’s okay oh yeah I don’t believe that this is the only one yeah but sometimes it’s like that so yeah maybe we’re just being unlucky this time maybe no it’s okay we don’t always win that is

True we win some we lose some oh Landing underwater slow yeah I can tell that’s okay well I did use a a potion so I feel like I wanna all right let’s Round Here another one you think another one yeah another one let’s go okay sounds good to me see where he’s at

I’ll get the boot camp let’s go yes all right I’ll leave it to you oh no Captain you used oh my God you want me to steer the ship there you go okay all right oh I’ll try to be a good Captain you are already number one Captain oh you’re

Making me blush you know yard I think we are going back no uh we should go to positive Z and positive X so that we know that we are not going back oh if we are like going negative it’s like going back get some help go this way yes okay let’s go

Oh what’s that is this another one oh really yeah is this the one that was missing let’s go yeah there’s a chest oh it’s only got weed in it no or maybe someone loot that already it’s probably a looted one yeah no it is pretty cool

So okay let’s put another sign here yes okay that was dirty [ __ ] okay let’s go all right all right let’s go okay which way this way I follow you I think maybe positive because it was the other positive X this line yeah Maybe we can go around this island Rum oh how about off the coast here yeah just go in the middle of the ocean I think let’s go I see some lava oh that’s pretty oh is this another one yeah I think I found another one what there’s so many oh this is the portal this is the rain

Portal portal also yeah just take the gold blocks the gold blocks there could be like a there’s a chest here oh Wordle obsidian is there stuff in it yeah um yeah there is there’s obsidian blog oh golden ax but I hear golden is actually not very good yeah true this has silk touch

Take the gold blocks here you can take it yep oh let’s go lava a crying obsidian oh shoot the captain’s got a good eye nice nice nice nice nice let’s go die oh it’s getting dark bro let’s go maybe There’s a there’s a land behind us oh yeah we could sleep there here let’s take a nap on this island what happened I might have fresh shift okay All right is it dark enough to sleep right now no I think it’s good oh yeah we can sleep okay I’ve got the reaper vision oh I can see so well good morning let’s go good morning time for another day old friend no name Adventure yeah maybe we should go through them

Either way positive positive sure I know the way I’ll let you lead the way of this of today’s adventure let’s go home it’s okay this is positive Z oh that’s the monument don’t get close to it oh awesome no we don’t want to get close to it what happens there today at least

We’re now maybe next time what happens there that’s so scary that’s a scary please oh that happens there Monument we need another day for that one good advice dying also good content I mean you’re not wrong that is true but not now yeah I’d be sad if I lost that much

If it’s slowing check it out um there’s a ice over there instead of my ears is that a ship no I don’t know no no just go okay yeah I’ll see you can’t see anything so Cali you have to oh I didn’t see anything glowing um let’s see cannot see it

What kind of forest whoa under the wall oh um what is that hold on a sec no nope no [ __ ] I thought maybe but nah maybe we can go positive X right now a little bit to the left sure okay okay I’ll keep my eyes peeled I like the ones that poke out from the water yeah of course is that what is it I see what looks like lava I don’t know if that really means anything yeah oh so you can I see you okay I’m here okay maybe that’s nothing there’s nothing

Doesn’t look like it okay they go around this giant continent yeah yeah let’s go do that let’s go right ahead and I’ll follow behind Oh pretty light over there I feel like like we’re nearing treasure I can smell it you can smell it I can smell the copper surely interrupture somewhere maybe we should go um maybe go far from the island maybe oh wait hold on is this you see something

Nope I just saw some copper I thought that that was lava okay okay we’ll go towards the open space yeah which is positive Z okay let’s go let’s go let’s go yeah usually the big ship is like in the middle more guys hold on

Hang on let me see if that’s I think I see is this a real one glowing there’s a glowing guy I think I found a ruin All right let’s go let’s go drink promotion drink it drink it all right careful there are guys down here okay back you get the treasure Kelly okay oh my gosh they’re really screaming they’re screaming dude yeah they die I found the chest you found the chest uh there’s a lure two fishing fishing

Rods I actually really hate the fishing rod may I take it yeah of course thank you oh there might be another one there ruined maybe maybe not Get something look at a sworn I saw a ship off in the distance but I don’t know I should have brought a shovel oh I have the shuffle you won it you have a shovel yeah hold on this one I could use the one thank you okay bless Anything okay no no I wonder if I can fish up I’ll just be fishing oh you’re fishing right now nice yup I’m catching some food just in case we need him oh wow hi Karina fishing let’s go how about this way it looks like I shifted shifts oh coming back Frank

I think I see something else okay that was cute I’m right here I know and one with the island how about a few little things picking up over here could be worth checking out it’s eyes yeah we definitely haven’t been here oh I press shift no don’t fish my ship yeah we definitely

Haven’t been around here so I’m curious to see what we find around here yeah okay there’s eyes it’s like a weird ice block right yeah why is there like ice block tower suddenly I’m sure it was a ship well follow me this way maybe we’ll finally okay rotten

We are quite far away from home yeah but it’s okay yeah we’ll make it back all right really scouring the ocean oh I feel like we’re we’re surrounded by Islands now I know right surely this is a place we haven’t been before I think so I don’t I don’t remember any

Of the scenery hmm I think there’s nothing here hmm water’s getting a bit shallow maybe we can go this way and find a different ocean yeah true maybe yeah let’s go there’s some trees over there but maybe if we stay oh this is a bigger area than I thought it’s pretty large

How about we try going this way nope it looks like there’s more trees from over there hmm what an interesting place really weird so hard to see this walk here isn’t it um no it’s like cobbles mossy cobblestone I don’t know can you guys see I’m right here

Yeah I don’t know why the shaders are making okay sometimes they make you guys disappear and it makes me very afraid that’s okay you are oh are we going back or are we going yes oh I don’t think there’s anything around here that is that we can loot it’s not

Very ocean-like after all so maybe we should try to look for somewhere else okay there we go okay let’s go hmm let’s go toward the Sun the Sun I cannot see the sun oh I can only see Nina senpai’s head oh sorry all my head is shining too bright for you yeah

It looks like a blue sun it’s okay we’re going brightly and now my head is a little round no it’s Square oh God guys welcome to my home Anna is the sun my son dad my boy Gives you a pet what if we go past the glaciers yeah yeah go into the cold and we’re going into the um to the unknown oh pretty there are red trees over there I know it’s getting dark Again by the way Ahoy Let’s see okay let’s go a fairly no association with a certain plumberland oh those are mushrooms okay I get it let me set my little bed down sleepover there we go oh never mind good morning or maybe next maybe tomorrow night I got your bed okay oh

You got my bed Cali oh okay you can lay it down next time I’ll give it to you don’t you worry I won’t forget okay I trust you again yeah all right this way oh no glaciers again whoa whoa hmm there is nothing you like this cold Arctic area isn’t that big

Yeah I wish it was bigger unless yeah it’s not that big oh we’re in the desert now let me see I’m just taking a look at the water to be extra sure but I think yeah no ruins around here a lot of sun whoa ice

Hey big ice ice in desert right next to each other yeah we in Minecraft it’s okay it’s Minecraft okay we can keep going this way yeah I feel the deeper out into the ocean that we are the more likely it is we find something yeah

You really think all of the the ships in the new server are looted by now yeah I I think I think like we have to go really far I think I rate it quite a lot back then I can imagine whoa um um How about oh hold on there’s a ruin there are you sure should we go back stop don’t scam for us guys I think that’s a ruin there’s a couple areas for sure I’m not sure though I see it Kyla oh really oh there’s a desert temple on the left yeah yeah let’s go

Yeah do you know how to go back go back is this it or is it in a different area I mean it’s a desert here surely we can find um be careful though yeah I know we is it here guys because I don’t I didn’t see it a little more Of the Trap oh there are guys here nope oh oh oh uh just ignore Maybe it’s okay just ignore it shoot them down we we will get the you know the rate effect Oh Come and hurt us um we just gotta drink some milk right yeah

But it I don’t have I think I don’t bring my shelter so we can find the cows somewhere well oh okay oh that’s it oh is that oh yeah okay okay okay have you ever been here nope there’s traps sorry yeah that’s the Trap so we need to be

Like be really careful okay this one right out here but wait I think someone looked already why is this like this already guys is it normal like this loaded oh no we already loaded right here no dang it yeah there’s a there’s a there’s an empty block I guess something okay

Just check it are you sure just check it um isn’t this the one Gora looted oh really she did that in the Yen server maybe then or maybe we can find another desert double dang it no no that’s normal it’s normal okay it’s okay oh they say the TNT is still there

Oh maybe we can check it deeper look yeah yeah maybe maybe we can just check touch the bed first I guess just in case if we die okay I forgot how I forgot how I do it guys which one should I avoid The purple one I should avoid middle okay the rest is fine right okay uh hold on hold on hold on I’ll make a way we oh okay oh thanks okay and then there’s a glacier plate in the bottom on the uh in the middle right only in the middle right we can

Go here the TNT strap has a pressure plate on it they say yeah but I think it’s only in the middleweight let me just jump first oh there’s yeah no no there is the pressure point already removed I think hold on let me yes then standing up okay hello it’s already looted oh

No wait there’s an enchanted book there’s an iron horse armor power one I wouldn’t say very valuable goodies but yeah yeah I think there is nothing golden horses yeah it’s okay let’s go I’d love to find another one though because this seems really cool of course it’s a golden

Horse armor yeah you can take that if you want let’s go let’s go um did I take all of the shelters already oh Okay don’t forget the bed you’re gonna take this bed now yeah yeah no you can’t I know it’s a joke you know okay well back to our scene okay let’s go another desert temple that I’d be down all right where are our boats by the way um great question

I don’t know this way yes we’ll have to fight again you can smell them giving them the old stuff I left a cookie on it a lot of sand I left the cookie on it that’s how she can smell it so good it’s so good my favorite got lost in Minecraft for sure

I’m gonna stop the sniffer we sniff the cookie all right where to let’s see back out to the ocean to places we’ve never been before hopefully and hopefully no one else has been there yeah let’s go I’ll take us somewhere cool maybe oh there are more guys somehow

Because there are guys doesn’t always oh he’s coming after me oh maybe that’s not very good okay let’s get out of there yeah I’m okay I’ll pass all right I think this is the Open Sea I think we’ve been out here before let’s go um exploring

Are we going back what yeah there’s a negative Z in there yeah bro but I feel like positive we’ve also already been maybe we can go straight from here uh slightly to the left maybe positive X first yeah we might just need to find another ocean

What is that flying I don’t know um left left okay well I see some magma down there move is that anything I don’t know sometimes it’s not that means there’s a Temple there but not a temple ocean ruins actually when we saw the sea Monument right there is like ruined around the

Monument usually yeah yeah oh it’s time to sleep oh yeah let’s go okay we pick a quick nap over here okay bedtime for bonzos but someone has my bed awesome really hold on I’m taking someone’s butt oh no I’m sorry no no sorry no sorry I’m just happy to have my bed

Good night and good night okay let’s go back to work ladies let’s go let’s go adventures out on the sea unknown we need the fifth treasure map where is it come on give us another treasure map we had a pretty strong start yeah but why suddenly we stuck no I need to find

Another one soon known water yeah unknown Waters I don’t know where I’m going by the way let’s keep going straight sure whatever works wherever we haven’t been before which I guess is hard to catalog but still I feel like we’ve been here um Yep we’re gonna keep going yep all across the world and we’re gonna go on land yeah and then keep going forward um oh I think I saw it yay slightly to the left no no no that’s too much that’s too much right right right right right okay straight straight yay

Oh right here yeah no no still a little bit no no still far away yep yep yep yep yep yep through the water super good here yep let’s go this one I drink yeah oh it’s a big chap they’re dudes there are guys under here

Nice one yeah I give them the love for you know I will make a base first hold on I found one chest already okay we dig in from here hey treasure chest or treasure map let’s go your progress oh I found another chest let’s go there’s a bunch of uh let’s just say

Um there’s some leather stuff potatoes oh what is in potato yucky Could there be more could there be um I found another one whoa leather wow that that was the one I just got I see well they’re tunic some yum yum looking carrots carrots are good for the body okay can’t believe that must have been it

Just in case so we can tear this bad boy up oh uh by the way Kali Senpai uh you’re using um what helmet iron is it iron yeah oh okay um in example you use diamond right do you have the respiration in it uh uh I can’t help two engine so you can

Um braid underwater more currently has a Unbreaking protection and Landing yeah respiration is like is very important okay let’s go let’s go up I can hop left of this room wait what I mean here wait oh is that another one I don’t know how flat knew about

This but there’s some emeralds you guys can have the emeralds oh you found another one yeah Chad told me go up there and I was like borrow your helmet eating your helmet wait okay thanks that’s so nice Okay nuggets together just put the iron nuggets a real blacksmith that work yeah

You can double click okay now you can breathe another 45 seconds oh you’re my life thank you thank you for the cookie the only currency I know cookie it’s okay that’s it’s her favorite that’s the treasure I found a real treasure is French yeah here I found emeralds you guys want emeralds

I’m okay yeah I’m okay it’s okay okay let me know if you want any things but we have a treasure map now which is exciting yes yes I’d often say we’re far away from it but just a moment here let me put some of this treasure away first First okay very close captain okay um I don’t know that’s a great question maybe somebody else might know which direction we’re supposed is it actually hold on a sec you guys I think it might be once again because I’ve seen the dot in that place before Southwest

It’s okay it’s okay Minecraft always do that yeah that’s for you another space oh thank you okay yeah so I think we do have to go south okay let’s go let’s go out this cabin Captain’s learning lots of things let’s go over there okay it’s okay

It’s fine it means our boats are safe okay all right you ready or let’s go we need to go Southwest boy it looks like a small piece right now with the doors it looks like a base dolphin Icy land is that ruins that would be kind of cool if it was did you see ruins I don’t know on slightly on the right I don’t know if that’s just a portal or ruins I don’t know I think it’s ruins let’s just yep yep is that ruins right

The magma block here here yeah I’ve lost them I have lost them whoa there’s like a lamp here too yeah is that because of someone’s already loot that or what I have no question I think someone’s already load this oh there’s a bee there’s a lot of ground

Here for sure oh where’d they go oh oh there’s a chest here oh but just I’m gonna leave that to you guys ouch well there’s a lot of ground here yeah we’re okay all right I’m good we’re good it’s fine I’m just gonna leave it to y’all I know

I’m afraid that I accidentally stab someone with this work uh rug roll it’s fun we’re we’re hard I’m used to amuse being it huh it’s another uh Macaulay is there a couple buildings here yeah we can try to find maps Maybe okay I’ll I’ll check this one okay I’ll check this one

May I have ear coordinates um coordinates yeah oh another chance uh coordinates wait oh oh I found treasure map I found the teacher map too let’s go so many yeah duh more treasure let’s go nice nice we can just meet up when you guys get out of the water okay sure okay okay

I’m gonna carry that lamp um nice find you guys weren’t even sure if you wanted to go over there we got two um that’s the same one or not all right oh that one I don’t think I checked okay this one this one nope

This one maybe this one not yet I want a fish yeah fish it’s okay fishing time hey into the sunset oh this one oh okay there’s just here oh there’s another treasure map I’m like what how are you guys finding so many that’s awesome even more treasure we got treasure for

Days how many is that four Maps we have now yeah but we need to check even if like I mean if it’s duplicate oh it’s already night maybe maybe we can sleep oh fishy business can sleep first maybe sleep underwater let’s go bro hang on let me get to some land

I mean you can just go under the water under water yeah just go under the water and put your bed is the Hotel Under the Sea they say mmm special business Kelly’s fishing okay here we go okay after this we can meet somewhere let’s go okay

I think we have done here no not yet oh yeah this one has a fishing yeah yeah luck of the sea cool let’s go our booty I’m waiting by the big ice pillar well it’s not that big but it’s a nice pillar okay okay let’s go oh we need to check the

Map which one is closer oh this one is quite fun this one is oh that one is so far do you have do you still have space like I mean I want to give it I could get to the land and put some stuff in the shop okay okay giant okay let’s meet

There is somewhere let’s meet Colleen you want my cords uh yes please my chords are two four two oh two four two uh what’s the distance to the left three eight one five three eight one five okay yep we’re freezing the right okay okay let’s go oh is that purple yep okay

Hello all right oh there you guys are okay if I land for a second yeah okay all right and now we can we can check all our treasurements here okay let’s go okay is there any used map no right we we have like what I’m still sizing one I don’t know

Um wait I’m giving the map if maybe you can compare all of yeah compare first like let’s see if there’s like a duplicate one or not I’m holding one in my hand that’s that’s also the unused one right yeah I’m we’re still using it we were on our way okay okay

And then how about the Ford Maps the four maps that we found the same one I think they’re all different wow they’re all different wow what a deal well heck yeah let’s go ladies let’s go let’s go okay um okay out of the three that I have oh

Um or small dots but they’re kind of in the general direction same direction they go north what yeah I know what should we do now follow my maps okay let’s go oh your map first is it closed the closest one it’s really close Okay okay sure let’s go let’s go okay

Let’s see south west southwest yeah Southwest that’s Northwest excuse me excuse me all right it’s okay fun okay whoa polar bear what the heck can’t you train those yeah so you can probably leave yeah but you can bring it home and don’t get close to the polar bear

When they have the baby baby yeah oh the baby I did it once and I then lost in my first Adventure back then because not knowing the knowledge but it’s fine oh no oh that sucks okay let’s see um we might have to go on land okay no one sec

Let’s go this way it’s starting to show up okay nice the map is starting to unveil itself this is a crazy area like an ice kingdom yeah and it’s so far A little Safari Savannah a lot of school hey we’re on the map now okay

Now it looks like it’s in the water but it’s nearby land okay soon soon yeah that’s right here so it’s gonna be right here okay this is where it is okay nine nine nine nine right here oh that’s false oh there it is that was fast

Okay let’s go take the heart of the sea what’s in there I already have two so Kelly or Cala take the other one it’s okay another one they call Pickle I just need TNT what are you using TNT for I’m in mine I’m in my Ned red Beacon

Project I need like I don’t know 100 000 of tnps oh my gosh that’s crazy I have the map ready to put into the shulker box oh yeah you’re ready okay hold on okay this one and we’re gonna have to go north a lot for the restaurant all right

Lead the way you know my innerness oh wait a minute I need to organize my treasure boxes here um real full All righty okay ready I’m gonna ride with Inya this time okay okay okay Just like old times oh it takes a little break I wonder if I can fish while being in your boat yeah but sorry yeah it’s gonna be like that I see so it’ll make you stop West just obviously okay okay North First Molly takes a little break

You can you can press F5 so that you can look better like around oh nice idea yeah wow just in case if you see uh anything The whole squad’s here You get to be oh yeah make sure you look at the the bottom too oh there’s a turtle let’s see if there’s any ruins yeah oh nice idea I should do that keep my eyes peeled where is it where is it is it close no

No it’s pretty far okay we’re on a long journey here okay the other Maps too we might find another one on the way there and this is gonna be like endless treasure hunting okay we’ll go to this one first okay A little bit no it’s a long way over um okay okay it’s okay welcome to uh SS Taco oh the tacos bigger we’re getting closer okay nice let’s go let’s go I think it’s in the middle of the water though so we gotta okay okay sure

I might have to dive a little bit endless piracy There’s nothing here North okay This is a really big ocean actually even on the map yeah we should find another ship anything ruined I don’t know wait stop that’s a ship wait what where I found a ship on the right hold on or where here hang on one sec let me go under with the water

Yeah oh I said [ __ ] it’s just under the water what’s that Monument or what okay really Chef oh okay I I I I couldn’t see it okay let’s go okay let’s go nice it’s a big one you’re doing great let’s go let’s go yeah yeah I’m happy oh this one there’s a lot

Of apples yep um I found a chest too taking the lapis and maybe I feel like there might be one more there is but I can’t open it oh okay it was just lagging yeah very treasure map I found a map another one yeah yeah here here take the emeralds inside

I already take the lapis Where wait where are you guys here here here hello oh inside I think the sun’s setting so we might have to sleep on the water yeah the pirate ship it’s okay Than the one we were going to oh yeah I wonder here I’ll I’ll take a little check no one wants to pick the emerald oh there’s Emerald I knew you were saying that but I no take it take it take it you’re okay here inside if you

Want to give them to me inside where are they inside inside here hold on sorry I gotta get some breath okay okay I’m coming in uh oh in the box thank you I’ll take the iron to you just for fun yeah mistake okay and let’s make sure we leave yeah I know

I will do that that one’s really deep under the water yeah well it’s like in the beginning so this map ouch very treasure map it says it’s a buried treasure map but nothing’s drawn on it oh that’s uh already the buck map yeah you’re getting Scamp yeah we’ll just continue going this way

That’s why Maui is the season use it to find bars Click with the map in your hand you say it’ll show up in your hand oh is that a village I haven’t had my breakfast so um I wanna eat my bread first okay I’m gonna go fishing oh Village how about we go oh yeah yeah

We can go there you guys want to leave the village yeah well what if it’s already rated true but maybe they’ll hold some trees Tyler’s gone yeah she’s eating breakfast no wait I don’t know yeah we’re here the treasure the treasures near here yeah it’s literally like right here

They have potatoes I take nine nine thanks for the food Village oh I think it’s right right okay I’ll be on the I’ll be in the boat waiting while eating okay I found it where are you Inna I’m at the 999. oh where a cat can I make this cat my friend yeah

On the right side are you on the beach uh where where are you left off okay take a look there’s another two diamonds water breathing potions that’s a lot of stuff I want the water breathing potion please because those help me be good at the game the other one too oh thanks I’ll

Take this part of the city do you want the diamonds Um I’ll take the diamonds because I don’t think Kyla wants the diamonds and I’ll get the gold okay you can take diamond okay here I want to take these again let’s see if she wants them now it’s looted put a torch over it yeah There okay yay now time to pillage the village I’m for pillaging The Village scared to follow the village right about now are they gonna share their goods with us cups I took a bunch of potatoes from some guy’s house so I hope he’s okay with that ooh apples and potatoes like do you have to use a box man

I put a torch over it would you like to take a shelter box where I can put the oh yeah use the treasure box or Treasure Mountain it’s in oh that’s Kyla has it yeah okay I’m waiting here um hey thank you okay I’m using the map I’m using the

Treasure map but it just doesn’t have an x marks the spot on it what yeah let me use it okay the other ones are kind of east and south I think the East one is a Little Closer oh you guys done with the Heroes yeah I just nope I’m not I’m ready to

Pillage them oh wow don’t kill them they still love their entire lives I’m not gonna kill them okay okay okay Cat come back Chase and cats I’ll take this stuff that’s all oh they don’t have that many boxes yeah they mostly just have food if they do have bombs no real valuable no

Diamonds what a shame I mean sometimes the villagers can give us the map too sometimes yeah if you’re lucky enough wow very kind of them lots of kitty cats there’s a white cat feed a cat the raw fish no this is a cooked card cat they only have cooked fish sorry sorry

Keys they only have goldfish Sorry villagers yeah I want your stuff I looked everywhere So cool it’s like a black horse I feel like this one will suit you really well look we’re kind of far from home team let’s see wow all right done pillaging done yet treasure boxes here nope okay I’m done for real this time uh yep okay I’m here yeah hi

Oh wait I’m gonna put my treasure in the Box really quick okay and the treasure box my treasure box yeah I’m so happy um apples and iron okay and I think that’s it from me let’s go yep let’s go okay I would prefer to be in the back so I

Can scan the sea okay okay get it get it Kelly yeah I’m in the back treasure hunting let’s go all right so we have to go east north east is East this way I’ll follow pretty okay there’s some color on the map so we are getting close okay nice scanning messy

Oh we’re on the map I think it’s on the small island okay this one yes this one okay okay I’ve arrived Here somewhere here nine nine right here okay nice so pretty oh that’s a lot of things I just wanna take the set take the water breathing potion kill is it okay if we always take it it’s okay it’s okay we we have the enchantment in our helmet it’s

Okay oh yeah you guys are really good at that too uh why is there so much cooked fish in there you want the diamond too I’ll take it okay thanks oh it’s almost night time wow another great day of finding a ton of treasure oh look at these cute little

Animals that just came to hang out with us EE cute wow cute yeah cute oh sweet all right bedtime oh no the water okay okay it happened gonna organize my chest real quick one moment uh put my fish in there and Diamond okay A Time for having fun in Minecraft again I know

I’m so happy I’m having so much fun with you guys I’m so happy too do you have to use use the map box please oh okay thank you we almost filled out the first row yay I didn’t know that we would find this many

Okay let’s go oh the next one we have to go really really South okay yeah oh yours is bugged right Kelly yeah I just turned into a regular the boat is here oh okay thank you thank you thank you Kyle thank you all right useful Southeast so this way let me open my

Eyes real wide okay okay We have like what two three tomorrow one I only have one oh this is the last I think so unless we find more on the way okay we will find it we will find it mm-hmm out on the open ocean It was a really far one no we need to find another one oh we’re not even close I think that’s a portal there can we go there first oh yeah left here here to the left here usually the chest of the portal is not that good but it’s okay

Oh you guys found a treasure there last year oh wow that’s crazy looking let’s go there’s a lot of yeah Let’s see oh that’s not really good the gold block oh there’s already a door here someone’s been here oh is this the one that we oh really it might have been I don’t know okay I’ll take the opposition okay maybe not I don’t know let’s go oh wait let’s go south

Okay this is so good okay did you guys go back up yep let’s go let’s go oh this one’s like kind of on land we have to go around I think oh I went South you guys see me it’s okay okay okay okay oh that’s the Moon yeah

Let’s go oh that’s the ocean Monument oh careful yeah be careful oh yeah yeah that’s the ocean oh that’s yeah he just passed through it yeah we just keep going south is this yourself Is that a ship oh we’ve already been there just kidding yeah oh my God he’s like I’m so excited it’s okay it’s okay ocean it’s okay it happens I did it all the time better to be safe than sorry well it’s a real real oh I mean the dog

Got slightly bigger maybe maybe it’s just my imagination you need to find another one let’s go a little to the West oh the dog got bigger oh okay okay let’s go Where is it where is it it’s on land so I have to just get off the boat oh okay Turtle pretty there are a lot of those guys under the water um a lot of sand a lot of sense getting shallow okay okay we’ll get off here

Okay I’ll just take the boat just in case okay yeah it’s kind of far far yeah uh Journey so be careful all right everyone got their water for deserts let’s go I hope we find a desert temple that’d be kind of cool yay this is that’s where we

Were at right I think I think I think so yeah and then we will use the boat again we can stay online for quite a while oh okay actually according to the map anyways unless it’s like so so far that there’s ocean oh I see the ice area again there’s color

In what is it okay oh [ __ ] I can’t tell what’s the ocean and what’s not so take them it’s okay it’s okay we got color all right he’s going south she oh that’s like oh it’s like the ocean but it’s like uh wait what is there something what is that what is this

There’s a wooden structure underneath oh yeah this is oh this is okay let’s go let’s go that’s the test nice oh there’s a bottle of enchanting take it take it take it Kelly oh cool thanks I’ll grab the emeralds for an I’ll grab the loot but you’re so good oh there’s

Another chest here oh my God oh there’s a map oh yeah okay take the map take the map yeah okay okay I want to put um and another one okay I’ll get back to the boat to see where the map is okay Oh let’s go oh wait is this uh no it’s a different one the x is different what’s like a nuts same general area we can go to the first one we are going to first okay sure okay what is the bottle of enchanting do it’s giving you a little bit of EXP

Erience maybe not guess we can go around it or a boat is fast that’s a rare finding layout I totally didn’t know that there could be ships close to London we’re getting closer that’s a lot of sand look oh look at all the potential glass [Laughter] I guess yeah that’s how you make the glass I use the Sun for the TNT I’m sorry oh we’re here down

And as we look for the treasure the one thing Kyle has really been looking for there’s a lot of ever oh 25 everything thank you 25 emeralds wow wow oh no no no no no no no no sorry sorry for the water hold on do you want the

Heart of the sea Cali sure okay maybe I’ll just collect like 50 of them I’ll make uh some conduit smell water breathing build my house I guess um okay yes we ought to take the gold why the water is like all right treasure organization time Tell me if you need some more space I still have it oh will do thank you shelter boxes many many many this is the shelter box for the treasurement big treasure okay all right I gotta take it out of my hand the first nine four nine sleep firstly first let’s

Go sleep first sleep sleep no sleep time nice job team the next one is kind of close to actually it’s on the same map so okay it’s like to the east of here exactly East okay okay is it on land or we take a boat again oh we can take a boat

I put my bed under water wow okay here we go I was good yep okay for your next treasure which is very close apparently huh pretty close treasure I’ll keep my eyes open for wood underneath the water or stone um approaching land no we need more maps

We need even more maps Okay it should be here okay let’s go I found it nice and no TNT sadly it’s emeralds two diamonds that’s okay oh it’s okay you guys can take them oh I’ll take one so what does heart of the sea really do you can make a conduit you need a shell and you can breathe underwater

Oh that sounds like a zombie yeah oh I kill it already oh thanks wait you need the treasure yeah organizing treasure well I’m taking the sand just ignore me it’s okay just ignore me just ignore me oh that’s a zombie you can kill it yeah I kill him Yay this is my regular shelter box do you need more that’s okay and boxes and treasures rather there’s your Maps here I’ll put a little sand in there here I’m grinding the Sun do you need oh just kidding you don’t need it you’re just grinding it for the TNT yeah okay I’m done

I mean if we’re saying treasure map it’s like let’s see I don’t want it okay we’re done with that I think so yeah and now it’s really just time to go look for more maps okay let’s go I think I have enough of me for one more okay let’s go

Oh do you want sand are you actually trying to oh dang it I would have given it to you it’s okay it’s okay let’s go do it on the next stop okay all right yeah we go we just go positive tell me if you see something we’ll do

I’m scanning the ocean okay okay oh I don’t have any ruins oh that’s like lava down there like like deep lava um what do those guys do they’re just cute they’re just realized and they actually like fight along with you like it’s kind of sweet I wanna go there okay okay oh they taste good wow are you guys eating them don’t do that thank you I say even though I slay all this I’m just dirt right [ __ ] okay maybe that’s just there then yeah I remember this yeah yeah I wanna goes to the right

Or maybe I don’t know is there any hold on a sec please stop here wait have we been here I think we have here yeah I think we already went down under there you wanna check just check but I think we’ve been here anything here

Yeah why does it look like that it looks so like and yeah someone said yeah like that yeah weird okay that’s okay Anita okay okay I wanna go to the right but this island trying to stop me oh can we go around the land wait I think we can get ready purple I don’t think so Ruins what is this you found some ruins why this is still a really weird what is that check it out looking sad that’s crazy what is this like a temple what’s going on there is nothing oh it is what is your first fishing rod enchantment by the way it’s lure two oh

Okay uh wait I can help you too oh I can where is the Ender’s chest um are you holding it did you leave it no wait um no I I put it in the chest and then someone passed through it and then it’s like book it’s like ah okay okay oh Magic okay

Okay that was a really weird okay give me both fishing rod I will try to okay okay No I gave it back to me okay this is so hard thanks well you can combine them okay now you got it whoa now you combined it like both the ah

Enchantment that’s amazing what the heck thanks guys let’s go let’s go there is no more ruins right I’m just looking around okay just make sure it’s not like a ruined island or something yeah let’s just go I think okay let’s go okay nice fine sharp eyes okay let’s go

Let’s go positive effects we yeah a fairy hopefully we haven’t looked over every ocean in the world there’s gotta be more oh there’s lots of treasure in them of course I think this is a new ocean oh what’s that magma Block doing there there’s a lot of that deep down there

But it doesn’t look like there’s any ruins around it okay let’s just go anything sucks I’m looking for oh dead ones yay we got it we found something yep something’s going let’s go let’s go let’s go nice oh my God here right not yet I think wow okay Beware of the

Zombie guys let’s go oh yeah I have um I will take care of them hey but there is already doors I feel it we’ve been here but have we I don’t remember these I feel like I would have mined the wait oh yeah I don’t know I kind of want that I think

There is nothing like as bright as this is like before before this is this is like so bright right this dress definitely seems looted is this the one that I went with me yeah I think maybe possibly yeah because we use a lot of um sea lantern

Oh is that spider sea lantern yeah uh well that is brexit gotcha because Moomin got no Shadows right so we need like lights it’s okay I’ll recycle this yeah okay okay nice nice maybe maybe the treasures was where the three lanterns we found on the lake oh

By the way wait there’s a treasure map here all right yeah maybe we may miss that that’s really weird maybe maybe it’s just destined for you the map okay by the way we need to sleep yes yes I’ll just sleep here okay I’ll sleep underwater sleep is best You need silk touch oh I see I guess you guys might have uh missed that one single one last time yeah maybe convenient it’s okay oh there’s a there’s another adventure we’re finding that case your pink bed is flying on the water what I could have sworn I picked it up the

Bed is flying on the water trying to breathe laughs where’d he go oh there it is no that’s copper oh floating yeah the same thing recordings flying it’s the same it’s really the same don’t worry I think I got everything I’ll get back to the boat okay literally

Great line I’ll see where this map leads us okay we have to go north West okay let’s go Northwest lead the way Audrey on the boat um okay let’s go off we go we’re playing we’re pretty silly clothes Is it on this is it so close it’s so weird oh okay so still a ways to go Closer nice what is that on the left is that ruins I don’t know what’s that guys or maybe it’s I think it’s already loaded I don’t know you can check yeah um There is already a torch but I don’t know oh yeah we’re a little far far away from oh whoops I was like where is everyone oh it’s looted I think it’s all loaded yeah I think it’s all right I’m um and three thousand two hundred oh I think this is the first one I think we loaded this one we yeah we’re back yeah we’re just going back it’s okay I think I’ll I’ll go to your place why is

Your recording it um uh 8 44 okay 31 45. 31 45 okay okay Let’s go yeah okay we have to go north going full circle we are not going full circle it’s because of the treasure map guys treasure yeah we just followed the treasure map the trash around now go straight North the treasure map is like going back and forth oh we’re on the map

Getting very close oh it must be right oh don’t say that it’s the same one don’t say that it’s the thing you won’t do this to me oh okay okay no exactly you’re going the same one maybe maybe there’s another one why does it keep taking us to gira’s chest

We don’t want that we already destroyed the chest last time we were here look at all of the happiness gone just like that oh well I guess you get the test out I’ll put this this uh map in there again no trash okay Happiness Treasures were the friends we met along here yeah do you guys want to try to go to one of the other servers or do you think they’ll all definitely be looted I mean we can just go like in a straight line like far far away and just leave this

Place yeah I can I can I can lead the way yeah and we’re gonna stop like around five thousand maybe we just yeah this is like 3 000 right okay let’s just go straight straight it’s okay or maybe four thousand four thousand is enough okay let’s go oh yeah please

Say if you guys really want to stop and at any point okay just one more map and just one more minute please I’d be happy if we found one more good piece of treasure usually if we found another one we gonna find another one another one another one that’s so fun

I love when that happens okay we just gonna go straight through the island we’re gonna walk Maybe a big Trench I guess if we use the boat we’re gonna go around again yeah okay let’s go okay all right all right okay okie dokie okay it’s okay let’s take the

Boat for me no worries yeah yeah let’s go okay let’s go so convenient let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go this is the last map this is one more honest to goodness really solid map and then I’ll be happy it’s an honest word you know it yeah Wow but that was quick oopsie what’s up no yes you are no let’s get used to it no you have to get used to that title you will get used to it all set of Z oh there she is like scary ouch be careful be careful be careful press w

Ow press W and run speed adventure and also lands careful careful okay don’t fall down donkey donkey donkey be careful of the lava oh no it’s burning okay whatever nice natural lava pod that’s pretty neat put some hot springs around there donkey okay we found another ocean let’s go

Is it I don’t know I think I’m gonna start saying weird things maybe it’s not no if you keep saying it it will manage I believe in an ocean green ocean green ocean you know I Envision a blue ocean yeah yeah no oh that’s the water that’s really what about you manifestation

This is not ocean but well let’s just go straight I don’t have the boat don’t make it work I don’t have the food and soon let’s go inside more sleep it’s dark enough Lifetime All right we’re good okay all right let’s go my boat my boat okay it just go straight right and then we need to walk again I think I don’t know probably until we find another ocean we’ll find one for sure oh boy oh they’re very big maybe there’s still an ocean we haven’t

Explored yet okay let’s go walk again we’re such explorers I think later when we want to go back I can land one of my altres so that we can just fly back oh I mean what if one of us crashes no I mean no you’re gonna be fine no I believe

Okay sure so probably can learn okay okay in the first time that I tested out my Ally try I did pretty good oh yeah then it will be fine right yeah just just remind me how to use it be careful oh my goodness okay She’ll take technology that’s Ocean or just oh I think that’s ocean it must be I think that you can let’s go yeah nice now lead the way let’s go let’s go it’s raining rainy boat Adventure wait I need to it’s more math please is this like uh

It’s like a climax of a trip yeah it’s all been leading up to this final piece of incredible treasure let’s go uh you guys lead the way okay all right I’m gonna get lost I’m scanning but I’m scanning the ocean scanner more Sugar cane you definitely haven’t been here of course yeah that’s for sure this is like so far away already hmm There should be one around here but I don’t know yes and the rain makes it a bit there’s more ice here oh yeah eyes Okay wouldn’t it be funny if we just we just went around the world that’d be kind of crazy ended up at the same

Place no yeah I don’t think that it happened cannot be no no way I just don’t think that that would ever happen unless um so uh there’s a positive effects there’s a Mark where it seems like someone’s are you sure about that yep there’s a there’s a torch okay this is so bad

And I lost you guys wow you’re good it’s okay this is the dramatic where are you the movie where we are at our lowest I found that four two three four two oh seven four two three four two oh seven okay okay it’s okay I don’t know I forgot um

Is it Ian say for two the one that I went with Miss Senpai guys is it Ian server oh no um positively yes oh wow no is that just a squid I can’t believe that we found so much stuff where are you okay maybe what is the x that is

Oh new server then it’s not me then me and Mommy went to the new Surfer oh yeah then it’s not me uh the x is what for what four four two three oh 428 offer to it okay four to eight and the Z four three uh four two two zero

Oh this is like quite far four two twos so I can see this is like a lot of snow rain okay where are you for we should be close or to wait first oh I found it I found you let’s go let’s go round there you are okay I’ll never leave you alone

Okay however we do have a predicament let’s go let’s go it’s fine let’s go we should go to I don’t know just positive Z then just go away from this place yeah nice idea and we’ll keep scouring the ocean we just need one right one saved one we need them one okay

I’ll have the one and done hmm how many diamonds you got by the way is it like more than ten already I’m pretty sure it’s more than ten okay sure so yeah that’s good I think that’s a pretty good amount of diamonds Oh my God one more no we need to walk a little bit I think okay hmm oh oh my God that’s not ruins right no okay let’s just stop here okay be pretty Airy on mushrooms okay let’s go let’s walk let’s see you got it

Okay we have reached um thousand the X I mean okay maybe we can just use the boat okay cobblestone okay let’s go let’s go okay okay this is another ocean surely surely baby is that ocean no I don’t think it’s ocean hmm oh looks icy eyes the eyes I don’t think

We’ve been here yep okay it’s totally new oh it turned into snow what if we can go across the ice we can use this okay okay Just use out of control just go straight where are you okay okay okay okay okay let’s go we’ve seen so many different areas Drifting Where’s the Water by the way I bet we’re coming oh so scary that’s so scary I thought we are going to be sick bro oh did you guys go left or right oh hello I can’t stop bye okay I mean we can continue let’s yeah there’s God This is somewhere we haven’t gone with we need to find the water we’ll find it soon I believe oh that’s uh oh no from 1000 we already go to like two thousand oh Village let’s go whoa oh Snow Village let’s go I’m take your stuff let’s go were you sleeping little guy

Let’s go oh they’re sleeping maybe we should sleep perfect you gotta sleep I won I want to take their bookshelf sleep okay let’s sleep oh it’s time to sleep bro okay I’ll sleep too what an interesting little place we found it’s my bed a row okay honestly trying to take your bed

Yeah yeah it’s okay I drove him off nice where’s the entrance to this house wait there is already a torch someone’s here okay no right I don’t know I’m taking all the potatoes they didn’t take uh they missed it like hmm odd I wonder why yeah

Also just a moment I need to grab something Hello Kitty there babe so please do not leave the village I need to go grab something really quick okay Oh stock there is house there there’s obsidian in here oh nice would you like obsidian yeah but it’s okay oh no there’s a full white card ah I can see again okay oh no that’s a full white cat huh I’m sorry what was that a full white cat excuse me

No I cannot take it later we will be like going back using Elektra it’s okay I mean I mean you can what’d you find button it’s okay Here you go okay thank you all we appreciate it okay should we continue no yes prepare and distance are we going down the river wait I think it’s not finished yet oh sorry it’s okay it’s looking around that’s okay enjoy your time take it slow it’s okay

That’s all right I’m ready for more Adventure okay let’s go cool Village though oh that’s Zetta a green white oh finally oh wait there’s another house up there I want to see okay that’s right there is a little window up there okay yeah that’s the house serious you want

To go there okay I’ll wait um I’m also curious ah the easy way oh there’s nothing wait yeah there’s nothing really just a bed fine these guys don’t keep their valuables in their homes where I can take them all right preposterous okay well it looks like we there might

Be ocean if we go straight from here so oh my skills still intact surely and it worked okay let’s go okay all right more drifting wait if we drift that way it’s going back oh really this way yeah it’s negative effects okay we need to drift this way yeah okay okay

That’s this way Oh sorry I didn’t mean it I didn’t mean to do that why do I do oh sorry right click okay oh Wow okay stop there okay let’s go surely find Ocean Center I believe it just it’s gonna take a little bit of time that’s all right more eyes but we’re gonna stop okay this is all water but it’s frozen right 360 we need to go there this way positive effects

Oh so cool so much so much walking yeah nice Lake pretty that’s perfect for ice skating yeah I’m gonna make that into an ice skating nice oh that’s like so round yeah it’s so round perfectly made yeah oh no this is all Frozen where’s the URI you just gotta go further

Just gotta keep pushing it until until the ocean melts until it melts away I wish that I have like um Lava boots or something that can melt like our own ocean yeah what’s that another Village or just igloo or did we just go around no right this isn’t a new place right

New Village okay you’re lost are you lost oh I’ll give you the coordinates okay take all your apples my bed oh snowball three how was it oh Bernie 1995 by the way is this blue eyes are not disrespect so far how did I get so far what the heck happened yeah did you

Drift like a long ways I don’t know a horse there’s anything good oh my God there’s a polar bear here oh he seems friendly though he’s not hurting me I mean at least oh the village I see the village oh you see the village let’s go we are

Here we’re just strolling around yeah a lot of four knees but nothing we really are dastardly Pirates sorry it’s true though at least they’re letting us do it peacefully I don’t know where is the water cannot find the water hmm rabbit butter it is taking a while to find it

But I mean well actually this is really nice this is no sauna it’s from these guys I will try the water and that way hello polar bear goodbye polar bear this is not the world all of this is frozen yeah it’s just breaking down their homes In the chest the villagers are all gathered like what do we do with these guys you’re pissed all Frozen oh we can trade with them really not that good oh emeralds they don’t really give a lot of good stuff no oh no this is all horses We can keep looking yeah I’m flying to find a way but actually this is all Frozen it’s all Frozen it’s been flying yeah it’s all Frozen we kind of find the water okay this is water but um at least oh is that a ship hold on

No no no no no no no no no no no this is just another is that black is that a black and white cat is that a black and white I don’t know where she is it’s a lion just ignore me well we’re just chilling here in the

Village so that’s a black and white can as the source in Pai won it oh but it’s in the end Surfer I think Ian server got a lot of great cats yeah that is true we do have some good I have a lot of cats in my head we got a

Lot of cat lovers that’s why hmm you know what that actually we got like um cats collectors achievement in Minecraft that if you yeah all the cat colors yeah different types oh yeah okay sleep sleepy time okay okay I’ll just leave okay I’ll fly back first all of this is like

Eyes all eyes when I’m having a cookie having a cookout where’d that go okay you guys finish with the Villagers no yes we’re done can I make bread with that make what red of course yes really all I have to do is put wheat in there uh I have no idea ouch

Maybe not I forgot how to make bread I’ll make steaks Maury’s barbecue where are they I’m in the village but I cannot see oh we’re kind of on the outskirts of the village yeah and some steaks uh it is one nine six two and then three nine seven one two one nine

It’s around here okay I see it okay let’s go see ya let’s continue you said you found some water no it’s like far away oh we better just go you better leave me just better go better go oh you need a crafting crafting we wait horizontally crafting table gotcha Okay now I know that treasure hunting and uh Frozen area is not a good match no I know it was just bad hey good to know Minecraft just you know I think an ice temple would be pretty cool ice temple ice temples just saying you want an idea for the next update

That would be cool okay this is the lake that really all right okay all done yeah it’s a skating rink okay this is water this is water this is just like one block one A shipping probably just goes straight positive positive have there ever been ships underneath ice chat yes oh really like it’s a lot harder to find what is that black thing yes it’s like it’s just Frozen the ships yeah like I found it one or twice yeah Frozen [ __ ] oh this is the tree

You just give her watching just people yeah pretty much impossible to see huh treasure hunting turn into water hunting even better getting thirsty drink some water okay wow I think I think this is already like to melt yeah I think this is already warmer we’re getting warmer lads they’re in the mouth

All kinds of secrets in the Minecraft world okay Okay I think we can drift from here okay let’s go my favorite we go positive X okay Is that chip what that is a ship oh are you kidding me you’ve got to be kidding me let’s go on oh my god let’s go you won you won ship in the eyes you got it wee we found the chef in the eye let’s go incredible up in here nice nice

And a compass oh it’s just everything this one is the very big one oh this one’s got nice lots of potatoes I like potatoes the sun didn’t really have much see leather I feel like there might be something down here maybe a third treasure chest is what I’m guessing be careful to take

Bread because you cannot go up instantly because of the eyes okay finally finally finally well I’m glad that we got a treasure chat a treasure map hopefully it doesn’t take us to the same one as before yeah of course not I think it’s already far away right I hope so we

Hope surely let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go what a great find nice job foreign is there no third oh this one just has a little bucket there was three in here oops yep a nice biome is rare to find oh really we are lucky then

Grape find oh I can’t tell um is it done yeah I’ll be found okay okay let’s go now let’s see what this map has to say let’s go okay we’re at the bottom left corner okay let me let me organize a little bit sorry oh it’s okay I should organize too

Is it going to the Southwest then um um I think it should be North East because it’s the opposite corner is when we are in the oh we are in Oh I thought the x is like okay unless I’m wrong I might be wrong what

Does the map look like does it look like any of the others ufcs uh hard to tell it is hard to tell ladies just oh no yeah sure oh yeah Market okay wait let me Mark this first okay okay I don’t think I’ve seen this one before

Is this our final great treasure okay if you don’t mind I’m gonna organize some things okay okay okay I’ll see the map oh yeah oh this is not so far Northeast we’re going north east one moment okay okay it’s okay it’s okay take your time I got it got everything

Uh on the land Oh Land yeah okay let’s go um oh you guys have the map right yeah I have it okay you follow them follow the map and we’ll follow you okay Not the ocean what ocean yeah I think that’s going to the ocean yeah okay okay we’re going North First Okay Northeast let’s go north north oh I like how we were in the no no no no no no that’s night and days oh no it’s it’s in the water not in the okay land in the land okay okay all right Lego okay I hope it’s a good that’s another Ship

By the way you can’t just leave it we can’t just leave that you’re right I can’t just leave it I got a little too excited oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we passed through it oh oh you want to take it Oh I thought you want to live it okay okay okay no we got it I can’t leave you we can’t we cannot live it right okay this is

Gonna be endless no no no no it’ll be fine this is gonna be endless hunting a bunch of uh oh emerald and stuff okay okay feel real good oh I found another chest uh this one’s got potatoes boots there’s nothing really special otherwise By the way it’s night time already yeah okay sleepy okay well I mean the good news is if if this one doesn’t have a map then I guess well then it’s we don’t continue but I’m just saying but my oh there’s a map let’s go let’s go Okay all right let’s see where this map is let’s go is it like close we’re kind of on the map already actually nice is it the same one uh no oh it’s different it’s different okay Pirates never done looking for booty we should go south first because we pass through it already okay

Stuff okay let’s go lead the way Definitely not something more possible ships almost okay it’s around here so around here okay underwater yep right here okay let’s go that was quick what’s that I’m getting used to it nice pinky thank you I’ll take that I know you’re excited about that It’s a water breathing potion okay the water breathing potion I’ll take the fish and someone want the diamonds I feel like I’ve taken a bunches it’s okay I’ll take it then yeah part of the sea I guess I’ll take another one of those and then I’ll just snap the gold just because

I’m gonna grab it great finds ladies nothing else all right now we have one last another one last your cheers yeah definitely one last math okay what if we find another one last minute it was definitely the last map I’m lost map well I’m too good at this afterwards

All right well we’re on the map okay I wonder if this one will be out in the open sea too Um Yeah I think this one’s also on the ocean oh really um right around here right here okay here this hmm that’s right here okay nice on it no oh right here okay there’s TNT I have the emerald some of the emeralds Oh thank you yeah there’s also underwater breathing potions you guys I feel like you guys should take some because I’ve taken a lot thank you oh and there’s a little bit of land I mean it will be useful for the next time you want to do I don’t

Know maybe next time we can go to the the monument yeah the monument we need like a lot of um we can get sponge gold we need to fight the boss although there’s like a big fish oh but if you win what do you get um sponge a sponge SpongeBob awesome

Sounds great wow sounds exciting right you got a sponge what does this sponge do anything I mean you can dry the ocean if you want that might be helpful if you want to build um underwater thingy oh true like an underwater house maybe yeah

Yeah sure yeah we have a lot of parts to see for a conduit yeah yeah sure nice that’s a good point you can build something underwater yeah you have to do you have the map oh yeah We still need to we still have a mission to go back home safely yeah we still have to find our way home okay okay okay so I will take out the coordinates first no we’ll we can just fly back right okay hold on both we have so much memories

Yeah I’m freeing mine don’t vote is it okay wow that’s quite far you want to end their chest right you’re oh yes okay and then there’s air taco uh I don’t have the one with Unbreaking one do I have Unbreaking bro I have been and then um okay

Nice and safe well I have 32 will that be enough you can name your boxes yeah okay maybe maybe you can just use the LA truck 69 B1 thank you so much and oh do you do you have the fire rocket if I do not have a fire fire rocket sadly okay

Um wait I don’t know if 32 is enough I got some it’s okay I mean I can craft more thank you very much I appreciate it found to get back home oh yeah I do have a compass firework girl okay the newest fireworker okay uh fire rocket one second before you put

The Ender Chest away I have a compass okay okay let’s put these in here too okay oh that’s good and now fire rocket sounds good uh okay okay I wonder how I use it all good uh yes minus x minus C right yep okay all good the Ender Chest already done I’m taking

Back the under chest okay okay and their chest I think it’s okay a long flight home who is crafting table is this oh I just named not me I can leave it oh okay little question yes oh wait I got the Ender Chest here you go real quick

Thank you how do I fly uh double space it’s double space and then how do you land what’s important about Landing do you do it in water or it’s safe in the water but yeah make sure that you circle around before you land Slow Down slow

Down you just need to slow down yeah yep maybe yeah we you get the coordinates right we are going to the negative x negative Z okay so yeah just fly first hold my totem just in case oh yeah okay oh oh you want to oh well

We might not be the best I’ll follow after you guys okay okay I put a lot of really important stuff uh wait minus the diamond uh or maybe we can uh put the bed here just in case if anything happened oh okay yeah just just yeah just leave them oh

We can sleep well yeah okay let’s just sleep oops I put my bed away foreign oh yeah it’s starting I have the Ender Chest oh God it’s okay it’s good you’re sorry take it away say sorry I’m just like Minecraft things okay I got it okay all right just tell

Me which direction to fly and I will fly that way oh yeah wait Northwest you want to take your bed in the energies no it was oh nice idea thank you yeah I’m not in the purple bed here okay yeah just sleeping all of them okay better sleep better

Sleep now okay okay I guess it’s 35 minutes yeah true true yeah hold on hold on um I’m taking the totem just in case okay this is it take this sit so you have the second line thank you okay okay nice totem of undying excellent uh

You need to put it on your left hand got it okay sure thank you oh wait just in case I’ll bring one for myself too okay All good all good all good all gonna be good let’s go okay which way do I go uh uh we are going Northwest yeah request all right yeah should I fly off yeah take off let’s go just fly there double space and then right click oh double space right click yeah sure

Okay it’s okay it’s okay let’s go you need to look up look up okay okay all good we have a long way to go next Direction yeah oh there’s another ship yeah that’s a ship no no no that’s uh that’s I think that’s the previous one okay yeah all good all good

For me whoa I’m very high up wow that’s a lot of sand no I’ll close your eyes no you cannot do this later come back later I cannot see anything very foggy I don’t see it oh no that’s all no and that’s uh wait what this is a Sand Village

Oh this is Sun Village I thought it’s a this is not a that’s a monument right no no no I better go no don’t doubt yourself man you can be back later you know the court Oh I found the water we whoa okay hold on I don’t know how to slow down oh it’s okay everyone’s like slowed down how do you I guess going in circles Kyla Focus yeah I’m trying to focus thank you so much for reminding me Kyla

I need to hold myself I know yeah it’s okay all good okay so it’s Northwest correct you you see the line you see the facing one the facing and then towards negative x negative Z positive X positivity yeah you just need to make sure that you go negative X or negative Z

That’s how you look at the coordinates wow what a very great adventure follow the red arrows red arrow take me another ship yeah we will find a lot of ships by flying by the way it’s okay we’ll we’ll come back water I see okay that one said Ina no

It’s okay we are trying to avoid the distraction as much as possible break down the coordinate and we can we can come back later We can fly next time I’m almost there go where the compass is that uh I’m just fine okay I will make it no worries okay I’ll trust you I promise you okay should be around here F3 um what is the home base chords do you know I I wrote it already Okay I reach it we’re shooting okay here I’m here already yeah

I was points the world spawn okay then I believe it oh you don’t want to go back to the portal you want to go back to the the spawn port the spawn point is like where the answer is one portal is where I don’t know yeah I’m just gonna head there okay okay

I’m almost I’m here you’re going to the nether portal right I think so I’m going to the coordinate okay okay the aquarium is like playing I don’t know Chad is telling me that home spawn is easier for me to get to so if you guys want to go into The Nether

And just yeah it’s okay it’s okay we’re gonna I’ll make my own way yeah okay okay it’s okay if it works it works foreign oh I see it oh yeah the LTD gun okay hold on um okay okay hold on air Taco prepare for landing be paid for landing taking a

Little break really quick just so I can check the durability the durability is fine it’s a-okay it’s the cabin oh it’s what a memory my cabin oh it’s your cabin I found my old cabin you’re rich already that was better for a reason abandoned cabin good

Let’s go it’s all my stuff so miss will take it let’s go okay I’m taking the tracks okay let’s go We’re so close to home wee wow good job we are safe oh I think I jinxed it this is so fun what just happened in France there’s something blocking the way oh no all good all good now uh yeah he’s really becoming a real real home real cozy

This is just a moment we have some Optical they’re in the tracks okay all right do your best assistant I’m on Memory Lane right now please sit tight keep your hands and feet inside okay Minecart let’s go sorry there has been a slight delay too what’s the railways however we are on our

Hopefully okay I think it’ll be good and she’s on her way okay a little bit of a turbulence there’s a lot of lava slimes here yeah I’ll leave the car okay we have arrived okay okay get in wait um I never saw this we’re home sweet home we are here

Yay are you gonna be at the spawn point Kelly yeah okay we can we can go to Sarasota we’re gonna have to walk again okay okay no problem wait we have a light truck yeah we can just fly right towards I like towards the chicken area and you’ll get there chicken okay yeah

Someone bought a neat little pack okay just follow the answer Express right yes follow the punch Express okay good night cutie okay you’re here Oh I wanna take the lucky stick it’s so beautiful Wait there is no cursor wait what hey let’s take a prepare for landing wait stick oh perfectly oh it’s neutral I don’t want to talk but neutral wait where’s the nearest McDonald’s there’s like um there’s like a steak what is steak means you look at the board here no there is

No number there is no there’s no number it’s just like a general stick oh yeah accidentally put yeah maybe I think I think you need to like remove that one right yeah yeah you can keep it souvenir this time here okay what did I get oh you got three big glasses Okay uh let’s go find you I I’m just I’m just chilling at Sonic’s Tower oh okay we’re coming let’s go yeah on the top nope I’m just waiting at the bottom okay okay right by the doorway oh there you are all right hi hey let me return your items to you okay

Here is the Ender Chest which oh my God I was holding that are you scared yeah I was I was nervous big responsibility get somehow okay thanks I did my best okay here’s the elytra yeah okay here’s your elytra and here’s the fire okay thank you

Thank you thanks for landing it oh in the totem of undying here you go I think it’s okay I don’t have any more space you can have that one it’s okay yeah Okay nice How do you take screenshots in Minecraft F2 F2 you you need to press F5 first so that it’s like F5 to get right another okay okay all right and F tip yeah I took all the pictures yay awesome I’m happy that was fun thanks so much thank you oh it’s raining

Oh no good thing we took a picture yeah no it started raining right away okay thank you very much thanks so much you guys oh sorry can we take one more picture I want to hide the HUD that’s okay it’s okay it’s okay I’m gonna send you mine too yeah

Let me see I really wanted to get the tower in there F2 yeah yay all right I’m happy thank you so much let’s go on another adventure song of course of course social Monument yeah I want to go to the ocean the sea Monument ocean Monument yeah before We go there let’s see tomorrow I’m collaborating with my mom we’re playing games together maybe card games or Blackjack maybe only Blackjack I don’t know have fun thank you also buy the Blu-ray if you want to buy the Blu-rays today is the last day of pre-orders for the Blu-ray work really hard concert

I’m glad you enjoyed it and you guys can enjoy it from your home if you buy it it’s a link in the description thanks guys how about you guys do you guys have announcements oh well I think they yeah um Yeah check that out guys no on the on the schedule for tomorrow actually I said I was gonna to finish You Kyla yeah um the whole ID coffee the tickets of the fan meeting and the great great meet and greet and the fan meet here the tickets still open you can still buy it also another quick mention is that it’s the final days of the Maui birthday merch

Of me big plushie and there’s a mug that I designed myself and a poster and bath bombs anyway that’s it okay okay that’s all like one more day yeah bye Okay wait wait let me let me send them a message there because I wanna do um the RTA but hold on hold on I want to do the rtn talk a little bit um but let me send them a message first okay oh um um wait oh okay um okay

I wanna say let’s play some more together and sign grandson okay okay they’re so cute and they’re so cute okay okay um I’ll start with the social bus first oh no the the tan the the lightning you know ah no no no no don’t oh no she’s gone

Hmm I want I mean I can try to find some head mobs but well uh okay um wait where is my social bus y bye bye bye Thank you uh oh no I’m alone I’m alone I better get into the house At least I’m not alone hello it doesn’t want to play with me get some help no fine it’s okay no worries okay we can just chill here first a little bit it’s okay oh a house of memories okay um ymz Kyla just tried to find the sea

Behind Carlos Temple because there is a lot of treasure there but I don’t know I mean the ID Surfer I deserve for Treasure I don’t know not so sure about that and then inside and then cookies or what what is that sound it’s Fox Screech what happened with that fox me

Fox Screech what happened just normal Fox oh it’s natural wait wait it feels like it’s suffering oh they just do it it sounds like suffering somehow okay okay um and then someone I think Ina doesn’t have any space in her inventor but she doesn’t want to talk about it all good all good

Thank you it’s been a while since the last one really missed this episode thank you thank you thank you I think that’s all for the social bus and then I’m trying to read the chat hey why do wait wait the thunderstorm is like so long when I try to when I tried

To hunt for the mops head it’s like only like three times and then it’s done is it like so long right now different weather in Ian well maybe desire sense Okay and then okay RTA first let’s go Stephen golet wake up it’s time to collect waifus get some help Ruby will have fun thank you the professor King we are still here for you thank you Rama thank you Mr hype Kyla why didn’t you open media share yeah because uh it’s a

Copyright thingy so we cannot do that that lemon couldn’t what just been caned it’s right there thank you that lemon yep it’s there thank you cool I took a shower get what get some help the rain stop after you talk about the thunderstorm no it’s not stop the rain’s still there and

Um that lemon that one piece the one piece is real yay Luis Bernando filegas Guerrero check what’s up very nice smiling Emoji uh it means a big hug for the most beautiful who’s the most beautiful shouldn’t be me okay and then Alex you fine I’ll treat

My luck to you with just one dude thank you until Korea morning get some help get some help surely hey hey color won’t read this until later so pat pet get some help thank you and then Ella descent is for making glass or for cats get some hats

Thank you when the high color fellow grinder here hello I love your dedicated Minecraft content I just started grinding Minecraft I also a hardcore Call of Duty cam grinder may you bless with endless lucky how how to how to greet a fellow grinder oh is that how we grade a fellow grinder

Good luck with the grind good luck good luck with that Peter campy well that was an anti-click climactic as the opening of a cap on Capone’s fault Corona please I do the final final for real last actual actual map hey thank you and then Yama bro one more map yeah it’s the one last map right yeah heck that I didn’t know if it would ever happen but I finally got to see my osis collab yay

Get some help actually you know what um if you watch my debut stream I mentioned like uh three of my oceans from each branch and if you still remember actually Ina Senpai and Kali senpai ishi right the other the other one already become from Oshi to rifle but yeah Mission completed

I’m so happy I mean if you if if you don’t know about that fact this is like a dream come true it’s like a poor karate why for crony get some help Um winning I’m always winning self-proclaimed rifle just like Naruto for real for real is that a self-proclaimed one I don’t know karon is watching you hi get some help Um she’s just gonna go online and say it wow nice even better still not enough for you no never enough thank you good JC thanks for the fun collab hope we get two more Minecraft addicts after this Kali has it right I don’t think you’re Sensei or gut titles

Are going away better than being called a penguin right get some help I mean I’m not a penguin but still I’m not the Sensei or God or whatsoever I’m not rain Alarcon this was so nice you’re always so good to other people eh I mean all of my senpais are

Very very great people too so yeah thank you Arnold Mendes thanks for the stream thank you for the supports Chris now that you have access to Ian nether green when hey cannot do that La hello and then I mean you know what I I took almost one shulker box of sand already

By doing this collab it’s like imported sand from the en Surfer I think well that’s enough already We’re Not Gonna destroy their mother too right and uh hmm no one will watch you yeah no one knows what I’m doing right yeah and I got some TNTs which is good

Imported TNTs the blast the duar gonna be bigger right Um ah um thanks for another fun and comedy collection what do you mean fun and comedy collab stream that was fun yes comedy That was a very serious collab stream why was it the color is so good nice color thank you Kali luck also Their Fear is like oh no I did nothing hello for Steam am I steaming some food right now and then Del con you are amazing your

First color with Kali went well TNT cookies and lots of fun memories glad you have a lot of fun yeah it’s not only with Kali Senpai is also with Innocent pie both are my um first collab right yeah so let’s get some all good it’s all fun Gigi thank you so much um

This piece here is another pink and purple waifu for you nice get some help cyber fires High beautiful beautiful what get some help thank you for the great stream hope your day has been great thank you Albert’s good color stop stealing our love what yeah or why you bully the tall 90 Lex

Clock woman I’m not bullying anyone hello why are you judging me right now huh uh Ellie a little leaf whatever you say sin Sensei get some help I’m not good Daisy well first time I was there he told to get some I have attached to more man I got my luck back

Um maybe just a little bit like 0.000-69 percent thank you good luck with the test get get some help um okay and then hello baby thank you for extreme can I get daisuki again daisuki again get some help hello daisuki daisuki no daisuki daisuki my oh it’s so in exchange for that like

You give them help no it’s not like that okay by the way I don’t want to like somehow um pull over the Stream for so long because I think I still want to chat with them too I think I need to end this room quite fast I will be back um tonight with

Another stream for sure so yeah yeah um thank you so much for the membership gifts nice nice thank you do still my friend did you happen to see what the fast move challenges this week the ghost gives new effort is how am I supposed to

Do this lock doku you know what I saw that already I tried that but haven’t completed it yet and um one tip for you just pick whatever use your luck do the gacha you’ll find a way but you know what I think you’re good and fast more right if you can find like

4 600 something something that you lost if you claim that you lost that much money I I mean I think you’re good enough and playing fast mode right so it’s gonna be easy right yeah try to find a way okay somehow Thank you so much for your membership gifts thank you thank you get some help no dice kid ice cream hello it’s milk okay I think that’s all for now it’s been a great memories yep it’s been great memories adding to the a Book of Life Book of my life so yeah I

Think that’s all for now I’ll be uploading the waiting room soon as soon as I finish with all other things first yeah I think I want to find some food first get some help because I only eat like one bread for the brunch breakfast and lunch so I think I need to

Find some food first some more members soon be wife get some help hello okay thank you so much for now I’ll see you very very soon and bye bye thank you it’s been fun bye I’m winning thank you for all of the luck Thank you foreign Foreign

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】treasure hunt!! ⛵💎【Kaela / Calli / Ina | hololive】’, was uploaded by Kaela Kovalskia Ch. hololive-ID on 2023-05-02 07:29:07. It has garnered 98035 views and 9481 likes. The duration of the video is 04:25:19 or 15919 seconds.

Playing with @MoriCalliope @NinomaeInanis ✨ Calli’s POV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsSh_Lscb6o ✨ Ina’s POV: ———————————————- ————————————————– ——- 【Local donation】Bittersweet treats are now very EZGGWP!~ Link: https://sociabuzz.com/kaelakovalskia/tribe

#Kaelaif #KaelaKovalskia #holoID ——————————————————————————————————- This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms)

【MOD used】 Complementary Shaders Author: EminGT Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders ——————————————————————————————————- 【Twitter】 https://twitter.com/kaelakovalskia 【Instagram】 https://www.instagram.com/kaelakovalskia 【Tik Tok】 https://www.tiktok.com/@kaelakovalskia 【Facebook】 https://www.facebook.com/KaelaKovalskia ——————————————————————————————————- Request from hololive Productions to underage viewers: Please be sure to check the link below before viewing our content. https://en.hololive.tv/request-to-minors Request from hololive Production for underage viewers: Please read the guidelines below before watching our content https://en.hololive.tv/request-to-minors-id ————————————————– ————————————————– — 【Vestia Zeta】 • Channel: https://t.co/mTJbfHlA8z • Twitter: https://twitter.com/vestiazeta • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vestiazeta • Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vestiazeta • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VestiaZeta

[Kobo Kanaeru]• Channel: https://t.co/hAZaN3S6Op • Twitter: https://twitter.com/kobokanaeru • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kobokanaeru/ • Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kobokanaeru • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KoboKanaeru ————————————————– ————————————————– — 【EN】Rules to remember while streaming is in progress: • Please be nice to fellow viewers and comment in polite language. • Please do not engage in off-topic discussions in the comments column. • Please do not spam in any form. • Please do not swear, criticize, or speak in harsh language. • Please maintain your attitude when commenting and please do not comment on sensitive matters related to SARA, politics, NSFW, etc. • Please do not discuss with each other in the waiting room. • Please do not comment about other Vtubers in the waiting room/during the livestream if it is not started first by the Vtuber who is streaming because it is impolite. 【EN】Notice during the stream: • Please be nice with each other and comment using polite words. • Please keep the chat on-topic in relation to the stream. • Please don’t spam. • Please do not swear, bash, or talk with any kind of foul language. • Please refrain from commenting about sensitive topics such as race, politics, NSFW, etc. • Please do not do any discussions in the waiting room. • Please do not mention or give any comment about other Vtubers during the livestream if the topic wasn’t started first by the current streamer first because it would be considered impolite. 【JP】皆に気を付けてほしいこと: ・視聴者同士で仲良く、丁寧な言葉でコメントをお願Aboutす・不適切な言葉を使わないでほしいです ・待機中の話を遠慮してほしいです ・話題に出ていない他の配信者について、話さないでください 【Hashtag】 • General: #KaelaKovalskia • Live: #Kaelaif • Fanart : #inKaela • Meme: #KaeLaugh 【Yasuda Suzuhito Sensei】 • https://twitter.com/suzupin

【Credits】 Thumbnail art: https://twitter.com/sincostine/status/1652809792887595008 Opening Screen & Stinger Art: https://twitter.com/keenbiscuit Overlay: https://twitter.com/Melonturtle_ Stinger: https://twitter.com/fremhaus Room Overlay: https://twitter.com/Norah_s_Pot General BGM: https://www.instagram.com/iyast_pratama/ Minecraft BGM: https://twitter.com/minari_studio Notification Alert: https://twitter.com/corgi_koragi Ending Screen Art: https://twitter.com/senjou62 Ending Screen Rig: https://twitter.com/raina_illune Ending BGM: https://dova-s.jp/EN/bgm/play8412.html

【Official cover website】 http://cover-corp.com/ 【Official YouTube Channel hololive Indonesia】 https://www.youtube.com/c/hololiveIndonesia 【Official Twitter Hololive Indonesia】 https://twitter.com/hololive_Id 【Official Facebook hololive Indonesia】 https://www.facebook.com/Hololive-Indonesia-108806367277672/

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft gameplay videos like “I MADE A SUGARCANE FARM | MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #21”? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of passionate gamers who enjoy Minecraft, Evil Nun, Gta San Andreas, Minecraft mods, horror games, and more! Experience the thrill of building your own sugarcane farm in a multiplayer environment. Connect with like-minded players, explore new worlds, and showcase your creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the Minewind server IP:… Read More

  • EPIC Cinematic Edit!

    EPIC Cinematic Edit! Exploring the World of Minecraft Cinematic Edits Step into the mesmerizing world of Minecraft cinematic edits, where creativity knows no bounds and imagination reigns supreme. From stunning visuals to intricate storytelling, these edits take the Minecraft experience to a whole new level. The Art of Cinematic Edits Creating a cinematic edit in Minecraft is no easy feat. It requires a keen eye for detail, a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics, and a whole lot of patience. But the end result is truly something special – a masterpiece that showcases the beauty and complexity of the Minecraft universe. Key… Read More

  • Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack!

    Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack! Minecraft’s Most OVERPOWERED Villager Trading Hall Introducing Lazy Trading In the vast world of Minecraft, a new method of infinite villager trading has emerged, known as Lazy Trading. This innovative approach has revolutionized the trading experience for players, offering unprecedented speed and efficiency. One of the prime examples of Lazy Trading is the Lazy Overworld Villager Exchanger, lovingly referred to as LOVE. Designed by MadMan25 for the NubTech SMP, LOVE boasts some of the fastest void trading cycles in modern Minecraft, along with a host of other useful features. Key Features of LOVE Fast Void Trading Cycles: LOVE allows… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine

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  • Revamping the Farm in Better Minecraft

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  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a captivating YouTube video featuring a Minecraft mod set in a Viking theme. The lyrics of the song in the video paint a vivid picture of adventure, glory, and epic battles in Valhalla. As you immerse yourself in the world of Vikings and epic sagas, why not bring that same sense of adventure to your Minecraft gameplay? Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server, where you can create your own epic tales, forge alliances, and engage in thrilling battles. Just… Read More

  • The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover

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  • Uncovering Pharaoh’s Curse in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft

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  • Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore!

    Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, no room for pains. With animations funny and bright, He crafts a world of pure delight. Children’s eyes wide, watching in awe, As Fangkuaixuan’s tales they draw. From jumping off buildings to forgotten kids, His rhymes bring light to what he bids. In the eyes of elders, children see, A world of wonder, pure and free. But Fangkuaixuan knows the truth, In Minecraft, there’s no need for proof. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Crafting stories that truly shine. For in the world of Minecraft,… Read More

  • Minecraft Hide and Seek: A Pixelated Peek-a-Boo Adventure!

    Minecraft Hide and Seek: A Pixelated Peek-a-Boo Adventure! Leap into the verse, where Minecraft news unfurls, GeminiTay’s hide and seek, with twists and twirls. Scott, Jimmy, Shelby, and Joel, seeking with might, In Gem’s intricate plot, hidden out of sight. Underwater caves, a challenge to explore, Scott dives deep, seeking more and more. Jimmy follows suit, but takes his time, Double the effort, in this hide and seek climb. Shelby and Joel, in the porch they roam, Searching high and low, for Gem’s secret home. Joel struggles, feeling lost and cursed, Gem’s hiding spot, the hardest, unrehearsed. Gem’s plot, a masterpiece, a true delight, Torturing friends, in… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal!

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  • Crafting Iron Armor in Hardcore Minecraft

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  • Gamers uncover shocking threat in Minecraft world #viral

    Gamers uncover shocking threat in Minecraft world #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is my world in danger I Here what’s happened #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by This is gamerz club on 2024-05-11 10:11:42. It has garnered 31 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:23 or 1343 seconds. So this is me a.k.a GAMERZCLUB from this side you usually know me i try to make best content as possible in my reach so i hope you enjoyed this video and if you did please make sure to like and subscribe and BYEEE Is my world in danger I Here what’s happened #Is my world… Read More

  • Castle Build & Spooky Moments! | Minecraft SOS #18

    Castle Build & Spooky Moments! | Minecraft SOS #18Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Build a Castle & Scary Moments!!! [Minecraft SOS – Ep.18]’, was uploaded by TheMythicalSausage on 2024-05-17 14:00:41. It has garnered 42662 views and 3411 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:49 or 1909 seconds. In today’s episode of Minecraft SOS, a Hardcore Minecraft SMP, we’re taking on the great hole challenge!!! The First TEAM to dig up a chunk wins…but then CHAOS HAPPENS!!! After the events of the hole, we’re building up a brand new Small Castle in our base!!! ==================================================== MY LINKS BELOW: ►Twitch ➜ https://www.twitch.tv/mythicalsausage ►Youtube Member ➜ https://www.youtube.com/TheMythicalSausage/join ►Patreon. ➜… Read More

  • Insane 50-Hour Skyblock Minecraft Survival Movie

    Insane 50-Hour Skyblock Minecraft Survival MovieVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS In Skyblock Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Moguin on 2024-07-04 15:30:10. It has garnered 49227 views and 764 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:29 or 9809 seconds. Social Media: Discord: https://discord.gg/WueYfurEDv Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/moguinyt Twitter: https://twitter.com/MoguinMo Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moguinyt Music provided by: @lowresbones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoGKcAvlhH0 @epidemic sound https://share.epidemicsound.com/tqbrow #minecraft #100days Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Duel: NGUYEN JD MC vs Yoizol #insane

    EPIC Minecraft Duel: NGUYEN JD MC vs Yoizol #insaneVideo Information This video, titled ‘Me vs Yoizol (minecraft skills)#shorts’, was uploaded by NGUYEN JD MC on 2024-01-15 14:03:09. It has garnered 763 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Me vs Yoizol (minecrft skills)#shorts =============================================================================== Discord: nguyenjdmc Donate: https://playerduo.net/64f4146f14e5671a9f380c0a Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nguyenjdmc Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086377661135 IGN: NGUYENJD1234 =============================================================================== Pack: Dewier 5k =============================================================================== Recorder: OBS 30.0.2 (60FPS) Video encoder: x264 Rescale output: 1280×720 (720p) Rate control: CBR Bitrate: 30001 (my setting) =============================================================================== Edit: CapCut (mov) File video: 0114 – blur ~ 60fps (1440, 1.3).mp4 =============================================================================== Specs: Windowns 11 Version: 10.0.22000 Build 22000 SSD: 137 GB… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server 24/7 Stream + Giveaways!

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  • Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! – BoomMC SMP – Minecraft

    Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! - BoomMC SMP - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Return of a Slacker Part 1 • Slackville SMP • Live • BoomMC • Minecraft’, was uploaded by BoomMC on 2024-03-25 14:59:13. It has garnered 126 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:30 or 5850 seconds. Return of a Slacker Part 1 • Slackville SMP • Live • BoomMC • Minecraft Thank you for viewing. It is an honor and a blessing to be part of Slackville.  I wanted to livestream a little bit on this server as I try to get my mojo going! Free for everyone,  is my Thank… Read More


    🌱 EARTHLING PROBLEMS - STOP BULLYING ME 💔😭Video Information This video, titled ‘WHY IS EVERYBODY ALWAYS PICKING ON ME 😥/Gacha trend//’, was uploaded by Earthling🌱🐌 on 2024-07-06 10:35:52. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. TAGS:gacha,gacha life,gacha club,meme,trend,adopt me,dance,girl,boy,gender reveal, robot,fortnight, Minecraft, Royale high,battle Royale,brookehaven roleplay,Brookland,role-playing,rp,preppy,emo,scene,outfit,trendy dance CREDITS: Credits for sound:WMG,RHEI MUSIC/REHI MUSIC and Credits for original creator sound of their video Read More

  • EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯

    EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made An Enchanting Area In Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Series In Hindi Part 3 By Demon Playz’, was uploaded by Demon Playz on 2024-03-28 12:02:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. We Made An Enchanting Area In Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Series In Hindi Part 3 By Demon Playz HELLO GUYS😃, In This Video We Made An Enchanting Area So That We Can Enchant Our Tools⚒️ And Can Get Overpowered In Future Episodes And We Also Made A Small Beautiful Mine⛏️ To Collect Underground… Read More

  • Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock Action

    Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock ActionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing on Cubecraft Stream :3 Come & join! Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by TheOrderOfSapphire on 2024-02-14 16:03:57. It has garnered 171 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:09 or 8709 seconds. Texturepack/skin made by Lillvy: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/sweetin-in-pvp-16x-cute-pvp-texturepack-minecraft-bedrock-noraiy/ Be sure to subscribe to her channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@Lillvy. My discord server: https://discord.gg/d2pF3s7SyV My second Channel with other games: https://www.youtube.com/@UC62sXHjU8ZANvGQuCWGOYeQ Become a member here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF-kZ-Lic3CSQ5KZg0y_L9g/join Donation link: https://streamlabs.com/pinkman294 Subscribe for more videos of games and if you really want you can donate to give me support! Become a Patreon member here: https://www.patreon.com/TheOrderOfSapphire?fan_landing=true #skywars #blockwars… Read More

  • VoidedMC

    VoidedMCWelcome to VoidedMC, we are a brand new 1.20.4 server with a friendly player base offering semi-vanilla survival, by merging McMMO, GriefPrevention, Essentials, and many more plugins! We are working on expanding the server currently. We also plan to bring a creative world where you can show off your amazing building skills! Feel free to join! Our staff is extremely nice and always willing to help. So if you have any questions please reach out to us! Have an amazing day! Voidedmc.net Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants Pets

    Java & Bedrock IP: play.broomstix.net Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): https://discord.gg/qbdA4Gs3f8 Online In-game map: https://map.broomstix.net/ Features: Running with backwards compatibility on the latest Minecraft version: 1.21 Tricky Trials Bedrock and Java cross-play (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Put a lead on mobs to teleport them Free fly in the overworld every Sunday ProtectionStones for land claiming Bartering economy system No grief Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation allowed in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging, homes and player to player teleportation Minecraft-Discord integration to interact with the community even when away… Read More

  • Authentic Vanilla

    Authentic VanillaAboutAuthentic Vanilla is Java Edition Minecraft in its purest form. It is a “Vanilla Anarchy” server, meaning pretty much anything aside from hacking or exploits are allowed. The world, which will never be reset, is whatever you want it to be. Anything you can do in Mojang’s intended vanilla is fair game, you need not be bogged down by landclaims or building requirements or suffocating world borders. But be ware, the freedom to create also comes with the freedom to destroy, so keep what you make safe.VanillaTo keep the server as authentically vanilla as possible, the server will be running… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t touch this, it’s OP 🙏

    Please don’t nerf this meme, it’s already at level 309 and ready to take on the Ender Dragon! Read More

  • Crafty Cube Xuan: Minecraft’s Alarm Charade

    Crafty Cube Xuan: Minecraft's Alarm Charade In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, like a delightful dream. With animations that are funny and bright, He crafts tales that bring laughter, day and night. His channel is a haven for kids to explore, With content that’s safe, and so much more. Each video a gem, filled with fun and delight, Bringing happiness to all, shining so bright. So come along, join the fun and the cheer, Subscribe to Fangkuaixuan, have no fear. For in this Minecraft world, where creativity thrives, He’s the storyteller who truly thrives. Read More

  • Minecraft Tutorials be like: “How to Die in 5 Easy Steps” 😂 #shorts

    Minecraft Tutorials be like: "How to Die in 5 Easy Steps" 😂 #shorts Minecraft Tutorials be like: Step 1 – Punch a tree. Step 2 – Build a mansion. Step 3 – Get lost in a cave for three hours. Step 4 – Accidentally blow up your house with TNT. Step 5 – Cry. #minecraftlogic 😂🏠💣 Read More

  • Minecraft vs GTA V: Hindi Gameplay

    Minecraft vs GTA V: Hindi Gameplay Exploring the World of Minecraft Embarking on a New Adventure In the realm of gaming, Minecraft stands out as a sandbox game that offers endless possibilities and adventures. The thrill of starting a new world in Minecraft is unparalleled, as players dive into a world of creativity and exploration. Roohsclues: A Gaming Journey in Hindi/Urdu Roohsclues, a YouTube channel dedicated to gaming in Hindi/Urdu, has embarked on a new series featuring Minecraft gameplay. Episode 2 marks the beginning of an exciting journey in the blocky universe of Minecraft. Immersive Gameplay and Entertainment With a disclaimer emphasizing the entertainment nature… Read More

  • Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!

    Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘Expanding my Elden Ring inspired Kingdom | Minecraft Creative 1.20 LIVE’, was uploaded by JermsyBoy on 2024-06-21 22:07:38. It has garnered 5715 views and 219 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:47 or 16967 seconds. Subscribe! https://tinyurl.com/JermsySub Donate to the channel: https://paypal.me/JermsyBoy?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US Become a member to join us in building up this giant city!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCICnSwa3x5sHTWmTP6YO30w/join ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Our build server has been generously provided by DedicatedMC. Get your own server today by using code “JermsyBoy” for 15% off your first month. Valid for normal plans, excluding Dedicated Servers and Discord Bots. Check out DedicatedMC: https://dedimc.promo/JermsyBoy… Read More

  • Escape the PHONE in Minecraft!

    Escape the PHONE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘We’re Trapped in a PHONE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-02-15 04:44:25. It has garnered 591518 views and 7583 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:14 or 1394 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/ Today, Nico and his friends are trapped in a PHONE in Minecraft! Nico gets trapped in a phone and must escape! How will Nico and his friends get out?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • Dronio In Minecraft – Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shorts

    Dronio In Minecraft - Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но Я Не Могу Касаться Зелёного Цвета 🟢 ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 10:30:07. It has garnered 979 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE MINECRAFT AGAIN…’, was uploaded by Mythbustingnoob on 2024-04-15 14:00:38. It has garnered 136507 views and 2526 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:44 or 5564 seconds. I survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE AGAIN . All The mods 9 has had Major Updates. So in these 100 days I harness the souls of a Warden and Make supercharged Farms to try and Get The ATM STAR. If You’d Like to Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpoNseXJmTHGnsttTuUEPYQ?sub_confirmation=1 —————————————————————————— Surviving 100 days like forge labs, lukethenotable, suev,… Read More

  • Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho’s Wizard Tower!

    Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho's Wizard Tower!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mysterious Wizard Tower! [Minecraft: Let’s Build Together Ep 02]’, was uploaded by Koffizinho on 2024-04-08 18:00:07. It has garnered 76 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:20 or 1100 seconds. SERIES SUMMARY Welcome to Let’s Build Together! A Minecraft series where your ideas get built in my survival world! With a fresh start we go into a survival world in 1.20.4 exploring for resources and building your wild ideas and themes inside Minecraft! How does it work? Glad you asked! A theme is chosen for the world and your job is… Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai – Gilthunder’s Hidden Powers!

    Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai - Gilthunder's Hidden Powers!Video Information This video, titled ‘NANATSU NO TAIZAI ADDON SPOILERS!!! Gilthunder’s abilities’, was uploaded by Ric4rdo G4m3r on 2024-06-16 23:41:33. It has garnered 364 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:01 or 181 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftadventure #minecraftbedrock #minecraftaddons #minecraftarcane #minecraftbuilders #addons #nanatsunotaizai #anime Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!

    EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle||’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-02-29 16:50:25. It has garnered 2483 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle|| minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy diggy hole… Read More

  • DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel Skyblock

    DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Grinding DUNGEONS (F7) & UPDATE GRINDING TODAY! | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:51. It has garnered 1543 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:45 or 6525 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️https://www.twitch.tv/yedazzer #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/dazzy4 Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ https://twitter.com/imDazzer Discord ➡️ https://discord.gg/GxuHWdkhUM Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkbD4P0wRdgFKlJUc_yMnNQ Swurv – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPF6WdxyBDj7Cr1AO2rMvZg Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Vs All entries 🔥 🔥 #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Fardin Amjad Gamer 🇵🇰 MC on 2024-02-14 10:32:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Herobrine Vs All entries #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftpe … Read More

  • FriendsPlus

    FriendsPlusWelcome to Friends+! Here we strive to be a welcoming community of friends who don’t care about your background, all we care about is if you’re human! enjoyfriends.apexmc.co:26146 Read More

  • CoreMC Vanilla Whitelist 1.21

    Welcome to CoreMC! I started CoreMC about 2 years ago to create a simple Minecraft community for players of all skill levels. The server runs on stock vanilla .jar with minimal addons, allowing for a true vanilla experience. Our rules are based on respect for others and the server. Key Features: No PVP/Griefing/Stealing No item dupe glitches No excessive lag-causing builds No discrimination or harassment No hacking, but some mods are allowed Alt accounts allowed with permission Join Our Discord: If you’re interested in joining, please apply through our Discord. Server Info: Server Address: play.core-mc.net Specs: Ryzen 5 3550H, 32GB… Read More

Kaela Kovalskia Ch. hololive-ID –  【Minecraft】treasure hunt!!  ⛵💎【Kaela / Calli / Ina |  hololive】