Karlos with the K – Minecraft Environeer – Exploration Time!

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Hello welcome back to Minecraft we’re playing on the environer server with the the mods I customized to fit the server fin right we have accomplished quite quite a lot um what I did recently uh that I haven’t shown yet is this this place are shock loaders It’s a

Mario added so I can load some chunks uh right now we have five chunks loaded I think right now is this area here uh so that it keeps reducing iron on its own so yeah I stopped the cobblestone generator because we have a huge backlog here but it’s it’s getting there it’s

Actually getting there we have we have quite a bunch of iron so far but the most important thing about the chunk loaders is that we were able to chunk load the what are they called um extractors I forgot their name excavators I chunk loaded the excavator so we’re

Getting a ton of resources let me go over there uh Minecart this this fan is not done yet but oh God we got some of it done we just need more gold uh we should work on that soon because we need more of these power rails together faster and to complete

The the pattern but yeah right now I have two of the excavators chunk loaded and man this is this is this is very loud it’s absolutely oh man I don’t like this it’s way too loud we’re getting there yeah we need we need a little bit more distance there we go

So this feeling has been running well and far away and that’s something we wanted to do see there we go and as you can see yeah it has been running for a while we’ve got plenty oh my plenty of terrain so much let me take this ones with me

It’s so much blood too I don’t know what to do with the lead but yeah um it’s been running on its own let me go to the other side uh I’ll go away foot because as you can see we don’t have all the power rails yet we ran out of gold

Yeah we’re doing pretty good with uranium I we will have more than winning that too now let’s see on the other hand the other excavator is the one that excavates nickel it also excavates some iron and I think there was something else software right uh we’re almost there almost there

Oh yeah I also have some of the chunk loaders on me they’re pretty easy to make like you make this one first the one that lost chunks in the freeway free chunk area it takes a neander pro obsidian and iron um you can divide it into smaller ones

Which is what I did with lots of single chunk so free by freeway area means like nine chunks total right but our brothers um she’s the ones I want to load because this distance are far away from each other yeah we’re doing on this one oh does create dust huh

I mean that’s that’s not too big of a problem let’s see what do we have a little bit more nickel sure some irons on that sides it’s over this one is a little bit slower than the other one you can see it moving slowly so yeah it’s it’s gonna take longer than

The other one is this wrong natural speed it is they were running okay I might need something else here but it’s working that’s what matters the most now I have a waypoint to another area where we can excavate gold it’s not too far from there but that means we need another mission

Another excavator and more more power generators it’s around here it’s cooler but out there we have two of them but this is one of them Ricky Pride a little bit far I think we hold on I don’t want that over here right man it’s way further than I remember and there’s

Oh cause it’s closer the other one that’s why yeah we put this marker here just to know it sucks over here um I need to get rid of some of those trees might as well cut them now let’s do that yeah this one is not too far from the

From the first set let’s give her so it might be easy to deal with this actually I want to do something let’s do it because we’re running out of filter lids okay there we go man they’re everywhere now uh to whole Stacks uh we have Oak saplings hold on I don’t want those

There we go I gotta get rid of this one too and here we go let’s get rid of that because we need this area clean of trees if you want to use the excavator eventually um that sucks I didn’t mean to do that I think this is more or less fine we

Might get rid of this one too but [Applause] I think that’s almost it and I need to sleep it’s getting really dangerous there we go um which one did it cut it’s this one yes yep well that happened um Yep this is fine yep that’s so much better

Okay so this one is not too far from from our first excavator which is like playing so bad right right next to it and let’s go back uh where’s my Minecraft right here all right there we go all right I gotta fix this anything else that makes Vixen I lost my

Helmet by the way broke yeah about getting gold as soon as possible I think um I think gorpig has the the fin that takes the core samples man this is loud I don’t know if I like this this is way too loud there we go let me fix this

Um so what are you gonna require to fix this Blackstone hi I think I uh yeah there we go make two of them sure there Mr Bird good ah it’s almost home just negative a little bit more now let’s see I need [Applause] knots up here here

I need to place this here that’s what we’re gonna make them leaves there we go I thought I had them up here maybe I should have them up there hold on maybe over here there much better I’m not sure if did I show this I’m not sure if I actually showed this

Probably not uh this this replaced one of the furnaces we had in here the one that was here that produced still I I upgraded it and it’s right here right now because it uses power to to cook still faster but man it looks like crazy right the carbon production is insane oh

I gotta make more of those huh let me get some more some rule airship yes that’s it yeah we’re here thank you um that one is a little bit far come on there we go okay three is good enough for now uh now there’s something unfortunate about this then and it’s that

Um to automate input it has to go on top but that’s the same place where pollution comes out from so the Shipley has to go there so that means I cannot automate I input if I don’t want this to hold it’s a little bit of a problem but not a significant one

I will just have to deal with it for this but yeah this is pretty design we just need charcoal and iron we’ll output all the steel here and we’ll output the slag over here so we got the line is still we could have more

Let me see if I can fit the spin a little bit more charcoal not running now that’s sweet I hope what I got a few logs let’s get started on those That and I need the iron as well hold on um what did I do with this there we go but yeah this this finish is fast way faster than the other one there we go um Iron I know I have some of me but I want to use this one

That’s been some iron and there we go oh yeah they use this charcoal like crazy but as you can see all the smoke is coming out the the filters on top of the chimney so we’re actually filtering all the pollution and look at how fast it goes and how fast it consumes charcoal

Oh geez but it’s fast still we’re getting still as fast as possible what is this charcoal oh we do have charcoal here hold on I don’t need that many on me there we go I didn’t know the charcoal was in the system but now I know

Oh yeah this is this is way faster than what we had as we were having issues with how slow still production was the fin is it also pollutes faster that’s a little bit of a problem there oh yeah I also have that pin on the sides that it automatically gets rid of the

Ink yeah you can see them there we already have two of them is it that fin gets full of bang it’s gonna make the the filter stop work and we don’t want that see it just drops it out all right we’re making steel anyway how is house production here

We’ll get rid of the backlog so I still have some of them here I think um how are things over here yeah this is still full and we got rid of this line but we’re still we also have some on this one it’s going as fast as it can without polluting much

So let’s see what do we want to do today so we got the still production for the new excavator oh right the I think or processing that makes up to how many times it’s a ton uh we’ll get some resources here uh let’s go with Nick cool dark side

Let’s go off the box side uh so we can press this and the squeezer we’ve got plenty of those turn that into block then we crush it for aluminum or are we keeping the Box on here I wonder that’s basalt okay let’s do that because that’s the

One I had the least in my inventory it should be faster um it’s just two of them it’s not that much we got the nickel too we’re gonna do that one uh the iron I wonder okay got those the iron I think I think I want to squeeze the iron I

Want to send it directly to the crusher because there’s a chance of getting that over it we have plenty of fire and production anyway so best ways to get rid of it I might not get rid of bed bugs sacrifice some of the production I guess okay we’ve got one of those

Um that’s uranium worse than they call I lost track of it there we go we got two of them wish in the crusher equals 24 of them that’s actually very nice so let’s take care of that um I’m about to cover this first planning for sources as it is um let me I wasn’t then it’s from the the iron and Roblox site run nickel there we go all right that’s looking great look at how much nickel we have already and we’re getting more we’re getting so much more that was the aluminum right we have plenty of copper as well just insane amounts of uranium

You get 24 more of them just takes so long well we have a 57 in there right let me let me take care of things here man this is already running out of charcoal hey look at that already is tagged off still not bad go get it

Okay that’s some of it we’re still missing told more and Let’s see we got lamp I don’t know what we’re gonna use left for the hottest but that’s a ton of lead we can get silver out of it do we use silver for anything for electrum now do we need electron for anything

Because I don’t think I think it’s electronic yeah for heavy engineering blocks and Stuff AC wires yes so it’s silver winning it the most um and Lead can help with that we got plenty I mean chances are very low it’s ten percent and we have no use for lead anyway

Let’s play some stuff but yeah I don’t think we need it okay low voltage accumulator yeah we don’t need it that much so might as well just dump it and then a uranium uranium I’m better off there’s something else right because suddenly the lead creates for anything it’s already squeezy uranium

Let’s Do It um uranium yeah let’s go with this one yes you have finished there we go that’s more like it yeah I’m gonna need to dump the lead here or yes there’s a one a chance at getting sober is there any other way to get it

I think that’s the only way right yes it’s a small chance of sooner it’s actually good the slip I don’t really have any use for it so where’s the silver I wouldn’t have it here yet so we’re gonna see how much silver we get out of the stack we’re gonna rig up one

That’s cool silver is a little bit more to find at the moment gold on the other hand let’s see nope what happened uh is there gold grits by any chance wrinkled gold rates just with the crusher huh you can get it from copper interesting from rockhopper hour

Um this is yeah this is already full I’m running out of power because that thing is running too and that one is running too oh my we got to the point where we’re using more power than we’re generating essentially getting there she’s um is this done no well it’s done

Okay that should help it we’re getting the energy good oh boy I didn’t expect to run out of it but hey look at that two silver already and it’s free along with the lead I don’t know what is this a problem I need ah I need gold for a lecture

Well that’s my turn into a problem real soon sooner than I expected oh what we have I don’t need any of those all right we got this um that’s a lot that’s so much uranium look at that huh and that we’re going to turn into so much uranium this is still going

Oh we got six silver already man do we combine aluminum with anything no that’s fine so might as well get stronger than this right oh I might want this for me I’ll keep the potatoes there oh by the way how are we doing here

Um Let me let me go on the other side um there we go what else this is still fine I barely produced any sulfur pollution so we’re still good at that huh this is almost done right and this one this one is still going oh hey seven silver not bad

So there is another one that might become an issues soon but but not anytime soon okay so I gotta start producing uranium I’ve got no use from lead though the uranium from here there we go and get silver over here which is kind of rare aluminum let’s get it out of their way

Lab is uh iron nickel the iron I don’t think we yeah are we can not only with what with glass to make insulating glass what do we need insulating glass for oh really I see wire relay huh I’ll keep it there then oh it’s getting late here we go

Oh I should share the ship now that I’m here or are you ship over here there we go and yeah it’s far nope nope okay get rid of that okay got a bit more okay is this Finn done it is oh my so we got a total of seven silver not bad

To get it out of an ore that doesn’t have it it’s good looking for Orient Iranian let’s get started on this one I think you’re done right yes you are you should be recovering energy now and we got this so um let’s create a little bit more of this there

And we can get started on making this it’s fine there we go all right so we got the uranium um you’re done I’m waiting to crush some more this is gonna be a ton the amount of uranium that’s gonna come out of that it’s gonna be insane we still haven’t got it started

As for this we can make consenting groups because I don’t think we made Nico for anything else right I don’t think so I don’t think we do okay got some Nickel Plate that we use it forever yes okay a medium voltage really yeah I don’t think we need it for anything else

So let’s get 64 of it it’s for of copper and we’re gonna combine them and like get over here what’s happening here oh that was the trolling Merchant where’s the there it is traveling Marshall is ruining my crops what’s the big deal all right let’s get this over here

And yep there it goes there I am so I was gonna combine this was right nickel and copper so it can get consenting grit that’s two stacks and which is quite plenty one of it I’m gonna start cooking those perfect I’m also gonna need more locks of wood

Let me see if yeah we have plenty here we get all of this got some here we got some here okay let’s get rid of those I should do it foreign okay there we go that should take care of that let’s see there’s some more here we have those there

Let’s see what we got so far well that’s just one block that’s gonna take a while there’s so many blocks in there and we got started on that one good take a while at least this area is loaded so not too worried about it let’s see so we got this already right

What is this gold wire is this useful accumulator gold spools what this is for accumulator weird um what’s a sample why do I have a recipe for apple here I don’t want that oh boy all right so we got wood and what we needed um let’s see thinking that

Let me check my Engineers look all right don’t be heavy machinery excavator there it is 4 000 flux how do I see the materials oh there we are and still scaffold still should land on radiator blocks I think what I want to do is start on or production so we’re gonna leave it

We can make a bunch of the what are they called I think I have some leftover right or maybe not I don’t think so I have the mechanical drill multimeter no I don’t have it I don’t think it’s in the system either but I did have I did have blocks of

Where I am here right um I thought I did apparently nuts hmm hold on let me let me dump this here I have an LV accumulator we’re gonna need that um apparently we might have used it somewhere else that’s interested it’s odd is it in my backpack

Weird wait where do I have this fence I’ll need this at least not anymore um let’s get rid of that let me move things around here because this is so much stuff uh kind of like that yeah okay let me take a look to see him again

It might stop because that area is not loaded it’s going fine for now that should be the last one of that I’m gonna get the all both consensus here good yeah that’s good Apple why do I have an apple on me all right another fan that I’ve been thinking about getting

It because there’s the film with the Champloo there’s oh I forgot to get rid of it uh what do we dump this right here right here it’s getting ender pearls up for Ender Pros I need a desert so that I can easily spawn Enderman I don’t see a desperate uh that’s an island

Um I haven’t found any of this or saw have I oh hold up way down here that’s far as heck that’s heck of a journey what is this here I have no idea what that is I want to check it out nope um right it’s night time so maybe there’s some exploration huh

Because I need I’m gonna need ender pearls right now that’s the only one I have we can make avoid upgrades uh we’re gonna make extra dimensional readers with fill upgrades for the backpack the chunk loader fan A fitting upgrade the iso vendor magnets I offended itself like a magnetic experience pump upgrade

Which is kind of cool it’s such a dimensional reviews the inner chest could be kind of nice I don’t think we’re gonna do the Inception upgrade and the Homing cartridge that’s interesting is there anything else we can do with this I’m one of symmetry what is that perfectly mirrors block placement across

Configured planes that’s interesting don’t think I’ll use it but there’s some backpack upgrades that I would like and some stuff with my knit later so the it could be very useful how we don’t enrolled the press the lecture a little bit of gold lefts I call this looking real bad we got some

Silver ingots at least my cold is gonna be important um that’s almost done is it still going who’s gonna be going for a long while you know what I want to get rid of these potatoes here so let me take them with me anything else we might want

Probably not I think we’re good with this so we’ll go that way all the way itself um the desert I want to take a look at that so let’s go in this direction let me go by boats I don’t know I will go straight it’s gonna be quite a journey

Uh I gotta hunt in the Bells that means we got a hot Enderman and the best place to have Enderman is the desert so far away though that wasn’t well we need to do some exploration right just to if there’s a little bit more interesting while the areas are chunk loaded

Except for the crusher I should have shock loaded or not it’s fine there was a bat in there huh oh hey there’s a bit of the Cave System there um ah the mountains are such making this slow to have control with this one come on there we go

You know I’ve been thinking about all the stuff that got added to Minecraft oh like all these new creatures and some of them just seem like I don’t know like I I’m really not interested in them like what are you just gonna get out of them

That’s kind of cool I might want to get that on the way back resemble the sniffers the sniffers got at it recently and I just don’t see any user though like okay they sneak out some seeds some ancient seeds that give you some glance for decoration but that’s it

And then this is the the alleys which are kind of cute they’re kind of cool but I don’t really have any useful for them I haven’t found them either to be honest I could keep one as a pet but that’s it it’s not like it’s gonna be useful

At least for me it has its uses that make it useful but I don’t have used this for it let’s see where are we we’re here I want to see what this is so let’s go this way but yeah there’s some some Fizz that got added to Minecraft that

We didn’t have any use for them oh there’s for example that glow squid now the glow squid [Applause] I don’t really use the glow ink sex is this this is somewhere terrain generation with all those threes over there and what is over here oh boy this one goes zip

Like really deep I can’t even see that far hold on Let’s uh let’s use something I built a long time ago that I rarely use do I have it Oh I thought I had it oh it’s right here spyglass uh yeah that doesn’t help much okay

Because that part is not loaded I can’t see it and over here other than the lava I gotta be careful here I got some of the strange uh Stones I get out of the mod I think it’s creates some of that over there some grass other than that

Does that go into the ocean foreign this has to be part of it somehow interested okay let’s see so we got that and we’ll keep going all the way down the best suits I guess I’ll load this part of the desert see what’s there so we can keep going straight down right

Now I gotta go around this fan I gotta be careful not to fall down there that would be trouble I’ll be quite Troublesome for me what is this I can wherever you see fans here oh yeah there was something blue is that water it is okay let’s get going oh Another Mountain It’s a little bit troublesome maybe this way I gotta find a way to climb this oh boy let’s go around it I don’t know man oh man ah foreign yeah this is all jungle here oh boy got that one’s why did the duster have to be so far away

What is this ah just Scrabble um whatever I’ll just go around it foreign oh there we are went way too far um right I mean it’s fine we can go straight South from here that’s fine it gets another part of this one I guess and we’ll find a temple who knows

So many things to be found there right oh a little bit dangerous there and we’re going down again they’re doing all that climb what do we have here it looks kind of interesting huh what do we have here is part of the best and what is this here that’s nice there’s information here

Yep it’s a Messer let’s go all the way to the top lots of terracotta we shot a net yet I mean I could use some um yeah I could use some terracotta come to think of it because let’s see is it this one yeah regular terracotta

I need to afford this for the wire relays connectors yeah because I’m actually tired of burning clay breaker switch wait we have the two foreign wait hold on hold on imeld us into sand or crushed and sound interesting but might as well take some of it exactly three um yeah

Oh hold in available hold on what do we want because we already got a bunch of stuff on this right So um hold on what do we want wait instead of holding them available right the progress is wait what’s going on here how is the peacocks okay um efficiency oh we’re working on the remote stupid four let’s do that yes oh the hammer itself okay what do we do with you

Only available okay I don’t have any of them so durability would be the best I think I don’t I don’t really use it for anything else let’s go with durability sure foreign Ty on it yeah yeah I had the wrong tool um that’s done and what was he doing oh I was getting

Oh not that one not the orange they’re a cutter I mean it works too Bob any color works okay it’s fine all right I want at least a stack of it or two Third Kind of there 62. 64. now let’s get a stack of least okay um where are we going now

Okay I’m I’m here what exactly is this this is still a long way down there right so what is this joke players okay let’s keep going hmm what do we have here ah nothing braids oh and if in here nope also looking for for my chef actually

That’s a good thing about Mesa huh I could find gold we need gold it’s might as well yeah I think we actually should I think thinking about it that would be the best thing to do right now with gold oh man I can’t even see the ground from

Up here how high is this you gotta keep an eye for mine shaft we’re very high up um there was something here right but like this way oh there could be some gold let me go down there play huh like down there I just see iron that might be cold in here

But Mesa is supposed to have gold very close to surface gotta keep an eye for it all right uh we’re going down again huh sure wow not that fast down gee I don’t know if hold on let me let me sleep first foreign I think I heard something let’s get out of here

No I didn’t want to fight enemies now I just want to find my chef to get some gold I haven’t seen any of them are there any around there I can see them thank you I think it might be more towards the areas with deserts let me get the other side

I don’t know let’s get going foreign looks a bit promising um let’s see here now it has to be the mindset thing right those are the ones with gold oh boy um yep we keep rolling should be faster than climbing okay let’s see here now I could go a little bit further I

Guess oh my chef though this is a high master not the kind of mess I’m looking for another new sharks thank you man the server is going to have a hard time with this but here we are regular Sam um so there’s desert here this side not so much

As you want what this side has it’s more of a gravel okay let’s see or Stony Shore is that what you call it let’s see yeah we’re not having luck with the surface um Cold War it’s quite unfortunate oh but we found the Sand Village discriminates

Okay let’s see what we have over here see an interesting interesting structure over there we’ll get to it ow anything here no oh boy yeah this is a bit weird cool wow um yeah yep that Bonnie is gone all right this is a structure I want to see hey there

What is this feeling um still mechanical components Specialists projectile stuff fabric foreign I had another one here some nuggets especially forget Tails as well sure I’ll just yeah I just stump this stuff here anything else I want in there the nuts I’ll take this one back thank you

All right yeah there’s not much in here wait where’s the oh the door is right here thanks um let’s see that’s about it that’s not really interested in the rest of it um so you give me emeralds for koi all right so problem here we do have a

Desert but it’s way too close the village like the village is loaded during night time they’re gonna be anything here oh the best calcite whoops like spikes ah it doesn’t drop anything wish I could get a rabbit’s foot I had to be very lucky for that foreign there we go we got something

To hide and the rabbit itself okay all right we’re far away from the village now right let’s see yeah we’re far enough there we go problem though we’re far away from water I need water to fight Enderman oh there’s a Temple uh um yeah that’s this is far very far okay

What’s the best time to do it but some elimination here there we go oh come right on the pressure plate can we get rid of the pressure plate please oh yeah oh boy Mandan oh boy and a saddle okay I’ll take the iron too whereas um I mean gunpowder could be

Nice to have let’s take a pressure plate there to cut sandstone and Sandstone I don’t care about those I’m about to see that’s cool too more iron more gunpowder y sure why not oh gold gold is good this is good too okay uh we got the wooden storage screen you can use that

Put that in there those were good at this nice um right we’ll leave the torch there I don’t mind I got some water here foreign hey over here there’s a guy I’m looking for oh yes I’ve got a pro let me put that in the safe spot I can barely see so dark

Oh there’s a there’s another one can’t get me oh you have a block of sand in there huh will you stop moving please thank you oh ah you fell in the water poor you where’d you go got it stay still oh let me raise the back skeletons um there’s a creeper

Gotta get rid of them though man man then I didn’t think I was fine remember me that’s a good fight because I would use it on the on the helmet but I gotta think careful where you actually wanted the other one I want is silk touch it’s gonna wear sounds

Oh how do you even hit me yeah I want this well where’s the Enderman maybe if I go a little bit higher I can see them only one Pearl so far I heard something oh no I had to be one of this idiots there we go okay Um geez none of them are spotted what’s going on okay so my name is spawn over here creepers spiders apparently see more creepers lovely and the men just don’t want to show up huh we’re lucky to get that one that’s it I would like to go this way let’s do it

Running water too ah spider lots of water great another one of those yep nice try pretty slow and water oh is that another man hold on no it’s a spider skeletons Another spider it’s not as simple as I would I was hoping for more to spawn foreign oh there’s a village oh no yeah yeah yeah you want some too sure yeah you know what let’s just get rid of the night I’m done with this sorry some rice anyway

I don’t want the villagers to die so let’s pray on this depth foreign just lots of spiders all right let’s go this way there’s a saw Village this way and didn’t want them to get attacked looks like a smiffy up here what do we have

Come in like good to use an iron helmet I guess per and this is shams it’s right with Irma armor all right it works for weapons only I forgot about that oh well is anything else here foreign let’s see if we can find one because at least this mess is not as

High as the other one so maybe you’ll have chances here I really want to get cold uh well at least I recovered a pill that I use right what I use for the chunk loaders oh can we hold on oh we can get diamonds this way forgot about that

Let’s see one is guaranteed that chance is very low oh we get that instead of the mine shaft that’s lovely very useless and I wish we could find one at least one would do there’s no sign of them from what I see this is a vast desert way larger than expected

No sign of gold foreign okay that’s the end of the desert on this side oh geez um maybe this side what’s that got distracted by The Village thank you let’s keep going this way now I got a bottle of the creeper ah skeleton chilling by the water huh stop shooting me

Oh creeper yep try jumping that creeper I will be very surprised that creeper could jump sets oh no um let’s get out of here man what’s up with this no my chef whatsoever and all this Messiah can we see something here at least anything and it’s starting oh okay I wasn’t

Expecting that oh there’s some gold so hold on let me see if I can yeah yeah it was cold up there and I wanted somewhere um yeah all the way up there that’s the level what let’s get there oops my bad would that be enough to get there I’m not sure okay okay

Oops um there we go what do you do for a tiny bit of gold it just gave me three I thought I had luck on this one yeah I kind of they will but she’s not enough wait that was level of what oops 60 so 60 on the batch you have gold is

That it is right now this is level 64 I don’t see anything foreign would be a lot better is that um not quite I’m looking for a mine shaft I haven’t been lucky enough to find one is there one over here like I see this entrances but they’re not mine shots let him

It’s all dead ends great I’ll just wait to see so where are we right now here maybe go in that direction because there’s even more red sand but is there any mess over there it’s not gonna do it to me foreign this is a little bit frustrating

I wonder if I could find another Temple of enchanted book still be nice thank you and that’s it and corals it looks like corals very nice nothing much huh foreign Well there could be another Temple I recommending I would definitely love to have the so touch if possible foreign about something is there a recipe for glowstone um what is this night vision oh Chris Marine could have it it was a lot of chance oh there’s a villager hips and peels down

A heck thank you oh there’s another Village okay well let’s see what it has probably nothing Adventures here let’s see uh it’s one of those places I wanted to see anything else any smiffy what is that they do have a lot of weight a ton but I’m more interested in this house

Right now let’s see what we got uh I mean nah my girlfriend is one of those right I’ll give him this then other than that nothing interesting all the way down here right I want to see if there’s a Temple anywhere it could be considering there’s a village out here

There could be a temple nearby right anywhere or nowhere that’s another Village man what is that formation over there actually I just thought of something give me emeralds huh with 20 of those and you hey you want carrots instead um I’m thinking of something I don’t get this here so if I

Look at all this wheat where’s the other one oh there’s actually something this way ah portal ruin get a gold block out of that look at that oh that’s interesting is there any Treasure Chest there it is ah golden nuggets are fine so is that some obsidian

That turns into gold this turns into iron foreign where’d it go here oh they went here that was weird okay nothing else I would like to find another Temple but apparently there’s none just Wells and I don’t care about the wells thank you the level person

I really wish I could find a mess of my chest okay we’ll go up here maybe I missed it maybe there was one and they missed it the huge possibility where am I here I really want to find another man oh okay foreign Foreign all right yep skeletons any temples out there surrender man I don’t see a single one of them there’s a village out there yeah oh actually this is nice does this goal for me really really good to fly oh stop there should be hold on should be a treasure transparent here

Right this is the very top of it but this shovel is gonna break by the time I get there foreign that’s yeah let’s make it better okay that’s the last one right it’s back here and there we go like that I mean we we are getting gold

We needed some right and we got them another rough form that I expected but it still works this is the total area there it is I found it man efficiency is so good um so touching that I mean why not that’s not bad um I don’t have any use of that train of

Server we can recycle it I guess if it comes to that here’s some Vanishing I don’t I don’t need that I’ll just get rid of it is there a reason I had this here it’s not worth it let’s just leave it behind this this is dumb

Yeah you know what I don’t want this and I’ve read her just better stuff up there let’s get this here let’s get this here there we go just like this behind I don’t want them okay Santa could use where’s the village I got distracted and I lost track of the village

That way okay foreign I’m wondering if I can find any temples more than other than the one I already found nothing much interest in here no sign of a temple okay oh I think it’s raining it could be raining because it got really dark um so left or right

I think I want to go right an admissible Gold Horse here I don’t think so I don’t think it’s on this line though what I thought some temples will be more common in the open vessels like this one or tons of nuts Yep this is rain oh my what is that

Okay so time to go up I guess let’s go oh and time to it as well oh hey pandas how you doing I’m Gabriel sorry I got very focused here they’re not as a chat messages all the way down there good to see you here uh I’m actually searching for massive ions

With mine shaft to get a lot of gold also searching for desert temples because they could have enchanted books and gold is having a difficult time finding them how are we doing all the way here so a lot more to go but at least our tools are getting upgrades huh what is that

Is that a tree on the who’s there tree in the desert that’s weird oh a Celia no wonder yeah I was wondering like in the middle of all this sand like there’s no dirt anywhere so that means there’s one of those places down there somewhere kind of creepy down here

Maybe on this side it might be way deeper than this foreign it’s down there I don’t really want to go there yep that’s where it is no wonder there was a tree that was a bit weird I can barely see him there now I got this around where was I going left

Let’s go to my left then I was not expecting to find a tree like that that was a very fine another tree must be a slightly as well I’m also searching for Enderman because I’m gonna need ender pearls like crazy foreign there has to be another one here yes same kind of tree

And what is this not too much to it I thought it was some kind of structure but no exactly am I right here whoa thank you spider sliders are not what I’m looking for neither skeletons man it’s it’s really dark I don’t know if I want to do this nighttime fan

The rain is not helping either there we go we still have some Uncharted desert over here and another Village and if an interest in this one foreign well Um nothing much we could go let’s go this way hopefully find something out let’s go okay that’s another portal room in here some more gold this is a weird one ah I’ll take those foreign s we’re getting gold right that’s about it for this one now where are we going exactly

To my left let’s go let’s be careful not to come across puffer fish that kind of looks like a roaring but I’m not sure well what was that I think that was a popular fish ah that’s thorough right it’s not a ruin it sounds like corals and let’s get the server a break

It’s not the hard time generating shunts ah we’re still good let’s keep going all right what is this okay just caught her not gold let’s keep going all right another mess let’s see if we’re lucky enough to find a a cold mine shaft foreign what is this oh there is gold

We have a I do let’s do something there’s water nearby and it definitely won that Gold Award oh and there’s a ruin there so much to do hold on let me get the water before I forget there and let’s go get this um I’m breaking some Dodge to be

That can only work with coal okay give it a mountain effect too I mean it works okay now I’m not full of stuff ah there’s the gold um um yeah about that let’s see Sam I don’t want to turn into obsidians so I want to be extra curved here everybody oops

Um well that was something that got rid of it it’s good oh there’s more here so that should technically get rid of the lava right yep yes and all the gold is mine now excellent I mean this is actually good I might just need oh boy that’s so much stuff on me

Okay now to go back what was that I think it was near here right yes right here there we go foreign there we go there’s ah it got caught by the water okay oh boy there’s so much gold okay this is what I wanted that silk touch doesn’t work with that um

What I gotta do about that creeper though this is what I wanted I wanted to find gold Zoom thank you all right um gold got it I think more gold that’s quite a ton oh this is what I was looking for awesome uh bucket go there yeah this

I’ve lost track of the creeper though and now the creeper was taken by the current of water but other than that I have no clue what it is that um some iron and some gold oops that’s not it is this one and it fell wow ah I gotta go after that one huh

Hey this looks safe enough all right so let’s get rid of this and I don’t need it it’s like more gold here got it foreign not interested in that area all right uh the crew was down here somewhere and the gold fell down here right where’s the creeper though

Or cold but um you gotta be aware of the creeper because I know he was down here there’s so much gold to distract me I’m gonna get it just want to make sure the creeper is not around when I’m getting it because Hunters Hunter prey world they’re hunting when the praise distracted hunting

Something else that’s when they strike it they did this one all right let’s get this all right uh there’s a little bit more there way more got it hey how many do we have 51 not bad foreign touch um let’s see how did he how did he do that

I don’t know I don’t know if it’s even worth it siren I’m currently right now is gold as tempting as it is to get the iron there we go nothing here this is this keeps going down ah I think this is amethyst yes it is okay nothing here more iron

Can I get some of the water to go down here there we go oh boy I can’t see okay that was weird I couldn’t see a fan what just happened that was so confusing okay I don’t think amethyst does anything right foreign that’s about it oops I don’t know

Yeah they’re a little bit confusing when I fell down the waterfall here oh actually that’s quite useful all right there we go all right there we go I think we got 63 almost a stackable and then what else I would like to go anywhere else I can go because there’s that over here

That’s an open area it’s not so much or over here take some iron ore oh yep oh boy almost made me fall okay now he’s just fighting each other I’m fine with that now you want to fight no fight here guys sir oh how did you even yeah

Oh my shield is broken that’s why okay now it makes sense and I was wondering how you managed to do that foreign how much longer until nah it takes so long to hone it there we go this new no wonder they were still hitting me but it’s not nice and they’re done foreign

Here nice and some over here good good I’ll get the worst stack now awesome oh yes you yeah figures I just oh that’s not even I thought it was gold ah this is gold thank you creepers are landing in with the with the stones here I think we’re good

We got the weird stack of gold I’m happy with that and there’s more right no that’s siren okay there’s more here good yeah I think we’re done here ‘s an extra Arrow there we go oh I almost missed this one here we go and it’s the exit here I think so

That was good is it night time now oh dear yep there’s a creeper I don’t know if it’s the same one but that’s the same place okay 64 and 25 not bad you got gold we needed gold and we got gold plenty of floods yeah let’s remove that there we go

We’re good to go found so much of it so now we just go back it’s gonna be a long way but we gotta go back time is it oh man it’s lunch time uh okay so here’s the thing about the goal they got it’s ever I got ruggled I can

Turn that into blocks of raw gold let me show you like that and that we can toss in here on guitar instead of nine that’s kind of good oh there’s yeah there’s no other way oh it’s gonna be a long journey back though wait long okay I’m gonna end this here

Um and I’ll make my way back to the base because I gotta I gotta have launch now anyway thanks for watching I’ll see you see you next time foreign

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Environeer – Exploration Time!’, was uploaded by Karlos with the K on 2023-09-04 04:36:48. It has garnered 20 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:05 or 8765 seconds.

Environeer is a modpack I’m currently working on and playing with friends on my private server. It includes the mods: Create, Immersive Engineering, Pollution of the Realms, among others. The main focus of the modpack is to progress through Minecraft while taking care of the impact certain actions may have on the environment.

Remember to subscribe to be notified when new videos come out and new streams are live. http://www.youtube.com/c/KarloswiththeK

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    EPIC MINECRAFT HACKS - AstralMC PVP & MORE! 🚀🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #astralmc #hacks #minecraftmemes #cpvp #humor #minecraftpepvp #fortnite #clips #resucting’, was uploaded by asadito on 2024-07-05 03:28:17. It has garnered 548 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Si ves esto dale like y suscribete 🔔 tags (ignorar): #minecraft​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #Hacks​ #PvP​ BEST REGEDIT EVER+ DNS✔️0 KB/OP REACH✔️+ FPS BOOST [BadLion & PvPLounge] 😋😋😈 THE BEST REGEDIT FOR PVP + DNS | NO KB AND OP REACH (TESTED) 💎GET 3 MS PING & 0 KB & OP REACH 💎🌐BEST REGEDIT REACH + .BAT 🌐1.9 ✔️1.7 ✔️ 1.8 ✔️ COMO… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Music and Epic Val Clips by Kwaixy!

    Insane Minecraft Music and Epic Val Clips by Kwaixy!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft music + val clips’, was uploaded by kwaixy on 2024-03-21 16:04:51. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:35 or 215 seconds. had no music ideas In-game Settings: Sens: 0.175 DPI: 1600 Crosshair: 1-6-2-2 inner lines white Resolution: 1440×1080 Graphics Settings: All low (ignore tags) Minecraft music, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft music video, Minecraft building, Minecraft parodies, Minecraft funny moments, Valorant clips, Valorant funny moments, Valorant highlights, Overwatch clips, Valorant, Phoenix, Aim, gaming, fps, First Person Shooter, FPS games, movement, valorant, valorant montage, minecraft, valorant highlights, montage, montage… Read More

  • Insomnia SMP

    Insomniacs SMP – The Minecraft Server That Never Sleeps! Hey there, night owls! Looking for a Minecraft server that’s up and active 24/7, just like you? Then come join Insomniacs SMP—where creativity and adventure never rest! This is a Minecraft Bedrock server with plenty of add-ons to enhance your gameplay. Why Join Insomniacs SMP? Active and Supportive Staff Growing Community Always Active Laid-back Vibes Server Staff Owner: Billyjr(Definitely Real) Founder: Fumi/Sam Co-Founder: Deadpool Head of Admins (HOA): Cody Head of Staff (HOS): Existing Admins: Existing, Cody, Deadpool Ready to dive into chaos and adventure? Join us now and help create… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Demise of the Villager #9 🔥

    Looks like Villager #9 didn’t quite make it to level 10 in this game of life! #sorrynotsorry Read More

  • Blockageddon: Ohio’s Minecraft Mayhem

    Blockageddon: Ohio's Minecraft Mayhem In Ohio, a crisis, blocky and bold, Minecraft players, stories untold. Milad FPS, the channel to see, For all things Minecraft, come join the spree. Tutorials for beginners, tricks for the pros, Adventures and challenges, where creativity flows. Mods and plugins, reviews galore, Milad FPS, always wanting more. Subscribe and activate, don’t miss a beat, Join the FPS family, where gaming is sweet. Lenovo laptop, specs so fine, For Minecraft adventures, it’s time to shine. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition 🔥

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #boom #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Surviving Zombie Apocalypse in Caves with Crystals

    Surviving Zombie Apocalypse in Caves with Crystals Minecraft Shorts: Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse Are you ready to survive a zombie apocalypse? In the world of Minecraft, this is a real possibility. Zombies are known for their insatiable appetite for brains, making them a formidable threat to players. Why Would You Survive? What sets you apart in this apocalyptic scenario? Your survival skills, quick thinking, and resourcefulness. In Minecraft, players must gather resources, build shelters, and fend off hostile mobs like zombies to stay alive. Exploring Minecraft Shorts On the channel, you can find entertaining Minecraft shorts that showcase the challenges and humor of surviving in this… Read More

  • Crafting Custom Superflat Map in Minecraft Bedrock

    Crafting Custom Superflat Map in Minecraft Bedrock Minecraft: How to Create a Custom Superflat World on Bedrock Editions Are you a Minecraft player using Bedrock Editions and looking to create a custom superflat world? Look no further! Today, we’ll guide you through the process of making your very own unique superflat world on Bedrock Editions. Minecraft Versions Before diving into creating your custom superflat world, it’s essential to know the Minecraft versions you’ll be working with. For Bedrock Editions, ensure you have the latest updates to access all the features needed for this customization. Shaderpacks and Resource Pack Enhance your gaming experience by incorporating shaderpacks and… Read More

  • Minecraft LIVE Zoo Building! Hermitcraft Season 10 VOD

    Minecraft LIVE Zoo Building! Hermitcraft Season 10 VODVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Thoughts On Minecraft LIVE and Working On The Zoo – Hermitcraft Season 10 VOD Stream’, was uploaded by GoodVodsWithScar on 2024-10-03 14:00:45. It has garnered 60936 views and 690 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:22 or 11362 seconds. I share my reaction and thoughts on Minecraft live and the new update / drop. I hope you enjoyed the Hermitcraft live stream see you in the next video. ———————————————————- My Links and stuff: * Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21298347 * Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/GTWScar * Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/goodtimeswithscar * Instagram: http://instagram.com/goodtimeswithscar *TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@goodtokswithscar *Business Inquiries Send to: [email protected] ———————————————————… Read More

  • Ultimate Goo Canoe Tutorial by BushMasterHarry

    Ultimate Goo Canoe Tutorial by BushMasterHarryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial – Goo Canoe’, was uploaded by BushMasterHarry on 2024-01-21 01:00:15. It has garnered 73 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:29 or 149 seconds. This is a neat little flying machine that can be used for traveling long distances! Whether it’s the nether, end or overworld, you can set the control down and watch the slime do the work! Thanks for watching and leave a bushy like and/or comment! Help me hit that 7k sub mark for 2024!! Read More

  • Emotional rollercoaster in Minecraft Story Mode!

    Emotional rollercoaster in Minecraft Story Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE FEELS: Minecraft Story Mode Episodes 2-5’, was uploaded by Azetlor146 on 2024-09-16 02:46:11. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 06:01:25 or 21685 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!

    Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Players Simulate The HUNGER GAMES in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by AiroKun on 2024-05-19 19:00:09. It has garnered 326707 views and 7306 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:47 or 5207 seconds. Today I participated in a 100 Player Minecraft Hunger Games Event, will I win? Watch the video to find out! Special Thanks to @Sword4000 for hosting this event! Feel free to join his discord for future events like this ► https://discord.gg/sword4000 ————————————————————- 🚪 Second Channel ► @airoextra 💬 Personal Discord ► https://discord.gg/fkHNmnkfE4 💬 Events Discord ► https://discord.gg/phytor 🔴 Twitch ► https://www.twitch.tv/airokunlive 🐤… Read More

Karlos with the K – Minecraft Environeer – Exploration Time!