Kolanii – 2000 Dogs vs Minecraft Hardcore

Video Information

This is a dog these are thousands of dogs and this is a dog avalanche that is a dog avalanche pause okay let me explain story time so i was playing minecraft right i thought wait a second i do this for a living i should probably check out this new update that everyone

Is complaining about because that will be fun so i went off into the nether and searched for 1.19 chunks came out in 1.19 hang on a second i recognize that iceberg you know that’s all junk i’ve been here before it’s right there i know this because i spent 45 hours mapping

Out my world into a 3d sphere which was definitely worth it and extremely useful so i carried on i carried on and came out in brand new chunks it had all the telltale signs of brand new chunks flowing water yup nope that’s that’s pretty much it because everything new in this update is

Apparently in the ground yeah give it up for the ground i love being in that place i love the ground anyways i found a room important i thought hey wouldn’t it be funny if i just dug straight down and found this place straight away I dug straight down and found this place straight away but my luck was about to turn it was about to turn in a big big deep dark way i mean how hard can it be the guy the guy’s blind uh uh i’m blind uh okay leveling the playing field i

Respect that wait don’t tell me this guy stores xp inside blocks he knows i can break those right oh there he is hey i was wondering when you were gonna show up i can’t see anything uh literally nothing yeah so i can run away though i can do that what are you

Gonna do bro no like like seriously what are you gonna do i don’t keep up with this game as much as i should okay i have no idea what is he sniffing for me is that what’s happening is he sniffing for me oh no i feel i feel bad for this guy

Matt he can’t even see me yeah yeah maybe you can kill a bat though oh he vaporized that back okay so but that’s not actually that tough all right well just because you can kill a bad dog no no no no no no no no no no okay no no

No wait hang on is minecraft hard now is minecraft is that what’s happening is minecraft hard he’s chasing me isn’t he this can’t be happening this is a block game this is a block game i come here to feel good about myself i play this game to feel good about myself and my

Achievements wait wait wait no one told me okay does that mean enough to try now oh don’t tell me how to try i hate it when that happens and so i ran away with what was left of my dignity and while i understand that i stepped foot on his

Turf first stole his badly placed xp and kind of verbally disrespected him from a distance i have to admit one thing i kind of took that personally a wise man once said violence isn’t the answer it’s a question and the answer is yes with that being said i think you’ll

Agree the most favorable outcome of any scenario is one where you achieve success with minimal effort like success without lifting a finger because i ask why do something difficult when you can just make someone else do it for you introducing wolves you find a forest you’re gonna go in look for one bring

Some bones you’re gonna click it click the wolf and boom dog makes sense you know that makes sense just biologically changed into a completely different animal yeah cool he’s like where i once howled i now have an overwhelming urge to bark but logic isn’t the only thing missing

Here okay we needed a headquarters we needed a place to do all of this breeding but despite my masculinity being shattered by a warden i needed to keep my cool and not get distracted by my rage and say build a giant temple of doom that perfectly represents both my

Anger towards recent events but also a practical space that also has some style because that would just be an unnecessary use of time and i’m probably only going to use it like once anyway so what’s the point in spending like two entire days building this just wouldn’t

Make any sense i mean people complain about my upload schedule already i don’t need to go wasting time on pointless bills it just doesn’t need to happen but kalani do you think it’s a little bit over the top no we need all of these blocks i think this represents quite

Well the direction this video is going in but it can’t go in any direction without dogs oh yeah dogs i forgot aha a wolf i hereby pronounce you a dog as my first i will give you this identifying mark the black represents the fact that

I only have black dye oh like a wolf psych dog oh look it’s a wolf wait where’d that wolf go also you just thought you were gonna be a wolf wrong sorry i don’t make the rules these bones do okay so i’m not gonna lie at the best

Of times i’m struggling for food so we’ve got that we’ve got rotten flesh is that gonna is that yeah that works but that wasn’t gonna last long so i went and gathered some animals and made a basic sheet fun but i remembered wait if i just stop caring

About the animals feelings i can gain more introducing cruelty you’re gonna build a fenced area build a second level out of wood you need to trap the chickens up there all right make a redstone clock attach that baby to a dispenser now this is the fun part okay

It’s fun but you’re gonna find two willing volunteers okay don’t name them that’s how attachments begin their product next you’re gonna want to start feeding them and don’t stop feeding them eventually they’re going to start laying eggs which the hoppers will collect and feed into the dispenser which will fire

The eggs out straight onto a wall where the chickens will hatch in this area ready for me to collect and by collect of course i mean slaughter the plan was going great i kept feeding until my egg layers were producing enough eggs to be firing constantly day and night look at

This this dispenser is spewing eggs so many eggs in fact that there was a chicken clog a clog of literal chicken so many chickens existed in one place at one time the existence itself just said no and they ceased to exist anyway now we had an abundance of chicken which meant

It was time to start feeding it to dogs so they can make babies this was far more time consuming than i thought it would be okay so you have to you have to unsit every dog otherwise it can’t breed and then and then you have to sit them

Down again or they’ll just follow you everywhere i am so glad i made this thing it makes my life so much easier and there’s so much shorter this meant that with each feeding cycle the cycle got longer like like a lot longer i spent hours and hours feeding dogs it

Was very tedious it got to the point where i was just aimlessly clicking chicken into an ocean of dogs there were so many dogs that the dogs you tried to sit are being pushed to the front where the dog stood up and then you accidentally clicked the dog that’s

Already sat and now he’s stood up the babies are the worst by far i stopped even trying to sit them down but you won’t know what’s the worst thing about all of this the worst thing about this was that i wasn’t even nearly satisfied you really think i’m going to be

Satisfied with this amount wait how many how many dogs even are there here okay i’ve got a plan i’m going to count them to keep track using dye so i’m just gonna make a load of this and turn each dog pink and then the ones that aren’t

Pink i know i haven’t counted is genius 573 dogs i’m actually going to move you i’m actually gonna move you up here just just mind the badly placed lava watch your tail okay 573 dogs and we know that a stack of chicken bursts another 32 dogs which means we need roughly 45

Stacks of chicken to reach 2 000 dogs so let’s put some chests under the hoppers and then we can create a flood that will push all of the chickens down to the hoppers where i can easily chop them so now we just sit back and wait oh yeah that works like a charm

Okay we have all the chicken for 2000 dogs so when this chicken is gone we know we have 2 000 dogs i feel like i’m saying 2 000 dogs too much oh for goodness sake yeah this this is one of those moments where you you really question your life

By the way dogs if i if i click a chicken on you and then instantly after clicking chicken on your mum i’m sorry the chances are low but accidents do happen okay so the frames are starting to take a notable hit now come on last push last push who wants some chicken

With ten away two thousand dogs two thousand dogs two thousand dogs pc be like bruh but kelani be like yeah 2 000 dogs it is actually a lot of dogs for every dog we lost one frame let’s just quickly give this guy a really thoughtful name and there we go

All right get off i’ll let you sit there but this is actually my throne and it’s time to see the fruits of my labor okay let’s start small let’s take like 100 dogs and see how they fare in relatively normal day-to-day situations for example you’re just minding your own business

When a violent donkey appears out of nowhere and challenges you to hand-to-hand combat yeah donkey’s donkey stand no chance or here you’re just going for a walk with 100 dogs when a sheep makes a verbal threat towards you and your family yeah that just that just didn’t

Even last long okay what about what about something that actually fights back yeah nothing nothing nothing really stands a chance everything’s just actually running away now they’re actually running away the skeletons are like oh 100 dogs yeah nah okay i think we’ve firmly established that these dogs

Are ready so it’s time to initiate the plan exact my revenge and gain back my masculinity i discovered earlier in the video that the cave near the village actually leads straight down to the ancient city so we need to create some sort of transportation system that’s

Safe for there at least 1 000 dogs and potentially more should we need backup it needs to be dog death proof well i don’t i don’t want like 500 dogs falling to their death it will slightly weigh on my conscience squids can die in caves if

They like but my dogs will not okay maybe i can just start from here and dig a staircase all the way up i have a bad feeling about it but i’m gonna do it anyway because i can’t think of a better alternative well that’s perfect then it

Comes out there oh this is brilliant okay let’s get like let’s go like 1 000 dogs or as close to 1 000 dogs as we can get oh man i’m actually running faster because of the 1000 dogs pushing me okay so i don’t know i i guess we just go

Down what’s the worst that can happen it’s a staircase oh oh no oh that’s a dog avalanche that is a dog avalanche oh dear nope back up back up back up things are not going to plan okay so what we’re going to do is actually try that again but with water

This time especially here this part in particular needs water okay 1 000 dogs check but let’s go okay so so far so good it’s a dog avalanche but it’s a controlled one okay very good very good okay a couple of squeals here and there but we’re good okay final stretch down here

Wait i can probably just fly yeah i can just fly down and they can just teleport to me right that’s probably the best idea okay that was not the best that was not the best idea okay we made it down alive that’s that’s the main thing let’s get some strength potions going okay

Dogs now all we need to do is provoke him we need to be as provocative as possible i’m talking breaking blocks breaking blocks and making loud noises disturbing the peace okay this guy hates loud noises okay here he is hey remember me we haven’t been formally introduced but here’s roughly in my estimation

About 1 000 dogs my powers have doubled since the last time we met where is he hell there dogs attack oh my bad my bad but it’s working it’s working oh what’s that you’re gonna use a sonically charged street that’s cute what are you gonna do sonically shriek

1000 individual dogs i don’t think so oh you can’t he can’t even reach me imagine doing the warden fight in third person mode you okay man you should probably make a move if you want to stand at your arcade he’s making a move he’s making oh

This is just this isn’t wait is that it is he gone is he gone oh that was almost lame it was so easy oh that’s that’s just embarrassing for you you crossed me i almost feel bad for him all right let’s try and provoke another one let’s

Just come in here and start breaking stuff i see no sign of another warden anywhere do we scare them all off is there only one surely not what type of baller has an entire city to himself there’s got to be another one i think we scared them all off dogs i think we

Scared them off they don’t even want to approach wolf was squished too much yeah that’s fair no i can understand that i can actually see oh okay so this guy was just like nah i’m just gonna sit this one out fair enough okay let’s see if they’re any over here yeah actually

Probably not there’s there’s love okay oh dear that’s look at that feed okay i think i’ve proved my point and i literally can’t prove it any further because the wardens are scared of me now i can’t even find another one all right let’s get out of here well i think that

Was thoroughly successful successful okay it just became a little less successful anyway on to the next challenge we’ve seen dogs against single enemies now it’s time to see dogs against multiple enemies it’s raid time okay i’m just gonna come down here cause i need oh that was awkward oh this is a

Very awkward this is a very awkward stitch okay let’s just get out of here let’s just get out of oh no it just got even more oh dear oh wait are there even any villagers alive here anymore oh no oh well there must be i just haven’t seen it oh

Well you may not be for long we’ll see how this goes okay we’re going straight in show me what you got okay starting off strong starting off strong just don’t go near the ledge you will all die all of you okay nice okay that’s round

One easy okay so i’m needing to clear an area out here because i i can’t see the bad guys anywhere ah hang on i see them i see them here i said oh dear oh no oh dear oh it’s raining dogs it is raining dogs that was a terrible idea it’s

Almost like i should have patched up that massive gaping hole what i’m gonna do is is uh patch up this hole and then we’re gonna try again okay this is working much better less dogs are falling to their death oh yeah no that that’s actually an issue i didn’t think

About damage potions okay well they survived this guy can’t even get to me when will i find a challenge okay i think i found a challenge vex has problems these guys are problems for dogs they can fly and dogs can’t okay i’ve made my decision i’m gonna give

Raids with dogs a solid six out of ten since it largely depends on the terrain and also the dogs don’t know how to deal with splash potions or vex so okay dogs your next test is the nether i need weather skeleton skulls for your final challenge so i might as well just take

You along with and see if you die or not so i’m gonna make this portal much bigger and then hopefully they just walk through yeah yeah that works okay i have a feeling we’re gonna lose a lot of dogs here another travel what i’m thinking is

I’ll just fly off and then land so the dogs teleport to me and i’ll keep doing that until we’re at the fortress yeah this works matt never never travel with dogs isn’t even that bad look at this none of them are dying okay we’re here we’re at the fortress let’s see how

We get on i have a feeling it’s not already we’ve already got a casualty okay why why are you just jumping off why are you actually just choosing to jump okay everyone’s on fire everyone is on fire already we’ve been here 20 seconds this is this is going exactly

How i thought it would why did i look at that feed look at that feed why did i bring dogs to the nether oh this is on me it’s not my conscience i’m feeling it only slightly because basically what’s happening is the dogs are falling down

To the lava but it’s far enough that they then teleport back to me to die tragically in front of my eyes just don’t bring your dogs to the nether or or any any pets i think we’ve been here probably five minutes and we’ve got about 10 dogs left okay 25 minutes in

And there’s only one dog left i don’t think he’s gonna last long at all in fact watch this watch this i guarantee he’s just jumped off to his death yep there we go okay so what i’m thinking is i’m gonna build like an underground arena because otherwise the withers are

Just gonna break free and then they’ll just be up in the sky like yeah what are you gonna do as we’ve already established dogs can’t fly is that a cat can you fly hey listen i’ll take a cat right now some meows will be a nice change from barks yeah

And i like the way that you run away from me instead of two me because i’ve just been used to dogs oh sorry i don’t actually mean to do that but if you get in the way i am gonna i am gonna hit you like this you

See if you get in the way i’m gonna hit i’m gonna make i’m gonna try and make this room as hard as possible for with us to escape from so i’ll use up all the obsidian that i have because i have quite a lot i still got a load of

Obsidian in the end actually so we’ll go and get that first ow my face okay there we are at least something productive came from that video all right let’s line this place with obsidian okay and then we just we just come over here and spam right mouse button until

We have like a thousand i don’t know like a thousand dogs is that gonna be enough i feel like if i take any more dogs than this i’ll just die by entity cramming so i’m not gonna risk it okay let’s just go down see it hopefully they

Teleport yep good okay nice i think we’ve got a thousand dogs there i actually really do think we’ve got a thousand dogs at least look at that okay i’m just we’re just doing this we’re just doing it oh the cat’s still here i’m sorry you have to see this feel free

To join in okay here we go oh no oh the lag okay one there we go okay we’re just gonna we’re gonna go away until he explodes and then actually i can just get this end one okay dog move move okay two okay dogs show me what you got oh wow

Oh wow okay they’re actually destroying him okay the third one’s there so far so good okay that the feed’s starting to come in the feed is starting to come in thick and fast we’re about 20 seconds in so i’d say they’re doing pretty good okay and first weather down already we’re about

30 seconds in we are 30 i think i’ve broken the game it doesn’t matter anymore there’s nothing good enough to beat me i’m invincible look they’re just bullying him they’re just oh wait hang on a second oh hang on a second they can’t get him oh he’s found a loophole

He’s found a loophole i respect it but you’re gonna have to come down i think i just shot like a lot of my own dogs then okay i just did it again okay and the second wither done this guy’s found the same loophole but we’re not having it

I’d say we’re about 100 dogs down right now most of them are from from me oh this is just embarrassing this is hard to watch this is just this game’s too easy now i do boss fights in third person mode it’s too easy you can’t even get to me

Done victory oh look at that feed that that is a lot of dead dogs so they did not die in vain well i guess that answers that listen haters are gonna say i took it too personally and took it too far but we live in a world where it is

Yeet or be heated okay and today we stood up all 2001 of us and said we refuse to be heated instead we choose to be the eater were some dogs harmed in making this video sure yeah sure there were but i have my pride back and that

Well that makes this story a happy ending catch you in the next one guys

This video, titled ‘2000 Dogs vs Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by Kolanii on 2022-08-25 16:09:06. It has garnered 2367217 views and 90572 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:00 or 960 seconds.

Watch the last episode:

Watch more videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/Kolanii/videos

A warden hit me and I took it personally.

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I Broke Minecraft With Dogs And It Was Pure Chaos (E6)

#kolanii #minecraft #dogs

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    🔥 INSANE NEW MINECRAFT PORTAL! 💥 #shorts #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft new portal 💀 #minecraft #shorts #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by NITESH_GAMER_2802 on 2024-07-28 12:52:47. It has garnered 573 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. l #minecraftvideos #youtubeshorts #memes #memes #gamerfleetfunnymoment #minecraftsong #gaming #gamerfleetfunnymome minecraft mod, minecraft mods, minecraft modern house, minecraft modpacks, minecraft modern house tutorial, minecraft modded survival, minecraft modded survival ep 1, minecraft mod showcase, minecraft mods 1.20.1, minecraft mod ထည့်နည်း, minecraft mods horror, minecraft mod menu, minecraft mod download, minecraft mod demon slayer, minecraft mod review, minecraft mod anime, minecraft mod battle, minecraft mod… Read More

  • Lampmill Minecraft Tip & Trick

    Lampmill Minecraft Tip & TrickVideo Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO MAKE LAMPMILL IN MINECRAFT 💥🔥 MINECRAFT TIP AND TRICK VIDEO 💯 HOW TO DOWNLOAD MINECRAFT 💥’, was uploaded by BTL GAMER on 2024-04-14 10:18:47. It has garnered 74 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:01 or 121 seconds. Welcome to BTL GAMER UID- 3810997943 IG- btl_gamer_23 FB- BTL GAMER VIDEO LINK- 1- https://youtu.be/FC2V1yJU2vo?si=KcEFKYEVRNyN1305 2-https://youtu.be/FC2V1yJU2vo?si=KcEFKYEVRNyN1305 __________________________________________ HOW TO HACK FREE FIRE FREE FIRE NEW UPDATE FREE FIRE OB43 UPDATES HOW TO HACK INSTAGRAM HOW TO HACK FREE FIRE ID FREE FIRE OL PEAK COMING SOON AJJU BHAI GAMEPLAY AJJU BHAI… Read More

  • INSANE 100 Day Minecraft Survival Live Stream!

    INSANE 100 Day Minecraft Survival Live Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Days Survival Minecraft (Live stream)’, was uploaded by Beesechurger_73 on 2024-05-23 10:20:57. It has garnered 1399 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:39 or 5559 seconds. Days 18-23 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hack: Villager Trade Trick!

    Insane Minecraft Hack: Villager Trade Trick!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to trade with villagers without refreshing the trade [Minecraft]’, was uploaded by AmIgamer2917 on 2024-03-28 05:28:15. It has garnered 445 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Description: Dive into the pixelated world of Minecraft with AmiGamer as we embark on an adventure like no other. In this video, we’ll explore fascinating Minecraft facts that will leave you amazed and craving more. Join us as we unravel the mysteries hidden within the iconic blocks of this sandbox universe. From the origins of Minecraft to its evolution into a… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Auto Miner DESTROYS Minecraft Prison OP

    Unbelievable! Auto Miner DESTROYS Minecraft Prison OPVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Auto Miner Is OP In Minecraft Prison’, was uploaded by NotConner on 2024-05-12 17:03:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This Auto Miner Is OP In Minecraft Prison | AkumaMC ↓ Server Information ↓ Java IP → nc.akumamc.net Bedrock IP And Port … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: JJ vs Mikey Mighty Poo!

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: JJ vs Mikey Mighty Poo!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Creepy Great Mighty Poo vs Mikey Mighty Poo CALLING to MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Raizen on 2024-05-13 20:00:05. It has garnered 11222 views and 67 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:14 or 1814 seconds. JJ Creepy Great Mighty Poo vs Mikey Mighty Poo CALLING to MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just… Read More

  • Unicorn Rainbow Flame Sword in Minecraft Raj! 🔥🦄 #minecraftraj #shorts

    Unicorn Rainbow Flame Sword in Minecraft Raj! 🔥🦄 #minecraftraj #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make A Flame Sword In Minecraft. #minecraft #minecraftraj #shorts’, was uploaded by Minecraft Raj on 2024-01-11 22:43:45. It has garnered 10790 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Unbeatable Pika Network Bedfight! 🔥 #ViralBedwars

    Unbeatable Pika Network Bedfight! 🔥 #ViralBedwarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pika network bedfight || #viral #bedwars #minecraft #gaming #popular’, was uploaded by Mr_Nobiee on 2024-05-31 12:22:28. It has garnered 18 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:02 or 182 seconds. hi daily uplode count -2 daily sub count -24 ignor tags #viralvideo #trending #funny #entertainment #mustwatch #youtube #videooftheday #awesome #amazing #lol #viral #youtubevideo #funnyvideos #entertainment #trendingvideo #mustwatchvideo #awesomevideo #amazingvideo #videoftheday #lolvideo #hilarious #epic #memeworthy #shareable #mindblowing #unbelievable #jawdropping #spectacular #inspiring #heartwarming Hashtags: #hilariousvideo #epicvideo #memes #shareablevideo #mindblowingvideo #unbelievablevideo #jawdroppingvideo #spectacularvideo #inspiringvideo #heartwarmingvideo #Minecraft #Bedwars #PvP #Gaming #Strategy #Teamwork #Competition #Multiplayer #Gameplay… Read More

  • Mithlesh Kumar: Mind-Blowing Hindi Minecraft Music Video 🎵

    Mithlesh Kumar: Mind-Blowing Hindi Minecraft Music Video 🎵Video Information This video, titled ‘# #song #music#video #hindi#minecraft 🙏👍❤️🙏’, was uploaded by Mithlesh Kumar on 2024-02-17 13:51:23. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. # #song #music#video #hindi#minecraft 🙏👍❤️🙏 Read More

  • SedoniaSMP

    SedoniaSMPWelcome to Sedonia SMP! Dive into an adventure where creativity, exploration, and commerce converge in a dynamic Minecraft world. Regular Updates: Enjoy a unique gameplay experience with our regular additions; we build the server around your suggestions. Claims: You can protect your structures, griefing and stealing are forbidden, we want a perfectly welcoming game environment Dynamic Economy: Test your trading skills and manage your wealth in a vibrant economic system. Shop & Playerwarp: Explore shops and player locations, or create your own. And many more… ! Join us today and experience a unique gaming experience in our thriving community of… Read More

  • Revolution SMP – Semi-Vanilla

    Revolution SMP Join us in Revolution SMP, where every player can leave their mark on the world, forge lasting friendships, and be part of a story that continues to unfold with every new adventurer who steps into the world of Revolution SMP. Whether you’re a seasoned builder, a daring explorer, or someone looking to unwind and chill, Revolution SMP welcomes you to be a part of our exciting journey. Let the adventure begin! Features: Custom Enchants: Discover unique enchantments that enhance your gameplay experience. Grief Prevention: Build and explore with peace of mind knowing your creations are protected. Anti Pay-to-Win:… Read More

  • llamaland

    llamaland(Server in Spanish)Llamaland is a server that combines rich Peruvian culture with technological innovations and new combat tools, offering players a unique and exciting experience in the world of Minecraft, including mods such as:MrCrayfish’s Gun ModMrCrayfish’s Vehicle ModFarmer’s DelightCreateMilan’s Peru ModEtc.ModPack (Curseforge): Llamaland ModpackServer ScheduleDayTime (GMT-5) PeruMonday FridayFrom 5:00 pmWednesdayFrom 4:00 pmSaturday, Sunday and HolidaysFrom 10:00 am Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Endermen be trippin’

    Looks like Mojang accidentally created a hostile mob with some serious insecurities! Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Oddities Unveiled!

    Minecraft Mayhem: Oddities Unveiled! In Minecraft, things can be quite absurd, Like floating trees and flying birds. The physics are wonky, the logic is loose, But that’s the charm, it’s the game’s sweet juice. Players build castles, farms, and more, Exploring caves, finding ores galore. With creepers that hiss and zombies that moan, Surviving the night, in a world all their own. Redstone contraptions, complex and grand, Automated farms, all made by hand. The creativity flows, the possibilities endless, In this blocky world, where fun never ceases. So embrace the quirks, the glitches, the fun, In Minecraft, the adventure’s just begun. With friends… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Trollface Madness!

    Hot Minecraft Trollface Madness! Why did the trollface go to Minecraft? To mine for memes, of course! Read More

  • Crafting a Mail Portal in Minecraft with Upin & Ipin

    Crafting a Mail Portal in Minecraft with Upin & Ipin Minecraft Portal Mail: A Fun Adventure with Upin & Ipin Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure with Upin & Ipin through the Portal Mail! Join the fun and explore the exciting world of Minecraft with these beloved characters. Donation and Community If you’re looking to support the creator, consider donating on Saweria. Join the Discord community to connect with fellow players and fans. Get involved and be part of a vibrant community dedicated to Minecraft and more. Character Skins and Channels Customize your Minecraft experience with the Skin UzeMing. Check out the various YouTube channels linked to discover more… Read More

  • Counting in Minecraft Gone Wrong!

    Counting in Minecraft Gone Wrong! Welcome to the World of Minecraft with 方块轩! 方块轩, a prominent creator in the Minecraft realm, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that steers clear of any elements that could potentially impact their health and safety. With a focus on creating original and humorous Minecraft animations, 方块轩’s channel is the go-to destination for spreading joy and laughter. Unique Content Offerings From daily original videos to a variety of series, 方块轩’s channel has something for every Minecraft enthusiast. Whether you’re in the mood for some hilarious MC animations, educational classroom series, song adaptations, or simply looking for a good laugh,… Read More

  • SHOCKING! 20 CRAZY New Features Minecraft NEEDS now!

    SHOCKING! 20 CRAZY New Features Minecraft NEEDS now!Video Information This video, titled ’20 Features Minecraft SHOULD Add To 1.21 From New Mods !’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-06-23 11:00:39. It has garnered 25115 views and 840 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:26 or 1346 seconds. 20 Features Minecraft SHOULD Add To 1.21 From New Mods ! Join my channel membership to get more Useful contents : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCNeJZw6-NQz4oUEBHMaEhA/join It’s time to stop being overcharged for hosting! : https://billing.kinetichosting.net/aff.php?aff=766 00:00 -TACZ: Plus (Timeless and Classics Feature Addon) 1.20.1 https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tacz-plus-timeless-and-classics-feature-addon 01:52 -Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks 1.20.1 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/irons-spells-n-spellbooks/files 03:39 -Cleann Arsenal 1.20.1 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cleann-arsenal 06:03 -Client Sort… Read More

  • Escape Insane Minecraft Trap!

    Escape Insane Minecraft Trap!Video Information This video, titled ‘Escaping an IMPOSSIBLE TRAP in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-05-21 19:59:01. It has garnered 2962953 views and 25520 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:01 or 1261 seconds. I’m just RUNNING with it! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 https://aphmeow.com/ ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aphmau_ ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Ein: Chris Escalante ★ Kim: Corinne Sudberg ★ Pierce: Shado_Temple NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More

Kolanii – 2000 Dogs vs Minecraft Hardcore