Kory – 101 PRANKS To Make Your Friends RAGE QUIT in Minecraft!

Video Information

In this video I’m going to be pranking my friend until he literally destroys his computer and rage quits the Minecraft server but I only have 24 hours to do so or else he might catch me so let’s start off with the very first prank so for the first prank we’re doing

Something called a sleep stopper one thing about derp is that he really likes his sleep and he gets super duper angry whenever anybody interrupts it so you know what we’re going to do we’re going to interrupt his sleep so derp is outside of his house right now and if we

Go inside we can begin the prank so first things first we got to get rid of his in entire floor just like this and then that that’s done we are going to use our magic wand and dig down just a little bit and then we are going to

Create an empty room underneath this house and boom that should be perfect and after that we’re just going to place a bunch of mobs down here so I’ll place a bunch of zombies just like this we can add some skeletons just for the fun of

It and you know what why don’t we also add some spiders in there too perfect oh oh I’m so oh gosh I am so sorry okay he’s good now but after we do all that we can just cover up his entire floor again and now derp doesn’t know it but

There is a bunch of mobs underneath his floorboards and he’s not going to be able to see them so now when derp wants to go to sleep he won’t be able to cuz he going to say there’s monsters nearby but when he goes outside he’s going to

See there’s no monsters at all and he’s going to be very very confused oh gosh he’s going to get angry at me but for now let’s put on our invisibility cloak and wait for him to come back oh what a long day I can’t wait to lay down on my

Bed and rest oh oh it’s good to see you bed good night world huh wait what you may not rest now there are monsters nearby there’s no monsters nearby where are there monsters at there’s not even any monsters outside what I still can’t rest what is going on wait maybe they’re behind the

House let’s go check oh derp is checking around the house now he has no clue the monsters are literally right below him monsters I can’t sleep let me sleep where are you guys at this is so annoying I can’t find them anywhere maybe they’re down here in this cave no

I can’t go down there I’m scared okay okay okay let’s go back and let’s try again please let me sleep oh it is not going to let you sleep Mr derp okay on top of the bed and sleep no I can’t sleep what if there’s someone in my

House what if they upstairs okay okay okay let’s go upstairs wait wait derp things are upstairs in his house bro are you serious oh and there’s nothing up here I don’t know what to do you know what I’m not going to give up I’m going to go downstairs and get the to work

Okay bed let me Shut the doors it’s kind of chilly okay me versus you bed work work work work work oh my goodness is Der just going to keep doing this forever and ever I mean it’s pretty funny so I guess I’ll just watch him but

I wonder when he’ll give up I mean the Moon is literally out now too so uh we’ll See work work oh my goodness der is still going in it’s literally daytime now bro what is wrong with this kid okay you know what I feel kind of a bad maybe I should try telling him wait wait a minute what was that is there something underneath my

Floorboards I definitely heard that oh my goodness DP finally figured it out he finally hears it under his floorboards there is definitely something underneath here let’s figure out what it is no no no no no what is this why is there moms out here

No wait D found the moms and uh oh that definitely wasn’t enough to get him to rage quit but that’s just a warm-up prank cuz we are about to go way crazier this next prank is called mining explosions cuz there’s Mining and there’s also explosions I guess but

Pretty much this right here is derp secret mine he doesn’t think anybody knows about it but in reality like everybody knows about it but what we’re going to do is I know derp is going to go on a mining trip soon so we are going

To rig up this mine to explode when he gets inside it’s going to be very very cool and evil so pretty much what we’re going to do is we are going to grab a bunch of rails and now we going going to start placing him down to make a little

Mine roller coaster now der is obviously going to take this because one he loves roller coasters but more than that it’s very very fast and efficient so what we’re going to do is we’re going to dig this down quite a bit maybe around up until okay there is so much gravel why

Is there so much gravel but anyways around there should be good and now what we’re going to do is we’re going to have a corner turn up but we’re going to make it purposeful that he can’t see what’s around the corner until he’s actually there so now let’s use our magic wand to

Make a little bit of a room over here boom that should be perfect and now what we’re going to do at the end here is we are going to place a very very special TNT we’re going to place something called Minecart TNT times 100 and we’re

Only going to put one down and pretty much what’s going to happen is when derp rides down the roller coaster turns the corner and smashes into this 100 type CNT and it’s going to create a massive explosion like never seen before and and his day is going to be completely rued

It’s going to be absolutely hilarious I sometimes wonder if I’m a bad friend for doing this stuff but that is just too funny to keep doing it but now that that’s all set up our final thing that we have to do is let’s grab a chest like

This and inside we are going to put a mine cart just like that and let you know what let’s also leave a sign for him here I’ll write on the sign upgraded for your pleasure smiley face oh he’s going to be so so happy that this happened until he actually writes down

It of course but now of course we just put on our cloak of invisibility and we wait for him to come here I can’t wait to go mining in my secret mine which is full of diamonds okay what huh wait someone must have went through my mine

And added a railroad what what the heck upgraded for your pleasure wait does that mean there’s someone else in the server that has a crush on me A crush that D really say someone had a crush on him bro is this kid serious oh someone

Has a crush on me someone has a crush on me okay and there’s a chest here let’s see what’s in the chest ooh she gave me a mine cart it’s like a roller coaster she made me a roller coaster she loves me okay let’s go down there cuz it’ll be

Way faster than walking okay I’m hoing on this ready one two three oh derp is going derp is going derp is going and uh it’s about what the heck was that oh my goodness this hole was massive that was a way bigger explosion than I thought and wait is derp alive

How did derp survive what someone set me up that wasn’t someone who had a crush on me someone was trying to kill me that’s so annoying this hole is massive how am I supposed to get back up Oh W I guess it did give me a really big mine and oh well I guess I’ll go mining now oh my goodness really he’s still going mining oh I couldn’t get him to rage quit but you know what I guess it’s okay cuz the next two pranks are

Definitely going to get him to rage quit this next prank is called the evil pig over there derp is tending to his little farm of pigs and he is in love with all of them oh my little Piggies you’re so cute you’re so cute I love each and one

Of you Freddy Bentley Buie doooo and boo boo I love you guys and pretty much what I’m going uh that’s actually kind of weird how obsessed he is with them that this kid has a problem anyways what I’m going to do is if I click this button

Right here I can morph into any mob that I want and right here is the little innocent Pig and now I am a piggy what I’m going to do is I’m going to infiltrate his little pig farm when he’s not looking and pretend to be one of the

Pigs and that’s when the prank begins because I’m going to start trolling him and killing the other pigs and just not going to listen to him so let’s go over come on come on okay okay he’s feeding them right now let me just sneak in real

Quick there we go okay okay yeah perfect okay we hey you’re a new Pig welcome to the family little guy a come here little piggy come out here little piggy come on out guys oh he’s letting us all out for a walk or something okay okay let me let

Me go outside real quick I don’t know how you open that door that was really impressive but welcome to the family I’m going to name you but cheek butt cheek did he just name me butt cheek are you serious okay you know what fine fine that’s fine all right well then you

Going to carry you get a carrot you get a carrot you get a carrot you get a carrot and huh wait a minute why won’t you take the carrot why won’t you love me oh my goodness I am not going to take the carrot D I do not want your carrot

Okay you know what this is the perfect time for the first prank let me just go right here and what the heck you killed boo boo what is wrong with you go leave and I’m going to make him even more traumatized this is Boo Boo’s Pigg

Me let me just let me just eat that real quick what he’s eating his own flesh what is going on okay come on Pigg we got to get out of here run Piggies run Piggies oh which one’s butt cheek I don’t know what to do which one is him

Okay I got to feel it I know what my pigs are and I know they love me this is you puning oh no that wasn’t puning he just K one of his other pigs oh my goodness no but cheek where are you I can sense you butt cheek oh I just

Going to act like the other pigs I just got to act like the other pigs no this one was looking at me this one right here it’s too Fric oh that’s not you’re not butt cheek you wouldn’t be giving me those cute little eyes a but you butt cheek this is

You oh my goodness derp keeps killing all the pigs and is he crying oh oh my goodness are you serious there’s only four pigs left we have a mommy pig a Daddy Pig and two little babies but I have no clue which one of but cheek is what if it’s one of

The babies speak oh my goodness wait is he going to go to the babies oh gosh this might have gone a little bit too far wait who is this over there it’s definitely one of the babies he’s trying to trick me okay little babies you thought you were slick weren’t you butt

Cheek not anymore get out of here butt cheek oh no he just set all three of them on fire wa wait wait a minute they didn’t die but you’re not getting away that easily die but die oh my yo he just killed every single one of

Them but cheek wait they’re all dead but none of them are butt cheek so that means that what you’re butt cheek and he’s eating his brother’s meet oh gosh I think he figured me out okay we are out of here bye derp no what no but take you magical pick it back

Here oh my goodness okay now that we’re over here let’s Morp back into ourselves put on the invisibility cloak and let’s fly back over to see how he’s reacting I’m so sad but it’s okay I can get more pigs but will not get the best of me and

I will not leave this server oh my my goodness derp still isn’t rage quitting okay you know what I underestimated him we are going to need to upgrade these pranks a lot more to get the best of him you know what this next one will definitely make him rage

Quin oh gosh okay let’s go to the next prank I’m going to be honest this next prank it’s pretty cruel even by my standards cuz this might actually make D pee and poo his pants because it’s so scary and you know what that would actually be hilarious but but still so

What we’re going to do is we’re going to grab some quartz tiles and we are going to build a mini hospital now why are we building a mini Hospital you may ask well because obviously we’re going to put a monster patient in there like duh guys come on but let’s just build a

Little thingy just like this we’ll build it up it’ll be super nice and simple all right there we go and now let’s just grab some red wool and let’s put the cross on top so everybody knows it’s a hospital and what we’re going to do here

Is we are going to grab a monster called the patient now if we place the patient down at first he just looks like a normal regular guy he looks like someone that’s literally just about to go to surgery and you know what I feel really

Bad just looking at him I mean who would have want to help this poor fellow out just look at him help help and oh my goodness he even screams help oh I feel so bad he sounds like he’s in so much pain but this is perfect cuz derp is a

Super duper nice guy in all reality so when he comes over and he sees his patient like this he’s going to try helping him and and knowing derp he’s going to probably try and perform surgery on him but the truth is this guy is actually a secret monster so as soon

As derp touches him he’s going to turn into an evil monster and start attacking him and derp is going to be so scared he’s going to poop his pants so let’s actually grab a bunch of signs and we’re going to leave a trail of signs that

Lead over to the hospital so derp can help this guy so let’s place the first one right here and we’re going to say hey I need help follow the signs and that one is right in front of his house so he sees it as soon as he walks out

The next one will be put right here and says come here hurry I need help there we go okay and now we’ll put another one right here that says please hurry I don’t have much time and then we’ll move along a little bit and put another one

Right here that says perform per form surgery on my butt cheek I I don’t know why I said butt cheek but but it’s kind of funny and finally we place the final sign here and says as quick as possible use a sword there we go exclamation

Points and Dorp is going to see this and try to perform surgery and that’s when the prank will start so let’s put on the invisibility cloak and wait for him as per usual what a good day for walk uh let’s see what huh wait what there’s a sign

Right here hey I need help follow the signs I live in the middle of nowhere how could someone need help okay where’s the next sign at oh yes he fallowing the size out I knew he would fall for it come here hurry I need help what they

Need help okay okay what do I do what do I do relax relax everything’s okay and oh what if it’s a really cute girl what if she wants my number I’m going to be a hero oh my goodness a really cute girl bro this derp kid all he thinks about

His girls please hurry I don’t have much time okay I’m coming sweetheart sweetheart really oh my goodness perform surgery on my butt cheek what the heck that is so weird what the heck but I guess I do have to save them since I’m the only one here

Okay let’s go as quick as possible use a sword oh my goodness what the heck I mean she is kind of cute hey bab I’m here to save your life you know cuz I’m a hero what is this kid talking about that is not that is really creepy what

In the meantime what’s your name you know what’s what’s your number can can I can I please get your number you know you feel the same way I do is it Mutual are you in love with me what is happening with d bro what is he saying

Does he not see that he needs help help what was that what was that I know I’m not hearing things what was that what the okay um this is really really weird oh oh all right right right it must be this person right here I had

To perform surgery okay here here we go okay on the bun again let’s see what the heck what the heck is happening oh my God oh my goodness that is scarier than I thought oh my goodness oh my goodness no no no no no no wait a

Minute I have to put on this armor quick okay got my diamond armor on come on fight me I thought you were in love with me oh my goodness this is so much more creepier than I thought dude this is so scary but why does derp have diamond

Armor I always make my armor to be prar you broke my heart oh my goodness wait derp is actually killing him no no way wait no no way she was the one oh my I can’t believe derp was actually able to beat the guy what what

Is that oh my goodness there’s still a piece of them laying around she was the one I know she was was what derp is sad because he was in love with the patient BR okay derp is so weird what the yo but it doesn’t look like he’s going to rage

Quit it just looks like he’s really sad I’m done being a coward I will trade harder I will be stronger so next time I could have healed you my love I’m never leaving the Ser oh my goodness der is literally going on like a training Arc right now

So we can save her next time okay now he’s fighting the lava oh now he’s now he’s on fire oh my goodness well you know what that prank was pretty good but we can do better we got to definitely make him Rage Quit so let’s

Move on to the next one this next prank is called Back to the Future pretty much I’m going to be dressing up as a time traveler from the secret future and I’m going to tell derp that to save the future world he’s going to have to do a

Bunch of really embarrassing and funny things so first things first let’s dress up as a future scientist and I am now Cory from the future so now let’s head on over to the D house knock at his door and tell him that I am from The Matrix

This take is so good I’m really good at cooking I didn’t really know till now but I need to be his Chef okay while he’s distracted let’s bust him po here here D who are you I am from the future do not worry don’t don’t cry why

Is this kid always cry do not cry derp I wasn’t crying or something in my eye but what do you want from me I need your help to save the future of this world save the future of the world what do you mean I am from a secret future

Society called the Cory future Society yes that is all it’s called It’s called The Cory future Society oh oh okay okay and what do you need me for I’m just a regular human but you derp you are the key to the success of the future right now there are evil babies with giant

Butts roaming the world trying to eat everyone and you are the one we need to stop them giant babies a but huh how do I even know you’re really from the future because let me show you a few to my future technology this right here is

A cloak of invisibility and when I wear it I become invisible where’d you go where’d you go Mr future man Mr future man okay okay you know this is Minecraft there’s a lot of potions and that’s not enough proof show me something else okay fine I’ll show you my time traveling gear time

Traveling gear yep if I right click this then boom I’m starting the time traveling sequence okay um let me turn it because you can’t you can’t go there yet that’s um that could just be a coincidence anything else huh uh uh how does he need more proof bro that was

Enough um I have the shotgun okay okay that does it that does it that does it I believe you’re from the future what do you need me to do okay well first things first derp we need some of your DNA samples to make the evil antidote that rid of the babies

Okay is it going to hurt though because I’m not really good with pain no no no you’ll be fine okay D first things first we need a sample of your manure what I don’t want to do this manure what’s manure uh poop I I we need your poop

Samples you want me to poop right here is for the fate of the universe derp oh fine I’ll do it for the kids the fat babies or whatever you said okay here we [Applause] go did did you actually just poop you told me to poop and I was a little

Nervous anyways oh my goodness I can’t believe he actually poop okay okay calm down calm down okay thank you for your poop sample D we’ll use that that’s funny nothing this is for the universe I’m going to be a hero nothing nothing okay okay I’ll do it

Again no no we do not need a poop again oh I’m just trying to save the universe the only other thing we do need though is you see this horse right here oh meatboy yeah I love meat boy he’s the best horse ever yeah well uh beatball is

Actually the one that runs the evil babies that destroys our world so uh what there there you go no no no no no no me meall would never Meo you would never do that right wait he’s a horse he can’t even do anything well it’s the

Future he grew six more arms and had a mouth though but he only has four arms in one mouth yeah well he’s going to make the world full of evil babies so it’s not it’s not to get rid of him or the world dies and and you need me to do

This for the world right I’ll save the planet and be a hero yep you will get all the ladies are you sure I can’t just poop again I can poop again no no no no don’t poop again go okay beatball look he’s looking at you he doesn’t want he doesn’t want to

End he doesn’t want to die okay well I guess the world is ending dead bye D no no no no no no okay okay okay come on Beatball oh my goodness hey hey derp hey derp hey derp what why do you sound different hey hey hey hey derp hey derp wait no Cory prank Cory that was my horse come back here play silly little prank on you but you know what D if you don’t want to

Deal with the pranks you you could just log off no I will not log off Cory cuz that’s exactly what you want me to do and I will avenge my horse and you may me poop in the middle of nowhere okay well let’s see how that happens you’re

Definitely going to rage quit by the end of the day um here’s your poop again no it’s so nasty I’ll see you soon derp that prank was super duper close to getting to rage quit we are almost there this means we’re just going to have to

Prank him even harder on to the next prank for this next prank we are going to be using a very very special type of block and that block is called a ghost block look you can see the cute little ghost on the Block right now but pretty

Much what’s special about this block is that when you place it down it looks like whatever Block it’s next to but you can secretly move through it and phas through it like it’s just a block of air so if I put it on Stone it becomes Stone

And if I put it on sand it becomes sand but I can always walk through it just like this so what we’re going to do is we’re going to build a secret base underneath dp’s house and then we are just going to annoy him so much it’s

Going to be absolutely amazing so first things first we got to actually get inside dp’s house which is going to be a little bit hard honestly cuz he is very very suspicious of me and he’s really Anor of me today probably because of all the pranks I’ve been doing on him but

You know what it’s okay we’ll figure our way out actually before I knock on the door now that I think about it let’s put on a disguise real quick so we can fool him so 3 2 1 boom perfect I now have a disguise on and I shall go as Bob Bob

The kid okay he should have be able to detect me now so let’s go and knock on his door uh doc dog dog dog hello hello wait what wait who’s there wait uh who are you uh I’m Bob Bob The Kid Bob you kind of look like my friend Cory but hi

Bob my name is derp Cory who’s Cory that sounds like a really really lame guy I but yeah I just moved in uh I’m I’m right next door oh really where I don’t where um I’m homeless oh I’m I’m sorry yeah I don’t have any money on me if

That’s what you’re asking sorry no no no I’m actually asking for um for something a lot simpler I I just want a friend oh well it does get kind of lonely here so sure uh Bob I’ll be your friend okay uh can I come in okay thanks okay uh wait

What is this over here are these books hey hey hey hey book books are get away no no no Bob get away from my books those are very to me I I just wanted to read books with no friend no just like my friend Cory and he’s really getting

On my nerves today so I suggest Bob that you don’t get on my nerves okay okay okay okay fine but wait wait what’s this is this your food wait wait wait where is what is all stop going through my food wait wait what is all of this stuff

Okay Bob no get out Bob get out now no no I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry a and why does it matter if I touch your stuff I’m really clean I showered like a month ago man a month ago yeah no I can smell you from

Here okay you need to get out of my house right now okay fine fine fine fine fine I actually won’t touch anything can I just stay here for like 5 more minutes if you promise not to touch anything in my house I promise I pinky pinky pinky

Pinky Promise oh did you just okay um so so what do you need what are you here for uh I kind of just want to stay out of the Sun for a little bit so uh could I just take a nap right here oh fine I

Need to go out and get some materials so if you stay here and promise not to touch anything and I mean anything Bob then you could stay a little bit longer okay okay I promise oh gosh and if my friend Cory stops by tell them I’m really mad at

Him okay bye okay no way der fell for this I mean my disguise is pretty perfect you can’t even recognize me from a mile away but now that he’s gone let’s start the prank so first things first let’s Dig Down underneath his house just like this and pretty much we got to make

This space super duper big cuz we are planning to live right underneath this house with without him knowing and what we’re going to do is we’ll select this block right over here and then we’ll go back and let’s also dig over to this corner and we’ll select the block right

Here and boom and now we’ll cut this and boom we have a room just for us so now that we have this let’s start decorating this room first things first I want to turn all of this into something a little bit better so how about we turn it into

A nice beautiful quartz block so there we go we got all the walls and now let’s get the floor as well and now that that’s done let’s start decorating this place so first things first we are going to need some chairs and a table so right

Over here I guess we’ll place the chair and then right in between we’ll place the table down oh my goodness this is awesome now when I have friends over we can just sit here and eat together and then TP will have no idea that we’re literally eating right underneath this

House and now let’s grab the essentials as well I’m going to grab a bunch of ore and beds just like this and you know what I’m just going to place an entire row down oh my goodness this is absolutely perfect we’ll even Place more

So we can have a sleep fight I mean a sleepover why did I say sleep fight but now we got to have the super duper Ultra essential which you know of course is the toilet so we’ll place the toilet now let’s grab some water buckets and we’ll

Fill this baby up with water yes this is perfect and you know what wait I got to make sure that all of these toilets work so let me just take a poop here okay that’s good right over okay that’s okay that one’s good too but now that we know

All of these toilets work this is awesome and oh gosh wait dirt might be coming back anytime soon I got to hurry up let’s start heading straight up just like this and out and oh yes look there’s his house and now that we’ve got that we’re going to grab some ladders

And at the very very top let’s actually place a ghost block just like this so we can pop right out of the ground but you know what I feel like I’m going to forget where his house is so let’s actually grab a button and let’s place

It right next to the ghost block so now I know exactly where the exit is that’s perfect and now let’s go back inside of his house and let’s cover this baby up with a ghost block just like this and you know what let’s actually grab some

Trap doors and place them on top like this so then derp doesn’t accidentally walk over them and you know what uh we’ll just tell derp that this this is some new decoration that I’ve been doing for him yeah I’m sure he’ll be fine with

It I mean how bad could it really be and oh gosh wait I think I hear him coming towards us right now another successful mining trip Bob Bob yeah what’s up DP um what are these on my brand new floor um well I’m going to be honest I I kind of spilled

Something so I’m using these trap doors up to you know soak in all all all the juices that doesn’t even make sense Bob okay explain it again what are these it’s new decoration I’m I’m making a surprise for you because you’re being so nice to letting me stay in your house

For the night oh for the night you said 10 minutes uh I mean yeah but like don’t you feel bad for me I mean a little but okay fine thanks mob for the decoration y yeah yeah yeah no problem okay well thanks again I guess um I’m really tired

From all this mining uh so I’m going to go upstairs and take a nap don’t break anything and I don’t need any more presents or whatever you’re surprising me with bye okay bye okay time to start the prank let’s fall back down real quick oh he has no idea that this room

Is here and he’s taking a nap right now so obviously we got to find the best way to annoy him so let me actually grab some Redstone and we’ll also grab some Redstone repeaters and we’re also going to need a bell and some Oak planks so first things first let’s place these two

Down and we are going to place redstone torches on either side of both blocks and then we’ll draw the line out more of red Stone just like that so first we’re going to have to grab some Redstone along with some redstone torch and repeaters and we’re also going to need a

Bell that’s right we are going to create the most annoying Contraption in the world a never stopping villager Bell so we’re going to place down the Redstone repeaters in a square just like that and we’re going to connect all of them with redstone and then we’re going to light

Them up with a redstone torch and now all we have to do is break one real quick and then just place it back down and it’s going to create a redstone clock and then we’ll just Place Another Redstone line down and it’ll connect like this and all we have to do is place

A bell down and it should should start ringing and this is already so annoying oh my goodness my ears hurt so bad I can literally hear it from all the way over here and I wonder if derp can hear it what is that noise ow my ears ow ow

Ow ow I have to go investigate this what the heck oh gosh wait I think I hear derp waking up let’s get out and go back to the front of the house we can’t have’t find the secret room just yet okay okay we’re in let’s cover this chapor up

Bob what is that noise what is that no are so loud what you you were the only one down here and it’s really really loud I was trying to sleep and you woke me up but it’s not my fault derp do you see a Bell near me oh no I don’t but I

Needed to turn off turn off turn off turn off please please please please oh oh my goodness D just go back upstairs and try to sleep here here I’ll try to fix it for you my ears but oh my ears my ears my ears oh my goodness D you don’t

Have to break the windows a it’s so bad just go back upstairs I’ll fix it okay please do it quick because I can’t take this anymore oh my goodness wa that was so funny okay let’s turn this Bell off that is so loud but no way turn literally

Broke his windows because of how loud and annoying that was oh my goodness we got to prank him even more H what can we do so let’s go ahead and grab a villager spawn egg and we are just going to place a bunch of these guys down and we are

Going to have an actual party here cuz they are going to live down here from now on hi guys hi this is your new home um have fun and oh gosh derp is definitely going to hear this one too let’s go back up before he catches

Us oh my goodness what is that are those villagers not again Bob what is that noise uh what noise what what do you mean what noise all I hear is get it out of my ears please please please oh my gosh d I don’t know what that is maybe there’s

A village nearby why does it sound like it’s beneath us maybe it’s outside hey get away wait huh there’s nothing even out here uh derb I think you need to go to the hospital or something Bob you’re not going to make me seem like I’m crazy

I’ve been living here for 10 years all by myself and some random homeless Su comes up and now I’m hearing things tell me the truth right now I didn’t do anything to what what was that what was what I I saw that that was a spawner

What was that uh nothing uh nothing uh you know what der it’s been great knowing you I think I’m going get going now uh actually you’re not going anywhere until we figure this out because I’m not staying here with all this noise in my ears D I don’t know what it is uh

Bye-bye bye no no no Bob you’re staying here or else I will I I don’t know I’ll call your mom or something and it sounds like it’s underneath us no it’s not well we’re going to have to find out let’s wa wait wait don’t open this don’t open

This what is this Bob what is this this what did you do um villager smoke screen villager smoke screen I’m he hey no where you going come back here uh sorry sorry derp sorry this for own God ex I can’t get through these villagers excuse me okay wow derp is still fighting

Through his villagers let’s take off our disguise okay boom we’re back to Cory okay okay let’s go back though let’s go back get out of the way I can’t see anything huh stairs wait where am I at what is it wait Cory what the heck is happening here D why are these villagers

Jiggling on top of each other I have no clue but Cory I need help there was some random crazy homeless guy that I let sleep in my house for some reason but then I was upstairs taking a nap and I heard this weird like ring bell sound

That was really hurting my ears and I went back to sleep again and now there’s a bunch of freaking villagers in my house help me uh derp I think you need to go to a hospital I have no idea what you’re saying what do you mean that’s

What he said there’s nothing wrong with me here come here Cory now come come come hurry no no I’m going to leave derp have fun no Cory come back oh my goodness that prank was so successful and I know he must be so close to rage Queen in the server right

Now there’s no way he isn’t the next prank should take care of him for this next prank we are going to be taking it back to the classics the herrien prank I’m going to give derp a summoning ritual on how to summon Herobrine and knowing derp obviously he’s going to try

To do it and he’s going to think it won’t actually work but when it does we are going to scare him so bad he’s going to poop his pants so first things first let’s go ahead and grab a book and quill just like this and let’s start writing the instructions to summon Herobrine

Make a Netherrack cross set fire sacrifice beat there we go that should be good and now let’s put on our cloak of invisibility we’ll fly over to his house and oh he’s literally right there he’s still using the shotgun I gave him earlier but let’s just drop down this

Book in front of his house and let’s wait for him to come Cory’s such a bully sometimes I’m going to get revenge on him and I’m going to avenge my horse what huh there a book right here what is this to summon Herobrine make a Netherrack cross set fire sacrifice meat

Oh I would love to summon Herobrine that would be so cool but why was this book out here and who left it here could have been another one of Cory’s pranks but I am really curious to see how it works and there’s no way it was Cory right I

Saw him run all the way that way whatever I have nothing those anyways oh wait derp is actually going to summon hero right now oh my goodness this is perfect okay so let’s see what I need I need Netherrack I need me I need a set

Of fire all right let’s go to my chest and see what we have okay derp is going up to his chest to gather all of his materials right now let’s see if he actually has them all right my main chest and yep I knew it Netherrack I

Have some rotten flesh and Flame steel perfect okay let’s go outside and let’s uh create some distance so we can uh safely try to get Herobrine here okay they should be far enough to actually summon Herobrine well that’s if it actually works works and it probably won’t because I don’t know how this

Random book ended up on the front of my doorstep all right well let’s try it okay first things first let’s turn this Netherrack into a cross so we’re just going to go down like that okay go out like this and two more right there and

Done we now have a cross that’s made out of Netherrack okay DP is actually building it this is crazy and you know what let’s give him a little bit of a scare right now let’s turn it into midnight as he’s doing this and let’s go and let’s see let’s see his reaction oh

Okay now what the heck it turned into midnight okay that was really creepy I thought this actually wouldn’t work but it’s probably you know it’s just uh I don’t know global warming all right global warming did it just say did turning into night was global warming oh

My goodness oh gosh he doesn’t even know what global warming is okay so the next thing I have to do is uh set this cross on fire this is weird Okay so the next thing I have to do is set this cross on fire so okay here we go just like that

And ow it’s done now the crot is on fire and nothing is happening oh derp thinks nothing is happening okay fine we’ll give him a little bit of a surprise let’s actually dig directly underneath them just like this and let’s just start digging towards where the cross should

Be located okay we are now right below the center of the Cross and then down here let’s actually go ahead and grab some iron blocks just like this and we also going to grab a beacon and put it down just like that and oh there we go

It should make a beacon pop out what the heck there a beacon coming out of the middle of this cross okay this is actually getting real and it’s getting super scary I do now it’s going is that coming from the Moon what the heck oh my goodness I didn’t even notice it is

Literally directed straight at the center of the Moon that is awesome okay nope I’m leaving this is way too scary oh but I’ve already came this far and I do want to see if this is even real and from the looks of it it’s getting really real okay let’s finish this and let’s

See if we can summon Herobrine okay now the last step we have to do according to the book is sacrifice meat okay so I have the rotten flesh and let’s sacrifice it okay you ready three 2 1 okay get out of here meat oh it’s all gone is there anything

Going to happen is the moon going to fall on me all right derp sacrifice to meat all right let’s start the summoning we are going to grab a lightning Dynamite right here and we’re just going to throw it just like that wo wo wo wo what the heck I think it actually worked

But I don’t see Herobrine and now we’re going to grab some withering dynamite and we just going to turn this entire area into wither oh no oh no no no what the heck is this what is going on no help me get away this is definitely Herobrine oh my

Goodness it’s actually working oh W they all just disappear oh my goodness yes this is perfect he’s so scared right now and now for the Final Touch let’s put on the Herobrine head so it looks like I’m just floating here and we are going to stand right behind derp until he turns

Around okay that was way too scary I need to get out of here ASAP wait wait a minute what do I hear behind me what the oh my goodness did DP just have a heart attack and die because he was so scared oh my goodness wait wait did we

Do it did we get him to rage quit oh my goodness I think we did it hold up let’s go back to the house real quick okay I’m done that’s enough I don’t know if I can do this anymore I might have to quit this server is getting way too much for

Oh my goodness it’s hero Bri he followed me to my house stairs go upstairs go upstairs no no nobody get away from me get away get away is derp really try to fight me herob bride okay you know what fine fine fine let’s give him one last surprise to

Actually get him off of here I’m going to grab a thing called the death ray and some flint and steel and a derp will have fun wait what is he doing why is he flying away what was it what’s that noise what is he placing okay let’s just

Light this on fire and uh yeah have fun derp you’re R what did you do no oh gosh here it comes it should be coming oh R out my ears my ears my ears oh my goodness oh my Gosh oh my goodness that was the craziest thing ever wait wait D what is derp saying not again my my house my Lane it’s all gone I quit I quit oh my goodness no way we actually got turned to quit we actually did it we pranked him until he quit this is

Perfect we succeeded so if you guys want to watch another video click any of them on the screen right now and also make sure to subscribe wait wait Cory did you say you pranked me uh no okay bye guys bye Cory

This video, titled ‘101 PRANKS To Make Your Friends RAGE QUIT in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Kory on 2023-09-14 00:24:45. It has garnered 22310 views and 240 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:46 or 2386 seconds.

100 HACKS To Prank Your Friends in Minecraft!

#minecraft #kory #minecraftmod

100 HACKS To Prank Your Friends in Minecraft!

Inspired by Cash, Nico, Omz, Kory, Aphmau!

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    Outsmarting Average Dons in Minecraft Speedrun Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. Players can explore vast landscapes, build intricate structures, and battle formidable foes in a blocky, pixelated world. Exploration and Building In Minecraft, players are free to explore a procedurally generated world filled with diverse biomes, from lush forests to snowy mountains. They can gather resources like wood, stone, and ores to craft tools, weapons, and building materials. The game’s block-based construction system allows for endless creativity, enabling players to build anything from simple houses to elaborate castles…. Read More

  • Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft: Final Part

    Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft: Final Part Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft: The Epic Conclusion Join @Frasko_2011 and Danger_r8 in the thrilling final installment of their Minecraft series as they battle hordes of zombies in a fight for survival. This action-packed video is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end! Massacring Zombies with Style In this epic conclusion, our fearless players take on wave after wave of zombies with skill and precision. Armed with powerful weapons and strategic tactics, they show no mercy as they fight for their lives. Watch as they navigate through the treacherous landscape, taking… Read More

  • Dinosaur Master in Twilight Jungle! 100 Days Let’s Play

    Dinosaur Master in Twilight Jungle! 100 Days Let's PlayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dinosaur Master! 🌴 Minecraft Twilight Jungle 100 Days Let’s Play 3’, was uploaded by Luvstar on 2024-07-26 17:00:02. It has garnered 7918 views and 457 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:39 or 4119 seconds. 💗Become a Channel Member for exclusive posts, early access videos, BTS, exclusive videos, discounts on stickers, and more: https://www.youtube.com/@luvstarkei/join Welcome to the Twilight Jungle! A magical and prehistoric world full of dinosaurs, beasts, and bosses. Join me on my 100 days adventure living as a cat in the jungle! 🦖 A dimensional rift within the prehistoric jungle awakens an… Read More

  • Enchanting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Hardcore Ep. 10

    Enchanting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Hardcore Ep. 10Video Information This video, titled ‘My First Enchantment! | Minecraft 1.21 Hardcore | Episode 10’, was uploaded by buzzycombs on 2024-07-31 16:00:20. It has garnered 792 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:09 or 1809 seconds. Welcome to another episode in Minecraft Hardcore! Today, I make a change of plans and do everything I can to get Feather Falling boots! Be sure to leave a like and comment if you enjoyed! What should I name my cat?! ❤️ Subscribe if you enjoy my content! https://youtube.com/@buzzycombs *Credits:* Intro/Outro Music (Sweet Talk & Creamy) by Limujii Link: https://freetouse.com/music/ Read More


    🔥MAKING AN APP FOR FURFURI NAGAR SMP!!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘I MADE A APPLICATION 🥰 FOR “FURFURI NAGAR SMP” || ( Don’t Miss) @VikoGlide @DeptCrown’, was uploaded by DragonBite on 2024-06-19 21:36:06. It has garnered 75 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:43 or 163 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft2024 #minecraftbuilds #minecraftcreative #minecraftgameplay #minecraftmods #minecraftspeedrun #minecraftsurvival #minecrafttutorial #minecraftupdate Welcome to our channel dedicated to all things Minecraft! Join us as we explore the vast and pixelated world, build incredible structures, survive thrilling adventures, and connect with the amazing Minecraft community. Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and stay ahead of the game. Don’t… Read More

Kory – 101 PRANKS To Make Your Friends RAGE QUIT in Minecraft!