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Today we’re gonna be playing build to survive in Minecraft what was built to survive pretty much every few minutes a bunch of silvered over by scary mobs are gonna come and try to eat our butts so we gotta build super secure houses to make sure they don’t kill us I can’t do

It Cory I’m scared well it’s kind of too late Darby because the monsters are already on their way so get on your side over there I’m gonna get on my side and we’ll see who comes outstanding we’re Cory behind you behind me I’m just kidding

Are you Siri oh my you’re not funny bro okay Lester sorry the monsters are coming the monsters are coming wait are you building it at a pink concrete I secretly love the color pink I’m sorry Corey oh my goodness bro this is the color of Barbie are you secretly in love with Barbie

Um no I only saw it like three or four times sorry oh gosh okay well I’m gonna build mine out of something way way stronger than concrete and that’s iron baby and it’s gonna be so strong that even the biggest monsters can’t fart on it while the monsters fart anyways uh I

Don’t know because they’re monsters and monsters like farting oh okay and you know what I think I’m gonna build a super secure lab boring I’m gonna have like the craziest base ever I’m gonna have like chandeliers and diamonds everywhere uh okay chandeliers uh yeah that’s gonna help it when a giant zombie

Decided to come and destroy all of them mine’s gonna have turrets centuries landmines super cool stuff just completely ready to destroy everyone oh for your feet how am I cheating because I don’t know how to do that that’s not cheating you’re just you know not that

Smart take it back right now okay I take it back yo you’re not allowed to come on my side what’s wrong with you are we making that a deal uh yeah it’s a deal obviously you can’t become on my side I never gave you permission oh okay that Deal’s a deal

I’ll leave you alone for now yeah that’s what I thought bro no stepping on my territory unless you want to get stabbed by my giant awesome sword okay um yeah you’re super scary Corey I’m terrified uh are you making fun of me right now uh no no I’m not everything’s

Fine no no no it sounds like you’re mocking me are you mocking me of course not Corey no no no no okay because that doesn’t sound sincere here say it again with the with the very straight face hey Corey you are so awesome and cool and

I’m really scared of you um no one scared of you and you smell like poop do not bro you know I shower like once every like three months at least once every three months yeah yeah what do you mean ew that that’s normal oh Corey that is not normal I

Don’t know how you were raised with that it is super nasty no it is not it is not super nasty my my mom always said I smelled good but my mom also didn’t have a nose cause one I went up to her and I said got your nose into the little thing and

I actually got a nose so uh okay you all seem to have a lot of family trauma so uh let’s stop talking about that anyways what are you building right now what is that what do you mean this is the entrance to buy Super secure awesome security lap

What did I say what did I say about coming on my side it wasn’t me what did I say about coming on my side it wasn’t me [Applause] but your entire base is built out of pink blocks you Noob I do know I both

Because I saw you build it ah you got me it was me I want to do it again you’re so weird I don’t know what to build a nice Corey what do you mean how you built is a cue bro it’s not just a cube

It’s a square a square is a Cuban 3D a cube is round maybe we should have stayed in school this is kind of bad the cube is round with no corners that’s a circle well it’s not didn’t finish high school for a reason you’re such a strange person darp anyways darb just

Keep building your base bro because the monster’s got to be here any moment uh wait a minute Corey did you just get put in survival yeah it’s like this oh gosh there’s me some monsters coming in my face is barely built I just have a big circle

Oh that’s not a circle it’s a cube what’s that behind you what do you mean what’s behind me derp there’s literally nothing uh [Applause] I can’t help you I don’t know what to do I don’t know what to do oh my goodness zombies oh gosh oh gosh he’s Hulk smashing me

Hey hey stop smashing me do not smash me I do not want you to smash me what okay just kill the zombie bro okay oh gosh it does a lot of damage the best idea ever what is it how about the person with the most deaths by the

End of this video it has to do a little crazy dare a crazy dare okay fine and that’s gonna be you yes yes that’s two zero dude are you serious right now two zero okay whatever we just need to kill it oh my God oh my goodness it it is beating me up

Oh gosh yes wait I got him again I got him again oh my goodness you are so useless wait wait did I get it get her a good little zombie aren’t you wait is he still alive bro he’s sleeping oh is he still alive

Okay now he has to be dead wait what did he just drop whoa what is that it’s a whole camera and wait a minute can I smell yes I’m oh yeah oh yeah okay awesome now it’s two to two that’s no it’s not two to two that’s cheating okay fine fine fine

Whatever but it’s two to one and I got this awesome whole camera so I can defend myself later whoa I don’t have anything to protect myself though Corey uh yeah good luck with that okay let’s get back to building Yes what was that I’m the biggest skivity fan you know what I’m gonna invite him here to protect me no you know what you don’t even know how to dance like let me you let me show you how to actually dance yeah fine show me here we go baby

Oh yeah oh yeah moving my hips okay okay okay get it how are you dancing like that get it I’ve been practicing my dancers I told you oh my goodness oh my oh do you see me shaking my booty well we need those moves are totally lame

No one cares no way you just called my dance moves lame yeah sorry that’s super lame they are not lame they’re awesome okay you know what I think you’re just lame you’re cheating what do you mean I’m cheating how are you doing that I’m using my magic wand do I have a magic

Wand I guess if you if you like get it yourself I’m fine I’ll do it myself okay fine see if you can even do it bro I I bet you you can you’re not smart enough to use it because you have to be super duper magical like me and oh my goodness

Herb I just want to say my base is coming out amazing and it’s so awesome hey what are you building bro what what is that the biggest pink tower on Earth no mobs can get me up here sorry but you built a giant Pink Tower base that is so

Lame where’s all the weapons uh I don’t need any weapons when they can’t get to me don’t you see it we need to kill the mobs though what are you talking about Buddy how about and I’ll stay safe up here and then I’ll work star but we have to work together

To kill them with the competition I win uh but I’m already up to the one on you sorry oh my goodness that is not fair one I’ll come down let me just oh I’m not creative oh my goodness are you serious right now well you know what

I’m gonna add some super cool stuff I am adding a scanner door and this recognizes my redness scans and lets me inside cause I’m awesome but if you try walking through this it’s not gonna let you oh you’re lying I bet it’s a normal door it’s not it’s not you what how

About you come here and you test it out yourself okay okay I’m gonna try all right okay go put your Mouse in the door let’s see if it works what’s it saying what’s it saying oh sorry you cannot use a scanner what yeah but check this out

Um it’s me oh yeah I’m inside nope nope you can’t you can’t nope nope back up back up you’re not gonna let me in your house when the mobs come no and by the way you’re cheating right now you’re not allowed to be in here oh Corey watch

This hey hey hey are you serious no I’m not serious right now okay okay fine fine I see how it is I see how it is ever Corey just wait and see no no no I I have the best idea ever I have the best idea no I have the best idea ever

No no no no no I have the best idea ever and you know what I I thank you because you inspired it what do you mean uh you’ll see you all understand what I mean in in anytime soon oh okay that’s a little bit weird no no no no no what happened

Hi wait what are you talking real what are you doing yes where did these birds come from they’re my pets but where did they come from um I don’t know what do you mean you don’t know Darby where did you get these birds I didn’t get them anywhere they

Just kind of just came here we can’t have them any or they’re literally coming on my side well that’s fine they’ll protect us no they will not derp I found more pets look at this body here dude why are you at oh are those snakes yup I know you hate snakes actually how

About we go play something in your house Cory no no no no no no no no no no no no you know what um no no no no no okay okay fine fine put them in my house see what happens wait what was that noise nothing nothing happened Corey

Darp you actually can’t come over here bro oh my goodness there’s so many I’m killing all of them what was that noise in my house nothing nothing happened at your house oh my God what the heck nothing happened at your house why would you put a hole in my house because you

Spawned a bunch of snakes in there no that’s too far Cory that is way too far okay I’m sorry but okay it’s technically Fair since you put snakes in my house so uh yeah we’re fair oh fine well no more okay okay okay okay okay we

Should not be arguing like this the mom should come anytime soon oh fine you’re right we have to work together and defeat the mobs whatever yup and you know what I’m gonna be doing now I’m gonna be adding some very very awesome security defenses well me too wait what are you adding

I don’t want you to steal my ideas you know I’m not gonna steal your ideas derp I don’t even I don’t even care about your ideas like your defenses are not going to be near any of how awesome mine are right anyways we’ll see about that

Yeah we will see about that dark because if you come to my house I just added a bunch of awesome turrets are those gonna hurt me they’re not even regular turrets they’re machine gun turrets well guess what I got uh what do you have your service won’t be able to handle my

Insane armor look at this what where did you get that derp I don’t know my birds made it for me your bird should not make it for you no they didn’t Corey wait guess what what oh my gosh I don’t even know what that what it is

And what do you mean you can’t yes you can just stop saying it it’s so annoying give me this is love scabies life scared okay all of my turrets are lined up and ready to use and what are you doing up there um I’m just flying with my birds well I

Don’t know if I can I see all of them they’re all in the medieval armor section what do you mean of course I can have it I can do whatever I want and you know what I’m gonna put all this armor and wow epic you’re a copycat how am I the

Copycat yeah I’m a copycat you’re a rock hobby cat oh my goodness there are so many cool weapons hold up I’m gonna take this and I’m also gonna take this and oh yes I look awesome well I hope that couldn’t offend the mobs because my arm

Is way better uh yeah well your birds seem to die to one hit to my sword wait what [Applause] wait words I needed a test subject sorry buddy well it looks like your Birds can’t even survive at all this one is literally flying into a waldorp I don’t know what is

Oh my gosh I think I hear something oh my goodness there are so many skeletons wait what do I do Chloe what do you mean are you still up there yes okay Cory can you catch me if I jump oh gosh baby I don’t know hurry up wait

My tours are destroyed I guess yes but oh gosh they’re taking damage too okay I’m gonna try to lose my wings here I got one two come on I don’t know oh yes yes wait is that it did we get all of them what do you mean where where oh right

Here oh gosh you know what I’m gonna use my Noble sword and get them come on oh he literally just smacked me in the face I got it Corey Corey watch that one Cory look look get up [Applause] yeah I know I need to get inside my

House come on come on come on come on get it I don’t know come on come on get him get him get him I’m gonna kill this guy there’s one more I did it yeah you did not do anything I did it you literally just fell off and died my

Turret said all the work foreign oh my goodness all my turrets are all over the place okay let’s get this place cleaned up real quick there are literally how many bones there are stupid turrets super turrets super turrets like personally saved you okay oh my goodness okay fine we’ll clean

This up whatever okay everything’s cleaned up unfortunately all my turrets ended up broken but you know what at least the score is tied now oh fine actually am I winning did you die more than I did that round no it’s two to two don’t get ahead of yourself okay okay

Whatever well I’m gonna start working on the inside of my house because if I’m gonna survive here I need to make it Cozier for myself at least you know yeah me too and guess what they thought of my house is about to be way cooler than

Yours um I doubt it and oh you know what I have a great idea I’m gonna make the entrance to my house and obstacle so if anybody tries coming through they’re gonna have to get through all of my obstacles and there’s no way they can do

That I’m gonna make my play Super comfy cozy just in case you know a mob wants to change their mind they could come and get a drink you know relax what kind of mob would want to come get a drink with you yeah you’re probably the mob because

You know you’re kind of you know you’re kind of scary looking buddy what I look way better than you come on Corey whoa whoa whoa what do you mean you look way better than me that is not true I am the handsomest handsome dinosaur alive yeah but you shower once every three months

So there’s no way that you could be better than me I guess you’re right maybe that’s a little bit too much that’s wasting water right yeah how often do you shower dark well it gets depends if I’m with my animals it’s probably once a night you know but if

I’m by myself probably once a year once a year dang it you do kind of smell a little bad that’s a little bit that’s a little bit severe I’m not gonna lie yeah but I don’t smell as bad as you I smell phenomenal I smell like like uh I smell

Like pomegranates on a nice winter day what does that even mean I don’t know can you just focus on making your what even is it I can’t even say it’s like a security house because it’s really not uh it will be trust me I’m gonna have

The best house ever uh are you sure about that derp because there’s no way it’s better than mine you know that Corey trust me when I say this my house is super cool okay well right now I’m currently making a giant parkour course inside of my house this is gonna be

Phenomenal wait what a park horse out of your house that’s actually kind of cool I might do the same thing you can’t copy me like that why because I thought of it darp and that’s just super lame if you copy me that means you’re not original you’re just not original buddy where man

Didn’t you copy my armor no that’s not your my armor was cooler than yours so it doesn’t count technically okay whatever makes me feel better buddy what do you mean it was definitely cooler bro you literally look like are we just gonna forget the fact that you jumped

Off the roof and thinking you can fly like a bird and then you just died but I watch the whole time you just died oh whatever fly because I have a secret a secret what does that mean I’m gonna become a bird how are you gonna become a bird

Derp I don’t know well I have a lot of bird friends and they can fly so why can’t I fly uh your bird friends are all dead well I can make more uh yeah okay whatever buddy I I just want you to know that the skeleton shot them right away

And I just want to say hey they didn’t help us at all they just ran away it’s because yours hurts they were scared of you and because you smell like food that is not true okay animals love the smell of me dogs come and smell my butt all

The time exactly because you smell like a dog dogs smell good yeah okay whatever maybe your dog doesn’t but my dog does I don’t have a dog I have a cat cats are way better no way you just said cats are way better than dogs everyone watching

This video agrees with me cats are way better you must be out of your mind guys dogs are just infinitely better listen cats don’t even care for you they would literally just leave you on the floor stone cold dead until they wanted some food well that’s only if you die and

Only dog owners die because they’re weak what are you saying you just jumped off the roof and died like five seconds ago nope and guess what I respawned and because guys have nine lives I don’t actually die okay so how many lives you have left uh eight but you died like

Three times oh my gosh wait Glory what’s that noise what do you mean what’s that noise oh my goodness it is not cool meat there’s definitely other stuff like uh like um oh I got one I got one okay what is it I don’t have one I just want it to

Be cool ah you’re so annoying a funnier meme it’s the Grimace Shake oh yeah that’s super funny I remember I remember trying the Grimace shake and I almost died it was so bad uh that Meme is dead Corey come on it is not dead okay it’s actually it’s actually not dead at all

Yeah whatever makes me feel better buddy listen I I tell all my friends at school guys check out the crib and Shake Meme and then they all think I’m super duper cool well guess what you know what’s better than grimacey oh my goodness well guess what I just made I just made

A roller coaster that goes up to a secret Archer Tower yup that’s right can I ride it please I love roller coasters so much no you’re not allowed to write it you you can’t come here wait why because it’s my base or how many times do I have to explain this ah fine

Wait what’d you just say okay good yeah I thought you said you were gonna sneak in no why would I ever say that I mean we’re weird yeah that would be super weird and I would not like that at all whatsoever okay fine I won’t sneak into your roller coaster babe okay that’s

Good that’s good okay there we go oh my goodness this is so awesome I love my roller coaster uh darp why are you singing you sound kind of suspicious what do you mean what are you talking about uh nothing okay I’m just gonna try my roller coaster

Real quick though this is awesome okay I get over here and now over here I’ll climb up the Archer Tower oh that was really fun oh hey Corey darp what did I say about coming on my side I just have to go back down

What did I say about going on my side I don’t know how I got over here okay okay you’re fine just get out just just get off my roller coaster oh you want me to come down Corey yeah get down right now okay there’s only one way to go down okay [Applause]

Oh that’s another death for you sorry no fair what do you mean you literally came onto my roller coaster when I told you not to well so that actually counts as a death are you serious right now of course it counts as a death what are you

Talking about and you know what I’m actually gonna make a very very cool device up here because an Archer Tower is not enough yeah you’re basically’s pretty lame so my base is becoming so cool what did you even make in yours and wait what is this wait can I come inside

Yeah sure okay okay here let’s see let me let me get a tour why are your doors like this like what like like why are they placed I don’t like how they’re placed right now I love how that place isn’t it so cool let’s see what’s inside

Here there’s okay I I thought you said this is a man cave this is a man cave and trampolines so beside these rooms oh yeah I’m glad I look it’s all boiled out oh yeah oh boy what do you think of it there’s pink beds and pink banners everywhere are you

Sure you’re in the right place uh yeah there’s also a pink ceiling pink walls pink okay wait wait wait it’s this room right this is what you were talking about wait wait wait don’t go in yet don’t go in yet what because that is a real man cave I was just showing you

This whole entire time just give me one second it looked pink when you opened the door right there come on all right let’s see man cave it’s all pink in here no it’s a man cave look at the flag boys you just added that boys

Do you like the color pink I know that’s girly this is all for my sister uh their piano you don’t have a sister yup her name’s Derpy I don’t know bust down derpiano I wanna see you butt it down what this is so uncool I’m leaving no [Applause]

Yeah nice awesome let me go ahead and follow you no it’s a one block jump how do you fall okay okay okay okay okay okay and now here’s my roller coaster but you’re no no no no no you already wrote this you already wrote this get out get

Get back to your base get back I’m finishing up a special project up there you can’t see it until I’m done oh fine you’re such a meanie okay all I have to do first is grab some dispensers some Redstone and some Redstone repeaters and now I’m just gonna place the dispensers

Down in a square all facing towards the center awesome let’s just put one on top as well and then I’m gonna go and grab a sea pickle and put that down right there awesome let’s go ahead and put some water in the center now as well we’ll

Place down the Redstone in the behind just like this and wait let me actually go down and I have to place blocks below it boom I’ll place the Red Zone there cover this up with the iron block then I go ahead and place a redstone torch

Right over here and grab a button and put that on the back now all I have to do is grab a bunch of TNT and place TNT in every single dispenser and now if I press the button it should sum it up to wait did I do it right come on please

Please please yes yes my TNT cannon works that’s awesome but uh it kind of goes a little bit too far well you know what if there’s stuff in the air I can use it or if I want to troll dirt bike I can do it too actually that sounds like

A great idea let me go and expand this platform real quick and build another one point it towards uh Cory what’d you just say uh that thing I said I’m happy that I’m here with you today oh me too I love you Corey what did you think I said besides

That I mean I would never say anything like that I heard you said something about a TNT TNT what what even is it TNT um exactly what you just said you know what a TNT is no no no I have no idea what you’re talking about it it’s okay

Just focus on your um super manly build I guess yep it’s manly don’t forget it okay okay buddy whatever you say sure it’s manly but no let’s launch this real quick okay come on let’s see if it works let’s see if it works come on in oh yes

Oh my goodness it works no way no way uh Corey what’s up what’s that noise what’s what noise is that explosion what explosion what are you talking about there um the ones that I hear outside of your house oh my God just so so far nothing nothing is happening at all

Okay so you wouldn’t mind if I go check right no no no no don’t don’t look don’t come look no need for that you’re okay it’s okay don’t don’t come look dark do not come look over here oh fine I guess I’ll head over no no no don’t cut that

Darp get away get away oh okay I won’t come over oh hey Corey uh hi uh well what’s up man uh why do you have TNT in your hand not I was building a TNT cannon to get rid of them you know monsters are you sure that’s what you

Were doing yeah yeah yeah just uh walk backwards and get back into your house uh okay Corey I’ll believe you this time uh that was there when I when I got here that was there when I got here what did you do to my house nothing I did it I

Did not that was there okay okay you know what I’m put your sword away let’s just talk about this let’s just talk about it survival Oh gosh what’s out here and oh gosh it’s looking straight at me it is oh my goodness oh my goodness yeah guess what I mean I’m winning three to two no no no I have to get back up there all my armor and stuff is up there I’ll be there in a sec

Is this chest oh my God oh yeah I’m back here I’m back here okay let me let me grab all my stuff that I needed wait did you take my boat oh my goodness what are okay darp we have to get down right now

It is not safe up here what do we do follow me we have to get down oh gosh you teleported up here he teleported up here I’m coming down I have it back oh my goodness he killed me again oh my gosh [Applause] who is hitting me and he’s hitting me I

Have a shield though I have a shield but it is spawning a bunch of Ender babies on me stop I’m killing it bro oh my goodness was so strong oh Corey I’m hallucinating oh gosh where are you where are you oh my gosh I’m gonna stop my house

Kill it oh my God this is so much damage it’s inside your house it’s inside it’s inside the manly man house and yes you died again you died again all right come on come on come on okay come on come on wait wait why

Is it oh my goodness try to kill her try your best to kill it I’m trying oh my goodness it has to be low it has to be low in wait come on come on babies [Applause] yeah so he killed it and you died again which means I’m in the lead

Corey come here come here I have full night armor on how did you expect to kill me oh yeah you built your base super duper strong because the next mobs are gonna be so dangerous okay I feel like my house is pretty well done it has all the security

Defenses it needs but you know what I think what is missing is a few traps so you know what let me actually build a trap real quick I am gonna go ahead and grab some red wool and what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna make like a giant like

Chicken leg meat thingy so that all mobs are gonna want so when they come near it and try to eat it a trap is gonna trap them forever oh my goodness this is gonna work perfectly and darb what about you what are you doing buddy um nothing

Why are you laughing like that why do you always laugh like that you’re so strange oh this grizzly bear won’t shut up yeah wait what um what did you just say something about a grizzly bear no I said no you said you definitely said something about a grizzly bear why do

You have grizzly bears oh nothing nothing it’s a surprise I guess technically I am making a surprise too okay there we go that looks delicious it is a giant hunk of meat no way any monster is gonna be able to resist this and on the inside what we’re gonna do is

We are gonna go ahead and work at our place a bunch of cage traps oh maybe I could even make it into like a zoo or something so you know what let me actually go ahead and grab some orange I’m gonna write a giant K in front of it

For Corey so all the women know that I’m the one that got the mom instead of dark because I already know he’s gonna try to take credit okay let’s just make this go down and we are gonna build the awesome okay awesome terrible with me trapping a giant monster impress all the ladies

I’m pretty much making a trap to impress all the women do you think this would make impress all the women um I think the shower would impress all the women before uh a trap does that is that true a woman actually like it when guys don’t shower because they smell more muscular

Okay that is totally not true yes it is true oh my goodness you know what let me just go over here and start start I’m gonna write a giant K on here too so people know it’s mine okay let me just work on this okay I gotta make this super duper bigger

Oh is that is that derp oh my goodness it’s a giant piece of me what is he doing does he think that’s a real meat what is he doing this is so good that’s a trap for Monsters and does he not see the giant K oh my goodness who’s amazing

This oh this looks so good I want him what is he doing it wow oh my goodness no way he just fell for my trap that was made for Monsters with no IQ darp what are you doing here um I was hungry this is made out of wool oh this isn’t

Real why does it smell like [Applause] it’s literally made out of orange wool oh I thought it standing for crispy crispy I see ya okay oh my goodness okay wait I want to see what you’re making now because you said it was a secret so can I come check it out

Um okay so welcome to the Derpy doodle in the darpy doodle in what the heck is this it looks exactly the same as before this is a hotel but as you can see we have a nice waterfall and all the residents are animals only wait what animals

Is is that a crow yeah but he’s busy right now so that’s so that’s curl that’s hilarious the crow he’s been here for a few days now um this is our Komodo dragon he had a place to stay for the night why would a Komodo dragon I need to stay in a hotel

Because he was hungry and tired I mean here is a monkey a monkey you have a monkey in a hotel room well I don’t I also comes and sleeps here they came in here himself hey what are they paying paying and they don’t make money um they’re paying impacts I’ll get the

Pets you’re such a weird person okay who’s is that oh gosh oh gosh that’s a grizzly bear oh yeah I should have told you that do that oh gosh oh gosh we have to hunt the bear I have bad experiences what do you mean what do you mean I will

Have you removed from this hotel if you do that but it’s a bear oh gosh he’s staring at me he wants to attack me I mean it you owe me you blew my house okay fine fine but you’re not done Mr bear okay who’s chilling in here it’s

Another monkey one second I’m sorry sure I know that was really really mean of him so I’ll make up to you I promise Mr Mayor why is arrows not going through oh okay never mind no no I wasn’t okay I wasn’t doing anything okay okay well do

You have a room for me if I want to stay in here one of our occupants are leaving here soon oh perfect give me the room out come on out Mr bear okay Mr bear your time’s up go out what what happened to that okay I guess I’ll help

Okay how is he so strong what do you do I don’t know why you were literally hitting him you saw the arrowhead I thought you were killing him no he has fleas I was trying to help him oh my God that’s okay fine do I get this room okay

Awesome no no no no Corey what only animals can sleep here I’m a dinosaur um no you’re a human in a dinosaur outfit oh my goodness fine so you’re just saying I can’t sleep here whoa there’s one way you can sleep here how these animals were originally animals

What are you talking about uh I can tell you about that I can tell you come on down what what is what is this this is a Transformer machine transport what is a Transformer machine well you’re going there you wait 30 seconds and when you come out you’ll be an animal yeah you’re

Funny bro you’re funny I’m not falling for your pranks this time uh okay I’ll show you okay okay I guess I’ll wait okay hey Corey can you hear me yeah I can hear you derb you didn’t even change what are you talking about my ritual real quick [Applause]

What it what is happening in there what what I don’t feel too good I don’t feel so good oh my goodness wait get this bear out of here first what what even is this what are you is that you derp yeah it’s me I told you

What yo yo yo get away from me get away from me get it get away from me get away no no no why are you scuttally like that oh what the yo what the yo what do you mean I’m obviously safe you know me what are you

What uh oh oh gosh oh my you you are so weird okay okay fine I guess it really works here so do I just turn into any animal yeah well you don’t really get to choose all right please start beating something cool please try me this is something cool please turn

Am I something cool wait why am I so short oh what are you laughing at buy a blobfish yes I’m so you know what I look better than you at least okay you look like a piece of uh rotten me ew do you know what I don’t

Care I’m rewiring this I’m changing back that’s not possible let’s do it wait that’s not possible to do it you’re gonna mess it up no I’m not here we go and wait why is my screen black what is oh yeah come back what am I supposed to be oh my goodness

What is that get me out of here get me out of here right now what noise does that thing making I can’t even fit through here stay away from me please oh my goodness okay okay I’m getting I can’t fit okay you know I hear it uh I kind of have to

I kind of have to do something I’m sorry I literally can’t fit through the door wait what are you doing what are you doing wait what are you doing sorry buddy I have to get out I have to get out right now oh my goodness how do I change back how

Do I change back you can’t I told you that okay you know what it’s okay I’ll just have to be wait one hour I just have to be oh gosh derp Corey did you just go with survival who’s happening oh get away from me you’re so gross well that’s you what I

Mean are you I don’t actually know but uh where is this mob that we’re supposed to fight I have no clue I’m scared wait Dave you’re back to being human what the heck Cory that’s not what we should be worried about right now look what I do behind me what are you what

Avoid warm what is a void worm oh my gosh oh my gosh stop talking wait did it just split his head apart oh my goodness oh my goodness stop this is not good there’s two of them now through his face shoot his face I’m trying to

Shoot his face oh my goodness okay we gotta wait for it to come down and hit it with our swords it seems to be doing the most damage okay okay okay I’m waiting okay there’s four of them now oh gosh wait they’re making four important oh my goodness let me try

Oh my God whoa oh my goodness sir we have to focus on Kelly the rest of these guys I think they’re almost dead though they’re almost dead they’re almost dead they’re so powerful come on wait wait I think I killed it one more there’s one

More no no no yes I killed one I killed one there’s one more okay okay a warms void eye what the what do you do with that I don’t know but I didn’t I did it no we did it yeah no I I did it I

Did it why can’t we just be friends because I won the overall challenge which means you have to do a dare now oh fine what do I have to do you have to sing a song about how you smell like farts oh fine my name is that and I smell like farts

That’s why Corey doesn’t have a mom and no one loves him he smells like poop I am the bigger big dude thank you guys for coming out it’s been a nice night goodbye oh no wait what do I do and if you want to watch another video click any of them

On the screen right now and also make sure to subscribe we will see you guys later goodbye bye

This video, titled ‘Build To SURVIVE In MINECRAFT!’, was uploaded by Kory on 2023-09-23 14:00:13. It has garnered 106346 views and 1004 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:17 or 2417 seconds.


#minecraft #kory #minecraftmod


Inspired by Cash, Nico, Omz, Maizen!

  • Boy Love: Desire for Love Part 7

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  • Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour!

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  • Unbelievable Build!

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  • Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Dance: Solo Glitch Hits All Platforms!

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  • Ultimate Enchantments Hack – Beginner’s Neural AI Setup

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  • Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server & Play Mini-Games 24×7

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  • “Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Girls vs Boys” #glavstroy #minecraft

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  • Vycital SMP

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  • One Month Survival SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist

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  • NAVY SEALS | Naval Amphibious Base Coronado

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  • Minecraft Memes – 4 years and still stuck in ancient Minecraft?

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  • Crafty Lies in Bed: Minecraft Shorts

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  • Siro vs Ghost Wing: Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11

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  • Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack!

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  • Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 – Fay Kuroda

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  • Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7

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  • Minecraft’s EPIC CowAxe Event!

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  • PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGL

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    SUPERFAST BASE BUILDING on Donut SMP! 🍩🔨 #CPVP #DrDonutVideo Information I’m kelp and this is how you make a million plus a day base on the donut s SMP first you need to dig down dig up to the max height you want your base to be and clear a two high area based off the size of your base next you’re going to want to dig B holes four apart in a grid pattern fill them all up with TNT and explode with this huge area you can build any number of farms the best being sugarcane or pumpkin This video, titled ‘BUILD BASE FAST on the… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness – Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Build Stream – You won’t believe what happens!

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  • Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & More

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  • “EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral” | MR_CHAMAN

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  • WeeklySMP

    WeeklySMPA beginning Survival SMP server. Join our Discord server for more information as well We are searching for good moderators and players to have fun with. play.weeklysmp.nl Read More

  • MasterRealm Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.1 Land Claim Discord Slimefun Custom Items Crossplay

    MasterRealm | Semi-Vanilla | SMP | 1.20.1 | Land Claim | Discord | Slimefun | Custom Items | Crossplay Welcome to Master Realm! Master Realm is a Survival 1.20.1 Minecraft server with a balance between vanilla and modded gameplay. Experience new features like Coin Economy, Slimefun, Custom Items, Land Claims, Seasons, Custom World, Custom Roles, and Crossplay. Key Features: Coin Economy Slimefun Custom Items / Enchants Land Claims / No Grief Seasons Custom World Custom Roles / Ranks Crossplay Community and Discord: Join our welcoming community and Discord server to connect with players, share moments, and stay updated on events… Read More

  • Elesta

    ElestaThis server has been a project child of mine for some time now, ready to start introducing some people to the world of Elesta. Looking to build a community of people that enjoy playing minecraft and enjoy smiliar things as me to foster a bigger community. It is whitelisted momentarily as we look toward entering the next update and waiting for plugins to get updated. Feel free to add my discord to communicate with me in a more timely fashion: Rascal1001 OR you can message me here.Feel free to send me your MC username:Your total time playing MC:and a fun… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Git gud, noob – can’t craft a pickaxe!”

    Maybe because you keep trying to use feathers and dirt instead of actual materials? Read More

  • Minecraft Hangman: Lava Edition

    Minecraft Hangman: Lava Edition “Why did the creeper break up with the enderman? Because he couldn’t handle the long distance relationship!” Read More

  • DO NOT DRINK TABLE WATER in Minecraft!

    DO NOT DRINK TABLE WATER in Minecraft! Minecraft: The Quirky World of 方块轩 方块轩, a creator in the Minecraft realm, brings a unique blend of humor and creativity to the gaming community. With a focus on child-friendly content, 方块轩’s channel offers a daily dose of original videos that are sure to bring a smile to your face. Let’s dive into the whimsical world of 方块轩 and explore some of the hilarious moments and quirky elements that make his content so engaging. Unconventional Humor and Memorable Moments In the world of 方块轩, nothing is quite as it seems. From the cautionary tale of not drinking the water… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Build: Blaze Trap & Ruins Excavation!

    EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Build: Blaze Trap & Ruins Excavation! Minecraft 1.21 Preparation: Excavating Journey Ruins and Crafting a Blaze Trap Lantern Exciting Adventures in Minecraft Survival Meikyan embarks on another thrilling Minecraft survival journey in the Java edition, normal mode. With a focus on creating a stylish world, she delves into the world of exploration and survival with a touch of elegance. Catering to both newcomers and younger audiences, Meikyan aims to provide an enjoyable experience for all. Exploring Journey Ruins Venturing into the ruins of a journey, Meikyan uncovers hidden treasures and mysteries. As she digs deeper into the ruins, she encounters fascinating artifacts and structures, adding… Read More