Kory – OUR GIFTS WERE STOLEN! LETS GET THEM BACK!!! – Minecraft Adventure

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Ohms we have a big problem huh what’s the problem somebody stole all of our presents oh wait they’re supposed to be underneath the tree but they’re not here yeah we have to wait ohms it looks like there’s some gear for us oh okay let’s open up these

Chests what’s inside oh some swords and some cookies I love cookies and ohms I think the first step to finding out whoever stole our present is we have to find a lever and place it on the diamond block oh okay but where’s the lever uh I

Don’t know let’s look around and oh wait it looks like we have to do some Parkour oh this is super easy because I’m a pro and you’re a noob you’re behind me Corey you’re super duper slow what are you talking about ohms I’m the pro and

You’re the noob oh why would you do that because I’m the pro and you’re the new Noob oh you’re so annoying okay let me go get the chest and look right here we got the lever oh all right nice but now what do we do uh let’s go down and place

It on the diamond block obviously oh alrighty let’s do it this is why I’m the pro and you’re the noob really Corey super duper unfunny you’re so rude you know what’s rude ohms your big head why does it have to be so big really Corey are you actually being seriously serious

Right now of course I’m being seriously seriously serious right now whatever core I just put the lever down and let’s go okay three two one boom and yes we got out of here okay let’s go up here now whoa Corey it’s a Snowy Mountain it’s so cold my toes are freezing wait

Ohms don’t fall in the lava there or else you’re not gonna be freezing anymore no no no stop stop do not do that okay okay okay let’s keep going oh my gosh it is so cold in here oh there’s so much parkour and way Corey wait who

Is this ohms uh it’s my head no it’s a oh stop that’s someone else’s head and ew I don’t want this yeah why are you holding someone else’s head and look Corey the exit’s over here let’s go okay perfect and ohms if we don’t want to

Become like them then we have to figure out who stole our presents and take them down quickly okay but be careful Corey don’t fall on any of these holes okay I won’t uh oh Where Do We Go From Here I don’t know I think we have to go this

Way oh yeah it’s over here Corey oh wow I almost don’t hit me all right follow me and last jump and boom perfect I’m going so fast you’re going so slow always be quiet I’m literally better than you had everything we do oh then how am I ahead of you right now uh

You’re not ohms I’m ahead of you no you’re not because I’m on the chimney and I made it out to the ice let’s go oh I think we gotta follow this ice all right and let’s keep going and whoa we’re above the house that we were just

In and look Corey there’s some parkour and yes we made it but what’s over here uh I don’t know what is this oh it’s even more gear oh yeah and let’s jump down to the clouds Corey follow the pro whoa this is so cool I’ve never walked

On clouds before yes Corey I do it all the time because I’m the pro and you’re the noob what what are you talking about and look Corey there’s a dispenser with speed oh yeah let’s go okay whoa I’m so fast in ohms I gotta beat you you’re not

Gonna beat me cause you’re slow homes I’m obviously gonna beat you I’m a dinosaur and dinosaurs are super fast well Corey I’m a dog and dogs are way quicker than dinos what no they’re not ohms dinosaurs are a lot better than dogs and everything maybe they just have

A bigger head and they’re more loud but they’re not as cool as dogs and cute oh so what are you talking about dinosaurs are way better then how am I already here I made it Corey and I’m gonna past you dogs are better homes I’m literally

Ahead of you no you’re not Cory wait yes you are what wait get jump in the whole oh I made it okay perfect wait oh there’s a chest in here oh and there’s pants I’m not gonna wear it though I’m gonna wear the pants because I’m actually cool and way Corey there’s a

Bunch of parkour and there’s pressure plates let’s see what happens and oh what the heck it shoots shoots balls oh my yo Corey this is so cool just jump on all of the moments come on come on come on let’s go I’m right behind you actually I’m about to pass you right now

If that’s okay with you no you’re not ohms come on and yes I made it and yeah and whoa Corey what is all this I don’t know there’s just a bunch of pressure plates here okay and let’s keep going whoa there’s even more Fireballs being shot at oh whoa this is super tricky

Don’t fall ohms come on come on come on jump on all of these all of these all of these and yes I made it always what is happening down there there’s a giant slime Corey this is so bad help me out okay okay I’m gonna

Bring some ice so you can climb up here and you know what I’ll help kill the Slime for you come on ohms get up here now come and kill the Slime yes I got him baby baby wants glory ah I need to swim

Up I need to swim up I need to swim up and come on and yes I made it and I’m ahead of you now oh what the heck I just saved her life and you’re gonna do this and I got a diamond sword what I’m gonna

Take the iron sword all right let’s go oh yeah I’m going so quick because of the ice Corey look at me oh whoa okay I just fell in the water I thought I almost died there for a second and wait Corey there’s a bunch of slimes we have

To beat them to move on die slimes die oh my gosh there’s so many babies just like you really Corey I’m not a baby just keep going you are a baby ohms how am I a baby I’m way bigger than you are because you just whine and cry all day

Like wow wow really Corey I never won or complained wait oh there’s a golden chest plate in this I’m gonna take it whoa oh you’re so lucky but where do we go from here uh I don’t know just go in the snow oh okay I made it and pull the

Lever to see where you go okay what happens here and nothing happened oh it’s lighting up Corey it’s leading us this way oh is it okay I didn’t see that all right let’s go and uh wait oh my God oh my God wait what really how’d you

Open it you just walk on the tripwire and good job so let’s keep going this way jump on all the snow don’t fall in the water ohms I’m pretty sure it’s freezing oh yeah and Corey do you notice how I’m destroying you right now ohms I’m not even trying oh you’re so

Annoying how am I annoying I’m just beating you by so much wait how are you doing these ladder power chords this is so hard oh my gosh you’re all the way back there I’m already on the next Park Corey oh whatever ohms all right let’s keep going and boom Corey how does it

Feel like to be behind me you are so annoying ohms I’m not annoying I’m just way quicker than you and look wait we have to grab a mine car and place it’s another side easy okay uh let me grab a minecart and go in your Minecart homes

Hurry up you can go first you go first okay I’m trying it’s not working you know what I’m just gonna break the snow wait what oh I guess we could do that and let’s go Corey hit the button okay there we go and go go go oh go go go

Yeses yes oh my gosh this is awesome it’s like a giant roller coaster Cory oh yeah oh this is going so fast this is so fun um Corey we have a problem oh did you break the roller coaster no one of the pieces of ice melted but um Corey

This is really really bad uh whatever Ohm’s here we can just push this and it’s gonna start up again come on wait go go yes you got it okay let’s go what the heck homes I think it’s gonna be good from now on because there’s no

More ice come over here Corey okay I’m trying come on why is it so hard to move to this water oh okay go over here all right and yep Corey it’s good again let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go now it’s back in are you serious oh sorry

But we don’t need the Minecarts anymore but where do we go from here I don’t know whoa we gotta go across this bridge and almost be careful this is looking really scary maybe for you but for me this is super easy no it’s not ohms I’m

Literally ahead of you okay go over here go over here jump on all of this stuff and whoa there’s a mob spawner there oh but we’re just gonna ignore that and run past it oh yeah let’s keep going and where do we go from here obviously

Through this gate oh I’m sorry you’re so bad at this no wonder you have such a big head and oh no oh no I fell oh Corey there’s creepers behind you run no no no oh Corey everything’s being destroyed build up quick no no no no we’re gonna blow

Ing oh my gosh I fell all the way down but don’t worry I’m coming back up okay we’re back that was so scary let’s keep going all right and we go down here and oh my gosh what is this uh I don’t know what is it it’s a bunch of paintings and

Some more parkour what does this all do I don’t know I think we have to jump on them just like that oh yeah I made it okay perfect and now I think we go this way yeah look at this road of ice oh it’s so slippery careful gory I don’t

Want you to fall and die oh whoa okay now we gotta jump down here boom boom boom boom and boom yes I made it I’m ahead of you because you’re super slow and whoa there’s a spider ah I’m not a die Corey this is bad okay let’s keep

Going whoa oh this is so cool yeah and it’s super easy for me maybe it’s a lot hard for you right Corey what are you talking about ohms I’m the pro how many times I have to tell you and stop pushing me I did not push you Corey and

Yes I made the ladder jump let’s go yes I did no I failed the last one you’re so bad at this I made it and how oh what the heck you’re cheating I’m not cheating ohms I’m just using my brain no Corey you are not supposed to build now

I’m so far behind oh can you hurry up here take some blocks no that’s actually uh I’ll cheat you okay I’m coming up I knew you would cheat all right hurry up let’s go I’m way ahead of you Corey don’t worry no you are not ohms oh wait

What how’d you fall you’re so bad at this oh wait what you fell too because these blocks push you off oh then how do we get past this by being a pro we have to go all the way at the edge and then oh I finally got it oh wait ohms I think

I found a loophole here but no it’s just spawning some water all right how do we get up there I don’t know uh okay you know what homes I think I have a good idea let’s just break all of this here uh okay and then we can just jump like

That Cory look I made it yeah it’s perfect now keep going all right and look there’s more ladder drums these are really really hard maybe for you but not for me there we go I’m so good at this well I already finished the entire part

Huh well I’m going down too and let’s go and ohms I think you weren’t supposed to fall yeah well guess what what I already made it what the heck oh you’re a cheater but look Corey there’s a piece of TNT and then this chest is a book

What we don’t need the book I hate books wait and oh it says find a redstone torch to open your presents I think we gotta place it next to the TNT but where’s the torch obviously right here ohms oh okay put it down quickly quickly how is this gonna open our presents

Though uh I don’t know maybe it’s gonna take us to the new park go okay three two one boom and oh no oh no no always back away oh and boom Oh oh my gosh we made it whoa that was so cool and we gotta follow the lime wall and be

Careful there’s some scary mobs here maybe scary for you but not for me because I have snowballs what is snowball’s gonna do ohms I have razor sharp teeth and razor sharp claws uh Corey no you don’t because Dinosaurs Aren’t real and you’re just playing pretend duh ohms no I am not you’re so

Annoying I’m not annoying I’m just telling you the truth okay this is super easy for me Corey be careful not to fall I’m not gonna follow ohms I’m way too good at this game to fall and there we go all right now it’s over here uh I

Don’t know oh some speed potions oh I don’t even need it because I’m just that good okay well I’m gonna be a lot faster than you are ohms then how am I ahead of you Corey explain that huh cause I’m not even trying ohms I’m catching up to you

Well I already made it you are slower than me look behind you I’m way ahead of you and oh we gotta go down here okay here I made the jump made the jump again made this may hey that made that Corey look at you you’re way behind me you’re

Eating my dust right now oh my gosh I keep falling I gotta hurry up come on oh you fat let’s go no I did want you to see I fell again oh my gosh hurry up homes please what do you mean me hurry up I’m doing really good right now I’m

Like you well we gotta jump on this oh my gosh oh oh my gosh are you serious you falgory but I made it you know what Ohms it doesn’t even matter I made it and so did I but wait we have to hit this button and what does that do oh

There’s water let’s go quick hurry oh we didn’t make it you know what oh I’m sick of this I’m just gonna grab some snow oh wait are we gonna cheat really Corey well I’m gonna cheat I don’t know how you’re gonna get up here why why Corey let me get some blocks

Please I want to cheat too fine there you go I’m always helping you ohms you’re so bad at this game I’m not bad Corey I’m way better than you no you’re not ohms hurry up I’m already up what do you mean hurry up I’m here okay now

Where do we go I think we have to jump down okay and let’s keep going wait there’s some diamond blocks over here oh I love diamond blocks what does it say oh we have to find a lever and place it on here all right let’s look for one

Where could it be huh oh wait what is this house maybe it’s in here maybe let’s check it out and yes I got a lever and some more food and we got a shirt oh yeah I look awesome but wait there’s a skeleton let’s get him oh get out of

Here skeleton uh so annoying okay let’s put this on the diamond block in three two one Alakazam boom nice we made it but now where do we go on this bridge obviously ohms I don’t understand how are you so not smart even with that huge

Head of your but how are you so far behind me Corey uh because I’m letting you in because I feel bad because you have such a big head and you smell terrible Corey you think just because you sung and made it better I am better than you no you are not

Yes I am look at you cheating because you can’t beat it by yourself I’m not cheating Corey yes you are ohms okay let me go up here here just take these blocks thank you ah you always need my help homes yeah well that’s because you’re cheating okay hurry up we gotta

Go up these stairs all right but now what oh my gosh there’s so many creepers homes wait what is in that hole whoa okay never mind we don’t want to go down there or else we die run homes run wait it says we need a piece of orange wool

We need four of them oh so we already have one we need to get four more right oh okay let’s find four more let’s go and wait there’s a double chest over here Corey okay come on it needs to have yes it has some orange wool and some

Obsidian and iron bars what nice okay let’s do some Parkour over the hole but be careful Corey any mistake and we die yeah you die I will never die ah yes you will Corey no I won’t ohms we need to find three more pieces of wool okay must

Be up here yep okay let’s keep going and yeah I made it yes so did I this is really difficult come on come on come on okay a few more and come on yes okay and next one Boom come on come on come on

Yes I got a chest and oh I got another piece of wool nice but where do we go from here I think we gotta go back down all right let’s go I made it okay now where do we go from here we need two more right oh yeah we go over here

Follow me all right I’m right behind you all right let’s keep going up and whoa this is such a long climb I’m getting tired me too okay jump on all of these snow blocks and oh we need to get our presents back soon it should be here

Right right it should be but where wait oh I got another piece of wool and some Minecarts nice wait and there’s another roller coaster let’s go on it okay and boom I’m off and I’m ahead of you biomes oh wait Corey stop let’s go oh oh oh oh oh this roller

Coaster is really scary oh my gosh huge shot oh we might fall whoa whoa this is so cool and it looks like this is the end wait really okay what’s next I don’t know just jump down all of this and let’s go on these blocks okay I’m right

Behind you Corey be careful not to fall because then we’re gonna be all the way back to where we were I’m never gonna fall and whoa ohms look at this parkour we gotta jump on this ice and yes we got this and boom I got some bows nice bro

Oh wait I think I know what we have to do what you have to shoot the button but can we just go up and click it like that but then it goes away but if you shoot it it stays there oh you’re right okay

Let me shoot it and boom there we go and wait there’s something down here Cory what’s over here uh I have no idea what is this maybe there’s a secret room behind the painting uh no no there isn’t wait what is the point of this room I

Think just to prank us Ah that’s so annoying okay how do we get up here now uh-huh I’m not sure maybe we hit this oh wait wait look check this out we hit this button then we run oh I missed uh this seems too hard ohms I’m just gonna

Break these blocks wait what no Cory we can’t just cheat like that uh well guess what Ohms what I’m ahead of you now well that’s because you’re cheating no Corey stop well too bad I already did it uh okay I might as well do it with YouTube

Let’s go and I am out of here perfect nice um wait we’re not out of here yet okay now I’m out of there there we go all right but what do we do here I think we clicked this and oh okay I see all right this is really really I missed oh

Oh my gosh you made me mess up okay let me go first oh almost get out of my ohms get out of my way you get out of my way there we go there we go there we go yes okay oh my gosh all of us come on move

Out of my way it’s my turn there we go perfect guys let’s go now let’s go down this hole how are you alive because my legs are super strong because I’m a dog duh I know you have like half a heart I don’t actually and uh Corey what the heck why

Are there so many villagers press the button again oh we gotta do a bunch of Parkour but every time we fail more villagers spawn yeah Corey good luck with that uh okay I’m gonna do this without cheating because I’m actually good at the game uh no you’re not yes I

Am and boom I made it okay almost follow me I think this is where we have to go next uh okay and yeah we have to place up five pieces of wool on here oh all right let’s go wait but couldn’t we have done this with literally any other block

But that would be cheating Corey and cheating is not allowed homes you’ve been cheating this entire time now I have not Cory I would never cheat that’s against the rules duh well you’ve been doing it no I have not Cory I would never do that okay whatever All Right

Where Do We Go From Here ah I don’t know do we go up here all right let’s go all right let’s go and uh what is all of this stuff there’s a huge Bedrock wall here oh for what wait no oh you can’t go

Past this oh we have to go back ah wait a minute Corey what why is your head so big what what does that even mean ohms I’m just saying your head’s really big ohms your head is really big that’s why we couldn’t go past the Bedrock really

Corey so so rude whatever but this means that whoever stole our presents is messing with us ah they’re so annoying I wonder who it could be yeah I just saw my presents back maybe I got something really cool like a dinosaur costume Corey um I don’t mean to be the guy to

Tell you but you’re wearing a dinosaur costume right now what no I’m not ohms I’m an actual dinosaur but imagine how cool it’d be for me a dinosaur to wear a dinosaur costume that would be so funny Corey you’re a person wearing a dinosaur costume no I am not ohms yes you are

Corey what did you just mock me yes you are so rude you are so rude stop it ohm stop it Corey you know what Ohms I made a song about you and your rudeness wait why I’m not even rude at all though you want to hear my song yes please ohms is

Rude ohm smells like poo ohms is very super cool yeah that’s pretty much it that song sucks oh whatever omson wait we just went back in a circle okay let’s climb up here and I made it cause I’m the fastest no you are not ohms and wait

This is button parkour oh what the heck how are you doing that cause I’m a pro and you’re a canoe canoe and yes I made it too let’s go uh Corey look how ahead of you I am oh be quiet ohms I’m catching up to you oh no you’re here no

No no no no yeah come on and yes I’m ahead of you no I’m ahead of you ohms you’re obviously behind me ah no Corey you’re cheating stop I’m not cheating okay what is this wait wait oh did you hear that what was that oh no uh oh my

Gosh ohms there’s so much TNT oh there’s no going back now but where do we go from here oh wait there’s parkour oh okay let’s get up on this and follow me ah no Corey you follow me I keep falling oh why are you so annoying to jump on

Because you’re not as good as me uh ohms I’m still here okay here we go and ah you fell no wow yes jump here and jump here boom yes yes yes I am so ahead of you no you’re not Cory come over here okay wait where do we go here oh wait

There’s some creepers wait never mind this is just some creeper heads ah hey pranked you wait we’re jumping on creeper heads yeah how did they even get creeper heads oh worried they killed the creepers what is this I’m leaving you stay with the heads wait ohms look at

This why uh look at me I’m super cool now ah that is that is a score you take that off no I want to keep it on I feel cool that’s somebody’s head Corey what is wrong with you oh you’re right here I’m taking off

Ew yeah jump on the tree go around jump on the ice oh yeah I’m going so quick Corey no no no no no I gotta beat you no I’m stuck in the cob are you serious sorry Corey you’re just not as good I am good ohms okay okay here we go here we

Go and yes ohms I’m following you come on yeah oh wait where do we go from here oh over here okay perfect yeah yeah and yes I made it up oh nice all right keep going whoa what is this I don’t know it’s even more Okay jump on this ice

This is so slippery and my feet they’re so cold not me Corey because I am the best what no you are not yes I am no you are not Cory your head’s ginormous almost you smell like really good no when was the last time you showered

Every single day you are lying I’m not lying yes you are Corey you smell you just said what I said to you because you’re not creative really Cory are you actually seriously being serious really of course I being actually seriously seriously actually being seriously seriously actually seriously being

Serious okay Corey stop being annoying and copying me I’m not copying you always you’re copying me but Corey we have to be getting close by now right yeah I’m pretty sure we’re closed we’re so high up and look there’s a giant candy cane here oh is that where we have

To go to yeah and why are you so far behind don’t Corey I’m not that far behind I’m right here uh you’re still behind me ohms and whoa there’s some more ladder parkour ohms I know you have trouble with this so be careful I don’t have trouble with this this is easy

Peasy 11 squeezy okay I’m gonna jump down the giant candy cane and three two one bye whoa okay I landed in the water and it’s so cold wait oh we have to go back here oh wait yeah there’s a ladder in the tree oh I can’t believe I found

This I’m so smart you did not find it Corey you literally followed me what no I did not yes you did Corey no I didn’t ohms can we stop arguing can you just follow me yeah how are you in Cory I’m just saying I’m better than you at

Everything ever uh you’re not ohms you’re really not yes I really am Corey no you’re not ohms or should I say bori because you’re a baby and Cory and I mix it together bori that’s your new name you know what Ohms maybe I should call you bones bones what does that even mean

Uh it means you’re bad and you’re a baby and you’re ohms wouldn’t that be bombs uh yeah but you just say really loudly like bombs okay bombs and why can I not get past this because you’re not as good as me you’re literally behind me

Really Corey no I am not yes you are ohms and whoa I got some more Minecarts oh wait what is it more roller coasters yeah and oh oh my gosh I think I see the guy who stole our presents wait really we have to get him uh where is he okay

Hurry up bombs and boom I’m gonna place my Minecart down and off I go wait oh stop yes I’m ahead of you you are so slow you are so annoying and oh do you see that up there wait he’s the guy that took our presents we have to get him ah

Come on let’s go go go oh wait Corey don’t look down we are super duper high oh my gosh you’re right you’re right I can’t look down all right let’s keep going up and whoa we’re in a hot air balloon and how do we get up oh wait do

We go down here yeah we go down and um Corey yeah we made it and look there’s TNT everywhere and we could get our revenge okay wait we have to light this and go down on the ground okay ready Corey and go go go go go go go go go go

Go go go go oh oh look up look up oh yeah Corey wait it’s all disappearing ohms I kind of wish I could have seen the explosion and look at all his blocks falling down oh yeah we destroyed him that was so easy Holmes I can’t believe I got him Corey

You did not get him what wait what are you talking about Holmes I got him you didn’t yes I did Corey no you didn’t ohms it’s because I’m better than you isn’t it oh my gosh let’s settle this let’s go on another adventure you know what you’re right we’ll see who’s better

On the next adventure let’s go if you want to see the next adventure to see who’s better click the video on the screen right now

This video, titled ‘OUR GIFTS WERE STOLEN! LETS GET THEM BACK!!! – Minecraft Adventure’, was uploaded by Kory on 2022-10-06 09:00:30. It has garnered 458268 views and 5062 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:28 or 1468 seconds.


Omz and I have to get our gifts back that someone stole! Will we be able to get them back?

●Discord: https://discord.gg/WcTtRku6J6 ●Twitter: @koryin ●Instagram: @koryinyt


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    Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker - Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker Escape Challenges! Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft with the exciting challenge of escaping from various mazes as a Noob, Pro, or Hacker? Join the adventure as you navigate through intricate labyrinths filled with surprises and obstacles! Experience the Thrill of Escape Challenges Embark on a heart-pounding journey as you attempt to escape from challenging mazes designed for players of different skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner (Noob), an experienced player (Pro), or a master strategist (Hacker), each level presents unique hurdles to overcome…. Read More

  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More

  • Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream

    Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream The Farming Tower in Tinker World SMP Building a Tower of Farms In the bustling world of Tinker World SMP, Music Free Gaming embarks on a new project – constructing a farming tower within the castle’s walls. With a keen eye for design and functionality, the streamer sets out to create a structure that will not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the castle but also provide a bountiful harvest of crops. Planning and Construction As the streamer delves into the task at hand, viewers are treated to a glimpse of the castle’s progress. Walls are erected, textures are… Read More

  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • 1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server

    1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server🔳 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server 🔳🔲 {Skyblock} {Escape} {Java 1.19}🔳 Ip: Cube.mchosting.pro 🌐🔲 – DescriptionAn adventure map skyblock server based on the 1997 movie The Cube. 🎬Game modes include..🔳 – CubeExplore the cube, avoid the traps and successfully reach the edge. The exit will spawn on a random side. Can you beat the cube?🔳 – SkyblockBuild your island, expand your land and collect new materials to enhance your island.Economy for your Skyblock island is gained through completing the cube. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Block-breaking blunder!

    Minecraft Memes - Block-breaking blunder!Looks like this meme didn’t even pass the “Minecraft Memes 101” class! Read More

  • Insane Water Tricks in Minecraft

    Insane Water Tricks in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wind Charges + Water is just Weird #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bandoffel on 2024-07-02 17:10:04. It has garnered 2095 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. I really enjoyed making this short and I hope you like it too🎉. nah the boost is fun. Music is from: Ronald Kah Link to his music: ronaldkah.de Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design – Minecraft Madness!

    Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design - Minecraft Madness! In Episode 4, we dive into the scene, Crafting an epic base, oh so keen. Exploring new biomes, finding the spot just right, Gathering resources, shining so bright. Designing a base, both stylish and secure, Tips for Hardcore mode, making builds endure. Join me in this journey, let creativity soar, Transforming our beginnings, into something more. Like and subscribe, if you’re feeling the vibe, Comment with your ideas, let’s take this ride. Minecraft Hardcore, a world to explore, In every rhyme and line, let’s build some more. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • 50 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building 1.21

    50 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building 1.21 Exploring the Top 50 Best Seeds for Building in Minecraft 1.21 Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and discover some of the best seeds for building in the game’s latest update? Look no further! Here are the top 50 Minecraft Seeds that will ignite your creativity and inspire your construction projects. 1. 3158993663659625035 Starting off our list is Seed 3158993663659625035, offering a unique terrain for your building adventures. Explore the vast landscapes and let your imagination run wild. 2. 3463546135668711435 Seed 3463546135668711435 presents a different challenge with its structures and biomes. Uncover hidden gems and… Read More

  • Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit

    Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit Minecraft: Exploring Dream’s Clutches in My Ordinary Life Edit Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as you delve into the world of Dream’s Clutches in the latest gameplay edit. Join the excitement as you navigate through challenging obstacles, engage in pixel-perfect jumps, and test your gaming skills in this trending Minecraft short. Unleash Your Gaming Potential Immerse yourself in the GamerLife experience as you tackle the ParkourChallenge, BlockJumping, and various obstacles that await you in this Minecraft Adventure. With each level presenting a new challenge, you’ll find yourself on the edge of your seat, eager to conquer the next… Read More

  • Uncover the Secret Tunnel in Zombie Craft!

    Uncover the Secret Tunnel in Zombie Craft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-23 11:00:11. It has garnered 501 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:49 or 2089 seconds. CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Sly Water Gun Prank Goes Viral

    Sly Water Gun Prank Goes ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘अमायरा ने मारी पिचकारी 🧟‍♀️👹#viral #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Mind Roar on 2024-03-25 15:30:04. It has garnered 14235 views and 158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. animation 🧟‍♀️🙀#viral #bhoot #youtubeshorts #movie cartoon funny anime shorts cute adorable vtuber minecraft sankat mochan vlog majewali kahani majedar kahani game minecraft maizen sisters maizen zenichi mikey maizen jj viral minecraft minecraft anime story mikey ghost clean scary myghostfriend cute movie/anime fyp dsand #shorts entertainment like movie anime susie bob spooky animated likes girl game caine skibidi toilet skibidi toilets jax and pomni… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Chair Hack! 🔥 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Chair Hack! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft’s CRAZIEST REALISTIC CHAIR Hack! #shorts”‘, was uploaded by MHDGamingK on 2024-05-01 11:10:50. It has garnered 430 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!

    Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Scariest Minecraft Modpack Played by 2 Goofy Goobers’, was uploaded by Taz_ on 2024-03-20 20:00:17. It has garnered 77 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:56 or 1556 seconds. Me and my good friend @Min1bin play the horror modpack “Fear Nightfall” we got pretty silly with it so I hope you enjoy. Discord: https://discord.gg/gc25Nyyvwp Twitch: https://twitch.tv/tazgirl_ Modpack download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/fear-nightfall Don’t scroll any further it’s just algo spam: Me and My best friend Minbin played a mod that’s really funny and hilarious. It makes Minecraft really challenging and hard which made… Read More

  • Dronio’s EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOW

    Dronio's EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:00. It has garnered 747 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson at the link” #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Brick House: Insane Build Hacks by Rafli Nagara17

    Ultimate Minecraft Brick House: Insane Build Hacks by Rafli Nagara17Video Information This video, titled ‘Selesaikan Rumah Bata Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by Rafli Nagara17 on 2024-06-02 14:36:27. It has garnered 7957 views and 147 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:17 or 7997 seconds. Join Membersip Nase : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu11GsbDeSftT5b1AqL7rw/join skin minecraft: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_UHQ06CBhlsT7icJ7zs0ca53xxPb1LoJ/view?usp=sharing Donate saweria: https://saweria.co/RafliNagaraa17 socialBuzz : https://sociabuzz.com/rafli-adytian_-/donate cara register minecraft: https://youtu.be/x5NNMS9b8kA Social media🌎 Subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu11GsbDeSftT5b1AqL7rw instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rafli_nagara17/ tik tok : https://www.tiktok.com/@raflinagara17 Discord : https://discord.gg/wRan8ZxpPK Nightdbot !discord !ig !donate !info !kodiam !mentionname hi hello Minecraft Survival Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM5DczGW60oIaCzJmajQz7zr7f4mRcXc5 Medieval Music – Cobblestone Village https://youtu.be/PlPZAHsGqOg?si=poiAN5XphqRC_nBn 🎞T a g Minecraft survival series indonesia Minecraft map showcase indonesia Minecraft… Read More

  • Beefton’s Insane Hive Livestream | Join Now!

    Beefton's Insane Hive Livestream | Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Hive Live | Playing With Viewers | Open Parties | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Beefton on 2024-07-03 10:26:04. It has garnered 62 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:10 or 6490 seconds. hi i uh i uh yeah tags VVVV #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #hivebedrock #mcpelive #hivepvp #minecraftpvp #hivepvp hive pack folder,pack folder mcpe,cranexe pack folder,minecraft hive pack folder,mcpe pack folder,hive pack folder 16x,hive pack folder mcpe,best the hive texture packs,hive texture pack,pack folder hive,levitating,hive montage,pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture… Read More

  • Shad LOCKED ON ANIME FIGHTER in Minecraft!

    Shad LOCKED ON ANIME FIGHTER in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ONE ANIME FIGHTER FANGIRL ONLY CHUNK as a NINJA in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-04-28 17:00:19. It has garnered 88571 views and 1260 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:34 or 1294 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ONE ANIME FANGIRL ONLY CHUNK as a NINJA in Minecraft!! Will Shad be able to take out the anime fighter fangirls? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Starting A World in Minecraft

    UNBELIEVABLE: Starting A World in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Starting A New World | Minecraft’, was uploaded by VensHandle on 2024-03-05 12:44:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. The Discord: https://discord.gg/bq7D23bdES Twitter: venhandle TikTok: VensHandle Cashapp: VensHandle (Cat PFP) … Read More

  • The Lush Sanctuary

    The Lush SanctuaryThe Lush Sanctuary supports older versions and newer versions of minecraft with crossplay enabled. our server supports lgbtq+ community play.thelushsanctuary.com Read More

  • Trading Post Modded Whitelist

    ABOUT THE TRADING POST Originally launched in September of 2022, The Trading Post was created to coincide with Kevin’s new online persona of “The Wandering Trader.” The Minecraft server aims to bring together a community of builders, redstoners, and more. It is open to the public but still maintains a close-knit feel from Kevin’s streaming origins. Come join us at www.thetradingpost.live! Read More

  • All The Mods 9 To The Skys 1.0.7

    Want to join a consistently updated modded Minecraft server with no whitelist? Look no further than the All the Mods 9 to the Sky server! We have a great community of players, and we’re always looking for more people to join us. Come play and enjoy your time! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Undertale meets Minecraft madness

    Minecraft Memes - Undertale meets Minecraft madnessIf Undertale had Minecraft logic, breaking blocks would only anger the villagers and cause them to attack you with flowers instead of swords. Read More

  • Breaking News: x59 Glam Fails on Minewind

    Breaking News: x59 Glam Fails on MinewindVideo Information This video, titled ‘/glam STILL doesn’t work on minewind.’, was uploaded by x59 on 2024-07-06 09:27:38. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Fix it already please Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipdrama 😂🎮 Read More

  • Minecraft Prank: Morphing Mod Madness

    Minecraft Prank: Morphing Mod Madness Minecraft Speedrun Race with a Twist! Jet and his friend Fred are gearing up for an epic Minecraft Speedrun Race. Little does Fred know, Jet has a sneaky plan up his sleeve – he’s using the Morphing Mod to gain an advantage! The Morphing Mod: A Game-Changer The Morphing Mod in Minecraft allows players to transform into different creatures, giving them unique abilities and advantages. Jet’s decision to use this mod adds an exciting twist to the traditional speedrun race. Will Fred Discover Jet’s Secret? As the race progresses, Fred starts to notice Jet’s unusual behavior and suspects that… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Prank on Friend! (Tagalog)

    Terrifying Minecraft Prank on Friend! (Tagalog)Video Information This video, titled ‘Using Scary Builds to fool My Friend in Minecraft! (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by CeeGeeGaming on 2024-06-13 10:02:03. It has garnered 61551 views and 1931 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:15 or 1875 seconds. MINECRAFT:Using Scary Builds to fool My Friend in Minecraft! (Tagalog) Today, Yasi informed CeeGee about the controversial Dump site that has been talk of the town lately because of the fear it may contaminate the water system and may cause the spreading or viruses and toxins among the nearby villages. Since based on the forecast, there will be an expected… Read More

  • Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & Mikey

    Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: Prison Escape Challenge in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizen & Mikey | Friends on 2024-05-28 07:50:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. We have a competition again! Today we will find out which of us is the better prison builder! After construction, we have a … Read More

  • Bowser’s Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT Shorts

    Bowser's Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT ShortsVideo Information 我的车不再有用了。你对他做了什么? 我只在上面放了一点熔岩,但 你为什么要这么做呢?因为它看起来 很漂亮。你疯了。就像我的 车加了熔岩后看起来会更好一样。 This video, titled ‘EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts’, was uploaded by NICO2DSCRAFT on 2024-06-06 20:30:01. It has garnered 10794 views and 411 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts #minecraft #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #nico2ds #Nico2dscraft Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥

    🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥Video Information huh [Music] [Music] okay oh no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no yeah This video, titled ‘Conquering the Nether dimension in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by 👇TAP THE LINK👇 on 2024-03-13 05:41:12. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More


    🤑 SENORGIRAFFE: INSANE QUICK RICHES SOTW (OP) 🤑Video Information yo what is up guys my name is Senor giraffe and we are here again for a brand new prison series on giraffe. lucky. net now this is the third season on minlucky and they have added quite a few things one of the biggest things is payout so I know a lot of you guys when you grinded did want to possibly get rewarded and they’ve added that if we type SL lb or leaderboards you will see they have highest ranks top blocks mind top tokens top gems top rubies all this stuff right here and… Read More

Kory – OUR GIFTS WERE STOLEN! LETS GET THEM BACK!!! – Minecraft Adventure