Kureiji Ollie Ch. hololive-ID – 【MINECRAFT】REDOING MY WHOLE HOUSE IN NEW SERVER【Hololive Indonesia 2nd Gen】

Video Information

Foreign [Applause] sorry for the uh lack of opening Sonia uh when I was wait why are we reading streamlabs we are not reading stream Labs I’m so sorry I was too focused on the chat thing now playing Minecraft nice all right oh God that beat him again don’t you

Just love to be DM Hudson had baths for my lovely wife love you love you too So today we’ll be making my house It’s been it’s been a while actually I’ve been wanting to like make my house but I keep on procrastinating on it and now that’s what we’re going to do today Yes hi I miss it last time you make roof I did but I decided you know what I don’t like the design of my house I feel like it lacks the umph so I decided to like redo the whole thing I kind of built the little off-scream

So we’re going to go buy that foreign Sonia Um it might look similar to the houses that I make in ID Summit We’ll just see until like their next update So for my stream Labs of yes whenever I move to like a different scene the chat will suddenly disappear and there’s nothing that I can do about it even after I restarted my PC after I um opened and closed it and whatnot yeah hopefully they fix it soon but anyways enough talking

Let’s just get on the show ER wait doesn’t Kayla have a stream wait doesn’t she have a different stream Goku hey no I was looking at the hollow live schedule and it turns out no um I think I think uh C is AFK if but she’s streaming right now yeah so we have Miko Senpai okay bye let’s go all right so last time I popped off I was in the whole ID server I was looking for more spruce I’ll have I have to clean this up

Yeah I was in the server and I was looking for a spruce we we kind of ran out We’ll have to look for alternatives What should we do I wonder Um decisions decisions we’ll just put these here yeah We can take like a little walk If you guys miss it so much we can take a little walk foreign Of a crop farm and a horse stable that munas and by made for Kobo that Kobo never uses I’m sorry the kid hardly ever plays Minecraft And then here’s the mine shaft the Sheep I don’t know what that sheep’s doing in there and of course our pride enjoyed uh what is this again the one that we use for to do blossom I made like a simple road path because I didn’t have any ideas I just

Stuck with like a bunch of moss Foreign Foreign I really like what we did with the uh the roof I’m very proud Holy See Looks so pretty the roofs yeah it’s nice and pointy just the way I like it is yeah this too Bagus you’re not supposed to see anything anyways Foreign And Kayla helped a lot when it comes to Gathering the materials when I said if I built the most and I was third that helped with the process of building that Stadium thank you for the tour you’re welcome I hope you guys enjoy and of course the legendary dumb God damn it’s pretty

Wait which part did I build again I think I built like this part I think I built like the First Foundation um And then there’s this thing this is a castle gate that I made by myself off stream uh I don’t know I don’t know did she actually comment on it I think she just said oh unicorn and that’s it And if you guys see over there there’s a floating uh Haunted Mansion by Lisa senpai yeah so so and then here’s the road me and this is in my workbook uh really hard to make this road we want it to look as natural as possible so I guess he could say whoa wait

Oh that’s such a nice illusion You see that’s like a separate tree and that’s another separate tree but if you look at it from before it looks like a like a gate you guys see what is that foreign And this is a house I made because I was bored Merry Christmas house for you oh yeah because I did I didn’t know where Anya lived and I gave like everyone Christmas presents so I just I just built this for Anya she never she never got to see it though

She will though and and in 15th of 15 um foreign There’s actually water in there you can climb back up because there’s a ladder I don’t want to do that though when it looks like and then also another Wind Tower by racism right she’s good at building like ruins it’s amazing and that is Saturday

But it is the same pie this is also by this is senpai yes she builds a lot and all of these Flowers by this is him by this is Empire as well damn how even a dog house this is sent by both a lot actually in this

Area the only thing I built was this house That monster oh and there’s also the castle if you walk a little bit there’s the castle we’re entering from the side it’s kind of like a crop Farm also you guys see I made this one you have some horses over here it’s like storage that no one ever uses and like farm that no one ever uses it’s kind of funny Like a wizard tower kind of I built it and then out of Pinterest I felt like this really cute tenth house so I decided to build it as well we wrote I built the train station that me and winna Senpai worked really hard on this it I’m sleepy for sure okay let’s stop talking and let’s go to the Ian server because I need spruce Foreign oh wait maybe before that we should go to uh TTT and get some bone meal Because we have to plant back right Oh no [Applause] I enjoy the Thor though oh my God he enjoyed it ah Igata remember you begin map art oh they’re making a map art Right I also promised soda said by that I’d make a map by it guys can you guys make like an art that I could use to make a map part of Italian beginning No no no no no no um Where we can clearly see my face but I want to have like a little logo too Anti-kayla Guild Kraken Apollo Decorator let’s let’s get some bone block maybe a little bit of this and then go to the Ian survey Squad Full ID remember if we could have like a full haul ID remember that’d be better actually well beautiful yeah I don’t know how to play Minecraft that’s okay I didn’t either foreign We’re traveling from server to servers actually kind of cute wait what’s this I didn’t know they made the lighthouse wait wait wait wait house wait have I seen or did I forgot but that’s actually really Purdy fauna fauna made it Wait have I been to this she has so many applicants how many traitors did she kill she even got like one that has like clothing wait those look rare young boy Is this fun is else yo what the heck it looks like The Hobbit welcome to fun it is Juana’s house oh this is so homey here’s the kitten you walk in and he oh and there’s like a little place where you can sit at nine or or if you want to

Like chat a little bit on a bigger silver you sit here oh this looks so pretty a little carpet and what’s this two two Kayla totally no pressure Kayla I have too many signs sorry keep up the good work I’m very proud of you Senpai Kayla give me tight

What fauna is cracked I heard that she was like building oh my gosh it’s so nice she’s sleeping with all of these cats God dang do you not sneeze in your sleep Curious but seriously fauna oh because that surprised me even her storage looks aesthetic what in the frickety Frack shackity Shack fauna I didn’t know she was distracted Minecraft like I know she built a garden farm and I know that she’s building like this really big uh world tree that’s a

Lot bigger than soda senpai’s but this this amount of Aesthetics I love it ah oh gosh miscellaneous it’s so tight so tiny oh my oh my God Me well not this one but these dear God fauna oh no that’s mine yeah wow so nice Juana’s help I I mean I need the cup I need to contact fauna after this fauna will you help me and will you work with me to yasify the mix server if it’s the two of us I believe that we can prevail serious fauna Zumba Um foreign Yeah what what is this building yo I see like memes right I think we had me and Kaya oh yeah ID server is Advanced and JP server is like a theme park and and uh en server is like all over the place what this is this is really cool

Oh wait this is sana’s Place wait it’s finished wait or or have I just never been here before It’s sana’s house wait when was this how come I haven’t before it’s ice it’s so pretty Oh no I miss her I miss her a lot Last year man I’ve been out of the en server loophole seriously was this the thing that Coney is building what a thrill exit that’s so crony I love how now she has like a banner it’s cute Spruce that’s what I needed I’ll need to get all the way up there though hi ow okay so um I feel like this drill should be enough it should be enough for my house we don’t need that many I I think Oh or this row um which row should we get money I don’t I don’t want to like balls of balls if I no bald bald safai that that sounded weird What if someone wanted to come here and get Spruce but they had to I mean I do have bone meal balls balls okay so I’ll be taking this one row but yeah no not one row these two rows throw right Because the column means it goes upwards right yeah remember this is not switch right right I’m sorry I’m sorry the the twitch dopamine is still very fresh in my mind map oh is Jimmy here you have to give me a super chat you really shouldn’t have to thank you oh

What I heard you’re finally I heard you that you got help to actually go to the whole ID Cafe have you decided what theme food or what theme drinks you want because he can only uh order one food and one drink he’s here for the balls oh

Don’t say that don’t do Jimmy like that guys Remember Jimmy there’s a correct answer all yours Ollie hey congratulations you just answered correctly but I mean no pressure though it’s going to be your first time here oh oh you should you should ask your friends to like take you on the on a Cuisine trip that would be so fun I’m to plan a plan tell them to uh to get the like Nasi pada and thank you We recently already have two Hi aren’t they growing dude am I doing something wrong is this not how you’re supposed to grow Two dance Too Close oh Oh so you do it one at a time two by two now hold up two by two so let’s do Foreign Okay how about we do it here no we do it is this close enough oh we ran out of bone meal real quick Oh So like this this would work right oh wait no so like this this should be okay right great yes okay cool Why are they not growing I’ll remove this Is this in the way is I didn’t look so one oh but it’s so short that’s what she said Foreign Space dirt and Light so does that mean we can’t no but that tree grew and it’s at night time The tree trees but I don’t know how I need Mother Nature fauna Um I’ll come back to this later I’ll definitely come back to this later I don’t want this to just stand here and contemplate on life I’ll fix this just not now I promise there’s still some Spruce if anyone still needs it I promise I’ll come back I really really promise I double promise I double double promise yes Foreign it’ll be great it’ll be great yeah yes we will definitely definitely remind you yeah we’ll do it when we want to end it because that means we need to get more bone meal I guess this is my first Super Chat can you do this impression oh is that the oven smart What an unexpected surprise and by an unexpected I mean completely expected Behold the laser meter why why do people associate me with Doofenshmirtz I don’t sound like him ah Kayla kovalskia and you know it actually offends Kayla kovalski yeah six syllables Paul a Perry the Platypus also six syllables it fits Ah yeah thank you for yourself by the way congratulations on your first ever super chat Yeah now we just go back to the yes Ma ‘am all right now let’s go home Fish what Kayla platypus now Mimi you never know I mean the courtesy Aquila kovaskia stuff is do stuff all right you says that right he says curse you Perry the Platypus I Ma eat it what did I need this for wait let me just I need to look at reference right I want

To make a roof uh So imma just do wait I still have a bunch over here Lately We need a bunch of stairs a lot of them and we might need we might need slabs he is nevertheless I am flattered thank you Says like Kayla’s but I tried yeah I like arcs so so that’s all that I could think of okay A bunch of those and we should be good time to make a new roof oh yeah oh wait I wanted to make more of those real quick It’s very artsy thank you That’s so sweet of you to say oh yeah another another chest This so now my house looks like this I decided I wanted to look taller wow um laughs redstone I um and then a bunch of these boom baby 15. I think 15 should be enough right so nearly my blisters it’s for the windows so that it has that tinted window effect you know what I’m saying it looks really good right oh this gun I wish I could make it light up

But that means we’ll have to like put a bunch of redstone stuff on it and hey let’s start with the roof We may we may need scaffolding scaffolding see wait do we have scaffold I think munas and by has some oh wait we do have some and end there It might require hard powering one of them yeah this What do they want to get foreign She should have some Somewhere here no Is it over here no here uh here it is I knew it I’ll just take this one okay maybe I the medium makes you pick good medium was at fault you guys just want me to change the bgm don’t you please How are you guys how you doing Plate so first of all we’re going to build the roof from um it looks easier this part um yeah all right all right all righty this the B demo had a long-term effect who’s it so we wanted to be looking that way hence we’ll be using this a little bit temporary block

Then do this height okay and then from there you just want to build a bunch of stairs up so one two three three times and then we’re going to add one block one two and that’s the third one so we’re going to be using a list chocolate thank you Now we’re going to add another one we’re going to do this about three times Maybe once we’re really close to the middle then we close it Yeah like that and then over here we’re going to do this then there will be like a bunch of slabs See me yeah looks about right now foreign Now for the other part We’ll do the this part first the beginning Okay so about four times then a jump I think Hello again bro I fell asleep last night I know you scolded me for staying up late at 2AM but come on dude it’s Apex of course how’s your day by the way what he has been uh pretty good so far a good side say pretty good pretty good uh having fun

And Minecraft wait how many times have we done this one two three how many times should we do it over there Okay Okay Fiesta chicken nuggets yeah where did I put my That’s an enjoyable thing to see you play Minecraft thank you makassi thank you I try I need my shovel look at my shovel real quick oh wait it’s in the end under chest frick oh wait but we have this this will do Nice This this this nah uh Let’s count again one two three four okay awesome so we have four do this and then another one oh like this then like this like this Like this this this yeah yeah we’re getting we’re getting it we’re getting it hi Oh and then put some wings on the side updated Whoa I forgot the fly I forgot the Glide hey okay let’s look at it see if it looks good Sorry Circling but what do we think how is she foreign I feel like we just need to change this part we we changed this part and just make it like shrink you know because it looks like it’s it kind of has a head it looks like yeah Huh only cute or cool me I’m cute I would think so ow ow Cute right now Like this Can’t see it Yeah we get rid of this one Maybe you guys think that the one that looks like this is better or do you guys feel like is better this one or the previous one I’m glad you see last one okay foreign Well then suffer suffer with the BTM it’s actually made like a one hour version of it I like it oh you like it damn hot to make you hate it Like let’s get rid of all of these annoying pesky dirt I like Ollie I like myself too I’m pretty funny not gonna lie kind of funny what are you doing a 10 hour version of this v-gym I feel like a lot of people I feel like that would end in like World

Stupidity don’t just think Even left me a little flower thanks creeper look what you did keeper pig is escape terraform it later Asia Only can we have a buzza Nova BTM like a few days ago for Good Times What kind we have the whole life wasn’t over but if we want like other buzzanova I feel Saturn South I have new Dover syndrome Sorry I wasn’t paying attention This one is good sorry if I uh sorry if I was surprised Doesn’t pay attention let’s get rid of this Hi A lot of people are concerned for the IQ drop so I guess we’ll just go out until one yeah thank you you’re welcome say thank you to alter Mama actually she was the one who just she’s the one who suggested I wouldn’t have turned a different word for her

My IQ is higher now I get it oh wait I forgot to Loop it Loop s Okay so moving on I’m going to use To uh I’m going to make like the Second Story uh walls yeah this part yeah yeah yeah which means I’ll need to use this again good thing we already got ourselves some spruce we gotta pay uh the bunkeroni somewhere dollars though bye so a little bit more and then we strip it down

Little stripper go go stripper go I really like how you put your scaffolding lead why do you like it it’s just scaffolding Among um And then we want for seconds I thought the smoke was coming from your body but maybe it’s because you’re smoking hot ah Wonderland foreign Chad are you okay I ran out I’m so lonely Ollie um t-shirt s Yeah we have merchandise for the whole ID Cafe for our third anniversary if you guys want to check that out you guys can go to the Twitter or Instagram the username is the same as hello ID Cafe with the e as a three so it’s h-o-l-o-i-d c-a-f-3 yeah laughs

One two three wait let me count three real quick one two three four five six eight one two three four five six okay yeah six so we will need we’ll need Oak actually ow smooth ads foreign which one is beautiful We’re going to use this one two three four okay so we gotta get rid of this I think we’ll dig this part first look at us yeah let’s get rid of this properly don’t worry I’m a professional eraser I know how to erase stuff from existence Maybe shoot put a bunch of those here so nothing weird spawns hey hey hey bro Channel say hot hydration people is foreign

For you but nothing is cuter than your face oh shush oh shush so I guess that if you want to like compliment people for being cute you can just say your face wow it’s your face so many Reds yeah what the heck guys what’s happening tonight not that I’m complaining your face

Your face you wanna raise up some babies that’s how your ears up some babies Oh you gotta get rid of these to be fair it’s a very nice face true true that that’s a very very nice face pipe I want babies what Well he was right Jimmy approved why would the certain emojis what’s going on McGee Nicholas did you guys plan this like actually what’s up adapa what laughs I’m not a scenery s when is my character as soon as what I’m not I’m just asking that was not a Sunday line hey so tomorrow Huh Gentleman agreement what do you what do you mean you guys remind me of Kayla 2023 Allison did it I’m not supposed to be supposed to be my immortal character zombie hey yo you guys are attaining my my my identity without my consuming yo one yeah I grew up

Synonym what am I like Emoto on puberty up amongst us look what’s going on a zombie isn’t more interesting you think actually spit it out what do you want to say apazi sleep first Ollie uh I’m okay ah I’m with Miko senpai your super tsundere zombie Idol accessory yeah look what you’ve done

Oh come on what is this setting foreign That’s not fair I see that hardly fair what the world turned upside down all you writes uh Ali writes a lot for your projects can you also fill me out like an application with your big pen yo there this is what you’re my assistant I know so what if we compliment the cutest

Zombie right well I mean I I like compliments never said I dislike them but five six Moon Ali is the Sun Dairy what oh come on wait where’s I need to see is there any zombie that’s a rainbow udine chat we need a rainbow wood in here smooth hello rainbow din

Am I a tsundere you you guys will be the judge I’m not right it doesn’t make sense if you call me a sudden scenery right oh I I trust yo yo I trusted you guys we’ve been together for it two years we’ve been together for like what now two years-ish

And you guys do this to me unbelievable would have never dies but rainbow wooden can be wrong and I say you guys are incorrect Very very good arigato voice packlets dang it but but there is no scenery so you are um I don’t want to know Kayla has to hold responsibility over this oh soon oh we already have like a play date but it won’t be on stream though so oh wait

All right we have to do it like this all right this is this is also incorrect actually ow e not gonna lie you have a very big personality that’s pretty much it also denying it only makes it only makes it harder for you so what do

You mean denying it makes it harder for me that makes no sense that makes a little oh it’s inside a cliff yeah pretty cool right hehe push okay we do this all right welcome by the way everybody give it up four uh YouTuber from Indonesia of inventra [Applause]

My brother watches you by the way he always goes oh oh but do you know like this Indonesian YouTuber her name’s alenka she’s from Dickie kagi she’s the the cat girl pretty cute Hi hi hi hi hi foreign Oh we’ll do something about it yes Ali I can teach you Indonesian too we were talking about my I can speak decent Indonesian what do you mean Only Saying Maybe Ah damn um why are you guys like this why are you guys bullying me Anna fish hi nice looks about good Get rid of that oh I’m Hollow ID guys If anything The Imposter should be rainy though he speaks gadogado basically okay now for the roof colorful I’ll just like a reverse and dairy where you refuse to admit that we actually love you not this one foreign how is she a Pokemon guys really now I’m going to get some wool uh

Yeah wolves will be pretty I feel Oh but before that uh uh where’s my trap door here no here no here here no not that trapdoor where’s my spruce trap door Spruce money Dooku found it raining Please stop uh uh no comment s foreign to put my stops uh so here’s the oak stuffs and then hey my dog like really really what I’m on my dog I don’t think so bye like we put these here but these here okay good looking good just going to put all my stuffs Gummy back and put a bunch of these this this yeah all right let’s go back to the whole ID server with hmm which one should I think we can use this one hi we just need to put it in the right boxes and then we’re good to go okay yeah

I thought I ah here it is I can put the quartz over here but one uh here here this is foreign Baby voice as a present Ollie baby bubble voice [Applause] um Um Playing is fun happy happy birthday hey what was that was that was that enough did my voice even go Happy birthday yeah oh oh they should have it in the en server there should be a lot in the JP server as well so let’s go to Ian’s innocent pies yeah I feel like nobody uses the world at innocent Vice Farm yeah yeah yeah wait this weird oily

Oh it’s been so long since I’ve been here yeah I haven’t been to this part of the en server for a while now so cute today she must Um we have cyan so we just need a light blue are you light blue I’ll I’ll leave this I’ll take these but Ollie I may love but I love the idea of you and me together I see well well well good for you then what is it what is everybody suddenly doing pickup lines on me yes uh we’re making the roof City welcome back to the zombie

Oh one yeah oh I want to redo this so bad this is I’m surprised that none of the Ian girls actually complain because this is becoming an eyesore I only made this because this was the only material that was available at that time and even this I kind of want to make this

Why didn’t you why didn’t anyone complain Because too much project all right let’s just finish her house first By the lighthouse I love how it actually spins fauna is a genius Zumba Boom this is is saying I’m going to fly today may I have some good luck to you for the trip oh yang have a safe flight okay too too hope the turbulence won’t be too bad uh make sure that you have everything and always double check okay Be careful on your way but that looks good yo my house looking mighty good I kind of like it it’s not kinda anymore I really like it so so we may need this this this and this all right and uh we we need Clippers I should have a Clipper around here here

It is good fly smoothing thank you all right time to actually do the roof we never got we keep on canceling on doing the roof so we’re going to do it for real this time so it’s going to be all right Hmm and then around here will be hum I feel like we need more of those I kind of like more colors at the bottom so let’s do that but actually uh That looks good right foreign like I want like a little gradiation going on I think we can go with that let me just uh screenshot it so I remember Boop okay So that we can do the other side easy ow ow nice yeah I love how we’re actually making progress this time instead of like last time where we just do nothing this good job people teamwork we’re focusing I’m focusing you’re focusing everyone’s focusing but do nothing is doing something are you sure

But nothing means there is no thing to do so explain that I’ll have to get rid of this it’s kind of blocking the beautiful beautiful roof only okay I I it’s so chill we’re just building roofs and like you know getting rid of all of these nasty dirt oh this is senpai oh welcome [Applause] yes senpai come on oh she’s streaming as well oh I wonder what she’s doing foreign I wanted to ask a question but I keep getting lost in all these beautiful eyes and forgetting it shut up that’s getting that risk going oh oh yeah because the storage isn’t fully finished right now Ah we did it phenomenal yeah I’m I’m so good at parkour what the heck Holy company all the island s I don’t wanna sound like a pain I’m not that dedicated it took me how long to actually finish my house my house ain’t even finished yet guys We need a lightning rod how do you make a lightning Rock Rod again with copper right then we’re going to have like some of the Claire’s kind of sap in if you guys get get me Lima so it’ll be like something like this and then same goes here it’ll kind of

Sap in here you’ll be on this side This oh And then a little bit over here as well with the sign best yeah he has an Air Force ever Super Chat we maybe only model one by the ways hi hi hi I gotta get the horses somewhere elsewhere so let’s make a leash a lead height I should no we we’re supposed to go over there not here foreign Now just to make them one two three I forgot has like something something spawner I forgot was was it here’s the spawner do you guys remember what it spawns you’re as cute as always but if somebody decide to do twitch I’ll be there for you too thank you I’m sorry for the amount of curse words in twitch

I’ll I’ll do my best still is it spider where is it how do we get to the spawn or skeleton oh damn it’s a skeleton I wonder if she has any strings on her and when us invite us I promise that I do something about her house but you know

Can’t do anything if strings What can I see me chicken Foreign Like the color it’s not even finished come on foreign You come with me whether you like it or not come on come on nice and you you let’s go our note come on come on let’s go faster faster one okay gotcha your turn David let’s go time is money time is money and you’re wasting my time which means I’m getting broke

Okay Wilson your last oh yeah come on me good job guys When people fly over they wouldn’t be able to see my house right foreign there needs to be something that we sacrifice right Now foreign what does that mean what does she need she needs wood what kind of wood Amateur foreign hongo what nihongo is this I believe I have not reached that level what’s mean what’s mean Oh I love about racism it’s just like hi what is Look oh foreign side quest s laughs Then where do we meet so let’s take this and then we put these here so we take you Hi yes I can’t keep an Enderman ah in it Okay foreign I love her she sounds so chill like I can’t hear it but she just sounds really chill I got to take a line on this kid do I still have some more um three oh wait I kind of need these so maybe this

And we can take some from like the whole ID server we have like a bunch of Akasha that none of us use it foreign You did whoa he’s not here yet right nice I’ll become like this isn’t my stepmother it’ll be cool like that akashia hi wait I should make like that’s all I can give actually I can like bring a bunch of those I Not anymore This Hi hi hello I still have some though okay My tomato Yes yes thank you so much See Marshall oh yeah foreign So I feel so irritated because because I didn’t do anything So I decided to do something oh um yes what did you do does this Minecraft um I see foreign like uh Okay um Foreign like whoa it is Oh certainly the portal looks different Oh yeah yeah I did yeah thank you uh kitta yeah okay Yes mama okay My sugar wait I don’t I mean I’m good but there is like this one territorial dog so I’m not sure why would you say that about your own mother because I know how territorial she is and I am too let’s see foreign Japanese I think wow [Applause] wow whoa foreign yes Arigato arigato

Okay give me more richer go ahead we’re twinsies [Laughter] Again I’m looking I’m looking from from here oh Lupa foreign Quartz blocks because he laggy um foreign I okay um Foreign I fixed my pants nice no you know what I will I will I will put this back to ID server this is going to be my I will I will put it on frame one day in my house how to make frame A Naruto um I will frame this hahaha this is Simp is oh yeah I kind of made you confused right yeah evening I just got a joke like everybody likes to make fun like make a joke about your your cup size right so whatever people are asking you about it now I only what’s your what’s your

Cup size you can just answer my my my cup is World Cup it’s bigger than anything why because it’s funny it’s a specific reason to why you want me to say that no no it’s just funny World Cup yes uh um foreign Somebody say hot um yeah I was sick if your cup is World Cup then I will be Argentine foreign laughs oh okay okay started calling me a cinder and they’re like oh it’s because of Kayla and I’m like what did Kayla do Kayla never called me a Cindy right and if even if

She did there will be a clip of it but they keep calling me Cinder and and and and every time I talk they give me the pointy fingers pointy finger left pointy finger right the bottom finger yeah the bottom finger yeah oh that’s what it’s called I mean uh the fact that people people are people are mistaking tsundere and everything else lately the fact that you uh that you’re trying to deny everything makes you look like sundara in in everyone’s uh point of view when actually it’s not really a tsundere act I think

So people started to like General lies just because you cannot make a comeback of what they are they’re saying haha see that chat ha ha pick that that’s that’s my opinion though oh they got a point Jimmy said they got a point but do they really senpai they have a point if foreign

They got a point but when you try to to force that point too much it doesn’t feel like a point anymore oh oh aha take that yeah I win this time I do because because wasn’t that um [Laughter] oh she’s sipping hard oh do you guys hear that oh she’s simping hard time

[Applause] happy birthday girls Look at it oh let’s go he’s eating that croissant sandwich laughs thank you listener called again like what’s your name I don’t know they look like a Oh you have to have a shield all the time Shields are for losers nah Shields are the best protection what what so I put I put the diamond I put the um the the dragon head and I put the iron no iron diamond shoes and chest play in my house now wow decorations

I don’t give a wood I’m also out of wood let me I think I have some Thinking it’s okay would you would you would you terraforming at its best I blown up because of your smile Ali am I wrong You don’t need to blow up like if I see an old lady never mind I’ll stop no no I did it I’ll stop there So yeah how was your days doing me I’ve been I’ll tell you what have I been I’ve been sleeping that’s it Hi foreign Foreign I do don’t cancel me please I don’t know crazy same thing so hard Have you found the deers in the new Minecraft update I wish I can suck on these nuts I’m sorry there should be a pack of deers foreign decorate uh the temple you know the temple that I’ve done building yes so so we can never hear we the same again after Kobo huh we

Um Oh yeah No do you have twitch I have a glitch but I haven’t used it but which I just don’t know what what to stream because I think most twitch streamers are like gaming oriented so I don’t I don’t I don’t know what kind of theme that I want to bring on Twitch so awesome

Did you know that you can curse and no one will give a damn Someone like I had some I I actually felt liberated when I had a collab this morning on Twitch yeah why because I I can curse freely so the AI wouldn’t like get to yeah and ban yeah I see I see that’s pretty cool so you can add some points stretch the the uh the the the twitch the twitch regulation something like that um foreign [Applause] [Applause] summer can Foreign foreign foreign hashtag matics is in uh foreign See y’all serious no nickname Rios [Applause] [Laughter] these two meatballs sandwich ES foreign Foreign Hmm Identity Spaghetti meatballs so so so glad that mine is like uh croissant sandwich cheese something something because I like it I like sandwich oh you like sandwiches mm-hmm oh especially with with the with cheese I also like grilled cheese grilled cheese when it comes to like toast do you prefer like sweet or savory

Toastness I like balls actually no but if we had to choose like your life depended on it and you can only choose one I will say oh Because the bread will definitely be taste sweet so I can still have like The Best of Both Worlds oh um yes nah yes yes Empire Oh oh bro come on typo Maybe maybe [Applause] love the new song Rise deaf very very definitely late night drive or thinking type of feel singing was Stellar as always and it might just be me but I feel your accent always had a nice touch I’m sorry my accent is still

There I I just can’t help it and I and I’m trying to be I’m trying to accept it that I have an accent and yeah I hope you like the song the song is really good Oh my God you know what I stumbled on my YouTuber YouTube home there’s a video of this of this girl she was crying and she said I know what happened foreign How do you make money no Chris Martin no sea lantern isoka see see Euro camp aign thank you I oh but I’m likely yeah oh my God I really hate the sound of what is that thing in Kyla’s Farm foreign [Laughter] it’s way too bad it’s bad okay I think I had enough You think do you really think so you really think you had enough something else I think sometimes I don’t yes this is sometimes I think I don’t have problems I’m the problem it’s me hi I’m the problem who meets me oh yeah I forgot to add lights yes it’s not rendering holy

Damn that’s rough buddy Guardian guardianito Okay okay yours Foreign I’m doing well she says Okay yeah no you definitely concerned me why I don’t know it’s just that are you mentally okay sometimes like it’s not that I’m calling you weird it’s just that I get worried please you know out of all of the members I feel like you don’t vent really I think I’ve been quiet

Much do you muscle really I don’t know I think Come on Do I not really uh not that I remember that’s okay like I never really been then but maybe like in this VC we just kind of talk now I’m concerned I feel like you don’t win most members went right it’s just that I hardly ever hear you then Let me think hmm everyone in chat is like oh my God sauce she went to Seattle I mean when was the last time I can’t remember see I think it was like two years last year I think I think I don’t know wait yeah I I don’t know I don’t remember Liam I don’t I don’t worry I don’t think I like them off oh there you go I don’t really know how to vent I think that’s my my answer hey yeah what do you mean you don’t know how to vent well I think I’m reading reading the situation too much that I somewhat miss my chance to win I see hmm Like a stop Oh I’m dying nothing Monday nothing oh wow wow okay so yeah mostly though at night time people are uh overthinking right yes yes that is correct so I told you before when when I give you a spoiler about my song that is about overthinking yeah so most people who listen to my song

Lately said yes you know what this is a this is a nice song for me to think uh to to like to think about life in the middle of the night like damn okay like actually damn you guys okay I don’t know are you guys okay We’re just flock of people who who are alike and stick together I guess you guess I think you think can I not think okay overthinking occasionally doesn’t kill you I mean true menu money there we go nice and bright I think Okay Um in the valley uh-huh let me see I see people yeah Foreign Twitter hey Okay so we’re going to have to fill that and but that’s going to be a mandoxide which means we’ll use oh mainly um Poor creeper oh man I mean oh by the way I bought it so far [Applause] guys you you guys don’t know how her house looks like my house is so empty like they’re so empty okay you must look muscle and Yoda it’s it’s a house but it’s just a floor and some chairs

Small table for you to put your food on and that’s it yeah it’s it’s certainly something senpai It is I’m glad thank you for buying yourself a sofa you’re making a difference I’m manifesting like I don’t know it’s just I’ll I’ll try to keep it simple but I’ll I’ll try to arrange the place as well But I haven’t cleaned up I actually want to clean up but I use I got sick right so like ah you know what I’ll also I liked her oh it’s so cute as long as as long as you do something about it I’m sorry I sound like this I don’t mean okay I rarely get offended that’s why I’m worried why it’s just I don’t know okay yeah what if I said something that really offends you and it just unleashes everything unleashes Unleashed if I if I’m offended I will say it directly or like you know what I uh I will ask like

I will ask first what’s your intention like what’s what’s the intention of of your words and I will I will tell you clearly that oh you know what I’m sorry if you don’t mean it this way but I’m quite offended with what with what you’re saying something like that that’s

Why that’s why I was I will always ask what is the intention of your words first if I ever get offended master e is what do you mean I mean I really did study okay ah it happened very soon spot don’t bother trying to fill a house from the

Get-go slowly but surely you will get there having said that congrats on the couch thank you my house was so empty you know what the thing is I don’t have a drawer to put my clothes whatever wait you don’t no I don’t what did he today like you can you can stack it

And it has like zipper from above and front so you can just like stack it there I don’t have like hey it’s cute though how have you been living this time I yes yes yes I’ve been living thank you sometimes no I’m good don’t worry Is it really though is it actually but though Oh Damn girl you live like that yes she actually does and I just live yes I lived not like most normal girls I’m not like other girls okay I don’t like other girls care you know like just kind of quirky That hurts me you think it doesn’t I hate saying that what about me have you thought about me [Laughter] guide laughs Okay I kind of want to know Bed sheet I don’t know I like collecting bedsheet you don’t even have a drawer to keep them yeah but I have I have this this special um container to put the bed sheets so you put your bed sheet in container what yeah the one that I told you She worries me nah foreign I thought you said same I’m like what do you mean hmm come on at least I Am thank you there is this the house can be filled slowly as long as you’re comfy and don’t you need a lot of space for okakora goods in Slowpoke anyway you guys don’t know how many slowpokes she already has I swear I walk in and it’s like everything is just pink

A lot of slowpoke Hey hey You know what I I also have some in the you know the the container that in the middle of the house and of course yeah I remember the container in the middle of the house yeah I have that there as well there’s like a lot She says my resource obsessed with slowpoke it’s my favorite Pokemon I relate with Slowpoke and spiritual level of course everyone like we run out of food in Minecraft yeah follow me he he is Temple ah that’s enough This other roof like a mini roof do you think I should make it blue as well or do I just go with brown like it blue though because it’s just tell that it’s the roof ah okay hmm thank you thank you Oh oh So I listened to 1 15 am at 1 15 a.m last night and got Bloody Mary Vibes out of it am I still alive yeah you’re still alive don’t worry it happens sometimes yeah if you’re not sure send in the Super Chat it happened Korea Yes Foreign Well yeah by singing It’s me Yes Foreign Laughs um Foreign It’s been raining yeah ASMR oh yeah yeah I’m a girl baby girl um Trolls what happened when Ollie get flowers she answered cauliflower okay Ross Foreign Oing hey Richard your team trebuchet or team huacha huh what is that what is that yeah curious Is Monster Naruto Kawaii Um learn English [Laughter] I think sometimes I think huh sometimes sometimes so not all the time okay simple is better not thinking okay foreign Dozens of arrows with small rockets in one go oh that’s what it’s well I kinda I know trebuchet but that’s the first time I I heard about the other one oh but but the other one is quite interesting we kind of want to try having it um you have Intrigue less squirrel yes

It’s a more complex Ballista But have you ever tasted Coca-Cola and lime huh what is that Coca-Cola and lime how does it taste like Coca-Cola and lime Coca-Cola but it’s margarita oh no I I though hmm kind of curious but kind of not at the same time oh it might hurt my stomach the squirrel is not intrigued

Mission failed Lisa if you sometimes don’t think does this means you sometimes aren’t huh what huh what I don’t understand Okay okay I think therefore I am oh oh what what I don’t understand [Applause] come on I hate it thank you wait wait wait wait wait calm down calm down I think therefore I am is a philosophical principle by Renee this Descartes thinking is the first step to existing or something like that ah yes because I’m not thinking therefore I am not huh it’s just it is philosophical things you don’t need to think about it too much oh Taylor but here please please please please please please please please please please please please please there’s a creeper kill it yes he needs he needs any if you want to explode explode here one more crisis averted nice scared the freaking Frack out of me nice you’ll have to fit it the creeper [Applause] Kind of want to go to toilet for a bit okay I hope that looks nice you see me we’ll add a door what door would be good I think Spruce would be good Spruce would definitely look really nice you can never go wrong with Spruce am I right fellas of course I am when am I ever wrong put those there but oh damn

What did I simply all right here these here oh purple bed and down well I mean we already have enough room so how are you guys doing I hope you guys are having fun with us goofing around in Minecraft it’s pretty fun Mighty fun might I say haha It’s for Dimension purposes what I mean oh what’s that I forgot what I need to put slab take off Foreign What color should it be sonicos that oxy attack real time obviously um wow wow guys wow you guys actually said that they do because toilet attack toilet two of your singing at animal Boston thank you for watching Japanese Rain sometimes doesn’t work only sometimes Yeah sometimes it works with enough gas RTA real-time Adventure no recent defaults to Japanese whenever she gets complimented I’ve noticed that oh he’s so really really I just noticed that hey I think so like like if if I think about it wow I didn’t even realize that wow oh Thank you for noticing JPC say-so mode I think so yeah you can say it yeah I think I think it’s I think it’s like that you say so mod I think so I wonder if Muna Senpai has dark oak leftovers so yeah Oh my God Baby Another nice wow [Laughter] okay Senpai is watching oh laughs okay [Laughter] Okay Good line building 159 was amazing arigato thank you thank you Hey Richard do you still read man Hua um not really nowadays because I was sick so when I’m sick I feel I feel easily agitated so I can’t stay I can’t stay but so I kind of passed Reading Man huh but I kind of want to get something that’s interesting

But maybe not now you don’t read manga in your phone when you’re sick I sleep as a proper way to rest and sleep is important foreign Yeah so I took some Spruce from The Chronic bunker right oh and uh I uh it’s about thinking the spruce is okay as long as it’s um as long as you replant it oh okay yeah but the thing was I couldn’t replant it it wouldn’t grow Monday does it take a while chat Naruto So foreign What oh opix like if you want if you want to extend the bridge it will be nice to have something to look at from far away that’s that’s what I’m thinking thank you why A lot of chess Sleepy zombie I’m Shelby Are you eating me I hate you why would you hate me why do you always fun funny Are you eat dang it listen by of mine I like baby talk okay now how do we do this so we cut this Maybe like this Russo are you planning to move your family heirloom to this altar or do you want to keep them private in your home

At ID Saba I think I think I’ll I’ll move it here nice idea smart epic heirloom from the dad they just go back from buying milk Foreign so like this and then Um first things foreign Foreign Bay are my favorite love you guys thank you thank you for watching would baby risa’s voice be higher than the year One race asking for a friend not like I wanna hear it I’m not sure though I think it will be a little bit higher you

Know and and it will have a lot of like lace kind of thing so she will not speak that clearly I guess Yo Foreign Foreign This sucks company hi are you must usually making roof no I’m trying to uh figure out how to grow spruce oh yeah so okay foreign I didn’t bring any iron with me we’ll have to wait for the leaf to despawn needs to despise wanna go to eat so EP IC [Laughter] eepy so cute uh EP IC What are you loving it it’s just so cute is it Carolina This this time of night is always making me hungry foreign look are you messing with me right now Nanda um I will have to wait until all of this responds There oh yeah it’s so hard to get like to I don’t know to just remember places there maybe just because I’m not used to to it laughs Thank you Wait do I have a morning stream tomorrow I don’t know check it out Do you have money Chocolate Yes oh wow oh easy like even the offline she talks to me like this it’s almost gone and then what is yeah Oh please Foreign Do I start from the very side Should I huh so like this is hi one by one not from the corner from the corner right like this well you you fell no it worked it they were tiny they were like this as tall as my waist Ed oh wow wow Add space space foreign works The tree is amazing nice it’s amazing how nature works yes Whatever Oh okay Um whoa is um huh this is I’m scouting right now like looking at my area hello rabbit I want to see how far this land stretch Mickey Foreign oh oh the place is actually pretty good evening ah in the evening thanks for the gifted membership thank you I think I accidentally sandal my Ginger don’t you see me why how I don’t know I was I was breathing heavily and it kind of hurts now There is sheep there is donkey Donkey donkey Is I’m kind of curious what’s there let’s see Foreign on the top of the Snowman Mountain I actually want to build like a a a White Tower so it’s it’s soon and I think I would get some more diorite as well but that’s that’s for later all right we will do we’ll gather some some Woods for my storage first

Let’s see what what I can do with it Buddy boy Only bloom on the screenshot ah I haven’t really explore this area though why is this because the Sheep is this place bigger than I thought let’s see not really I see it’s not that big I should See me foreign Trying to take a screenshot so I’m trying to get rid of this waterfall ah yeah there’s the waterfall Though I think we need to to to move the bridge somewhere for later I think I’ll I’ll move the bridge next time Hey really really oh Wow this looks nice cheese Stick okay uh Odd Squad subscribers hmm number Anyways So everyone that has been Minecraft we finished building the front part of our house [Applause] thank you for to see Molly how’s looking great please have a good arrest we appreciate you I appreciate you guys too thank you so much foreign There will be donation reading this week so don’t uh worry I won’t forget um I’ll be showing up in Nia’s Channel Nia Italian Channel will be we’ll be hanging out I yeah I think that’s all from me that is thank you so much everyone for coming to this is Signing out what’s up I’m going to bed Thank you Foreign

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】REDOING MY WHOLE HOUSE IN NEW SERVER【Hololive Indonesia 2nd Gen】’, was uploaded by Kureiji Ollie Ch. hololive-ID on 2023-04-12 18:10:05. It has garnered 43196 views and 4700 likes. The duration of the video is 03:33:54 or 12834 seconds.

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BGM: By Dova Syndrome

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  • Minecraft Memes – Trail Update: Spice it up!

    I guess you could say this meme is blazing its own trail with that high score! Read More

  • Crafty Guide: Minecraft Building Basics for Newbies

    Crafty Guide: Minecraft Building Basics for Newbies In Minecraft, we build with glee, Creating homes for all to see. Starting simple, step by step, With blocks and books, we never fret. Night falls, the moon shines bright, We work through the dark, no need for light. Placing blocks with careful hand, Crafting a home, oh so grand. Mistakes are made, but we persevere, Fixing errors, never in fear. Left, right, up, down, we place with care, Our Minecraft creation, beyond compare. Thank you for watching, before we part, In Minecraft, we build with heart. With a sword in hand, we bid adieu, Until next time, our… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • Boy Love: Desire for Love Part 7

    Boy Love: Desire for Love Part 7 Minecraft Animation: “Desire for Love” – A Unique Story Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft with Martin in his captivating love story, “Desire for Love.” This series delves into LGBT+ themes, offering a unique perspective within the Minecraft community. 🌈 Exploring the Storyline Meet Martin, the protagonist of this tale, as he navigates the complexities of love and relationships in the Minecraft universe. Follow his adventures and encounters with various characters as he seeks to find true love amidst the pixelated landscapes. 💖 Engaging Characters From Martin himself to his friends and acquaintances, each character brings… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Shaders for All Devices

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Shaders for All Devices The Latest and Greatest Minecraft Bedrock Shaders Eternity Shader The Eternity Shader is a stunning addition to Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.21 and above. With beautiful sunrises and sunsets, realistic water effects, and vibrant colors, this shader is a visual treat. While it may be high-end, the visual appeal is worth it. Solar Shader Although the Solar Shader is only available for Android devices, it offers a unique visual experience. With updated support for version 1.21, this shader enhances the game’s aesthetics with impressive lighting effects and realistic water reflections. NewB Dragon Shader Designed for low to mid-range devices, the… Read More

  • INSANE! JKPlays Builds EPIC Penguin Habitat

    INSANE! JKPlays Builds EPIC Penguin HabitatVideo Information all right y’all welcome back to episode 29 of the moded Minecraft Let’s Play Quick recap from last episode um we got a portal area set up for our nether area I think we did pack up a couple wardens or attempt to I don’t remember 100% but I know for a fact we did set up our nether portal area which is this area and we did get pyro which is a fire dog pretty cool yeah with that said um I think today’s episode we’re going to be doing two different things one is the portal… Read More

  • Unbelievable Giant Husk Discovery in Minecraft

    Unbelievable Giant Husk Discovery in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found Gaint husk 😱 #minecraft #shorts #trending’, was uploaded by Dyno on 2024-04-05 12:10:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I found horror villager #minecraft #shorts #horrorshorts minecraft shortsminecraft funnyminecraft butminecraft horroranshu … Read More

  • Village in Minecraft 🔥 Watch til the end! #gaming

    Village in Minecraft 🔥 Watch til the end! #gamingVideo Information [ਸੰਗੀਤ] ਜੇ ਕੋਈ ਸ਼ੱਕ ਨ ਕਰੀ ਚੈੱਕ ਨੀ ਬੀਬਾ ਜੱਟ ਦੀਆ ਚੱਲੇ ਸਰਦਾਰੀ ਲੱਗੇ ਜੈਕ ਨੀ ਵੱਡੇ ਚੈੱਕ ਨੀ ਉਤੇ ਆਲੇ ਨਾਲ ਲਾਈ ਬੈਠਾ ਯਾਰੀ ਜੇ ਕੋਈ ਸ਼ੱਕ ਨਹੀਂ ੱਕ ਮੇਰੀ ਚੈੱਕ ਨੀ ਬੀਬਾ ਜੱਟ ਦੀਆ ਚੱਲੇ ਸਰਦਾਰੀ ਲੱਗੇ ਜੈਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਵੱਡੇ ਚੈਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਉੱਤੇ ਆਲੇ ਨਾਲ ਲਾਈ ਬੈਠਾ ਯਾਰੀ ਰੱਖੀ ਅੱਖ ਨਹੀਂ ਵੈਰੀ ਕਖ ਨੀ ਗੇਮ ਘੁੰਮਦੀ ਆ ਬੈਠੇ ਫੋਨ ਚੱਕ ਨੀ ਪਿੱਛੇ ਜੱਗ ਨੀ ਲਾਈ ਲੱਗ ਨੀ ਲੱਗੀ ਕਈਆਂ ਦੇਆ ਉੱਤੇ ਤਾਕ ਅੱਗ ਨੀ ਥਾਂ ਕੌੜਾ ਲੱਗਦਾ ਸਵਾ ਪੁੱਛੀ ਜਰਾ ਜਾ ਕੇ ਨਾਮ ਚੱਲੇ ਥਾਂ ਥਾਂ ਜੱਟ ਤਾਂ ਪਹਿਲੀ ਮੱਲੀ ਬੈਠਾ ਥਾਂ ਅੱਗੇ ਕੱਢਿਆ ਭੁਲੇਖੇ ਕਈ… Read More

  • Join The Bozo Squad for Crazy Customs & Laughs!

    Join The Bozo Squad for Crazy Customs & Laughs!Video Information I’m going to play the intro [Music] St [Music] CH what’s good what is up fellas um second stream today cuz I’m bored whoa I know so Chatters today actually let me put this light on who crazy um I’m alive again I’m alive I’m streaming I know I know kind of crazy um but I’m going to go in here screw that dumb song it’s actually not a dumb song It’s a sick song but we got we we we’re gaming here we’re gaming here Momo raid no way yo Momo thank you for the raid W… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Tech Revolutionizes Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Tech Revolutionizes Minecraft!Video Information cette nouvelle technologie va révolutionner les serveurs Minecraft ça faisait un an que je n’avais pas rejoint un serveur multijoueur et j’ai été choqué par ce que j’ai découvert Minecraft a autoriser les serveurs à utiliser des packs de texture grâce à ça il y a des nouveaux objets incroyables comme ce multitool qui permet de casser des blocs à l’infini ce boss est ultra stylé mais un petit peu dangereux ah on peut même avoir des pets celui-là est vraiment trop mignon pour jouer lance Minecraft clique sur multijoueur et rentre d’IP go.iping.fr This video, titled ‘Cette… Read More

  • Darkest Gamer Tricks: Age-Specific Minecraft Traps 💀🕹️

    Darkest Gamer Tricks: Age-Specific Minecraft Traps 💀🕹️Video Information [музыка] в лес приходит сказка снег как чистый лист но цветных кра искупалась ми начинают ики рисовать дала не спрятать не потерять моё зание справляюсь ятим с нами немножко пока Да это не забрати не справляем ничего не хитрого ло не чудес Я даю поила смея нет Потому что дети три собак Y This video, titled ‘Minecraft traps at different ages 💀#viral #shorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by Black Devil Af Gaming on 2024-07-04 04:55:54. It has garnered 10593 views and 413 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. minecraft but minecraft minecraft animations minecraft… Read More

  • Shocking Sights at Sinj’s 2024 Minecraft Art Show! #OMG

    Shocking Sights at Sinj's 2024 Minecraft Art Show! #OMGVideo Information [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] derivative that I love I absolutely This video, titled ‘2024 annual Minecraft Art Show #memes #minecraft #greenscreen’, was uploaded by Sinj on 2024-06-04 15:52:36. It has garnered 608 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • GingerShadow’s life-changing decision in Minecraft Sky Wars!

    GingerShadow's life-changing decision in Minecraft Sky Wars!Video Information hello everybody Ginger Shadow here and welcome back to some more Bach Sky Block with me and brother why is there a we H uh didn’t it exactly um um um um I don’t remember this being here when I logged off what have you been up to well me remember that really funny thing that happened where uh we recorded a video and I forgot to press record oh yeah you’ve been doing that a lot the last week yeah we don’t need to talk about that thanks very much um yes let talk about it so… Read More

  • INSANE! Building EPIC wooden house in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! Building EPIC wooden house in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Construindo casa simples de madeira #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #viral #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-06-13 12:45:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts shorts herobrine minecraft memes #shorts minecraft meme memes minecraft challenge meme funny … Read More

  • Tico Anarchy Server

    Tico Anarchy ServerThis Server Is Created By Tico Group Full Anarchy Server Whit No Rules discord.gg/JyZhYBfFt2 Free For All No Pay2win ticoanarchy.falixsrv.me:22237 Read More

  • Silvermons modded Pixelmon server: Progression system, Endgame PvE, Weekly Tournaments, Fun Events

    Silvermons Pixelmon Reforged Server Silvermons is a non pay-to-win friendly community Pixelmon Reforged server with content for both casual and competitive players. Join our custom level cap and rank progression system featuring exclusive Gyms, Elite 4, Battle Tower, and the Champion’s Gauntlet. Enjoy Weekly Tournaments, Player Gyms, Fun Events, and more! Server IP: play.silvermons.com Current Version: Pixelmon Reforged on Minecraft 1.16.5 Modpack: The Pixelmon Modpack – Download Here Read More


    1 BLOCK ANARCHY MINECRAFT SERVER (REBRAND)Welcome newbie!😎Normal survival but we can hack and soloIts an anarchy server but it a variation of anarchy(1 block map in the server lol)*I installed a few things to make the server interesting*You can join the server from 1.12 to 1.21Make your history in the serverGoodluckDiscord:discord.com/invite/SHvzfr9Z5G Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “From trash to treasure: ugly blocks in skilled hands”

    Minecraft Memes - "From trash to treasure: ugly blocks in skilled hands"Looks like the builder in Minecraft has some serious fashion sense – even when it comes to choosing blocks! Read More

  • Limber Labrash Mines Mischief: Sin of Suspicion EP.4

    Limber Labrash Mines Mischief: Sin of Suspicion EP.4 Labloush, the Minecraft news reporter, with a twist, Bringing updates in rhymes, never to miss. In Sin of Suspicion EP.4, Labrasi takes the lead, Shutting down the Mafia’s money printing greed. Labloush, with eyes sharp and keen, Describing each move, in a rhyming scene. Labrasi’s mission, to end the Mafia’s reign, With interrogation and twists, in the game’s domain. Labloush, the narrator, with a playful tone, Engaging the crowd, never alone. Crafting Minecraft news, with a grin and a spin, In every update, let the rhymes begin. Labloush, the favorite news reporter, in the gaming land, Spinning rhymes that… Read More

  • Trap Escapes Through Minecraft History #hotAF

    Trap Escapes Through Minecraft History #hotAF “Me trying to escape a trap in Minecraft at age 10: panicking and running in circles. Me trying to escape a trap in Minecraft at age 20: calmly strategizing and building a staircase to freedom. Me trying to escape a trap in Minecraft at age 50: calling my grandkids for help because I can’t figure out how to jump.” Read More

  • EPIC Funny Moments in English Class!

    EPIC Funny Moments in English Class! Minecraft: Hilarious Moments in English Class!【方块轩】 Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, one creator stands out for his humor and joy-sparking animations. 方块轩, the mastermind behind a series of entertaining Minecraft animations, brings laughter and fun to his audience. Let’s delve into some of the hilarious moments captured in English class! English Class Shenanigans In a typical English class scenario, 方块轩 finds himself in a predicament when asked to translate a word on the blackboard. The banter between classmates adds a touch of comedy as they navigate through words like “banana” and engage in… Read More

  • Herobrine SMP 2.0: Food Farm Shenanigans

    Herobrine SMP 2.0: Food Farm Shenanigans Welcome to Herobrine SMP 2.0 Season 1 Episode 1: Making a Food Farm! Shadow Striker, also known as Chirag, is back with another exciting episode of Herobrine SMP 2.0. In this episode, he dives into the world of Minecraft to create a food farm that will sustain him on his adventures. Let’s join him on this thrilling journey! Setting Up the Farm As the sun rises in the Minecraft world, Shadow Striker wastes no time in getting to work. He starts by clearing a patch of land near his base to make room for his food farm. Using his… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PvP Godz – Rate my skills now! ⚔️

    EPIC Minecraft PvP Godz - Rate my skills now! ⚔️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥rate my skills Minecraft pvp! ⚔️’, was uploaded by Godz on 2024-06-19 16:16:02. It has garnered 31 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:44 or 1244 seconds. 🔥 **Welcome to [Godz]** 🔥 🎮 **About Me:** Hey there, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! I’m [Your Name]and I’m passionate about all things blocky and pixelated. On this channel, you’ll find epic adventures, creative builds, survival challenges, and more. Whether you’re a seasoned miner or a newbie to the Overworld, there’s something here for everyone. 🌟 **What to Expect:** – **Let’s Play Series: * Join me… Read More

  • Beware: Do NOT Let it Catch You!

    Beware: Do NOT Let it Catch You!Video Information man that’s another successful store trip my brother I’m saying now is the party at show crib or mind you know what I’m saying we about to turn up ain’t that right M don’t we hosting mush done made mushroom soups for the whole gang let’s go they starting to grow on me I’m really enjoying the mushroom soups nowadays man y’all getting into it y’all get into it come on guys walking is healthy let’s walk the rest of the way home and then we’ll be solid oh so we going to your crib to party that’s… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft WATER vs LAVA Challenge 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft WATER vs LAVA Challenge 🔥Video Information and done our new house is completed oh this house is ugly well it’s much better than the old one Grazy it’s not my fault that you burned it down well I’m sorry I just wanted to put all my cakes in the outfit at once now they’re all burned wait what’s going on you put the house down again Gracie no it’s not me it’s a fire girl what are you doing stop buing our house down we just built this terrible news the ele mental Army is going to come here to destroy everything I need… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Satisfying

    Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art SatisfyingVideo Information [Music] watch my let me This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,594’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 01:17:12. It has garnered 1932 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,594 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes… Read More

  • INSANE Modded Minecraft Server Gameplay by Jon DeWalt

    INSANE Modded Minecraft Server Gameplay by Jon DeWaltVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft server mode:vee craft server (Modded)’, was uploaded by jon dewalt on 2024-04-05 00:50:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/evildragonx1. Read More

Kureiji Ollie Ch. hololive-ID – 【MINECRAFT】REDOING MY WHOLE HOUSE IN NEW SERVER【Hololive Indonesia 2nd Gen】