Kurtis Conner Twitch stream 2021.04.14 – danny teaches me how to play minecraft

Video Information

Hello hello hello how’s it going how’s it going how are we feeling hi hair looks so good thank you i showered look oh it looks so curly dude ayo nexxits check let’s get these next zits three month subs thank you anyone else get these and exits i think it’s for my hair

But you know it’s all good um yeah showered today shampooed even uh joey thanks for the subscription um kurdistan smp when i don’t know i gotta finish life is strange too on sunday and then after that we’re gonna do that we’re gonna focus on the snp um

What shampoo do you use i usually use um the salon thing it’s called but i ran out so i’m using dove some dove dandruff shampoo well anti-dandruff shampoo it doesn’t give you dandruff i yeah everyone’s kind of using the anti-dandruff shampoo i’m sort of the pro dandruff shampoo it gives you

Gives you more shampoo i mean it gives you more dandruff um so that’s where i’m at um i gotta see if i gotta see if danny’s in the frickin in the voice chat oh he’s not in the game he’s not in there yet um or is he no i don’t know dandruff check

Y’all want to fit check y’all want to fit check yo sunbean thanks for the reset they check we got the hamburger friend t i feel happiness when i eat a him and we got the uh ow i got my green screen and then we got the i’m not wearing any

Socks i don’t know i don’t want to do a foot reveal but we got the uh we got them do we got the me and maples merch check dude the homie the drip level’s off the charts bro um where’s the shirt from yo maria thank you for the subscription

The shirt is actually from someone gave it to me at a meet and greet i think um so yeah if you guys want the shirt just go have a meet and greet and have someone give it to you it’s that easy optimal gamer setup okay um let’s switch over to Yes yes yes yes he is he is he is he is there yeah it is all it is all because of me this was all my doing okay i will hold on let me close minecraft because last time this happened i don’t know if there’s audio coming yet but um

Dan can you hear me come in come in danny hello oh there he is can you hear me he’s here i can hear him nice nice how’s it going dude pretty good how are you good just um i was just talking about my favorite type of bread someone asked in my stream

Oh [ __ ] what is what is your favorite type of bread dude you’re my freaking boy i don’t even know the answer to that question well i was trying to decide because i feel like on on sandwiches i like just like regular white bread but if you’re going to make if you’re

Going to make toast yeah like the grocery store near us has like fresh bread sometimes like italian bread a loaf of it and that’s like really good uh really good toast wise that sounds yeah that sounds delicious i don’t think there’s yeah i don’t think there’s like one type of bread that is

Uh superior because my first thought was like a like a like a rye or like a like a like a pump like a bumper nickel but i like yeah i could [ __ ] with a rye for like certain types of sandwiches for sure yeah depends on the sammy it definitely depends on the samuel

All right oh are you in here now okay yeah i i gotta put my green screen up one second oh [ __ ] all right i’m gonna do a fit check real quick while you do that because my hype train is is at 100 and i got to do a fit check

Everyone in curtis’s chat just imagine what i’m wearing i’m wearing the greg merch this i wear this almost every day now because it’s like the only nice hoodie that i have right now i got on the black jeans i got on the flippers and i got on the gray socks

That’s the fit check someone said someone asked me to twerk i don’t think i’m gonna twerk right now honestly um all right i mean i’m always twerking so i’m not gonna twerk any more than i usually am were you just doing a fake check yeah

I have people i have people in my chat freaking out about your fit check whoa are they saying drippy uh they’re like well it sounds cool the black jeans they can’t even i don’t even oh i guess they could see you but it’s very funny like just on description alone

They’re like oh my god when you walked away i said i was going to do a fit check but i realized that like your audience was still listening so i said curtis’s chat can just imagine what i’m wearing okay so they must be imagining pretty good pretty well

Yeah if they’re like impressed with what i’m wearing they must be like imagining it really well vividly yeah that’s one thing about my chat uh we’ve got really good imaginations over here i don’t know about your chat but you know no my chat’s imagination sucks they need to see it to believe it

They’re very factual uh actual chat yeah factual chat jewel uh so what’s the what’s the freaking vibes today i don’t know dude i forgot how sick our base is now with this glass floor drop the base you know drop the base into the ocean yo your

Room looks crazy i didn’t even check it out yet oh yeah this is my golf room with uh all my oh wait i didn’t i didn’t put up the last skylight this is i guess we can finish our our rooms if we if if you think you’ve got all the

Resources you need oh [ __ ] maybe guys i’m sorry i’m so stupid dude do you have you ever started a stream and like started playing the game and forgot to like switch over to the gaming view oh no it’s just been like my face this whole time as i’m walking

Around our base and being like whoa this is sick guys you can’t you can’t look i don’t want you guys to see the game today i don’t uh it’d be funny if you went like the entire stream and you just had no idea i was i was thinking today because i

Have like a video at the start of my streams that says stream gonna start soon i was like i was just imagining what it would be like if that if that just never ended like i just like had a stream for like two hours and then i ended the stream

All right guys great stream thanks so much for hanging out um i’m wondering what because it was a it was a lot of work to get that little tiny amount of green concrete oh really what how much stuff did you need to what would you get six of it i i think so

It just took i don’t know it just took a long time i feel like everything kind of does in this game so that’s the fun of it dude ow ow hello what curtis oh thank you sorry i was i i went into my i went into my cactus

Farm and i forgot that it’s they’re prickly i haven’t seen this yet check it out this is nice i don’t know if you want to be using the pickaxe to be taking those down you might what would i use some enemies with that i don’t really know what’s guys what’s the proper tool

For taking down cactuses would it be like an axe yeah would it be an oh it’s an axe they’re saying one of my mods is saying danny bestie can you tell curtis to turn your volume up on his stream am i quiet on your stream is he how’s it

Okay i’m turning up a bit how’s that guys is that better how does this sound is this louder danny don’t this is serious how does that sound everybody people are saying oh people are saying to use an axe on the cactuses one pers bow and arrow but i think

They’re fibbing okay it’s good now apparently i was too loud and you were too quiet i guess well whose stream is it guys it’s mice i gotta be the loudest well he sounds a little upset guys i think he might have struck a nerve curtis can you turn danny’s volume way

Up in your volume way down i’m trying to hear danny and you’re you keep talking uh guys if i if i uh hold on if oh yes trans rights um if you yo trans rights in the chat if i if i cut no wait now you can’t hear me good lord

Hello hello hello okay if i play if i if i chop down all this cactus will it like grow back and drive to like replant something i think you have to replant one of them because like if it grow it oh it grows like they grow like two

Or three tall and then you just have to replant one for each okay that’s that’s that’s kind of i think at least that’s how sugarcane works so i assume it’s like that yeah those are practically the same thing oh we got lots of trans rights in the chat now hell yeah

Dude trans people will have rights in this chat like you guys are just yanking my chain and it’s i’ve been pretty explicit but i don’t like that and leave my chain alone quit yanking it dude okay where does that expression come from yanking a chain but like what whose chain like what kind

Of chain uh you know that’s a that’s a pretty good question like is it from like maybe prisoners in like a prison and they’re got a chain tied to them and like a funny joke to play on prisoners would be like yanking their chain to make them think that they

Were being pulled in like freedom or something yeah yeah that’s how they would free prisoners back in the day as they would sort of like drag them out by their chain and so they’re yeah so prisoners when that prank would be pulled on them they’d be like oh you’re just yanking my

Chain you’re not actually pulling me to freedom you’re just giving it a wee little yank you’re just giving me a little yank come on yeah i think that’s the only explanation yeah that’s i’m not even gonna think of i’m not even gonna try to think anymore because that’s the only one that

I’ll accept for yeah just in terms of anything i think that’s sort of the explanation for everything ever oh right i have to eat oh yeah speaking of bread i gotta eat some red yeah happy ramadan everyone oh sheesh happy ramadan let’s get some ramadan rights in the chat ramadan rights

I can [ __ ] with it how turn my volume up guys you guys are friggin you thinking this is gonna be a whole all night it’s gonna be this oh no dude are they yanking it again yeah they’re thinking i’m i think i’m gonna be a free man and

They’re just getting my hopes up finally i’ve been in here for curtis quick turn your volume up you’re gonna be a free man all you have to do is turn your volume up buddy and the warden says he’ll let you go oh really okay guys not um yo should we

Should we try to go to the the nether today do you think you’re ready for that i think so i’ve never been there yet i’ve never been to that another i mean we can try uh we will actually need to find uh a nether portal probably easy next hello huh that’s weird

Maybe it was just both of our imaginations at the exact same time wait i heard it again oh yeah arrow hits i hear oh whoa dude there’s an underwater skeleton you’re shooting arrows underwater yeah that’s awesome don’t worry dude i got this ah nice thank you yeah i saved your life there

Yeah so we need to find so a lot of times there will just be like ruins of nether because like you can build one yourself but it’s kind of hard so it’s nice to find one that’s already kind of built so sometimes like you can find villages and

Stuff you can also find ruins of nether portals and so they’re already pre-built because they’re made out of obsidian which is like uh very difficult to mine i think you need a diamond pickaxe to mine it so oh it’s probably easier to just find one except i think we

Actually might have we have diamond from before don’t we from that one remember because you stole the diamonds at the beginning of the game yeah we’ve got five diamonds okay sick so that’s when you played that nasty little trick on me i wouldn’t and you stole my diamonds yeah i wouldn’t

Call that i wouldn’t call that very much stealing but did you see speaking of calling did you see that little nazix’s song he says is gonna get removed from like streaming platforms yeah is he doing a bit oh wait did we already talk about this i don’t did we i don’t know

D no i made okay i talked to someone about it on zoom and i was trying to remember if i talk to you about it but yeah i kind of feel like it’s a um it’s a troll yeah that’s it because he he nor anyone else has said like who is taking

It down like it’s very ambiguous and so i’m like it just seems weird that they wouldn’t say like it’s being taken down by the label or by like some like all of the streaming services have decided it’s too crass for some reason even though it’s like not

Right yeah i it seems like a trick for him to like just get people to stream this on more which is pretty funny but i yeah cause it’s like all of his tic tacs are like are like guys the street the song is getting taken down now

So go listen to it now while you have the chance right someone said it’s not a troll it got taken off apple music in the us all right i’m gonna go check right now why like why though did he give a reason um no one in the chat well i haven’t

Seen any reasons in the chat and is little mousex in the chat right now if he is can you can he give a reason jeez no lilna’s ex uh montero is still up i can still play it so people are capping there’s capping in the chat on apple

Music and i live in the us guys i think you might have gotten hoodwinked by by lil little nas himself i had a feeling it was just a big a big old goof yeah it’s pretty goofy honestly when you think about it yeah when you get

When you really get down to it it is a little goofy i mean he’s a guy who likes a good meme i mean maybe it is getting taken down and then and then i’ll be eating my words in a few days but i don’t know call me skeptical i think

It’s yeah i think it’s an epic sort of prank i think it’s an epic fail because he didn’t prank me a good point actually i don’t know an epic point actually and i don’t say that a lot well i’ve heard you say that word a lot for sure hey curtis

What did you just say you said that you’ve heard me say that a lot no come back here you swine into the i’m going to push you into the oh no oh no i remember myself hey i’m going to die you only kill the sheep all right truce whoa i

I you said truth after i did that i sort of said it wild but i’ll i’ll take your word for it you said it wild i said it wild style i said uh should we go to bed or something uh yeah we probably should just give me

Uh yeah let’s go to bed all right why is everyone in chat’s thing i’m radio rebel no they’re all saying i’m radio rebel no i’m radio rebel guys i’m radio rebel um now my chat’s saying it they think they’re radio rebel too it’s either i’m to rebel or kill danny guys curtis’s chat

We i feel like we got off on the wrong foot or something i don’t know what is your guys’s deal but you guys all need to calm down i will say i only saw one kill danny uh so i may be embellishing a bit but okay bro well they’re all probably gonna

Start now that you said it okay if one more person tries to pull my little little chain i’m gonna cry what are they doing someone donated five dollars and said please turn up i literally can’t hear you but i can see the audio levels it looks great

It looks great it looks amazing actually it sounds i mean i can’t hear it but it looks great yeah these audio levels look spectacular the best ones i’ve seen alright so i guess what we can do right now creeper alert no whoa he’s gonna go kill it is he

Oh he got our bridge that’s all right Okay uh well do you want to just go see if we can try to wait the very first episode that we played yeah you said you found a nether portal i think but we don’t know where that is but we know that there’s one like kind of close by the village

I think oh thank you baymax [ __ ] uh yeah i remember seeing that it was like i believe it was uh [ __ ] i think it was over this way like by the cave that we went into the first time okay i i lost you so i don’t know where you are anymore

Yeah i’m just over here man okay where’s and where’s that you know that you know do you remember where the the zombie was riding the chicken and went down the waterfall oh yeah yeah okay okay i’m on my way there he is i’m swimming over to you

Oh you’re underwater i’m gonna get you [Laughter] that was so creepy thanks casper it’s good thank you oh so you think it’s over here somewhere i think so yeah i think it was like around the oh look at all this cactus this would be perfect for my my

Green dye yeah that would be perfect for you yeah i remember all this sand and then like seeing it um now everyone in my chat’s saying no i’m dirty dan also someone when i talked about oh everyone on my chat saying i’m drew no i’m true yo drew has hundreds of different

Twitch accounts and he’s typing that in dude before i did i show you before he was in my chat and the only thing he would ever comment is just play star wars well did you no i never did because i couldn’t figure out how oh well this is star wars

So but now it looks like he’s made hundreds of accounts and he’s gonna start commenting play star wars on all of them that way we can’t possibly ignore it honestly pretty genius he’s a pretty genius yeah although i am a little skeptical because if they’re all saying

I’m drew i mean that’s just something drew would never say so they actually don’t know drew yeah i’ve never heard him say that i mean we performed that song every night where the first line is i am drew that he’s saying but he was actually he

Was lip-syncing at that every time so he still didn’t say it he didn’t even in like the original recording right you like you like had to hire a like a sound well so he didn’t want to say it but i also didn’t want to like i wanted it to sound like him

So i just sort of like had to like squeeze him until like air came out that just like sounded like that oh yeah you like okay yeah you sort of squeezed him and like moved his lips and throat uh yeah so he made it so he said i’m like

Like it just sort of sounded like that that’s why it sounds like that in the song i mean if you squeeze a guy enough times one of the times he’s gonna say that if you squeeze a guy enough eventually he’s going to say that he’s drew okay i seem to have lost you

Um i’m just like walking around this desert trying to find uh this nether portal that you were talking about i kind of feel like it actually might be on the other side of this big hill because i think there was another desert on the other side but i’m not because i’m not seeing

Another portal over here another portal we’re only looking for one no i said net i meant nether i meant nether okay yeah what is this little special design there’s a special design well okay someone in my chat said i’m definitely not drew so now that i think that person might actually be true

It’s that’s sort of the plot thickens if you will yes i found it dude okay so i was right um yeah it’s on the other side of the big hill there’s another desert over here i’m digging straight down that’s the wrong way well i was on top of a mountain

Oh okay well then that might be kind of the right way look guys pog we found it hold on that’s kind of a fog idea where are you guys i i’m gonna find the exit uh do you want my coordinates will you be able to find me based on those

Um i’m gonna say no because no Okay well then uh are you on are you at like the um are you at the like village on top of the mountain uh no i’m sort of i’m sort of lost i was i climbed okay i climbed a big sand mountain that was there because i

Uh okay and now i’m sort of trying to tunnel out but this this cave seems endless to me curtis it kind of sounds like you got hood winged oh chat how’s that how is that i escaped and hey and the whole chat was doubting me dude they like to do that sometimes

They they even do that to me and i’m a seasoned minecraft pro i’m seasoned i’m covered in cumin cilantro and lime cilantro is that a song oh it’s corona and lime but i sort of remixed it if you will okay how it remix hey yo the cilantro remix dj cilantro remix

He remixes and changes all the important words to cilantro tonight give me cilantro tonight oh yeah okay i guess those aren’t really seasonings are they i was hoping no one would notice i said cumin is that one oh cumin could be one yeah uh okay where where are you

Uh i’m at the nether portal now okay where’s that at so where are you uh my coordinates are 18.348 eighty-three and negative five two six point one ninety you’re at eight okay you went far dude damn holy [ __ ] we were in the same spot and i climbed a mountain and there’s you know the rest is history okay so do you see the the big hill with the village

Um no not not yet but i will it and just like uh just like and just like really and just like really quick just hold on okay so i’m just i’m like just on the other side of that hill there’s a desert that you’ll see when you get to

The other side of that hill so you can go over the hill or around the hill okay okay i said you have tnt in your hand is that true me yeah no why would i have t no actually let’s i don’t know someone said you have tnt in

Your hand for some reason you’re just walking around with it uh i don’t believe them but no i don’t unless i’m unless a sword and shield makes tnt that’s what’s so sword and shield stands for tnt are you or do you mean tnt stands for sorry no sordid shield stands for tnt

Sword is short for t and shield is short for t okay yeah actually i’m gonna i’m gonna come back to our house real quick because the night is falling yeah and i don’t want to be out here when the bad guys come yeah i mean i don’t want to be out here

When they come yeah i want to be okay i’m officially lost and i’m sorry uh okay d if you press f3 and you get your coordinates um do you see the little like uh the little diagram that has like the lines that are like green and red and blue um

Yes uh so that tells you like which direction you’re facing and that will help you get home so like what is what are your coordinates right now uh negative 217 and then 75 and then negative 639. okay you you were kind of getting closer

To home you need to go so you need to go up on the first number and i think down on the last number so like it’s kind of hard to explain but like th that uh okay i think those lines will show you like which way is up on the x-axis and

Which way is down but okay i’m uh also almost home yeah i got big time lost okay i ate thanks guys thank you i ate that up damn you ate that uh okay i think i’m getting closer this looks like a familiar spot it’s mutton time

I’ll just customize my room a little bit while i wait for you okay i’ll be there in two shakes two shakes two shakes mmm one milkshake curtis still isn’t here no and i just downed my second milkshake how are you eating them so fast the average man takes much longer to drink milkshakes

And three milkshakes did i say they were extra large four milkshakes i said curtis you gotta get back here man oh hey a dolphin oh yeah dude is it pushing you it feels like i see you is it pushing me or am i just super fast there’s a spider on a roof spider

Danny look out [Laughter] i got him i got it my hero that was terrifying all right i’m gonna make us a diamond pickaxe and this will help us uh fix up the nether portal to be good to go okay people kept saying to do the the lava trick you know well yeah

Um i think you’ve watched like people speed run minecraft right uh yes have you seen have you seen how they make the nether portal or do you remember i think i saw one person do it like underwater or some [ __ ] i don’t know yeah so and so the nether portal is made

Out of obsidian and you to get obsidian you either need to uh like find it or you can make it by pouring water on top of lava okay so if you sort of like build a mold out of dirt and then like some you somehow have to get like the water and

The lava to flow into the mold at the same time or something in order to turn it into obsidian i don’t really know how to do it jesus yeah it sounds kind of kind of like nerd stuff i don’t know yeah it kind of sounds like lame yeah actually it does kind of

Kind of a lame game now i don’t know if i want to do that oh no uh a string wait we don’t have any how do we make a flint and steel what is that made out of because that’s what we need to make flint and iron i don’t think we have any

Flint oh do not sleep in the nether all right no you don’t explode right i saw it guys can guys can you tell me how where i get flint from i realize i was putting the wrongs i gotta find gravel okay that is interesting at first i thought

The the the comment was don’t sleep on the nether like it’s like some underground don’t sleep on the nether man they’re gonna be the next big thing okay oh i have gravel here wait i’ve seen speedrunners do this check okay you just keep putting the gravel down

And then breaking it and then eventually it’ll give you flint what maybe i need a shovel to do this though let me make a shovel is this among us yes it is this is the new among us update this is the new a muggy update i need i need wood i need planks

I need more flames dude this is how you speed run the game right here you just put down all the gravel and you dig it up and eventually you get flame did you get any yet no no but hey it’s a speed run okay it’s not a

Sprint it’s a marathon it takes time it’s a speed run it’s not supposed to be fast yeah it’s called that ironically you’re on speed when you do it so everything seems really fast is this gonna work like how i’m doing it guys am i gonna get flint eventually hey yo steak chick

Do i need do i need i don’t need like an iron sword or an iron shovel do i because i’m using a stone one right now yo do not sleep on the nether that’s facts oh i got one i got two oh [ __ ]

We’re good to go now i need a new i need a new picky but i don’t have any planks oh i’ve got lots here you go thank you take uh who do i think is gonna win drag race that’s a good question i think it’s gonna be it’s gonna be me

Uh i think it’s gonna be i don’t feel like got mix gonna win but i that’s not my number one pick but i have a feeling that they’re gonna win but i guess we’ll see uh you got you got enough armor now um are you all armored up

Hold on let me check oh i need a you need uh definitely a shirt and you might also want le uh iron boots i know you look really stylish in the leather and boots i really like them a lot i need a i think i need more inkys then

There’s some in the chest because what there’s like 50 in the chest and this whole chest oh whoa this whole thing oh this whole thing iron chest plate i like how you called it an iron shirt what’s the diff shut the hell up [Laughter] come on shut the hell up already

Who someone said learn how to teleport already are you yanking my chain or can you do that in this game uh i think they’re actually cranking your brain right now dude i’m actually slobbing your knob right now [Laughter] everyone i apologize right away quit slurping my pool whoa liars

All right we might want to i might oh okay bring extra beds to the nether or not to the nether but to the portal so we can sleep right next to it yeah that way if we die in the nether we’ll respawn right by the portal

But we can get beds from the village that way we don’t need to even make them all right i think i’m ready to go you can okay are you um i think i’m ready to go yay another time we’ll see you another time are you are you ready to be become

Another baddie hold on let me oh hold on okay let me let me think uh yes wait hold on uh someone just made a good point [ __ ] [ __ ] guys i don’t think we have enough gold to both wear gold yeah someone told me to win you gotta

Kind of be blinged out when you go into the nether because there’s these pig creatures that really don’t like it when you don’t wear gold i guess oh so they’re but we only have enough for me to wear gold boots actually they’re tight piece yeah they’re basically hypebeasts if

You’re not wearing like supreme gold gold boots they get pissed you don’t have any gold in your chest over there do you um no sir [ __ ] i’m gonna oh there was oh there’s gold at the portal actually someone just made a good point so maybe we’ll be able to get we’re gonna uh

Enough okay so let’s go to the portal do we have enough food let’s let me let me grab some i’m gonna stack all my stuff i don’t need all this crap hey language sorry i don’t need all of these crap i am your mother do you know what one of my favorite snl

Sketches is oh no have you seen the one with uh it’s like i think it’s from like 2006 or like sometime around then it’s like it’s andy samberg and zac efron and uh fred armisen plays their mom and it’s like they’re doing like a commercial and fred armstrong is like a uh mom

And he’s his line is supposed to just be like they say something like funny to the mom and he’s supposed to just be like hey i’m your mother but like every time the director says action and he gets to that line he’s just like hey i am your mother he starts like

Crawling all over the table and yeah i remember that one now oh okay so you were just kind of goofing around before when you said you didn’t know her well i you know i just i just forgot yeah so you’re just kind of goofing with me i

Yes uh well i said i mean i answered your ques i answered your question i forgot i didn’t i remember it’s okay you were just being silly don’t worry i get it look i’m a goofy guy too you know but you have to know that i was goofing hold on danny can you

Stop walking yeah where’d you go oh i see you i’m across the way oh there we are ow hey you can’t brush up against cactuses like that dude you’ll get you’ll get scrapey i’ll get nicked okay nicholas okay don’t listen to anyone that tries to tell you to sleep in the nether

This is like their favorite way this is the chat’s favorite way of hazing people if you put down a bed in the nether i like it blows up and it kills you yeah that’s a don’t even try that’s how people kill the ender dragon in speed runs yeah except the ender dragon actually

Isn’t in the nether he’s in the end but i think it’s the same deal they’re actually two separate realms actually technically they’re two separate realms [Laughter] so if you just get it right next time that’d be great so actually i’m gonna log off for today and once you have it right then i’ll

Then we can play yo carly thanks for the subscription someone in my chat just said danny do you like john john bro who is john you know john you like john you like john thoughts on john you like i mean all right or papa john papa john

Do i like john no i’m john no i’m john all right so right click the bed to set your respawn point there and then we’re going to construct another portal all right what do we need we need to watch me do it because i i’m the i think i can only

Break the obsidian because i have the pinky nice you made the advancement ice bucket challenge oh actually let’s get the do you have an iron pickaxe uh yes sir okay you can go up and get that gold block at the top that’ll be helpful for you really yeah

Oh yeah okay i will do that you’re talking about john mulaney yeah i like that guy obviously papa john mullaney that’s who papa john is where was that john mulaney where was that gold block under you underwear oh there it is you said underwear dude what the hell

That was kind of cringe why’d you say underwear underwear dad i’m seriously gonna tell my mom if you don’t stop i’m not kidding anymore okay so i think the formation has to be five up five down uh as such it has to be would you say five up five down

Yeah what does that mean five up five down what does that mean how do i build something up and then down you’re not hearing me danny i’m hearing you i’m not understanding five down oh you mean like that yeah no that’s wrong that was wrong no that’s that’s nice please don’t

Please don’t please don’t berate me for that i can make all these gold things what should i make gold gold boots probably well i mean you can make whatever you want as long as you have enough for it treat yourself it’s not a gold chain it says a gold tooth maybe

It has plus five armor okay cool so i think i’m gonna rock with that yeah wait is there not enough obsidian here guys um okay this is kind of cringe there’s not enough obsidian here oh why is everyone saying boots i think just because it needs the least amount of gold to make

Boots oh here’s some obsidian don’t worry i found some guys we’re good i’ll just get this one no biggie get the other gold block where’s the other one is there another one i don’t think there is no whoa he got the gold shirt hey yo who design who’s the designer on that shirt

I think it was i think i kind of sort of just did it myself like epic style all right curtis here take this flint and steal okay and then and then right click on the like the bottom of the portal with it okay on the bottom of the portal yo yo Hey yo yo what’s another report uh cloudy with a chance of uh dying in the nether All right how do you go in uh one second i’m gonna put away important stuff and only bring stuff that i’m okay with losing because we i mean i don’t want to would you have food by chance i have three steaks okay we actually might want more food i don’t really know

How to get any in a in this quick of a pinch well we can oh there’s a pig over there yeah i’m gonna slay the pig yes slay slay queen i am slaying the pig i’m slaying a chicken all right well we can i mean we can just

Go in and get a quick survey of the land you know we don’t have to spend too long in there what about some calamari um i swam away i think the only thing you’ll be eating from that squid is a ink sack so good luck oh

Yeah all right us i say we head into the nether and become two genuine nether baddies how do you do it do you just like walk in do i gotta say a spell or something yeah just yeah so you walk in and then out loud say oh nether oh nether

Uh oh you say oh heather oh heather bring me to the nether heather is sort of the god the god of the nether okay just go ahead head on in then i get you kind of yeah is that that’s part of the ritual to go in right whoa hey oh whoa that’s

The pig [ __ ] i was talking about back okay you come through the porch our nether portal is gonna spawn right next to a piggy guy uh but let’s just go in you know heather heather bring me to the nether oh heather oh heather oh [ __ ] dude look at we’re in another what

Do you think why is everyone saying no what everyone said no don’t hurt the pig oh they they told us not to kill it uh yeah i guess okay so those are the pig creatures and they actually won’t attack us because we’re wearing gold armor so we don’t need to attack them

Because if when you’re in the nether if you do attack them i think they all come like flying at you and try to hurt you evil style uh so yeah this is it and it’s kind of what do you think it’s kind of scary looking i thought it was gonna be like a

Chill chill zone okay guys can we let’s let’s all pay attention to the coordinates here i’m going to tell chat the coordinates negative 70 and negative 47 are the coordinates negative 70 and negative 40. so everybody remember that so if we went down to those pig guys down there they wouldn’t hurt us

No i don’t think so let me let me go over to this guy and we’ll see we’ll put that theory to the test i’ve got on gold boots oh [ __ ] no no no ah help why am i still on fire oh no okay i did not know there was a hole there

I think i might be able to get back up let’s see you were so confident did you see me fall yeah that was so sad how did you not die from that i feel like you fell down so far yeah i felt well i think i fell into the

Lava so i didn’t take any fall damage but i took a lot of damage what’s this uh that is some good old-fashioned nether quartz we come in peace yeah we come in peas we come in peas all right so i am out of food that’s not great oh is this gold here

I think so all right oh hey you hit him no i think you did i didn’t i didn’t touch the gun you must attack all right it’s okay he’s gone now he can’t hurt you anymore why’d he do that did i take his gold or something

I don’t know guys why did he oh you took his gold don’t mind the gold people are saying uh oh well how the heck am i supposed to know that i guess i guess just from the chat telling you just now that’s not i think it seems like okay they’re cool

With you now yeah yeah there’s no way they could know someone said oh never mind uh okay what was i gonna say oh so what we have to do in the nether if we want to beat the game is we have to find another fortress okay and then once we find another

Fortress we go in there and there’s creatures called blazes and we have to get uh we have to kill them and get eight blazer odds from them okay so that’s sort of our mission in the nethers to find the nether fortress the nether is very difficult to traverse

So uh you kind of hope that you just spawn right next to one right that’s what i did in my solo world but it does not seem like we did nice so we might be doing some wandering about i think we could are they like they’re big right

People are saying that your stream is down oh my gosh okay hold up hold up wait uh is my oh i’m back i’m back see you guys just had to wait he’s back thank you for being patient because my stream does that guys what which which way do you think that the um

Which way do you think that the uh fortress is is there any way of knowing or do i just have to walk around oh okay my mom said go positive positive direction so that it will be this way okay so let’s try that let’s see what happens

Look uh yeah watch where you’re walking yeah i’m actually don’t worry i’m really good at the nether actually so you don’t have to tell me well i mean you kind of just fell into a bunch of lava and that was sort of a once-in-a-lifetime goof i didn’t mean it

I would never mean to do that i want his sword it looks so cool i know it does look cool can we blow you for the sword or something how do we get this can i throw it back for a real one honestly it seems like there might not

Be any other any other pigs around right now i think we could probably take him there’s one right here or we could try should we jump this [ __ ] would do we get a sword if we jump him well i the thing is only maybe his sword might be destroyed in the scuffle

Oh okay everyone’s saying don’t okay all right what are you gonna trust the chat your whole life are you just gonna do do whatever the chat says your whole life you’re gonna live a little so are we hurt so are we killing the pig is that what you’re saying

Hell no i’m not going anywhere near that big i just think you’re being kind of a [ __ ] about the whole thing all right well you’re doing the same thing so how can i be the only one being a [ __ ] hey take it easy with that colorful language fella

I don’t even know what i’m saying that’s a word that my i heard my mom say once so i don’t know i don’t know any words so don’t get mad at me lucky all right um what is this what does this place look like uh it’ll like it’s kind of made out of

Like brick so it’ll look like a very defined you know rectangular structures so you should be able to identify it it’s so bright it’s like the only thing that is like a building in hell no and you especially wouldn’t want your friend to like abandon you in the nether like

If you were just walking and you turned around and i was gone like that would like be a crazy prank what is that thing out there i mean i don’t really know what it is i’ve fought one before and it’s kind of scary because i think when you

You kill him and then he turns into like 10 of 10 other smaller of him but we can try to kill him if you want no he’s kind of well i think he might be coming for us i think we might have no we might have to okay back back i say

Please i say thank you oh just like i just like i predicted oh you’re right oh look at all these little guys i know there’s too many of them honestly i don’t like it there’s honestly too many they keep coming just go i mean i’m over it already guys

Yeah it’s like grow up you know okay um So now where do we go we can’t really like go this way easily anymore we gotta go oh well maybe we can go down this way let’s see what where’d you go we’re nice and careful uh i just went down i’m back up now uh if you

Turned your head off the other yeah oh man um you okay i’ve crapped you crapped i cracked my jeans yeah i’m just sorry i’m not even wearing jeans either not cool that’s nasty you you found jeans and crapped them yeah well i’m sitting on a pair of jeans

That’s sort of like a pile of i got rid of my office chair i’m just using a pile of jeans for now you’ve got that jenna marbles uh like jean chair did you ever see that yes you did gina marbles That’s kind of funny dude can i put that in my stand up actually do you mind no i do mine what uh let’s go this way actually this way we’ll be positive i think positive positive and don’t call me ashley huh you said let’s go this way actually

Yeah isn’t that your name you have to know it’s not oh britney then yes oh we got another cube looking at us he wants to know you have another cube looking at you no i sort of i i have another running away looking at the other way i ran away from

Him and he couldn’t catch me wow slowpoke little baby spring cube boy better luck next time did you just jump over the lava yeah how was that dude that was legitness i did it too you inspired me guys stop telling me to eat please you’re making me feel bad i

Don’t have any food uh-oh uh seems ready we might not be able to go this way anymore yeah okay we might be able to go like to the right like to the right more like hugging this little wall here yeah actually i mean we can just make we can

Try to make a little bridge across here if i just mine some of this rock i’ve got dirt it’s got dirt a dirt bridge oh oh oh oh he’s been singed oh that is one there’s one crisp boy we should have brought uh buckets of water am i gonna die i hope not

Bro you’re good yeah that was kind of a brah moment though i will agree with you on that much brother brother all right how the heck are we gonna get down there guys i’m not gonna do it oh jump a lot when you’re on fire oh that makes sense like stop drop and

Jump whoa stop jumping hump stomp chunky hunk someone stopped that junkie hug he’s on fire uh where is this freaking place yeah see this is gonna be the annoying part is that we’ll never know until we know i have faith i think we’re gonna find it yo okay stop eating wrong positive vibes

I don’t have any other food to eat guys what do you want me to do can you roast the meat over the lava i was eating it while i was on fire you’d think that would have cooked it okay i’m just trying to secure a pathway for us if at all possible

Oh dude we might be able to get down here see this is why it’s called minecraft just because you got to be really crafty right you really got to know your way around the crafting someone said you could uh trade gold with the piggies oh yeah you can you can give some gold

To the piggies and sometimes they give you good stuff in return like is it only ingots or yeah it has to be gold ingots okay i have a bunch of uh just gold nuggies but i feel like i don’t know i feel like an astronaut in the ocean

Right now i don’t know about you whoa i think we want to be going more like this way okay i can make the nuggies into enemies but i don’t have anything to make a crafting thing oh oh i can make a crafting table what you know about making a crafting table

Nice yeah i know that song i’ve got one more nuggie here take it there did i take uh nagi think you did yeah nice oh wait no oh no run i did the wrong thing oh god guys a jellyfish ah whoa i don’t think i’ve seen that before yo she’s coming gross

Guys what do i do yo i’m i’m hiding up here it’s sort of chill i did the wrong what do i do someone said hit the fireballs at the jellyfish the fireballs he’s shooting at me where’d he go where is where is this [ __ ] he’s off in the

Distance over there oh he’s huge oh i hit one yeah this guy’s too big i think we might just want to run low-key yeah i don’t really feel like messing with this guy he seems kind of crazy i don’t really like i don’t really like his vibe actually

It’s kind of depressing danny i did something bad what’d you do i i got too excited i actually made gold boots instead of the gold i had a bunch of golden ingots and i saw the gold boots i was like oh nice i’ll do that and then i forgot oh

The hypebeast got the best of you i know i wanted the gold shoes i wanted them okay um i now have one nugget yeah where the heck where the absolute frick is this fortress gonna be see this is why this game sucks this is why i hate this game

It is one frustrating you have to play with me honestly i don’t think that’s how it went yeah you asked if you could play this game with me and i said i hate this game and you said come on danny ew i that’s gonna be it for me

[ __ ] dude i’m back at the bed oh man all right i guess i’m gonna go i’m not going back in there dude i guarantee it all right looks like kirk boy is going to do this one solo all right well guys don’t worry i don’t have to eat anymore because i died

All right well i’m going to go back to our base all right chat this is uh this is what i’ve trained for yeah i mean feel free to keep wandering around in there um hopefully you’ll find something eventually and let me know if you do okay i see blue fire

Yo you guys are [ __ ] up i just saw a comment that said danny destroyed the portal can you imagine oh if i just left you in there and i there was no way for me to go back uh i mean if you died you would you would come back but

That would be so mean just trap you in the nether forever fournette for nether happily never after for heather but i watch her eyes as she walks by in the nether okay now there’s a bunch of skellies over here oh what’s this contraption guys are they are they like dark skellies or light

Skelly’s because there’s dark skellies in there too everyone’s saying i’m gonna die bone blocks what are bone blocks bone blocks isn’t that like when you do when your friend is trying to like sleep with someone but you like mess it up for them you like bone block them oh yeah oh

That’s what’s going on right now there’s like these two skeletons trying to [ __ ] and i’m trying to and i’m starting coming in between them dude you stop being a bone block uh everyone’s telling me to leave never never dude what are these noises bro Dude that’s i think that’s the jellyfish guy because i only started hearing that when he came around but it does sound like just like a little baby yeah it looks like the baby let’s go fireballs at you all right these skeletons have yet to see me

I’m sort of uh i’m sort of invisible ah oh no no brand new lamborghini [ __ ] a piglet why am i so slow what happened oh you can’t sprint because you’re too hungry biggies help me the piggies aren’t gonna help you now dude piggies unless they do i don’t i actually don’t

Really know how that works curtis eat right now eat what what do you want a point guys he’s got a point what do you want him to eat can i kill this little pig and eat him yeah do piglets give you ham i’m a gohan i don’t know everyone’s saying no yes no

Yes come on guys you have to give me all the right all the same answer even if they do give you a concise answer they’re probably still hazing you which is the worst part i just because the thing is like if i were to try to find my way back to the

Portal like who even knows yeah that would be probably pretty tricky and annoying you might just have to resign to dying in the nether but i mean if you want to try to make it back more power to you dude you know what i’m gonna keep trudging forward until i find something

I i commend you for it and you know what maybe i’ll find the friggin nether castle or what the [ __ ] it’s called uh it’s called the heather castle oh this is where heather lives is she uh she like chill is she cool uh yeah i guess so yeah i mean i’ve

Talked i’ve only talked to her a few times but yeah she seems chill nice uh people are saying that you can actually eat mushrooms if you have you seen mushrooms in the nether oh yeah yeah i’ve seen a few so maybe you can eat those and then kind of

Have a you know have a crazy trip get high as [ __ ] in the nether yeah dude okay ah this is something right guys what’s that look like what’s this chat what is this chad show me this guy’s balls oh that’s not it well your audio went

Kind of crazy and scary for a second yeah or like robot style would you say epic robot style or yeah dude your voice sounded like an epic robot for a second but only for a second all right chat oh people are saying the white jellyfish is heather

Oh damn but i watch her eyes as she walks as she floats by okay just keep the hand on shift curtis just keep it on shift throwing fireballs in my eye and you’re telling me this isn’t another castle the heather castle oh did you find a castle

I don’t know there’s like a thousand different types of nether uh another stuff there’s a bunch there’s a thousand types of different other stuff you know that’s actually really insightful i never thought about it like that there’s a thousand different types than other stuff basalt biome

Does that make any is that is that uh does that rainy bells for you dan assault biome assault biome assault that that means nothing to me i got basalt basalt you know that vine where the the girl sees that fake mouse on the in the grocery store yeah

Yeah that’s what she says don’t go that way okay well fine oh i’m a hungry minecraft boy i’m hungry hungry uh have you seen that tik tok that’s like the kid sending one of those like animated emoji things to his mom being like i am very very hungry order me

Pizza no i have not oh it’s like one of my favorite tick tocks it sounds really funny i am hungry i’m very very hungry order me pizza everyone’s saying i’m gonna die well i mean so are you yeah everyone’s gonna die at one point or another yeah or another that’s gonna die too

Oh oh sorry i just wanted to sing a little song oh there’s a cube right behind me dude i’m so [ __ ] dead uh not a cube all right i’m uh i’m fortifying our our base while you do this don’t worry so we’re we’re gonna have a much safer base

By the time you get back i’m gonna make a wall around it that way bad guys can’t get to us anymore should i try to kill this pig guys we won’t let the haters get to us anymore i could try to kill this pig guys i can’t eat i don’t know how many

Times i gotta tell you oh mushrooms oh you got mushrooms guys mushrooms check mushroom chicken eat that [ __ ] eat it up dude eat that booty booty oh wait no i keep that booty booty i eat that lunch it sounds like i thought i thought the lyric was i eat that booty booty

I eat that baby i need a bowl are you s are you eating my butt hole right now yo are you munching on my ass why tell me that i can eat the mushrooms if you’re not gonna if you’re not gonna you know give me a bowl

Yeah what are you supposed to make a bowl out of guys how does he make a bowl google show me this guy’s balls red and brown plus bowl fursuit hold on i need to have two different types of mushrooms to eat them yo these guys are yanking our chain

You know what guys this is my they’re grabbing on tight and they’re taking us for a joy ride chain first i have a feeling the the last this is my last bat my last hope i have to kill this pig and eat his ass oh he killed me so fast

That’s so sad i’m sorry that that happened to you that’s all right i kind of deserved it yeah i was gonna say i mean i didn’t want to say but i was gonna say all right well if you want uh do you do you wanna just

Lay down in that bed and let’s go to sleep real quick oh [ __ ] i can’t actually there’s monsters nearby what the f oh wait i can okay so i think i think uh what i learned from my first another experience is you need to have a lot of food

Yeah i mean you kind of really need to prep for it which is the which is the annoying thing yeah and we didn’t even find a freaking heather castle i know we’re never going to meet heather at this point and she seems like a really chill girl

Seems like a catch i lost all my gold armor i hate this [ __ ] game man No don’t tell me you’re already turned off on minecraft just like games for little babies man i don’t know why you play it what i’m not a baby you’re the one playing minecraft right now don’t ask what i’m doing what are you doing playing minecraft exactly i knew it baby style

No you’re playing baby style no wonder you died dude oh oh oh baby stuff baby style I was going to say oh sexy baby but i stopped yeah that’s probably not a good sentence to ever um he’s an axe not a hoe i don’t have an act i don’t have a hoe if i only had a hole oh [ __ ] dude Where’d you go you back up i’m back at home okay back at the base so to speak where are you i’m still at the portal i’m gonna craft this okay i was just hanging out in nerd’s room so i was just yeah doing that hanging out in nerd’s room say that

Sorry come again i was just saying i was just i was hanging out at the base i swear to god if you changed what my sign said who would it what sign the sign in my room if you changed it swear to god if one of you snitched on me i’m gonna [ __ ]

Ban all of you there’s like nine thousand people in here and you’re all banned you said it to me nerd you said nerds room i didn’t say that absolutely i did it was a slip of the tongue so yeah i didn’t say it so you’re admitting that there is a possibility

That you said it and still what if i did even if i did i didn’t mean it and even if i did mean it i didn’t say it so what’s the problem i think you’re trying to convince me that i’m a free man and when in fact

You’ve turned me into some sort of some sort of nerd and i won’t have that why don’t you just get your balls out of your ass you’re not making any sense i wish i could my life would be a lot easier mods get to work banning everyone in here

And fast i want to be streaming to an audience of none only nuns in the chat waited thank you if that’s true you’re kind of violent out here donkey i killed a donkey you killed a donkey donkey dude don’t kill those those are those are good luck

All right let’s take me for a ride horse take me for red dude you actually can if if we get saddles then we can send your pony up daddy there’s two horses up here we should get some little saddles they’re kind of rare you have to for some reason they’re like

The only thing in the game that you can’t craft so you just have to find them someplace that’s kind of stupid but yeah that’s what i was going to say too it is kind of stupid well that’s fine there’s a bunch of horses up there once we do find saddles

We could sort of tame those beasts if you want yeah i mean i’m all for taming beasts that’s why i’m that’s why i’m teaching you how to play minecraft because i’m a beast yeah you’re a beast because i’m mr beast yeah and i think that you might give me

A tesla if i teach you how to play uh yeah all right so like maybe when we beat the ender dragon you can give me a tesla yeah uh yeah sure thanks uh can i call you jimmy or that’s mr jimmy to you oh so not mr beastie you want me to you

Want me to call you mr jimmy please mr beast is my father okay why would his last why would his like surname be different than yours you just were you you let me worry about that you let me worry about that okay are you gonna worry about that all the time

Now that i brought it to your attention you’re like oh right oh no why do you ask me that all right buddy let me worry about that and actually i have to go i have a lot of questions i need to ask my dad i have actually a lot to worry about now

That you said that guys i don’t have an iron pickaxe on me right now i can’t get that gold uh what what oh you’re back at the base yes i am i’m coming up the ladder coming up the ladder oh wait i’m so dumb i have i literally have a diamond

Pickaxe with me and i just said i couldn’t get the iron because i don’t heard that gold holy [ __ ] [Laughter] dude what the hell mine was mine was a harmless little oh a nerd lives here you didn’t even put dumbass bitch’s room that’s a dumbass [ __ ]

Off limits nerd zone okay fine i won’t go in there any oh so you admit it then no you said nerds only no i said i better not see you going in there if i see you go in there then i’m gonna know that you’re a nerd

Get in there let me try to knock you in hey oh [ __ ] i knocked on one of our torches let me put the torch back oh my god i’m gonna die [Laughter] all right well my room’s no nerds allowed yeah that would be the like a really cool like game show for like

I don’t like middle school kids there’s like a room that said nerds only and they try to push each other in it’s like it’s like sumo wrestling yeah it’s for like really insecure people like if you lose you just like it’s implied that you’re a nerd and that’s enough

I’d watch that i’d be honest yeah me too oh brother hey brother there’s an endless road to rediscover uh so now that you’ve gotten your first taste of the nether what do you think like what do you what do you feel about it uh i think i

Kind of i think i i think i kind of crushed it do you want to go back or do you think we need to prepare more before we go back or like what do you think about it um yeah sorry it wasn’t a yes or no question

What did you think about it yeah i’m not asking if you did think about it i’m saying specifically what did you what were your thoughts you let me worry about that one and i am i think we’d have to i think you more so have to prepare i’m putting a

Like a cobblestone platform around our base and then i’m gonna make a ball around that that way bad guys like can’t get to our base and i just looked in my chat and someone just in all caps said stop with the cobblestone the worst [ __ ] i could be doing i don’t

Understand what is so wrong with it cobblestone killed my dad knock it off enough i’m trying to protect my base my fort my my all my belongings my friend i’m gonna oh okay now the chat is saying cobblestone bad uggo it’s ugly guys it’s it’s we can replace it with something

Nicer later it’s just we’re not we’re not like resource resource rich right now yeah we’re a couple scrappy young guys just trying to get by we just had a terrifying little another trip and we’re trying to recover from that let me make a goddamn [ __ ] pickaxe man

How do i do it you need three inkies and two sticks well let me make some sticks harley knower how do you do it how do you make a torch uh with stick and coal eat i will i will i will uh what was i doing oh i’m making a pickaxe

I got a diamond pickaxe no i don’t what do you want me to be jealous or what no well i am so it’s too late It’s very easy to make me jealous yeah you should know that okay all right all right all right i’m eating guys jesus whoa this is kind of like a fun new curtis all right all right oh good morning i don’t know if he’s trying to be like a stand-up comedian voice or

Something like that so i get there and i’m like come on you know all right i’ll eat already come on come on this also kind of sounds like cartman from south park respect it you know sketch phrase respected respected respect your friends cartman’s catchphrase respect your friends get these off of my wall

[Laughter] no breaking the signs they’re a permanent fixture in the house no more rearranging the house we agreed we did no we didn’t you did all right well let’s shake on it right now no more rearranging the house starting now no not fair can you just okay why don’t you go into

Your room real quick and when you come out everything will be fixed no you’re gonna change it to something no i won’t i won’t change it at all i’ll take the signs down wow that’s crazy curtis you just went in there but the sign up top says nerds go in here

Curtis you went in there and the sign says nerds go in here but i took the sign down [Laughter] hey hey what was that all about you’re being an ass and i had to be an ass back oh okay an ass back whoa an ass bag that’s my favorite restaurant aspect

Steakhouse oh it’s getting sandy in here hey it’s a little too sandy for my part i had to make one single pane of glass to put put my [ __ ] back my chat is being really funny right now they’re being so goofy they just told me like

What did they tell you they told me uh do you have you ever heard let me tell you the joke that they told me yeah i’m waiting seems like it just happened right why is it taking you so long to regurgitate it they said they okay this is a joke that you’re

Gonna think is funny they said d uh i hate all this i i hate all this sex on tv i always fall off i hate sex on tv i always fall off i don’t get it that’s the joke that they told so i was just giggling because of that what are you

Are you just going for a swim or yeah leave me alone i’m doing my laps okay oh yeah dude i kind of made a lap pool here in a nice little like area for laps and i just don’t mind me either i’m just thinking just thinking and thinking hey

Oh no i’m gonna drown what happened what did did you see something weird under there or what yeah i saw it i saw an [ __ ] who i thought was my friend but he’s sort of an underwater [ __ ] he’s an undercover [ __ ] he’s an underwater [ __ ]

Don’t oh i’m gonna die oh no oh my god all right well there’s still the sign that says nerd lifts up the which is the one that i made at first and messed up and had to make the other one you just don’t let it happen again

All right okay what are you my mom mommy mommy are you my mommy sounds like marge simpson first hey what happened to all our iron by the way i don’t care what well i think we had a lot before yeah all right i’m gonna i think i’m gonna go

Mine i feel like we are getting kind of low on stuff i wanna i wanna make sure that we get get a lot of get a lot of stuff okay i’m gonna head back down there in the meantime it do you know what we um people are saying it’s in the chest

By the portal okay that’s good to know i guess are you in the are you in the line now i’m back in the mine yeah i’m just gonna i’m just going for it dude i’m just gonna mine everything i can i’m gonna bring glory to our mind to our base

Okay whoa i got iron already i’m a champ nice i’m a boss ass [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] it spits [ __ ] [ __ ] uh what are you up to now um i’m just doing some redecorating i’m doing stuff with my my die all right if i come up there

If i come back up there and there’s any sort of signs out of the ordinary especially about my base i’m gonna come back up there fully decked out in diamond armor with a diamond sword and a die honestly a diamond chainsaw and i’m gonna i’m gonna rip your butt

Well i well you’re not gonna i didn’t do anything like that so you’re fine guys how do i make green holy [ __ ] are you okay how do you i felt that felt really good oh smelt the cactus you ever smelled it delta smelt the cactus delta cactus no i need to make

I made green dye how do i make the green concrete curtis why did you get possessed just then does anyone know how to make green [Laughter] uh i don’t know what happened it was the ghost of burps that was crazy dude last night was a movie i burped like a demon

Last night was a booby last night was gooby your last name was a goofy man i’m gonna mine too yeah as if as if i as if you even know how as if he even knows how uh there was a bat chilling in our our uh shoot did you see it

Yeah yeah that’s my bud tell him to kick rocks huh tell him to get out of here hey dude that’s my bud tell me get out of here i’m not going to he’s he asked if he could stay a while he’s having he’s fallen on some hard times he

Asked if he could stay in the small crevice on on the ladder way down to the mine does uh does he uh does he pay rent or or iron knot look he’s like he just lost his job and his wife stepped out on him i’m not gonna make him pay rent man

He’s a sad bat Wow it’s a sad lonely bat well guess who just found some gold no yeah my boy kurt found gold yeah i found gold i found gold in a hopelessly found gold in a minecraft place torch what are you like asking for a torch Um excuse me danny why aren’t you handing me a torch right now you should always be handing me a torch always be handing me a torch a b h m a t always be handing me torch yeah that’s kind of catchy it’s kind of a catchy acronym

Yeah i think it’ll someone said wrong torch hey is it lighting up the cave guys is it lighting at the cave yeah what do you mean what could they mean wrong torch what i may mean i made a redstone torch oh how do you do that

I don’t know man it came up and i said it was a torch and i needed a torch so i made it hey guys is it lighten up the way is it lighting up the way really As indiana jones said when he’s searching through a cave i have a lighten up delay dewaycheck indiana jones and the lighten up deway sheesh this this uh torch is really lighten up the way okay this is kind of a lava type area oh oh oh [ __ ] [ __ ]

Yeah right dude i was so close to getting knocked in the lava that’s an annoyingly long time to kill i hear zombies i’ll go torch guys take it back immediately redstone torch sounds cool i don’t know why they’re being such bitchley’s about it it looks so

Low it looks it looks awesome it looks way cooler than a regular torch it looks like i’m holding like a big match whoa you’re a little mouse holding a regular-sized map i hear zombies me too in fact i found zombies i found zombies This is just like the world’s tiniest cage guys if i see one more uggo torch comment i’m gonna cry there’s gonna be no consequences on your end but i will be crying but i will absolutely be crying so just to warn you guys i will start crying won’t affect you at all oh

Oh diamond mode what diamond mode activated initiate beast sequence someone’s telling me a redstone torch doesn’t give off light are you yanking my chain look at this holy cow this is a fat stack of diamies i’ve never seen anything like it man yo this is pog

Look at this guys this is just i mean this is what you want to see one two three four five six seven eight dimeroos whatever man you’re probably cheating cheating out the codes there’s no there’s no ch cheats that i know about this is a video game correct yeah

Let’s have it i think you answered your i think you answered your own question or you answered my question you didn’t have a question oh my picky thank you guys for all the pog in the chat yo curtis you poo after eating cheese that’s a great question uh no i don’t poo Ever yeah curtis actually that’s one weird thing about tour um i never saw him poop it was really weird i mean not that i would see him poop no that would sort of be dead no i saw you guys poop you had the doors wide open um yeah there were no doors yeah

The bus was just one big bathroom that sort of slept on the floor that was actually probably the worst part of tour how we couldn’t poop on the bus because there were so many times where i was like man i would really go for a poop right now

But we just weren’t allowed to yeah um yeah guys we couldn’t poop on the bus the whole tour i don’t know if i don’t know if you knew that i don’t know why you would because you weren’t there but this is not that’s not even a joke we we

Couldn’t poop on the bus the bus couldn’t couldn’t handle the poop i guess yeah especially our poop anyone else’s poop probably would have been fine but ours i found a bunch of water someone said why are you telling us this i don’t know i guess just defend just kind of trying to like

Tell you tell you guys something fun from tour i thought you might like to know it but i guess i was wrong i guess i guess nobody’s interested i thought it would be like a cool fun behind the scenes fact yeah like oh interesting so you guys

Were holding it in the whole month but no nobody is actually nobody’s interested at all someone just donated money to tell me that my torch sucks how rude is that dude that is awesome yeah that’s awesome oh i found creeper oh why do you sound so excited no it’s

It’s scary i promise you yeah i found a creeper finally dude oh my god here for hours oh my oh my god oh my god because it’s oh my god there’s another one why do you marry him oh god this is a this is a this is a

This is bad i’ve never seen so many creepers in my life yo i’m gonna bring that i’m gonna bring that [ __ ] do i have flint guys i’m dead i’m dead i’m dead oh my god go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go

Go go wait did someone sit guys don’t don’t don’t remember that song don’t don’t someone’s okay someone said they thought they saw diamonds on the wall but i feel like they’re lying to me to get my hopes up should i go back into the creeper cave guys thank you

All right hey creeper remember me guys let’s get some pogs for that epic creeper pawn make more torches oh wouldn’t you like that so you guys can make fun of them some more oh [ __ ] mr oh another creeper was the son of a creeper baby how’s it going down in the mine anyway

Um i’m trying to find diamonds because you found diamonds but i can’t find any diamonds you know if you only do things that just because i did them that’s not going to lead to true happiness i don’t want true happiness danny i want diamonds all right i gotta go back i gotta come

Back okay because i don’t er okay oh i can make a crafting table right quick hey the diamond quest continues what’s uh where are you right now in the mine oh you didn’t come back up no oh i thought you were coming back up i originally was going to but then i

Decided against it oh i’m scared i’m gonna get lost i haven’t been putting torches oh down what are you doing you don’t care anyway oh okay you never cared about me jesus i mean you’re right but i would never say that i don’t even know where the hell i’m at guys

Holy [ __ ] dude what i think i just found diamonds no way chad is that diamonds awesome dude i’m so happy for you holy [ __ ] danny i found diamonds that’s awesome dude why don’t you take him back to the base quick because you don’t want to lose him

You don’t want to lose him if you uh if you come across a creeper or something okay i’ll come back yeah go back so what did you laugh at nothing probably stupid anyway i have a feeling you’re doing something to my room because you have you’ve been very quiet

Well i’ve just been thinking i’ve just been rethinking a lot okay so yeah i’ve been quiet i’ve been reflecting on everything that’s happened so far and but and by the way curtis you know what if you don’t want people doing stuff to your place then maybe don’t be doing stuff to mine

I didn’t do [ __ ] guess what i found the sign on the roof what sign in the room all right there was a sign on the roof that said something actually really mean actually really hurtful uh oh [ __ ] off what is this little what is this little [ __ ] doing to me

What’s he doing to you oh no that i care but what’s he doing he’s impossible to kill oh my god what happened to you there’s a little tiny zombie who is nipping at my little ankles oh god dude i’m gonna die i don’t know sounds like just another lie to me

Dude i might die is my stream back is it back is it this is actually really pretty from like right here look at this this is beautiful i should keep going whatever you’re doing stop me yes i’m not doing jack squad i’m not doing jax squid

I’m not doing jack squash who told you something did someone tell you something well i’m seeing a lot of messages in my chat that say curtis go home seriously and i don’t think they’re just saying that to be all you know i don’t they seem very urgent it seems

Like something was happening at that at the base wow that’s crazy it seems like they care yeah seems like they actually care about me no it seems like they care about me oh it seems like they care about me how does that make sense

They want you to go home for me for what i’m for something that or nothing oh [ __ ] my camera just died wait don’t go home yet [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh no hold on i just gotta change the battery it’s gonna be so so fast oh he died oh [ __ ] oh no

[ __ ] dude my spawn point was still at the [ __ ] nether portal no ah okay am i back wait dude i had so much stuff my webcam back yet there we go oh no dude so now you gotta walk all the way back to the base yeah dang

That sucks i almost feel bad for you now dude i had don i had diamonds too i had diamonds too oh [ __ ] where’d you die in the [ __ ] cave do you know where no oh no i have no idea you don’t think you’ll be you’d be able to find it if you went

Back down there no chance shite that’s not good news i mean that’s really not good news i don’t even know if i’m going the right [ __ ] way dude this game sucks are you going towards the big hill i think so just go around the big hill and you’ll you’ll find that base

Dude i i was digging up and then sand fell on my head and killed me guys i don’t think i can go get the diamonds i don’t think i’d be able to find them plus i’m in kind of a weird situation right now as we all know man

I mean i don’t even want to go back i am kind of feeling you know just kind of guys weird i going the right way no i’m not going the right way nice go the wrong way jesus [ __ ] christ oh no kurt oh buddy this game has taken years of my life

Holy [ __ ] that was pog yo did you see that me dude that was pog no sorry i was talking to my chat dude i just made that most epic maneuver what happened was it you i’m doing everything bad you did to my to my room i didn’t do anything bad to your place

And even if i did it’s not any worse than what you did to me you son of a [ __ ] but i uh jesus uh i just jumped from like a really high place into like the tiniest little puddle of water that you could possibly imagine oh nice i’m trying to figure out where

You went just going to get this diamond okay i’m going to assume it was this way because this path has guys am i going the wrong way torches oh [ __ ] is it that one forges guys do you think it’s this way it seems like did does anyone know

Curtis were you putting up torches the way you went uh no sir okay i found a way without torches so i’m going to run this way and see if i can find your diamond Jesus okay did you come across water by chance uh yes like that pooled from everywhere yes and did you keep going yes i trudged along like up into the cave up into the cave through the water and up and then to the left sort of through this tunnel

[ __ ] hell dude oh my god now i’m being absolutely oh i found it whoa okay will the diamond still be there i thought stuff like disappears i died oh what happened nothing it was stupid it was all stupid it uh i went to go find your stuff and uh

I thought i thought stuff like disappears after a bit yeah i thought i was gonna make it in time but i i went to go and i i found some skeletons and they killed me and yeah it all kind of made me realize how stupid all this is you know

Yeah yeah that’s what i was thinking too those skeletons is right where i died so i feel like you were pretty close i just want to say i’m sorry four thanks man it means a lot that you forgive me that i said the number four

Yeah i mean more than you know it i i don’t know if you can tell but i sort of been down for the past like 20 minutes i just it really hit me hard when you when you put that sign on my roof yeah well i mean

Well to be fair you did put four signs on my roof totally ambushed me totally so i feel like my retaliation really wasn’t that bad you totally destroyed my trust in you but after i died just now and you asked what happened i feel like you actually do

Care yeah i just wanted to say i’m sorry that was some real [ __ ] i pulled back there i mean i’m not even sure what you did and you never will be buddy that’s the best part i don’t know if that’s the best part all right well i i think that your stuff

Might have disappeared because i think i found the area that you were and it’s not there anymore ah unfortunate unfortunately unless it was this way which i don’t think it was dude they’re trying to turn me against you right now uh someone someone said he didn’t drop

Any diamond he was trying to trick you into going to your death into that cave That would be so devious if i lied about diamond so you would go in and find it yeah yeah i’m not i’m not that smart yeah guys curtis isn’t that smart that’s how i know y’all are lying all right all right how do i get back now and now i’m the lost one

I need to eat don’t i wait people are saying you really didn’t have any everyone’s saying he’s telling the truth they’re telling the truth you really didn’t have any diamonds is that true no i had diamonds why would i libra what does everyone saying that you didn’t have diamonds now

I literally went all the way into the cave to get don you think i would have just kept i had diamonds oh my god dude i can’t believe this yo your chat is suss vote them out i feel like i might be about to die again

And now i don’t know who to trust i don’t know what you did to my room what’d you do i didn’t do anything buddy don’t worry about it i said i forgive you i said i forgive you i feel like you i can’t tell what you did but i you know what what

You forgive me too or what yeah sure fine let’s call it a truce huh how about no more signs or any of that bullcrap pardon my french I’ve i feel like i can’t really forgive you until i know until i know what you did well then why don’t you just watch the stream highlights when they come out dude i don’t know what to tell you i i just can’t bring myself to tell you what i did

All right when i get back to base i’ll tell you what i did okay i’m trying to get back it’s just i got lost so now i have to dig all the way up through the crust of the earth okay okay i’m actually back now as ha has happenstance has

It i uh i’m back now i’m right behind you right i’m right behind you hey kurt yep i was right behind you i can’t hear you why not because you’re so high up no the discord is cutting out i haven’t heard you the last 10 minutes i still can’t hear you curtis

What can you hear me no oh my god who the [ __ ] put a magma block in my room dude who the [ __ ] put that there i know it’s not my best pal curt that i just forgave so graciously holy cow dude you got a lot of nerve

I can see you you got a lot of nerve pal holy cow i can’t believe this i can’t believe the disrespect i really can’t after everything i did for you after after i after i after i after i devised the perfect epic prank on your room

And i won and i was gonna and i was going to leave this after i decided i was gonna leave this fort forever and never come back what the [ __ ] did you did you get my stuff yes i did it all fell on me all of a

Sudden i was just climbing up and all of a sudden i had a [ __ ] ton of stuff can i have my stuff back dude i don’t think i can give you your stuff back come on oh man all right watch this this is gonna be epic ready oh nice [Laughter] hey no no

[Laughter] i don’t even have a pickaxe wait i have a wooden pickaxe all right do you want me to tell you what i did before yes it’s honestly kind of embarrassing to talk about that’s why i’ve been sort of beating around the bush so you

I came back i just tried to picture this from my point of view all right after i thought we were friends again and you were b and you were being so nice to me and saying you weren’t going to put any more signs up i caught wind via my chat that you snitches

Hold on a second snitches okay well it’s it i found a sign on top of my room on my roof okay and i’m almost positive that you did it so i went into this i went and i made a series of signs i i sort of decided at that point that

This was a toxic environment for me to be in okay so i made a series of signs that you would read in a particular order the first one was here and it said i thought my friend curtis lived here and then you came in and saw the next

Sign that said that was the lie and then there were like two more signs up here that said i hate you curtis and by the time you’re reading this i’ll already be gone and i put those all down and i got in the boat and i s

And i sailed away oh i had no idea any of that happened yeah i know you were in the mine for like an hour and i kept trying to get you to come out so you would see it and you never did well okay i’m sorry i put the one sign on your

On your roof even though you put two signs on on top of my door and then you change the sign all over your room but i got rid of that too and also you put two signs underneath my room so yeah i feel like even my retaliation wasn’t even that bad okay oh

Hey ass you asked i was just gonna propose a truce i was just gonna propose i’m just gonna propose you and you and you killed me all right all right all right let’s propose a truce how do we make a truce how do we shake hands uh

Hold on all right actually let me get yeah let me get in like third person view here and let’s do this oh no a classic classic butt truce hold on let me get into the version okay oh i activated sticky keys i know i did that too

Uh do you want i know i did it again now i don’t want to turn on sticky keys all right they’re already sticky yeah they’re sticky enough as is after this truce uh all right well i feel like that’s uh that’s good enough for a truce

Yeah i say yeah i’m cool with that you promised no more signs though because that don’t know if you could tell but that sort of set me off in real life yeah i really feel like i actually got a little bit um like upset i don’t yeah yeah okay no more no more

Signs not even the movie signs not even the just as much as i hate to admit it i got i did that that actually did you probably can’t even tell but that did sort of get to me i you know funny enough i could absolutely tell there is one

Oh if we’re coming clean there is one thing i did before too what did you do oh but i was honest i told you that i that i didn’t no you mastered honestly no no he’s got a diamond pickaxe where did you get that i found it in the chest

Doesn’t matter fix the fix the glass i don’t have any glass uh do we not have any glass [ __ ] okay we don’t have any glass you get you you win this time connor well what happens if you smelt sands i fixed the glass i put glass thoughts okay

No that’s that i don’t like that honestly it’s the whole appeal of the cube is that it’s floating yeah yeah i guess just makes smooth sandstone who gives a [ __ ] about that dude i have i have nothing now are you ever gonna finish your uh room i

I don’t have anything to fix it with you know what i might just do a makeshift type b right now a makeshift type beat yeah just make your room out of whatever yeah just so i could finish it up and get you off me back whoa that’s kind of pog

It’s going to be on uggo mode for a bit but that’s just this is just a placeholder i want you to know that uh there’s still people in my chat saying that you never had diamond and it was all a ruse why are they so hell-bent on this lie on this fabrication

I don’t know but i feel i feel as though i can never be sure until i actually watch your stream highlights yeah i guess we’ll see when that happens you’re gonna your chat’s gonna be in their freaking lying words wait what’s going on here why huh

Oh oh i okay i made a mistake i made an error i would help and i think i made an error no this that this actually works okay but you made it higher over here so i thought no i made the error no i made the air no i’m true drew

Yeah wait you’ve been drew this whole time no way dude that’s awesome yeah miami dolphins that’s my impression of drew you know oh okay there’s blocked me there god now my room is on ago mode but at least it’s on safe oh safe foe mode yeah i’m like safer like this yeah

I actually might close up these stairs for now okay i was up there but i will uh just go around yeah i think you can just go around now the stairs is kind of like a decor piece oh it could be kind of like shelves like you see yeah store things on there

I mean i don’t think you actually can put things on there unless you just kind of throw them like that and then they’re just there for five minutes until they despawn okay okay i’m gonna give you your cactuses and stuff back because i feel like that’s

Probably meant a lot to you i’m gonna put the iron in our shared communal chest though because there’s no reason you should be hoarding all that okay okay i have two pieces of green concrete left chat where do i put it i have only two pieces someone said blow the house up never

They’re trying to pit us against each other again i know they’re gonna get madness lying about me having diamonds and [ __ ] or not having diamonds over the hell they’re saying guys we’re friends again all right we squashed the beef we squashed it we squished each other we squished each other just like a

Squish drew when we made the song spiders can’t swim man i really wish i didn’t die yeah i know i wish i didn’t die also because i also had a lot of stuff i had so much iron and gold that really blows well [ __ ] now what do we do uh

We can just kind of like vibe okay um i don’t know how much longer are you going to be on for um i don’t know what time is it 9 20. time is really relative but i guess so in the grand scheme of things it’s you know could be really early could be

Really late exactly and we’ll never know no and that’s the best part best part about being alive is you never know what time it is i’ve just never have never had never have never had jesus christ all right i’m gonna get out of this dark cave because what am i doing

Did you go try to find your stuff or something why are you down there i went into a different cave oh i need where uh over by the village uh i need a i need to go get do you have planks or sticks uh i have four okay planks or

Four planks okay because i need to make a picky so you do dude they’re really trying to hit me against you right now what are they saying now they’re saying i can’t trust you they’re saying blow up his blow up his room that’s that’s absurd i know it’s absurd

Don’t come in here can i have hold on i’m just kidding can i have a sticks if you got them uh you can have these planks okay thank you by the way when i when i after i sailed away on the boat and you still didn’t come back

I decided that i actually wanted to see you come and get all the signs see them all so that’s when i made that really tall tower i went up there that way i could watch you from up there and you wouldn’t see me uh it was actually really clever

I thought you built that and put a sign up top that was making fun of me so i climbed all the way up top to see what the sign said and then i thought dang okay i was wondering why you were going up there i thought i was pulling like a big brain

Move going up there but i really was not now your brain was tiny while you were going up there oh brother hey oh brother uh let me just let me think here oh okay i’m gonna try to finish this uh area around our fort to make it more

Safe because if we have it if we have like a nice area around like this platform that i’m making and then we put torches on it to light it up and then we put a little wall around the whole thing that’ll make it so that there’s like

Never bad guys at our base because they won’t be able to get in so okay oh is my stream being laggy dude what is your major malfunction today i don’t know dude guys refresh it no it’s i gotta connect it to my cell phone you’re doing this on the hot spot

Streaming on twitch off of wi-fi hotspot yeah dude that is kind of bold i appreciate the bravery that’s why they call me bold boy bold boy hey old boy that’s what they’d say to me oh [ __ ] we got a hype train going everybody Give us a little train sound a little too big [Laughter] all right i guess that’s what i guess that’s good thank you curious you know what sound a train makes right they do actually make that sound sometimes yeah they’ll have a little bell that goes not sometimes not sometimes constantly constantly you ever take it into the loud inside

The train too if you’re on like a passenger train yeah all the passengers are making that noise dude i had a friend in college once to ask me this question let me ask you this and let me see if you think this is the dumbest question in the world okay

They said we were talking about trains and like traveling somewhere on a train and they were like well there’s not they were like well there’s not passenger trains anymore are there we’re like what and they were like those were like a long time ago there’s people don’t like there’s not still

Passenger trains anymore oh no they just thought that they’re like that trains that people travel on stopped existing like that was just a thing of the past yeah oh that’s sad i don’t know how you could possibly think that yeah people don’t take that i guess they never heard

I guess they never heard the ol uh toot yeah i guess i never heard the old bing bing Yeah you ever sit on the train all the passengers are just going yeah actually all those trains are sponsored by uh the microsoft search engine thing well it’s sponsored by google they all just say bing they say it in a really annoying way because they’re trying to like make you

Think that bing is annoying so you were walking on your cactuses yo we smoking that bing bing bong tonight i like the smoke out of a bing bong okay so what what’s what’s what do we got cooking in here we got one mutton and one button

That’s all you need man that’s all you need you just put got one mutton on each furnace that’s all a boy needs uh-oh oh no my streamlabs just said that there was an error with the recording oh no no dude oh no what does that even mean

Well i think it means that my whole the whole recording of this stream got corrupted so i don’t know how i’m going to do a stream highlight of this stream oh no i might just have to download it off twitch if i can but it’s going to be low quality

Well i’m probably going to upload this on my channel so you just up download that and then upload on your channel oh and just like paste your my face over your face in the little in the corner yeah okay yeah actually that would be tight thank you

No problem you know it’s a little bit of extra work for you because you got to put your face over mine but i guess it is a lot more work for me i you should be thanking me for taking my content yeah you’re right you should be begging me don’t push it

Okay no i don’t know what to do now uh i mean we can mine some more because we uh like okay so so let’s think this through for a second yeah our end goal is to kill the ender dragon kill the ender dragon yes

In order to do that we have to get to the end which is a different place we have to get a different portal yeah to go there in order to get to that in order to get to that portal we need to make eyes of ender have you seen in the speed

Run they throw these things into the sky and they go the they help you find the portal to the end yes so those are eyes of ender so in order to make eyes of ender we need to we need the eight blaze rods from the nether

And we also need ender pearls which we get from killing endermen which are those tall lanky dark guys okay so we need to i mean we need to go to the nether to get the blaze rods and we need to get enderman to get the ender pearls

But either way we we’re gonna need armor again and we’re also going to need weapons so probably made out of iron okay and right now we have uh how much iron nobody no do we have any iron do you have iron um i have like two thingies

Two ingies okay guys i just check your chest real quick Did you check in the um chest next to the portal uh no okay i’m gonna go over there and check real quick okay let’s see how much iron we have but i mean the thing that kind of sucks about this game is that like you do have to spend a lot of

Time mining just to get enough stuff to be able to do anything i guess that makes sense guys i know it’s laggy just just wait it’ll fix itself i know my wi-fi guys stop saying curtis killed newspaper he’s not even in that game newspaper is the name of my cat in my

Solo world that died and everyone’s trying to tell me that you killed him jesus how would i even if i wanted to how would i do that i’m telling you they don’t want these baddies to be friends they’re trying to tear the smp apart they want us

They want to see us fail they’re saying that you hacked my they’re saying you hacked my world dude why would they say that you hacked my world and then you hacked my cat with an axe i would never he would never guys i would never i would heather What’s going on then it’s the song by conan gray is this still oh he wishes he was heather yo that’d be an epic minecraft remakes okay they they were not in the chest actually so i went all this way for a knock is it still laggy

Okay i’m gonna forget i don’t know what i’m gonna do i’m gonna end the stream and start it again hold on conan greg oh that’s right bone in greg like when you have bone in like chicken or slime oh conan greg conan gray more like bone and greg

Yeah i feel like that’s a little stretch but i i can [ __ ] with it like if i if i if i just said that song by bone and greg would you know who i was like who i was making a fun off of i think they would it’s still laggy no

It’s better now still a bit leggy well oh my god i’m gonna [ __ ] lose my marbles hold on now because they could be lying to you well we’ll never know for sure the signal bar says my stream is experiencing issues and it’s red so uh well sometimes i can it can be like

That at the beginning right and then it can sort itself out i don’t know it’s still laggy oh my god it’s worse than before you gotta be i’m sorry to say okay okay i’m okay i’m back now hopefully it works jesus christ oh he’s back

All right uh i’m gonna go to sleep in here real quick so it’s daytime again okay wait i said i was gonna go to sleep and then i ran in and opened a chest like just on autopilot thinking that that was gonna make me go to sleep so should i come back

What should i come back then all right did you log off no i’m still playing oh where are you i’m in the cave oh uh do you have a pickaxe that i can use i just have i just have the one okay then then i think we should go to sleep

Okay be right back i’ll be right there be right back there ah people are blaming you for things that happened before you were born what do they blame me for uh the london bridge falling down okay well that makes sense that actually saying you assassinated archduke ferdinand the catalyst to world war one

Yeah i you know i’d call it world war one but you know world war one you can call that too yo thank you for the bids r.i.p newspaper he died a slow and horrific jesus hit he really did though i don’t know if you know this he drowned

It was really sad all the streamers even know that that could happen okay i’m going to bed there’s monsters nearby what are you doing up here man come on man oh no dude what happened sexy creeper alert no way really and he’s like hugging our house he’s so close to our house

Sometimes the creepers just kind of hit different you see one like and the light hits him just right and it’s like holy cow look at those hips let me get it let me haul at you real quick oh i didn’t realize you’re already back in our base yeah

Okay i’m gonna get in bed whoa curtis all good are you where are you i’m outside i had to i tried to go to bed but there was monsters nearby i had to kill the creeper oh okay okay okay but it’s all good do you you don’t have enough resources

To make me an iron pickaxe i have one stick and two iron ingots okay that is one less of both resources that i need guys you got to stop blaming things curtis for things that he didn’t do people are saying uh blaming you for the crucifixion of christ i mean that’s just

I it couldn’t be true no no way okay well the way you’re saying it actually does sound kind of suspicious but do you want to get on no here he comes all right let’s go i’m on let’s go kill jesus again no what i’m starting to think you’re telling the truth

All right i said let’s go mine okay it’s really didn’t sound like that you must be hearing things man yeah i guess so i must be hearing things um i need to go get oh you’re go oh are you in going in that cave

I was gonna check it out okay i just i need to get wood so that i can make an iron pickaxe or any kind of pickaxe really yeah it’s called a picky but oh no don’t go in that cave what do you know what’s in that cave what’s

In there skeleton with a purple bow and arrow no not a purple one oh i need to eat oh [ __ ] i need to eat hey yo cooked cod check you got cooked cod where’d you get that uh where did you even get cod i honestly have no idea

Did you go fishing i must have i don’t know i don’t know where i got it curtis you are an enigma tell that to my cooked cod cooked god curtis is an enigma take it back cooked cod is that you yes you don’t like me saying that curtis is

An enigma you gotta take it back okay i’m sorry you have to holy [ __ ] you have to reverse the curse take it back please you’re hurting us every time you say it he hurts that every time you say curtis is an enigma and he starts hurting his cooked cod Yo thanks for being a thousand bits dude a thousand bits yeah yo hype yeah we got a hype train going bing bing all aboard the hype train everyone that’s the sound that a hype train makes dude i’m gonna kill the skeleton with the purple arrows do it

Do it one time he’s dead i killed him oh nice cue the music from star wars now sing the star wars music the one from the end of episode one don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot like me no what you told me to sing the song from star wars that wasn’t it

It’s a different song i found it from danny i found a cat well he only likes raw cod he doesn’t like cook cod i don’t think so you can try to feed it to him but i think he only likes raw fish rock he’s a sushi penny guy

Where are you are you in the village oh i see you you have to uh are you gonna try you’re gonna try to tame the cat i was i don’t know how do you do it so you have to kind of like crouch otherwise they get scared and it’s kind

Of just like a patience thing i think like if you have the fish it’ll kind of come up to you and then you can feed it you have to be crouched and just sort of stand perfectly still and if it’s interested in whatever you have cod wise it’ll come up to you

Okay so just stand still i got caught and then the second he tames the cat that’s when i jump down from the hill and i kill it good thing he can’t hear me when i talk this close to the microphone i do think maybe i should camouflage myself a little better

All right i don’t think he wants your cod dude yeah i also lost it so yeah i think because he was so scared of your cooked god he was like ew yummy yummy cooked safe to eat cod i only want the stuff that might might have bacteria i want that um i’m dead

I’m dead now i’m dead you killed me all right i think i actually oh [ __ ] you did die uh i might i think i’m going to hop off the stream in a second well uh yeah now’s a good time as ever because that was so [ __ ] annoying

Yeah all right i’m on my way back to base yo level 5 hype train Oh [ __ ] Big bing bing bing check remember before donald trump was president and he said ding i wish you just did that forever and never did anything else yeah that’d be awesome all right well uh why don’t we say goodbye to each other Well are we jumping at different rates right okay start jumping right now look i like caught up with you and then and then i and then we go out of sync and then we catch back up for a sec and go out are you holding down space bar yeah

Kind of interesting i wonder if i’m better at jumping than you or something well hold on try again okay one one two hold on i’ll jump okay i’ll try to time my jump with yours yep go ahead and what do you think all right uh i’m gonna log off

Okay me too all right uh thanks for playing no problem ggs dude bye-bye bye-bye holy moly guys what a [ __ ] what a stream that was that was a [ __ ] long i was like three hours almost uh that was fun thanks thanks for hanging out i know it was [ __ ] laggy as all hell

But uh that was fun thanks for sticking around if you did um but yeah appreciate it thanks for hanging out yeah i got to figure out my freaking wifi dude shit’s so annoying thanks for all the donations subscriptions bits i appreciate you all um that was fun hope you had a good time

Hope you had fun and yeah i guess we’ll freaking see on sunday sunday we’re going to finish life is strange 2 and i mean it this time um we’re going to raid nick so maybe i’ll do it before danny does that but um but yo have a good have a good night

Everyone appreciate you um thanks for hanging out see y’all on sunday peace out bye-bye you

This video, titled ‘Kurtis Conner Twitch stream 2021.04.14 – danny teaches me how to play minecraft’, was uploaded by L C on 2021-04-24 11:46:42. It has garnered 248070 views and 977 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:52 or 9952 seconds.

This one had some technical issues unfortunately. https://www.twitch.tv/kurtisconner (I’ll only upload Kurtis’s streams when he plays with Danny, sorry!)

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  • “Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Girls vs Boys” #glavstroy #minecraft

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  • Vycital SMP

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  • One Month Survival SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist

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  • Siro vs Ghost Wing: Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11

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  • Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack!

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  • Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 – Fay Kuroda

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  • Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7

    Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch’, was uploaded by AkshPlayz on 2024-03-23 05:29:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch Ignore minecraft, … Read More

  • Minecraft’s EPIC CowAxe Event!

    Minecraft's EPIC CowAxe Event!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Hosted Minecraft Largest Event’, was uploaded by CowAxe on 2024-04-01 17:51:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ignore- minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft event,minecraft hardcore,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft manhunt,minecraft … Read More

  • PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGL

    PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGLVideo Information [Music] hello hello okay all right then [Music] uh so we’ll get premium battle pass nice and we get we get the shk that nice got the fighting Shrek get the the grass type Shrek hey clam how’s it going we got the fire type Shrek and the water type Shrek right seven packs that’s a lot of packs hassle kind of name is hassle Milotic flis fgz I don’t know how to pronounce that walking wake Aran call him Aaron more PCO bug catching set rev room Lana’s Aid and water type Shrek finison SE King bug… Read More


    SUPERFAST BASE BUILDING on Donut SMP! 🍩🔨 #CPVP #DrDonutVideo Information I’m kelp and this is how you make a million plus a day base on the donut s SMP first you need to dig down dig up to the max height you want your base to be and clear a two high area based off the size of your base next you’re going to want to dig B holes four apart in a grid pattern fill them all up with TNT and explode with this huge area you can build any number of farms the best being sugarcane or pumpkin This video, titled ‘BUILD BASE FAST on the… Read More

Kurtis Conner Twitch stream 2021.04.14 – danny teaches me how to play minecraft