Kyaramel – [LIVE] NO MORE HARDCORE!!! Too many deaths ;-; [Vtuber Minecraft Stream]

Video Information

Thank you Thank you Thank you Foreign You know I said I said to myself this is gonna be this is gonna be a chill stream and then I immediately went straight he blocked game ah goofy a vlog game uh go for your blog game okay so let’s freaking go so I already made the world I haven’t

Done anything yet promise I just made it hardcore I’m chill I’m chill until today hello there hello there hello there yeah hello welcome to the stream everyone hello hello doubt that I’ll prove it to you look look I haven’t done anything there’s nothing in my inventory also I say inventory

Like an idiot because that’s how I that’s how I’ve been saying it since I was a kid I think it’s because British I watched a lot of British Minecraft YouTubers and then they always say inventory and I was like oh inventory and then I said inventory and when my

American friend was like what the heck did you just say and I’m like infantry and then they’re like said it again I’m like Adventure inventory no no okay so I am losing daylight it is like almost midday already what is this let’s see how many days it can survive many I

Am a Minecraft expert the first thing you should do is get some wood if you die in the Stream five minute stream is Carousel today oh yes definitely oh shaders yes I I I was like I need shaders this is the first time that this is who’s driving

Um it’s the first time that uh my my computer is gonna be able was that who’s there someone ate some grass I can hear it someone’s walking around um well there you are are you an adventure shut up you can eat grass you’re a pig also you

Bubby so I cannot eat you when I was a kid when I was a kid my mom was like you can’t kill the pigs in Minecraft and eat them it’s Harum um hello okay hello go to the street instead of making cotton candies but I never knew you were making you’re making

On the sky yes yes that’s right my overlays is is in the sky we’re making my cotton candies float can carry us about more than three days you may rely on it all right let’s I don’t know how you can do a counter for Minecraft days well maybe it’s possible

Maybe it’s not but I Didn’t Do It um we’ll just have a manual counter Bobby discrimination what no they deserve it eat the Sheep it is fine lamb is fine there’s gotta be sheep around here I I heard I heard the sound of the sheep going all there look

Wait no that was me this was me I ate this I cut down the tree I ate oh what the lady pad exploded that’s what happened that’s I I thought it was the sound of grass being eaten but it’s it’s just it’s just a lily pad exploded

Little Canada says that you’re not gonna stream on YouTube yeah uh it’s it’s getting quite pricey to keep paying for the streamlabs subscription to be able to multi-stream so I’m gonna have to start streaming on YouTube after it expires which is December 6th no it’s the leaf is the leaf

Oh it exploded and then all the tiny bits landed in the water and I thought it was a lily pad opened should I use all my Candy to read and speak fillet no I’ll look not so good not good not good not not good yeah perch I love Birch

My favorite Woods in Minecraft is birch and Spruce hahaha I love wood I love hardwood we love Hardwood if there’s no wood in the leaves radius it will break right wait what if you’re you’ve placed it on the ground like like I’ve seen people place it on the ground

To as decoration like they make it become bushes on your sidewalk or something on your path where the heck am I oh spruce I love Spruce I hate Birch why they make such pretty planks look see it’s so pretty it’s like white chocolate use Sears yes you need cheers to get

Them don’t worry guys I am very I am very oh shears stop them from despawning I see I’m very expert Minecraft I say as I discovered a new thing yeah To go down wait hold on uh where’s the clock boom to go down oh no no I look not so good man I only one bridge I want more money where is it where’d it go I’m already lost it’s two of them look at all that look at me [Applause] right okay

Combat combat the new combat that you have to jump so you can crit or something thank you for the follow I read that to me I Am shaving is a common word in relationship s oh Oh yeah you’re right I am foreign Yes periodic hardcore stream look at this tiny hole I really want to go through here I need a trapdoor to make myself go lie on the ground I didn’t like you Karen those empty combat features let’s go thank you I remember when they first updated it for that update and everyone

Was so mad because everyone was like I want to spam I could not spam oh it worked make an ax all right I have sticks and stuff Funk we should go and we should get married in Minecraft I know I don’t want to get married in Minecraft I don’t want to get a Minecraft marriage let me I should why would I want to marry him like when you can get married in real life you know what I mean

You know Philippines country oh I really want to visit because it’s so pretty honestly and all that one place I forgot what it’s called but it’s like they’ve got like like little child is it a Shelley I don’t know what they’re called they have little houses maybe so maybe

It’s a resort and they have a little they have like bridges over over the ocean it’s so pretty it’s a very famous photo taking spot oh no a high-pitched voice why I I don’t have two timers I only have one timer have you gone snorkeling no I’m way too

Scared I’m way too scared to go snorkeling I can’t swim dog the wolf is going to bite us can you sing a Filipino song I don’t know any I oh yeah I don’t have a bed wait you you clean my high-pitched voice and a pine One Voice

Oh no I have to find I have to okay okay playing one is later Spider-Man is later okay okay um I almost fell in okay okay okay I’m going to hide in here is that boring yes yes it is but I can’t find any sheep oh okay okay okay

I need to cook food anyways are you kidding me another one [Laughter] you guys have no chill I need a torch but I can’t I don’t have I don’t have coal oh I can smelt the cold I mean the wood okay let’s melt the wood later

Um I need a peacocks I need a peacocks help help wait I’m gonna die I only have seven hundred candies you’re just like me I’m always I’m always broke when I’m on someone else’s dream they do it send it to do it okay open it open up

What oh stick stick I need a stick nana will love this Okay stream what’s that supposed to mean please please treat us a little bit to some candies okay okay okay okay um spiders can go through this and baby zombies 6K gosh yeah you had 16 but no one plays 5K wow okay wait now I can make a furnace

And then now I can cook my food uh wait I want to I want to cook into charcoal or maybe I don’t have to do that but it is less longer it’s less it lasts longer um like two or three times only before so

Only 4.5 K now oh I’m so rich oh well so rich okay what was it doing ah um oh yeah that’s a good idea I can do that in the meantime very smart very smart I need smart people uh to help me with hardcore I don’t pay attention It’s okay it’s okay it’s not like I’m obsessed okay wait um upgrade my tools later yes oh torch torch that’s what I was gonna do push so you can see what yay I love Minecraft You should act to smell or cook oh my God oh my gosh I’ve never done that before that’s actually really smart goodbye goodbye ax um now I cook food yes uh upgrade to Stone I need more sticks I have no sense of planning plan

Got a team of fox yes that’s one of the things I really really really want to do uh especially a white fox is snowflake Fox I’ve never seen one before though I dropped by your stream sometimes and like because I’m too shy to say anything zero seven to one

You gotta kill the parents and kidnap their child oh you want the baby one you’ll understand you you’re evil it’s very sad to table folks yeah all right all right the baby one like is actually comfortable enough to sleep around you the fox the parents still run away

Because you didn’t kidnap them from Young okay what else I need more you okay okay okay okay let me go make eggs make pickaxe make sword yes yes yes yeah your base is wrong ah what do you mean I think it’s quite nice oh God the place a block at the top yeah

You’re right that’s the whole point of making the torch the mobs will fall in stupid baby zombie bye bye zombie huh sometimes I say things they’re like what the heck did I just say especially in Malay because it doesn’t make sense I just said babies are dead people dead okay so I think

Um I think high-pitched voice has like four minutes left and then there’s a there’s a Fluttershy voice and then there’s a pymon voice yeah oh no no that was the Malay timer um imagine Captain mind to the other side and get sworn no this is a deep one right right

No what do you mean wait what you still have used there’s still three minutes left that was in the full 10 minutes because it got redeemed a little bit later into the into the Monday redeem right right okay okay I play Minecraft since I was 12. or

Younger I think I was younger it was definitely younger I think it was 10. it looks like Minecraft says I was ten but I didn’t but then you know you know like I mean wait no I can yeah like any other Minecraft player there’s like a uh there’s like a hyenas moment

Where you’re like really want to play Minecraft anymore and then and then and then you stop and then now I’m back There you go all right wait can I come out now oh it’s almost sunrise is that the Sun are you the Sun or are you the Moon what you’re going up but you look blue hello oh it is the sun hi wait wait that’s the moon noise now it’s

The sun sees the sun you stupid it’s okay I was I was confused too I was confused too it’s the shaders blame the shaders blame the shaders let’s go get out of here I gotta find some Sheep Man okay day two they told the Minecraft Survival hardcore chicken oh God

Okay get me [ __ ] okay okay okay calm down keepers all right he’s not burning in the sun don’t look at the Enderman don’t look in the Enderman all right die oh I love sword this is great hey I played Michael 12. also Cara shortest team ever did within five minutes okay listen listen

I’ve never played hardcore and yes I’ve played since I was 12. but that doesn’t mean that it was that that I survived good all right it means it means that I died a lot It’s one day now this day two isn’t it I survived one day but this is the start of day two You need to keep in mind what day is it now now it’s day two exactly oh yeah die die wait come back wait why are you so good at parkour wait here flower I want you you will be spared today what are you planning to build today um

I have many build plans but like I’d like a house please stop it multiple times oh no did I say he was looking fine damn damn damn cow you’re looking fine cow you girl okay they’ll go home for a base upgraded to Stone stool yes exactly so much progress

There’s nothing here I thought it was a hole I can’t get up here wait is there snow up here there might be Forks oh wait no our Fox is only in an Arctic biomes yeah I think so the white foxes Now find a cave I need to go mining I

Hope I don’t need to go mining because it’s in the name of the game Minecraft you can find ghosts up here in the mountains okay maybe not here they’re gonna farm and die is that Emerald what the heck wait for real wait what wait wait wait wait wait wait can I see

Oh my God I don’t have iron oh this is the rarest ore in the game well besides another right what what the hell the Deep Pokemon voice is kind of fine too next time what the heck I’m on sound like I’m gonna be a survival Journal this dream

My name is don’t pick up no absolutely not disappear you need to you need iron pickaxe you idiots I’m just kidding I don’t mean to I don’t if anyone doesn’t mean to call you that mean that well this is all gravel this is actually I might need gravel I like gravel

Now that looks so nice as pass like this location get that how am I supposed to do that wait oh wow I have a stack of stone already marked this is my marking Nikki there you go there we go heck yeah I’ll definitely be able to see this from down there yep

Take your bearings what are bearings I shouldn’t have done that keep up the workout thank you thank you if you threw out throw diamonds into the lava in another it’ll become another right trust me no no no no no no no no no no if you can’t fool me you can’t fool me

Also I don’t really need Emerald’s S as rare as they are they’re kind of useless like you can just get them from Villages it’s that easy you just give them bread and they’ll give you like a bunch of animal animals and emeralds oh wait no that’s just sand is it

Let’s see in right the Shakers makes it look like snow I thought it was a snow biome smelly plus English wait a minute what and there was this English ready was there a single shooting did I miss something it was a Fluttershy distinguished oh there was oh my okay [ __ ] [ __ ] all right

Okay then I can do I can also do this English at the same time then I can’t okay so I mean the Singlish is like Singlish English for foreign okay I got it I got it I did the math are you assistant what what the heck is

A [ __ ] [ __ ] it’s English Pokemon yes huh look at my Minecraft okay okay what what what what the hell whoa that looks so cool okay what what wait I forgot how to sing this English but you can do math yeah no not really uh I am singly I forgot it it

Looks so good oh I stopped I stuck already oh my god wow wow look at that what in the world this happened happened huh and distraction distracted oops it’s okay I’m just admiring I want to build a base there but it probably can’t it’s gonna be too hard

Pick up on the bus no Vice Central what is English I forgot I was English since I need to go find more food or not I got oh I got plenty of food I got I got quite a lot of food I need I need to I need to cook some food wait

Huh I got I need to I need to wait I need to cook my food but I need to come out come out at the top first I need I need to come out of the top first okay one needs to go to the top first okay okay

Here we go all right oh that’s this is a huge slot why is this song by also huge what is this song by so big one and it’s raining it’s raining I need to go wait I’m currently doing uh doing a Pokemon redeem and a Singlish a team find a

Witch’s heart get cat or you can find a village I want to find a village hmm no oh well I guess we have this and this we need more coal I need more coal I don’t have any this oh sheep sheep sheep oh oh I thought ow sheep sheep wait wait she

Sheep find a desert temple oh I remember when that was like the only cool thing that you can find in Minecraft foreign temples sea temples and then you also have like the uh villager Temple I need I need your wool and I need your meat so I can eat okay

I kill you now okay bye rest in peace you’re not gonna hurt me are you it’s a friendly scooter good job now I have a bed villager temples uh maybe not oh it’s a tower I think Oh my God that was scary that was scary are you like that one a tiger tiger no not tiger spider why you like the corner spider they too they too almost dead no you need one more white one to make a bed do you I thought they updated it wait

Hold on let me try it no in the middle of the rain wait stand under a tree stand under a tree that was loud can we found the table oh my gosh that was embarrassing I was slightly embarrassing all right let’s see if you actually need the same rules dang it

Dang it well she passed day two most likely oh thank you for believing in me hey thank you thank you for believing me in in Pokemon okay thank you for believing him yeah Bye Mom I don’t have bones oh yes I found a village I don’t care about you anymore

Come on come on come on yay now you can still open oh that is true that’s true and a stone cutter yes okay so that was that was the Pokemon voice I still need the Singlish okay um and the Fluttershy boy is so nice huh

Yay all right down here okay there we go I found it I found the Fluttershy boy sorry I don’t I felt I found the I found the Fluttershy boys but I found it oh wow Foreign The end oh I’m really sorry but I’m gonna have to steal your stuff like I’m really sorry but not really and Fluttershy would never do this but uh might not thanks I need a fishing rod I need to fish right now oh my gosh that’s the cutest Fountain ever

Because then all of them will come out of their houses hi what are you doing what have I walked into oh gross look your daughter I never lock your doors don’t pick your voice I never tried I never tried I should have stayed inside and she just stay inside okay whatever whatever most likely oh it’s the Magic 8 Ball is real magic evil is real oh no no oh oh do you you asked it if I would survive is it most likely I thought you said if I would die um

I died they do progressed died in the night too you guessed it spider should I continue in hardcore yeah probably that’s the title of the stream therefore I should stick to it um attempt attempt two no two I can type yes wait you like this one uh I always died to

Spider why why cannot be something more Cooler why cannot bewarded what cannot be Ender Dragon why spiders I said no what oh my God oh my God wolves wolves should be here wolves well not wolves I mean what’s it called foxes white boxes yeah hey it’s a blessing in

Disguise I have to get the tree because there’s no there’s not me but there’s not many streets here there’s not much cheese ones so I have to I have to chop down this one like except okay and then there’s six minutes left of Fluttershy white fox white fox Library System small Ender Dragon

I don’t think that’s true I don’t think that’s true oh yeah oh that’s a tall ice like Telly I want sugar cane so I can make cake ice rink trying to catch light box okay folks guys don’t catch me catch the fox wait I’m I am pokes

I am foxy so maybe catch me I need to find a fox I think you won’t be in the ice spikes but it would be somewhere in there right okay then we already have a white box dang it how many restarts can carry meow that could have been number two second attempt

Second attempt thank you oh man I really wanted to that that Village fine was so good because I found the iron gear man dang it my lock my light box always say hi yeah exactly if you play Fox doesn’t say hi yeah it’s not real even though it’s not from Singapore

It’s not real life Fox he has to say hi yeah pumpkin I only can make you can make snow golem snow golem or iron golem technically if you didn’t find well I’m fine okay I shouldn’t reach chat while running I shouldn’t read chat while running oh where the pumpkin I can’t right now I it’s it’s it doesn’t have a face I need to sear it oh I need to sear it and then I’ll be able to wear it Hopper do I need copper nah

I’ll get the cold Kelly where’s your Tails my tails are here wait oh oh sorry I’ve been doing this entire time I’m so sorry I wasn’t on screens oh this this really bad habit or like if I’m sitting in a chair I won’t I won’t sit straight I’ll be like this

I’ll tip I tilt my head so I’m pretty sure if you go back to like all my previous streams I’ll be like this same oh I really thought I was the only one thank you for making it to tell me it’s normal maybe it’s normal maybe it’s just

Us thank you for the follow-up her nugget topper nugget topper nugget copper is useless no it looks nice as a building material especially if he’s trying to build like cyberpunk theme do you want progress bumped into the hole with water and got jump scared as you should it’s good for your heart

Oh my God I just walked I walked away hi can I welcome to the Stream oh what’s that what’s that who’s there who’s there who’s there who’s walking is that a fox can I tame you I don’t have a lead though so you can’t follow me around or or any meat boss

Oh Village oh I have to go over there next wait I still have to I still have to get the cola hello I forgot that shift is shift is crouched not control not control I’ve been playing since I was tennis right I remember what is Minecraft Minecraft is Game

Minecraft is Minecraft Minecraft is life this is a quick cave that’s a good cave I need I need to I need to get the I need to maybe maybe it was nothing again no foxes no Fox what was that thank you for the follow candle I keep

Hearing footsteps I do maybe it’s the leaves disappearing but why would it sound different oh because it has snow on top it’s not footsteps ah there you go okay I need to make this and then a crafting table and then boom and then I need to make my gear you pick it

It’s cool you stay here I’ll be back I promise I’m just going out to get some milk Minecraft huh where is it oh it’s right here don’t eat let me uh come into ice age I want to build a house in this biome it’s so pretty

It’s perfect for me because I don’t like box and I live here yeah Minecraft is not a creepy cake Minecraft is not a creepy game until broke for a reason that’s okay it’s completely fine don’t worry about it I gotta get out of here Ahoy thank you foreign I think that’s everything

I think that’s all the redeems oh bless all right that’s okay wait wait okay you have people like you who watches this to them oh yeah I’m very grateful now that’s a bunny that’s not a fox I’ve been troubled what kind of video card do you have I’m not sure

What is a video card and you’re going to wait I know I can save that’s not that’s not how that worked and like I saved candies for deep voice oh God not dirty boys oh come on until you sign up for you oh I appreciate it so much thank you so much

If you if you do decide to ah if you did this oh God damn it I have to do it quick before the mustache goes away It’s a poster fan art on Twitter do a tag me and and uh put it under yeah what is like what is my art tag

Art I think it’s something like that buy it yo that was what what was it was it I put it on Twitter yeah because I don’t have a Discord yet oh look at their little head please oh they’re so cute I’m one of you I’m gonna steal your bed

If you don’t mind okay I really want to kill you but I know you’re gonna kill me I’m stealing this this is mine now yet but it’ll never happen it’ll happen it will it will go hey you there’s a cat here I don’t have any oh no it’s a black cat

Too bad I’m looking for a wolf I’m not the cat that’s why I get this random urge oh I love this so much wait I need I need my crafting table and I’m stealing this torch I am evil oh man I need more sticks I got one oh wait no idea he is

Enslaved them from trades yeah that’s like they usually do oh can I use Fox did I say wolf oh dang it is my official server There’s a channel dedicated to me it’s the general channel it’s because I was super active there but then uh I’m no longer active there um can I you can’t no no mine now yes I’m your general everybody we can’t ever make a Discord server I don’t know blame him to someone else

Maybe that’s a mod that might be a mod that made that bot do you know that cucumbers are berries I recently learned that yeah during my just chatting stream last week I learned that cucumbers are berries wait a minute are they no I learned that bananas are berries are cucumber bear

I think so because they’re quite similar to bananas and like they have seeds in them they have the tiny tiny seeds yeah they are peoples I trust oh blue bed I have a white bed it’s okay the white bed can can be dyed can be dyed into pink I don’t want pink bed

Sealing your torches ow I’m stealing all your lights and you’ll all be engulfed in darkness and be slain by zombies speaking of zombies it is time to sleep I don’t have any food do you guys have like a wheat farm or something no is it because it’s cold oh no they do

They have a potato farm I think it’s either potatoes or carrots but it’s not grown in yet oh man hey can I crash here thanks just give me a second and yes we’re married it’s okay I know I know this is before marriage but I hope you don’t mind

You know it’s lighter agree that she’s a washer washing machine I’m not a washing machine first of all and second of all you’re kind of close I see you’re getting a little bit attached I’m sorry I’m gonna have to leave you uh I’d like a divorce you can keep the kids

No no no I don’t want no don’t come after me no all right guys we’re green that carries a washing machine until the Discord server happens no no I’m gonna have to be a washing machine for a few months what what okay so all right you know what I’ll let

You in on my plans on my plans so I’ve showed you uh some of you who was there for I showed you a little bit of a spoiler of the and the spoiler is that I’m gonna have a little bit of a redesign caramere guys oh I can’t get married yeah I’m a

YouTuber I’m gonna have a little bit of a redesign and a whole redesigned debut so I was thinking until that day or like when that day happens I well I will I will I’ll I’ll be making the Discord server and releasing it then yeah during the day you’ll be like

Hey here’s the link you know what I mean I’m trying to find it there’s chests can we have ball camera oh there you are potato yes and cold knives I’ll take this too bulb Karen no carries the bottom no that is not too maybe for the first few nights and then

I’ll get freaky like really badly okay wait oh you have a furnace how convenient even though I have three already I’ll just be letting you cook and then I’ll be stealing your Lantern here’s your blue item she’s a boy or not yeah you hungry bro I am quite hungry that’s

Why I’m cooking potatoes that’s why I’m cooking potatoes Place one coal and then replace with wood oh oh you save oh gosh I don’t have any things anything left to burn here burn this so we can get a little bit more even though we have a lot actually I have quite a lot

All right I’m leaving goodbye yes I’m gonna use this in my future house all right there’s a slump over there I don’t really like slumps they’re really hard to navigate through and there’s a lot of monsters in there meow can it be not washing them potatoes before cooking even though care is a

Washing machine you don’t wash your potatoes in a washing machine oh that’s a plains biome there might be well there might be more trees over there more spruce trees and then there might be more uh what’s it called foxes the bunnies the baby ones you got the baby and there’s the mommy

Baby mommy just let me in you guys save water you don’t drink in Minecraft that’s how you you save water you don’t drink that’s how I wash myself as well what in the washing machine update looks blocky can’t you do be looking kind of different oh more cool but I’d need more wood

I’ll get more coal and some Stone and then I’ll make an ax hello sheep I can kill you for food I need food thank you for the following I have wood oh my God oh my God no you’re not allowed to have wood not in November where where where where why what why

There there we go Birchwood it’s a Birchwood it’s nice looking blood walk away luckily right now do it no no I’m not your mom no only if I care to be jump scared by a creeper oh that’s not gonna happen I’d be like creeper oh man you’re not allowed to have wood exactly

It’s November he this kind of really likes me breaking news a lasting machine is not a cow’s mom no way the cow’s in love with you that’s what I’m thinking I’m not your mom I will push you off this cliff I need to I need to Cobblestone can you

I don’t have a sword your death will be very slow and painful if I start punching you okay so just walk away here ah yeah okay goodbye for cows I’m gonna have to kill some of them I need food okay I need an ax I’ll be making an ax bunk

But your stepmom that’s not my stepmom that’s your stepmom it’s your stepmom no don’t hurt the cow what if it’s your solvent no I don’t want it I don’t want it I don’t want it gross you oh morning good morning my axi is it morning for you because it’s it’s wait a

Minute nope it’s not morning yet for me not just yet wait ax yes I’m so smart hey Pig because 2PM is not this morning it’s not morning for either of us bullying me it made me think back what happened the last time Carol’s messing with the moms I wonder

I didn’t die what do you mean I’ve never messed with moms in my life see cows are cows and cows are cows are harmless harmless I can’t say harmless because I’m Singaporean I’m gonna go homeless sounds Also not in the morning reply hey they tried again wait we’ll Cara path Disney yes I say yes this is day two it’s day two but any more sticks yes and I want a sword oh you know I didn’t mean more States I’m silly what do you call a cow with no legs

Ground beef what do you call a couple of three legs lean beef what do you call a cow tulis okay that’s not nice that’s not that’s me in a stick yes stick wait hold on hold on I’m coming after you wait come back here wait come back here

Wait and this is a very chill stream come back here that’s right only three I mean wait no that’s quite a lot never mind leave the cow no no one of these three was was the cow that was stalking me one of them was it and they deserve it

They deserve it die I told you I punch you off the cliff come back here ow come back here oh no not in the swamp Okay okay you can’t you I don’t like swamps go away if Captain is a cow that means she’s mommy milkers no

No no no no no no no very false very false I still need to find the forks I have meat for the forks foxes take raw beef no yeah yeah they take they take any meat they’re crazy like that oh yeah animal abuse no no this is for the

Greater good because we in fear no I’m very friendly yes yes all the way back to the Sheep yeah well it was close to me you know so it’s easy easy kill come on I need to eat I have to live I’m gonna die can you be trusted the magic well it

Says I’ll look good you can trust me don’t worry about it trust there’s gonna be foxes here there’s gotta be foxes here there’s gotta be foxes here oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh do they have babies I know they’re gonna

Beat me up if they have babies because they’re protective of the babies hi oh yeah they do have babies I’ll I’ll watch from far away here we see the polar bear in his natural habitat is a baby and it’s Mommy just like me and you guys yeah I love a fall that’s cool

This glitter one without a baby I’m still scared I’m scared of polar bears kill them no no no no they’re gonna they’re gonna kill me they’re so strong I can’t do it I gotta find a Forks I gotta find a force mommy washing machine care confirmed is

This the same same Village I went to before oh no they still have that lanterns I mustn’t I must have never been here before that’s how you know because I really like lanterns so I’m gonna steal all their lanterns you never you never have enough lanterns

Your light switch is switching off oh no let me be the light let me be the let me be the light of your life I can’t all the way to Village another Village that’s right is your potatoes growing I need your potatoes oh they were roommates wait no I want your Lantern Okay the real world isn’t like Minecraft you don’t need lights to keep stuff from spawning who can’t ever find a fox or play hazy no don’t cut your mind I want to live in one of these I also want to build my own house

And if I want to live in one of these I probably shouldn’t pillage it oh well mine now all carrots and potatoes nice oh composter I don’t want it you should play Minecraft with a Twist what kind of twist oh no they were roommates oh my God they’re roommates this is their Fountain

It’s frozen oh you guys have a cow pen oh my God hey guys hey guys the ghost of the bugs are I killed it coming for Revenge oh I see I see without the lights hey hey you hey you oh I think the I think that yes the Iron Golem saved us yay

Stick twist I don’t think that’s a twist I’m gonna twist your steak I’m gonna log this in my free trial while watching the VOD oh sweet slate retribution sounds good thank you you saved my life sir I owe you my life can I what what did I say

Oh oh Twisted the stick right right I did say that oops it’s to say villager no this is a different village and just that’s two body counts now listen we slept together once and no strings attached you know what I mean you’re gonna go cry over there now to be a villager no

No you don’t want to be him tinsel I’m like immediately leaving him no strings hey I’m feeling this Foxes I need foxes built three blocks up and start creating the iron golem I feel like that’s still risky that’s still quite risky I mean yes it will work but I don’t think I have enough skill for that yeah I didn’t know you heard that type

Of person I’m not I’m really not I’m not I’ve never I’ve never [ __ ] a man in my life lemon yeah no I’m just kidding I’m scared hahaha this is a very unsafe don’t fall down there we will get myself I’m making Jokers I make a little goofy oh Where are the foxes what does the fox say I’m online foxes the foxes around here can I have boxes on a boat near that Village and be like hey guys and then I’m the girl who tormented your village and you have to live next to me forever

And then that one guy that I slept with will be like oh man I thought she left I’m gremlin I will eat you hello streamer camera I’m not a wolf I’m looking for Fox I am Fox because I am Fox y’s and all these I always see rabbits I

Think they’re more common in Spruce biomes I might have to cook more I’m just in the middle here okay me me I need to make more food wait no I put all my coal here can I have some of that thank you looking for a husband Fox what

Wait no pet yes this is our pet is a fox fox adopts Fox you know it’s very logical wow one more one more Karen’s looking for a pet slash husband is the husband also a fox or is the husband a villager is it like adoption maybe I think it’s like adoption because

I am gonna have to take the baby so that the baby will like me because the adults do not like me the adults are scared of humans I am a human Fox it’s okay don’t worry about it I’ll keep your baby safe I need the stream yeah

Boxes Fox adopt foxes this is normal exactly this is like human adopting humans baby where’s the fox baby this is a very nice place I can I can tear down a lot of trees here cause a lot of deforestation build out in the clear open space over there

It’s a little hard to spot anything you’re not what I’m looking for you’re a wolf imposter hi Katha I’m new here I came for your twister stick clip no no I didn’t say that I didn’t say that time to become Fox I guess you you you want you want me to adopt you

Tara just wants the kids yeah yeah I just want the kids you know maybe I shouldn’t be looking for them at the moment I do need leads to lead them to places because foxes when you’re when they’re tamed they don’t follow you they just roam around so maybe I should

Keep exploring and find a lead first or maybe I should build a hut I should probably build a hut I have to sneeze but it’s going away I don’t like this should I kidnapping her own child it’s not my child I didn’t it’s not my child it’s some other Fox’s child that that’s

Why it’s kidnapping I mean what it’s not kidnapping is that funny oh my oh my it’s black spotted bunny oh my God it’s so cute that is so cute hi oh Bye bye I can’t tame them they’re impossible to tame bling bling bling running with the bunnies that looks like a nice spot yeah right next to the lake and close to the forests I will soon destroy leash Mima oh I see I see that’s what you meant to buy you

Want to be a fox are those red colors or is that on fire oh yeah that’s fire and a broken nether portal oh there might be gold in there is there a lead in there Maybe oh no it is happening to me it turned into a fox

I will carnivorous street is very true all right behold my epic building skills and my lack of wood boom pudding I love me read my comment I am reading Indonesian I see I’m Singaporean boom I don’t really read the YouTube comments everyone is on Twitch that’s a big house that’s too big that’s

Too big is it no no no it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine is this is this is centered yes one door one door will suffice Heal Me Sage meow what’s the wrong game this isn’t uh hey oh oh there we go

Put in it is pudding the caramel pudding see chat is cute chat is adorable is that this baby oh this is a very small house yeah huh it’s okay it’s just it’s just a starter base it’s just a starter base it’s flying Punk Cara please tell me how babies are made oh

When when the fox likes when a when a female fox likes a male Fox and a fox they have baby You know what I mean yes how are babies made they thought exactly they [ __ ] [Laughter] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay what the fox exactly I’m just fluxing around you know what I mean oh yes oh gosh I have to finish this fast or at least and close it

So that nothing will come in oh no oh I know I can just sleep through it nice day three for folks sake can I explain it properly no I’ll see you’ll be an explained properly that was very that was the clearest explanation I could ever give hey

There’s also another way that that you can get babies and that’s the way I’m doing it I’m gonna go find a baby out there and then I’m gonna take it for myself yes a fox that’s also called foxing you know it’s it’s [ __ ] snapping it’s [ __ ] snapping what do I do oh yes

Yeah so you’re gonna Fox is another mail Fox and have Fox babies yes no I mean no [Laughter] no no no no no no see listen listen listen listen cat that is an asexual Fox so Captain does not like foxing around yeah that likes likes a kid that likes other foxes

But I can’t want to want to Fox them you know you know what I mean yeah you are Fox do you fox no I don’t Fox yeah I don’t [ __ ] you around I’m fascinating to hear that yes listen to forget that you feel a baby still going from someone else exactly there’s a

Furry no no I only have the ears and the tail because that’s where all the babies come from yeah babies come from other people so you just have to take them no No no no no no no no I need a door I run out of spruce wood I ran out of spruce wood oh look a spruce tree how convenient cat that don’t Fox around hey I need to turn all of this to this this can I have Windows

Yeah look at that you even save wood if you do this foreign you want to steal me oh wait if I do that then I have to then I have to do this so then I have this but then from the outside it won’t be centered

Oh wait yes it will okay awesome that’s a very small window then maybe I’ll make it a little bit longer skeletons don’t worry I’ll use glass pins I will make some glass okay so if I want to make two big two two block big to block wide window

And I have to make it here boom boom right I’m an architect yes beautiful I’m a genius make it longer of course you’d want it longer Luna you like it long tiny house with tiny fox till foxing I’m not foxing anyone any fox in this house okay you got that

There we go we have a three Wide Window there sure yes probably replant yes be Forest Station plus replanting bald carrot Dean please it it doesn’t it doesn’t work like that because it’s it’s I can’t do it so that it’s a timed reading I have to make it

So that it’s a you completely change into bald until someone else toggles it back to not bald so I don’t really want that care not foxing she walks she watches two foxes Fox that’s kind of messed up that’s kind of gross I’m gonna put that there I’m gonna put these here

I’m gonna put this in the corner and then I’m gonna put some torches don’t sneeze that was a fork sneeze oh dear so Kara watches Fox home Rose the moment you start with D my for some reason my I immediately thought d4c what is d4c 3D Thunder cheap what 30 days

What is that bless you thank you only need more Spruce Wood it’s like in oil I probably get some glass too while I wait for that to reach to regrow there’s sand around here oh I meant did I say grass or glass huh oh also I forgot to show you my skin

Is Coco me I’m kokomi hehehe don’t no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I have no time for Jojo see I want sand my nose and is that sand oh sand yes so you’re a fish not Fox God dang I

Should have get cotton yeah but I feel like I like coconut more I like Coco meat more than yeah yeah don’t get me wrong yeah it is what the [ __ ] oh yeah it’s one of my favorites yeah It’s one of my favorites because she’s full and she’s pink but she’s kind of scary I’m like Goro scared of her you know I’m like Goro super scared okay I’m on my knees please watch JoJo all right all right who wants I told you watch along wait is there is JoJo on Netflix

I like yeah because Master wait wait she’s a mommy oh this is an absolute Masterpiece I read I read two comments into one wait yes yes but I can’t put the anime on screen obviously I’m gonna have to put like a sort of timer like I’ve seen other watch-alongs do

So they put they show you exactly where in the episode they’re watching and then you can watch on your own streaming service I need to smelt this there’s a lot alone yes and then I’ll finally learn I finally learn all the references all JoJo references oh yeah pretty Cure is so much better I’m going to your house right now you better have an apology already come over oh no oh no you’re gonna get you get you’re gonna get you’re gonna get beat up like JoJo’s style like Style there’s a legal way to do that and with watch parties but both viewers uh and

The streamer need a Prime account both of them bruh that’s that’s freaking that’s freaking messed up oh like uh Amazon Prime oh so you watch it on Amazon Prime no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no that’s that’s not good that’s not good

If JoJo are mid it’s mean that all other enemy although oh yeah yeah yeah that makes sense wolf I mean Fox wait no where’s my house I straight too far I’m straight kid where is the where is my house oh no the Sun is going down oh no

I was just kidding those are the Masterpiece okay so I was here I was here smiles so if you coordinate press F3 ah I write it down you know I’m really bad at coordinates like I cannot tell which way is what so I never find my way back or to any anywhere else

I’m gonna need more and more wood and slip oh wait no it’s not not yet I want a door why did it give three doors why would they what in the in what house would you ever need one two three doors I would understand two but why

Why would you give why would you give this many at once I go nice and then my flash should be ready How would you feel if I donated six thousand dollars oh goodness um I would feel concerned for you are you okay are you gonna be okay but I will also feel very very grateful that’s insane that’s crazy that’s like Mr Beast I need I need more wood oh here it is

Luxury three doors no absolutely not I didn’t craft that this don’t look soon it’s not luxurious to have three doors the heck are you on about Also it looks terrible oh this is gonna look terrible okay um uh oh okay okay I’m gonna need for this to go one more up then I can start building the roof oh I want a cobblestone trim for the roof I’m gonna need more Cobble I learned martial arts for these

Situations hey hey hey guess what I also know martial arts I know Taekwondo I learned until I was green too that’s not a lot but I still know wait hold on can I read that what is what’s this about what’s this about the aot fans I am an ALT fan thank you for

The following tracks what what what what oh man it’s too far up I can’t I can’t find it thank you for the fall a happy dog Dukes it’s like a Duke but then she’s a dog you’re still snowing in my house oh yeah I’m gonna have to repost repost replace the floor too

I’m gonna need some of this can I craft this like this yes I don’t need a stone cutter I’ll put it down anyways oh wait no no I don’t no I won’t because it’s gonna look ugly yeah three furnaces but not not three doors you know what I mean

By the way Cara to get more rare resources to spawn near your coordinates you have to press alternate F4 ah yeah I believe you I believe you completely oh mode I haven’t seen a single Fox are they in mountains no no they’re not right they’re in like winter Spruce biomes this is one of them right I want foxes where are the foxes what are the foxes there’s a fox are you a fox you’re a bunny

There’s no animals that you can eat here so I’m gonna have to start growing in my potatoes but I need a water bucket huh I need iron or I can grow them here for now but then it would ah I have to melt the water no not there oh stand here all

Along I can’t grow I can’t grow my potatoes here it’s sand get the folks Predator no I’m saving them oh that’s a lot of Martian martial arts you can eat bunnies you know um I think you can eat the the leg the drop the the drop the leg drop but

That’s super rare you can make that that into soup that leg drop leg drop what oh no I killed the water but that that that that rabbit leg rabbit rabbit’s foot rabbit’s foot that’s what it’s called the rabbit’s foot drop is very rare and it it more

Often drops rabbits hide and you can eat that you cannot eat that I mean I’m gonna need a hole will you be my hole there I have my hope this is my home the the only martial art I know is in the bed hmm what kind of martial art is in the bed

Oh you mean the sacred bit Arts I’ve never heard of this bed Arts I fire him I farm I am a farmer farmer geta I’m gonna have to put the torch here there we go please don’t melt it’s gonna melt uh this is an ugly Farm I will improve it

Once I have water buckets there we go it’s like our bit Arts to Fox’s foxing goodness gracious thank you for the following foreign but I won’t because they’re my kind of going for Nikita plus I finished the fan art oh that was quick oh good luck with not the nahita falls

I hope you get her with early pity and don’t lose to Chichi like I did um I’m gonna need more Cobble foreign oh boy Okay okay okay I’m gonna need more wood and I’m gonna need more Stone so I think I’m gonna go mining yes I shall call my name I will take my one single torch and go my name let me keep all my other precious stuff do I have enough food for if I go

Leaning we’ll find we’ll find some food on the way not in the caves but on the way to the caves probably I’ll take my sticks just in case ever cease I have a C3 TNT I have a CT too Chichi T1 C2 C1 I think mine is C1 what I have two pickaxes

What very cool once you you master it oh Cali is a close combat blade and martial art goodness gracious once you master it to a certain degree you’ll realize that anything and everything around you can be a deadly weapon even a pencil wait no pencils are totally deadly

Even though My Little Pony toy I’ll be helpful for ajito and you can even pull some [ __ ] slash waifu no that’s that’s how that’s how that’s exactly how since you can’t pull for [ __ ] in real life you pull for them virtually in the game that’s how I could pull your mom

Well my mom’s not with us anymore uh oh oh no okay hello welcome to the stream I almost died that’s okay hey guys hey magma wait I should probably take my bed I should take my bed so I can sleep in the cave and like on the way to the cave

It’s mainly due to the fact that this martial art is based on the concept of survival that’s interesting people give me slide to give that a follow C bear316. can’t adore you Evan no you can slam it really hard into someone’s face yeah wait let me let me make some some more torches

Let me break a little bit of wood or more for more torches okay I think I’m ready wait no in a little bit I’m cool but I’ll sign more uh open you just got to AR 59 that’s really high let me hear 57 I’ll spice to learn are you well

Uh let’s see I think I I’m I’m average I’m like pretty normal spice tolerant I can I can eat spicy stuff until it’s the is the really spicy Korean Ramen you know the really spicy Korean is it it’s not it’s just something else would do something I think I’d remember but it

Was like super spicy and I cannot take that but like I can eat it I can finish it but I’m gonna need to have a glass of water constantly next to me you know what I mean I don’t know I don’t know I don’t remember hey it’s not the snow biome anymore

There’s more stuff there it should be a chest here shouldn’t it there should be chests of like gold stuff like nether stuff no I’ve been trolled I haven’t trolled like heck dang it oh well at least I know that’s there I spent like eight hours that’s awesome I haven’t I haven’t I

Haven’t done my commission see I’ll do it later promise all right is there a cave in here I need to lay down my bed soon yeah there’s a chance there I’m going hehehe I don’t see anything Just is it my booba I lost my boob a long time ago it’s like non-existent I need to find it says no I’m not running back home I’m going to a cave I’ve been trolled come on come on down come on someone under the prank try to dig so maybe it’s buried

Is that is that possible I thought only buried treasure can be like that actually another another another rack is not too bad to have right I hope I find a dungeon and not die and get a lead because I really want to get the forks

What the heck oh oh it is very buried oh my gosh you’re all right razor amazing Crystal Vanishing gosh darn it it’s gonna vanish two more obsidian awesome I charge flinch let me see if I can place these all right well crying of chicken doesn’t work does it

I don’t exactly know what the difference is well I have to sleep I have to sleep help I am Minecraft expert myself damn I mean I’m not an expert uh ever since the I would say the cave and cliffs update I haven’t been like in the know of exactly what

Everything does since then but I have kept track like what what me what new thing is being added I have food with me I love gyoza I’m hungry okay I just woke up okay oh cool yeah oh hahaha hi yeah Wait Crystal Vanishing has no impact in hardcore right cause you don’t die so it’s just a golden shovel it’s just a golden shovel there’s nothing special about it it’s gonna it’s gonna break very soon and so is my pickaxe actually that’s why I have two smart of me to come prepared

No that was actually purely accidental I probably made another pickaxe when it when I when I already had a pickaxe and I didn’t realize it bye I should actually get some Oak because I don’t have Oak saplings I don’t think Sleep in another no your bed’s gonna explode you can’t fool me I am a Minecraft expert you want to hear an ice cream joke sure I love puns and stuff like that give me your sapling and then we can go find a cave wait let me eat Chopsticks are hard

I can I can use chopsticks I was just using my left hand to use the Chopsticks like an idiot water bucket energy and another isn’t the ladder just gonna disappear because it’s hot you can’t do that ah oh my goodness gracious I have food in my mouth I’m so sorry

Wait give me a second Okay give me a shout out Hello hello welcome to the stream reader twice it’s a shooter game are you good because I’m not that looks kind of unable did you get him this is very Epic bird POG super POG thank you so much for the raid Aaron let me just um there we go

Yeah hi hello hello hello Raiders welcome to the stream my name is caramel and uh and uh I always forget what to say after this part I have a variety streamer who there we go you actually hit your try me Ah that’s what happened you play your your team killed I can’t

Believe you how could you do that I’m just a fox girl see that’s the difference I am a fox girl I love already streaming this is my first time playing Minecraft actually streaming Minecraft not playing Minecraft I played Minecraft for a really long time I am an expert

Question okay I’m trying to find a cave at the moment and a fox hey that’s my house I went the wrong way what wait a minute are you a cave no it’s a fake cave she got cat on her tongue wait what isn’t the saying cat and the cat cat got your tongue

But the cat is on my tongue okay wait hold on let me what are they doing oh yeah eating oh there we go cable we played the match of 60 plus players I see and then you immediately team killed should I go down there oh there’s drip Stone I want to go down

There with my golden shovel that has Crystal Vanishing jump no divine retribution no no there is there water there I’m not gonna make it no is that water I can’t tell the shaders are making it very hard to see that’s not water that’s just fog because it’s

Deep you’re crazy people I am on Hardcore Mode you crazies do a flip that’s not water that is not water no that’s not water there’s literally lava down there oh my God I’m gonna land on one of these this is what I use and I’m gonna put this on your chairs

All of you that’s a lot of ketter well it’s not I don’t believe you let’s fog but that’s about oh what ah no it’s it’s not water look at it fog you you little you little trolls just don’t trust us I don’t trust you no absolutely not no

This isn’t how I go this is that’s how I die like my own recklessness hello do you have some some stuff for me do you have leads they were copper do I have Foreign I should have brought a shield wait no I don’t have iron that’s why I came down here oh my goodness gracious oh my goodness gracious I’m panicking what do I do fight though I’m gonna die I did it hold on let me just let me just let me just

Get a steak I should get a carrot I don’t want to go out there do you play art s-o-t-f before no no I haven’t I don’t really play ftfps games because I’m no good at them as you could probably tell even though I wasn’t using a bow

I still I I I will panic and get scared and then die will care survive oh well good nice nice a little bit more carrots a little bit more oh come on it’s a bit I saw a creeper too oh yeah yeah hello people oh man can I have some I should have

Probably picked like a a attack say first spot paper spot okay it’s Carol cat don’t count on it that’s right that’s right [ __ ] go count on it yet another cat hello there’s a lot of spikies on here Not a lot of iron is Carol Fox most likely hey hey iron That’s right magic eight ball is on my side don’t don’t come out anything they’ll come out please don’t spawn I’m supporting the vegan is in the game as long as I could teach them how to be a veteran player oh that’s nice of you most most veteran players are like you

[ __ ] [ __ ] you stupid [ __ ] you you’ll stop playing you oh oh mama he has an enchanted ball I don’t know what the enchantment is but there’s iron there I can just block him off I totally just block him off please walking away oh he’s walking away okay bye bye bye goodbye goodbye goodbye Get that smart get us smart Wait no that’s very exposed oh shizzles get that not so smart get the kind of smart now I can mine easily greetings you [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] I mean a lot of content while streaming there’s hundreds even there’s hundreds of things players playing

That how does the server handle that that’s a lot of people there’s a dog come from no I’m not a what might only be a dog how am I a dog hey buddy are you stupid I wish I could shoot you is there anything there that’s of oh my

Mama that’s a strong Bowl that’s a strong bull headshot I’m not evil said your dog oh dang it dang it Ninja hit me straight right between in the eyes right right between the eyes Put it in hello I hear a zombie no okay and I’m right between me there’s no one here he’s over there somewhere thank you streamer I thought hello stinky folks looks kind of stinky only slightly stinky streamer is this safe I’ve run out of torches give me a second what was that

Oh this is the dripping of the drip Stone I see it probably hit your car car rooted arteries what are currented arteries you don’t have that in Minecraft look at me I’m freaking blocks my man iron we put Flip Flip flipped up I brought enough torches runs out no

See I brought enough to make more I came prepared hello there’s a lot of copper here I don’t know if I should be taking them this is my cup no I don’t need copper because I’m building in in a in a in a what’s it called

And a snow biome and I don’t think it’s no biome houses really have copper Oh man I’m going back the way I came going back the way I came going back the way I came and blocking all of you off goodbye there’s three of them holy [ __ ] they’re still coming oh my God no please please please please listen listen we can negotiate well I’m okay [Laughter]

Oh my God oh my absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m okay it’s fine I survived oh wanna leave I want to leave where where did I come from where did I come from Cotton Eye Joe

Why are they oh here oh what Carol what the freak what did I say explain explain what what did I say what I love the I love that it’s kind of slightly delayed sometimes but wait wait oh oh has Kara ever Fox with another Fox before yes definitely no

Um balls I’ve never faulted another folks the freak kill me magic boy is a liar Magic Ball said I was a dog so you can’t really trust it you know trust me I am off I am a very very very virgin folks and I plan to stay that way for the rest

Of my life no sticks up my hole please thank you I don’t know where to go magic ball is always right well you fools you are fools for trusting the magic ball where oh here okay there we go Christian Fox Dreamer I’m a happy virgin it’s called being asexual

Where did I come from oh there is that did that come from there up here yes forever alone Fox that’s not true I can still I can still love people I just don’t freak them I mean Fox them you know what I mean I can still fall in love and people can

Still fall in love with me fine on January 27 I assumed for it within 27 27 hours not even 24. that’s crazy good luck wow bye no it was so good well there were no foxes maybe they all extend it’s extinct what happened there was a creeper behind me oh man oh man

This is stupid a stupid game why did they play hardcore I could have just responded could you just respond also someone said it’s not asexual it’s B it’s it’s called not being able to pull [ __ ] and [ __ ] you I pull [ __ ] funny [ __ ] poor [ __ ] so hard they fall all the

Way from America to Singapore just to see me because they were they were such a [ __ ] oh explain the ball no listen I didn’t I didn’t freak any Fox okay listen and then I never freaked the fox I never freaked I freaked a human I’ll never forget in the freaking freaking in the

Life of the freak yeah hello go to the stream you pull [ __ ] I push them I hope you’re not pushing them to their death push them off the bridge the ball States the truth as it predicted your death listen listen listen the ball is a 50

50. the ball is a 50 50. sometimes it’s right sometimes it’s not you just gotta accept that you can’t please all of your stress into one magic eight ball okay wait can I wait let me see let me see the magic eight ball will there be a group of monster

Characters trying to kill Karen in the next five seconds God that wasn’t a group though see magic eight ball was slightly wrong it was just one creeper which I guess makes my death even more embarrassing the ball is 50 50. the ball is getting [ __ ] smart

It was two Creepers was Groot really I only saw one oh no man you’re like no more hardcore I’m chasing I’m changing the title No More hardcore too many catas did there you go I’ll never get anywhere I’m not skilled enough for hardcore no more hardcore to level yep no more oh boy

Okay Mindy did is it still loading yes honkai better oh my God this again this again let people play what they want Oh God there’s a war hey am I freaking destined to spawn in these biomes because I’m a fox I’m destined to spawn here this is great awesome and I won’t die again yeah yay all over my house oh ow ow ow ow ow so there’s more than 200 players I

Have to play it within 24 hours per day fully chisel sticks I don’t think I’ll ever last a 24 hour stream stop it that’s my berries always remember kids never let your opinion be overshadowed by another and always make them agree with your opinion that’s how your is all conflict I hope

There’s sheep around here Honka is a Superman game that survives against his shadow that’s kind of true that’s actually kind of true that’s kind of true and then but then like some people who find honkai better they found it through genjin and then they were like oh I kind of like this

Game because honestly before genshin I have heard of honkai but it was like from really cringy mobile ads and I was like ew another anime game and it was like actually it looks kind of what’s it called it’s kind of what’s called what’s it called oh my God I forgot the word

Kinda not reliable I’m thinking of another word hello I’m not good at English oh look how pretty this is they’re stick here there’s plenty of sticks here look at all those trees or not Luna you better be learning from me I know you said all there is to Minecraft is just the mining

But that’s not true enough that’s not true especially if you have friends around and we have friends in your world you can go prank them you can go give them cake what’s my favorite thing to do when there’s other people in their world the first thing I do is give them cake

Let them have cake can I have a fox pretties please there’s a Siamese streamer what I’m not a cat well I don’t look like a Siamese cat oh I need some of this for future glass gonna have a taste of that cake yeah unless you’re talking about

Talking about lewd cake which I don’t really know if there’s such thing as lewd cake but when it’s coming from you tonight it’s kind of weird it’s always kind of lewd everything he says is kind of lewd we’ll never play your your little game There’s a wolf There’s not any place to build a house because it’s all just ice I’m gonna have to find somewhere food cake refers to the back and bottom half of a bean that is usually cushiony oh butts I like butts no I don’t blood so nice to have you know what I

Mean it’s like if you don’t have a butt it’s not very nice to sit down thank you for the following Matthias Matthias yeah that’s the right idea yeah the only reason kitchen is bitter because it was advertised better Foxy I don’t really know how to get foxes buddy do you have a child that I can take come here if I find two maybe I can breed them and then I’ll steal the baby foxy boy where’d he go fluxels oh boil boil boil come here come here look look look look

Look look look look look look look look look look look look at all the berries do you own the berries there’s you kidnapping listen oh yes he does learn the berries I’m so cute eating the berries oh my gosh I have to trap it oh my God

Oh my god do you have a child I can take wait give it you want more you want more buddy you can have more yum yum yum yum oh good boy you want more you do oh gosh I’m gonna have to eat some of these I accidentally planted that one that’s a

Look by the way no that’s not I know what a wolf looks like this is a Forks you’re stupid wait smack you don’t want that come come come come come come oh shizzle sticks here here take it take it can I build a hole for it to take the thing from

Can it walk into a really deep hole coincidentally it wants beef no no it wants the berries it likes the berries Fox hey hey where’d you go no I hear you where’d you go it just Blends in so well I don’t see anything what’s a shizzle stick it’s how I say [ __ ]

Says that you’re still molding no no one else is talking about attention no more that’s a pillagers tower that’s dangerous that’s dangerous do not go anywhere near that folks folks there you are come here listen care in bed trying to seduce a fog can you walk into a deep hole coincidentally

Yes it’s not my fault eh Yolanda you want the berry do you want the come on come on you want the bear you want the berry you love berries where’d you go now why is it so hard I want your cherry no hey buddy he’s just dying in the sun like an idiot

Where’d it go this is so annoying right click the fox is very scatter really that works I thought it’s not like the it’s not like the the wolf you can’t that we can’t tame it like that careless to folks to folks I do not want

To focus the folks I just want to steal its children that’s way better I’ve lost it I lost the folks at least I know they can spawn here ow I’m gonna die snake crowds and you’re close to the fox that’s what I’m doing but it’s so fast

You’re you’re a chicken you’re not a fox for you that’s definitely not any better does Pete has a fox pet I’m not sure I don’t remember I think it was wolves oh no the Sun is setting and I don’t have a bed uh well where are the sheep in this freaking Forest

Savannah was a dog no yeah he’s been with a dog I want a fox spin was a was it was a wolf a Teen Wolf Ah I’m gonna die dude City squash darn berries forget it you you how do you pronounce that again you’re in you’re in you’re in you’re in you’re you’re hidden was a horse I want a horse oh no I’m out of the I’m out of the snow you’re in Jurgen Jurgen you’re eager

Here again you read Helen said urine I don’t think oh Azalea oh my gosh I love these trees so much I have to get a sapling but I think the way to get it I can’t remember there’s always like a rooted dirt under here right yes rooted dirt that’s so cool

I’m not sure how to okay I’m gonna make a crafting table make some sticks and we’ll make a little bit oh cat in it killed kill it again is this my version of your organ the horse if I get a horse that’s what it’s called how’s the hardcore doing no more no more

I died I died I died I died a lot and then and then and then and then I lost all my stuff and then I don’t want to do it again I don’t want to do it again she died many times can I get to sapling

Can I have your tablet can I have your babies can I have your three babies give me your three babies oh it doesn’t give saplings doesn’t it gives like you need to push Mozilla Bush azalea bush or something like that you need to bone meal Moss yes I remember okay

What’s the diamond Tom no knew it you know he didn’t you didn’t know anything oh yeah that’s why since since I’m not I’m not in a hardcore anymore I’m not gonna take care of my health you know what I mean the hit oh my God two Creepers two Creepers wait

I need to find my way back to the snow that’s where I live I want to live in the snow and that’s also where all the foxes are here’s some ice so it’s more hard because when you die you need to search your stuff I guess that is hard but like

I think I think it’s less hard than hardcore because you don’t like chickens I’m gonna need your food but there’s a zombie chasing me But like you don’t get Second Chances so you have to be really really careful oh frick oh your mama don’t care I die in the next three minutes no why is there no Village that I can hide in what is this cool people who play in spectator mode why

Would you play in spectator mode you can’t do anything in spectator mode away one there’s two creepers oh man ah I have low heart go hurt me don’t worry I will not die in the next three minutes I don’t ah no I will not I will not I will not

Die I will not oh [ __ ] well can’t die because of fall damage yeah don’t count on it see it’s wrong it’s wrong ah I don’t have anything valuable anyways I could just go to another way it’s fine climb a tree I think I’m gonna go climb a tree

I’m gonna go stay on a tree I’ll see y’all later goodbye I’ll go climb a tree see ya ow goodbye bye everyone oh heck yeah so much progress yo so much progress I’m such a progress full progress this is that’s a lot of snow Forest I can’t build my house here

There’s way too many trees become monkey I am monkey yeah you’re right I became monkey might as well get some wood yes so much progress so much progress jumping from tree to tree yes cutting off the top parts that’s how you progress cata is monkey no no no no no more

Not again no no no ah I’m on the floor no I don’t have food no is there a village nearby I don’t think so when I saw from the top of the tree there was no villages hello I’m one of the snow I’m out of the snow

No I want to be I want to be back in the snow gosh diddly darn parkour the floor is lava no monkey die that’s what you sound like you know that’s what you sound like little zombos when is the sun coming up they’re literally right under me monkey

Die said monkey not dead yet I mean I’m not monkeying what monkey not dead yet hello zombo I want to find a village please is it like one of the other I find Fox and no Village in this world monkey die regret lucky not dead monkey not dead there’s

Wow there’s magma under there goodbye eat sugar cane mine now oh I need all these I need all this I need as much food as I can get and I’m out this is about a day in the life of a fox of folks trying to survive from a what

The a zombie with a shovel monkey not Fox no very much Fox thank you for the following get the fox snow and sand yeah hello hello welcome to the Stream yeah oh boy oh come on oh no no I’m literally I’m literally running away from moms why must you do this hold on

Let me at least get onto a tree first oh wait it’s it’s almost daytime hold on give me a second hold on yep okay give me a second give me a second ow hey that’s not nice but then what where is it there you go oh no my mustache my mustache ran away

I must have spread it away she also feels hey hey tell us the opportunity to evolve into the legendary 19th Fox so she can only evolve into the monkey ow ah I love that monkey we’ll come we’ll call Monkey best monkey um okay okay oh yeah wait what is what

Oh there’s a creeper it’s poisonable as it will stop it stop it how’s your morning boys good morning what the hell Here We Go Again bye-bye this is this why why are you doing this to me hi Jake I will hydrate okay let water tastes two days old

Need to reload I ran out you won’t hurt me won’t you okay I have to go back into the snow forest and find a fox I want to find a white fox who [ __ ] I said I said two Fox so that I can read them and then and then they’ll steal their baby Where where where how do you trap a fox I’ll dig a hole and then you put some berries in the hole and then you just wait for them to walk into the hole because that’s what I have so far and I don’t think it’s working yet before as there it is

Also I want to find a village where’s the Goddamn Village not still raising their babies exactly exactly I am adopting I am a Dolph Dingle felt for folks see the fox adopting a fox it’s quite normal see Hello Kitty hello welcome to the stream

You said two Fox not two Fox so you want to freak a fox no also that’s a wolf no no no no I said two number two Fox not two folks you know what I mean woof hey she I’m gonna need some of you to make a bed please please I’m desperate

Come on come on why is it so hard yes spam still awakes people spam still works sleep yeah hello welcome back to the Stream no that’s that’s to you and your cow dishonor on you dishonor on your cow don’t hurt the Sheep I have to I need the bed

She needs a bed exactly exactly and I need food my bed wait is Cara a stalker it is certain why am I stalking all of you how do you know right and then I’m gonna need an ax and some some other stuff that’s not how you do that see ax and the pickaxe

There you go I don’t need a sword oh your sword it’s not like I’ve died multiple times what do you mean where’s the callous Knight of the Sheeps at least it’s not the pigs the pigs will be spared I just heard him go [ __ ] foxes say she

I kind of you know you know I have good reason to talk stock foxes they’re kind of like like my family yeah you gotta stick with your tribe you know what I mean you gotta go later to the people there hello figures you’re spared have you seen any foxes

Around they look they all look at me and like you and like yeah that’s right I’m not a cat I am a fox a lot of people don’t call me know about sheep is that when killed you can save the effort of stripping them off their

Fur you mean wool and can sleep on them directly what in real life yeah sure wool is pretty warm but I don’t think we can do that in Minecraft I don’t think you can sleep on wool I have a bed that’s amazing that’s crazy progress isn’t that right people

I need to travel fox in a hole maybe maybe they’re hearing it and that’s why they’re not showing up dude they’re hearing me see it so what you’re saying is your family abandoned you oh kinda in Minecraft I’m on a mission to find my family Sleeping on top of a dead sheep nice waterbed what what that’s the best stuff [ __ ] soul foxy I need to eat yeah no not play it gosh darn it whoops I thought I saw a fox pointer but it wasn’t a fork sale it’s a chicken so basically Cara is raising a husband

No that’s not true I am just raising a pet you know like how you adopt a kid and then you raise it and then that becomes your pet that kid is your pet yeah it’s just like that you you guys do that right you humans do that right

Not that I like how your inability to sleep on sheep sounds more like a skill it shouldn’t be what the heck do you mean watch me watch me I think I need to go I work tomorrow bye bye everyone goodbye have a good sleep

I hope you have a good rest thank you so much for coming don’t let her adopt people but where are the foxes oh look no [ __ ] Thank you for the follow already tell Mama I’m not your mama oh this is a good place to build nice water noise is there a village nearby it looks like a it looks like a place where place that has a that has a village that could want a village nearby

Me oh my gosh look how pretty I have to eat my berries or start mining okay this is my house I should probably keep my table this is my house wait where’s the bed that I made I killed three sheep and I crafted a bed right

Where where will that go should I put the bed down and I don’t think I slept since then but I must have hey the wool for it is gone I remember killing one more sheep afterwards I think you placed it huh gosh darn it oh gosh oh no oh darn oh boy

Goodness gracious I’ll stream pretty good hello welcome to the Stream how do you decide if it’s good or not good oh place to build well um you know it just depends you can build anywhere really it’s up to you but personally I like snow biomes I like

Places like this and there’s not many trees so it’s quite plain so there’s a lot of space to build your house and then and then uh there’s also like not much like hilly hilly terraforms what Hill there’s not much hills so I mean like for example if you want to build a house

On there that’s gonna be a little it’s very uneven it’s gonna be very uneven so there’s a lot of things to fix before you can even start on your foundation it’s a flat biome yes with snow yes I was in a very foresty biome earlier alright

I’m taking this because I I need it I still need it and I need to kill a sheep I need two more sheep or or find a village and steal their bid there’s not much oh no oh no why did that happen hello oh freakly Frack frack oh what the heck Pissed this book is this let’s see them foreign wait give me a second welcome to internet [ __ ] oh no oh why is this happening give me a second give me a second give me shaking oh oh it’s an new stream on YouTube it is loading The normal totally normal oh my God in my twitch my twitch the website just completely stopped the site cannot be reached reached oh boy Foreign

This video, titled ‘[LIVE] NO MORE HARDCORE!!! Too many deaths ;-; [Vtuber Minecraft Stream]’, was uploaded by Kyaramel on 2022-11-12 16:42:28. It has garnered 185 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:20 or 9020 seconds.


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    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Transformation: Woggy Man 2012 vs 2022!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2012 VS 2022’, was uploaded by Woggy Man on 2024-03-24 15:41:07. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, bluexephos, uberhaxornova,… Read More

  • Pvp Legends

    Pvp LegendsWelcome to our Minecraft Factions server! Immerse yourself in a dynamic and competitive world where alliances are forged, battles are waged, and land is conquered. Build your faction, strategize with allies, and engage in epic PvP encounters. Join us for an exhilarating experience where survival depends on both skill and cunning. Will your faction rise to dominance, or will you succumb to the challenges of this unforgiving landscape? Join now and embark on an adventure like no other! Read More

  • Deep Season SMP Semi-vanilla Java 17+ Whitelist Proximity Voice Chat

    Welcome to Deep Season SMP! Hello, Deep Season is striving to create a hermitcraft-like SMP, with a community of active players of all types. We are creating a chill environment where people have the opportunity to create cool things and have fun together. About the Server: The 1.20.6 server officially launched about a week ago on a fresh map. Our shopping district is still in its infancy and the end is locked until next Saturday, so there will be plenty of time to catch up. The server is mostly vanilla, with just a few additions: A few vanilla tweaks datapacks… Read More

  • Bucketry Minecraft 1.21 🌟 [JUST RESET] {Pyro Mining & Pyro Fishing} {Dungeons} {Ranking & Prestiging} {Quest System} {Land Claiming} {Over 200 Unique Enchantments}

    Bucketry Minecraft 1.21 🌟 [JUST RESET] {Pyro Mining & Pyro Fishing} {Dungeons} {Ranking & Prestiging} {Quest System} {Land Claiming} {Over 200 Unique Enchantments}🌐 Server IP: play.bucketry.netDiscord: to Bucketry Minecraft, where the most epic Minecraft adventure of your life awaits! 🌟🌍 Explore a world filled with endless possibilities and challenges, where survival is just the beginning. Here’s a taste of what Bucketry Minecraft has in store for you:🏰 Progression System: Ascend the ranks, conquer challenges, and become a legendary player in our immersive world.🛒 Shops Galore: Build your empire with a plethora of server and player shops, where treasures and riches await your discovery.💼 Jobs & Skills: Take on thrilling jobs and refine your skills to stand out in the world of… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 64 TEXTURES!! TOO SPICY!

    Minecraft Memes - 64 TEXTURES!! TOO SPICY!That’s a lot of textures for a game where everything is made of blocks! Maybe they should add a texture for every type of dirt block too. Read More

  • Mob Mysteries: Minecraft’s Savior Lore

    Mob Mysteries: Minecraft's Savior Lore In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of ancient Builders and their trials bold. The trial Chambers, a place of training, For soldiers to fight, their skills attaining. The breeze, a mob with wind charge might, Designed by Builders, to train for the fight. Illagers, allies in this grand scheme, Providing magic and items, like a dream. Crossbows and axes, rewards to gain, From completing trials, a victory to claim. The illagers, a crucial part, In creating the breeze, with a magical art. From Gail Sanctum to trial Chambers deep, The collaboration of friends, secrets to keep. A… Read More

  • Minecraft meme on fire!

    Minecraft meme on fire! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Revamping the Farm in Better Minecraft

    Revamping the Farm in Better Minecraft Enhancing the Farm: Day 10 in Better Minecraft On Day 10 of the epic 1,000-day journey in Better Minecraft, our intrepid explorer set out to improve the farm by adding a touch of natural beauty. Armed with a variety of materials and a creative vision, the farm was about to undergo a stunning transformation. Materials Used: Spruce Fence Dark Oak Fence Ancient Ochre Froglight Crop Heater Crop Chiller Season Detector Redstone Dust Magenta Flower Birch Leaves White Flower Acacia Leaves Apple Acacia Leaves Charcoal Block The farm was about to receive a makeover that would not only enhance its… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle: Ghost Armor | Dungeons & Dragons #3

    Minecraft Battle: Ghost Armor | Dungeons & Dragons #3 Minecraft Dungeons & Dragons Adventure: Fighting a Ghost Armor Introduction In the world of Minecraft, Lennert and BearSpirit embark on an epic adventure in the official Minecraft Dungeons and Dragons DLC. They navigate through the sewers of Candlekeep, facing off against a formidable foe – a ghost armor. Join them as they encounter challenges, puzzles, and more in this thrilling episode of Minecraft D&D. Exploring Candlekeep As Lennert and BearSpirit venture deeper into the dungeon, they come across various obstacles and enemies. From battling janitors in the sewers to discovering hidden treasures, every step brings new surprises. The duo’s… Read More

  • Intense ASMR Gaming with Hypixel Skyblock Keyboard Sounds!

    Intense ASMR Gaming with Hypixel Skyblock Keyboard Sounds!Video Information all right y’all what is going on everybody and welcome back to my channel you feel me or if you’re new welcome to my channel you feel me so we’re doing Sky Block again and this is Hypixel Sky Block so it’s like very complicated and [ __ ] from what I from what I’ve noticed let me make the chat smaller actually uh chat settings chat size turn it down to 50 turn this up because it looks weird yeah that’s better that’s better so um I actually tried to play this before with Dennis and my… Read More

  • Ultimate Aquatic Adventure: Season 5 Begins

    Ultimate Aquatic Adventure: Season 5 BeginsVideo Information [Music] iwhere find with you Lon strikes or any shade of blue the J the best part even when the RO is hard I Anywhere [Music] With You This video, titled ‘Minecraft Aquatic Survival Season 5 V2 Intro’, was uploaded by Golden Primvally on 2024-04-20 03:17:39. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. ***************************************** Theme song Credits: The Glitch Explorer’s Theme by Dalekium: Intro & Outro themes: GP: Brand New Journey By Brian Skeel: GP: Journey Into The Haunted Manor: GP: Journey Into The… Read More

  • PurpleGecko’s Insane Deaths in Minecraft #memes

    PurpleGecko's Insane Deaths in Minecraft #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Worst Ways to Die #minecraft #mc #memes’, was uploaded by PurpleGecko on 2024-04-29 14:40:04. It has garnered 4508 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Unlock Aether NOW! No Obsidian Needed – Modded Minecraft

    Unlock Aether NOW! No Obsidian Needed - Modded MinecraftVideo Information greetings humans it is I Bay zipster and today I’ll be showing you how to get to the Aether dimension in modded Mindcraft without the need to find diamonds or mine obsidian step one your typical start punch trees for wood make a pickaxe mine Stone mine coal step to find iron three minimum for one bucket but I recommend finding as much as you can to make more optionally find flint but I forgot to this run so instead you’ll me try a different way to ignite the portal step three find a lava pool preferably on… Read More

  • “SazerStreams: Join Now for Nonstop Lifesteal Fun!” #minecraft #smp

    "SazerStreams: Join Now for Nonstop Lifesteal Fun!" #minecraft #smpVideo Information कैंडल लाइट हैज गन आउट सम वे विन एंड सम वल लूज नथिंग मच एल्स टू से थ आ सर्चिंग फॉर समथ डर क्लोज न साउ टेक लक ए आ एला स्ल आ प् स्लो ड स्लो डाउ स्लो डा [संगीत] स्लो कैंडललाइट है गन आउट सम विल विन एंड सम ल लूस नथि मच एल्स टू से थ आ सर्चिंग फॉर समथि क्लो न साउ टेक अ ल आ [प्रशंसा] स्ल प् स्लो ड से उ से उ से [संगीत] उ कैंडललाइट हैज गन आउट सम वल विन एंड सम वल लूज नथिंग मच एल्स टू से… Read More

  • Krish Gets Scared By Minecraft Monster 😱

    Krish Gets Scared By Minecraft Monster 😱Video Information लोगों को बताऊं यार ये वीडियो एंड ही नहीं हो रही है मैं कर ही नहीं पा रहा यार ये भाई पागल भाई पागल पागल पागल ओके हम आ चुके हैं एंड पोर्टल में एंड पोर्टल में आ चुके हैं हम पोर्टल में घुस तो गए थे मुझे लग रहा था हम दूसरी विलेज में आ जाएंगे लेकिन इस बार हम अलग ही एंड पोर्टल में आ चुके हैं एंड पोर्टल में हम यहां पर आ चुके हैं और यहां पर मुझे कुछ तो गड़बड़ अब यहां पर लग रही है वेट व्हाट यहां पर गाइज एक घर… Read More

  • Shocking Makeup Tutorial: DON’T Mine at Night 💄🌙

    Shocking Makeup Tutorial: DON'T Mine at Night 💄🌙Video Information don’t mind at night I know you’re looking at that cave and you’re feeling kind of Brave go to bed you’ll be all right don’t mine at night there’s nothing This video, titled ‘Don’t mineee at nighttt #makeup #makeupartist #viral #fyp #minecraft #makeuptutorial #meme #funny’, was uploaded by PorcelainxDoll on 2024-05-25 01:30:52. It has garnered 332 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • Mikey & JJ Transform into T-Rex in Minecraft Attack!

    Mikey & JJ Transform into T-Rex in Minecraft Attack!Video Information [Music] good morning Mikey how did you sleep what are you doing there good morning JJ I thought you’d sleep the whole day as usual I’m just looking at what we can do with our resources and what can we do let’s take a walk around the village hm what is it there there seems to be a seller selling something let’s go there soon and see what he sells mhm Hi man we saw your poster there what does it say here buy a plane hi guys I’m selling a plane that you can buy and fly… Read More

  • Building EPIC PandaLand in 1 Block – EP. 5 #Minecraft

    Building EPIC PandaLand in 1 Block - EP. 5 #MinecraftVideo Information [Music] I [Music] so [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] you [Music] no [Music] a This video, titled ‘Making a PandaLand in Minecraft One Block [Episode : 5] #minecraft #trending #viral #viralvideo’, was uploaded by GamingSupro009 on 2024-03-04 12:35:18. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:51 or 351 seconds. Making a PandaLand in Minecraft One Block [Episode : 5] #minecraft #trending #viral #viralvideo minecraft house minecraft game minecraft house ideas minecraft videos for kids minecraft video minecraft house design minecraft live minecraft song minecraft… Read More

  • Fabelized

    FabelizedWelcome to Fabelized, your ultimate destination for all things Minecraft! Dive into a world of endless possibilities and unleash your creativity with our vast collection of exclusive items, skins, and accessories. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting your adventure, Fabelized has everything you need to elevate your Minecraft experience to new heights. Explore our meticulously curated selection of skins, ranging from fierce warriors to adorable creatures, and find the perfect look to express your unique style. Enhance your gameplay with our premium plugins, and texture packs, designed to immerse you in stunning new worlds and enhance every aspect… Read More

  • Aether Earth – Semi-Vanilla Factions SMP PVP

    Welcome to AetherEarth! Features: 1:1500 Scale Earth Map LifeSteal Fully Customized Shop Towny Make your own Vehicles (MoveCraft) Cross-play Welcoming Community Professional Staff Will you make peace or will you start the next world war? Join to make history! Join us on Discord Read More

Kyaramel – [LIVE] NO MORE HARDCORE!!! Too many deaths ;-; [Vtuber Minecraft Stream]