Leaving The BUNKER! | Project Zomboid Multiplayer (Modded) | Ep1

Video Information

In a world where the undead walked the streets and Humanity has fallen preyed upon by Soul as evil Kevin Keener a petty burglar survived by breaking into his uncle’s bunker down the road from West Point together with his friends he met a twiggies the Night Door started along with a few stolen vehicles

Acquired they hunkered down to wait for it all to blow over but with dwindling supplies and with drunken confidence they decided to leave their bunker to take on the hordes for the sake of humanity to find their friend David and any other survivors they might be and

Also just have one more party before they kick the bucket this is their story [Applause] Foreign Spuds and welcome back to a brand new multiplayer project zomboid series hooray this series will be sent around our small group going around Knox country in a chaotic haphazard manner killing as many zombies as possible and in the process looking out for any other survivors and our friend David along the

Way the settings of the game as follows population setting is high multi-hit is on respawn is off and we have an overall XP boost to help speed things along so without further Ado that’s introduce the characters up first we’ve got Kevin Keener paid by myself a petty burglar

And hoarder obsessed with plushies and other random pointless things next is Stefan worth a veteran and self-proclaimed shooting expert always at the end of the bar at twiggies in an accident he doesn’t like to talk about he damages voice box and now relies on a mechanical larynx to help him talk hello

Finally we have Francois Bonneville a disgraced Doctor Who Loves killing nearly as much as his love for sweets together we’re planning to go take on Knox country and take on as many zombies as possible before our demise so we’re gonna head off the reason we’re having to head off is because we are

Completely out of food we’ve got nothing in here to show for it we’ve got a couple of bits of ice cream and nothing else got a lot of beer though as you can see from the just sheer amount of cans dotting the lounge we’ve got um we’ve just been drinking our fill but

We’ve had word on the weight there we’ve had word on the radio but one of our friends was meant to meet us here is trapped in West Point so our first point of call is we’re gonna have to go meet him at twiggies as he said signaled that he would later on today

So without further Ado guys let’s head off let’s stock up get all the water out of here oh yeah get yourself some bottles I knew packing so much perishable food here wasn’t that good of an idea we could have stayed here a lot longer yep now everything’s rotten

But hey at least we got booze why didn’t we eat the avocados I don’t know too many chips is that everything we are we we should take the uh water butts water jugs yeah I don’t know how much actually in them and we’ve got we should have three yeah

I got one I’ll take the other one there’s a rope I’ll take the Rope I grabbed it all mostly just Nails there’s some tarp here could be useful for a tent okay yeah true I’ll take the top So the plan for this episode is we are

Going to head to West Point we need to fill up on food because we’ve got no food so we’re gonna head to gigamot first of all then we’re gonna need to stock up on ammo and everything else gun wise before finally we’ll end up at twiggies waiting for Kevin’s friend to join us

Think that’s the plan I’ve got to taste forever to feel these jugs well they are huge jugs of water haha right cool let’s go bye bye bunker we shall miss you get out the door there we go so who’s driving the truck I kind of want to ride the ice cream truck just

Because and I’ll volunteer as the truck driver cool actually wait wait guys I’m gonna put the food and alcohol into the back of your guys thing oh yeah it’s a good idea did one of you guys pick up the stuff in the fridge the bourbon

Stuff yes I have that in the cooler oh coping it oh the fridge in the back does work oh cool right then I set it off to West Point oh I forgot how slow this thing is our adventure shall be glorious it shall it shall but we’re off to a bit slow start

Yeah this thing does not do good in grass you know what they say a journey of a Thousand Miles starts with a single Step It showed us I froze and the turning radius on this truck is terrible so which way to West Point across the bridge I think one of you guys should

Drive the truck because yeah okay fine for some reason it’s getting really laggy for me okay uh cat do you want to do it I’m currently throws on the brick oh oh okay fine I’ll do it I have slow driver uh fine oh if you’re slow driver then okay get

Back in the ice cream truck all right what are we doing who’s driving what I mean cat probably should drive the ice cream truck maybe even though he has to blow driver yeah fine right I’ll start again let’s go the West Point everyone and so our hungover adventurers set off

Towards their first stop West Point with a gigamot full of supplies and their friend David signaling he would meet them at twiggy’s in a few days time they were sure their Adventure would be off to a great start how far are you guys behind me by the way

There you are we are on the main road yay go go go oh can I get that what is it there’s a really nice trailer like one of the proper trailers although it’s a bit of an awkward position ow you might be able to get it with the small truck the car

Uh no I it’s it’s a really awkward I don’t think we’re gonna be able to stuck behind two racks oh yeah yeah besides we can’t move that without an OshKosh oh can we not oh the air brake remember oh yeah okay fine right across the bridge we go the bridge we go

Oh God I hate the little trees there we go terrifying oh I’m gonna have to dip into my melted ice cream multiple times refroz and melted ice cream to get food poisoning we know why the best kind it’s the best kind of ice cream is the like five times over

Refrozen melted ice cream right get to the gigamot parking lot have a little Showdown oh there we go right then come on then start this thing can I turn siren on do not play the siren yet not at the moment I wouldn’t recommend the siren

Oh my God I actually found a box of nine mil already that’s pretty cool die I’m getting the big gun out already come to the big gun oh God damn it oops someone ran off ammo oh come on I’m all for this pistol right you got the shotgun thank you

The 500 sucks aim is awful with it yeah there’s too much recoil with the bullet you’re shooting nice oh there’s a lot coming out towards us oh that’s a lot say we Retreat to the truck yeah Retreat the truck Retreats the truck right we just on do we open the windows is

That how this works you can actually push some bees over when they get to the window that’s hilarious seat doesn’t have very good positioning can’t seem to hit any of them well I’m having a hard time shooting from this seat yeah so am I I’ll come help

Okay how much I don’t have to get out not working for me for some reason there we go gone up and aiming yeah damn it’s not letting me aim it should let you aim from those but it’s not liking it yeah I’m really hoping those windows can’t be uh destroyed otherwise you’re

You’re gonna be a bit screwed they shouldn’t be able to oh my God there’s so many of them it’s Solid Steel Kevin I’m fine I’m fine green and I hit nothing with a sawn off how does that even make any sense yay I’ve got two left figure out why I

Wasn’t able to shoot why didn’t it open the window [Laughter] that would help now I’m basically mowing them off [Laughter] I was we’re gonna have to like loot all of these there’s so many there’s so much ammo on the floor five foot awesome blast them with 12 gauge in the face yeah

I’m getting out cat you’ll Amy is ridiculous you’re hitting them like every shot whereas me I can’t even hit them with a sword off that’s what they taught me in the camp there we go by the way which engine is running for the ice cream truck yeah let’s turn that off

I would have said letter idle due to the I the fridge but oh yeah true but do we have anything perishable in there other than ice cream that can melt plus it’s already melted so yeah so it’s probably fine having it off right is that most of them there’s a

Couple up north dealing with them but I made a mistake bringing a World War one gun to battle thank you very insights on this aren’t the best any problem is I can only shoot two shells without having to reload some pain in the nails okay we’re taking out most of them

Uh we should probably start attempting to uh loot what we can look gigamart well I’m just gonna say the zombies first because they’re gonna have ammo and stuff on them I saw a ranger over here has a couple of police that seem to have good guns oh that’s nice

A Glock 17 Beretta M9 beta blockers useful I found a map of Rosewood oh useful fully loaded 9 by 19 double stack Magoo all right there we go oh box of rounds another box of rounds another box of God so much ammo how did they die with this much ammo I

Know how do they all die when they’ve got this much I was ridiculous more beta blockers I found a 357 Magnum Revolver nice ooh a hand Fork haha nice that’ll be useful this series ooh another Beretta M9 oh take the nine mil that’ll be that useful also take the mags if they have

Them yeah I’m taking the magic I think just chuck all the guns we find in the back of the truck I mean I’ve been leaving the less useful ones I’ve taken what we can for now but yeah we can assess later on honestly I’m useless with Bridges I’ve

Got no idea what’s useful and what’s not really so I’m just picking them all up anything pistol that’s not nine millimeter or 45 isn’t that good okay fine I’m gonna get some food yeah we need to go get food I’m a bit hungry okay there’s zombie there I’ll take oh

There’s a couple of them I’ll take it out that’s going through the back how are the kill counts looking let’s have a look yeah kill count I’m on 91 I don’t know about you guys 177 firearm nice if you’re hitting like every single shot so go through the open door

Cool we got some 10 stuff although we have a t we don’t have a can opener do we we’re gonna try and find a can opener ah coffee might be useful just eat the raw grounds that can of Oats I don’t think we’re gonna need flower or Yeast this series

Eat the sugar who cares about diabetes if you die in a week anyway foreign cheese nice yeah I’m hoping we can find a can opener somewhere I know I know not all of them need one but I’ll take the cooking pot just in case there is like a little

Section that normally has like kitchen utensils and stuff I’m hoping there’s something there okay there’s loads of microwaves hot sauce nice oh all the sweets tools are here I think I think we’re all right for that stuff take the knife just in case I found a lug wrench and a pipe wrench

So there’s some tools great uh hand side ooh Fork be good what was that saw okay we got a saw and obviously we need a all the pony plushies there we go take all of them box of fig bars let’s Feast bro okay I pretty much looted everything that I can

Find don’t know about you guys we done full Emily you’re still there by the way can you hear me now I accidentally pressed the wrong key buttons check this out though I’m coming oh you found fur but nice we got loads of them Jesus what have you guys found plushies all the plushies

Nice right take all the plushies the motherload exactly that’s what we’re actually out here for not to kill the Zombies we’re just here for the plushies Plushies are life yes they are did any of you find like sports drinks and stuff like energy drinks I haven’t did find a

Screwdriver it’s on one of the zombies I forgot to pick it up oh nice okay I found one bro I’m gonna go Chuck all the food in the ice cream truck that I’ve got grab the beans don’t forget that those are really useful I’ve got loads

Of beans but we don’t have any can openers so I mean the dried beans in the back yeah but we’re gonna cook them I don’t know when we’re gonna get around to cooking them but we can do you can eat them dry lots of calories oh

Did I could eat them dry God that tastes awful I mean you gotta do what you gotta do Drew yeah well successful Hall so far we’ve killed hundreds and hundreds of zombies and uh yeah we’re basically secured the gigamot can’t find that screw tracker

Oh I’ve got one I’m an idiot I forgot I picked one up oh I might pick the one you saw up yeah we’re gonna need screwdrivers for weapon attachments because I found a few guns with weapon attachments on them this Glock 21 has a laser sight and a

Red dot I put one in the fridge oh nice police station uh we should go to sleep first start getting late I’m getting tired there’s the upstairs officers yeah it’s a good plan uh put all the ammo back here as well I’ll put the screwdriver in the saw back here as well

I forgot another saw and a pickaxe oh nice I found quite a lot of ammo already which is nice hopefully the police station contains some bigger solids that we could use yes yeah we need we need all the bullets oh more nine Mills nice and another double

Stack I’m a bit worried about the PD not much room and much more zombies could be tight I mean we probably have brought a lot of zombies over our way yeah I mean there’ll be a lot round there but we’ve taken out quite a few did anyone find

Some extra 12 gauge though I’m I feel we may get low on that because I only have one bullet left I’ve got a few boxes they’re not many I didn’t find any extra no such luck are you guys coming out yep I am okay probably gonna need to secure the oh

Cigarettes and matches do either you need cigarettes I have 22. cigarettes I already have a lighter I’ve got 50. we’ll probably be safe but better safe than sorry if you guys want to get into the main office then I’ll secure it with a wherever this is a filing cabinet yeah that’s the word

Okay I’m gonna grab my chair then I’ll live let’s see if we can move the table at the stairs all right everybody in oh there was already enough chairs here you putting down the South could be better Comfort anyway we’ll huddle up on the sofa seems like a plan right

Spoon baby sleeps yep spoon time and so concludes the first day of Our Hero’s Quest and as they all spooned on that uncomfortable sofa they all thought of their friend David and what tomorrow would bring so thank you so much for watching guys if you like Wilson please leave a like

And subscribe a massive thank you to all my patreons Drew David Clint David McHale Wright Len Andrew Alexander chaos toolman nacho cheese Mikey soundtrack King Of Thorns Jonathan crane Skyler bershel and Charles thank you so much guys you you’re just amazing thank you for all your support a massive thanks to

My Discord mods who made all this possible nightcap holy Elmo and David thank you so much guys for just all your support and and your the countless hours spent on this it really means the world to me so just thank you so much for everything you’ve done this series but

Yeah I hope you enjoyed and I will see you next episode cheers bye-bye Thank you

This video, titled ‘Leaving The BUNKER! | Project Zomboid Multiplayer (Modded) | Ep1’, was uploaded by IslandPotato – Survival Gaming on 2023-01-04 14:34:03. It has garnered 306329 views and 7186 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:57 or 1317 seconds.

Thanks for watching my first Project Zomboid MP series! Featuring myself and a few of my Discord mods, we go round Knox Country causing chaos wherever we go. This is a bit of a different take from my usual series, so I hope you enjoy!

Kevin Keener, and some friends from Twiggy’s are on a quest to wipe out as many zombies as possible. How far can they get? And will they be able to meet up with their long lost friend?

Thanks for watching!

==Mod Collection== https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2832674296

==Channel Links== Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/IslandPotato Discord: https://discord.gg/neSuFVzhvC Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/islandpotato/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/IslandPotato_ Merch Shop: https://islandpotatomerch.myspreadshop.net/ KoFi: https://ko-fi.com/islandpotato

==Official Description== Project Zomboid is an open-ended zombie-infested sandbox. It asks one simple question – how will you die?

In the towns of Muldraugh and West Point, survivors must loot houses, build defenses and do their utmost to delay their inevitable demise day by day. No help is coming – their continued survival relies on their own cunning, luck and ability to evade a relentless horde.


Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio

Obelisk by Seek:ID https://soundcloud.com/seekidentification

#projectzomboid #projectzomboidMP #IslandPotato

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    New 1.21 Map! LuckyGem SMP: A friendly, whitelisted community with no game altering plugins. Founded in 2020, we value friendship and fun. Join us to explore and grow together! Features: Whitelisted Server – Apply via Discord Active & mature community with responsive staff No teleporting plugin – Travel by foot or nether tunnel highways No economy plugin – Join our trust-based diamond economy No land claim plugin – Find a spot and start building Player-built environment – Donate materials or build with others Participate in weekly events, competitions, and UHC. Show off your builds and be a part of our… Read More

  • Starlight SMPJoin the discord to join!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Jack Black devours schnitzel in Minecraft flick”

    Seems like Jack Black is taking method acting to a whole new level by actually eating a schnitzel in the Minecraft movie! Let’s just hope it’s not his character’s beloved pet pig that he’s chowing down on. Read More

  • Monstrous Maidens: Minecraft Mod Madness!

    Monstrous Maidens: Minecraft Mod Madness! In the world of Minecraft, a new mod is in sight, Featuring monster girls, lovely and bright. With hearts full of joy and eyes full of glee, These mods bring a new kind of fantasy. From the Mushroom Update, they come alive, In the pixelated world where players thrive. Each one unique, with powers to wield, In this virtual realm, their fate is sealed. So join the adventure, with monsters so sweet, In this showcase of mods, where worlds meet. Support my friend, @MoneyNetworth, on their channel so fine, For more content like this, that’ll make you shine. With… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal ๐Ÿ”ฅ When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up in seconds. #minecraftproblems ๐Ÿ˜‚ Read More

  • Game Academy Time Travel Prank

    Game Academy Time Travel Prank Exploring the World of Minecraft with Block Pavilion Block Pavilion, a dedicated creator in the Minecraft realm, brings laughter and joy through self-made animations. With a focus on child-friendly content, the channel ensures a safe and enjoyable viewing experience for all. About Block Pavilion Block Pavilion, also known as ๆ–นๅ—่ฝฉ, is a prominent figure in the Minecraft community, crafting original and humorous animations that aim to spread happiness. As the sole official channel of Block Pavilion, it stands out from unauthorized copies by delivering daily doses of creative content. Content Variety Block Pavilion’s channel offers a diverse range of… Read More

  • Bear Hill Horror: Dark Journey in Minecraft

    Bear Hill Horror: Dark Journey in Minecraft Exploring the Mysteries of Minecraft: Bear Ridge Legends and Dark Journey Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. In this virtual realm, players can immerse themselves in a blocky universe filled with endless possibilities. Among the many intriguing elements of Minecraft are the Bear Ridge Legends and the Dark Journey, two captivating tales that add depth and excitement to the gameplay experience. Bear Ridge Legends: Unraveling the Mystery Deep within the vast landscapes of Minecraft lies Bear Ridge, a place shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Legends speak of ancient… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Winnie Wriggle’s EP1 Minecraft Craftoria Adventure

    UNBELIEVABLE! Winnie Wriggle's EP1 Minecraft Craftoria AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chill Minecraft Craftoria EP1’, was uploaded by Winnie Wriggle on 2024-09-26 02:30:30. It has garnered 209 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:36 or 8196 seconds. We’re adventuring in Craftoria for Minecraft 1.21. A fun, new Minecraft fabric modpack by Team All of Fabric. Relaxing Minecraft lets play in the 1.21 Craftoria modpack. Join me (every Mon Tues and Wed @8:00 am Eastern) as I start my day with some chill morning Minecraft. Read More

  • Moth Boy Tries Hardcore Minecraft – One Run Challenge!

    Moth Boy Tries Hardcore Minecraft - One Run Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘A Stream Before I Leave For A Week!| Moth Boy Attempts To Beat Hardcore Minecraft (One Run) [Stream]’, was uploaded by KuuDefoe Ch. on 2024-09-08 02:03:35. It has garnered 20 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:15:35 or 15335 seconds. We’ll meet again! I promise! ^.^ _______________________ For those new here and also not, one runs were what I used to do with Commi Shions where I attempt to get through Minecraft without dying once and in one episode. I only won like, twice I think. No this is not a… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Couple Builds – Micky & Minnie Craze!

    Insane Minecraft Couple Builds - Micky & Minnie Craze!Video Information This video, titled ‘The REPLAY : Micky and Minnie #minecraft #trending #fyp’, was uploaded by Baby Craft Studios on 2024-07-24 11:32:47. It has garnered 10244 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Because you want the replay, see it! Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Day 1 – Creative Player Tries Minecraft

    Insane Hardcore Day 1 - Creative Player Tries MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Day 1- Creative Player Tries Hardcore in Minecraft’, was uploaded by TheSephrona on 2024-01-12 14:49:43. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:17 or 7037 seconds. Experienced creative player, awful survival player. Playing on hardcore mode… what could go wrong? Music provided by http://spoti.fi/NCS Read More

  • Unbelievable Application on Arcane SMP!!!

    Unbelievable Application on Arcane SMP!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arcane SMP most MID application’, was uploaded by slzuglez on 2024-09-02 03:54:22. It has garnered 144 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. this is a Application to join Arcane SMP, its been a while since ive uploaded a YT video (2 years ago) hope i get in #minecraft #youtube #mc #application #applications #video #videos #videoshort #videoshorts #youtube #youtuber #shorts #funny #funnyvideo #arcane #smp Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit… Read More

  • Gingershadow’s Epic Devil Fruit Swap?! | One Piece Mod Ep 22

    Gingershadow's Epic Devil Fruit Swap?! | One Piece Mod Ep 22Video Information This video, titled ‘MAYBE A CHANGE OF DEVIL FRUITS WILL HELP?! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 22’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-08-24 22:00:29. It has garnered 2654 views and 169 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:07 or 3427 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbx05etE90g MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/@miraigaming5644 STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs MAYBE A CHANGE OF DEVIL FRUITS WILL HELP?! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 22 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Hurnox! Join the Fun ๐Ÿ”ด๐ŸŽฎ

    Minecraft Madness with Hurnox! Join the Fun ๐Ÿ”ด๐ŸŽฎVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft with Viewers ๐Ÿ”ด (VOICE) ๐ŸŽฅ’, was uploaded by Hurnox on 2024-09-22 00:16:13. It has garnered 18 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:31 or 2191 seconds. Welcome to our live stream! Today, we’re diving into the action-packed world of minecraft, and YOU can join in the fun! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newcomer looking to learn the ropes, this stream is for everyone. Get ready for epic battles, strategic gameplay, and lots of laughs as we team up and compete against each other.we will also play minecraft… Read More

  • DEVSH FF: Emotional New Rank Season ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ญ

    DEVSH FF: Emotional New Rank Season ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ญVideo Information This video, titled ‘Heartbreaking Story of New Rank Season๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ญ’, was uploaded by DEVSH FF on 2024-06-05 11:21:46. It has garnered 35 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Welcome to DEVSH FF! Dive into the exciting worlds of Free Fire and Minecraft with us! Whether you’re a battle-hardened veteran or a curious newbie, our channel offers epic gameplay, strategic tips, and thrilling adventures. From intense Free Fire battles to creative Minecraft builds, we’ve got something for everyone. Join the DEVSH FF community and embark on a gaming journey filled with action,… Read More

  • Make a Car in Minecraft Bedrock – Easiest Tutorial Ever!

    Make a Car in Minecraft Bedrock - Easiest Tutorial Ever!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Automatic Car Tutorial Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by hpMC46 on 2024-09-15 19:11:04. It has garnered 198 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Minecraft Automatic Car Tutorial Minecraft Bedrock minecraft minecraft 100 days minecraft house tutorial minecraft hardcore 133,000 +49% $0.05 1 (Low) minecraft civilization minecraft music minecraft house +22% minecraft song -100% minecraft horror +123% minecraft builds +49% minecraft movie -100% minecraft story mode +83% minecraft arg +1,558% minecraft aphmau minecraft animation minecraft asmr +22% minecraft adventures +125% minecraft automatic farm +83% minecraft addons +49% minecraft… Read More

Leaving The BUNKER! | Project Zomboid Multiplayer (Modded) | Ep1