Let’s Play Minecraft Survival : STORAGE ROOM : Episode 10

Video Information

Hey everybody flip here and welcome back to episode number 10 of our minecraft survival let’s play we’re starting off here inside the house where things are a little messy and overflowing right this is um this is pretty rough this is one of the worst storage systems

I think i’ve ever had for quite a long time heaven’s sake over here inside the beam of our house we’re storing dirt inside of the framework of our balcony we’re storing cobblestone today i want to be able to fix that and build up an actual storage room that we can you know

Store everything inside of right down in this area we’re going to be working on the dock section a lot more today and i’m so very excited about it but before we do that we’ve got a few chores to tackle here of i just want to harvest up all the crops and replant them

So that we can keep the stores growing now while we’re doing this i’ve got two questions here for y’all one why don’t you go ahead and click that like button down below for me and two we’ll get to in just a moment here depositing all this stuff inside and then some more

Carrots right into here and actually i’m gonna bring that wheat with us check this out the villager breeder is a work and if you missed that at the end of last episode a little teaser there showing her first baby but it’s broken the collection system down there to move them up when they’re

Fully grown is not working we’re gonna fix that here momentarily on top of that i’ve also been smelting down a bunch of bricks and iron for today’s build and now for question number two when i had originally started this series i had intended that about episode 10 or something after that we

Would start creating our outpost base around the world at the different areas where we are collecting resources from so the mesa the flower forest for dyes the different forest bombs that we’re using to gather wood and that sort of stuff that being said we’re on episode 10

Right now as you all probably are very aware i’ve said that three times so i’m curious to know down in the comments below what do you think we should be doing for the next few episodes should we stay inside of the city we’re working on in the village and expand our villager production

Or should we start working on the surrounding areas i would love to have some dyes to work with as well as some terracotta for actually building up the place so maybe we can start setting up those two areas here in the next little while but let me know what you’re thinking that

Being said as we’re moving throughout here there are a lot of random stray cows like these two guys right here that i figured we could just kind of deal with and potentially get some leather in the process or b falling off the edge and leather falling off the

Edge oh no thank god for being in the jungle and having vines going everywhere we can just use this go down and right back up speaking of the vines however i did bring some string with me so we can start taming these back a little bit further because they’re getting

A little out of hand now over to the villager breeder or the villager collection area the problem that we had in the last episode is the roof over there was too low so by raising everything up an entire block it actually created enough space for villagers to walk on top of

The beds and then these guys recognize them as beds that they can filled up the village with however now down here we have villager number one and then if we jump inside we’ll see villager number two and three are just hanging out right down there and not really getting pushed

Upwards what’s supposed to be happening is they’re going into here on top of the blocks and then being moved up like that i don’t really know why it’s not happening what i think we can do here is actually dropping this water down by one as they are all floating up that’s good

We’ll just get them out of the way for now something like this should hopefully work to be able to get them all going forwards i think i think that’s gonna do the trick we have a baby in here but we’re gonna leave these guys for a little bit that’s that’s enough

Villager messing around with today we do have four brand new villagers though i thought they would be breeding as if they’re jungle villagers but it looks like they’re not are we not in a jungle biome where we’re breeding villagers if so i’m gonna be quite sad about that

We’re not this entire place is a beach bomb in this corner and then over here we have a jungle biome so i’m assuming those beds are all inside of the beach bomb that’s a big bummer what’s even more of a bummer is i accidentally broke some of the farmland

Oh my gosh we have a flaming skeleton over here i was just trying to go back home and sleep in my bed and get started on the building i’m getting attacked and lit on fire i got really confused thinking these llamas were just attached to the wall over here but we have a

Wandering trader with some cool dyes and things red sand would be nice but oh hi hello goodbye all right i was just attacked by another skeleton that jumped off of this island on me and so i think i’m just gonna go ahead and take it down

I don’t know why it would matter with an island being up here and on nothing else is really too mob spawnable maybe this area we can throw a torch on and then this island over here i’m just gonna take it out to be honest it looks so much better

Without being a clear open area to see the mountain behind it as we’re waiting on a few more things to be smelting up over here might as well let the clay go through first since it’s already in there i thought we could head over to the enchanting airship and enchant another

Pickaxe and hopefully get fortune 3 on a diamond pickaxe what are we gonna get today using this half broken down one fortune two it’s better than nothing so we can do that it’s just straight fortune too so we can combine those together then we just need one more fortune two

11 levels to combine it in here that’s okay we have that crazy new experience farm that i’m still working on we’re gonna do most of that over on the streams with that triple spawner we found but it’s gonna be so fun to have set up in the end i guess to get ourselves

Moving forwards here and actually being able to spend some time doing useful stuff but instead of sitting around afk and waiting for all those things to smell i’m gonna start just breaking down a bunch of things and clearing out a bit of the area i’ll be honest i totally forgot about

The back of the fireplace that we have inside this building actually stretched out way deep into the wall so that’s gonna be something we’re gonna have to be careful of as we’re building again with the absolutely destroying the terrain around our base to hopefully make it look better in the end i’m

Bringing the sand all the way up here to the dirt mountain edge i think i’m just going to tear it all out hopefully this will also stop the creepers that have been dropping on me or running it into me while i’ve been trying to go up my staircase speaking of which there’s a

Skeleton right over here just going to take you out real fast but we can turn this into a really cool little garden area up here of sorts maybe a little park or something could be kind of a cool build to do that is definitely a lot more space we

Can be working with down here and i want to throw the main storage room inside of here and then we’re gonna also have another building attached off to this end over there is i want to have a little bit of a line using some of the dirt right here let’s

See that’s one two three four five six seven so we can have a seven wide building face in here with probably a three wide doorway in the middle this is going to be mostly for decoration we can have it just instantly turn and curve this way and be a back entrance

Into the storage room itself the idea behind this structure is that it’s supposed to be a bit of a tower so then we can have another line maybe coming off of here or we can actually have it coming off of right here next to the doorway and maybe we extend the doorway over

Being able to be on this side so it’s a little bit more off center than otherwise would be but what i want to do here was we can have a two wide window we can have another two wide window and then this point uh it might be a little weird i think i

Gotta bump this back a few blocks because i wanted to take this right out of here and then add a third window onto it if possible and then i was thinking we can have a single block right here then doing one two three four five but we have another block right in there

And then this would be going straight backwards this was meant to be like a garage door a lot of this is gonna be cut back into the mountain itself so while i’m working i should probably just clear out a lot of this sand here too so it’s not

Falling on us constantly as we’re building i know we’re just a few minutes into today’s episode wow this chest is full of sand and everything already i was gonna add all that stuff i had into it but nope uh we’re starting a new barrel full and

Then we can put the rest in here yes my storage room was overflowing out of the house and all this down to here but as i was gonna say is this episode i feel like very quickly off the bat is turning into a largely building episode and i’m sorry about

That i’ve been really enjoying doing a lot of the adventure stuff seems like people have been doing that as well but for some reason i just got the itch to build the day i have not thought this through in the slightest as we’re going and i don’t have a way to

Get up there anymore yeah it’s a problem we’re just gonna make a little staircase like this for now all right coming down here i reworked the dock a little bit and bumped these two guys a bit forward there we’ll get this filled in here soon let’s just do

Some dirt so we don’t fall down there and then coming over here to build up the structure itself i was thinking we could do polish granite and polish granite right here and then inside of all of this stuff i wanted to try bringing some of that light gray concrete we had

And create a little bit of like a front entry area and then we’re gonna bring in some of these polished andesite slabs and help creating a little bit of a doorway for ourselves coming all the way forward here and actually what we might do is bring these guys up and we can have

Brick wall and brick wall and then we’re gonna be or brick block and then brick wall and we’re going to bam and then bring this up one two three four five and kind of doing a similar pattern to what we have over here with the top of this bit we can

Have that coming in here and we can bring in some stone bricks and then i want to have this kind of stretching up over here and bringing ourselves up to a same central point oh i still don’t have feather falling that hurt a little bit which in turn is going to get everything

Right here into the center and looking all fancy schmancy and then we can bring ourselves upright like this and i think we can just have the one central point on this one now with this one over at this point i think this dirt wall we can honestly bring it forward

One we’re gonna design the front facade of the structure and then deal with everything else but if we go one two and three right in there i wanna make this doorway feel large i want this to feel very very large coming inside of the house or the storage warehouse that we’re

Creating here that’s got a much better little bit of an archway to it and feels like a very grand entrance which is kind of what i’m going for on this one found these old videos when i’ve been scrolling through pinterest recently on my pinterest board link in the description if you want to

Get some inspiration for any minecraft builds but i found these old builds that i actually had made on pinterest and it’s funny because i got inspired by my own stuff that i made years ago that i forgot about so we’re going one two three four and five with the windows and

Bringing this all the way across the top and that’ll line us up here perfectly but as i was saying i found these old builds that i’d done where i was actually creating a steampunk city originally that was just so absolutely cool to look at where i’d come up with a bunch of car

Designs and just different things around the area that i just thought were so fun and it made me want to try and build vanilla versions of them in here because i’d unfortunately made those ones with conquest reforged so i guess what i’m trying to say off of

That one there is if you’re ever at a point where you’re struggling with inspiration you don’t know what to do maybe even going and scrolling through your minecraft screenshot folder or things you’ve done in the past can be a great way to do it if you’re not find that inspiration when you’re looking

Outside because right now it’s a little i’m not i’m not too happy with it another option we could go with however is turning them into one wide windows and having a bunch of walls in between them we might be able to squeeze three windows in here instead

Because if we add brick walls right like this that does create a full wall add some more depth to it and we get something along this line which i do enjoy i think that’s kind of cool you know what i actually really enjoyed that that looks really nice and then

What if we also brought here at the base to help kind of round it out add some more character to it as we re like add some full blocks there and then we can maybe do the same right up here helps to break up the flat

Geometric shape we have and give it some extra character and then unfortunately we have to move this guy over another block we are very quickly running through the supplies of bricks that i have on me right now which kind of is a big bummer from down here it is feeling very grand

And large and just impressive which i am really happy about and one thing i did want to do to break up all of the brick that we have is add in a lot of granite similarly to how we did it over there definitely want to add some sort of a

Design up here i almost feel like this could be a welcome to port something or another sign right in there would be absolutely perfect coming in from the ocean i keep coming back to this structure over here and feeling like having it sticking all the way to being the very

Edge of this one it’s not going to work out because then it’s going to make it way too large i originally wanted to have it intersecting this wall going back a few blocks so if we can treat this instead of having all these bricks in here

We can bring it back saying to right here or something like that so we get one two three four five six and seven and that’s like the full size of this building we’re just doing a seven by seven square my thought is we can have the building going back this far underground which

Means i’m gonna have to clear out a lot of this stuff up here and so i think for now i might just take it all up to probably at that grass layer and i’m just gonna spend a few minutes here clearing a bunch of blocks where can i throw my inventory so i

Don’t fill it up and lose everything else this is one of those things i should have thought about beforehand and planned with some tnt or something like that to make it more fun but nope After clearing out the area i have been using the rest of the bricks that we have to the fullest as far as they can really go got this side lined out there we’re going to have the bricks going along that wave we’ve got the roof up here and i’ve started to determine

Where the shapes are going to go and we’re going to have the excess spot so like this would be hidden so i don’t need to throw any bricks inside of here you know up to that layer at least over here i threw in a big old window right

Like that guys so we could copy these things over here and i think honestly the way i might do this is silk touch please yes you are i’m not a big fan of the darker color being up on the top so i think i’m gonna just swap it real fast and do that

And then we can have these down there yes that looks a million times better then over here we’ve got a little bit of a trapdoor action going on we’re gonna have a lantern hanging from that guy and then i figured over at this point as well we could throw another lantern just

Hanging off right there so we’re getting a little bit of light around this area a little bit of mob proofing action going on and what i need to do next is take all of this granite that i still have and scatter it within all of the brick up here

Another thing worth mentioning is i added this chimney off the side here just thought it was a cool bit of a design that i found online on a lot of other industrial looking furnace building storage warehouse buildings that i found so threw that thing up there my staircase of shame if

I keep having to go up and get more blocks is growing further and further to where we have a full staircase now which sadly by the end of this whole mission to create our new walkway up here that’s probably going to be more efficient than what i’m working on now this fly

Wall we’ve created back here is quite gross as y’all can probably see right now and that’s gonna be something we’re terraforming here in the future and making it look super nice like a little custom cave over hang or something along those lines a little bit what we’re kind of inspired

To do out on the outside ocean facing edge now moving on to the roof area over here we use the polish blackstone and what i was thinking on this one we could use is actually polished blackstone stairs just to break it up a bit and have something new and fun in here i

Think we’re going to be able to fill it all in with that for now i’ve also got the area plotted out for the secondary structure over here that might be one for a future episode this thing is taking me a lot more time than i thought it would now previously

We had the roof super far suppressed down below and it was basically starting at that block here i want to give ourselves as much interior space as we can while still not compromising the design so we’re going to go all the way up here or

Are we yeah we’ll go with this because i don’t want it at the same side as that slab then we can do these guys right up here at the top and then we’re going to be bringing it all the way back down and i cannot line these up since we have this point

Sticking out here we’re gonna have to bring in a few flat ones and then have those start working their way up here as well but it shouldn’t cause too many issues maybe this section right here we can actually just do with some slabs all the way across

I think this will be our best result and then we have two different slopes working which can also add a little bit more interest to this build as well i am confused but i think we’ve got it i’m getting very spooky factory vibes right now the rain has started over here

And there’s thunder going on and i’m just a few blocks shy of finishing this thing and quickly taking out some mobs before we take a look back at the building and you can go away another zombie villager if only i still needed you my friend back on the boat though it looks really

Cool in here i can’t wait to get the interior attached to this whole thing get a lot of that stuff figured out and looking super super nice but from the inside too we’re gonna have to add something below it so it’s not just black stone on our

Ceiling every single mob you can imagine in the overworld is right over here just hanging out that’s fun let’s get rid of the creeper before the skeleton realizes we’re here from the outside minus our little tower over here on the front right side everything’s pretty much done the

Entire exterior of the structure it’s actually turned out to be a pretty simple one just a lot of hard to get materials being with all the bricks in here stone mason villagers are going to be coming sooner than you think at this point if it’s one of the main build blocks

We’re using down here oh my gosh i need them all of the roof sections are in then walls are filled in except those two blocks right over there this back wall i’m just gonna leave those empty for now i don’t think we’re gonna use brick on them so i think it’ll be fine

Uh but coming back up into here i thought it’d be kind of fun to throw in a little bit of a bay window so we’ve right above the doorway we’ve got all of these blocks they’re just kind of doing nothing up here i was thinking a window could be perfect

And then the more i thought about it i was like why don’t we just throw in a bay window that’s kind of something fun and unique that we haven’t really done around the city yet or the village whatever this thing is called to do that all we gotta do is two

Full blocks of glass right there and then we take two stains two stained and then the panes and then the panes and then we do like this and all we got to do is bring some more spruce stairs right up here to round off the window oh i like that

I already like that yes that is gonna work out perfectly for us now we have to decorate the second floor of that one too but inside of here i just think i gotta spend a little bit of time getting this thing figured out we’re super far into the video at this point already

So i’m just gonna spend some time working on the interior and i’ll come back with y’all once i have at least a half decent update for you i dug a big hole and apparently there’s a creeper inside of it that’s fun added some rails to the side

Big update i found some iron and we have a new roof i made a bunch of chests to fill in this wall with and it was not nearly enough started working on a decorative back wall year using some jungle log that we’re going to be stripping down and then adding some

Jungle planks around it to fill in the gaps and we end with a little something like this guy right up there i like that it’s a nice little decorative backing wall for ourselves and still need more chest down here now we have place to store all of our goods

And it’s time to finish making this area look cool and now fully equipped with a mine cart track that does not make it getting a little bit more weight on this guy now and test number two perfect exactly what we want very very cool i love that one final touch

For the floor requires picking up a little bit of sand over here crafting up some gray concrete powder and we’re gonna be using this as the entire floor area down here where it currently is a gross amount of stones i think it’s gonna look really cool i do hope this is enough of

The gray concrete powder stack and a half should hopefully get us through otherwise we gotta go kill some more squiddy boys and we are just shy okay time to put some temporary torches down here again so we don’t get any more creepers in here and go kill some squids i’ve never

Seen them before inside this world we now also have some pillagers outside of our place we can’t kill them right now because otherwise those villagers are going to start a raid not interested in that today they’re really not interested in that one today finally there we go there’s

Some squids no they just weird okay they’re back and they disappeared and they’re back and they’re gone and they’re back and they’re gone and he attack there we go the final blocks are in place and it’s looking so clean down here we’ll have to figure out the lighting issues somehow because

Right now i think we gotta just do a few torches around the edge maybe some more on here itself and then something right over here hopefully that’ll be able to be enough maybe light levels are looking a little rough in here still mob spawnable what we could do is

Somehow use some glowstone or something underneath the chest and give ourselves some more light that is another option which looking inside the another chest we’ve got 53 shroom lights not much glowstone but the streamlights could be okay too i’m hoping to hide this as much as

Possible so i think we’re gonna do the back row with it and the way we can get down there super easily is by using one of the trap doors right here and plop it ourselves down and we’re just gonna fly along here and break all the concrete powder

And put the shroom lights down there we go you can barely see it but now we can definitely see the stone wall behind it we’ll figure that one out later maybe some more bricks and some more that pattern up there could be good again this is just a temporary storage

Room that’s probably about 10 times the size of our current one but we’ll eventually be moving up into the mountains most likely currently distracting myself from moving all of my items down here because that sounds like a massive pain in the butt but i was thinking right in this very spot right here

Why don’t we add in a little bit of a truck like i talked about before it won’t be something that’s really going to be able to move around this area too much but i kind of just want it in here anyways because i think it’ll look cool

So we’re going to be building it and i guess this is a three wide entrance too wide it’s it’s fine it’s fine we just no we’re gonna bump it over this way so it’s a little bit more away from our staircase so starting up there with some front wheels we

Are thinking count back three right here and we can do some back wheels whoo look at that front wheels and back whales i know big deal and then the bed of the butter no no no no no i just built it i just i just started he also blew up the

Window and i need more trapdoors all right wall is repaired floor is in window is in and the back area over here is ready to go hopefully hopefully we don’t get disturbed this time i decided to throw in this little bit of patchworking material around here i kind of like this just

Filling in the blanks with that honestly might use it to build a building here soon kind of falling in love with the pattern but now here we have the bed of our car where i was thinking we could bring in some polished black stone stairs here to look like the front of an

Old timey engine then on top of that for the engine itself we’ve got some blast furnaces right in there that’s kind of the front hood of it right then on top of that as a little bit of an exhaust pipe to bring in that little steam punky bits right in there

And then for now let’s do just some oak planks right there i don’t i that’s not perfect that’s not perfect at all but then i was thinking over here and this is where it’s gonna really annoy me because that’s gonna connect to the window on the outside

It is okay i’m moving this all over one block again redoing things while moving the car i had a small epiphany here what if we bring in some looms like that to look a little bit like a dashboard of sorts on this side then also be part of the engine grille

On this side anyways bringing our glass panes back in we can add those guys in here and then the iron bars on the side are gonna help make the glass panes go across the entire distance and give ourselves a little bit of a technical car vibe why not throw some

Redstone repeaters i don’t know what they do but they sparkle and they look nice up there so let’s do it and then we need some seats so we’ve got some seats and back here what do we have we got some barrels but i kind of want to have

Them facing the other direction so what if we do let’s flip these we have a chest right here and we have another chest right there and then back in here we can take some barrels maybe from right there and flip it so it has an outside texture so it feels a little bit

More like a wall instead of you know an edge of a barrel looking like a cool convertible at this point in time and bringing in some more spruce trap doors as well as some of these signs we’re gonna extend these guys all the way around adding some more

Support paneling so our chest won’t go rocking all over the place and maybe giving itself a little bit of a bed in the back to be able to fall down or you know in this case fold up so we can actually walk behind there and what if we did just for the

Heck of it i got two more chests on us let’s throw that guy right into here and we can do some trapdoors to make so we have a little bit of a back to it and then back into bringing some spruce slabs right up here can this be the top

Hood of the car no creepers no creepers okay we’re good any creepers down here nobody no no nothing back in here all right we’re all good how’s that well we can’t really see everyone down here and we got an extra sign or two so let’s throw some right there

And we can do a little bit of a back area right there need a license plate number for the car here eventually but it looks pretty cool from out here i like that i think it looks really funny in a good way funny in a good way right

Now the side’s a little open over here so if we try got these guys down here i’m trying to find ways to use crimson wood more so we can bring them in and flip that up that helps to kind of bulk it out a little bit there for where a door

Would be the back is looking super sweet we could honestly if we want to bring these guys back here like this i feel like that’s a little too far it looks more like a hat instead of you know a hood of a car so i think i’m gonna just chop these down i

Was gonna try smokers and or composters hidden in here somewhere but i’m liking this as is so what if instead of that we created a little bit of a machine back here where right against this wall we can have like a smoker right here we

Can have a compost right here we have a few polished black stone walls or something sticking up right in there and then on top of that i don’t know some weird machinery thing and if i had some more bricks i literally used my last three bricks

To create the flower pot right here but i’d love to put a little flower pot on top of both of those 100 worth it to come out here and find some clay oh please let me off the boat yes yes it is our base is starting to look

So absolutely insane back here i am loving this with the extra brick structure right in there and not just that weird terrain anymore oh it’s looking so good i know today has been jam-packed full of building but i think it was worth it and we even got our car in there

It’s looking good while those are cooking up i had an idea to come over here with some gray concrete and we’re gonna just use the concrete powder then add the gray concrete in later can i break this or does that show the inside no it does not because i

Double layered it good job me and adding in a little bit of water around here we can solidify all of the concrete and it’s gonna be looking so nice please don’t wash away any torches i’ve really worked hard on placing them all without completely destroying our

Pickaxe we’ve now got a wall over there ready to go and i was thinking on top of that just as a quick route that we could use to get up and down was i was going to make a few ladders just so we can more easily move upwards and downwards as we

Need and then we’ll have the long walkway going all the way around when we want to take the scenic route one extra bit to try would be right down here instead of having the concrete what if we brought in some smooth stone just to give it more of a bounding

Some fortifying feature below yeah i like that i like that a lot and we can get rid of this disgusting thing and i need to replace the floor over here with a bunch more strip dark oak logs and replace that little thing oh my gosh just the little chores have

To be done around here and i haven’t even started moving my items in i’m scared just now looking at the clock after working on this storage room over here for the entire day wow it has been a long one we’ve got the start of the rickety pathway that i’ve been wanting

To do going all the way down over here we’ll work on terraforming this stuff out here later on but right now it ends at this point i want to get this house figured out what it’s going to look like and then we’ll finish this pathway probably winding around the back

Edge of it is my thought but coming out here to the front i finished up a second row right there you probably saw and i crafted up a bunch of barrels note blocks and composters that we could just throw around the area to look like some storage boxes of things

Just stuff being around here i want to throw like a wagon in the center here but for now we’ll just leave it open eventually we’re going to be coming across and adding a lot more floating stuff in the area not quite like the mine cart in here but

Maybe some things with chains with lanterns hanging down for them just adding some more functionality of technical stuff of being able to light up the area more creatively i kind of did some torch spam over there since a creeper blew up our car and i didn’t want that to happen again

But down here we could maybe do some extra barrels here in the center and just add these guys around and probably needing a crafting table on this side as well so i’m not running over there to here to there to there all over the place it was kind of

Annoying in the hardcore storage room i kept having to run from one side to the other to find a craft table but folks oh my gosh i’m way out of time for today’s episode thank you all so very much for watching click that like button down below if you did enjoy

Subscribe if you’re brand new and my friends i will catch you on the flip side

This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft Survival : STORAGE ROOM : Episode 10’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2021-02-04 18:15:05. It has garnered 298809 views and 16423 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:18 or 1638 seconds.

fWhip is back in the minecraft 1.16 survival let’s play world and is FINALLY building a Storage Room! I’m in love this this new design and it’s making our base look so insanely cool!

Click the Like Button if you enjoy!

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft animation boy love// he come for revenge [ part 44 ] music video.” While the content of the video may not be directly related to our topic, it got us thinking about the diverse and creative ways people express themselves through Minecraft. One of the best ways to immerse yourself in the Minecraft universe and connect with like-minded individuals is by joining a Minecraft server. And if you’re looking for a server… Read More

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    Crafting an Auto-Tub: Minecraft's Wet Dream! In Minecraft, a bathtub automatic and neat, Step by step tutorial, a project complete. With Forge and shaders, the scene will be bright, Luxurious rooms, a true delight. Subscribe for more, suggestions are key, In this blocky world, creativity is free. English may falter, but the passion is clear, Minecraft tutorials, spreading joy near and dear. Read More

  • 100 Days Surviving Minecraft Server!

    100 Days Surviving Minecraft Server! “Cien días en Atlántida”: Una Aventura Épica en Minecraft ¿Estás listo para sumergirte en una aventura oceánica sin igual en el servidor de Minecraft más alucinante? Acompaña a nuestro valiente jugador en “Cien días en Atlántida”, donde construyó la base más épica, enfrentó desafíos y preparó sorpresas para todos los jugadores. ¡Descubre premios, trucos y una comunidad vibrante que te espera con los brazos abiertos en esta odisea única! Inmersión en Atlántida y Características del Servidor Desde los primeros pasos y la recolección de recursos hasta la construcción y acomodación en el servidor, cada momento en “Cien días en… Read More

  • Laggy PC, Minecraft Glee: Part 2

    Laggy PC, Minecraft Glee: Part 2 In the world of Minecraft, bugs and glitches abound, But with a laggy PC, the challenges are found. Testing out the second version, a true gamer’s quest, Navigating through the issues, putting skills to the test. Noises are silent, just like a stealthy creep, But don’t forget to like and subscribe, don’t fall asleep. Neutral_Mob here, exploring the unknown, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures are sown. Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft: Dinner Bill Dilemma

    Crafty Minecraft: Dinner Bill Dilemma In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan brings laughter, like a joyful dream. Animations that sparkle, with humor so bright, Bringing happiness to all, day and night. With each video shared, a smile is guaranteed, As Fangkuaixuan’s talent is truly a need. So subscribe and follow, for more fun and delight, In the world of Minecraft, where everything’s just right. Read More

  • Who Are You!? Minecraft Gaming Edit

    Who Are You!? Minecraft Gaming Edit Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Step into the blocky world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Whether you’re building your dream home, exploring vast landscapes, or battling fearsome creatures, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players of all ages. Building Your World In Minecraft, players have the freedom to create anything they can imagine. From simple houses to elaborate castles, the only limit is your creativity. Use a variety of blocks to construct your world, shaping it to fit your vision. With each new creation, you’ll unlock new possibilities and challenges…. Read More

  • Desert House Build: Minecraft Survival Made Easy!

    Desert House Build: Minecraft Survival Made Easy! In the desert, a house stands tall and proud, Built with skill, creativity allowed. A cozy oasis in the sandy land, Crafted with care by a skilled hand. MadenPlay is back with a new creation, A desert house, a sweet sensation. Using blocks and materials with precision, Creating a home, a true vision. Follow along, subscribe for more, As MadenPlay’s builds continue to soar. Check out the material list provided, For those who want to be guided. With music by Kevin MacLeod, The atmosphere is set, the mood is stowed. A desert house, a Minecraft delight, Crafted with love,… Read More

  • Midnight Fright: Ceiling Crawler in Minecraft!

    Midnight Fright: Ceiling Crawler in Minecraft! In the dead of night, a sight to behold, A scary thing on the ceiling, a story untold. At 3am in Minecraft, panic sets in, As the fear of the unknown begins to spin. What could it be, lurking up high? A mystery to solve, with a curious eye. The viewers await, their hearts aflutter, As the narrator describes, with words that stutter. But fear not, for our hero is brave, Facing the unknown, with a rhyme to save. In the world of Minecraft, where anything goes, The story unfolds, as the fear slowly slows. So join us now,… Read More

  • 3 Years of War: The Epic Finale

    3 Years of War: The Epic Finale The Epic Finale of a 3-Year Minecraft War Journey Embarking on a Virtual Adventure In the vast world of Minecraft, players often find themselves immersed in various adventures. One such journey took place on CCNet, a Minecraft war server that offered a unique experience set on a realistic map of the Earth. The server boasted custom features that added depth and excitement to the gameplay. The Long Road to Victory For three years, players on CCNet engaged in a fierce war, battling it out for supremacy and control. The server became a virtual battlefield where alliances were forged, betrayals… Read More

  • Crafty Mom, Minecraft Bomb: Block Xuan’s Rhyme

    Crafty Mom, Minecraft Bomb: Block Xuan's Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, like a pleasant dream. With animations funny, and humor that’s bright, Each video a delight, a pure delight. Never reason with your mother, the lesson is clear, In Minecraft, the rules are different, have no fear. From classroom series to song adaptation, all in rhyme, Fangkuaixuan’s channel, a true gem, every time. So leap into the verse, with beats that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, each update a delight. Iacing every detail with a grin and a spin, Fangkuaixuan’s rhymes, a true win-win. Read More

  • Taking Over Dakorca Minecraft Server! Watch Me Dominate!

    Taking Over Dakorca Minecraft Server! Watch Me Dominate!Video Information [Music] play let’s play [Applause] n [Music] play [Music] n [Music] play let’s [Music] [Applause] play [Music] aome let’s [Music] play d [Music] [Music] play let’s [Music] play [Applause] [Music] e let’s play let [Music] play n [Music] I just realized I made that I did that wrong no I have to update my [ __ ] thing again give me like two seconds how’s everybody doing how are y’all chilling today how are we hanging hopefully we’re not hanging like sori give me a second while I fix this I did it backwards H hiccup memory challenge… Read More

  • Unveiling the Hidden Secret of Pithony Server 😱

    Unveiling the Hidden Secret of Pithony Server 😱Video Information this player abused a hidden feature that no one knows about you see on the Minecraft server life steal most players climb to the Top by killing each other in order to gain better Loot and more Health but there is a much faster way when you run the command SL D it duplicates the item that you’re holding so you don’t have to grind and that’s how This video, titled ‘Secret feature on this Minecraft server 👀’, was uploaded by Pithony on 2024-01-16 01:22:59. It has garnered 3793 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video… Read More

  • EPIC Bridge Building in Minecraft! CRAZY Adventure & Hilarious Moments! #AD

    EPIC Bridge Building in Minecraft! CRAZY Adventure & Hilarious Moments! #ADVideo Information [Applause] [Applause] I This video, titled ‘Minecraft KÖPRÜ YAPIMI 4 #macera #komik’, was uploaded by Benvedat on 2024-01-14 17:14:43. It has garnered 512 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. My priority is respect and love. MINECRAFT is a creativity game that I particularly like. We will have fun together with it and other different games. Everyone is invited to my minecraft city, which I tried to make myself. Inside, excitement and adventures, houses made in different styles and everything are waiting for you. My priority is respect and love. MINECRAFT… Read More

  • 🔥🔥UNBELIEVABLE: Summon Diamond Ore NON-STOP! 😱💎💰 #Minecraft

    🔥🔥UNBELIEVABLE: Summon Diamond Ore NON-STOP! 😱💎💰 #MinecraftVideo Information [Music] hello it’s nice to meet you can you tell me where I am I don’t know how I got here but I I think I’m starting to understand I don’t belong among the angels and BBE that’s just fine with me the things I did up there were high school but now I’m going for my degree hey sorry but you just got in my way I promise honey I can feel your pain and maybe I enjoy it just a little bit that haven’t been the same since I expired doesn’t mean that I plan to… Read More

  • Mush battles On1can1 in epic hive collab! 🔴🎮🔥

    Mush battles On1can1 in epic hive collab! 🔴🎮🔥Video Information no it’s CED no it’s working I just struggled to hit a button is real quick okay I can I press the button are we going to be alive or no I am alive actually wait I just got to check how I oh you are are we good yeah I’m live who also uh tell much blue says mush is smelly Dam that’s crazy that hurts man that’s actually c a little thing [Music] look I’m so excited man I’m so excited I’ve been waiting all day yeah same also it’s kind of huge uh but also… Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft! 😱🔥

    Epic Showdown: Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft! 😱🔥Video Information yo This video, titled ‘Gojo Fights Sukuna in Minecraft [MINECRAFT X JJK 😈🌳] #edit #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by EpiKo on 2024-05-07 17:49:36. It has garnered 11239 views and 428 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Characters From : Jujutsu Kaisen Music: DJ FKU Vinganca Super Slowed #anime #manga #gojo #mc #fyp #jjk #jujutsukaisen #fypシ #mangaedit #sukuna Read More

  • 🔥EPIC PvP Texture Pack – Icynutella 9k Review!

    🔥EPIC PvP Texture Pack - Icynutella 9k Review!Video Information [Music] two kids with their hearts on fire who’s going to save us now when we thought that we couldn’t get higher things started looking down I look at you and you look at me like nothing but strangers now two kids with their hearts on fire don’t let it burn us out think about what you believe in know am I someone you cannot live without cuz I know I don’t want to live without you yeah come on let’s turn this all around bring it all back to the bar downtown when you would have let… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Secret Minecraft Stairs Revealed! #VIRAL

    UNBELIEVABLE! Secret Minecraft Stairs Revealed! #VIRALVideo Information [เพลง] เเ This video, titled ‘Minecraft hidden stairs #viral#shorts#gaming#minecraftbuild#shortfeed @BlenDigi@PigPong@YesSmartyPie’, was uploaded by AR_YT on 2024-03-26 10:00:36. It has garnered 418 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Description My shorts 👇 |MINECRAFT ZOMBIE&VILLAGEIQTEST| @YesSmartyPie @MrBeastGaming #shorts#viral https://youtube.com/shorts/y0kEgWnJFDs?si=3_tygHts12wO4QSL MINECRAFT ZOMBIE&VILLAGEIQTEST| @YesSmartyPie @MrBeastGaming #shorts#viral https://youtube.com/shorts/9zvFdxR7C7U?si=hsk-zB64moEEkh4I Hello AR GANG wellcome to my youtube channel don’t forget sub #viral #trending#youtubeshort#minecraft, #minecraftmod, #minecraftanimation, #minecraftmyanmar, #minecraftchallenge, #minecraftbut, #minecraftroleplay, #minecrafttagalog, #minecraftsmp, #minecraftbuilding, #minecraftmanhunt, #minecraft_khmer, #minecrafthorror, #minecrafthindiLOGIC HA BHAI |#viral #shortfeed #trending #shorts @MrBeastGaming @YesSmartyPie #youtuber#comedy#shortfeed#viralshort#mrbeast @MrBeast @MrBeastGaming @TechnoGamerzOfficial @YesSmartyPie #youtubers #youtubevideo #subscribe #subscribetomychannel #youtube #youtuber #youtubechannel #youtubevideos… Read More

  • 1b1t Irregular servers

    1b1t  Irregular servers国内的高版本无规则服务器,以将服务器核心版本更新至1.19!同步2b2t的更新,并且服务器长期开服!祝您游戏愉快! 服务器支持开纪、作弊、刷物品 1b1t.asia Read More

  • Dummyland modded SMP Semi-Anarchy Forge 1.20.1 20+ Whitelist Magic Create Biomes Mobs Rats!

    New Server Announcement Hello! Me and my sister are starting our new server today! What we offer: A chill and judgment-free environment Silly jokes and dark humor Loose rules for fun gameplay Discord server for community interaction Who we are looking for: Must be 20+ years old Non-judgmental and can handle banter Good communication skills in English No ulterior motives or inappropriate behavior Most of our mods: Biomes O’Plenty The Twilight Forest Interested in joining? Message me on Discord at PoifoPainting Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Success: It’s All in Your Hands

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Success: It's All in Your HandsWell, I guess you could say this meme has a lucky score of 13! Just like finding diamonds in Minecraft, it’s rare and definitely worth celebrating! Read More

  • Crafty Picks: Top 5 MCPE 1.20+ Survival Mods

    Crafty Picks: Top 5 MCPE 1.20+ Survival Mods In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Survival mods are key to fulfill your dream. Top 5 picks for Pocket Edition 1.20 and above, Each one a gem, filled with adventure and love. First up, we have a mod that adds new creatures to the mix, From dragons to unicorns, your world will surely fix. Next, a mod for crafting, with recipes galore, Expand your arsenal, and explore even more. Then, a mod for exploration, with new lands to discover, Treasures untold, waiting for you to uncover. A mod for survival, with challenges to face, Test your… Read More

  • Why does the wolf attack the fox? 😂🔥 #minecraftbanter

    Why does the wolf attack the fox? 😂🔥 #minecraftbanter Porque el lobo quiere robarle el papel higiénico al zorro para construir su propia casa en Minecraft. ¡Es una competencia feroz por los recursos en el mundo pixelado! 🤣 #minecraftstruggles Read More

  • Missing Valuables: Monster Marauder Part 2

    Missing Valuables: Monster Marauder Part 2 The Mystery of the Monster Marauder Unfolds in Tolfaldir A Night of Intrigue In the quaint town of Tolfaldir on the EcoSMP Minecraft Towny survival server, a mysterious creature has been causing quite a stir. Described as a dark shadowy figure, this enigmatic being was last seen disappearing into the depths of the town’s sewers. The locals have dubbed it "The Monster Marauder." A String of Disappearances Recent events have left the EcoSMP community in shock. Not only did a substantial amount of money vanish from the EcoSMP_Reserve account, but also a collection of rare and valuable items went… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Chill with AbsoluteSwifty! | Must Watch

    Ultimate Minecraft Chill with AbsoluteSwifty! | Must WatchVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft and Chill!! | Minecraft’, was uploaded by AbsoluteSwifty on 2024-03-22 21:03:14. It has garnered 45 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:54:33 or 10473 seconds. Check me out on RecNet: https://rec.net/user/AbsoluteSwifty Join My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/mEpe7eQ8Tr About me: – I am a small content creator who likes to play VR and generally post VR content, especially RecRoom – However from time to time I do upload other content such as games outside RecRoom or VR in general – My main goal right now is to hit 700 subscribers (support me… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Sidhu Gaming vs ??? 🎮

    Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Sidhu Gaming vs ??? 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Who Did It Better 😎 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by SIDHU GAMING 9 on 2024-02-12 13:30:00. It has garnered 43028 views and 751 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Minecraft: Who Did It Better 😎 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmemes TELEGRAM CHANNEL – ( SIDHU GAMING 9 ) https://t.me/+W1zLBDBsIxVlMDE1 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft SURVIVAL Day 1! (EPIC Gameplay)” #minecraftpesurvival

    "INSANE Minecraft SURVIVAL Day 1! (EPIC Gameplay)" #minecraftpesurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival Series Day 1 || Minecraft Survival Gameplay #minecraftpesurvival’, was uploaded by Alex Minecraft on 2024-01-14 13:30:13. It has garnered 5462 views and 317 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. #minecraft I Survived 100 Days On a SURVIVAL ISLAND In Minecraft Pocket Edition! (Hindi) | Minecraft 100 days #minecraft Instagram : – https://www.instagram.com/ft.purvaansh_?igsh=b2VmODBwamR4OWt0 Guyz I request you ☺🙏🏻 Hit Like, Share, and Subscribe Button ❤ ____________________________________________ My video secrets : – Editing : CapCut Thumnail : PixelLap Recorder : InBuild Recorder Both of available on play store and app… Read More

  • “Unbelievable! Found Sigma Male in Minecraft!” #viral

    "Unbelievable! Found Sigma Male in Minecraft!" #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘founded sigma male in Minecraft #viral #Minecraft’, was uploaded by San tap gaming on 2024-02-24 04:00:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Title: “Epic Minecraft Adventure in 60 Seconds!” Description: Dive into a whirlwind of action-packed Minecraft madness in just … Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Hack! Build Elevator without Mods!” #ShockingDiscovery

    "Insane Minecraft Hack! Build Elevator without Mods!" #ShockingDiscoveryVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft hack ascensor sin mods #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftconstrucciones #viralvideo’, was uploaded by lowsoncraft on 2024-03-18 14:04:36. It has garnered 472 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown in Minecraft Monday SMP! 🐍🎮

    Ultimate Showdown in Minecraft Monday SMP! 🐍🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘The Trial: Minecraft Monday SMP l Stream 16 l’, was uploaded by MetalGearSnake on 2024-04-15 06:37:02. It has garnered 137 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 04:25:16 or 15916 seconds. Minecraft Monday SMP: The Trial of Wyatt and Char l Stream 16 l Hope you enjoy! “You must be Ames” ______________________________________________________ https://www.tiktok.com/@metalgearsnake99?lang=en https://twitter.com/MetalGearSnaked ______________________________________________________ Other Channels You should check out! https://www.youtube.com/@Cyber-Odyssey https://www.youtube.com/@UC-5OK1w-I2RXYTGE-eUE_zA https://www.youtube.com/@UCCYGu8GXU1Xr94UhZAx9tcA ———————————————————————————————— #minecraft Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE LIVE: KidzoPlayz Hits 400 Subs! Minecraft

    <p>🔥 INSANE LIVE: KidzoPlayz Hits 400 Subs! <em>Minecraft</em></p>Video Information This video, titled ‘🇷🇴 LIVE Road to 400 subs | We back i guess 🙂 *minecraft*’, was uploaded by KidzoPlayz on 2024-06-07 05:56:17. It has garnered 126 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:31 or 6331 seconds. HMMM I’m a fool, who has nothing to do with his life and tries to play minecraft on a live even though he can’t. Read More

  • Unbelievable Technique to DOMINATE Sumo!

    Unbelievable Technique to DOMINATE Sumo!Video Information This video, titled ‘The BEST Method to Win EVERY Sumo.’, was uploaded by pup on 2024-04-02 21:11:01. It has garnered 510 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #pvp #combos #hive #MCPE #cosmetics #4d #minecraftbedrock Plz use at own risk! xwqter,xwqter datpigmaster,versai,velqtepvp,nitro,datpigmaster,montage,6 potted,dreacho,shqdezz,comotage,acrozion,f4chutel,minecraft,tdbclient,forevernga,fallentech,avengetech,rape series,pack folder,adviser mcpe,playstation 4,verzide 3, heyitzkillermc, qwimston, potted,mcpe,fatal_eliteshotz,sniperspy123456,arrow,pvp bedrock edition,best ww,datpigmaster revenge not taken lmao,nasarij,minecraft pocket edition,minecraft bedrock edition,cranexe,edaters,hiveedaters bedrock edition,bedrock,minecraft bedrock edition,minecraft pocket edition,pocket edition,minecraft windows 10 edition,bedrock edition ps4,minecraft: bedrock edition,minecraft bedrock edition pvp,bedrock edition minecraft,minecraft bedrock edition skywars,the minecraft bedrock edition experience,minecraft bedrock,the… Read More

  • Final Cat Craft Ep: MINECRAFT VIRAL Family Drama! 🐱🎮

    Final Cat Craft Ep: MINECRAFT VIRAL Family Drama! 🐱🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Family Story last episode #minecraft #viral #short #shorts’, was uploaded by Cat Craft on 2024-02-26 01:00:14. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Read More

  • Epiclands

    EpiclandsNew Prison Hispanic Server / Nuevo servidor hispano de Prision, unete a nuestra comunidad! Picos encantados, 64 minas diferentes, Parcelas tropicales y mas! epiclands.net Read More

  • BadWolfMC Network 18+ Greylist Crossplay 1.20.4 SMP SkyBlock Magic Minigames Prison Creative Vaults

    BadWolfMC: An Adult Minecraft Server IP: PLAY.BADWOLFMC.COM Experience BadWolfMC: An Adult Minecraft Server – a long-running, drama-free, and inclusive community for adults! Join one of the best online communities you’ll ever be a part of, where members from around the world come together to forge friendships and share their Minecraft passion! Highlights 🖧 Our network features 4 servers with 8 different game modes so you’ll never get bored! Enjoy Survival, Creative, SkyBlock, AcidIsland, OneBlock, Prison, Magic, & lots of minigames including Bed Wars, Hide & Seek, Paintball, Elytra Challenges, & Parkour! 🐉 Ever wanted to fight an actually challenging dragon?… Read More

  • China Unlimited ATM9

    Welcome to our ATM9 Minecraft server, where adventure awaits at every turn! Dive into the ultimate modded experience with AllTheMods 9, where the possibilities are truly endless. Explore a vast array of mods curated to bring you unparalleled excitement and creativity. From futuristic tech advancements to magical realms of mystique, there’s something for every player to enjoy. Engage in thrilling quests, master intricate machinery, and unleash your imagination like never before. Join our community of passionate players and embark on an unforgettable journey filled with discovery and camaraderie. Whether you’re a seasoned modded Minecraft veteran or a newcomer eager for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting with a twist”

    Just like my math test score in high school… not great, Bob. Read More

  • Lost in Minecraft’s cursed portals! #hotmeme

    Lost in Minecraft's cursed portals! #hotmeme These cursed portals are probably leading you straight to the Nether, where you’ll be greeted by a horde of angry pigmen and ghasts. Good luck getting out of that one! #minecraftproblems 😂🔥🐷 Read More

Let’s Play Minecraft Survival : STORAGE ROOM : Episode 10