LetsPlay – Let’s Play Minecraft: Ep. 113 – Megatower

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Yeah three two one let’s play Oh Boosh it started I mind a new master chief or the old Reaper in the water they are the one oh yeah okay classic master cheese why I don’t know class there chief I’ve gotta chain a bit have the best one Hans all right guys

Rania says you wait over here yeah I’m coming everybody a riddle for stuff yep double right cool so check it out over here yeah Jesus Christ that was hot over here Jesus if you look up Bukka me that’s the mega kind of Jesus Ike I know

We home in a bugger me they don’t faze it at the top I’m sitting over the audience ray oh go back to sleep okay not a relative Noctem Alison you’re getting effort for me today everyone Wow everyone everybody take before race effort everybody pick an entrance to the

Mega Tower all right and there will be a chest full of jobs there and here’s how it works before you guys go here’s how it works okay in the first set of blocks stuff going uh and Ray I know you know how this works because you helped make it by

A the audience doesn’t so I’m gonna explain it there are five pieces of the mega tower inside the first one the black one is going to be are going to be five pieces of obsidian you have to mine around using the shears until you find a

Piece of obsidian once you find it you mine it and then you have to take it down and plant it on the white block by your bed then you get to advance up to the next level in the next level there’s only four pieces of gold so the fifth

Person is just out of the game the next level there are three the next abilities so Dino level there are one and you become a Satan seven keeps going become Tom Cruise yeah so in the giant block on top there’s only wonderful only one so about who people will be looking by that

Time the because you people looking for that in that giant block you see so every three parts in part three will be the top block yeah that’s episode one says episode 114 is there like a subs name for the rest of us to play well we’re waiting on those two [ __ ] to

Figure out you can shoot arrows like destiny you can try to shoot arrow we’ll come up with something uh anyway so you can kill each other now but you can only use bows and arrows all the way you can kill each other spanner in the works spit yeah and that

Should be about it yeah anyway any questions yeah how many entrances are there there’s five hmm there’s five of you I’m looking for one what are you gonna do there’s two on the back wall I’m gonna fill them and watch and be the host splish what’s the quickest way to get

Down these uh the blocks as shears or shears probably how do you know when you’re entering a next block all right so they’re at the top i blank the very top layer of the black is is all white that’s when you know you can’t go past

The light until you find your block and that’s the same for each one and good question Gavin thank you for asking at you welcome all right all right so on your mark set go ah let’s play I don’t know why screaming it was necessary oh oh this water

Worries damn it oh there’s a wet cut alarm there’s no floor Oh what the hell should we take out is gonna be a lot of show this is all wool right yeah yeah set it on fire just use a torch yeah burn it burn this [ __ ] down

Real real real easy to find that we allowed to do that I’m pretty confident that we’re not since five obsidians no I would like to point out that it was not stated implicit was not stated and we do have torches what other reason I’d

Be there for do any of us want to work out especially in the water right I have a mic yes yeah you’re working out Gavin I was saving will be what got some truces maybe immediately yes your case you know trying to start an alliance already yeah I start alive soon wants to

Be in my life I will Gavin the Galactic Alliance hmm I think I’d rather start a competing alliance ah intergalactic alliance alright zorg guys will work is that cannon Zord cannon if I find a piece yes some was even close to me who’s green hi jack I’m Lou green

Is Gavin Gavin no says I’m I start this story hey why did I have come the conclusion that we don’t find it we’re just gonna like torches and light it oh yeah we’re just burning the [ __ ] down you’d have told you’d have a foot that’s

200 I’ll find it he’ll find it damn it we’re not saving ah we know this isn’t made out of like asbestos or anything is it dude it’s uh are can you dude imagine how funny you should ask that uh oh I guess I should have brought a

Pickaxe cuz if I find a Jeff imagine how comfortable this would be in real life I would sleep in here hello raw walls gonna get you a room full of black wall yeah this would be uncomfortable really yeah every soft it would not be soft I’d bring a sheet

Then okay softness was I thinking and everyone else rummaging around I gave a softly rocket hey right it’s awfully rocky and that make it look good oh are you guys killing Oh your arrows are the oh my round do you like white we got a different light I have Galactic

Alliance yeah yeah all right Ryan watch for wine first blood victory for the intergalactic alliance yeah I’ve already come in here so how many pieces are in this thing five one for each of you hmm hey ray was this your entrance yeah I guess I can’t call it an alliance if I’m

The only one okay I found all right I’ll be in your line ah Jackson my alliance oh no this is there’s only one rule death to the Galactic Alliance so I spawned in the wrong bed didn’t I cuz I’m not yeah none of us slept in the right bed so I should

Go back to my interests Yeah right oh that’s your entrance oh for Christ’s sake Oh jiminy Christmas so if let’s put the floor on you did hmm it’s part of the challenge man splish-splash right it really sucks we’re losing I guess first we didn’t we

Right let me take you we did – oh yeah I stole I don’t even know where the [ __ ] I have darted can’t leave resources like the lights we gotta do a glance Croft again soon yeah we did it to Mars do we know if it worked on must does seem to work pretty

Well unfortunately the really cool shader stuff doesn’t that work there okay oh yeah that was we should definitely do some PC with decent looking graphics stuff hello we’ll get into our hardcore survival playthrough right we mined out of the world my apology my apologies I made hold the wall it’s fine let’s get

Out that way if you find the tower do you have to go out through a door I don’t care okay I mean if you find the boat you go up right to the next level you have to tip once you find the block you have to take it out and put it

On the ground as you and then you can mine up yeah this is my door oh it’s raised door but it’s close to my door my door [ __ ] it I think it’s my door just wait we hear that Clank when my shears hit something so much pain Ted

Oh I don’t know could it be Jeff could well be what at the restaurant could it be love love eating well sorry that was a wouldn’t you lose something well I’m out of torches so hey did we lose Jeff lost Jeff a long time ago yeah Gavin I

See you coming this way yeah coming no right I don’t matter I want nothing to do with you all right all right I don’t run out of torches in that do we need a trade agreement between the Galactic Alliance in the intergalactic alliance I want this go we should come up with

Something nope some soap treaty maybe we should a lot of [ __ ] in here all right a lot of the same [ __ ] in here you guys are getting pretty high yeah I fit the top I’m still in the ground Oh such a sweater we could make sweater

Vest er I mean sure if you want to like we got believe me we got the wool for arms would you think we have enough for both oh yeah I like the shares can anybody mine alone I was wondering about that so these will never break they will never break unless you start

Sharing whoa uh organic lice or she chef uh gosh someone ate really close to making oh are you nearby oh yeah hey Jack are you near me oh yeah I guess so thank you I like I’m break it down deep oh yeah aren’t your name is like blended

Into the wall oh right on Glendon hi do you can see the pictures of that dude that uh made all handcrafted names did we just share each other I think so yeah yeah he was gonna bring the r-tx and then apparently he didn’t think they were good enough wow that was great it

Was a photo I showed I showed it to Kevin yesterday I’m like hey check this house is cool and he’s looking at it and he’s like what am I looking at I’m like those are real he made the or my crafts name he was like Oh what is it

It’s like you know the little square boxes that you look at right now with gamertags in it yes some guy made those exactly like in real life and I don’t know how you hold them up over your head or whatever but he had took photos of

Him with them over his head and Gavin thought it was a photoshopped photo with graphics on it but it’s just like it was really cool 3 it looks really cool hey it’s night times you guys wanna sleep in your bed so that you uh that’s a grand

Idea he’s falling in the right places that’s Ephesus I’ll do it I already slept in my bed I’m good I’m good continue working through the somebody’s sleeping in my bed when I sneak in my boot all right well my bed is backwards okay it seems like well there’s let’s

Play write lots of plays of us walking right by Obsidian here yeah yeah that’s a hot minute mark it’s not to see it’s uh yeah it’s pretty unrelentingly black wool I keep digging into the floor and I don’t know why yeah why not consider it this is dark mix it’s gonna everyone

Nods at all five of the obsidians are side by side I’ll former Senate our place I placed the first two and then Matt and Jeremy plays the final four so no one who is here knows where they are well Jeff Ryan I wouldn’t have what I remember anyway you know see facially

Chord how many [ __ ] holes remember that time to Mary and Kate and hid like a gold block or something was it our pick around and they bloody messed it up they didn’t [ __ ] put it in they put it in right I didn’t wrong what they forget the upset right snow bounder yeah snowbound

They forgot our pickaxe they did something dumb and more like your Dom and then they’re like mutant that might have been the birth of buck kate is strolling [ __ ] you cut our name is Kayden I don’t know go ask him well a little squirt that guy used to have the

Block Camerata screw her but I lost it it’s I think what do you know sir he’s got a only intact scrote how many uh how many blocks this thing was we figured it out it was loads like 12 loads like it was he’s like 7,000 or 170,000

That’s a bit of a difference it looks like 280,000 books he said you’re just mamie’s you’re just listing numbers at this point hmm gaping hole in the side of it not everybody went to bed huh do we have an alliance right now why it’s dark out come on there’s your

Regional Kevin but we have no light it’s always dirty friendly friendly okay Jack as a show of my friendship yeah how dare you impugn the honour of the intergalactic Alliance [ __ ] riot riot right I’m out of the edge it’s like a fugitive I do it I’m innocent gonna kill

My wife all right look I’m just gonna put this out there round one yet that was actually actually an accident I I didn’t mean to shoot iuk me how is that actually true your bow I did divide me out the window I changed my mind I’m

Just gonna kind of fire into the ceiling then I missed the ceiling and I hit you haha does a hat that’s skills honey I just got you got brain Harrison forwarded Gavin did you live I live okay very wet and very cold my bad also I think my murder break is only for

GTA just for those wondering hey Jeff hello I got my obsidian Jack only board and you can go check thank you it’s creeper in the water out here it’s hot just I’m crouched that’s why don’t we go all right I’ll find my bed a rough time I’m gonna switch my batteries yeah

Very switcher oh that was a long drop I’m very sorry Gavin I honestly didn’t mean to do that I feel bad remorse I am NOT very unnatural yeah I don’t nudity oh [ __ ] no I’m gonna travel this is my bed I don’t mind putting an arrow on a person but at

Least mean to put there it’s personal I fell in all right some advancing comes to the next round yeah go for break that white getting out of this chess jack why was it uh it was very close to the top come on lerigot I did it I did it

What’d you do haha made something a lot of fun to watch this gonna be those videos were Jack wins yes 20 minutes before we have our first step yeah that’s what’s gonna happen hi Gavin hi Michael are we in the space crew thing yeah team space deep space Galactic Alliance right

Yeah I don’t know which ones which Oh Sambi I’ll fight you back visually this let’s play is stunning yeah you should get some outside shots so you can see all that Abe’s like the different heights and the done a little bit I’ll just you should set the tower on fire

From the bottom that’ll kind of inspire search faster so I’m moving quicker out of torches disturb your boring a hole in the wall that’d be a good things to do we could all bury ourselves at different points in this and then it’s burns from the bomb race to the top to escape the

Fire yeah well I hide and seek from get to the roof hide and seek from fire I seek from fire fires generally always that’s a great idea Gavin should we do that as a things to do I think we should all right like seven years Oh her – fastest thing would burn I

Don’t know probably pretty decent speed didn’t one ever play Ruskin McQueen no way mr. hose that mr. firefighting game was that the game at arcades that was that uh no there is a firefighter arcade game I played thank you very much I remember that game nothing can break

All the damn time yeah that uh that hose peripheral pretty heavy dude they should have made a Ghostbusters game with that peripheral that would been incredible uh I agree but alas they did not or like a [ __ ] game haha or a Taco Bell simulator Oh

God HBU cake I get it the hose is the bottle just talked about makes you poop yeah there’s some doodoo involved oh it’s been known to happen this is becoming quite a little cozy little den this is becoming just a massive [ __ ] I’m just punching I will

Say torches light up yellow wool a lot better than they light up wait oh that’s just a science Jack that’s make sense just reflecting a more of the spectrum how do you know when you’re in the next section that you’ll break the white okay also everything will be

Yellow yeah that’s it just a thought suddenly everything is yellow turn around Thanks [ __ ] huge yeah it’s big Oh like the like shopping steal of Minecraft Ryan you have a dog at a cat right I have three dogs and two cats so in your opinion what is worse the urine of a dog

Or the urine from a cat cat yeah that’s terrible yeah your instinct style and you can’t get rid of it yeah cat pees on sites totally that true I have to throw away my house why’d you get a cat there hey there’s a big because it was cute it’s like look

At this little kitten face yeah then it like it’s peas yeah peace ip2 there pee on the cat floor are you to train your cat to pee in the toilet cat gonna train you know that is the thing yeah what cat pissing in a toilet yeah train you care to do that you

Invite a little low I just don’t my cat hanging out the bathroom like walk behind the fog yeah I want to cuddle my cat and like put my face on my cat anything that’s been in the bog I’m not gonna want to put my face on any more

And what’s the matter the cat spins about seven hours a day with its tongue of its own [ __ ] dream live in the dream also currently poops in a box well I assume you have a litter box I do so it has a box full of sand that it then

Walks in yeah I don’t think keeping it out of the bathrooms really doing much for you yeah but yeah maybe it’s probably cleaner to go ahead and let make it go in the toilet I want to put a cap laughing but people everybody do that apparently well I’ve just hollowed

Out a house here I think I’m just gonna collect asunción a trans good whoops make a bed system would mr. Najera line was cut to my screen there where I accidentally fired an arrow hey Jeff see that’s an action shot yeah how you guys doing on torches I brought it whoa

Could use some more alright I I was afraid I didn’t giving up so I put a I’ve made a dub chest with extras let me know when you run out I’ll go get him for you has anyone else found one I have not no I absolutely not negatory I hope

I remember to put and put them all in yeah that’d be cool mom be be swell I’m gold yet starting up like Swiss cheese heck I have not found gold yet Jack’s actually done so can we go in at at Jack even though we’re not in that sector

No oh nothing like that Jack can you place your block yeah I did okay did you that’d be silly if you didn’t all right I’m gonna put another set of holy [ __ ] all right Geoff is a chest here’s a question for you Jeff AIDS a dates AIDS a JJ’s AIDS it’s a

Date today two two-digit into dudes what’s the question wait so all right I’m about to die yeah I’m sorry and you could sacrifice yourself to save me okay you would literally it would end your life and I would live okay but nobody would know or

We used told us or you let me die but everyone knows you let me die I’m gonna let you die yeah absolutely how would you live with these dead get over it yeah Gavin you realize you have no children and Geoff has one so instead of orphanage his own child I think he’s

Gonna let you die yeah it does have a baby graduate from college I thought I was have a wife I showed that to orphan the case so here’s a slight modification you know sort of important you could save ten thousand people okay by sacrificing yourself oh they all died

It everyone knows you like I don’t know less people [ __ ] them Gavin I’d like to think I saved 10,000 people a day through comedy okay we probably saved more than that we’re into the Internet save more by staying alive because you can continue to save people every day yeah

Allegedly I’m like I’m like Ben Stiller an extras I guess you’re probably shits that yeah that’s funny see you lambdai hoo boy I don’t know I had to see this scenario yeah I mean the situation’s very do are these 10,000 people are the [ __ ] they’re all stuck in a bit of well well

That’s describing wood that is first of all only what they are how did 10,000 people get stuck in what also as well at the same time what what they have possibly do is not like it’s not well thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine people try to say baby

Jessica and all felon now nine thousand people are like whose baby Jessica yeah never forget Google she I mean she made it out yeah don’t forget you made it out she saw what was it oh well there was it like a pipe well as a pipe was out West Texas

Yeah yeah okay crazy ass baby a baby crazy wow that’s know plenty of sitting in this thing I’ll be honest for the first five or ten minutes I forgot we were looking for obsidian looking for gold so I bet I walked right by it I bet I found

It in like 30 seconds well you probably didn’t I’m amazed you guys haven’t found any more yeah are you yeah not that amazing a tool I mean at least on the upside as long as Jack doesn’t find anything he’s just clearing the time yeah pretty much I’m just making holes for you guys

Jeff’s uh being very helpful here by putting back the wool I’m mining that’s convenient ten thousand jobs mess around with Jack chrissake I knew was over there with Jackie I mean Jack is pretty poor he’s just making tunnels that were all doing mad his are like he’s jacking it though

He’s actually fishing lines yeah his are like his are boring cuz he’s probably doing it correctly yeah hell I’d have to my never know good one nice alright Gavin you got yourself good there that’s good stop yourself in your own tracks made the I made the mistake of being

Efficient and finding the block yeah what does it feel like Jack to be good at crap that nobody cares about I don’t know I am like a well you get at like I’ll kill something I’m gonna really over hockey I’m good at darts bowling well me good Alcantar here

Wasn’t my guess you understand what hey I’ll take bouncing and other still reflexes air hockey fan TAS like ping-pong get an air hockey table the three phases mmm-hmm and a ball pit gotta get a ball pit mm that’s gonna be the reward when you win versus each week you out of the ball

Pacific do Chris until the giant ball pit in Minecraft that ball is the one thing that won’t that was good in a row wear different colored wool just don’t you with it step play with that just throw a bunch of [ __ ] like yeah beautiful legs up and

Oppose half lines your eyes oh yeah we can make it work thanks if you steal 17,000 dollars from people alleged who was in charge of that like who ran that some some random people that guy 38 that was their name Ryan 238 no no D was in charge here

Counting over 38 I should count it sosuke aizen perfect software ha if it’s a perfect cube then it’s theirs 54,000 blah [ __ ] you fifty four thousand eight hundred seventy two blocks in each you gotta and we gotta find there’s fire and the [ __ ] things the last one there’s one

My xbox first oh my xbox press oh nice good job fellas oh and we didn’t save oh great technical glitch okay technical difficulties [ __ ] back at Jack I gave you a piece of obsidian dig Danny’s technically there’s an extra one out there that’s fine uh do you guys remember where you dug

Sure yeah every in four places this time don’t yep and then left I’m gonna straight lays it right and then left and then up and again left out the pot will you shut me out the damn window right that was totally an accident I’m sorry the intergalactic Alliance since its

Apologies and fruit basket do we uh I don’t know yet we have fruit baskets in the budget ratio yeah I’m Nigerian so have your alliances on the second floor Ryan so that’s good yeah no the intergalactic Alliance is doing great it’s a wonderful time to get

On board uh it wasn’t like our special packet what’s that how does one apply we have a code we can subscribe to yeah no there’s us there’s a oh god it’s fun a hole why is there a hole in the middle no someone forgot to fill it in although

I get sweaty obsidians all over again nice great guys yay so Ryan you calculated there was what like 50,000 blocks yeah somewhere then they ruin your budget no no fifty thousand in each result yeah I’m saying it doesn’t but think about it this way though since it

Reset Jack’s block is back in our odds have fired up through the roof that’s right root it is two hundred and seventy eight thousand blocks I what do you mean let me eat its back in because the obsidian I’ve been sitting in Jack mind is still in here is now live again yeah

But there’s more didn’t you take it out and put it on the block no God just give me your block dude I had an extra obsidian yeah so I just came up emmalin the guy fresh Andrew and picked one up and then gave it to him yeah well

Exactly I thought he did yeah that’s not how it works it’s not how any of this okay Jeff’s been the next 40 minutes looking for the block to give why was there a giant hole in the middle then nobody knows about that I don’t know about this whole yeah

Uh you’re talking about what is this hole you’re speaking yeah Ryan said there was a hole there was a hole there are so much at her head where your brain should be whoever uh you know built this thing must have missed a road a fire yeah guys I think we’ll have to

Reconsider this idea of tower of chem Singh nice I think we were sitting on a wool resource here that we could really if we find some trade partners uh well I mean you’ve played civilization right wing finds buddy needs die don’t be nice work this out I need [ __ ]

My new guy right now can someone [ __ ] to kill me right the Tower of pimps is more valuable than all of this will combine Wow No so how unlock so sometimes you gotta go into small sales 28 trillion dollars I wonder how much money the altar of pimps is

Worth probably four billion six so all there are Sims if full boxes go to 3.8 billion dollars ultimately altar pimps is worth more than the planet but it’s like if you think we could trade it for that’s like oil Sheik money do you think we give you

Owners of the planet how about Iron Sheik money I mean somebody’s got to be Iron Sheik that guy’s [ __ ] insane oh hey uh I added accident is you’re a pastor I witnessed the accident was it an accident yeah you were really close to the widow that might figure what happe no right

Over here I’m gonna see if I can not have an accident again you ever hear him on how all right there oh you actually go me through the wall I did yeah I was still trying to miss really yeah she’ll get help with him right right I

Didn’t believe any more about your mrs. air clothes like his wife Yeah right cause his wife dear it’s dark Dixon here hi oh so sorry are you dick I got punched by my Clyde right and yeah well to be very you were in the way oh sorry

Okay still want it happen again god this sucks ha ha ha what the hell are your zombies really I did one before well well if you don’t live there they will spoil and spawn it make a giant different everyone’s far enough away from him that’s true I haven’t been

Putting torches I just tunnel through to the wall I hear oh [ __ ] there’s one you’re not using total [ __ ] you’re one say oh [ __ ] yeah no I’m not using as I say your fridge is useless that’s right no I just I knock a hole in

The wall no let light in ah yeah that’s what I’ve been doing yeah ha ha cheeky Oh jakey like the idea that Ryan is Serena’s too dark so his footage is useless yeah you don’t want to miss what I’m doing right now god forbid I’m a holy

Terror I get all cheering it’s so like it’s so cramped in here that whenever I break through to the outside world I actually feel like I’m getting fresh air I got an obsidian black ray boo oh no way damn man ray I’m proud of you Thanks about five years ago I used to

Have this show called attack Jeff every day uh-huh and I’m thinking of bringing it back Arya nice how you gonna do I know you don’t channel was that on oh I used to what so you like a British Kato basically yeah I’d be fine seeing Jeff kick your ass every day that’s pretty

Much time I bash your face into the desk with my knee over and over yeah that was time when I dived on him and he put his he put my head on his lap and then slammed my head into the underside of his desk oh yeah sounds like an attack

And everything on the top of the desk was like knocking over and fallen so you one did what so you decided now would be a good time to start the show again yeah cuz it was fun cuz n brains hey Alan and announce it to Jeff know us Jeff you

Better be ready as soon as I see his [ __ ] camera come out I know he’s about to attack me yeah I think I might do it in this video gotcha you look like the twins from the shining down the hallway staring at me Izzy – oh that’s [ __ ] creepy

– small girls have quite a transformation hi could I have so much wool ah me too like being in all of the attention now look yet like you met them I have run out of torches and it’s just black hallway I found that this is the most efficient method of uh surgeon torches

In your gift torches in your thing yeah I do a most efficient way to mine block right over their threshold what what I mean you somebody right little you open the door and there’s an obsidian block on the ground what’s the right dude oh yeah that’s not that’s not yeah

That’s count I all right sue that didn’t count now it doesn’t nobody else has one uh yeah I put it there a nice okay okay okay well uh I have an obsidian block oh I also get [ __ ] yeah yeah I’m getting murdered I’ve lost it out the side because it’s just where

I ended up god damn ah did bustin make you feel good yeah it did so the senior galactic is uh on the second try so I can block their galactic alliances are doing tremendously well what was that I’ll kill this zombie four-way thank you who’s in which alliances

Laughing alliances it was a Ryan I’m Jack I think we have some undecided to the Galactic Alliance is Michael and Gavin listen we was split earlier I don’t have an alliance I work alone free agent he’s a mercenary he’s ray spaceman well I took a lot of punching Achillas

Oh jesus H I could [ __ ] the same hole I fell initiative way to mine is to mine tunnels three blocks apart so the most efficient way to my notes phone ray – Ryan and Jack are all in the second level oh wait Michael enters the fray BAM just place my obsidian so my

Out no no this one for you there’s enough for everybody in the first house sweet where is it yeah that’s the lair now and just letting obsidian Michael up near the top it was already mined like there was tunnels and [ __ ] and it was seriously in the floor totally visible

One of you guys must have mined it out haha rap I bet it’s me so I I’m guessing he goes on this little white spot that I put it on yeah yeah okay alright this good luck Kevin double the load down oh [ __ ] hahaha [ __ ] hell Geoff yeah I wonder

Who’s gonna find the second block next is Jack’s advantage is pretty much gone it is gone yeah therefore everyone is up here except for Gavin guys what’s it like up there it’s gold yellow shiny Tony right fading brighter for sure man this thing is [ __ ] up oh this could be

A nine pot yes so we’ve we finished this letter something happen in monopoly part three comes out we should film King Gavin to Jesus Christ it’s 1:21 I hear that’s popular with the ladies yeah oh it is tweens when you make it like suck can I make all your

Objectives like get me a dirt block yeah I thought that’s what you’re gonna do yeah did we were to do that what’s cool King ray Oh lambs Burger King [ __ ] oh wait yes hello one eye dualism great how you doing you know I’m shiran kao I found the cow ha

Ha that mean I win the Golden Snitch at the gallon snitch now please say Tam : cow oh yeah I’ve got a hold off back don’t find a creeper go cow be free can you believe we haven’t ever seen a supercharger oh yes yes yes go only that

Pretty common on Xbox they’re pretty common all right I guess it’s just gonna wander dig a load holes that you were a pokemon card there’d be a search on the bottom right hand corner yeah a full bottom left hand corner like a trainer

What did that do on the oh god oh do the rare oh no I know kill no no there’s like circled diamond star oh you gotta be ah ah you gotta be kidding me all right so what just happened a whole you know how it happened I want to read

The cow happy meal or what happened well [ __ ] xbox crashed again thankfully we saved that time boink boink dry it right here yeah so the only thing that’s changed for me is that I’m still all alone but there’s just more blocks yeah your chances have gone up gets better

And better for you every time why because your chances have gone up of what finding a boat Jesus you’re sitting on Dan dude no cuz it’s more wolf there’s more blocks though now you’re the only one looking and there’s like three or four in there yeah yeah yeah

It’s actually true exactly how it works yeah ah where’s those glasses that Ray had Nia collect craft let’s play oh the expert busses that because the rest of his suit Jack Jesus Christ I’m sorry uh ow that’s all right you sit oh it not hit Jeff right hit me hey somebody’s

Near the cow I’m have to use my oh it’s all right use your screaming is that Robbie senses would you would you say Gavin gets interrupted by scream 20 percent yeah what just happened oh I found if City oh you guys later it was just already mine I guess it’s

The one that Michael found in the past we should go we should go kill Gavin before he can put it out now I have to now at this point we’ll all be on the second floor yeah I think my theoretically someone will be we save right now Jeff let’s

Wait till Gavin gets up here weird 15 minutes yeah he crashes as the 25 minute mark I’m gonna save are you serious yeah we’re save every 15 minutes yes I don’t care would you rather do it again like for Christ’s sake Michael bastard [ __ ] yeah I was fine up there

I’m having fun have fun editing this is gonna be fun cuz I’m not editing this alright I’m yelling I didn’t do minecraft anymore so I have to climb down or can I jump out the side and go into my side all right [ __ ] please die and drop your

Obscene yeah huh Jack’s gonna go [ __ ] nuts when he has to go down a level and he sees all the [ __ ] you guys have done dude [ __ ] that I’m already seeing them interrupt like getting into my [ __ ] who did who dad I know she did I’m gonna

Be in New Orleans tonight now challenge are you gonna get best why who me is it Beth trip or is it like isn’t any trip of every parents trip I don’t have spared the trip well I need me know when you have to be a responsible adult oh

I’m gonna get optimal aim I’m gonna eat dinner with my mom I’m gonna throw Millie at her they’re gonna drive away and then Griffin Irena how sweet have fun so as New Orleans like her in between uh it’s about two and a half hours from my mom’s house two hours four

Hours so all right when’s your flight I don’t know I only got out at some point it’s like four or five or something awesome we might be on the third layer by then maybe maybe by finding gold yet yeah not yet I’ve actually seen anyone up here yet really I feel like I

Definitely put it in did you ah I just threw my shears whoa fine go yeah I got punched by rival OD – I’m sorry sir I got it you got one right and I threw my shears outside so I climb all way back up cuz I hear ya Oh Jeff yes he’s got

Gold I got a gold block god damn it all right Jack Jack the gold finder Gigi’s like a bloodhound so Ryan yo do you have any inkling that the panel fire Hey we were gonna switch out the shirts on you oh yeah hey Chuy should we save down good talk yeah

Jeff should be save I got a block you have the how long has it been since we saved I just spent about in a minute Jesus Christ let’s wait another hour face of riding towards you was suspicious yeah how high because the double jokes always better than a single joke it was

Better Gavin didn’t give a [ __ ] about the slo-mo shirt so I want if you’re gonna pull a shirt gag I was the more natural target all I wanted to do the triple joke I was talked out of it what would be what was the triple part the

Cella part was that when we all took off our shirts you were like oh yeah and then you took off your shirt yeah yeah and then we all took off that shirt and we were all wearing the banana Kim sure that would have been the entire [ __ ] dynasty I was taking

Off shirts for an hour also when you have walk we would have all walked in looking like we’re super buff and up arms when timer went off but we saved it read it for another 10 time to bear separately long it in the oven yeah not done yet bend over

Oh god it’s time to receive now that so Michael yeah how do you know it’s so darn Emma how do you know you didn’t know later go buy gold in this pathway someone mine but did someone mind the one I found like it was it was on the

Top of was it like something pathway cut demon I guess on my monitor it’s way brighter than it is in the footage my bad you idiot mine’s cheating okay going up to three so when you buy a car typically here do you do it do you

Finance the car yeah yeah most people do yeah so who here actually owns the car that they have I do I’m leasing mine sir yeah my car I just paid off I bought my car in cash cash the girl I had to buy in her say a week because sick the

Diabetic woman did you make it rain at the dealership I did the diabetic woman okay let’s say this much yeah I totally I’m gonna buy this car but I’m gonna pay for an one so get ready I think I’ve told that story before yeah no just a woman went into a

Diabetic coma and slammed into me well is that a stoplight ah so you got done invites you get whiplash no it was funny actually I had taken on my seat belt was bent over getting something out of a floorboard next fall that must have been a surprise

Well yeah it was it was a prize so I didn’t see it coming at all of a sudden I was like on the roof of the car back on the ground you’re a transformer for a second make the noise while you were rolling did you hear the terrifying the tariff I guess

She didn’t break use or break so it’s just like wow chairs everywhere what were you taking all that work I’ve got are we number WWE all thoughts of what I was trying to get off the floor disappeared somewhere between the floor wet floorboard in the room I can’t leave

You haven’t been more injured from these yeah I’ve never been ill writer principle he’s Bruce Willis yeah and what movie I’m breakable okay six cents oh my god where’s the gold yeah alright what are you complaining about Gavin you barely been in the gold shut your face

Oh oh oh shutter shut the phone’s going guys with friends Mary wait you were Jack you were yeah I think to lie thanks I’m firing off first he moved out now this this is just [ __ ] what’s that black I don’t know us I was wondering at two I

Think somebody’s been putting black in there I may have at one point Ryan I need to get out a hole yeah I’m colorful shut up cow no release him release the cow release the cow him I really want somebody find blaming you find a block wall I’m watching them so

You could do that right now you’re watching me that’s the issue something’s gotta come up Gavin at some point watch me do me all right let’s team up Gavin if I throw you twice hey how about this Jeff speaking are you ready watch me got me three two one I didn’t

Find any no so Jack how’s the third floor it’s a fantastic is it will efficiently Meinl Donald that’s so far yeah I can’t wait to get up there wreck the joint making your way in the world today takes everything you’ve got a bomb papa taking a break from Oh feeling worries

Sure a lot what did you laughs time played away I want to get away sometimes women wanna go where everybody knows ray loves Yolo hahahahahaha what did Minh well what did you want to do you hi alright how are you alright alright well Ryan is officially lost is mine it’s

Official can I track the official guy mark of eight right on the rack mark it zero dude Ryan of all the stop crouching around of all the heats shirts that you witnessed at the r-tx panel with a written in pots what was your favorite of all the shirts I witness it way when

We’re on that I wearing the Rhino baby I need your shirts I don’t even know what they said what most of them said [ __ ] you oh yeah what what did you say Michael mine said mine was Ryan the Ryan the blank guy guy mine was Ryan the baby anus guy I was

Riding the road I want you I was wrong okay well I was riding the James guy thank you right what were you jacking I think I was like Ryan the same voice guy something stupid hello Gavin you might see gold it is you old Jeff know what

Hop in and help out God I’m not going to you should and then you could be like gold at me free-for-all come fight over it and then we’ll all run in and be whatever and [ __ ] I have no see that’s like no food so I’ll get got pretty quickly I don’t give

A [ __ ] I’m just waiting to die no zombie I’m dead on the inside real real fast it’s been real for quite some time real fun it’s been real for quite some time real fun I’d say there’s actually pretty [ __ ] fun the only that sucks is the

Is the wool the only thing bring this down besides that stellar thank God the shears don’t break though no sure yeah how’s it going right you know it’s going not small I know I’m good thanks I appreciate it here’s some more okay chef so I’m making straight lines right just trying to be

Efficient to get this thing over with yeah I look over and I’m watching ray it’s it’s making me hurt yeah okay well watching his method ray Christ I’ll be more happy that’s that’s the thing be more considerate checks hey no oh [ __ ] Gavin made a noise of finding dude

Where’s Gavin Jelena no LM fine ding what colors Gavin he went Oh Gavin his point from Orion why your ass riot

This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft: Ep. 113 – Megatower’, was uploaded by LetsPlay on 2014-07-25 22:30:02. It has garnered 2777453 views and 30873 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:25 or 2665 seconds.

The AH Crew play “Megatower” in this week’s Let’s Play Minecraft. Join FIRST to watch episodes early: http://bit.ly/2emdy6q

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Let’s Play Minecraft: Ep. 113 – Megatower https://www.youtube.com/user/letsplay

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  • WeeklySMP

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  • MasterRealm Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.1 Land Claim Discord Slimefun Custom Items Crossplay

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  • Elesta

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Git gud, noob – can’t craft a pickaxe!”

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  • Minecraft Hangman: Lava Edition

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  • EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Build: Blaze Trap & Ruins Excavation!

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    Minecraft Pe Hardcore Series in Hindi - #1 MCPE 1.20! 🤩Video Information फ्री गेम्स आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में आज से हम लोग स्टार्ट करने जा रहे हैं अपनी माफ्ट की हार्डकोर सीरीज जिसमें कि मरना बहुत ही दर्दनाक होता है तो बिना किसी देरी के आज की वीडियो को स्टार्ट करते हैं तो हम लोग अपने वर्ल्ड का नाम रखने वाले हैं तो हम लोग स्पॉन हो चुके हैं जंगल बायोम के अंदर जो कि इतनी ज्यादा बहुत बढ़िया बात नहीं है क्योंकि जंगल बायोम में कुछ नहीं होता स्टार्टिंग के लिए तो चलो फिर से वही पुराना बोरिंग काम करते हैं… Read More

  • INSANE REACTION! Jenny Belle vs Kibbles in Minecraft

    INSANE REACTION! Jenny Belle vs Kibbles in MinecraftVideo Information hey Kibbles I got something to show you if it’s another horse I swear to God no it’s got nothing to do with horses are you familiar with the video game Minecraft uh yeah of course it’s Legos but on a computer yeah yeah I was on Twitter and I saw slippery T had a new animation in the works um slippery te slippery tea give me a [Music] second oh God oh God oh come on you know him he’s the Jenny guy uh ah hold on I got to call a friend um yeah Andy’s making… Read More

LetsPlay – Let’s Play Minecraft: Ep. 113 – Megatower