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Ladies and gentlemen the plushies are still on sale over at they are going extremely quick we are running out so if you do want to get yours check them out today yeah use code bestie for 10 off ladies and gentlemen we are back on my world with our beautiful little tiny

Baby purplicious dragon hello little dragon baby so if you guys did miss out on the first episode where we got this dragon i ventured out into my minecraft world bessie showed me the location of a lightning dragon lair where i was able to go in to feed a massive lightning

Dragon and steal its anger now it did take a lot of work but i was eventually able to hatch the egg into this beautiful little tiny dragon it is so sick now by the end of today’s episode this thing will be the size of not even that skull i think

It might be bigger and keep in mind that is just the head of the lightning dragon that i had to take down so you guys can imagine how big this dragon’s body was if you guys do want to see for yourself go ahead check out the last episode but today by the end

This little baby dragon will probably be bigger than my entire house now by the way in the last episode i did collect more than just one baby dragon egg we have this blue lightning dragon and we have a black lightning dragon a lot of you guys were commenting that i

Should keep these for myself the only problem is i may have promised adam and alec that i will give them the dragons but bessie and i have a little proposition for you if this video can hit 30 000 likes in under three days and you guys subscribe right now i will get

To keep the dragons for myself so go ahead and headbutt the like button with your foot i don’t know how you head butt with your foot but do it we also have a book in here with different name suggestions you guys left over 4 000 names to give our little lightning

Dragon baby now these were some of the runner-ups these are not the official names we have kiki f wanted to see lightning burst as the name we have ishmam a wanted to see it called storm burst sean g wanted it to be thunder shockwave or bolt blast arizona fox

Wanted it to be storm or thor and ultra k wanted it to be shockwave now those were all honestly amazing names but the one that i decided to go with was from yang ivy who wanted our baby dragon to be called ultra violet did it work did i

Right click on you with it oh there we go look at it now this name works on a few different levels ultraviolet obviously is the color of our dragon it is violet it is an ultra dragon and also from lightning strikes ultraviolet radiation waves come off of it at least

That’s what bessie told me and betsy’s a scientist so she knows things that i do not the weird thing about the lightning dragon species is that they are actually nocturnal so right now violet our little dragon is sleeping even though it looks like it’s in a sitting position for

Whatever reason they sleep super weird but if i go over here and hit betsy’s magical clock turn at night time look at it she woke up now at the moment ultraviolet only has 20 health is zero days old and is a little bit hungry i think you eat fish right hopefully there

You go eat the fish no do you like cooked pork chop oh you do like cooked pork chop bessie why did you give me like 18 stacks of fish she hates it bessie has set out a ton of challenges for violet today after each challenge we

Will be able to access dragon meal in order to speed up the process of aging so that our dragon by the end of today should be full size let’s go ahead and just move you over here ultraviolet and let’s see how you do against the chicken do you do you eat chicken

Are you are you waving at the chicken oh wait a second hold on oh violet’s going in oh violet violently ate that chicken how about a fish do you like to eat flopping fish it does not seem like you do because you refuse to eat this cod what if i punch

The fish do you attack then oh violet’s moving in let’s go this is so cool now what if i were to put the fishy inside of the pond and i punched the fish in the butt sorry i had to butt punch you fish violet where are you

Going violet hell out what are you eating dirt i think violet might be a little bit scared of the water how about a bumblebee oh i feel bad okay oh it’s angry bumblebee oh violet does not care about getting stung oh my gosh dude dude

I got stung i got stung in the spleen it’s okay violet is slowly and steadily fighting the angry bumblebee now i need to be super careful while violet is a baby she is extremely vulnerable but it seems like every time we eat a chicken what was that i think she’s getting a

Little bit bigger eat all the chicken there it is nutritious it is delicious violet is extremely confused there are way too many chickens to eat one down violet also has different modes too so if i right click with the dragon command staff violet will stay now she can

Wander she’s staying she’s escorting me now which is i think what i want to keep it on so i’m hoping violet will follow me around and if any mob comes close to me she will bite it just like that we only have two more chickens left go ahead violet bite its

Toad bite its little flipper i’m really sorry about this chicken there is no escaping violet i need to feed you to my little baby dragon so it can be big and strong let’s go ahead and eat all the flopping fishies there you go just go eat this go eat that it’s delicious

We’ll get some omega-3 boom i’m pretty sure that’s what has fish things yup that’s fish vitamins i am a scientist i have no idea what i’m talking about perfect the fish have been turned into fish food the chickens have been turned into chicken limbs and last but not

Least we have bumble bees now these are a little bit more difficult for ultraviolet just because i don’t think she has the ability to fly quite yet don’t worry little girl you’ll get there you just need to keep fighting you need to keep eating the honey from the

Bumblebees if she can pass this round she will gain 20 dragon meal which should push her up to the next stage ow out hey hey violet violet that that thing just it stung me in the eyeball that did not feel too good there’s only one bumblebee left go ahead go not yep

Take your time it’s okay it’s all right yep just keep moving in don’t let it sting me in the eyeball again don’t let it do it no no it’s coming straight for me violet violet where did why okay i see violet oh it stuck me in the air

I don’t like this anymore go do it dude i’m gonna hide behind this tree i believe in you though you are majestical did she do it yet is the bumble bee gone will the bumblebee please stop bullying me oh yep there it goes here you go violet dragon meal for you [Laughter]

Wait a second let’s see violet is still stage one but she has now been advanced 20 days somehow she can still fiddle my shoulder she’s so heavy violet i think you missed a little chicken over here get the chicken oh oh i think she might do a

Little bit more damage now round number two should be pretty easy we have 10 super smelly ugly zombies that are nothing like me okay maybe they look just a little bit like me but still i need to make sure violet knows these are the bad zombies i am the good zombie

Let’s see she’s focusing on one right here i don’t know how much health she has though the zombies are fighting back too so i need to be super careful to keep feeding ultraviolet so she does not get heated let’s see if i oh no nope cannot check right now oh no violet

Please don’t die i need to keep feeding her i love how she’s defending me though this is so sick oh hey no don’t go down there that’s the dragon lair uh inferno and frostbite are not going to like that now i also have this dragon summoning

Crystal which i should be able to right click in order to teleport violet wherever i go i may have accidentally fallen into the hole with violet this is terrible worse situation possible i am one thousand percent going to die stay back stay back smelly smelly smelly

Smelly oh violet holly this is bad this is really bad stay back stay back why are you holding your own rotten flesh that is disgusting flip dude what violet what are you doing and how are you still here chicken i thought violet ate you well it looks like violet successfully

Defeated all of the zombies the next challenge we have are five cave spiders i honestly think this should be relatively easier why do they go for me every time there is a dragon whoa wait a second you can fly now what that is so sick look at it oh no oh no i

Should really stop looking at that because i think i might die from poison violet violet get your dragon butt over here and electrocute these spiders please only one more left come on violet you can do it yes there it goes oh my goodness violet currently has 106 max

Health and is at stage two that’s probably why she can fly now and i can no longer pick her up they grow so fast whoa wait no do not fly away you need to stay here we have a final challenge we have the invoker okay i am so dead whoa

Guys did you just see that that was a ball of lightning it caused this ginormous crater in the ground i have never seen anything like that especially from such a young dragon like ultraviolet my other dragons inferno and frostbite were extremely strong probably the strongest dragons i’ve ever trained

And they did not do that this early wait a second bessie are you serious bessie just told me that my armor was here the entire time well this is just a tad bit awkward whoa violet is going airborne dude she’s strafing around and destroying the vaccis this is literally

Straight from a movie look at her goal dude she is doing laughs around these suckers now let’s see if i use the bone flute i think that should call her back down to me now if i stand right here and let the vexes attack me she will go

Absolutely berserk oh it’s working one of them just got absolutely smoked with electrocution i cannot wait to see what she can do on the final stage i’m getting a little bit worried to be honest okay let’s go ahead and call her back down we can now make

Her even bigger with this 25 dragon meal what i can ride on her i can ride on her back hold on i need to fly oh baby it is a little bit glitchy but it is so cool go ahead and just park it down oh my gosh we are on top of nope

Nope she just ate part of my house now do we have any other abilities let’s see um does this do like a strike attack i honestly can’t tell what does this do oh there it is i can make her summon in lightning well this is officially the

Coolest dragon ever i also just realized violet is massive now look at her the next challenge we have is five vindicators i honestly do not think this will be a problem whatsoever i think it might be a problem for me though whoa dude one down one just got electrocuted

Another one is getting electrocuted this is unfair now if i hop on ultraviolet’s back huh no no no let me on your back before i die or not it’s fine yep you could you could do your own thing that’s that’s perfectly cool please don’t electrocute me stay back big nose donkey

Face dude donkey face dude just got heated careful ultra violet just roared right in my ear we also have 15 zombie pigmen this should be extremely easy i’m going to lightly tap you on the heel do not attack me whatever you do oh oh there was another ball of lightning there’s

The lightning strike dudes oh she’s doing a wing attack she’s pulling out every single special ability at this point oh she’s eating it she just take that baby stop you pick me like it was lunch i’m gonna go ahead and hop on your back before you do the same thing to me

Every zombie pigman has decided to run away that one has adopted a chicken really sorry we can’t have that today oh okay never mind we can have it hello zombie pigmans how you doing today oh wait oh this button bites them that is super cool so if i get her face

Extremely close and hit this button she goes in for massive chomps and obviously i can also just summon in lightning whenever i want this is unfair the last challenge in round number three is a ravager ravager uh dude dude a bad idea even though you’re massive even though you

Probably have destroyed so many villages it is no longer going to happen ultraviolet is going to end this ravager’s whole career it’s actually putting up somewhat of a fight never mind i spoke way too soon welp now we can give ultraviolet 32 more dragon meal i don’t think this is a

Good idea all right well she is massive and she is powerful and i think she might eat me if i do something wrong hopefully she does not like cookies i honestly don’t think i can make enough cookies to feed all of my dragons anymore look at it

I literally have to break my neck to even see her face and this is not even mag size upon if i shift click down let’s see she is only stage four 82 days old has 335 health and i think she still has one more stage to go let’s see how

These last three challenges go before we try our lightning dragon against a fire and ice dragon let’s try this thing what what was that oh my gosh did you just bite it hell out wait are you stuck in a block ultraviolet literally bit it and

Put it inside of a block it trapped it sorry sir don’t don’t worry don’t mind my dragon i will uh break this block and i will get you out of there asap sorry about that sir um i probably would just run i would go back to your family or

Your home before attacking me anymore and it’s shooting me with lasers bro what was that ultraviolet kill it what are you guys doing are you guys talking about me it looks like ultraviolet might be stuck on top of it i really don’t want to get close again because if i get

Caught that laser i am toast let’s bring ultraviolet down here using our dragon horn boom just like that oh there we go the lightning strikes begin now it’s actually protected look at that ultraviolet cannot hit it maybe if i go in and try to push it out let’s see oh

Dude dude okay this guy is legit made out of stone i can’t push enough i’m so dead okay plan b i’m gonna get on top of ultraviolet bring her down and unleash lightning let’s go see if it works okay we’re lined up lightning attack go oh we just annihilated that thing now that

Was only the first one next up we have a lamorian are you a frog little frog just got stomped on last mob of the round is a cyclops this thing has 150 health and stomps on anything it comes across now unfortunately ultraviolet can pick it up and bite it yup just literally suplexed

Him this is unfair as soon as ultraviolet stops messing around and uses lightning abilities i think the cyclops is dead if it’s not already yep it’s dead which means we have now unlocked 64 more dragon mail to feed all too violent oh we’re still moving we’re still going i’m still feeding it i’m

Going to give it all here we go are we maxing it out oh ho ho ho wait a second guys this this creature is as big as my house bessie we might need to fix my house in just a second i need to try something if i just walk next to my house

Dude i can literally break through my entire house just walking through it this is a terrible idea but it is amazing at the same time here you go i i found a little chicken i i know you like to eat chick chickens um i accidentally killed the

Chicken please don’t hurt me just like my other dragons it seems like i now have a passive strength ability which i believes comes from my dragon roar so every time ultraviolet lets out a super magnificent dragon roar i will gain extra strength we do have two more final challenges for

Maxed out ultraviolet we have ice dragons and we have fire dragons let’s try out just one fire dragon this one’s only a little tiny baby but i’m curious what ultraviolet will do she’s playing around in the trees right now i guess that’s a good start oh she’s breaking

The trees now with her ginormous claws and is now electrocuting this guy to death how about an ice dragon oh this one’s massive okay they’re moving in they’re fighting each other i’m currently getting frozen i have no idea what’s happening because i’m still frozen okay there we go we’re not frozen

Uh where is it oh i see it’s right in front of me oh they are going insane i honestly think that ultraviolet might be too strong for anything let’s go see it looks like from that battle she only lost 10 health let’s see if we can get a massive fire dragon this one’s

Definitely bigger let’s try to get two fire dragons really i got this little tiny baby one oh it’s biting me oh ultraviolet please please kill it please get it please get it ultraviolet’s on fire that’s not good oh baby i am so dead this thing is tracking

Me down like a badger i don’t even know if badgers can track the final challenge we could do are two ice dragons i’m just gonna stand here good luck everybody may the odds be ever in your favor they are most certainly not in the ice dragon’s

Favor oh my gosh i think one is already dead and the other one is desperately trying to fly around oh they actually froze ultraviolet no way what the heck is going on over there is it over i think it might be over ladies and gentlemen i think we officially have

The strongest dragon pet ever little bunny i would definitely run for your life right about now what you doing ultraviolet hey uh where are you going no no do not electrocute me perfect timing too it looks like it is certainly turning today which means ultraviolet should slowly fall asleep let’s go ahead

And get her back in the horn before anything bad happens but there we go nice and safe well ladies and gentlemen that is officially going to wrap it up for our dragon training today this was absolutely the coolest video i think i’ve made in a very long time if you

Guys did enjoy be sure to go ahead and drop a like if we could hit 30 000 likes i will go ahead and hatch our other two baby lightning dragons and train them to be as massive as ultraviolet now also in the next episode i do want to eventually

Check out how big ultraviolet is compared to inferno and frostbite my fire and ice dragon which are also massive be sure to comment down below which dragon that you think will be the biggest that is going to wrap it up though my name is bro dragon master jack

And i will see you guys all back again here very soon for a brand new video peace out dudes Ladies and gentlemen if you guys did enjoy that video and do want to see some more dragon videos be sure to subscribe and turn on all notifications so you never miss out

This video, titled ‘LIFE OF A LIGHTNING DRAGON IN MINECRAFT! (overpowered)’, was uploaded by BeckBroJack on 2020-09-12 14:00:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.


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    EPIC Minecraft Boss Battles! Join the Journey LIVE!Video Information yo stream what’s up man what’s up man like I’m talking to one person what’s up yo I know it’s late as hell compared to the usual stream I do another two hours but it’s whatever um part three of live Minecraft on a journey to defeat all the bosses now I’mma say this some [ __ ] happened off camera it was has nothing to do with me it was completely another player I swear I promise um but I will I’ll show you guys what happened in our Minecraft world we tried to get the uh… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Mining Technique! #minecraft

    Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Mining Technique! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘type of miner in Minecraft#minecraft #shorts #mclol’, was uploaded by Noob_Boiz_91 on 2024-01-15 07:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. type of miner in Minecraft #minecraft #shorts #mclol type of miner in Minecraft #story voice Cradit : @Mc-lol Minecraft Techno … Read More

  • AethreSMP

    AethreSMPAethreSMP is a NEW 18+ Semi-Vanilla Server looking to build a tight-knit community of people. Our server uses minimal plugins with the goal of keeping the pure vanilla game intact whilst also providing quality of life features based on the needs of the player base. How To Join: – Read ours rules @ – Click JOIN NOW and join our discord. – Submit an application in #new-player. – Server IP will be provided once whitelisted. Read More

  • ColonyState SMP modded, MineColonies, Whitelist, 1.20.1

    ColonyState SMP – Modded Minecraft Server Looking for a refreshing modded server? ColonyState SMP is a welcoming server encouraging all abilities and types of players. Join us now and grow your colony at your own pace! Server Details: Custom modpack based around MineColonies Light, semi-vanilla pack suitable for low-end devices Includes mods like Iron’s Spells, The Graveyard, Create, Farmer’s Delight, and more Rules: No PVP without mutual agreement No stealing, griefing, or duping Server aimed at players aged 15+ How to Join: If you’re interested in joining or want more information, please DM the head admin on Discord: TimeLordVampire#2140 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Net loss on the mining mission.

    Looks like they were mining for diamonds but ended up hitting rock bottom instead! Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft

    Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipproblems Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Mining in the Custom Dimension!

    Crafting Chaos: Mining in the Custom Dimension! Thank you for joining us on this episode of Minecraft Encrypted Underscore. We delved into the mining dimension, crafted custom tools, and explored the world of modded questing survival with Nik and Isaac. From building a smeltery to generating lava, we tackled various challenges and set the stage for future magical adventures. Stay tuned for the next episode where we dive into the realms of magic with mixing cauldrons, mana, and artifice. Mahou Tsukai awaits us with its mystical wonders. Join us as we continue our journey through the encrypted underscore mod pack. And remember, always know your worth,… Read More

  • Youtubers Battle Wither Storm Pt. 2 Teaser

    Youtubers Battle Wither Storm Pt. 2 Teaser Minecraft Storymode: Youtubers vs The Wither Storm Part 2 Sneak Peak 2 A Mysterious Return In the world of Minecraft, unexpected events can shake even the bravest of adventurers. The return of the Wither Storm has left our heroes in disbelief. The once-thought defeated command block seems to have a new lease on life, causing chaos and confusion among the Youtubers. A Race Against Time As the Wither Storm wreaks havoc once again, the Youtubers must band together to face this formidable foe. With time running out, they must uncover the truth behind the Wither Storm’s resurrection and find… Read More

  • JeromeASF’s EPIC Minecraft Cookie Camp Factory!

    JeromeASF's EPIC Minecraft Cookie Camp Factory!Video Information all right let us play video games all right mate all right what what you said all right and it made me think of all right terrible I love ah yes everyone’s favorite mini game in Minecraft cookie cam his named after my pet rabbit look how adorable she is you should see how much she poos it’s a lot oh that this is where we figure out that drum’s just been covering for cookie the entire time yeah yep y well that’s the whole point of the game you have a rabbit named cookie in this box… Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Guide

    The Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock GuideVideo Information okay so I think we’re live me slide this down looks like it’s going yep that girl is probably more entertaining than me how you doing tonight sir oh two viewers I am popular Pro streamer is not in my future I’m afraid there’s a lot of work involved in that that I do not want to be all right so can you hear me all right by the way I did have to just configure the mic for the Minecraft settings an OBS and so hopefully it’s doing okay my volume okay too quiet too loud too… Read More

  • Intense PvP Legacy Battle: Twicher Dominates 3v1

    Intense PvP Legacy Battle: Twicher Dominates 3v1Video Information This video, titled ‘PvPlegacy Battle 3×1’, was uploaded by Twicher on 2024-03-31 20:26:38. It has garnered 60 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:25 or 685 seconds. PvPlegacy Battle 3×1 TAGS – IGNORE Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server… Read More

  • Gmod Squad Time Travels to 2024 Minecraft Stream!

    Gmod Squad Time Travels to 2024 Minecraft Stream!Video Information and we’re back and we’re live and we’re back uh doing an early todayand early uh welcome everybody back to Minecraft we’re going to get some stuff done hopefully without any internet problems uh if you watching the V on YouTube than on the video hope you enjoy it if you do like comment subscribe check me out live right here on Twitch all of that fun stuff being said let’s get into this so we’re going to Adventure a bit we’re going to do some stuff and and so it will go so we’re on the constant… Read More

  • EPIC Calcite Cube in #Minecraft 1.21 + Funny Moments!

    EPIC Calcite Cube in #Minecraft 1.21 + Funny Moments!Video Information benino si offre a bar da guida per la città Pedro Pedro Pedro Pedro Praticamente il meglio di santafè Petro Petro Petro Petro Fidati di me Pedro Pedro Pedro Pedro Praticamente il meglio di santafè Pedro Pedro P This video, titled ‘So exited for #minecraft 1.21!! #calcitecube #minecraftserver #server #funny’, was uploaded by Calcite Cube on 2024-06-12 17:24:17. It has garnered 463 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Lily ROBS OMZ’s Limbs in Minecraft?! – Parody

    Lily ROBS OMZ's Limbs in Minecraft?! - ParodyVideo Information oh gosh guys take me to the hospital I can’t feel my body I can’t walk what who stole my limbs where my hand and leg oh my God help us good morning and wait is today the day I think it is it is today is the day we’re going to the brand new amusement park they opened a new roller coaster I can’t wait this is going to be the most fun day ever we got to go quick though because I want to be first first in line so let’s wake up Roxy Roxy wake… Read More