Limited Life Recap – Week 1 | Minecraft News Network

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[Pixie] Hello and welcome back to MCNN! My name is Pixie- [Lyric] -and I’m Lyric. Initially this newscast was created to report on the MCYTblr Sexyman Poll, but recently our horizons have broadened to reporting on the new Limited Life series. [Pixie] We’d prefer they stop broadening around here.

[Pixie] Our goal each week is to present to you a summary of what terrible crimes happened in that three-hour block covering any interesting plans, traps, or goofs in rough chronological order. We want to do the groundwork so if someone has school, work, or just wants to devote their week to watching

One perspective and turning it into a musical number, they can do that without missing anything huge. [Lyric] We aren’t a real news program, but we sure like to play one on TV, and our style reflects that! You may watch other summary projects, like the Hermitcraft Recap, which summarize events by person or group.

Unlike them, we’ll be covering events in roughly chronological order. This suits the chaotic flow of the Life Series better, but that does involve a LOT of work – if any viewers want to help with timeline generation or video transcription, even for a single POV, please reach out! [Pixie] With all that said,

What are our top stories for tonight, Lyric? [Lyric] We’re back in the latest Life Series that started March 3rd, 2023 with 14 familiar faces! [Lyric] While attempts to ritually summon Season 2 players Mumbo and Lizzie back to the series failed, fan favorite Skizzleman has returned after missing the Double Life series last year.

[Pixie] The universe giveth and it taketh away; for the first time, Life Series veteran Rendog will not be joining this season. Lost dog posters are proliferating across social media. Our sources have confirmed that he has in fact been sent to a TCG arena upstate. [Lyric] One additional POV note –

Bdubs will not be recording his own perspective, due to the time commitment required to edit down 3 hours of footage. So anytime he’s off screen, your guess is as good as canon on what he’s up to! [Pixie] In exciting news, this marks the first time

We’ve seen a map with significant access to an ocean, and a warm ocean at that! Finally we’ve gained access to the main thing this fandom was missing: water symbolism. [Lyric] Alright, it’s time to dive into what actually happened over those two and a half hours,

Starting with Grian explaining the premise for the season! [Grian] Welcome to Limited Life, where we have 24 hours to live. 14 people are battling to be the last one standing and in this series, you are green when you are above 16 hours, yellow when above 8 hours,

And red when you are above 0. Every time you die, you lose 1 hour of time and if you successfully kill someone, you gain 30 minutes. Yellows can attack greens, and of course, when you turn red, you become hostile and can attack anyone. And of course, if you run out of time,

You are eliminated from the series. There’s a few more surprises in store, So let’s get started. [Pixie] With the rules explained, the 14 Lifers scattered to the winds. [Lyric] Jimmy Solidarity wandered off alone to collect potential sources for monopolizing, while Grian was more interested in seeing

If the Chance card Jimmy drew would read Do Not Pass Go, Go Directly to Permadeath. [Pixie] But while some players forged their own paths, others chose to team up right from the start. Scar, Cleo, and Bdubs formed a group called the [Pixie clears throat and enunciates] the Clockers

Where they proceeded to get wood and get weird. [Lyric] Tango, Impulse, and Skizz quickly teamed up, and then added an Etho to the group, who suggested the name TIES. And thus began the unending quest for cows as most of their cows were later lost to random acts of Joel.

This is enough to encourage Martyn to cut ties with Team TIES. [Pixie] Fate chose Scott as the first boogeyman of the season, who lurked around until he was able to kill Skizzleman. [Lyric] Because Scott was so quick, Etho and Grian- [cough] the group decided to pick a second boogeyman. [unintelligible mumble from Impulse]

[Impulse] Okay, whoever gets it – [Impulse] take your time, please [Tango] The worst! [followed by Among Us Musical Sting] [Impulse] We don’t need a third boogeyman today [Lyric] This time Bdubs was the Boogey, and immediately turned on a recently-respawned Skizz. His reasoning? [Bdubs] So, you- you were already on the-

On the way down; the rollercoaster down. Anybody else, it’d be like they’re on a high, they’re going up. [Tango] Skizzle- [Bdubs] You know? And then I- I- make [Tango, overlapping] Skizzle, you hear someone talking? [Bdubs] I make their life worse [Skizzle] What is that? [Bdubs (overlapping)] Yours was already bad,

[Bdubs] So I just thought “well, a little bit more wouldn’t hurt” [Lyric] Scar and Bdubs set out for food and adventure, and adventure finds them when Scar dies trying to jump into a river. Learning nothing, he and Bdubs raided the woodland mansion. They decided to try to sell their findings to other players;

At least the BS shop is honest in advertising! [Pixie] While her 2 idiots were still off exploring, Cleo went mining, finding a Pearl and some of Grian’s poorly-placed poultry. [Lyric] After lone-wolfing their way through the start of the game, Joel and Jimmy met up on TIES’ island

And labelled their new alliance as the Bad Boys. They made their way over to the woodland mansion, where Pearl was amassing a collection of diamond hoes. [Pixie] Because the first two went so well, the gang decided to pick a third boogeyman. However, in the interest of protecting Skizzleman

[Pixie, overlapped by Skizzle screaming] on his terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day, they decided to form the Skizzleman Protection Squad. New member, Martyn, demonstrated incredible self-control by not immediately boogey-killing Skizz, allowing the group to disperse between the Nether and a bargain with Scar.

We’re still not sure who got the better end of that deal. [Lyric] Scar and Bdubs took Pearl and Scott for a ride near some creepers, which goes slightly better than you’d expect from that crew. Impulse and Grian showed up in time to confirm that

Neither raiding party actually took the diamond block in the mansion causing Grian to go do that. [Pixie] In “food other than bread” news, Tango got 2 more cows, and they died immediately Tango quickly found another cow, which lasted so much longer! Er- Just kidding, Joel finds it.

[Lyric] And in “these are professionals” news, Joel and Jimmy challenged each other to dig straight down to prove their Bad Boy Status. Here’s how that went: [Joel] -diamonds at Y=11. Alright… [Jimmy] To 11, ready? [Joel] right next to each other – 3, 2, 1, go! [Jimmy] Go!

[Jimmy] Bad Boys, Bad Boys, Bad Boys! [Jimmy] Bad Boy energy here [Joel] I’ve got- wh- ooh emeralds! [Jimmy vocalizes] [Joel] What are we at? 23! [Joel] 10 more, we’ve made it [Jimmy] I can hear lava! I can hear lava [Jimmy] But we keep going- [burning sound effects plays; Jimmy starts shouting] [Joel] oh-

[Joel] oh no! [Jimmy (overlapping)] I’m dying, I’m actually dying! [Jimmy] I’m dead I’m dead, I’m- [Joel laughs and wheezes] [Pixie] Getting back on their feet, The Bad Boys went to intimidate Martyn before terrorizing TIES island. Joel saw another cow and I think we can all see where this was going

[cheers from Joel and Jimmy; shouting from TIES] While running away, Jimmy apologized to his former soulmate after punching him out of the way. The concentration of ‘Bad’ in the Bad Boys does not seem to be evenly distributed. [Lyric] Scar pitched setting up on the spawn mountain, Pearl supports the idea

And Scott suggests a way to monetize it. Cleo returns to the mountain with iron galore. [Pixie] Pearl and BigB formally decide to team up, which is a completely reasonable decision given the existing group choices were ‘Group of Dads’, ‘Chaotic Cringefail’ ‘I would kill you for one clock’ and ‘Former/Current Boogeymen’.

Pearl tamed Froggie the cat, and together she and BigB formed the Nosy Neighbours, who were soon after visited by Etho. BigB decided to pretend to be the Boogeyman, utilizing a narrative device called ‘dramatic irony’. [Lyric] In the spirit of poor decisions, Joel started building on the mansion,

Which was both flammable and due to reset due to generating without Illagers. Grian, impressed by this display of genius, joined the Bad Boys. While the other Bad Boys were away, Jimmy received a gift from Scott in the form of a bucket of pufferfish: the Pufferish of Peace.

This is the fourth time Scott has begun a Life series with a gift for his former teammate. [Pixie] Scar declared the Clockers’ home Secure Mountain and Insecure Mountain, both of which can’t possibly be true. I’m crossing my fingers that he uses those naming skills for his own team,

To pick something a bit less like a linguistic banana peel waiting to cause a Freudian slip. Scott arrived to trade a golden apple with Scar, and Bdubs decided their horses deserved only the best. Then Martyn appeared, and Scar ironically tried to pitch becoming a hitman

To the only person who could possibly do the job. Martyn said nothing as Cleo got creepered. [Lyric] Bdubs declared Cleo Mom after she insisted he and Scar wear clothes, which does seem like a thing most people would insist on. [Pixie] Cleo has never seen an opportunity for arson they didn’t like,

And Scar gave her one in the form of the woodland mansion. For more on the fire, we go now to our field reporter. [Salem] I’m currently standing outside the remains of Bad Boy Manor, where things are really heating up! [Salem] After a member of the Bad Boys taunted GoodTimesWithScar –

A move which has historically gone poorly – tragedy struck and the woodland mansion went up in flames. With little sign of the fire going out any time soon, we can only assume the mansion being replaced next session will simply give this wildfire more wood to burn through.

We’ve heard from an anonymous source that it was not, in fact, Scar who started the fire, but his teammate, ZombieCleo. Cleo has wisely been unavailable for comment on the matter. [Salem] Scott, Jimmy, and Martyn were all present at the start of the fire, with Joel and Grian joining later,

But despite their best attempts to douse the flames, water bucket clutches are not particularly effective at firefighting. Following the incident, the Bad Boys most decidedly became the Sad Boys but knowing who the team members are, we can only assume next week might see some revenge from the mad boys of the server

Against the arsonists who – allegedly! – incinerated their home. Back to you! [Pixie] Thank you, Salem! While the fire took no lives, in another part of the map a wayward creeper managed to take two: Imp and Skizz. [Skizzle] It really opens up, dude, [Skizzle] Huge cave [Tango] Ohh, huge ravine

[Tango] That’s a Death Trap right there, too… [Skizzle] Aww, that’s no problem. [Skizzle] I feel like a creeper’s gonna fall on my head. [Skizzle and Impulse talking, unclearly] [Skizzle] No, you’re gonna- [Impulse and Skizzle scream as a creeper explodes] [Lyric] Scar also used the fire and the newly respawned “audience”

To declare the Clockers’ home Entertainment Mountain, the best place on the server to watch your friends die. [Pixie] Scott showed up and asked who burned the mansion, and Pearl sold out Cleo to her former soulmate [Lyric (voiceover)] Etho attacked Martyn with the pufferfish as a “joke”.

Martyn tried to lava Skizz as a “joke”, then tried less subtly to blow up TIES. Not a joke. No one died except for the cows, which would normally be preferred but at this point TIES would really rather have the cows. [Pixie] Clockers visited the mansion,

And Grian blamed Scar for the fire because confirmation bias is a hell of a thing. [Lyric] Pearl and BigB started to set up a place to live. Martyn, on the run from his failed TNT kill on TIES, ran up with the sketchiest body language possible in Minecraft,

And killed BigB after a short chat. He paid a diamond as an apology, and then walked off to – and died down – the straight vertical hole Etho dug at the beginning of the episode. If Minecraft isn’t supposed to have circles, what’s with all these cyclical narratives?

[Pixie] As of the end of session, most players have diamonds and basic gear, and are looking at building out their bases next session. [Lyric] 21.5 hours remain on average, but some players ended the week above or below EST That’s “Etho Standard Time” To review where everyone stands,

And who we’ll see dip below yellow and get to kill this Friday, here’s Joju! [Joju] Thanks, Lyric. Since this session lasted 2 and a half hours, the “normal” amount of time to have left at this point would be 21 hours and 30 minutes. Of course, as any fan of the Life SMP knows,

These creators are anything but normal. Only 5 of the 14 players have that amount of time left, with most coming in at an hour less. The big exceptions are Scott and Bdubs, each with an additional hour at 22 hours and 30 minutes left.

Interestingly, both got the same amount of time in the same way – killing Skizzleman. There was also a glitch that did not give Martyn the full reward from boogeymanning BigB, but that has been manually corrected. So if you see Martyn gain some time back, that’s why.

Because of how lives work this season, everyone should be starting session 2 with a green life, but Skizz is guaranteed to drop down to yellow pretty quickly next session. And considering that he has a hit list, Skizz is definitely one to watch next time.

Finally, we’d like to issue our award for “funniest death.” This week, that award goes to the Bad Boys, for their contributions to the study of lava. Back to you. [Pixie] Thank you for that analysis Joju! [Pixie] It’s been a heck of a first week on the Limited Life server,

And we’re looking forward to the next. [Lyric] Like many of our viewers, we went into this series hoping to see our favorites make it to the end. However, since starting this project, we’re just hoping for more deaths less POVs to recap makes our job easier!

[Pixie] But no matter how things turn out, we’ll be back next week to track the time for all fourteen – or maybe fewer? – players on Limited Life SMP. Special thanks to our editor, TheQueenAsteri, for all their hard work on this video.

All sources used today are listed at the end of the episode. [Pixie] But until next time, my name is Pixie. [Lyric] And I’ve been Lyric. See you next week!

This video, titled ‘Limited Life Recap – Week 1 | Minecraft News Network’, was uploaded by MCNN on 2023-03-09 18:00:15. It has garnered 9797 views and 944 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:28 or 868 seconds.

Didn’t get to watch all of Limited Life this past week? Let us do the work for you. We’ve recapped everything you need to know about the chaos of this week’s uploads.

Members: Grian: @Grian Smallishbeans: @SmallishBeans Smajor1995: @Dangthatsalongname bigbst4tz2: @Bigbst4tz22 Etho: @EthosLab BdoubleO100: @bdoubleo PearlescentMoon: @PearlescentMoon InTheLittleWood: @martyn GoodTimeWithScar: @GoodTimesWithScar impulseSV: @impulseSV Tango: @TangoTekLP ZombieCleo: @ZombieCleo SolidarityGaming: @SolidarityGaming Skizzleman: @MCSkizzleman

🎵 Song: ‘Savfk – The Grid’ is under a creative commons license license. 🎶 Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:

Writers: Joju997, Lyric, Pixiemage, Salem, TheQueenAsteri Editor: TheQueenAsteri Captions by: Roleander

#gaming #minecraft #limitedlife #recap #minecraftvideos #gamingvideos #microsoft #grian #ethoslab #smallishbeans #smajor #bigb #bdoubleO100 #pearlescentmoon #inthelittlewood #goodtimeswithscar #impulsesv #tangotek #zombiecleo #solidaritygaming #skizzleman

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    Crazy Girl vs Boys in Minecraft! Herobrine Sighting!Video Information This video, titled ‘Girl’s Vs Boys after seeing herobrine😱 #shorts #minecraft #girlvsboys’, was uploaded by Fosty on 2024-05-14 15:14:27. It has garnered 35413 views and 924 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Girl’s Vs Boys after seeing herobrine😱 #shorts #minecraft #girlvsboys #minecraftanimationfunny #herobrine keywords:– minecraft minecraft public smp live minecraft gfx pack minecraft mod menu minecraft 100 days minecraft video minecraft house minecraft minecraft minecraft game minecraft techno gamerz minecraft shorts minecraft animation minecraft apk minecraft anshu bisht minecraft animation movie minecraft apk download minecraft aphmau minecraft april fools 2024 minecraft ayush minecraft… Read More

  • Torrent Network – SMP, Lifesteal, Creative, SkyFactions

    Welcome to the Torrent Network! IP: Discord: Versions: Java & Bedrock | All major versions! Join us in an epic adventure on the legendary Torrent Network. Experience unique and immersive storylines including quests, events, and in-game lore on our epic servers. We currently have a fully developed survival and creative server, with the most unique Lifesteal SMP you’ve ever seen. Features: ——————————————— Survival: The integrity and challenge of a real survival experience Movecraft (moving vehicles) with custom classes Quests with custom storylines and lore Fully integrated economy system Welcoming community Custom armor and tools Anti-grief measures SkyFactions (Launching… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Live? More like Minecraft JIVE!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Live? More like Minecraft JIVE!Looks like someone didn’t get the memo that we don’t need any more DURING Minecraft Live! The score of 36 just proves how much this meme is overplayed. Read More

  • Minecraft Mysteries Unraveled: Part 2

    Minecraft Mysteries Unraveled: Part 2 In Minecraft, things can be quite bizarre, Like floating trees and pigs that drive cars. But fear not, for I’m here to explain, All the strange things that may cause you pain. From glitchy mobs to blocks that disappear, I’ll shed some light, so have no fear. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride, As I take you on a Minecraft lore-filled stride. So buckle up, and hold on tight, As we delve into the mysteries of the pixelated night. From Endermen to Creepers, and everything in between, I’ll unravel the secrets, like a storytelling machine. So join… Read More

  • Parotter’s Minecraft Meme Madness

    Parotter's Minecraft Meme Madness I guess you could say this parrot is really “winging” it with his Minecraft dubbing skills! Read More


    JUICY 1.22 LEAKS CONFIRMED! Minecraft Live 2024: New Leaks Unveiled! As the highly anticipated Minecraft Live 2024 event draws near, the Minecraft community was in for a surprise with the release of new leaked information. Today, six intriguing photos surfaced on Reddit, offering a sneak peek at the upcoming Pale Garden biome, The Creaking hostile mob, and more exciting features. The Six Leaked Photos… The leaked images have caused a stir among Minecraft enthusiasts, providing a glimpse into the innovative additions that players can expect in the upcoming update. From the enchanting Pale Garden biome to the mysterious Creaking hostile mob, the leaked… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE TRANSFORMATION! A HUGE HOLE | Minecraft City Build Pt. 15Video Information This video, titled ‘A BIG HOLE | Minecraft – Building A City Pt. 15’, was uploaded by Lazy on 2024-08-28 15:55:06. It has garnered 66 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:46:05 or 13565 seconds. Earlier stream today, starting a stream later tomorrow instead!! Read More

  • Exploring a Creeper: Zombie Horde & Cartographer Maps – Minecraft Ep.12

    Exploring a Creeper: Zombie Horde & Cartographer Maps - Minecraft Ep.12Video Information This video, titled ‘💥 What’s inside a Creeper? Cartographer Maps, Zombie Horde, Wrong Directions! – Minecraft 1.21 Ep.12’, was uploaded by TheWaffleGalaxy on 2024-08-14 19:00:29. It has garnered 2055 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:33 or 3753 seconds. Modded Minecraft CasualCraft 1.21 gameplay / let’s play / playthrough with Waffle! CasualCraft is modded Minecraft 1.21 more relaxed – no big challenges / hardcore / 100 days. ▶︎ Be sure to LIKE the video if you enjoy! 👍 ▶︎ Join the 🧇 Syrup Squad to get your name in my outro, access to our… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Bungul RPG 10 Gameplay in Cepu #Insane

    🔥EPIC Bungul RPG 10 Gameplay in Cepu #InsaneVideo Information This video, titled ‘Aku Bermain Bungul RPG 10 #shorts’, was uploaded by Cepu on 2024-08-03 19:10:45. It has garnered 156 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 01:44:13 or 6253 seconds. I Play Bungul RPG 10 #shorts Don’t forget to click subscribe to support this channel #minecraft #minecraftrpg #minecraft100days Discord: Those who want to sawer: Social : Instagram : @cepe100 / Facebook :… Youtube : Steam : Want to send an email: [email protected] Enjoy!! Thank you very much to those of you who have stopped by and subscribed to… Read More


    HEROBRINE GUIDES ME TO AFTERLIFEVideo Information This video, titled ‘(horror minecraft) herobrine is here. i am 45 years old. he guides me to afterlife.’, was uploaded by FOCUSS on 2024-08-03 21:03:48. It has garnered 63 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:19 or 12019 seconds. MODPACK IS FEAR NIGHTFALL join tha dizzy: this (probably) wont be made into a video Read More

  • Unlimited Thrills on Minecraft SMP! Join Now

    Unlimited Thrills on Minecraft SMP! Join NowVideo Information This video, titled ’24/7 Joinable Minecraft SMP (PUBLIC) ~ 1.20 Java & Bedrock Survival Server’, was uploaded by RAPTOR YT on 2024-05-28 01:51:36. It has garnered 168 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:15 or 4455 seconds. Minecraft Java+Pocket Smp Live | Smp | Minecraft Live | Join Java+Pe | Minecraft live stream Minecraft Java+Pocket Smp Live | Smp | Join Java+Pe | Minecraft live stream #shortsfeed #rcbvscsk ———————————————————————— 24/7 Joinable Minecraft SMP (PUBLIC) ~ 1.20 Java & Bedrock Survival Server DISCORD LINK – INSTAGRAM – @suddenlykrishna Welcome To The Channel Fellow Savages!… Read More

  • “10 Shocking Reasons Why V8 Engines Will Blow Your Mind” #viral #cars #v8

    "10 Shocking Reasons Why V8 Engines Will Blow Your Mind" #viral #cars #v8Video Information This video, titled ‘bro just turn to v8 engine #viralshort #carslover #v8 #yt shorts’, was uploaded by vt entertaintment on 2024-08-23 15:12:26. It has garnered 120 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. shorts trending viral help herobrine love viralvideo shortsviral youtubeshorts minecraft minecraft shorts idea short trending idea short trending minecraft short idea viral minecraft short short video minecraft bling-bang-bang-born funny short funny memes memes short minecraft animation minecraft school monster school short idea ytshorts herobrine sprint race help herobrine break bedrock help herobrine throw a spear oreetv help herobrine… Read More

  • Insane! Hololive Vietsub: Teacher Calli helpless!? 😱

    Insane! Hololive Vietsub: Teacher Calli helpless!? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘【Hololive Vietsub】Giáo viên Calli dần cảm thấy bất lực =))’, was uploaded by Thế Giới Ảo on 2024-04-09 11:30:10. It has garnered 2910 views and 249 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Wewewo wo wu Nguồn: 【MINECRAFT COLLAB】block game with @KosekiBijou !! Time: 51:27 ——————————————- —————————— Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN: @MoriCalliope Koseki Bijou Ch. hololive-EN @KosekiBijou ——————————————– —————————— #moricalliope #hololive #hololivevietsub #vtubers #vtubervietsub #calivietsub Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft 1.21 Myths Exposed by Nytrogen

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft 1.21 Myths Exposed by NytrogenVideo Information This video, titled ’21 INSANE Minecraft 1.21 Myths’, was uploaded by Nytrogen on 2024-07-26 23:03:47. It has garnered 1134 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:38 or 458 seconds. In this video, I go over some of the most interesting, questionable, and flat out unreasonable myths that emerged from the new 1.21 Minecraft update. This update added a lot of items, mobs, and blocks, which made people start to experiment with them a lot. This led to some very odd uses and features that these items have. However, not all the myths were true…. Read More

  • Get scared by Minecraft Warden in #shorts

    Get scared by Minecraft Warden in #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Warden Scary Meme #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftnoob #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Mklord on 2024-03-17 15:18:12. It has garnered 1616 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. #cosplay #roblox #shorts #anime #robloxoutfits #robloxedits #outfitidedas #jojosbiazzareadventure #ytshorts #brookhaven #brookhavenrp #mineceaftshorts #minecraft #minecraftpe #mcpe #mcpehindi #minecraftindia #minecraftmeme #minecraftanimation #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding #minecraftvideos #dream #technoblade #wilbursoot #tommyinnit #georgenotfound #minecraftclutch #technogamerz #carryminati #yessmartypie #loggyhindustanigamer #chapatihindustanigamer #himlands #himlandss5 #himlandsnewseason #blackcluegaming #shorts #funny #gaming #minecraftjava #anshubisht #rlcraft #crazycraft #trending #trendingshorts #bbs #beastboyshubminecraft #beastboyshub #ytshorts #mcpememe #trends #fyp #viralshorts #viralvideo #viral #dantdm #pewdiepie #markiplier #prestonplays… Read More

  • GreenCraft SMP – Semi-vanilla, Cross-Play, 1.21, Dynmap

    Welcome to GreenCraft SMP! We offer a Nations SMP server with frequent events: We provide Nations where you can claim land, Cross-Platform access for Java and Bedrock players, Minigames, Events every 2 weeks, Collectable Maps, safe Land claims, and a community-focused approach. Join GreenCraft SMP today! Java IP: Bedrock IP: Bedrock Port: 8182 Add GreenCraftSMP as your friend or join our Discord for updates: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – What in the blocky world

    Minecraft Memes - What in the blocky world“Looks like that meme just leveled up to a 5-star rating! Must be pretty OP.” Read More

Limited Life Recap – Week 1 | Minecraft News Network