LoverFella – Testing Viral Glitches To Become Overpowered In Minecraft

Video Information

Viral minecraft glitches to become overpowered in minecraft are you super uneven i feel like they are you want to place just a single chest as needed but i’m going to play the double chest but yeah once you have got the chest placed you want to put the items in a duplicate in your

Inventory and then save and exit so as soon as you join back the world what you want to do is put all the items you want to duplicate from your inventory to the chest press the windows icon on your pc on the bottom left and then right

Okay so this seems pretty easy put the items in a chest restart the game and then maybe a duplicate all right so i got the two most popular items to duplicate right now we’re going to do a sea pickle some chests and obviously donkey spawn eggs what else

Would you want step one is just to save and quit now it says reload it gotta be quick put it all in you gotta press ctrl delete and then end the task manager while your inventory is still open we’re going to end him oh that was minecraft thank god because

That could have been something essential for uh you know life i could have like ended the world yo this looks good it’s in my inventory so that’s probably the first step and then the other step would be to make sure it’s still in this chest oh it worked let’s go ladies and

Gentlemen if you want to dupe on 1.17 you come to the right place a lot of people don’t know this dragon’s breath you can actually collect like when the dragon spits at you you can collect it in a bottle i feel like people don’t know that so you can so watch

The purple particles the dragon’s breath i think take a look all right here we go there it is if we stand here and look up at the dragon we’re able to collect infinite so that’s a way to get infinite dragon breath which you can use for a lot of really cool potions of

Lingering which are very useful and like it’s kind of rare so i guess we’ll just wait for him to come take a landing and we’ll just float here yo why isn’t this thing landing i’ve been here for like five minutes talking to my editor okay dragon’s finally coming down now he’s gonna shoot

At us i hope shoot shoot there it is there it is i mean okay well that’s actually so embarrassing i’m gonna try it without him being down here and see what happens oh wait there’s the limit so when he launches at you it seems like about six

Is the limit for fire’s breath but once he comes down lands we’re gonna try it again with the new fireball and that should be the one that dupes finally he’s coming oh here we go there it is there it is we got it we got it finally i was like not thinking it

Would work so if you stand right in the fireball and look at his mouth then you just infinitely can collect it if you have like strong netherette armor this would be like a realistic easy solution to come get a ton of dragon’s breath i guess you can now dupe with anvils if

Your anvil isn’t damaged drop it plus it has to be a damaged anvil let’s take these seeds as one of our drunk items spreading them click on the anvil and we’re going to put the shulker box right there possible and we’re going to try to rename this

Okay so there’s about a 12 percent chance didn’t break change the name okay just by adding the space yep so we’re just going to do this and wow that actually is so weird because this is the very first duplicate i’ve seen that doesn’t require you to like totally restart the game

You need to fill your shulker box with your most valuable items so we’re going to fill this up with obviously nothing besides sea pickles and then you fill the inventory up with as much junk as you possibly can what is loaded up with all this netherrack we don’t need this right it’s

Not a sea pickle we don’t want it so you’ve got to place this okay so you have to drop an item so okay this is so your inventory has to be a junk item in our case we’re using the block then you need to throw a different item

Because that’s going to take up your inventory slot when you throw the shulker to make sure you have the inventory space we throw this access this thing oh my gosh we’ve got so many natural levels we’re so good okay you got to have the item because it

Needs to be sucked up we’re going to put it in here and give it a nickname i named it after you guys all right and then literally he just picked it up and it had to break okay so we gotta just do it again any day now

Oh there it goes definitely gave us two chalkers that duplicate what’s inside of them this one obviously full of sea pickles and this one also full of sea pickles this is awesome so are you signals will stop drip leaves yo this is like a baby mumbo jumbo it’s

Listen it’s so cute i’m tilting oh that’s so adorable i don’t know if you heard that cause i was just calling him cute but redstone blocks stop your drip leaf from tilting and so why could you use this i have no idea so to see if this works

First we need to find out if like drip leaves actually give off redstone signal so i kind of loaded this sucker up i don’t know we’ll see oh okay well it does there so obviously those are observers like that’s kind of what they do but it still would not make

Sense for redstone blocks to actually stop these from working i’m gonna put like a regular block down and see if it’s any block first clearly that did not work uh let’s try redstone block though here we go yo that’s actually super weird and i don’t know the purpose it serves but it

Actually works so we got a glitch doesn’t like minecraft shouldn’t they pay us for this mojang hit me up twitter one shot the ender dragon under a second if this is legit i need to see dream use this in a manhunt video basically if you slam down

An end crystal on the obsidian spawn platform at the exact moments you enter the end it will kill the dragon instantly wait that’s it it just says go there and then place down and crystal insulin it actually works really so to make this work i’m gonna go

In survival mode just to make sure we’re following all the rules that our friend did what’s up puppies and then when we jump through we’re just gonna slam this down and jump off immediately like that’s it here we go okay well i placed it but i don’t feel

Like it killed him excuse me okay it definitely did absolutely nothing it did not kill him or even come close to it here we go will this work i mean i literally spam clicked them i’m in creative mode to see if that helped at all and it’s

Still not working i’m just going to go ahead and say it’s cap or it’s completely patched at this point well that’s one way to kill the end dragon now i am sick of seeing axe a lot of lies all right so this one seems to be potentially true

Oh it’s so peaceful the music just i really vibe with it i love the sound but if you put an axolotl on top of one of these uh lily pads they spin like it’s like a record player like come on i see potential for this now i think

Before we touch this we obviously have to get an axolotl king in the water so if this one becomes the super rare axolotl as always guys you owe me a million dollars okay i just made that up oh it’s not okay so let’s go ahead and

Put these on the lily pads and see what we get uh you look kind of normal there buddy this seems to be not true what the heck this one seems to be potentially true i’m so disappointed my day was ruined and my disappointment isn’t measurable no i never thought of using shulker

Boxes wild wild chalker boxes to dupe items apparently you can though if you were to transport two shulkers away from an end city and position them like this with a boat right on the edge of the closest one and stand behind it you can trick them into shooting each other and there’s actually

A very small chance the shulker closest to you will duplicate itself when hit we kind of need to know what that low chance is okay so we’ll put down a shulker there a shulker there and then a piece of a boat right next to it here we go come on boys

Is that okay well that obviously did not it didn’t last too long it seems like that front one’s kind of double shotting me but this this should work we’re fine we’re good this is a very slow process so far i mean it’s been about a minute i’m not seeing the extra shulker

Yo quick with the double shooting that’s two oh man yo this should not be heat seekers that’s that’s ridiculous i’m just i’m dead they killed me I’m gonna stay here until these suckers okay well maybe it is possible but you’re probably gonna have better luck if you just go around try to find your own new shark city and collect their dead bodies and turn them into chests oh how to get floating amethyst this looks pretty exciting

See the exciting part of this one is that literally nobody has seen this oh wow that’s it you just put it on on that’s it whoa whoa that was actually so easy i have full confidence it will work dude i’m gonna have to learn how to spell amnesty what is it

So i’m in java it’s not working so let’s go try better naturally the whole setup and then it’s uh oh oh oh oh it actually legitimately works now what’s even crazier is you can put these coming off of any direction which means you can literally just have

They don’t hurt you though do they no but like that’s really cool you could make like some really crazy builds with this oh i thought we were about to make a magic staff and it didn’t work what if i do it here oh man you can’t do it i want a magic staff

I guess you could place it normally well that’ll work okay i don’t know why but every time i see a hack that says best bug ever i’m instantly like suss this feels like it’s gonna lie i don’t know infinite gold huh what okay hold up does that work make gold nuggets oh

He’s gonna turn it back into it okay first off can you even craft that another gold ore with nuggets is that a thing i feel like everything in this is literally a line there’s a lot to test on this one so i guess the most important thing to test

Is can you even craft another gold ore from these blocks so we’ll try it both ways one recirculate that doesn’t work one where you circle it with this and that also doesn’t work so seems like this part at least doesn’t work now what about the furnace part

So it didn’t even give me the raw gold which i thought it was going to give me that’s like the whole reason i was here this is just a lie all right we proved him wrong so good job i love the intro this is insane all right what’s insane glitch on the newest

Version of minecraft that lets you smell any item in a furnace and here’s how you do it you’re gonna need a furnace for signs and something to smell like chicken as i have here and the random item you want to smell like the dirt i have here as you see

Right now i can’t put the dirt in the furnace to smelt it but if you put a sign on the side of the furnace and write this exact thing nah not even testing it well and do this for every single side of the furnace then now try again it’ll let you use the

Dirt block to smelt the chicken is anyone else’s cap radar going off after looking at that like is anyone else feeling like this guy just sounds like a liar like something in his voice just screams i am a liar so i feel like to test this one

Obviously place down a ferny put our chicken in and then prove that we can’t put dirt in so we need to make sure we know that’s real okay so we wrote it on all four sides addy slash s it’s all over the side so we got this

Thing ready to go and set up so now we’re gonna go inside and see if it lets us place our dirt in if maybe this is some secret minecraft mojin command come on maybe maybe you gotta get it started first let’s put that in now that it started dirt dirt dirt dirt

Dirt okay well obviously my boy was lying and that means my lying radar is getting a little bit stronger having tested this one seems to be potentially true if you throw items into an end gateway they will do every time that’s it that’s the entire dupe just throw items in the

End gateway and they’ll do this is literally the simplest dupe i’ve ever seen in my entire life castaways we are all right so we’re going to throw a bunch of items through to see if it works so what i love how it looks so cool so we’re going

To get the most useful items in the game a stack of sea pickles sea lanterns and of course the heart of the sea very very useful so i guess we’ll just drop it in and go through and see what happens there’s not a lot of other ways to test

This out so it seems like the simplest here we go oh there we go hey there they are it seems like all these items would have come out and fallen onto the ground so like isn’t it possible that they’re just lost forever let’s throw them back through and see

Maybe it does work it is kind of cool that your items travel I’m definitely you know i’m going back and forth here and i’m not seeing like any duplicating of items oxygen levels until you use the bucket again although one of the more recent glitches people have been using has been to just swim to the bottom of the water

Get out some sugar canes and place them on the sand because of how blocks work this makes the sugar cane a portable air pocket and you whoa wait you can play sugar cane underwater is that a new update let’s go in survival mode and can you

Even place it well this is looking good not a bad start to this kind of a hack we’ll just let our auction run out we’ll make it a little bit more dramatic a little bit more exciting we want to live life on the edge

See oh no wait we got one can i get in there i can’t get in there oh i can look at this look at this and it actually if i get myself night vision it actually gives you like a pretty nice air pocket you can make this all the way

To the surface i’m really curious if you like fall into this are you gonna take fall damage i think you could dude you’re just swimming along and like oh this one actually might be one of the coolest ones ever i haven’t used this block yet actually this seems like it totally

Should not be happening right so i i think it was legitimately just moss oh it has to be the surface yo that’s so weird so you could straight up just transform entire mountains this is literally a griefing tool like someone could have a beautiful build with all these specific blocks placed around it

Yo what’s even better is you only have to place one block and then you can just start spreading it from like what’s already been placed i don’t know if that’s a glitch if it’s supposed to happen but it’s actually kind of sweet like you could literally just transform

Random corners into mossy oasises okay so this guy’s claiming that if you try with a sleeping villager watch this their trade list pretty much resets and all of their trades get multiplied by 64. we have no idea why this happens but honestly okay we need to test that

Right now because if it actually multiplies it all to 64 this might be the most broken all right guys hey it’s night time go sleepy sleep go to bed good night here’s this dude’s trade so it’s one emerald and then 10 bricks can you sleep you literally don’t want to

Sleep will you sleep in here here we go yes okay so we got our sleeper and this right here is what he was trading so now we’re gonna trade him into sleep okay well that basically looks the same go back to bed buddy maybe i’ll make a

Trade then send him to bed here let’s send you some clay let’s just get some of these out and then like have him level up maybe he goes to sleep levels up maybe that’s what it does did you level up my friend uh i mean you did but it’s still not

Duplicating anything it’s definitely not working for me like i’m not gonna lie to you all right so on bedrock edition we are sending all the villagers home to sleep so this farmer is selling six bread some emeralds that’s what we’re getting from this guy so nothing crazy so let’s see

If he’ll sleep ah finally here’s one sleeping all right well let’s just wake him up then and just try it still not working this one is not working at all now apparently there was also a secret feature released in minecraft which allows you to combine items together now this one was

Submitted to our subreddit our slash lover fellow where you guys are submitting hacks that you want to see me test so what we have is two pistons that face each other and they supposedly crush these blocks together and it creates redstone ore now this would be a

Little bit expensive i guess but if it works then it’s definitely worth it so all i have to do is pull the lever on this one to see if this hack works and guys thank you again for submitting this on my starbucks here we go and it doesn’t work at all that’s kind

Of a big disappointment guys if you enjoyed today’s video though go ahead and click right here to watch our next one thank you so much for becoming a zackling

This video, titled ‘Testing Viral Glitches To Become Overpowered In Minecraft’, was uploaded by LoverFella on 2021-07-31 19:00:14. It has garnered 734601 views and 20320 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:12 or 792 seconds.

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    Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Vs All entries 🔥 🔥 #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Fardin Amjad Gamer 🇵🇰 MC on 2024-02-14 10:32:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Herobrine Vs All entries #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftpe … Read More

  • FriendsPlus

    FriendsPlusWelcome to Friends+! Here we strive to be a welcoming community of friends who don’t care about your background, all we care about is if you’re human! Read More

  • CoreMC Vanilla Whitelist 1.21

    Welcome to CoreMC! I started CoreMC about 2 years ago to create a simple Minecraft community for players of all skill levels. The server runs on stock vanilla .jar with minimal addons, allowing for a true vanilla experience. Our rules are based on respect for others and the server. Key Features: No PVP/Griefing/Stealing No item dupe glitches No excessive lag-causing builds No discrimination or harassment No hacking, but some mods are allowed Alt accounts allowed with permission Join Our Discord: If you’re interested in joining, please apply through our Discord. Server Info: Server Address: Specs: Ryzen 5 3550H, 32GB… Read More

  • Glorp Junior High School

    you need the modpack SteamPunk LPS on curseforge and 12gb of ram dedicatedage requirement is 18+⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks & Much More⚙️ 5 NEW Dimensions & 5 NEW Planets to Explore!⚙️ Skills, Magic, Tetra & most importantly Steam like Tech⚙️ NEW Game Mechanics such as Thin Air & Cold Sweat⚙️ NEW Game Features… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting OG Hoodie”

    Looks like even Minecraft mobs are trying to get a retail job to make some extra emeralds! Read More

  • Zonbili Village Part 2: Crafty Chaos Unleashed

    Zonbili Village Part 2: Crafty Chaos Unleashed In Zonbili Village, the adventure unfolds, With each new episode, the story is told. Exploring, crafting, building with glee, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity is free. Join us on this journey, filled with delight, As we explore the depths, day and night. Subscribe, like, and comment, show your support, As we continue to play, in this virtual resort. So come along, let’s dive right in, To Zonbili Village, where the fun begins. With each new video, a new tale to tell, In the world of Minecraft, where we all dwell. Read More

  • Tax Time in Minecraft, Let’s Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes

    Tax Time in Minecraft, Let's Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes “When you’re trying to enjoy building in Minecraft but then remember you have to pay taxes in the real world #adulting #minecraftwoes” Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft gameplay videos like “I MADE A SUGARCANE FARM | MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #21”? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of passionate gamers who enjoy Minecraft, Evil Nun, Gta San Andreas, Minecraft mods, horror games, and more! Experience the thrill of building your own sugarcane farm in a multiplayer environment. Connect with like-minded players, explore new worlds, and showcase your creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the Minewind server IP:… Read More

  • EPIC Cinematic Edit!

    EPIC Cinematic Edit! Exploring the World of Minecraft Cinematic Edits Step into the mesmerizing world of Minecraft cinematic edits, where creativity knows no bounds and imagination reigns supreme. From stunning visuals to intricate storytelling, these edits take the Minecraft experience to a whole new level. The Art of Cinematic Edits Creating a cinematic edit in Minecraft is no easy feat. It requires a keen eye for detail, a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics, and a whole lot of patience. But the end result is truly something special – a masterpiece that showcases the beauty and complexity of the Minecraft universe. Key… Read More


    INSANE MUTANT ADD-ON! MINECRAFT LIVE w/ THE BOYSVideo Information This video, titled ‘[LIVE] MINECRAFT w/ THE BOYS – MUTANT ADD-ON + MORE!!! (5/3/24)’, was uploaded by calebsmyth TV on 2024-05-04 05:35:38. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:38 or 7478 seconds. Yooo, these Add-Ons are insane! Read More

  • LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDarius

    LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDariusVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Party 2! LIVE’, was uploaded by NekoDarius on 2024-02-17 17:14:27. It has garnered 66 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:38 or 13178 seconds. Read More


    AnshStrive - ESCAPE THE BUTTON IN MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT , BUT I HAVE TO FIND THE BUTTON TO ESCAPE’, was uploaded by AnshStrive on 2024-05-18 04:46:54. It has garnered 999 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:28 or 448 seconds. I have to find the button to escape this trap for which I have taken some hints and find the button if if you enjoy my video and find my video interesting subscribe to my channel Read More


    DEATH TRAP IN MINECRAFT?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Worst Minecraft Saw Trap Ever?’, was uploaded by Harsh_ on 2024-07-04 01:06:46. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:37 or 157 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a blocky, procedurally generated world. Here are some key features: Creativity: Players can construct structures, mine resources, and craft tools, weapons, and armor. Survival: The game includes day-night cycles, hostile creatures, and hunger mechanics, challenging players to gather resources and protect themselves. Adventure: Minecraft offers various biomes, dungeons, and hidden… Read More

  • Unlocking Cosmic Power – Is he creating an animal jail? #Minecraft

    Unlocking Cosmic Power - Is he creating an animal jail? #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hes building an animal prison or something? Lets help #Minecraft’, was uploaded by CosmosMC – Power on 2024-01-11 00:09:43. It has garnered 3941 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Hes building an animal prison or something? Lets help Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Day 7 Shocking Gameplay” #minecraftsurvival

    "UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Day 7 Shocking Gameplay" #minecraftsurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Day7 (11k special live) #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #day7’, was uploaded by 𖤐Ɲ𝖊𝖼r̴o_𝑆ϯor̴m𝚆𝖎ŋ𝗀🪶 on 2024-05-17 16:43:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Dangerous Muslim Kid’s TV: Explosive Music Minecraft Madness! 🔥🔥

    Dangerous Muslim Kid's TV: Explosive Music Minecraft Madness! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Muslim dhamaka short #mmuslim #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv ❤️👈’, was uploaded by Muslim dhamaka short on 2024-04-05 01:06:51. It has garnered 837 views and 166 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #minecraft #music #muslimkidstv #mela #motivation #m #motivation #love#muslimkidstv ❤️#music❤️ #minecraft❤️ #mela 🌍#mMuslim dhamaka short subscribeMuslim dhamaka short subscribe YouTube channel video #music #minecraft #motivation YouTube#music #minecraft #mobilelegends channel video #comedyvid #music #minecraft , #muslimkidstv z #m #mela #mela #motivation #music #minecraft #memesMuslim dhamaka short subscribe YouTube channel video #comedyvideo #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv #m #mela #mela #motivation #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv #muslimkidstv… Read More

LoverFella – Testing Viral Glitches To Become Overpowered In Minecraft