MarshieMonarch – EVERYTHING IS ON FIRE!! | SKYLINE: REM | Episode 11 | Minecraft Roleplay

Video Information

I feel like I just got hit with 13 sledgehammers oh make that 14. you guys okay oh debatable oh yeah oh no oh yikes yikes ah you glanced back at the elevator as it lies broken on the ground several of the gears and mechanisms have fallen off in the impact scattering across the

Ground of the abnormally warm Cavern great how are we supposed to get up now um uh maybe it still works yeah we could try almost on cue the entire shaft creaks and another couple of Gears clattered to the ground you all blink at the Carnage there’s a rather

Large gear rolls down knocking against Rex’s foot or not Eric States kneeling down to pick up the gear ah how did it even fall in the first place Riley walks over to stand on the elevator looking up toward the caverns above all of the other elevators have been fine and Roderick didn’t mention

Anything about this one being broken she glances over the various pieces and mechanisms that are scattered about the room surprisingly the elevator seems to be relatively intact the most broken portions being split or cracked pieces of wood a couple gears around the floor not including the one Rex is holding but

The main gearbox in the lever are still in place hmm Lily Vidant sounds in her mind she visibly jumps in Surprise are you okay martial behind her Your Excellence is up as well when marshy speaks what happened and nothing Lily looks back awkwardly I’m good just looking around

The current state of the elevator is strange to me viden States simply there’s a key component missing from the gearbox a major Cog wheel which allows for primary operation so what does that mean then exactly Lily mutters under her breath it means that this elevator was broken

Far before any of you used it just now it will remain out of order until that piece is found okay I did you see anything you’ve been staring at the elevator for like a bit now all right I’m no stranger to staring off at a space either but

This elevator was broken before we got on it Lily interrupts putting her hands on her hips and turning back to Martian Rex there’s a piece missing uh how can you tell I just no elevators Miley sweats a bit before shaking off her awkwardness yeah I bet that’s why it broke when we

Tried to go down that could also be why Logan never came back up stranded down here poor guy if we want to get out of here we have to find the missing Cog wheel Hopefully Logan has it or he knows where it could have gone let’s look overhead and try to figure this out fine by me Rex says wiping his brow but uh is it just me or is it super hot down here yeah I feel a little sticky or something like

It’s really humid and warm we might be close to more magma pools let’s just be careful where we step then I guess it’s hot and man I’m thirsty again I’m not giving you well you drank all of the water before what’s up with this weird Red Rock

Huh it’s a little warmer than normal Rock uh let’s see I don’t like it I don’t like it at all I’ve never seen anything like it before I mean it’s kind of a pretty color but I don’t like the feeling of it I just keep going and stay close to what we

Know and not this weird stuff sure wait no no that is not a puppy extinguished extinguish extinguish keep it in arm’s length oh that is fire so fire puppies cool I’m gonna keep this spill out for now oh there’s more of this stuff I don’t want to touch it

Oh I don’t like this I really don’t like this it’s like a warmer Rock you’re right oh whoa that bat is scary that is terrifying dang is everything down here on fire there’s a lot more of them how ow I can’t believe this is just under the city different Universe here

It’s right there behind you oh oh everything’s on fire yikes I don’t like this oh another one of those dogs yeah I can I can tank I got a spell for this occasion all right he started coming in handy you picked up ring oh sorry okay you know what wooden boomerang is

Not good again cheese what’s up with the fire oh yeah I don’t like this place I really don’t like this place oh my gosh stay away stay away I don’t like the dogs I don’t like any of it fire hounds the hellhound I don’t

Know what to call it no oh ow oh oh no all right all right this is fine this is fine huh that’s the biggest pit oh not a good bags up with this pit Jesus that Magma’s extra hot look what’s happening with the rock around it

Yeah good I don’t want to be nice I really don’t like that I can feel it from up here oh man all right let’s just avoid it make sure to stay clear of the edge so nothing can hit you off careful yeah don’t get knocked down ah

Fire fire not good oh that is a handy spell yeah right I’ll have to do is just douse myself every time I get set on fire wait so you have unlimited water and your drizzle work like that there’s a wig like that just checking just making sure that’ll be really sad another dog

Oh why is he so fast are you Angie ah all right man Logan where are you if he realized that it was broken maybe he was like Gus looking for another way out talk stupid Maybe I just I would hope that you would know the way they’re going yeah they do burn

That’s hot what that’s insanely hot that’s not great I didn’t like that I didn’t like that feeling ugh more fire so much fire more baths okay Logan Why did you have to go down here oh okay all right anything else I think that’s everything oh the cave still keeps going oh it’s like charred feeling I hate that oh look oh Logan Logan a young man sits in the middle of the chamber an exhausted look on his face

There’s a pickaxe to his side as well as a large pouch of horse he heaves air in and out of his chest laying back as though he was struggling to stay awake hey are you okay you all rush over to the young man who shakes off his fatigue to look at you

All with narrowed eyes what yeah squeakly who are you people what are you doing down here we’re here to help I’m marshy are you Logan yes and that’s me how do you know my name Roderick told us about you and said we could find you down here Roderick is he okay

He’s fine him and the rest of your mining group are waiting for us on the surface the man pants a bit wiping his brow so warm I feel like I’ve been down here for ages it has been a long time all the more reason to get you back up to the service

As soon as possible here let me help all three of you take the man and help him stand to his feet he stumbles for a moment before shaking his head no good he can’t get out of this place the elevator broke I tried to call it back down hours ago but it wouldn’t

Budge I think I might know a way how to fix it but it’s a missing component do you know where we could find a cogwheel maybe a cogwheel you mean this Logan withdraws a large Cog wheel from his bag of wars I knew it had to be important so I kept

It but I didn’t know what to do with it don’t worry oh don’t worry I can use this to get us out of here uh here Marcy can you hang on to it while Rex and I uh help him walk marshy takes the cogwheel from Logan awkwardly

Standing still and holding it in front of her thank you all I don’t know what I would have done without you Logan size and relief I can thank us when we’re back up at the surface safe and sound however as you begin to lead local toward the elevator back at the

Beginning of the caverns a low and intimidating growl resonates throughout the tunnel you all freeze in place a shiver running down your spine what’s that um Do you think it’s friendly thanks Take this why would you throw that because it’s a big monster we didn’t have to get out of here Marcy I love you stop shouting you’ve got to get that piece back are you crazy either of you have any better ideas we need that to get out of here remember

Now pull it together and follow me Oh we need to go get it now where did it go let’s figure this out okay just follow my lead guys oh that’s better okay it can shoot stuff it’s shooting stuff it’s spitting fire careful you need to come up with a plan need to come up with a plan you guys

Marching through the gear is it over there we need to get over there how do we get over there okay turn left he’s too far we’re lightly here I think we might be able to get over there using your method he’s looking at you live careful careful

Shoot how are we gonna do this distract it well I I I I got it I got it okay me and you go we need to all go we need to be together surely if we all go at the same time well one of us will make it just be careful huh

Oh just whenever you see it about a shoot just move okay like that okay be careful be very very careful it is understood understood understand oh okay okay oh you rated it’s looking at us oh careful careful careful marshy come on that was really close oh oh it doesn’t come on

You got this Marcy okay we need to start looking one more she tries to make it come on all right where’s the stupid gear ow just look everywhere Mercy help us look I am here gear gear Gear oh you skid to a stop at the bottom of the caverns the

Creature’s Roar still causing the place to quake and Rumble marshy stumbles trying to regain her balance quick shouts looking around at the monster turns and waves the magma towards you all are you sure he threw it this way marshy yeah I’m pretty sure pretty sure it happened really fast okay it’ll yell

At me this wouldn’t be a problem if you didn’t know it is guys Miley shouts spotting something metallic glinting in the fiery light she lunges forward holding up the gear to show Martian Rex they look back at her but their attention is once again stolen by the creatures it cries out

Shuffling out of the molten rock to face you all directly takes a step back laughing nervously you have to go agreed oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh where’d you guys go it’s just a little break in it keep going keep going keep going go what’s out

Okay okay don’t burn your feet come on come on oh no no wait no no no hold on right away go okay heels keep going keep going keep going where where where where which way which way which way which is the way no I just wait this way let’s just go this way

Okay okay okay it’s still shooting keep going run run run run run run as fast as possible what’s up with the pit what’s over the pig oh oh dear oh dear no crap wait what’s the plan You Skid to a stop as the monster continues to Lurch after

You creeping on the large chasm in the ground okay no problem we gotta get that elevator moving if we want to get out of here that thing doesn’t want to leave us alone though finally clutches the Cog wheel tightly glancing back and forth between the monster and the elevator Logan struggles

To pull the broken lover desperately guys I need you to buy me some time can you do that uh maybe can’t do it you got it too lightly we’ve got this all right keep it away from the elevator Riley says rushing over to Logan and the main elevator mechanisms with the Cog in

Hand you and me marshy come on oh gosh oh gosh this thing is huge be careful careful careful watch out it’s still Spring hot magma who’s hit it with a pickaxe come on take on it I got it a bit Pickaxe is not working how does it feel you oversized chicken because why do I keep losing that Boomerang at the worst times what’s the point I don’t think it’s gonna be much use of this situation I got it I have it I have it watch out don’t gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I ain’t douse myself now oh Come on come on go down oh no oh no oh I’m back come here see you there you are ah I don’t stay down that’s something you should learn about me okay that’s good I don’t know how that’s possible Bring It On I’m in the mood for some drumsticks this is awesome

Oh man I hope every day I get to fight like this because then I’ll just get right back up take a kid’s a fight going easily come on sounds are you okay come on I’m having the time of my life when I fought that giant Kraken I think he picked it up

Oh no come on come on this thing just as it goes down dang man it’s crazy strong it’s getting angrier I don’t know if the Spells cut out for this man I don’t have the weapons I have a pickaxe I think he burnt it I’m on go down okay I got it

Thank you We got this let’s keep sloshing oh just kidding yeah [Laughter] you keep blowing up are you sure you’re okay how are you surviving come on this is awesome how are you alive I saw you blow up like six times come on go nice Stone yes follow me it’s done it’s done

Come on quick guys Riley calls to you both I’ve got it come on let’s go the monster’s still right behind where she cries back to Lili and so let’s buy ourselves some time Rex says lowering his head and charging forward what are you just trust me on this let’s go

What are you guys doing marshy and Rex the lunged toward the creature forcing it back with their Brazen pushing Ember sends their clothes and hairs they both push as hard as they can against the fiery Beast all right just a little more come on it’s a lot we got this don’t give up

Suddenly the monster stumbles it’s clawed foot slipping off the edge of the rocky floor the loss of balance enables the two to Roar as they give one final push forcing the monster over the Lech and down into the magma field Gorge yes it up and down on excitement baby

Oh yeah marshy groans resting her hands on her knees well we did it now nice work you guys Lily pumps her fists triumphantly but keeps a hand on the lever of the elevator let’s just get out of here what if the thing comes back no way it’s coming back

It’s before Rex can finish his sentence the monster groans from the pit and an arm claws its way back towards you it’s pulling itself back up oh geez Rex pushes her from behind as the creature continues to crawl from the lava pool below come on come on please please

I don’t want to be barbecue yeah you’re doing so cool I just had a win I don’t want to turn it into a loss come on where is it it’s right there are you sure it works yes I’m positive now get in all right please work please work

Please work please work please work oh I just didn’t think I’m starting to understand most of the stuff in this world ah sure and even I thought that was insane at least it was pretty easy sailing on the way out since we cleared the path yeah I guess huh

Looks like they all made it out okay sunlight gnarly you all pants as you leave the mines with Logan trailing behind you in front of the caverns entrance are Tara Thomas Roderick and Sasha they all seem to be discussing something important huh so it’s gotten worse down there huh

There were Monsters Everywhere they were popping up out of the walls in in the foliage were way more than usual ma’am I went for those helpers you sent down I might not have made it back up they all glance in your direction the team of miners turns to the man behind

You and Tara speaks with a concerned tone Logan you look terrible what happened down there are you all right it was awful the caves are nothing like I remember the pink and then the elevator broke and there was this huge monster that could survive in the magma

It was boiling hot and there was fire so much fire Sasha’s expression immediately shifts from concern to Serious horror he’s telling the truth it wasn’t pretty down there it’s like you said a deeper we want the worse it cut and the environment started to change people got like really fiery

Down there and as Logan said he had to fight off a pretty big monster oh see Sasha Narrows her eyes and Crosses her arms that’s not good that’s not good at all it’s not well of course it’s not given what you’ve all described to me in just the past couple of minutes it’s

Clear to me that the minds have gone far too dangerous I never thought that the Awakening could affect them this heavily what are you gonna do ma’am well until further notice we may have to shut them down are you sure won’t that end up affecting the entire city

I’m not going to endanger the safety of my workers for a couple of clumps of ore we’ll have to investigate this matter further and find out where all of these monsters are coming from she rubs her brow frustrated I can always reach out to Hawk for help

If he has time for it but until then no one is allowed into those caves down there unsupervised or without a trained professional to protect them I don’t know if I want to go into those caves again as it is Thomas shakes his head sorry marshy looks like if your friend

Needs more crystals he’ll have to wait it’s okay I think I have enough for a while while we were down there plus I’m sure he’ll understand when I tell him everything that happened thank you all for your help Sasha puts her hands on her hips

And then again I don’t know what else I was expecting from you too she looks at Lily and Rex just like last time you came in and knew exactly what to do to fix the problem you got my people back to me in one piece and informed me of the situation down there

It’s no problem just doing our jobs you know and I’ll have to speak with some more people about this in the meantime she turns to Tara Rodrick Logan and Thomas why don’t I walk you all to the infirmary let’s make sure we get you checked up before you head home early

What was his voice right are you serious oh thank you so much ma’am what do you think I was going to work you to the Bone after you just went through not a chance I could even buy you guys drinks if you want the group of miners begin to walk away leaving you

All alone at the caverns entrance oh looks like everything worked out yeah I mean you got your crystals We rescued all the miners yeah I call that a win uh-huh seemed really concerned huh yeah I’ll take my paycheck now thank you right uh I hope this is enough

Sweet another win for the fixer oh my you only set us on fire like 10 dozen times or so yeah I think the bird did more than I ever did that’s fair that bird was terrifying I don’t think there’s how many different creatures are there in rem

I don’t know wizard cows and then giant Firebirds and giant mushrooms yeah little giant things yeah giant snakes with two heads other people alive I mean sure me and you could just keep coming back but perks of being a traveler I guess yeah yeah I guess so

All right I’m gonna head back if that’s okay with you guys yeah you sure yeah I have to go check up on Lydia she got a little too drunk at the bar earlier oh she’s still not passed out nothing gets worse than falling out of

The sky you know I think it’s just here on from there you fell out of the sky too what two I fell out of the sky me a bent over backwards trying to keep you alive for nothing what what oh man when did you come into the city uh uh

Like a week ago Ah that’s right that would have better then it’s a while ago yeah wait did you meet anyone else uh you are you both are the second and third person that’s fallen out of the sky other than me wait so you hear voices yes They’re laughing you’re gonna comment on

It and you know what a you know what a cell phone is uh-huh didn’t you not hear me mention Mario Kart wait then do you understand oh she did mention Mario Kart wait what did you get my Beetlejuice messed up breakfast earlier because he clearly didn’t mean it made no sense

What Beetlejuice and a demon we’ve been fighting beetles no we were fighting beetles you know beetleju the musical I was referencing the musical I like the my beetlejuices and the musical not the Beatles in front of is this pertinent yes I had to make sure she understood

The reference because you didn’t oh my gosh whoa dang well that makes two others that I met now yeah it’s kind of weird how we just keep finding each other or there are okay it’s definitely not a coincidence now hmm I don’t think there’s many others

There’s only four so far how come we’re all here hey Pop Quiz magic Shrine with a statue in it ah Crystal yeah oh I didn’t get any I didn’t see any of those crystals in the thing yeah well you’re looking at two other people who got here the same way

I accidentally dragged my friend along and she really wants to get home that’s why I was kind of wondering if I could find one of those crystals and get her back but I think about it yeah I don’t know I’m I’m gonna head out this is I want to

Think about it cool but I’m gonna get ahead weird it’s nice to meet you you too you ever need anything stop by the hunters okay okay most of them are okay just look for me That’s weird well that’s not thanks for the job uh maybe I’ll see you around maybe uh sorry for dragging you into that but also thanks for having my back I guess hey no prob I mean that’s that’s what the fixer does yep and if you ever need his help again

You know how to find him okay Save me

This video, titled ‘EVERYTHING IS ON FIRE!! | SKYLINE: REM | Episode 11 | Minecraft Roleplay’, was uploaded by MarshieMonarch on 2023-09-16 23:00:05. It has garnered 426 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:08 or 2048 seconds.

★Streamed live on Twitch★

★About Skyline: Rem★ Several travelers find themselves in a new world where magic and monsters roam free. Through their journey, they aim to discover how and why they were brought into this new land with the uncanny ability to resist death.

★Follow Skyline: Rem★ Twitter: Discord fan server:

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★In This Video★ @rexiipher @DatGirlLilee

★Music★ ONLAP – Losing My Mind


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    Master Minecraft with KiworaTools Addon KiworaTools v8: Enhancing Your Minecraft PE Experience! Welcome to the latest video showcasing KiworaTools v8, the ultimate addon designed to make your life as a Minecraft PE admin easier than ever! With enhanced features, managing your server has never been more efficient. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to try out these exciting new features! 📥 Download KiworaTools v8 here! Exciting Features Covered in the Video: 0:00 Add Tag Member / Admin: Easily add tags for members and admins. 1:00 Auto Tag Member: Automatically assign tags to new members. 2:41 World Settings: Quickly adjust world settings. 3:16 Lock Compass… Read More

  • Unleash Insane Power on Hypixel with Breeze Client

    Unleash Insane Power on Hypixel with Breeze ClientVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Best Budget Minecraft Hacked Client For Hypixel? | Breeze Client’, was uploaded by cyde on 2024-08-15 13:16:19. It has garnered 3196 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:39 or 459 seconds. 🔗 Purchase At 🔗 ► ► ► Title: The Best Budget Minecraft Hacked Client For Hypixel | Breeze Client Breeze Client is a hybrid client for minecraft PVP. It works on Lunar Client, Badlion Client and Forge. It works on many servers like Hypixel, Minemen, veltpvp, coldpvp and lots of other servers. It has killaura, scaffold,… Read More

  • Confronting Upper Moons! Mystery Island Akuma: Ep. 9

    Confronting Upper Moons! Mystery Island Akuma: Ep. 9Video Information This video, titled ‘FIGHTING ALL UPPER MOONS!?! | Demon Slayer: Island Akuma [#9] – Minecraft’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2024-08-19 17:00:14. It has garnered 43976 views and 2557 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:50 or 1670 seconds. Heyyy Guyyys & finally… welcome BACK to Demon Slayer: Island Akuma! I have got together a bunch of my friends are we are all trapped on a Demon infested island with no way of escape… Together we will hunt down demons and try and solve the mystery of Island Akuma!?! 💛 – Subscribe for More: ⇒ @ButterJaffa ⇐… Read More

  • Explore Legit Survival Island WOOD! 🌴 – Minecraft Map Tours with Droid

    Explore Legit Survival Island WOOD! 🌴 - Minecraft Map Tours with DroidVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Map Tours | Walk With Droid | Legit Survival Island WOOD | Legit Survival Minecraft Maps’, was uploaded by Legit Survival Maps on 2024-06-21 15:30:07. It has garnered 183 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:46 or 166 seconds. Take a walk with Droid through our most recent map, Legit Survival Island WOOD Edition. We’ll talk about the map’s original concept and its features, and take a brief tour around the island. Then we’ll announce the next edition in the Island series! Music by IanB, 2014. 0:00 Intro with Droid… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft TNT Cannon destroys everything!

    Insane Minecraft TNT Cannon destroys everything!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Best TNT Cannon’, was uploaded by Spirit on 2024-08-02 18:00:35. It has garnered 41 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft channel! In this video, I’ll show you the best TNT cannon design that will take your Minecraft skills to the next level. Watch as I demonstrate how to build this powerful and efficient TNT cannon, perfect for defending your base or just having some explosive fun. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more awesome Minecraft content! Features of the TNT… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Power Play: Aizen vs. CW Minecub

    Ultimate Minecraft Power Play: Aizen vs. CW MinecubVideo Information This video, titled ‘CW MINECUB | LR – USS – SK – WV’, was uploaded by Aizen on 2024-08-19 01:45:24. It has garnered 415 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:53 or 413 seconds. xd ⛔TAGS robados❗⛔❌ CW MINECUB CW LOXER. CW MINECUB, LIGA MINECUB, CLAN WARS, MINECRAFT PVP, DESTRUYE EL NEXO, SERVIDOR 1.8-1.7, PVP GAPPLEADOS, ,,SHOTBOW, MinecraftHCF PLAY metiendome en bases hcf HCF ME METO EN SU BASE HCF TRAP SOTW HCF 6V2 HCF VEIL HOLY KOHI FAITHFUL VORATION HCF SHADOWPLAY TEXTURE PACK HCF FPS GODLY MOMENT FAITHFUL SOTW SOTW HCF VEIL HOLY… Read More

  • Uncharted worlds await in PixelQuest Gaming! 🌎

    Uncharted worlds await in PixelQuest Gaming! 🌎Video Information This video, titled ‘“Epic Minecraft Survival Adventure: Uncharted Worlds Await! Minecraft Survival Saga Begins! 🌎’, was uploaded by PixelQuest Gaming on 2024-08-24 06:58:01. It has garnered 171 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:01 or 1081 seconds. #minecraft #game In the heart of a pixelated universe, where blocks hold secrets and danger lurks around every corner, our epic Minecraft adventure unfolds. Welcome to the inaugural episode of our “Uncharted Realms” survival series! 🎮 ### Chapter 1: The Awakening As the sun rises over our blocky landscape, we emerge from our shelter—a humble dirt hut—to… Read More

  • EPIC NINJA LEGEND – Incredible Friendship in Minecraft SMP!

    EPIC NINJA LEGEND - Incredible Friendship in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Best Friends #bestfriend #minecraft #hulalala #SMP’, was uploaded by NINJA LEGEND on 2024-01-13 12:47:49. It has garnered 20 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • Chroma Noob Exposes Minecraft Blocks!

    Chroma Noob Exposes Minecraft Blocks!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Shocking Truth about Minecraft Blocks’, was uploaded by Chroma Noob on 2024-07-03 18:25:46. It has garnered 492 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft izle,minecraft arda,minecraft troll,minecraft prank,minecraft funny,minecraft parodi,minecraft pranks,minecraft trolling,türkçe minecraft,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,big house minecraft,minecraft parodileri,minecraft videoları,minecraft pro vs noob,hüsamettin minecraft,minecraft hüsamettin,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft yeni bölüm,minecraft polat alemdar,polat alemdar minecraft,minecraft parodileri vs,shorts,#shorts,house cat,pets,cats,scaredy cat,ie offbeat,cat costume,domesticated animals,inside_edition,meow,inside edition,animal encounter,kitty,kitten,animals,black cat,funny video,viral video,family friendly,ie animal kingdom,funny video,funny videos,funny video 2022,funny fail video,funny videos 2022,funny fails video,funny fail,fail videos,funny fails,funny,funny moments,sapna tv,swapna tv,bangla new… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft logic glitch! RIP pressure plate trap!” #ytshorts #DIMPLE×GAMING

    "Insane Minecraft logic glitch! RIP pressure plate trap!" #ytshorts #DIMPLE×GAMINGVideo Information This video, titled ‘rip pressure plate logic in minecraft#minecraft #ytshorts #DIMPLE×GAMING’, was uploaded by DIMPLE×GAMING on 2024-01-14 07:11:31. It has garnered 4998 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. pressure plate logic in minecraft#viral#minecraft#youtubeshorts#ytshortsrip pressure plate logic in minecraft#minecraft #ytshorts #DIMPLE×GAMINGrip sand logic in minecraft #minecraft #ytshortsrip arrow logic in minecraft#minecraft #ytshortsrip anvil logic in minecraft #minecraft #ytshortsrip anvil logic in minecraft #minecraft # tnt run in minecraft #minecraft #shorts 802430599305991.🙏minecraft#minecraft#youtubeshorts#youtubeshort#ytshorts#ytshort#shorts#shortultimate tnt run in minecraft #minecraft #shortsminecraft minecraft,j and mikey minecraft,minecraft,grimace shake,shorts,titanic,ultraman,kameramen,siren head,j and mikey,mipan dan zuzuzu,herobrine,choo choo charles,skibidi toilet 57,thomas,tiktok,tv… Read More

  • MineLegends

    MineLegends#1 Boxpvp server + friendly community + amazing staff + lifesteal coming soon . Read More

  • The Lodge SMP Semi-Vanilla 16+ Whitelist CurseForge Fabric 1.21

    Join The Lodge: A Long-Term Hermitcraft-Style Minecraft Server! We’re seeking active and mature players to join our newly updated 1.21 world, offering plenty of new land to explore! Server Features: Our server provides a variety of fun mods with a classic vanilla feel, including: More Structures Instanced Loot Biomes O’ Plenty Graves Waystones Expanded Endgame Grief Protection: To prevent griefing, we utilize claims through the GOML mod. Enhance your claim with beacon-like effects or grant permissions to other players. Routine Events: We regularly host exciting events such as Content Updates, Treasure Hunts, Halloween Specials, World Expansions, and more. Discord is… Read More

  • (

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Trash talk on Twitter”

    Minecraft Memes - "Trash talk on Twitter"Wow, that’s one serious meme score! I guess Twitter takes its Minecraft memes very seriously. Read More

  • Crafty Guide: Build a Bridge in Minecraft!

    Crafty Guide: Build a Bridge in Minecraft! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I’ll show you how to build bridges that will mesmerize. With blocks and materials, your vision will come alive, Just follow my lead, and let your imagination drive. Start with a strong foundation, sturdy and true, Place your blocks carefully, in a line that’s straight through. Add some details, like fences or lights, To make your bridge stand out, a true Minecraft delight. Now step back and admire, your creation so grand, A bridge in Minecraft, built by your own hand. So go ahead and build, let your creativity soar, In… Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Old Minecraft memes 🔥

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Old Minecraft memes 🔥 Remember when all we had to worry about was whether or not our Minecraft house had enough torches to keep the zombies away? Good times. #BringBackOldMemes Read More

  • Unlikely Pairings: Guess the Build with Grian

    Unlikely Pairings: Guess the Build with Grian Minecraft: GUESS THE BUILD! (Unlikely Pairings) Today, a group of Minecraft enthusiasts, including Jimmy, Impulse, Gem, Skizz, and Joel, engaged in a thrilling building minigame. The premise was simple yet exciting – each participant would build something, the next person would guess that build, and then recreate someone else’s guess in a cycle. After three swaps, they would unveil the final build, showcasing a unique blend of creativity and interpretation. The Game Begins As the game kicked off, the participants delved into constructing their initial builds with fervor. Each creation was a testament to their individual styles and imaginations,… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft’s Hidden One Block Water!

    Unveiling Minecraft's Hidden One Block Water! The Thrilling World of Boat Clutches in Minecraft and Real Life Have you ever wondered if you could pull off the ultimate boat clutch in Minecraft and in real life? 🚤💨 In this exciting video, we explore the skills needed to execute a boat clutch maneuver in both the virtual world of Minecraft and the real world. Let’s dive in and see how these two experiences compare! Minecraft Boat Clutch In Minecraft, mastering the art of boat clutching requires precision and quick reflexes. Players need to navigate their boats through tight spaces, avoiding obstacles and making split-second decisions to… Read More

  • 🔥 DJ discovers CRAZY glitches in Minecraft 1.21 Pre-Release Snapshot! 😱

    🔥 DJ discovers CRAZY glitches in Minecraft 1.21 Pre-Release Snapshot! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘The 1.21 Pre-Release Snapshot is Kind of Broken’, was uploaded by DJ on 2024-05-31 15:58:37. It has garnered 11724 views and 606 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #fyp #shorts #snapshot #djtheminecrafter Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Battle: Head Hunter vs Mowzie’s Mobs

    Ultimate Minecraft Mob Battle: Head Hunter vs Mowzie's MobsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft |Mobs Battle |Head Hunter VS Mowzie’s Mobs’, was uploaded by 100 Hundred Plus on 2024-03-14 11:00:32. It has garnered 1927 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:16 or 436 seconds. Hello My Friends… I Hope You’re Doing Fine …Please Be Happy And Subscribe To my Channel and Give me Your Opinion in Comments … Thanks Mods : Shadow’s Formidable Foes The HeadHunter Link : Mowzie’s Mobs Link : My Main Channel The Twilight Forest Cosmic Fiend Archaic Sentinel Mutant More Mutant Beasts Blue Skies Summoner Farseer Vanilla… Read More

  • “Insane Sky Adventure in Minecraft!” 🤯🔥🎮 #Shorts

    "Insane Sky Adventure in Minecraft!" 🤯🔥🎮 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘New version of chipi chipi chapa chapa 😂 ‎@GamerFleet  #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Danger Sky on 2024-04-20 05:34:55. It has garnered 5613 views and 203 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. New version of chipi chipi chapa chapa 😂 ‎@GamerFleet  #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shorts Credits: @AnshuBisht Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit,… Read More

MarshieMonarch – EVERYTHING IS ON FIRE!! | SKYLINE: REM | Episode 11 | Minecraft Roleplay