MaxStuff – Minecraft 1.20 – All Structures

Video Information

Hello everybody welcome back to another video and in this video I’m showing you every single structure in Minecraft 1.20 that’s over 40 different structures and so if you’re looking for a specific structure I’ve divided this video up in the chapter so you can skip right over

To the part of the video of the structure you’re interested in but let’s get started with the structure we’re in currently this is the ancient city structure it was added in Minecraft 1.19 it is of course the home of the warden it is one of the largest underground

Structures in the game and usually generates somewhere below a mountain area if you want to know how to find this structure I’ve made a video on it link is in the top right of your screen but of course it also contains a very nice secret room here below the portal

With some redstone contraptions and for the more this structure contains some amazing loot such as the silence armor trim the other side music disc the five music disc fragments Echo shorts and of course also the Swift sneak installment the next we have the buried treasure chest this structure consists of just a

Single chest that can be found using a buried treasure map and it always contains a heart of the sea and also always generates on the coordinates 99 within the chunk it’s generated in the next underground structure you can find is The Mineshaft there are two different types there’s this regular mine shots

And also a bad lens or Mesa mine shelf which we’ll check out afterwards these mine shots contain Minecarts with chests with some nice Loot and furthermore a whole lot of cobwebs and Oak planks and of course they can contain areas just like this one with lots of chains and

Hanging platforms just like this and they can also contain cave spider spawners like this one over here surrounded by a lot of cobwebs and here’s an example of one of those Mesa mine shots which only generates inside of the Badlands biomes like this one over here and instead of regular Oak the

Entire structure is made up of dark oak but for the rest it contains all the same features as the regular mine shelf then if you’ve ever beaten Minecraft they’ll be very familiar with this next structure it is the stronghold another underground structure which contains the end portal which brings you to the end

Dimension if you filled with Eyes of Ender and a silverfish spawner furthermore it also contains these altered chests which can contain any pearls and also contains these libraries where you can now find the eye armor Trim in every single test and of course you can find a stronghold bathroom Eyes

Of Ender and following where they fly and then the final underground structure actually Bridges the gap between the underground and above ground because it is the newly introduced Trail ruin structure in Minecraft 1.20 of course I’ve removed all the stone here so you can take a bad look at what it actually

Looks like but what you would normally see is something like this over here or like this from the surface and this structure actually contains suspicious gravel which is this block over here which you can use a brush on to get all different kinds of loots including Pottery shards armor trims and also the

Relic music disc answers the tire structures filled with suspicious gravel for you to brush your way and there are some different variants as well so here is a different drill ruin structure and so usually it contains quite a lot of mud and and Bricks as well and supposed

To resemble a sort of broken down Old Village or ruin but nowadays let’s head over to above ground and see what kind of structures we find over there starting with the desert pyramid which is structure that can generate inside of the desert biome and inside you will find multiple different rooms so the

Room below the desert Pyramid has existed there since it was added into the game and so if you go down here you will find four chests containing some Loot and a pressure plate on top of 9 TNT at the bottom but as of micro 1.20 a

Second room has been added to the desert pyramid at the back over here below this scent is now a staircase and So within this sand can also be found some suspicious sand but you can brush away for pottery shots and other loots and once you’ve brushed away and removed all

The sand from this room it looks something like this with another one of those patterns on the floor just like in the center room of the desert pyramid then moving from the warm desert over to a cold snowy biome we have the the igloo structure so the eagle is made of snow

Contains a better furnace and a crafting table but half of the igloos actually contain a secret basement as well below the carpet and in this basement you find a tutorial for converting zombie villagers into villagers because there’s a zombie villager there’s a chest with always a golden apple and there’s a

Brewing stand with a potion of weakness all there so you can start the conversion process just like that turning a zombie villager into a regular villager the next we have the Jungle Pyramid or jungle temple which generates inside of the Jungle biomes and inside there are a couple of traps so if you

Head down here and to the left you’ll find some tripwire here and a dispenser trying to shoot us with some arrows and there’s another one right here as well there’s some mediocre loot in these chests sometimes not that mediocre but of course there’s also the puzzle over

Here which you can solve just like this and then if we go back up here we will open this room and there’s another test in here which that’s great Loot and on the second floor there’s pretty much nothing to be seen then it would have Mansion is one of the largest structures

In the game it generates inside of the dark forest biome and contains villagers and evokers and furthermore the wooden match is a structure with the most secret rooms in the game including this x room over here for example if you want to know about all secret rooms and

Structures that have made a video on its links in the top right of your screen so go check it out right after this video then staying on the topic of villagers there is also the Pillager Outpost structure which contains this main tower and some side structures as well which

Can contain both Olay or iron golems the pillow post itself has a chest at the very top which can contain items like crossbows or also armor trims and there are also ominous banners hanging from the sides of the Pulitzer Outpost this one pot is a smaller structure generates

Inside of the swamp and it also spawns in both a witch and a black cat and can make witch forms using these swamp parts then we have the village structure one of the most common structures in the game there are five different types of network generating Villages one of those

Is this desert village which usually only generates inside of deserts but here it’s generated a little bit in the water which makes it look quite nice the desert village is special because a camel generates inside of it so there’s one right here and it only happens

Inside of the desert village and so the other four types of villages that generate are the plains Village the Savannah Village the snowy Village and then also the Taiga Village and so the tiger Village is actually home to one of the rarest items in Minecraft which is

The large Fern the tiger Village is the only way to obtain this super rare item if you want to know about the other rarest items in Minecraft then check out the video I’ve made on this link is in the top right of your screen next let’s go underwater with first of all the

Ocean Monument another very very large structure in Minecraft which contains three Elder Guardians 1 2 and 3. these allegations of course can give you the mining fatigue effect but also drop the tight armor trim and there’s also a special room inside of the ocean Monument which is this one right here

Which contains no less than eight gold blocks in the center of this structure moving on from the ocean Monument over to the ocean ruin ocean ruins are structure to generate in the oceans there are two different types there’s cold ocean ruins and warm ocean ruins of course the gold ocean really spawn the

Gold oceans and the war most noons in the warm oceans the cold ocean ruins contain suspicious Gravely which you can brush away for Loot and there’s also the occasional chest as well and they also summon in with drowned who could attack you with their tridents if they have any

And then there’s also the warm ocean ruins which generate in with suspicious sand and can actually contain a sniffer egg in one of those suspicious Sands so this is the place to go if you want to obtain a sniffer in your world and the final underwater structure is of course

The Shipwreck they’re all different types of shipwrecks different types of woods different orientations different states of DK but if they are still complete they contain three different chests the one in the middle always contains a buried treasure map the one in the back always contains some really good loot including iron diamonds and

More and the one at the front usually contains some food coal and or leather but this is not the only major type of shipwreck there’s also a different one which brings back above water because they are the Beats shipwrecks these are usually exposed above water or above

Ground but can also be quite buried under the sand of a beach but for the rest they are pretty much the same as regular shipwrecks contain the same three chests and also being able to consist of all different types of wood and different states of DK so I might

Have liked when I said that there were no more underwater structures there’s of course also the underwater ruined portal and this is one of the most versatile structures in the game the ruined portal itself because not only does generate here underwater but it generates in a

Whole lot of different places as well so it made it consist of a broken portal usually one or two gold blocks and also it’s just with some related loot as well along with quite a bit of Netherrack if it generates in the Overworld and so apart from being able to generate

Underwater in the Overworld the Rune portal can also generate in the desert biome in this case inside of a desert village but you can see it also can generate underground because here it is partially on the ground then there is also the jungle Rune portal as you can

See all these maroon portals have different sizes as well that is quite random this one is quite large actually and this actually isn’t a jungle Rune portal but a mountain ruined portal they’re all quite similar but they are different if you use locate or place commands and then a final Overworld

Ruined portal is the swamp ruin portal and this guy is actually generated inside of a mangrove swamp instead of a regular swamp but the Rune portal doesn’t only generate inside of the other world it also generates on the other side in the Nether and so here you

Can see it’s made up of Blackstone instead of stone bricks and there’s also quite a lot of lava below and that’s of course not the only stocks it generates inside of the nether we also have the Bastion Remnant with four different types the pouching Bastion the treasure Bastion the stable Bastion and the

Bridge Bastion this over here is a treasure Bastion which probably is the best one for loot because it contains a Magma Cube spawner a whole lot of gold blocks and a chest which is guaranteed to have the netherrade upgrade smithing template and could also contain some

Netherrite as well then we also have the nether fortress structure which contains a whole lot of nether brick and can contain up to two of these Blaze Spawners which of course can be turned into Blaze forms these photos consist of both an outside part and an inside part

As well but the inside part looks something like this and contains these chests in the corners which can contain the rip armor trim and the final structures inside of the nether are these nether fossils which consist of just bone blocks and generate inside of the souls and valleys and there’s again

Many different types of these nether fossils and then we move on to the end dimension for the final structure which is the end City so there is this part of the end city which you can climb up which contains a whole lot of shulkers but also some amazing loot at the top of

These structures and about about half of these and cities actually contain an end City ship which has another two chest with great Loot and of course the elytra which you can use to fly in the game and here are some of the loot you can find

Inside of these and cities but of course there’s also another unique item here which is the ender dragon head at the front of the NCD ship now we’ve made it through all the official structures in the game you might be wondering wait what about this structure well let’s

Cover some of the features in the game which could be considered as structures even though they’re not listed as such in the code and there’s quite a lot of them here in the end actually one of those is the ant Gateway which you use to both get over to the other end

Islands by throwing another Pearl inside of it or to go back by again throwing iron Pro inside of one of these and gateways you find in the outer and Islands there is also of course the ant Podium made up of bedrock and for torches which is the portal that brings

You back out of the end once you kill the ender dragon and once you do that it of course summons in the portal and this dragon egg at the top and it’s also used to re-summon the Ender Dragon by play placing 4 and crystals on the end Podium

Of course there are also these and spikes or obsidian pillars with the end crystals on top which heal the Ender Dragon and some of them can contain these iron bar cages and finally there’s also this obsidian platform which is generated each time you enter the end

Just 25 pieces of obsidian then back in the old world there’s of course also the desert well which can generate in the desert biome and contains some water and as of 1.20 also some suspicious sand at the bottom there which has unique Pottery shirts and it moved back

Underground there’s of course also the amethyst GEOS which consists of a layer of smooth bezel then calcite and then MFS and of course can grow these amethyst clusters on the budding amethyst and of course you can’t go into an amethyst without doing this foreign Then we also have the fossil which generates in both the swamp and desert biomes now there’s two different variants of the fossil and it generates above the Deep State layer it generates with coal ore as you can see here I bet there’s also many different types of fossil as well different shapes and

Different sizes with the second main category of fossil doesn’t generate with coal or pit instead it actually generates with deep slate diamond or you can see an example right over here with diamond ore instead of part of the bones and so this is the version that generates below the Deep slate level and

It might actually be one of the rarest structures in the game even though it’s not officially considered as a structure and so let’s move over to the final structure which is that engine here it is yep it’s not officially considered as a structure but as a feature it is the

Old dungeon or monster spawner room it can contain a zombie spawner skeleton spawner or a spider spawner and can contain up to two loot shifts like these ones over here the floor is made of Mossy and regular Cobblestone and the walls are made of cobblestone and so

There we go those are all structures in Minecraft 1.20 if you enjoyed video then please subscribe

This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.20 – All Structures’, was uploaded by MaxStuff on 2023-09-10 13:00:23. It has garnered 555 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:58 or 838 seconds.

In this video I will show you every structure in minecraft 1.20! If you liked this video, please be sure to hit the like button and let me know in the comments why you liked it! If you really love my content, please consider subscribing! ********************************************************************** The structures shown in this video are the ancient city, buried treasure, mineshaft, mesa mineshaft, stronghold, trail ruins, desert pyramid, igloo, jungle temple, woodland mansion, pillager outpost, desert village, plains village, savanna village, snowy village, taiga village, ocean monument, cold ocean ruins, warm ocean ruins, shipwreck, beached shipwreck, ocean ruined portal, desert ruined portal, jungle ruined portal, mountain ruined portal, swamp ruined portal, nether ruined portal, bastion remnant, nether fortress, nether fossil, end city, end gateway, end podium, end spike, obsidian platform, desert well, amethyst geode, coal fossil, diamond fossil and dungeon! ********************************************************************** 👕Buy My Mug or Merch 🡆 🧡Become a member 🡆 👍Subscribe to my channel 🡆 ********************************************************************** 💻Youtube 🡆 📊 Second Channel 🡆 🔷Twitter 🡆 🧡Reddit 🡆 ********************************************************************** 0:00 Intro 0:17 Ancient City 0:51 Buried Treasure 1:05 Mineshaft 1:48 Stronghold 2:16 Trail Ruins 3:10 Desert Pyramid 3:55 Igloo 4:27 Jungle Pyramid 5:00 Woodland Mansion 5:21 Pillager Outpost 5:42 Swamp Hut 5:51 Village 6:36 Ocean Monument 7:01 Ocean Ruin 7:37 Shipwreck 8:25 Ruined Portal 9:44 Bastion Remnant 10:06 Nether Fortress 10:27 Nether Fossil 10:38 End City 11:10 Features 11:26 End Gateway 11:38 End Podium 11:56 End Spike 12:05 Obsidian Platform 12:13 Desert Well 12:24 Amethyst Geode 12:47 Fossil 13:27 Dungeon 13:52 Outro

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    The Voidcrystal League: Minecraft Animation Pt. 2 The Voidcrystal League Rises in Season 1 Episode 2 In Season 1 Episode 2 of the Voidcrystal League, a Minecraft animation by Fantasy Bros. Animations, the League begins to gain momentum as new members join forces. As the heroes unite, villains lurk in the shadows, plotting to thwart their plans. League Members Unite The episode showcases the diverse cast of characters, each bringing their unique abilities to the League. From OLIVER to FELIX, the members start to understand the extent of their powers and the importance of working together. Powerful Sorcerers and Golems Among the League are powerful sorcerers… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest craze in the Minecraft community – Minewind server. If you’re a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new and exciting server to join, look no further than Minewind. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a unique and thrilling experience for players of all levels. But why should you join Minewind? Well, imagine a world where you can explore vast landscapes, build epic structures, and battle fierce mobs alongside other players from around the globe. That’s exactly what… Read More

  • Purple Minecraft Guess the Build

    Purple Minecraft Guess the Build Minecraft Guess the Build: A Fun Twist with Everything Purple! Guess the Build is a popular Minecraft game where players take turns building something and then guessing each other’s creations. In this unique twist, everything is purple! The challenge adds an exciting element to the game, making it even more fun and engaging for both players and viewers. How It Works Players, including Jimmy, Joel, Skizz, Impulse, and Grian, each choose something to build using only purple blocks and materials. As they rotate around, they have to guess what their fellow players have created. The game is a bit… Read More

  • Last Samurai in Minecraft for 100 Days – Real Life Adventure!

    Last Samurai in Minecraft for 100 Days - Real Life Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘I survived 100 days as the LAST SAMURAI in Minecraft – The Movie’, was uploaded by Lokolow ENG on 2024-08-20 12:06:54. It has garnered 12114 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:50 or 3050 seconds. #100days #minecraft Today’s challenge is to become the LAST LIVING SAMURAI OF MINECRAFT! With this modpack where EVERYTHING became 3x stronger, our challenge became to face ALL THE BOSSES! With 3 different boss mods, will we face the final dragon boss, or will we succumb and have to hand over our sword in Minecraft? So what… Read More

  • S4 Finale: The END of Junkie SMP!

    S4 Finale: The END of Junkie SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Junkie SMP S4 | The END Of The Junkie SMP! [Part 5]’, was uploaded by Xman 723 2 on 2024-08-28 23:19:59. It has garnered 1396 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:20 or 7460 seconds. *_Make Sure To Leave A Like And Subscribe!_* *_SMP Owner!_* @FNAFJunkie *_SMP Members!_* @Alextheunamazing @AsenEye @AshyBoio @CFMeibo/@CFMeiboVODS @ChevilFNAF @ClapzFolded @ConnerTheFozhead @DravenJV01 @EmmaTheTransFox @fnaf_and_the_gang @Foxy-Boy @FuntimeGmod @GJ_XD @GmodSwift @inkmangmod0813/@inkmanlivestreamschannel662 @jakub_the @MimikTheVelcon @MysticFrostic @navilingyr @ofek105 @peggo_delego666 @Prowler18 @RedactedBonnie @SoraHeals @ThatOneFearMan @vlospace *_My Other YouTube Channels!_* @Xman723 @Xman7233 @Xman7234 @Xman7235 @ToyFreddyPlaysGames @TheFazbearBand *_Become A Channel Member!_*… Read More

  • FerFox goes CRAZY on Minecraft: Golem vs TNT! 😱 #shorts

    FerFox goes CRAZY on Minecraft: Golem vs TNT! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Golem vs TNT.. 🤯 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by FerFox on 2024-05-06 23:00:07. It has garnered 26519 views and 1122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Minecraft: Golem vs TNT.. 🤯 #shorts #minecraft #shortsminecraft #foryoupage #minecraftMods #trending #tiktoksong #shorts FerFox does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.20 challenges in 2024! Today… Read More

  • Day 1 Domination in Lifesteal SMP! 😎

    Day 1 Domination in Lifesteal SMP! 😎Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW I DOMINATED THIS LIFESTEAL SMP IN DAY 1😎’, was uploaded by Nopeo Gamerz on 2024-01-28 01:15:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching!!! ~BEST MODS FOR MINECRAFT POCKET EDITION~ Mod no.1 button hider … Read More

  • EPIC Texture Pack for Minecraft Bedrock 1.21

    EPIC Texture Pack for Minecraft Bedrock 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘Best Texture Pack 64×64 For Minecraft Bedrock 1.21’, was uploaded by Mharavin (Mv) on 2024-08-27 23:47:58. It has garnered 248 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:38 or 278 seconds. Texture pack for Minecraft 1.21 latest!!! Download: Texture: Who wants to see my face clearly! Ig: #Minecraft #MinecraftTexturePack #MinecraftMods #MinecraftResourcePack #Minecraft1.21 #MinecraftUpdate #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftCommunity #MinecraftCreativity #MinecraftArt #TexturePack #ResourcePack #MCPE #MinecraftBedrock Read More

  • 🐹 CRAZY Shaders CRASH My PC in Minecraft?! 🤯

    🐹 CRAZY Shaders CRASH My PC in Minecraft?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘I Tried These INSANE Shaders To See If My PC Would CRASH In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by HamRat on 2024-04-10 01:27:05. It has garnered 1136 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:31 or 451 seconds. I used some popular shaders in this video.. I wanted to see which one looked best and overall if my PC could handle it! Thank You For Watching 🙂 🔴Subscribe Here! – Music Used In This Video: 📨Direct Youtube Messaging – ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Read More

  • “Unbelievable Flying Cheat in GamerGroveYT! 😱✈️” #shorts #viral

    "Unbelievable Flying Cheat in GamerGroveYT! 😱✈️" #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘new flying trick ✈️❤️ #stumbleguyshighlights #stumble #short #shorts #viral #shortfeed’, was uploaded by GAMERGROVEYT on 2024-06-22 11:19:19. It has garnered 11859 views and 193 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. NoobvsProvsHacker treding with villager #ytshorts #shorts #viral #minecraft got noob House 🏠 But noob troll me #shorts #ytshorts #viral Types of noob getting Diamonds in Minecraft #shorts #ytshorys #viral saving noob Bhai was choice in Minecraft #shorts #ytshorts #viral If Saving Minecraft Noob Was A Choice | #shorts Basu Plays Thanks For 7 thousand subscribers Alternative titles (your queries): minecraft… Read More

  • Bizzy’s Insane Raid in Hardcore Minecraft!

    Bizzy's Insane Raid in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Raiding a Trial Chamber in Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by Bizzy on 2024-08-27 03:57:24. It has garnered 259 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:15 or 9255 seconds. I am collecting every item in the game, but 1.21 has released and with the new trial chamber also comes a few new blocks. Join this channel to get access to perks: Music from Epidemic Sounds Current Subscribers: 1,810 #minecraft #hardcore #challenge Read More

MaxStuff – Minecraft 1.20 – All Structures