MaxStuff – Minecraft 1.20 – Snapshot 23w17a – Waiting For The Snapshot To Release!

Video Information

Foreign Hello everybody welcome back to another snapshot live stream good to see you all here um yes I have got a well I don’t have a stack of Subs I have 1 000 stacks of Subs yes yeah welcome back to the stream let’s just wait for people to join in hello uh

Xorohiki Munchies here or the smiggler let’s just keep it to that a Christian plays Minecraft hello so I am welcome to the stream hello nz5270 numbers nice hello Roblox welcome to the Stream all right great yeah so in the meantime please like to share your hands already and then we can get started

Just get into 10 miles Subs don’t if that helps um welcome to the Stream Jordan welcome to stream hello hello it might not be a snapshot I mean it it could be a pre-release but I don’t know hello Eric Angel welcome to the stream who am I hello

Who am I that’s a great question I don’t think we’re in pretty territory just yet it we could be I don’t know um because usually they release the full updates around June July so we could it could be a privileged it’s also definitely possible apparently there’s already 25 bucks that

Have been fixed so that’s good to know thank you Mama Leon uh hello hello hello Aiden welcome to the stream as well all right Hammond hamburger is here as well Alpha Slayer how am I doing I’m doing well yeah fine I suppose yeah so for today I I mean the last few

Streams I wanted to play in the April fools update but uh yeah apparently snapshots just released a lot earlier than I expected so I haven’t gotten the chance to actually do that yet so I think we should just get started we need five more likes to start but

That’s that’ll sort itself out I suppose um not in there create new world the beautiful create new world screen thank you for subscribing Christian and uh Alpha you’re a big fan great thank you um how is my day well my day is uh well could have been better but it’s okay

17A right yes a creative and Sure we’ll turn bundles on I don’t know if that makes any difference no we’ll do survival actually uh shoot a Survival Creative yeah we don’t have any frog tweets yet um I think we should just try it out on survive because I want to see how this works in survival mode um

I guess we can shoot for the Moon two blue dragons you haven’t caught one of these streams since 1.60 1.7 the latest wow that’s that’s quite a long time ago then yeah that’s like over a year ago let’s try it in survival if it’s not fun at all we’ll switch over to creative

Alright let’s try it a hardcore okay uh no no oh what is this spawn okay well at least there’s a tree not much to do in survival yeah we’ll check it out for a bit and if it doesn’t if it’s really bad then uh they’ll switch over to creative um buff fishing sure

Yeah so the issue mainly is that you have to wait for those votes right I think you can speed that up as well I think there’s a command to speed up the do hardcore it’s probably bad at hardcore okay we’re doing hardcore just got pressure to play a hardcore that’s sad

Thank you for subscribing Aiden set watercolor in snowy tiger too dark light okay I want some light pink watercolor please okay we are starting our neck again peer pressure always works okay well at least there’s a bit more of a dynamic now where I can’t die that’s nice uh

Or I can I but chicken chicken leg green concrete powder and what else do we have Sandstone slab random assigned item Moss block or do nothing let’s do the random item right let’s see um make a cheese home all right we’ll see we’ll have to reach the moon first

Though green concrete power doesn’t help yeah I mean most blocks would be yeah let’s just do random item all right I mean I it’s been a while since I’ve actually played the survival Minecraft so uh we’ll see how this goes let’s just yeah just see this as a

Survival game but there’s other things that might happen what replace Loot drop Dead brain coral block with tough but buff fishing replace Loot drop dead brain coral block with jungle lock but strike K under what does this even mean you can make cheese with milk buckets and a and a rule

Yeah okay but then we need that specific rule of course um what I mean sure we’ll do this we’ll probably don’t even gonna find any of that that stuff but sure you’re just waiting for Minecraft live that’s probably gonna take a bit still I think it’s like around September or so

When was the previous Minecraft live let’s remember all right I think we have enough wood right now let’s just continue on so let’s make a crafting table sticks I mean the goal is pretty much to reach the moon if we don’t get anywhere close we can also

Try to beat the game I suppose um if you get 80 likes you can pay in third person well you haven’t even reached 40 likes yet so I I can’t even start playing yet I mean there’s 41 people watching who hair hasn’t liked this stream come on

You’re the only guy who hasn’t done so you probably feel left out now I got my goal yes oh now I did okay then we can now start okay let’s change that I mean I I like the challenge 80 likes will take a while so

Will play in third person if we reach 80 likes that’s fine good idea um and back to the chat yeah so microflife 2023 will probably announce 1.21 I’m interested to see if they will like stick with the same format where they um like first release 1.90.4 with like

Experimental toggles and stuff like that because I liked it um I I liked it for 1.20 but I don’t know both of those have their own like pros and cons right both ways of doing it do we not have another vote no okay will I be starring in the Minecraft movie

Um no uh yes of course yes I mean we haven’t really heard anything about that I also don’t think it’s going to be that interesting honestly 1.19 was a bad update no what how 1.15 was a bad update let’s see so we have furnace I think we should just

Get down into a cave I suppose you haven’t changed the screen it’s always been so long for me that I forgot probably hasn’t been that long for you yeah I mean I haven’t changed it because I haven’t had the need to change it at some point

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it oh there’s some cool down here I’m gonna be in movie no I’m not gonna be in a movie maybe Steve is going to be in a movie uh okay cool Phantoms Phantoms was in one point right 13. it’s nostalgic the overlay okay that’s

It’s weird that it’s nostalgic because I feel like I just created it and it’s probably quite a long time ago copper yeah I don’t know why I got the copper I don’t think we actually need it um let’s make some torches there we go keep some of the coal for smelting 1.13 okay

No absolutely nothing how to check the old streams I have a playlist on my Channel with the stream so you can check that I suppose once the step is going to drop well we don’t know it should drop soon if it’s similar to a previous weeks

There’s no real fixed time for these to drop so okay we don’t I don’t want to go into a war cave that’s just annoying um let’s see I had it for 1.16 1.16 one of my first streams right I think I created it for the first streams yeah

Another update was was really awesome hey finally a new voting proposal that took a long time spawn wax weather cut copper stairs instead of stone When lava interacts with water but set Four Color in Luke to Irish green okay swam bamboo slabs instead of stone okay but set Four Color to Golden rats

Cut copper slab okay let’s do this one you’ve been subscribed in 2020 wait 2020 is three years ago that’s insane oh there’s a I didn’t even see the skeleton wait I’m in hardcore I’m in I I just rip So what are we talking about again um 120 was the best update the worst 1.15 is less 19. huh I’m I’m just we would we would rather do creative mode anyway right one skeleton okay that was um how what that’s okay hmm so um please everyone just uh forget what

We just saw and then we’ll move on that’s amazing okay votes rule okay which rule do you want to see first or do I just do this with my eyes closed and go for it let’s talk about me dying no no no no no no no no no no no

It never happens never happens never happened what are you talking about you were taken out by a piglet and brute and hardcore ooh yeah okay let’s do this one that’s rule please ignore foreign oh that’s that’s a great one to start with oh at least it goes away in F1

Okay good start good start let’s see oh you this Mega was gone for one minute yeah nothing happened nothing happened nothing completely nothing happens don’t worry about it don’t don’t scroll back in the Stream it’s it it’s broken broken what do you think about it in this

Snapshot I hope it’s those Vine flowers that were shown earlier I don’t think there’ll be any big new features again honestly um but what we do still need is advancement so those might be into today’s snapshots that might be interesting drink air ball the drink air is just yeah empty bottles

No it’s not called MD bottle it’s called bottle wait ah glass a glass bottle filled with air hmm yes very nice you can also combine those right in a crafting table I think no no okay I don’t know what to do with this more flowers okay so um

Yeah I mean they might add more flowers for the sniffer but I’m I’m not sure okay I’m just drinking Air at the moment hi Joey welcome to the Stream okay let’s also check these based on push limits but always rain yes I want that please oh that’s just two repeals why

Why does everyone know what my least favorite Minecraft update is like what that’s no foreign why any normal glass bottles to craft air there they don’t exist they don’t exist with this game rule hello uh AKO brother of the Stream okay let’s just you know what let’s go to the Moon

Don’t worry about me I’m just flying up to the Moon no no no no uh last week Snapchat was on a Thursday this week’s snapshots should be today if it is out but uh it should be today what do you mean build a snifflew out of cheese what does that even mean there’s

Another rule for profit packed air as different rules okay I mean this is I I believe this is the best part of this update just honestly not only this but also also also also command no it’s all cows it’s all moon cow stop okay these bases shouldn’t be that rare right

Am I just really unlucky do we need to activate a game or like a rule for this moon bases no right didn’t think so but I don’t see any of them yeah but then the snapshot has not been uh like known as that there’s not going to be a Snapchat today so

We’re keeping an eye on it of course okay I I’m getting the feeling that we need some sort of a game rule I just oh no there we go that wow that took way too long no this is the best part of the update I can watch this like

10 times over and it will not be boring the sounds as well just so cool you’re gonna be making a holiday Challenge on the moon yeah you can definitely do that I mean it’s gonna be tricky though because there’s not a lot of resources here apart from these of course

Okay so there’s dirt there’s grass there’s elytra okay yeah you could definitely like make 100 Challenge on here there’s even saplings you can even get the trees cool idea I did one 108 challenge before and it was horrible I hated it was oh I don’t know

Then it just I just broke that right yeah yeah it just all breaks if you step on it you’ve already done it before just off camera okay wait there’s even cow spawn eggs I didn’t know those spawned in here that’s so cool cheese blocks is the best part uh yes

Just being able to do stuff like that and like this it’s just so cool the gravity on the moon is wow just carve out a nice little space and then the details just so so good yes yes yes I have made it to the moon in survival in in survival mode of course

Definitely definitely cheese box just retextured and stone what no look at this yeah you do this with with End Stone I didn’t think so can you eat and stone no it is not end Stone it’s cheese see this is cheese this is End Stone and Stone cheese see there’s a difference

Not the same at all what are you talking about one of them is cheese one of them is enstone easy as that oh also apply options that have received no votes but said maximum number of extra effects to four new combined votes to three I I don’t even know what these boats are

Anymore it’s insane uh all right let’s see what did I want to do again there’s not a proposal make armor yeah sure it’s cheese proceeds to eat the N Stone hmm don’t elaborate all right next rule next rule vote rule can we also do like yes we can do random ones okay that’s

The way marriage here I just don’t know what the world is haunted means applied at Place block yeah that’s okay that’s something I wanted to test out actually because I haven’t really used this how do you use this does anyone know how do you use the the place block block Place block book

Like do you put a chest behind it or something probably on this side maybe like with a button I have no idea how this works please someone let me know activate this side activate this side let’s see if anyone knows and no it’s not out yet and we don’t

Have any frog tweets yet okay let’s wait for the stream to catch up see if anyone knows also both rule repeal okay just get that off my screen you can drop an item behind the block for it to use it no what that doesn’t work nope is it not just a troll

Is it I mean I know it’s the April Fool snapshot but I did think it actually worked um I mean I can look it up if no one knows let’s see Please block um takes other blocks from a container on its backside and place them in front

When given a redstone signal but that’s what I did right um okay uh they can be used when there’s already a block in front of the output the box would be placed is dropped as an item in the placebo can be placed so it’s in an output phase in any direction including

Up and down output faces okay the output looks like the output of an observer okay so oh this is the input place this here put this there whoa it does work it actually works okay that’s cool um so wait can I also do this ah okay yeah yeah is this way around

And so if there’s already a block there what happens oh just it just shoots out the item okay all right so is this useful in any way I’m not so sure oh yeah I mean what a useful block right yeah no I don’t think there’s any other massive use to it

Okay all right no snapshot is not out yet okay okay let’s do another random rule see where we are change day length Okay days are shorter that’s fine make armor visible Phantom Phantoms and let’s grab some netherite armor as well oh it’s also it’s okay so the armor is completely invisible okay

And Phantoms okay the Phantoms look exactly the same all right I’m still doing good thank you for asking again okay everyone copies me I don’t know what that means let’s move on dinner Bonus Goes okay let’s grab a goat so okay yeah go to just always upside down now frog tweet

Let me check I don’t see any frog tweets what do you mean frog tweets there are no frog tweets okay why dinnerbone feature is nice though a world of giant whoa okay that’s an amazing game rule look at that that’s so cool I’m just small now let me yeah no frog tweets yet

Whoa chickens are massive look at those baby chickens oh I I honestly didn’t know this rule existed I mean I I saw like big like mobs in some people’s videos but that’s just amazing also these dinnerbone ones are quite crazy wait oh yeah yeah it’s quite a big bigger than usual I think

I I don’t have a game rule for riding a chicken I don’t think that’s possible it’s like vital animals probably right um all right any other mobs that are funny uh want to see a big axolotl okay definitely a big Action level let’s also give him a little bit of water

There we go at least he has a little pawns to go into if he wants to there we go all right um let’s see next what else do we have what happens when he gives the name dinnerbone to the denominized goes does become a normal goat okay we’ll test it

We’ll test it out we’ll test it out see what works see what happens why is the water black probably because we’re on the moon of course dinnerbone okay no it does not it does not turn it around okay that’s uh strange obfuscate player names ah yeah okay my name is just completely

Gone now that’s nice windmill mode what do you mean windmill mode okay no I see I see I see I understand what windmill mode is now um okay this is just amazing there’s so many Like rules and things that I haven’t seen before I should have made the war of vaporize

Like in another wow all right um what else do we have what else do we have Um uh yeah just new rule okay goofy walk yeah definitely set the four color of lush caves to Periwinkle what is periwinkle Is that even a color I have no idea uh let me give me a second I need I need a minute I need to reply to someone um thinking and talking at the same time is very difficult foreign let’s move on teach Enderman how to place blocks correctly

What does that mean teach animal how to place blocks correctly okay Enderman that’s the thumbnail stance I’ve ever seen one yeah there are some there’s some weird ones in here right but you get some amazing like thumbnail material from the four days right like these poses this is amazing as well

I’ll move this sneaking as well I love that I love that Enderman oh yeah it’s also what is it what is it doing why is why does it have his leg why what why is it floating like that what is that that’s that looks so weird none of them have blocks though um

Maybe we can place down some grass blocks yes okay so they can pick up the blocks crawl underneath a trapdoor okay why why oh it’s actually normal huh why is it normal like the windmill Motors is all for this yeah and then once you get out it’s just back to this

Yeah this is the April Fool’s update not in the snapshot don’t worry about it don’t worry about it this is perfectly normal perfectly normal uh no update is not out yet we also don’t have any frog tweets yet so it’s not here yet okay applied set normal entity name display

To okay that’s not that interesting reset all player skins oh okay that didn’t do anything change what what is that change plus to always render as dark blue so one plus one plus one plus one is four okay that is so random that is that is super random

I mean it’s probably usually it’s like a num or like a letter I suppose but now there’s just a plus no one uses pluses in their names or like anything like that unlock edible air blocks okay so now we have back there which would need for it for the Moon

But it doesn’t really help also uh let’s see what do they want to say yes our goal doesn’t make any sense anymore because we don’t play in survival so let’s change that goal to some nice music discs there we go all right use speed potion okay I can just effects give me speeds

Uh okay let’s just do 10. it doesn’t actually speed up the windmill part that much I don’t think no doesn’t change it that much also I’m Just landing in all these craters all right uh why am I on the moon in Minecraft I don’t know why not

Why shouldn’t I be on the moon okay let’s clear that and let’s do another one apply it replace I with I why so every time you type in a smaller I it’s just a capital I and if you type in a capital I it’s also a capital i oh okay

Those are some weird like rules apply it add pickaxe block oh we have the package block now nice that’s the other one I wanted to test out so I have the like the the place block which we have over here there’s also the pickaxe block which is this one

Which I would assume if you grab some Stone here and then give it a redstone signal button try the other dimension there are no other dimensions yeah it breaks it then into a cobblestone does break it breaks wait wait it just breaks it instantly that’s insane also why is that pin message

Still in there shoot oh no I’m I’m playing in the April Fool snapshots I guess that’s could be confusing I mean okay let’s just instantly breaking obsidian that’s insane wait I need to test something oh you can’t can’t push obsidian of course uh wait let me let me try something

What if okay these elements are getting quite annoying now all right uh all right the regular piston what did I want to do again I think I just wanted to create a cobblestone generator quickly do I still remember how to do that though yes okay piston there this pickaxe block yes okay

Um the elements look very funny yes definitely and then I can just do this I assume and just I don’t know grab torch and combine it make it work right do I still remember how to do this yeah let’s just say it’s been a while okay uh yes there we go

Okay that’s probably not very did it just burn out oh okay it doesn’t have any time this is not this is not effective anyway just about to see if this works whoa I have created infinite Cobblestone okay next next rule next rule next rule applied Mission land level experience expensive diet

What does that mean what look at this all the food has been renamed oak tree nut incredible yellow blob food only this is called only the enchanted golden apple is food wait can you even can you eat the rest you can only eat in Charlotte with golden apples wow that’s insane

Just needs to go to Mars uh no there are no frog tweets yet I guess that’s the question that Jordan is asking look at all these names as well mostly seeds stick blobs light bulbs purple alien orb rabbit feet rabbit food what rude thing baked bump

From the dirt use this knob Red Dirt bump we made this cow okay uh ruin Sushi hmm what oh no oh no bunny bunny no Nemo Nemo the terror of the deep dried porch lies the cake is a lie okay nice it’s not a pie you didn’t even bake it

Blood in a bowl I love these names it’s amazing what what they’re just called sus all suspicious do are just sauce too much sugar wow okay they put so much effort into this what dried but somehow also slimy okay amazing I love it okay that doesn’t do anything never rain okay

Set probability of creating combined those to 47 okay all right edit spawn light weighted pressure plate instead of cobblestone when um huh this is broken my cobblestone generator all right okay sure other portal okay so we cannot create the glowstone portal if we wanted to come on with a water bucket and then

Ta-da beautiful what kind of effect do I have resistance oh from the golden apple let me remove that that is just a nice picture how are April Fool’s stepchilds better than the real updates well because they have no limits right they can just throw in whatever they

Want which means you got some amazing updates you get some amazing features you get some features you would never want in in game right and yeah just a complete mess but there are some like amazing parts to it right and the best thing is you can just play

It all the time if you if you want to but I also think like in previous April Fool’s updates like in I believe 2013 or something they added like blocks of coal they added colored gloss which they weren’t intending to add to the game but later on they actually

Added those to the game so that if it’s in an April fools up it doesn’t mean it’s never going to be out into the game it just means that now they have the freedom they can try whatever they want and usually they have to stick to a theme and yeah

It’s just them throwing everything at the wall and seeing what and not don’t seeing what sticks right uh what else do we have villagers accept hard buttery short instead of gems okay make all God entities rideable um that we’re gonna have to test we have a nice Pawn wait

It freezes on the moon ah okay maybe you should have seen it coming I don’t know yes I am on a fish well with a snapshot release it should be quite soon but we don’t know there’s no single time for it vertical slabs yeah vertical slabs anytime soon maybe maybe probably not

Probably not okay that’s the calls maximal repeal those seven okay I don’t care buff fishing I don’t actually know what buff fishing does I’ve seen it a couple of times but let’s grab a fishing rods [Applause] ah yes I would call that quite buffed [Applause]

Oh it just shoots it all over the place [Applause] why don’t they make this just the normal fishing this is way better than regular fishing way better way better my inventory is just getting completely filled by the way so many so many useless things wow whoa sharpness aqua infinity

Honestly this is just our AFK fish farms in 1.17 okay buff fishing is a good one good one what else okay balloons we have balloons I don’t know what that means but we have balloons what can I oh fember is back back to the original form okay

What does B loons mean I I mean this is technically a balloon but I don’t think this is what was meant with balloons I have no idea I feel like I’m jumping higher though I’m not sure sponges can be used to remove lava whoa wait a second this I want to see

This sounds cool actually I mean not like a feature I would want to see in game that does sound quite nice wait probably wet sponges then right because then they would dry up again no no no just just know they just get control applied sponges can be used to

Remove a lot I mean larvae but huh I’m confused but that’s just okay sponges that don’t work here oh yeah that happens I guess we have to go back to the Overworld do you think it’d be our tiny snapshot with no interesting features I mean depends on what you call Tiny but

There’s not gonna be any major features anymore that’s just how updates work we’ve already seen most of the major updates there could be some small new thing but most it’s going to be changes and stuff like that maybe advancements but it’s not going to be a massive

Update they only already tell you that um should we go back to the overall I think so right oh my name is okay and that’s the time today oh all right so sponges work no wait okay I have some other game rules sponges don’t even work anymore what

Whoa a heart in my chat thank you why is that a feature did it just steal it from Tick Tock or something what oh there we go that worked also hey they’re dripping lava wait so is it wet sponge no dry sponge Okay so wait a regular sponge because becomes a dry

Sponge or a wet sponge when it takes up lava that makes absolutely no sense so whatever this what does Hap what happens then oh it does get rid of everything okay that’s nice you want new plans for the sniffer advancements music new auditory calculator system and these items that aren’t decorative

You’re asking for a lot some of those I could see happening definitely but definitely not all of them how about the range does it do quite big actually oh same as punch probably yeah so advancements we’re definitely going to get we probably will get some new music for this Cherry Grove um

As for archeology I think they’ve already added like so many Pottery shards and also um the the the what’s it called smithing templates which you can find in the archeology that I think that they’re probably gonna stick to that and yeah maybe one new plan for the sniffer would be nice but yeah

I mean I what are you looking for then like because Minecraft is a lot about decoration a lot about like different blocks what kind of blocks are you looking for them because they’re not gonna add like a new redstone block or something like that like it’s not gonna happen um

They should add uh full not ruined buildings to the underground to dig up yeah the idea of archeology is that you find ruined buildings right that’s the whole idea of archeology not that you find complete buildings on the ground because it doesn’t make any sense okay more like exploring wise you say or

More like survival wise yeah they could add items like that but I don’t think it really fits with the theme of this update which is more about like telling stories and stuff like that it is more about decorating this update you want the Blazer you just want a block Placer okay sure

No makes perfect sense uh item model for internal book with pink terracotta wait and what does it mean no oh oh that’s no okay but you can’t it’s really just the texture is just changed what’s the command to approve every vote instantly uh I don’t know right now you want to decorate your

Armor and pulse arches is worthless to you yeah I mean I can see that let’s put a lot of features in the game right and suspicious dirt is definitely something I would want to see yeah definitely all right how I’m able to get rid of the lava with

A sponge because April Fool’s updates don’t opt out option to new votes with multiple choices okay dead bushes are now renewable but saplings need much more water not to dry out that sounds uh interesting so dead bush that bushel goes to Sticks but there’s probably a way to craft that

Bushes then I suppose no they’re not going to do suspicious Stone it doesn’t make much sense because you have to like brush it away with your with your brush it’s a brush in here yeah so sand and gravel makes sense because they’re like yeah they’re like layers of blocks or

Something I don’t know I mean it doesn’t have to make sense I suppose it’s Minecraft anyway s flip game rule spawn Phantoms oh that’s that’s that’s a horrible one you just want to turn away turn off the you treat saplings like crops for that seriously so you can’t play saplings on the ground

Anymore you have to place them like in uh on farmland I want to see this serious dedication wait so okay you can place it on here oh ah now I see why dead bushes are renewable so any sapling just turns into a dead Bush if it tries to grow up

If you place it on here no wait do I have to water lock it maybe no no so huh it’s a very controversial opinion sometimes it seems no matter what they add no one in the community is ever happy especially in the last two years and that’s not a problem right so the

Problem is Minecraft has a large fan base and so if everything they add there’s always going to be someone who isn’t happy about it and people can now be very vocal on anything every single platform so it gets circulated a lot and so many times a lot of people are happy with the

New features but they see so many people argue that oh this is a bad feature that they also themselves think ah hey there’s actually a bad feature it’s it’s the it’s the annoying thing about social media right it’s just eh only like bad news gets promoted and

Good news is not getting promoted and also people that like updates don’t talk about it right only if you don’t like an update you’re gonna say I didn’t like this feature didn’t like this thing I want this to be changed so yeah that’s the problem um

How am I doing today Great Captain Toms thank you for asking yeah so I have no idea or yeah I have no idea how to I mean more what that is not possible so I don’t know how to grow saplings with a game rule but anyway s now six that’s bad

Duration new photos oh that’s long um block model for bone block with brown carpets so there’s an ad with five next to it and the thumbnail next to it but life keeps playing that’s weird well that is something you don’t see every date so this is a bone block

But it looks like a carpet and it also still has the same like um hitbox or yeah hitbox as a regular one do I have any plans for coding stuff tomorrow no not really I was planning on making some Max data shorts I suppose because we have a free day tomorrow in

The Netherlands King’s day and uh yeah I don’t didn’t have anything specifically planned for it but I want to focus on Max date like a bit as well a lot that you can see through the world with this by the way that’s really cool unexpected side effects huh pretty cool okay

How does the subtitles predict which you’re going to say are there subtitles on this stream wait no right there’s no subtitles on live streams there’s no way are there wait now I’m gonna go first let’s see I mean you can click them but nothing shows up what it does work

Oh that is weird oh huh well there is there is a small delay right there is a delay between my me talking and you actually hearing me so I assume that’s just the thing I’ve never seen those before though is it like a recent Edition game rule uh do daylight Cycles

Yeah that’s probably why I didn’t eat the delay yeah I’ve never seen that that’s so cool actually huh okay nice feature nice feature I mean the the auto subtitles are not always perfect right especially because I’m not like an English native so usually it messes up quite a bit but

It’s getting better I think hello hacker unlimited welcome to the Stream yeah so I mean except I was not predicting what I’m saying it’s just I’m saying stuff the subtitles think ah he’s saying this and then it sends it out to you guys that’s pretty much what’s happening uh

Small deviation aside let’s move on to the next rule now next rule and next rule yes we have French mode where’s no I didn’t get oh I didn’t get the items uh oh where’s my baguette and my tricolore I need my baguettes and I need my my lottery karora uh la la

There we go nope way better way better way better which is a weapon yeah it does probably for fictional and unfamiliar words yeah especially in Minecraft if I say like I don’t know uh redstone block redstone block it’s probably not going to work hi Emmanuel welcome to the Stream

All right well we have French mode which is probably one of the better modes in this game better Easter eggs in this update I think Easter eggs rules I suppose also we hit 80 likes thank you so for liking thank you all so much for liking the Stream let’s not get too excited

All right so let me change the goal and then also put on some music as well always nice I think let’s go for 100 blacks then I suppose um let’s go for back to the Moon sure we’ll go back to the Moon if we reach 100 likes why not friends mode

I mean it’s almost French modes the only issue is that everything is now in French that’s the only issue with French mode right also music call me unlimited okay I’ll try to remember uh when you think your Snapchat will release should release quite soon if we are to go off previous weeks

But we don’t have any frog tweets yet so it shouldn’t it’s not going to be really soon um let’s just do other sites and we can do some other music discs later as well ah jukebox is just called jukebox that’s nice and easy all right next rule a pork belly diet wait

But pork food oh this is now also food nice okay so we now have two Foods we can eat or no it’s switched so now we can not eat the inedible shining blob anymore okay also let me turn that down a bit there we go we don’t get

Every single update music discs we have gotten the previous couple of updates so of course we don’t have to alright always no no no no no no no no uh votes rule rain approved there we go yeah you can only eat a regular Fork now

We wish we had one where you can only eat the internal golden apples with all right next fast Hoppers with hopper Minecarts in our slow okay let’s see hoppers hello Road dog of the Stream bye upper chests how fast is fast Yeah yeah I mean that’s quite fast that looks it looks really cool it looks really cool I honestly wouldn’t mind if there was like some sort of super expensive Hopper that’s faster than a regular Hopper all right new Banner pattern design oh yeah yeah they can also always add these kind

Of things right again All right yes I have repealed the vote is it out let me check if there’s no fog to it yet I don’t think I don’t think I’m getting a new music disc since they’ve already added 15 this this have the Jukebox and wrestling feature you know how long the restroom

Can travel huh so you think there’s not never going to be a new music disc because there’s 15 discs 15 Ransom signals I don’t know I feel like they will figure something out there they’ll probably just um add like two different signal strengths for dude like two discs with

The same signal strength is what I’m trying to say a golden Hopper would be cool yeah uranium ore okay I don’t think that’s gonna happen anytime soon no I don’t think they’ll limit it to 15 days that doesn’t make any sense all right uh set water in ABI mess to hot purple

Floating head mode okay um yeah that’s uh that’s something that’s something at least no product which yet alright why does jab never ever tweet well he’s not really active on Twitter I suppose I’m can’t blame him dinner bone wait what is peroquet I’m my French is to is really bad what is pero

What is paraquette I can’t even look for it why not spirograph what is that so something is dinner bone eyes but I don’t know what it is does anyone here speak French please help me out oh there it is it’s a parrot okay that’s what I thought yes parrots because because because

Parents yes this is perfect um here you go ah they’re not dancing because they’re not my parents right You speak French see I need your help as a translator Come on give me some parrots And now go and do things dance dance parrots dance okay they’re not dancing Why are you not dancing There we go now they’re dancing have you ever seen this I don’t think you have all right Um I mean how can you how can you deny French mode French mode is just amazing couldn’t be happier style don’t your final vote counts okay extra explosion power from zero to one limbs all over the place no oh yeah windmill windmill mode is gone now you have limbs all over the place

Which we can’t see because well we’re in floating hat mode okay disable shield blocking always red stop no there we go never rain Also look at this look at how many rules we have applied at the moment so many rules insane they have to find a way to make a different vibrations Coke sensor that share the same signal strength not share it they can resolve that they might add

More music as well I don’t think there’s an easy way out of that there’s just way more sounds than wrestler signals so yeah alright let’s see what we have next no no stop well it doesn’t seem to do anything okay Okay item despawn timer no only four minutes now do you think Emoji will expand the the combat test snapshots in the next five years next five years okay I’m really hoping the comments like update part it’s gonna come soon well with 121 will be 22 something like that and it won’t

Wait too long with it because they’ve been doing that for a very very long time working on it for a very long time so I hope they had it soon and never next respawn golden defer okay celebrate voting what does it even mean well okay every time you vote you get

Fireworks okay that’s cool that’s cool yeah amid music they’ll probably add definitely I think so you’re watching three streams at once and one is in French okay all right that’s a sounds difficult but uh congratulations I suppose natural spawns of Cheval zombie with panda okay all newly placed TNT blocks are unstable

Yes unstable TNT new changes features in today’s snapshot are only bug fixes there’s always going to be some sort of changes why it’s not it should be unstable right so if you try to break it it should be no unstable TNT is the one you try to break

And then it explodes right or not I thought so let me oh that’s spawn point there we go oh yes the point difference all right no no frog tweets yet no no no all right uh what do we do here survival modes there we go oh it’s only survival mode okay all right

Cool 1.9 but 8 is coming out on better tomorrow but because we got delayed okay all right uh next never rain okay at magenta colored lights what does that mean uh are they adding that vine in the leaked Badger tweets we don’t know maybe but maybe not

It’s really we really really don’t know okay uh it doesn’t look very magenta okay that does look very magenta so they can ask God right now come on guys foreign lights that should definitely be like this should be one of the things I could probably add to the to the actual game

Right at some point I mean if they know how to do it it doesn’t even look too bad here I mean it’s not perfect of course but it honestly doesn’t look bad yeah they should probably do it at some point um let’s see what do you think will arrive first the

End updated combat updates 2.0 um probably probably oh that’s difficult actually because 1.9 was both the end and combat update right so maybe they even combine it into a full like second 1.9 update colored light yeah please give us colored lights please okay okay um

I see what they have to do I see what they have to do to make this work they just added the filter over the whole screen okay um what kind of there we go next oh I’m not a president I wanna out I want you all to address me with

President next please in the chat I am president Max from now on president of Minecraft All right yes I want to see at least 10 chat messages with my official name resident Max all right applied September players needs for votes though okay no round shapes allowed what does that mean okay I’m gonna have to Loop that one up I don’t know Let’s see no No rounds shapes allowed ah okay it’s okay thank you prisons thank you thank you oh look at that that’s the cape we’re getting okay nice president Maximus oh wow okay okay Uh polluted oceans fish everything or anything well Return to bird oh that’s weird why is that bugging that is really strange you lost president Max thank you thank you okay That’s an amazing combination like the overpowered fishing with being able to fish everything really overpowered also there we go let’s go back to daytime what else do we have okay okay Sushi diet okay oh we are now small we are now small so many so many things applied to us now that’s insane

What’s my favorite movie I mean honestly who watches movies I think I’ve watched like uh probably like 10 movies in the last five years best of those would be I don’t know I honestly can’t say not that big of a movie fan um you can finish up illegal creative

Mode items like you’re in survival yeah I mean today’s snapshot could be a pre-release but not very likely but I’ve said that before I’ve been I’ve been wrong before so let’s not say it too easily uh you binge watch all the Lord of Rings extended Editions

I’m you know I wanted to watch the Lord of the Rings movies I want to do I think I I said that three years ago and I still haven’t started with the first one there this is so so long why why do you have to make those so long on that okay

I mean I’ve read books right I’ve read the Lord of the Rings books I just don’t I I don’t want to watch the movies okay I love these wheels on the minecart though oh the wheels actually move as well oh I I have watched like the first Star Wars movie yeah

And then after that I got confused with the oil and I never watched any of the other ones uh okay do you think at some point they will add the coordinates to the games you don’t have to press F3 as they did in Legacy Edition with the coordinates on the maps

Uh I think would be awesome if there’s just an option to toggle coordinates like in better condition where you can just not have to put up the whole entire F3 screen and just have the coordinates oh I I mean I believe that the Lord of the Rings movies are very well made I’ll

Probably watch them at some point but uh not at this point no do I like Harry Potter I have oh hey there we go I have watched all the Harry Potter movies at least there we go yeah I really enjoyed those I don’t know yeah that’s weird I have watched those

Quite a long time ago but so yeah um I think I watched them like during the time when the last Harry Potter movie like was like being released so we weren’t able to watch the last one first but then it got released and we were able to watch the second part of

The last movie foreign books as well which were way better than the movies by the way but okay HBO oh that’s so strange right I mean I watched the movies on DVD so long ago yeah so updates like 1.20.1 and 1.2 will probably be there just like we had

1.9.3 1.954 with experimental features for 1.28 they’ll probably uh worked the same have I played any Lego Harry Potter games no I have not I’ve not played any Lego games in general so no okay let’s move on you rely on streaming services to watch your movies honestly I have never used a streaming

Servers ever wait let me do a poll I’m I’m interested let me do a quick poll because I don’t know if I’m like super unique in this or if this is just someone something that’s very common um so have you ever used a streaming service it’s basically the the question

Like Netflix HBO Amazon whatever ask I am interested in the meantime we’ll move on to a new role replace U with u well that’s a stupid rule that’s an honestly stupid rule um all right you never got Netflix no I I haven’t Prime TNT can be knocked back oh that that sounds cool

Uh let’s see let’s try it out so T and D okay so 65 percent let’s make a lot just with a pirate flag what is that supposed to mean you don’t fight with any movies right this michelad that’s not not allowed TNT okay let’s go into survival and

Okay I don’t know how to knock it back okay I don’t think it combines with this one wow all right no no frock tweets yeah okay please stop spamming frogs but there are no frog tweets I get excited no stop where the Frog tweets there are no frocked weeds yet okay um

Have I played have I played Minecraft no no I have not I’ve never played Minecraft I don’t like the game I’ve never played it and I don’t like it um Minecraft tuber there are no frog tweets where you talk about you crazy uh disable item tool tips

That is uh that is a an interesting rule I can’t see what any single block is okay well it was in French anyway I couldn’t tell anyways it doesn’t matter do I watch any anime if so what is your favorite I think the only anime I ever watched was Pokemon and that’s it

And only reruns on like cable television so I guess no um I guess it’s good I recommend it okay okay I’ll try it out I’ll try it out I’ll try it out this is probably not gonna be fun uh okay not interesting not interestingly interesting big head modes

Yeah okay that’s we could add that to the list of things to to change to our characters now we are invisible or at least we have floating head mode we have invisible armor we have uh the limbs moving around uh we have the round shapes Cape we have

A big hat and we are 0.5 times as tall as usual okay that’s a lot that’s a lot that’s a lot Minecart lies Minecart lies okay I mean don’t see what that does okay I can end that pole now and pull all right Jason Momoa the Minecraft movie um okay

Also I will not watch this Minecraft movie if it ever gets released just saying persistent parents they will never leave you okay I mean I already had parrots so that doesn’t matter super bouncy slime blocks we have super bouncy slime blocks have I played Roblox I have

Like once or twice and I hated it absolutely hated it it was really like I don’t know it was like you have to first find a game that you’re interested in like downloading Roblox doesn’t do anything for you you can just like search the internet for games

And then you’re on Roblox and every single game is just boring yeah I really hated it also we reach more hard likes so uh I’m busy trying to make my way up to the Moon will take a bit because I have to teleport there it takes so much time I don’t want to

Teleport I just want to be on the moon how do I get on the moon does anyone know how to get to the moon like without teleporting it would be nice to know if you could just get there without actually teleporting it would be like really really easy right

Ah thank you thank you yeah that’s that’s probably hard to do it okay um here we are we’re on the moon or at least we’re falling down I suppose I hope the Earth is right below us we haven’t had likes very nice we’re back on the moon or at least

There we go that took a while let’s see I also wanted to well and change the boat full thingy oh almost at 64 200 subscribers as well you haven’t subscribed yet please do so helps me out a lot uh let me change the goal sure one at 25 likes and we will do

We will do uh I don’t know Dart fresh world I don’t know let’s do uh hardcore modes though you guys get some suggestions I don’t know hey so everyone welcome to the Stream So hype there we go hello uh there are some neat games most of them

Aboard me and Roblox is quite buggy yeah also they’re not so great with paying their Developers or at least you know there were some horrible things going on there oh I see a little frog in my chat does that mean oh okay we have our first frog tweets

Already a frogged weights but Sly slime posted a tweet with a hmm face a camera and a light bulb alright 125 live for snapshot release spot the block okay yeah we’ll do spot the block at 125 likes thank you this sport but the block if you don’t know what that means I’ll

Explain once we get to 125 likes but okay I’ll explain now I guess so it means that you’ll see a screen or see a some sort of screen on your screen then I’ll make it black and I’ll bring it back and one lock has been added to

Your to the record you saw and you guys have to guess which block it is so we’ll do that in a second I suppose but first we are of course excited because there is a snapshot tweet the snap is not out yet but it’s snapshots to be out soon

Thinking Face camera with flash and electric light bulb also getting tweeted 2-2 train and electric light bulb okay that is interesting so there’s two uh developer tweets both have light bulbs in them one has a Terrain and two two I don’t know if this means anything of

Course it’s all speculation right but uh yeah we have our first tweets um okay the emojis in the side of the chat are still I don’t I still don’t know why I still know why all right replace all oh okay I don’t know what that did stop all that flailing oh

Now our hands are not moving at all anymore lighting bug fixes okay could we do with lighting yeah a minecart update no Thomas Edison in Minecraft yeah wait I’ll also put in the other tweet and shot because I don’t think many people follow uh here’s the other tweet as well

So there’s that one and there is uh this one those are the tweets we have so far my items are pink yeah it’s more magenta but yeah correct is the snapshot out can someone check if the Snapchat is out because they don’t post the these updates that

Fast you can also check by clicking the link in the description to see if the Snapchat is out already or not call it lighting well who knows Advanced project footprint status from Footprints what Footprints to start process for restoring footprint particles okay fish to eat

Okay I don’t see the fish tweet who made a fish tweet what I don’t see that one um all right okay did Minecraft Legends face the obscurity already I mean I was never that interested in um not out yet okay okay I was never really interested in in Minecraft Legends

Because just it didn’t seem like a game I would be interested in it seems like a very Niche like audience that’s interested in it I honestly didn’t see a lot of people making videos on it and a few people that I saw making videos on it got like

Way lower views than on their other videos and I guess it’s just people are not that interested in it which is sad because they put a lot of work into it but it’s just not yeah it just doesn’t work for most people and also like for me personally Minecraft dungeons also wasn’t

Um that interesting but also that game has quite a few people playing it it’s just that nothing is gonna ever gonna top Minecraft like you can’t expect them to make another Minecraft it’s more like if you’re really interested in it and you like this kind of game play and game style then then

Yeah you can try at Minecraft Legends but otherwise yeah is it 40 euros wait what no way okay that’s way too expensive then yeah what I didn’t know that uh TNT fuse time is random okay spawn okay never okay multiply knockback level 111 okay bets skip days instead of nights okay hmm

That sounds interesting applied in stats G’s from buckets what does that mean ah we we still don’t have the okay it’s that cheese from buckets so milk buckets milk bucket becomes cheese hey yeah that’s very overpriced for microfight zooms do you like microphones I mean yeah there are definitely people who like it

Because it’s also like wasn’t that interesting to me thank you is it every bucket or is it just uh milk Pockets I have a lava bucket in the middle as well okay yeah there’s only uh only milk packets okay that makes sense for deluxe edition you pay 50 years

Who pays for a deluxe edition I I checked it out I like saw what like was extra the extras is really just only other skins or something stupid like that like why would you pay for that doesn’t make any sense Mill getting fermented fast yes I mean the camera definitely stands for

Snapshots yeah that’s definitely uh part of it but the light bulb is intriguing me it could just be lighting fixes right it could not be it couldn’t be it could be something not that interesting it could also be something really interesting we don’t know there’s something going to be to do with

Lights lighting probably in the snapshot uh beds on banners hey we have the beds on banners uh well well that’s on banners there we go all banners this look like this now isn’t that just beautiful um let me grab a loom I want to see how that works uh this one loom

And then some die which is here probably how does this work does it work ah it doesn’t ah oh it does it does oh look at that oh that is pretty cool um I’m quite close to surpassing Catman Joe in subscribers I don’t even know who it is no idea

Okay this is this is cool I like this I didn’t know you could change it actually with the the loom that’s nice I have a place prey no people speculating screenshotting is getting easier in the next snapshot do the tweet ah I feel like this the camera is just snapshot right snapshot Um let me check if there are any interesting replies I don’t think so no yeah the train is also strange they’re gonna add trains I like trains okay yeah no I feel like that’s not gonna be it but uh that’s just my prediction Tails and Trails and trails could also

Be ready to Minecart Trails yeah maybe how many monitors do I have two two LD monitors two is enough for me at the moment more also wouldn’t fit on my desk so no steps in a lot yet but it will be out quite soon we already have some frog

Tweets indicating that there’s going to be a snapshot very soon those are by the Developers but it’s not out yet okay decorated Bots drop gems when broken it’s the Legend of Zelda reference uh Legend of Zelda Pottery shorts Pottery ah everything is still in French uh Pottery shards would be here yes

Crafting table would be here yes okay why can I not there we go yeah so Snapchat should be out quite soon reproduce Minecraft content like you but it does better concept of java okay yeah I mean that’s there are other people doing similar stuff I can that’s probably true okay

It doesn’t work uh how do we get the gems again from the from the bolts there was a way do we just slashed with like a sword no it can only be like an undecorated bot what did it say decorated spots to Rob gems when broken Maybe huh how do I break this

Oh pickaxe right pickaxe pickaxe pickaxe uh that’s a pickaxe block that’s that’s what I wanted uh come on big eggs there we go there’s a gem yay I got a rupee okay amazing so snapshots how is Snapshot doing let me check okay we still have the two two tweets from before

It doesn’t seem like the Snapchat’s out yet let me check it’s always a bit tricky no okay how many likes are we on by the way 114 okay so we might be able to do spot the block but uh yeah we’ll see what happens there yeah we already started frog tweets what

About the snapshot tweets they’re not frogs so that’s weird foreign from the subtitles okay right let me just let my cat in now I have a cat you want to say something no okay apparently not it’s always very quiet you shy very shy okay anyway

Um yeah so a gaming with a cat on your lap is very very easy I’ve already done a cat revealed there’s already like an image on my community tab if you scroll very far back yeah um let’s see that’s just giving myself a diamond pickaxe apply to replace sound bork bamboo hit

With parrot imitate skeleton okay wait so you can there’s a rule that replaces like a random sound with a random other sound okay yes there is a little bit there will be a Snapchat today it has been confirmed already and it should be out very very soon all right

And there goes the cat um move like a Morrowind powergamer what does that mean what’s my cat’s name her her name is Polly whoa um okay um jumping as school goes quite High [Laughter] oh yeah I want to see some frogs in chat of course we already have frog tweets I

Want to see frogs in chat where are the frogs I don’t see any frogs come on guys want to see more frogs the confirmation is on Twitter by sliced lime and gay as well or oh I guess we’re back in the Overworld now all right that’s also fine

So if I jump I just okay uh I have to repeal that one that’s which but I don’t know which one it is that’s annoying there we go there are some frogs and don’t say frog use the beautiful frog emoji yes yes nice according to all known laws of Aviation

There is no way a mob should be able to walk what okay this feels like a b movie quote but not quite there’s also a massive drowned baby drowned here how many blocks tall is this guy it’s insane it just doesn’t look doesn’t look normal okay that’s yeah that’s Bridge okay all right

That’s yeah that’s enough that’s enough frogs okay that’s enough frog stop more than enough frog stop with the frogs now please okay I’ve Unleashed a frog plague set normal anything I don’t care don’t care don’t care give everyone awesome gape no or around Circle Cape is gone we have

The awesome cape also nice also nicecape this mycology is a frog with a question mark all right let me check on the snapshot again okay okay okay more than enough frogs you can stop with the frogs now that’s enough you’ve had your fund now we’re going back to Serious Minecraft

This looks very serious right this is this is serious yeah yeah definitely oh of course yeah yeah oh well uh I want to spawn frogs the only issue is um which one is it that’s Iron Golems what could be frogs hmm this could be frogs yes we have frogs frog tweets very nice

All right good turn on light everywhere to improve light engine performance sounds good sounds good also I wanted to check how many rules we have activated at the moment oh yeah quite a few quite a few huh that’s like I think we have like 40 50

Rules of like activated at the same time maybe even more this is insane ghost modes okay uh if if it couldn’t get any weirder with our character we’re now in ghost mode as well wow all right please please stop so I please stop or I’m gonna have to demote you at some point

Please be a normal respectable admin or whatever it is called uh yes parrots are not writable hello parrots hello I I yeah that that yes I am riding the parrot only the parrot is on top of me that’s a bit weird but okay we are on the parrot oh sort of I guess

That works yeah the steps has been confirmed it’s just not out yet should be out really really soon we’re just waiting for it now what we were waiting for it before but so yeah oh I’m president again very nice um shade recipes except only exact recipes ooh

Ooh you only need like one more like for the spot the block mini game it’s out oh well okay that was sad Let Me Wait for well I can check myself as well all right nope sorry snapshot is here and it’s exactly what we were hoping for

Okay let’s get into the snapshot then yes there are new things we have new stuff in the snapshot let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go very nice so just to get you hyped there’s advancements there’s music and there might even be a new music disc maybe maybe

Okay and let me check all right lots of technical changes as well which will probably not get into two details and quite a few bug fixes okay nice little snapshot there let’s see let me get into this snapshot here and let’s go over to this screen which is currently black but should show

The snapshot in a bit it is a very nice snapshot we have all right so there’s seven new advancements okay nice ah okay yes here we are subscribe to Max stuff definitely do that um yeah let’s go into the world first because I don’t think there’s anything

Outside of the world we need to check up on so 23w17a creative and let’s go through activate experiments and set some of the game rules which is always useful for recording videos um this one no destructive mob actions don’t spawn any of these mobs please and don’t Advance any of this and Cat

Comes back hello Cat please move along there we go and that one okay yes I will show you all the features just give me a second to create a new world oh apparently some ads just started playing as well okay I guess we’ll wait for people to come back

All right and for the start of the video I probably want to uh hold the new item there it is there’s a new item new item in this snapshot very very nice okay and the rest is to do with mainly skulk sensors as well so let’s get those in my inventory

And let’s go over to a Cherry Grove as well here we go this seems like a nice place to make the video for 23w17a no no blocker don’t use ad blocker why you should buy YouTube premium please okay um all right here we go yes I’ll be making a video at the same

Time as well so after that I’ll quickly get back to you and then make a thumbnail for the stream or for the video I’ll be uploading so I guess let’s get into it with 23w79 and scroll up there yes there we go Hello everybody welcome back to another

Video and in this video I’m showing you add this has been added since fixed in Minecraft snapshots 23w17a so if you like my videos like this one then please make sure you leave a like And subscribe to the channel for more Minecraft welcome to my videos and

Other update videos in the future so this video is live stream at the same time as well that’s why there’s no editing in this video we’ll be going over all of the 23w17a features including this new music disc you can see in my hand right here and also some

Of the new advancements in this snapshot so the description of Snapchat reads here is a new snapshot with the tweaks to the new features new advancements new music and some long-awaited technical changes for some time we’ve been working on a new fossil light engine and we’re finally ready to share the results

Special thanks to the community for another reporting of the issues in the game slight engine but also to the community members that have developed malls employees which have highlighted these Performance challenges and served as an inspiration for a new implementation so not only there there are some amazing

New features in this snapshot there’s also an update to the game’s light engine which should make it a run a whole lot more smoothly but let’s get started with some of the new advancements in this snapshot so there’s seven new advancements three of those are in the husbandry category and

Four of them are in the adventure category so we’ll start with husbandry and there’s three uh advancements there all related to the sniffer so the first which is smells interesting which is to obtain a sniffer egg now if you don’t know how to do that I have made a video

On it if you’re watching the video right now you can click the link in the top right hand side of your screen to go and watch how to find a sniffer egg but once you’ve obtained one of those sniffer eggs you’ll get the advancement smells interesting there it is

Then after you’ve actually gotten this smells interesting advancement you are able to get the Little Snips advancement which you get by feeding a snifflet so once your sniffer egg has hatched you’ll get a snifflet so let’s quickly get one of those by just summoning it in like this there’s

Our little snifflet and you can feed it some Moss blocks like this or no it’s actually torch flower seeds I forgot too much flower seeds and if you give that to the little snifflet you get little sniffs the second husbandry advancement in this snapshot and finally

There is planting the past which you get when you plant any sniffer seed and it actually requires the little uh the previous uh advancements a little sniffs is needed to get the planting the past advancement so what you need to do is just grab a hoe and then there we go plant

Those seeds and you get planting the past advancement that is this one over here and then there are also four Adventure advancements so you can check those out here so here are the three husbandry advancements smells interesting little sniffs and planting the past now extra Adventure the first of which

Is uh respecting the remnants which is brush a suspicious block to obtain a pottery Shard so actually quite specific let’s try and go over to a desert temple so locate structure desert pyramid and head over there all right so we can get our brush and try to find

Some of those Pottery shards and once you find a pottery short in one of the suspicious sandbox which you can find over here let’s see if you are lucky okay we’re not lucky very sad you’ll get the respecting the remnants advancement let’s try one more and then we’ll move

On okay that’s just the diamond oh I just broke one all right well then we’ll just give the advancement to you to ourselves you can understand what it means just try to brush some of the suspicious scent oh well there we go we got a pottery shards and there we go

Respecting the remnants that is how that one works and then once you have gotten four of these Pottery shards you can combine of course in a crafting table to create a decorated Bolt and this will also Grant you another advancement in the advanced category so you have your decorated both

Like this and you get careful restoration you can also see a new feature here you can now see here which type of pottery shots make up your decorated pulse with the text so in this case we have four scalp battery shards all right then there are two more

Adventure advancements and these have to do with the smithing templates so there is first of all crafting a new look which is craft a trimmed armor at a smithing table so we’ll grab a smithing table and we’ll grab one of the armor trims some material so for example

Emerald and some armor so let’s say an iron chest plate and then if you combine these three items to some armor trims and grab that you’ll get Crafting a new look one of those new advancements and then the final advancement that was added is called smithing with style and

This one requires the previous ones of crafting a new look and this advancement acf2f applied at least once the following smithing templates so Spire snout rip Ward silence Vex tight and wave finder so let’s try that so we need vex we need uh let’s see wayfinder we need uh warts yes silence tight

Also we need snouts spire and also rip and I believe that is all of them so one two three four five six seven eight these eight smithing templates you have to apply at least once then let’s grab some armor diamond armor and maybe some amethyst charts to apply it to there we go

Put this in here or first the smithing template of course alright there we go we’ve done the Vex one next let’s do the wayfinder one all right Ward there we go silence and then next is tight all right and I just messed up I have to grab another Diamond chest plate that’s why

You should edit your videos alright snout and then also spire and finally the rib one and there we go then you get your smithing with style advancement so those are the seven new advancements in this snapshot and also probably all this now all the advancements for Minecraft 1.20

Let’s take a quick look at the adventure section over here so this is crafting New Look smithing with style there’s also a counter here next to it and down here is respecting the remnants and careful restoration those are your four advances in here and here are the three ones in husbandry

Alright then there’s also new ambient music which has been added which we’ll probably hear in the future and once you’re playing the game so they’ve added new music Tags by Aaron Sheriff to the Cherry Groves the desert the Jungle the Badlands and the flower Force biomes and

There are four new tracks they’re called a familiar room bromleyats Crescent dunes and echo in the Wind so just a more ambient music added to Minecraft to make your game experience a whole lot better but speaking of Minecraft music probably the thing you click this video on or the

Stream on for is a new music disc yeah so there is a new music disc in the game it is called a relic by Aaron cheroff so it’s a new artist from all the previous ones and this is a tradition that has been going on since the nether update

With big step and afterwards of course also other sites was also about in the rain but also Samuel Erbert made five and now Aaron serif has made relics there are some new artists here as well very nice and so this Relic music disc can be found inside of the new Trail ruin

Structure so we can locate that here as well so let’s go over to one of those Trail ruins quite far away but if you go into a trail Rune structure and brush some of the suspicious gravel that generates inside of it you have a very small chance of obtaining The Relic music disc

So let’s see if we can find some of those suspicious gravel of course it’s very very unlikely that we actually get the music disc first try but I want to try it out at least once so let’s grab our brush and let’s see if we are extremely lucky

That it’s just regular gravel okay oh there we go there’s some right there no no no no but we did get quite lucky because we got a brown candle yeah so that’s what you need to do to get this music disc and now it’s just

Time to actually listen to a part of it I won’t do the entire thing other people will probably do that and you can listen to the entire thing yourself but let’s just see what kind of vibe this jukebox or just music disk gives so here we go Thank you Thank you Alright yes I think that gives a nice indication of what that track sounds like it sounds really peaceful really really really nice actually I don’t know the latest few music discs that adds to the game are actually just such bulbs they’re amazing so that is The Relic music disc

And that is the new music in the game as well then we’ll move on to some of the changes in this snapshot and they are related to the skulk sensor and the calibrated skulk sensor so both of these now have uh let’s see now standard cooldown phase for 10 ticks

With other phase timings being adjusted to compensate so sculk sensors and calibrator sculk sensors now have three different phases inactive active and cooldown the default phase is inactive that’s the phase you can see them in right now it lost indefinitely until the block receives a vibration the block is able to listen to

Nearby vibrations until one has been scheduled when a scheduled vibration is received the block switches to the active phase this phase lost 30 game tricks for skulk sensors and 10 game ticks for calibrated sculk sensors you can see that here this one is active for quite a bit longer and during this phase

Um the block stops listening to near vibrations Wiggles its 10 rules and emits a wrestle signal and Light and so after the active phase is finished the block switches to a cool down phase so his face lost for 10 game takes for both and doing his face the

Block keeps wiggling its tendrils but no longer he miss a redstone signal moonlight so we can actually test that out by grabbing some blocks or some light Redstone lamps that’s what I’m trying to say to see the difference there or on top that’s fine so you can see I is active it’s no

Longer active and after that that’s a little bit of a cooldown before it goes back to its inactive state as you can see right there and those are the changes to the skulk sensor they’ve also updated the credits apparently so if you go back to our uh

Well main menu of the game and over to the credits you can now apparently also scroll back up so of course you can scroll down or scroll down faster by holding Ctrl space like this but now if you press the up Arrow you can actually scroll back up if you ever

Want to do that and you can still hold Ctrl and space to go back up faster if you go all the way to the top it just restarts the credits if you ever want to do that for some reason alright then next there are also some technical changes in this uh snapshot

Mainly of course that new improved light engine which is really interesting also the resource pack version is down 15. and apparently foam textures now included in the debug texture dump which is used by F3 plus s and there’s also some new phones glyph providers uni hacks reference and a Unix and reference

This is mainly if you’re actually into this kind of thing and if you just sounds interesting do these kinds of phones I will leave a link down below to the patch notes you can read through this part yourself if you are interested and then there’s also quite a few Black

Box fix in this snapshot we’ll go through some of the older ones because they might be more interesting and so the oldest one has been fixed here is Minecraft it’s not using the latest uniforms unicodes charts characters some characters are missing so you should be able to use some more

Unicode characters in Minecraft now luckily and also block light updates don’t cross junkboard is probably one updated this is related to the new light engine and there were some missing taxes as well that have been added now and furthermore there are some bug fixes related to the credits which now have

Been fixed as well and once again you can read through the rest of these with the link in the description down below but anyway there we go that’s pretty much anything’s been added since you’re fixed in Minecraft snapshot 23w17a main things or advancements and the new music disc so if you like this

Video then please make sure to leave a like And subscribe to the channel for more Minecraft videos in the future uh and that’s pretty much it hope y’all in my next videos All right there we go that is the snapshot let’s see what you guys thought of it here we go what do you think love the new music disc amazing best music all right all right seems like most of you are excited yeah I think it’s a nice snapshot quite good actually

Now I need to make a thumbnail make a thumbnail I mean the advancements are going to be in there I suppose revoke me everything advancements grant me only okay and then I need to First make sure to have I’m on the biggest GUI scale if you’re not interested in this you can

Just leave it I suppose but it might be interesting to you how I make my thumbnails uh in the meantime of course I’ll also put on the music disc because why not definitely duke or the the music that should be Central on the thumbnail screen but then the advancements should

Be next to it There we go okay Only sniffer okay All right Just being quiet Foreign Foreign Thank you Foreign I think I have most of what I need for a thumbnail uh thank you all so much for watching this stream I hope you enjoyed it I hope you all enjoyed the snapshot I hope you’ll play in the snapshot and listen to the Beautiful music in this snapshot

And that’s pretty much it for the stream and I hope see you all in a future Snapchat live stream or in a future Minecraft video thank you so much for watching and see you next time bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.20 – Snapshot 23w17a – Waiting For The Snapshot To Release!’, was uploaded by MaxStuff on 2023-04-27 03:38:07. It has garnered 3466 views and 194 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:20 or 8660 seconds.

In this livestream, I will be playing in the minecraft april fools snapshot 22w13a_or_b, while waiting for the 23w17a snapshot of Minecraft 1.20! If you liked this video, please be sure to hit the like button and let me know in the comments why you liked it! If you really love my content, please consider subscribing! ******************************************************************** The Minecraft 1.20 snapshot 23w17a for Minecraft Java edition should release today. I will show you all the additions, changes and fixes added to this snapshot! Updates: ******************************************************************** Thank you to my tier 2 and tier 3 members! DeSmikkelaar – ******************************************************************** 👕Buy My Mug or Merch 🡆 🧡Become a member 🡆 👍Subscribe to my channel 🡆 ******************************************************************** 💻Youtube 🡆 📊 Second Channel 🡆 🔷Twitter 🡆 🧡Reddit 🡆 ********************************************************************** #minecraft #snapshot #23w17a

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    SPAWN Scary mob + ALL Memes = HILARIOUS! When you combine SPAWN with ALL memes, you get a cat taking a nap during a poopy playtime in Minecraft. Now that’s a scary sight! #catnap #poopyplaytime #scaryminecraft Read More

  • British Invasion: Niaz Takes Over Minecraft!

    British Invasion: Niaz Takes Over Minecraft! American Independence Day Celebration in Minecraft Bedwars On July 4th, Americans across the country celebrate their independence in various ways. Some enjoy fireworks, barbecues, and parades, while others take a more unconventional approach by dominating Europeans in Minecraft Bedwars! This year, join the fun and show off your patriotic spirit in the virtual world. Dominate Europeans in Minecraft Bedwars What better way to celebrate American Independence Day than by engaging in some friendly competition in Minecraft Bedwars? Gather your friends, team up, and show those Europeans who’s boss in this exciting game mode. Whether you’re building defenses, collecting resources,… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos

    Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos Creating a Box PvP Server in Minecraft Aternos Introduction Creating a Box PvP server in Minecraft Aternos can be an exciting and engaging experience for players looking to challenge their skills in a competitive environment. With the use of various plugins and commands, players can customize their server to create a unique and thrilling gameplay experience. Plugins and Commands To set up your Box PvP server, you can utilize a variety of plugins such as GeyserMC, RealMines, World Edit, EssentialsX, EssentialsSpawn Shopkeeper, Item Edit, and WorldGuard. These plugins offer a range of features that can enhance the gameplay and… Read More

  • 🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨

    🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m a Farm Witch ✨ – Cottage Witch Modded Minecraft Episode 4’, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2024-06-14 21:00:17. It has garnered 6972 views and 423 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:38 or 2678 seconds. Babes, wake up! I have a new modded series! 💗 Come with me as I explore the magical world of Cottage Witch, a modpack filled with magic and witchcraft. This is episode 4 💜 Seed: -824306812584453536 I hope you enjoy today’s episode, please comment below to tell me what you think! *✩‧₊˚ LINKS˚₊‧✩* Modpack: Added Mods:… Read More

MaxStuff – Minecraft 1.20 – Snapshot 23w17a – Waiting For The Snapshot To Release!