mazrz – Live ЁЯФ┤ | Minecraft Minemen With Veiwers | ЁЯФ┤ Live | #live

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So just pretend my next surprise Opening times The original I wish that it would last forever Well I’m camera shy for good um Sorry about that since you got out Okay okay hello hello my check why check my check okay that’s good enough for now time for such promoting do do it and a already oh okay All right hey I’m taking those come say let’s get it let’s check this out his stream let’s just turn off this song and okay oh okay someone come bro oh never mind I forgot how to a fireball jump kind of I don’t know how much time I’ve not been playing for

Wow whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa ping ping ping yeah jump jump no I wanted okay I did it I guess that counts foreign making up for that lost Fireball he wanted me to do that kind of finally no I wanted to uh step a server and then

Get her bridge but no no thank you uh uh thing foreign [Applause] nice Gigi’s kinda easy okay yeah yeah okay four people watching but nobody uh comments oh yeah I want it why did I in one of my mind I wanted to I’m not good in Bridge yes

I have a decent chance of winning with both I my my ping just oh wait wait I have the best PC and still I’m getting that FPS bike was bro why do I have to boost him there’s so many people watching like four but no one really just comments or Subs like haha

Still four no well why isn’t he even blocking my way then no he made it well nope no no wait what do you die from there what I scored yeah that’s my goal please tell me yes yes yes yes yes oh my God oh my my goal again

Just too good oh my God oh my crazy come back again ggs wait let me drink water foreign bro he just okay I’m gonna make him and yeah I have the middle hole open you don’t even have it so I’m gonna yeah I think you should probably okay

Uh did you use I guess wait no debuff I hate this I can’t play no rewards like any like favorite persons I can’t unless there’s a really bad player but how can someone be so bad when I’m I’m the worst I think I should declare myself the worst no debuff player see

My aim is just too of holy Smacker rooms oh I didn’t heal I should maybe not look in the chat while I’m in a game always Max GG man no do something else please I I’m not accepting no debuff I hate it it’s the worst

I only play it when I’m in a party or some sort of you know what fine I’m just starting three of yeah wins fight boxing yeah I’ll do boxing because it’s I think better than that I hate this wait I should have won my double Clicker no on

My oh wait is it that bad I’m also bad thanks okay I might worry I might I’m getting bad pink because I’m on any and I play on like as oh my screen is black pack change my uh I accidentally closed my uh Minecraft um oh yeah um yeah

You know what just for this I’ll just go on bad line oops I wanted to change my back and I clicks the course okay I’m coming from Badland the best back okay I’m gonna drink water okay I don’t understand one thing I stream but there’s like no actual comments how is that possible

Transition yes go here boom yes doesn’t have players but I okay you know what I’m gonna go is because I’m kind of lagging I hate my lag here so yeah I thought it makes no difference if I’m on any or that but it does am I just doing something wrong uh I

Can’t see anyone’s messages in chat what I don’t understand how Yeah there’s none here foreign looks like man’s uh oh he at least his full power stop unleashing your full power it’s all right it’s just a game no way oh I thought I was winning yeah at least I get 80 hits if I don’t get 80 I’m gonna be so mad

Stop reading the chat there’s no one what does he mean by okay okay Oh please oh wait let me do unknown okay I must say you’re actually I I’m not doing no debuff at anything I’m not doing no divorce do anything I I ain’t clicking on no debuff I’m touching I am not doing no debuff I hate it duel me in Fireball fight okay but after

This You die She was actually really good I oh my God my aim is so off today I lost all my skills honestly I used to carry all my friends but now they carry me I just quit yeah ggs hello koi eval hello hello finally at least one person commented finally Bridges straight okay give me one sec I need to do one thing give me one sec

Give me one sec I’ll just make a party after this maybe not maybe I will okay I’m gonna do the bridge okay oh oh wait wait oh my God I just let me just make a party okay I only start when there’s four players actually let me put on some music I’m really

Yeah I won’t get it wait will I get copyright for this no I don’t think so but for it that KB was insane he’s stalling nice wow oh [Applause] I’ll be in this let’s see if sure sure what’s up if someone really just goes after me it’s like

Hi can I visit with you okay sure sure I’ll send you my Discord send me your Discord foreign okay just send me your Discord please actually spin it from my other account because my this account doesn’t work like it is yeah okay okay still it doesn’t show noise all right let’s go here

YouTube oh give me one second then I’ll just come right to you wrong one okay I wish I can no it just doesn’t show okay just send me your like Discord yes sir you got the pros in your team totally okay just send me your guys send me your Discord again

Another day but it’s literally a 3B 2v3 we lost oh man’s not doing anything good good good I want one once one person to please do it please thank you foreign But I can’t paste a link what okay I I pasted the link and it doesn’t show but what that is well together okay it doesn’t show what seven players it’s kind of oh wait what if I do five or fight foreign [Applause] did you send it uh it doesn’t show but fight duel requests bro they actually really did bad fight wow I seven wow well two and there’s seven we this is a easy ass one uh oh but they’re just two players why why do we not have their bed already I don’t understand

Who blocking intense ggs just away I know bro they did it on Fireball fight now nice oh looks like kind of fast race oh gory did you send the link because it wasn’t sure I think it’s just my YouTube’s thing is oh wait there’s just two players right

How are we losing still would you just messed my up never mind my Fireballs are going through the huh nice that is so cool who just missing that jumps is a humiliation I never mind 27 years work again soon 346 oh never mind well they’re just two players I don’t

Understand how we don’t even have a bird yeah easy bed easy bad wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay hit me hit me hit me you oh wait nice wait there were two players how did we not get them so never mind um again they’re just let me just build uh Let me just make this wait you know what let me uh no bad defense no bad defense oh uh uh someone was there wait what I I forgot spamming okay uh if he actually lose uh it’s gonna be humiliation because it’s two weeks uh seven uh I believe in you go

I believe in you I believe in you I believe in you I I know never mind wait one’s still alive what he’s if come back come back you so thank you thank you I I totally did a new combat defense Xander rice thank you so much

I’m the best teammate I I I I I I I didn’t know carbide defense even just too good Gigi’s I one left four people really left wow okay fine FFA Skyward Skyward Skyward there you go happy bro what off the stage never mind oh I do oh

And I thought I had the chat pop up okay the chat works now okay what do I do I mean uh which wait five okay no way we don’t lose this okay if we lose two or three really just move the bed defense again I meant on like going sweat uh

I’ll just not cover the top part I’ll just make up that defense better bigger stronger all right the best teammate alive look at this op bad defense no no don’t nuke it don’t don’t it’s are you doing do is uh no it’s a party if you knock it I’m

Look at I don’t care I’m I just want to defeat them there’s this one person who’s uh doing all the hard work we’re just camping I can’t even get who made uh acquired in now I hate you just let my bad defense be please it’s it’s open from the top yes

I think maybe we should help our teammate yeah let’s just oh wait is it Just the Two of Us wait bar I thought I saw someone tripping he’s teaming with oh no way is he oh my God let him hello wait let’s team and then uh kill them Psych foreign s

Do you wanna do the haunters of getting their bed or do I three two one fight tell them ggs hello I’m out of blocks easy bro split the party probably it’s on five one on side and two on the other side uh we’re doing duels with the other

Party that’s why it’s not even gonna be three out why is there three people why oh my God BET fight let’s go foreign other parties I um Oh My Stream has a massive delay nice I love delays no I wanted to uh I can’t spam got one no that was my bed

Wait someone void what you void you don’t run get him get him got him no my my haha easy ggs okay someone just joined the party I wanted to before and then we do all those wait let me invite that party let me tell them to join our party

Wait let me message them PVP cat yes message who no yes four people let’s go let me just do party split um battle Rush after this I’m gonna do a boxing bro wise your Jitter bridging is just too good no no you don’t get off the map nice

Here I am still in the team I I think they forgot hi it’s person Kingdom how are you I hope you’re doing fine I’m just saying this so you can like subscribe like my stream And subscribe please I need a cloud please no no no big Gucci nuts

Wait how can I save that and for your mind view mine Moe you mine no I wanted to uh never mind that the whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no oh no that KB is fast AF no wait what uh-huh okay ggs how many players still four and one left why

Okay let me just do fight other party um let’s do them in the bridge accept please let me check the stream 33 views for one okay good enough fight other party this party not in spawn okay not in spawn not in spawn not in spawn this this every party is in uh

I’m your 330 or sub left really I’m I’m already at 3 30. huh wait what oh let’s go thank you wow okay party split in um chaos wait it’s only one oh I’ll let you fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight now you don’t kill my teammate

No no I think I I I should have I should have thought okay again you’re alone okay okay never mind okay I’ll let you guys fight okay I’m getting uh yes lag let’s leave lag I’m getting uh wait how much wait bad lenses I’m getting zero pink oh

Let’s do the bridge and who’s okay let’s go I’m not alone never mind 99 thing I have I have 40 well I want everyone’s net everyone just has good thing ow is it selecting me I’m just gonna build a bridge like the noobs doing the bridge

I’m I’m gonna help you by making a bridge which he can’t cross no he came in what the case no ducky no ducky is not oh wait okay I am so I am so lucky I was there before yes I’m just making a bridge it’s it’s really effective he’s blowing to

Her face no I ggs I feel bad it’s a 2V1 uh just do four goals and then let him do like uh three more and when he’s on the last one just we both we go first I’ll let you guys really we’re gonna lose then I’m bad die

I used to play high pixel video but it got boring yeah I used to but they’re just too good in Hypixel people are just cracked wow I’m just I think I only got like two ranked up I I I I have I I made a lot of friends

Who are like cracked because I uh four years I played I was dumping his spawner on his part right two out of ten he left okay one joined wait one it’s just us too yeah oh oh oh it’s me and you after one hour every stream the stream dies

How many views though just 30. let me see let me ask my let me ask my friend so soft to you yay free cloud whenever I go outside um like whenever I go outside I I always come back with free cloud like I just make a friend with random person and get

Him Instagram followers for free and let me message my my favorite one username there you go it’s oh it’s four people okay I’m gonna do uh okay I haven’t set my Loadout you should do Do’s uh no thank you I I love doing oh I forgot someone’s already

Okay I I want you to know I’m not the best okay let’s just team on one it’s fine I’ll I’ll carry this one yay you killed by that’s what your guy can I we’re sweaty than this thing yeah uh yeah yeah I’m really bad at it head head What why can’t they both tea juice how many people four okay uh let me do uh Sumo chaos I don’t have a rank ow wow I’m not with you yeah you’re not with me but you’re with the guy with a lot of cosmetics he’s red good yes someone joined one

More one wait five out of ten one okay five out of ten one by oats five out of ten one more twos start around chat please one person join but do you play anything else beside of Minecraft uh a lot of games how many let um well almost every free steam game and

Valderrama okay okay three people Bridge are you on my team okay okay I’m on red team oh are you on red team I got oh my God they’re all rushing nuns I know and I’m def I’m defending I got both of them wait what huh one block glitch they saw it

Oh he uh I’ll just stay at basement dead nice bro build up oh one oh I’ll get them bro there’s one one more than one let’s go he was whining in her face he’s just casually uh playing survival in our base oh they’re actually try Harding I have to try okay me too

Uh the thing is even uh however you’re playing right now is better than me you don’t need to be chilling yeah um how is it so fast in mining he has efficiency five uh can you build a counter going on there right what oh wait what that’s insane

Uh they they have a wow uh I don’t want to lose five nil uh oops no wait actually oh yes I can kick I can kick them all if you want to no it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine because I have the power to do that uh yeah we lose

Balloon five nil anything happens we lose five nil we lose we lost okay too bad finding bro he just died get out sure oh wait I got a dual request first team three players oh my God what oh my God wait is there oh oh my God wait I’m

Gonna fish them I’m gonna fix them I’m gonna kill them with my ender pearl I’m gonna help you no it does it does some damage well never mind I’m gonna kill this kid Steve come here baby no man’s just running no running bro he’s ready okay three people on one okay

Three people on One get him mark his armor wait let me heal him let me heal him let me wait he’s gonna come back the ender pearl wait I’m gonna heal him yay Wait if we actually lose though if we okay let me one view on this guy don’t kill them heal them they’re low he’s low you killed him smack him smack him smack him I want to come hey yo no I mean uh no I like I wanted to uh I wanted to

Come kill him I don’t want to get cancer I was thinking of something else yeah I’m a good kid I I don’t know what crash talking is I don’t know about anything heal him heal him oh my God my stream is done for 69 minutes oh my God hey

Yeah eight people Sumo oh my oh two more oh no oh no oh but there’s like six times pull on sweat more time sweat more time sweat more time oh wait what no no no no no no no no no no no wait I’m gonna break my uh ggs

I think butterfly creeping isn’t there yeah I I I was I used to play on a Sentra but I hate it now because I got banned for uh double clicking okay wait party FFA sumo I’m gonna stay in the middle whatever happens I don’t want to kill anyone stay in the middle

I’m not clicking I just want to say I’m not I’m normal clicking I just want to stay in the middle middle I’m tapping my legs no no no no no no no no no no no no no no bro bro don’t stop going after me

It’s no summer I after this bird this is still blood uh uh do you wanna know about even Sumo RR means no yeah what does IR mean RR means uh Red Rover yeah that’s good oh yeah oh it’s called Red Rover I I thought it was something

Else okay I I just I just noticed that is this a new update wait what do you mean is this is new I I’ve never seen this huh this map no this whole mini game oh you’ve never known this is here for a long time no I play fortnite all that

All day I I stream sometimes oh um I hope I get I don’t get chosen yes is camping this one allowed I don’t know we’re playing spawn Camp them If I Lose I’m gonna just I think I’m gonna abuse oh no but I did I did it we did Who’s Cheating

Who is cheating oh my God nine out of ten let’s go but uh nine people in my stream but uh uh you know like uh they’re all silent okay wait let’s do uh Sky Wars oh my God SkyWars are yes okay Skyward sorry oh my God who just spammed that wait

Auto clicker wait oh my God wait wait who Auto clicked who Auto clicked it’s fine wait but that uh spam was like Auto clicker I’m really really confused no this guy’s butterfly clicking that’s okay I think he uh he waited for uh his whole life for this I hope I get lost

Oh it’s teams oh and we’re losing oh that spam is so fast wait blue bed is streaming should I uh in various like should we uh uh yes I’m gonna tell him that uh should I start streaming I said fight my party I’ll win oh that that I’m gonna report him

Just in case yeah or else you might be just to oh wait what he just fell in wait I didn’t even play oh I was on his team he was on his team um bread fight RR redfighter okay sure yeah wait let’s go all right nice wait wait wait wait wait he’s fighting

My party he’s fighting my party wait hold up is this writing your party okay okay my game wait Fireball fight okay okay let’s go but wait oh my God wait what wait oh my God chaos chaos no no no no wait oh my God this is the

Whole big booty claps chaos I’m gonna do bad defense big big oh letters I know it’s a masterpiece it’s okay oh my God no yeah they’re getting into our base this is good pieces but the blue is decent watch out stop I’m traged oh my God the person is placing TNTs ah

I’m chatting in stream and playing at the same time oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my gosh no someone’s in that someone’s in our bed wait I’m actually gonna make this a video oh my God our team is uh do Bridges have to do this so not

Stop yes yes yes sir wait children should I do it with this party should I do it with this party oh no wait uh Avery is Josh talking kill them people was placing those I mean I did it with someone from beer Park I don’t know

I did it with someone from beer party I can’t hear you because this was like so much he said he’s not gonna do oh my God this is one person left and we’ll really just kill you when we play or I um I think it was smart Caleb because everyone else has been

Wow oh my God they they can because he like oh yeah okay I’m not gonna kick anyone but if I do see it next round uh this is a job okay wait let me just um he’s gonna kick anyone who’s gonna think I’m gonna keeping in his team wait um

Wait actually let me do it again blue beds party in uh pet fight but no bridge is stupid just please okay oh he’s doing Red Rover never mind he’s gone wait let me do Red Rover but in uh top fight okay but oh it’s a five people no yes yes yes

It’s me I’ve been waiting my whole life for this oh no lock it lock it yes easy English armor Steelers oh I forgot that bro I I ain’t moving I ain’t moving just heal just heal just heal pretty much ready please all right come up here come over here steal his armor

Still oh at this point it is I’m just so dumb I’m gonna wait for myself to heal wait why do I have zero points I thought I killed him oh don’t look at chat he ever sits in a car yeah it’s raining every healing okay Rush uh be me wait I lost

Go back go back sit in the corner no it’s me yes I approved it not g-a-y I would do a lunar client he’s not using blue neckline the L does have the l oh yes I’m on Badlands he’s all he’s uh he’s on wait bad

No no you I believe in you yes let’s go wait wait hey so wait he left wait there’s only five people now oh yeah he’s behind you you can maybe like go back and sell for it too never mind decide for it okay that’s not called okay oh no I’ll go

We’ve brought her one yes sir 40 views okay let me see we made it there we made it first yes how do you pronounce this guy’s name 332 sub Cisco how do we uh oink oink 96. please like I could obviously jump real why is everyone leaving

Let me see if it if it’s even there nope there’s no Bridge let’s do some more okay I forgot one thing my uh oh nice yay wait you fell with the person oh wait yeah yeah I thought wait oh really dumb oh I am sorry who’s the next guy is this okay control

Okay Red Rover but in uh let’s do classic classic oh my main used to be no oh my God you just got oh you got this he’s lower he’s lower fight that oh no why did I oh no oh nuts oh you got extra gaps

Oh no yes extra cups kind of scary oops wait please oh my god let’s go my bad all good we lose oh here are the here’s a chest plate again no he just he took it off but he he wore it right now Oh I thought I had bunny ears for a second

I don’t understand I put my stream delay to one second but it still shows I have 20s or 20 seconds it’s oh we just lose it right hit sing oh if this guy gets us I’ll buy him a lunar cloak really yes and if he really does win then then do I

Have to delete the screen um wait lucky please If if ducky wins loses I’m gonna uh uh uh no if to discover wins no losers I’m gonna stop the Stream ducky loses he has good pain I’m gonna stop stop the stream okay okay don’t tie on me because I do need to eat I need the excuse to leave besides just

Ending it here in 85 minutes I wanted it to be I I’ll just end at 90 minutes if the key wins no loses ducky ducky is kind of unfair that he needs to it yes if the cake because he doesn’t have oh he wait what armor blade broke his

Rod broke his Rod broke the other guy his infinite rods ducky ducky ducky you gave him uh confidence you see now that he’s running oh oh no how many cups of this guy Ethan bro 28 he has a lot hey you were counting no I just guessed I think like this

Okay I’m gonna go bro okay to end it please should I just kick ducky yes no hey should I never mind I won’t it will be too dark if the cloak and the emote bro lost everything has worked for okay oh ah yeah oh wait do I have to stop the

Screen yeah everyone was so excited you know what another can we do UHC bhc yeah yeah UHC bhc build UHC okay and teams are uh okay if they’re even it used to be my main gate no No wait uh Aqua the twin is saying cloak he he’s asking for huh wait but ducky lost what wait are you ducky uh in the chat uh awkward tween uh is he ducky bro what’s man even doing I can just infinite blow him no Lava trapped him bro lava trapped through obsidian

Obsidian water water water Gigi is too good no way ducky no what he’s he’s the he’s the Lord sure all of yours up in lava throw your gaps in lava enjoy yourself and not don’t show your caption mama yay I’m gonna throw it throw your gaps in love I’m good bro

Please okay thank you I’ll just die I love her I’ll just die in lava he won’t even get it okay oh he’s saying he’s I’m oh wait mindman club uh should make it that rods don’t break through ducky says it awkward tween I’m Trish wait who’s trisk is risky wait who’s this

Oh he’s just got the phobia wait but no he said if ducky wins he’s going to get the cloak but you made him lose you could have like uh made him win and would have got the clock for yourself but no and you don’t get that look I don’t know oh

It’s me no wait let me try hard I think he’s still here what why is Ducky even so good at the game no he’s only good at UHC if he doesn’t have rods he loses true he has I think you should if you just really if you’re really low just kill yourself in

Lava he’s gnopping again it’s annoying I’m actually gonna uh do blue he broke his Rod oh no he has extra rods infinite rods that’s annoying yes foreign okay I beat him in sumo oh no no my bro actually started wait can you get three ranks

Can you get free ranks in here mine man I’m not sure wait how do I want the YouTube rank I have 300. myself I’m gonna beat the legend himself trisk of the phobia cheers it’s hard to say what does it even mean wait what uh wait what is today fear of number 13 what look at that yeah I know yo wait wait how is that possible that is how are you scared of the number

13. it’s a really really weird one I’m gonna drink water wait look at me look at me I’ll be ducky in this game talking okay foreign I leave but I’ll make you the party leader so it still goes I press two five yes you’re just so getting pronounced GG yes Oh all right oh ggs yay now I end the Stream when will you be back uh tomorrow or tomorrow I kiss you wait do I do slash party promote I don’t know okay slash promote uh I think if you leave it gives me party leader because I’m the first one

Who do it he says you’re running me yes oh no he left this kind of phobia no he also left he also left it’s just both of us okay I’ll just end it there outer song okay again I’m so okay wait when does it start again Oh no wait I need to find I I should have done this before is this it is this it I can’t find What was the outros back one day yes but I don’t okay finally this is it what’s up nope this outro outro it’s you me and ducky wait can you friend me mine man all the roads yes I’m friends with the famous YouTuber yeah outro song is in the outro song And we will find our own way yes

This video, titled ‘Live 🔴 | Minecraft Minemen With Veiwers | 🔴 Live | #live’, was uploaded by mazrz on 2023-09-10 18:52:38. It has garnered 85 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:37 or 5917 seconds.

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  • Mob Mysteries: Minecraft’s Savior Lore

    Mob Mysteries: Minecraft's Savior Lore In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of ancient Builders and their trials bold. The trial Chambers, a place of training, For soldiers to fight, their skills attaining. The breeze, a mob with wind charge might, Designed by Builders, to train for the fight. Illagers, allies in this grand scheme, Providing magic and items, like a dream. Crossbows and axes, rewards to gain, From completing trials, a victory to claim. The illagers, a crucial part, In creating the breeze, with a magical art. From Gail Sanctum to trial Chambers deep, The collaboration of friends, secrets to keep. A… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle: Ghost Armor | Dungeons & Dragons #3

    Minecraft Battle: Ghost Armor | Dungeons & Dragons #3 Minecraft Dungeons & Dragons Adventure: Fighting a Ghost Armor Introduction In the world of Minecraft, Lennert and BearSpirit embark on an epic adventure in the official Minecraft Dungeons and Dragons DLC. They navigate through the sewers of Candlekeep, facing off against a formidable foe – a ghost armor. Join them as they encounter challenges, puzzles, and more in this thrilling episode of Minecraft D&D. Exploring Candlekeep As Lennert and BearSpirit venture deeper into the dungeon, they come across various obstacles and enemies. From battling janitors in the sewers to discovering hidden treasures, every step brings new surprises. The duo’s… Read More

  • Survival Minecraft Server Sneak Peek: MineCity

    Survival Minecraft Server Sneak Peek: MineCity Welcome to MineCity: A Preview of Our NEW Survival Minecraft Server! Hello everyone, welcome to the exciting world of MineCity! Our brand new survival Minecraft server is packed with amazing features and bonuses that will keep you entertained for hours on end. Join us as we explore all the incredible elements that make MineCity a must-visit destination for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Features of MineCity At MineCity, players can expect a wide range of features that set our server apart from the rest. From custom-built structures to unique gameplay mechanics, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Here are some key… Read More

  • Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft

    Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Kak Ros (Upin & Ipin) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Kak Ros from the beloved Upin & Ipin series! Join the fun and explore the magical world of Minecraft with these exciting portals. Donation Opportunities Support the creators and their endeavors by donating through Saweria. Every contribution helps in bringing more amazing content to life! Community Engagement Connect with like-minded gamers and fans on Discord. Share tips, tricks, and experiences while immersing yourself in the Minecraft universe. Customize Your Experience Personalize your Minecraft gameplay with the UzeMing skin. Stand out in the virtual world… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Base Showdown

    Ultimate Minecraft Base Showdown Minecraft Secret Base Logic: NOOB vs PRO Welcome to our latest Minecraft video, where we explore the concept of secret bases through the lens of a noob and a pro player! In this epic showdown, we will witness the different strategies and tactics used by both players to create the ultimate secret base. The Battle Begins Watch as the noob player fumbles and struggles to build a basic shelter, while the pro player effortlessly constructs a complex and well-hidden base. Will the noob player be able to catch up and outsmart the pro, or will their lack of experience… Read More

  • Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded

    Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded Minecraft Enters the Action in Call of Duty Season 4 Reloaded In the latest season 4 reloaded of Call of Duty, Minecraft makes its debut in the action-packed world of Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile. This exciting update brings a host of new features and events that are sure to keep players on the edge of their seats. Let’s dive into the details of what this season has in store for gamers. Discovering the New Features The season 4 reloaded update brings a plethora of new content to Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile…. Read More

  • Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem!

    Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, A motor gang movie, a tale to be told. With Kare Kafa leading the way, Entertaining us all, every single day. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t be late, For Minecraft adventures, we can’t wait. Support is key, so don’t hesitate, Join the fun, let’s celebrate. Kare Kafa, the master of Minecraft lore, Bringing us joy, always wanting more. In Turkish, he shines bright, Entertaining us all, day and night. Let the game begin, the fun never ends, With Minecraft facts, and rhymes that blend. Kare Kafa, our favorite guide, In… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Hardcore: Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island Embark on an epic journey in Minecraft Hardcore as Orhan attempts to survive 100 days on a deserted VOLCANO island. Will he conquer the challenges that lie ahead? Let’s dive into the thrilling adventure! Exploring the Volcano Island Orhan finds himself stranded on a volcanic island, surrounded by molten lava and treacherous terrain. As he navigates the rugged landscape, he must gather resources, build shelter, and fend off hostile mobs to survive. Challenges and Obstacles Surviving on a volcano island presents unique challenges. Orhan must brave the scorching heat,… Read More

  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation

    Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation The Quirky World of Minecraft Logic When it comes to Minecraft, logic takes a backseat to creativity and fun. The game’s unique rules and mechanics often defy real-world physics, allowing players to build, explore, and experiment in ways that would be impossible in reality. Let’s dive into the whimsical world of Minecraft logic and uncover some of its most intriguing aspects. Gravity-Defying Structures and Floating Islands In Minecraft, players can construct gravity-defying structures that seem to defy the laws of physics. From floating islands suspended in mid-air to towering structures that seem to defy gravity, the game allows for… Read More

  • Deep Season SMP Semi-vanilla Java 17+ Whitelist Proximity Voice Chat

    Welcome to Deep Season SMP! Hello, Deep Season is striving to create a hermitcraft-like SMP, with a community of active players of all types. We are creating a chill environment where people have the opportunity to create cool things and have fun together. About the Server: The 1.20.6 server officially launched about a week ago on a fresh map. Our shopping district is still in its infancy and the end is locked until next Saturday, so there will be plenty of time to catch up. The server is mostly vanilla, with just a few additions: A few vanilla tweaks datapacks… Read More

  • Bucketry Minecraft 1.21 ЁЯМЯ [JUST RESET] {Pyro Mining & Pyro Fishing} {Dungeons} {Ranking & Prestiging} {Quest System} {Land Claiming} {Over 200 Unique Enchantments}

    Bucketry Minecraft 1.21 ЁЯМЯ [JUST RESET] {Pyro Mining & Pyro Fishing} {Dungeons} {Ranking & Prestiging} {Quest System} {Land Claiming} {Over 200 Unique Enchantments}ЁЯМР Server IP: play.bucketry.netDiscord: to Bucketry Minecraft, where the most epic Minecraft adventure of your life awaits! ЁЯМЯЁЯМН Explore a world filled with endless possibilities and challenges, where survival is just the beginning. Here’s a taste of what Bucketry Minecraft has in store for you:ЁЯП░ Progression System: Ascend the ranks, conquer challenges, and become a legendary player in our immersive world.ЁЯЫТ Shops Galore: Build your empire with a plethora of server and player shops, where treasures and riches await your discovery.ЁЯТ╝ Jobs & Skills: Take on thrilling jobs and refine your skills to stand out in the world of… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 64 TEXTURES!! TOO SPICY!

    Minecraft Memes - 64 TEXTURES!! TOO SPICY!That’s a lot of textures for a game where everything is made of blocks! Maybe they should add a texture for every type of dirt block too. Read More

  • Minecraft meme on fire!

    Minecraft meme on fire! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Revamping the Farm in Better Minecraft

    Revamping the Farm in Better Minecraft Enhancing the Farm: Day 10 in Better Minecraft On Day 10 of the epic 1,000-day journey in Better Minecraft, our intrepid explorer set out to improve the farm by adding a touch of natural beauty. Armed with a variety of materials and a creative vision, the farm was about to undergo a stunning transformation. Materials Used: Spruce Fence Dark Oak Fence Ancient Ochre Froglight Crop Heater Crop Chiller Season Detector Redstone Dust Magenta Flower Birch Leaves White Flower Acacia Leaves Apple Acacia Leaves Charcoal Block The farm was about to receive a makeover that would not only enhance its… Read More

  • Intense ASMR Gaming with Hypixel Skyblock Keyboard Sounds!

    Intense ASMR Gaming with Hypixel Skyblock Keyboard Sounds!Video Information all right y’all what is going on everybody and welcome back to my channel you feel me or if you’re new welcome to my channel you feel me so we’re doing Sky Block again and this is Hypixel Sky Block so it’s like very complicated and [ __ ] from what I from what I’ve noticed let me make the chat smaller actually uh chat settings chat size turn it down to 50 turn this up because it looks weird yeah that’s better that’s better so um I actually tried to play this before with Dennis and my… Read More

  • Ultimate Aquatic Adventure: Season 5 Begins

    Ultimate Aquatic Adventure: Season 5 BeginsVideo Information [Music] iwhere find with you Lon strikes or any shade of blue the J the best part even when the RO is hard I Anywhere [Music] With You This video, titled ‘Minecraft Aquatic Survival Season 5 V2 Intro’, was uploaded by Golden Primvally on 2024-04-20 03:17:39. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. ***************************************** Theme song Credits: The Glitch Explorer’s Theme by Dalekium: Intro & Outro themes: GP: Brand New Journey By Brian Skeel: GP: Journey Into The Haunted Manor: GP: Journey Into The… Read More

  • PurpleGecko’s Insane Deaths in Minecraft #memes

    PurpleGecko's Insane Deaths in Minecraft #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Worst Ways to Die #minecraft #mc #memes’, was uploaded by PurpleGecko on 2024-04-29 14:40:04. It has garnered 4508 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Unlock Aether NOW! No Obsidian Needed – Modded Minecraft

    Unlock Aether NOW! No Obsidian Needed - Modded MinecraftVideo Information greetings humans it is I Bay zipster and today I’ll be showing you how to get to the Aether dimension in modded Mindcraft without the need to find diamonds or mine obsidian step one your typical start punch trees for wood make a pickaxe mine Stone mine coal step to find iron three minimum for one bucket but I recommend finding as much as you can to make more optionally find flint but I forgot to this run so instead you’ll me try a different way to ignite the portal step three find a lava pool preferably on… Read More

  • “SazerStreams: Join Now for Nonstop Lifesteal Fun!” #minecraft #smp

    "SazerStreams: Join Now for Nonstop Lifesteal Fun!" #minecraft #smpVideo Information рдХреИрдВрдбрд▓ рд▓рд╛рдЗрдЯ рд╣реИрдЬ рдЧрди рдЖрдЙрдЯ рд╕рдо рд╡реЗ рд╡рд┐рди рдПрдВрдб рд╕рдо рд╡рд▓ рд▓реВрдЬ рдирдерд┐рдВрдЧ рдордЪ рдПрд▓реНрд╕ рдЯреВ рд╕реЗ рде рдЖ рд╕рд░реНрдЪрд┐рдВрдЧ рдлреЙрд░ рд╕рдорде рдбрд░ рдХреНрд▓реЛрдЬ рди рд╕рд╛рдЙ рдЯреЗрдХ рд▓рдХ рдП рдЖ рдПрд▓рд╛ рд╕реНрд▓ рдЖ рдкреН рд╕реНрд▓реЛ рдб рд╕реНрд▓реЛ рдбрд╛рдЙ рд╕реНрд▓реЛ рдбрд╛ [рд╕рдВрдЧреАрдд] рд╕реНрд▓реЛ рдХреИрдВрдбрд▓рд▓рд╛рдЗрдЯ рд╣реИ рдЧрди рдЖрдЙрдЯ рд╕рдо рд╡рд┐рд▓ рд╡рд┐рди рдПрдВрдб рд╕рдо рд▓ рд▓реВрд╕ рдирдерд┐ рдордЪ рдПрд▓реНрд╕ рдЯреВ рд╕реЗ рде рдЖ рд╕рд░реНрдЪрд┐рдВрдЧ рдлреЙрд░ рд╕рдордерд┐ рдХреНрд▓реЛ рди рд╕рд╛рдЙ рдЯреЗрдХ рдЕ рд▓ рдЖ [рдкреНрд░рд╢рдВрд╕рд╛] рд╕реНрд▓ рдкреН рд╕реНрд▓реЛ рдб рд╕реЗ рдЙ рд╕реЗ рдЙ рд╕реЗ [рд╕рдВрдЧреАрдд] рдЙ рдХреИрдВрдбрд▓рд▓рд╛рдЗрдЯ рд╣реИрдЬ рдЧрди рдЖрдЙрдЯ рд╕рдо рд╡рд▓ рд╡рд┐рди рдПрдВрдб рд╕рдо рд╡рд▓ рд▓реВрдЬ рдирдерд┐рдВрдЧ рдордЪ рдПрд▓реНрд╕ рдЯреВ рд╕реЗ… Read More

  • Krish Gets Scared By Minecraft Monster ЁЯШ▒

    Krish Gets Scared By Minecraft Monster ЁЯШ▒Video Information рд▓реЛрдЧреЛрдВ рдХреЛ рдмрддрд╛рдКрдВ рдпрд╛рд░ рдпреЗ рд╡реАрдбрд┐рдпреЛ рдПрдВрдб рд╣реА рдирд╣реАрдВ рд╣реЛ рд░рд╣реА рд╣реИ рдореИрдВ рдХрд░ рд╣реА рдирд╣реАрдВ рдкрд╛ рд░рд╣рд╛ рдпрд╛рд░ рдпреЗ рднрд╛рдИ рдкрд╛рдЧрд▓ рднрд╛рдИ рдкрд╛рдЧрд▓ рдкрд╛рдЧрд▓ рдкрд╛рдЧрд▓ рдУрдХреЗ рд╣рдо рдЖ рдЪреБрдХреЗ рд╣реИрдВ рдПрдВрдб рдкреЛрд░реНрдЯрд▓ рдореЗрдВ рдПрдВрдб рдкреЛрд░реНрдЯрд▓ рдореЗрдВ рдЖ рдЪреБрдХреЗ рд╣реИрдВ рд╣рдо рдкреЛрд░реНрдЯрд▓ рдореЗрдВ рдШреБрд╕ рддреЛ рдЧрдП рдереЗ рдореБрдЭреЗ рд▓рдЧ рд░рд╣рд╛ рдерд╛ рд╣рдо рджреВрд╕рд░реА рд╡рд┐рд▓реЗрдЬ рдореЗрдВ рдЖ рдЬрд╛рдПрдВрдЧреЗ рд▓реЗрдХрд┐рди рдЗрд╕ рдмрд╛рд░ рд╣рдо рдЕрд▓рдЧ рд╣реА рдПрдВрдб рдкреЛрд░реНрдЯрд▓ рдореЗрдВ рдЖ рдЪреБрдХреЗ рд╣реИрдВ рдПрдВрдб рдкреЛрд░реНрдЯрд▓ рдореЗрдВ рд╣рдо рдпрд╣рд╛рдВ рдкрд░ рдЖ рдЪреБрдХреЗ рд╣реИрдВ рдФрд░ рдпрд╣рд╛рдВ рдкрд░ рдореБрдЭреЗ рдХреБрдЫ рддреЛ рдЧрдбрд╝рдмрдбрд╝ рдЕрдм рдпрд╣рд╛рдВ рдкрд░ рд▓рдЧ рд░рд╣реА рд╣реИ рд╡реЗрдЯ рд╡реНрд╣рд╛рдЯ рдпрд╣рд╛рдВ рдкрд░ рдЧрд╛рдЗрдЬ рдПрдХ рдШрд░… Read More

  • Shocking Makeup Tutorial: DON’T Mine at Night ЁЯТДЁЯМЩ

    Shocking Makeup Tutorial: DON'T Mine at Night ЁЯТДЁЯМЩVideo Information don’t mind at night I know you’re looking at that cave and you’re feeling kind of Brave go to bed you’ll be all right don’t mine at night there’s nothing This video, titled ‘DonтАЩt mineee at nighttt #makeup #makeupartist #viral #fyp #minecraft #makeuptutorial #meme #funny’, was uploaded by PorcelainxDoll on 2024-05-25 01:30:52. It has garnered 332 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • Mikey & JJ Transform into T-Rex in Minecraft Attack!

    Mikey & JJ Transform into T-Rex in Minecraft Attack!Video Information [Music] good morning Mikey how did you sleep what are you doing there good morning JJ I thought you’d sleep the whole day as usual I’m just looking at what we can do with our resources and what can we do let’s take a walk around the village hm what is it there there seems to be a seller selling something let’s go there soon and see what he sells mhm Hi man we saw your poster there what does it say here buy a plane hi guys I’m selling a plane that you can buy and fly… Read More

  • Building EPIC PandaLand in 1 Block – EP. 5 #Minecraft

    Building EPIC PandaLand in 1 Block - EP. 5 #MinecraftVideo Information [Music] I [Music] so [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] you [Music] no [Music] a This video, titled ‘Making a PandaLand in Minecraft One Block [Episode : 5] #minecraft #trending #viral #viralvideo’, was uploaded by GamingSupro009 on 2024-03-04 12:35:18. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:51 or 351 seconds. Making a PandaLand in Minecraft One Block [Episode : 5] #minecraft #trending #viral #viralvideo minecraft house minecraft game minecraft house ideas minecraft videos for kids minecraft video minecraft house design minecraft live minecraft song minecraft… Read More

  • Fabelized

    FabelizedWelcome to Fabelized, your ultimate destination for all things Minecraft! Dive into a world of endless possibilities and unleash your creativity with our vast collection of exclusive items, skins, and accessories. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting your adventure, Fabelized has everything you need to elevate your Minecraft experience to new heights. Explore our meticulously curated selection of skins, ranging from fierce warriors to adorable creatures, and find the perfect look to express your unique style. Enhance your gameplay with our premium plugins, and texture packs, designed to immerse you in stunning new worlds and enhance every aspect… Read More

  • Aether Earth – Semi-Vanilla Factions SMP PVP

    Welcome to AetherEarth! Features: 1:1500 Scale Earth Map LifeSteal Fully Customized Shop Towny Make your own Vehicles (MoveCraft) Cross-play Welcoming Community Professional Staff Will you make peace or will you start the next world war? Join to make history! Join us on Discord Read More

  • AND Factions

    AND FactionsServer launches on July 10th, 4pm CET!OGFactions is a server dedicated to bringing back the nostalgic feel of classic faction servers. Where items are actually valuable, and players must grind to achieve them тАУ there’s absolutely ZERO way to buy any kind of in-game advantage.The server is run by 2 seasoned MCPVP veterans who are committed to prioritizing gameplay and fun above all else.Discord:я╗┐ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Which one have you tried tho? ЁЯФе

    I’ve tried them all, and let me tell you, I still can’t figure out how to mine diamonds without accidentally falling in lava every time! Read More

  • Brick by Brick: Minecraft Cherry Blossom Garden 21260 Review

    Brick by Brick: Minecraft Cherry Blossom Garden 21260 Review Leap into the verse, where Minecraft sets disperse, Cherry Blossom Garden, a colorful burst. Sniffers and bees, in a world of blocks, Building terrain, with colorful rocks. The build quality, a bit on the flimsy side, Bees falling apart, a fragile ride. But play value shines, with sniffers and trees, A Minecraft world, full of possibilities. Build experience, colors bright and bold, Inspiration for terrain, stories untold. A set for children, to create and play, A display piece, in a colorful array. Playability, with sniffers and bees, Accessories galore, for hours of ease. A set for kids, to explore… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Starter Houses Become Epic Builds!

    Join Minewind: Where Starter Houses Become Epic Builds! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to enhance your building skills and create stunning structures in the world of Minecraft? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building talents. Imagine taking the skills you learned from tutorials like “How To Build A Starter House In Minecraft” and applying them in a dynamic multiplayer environment. On Minewind, you can collaborate with other players, participate in building competitions, and explore a vast world filled with unique creations. Join us at Minewind Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft PS3 in 2024: What’s New?

    Minecraft PS3 in 2024: What's New? Minecraft PS3 Edition in 2024: A Look at the Exclusive Features Minecraft PS3 Edition, launched in 2014, holds a special place in the hearts of many players. Despite no longer receiving updates, this edition continues to offer a unique gaming experience. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft PS3 Edition in 2024 and explore its exclusive features. Exploring the Game Upon entering the game, players are greeted with the familiar interface of Minecraft PS3 Edition. The last update, version 1.13, sets the stage for a nostalgic journey through this beloved edition. Players can customize their experience by choosing from… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bom magic tips! ЁЯШ╡ЁЯШ╡ #viral #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Bom magic tips! ЁЯШ╡ЁЯШ╡ #viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mincraft Bom magicЁЯШ╡ЁЯШ▒редтАМ #minecraft #viral #shorts #nf Minecraft tips #trending’, was uploaded by NF Mincraft Tips on 2024-01-14 13:11:20. It has garnered 2466 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Mincraft Bom magikЁЯШ╡ЁЯШ▒редтАМ #minecraft #viral #shorts #nf Minecraft tips #trending Read More

  • Ninja7087 vs Haunted Minecraft Seeds

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  • Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm ЁЯШ▒

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  • Mind-blowing Aether and Twilight Forest..? ЁЯМ│ЁЯШ▒ #viral

    Mind-blowing Aether and Twilight Forest..? ЁЯМ│ЁЯШ▒ #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘ESSE V├НDEO ├Й PRA VOC├К :AETHER & TWILIGHT FORESTЁЯМ│ ЁЯдФЁЯдФЁЯШЖ #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Slinky_ J.E on 2024-01-15 16:32:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. THIS VIDEO IS FOR YOU: AETHER & TWILIGHT FOREST #shorts #viral #minecraft #modsminecraft. Read More

  • HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!ЁЯШ▒ЁЯФе

    HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!ЁЯШ▒ЁЯФеVideo Information Minecraft wir haben Minecraft Chat gehen wir gerne rein so ich war hier im Haus W geh das habe mich erstmal bedient dass ich nicht verrecke me ich komme auf den Server und sofort B be me wichtig aber ich werde ganz normal anfangen ich werde mir von von von kein irgendwas holen geh den Talk ja ich w irwohl kommen muss jetzt V dr├╝cken hallo hallo hallo B aber Luft hallo h├╢rst du mich war hallo h├╢rt mich nicht muss in die Gruppe kommen oh kracht hallo h├╢rst du mich ja h├╢rst du mich gut den ist… Read More

mazrz – Live ЁЯФ┤ | Minecraft Minemen With Veiwers | ЁЯФ┤ Live | #live